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2019 学年第二学期九年级学业水平检测



1. 全卷有5个大题56小题,满分120分(含书写4分),考试时间90分钟。

2. 打*的单词可以在小词典中查找。

3. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,超出规定范围或写在试题卷上无效。书写时字



一、单项选择(本题有10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)

请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

1. —Do you still remember experience of studying abroad?

—Yes, I will never forget about that.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2.Mary couldn’t help laughing when a gentleman appeared on the stage and introduced

as the Monkey King.

A. myself

B. herself

C. himself

D. itself

3. —The weather report says it’s going to rain tomorrow.

—Really? I think it is to take an umbrella when we go out then.

A. strange

B. stupid

C. interesting

D. necessary

4. —The apple pie is so delicious. Can you tell me the of making it?

—Just follow the instructions and you are able to make it too.

A. ability

B. secret

C. value

D. result

5. I hadn’t been in touch with Alice for a long time, but I heard from her.

A. recently

B. immediately

C. hardly

D. quickly

6. —I want to keep a pet, but I don’t have too much time.

—Why not keep a parrot? You feed it, because it can feed itself.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

D. shouldn’t

7. After being punished by his mother, the boy sat without a word.

A. in danger

B. in person

C. in silence

D. in trouble

8. —I hear that your computer failed to work.

—Yes, but I it and now it works well again.

A. am repairing

B. repair

C. will repair

D. have repaired

9. —The famous singer Eason is going to hold a concert in Shanghai.

—Wonderful. Let’s find out so that we can add it to our holiday plan.

A. what he thinks of his concerts

B. if he is interested in Shanghai

C. when the concert will be held

D. how he will come to Shanghai

10. —I am so excited to be chosen for an exchange program in the US.

—I’m sure you will make greater progress there.

A. Pardon me?

B. Congratulations.

C. It’s nothing serious.

D. It was great fun.

二、完形填空(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

In 2000, I was around seven years old. My parents, sister and I were coming

back from a ball game, which had been our 11 weekend adventure since I was

two. When we stopped in our driveway, we spotted two adult geese and a small goose.

The adults were startled by our return and flew away, but their baby was still too

young to 12 and couldn’t follow.

Hours passed, and night fell. With it came a deep 13 and a fear of watchful predators*. The small goose was walking around our yard, and it was clear that it needed warmth and 14 to make it to the morning.

We all slept 15 one eye open till morning came. And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to scurry* the little thing over to its parents, who kept coming back to our yard. However, it wouldn’t go to them and 16 wouldn’t come close enough to claim* it. By then, the young goose had clearly decided we were its 17 family, so we had to give it a name. My sister called the little guy Peeper, 18 it would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months 19 almost a year passed. We settled into days 20 with feathery* hugs. My dad threw Peeper up into the air every day so that it could learn to fly.

One evening, my uncle came over, and my dad wanted to show him Peeper. He threw it up in the air, but this time Peeper just 21 . We looked for it for days, but it didn’t come back. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.

Geese live to be around 25 years old, are very loyal*, and 22 forget their first home. Even so, it came as a total 23 to me when in 2019 an aging adult goose made its way back to my family home. After two weeks of the goose coming back 24 , it became clear to me that this wasn’t any unknown goose. It did all of the same things Peeper used to do. In addition, this goose also 25 to the name Peeper.

Much to my amazement, my old best friend had come back, 20 years later.

11. A. latest B. serious C. final D. usual

12. A. walk B. run C. fly D. pull

13. A. sleep B. hole C. cold D. wound

14. A. instruction B. protection C. communication D. operation

15. A. with B. without C. in D. through

16. A. I B. it C. they D. we

17. A. old B. new C. same D. different

18. A. so B. though C. because D. but
