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(Text 1)

W:Wendy was once a window cleaner.Now she’s a very rich businesswoman.

M:Wow!She’s great.Why don’t we give a speech about her in our next class?

W:Good idea.Let’s prepare for it.

(Text 2)

M:I saw an advertisement in the newspaper about a camera you have on special offer.

W:Yes,the Sony Cybershot DSCT 300.It’s $50 cheaper now,only $230.

M:Great.I’ll take it.

(Text 3)

W:Is Dad taking us to the museum this week,Steve?

M:Yeah,Amy.He’s working on Wednesday and Friday,but he’s off on Thursday,so we’re going then.

(Text 4)

W:Hello.How can I help?

M:I’m in room 423 and my bag should have been taken to my room but it’s not there.

W:Sorry,sir.I’ll check what happened right now.

(Text 5)

W:Iimes Square,please.

M:All right,madam.

W:Please drive slowly.I’d like to go around the city,if you don’t mind.

M:I see.

(Text 6)

M:I like your shoes,Sara.

W:Thanks.Mum took me shopping at the weekend.They’re great,aren’t they?They’re quite cheap,too.We only paid £15.50 for them.They were £27.50 before.

M:That’s really good.I’ll get one pair for my sister’s birthday.I’ve still got £12 left of my pocket money and I’m sure Mum will lend me some.

W:You need to hurry.There weren’t many left.They’re really popular.

M:I will.By the way,have you finished the maths homework?I found it really hard.I have no idea how to start it.

W:I’ve finished.I can help you with it.

M:It’s kind of you.Yhanks.

(Text 7)

W:Do you like being a computer programmer,Jim?

M:It’s OK but I find it a bit boring sometimes.I don’t like being in an office all day,and sitting in front of a screen for hours and hours is not very good for my eyes.I may change my job in a few years.I can’t be a computer programmer during my lifetime.

W:Oh,what do you think you will do?

M:I’d like to have a job in the countryside.I might buy a small farm and keep animals.I won’t earn as much money but I think it would be more enjoyable.

(Text 8)

M:You’ve got a big family,Sonya,haven’t you?

W:Well,Marein,there are six children altogether.

M:Wow!I konw Vivienne,of course.She had her fifteenth birthday last month,didn’t she?

W:Yhat was Sally.Vivienne looks older but she’s two years younger.

M:Well,my little sister’s seven...

W:...and she always plays with my brother Roger.

M:So they must be the same age.

W:They are.Then there’s my other little brother,Frank.

M:And how old is he?

W:He’s two years younger than Roger.

M:There must be someome else.

W:...Oh,Deborah!I nearly for got.

M:Isn’t she eightrrn and starting college in September?

W:Yes,she’s going to study medicine.

M:What a nice family!

(Text 9)

M:Alice,can you help me look after a new student who’s coming to visit our school?Her name is Rosie Todd.

W:Yes,of course,Mr.Brent.When is she coming?

M:Let me see-next Monday-no,sorry,the day after,I mean Tuesday.

W:That’s OK.What time will she be here?

M:She’s coming at nine thirty,but I’ll look after her then.Can you come and meet her at ten? W:Sure.Where shall I find her?

M:She’ll be in the hall.Oh,no she won’t.She’ll be in the office at that time after visiting the lab. W:OK.So where do I take her?

M:Take her to your Spanish class.After that,she’s coming to my English lesson.Then can you take her to lunch?

W:All right.And is she starting here next term,in January?

M:Sooner than that,Alice!She’s joining us next month,in October.You’ll have a new member soon.One more thing.If you have any questions,jist phone me.The number for the teacher’s room is 0566291.


(Text 10)

M:Mexico City is my hometown.In January,the weather here is pretty wonderful.It’s the most perfect time of tear,not too hot,not too cold,but the temperature can change a lot in just one day.It can go from quite cold to very warm.The capital city is one of the most populated cities in the world and there are lots of things to see and do there.We have lots of very old,beautiful buildings.But you should also go to the coast.It’s one of the most attractive places in Mexico.Lots of tourists go there every year.

You don’t need a lot of money to enjoy your holiday.There are lots of good cheap hotels and restaurants,and of course you must visit the marks.You can buy all kinds of things quite cheaply,and don’t forget our wonderful fruit and vegetables.We have one hundred different kinds of fruits.Our beer is very good,especially if you add lemon and salt,so you must have a drink.
