特殊人群:老年 人、孕妇、儿童 等特殊人群感染 后,预后较差
保持患者舒适,减轻 疼痛
保持患者呼吸道通畅, 预防窒息
预防感染,保持环境 清洁
监测生命体征,预防 并发症
提供营养支持,促进 康复
心理护理,减轻患者 焦虑和恐惧
保持患者舒适,避 免剧烈运动
监测体温、血压等 生命体征
保持患者皮肤清洁, 预防感染
提供营养支持,保证 患者饮食均衡
关注患者心理状况, 提供心理支持与疏导
鼓励患者保持乐观 心态,积极配合治
提供心理支持,帮 助患者建立战胜疾
提供心理安慰和关 怀,减轻患者的心
提供心理辅导,帮 助患者应对疾病带
询问病史:了解 患者近期是否去 过西尼罗河病毒 流行地区
症状观察:发热、 头痛、肌肉关节 痛、皮疹等
实验室检查: 血常规、脑脊 液检查等
影像学检查: CT、MRI等
病毒检测:病毒 核酸、抗原、抗 体检测等
抗病毒药物: 如利巴韦林、 干扰素等
空气传播:通 过飞沫传播
蚊虫叮咬:通 过伊蚊叮咬传
母婴传播:通 过胎盘或产道
防止传染病毒传播英语作文1. Stay at home and avoid unnecessary outings. It's crucial to limit our contact with others to prevent the spread of the virus. By staying at home, we can reduce the chances of coming into contact with infected individuals and lower the risk of getting infected ourselves.2. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Proper handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of viruses. Use soap and water, and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Remember to wash all parts of your hands, including the palms, back, fingers, and nails. This simple act can help eliminate any potential viruses on your hands.3. Wear a mask when going out in public. Wearing a mask can provide an additional layer of protection against respiratory droplets that may contain the virus. It not only helps to prevent you from inhaling the virus but also reduces the risk of spreading it to others if you areinfected but asymptomatic.4. Practice social distancing. Keep a safe distance ofat least 1 meter (3 feet) from others, especially if they are coughing, sneezing, or not wearing a mask. Avoid crowded places and gatherings where maintaining distance may be challenging. Social distancing is an effective measure to reduce the chances of coming into contact with the virus.5. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. Our hands come into contact with varioussurfaces throughout the day, and if contaminated, they can transfer the virus to these entry points. By avoiding touching our face, we can minimize the risk of introducing the virus into our bodies.6. Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces regularly. Surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, mobile phones, and keyboards can harbor the virus.Regularly cleaning and disinfecting these surfaces can help eliminate any potential viruses and reduce the risk oftransmission through contact.7. Stay informed and follow the guidelines provided by health authorities. Stay updated on the latest information and guidelines from reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and local health authorities. By staying informed and following the recommended practices, we can contribute to the collective effort of preventing the spread of infectious diseases.8. Take care of your overall health and boost your immune system. A strong immune system can help fight off infections more effectively. Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and manage stress levels. These lifestyle factors can help support your immune system and overall well-being.9. If you experience any symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for the virus, seek medical advice and follow the instructions given by healthcare professionals. Early detection, testing, and appropriate medical care are crucial in preventing thefurther spread of the virus.10. Stay positive and support each other during these challenging times. Remember that we are all in this together, and our collective efforts can make a difference in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Show empathy, kindness, and understanding towards others, and together we can overcome this global health crisis.。
1. 乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg):HBsAg阳性意味着受血者感染了乙肝病毒,存在肝功能受损、肝硬化、肝癌等严重危害。
2. 丙肝病毒抗体(HCV-Ab):HCV-Ab阳性表示受血者被感染了丙肝病毒,丙肝是一种慢性病毒性肝炎,可导致肝硬化、肝癌等疾病。
3. 艾滋病毒抗体(HIV-Ab):HIV-Ab阳性意味着受血者感染了艾滋病毒,艾滋病毒是一种致命的病毒,对免疫系统造成破坏,严重危及身体健康。
4. 梅毒螺旋体抗体(TP-Ab):TP-Ab阳性说明受血者感染了梅毒螺旋体,梅毒是一种病原微生物性疾病,可影响全身器官,甚至危及生命。
5. 狂犬病毒抗体(RV-Ab):RV-Ab检测对于多次输血的受血者非常重要,如果RV-Ab 阳性,意味着受血者被感染了狂犬病毒,狂犬病毒是一种致命的病毒性疾病,传染性强,严重威胁人类健康。
6. 西尼罗河病毒抗体(WNV-Ab):WNV-Ab阳性表示受血者感染了西尼罗河病毒,这是由蚊子传播的一种病毒,可导致人类、马、鸟等动物感染,而且有时会导致严重的神经系统疾病。
8. 常规细菌培养:常规细菌培养是一种常用的检测方法,能够检测细菌的存在并进行进一步的鉴定。
West Nile virus
处于病毒血症期的哺乳动物以及它们的天然宿主,比如说 一些候鸟,而病鸟是主要的病原和寄存宿主。 成年鸡也易被感染,但由于鸡产生的病毒血症水平较低, 所以不能成为主要的传染源。一些研究表明家畜,特别是 马和猪也可能感染此病毒。 猫和猪也被实验证明可以被wnv所传染。 蝙蝠、 鳄鱼等也可作 为传染源。
1999年首次在美国纽约 大流行,随后短短几年 内在北美迅速传播,现 已传入中美洲,造成美 国和加拿大历史上虫媒 病毒感染的最大流行。 2002年西尼罗河波及美 国的44个州,共有4156 人感染,其中284人死亡。 2003年共感染7700多例, 死亡168人。
1937年 50年代 1962-1964年 1974年 乌干达西尼罗河地区 埃及、以色列 南俄罗斯、地中海西部 南非
二带喙库蚊 (麻翅库蚊) 白雪库蚊 致倦库蚊 凶小库蚊 尖音库蚊 淡色库蚊 伪杂鳞库蚊 惊骇库蚊 纹腿库蚊 三带喙库蚊 除内蒙古和青海以外的全国各省区都有分布 分布于北纬 30"左右及其以南地区 分布于河北、 山西、 内蒙古、 吉林、 辽宁、 山东、 宁 夏、 甘肃、 青海、 新疆 分布于新疆 布于北纬 (",左右及其以北地区 分布于除黑龙江、 辽宁、 内蒙古、 青海和新疆以外的全 国各省区 分布于河北、 新疆 分布于安徽、 浙江、福建、 湖北、 广西、 四川、 贵州、 云南 分布于除青海、 新疆和西藏以外的全国各省区
1996-1997年 1997年 1998年 1999年 2000年 1999-2002年 2002年 2012年
西尼罗河病毒西尼罗河病毒及其致病性西尼罗河病毒于1937年首次发现于乌干达西尼罗河地区, 是从当地一位发热女患者的血液中分离出来的。
1957年, 以色列一些老年人因感染这种病毒而引发脑膜炎或脑脊髓炎。
直到1999 年, 西尼罗河病毒才首次出现于北美。
2001年~2002 年夏季,美国出现了由西尼罗河病毒所致的西尼罗河热流行。
近年来, 西尼罗河病毒多出现于欧洲、北美、中东等气候温和的地区( 南北纬23. 5 度~66. 5度之间) 。
西尼罗河病毒是一种虫媒病毒,属于黄病毒科, 与乙型脑炎病毒等在抗原方面有着密切的关系。
此病毒可以感染人、马、鸟、蚊子和其他动物, 引发致命性的脑炎。
西尼罗河病毒沿着“鸟` 蚊` 鸟”途径维持在自然界的循环, 鸟类是西尼罗河病毒的扩散宿主,蚊子(尤其是库蚊) 是其主要传播媒介,携带西尼罗河病毒的蚊子叮咬人体是本病的自然传播途径。
西尼罗河病毒感染后的潜伏期通常是3 d~14 d。
所有居住在西尼罗河病毒活跃地区的居民都可能感染该病毒,年龄超过50 岁的人属于患病后可能出现严重症状的高危人群。
大多数西尼罗河病毒感染者没有典型症状,据估算,只有20%的感染者会出现西尼罗河热(由于感染西尼罗河病毒引起的发热现象) 及其他诸如头痛、身体疼痛、四肢皮疹、淋巴腺肿胀等较轻微的症状。
轻度症状一般持续几天时间, 严重的患者( 患脑炎或脑膜炎)会出现包括头痛、高烧、颈项强直、定向障碍、昏迷、震颤、抽搐、肌无力及瘫痪等症状, 重度症状一般将持续几个星期,偶有死亡。
据估计, 重症患者与病毒感染者的比例是1∶150。
美国输血界采取措施防止输血传播西尼罗河病毒据美国疾病控制中心统计,从1999 年~2001 年, 美国共有149例因感染西尼罗河病毒而致病,其中18 例死亡。
2002 年,又有3 775 例感染西尼罗河病毒。
2002 年以前, 人们认为此病只能通过携带西尼罗河病毒的蚊子传播, 但科学家们通过大量调查发现,此病也可以通过血液进行传播。
怎么防范病毒来袭英语作文英文:As we all know, viruses can be a serious threat to our health, and it's important to take steps to prevent them from spreading. There are a few key ways to protect ourselves from viruses.Firstly, it's important to practice good hygiene. This means washing our hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating or touching our face. It's also important to cover our mouths and noses when we cough or sneeze, either with a tissue or our elbow.Secondly, it's important to avoid close contact with people who are sick. This means staying home when we're feeling unwell, and avoiding crowded places where viruses can easily spread.Thirdly, it's important to keep our living spaces cleanand disinfected. This means regularly cleaning surfacesthat are frequently touched, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops.In addition to these measures, it's also important to prioritize our health by eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying active. A healthy immune system is better equipped to fight off viruses.In conclusion, preventing viruses from spreading requires a combination of good hygiene, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and keeping our living spaces clean. By taking these steps, we can protect ourselves and others from illness.中文:众所周知,病毒对我们的健康构成严重威胁,因此防范病毒的传播至关重要。
WNV传入中国有一定的地理障碍; WNV本身毒力较弱; 中国人畜针对日本脑炎的免疫能够在一定程度上抵抗WNV的攻击; 中国大部分地区不适合WNV的定植; 有关部门已经采取一定的防范措施等, 因此, WNV严重危害中国的风险不大, 但不排除WNV会给中国带来中度 或轻度的危害. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
蚊虫叮咬人时,西尼罗病毒进入人体内,人体的特 异性和非特异性免疫功能可将病毒限制在局部并清 除,临床上表现为隐性感染。当侵入的病毒量较大且 人体免疫功能不足以清除病毒时,病毒入血,引起 病毒血症,并可进入中枢神经系统。在动物模型以 及人感染病例脑部以及脊髓脊索多个位点可同时检 测到西尼罗病毒,说明病毒经血液途径传入到中枢 神经系统。已经证明神经原细胞是病毒在中枢神经 系统的主要靶细胞。病毒进入中枢神经系统,引起 脑实质和脑膜炎症,严重者危及病人生命
2.传播途径 人类主要通过带病毒的蚊虫叮咬而感染西尼罗病毒。 吸血节肢动物 如蚊虫、沙蝇、蠓、壁虱等是西尼罗病毒的传播媒介,库蚊、伊蚊、 按蚊等蚊虫是该病的主要传播媒介,其中美洲大陆的尖音库蚊是美洲 主要的传播媒介。 还可以通过胎盘、乳汁、输血、器官移植和实验室接触感染等传播。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3.易感动物 人类对该病毒普遍易感,家畜中鹅和马对WNV敏感. 。野外作业者如 农民、森林工人、园林工作者、建筑工人或旅行者是本病的高危人群。 部分体弱者,特别是老年人和儿童感染病毒后容易引起西尼罗脑炎。 免疫系统机能相对较弱的人(如经过化学治疗的人), 40岁以上的人和患 有慢性病的人(如患有癌症,心脏病,糖尿病等的人)相对而言会有更严重 的反应。
比亚特 区和 大西 洋 海 湾沿 岸 的 2 州 应用 , 0个 后来 扩 大 到 整 个 美 国 内 陆 。本 报 告 总 结 了
Ab ro网从 2 0 0 1年 1 1日~7月 2 日的数 月 5
约市 , 从一只孵化一 年的活家雀 身上检测 到 wNV抗体 。在佛罗里达的 D v l , n a郡 一只于 7月 1 0日提 取 的标 记 小 鸡 的 血 清 标 本 发 生
至北 卡 罗 来 纳 , 与 候 鸟 传 播 病 毒 相 符 。 这
20 年 在佛 罗里 达 和 西 佐 治亚 发 现 的 W N 01 V 病 毒实 质 上 是 该 病 毒 已知 分 布 的扩 大 。虽 然 该地 区于 20 0 1年 发 现 的 第 一 例 wNV 可 能 在早 些 时 候 就 已侵 入 , 是 兽 疫 性 病 毒 活 动 但
化出单克隆抗体 。另外 , 这种技术在 缺乏 良 好的组织培 养空 间、 在线监测设备 和洁净环 境或专业的组织培养技术是主要限制因素时 特别 有 用 。
l iT c nq e , 0 0 , 1 3 :6 B u
JVi l to s 0 1 9 ( ) 1 1 r h d ,2 0 , 2 2 :3 o Me
HC 准 种 单 链 构 象 多态 V 现 象的检测
单链 构 象 的 多 态 现 象 ( ) 根 据 是
P R技术 广 泛 用 于检 测 不 同 D C NA 序 列 的 一 门技 术 , 由遗 传 学家 开 发 的致 突 变检 测 , 近 最 已采 用 于病 毒 基 因组 准 种 的分 析 , 丙 型肝 如 炎病 毒 ( V) 由 于 该 技 术 严 格 的标 准 化 HC 。
【流行病学特点】(一)传染源 ——西尼罗病毒经蚊-鸟循环进行传播,主要感染野生鸟类,偶尔感染人、马等哺乳动物。库蚊是重要的传播宿主,其中美洲大陆的尖音库蚊在美洲主要的传播媒介。
世 医 杂 2 ,1 o7 界 学 志 0 V 6 . 0 o N1 2.
病 例 搌 告
西 尼 罗 河 病 毒 感 染 暴 发 流 行 期 间 HS 1 炎 1 报道 V一 脑 例
A a e o e p ssm p e iu - n e h l " a ll C c s f n e i lx v’ s 。e c p ai m " s I r h  ̄ r 1 n ms ( at  ̄ S t eW e t iev r se i e i h s l iu p d m c N
本 文 报 道 1 单 纯 疱 疹 病 毒 I型 例
(ep s i lxvr s y e1 h re mpe i p ,HS 1 s ut V一 )脑
约 市 卫 生 部 门进 行 了 主 动 监 测 并 做 了
7天 。 出 院 时 ,病 人 有 轻 度 识 别 障 碍 和 轻 度 右侧 偏 瘫 。
示 脑 脊 液 清 亮 , 白 细 胞 计 数 4/ mm
( 性 粒 细 胞 2 %, 淋 巴细 胞 7 %) 中 5 5 ,
蛋 白 8 /l 葡 萄 糖 15 / , 血 糖 6gd, 0 mgd l
mgd 。头 颅 CT扫 描 无 异 常 ,脑 电 图 /l
示 中 度 、广 泛 慢 波 ,左 大 脑 半 球 出 现 棘 波 。 F标 本 进 行 了 虫 媒 病 毒 和 非 CS
N .Go ds e n, l ht y Hi di ne ,E.1 .Abt r e 1 e , ta .
Ifciu sae iia Pa t e 2 0 ,0 ( ) 2 —3 . ne t s e ssnCl c l rci , 0 11 6:3 9 3 2 o Di i n c
Typhoid fever - if staying in remote areas 伤寒
Rabies - if risk for contact with animals 狂犬病
How to prevent illness
★1.Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
裂谷热(Rift Valley Fever),又名绵羊和牛传染性地方流行 性肝炎,是非洲流行一个致命传染病,经过蚊子叮咬传染人 类和牲畜,主要症状是急性腹泻和发高烧,进而严重损害人 和牲畜肝和肾,部分病人还会因血管破裂而死亡.这是一个 主要人畜共患病。
Rift Valley fever
西尼罗河病,又称西尼罗河热 是由西尼罗河病毒 感染引发一个急性传染
病,因为在西尼罗河地域分离出,故命名 为西尼罗河病毒。
Water- or foodborne
Amoebiasis 阿米巴病.
Hepatitis A 甲肝
★2.Drink only water from cans or boiled water 饮用瓶装水,或开水.
★3.Avoid using ice or drinking untreated water 不要食用冰块,别喝生水.
★4.Wash and/or peel all raw vegetables and fruits before eating.
输血反应分类WST 624—2018
3.2 输血非感染性反应(TTNIR)
• 3.2.14 大量输血相关并发症( massive transfusion related complication ) • 凝血功能障碍(coagulation dysfunction):由 于患者在出凝血过程中会丢失或消耗大量血小板及凝血因 子,或/和血液成分中血小板及不稳定凝血因子含量随着 保存期延长而下降,或/和以具有抗凝作用枸橼酸盐为主 要成分血液制剂大量输注,或/和抗休克扩容时大量静脉 输注晶体液使患者机体残存的血小板与凝血因子含量更低 所致。 • 枸橼酸盐中毒(citrate toxicity):全血及血液成 分大多采用以枸橼酸盐为主要成分的抗凝剂。大量输血或 实施血液成分置换时,可导致患者血浆中枸橼酸盐浓度达 到1g/L及以上,易引起中毒。
3.2 输血非感染性反应(TTNIR)
• 3.2.14 大量输血相关并发症 • 高钾血症(hyperkalemia):全血和红细胞成分中血钾离子浓度 随保存时间延长逐渐增高。大量输注保存期相对较长的全血和红细胞成 分时,可导致患者机体血钾离子浓度明显增高。 • 低钙血症(hypocalcemia):全血及血液成分大多采用以枸橼 酸盐为主要成分的抗凝剂。大量输血或实施血液成分置换时,易引起患 者血钙离子浓度明显降低。 • 高氨血症(hyperammonemia):全血和红细胞成分中血氨随保 存时间延长逐渐增高。大量输注保存期较长的全血和红细胞成分时,可 导致患者机体血氨浓度明显增高。 • 酸碱平衡失调(acid-base imbalance):全血和红细胞成分保 存液中含有枸橼酸盐等。随保存时间延长乳酸生成增加。大量输注时, 可导致患者机体酸碱平衡失调。 • 低体温(hypothermia):由于快速大量输注温度低于患者体温 的全血和血液成分,患者机体体温≤36℃,使血红蛋白与氧亲和力增加, 从而影响氧在器官与组织中释放,最终导致器官与组织的缺氧状况。
红( 综述) 谢 ,
鹏( 审校 )
W NV 感 染 后 . 中枢 神 经 系统 内 趋 化 因子 受 体 C R C 5及 其 配
体 CL C 5的 表 达 显 著 上调 . 伴 有 C 、 D T细 胞 . 并 D C + NK1 . 1 细 胞 和 表 达 C R5的 巨 噬 细 胞 浸 润 。K e S等 。 发 C li R n 现 . NV 感 染 后 . 经 元 分 泌 趋 化 因 子 C L O 通 过 趋 化 W 神 XC I . 因子受体 C C X R3来 补 给 效 应 T 细 胞 。 最 近 发 现 整 合 素
亲 神 经 性 . 谱 系 I的 神 经 毒 性 更 大 . 分 布 广 泛 . 近 几 次 但 且 是 大 爆 发 的 病 原 ; 系 Ⅱ则 主 要 分 布 在 非 洲 亚 撒 哈 拉 地 区 和 马 谱
达加斯加 。
3 2 西 尼 罗 脑 膜 炎 、 炎 的 临 床 表 现 西 尼 罗 脑 膜 炎 常 表 . 脑 现 为 发热 . 痛 、 项 强 直 、 eng S征 和 B u z siS 阳 头 颈 K ri’ rdi k’ 征 n
常见 。面 色潮 红 、 膜 充 血 、 巴 结 肿 大 、 钠 血 症 也 常 见 。 结 淋 低 还 可 出现 脾 大 、 肌 炎 、 血 性 和 出血 性 视 网 膜 脉 管 炎 等 严 心 缺
重症 状 。
( ) 因 片 段 核 苷 酸 的 同源 性 . W NV 分 为 两 经 系 统 疾病 。 病 率 和死 亡 率 都 很 高 。 本 文 就 WNV 的 发
病原学 、 流行 病 学 及其 在 神 经 系 统 的 感 染 进 行 综 述 。
1 病 原 学 和 流 行 病 学 特征
2.1输血反应/输血并发症transfusion reactions/complications与输血具有时序相关性的不良反应。
2.2急性/速发性输血反应acute/Immediate transfusion reactions;ATR/ITR发生在输血过程中、输血后即刻至输血后24h内的输血反应。
2.3慢性/迟发性输血反应chronic/delayed transfusion reactions;CTR/DTR发生在输血结束后24h至28d的输血反应。
2.4输血传播性感染/输血感染性反应transfusion-transmitted infections;TTI/transfusion-transmitted infectious reactions;TTIR病原体通过输血过程从献血者体内进入到受血者体内并引起相应的感染或疾病。
2.5输血非感染性反应transfusion-transmitted non-infectious reactions;TTNIR与输血具有时序相关性的非病原体引起的不良反应。
3输血反应分类3.1输血传播性感染(transfusion-transmitted infections,TTI)输血前无相应病原体感染病史,无临床症状,血清标志物检测阴性。
3.1.1输血传播病毒感染(transfusion-transmitted virus infections,TTVI)病毒性肝炎(viral hepatitis):由肝炎病毒引起,主要涉及乙型、丙型、丁型和戊型等肝炎病毒。
怎样阻止病毒传播英语作文英文回答:As we all know, preventing the spread of viruses is crucial to maintaining public health. There are several effective ways to stop the spread of viruses, such as washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing.First and foremost, washing hands regularly is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent the spread of viruses. By washing our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, we can remove any viruses or bacteriathat may be on our hands. This simple act can greatly reduce the risk of getting sick or spreading the virus to others.Secondly, wearing masks can also help prevent the spread of viruses, especially in crowded or indoor spaces where social distancing may be difficult. Masks act as abarrier to prevent respiratory droplets from spreading to others, reducing the risk of transmission. It is important to wear masks properly, covering both the nose and mouth, to ensure maximum protection.Lastly, practicing social distancing is another important measure to stop the spread of viruses. By maintaining a safe distance from others, we can reduce the risk of coming into contact with respiratory droplets that may contain the virus. Avoiding crowded places and large gatherings can also help minimize the risk of transmission.In conclusion, by following these simple yet effective measures, we can all do our part to prevent the spread of viruses and protect public health.中文回答:众所周知,阻止病毒传播对于维护公共健康至关重要。
阻止病毒传播英语作文英文回答:To prevent the spread of viruses, it is important to practice good hygiene and follow the advice of health professionals. For example, washing hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help remove viruses from our hands. Additionally, avoiding closecontact with sick individuals and wearing a mask in crowded places can also reduce the risk of virus transmission. It's also important to stay home when feeling unwell and seek medical attention if necessary. By taking these precautions, we can help stop the spread of viruses and protectourselves and others.中文回答:为了阻止病毒的传播,我们需要注意个人卫生,遵循卫生专业人士的建议。
以下是一些关于antimicrobial的用法和中英文对照例句:1. Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial agent used to treat bacterial infections.抗生素是一种用于治疗细菌感染的抗菌剂。
2. Some antimicrobial soaps claim to kill 99.9% of germs on the hands.一些抗菌肥皂声称可以杀死99.9%的手上细菌。
3. The dentist prescribed an antimicrobial mouthwash to prevent oral infections.牙医开了一种抗菌漱口水,以预防口腔感染。
4. Silver nanoparticles have antimicrobial properties and are used in wound dressings to prevent infections.纳米银具有抗菌性能,被用于伤口敷料以预防感染。
5. The use of antimicrobial coatings on medical devices helps reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections.在医疗器械上使用抗菌涂层有助于降低医院获得性感染的风险。
6. The development of antimicrobial resistance is a major concern in healthcare.抗菌剂耐药性的发展是医疗保健领域的一个重大关注点。
7. Hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.保持手部卫生对于预防抗菌剂耐药性细菌的传播至关重要。
倡议远离病毒的英语作文英文:As we all know, the outbreak of the coronavirus has caused great harm to people's lives and health. Therefore, it is very important for us to stay away from the virus. Here are some measures that I have taken to protect myself from the virus.Firstly, I wear a mask when I go out. This can effectively prevent droplets from spreading and reduce the risk of infection. Secondly, I always carry hand sanitizer with me and wash my hands frequently. This can kill the virus on my hands and prevent it from entering my body. Thirdly, I try to avoid crowded places and keep a safe distance from others. This can reduce the chance of coming into contact with the virus.In addition to these measures, I also pay attention to my diet and exercise regularly to improve my immunity. Ibelieve that only by taking these measures can we effectively prevent the spread of the virus and protect ourselves and our families.中文:众所周知,新冠病毒的爆发给人们的生命和健康带来了巨大的危害。
预防细菌的英语作文英文回答:Preventing Bacteria.Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can be foundin all environments on Earth. They can be beneficial or harmful to humans, depending on the type of bacteria. Some bacteria help us digest food, while others can cause infections.There are many ways to prevent the spread of bacteria. One important way is to wash your hands with soap and water. This removes bacteria from your hands and helps to prevent them from spreading to other people or objects. You should also wash your hands after handling food, using the toilet, or blowing your nose.Another way to prevent the spread of bacteria is to avoid touching your face. Bacteria can enter your bodythrough your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you touch your face with unwashed hands, you can transfer bacteria to your body and make yourself sick.You should also clean and disinfect surfaces that maybe contaminated with bacteria. This includes countertops, doorknobs, and toys. You can use a household cleaner or a disinfectant to kill bacteria on surfaces.If you are sick, it is important to stay home from work or school to avoid spreading your illness to others. You should also cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. This helps to prevent the spread of bacteriathrough the air.By following these simple tips, you can help to prevent the spread of bacteria and keep yourself and others healthy.中文回答:预防细菌。
怎样防范病毒英文作文英文回答:Preventing viruses is critical in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of infections. Here are some effective measures to prevent the spread of viruses:1. Wash your hands frequently: This is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of viruses. Use soap and water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing, sneezing, or using the bathroom. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.2. Avoid touching your face: Viruses can enter your body through your eyes, nose, or mouth. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, as this can transfer viruses from your hands to your body.3. Stay home when you're sick: If you're sick, stayhome from work, school, or other public places. This will help prevent the spread of viruses to others.4. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze: When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. Then, throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneezeinto your elbow.5. Clean and disinfect surfaces: Viruses can live on surfaces for hours or even days. To prevent the spread of viruses, regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched, such as doorknobs, countertops, and bathroom fixtures.6. Get vaccinated: Vaccines are effective in preventing many types of viruses. Make sure you're up-to-date on your vaccinations, including the flu vaccine.7. Avoid close contact with people who are sick: Ifyou're in close contact with someone who is sick, try to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet. This will helpreduce your risk of exposure to viruses.8. Use personal protective equipment (PPE): If you're working in a healthcare setting or caring for someone whois sick, wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, a mask, and a gown. This will help protect you from exposure to viruses.9. Stay informed: Stay informed about the latest news and updates on viruses. This will help you make informed decisions about how to protect yourself and your loved ones.10. Take care of your overall health: A healthy immune system is better able to fight off viruses. Make sure toeat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and get enough sleep.中文回答:预防病毒的方法。
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West Nile Virus
Human infection is most often the result of bites from infected mosquitoes. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds, which circulate the virus in their blood for a few days. The virus eventually gets into the mosquito's salivary glands. During later blood meals (when mosquitoes bite), the virus may be injected into humans and animals, where it can multiply and possibly cause illness.
What Is West Nile Virus?
West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a virus spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. WNV can cause neurological disease and death in people. WNV is commonly found in North America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and West Asia. WNV is maintained in nature in a cycle involving transmission between birds and mosquitoes. Humans, horses and other mammals can be infected.
West Nile Virus Prevention
West Nile Virus 2012
West Nile Virus
西尼罗河病毒是由受感染的蚊子通过叮咬, 传染给人类的一种病毒。 西尼罗河病毒可以导致人类罹患神经系统疾 病甚至死亡。西尼罗河病毒在北美、非洲、 欧洲、中东、和西亚很常见,以鸟和蚊子之 间的传播循环而在自然中存在,人类、马和 其他哺乳动物都可能被感染。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Audlts are at highest risk. People over the age of 50 are most at risk of developing severe disease when infected with WNV. People with weakened immune systems or people with other chronic medical conditions are also at risk of severe illness. • To date, no human-to-human transmission of WNV through casual contact has been documented.
West Nile Virus
通常,人类因受感染蚊子的叮咬 被传染。当蚊子以受感染的鸟类 为食时就会感染,病毒会在蚊子 体内循环几天。最终病毒会到达 蚊子的唾液腺。之后当它再吸血 时(蚊子叮咬时),病毒就有可 能被注入人体和动物体内,病毒 随之可以繁殖并可能引起疾病。
West Nile Virus
谢谢! Thank You
West Nile Virus
•80%的人感染西尼罗河病毒后丌会发病。 •20%西尼罗河病毒感染会发展为西尼罗热。 症状:发烧、头疼、疲倦、全身酸痛、恶心
•严重的感染者发展成西尼罗河脑炎或脑膜 炎,或西尼罗河脊髓灰质炎。 •潜伏期通常为3-14天。
Signs and Symptoms
West Nile Virus
• Most people (80%) who are infected with WNV will not get sick. • About 20% of people who become infected with WNV will develop West Nile fever. Symptoms:fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, nausea, vomiting, skin rash and swollen lymph glands. • The symptoms of severe disease called neuroinvasive disease, such as West Nile encephalitis or meningitis or West Nile poliomyelitis. • The incubation period is usually 3 to 14 days.
West Nile Virus
West Nile Virus
2.减少传染源 防止蚊子在居家附近的繁殖清理蚊子幼 虫的栖息地 (废轮胎、鸟池、容器、雨水 槽、游泳池、沼泽等)
What Can I Do To Prevent WNV?
West Nile Virus
2.Source reduction Preventing mosquitoes from breeding near your home, Eliminating larval habitats (Tires, bird baths, containers, rain gutters, unused swimming pools,Marsh water )
West Nile Virus
• 成年人的风险最大 50岁以上的人群感染后发展成严重西尼罗河 热病的风险最大。免疫系统低下或有慢性疾 病的人群也会有发展成严重疾病的风险。 • 至今,尚未有西尼罗河病毒通过一般接触出 现人间传播的记载。
Who is at risk?
West Nile Virus
1. 避免蚊子叮咬! - 减少户外活动时间, 特别是傍晚和晚上; - 户外穿长裤和长袖; - 使用驱蚊剂; - 检查纱窗的完好性。
West Nile Virus
What Can I Do To Prevent WNV?
1. Avoid mosquito bites! - Reduce time outdoors, especially evening hours. - Long pants and sleeves. - Use mosquito repellent. - Keep window screens intact.