AVR教程(1):AVR单片机介绍作者:微雪电子文章来源: 点击数: 478 更新时间:2008-4-1 23:58:21 AVR,它来源于:1997年,由ATMEL公司挪威设计中心的A先生与V先生利用ATMEL公司的Flash新技术,共同研发出RISC精简指令集的高速8位单片机,简称AVR。
AVR单片机特点每种MCU都有自身的优点与缺点,与其它8-bit MCU相比,AVR 8-bit MCU最大的特点是:●哈佛结构,具备1MIPS / MHz的高速运行处理能力;●超功能精简指令集(RISC),具有32个通用工作寄存器,克服了如8051 MCU采用单一ACC 进行处理造成的瓶颈现象;●快速的存取寄存器组、单周期指令系统,大大优化了目标代码的大小、执行效率,部分型号FLASH非常大,特别适用于使用高级语言进行开发;●作输出时与PIC的HI/LOW相同,可输出40mA(单一输出),作输入时可设置为三态高阻抗输入或带上拉电阻输入,具备10mA-20mA灌电流的能力;●片内集成多种频率的RC振荡器、上电自动复位、看门狗、启动延时等功能,外围电路更加简单,系统更加稳定可靠;●大部分AVR片上资源丰富:带E2PROM,PWM,RTC,SPI,UART,TWI,ISP,AD,Analog Comp arator,WDT等;●大部分AVR除了有ISP功能外,还有IAP功能,方便升级或销毁应用程序。
开发AVR单片机,需要哪些编译器、调试器?软件名称类型简介官方网址AVR Studio IDE、汇编编译器ATMEL AVR Studio集成开发环境(IDE),可使用汇编语言进行开发(使用其它语言需第三方软件协助),集软硬件仿真、调试、下载编程于一体。
GCCAVR (WinAVR) C编译器GCC是Linux的唯一开发语言。
Atmega128的IO口资源丰富,板上所以接口都是独立使用的,不需要任何跳线进行设置, IO口外围扩展使用了2片锁存器74HC574,既可以使实验变得更加简单方便,又能让实验者掌握更多的单片机设计知识。
请按照下图安装122*32 LCD,lCD的一脚对准122*32 LCD插座的一脚,切记不要插反2.硬件布局说明步进电机接口直流电机接口数字温度传感器SD卡插座光敏电阻ADC输入电位器NTC热敏电阻JTAG接口继电器接口9V电源输入接口DAC输出接口RS485接口RS232接口红外发射管ISP编程接口LCD对比度调节电位器122 * 32点阵LCD接口16 * 2字符LCD接口红外接收管433M射频模块接口3 *4 矩阵键盘3.接口说明接口管脚顺序的确认方法●对于有卡口的接口,应对着卡口的方向看,最左边为第一个管脚,如下图所示:●对于用螺丝压线的接口,应对着入线的方向看,最左边为第一个管脚,如下图所示:特别提示:ISP下载接口与JTAG接口封装相同,下载程序时使用ISP接口,不要插到JTAG 接口上4.硬件开发环境的建立本站出售的AVR单片机学习板就是一套完整的硬件环境,它由学习板、电源、并口ISP 下载线等组成。
//按键 5:PWM1B 正脉宽减小
case 6:
break; //按键 6:PWM2 正脉宽减小
case 7:break;
//按键 7
case 8:break;
//按键 8
case 9:break;
//按键 9
case 10:break;
/****** 函数名称: Pwm2_Init()
/****** 功 能: Pwm2 初始化函数
/****** 参 数: 无
//按键 A
case 11:break;
//按键 B
case 12:break;
//按键 C
case 13:break;
//按键 D
case 14:break;
//按键 E
case 15:break;
//按键 F
//快速 PWM,时钟 1024 分频
/****** 函数名称: main()
/****** 功 能: 三路 PWM 同时输出
开发板使用文档1、 PCB 视图:2、 开发板电源1、输入电压:9~12V2、USB 供电:5V3、 跳冒说明:J0:蜂鸣器跳冒J1:使用12864液晶时,由于不同厂家生产的液晶的19脚和20脚有所不同,为了方便使用,采用跳冒形式选择适合你液晶的接口,J2:使用1602液晶时跳冒选择:J1 A K 19脚 3‐1 3‐4 20脚2‐12‐4液晶 跳冒选择12864 2‐4(12864并行),3‐4(12864串并程序选择)16022‐4(1602必选)3、功能说明:1、温度传感器18B202、两通道ADC3、4位数码管显示4、实时时钟DS13025、串口0,串口16、SD卡读写7、IIC_24C02(TWI)8、RS485通讯9、LCD12864接口10、LCD1602接口11、6个按键(有上,下,左,右,确定,取消)12、跑马灯13、SPI14、JTAG接口15、ISP接口16、蜂蜜器17、USB供电18、I/O口扩展4、实验例程:1、跑马灯2、数码管显示3、蜂鸣器4、定时器0输出方波5、定时器2中断6、外部中断7、串口实验 8、RS4859、AT24C02 10、按键实验11、1602液晶显示 12、12864液晶显示13、ADC数码管显示实验 14、ADC在12864液晶显示15、DS18B20数码管显示 16、DS18B20液晶1620显示17、DS18B20液晶LCD12864显示 18、DS1302实时时钟1602显示19、DS1302实时时钟LCD12864显示 20、DS18B20实时时钟液晶显示21、串口多机通讯 22、RS485多机通讯23、SD卡读写 24、SPI通讯25、μCOS-II在ATmega128开发板上的移植。
3、BODLEVEL = 1 掉电检测2.7V 0 为4V
4、BODEN = 1 掉电检测失效,这和BODLEVEL配合使用
5、A VR芯片加密以后仅仅是不能读取Flash和E2PROM的内容,也不能重新下载进去,下载完了以后要给芯片加密,再想往里头灌程序就灌不进去了。
6、SPIEN = 0 表示允许使用SPI口下载
7、JTAGEN = 0 表示允许使用JTAG口下载
8、一般情况下不要把RESET定义成普通的I/O口,因为ISP 下载时要先拉低是芯片先进入复位状态。
9、M103C = 1 和ATMEGA103不兼容的方式运行,ATMEGA128的方式运行
10、SUT 1:0 = 1 0 以最长的延时方式启动
11、CLKSEL 3:1 = 1111以外部高频石英晶振3-8MHz或8MHz 以上,CLKSEL 3:0 = 0001 内部1MHz的RC振荡JTAGEN = 1 禁止JTAG口
12、WDTON = 1 禁止看门狗
13、EESAVE = 1 执行擦除命令时连同EEPROM的内容同FLASH的内容一同擦除
14、BOOTRST = 1 程序执行时从地址0x0000开始执行
BOOTRST = 0 程序执行时从地址BOOTLOAD起始地
地址,默认为00 大小为4096字,起始地址为0xF000
16、LB 2:1 = 11 没有使能存储器使能保护功能
17、BLB02 : BLB01 = 11
18、BLB12 : BLB11 = 11。
使用AVR Studio烧写程序
5.以上步骤完成后打开设备电源,打开AVR Studio软件,出现图4所示,点击Cancel,
1.首先安装avr studio软件,软件在光盘中的位置见(图1)
ATmega128串口通信程序(中断方式)2011-06-05 20:08:10| 分类:单片机程序编写| 标签:|字号大中小订阅程序采用IAR系统编译,实现使用串口调试助手收发数据的功能#include<iom128.h>#include<inavr.h>#include<string.h>#define INT8U unsigned char#define INT16U unsigned int#define UDRIE0 5/* UART Buffer Defines */#define UART0_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 128#define UART0_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 128/* Static Variables */static unsigned char UART0_RxBuf[UART0_RX_BUFFER_SIZE];static volatile unsigned char UART0_RxHead;static volatile unsigned char UART0_RxTail;static unsigned char UART0_TxBuf[UART0_TX_BUFFER_SIZE];static volatile unsigned char UART0_TxHead;static volatile unsigned char UART0_TxTail;static unsigned char UART0_Flag=1;void USART_INIT( void ){UBRR0H = 0x00;UBRR0L = 0x0B;//9600 at 1.8432MUCSR0A = 0x20;UCSR0B = 0xD8;//开接收结束中断,发送结束中断接收使能,发送使能UCSR0C = 0x06;//异步模式,1位停止位,8位数据位UDR0 = 0x00;//清空数据寄存器UART0_RxTail = 0;UART0_RxHead = 0;UART0_TxTail = 0;UART0_TxHead = 0;__disable_interrupt();//关全局中断}void Tran_Byte( INT8U sdata ){if(UART0_Flag == 0){UDR0 = sdata;UART0_Flag = 1;}else{UART0_TxBuf[UART0_TxHead] = sdata;UART0_TxHead++;if(UART0_TxHead >= UART0_TX_BUFFER_SIZE) UART0_TxHead = 0; }__enable_interrupt();}void Send_String( INT8U *string ){INT8U temp;while(1){temp = *string;Tran_Byte(temp);string++;if(*string == 0x00)break;}}INT8U HaveDataRxd( void ){if(UART0_RxHead != UART0_RxTail) return 1;elsereturn 0;}INT8U GetDataFromRxdBuf( void ){INT8U temp;temp = UART0_RxBuf[UART0_RxTail];UART0_RxTail ++ ;if( UART0_RxTail >= UART0_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ) { UART0_RxTail = 0 ;}return temp;}//清空接收缓冲区。
Atmel ATmegaS128 微控制器商品说明书
The new Atmel ® AVR ® ATmegaS128 microcontroller (MCU) brings the industry-leading AVR core to the aerospace industry. The ATmegaS128 MCU is designed for enhanced radiation performance and increased reliability in space applications. It takes advantage of mature Atmel AVR tools designed and used in the mass market worldwide for many years. The ATmegaS128 microcontroller targets many of the most common space applications, which typically require a small footprint, low power and analog control of motors and sensors.Key FeaturesHigh-performance, Low-power 8-bit Atmel AVR MCU• Advanced RISC architecture / Up to 8MIPS• On-chip 2-cycle multiplier• 3V-3.6V / 0 - 8MHz operating voltages & speed grades High-endurance Non-volatile Memory • 128 Kbytes of Flash program memory• 4 Kbytes EEPROM – 4 Kbytes internal SRAM1Advance Risc Architecture 8 Mips3.0 3-55 • Up to 64 Kbytes optionalexternal memory space • SPI interface for in-system programmingPeripheral Features • Two 8-bit and two 16-bit timers/counters • 6 PWM channels • 8-channel, 10-bit ADC• TWI/USARTs/SPI serial interface • Programmable watchdog timer • On-chip analog comparator Special Microcontroller Features• Power-on reset and programmable brown-out detection• Internal calibrated RC oscillator • External and internal interrupt sources• Six Sleep modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down, Standby, and Extended StandbyKey Highlights for Space Environment• Full wafer lot traceability • 64-lead ceramic package (CQFP) • Space screening • Space qualification• Total ionizing Dose: up to 30 Krad (Si)• Single event latch-up LET > 62.5MeV.cm²/mg• Single event upset LET > 3 MeV.cm²/mg•SEU 10-3 to 10-1 error/ device/dayATmegaS128 Starter kitTo ease your design process and reduce time-to-market, Atmel delivers a complete starter kit STK600 and development system for the ATmegaS128 AVR microcontroller. With its advanced features for proto-typing and testing new designs, the kit gives designers a head start for developing code on AVR devices. Customers can start with the industrial version using the ATmega128 MCU or the Space Version ATme-gaS128 device as both share the same pinout.Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T : (+1)(408) 441. 0311 F : (+1)(408) 436. 4200 | © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-45160A-ATmegaS128-Aerospace-Rad-Tolerant-Flyer_E_US_102015Atmel,® Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities,® and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U. S. and other countries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RE-LATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.Atmel StudioAtmel Studio is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging Atmel AVR and Atmel | SMART ARM ® processor-based MCU applications. The Atmel Studio IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. Atmel Studio supports all 8- and 32-bit AVR MCUs. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits.Atmel Software FrameworkThe Atmel Software Framework (ASF) is an MCU software library providing a 1,600 project examples of embedded software for Atmel Flash-based MCUs, including AVR and Atmel | SMART devices. This library contains basic C code examples for all ATmegaS128 peripherals.Application NotesIn addition to the Atmel Software framework, Atmel provides a broad range of application notes to implement different peripherals of the ATmegaS128 device. Most of those ap-plication notes are provided with source code in C language.。
AVR ATmega128全功能工业控制器设计文档说明书
核心部分CPU采用AVR ATmega128单片机。
Almel ATmega128 ATmega128L 可编程 Flash 说明书
产品特点•高性能、低功耗的 AVR® 8位微处理器•先进的 RISC 结构–133条指令 – 大多数可以在一个时钟周期内完成–32 x 8 通用工作寄存器 + 外设控制寄存器–全静态工作–工作于16 MHz时性能高达16 MIPS–只需两个时钟周期的硬件乘法器•非易失性的程序和数据存储器–128K 字节的系统内可编程Flash寿命: 10,000次写/擦除周期–具有独立锁定位、可选择的启动代码区通过片内的启动程序实现系统内编程真正的读-修改-写操作–4K字节的EEPROM寿命: 100,000次写/擦除周期–4K 字节的内部SRAM–多达64K字节的优化的外部存储器空间–可以对锁定位进行编程以实现软件加密–可以通过SPI实现系统内编程•JTAG接口(与IEEE 1149.1标准兼容)–遵循JTAG标准的边界扫描功能–支持扩展的片内调试–通过JTAG接口实现对Flash, EEPROM, 熔丝位和锁定位的编程•外设特点–两个具有独立的预分频器和比较器功能的8位定时器/计数器–两个具有预分频器、比较功能和捕捉功能的16位定时器/计数器–具有独立预分频器的实时时钟计数器–两路8位PWM–6路分辨率可编程(2到16位)的PWM–输出比较调制器–8路10位ADC8个单端通道7个差分通道2个具有可编程增益(1x, 10x, 或200x)的差分通道–面向字节的两线接口–两个可编程的串行USART–可工作于主机/从机模式的SPI串行接口–具有独立片内振荡器的可编程看门狗定时器–片内模拟比较器•特殊的处理器特点–上电复位以及可编程的掉电检测–片内经过标定的RC振荡器–片内/片外中断源–6种睡眠模式: 空闲模式、ADC噪声抑制模式、省电模式、掉电模式、Standby模式以及扩展的Standby模式–可以通过软件进行选择的时钟频率–通过熔丝位可以选择ATmega103兼容模式–全局上拉禁止功能•I/O和封装–53个可编程I/O口线–64引脚TQFP与 64引脚 MLF封装•工作电压–2.7 - 5.5V ATmega128L–4.5 - 5.5V ATmega128•速度等级–0 - 8 MHz ATmega128L–0 - 16 MHz ATmega128微处理器,具有128K字节的系统BDTIC /ATMEL2ATmega1282467L–AVR–05/04引脚配置Figure 1. ATmega128的引脚综述ATmega128为基于AVR RISC 结构的8位低功耗CMOS 微处理器。
ATmega128A-STK600 硬件和软件入门指南说明书
APPLICATION NOTEHardware and Software Getting StartedATmega128A-STK600 IntroductionAn easy and fast way to start developing and evaluating the ATmegaS128 device is to use the ATmega128A industrial version with the STK600 starter-kit.This document guides you step by step to setup the hardware and software, to program and run your first code with the ATmega128A device. RequirementsTo use this “Getting S tarted” document you need to gather the following materials:- One STK600 evaluation kit (ATSTK600)- One STK600 - RC064M-9 Routing board (STK600-RC064M-9)- One STK600-TQFP64 Socket Board with a ZIF socket. (STK600-TQFP64) - One ATmega128A in TQFP64 package- Atmel Studio available from : /Microsite/atmel-studio- “” software FileObjectiveThe aim is prepare the hardware, program and run a short demo based on the “led chaser” software.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015221Hardware Configuration1.1Step 1.Unpack the STK600 kit and install the RC064M-9 routing board as shown on the figure below.Install the STK600-TQFP64 socket board as shown on the figure below.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 33ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201544Connect an USB cable between your workstation and the STK600 board and connect an 8-wires flat cablebetween the ports A(0-7) and LED(0-7) as shown in the figure below. Before connecting the USB cable, set the power s witch to “Off” positio n. Those two cables are supplied in the STK600 kit.Install the ATmega128A device into the TQFP64 socket being careful to insert it in the right direction bymatching together the indexes of the package and the device as shown in the figure below.1.5 Step 5.Verify that the jumpers and the switch are configured as shown on the figure below. The jumpers VTARGET, RESET, AREF0, AREF1 must be set and the c lock switch must be set to “INT” position.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 55ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201566Connect a 10-wires flat cable on the JTAG connector as shown on the figure below. The cable is supplied in the STK600 kit.Move the power s witch to “ON” position. The hardware configuration is now complete. The next step will consist to run the application software.2 Software ConfigurationThis section guides you in few steps to prepare your workstation to program and run the “led chaser” demo.Prerequisite 1.: download Atmel Studio from the URL /Microsite/atmel-studio and install it on your workstation.Prerequisite 2.: unzip the “l ed chaser” demo file.2.1 Step 7.D ouble click on the file “Led_Chaser.atsln”. It makes run Atmel Studio (if a window requesting an updateappears, you can close it).2.2 Step 8.Click on the programming Icon as shown on the figure below.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 77ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/201588A window should pop as shown on the figure below.Select STK600 as tools, ATmega128A as device and JTAG as Interface then click on the “Apply” button.In return, the system should display the information shown on the figure below, meaning that the hardware configuration has been recognized by the system.Click on the “Read” button to get the signature bytes of the ATmega128A.The voltage supply of the ATmega128A device can be adjusted from your workstation. If the voltage level is close to zero, it is not possible to read the signature bytes. Therefore the voltage supply must be tuned.You should read the value 0x1E9702 meaning that the system is able to communicate with the ATmega128A device. If an error message comes up, check the device voltage by clicking on the “Read” button. If it is not possible, click on the “board settings” option from the left menu.Note: The ATmegaS128 is a 3.3V device while the ATmega128A is a 2.7-5.5V device. Therefore, the ATmega128A lets you the choice between 3.3V or 5V. The pictures of this document are provided with the 5V option.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 99ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015110Adjust the voltage level by means of the cursor as shown on the figure below then click on the “Write” button. Verify the target voltage and the availability of the signature bytes (0x1E9702).Configuring the fuse bytes of the ATmega128A. Click on the “Fuses” option from the left menu.Those fuse bytes enable to configure several device hardware parameters.Verify that the M103C fuse is unselected, that the JTAGEN and SPIEN ones are selected, then click on the “Program” button.ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 111ATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015112 Programming the code. Click on the “Memories” option from the left menu then click on “Erase now” button to erase the device. Find the file “Led_Chaser.elf” on your worstation from the path\led_chaser\GccBoardProject2\Debug, then click on the “Program” button .The demo should start after few seconds.Congratulations. You have now completely set up your hardware and software environment and programmed your first AVR based demo. Enjoy by changing the source code and reprogramming the chip.3 Revision HistoryATmega128A-STK600 [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-41074A-Aero-Hardware and Software Getting Started-11/2015 113。
Design of the Sine Wave Generating Circuit Based on the ATmega128AMicrocontrollerJinYang Xia 1, a YanPing Wang*21.2Beijing institute of fashion technology, Chinaa Email :*****************Key words: ATmega128A; Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation; three -phase sine wave; zero point matching; phase controlAbstract. This paper mainly discussed how to generate three-phase sine wave by ATmega128A single chip microcomputer. The paper describes the principle of sine pulse width modulation and pulse width algorithm of SPWM wave in detail, briefly introduces the structure and the function of ATmega128A microcontroller, and describes the functional modules used in the lab in detail. The hardware part analyses several modules of the principle diagram of the circuit boards, describes the process of drawing PCB diagram and the design of the second order filter circuit. The software part is designed in detail based on the previous theory.IntroductionWith the development of inverter technology in various fields, researches on inverter control has become an important research topic. At present, it is widely used in the inverter power supply with sinusoidal pulse width modulation. For example, using the integrated circuit, is one of way to get the signal. SPWM control circuit is simple and easy control, but the feedback control of system can not be ignored.Sine Pulse Width Modulation PrincipleThe narrow pulse with the same impulse, but in different shapes, is basically the same as that in the process of inertia. According to the principle of equivalent area N, the amplitude of the rectangular pulse width waveform is consisting with equivalent sine wave. The frequency of PWM wave can be obtained by setting the frequency of sine wave:c pwm f N f ×= (1) The method of determining the pulse width ,with the intersection of a sine wave and a triangular wave, is called the natural sampling method. Figure1 is the intersection of sine wave and triangle wave, for the duration of the pulse width. AFC DEC ∆∆~ can be used to figure out the relation between triangle wave crest value and sine wave amplitude, by the:International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2015)'2A )sin(wt 22t U U T U RM CM C CM += (2) In the same way:''2B )sin(wt 22t U U T U RM CM C CM += (3) The finishing:++=+=)sin (sin 212''2'22B A Cwt wt M T t t t (CM RMU U M =)(4)Figure 1. Natural sampling method for generating SPWM waveHardware Circuit PCB Board DesignThe whole process is :the new PCB file, into the PCB board editing interface, setting the PCB board for the four laminates, power layer segmentation, respectively, VCC and VDD. The PCB plate of the rectangular border will be drown and joined into the components and the network table, which includes component layout and circuit board wiring.After importing components and network table, all the components will be stacked together, and staying outside the PCB board. The layout of the components will not only affect the difficulty of the work of the following wiring, but also the actual situation of the circuit board. The layout of components is divided into two kinds of layout including automatic layout and manual layout. According to the actual situation, we need to carry out automatic layout, so the components are automatically distributed to the PCB board, which can speed up the layout of components. In order to save space, the patch capacitance and resistance are put on the bottom. And special attention should be paid to the capacitor line which can not be too long.Circuit board wiring is divided into automatic and manual routing. But after the automatic routing, circuit surface is always in disorder, not clean, and has mangy line bypass. So manual routing becomes the final choice. In the late period of circuit board wiring, the distribution of components is not reasonable, the way to solve this problem is to readjust the distribution of components, and increase the workload.Thus it can be seen that the distribution of components is very important to the premise. The final PCB design is shown in figure 2.Figure 2. PCB designSoftware DesignMain program design. The software programming part mainly includes: the main function, the port initialization function, the timer initialization function, the overflow interrupt function and the capture interrupt function.Port initialization: according to A Tmega128A microcontroller I/O port description, the pin I/O port register need to be set up, ensuring they can work normally. Three output pins are used as the output pin of the three SPWM wave, and one input pin is used as the 50HZ square wave input pin.Timer initialization: according to the results of the previous derivation, two 16-bit timer would be used in this experiment. The TOP value is 1240, and the ICR1 register can be selected to define the TOP value. At the same time, the OCR1A/B/C is used to output the PWM wave,and the ICR3 is used to capture interrupt. The registers, are required to configuration.Figure 3.Main program flow chartOverflow interrupt program design. The function of the overflow interrupt is to change thevalue of the output compare register. In the main function, the T1 overflow interrupt is accessible,and the total interrupt is accessible. When the counter value rises to the TOP value, T1 interruptflag would be set to 1, then entering the interrupt function, meanwhile T1 interrupt flagautomatically would be cleared to 0.Capture interrupt program design. The function of the capture interrupt is to achieve zeromatching, to realize phase shift detection, and to make the mark. In the timer initialization, T3 isset up as rising edge. Between the main function, the capture interrupt and the total interrupt areaccessible. Through pin ICP3, 50HZ square wave can be input, when a rising edge is captured,the input capture flag bits would be set as high level, the input capture can be carried out, and the interrupt flag is cleared automatically. In the interrupt function, the table pointer is forced to point at the first number, so that the first pulse width of the PWM wave in each cycle can correspond to the sine wave to achieve zero matching.The other two square wave are received by A1:0 pin, when entering the capture interrupt, the level of A pin can be read to estimate whether there is a phase change or not. If the value of A pin is 0x01, then the phase is not changed; if the value of A pin is 0x10, it indicats that the two square wave phase swaps. In the overflow interrupt, the level of A pin decides whether to exchange OCR1B and OCR1C's checking table pointer.Sine Wave GenerationAfter two - step filter, the SPWM wave is obviously asymmetric. There may be two reasons for the analysis: 1. The SPWM pulse width calculation has error; 2, the filtering parameter RC is not appropriate. Solution is to derivate the principle to the formula to confirm that the formula is not wrong. So the calculation must exist problems, and the problem should be the filter parameter design which is not appropriate. The second step ensures that the cut-off frequency is not modified, except the RC value and the capacity value. Thus, the sine wave would be shown on output screen which is same to Figure 4.Figure 4. Output sine waveConclusionWith a whole system design, I am familiar with the integrated development environment and the combined use of development environment, including programming, debugging and downloading. The system study covers the the process of the PWM wave of the timer / counter used in Atmega128A microcontroller, the process of the interrupt processing, and the understanding of the principle of the pulse width calculation formula. Through this experiment, I clearly recognize that my own shortcomings, in future works, and I will continue to work hard. AcknowledgmentThis work is supported by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Project support (NO.ZD-1407), all support is gratefully acknowledged.Reference[1] JianLiang Shen, WenHong Zhao, YuKun Jia, HuaDong Wang, KeJia Hu.ATmega128 MCU entry and improve.2009[2] ZengYang Leng, YiRong Xu. Power Electronics Technology (Third Edition). 2012[3] Mei Li, XiaoDong Han, Jie Zhang. 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atmega328p 程序烧写
atmega328p 程序烧写有关ATmega328P芯片程序烧录的详细步骤和解释。
1. 准备烧录工具在烧录程序之前,首先需要准备一些必要的烧录工具,包括:- ATmega328P芯片:确保芯片是全新的或已经擦除过。
- 程序烧录器:常见的烧录器有AVRISP mkII和USBasp等。
- 编程软件:我们可以使用Atmel Studio或Arduino IDE进行编程和烧录操作。
2. 设置芯片和烧录器连接将ATmega328P芯片插入烧录器的插槽中,并连接烧录器与电脑,确保两者之间的连接是可靠的。
3. 打开编程软件打开所选择的编程软件,如Atmel Studio或Arduino IDE。
4. 设置编程软件在软件界面中,找到芯片型号设置选项。
在Atmel Studio中,我们可以通过"工具->设备工具->设备设置"找到并选择"ATmega328P"芯片。
在Arduino IDE中,点击"工具->微控制器"并选择"Arduino UNO"。
5. 导入程序文件或编写代码现在,我们可以通过两种方式来向芯片烧写程序。
在Atmel Studio中,我们可以通过"文件->打开->文件"来打开程序文件。
uchar shin() {
uchar i,read_data; DDRD&=0XFD;//输入 for(i=0;i<8;i++)
{ PORTD|=0X01;//SCL=1 read_data<<=1; read_data|=(uchar)((PIND&0X02)>>1);//SDA PORTD&=0XFE; Delayuslcd(5);
temp1=((float)y_data*3.9); display(0,1,temp1);//显示 Y 方向加速度值 temp2=((float)z_data*3.9); display(0,9, temp2);//显示 Z 方向加速度值 delaylcd(1000); angle=(((atan2f(temp,temp1)*180)/3.14159265)+180);//算出倾角值 writeonechar(12,angle);//显示角度 }
void AX353_INIT()//倾角传感器初始化 {
write_byte(0x31,0x0B); //测量范围,正负 16g,13 位模式 write_byte(0x2C,0x08); //速率设定为 12.5 参考 pdf13 页 write_byte(0x2D,0x08); //选择电源模式 参考 pdf24 页 write_byte(0x2E,0x80); //使能 DATA_READY 中断 write_byte(0x1E,0x00); //X 偏移量 根据测试传感器的状态写入 pdf29 页 write_byte(0x1F,0x00); //Y 偏移量 根据测试传感器的状态写入 pdf29 页 write_byte(0x20,0x05); //Z 偏移量 根据测试传感器的状态写入 pdf29 页 }