专业名称:检测技术与自动化装置 职 称: 教 授
山 东 科 技 大 学
作者姓名: 韩丽娜
入学时间: 200 8年9月 2008
专业名称: 检 测 技术与自 动化装置 研究方向: 自动检测监控与系统集成 指导教师: 陶 安 利 职 称: 教 授
论文提交日期: 论文答辩日期: 授予学位日期:
After the theor y of traditiona l structure and properties of pressure sensors and smart pressure sensor system theor y and applica tion and sensors and detection technology and
本论文在对传统的压力传感器结构及性能、智能压力传感器系统的理论及应用、传 感器和检测技术、通讯技术等进行深入研究的基础上,提出了一种新型智能化压力传感 器,并对其硬件配置和软件进行了全面的设计。 本设计采用高性能价格比的 3 片内部资源丰富、 具有较强信息处理能力的控制器芯 片,并结合国内外流行的陶瓷压力传感器,加上一些简单的外围电路进行了较完善的系 统硬件设计。本设计采用小体积、低价格器件,所有电路集成在一块电路板上,扩展了 RS-485 总线通讯接口,采用 Modbus 总线通信协议,能够与 PC 机构成主从式总线通信 网络,方便实现远程监控。 本设计在对智能压力传感器系统的智能化功能深入研究的基础上, 设计了较为完善 的智能化软件。通过软件零点补偿法、数字滤波技术、供电电压补偿算法、温度补偿算 法等方法对零点漂移、电源电压波动的影响、温度变化的影响等进行了实时的补偿,并 利用传感器故障的处理方法对各种故障异常情况进行了实时处理。 本设计分别从功耗、灵敏度、精度、可靠性、实时性、可维护性等方面提出了改善 智能压力传感器性能的措施。 本论文设计的智能压力传感器具有自校准功能、数字补偿功能、故障异常诊断和报 警等功能,具有体积小、成本低、功耗低、精度高、可靠性好、智能化程度较高等特点 , 而且可以和微机远距离通信并能同时测量多个点。另外,工程人员可以快速搜索传感器 的地址和波特率等参数,并可在输入密码后对传感器的配置参数做出必要的修改。 本设计对智能压力传感器系统进行了充分的调试,并 介绍了常见的硬件故障及排除 措施和常见软件调试的故障与排除措施。实测结果表明,该系统的技术性能达到了预定 的指标,具有一定的实用价值。
温室大棚智能传感器中英文外文翻译文献(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文Smart Infrared Temperature SensorsP RayKeeping up with continuously evolving process technologies is a major challenge for process engineers. Add to that the demands of staying current with rapidly evolving methods of monitoring and controlling those processes, and the assignment can become quite intimidating. However, infrared (IR) temperature sensor manufacturers are giving users the tools they need to meet these challenges: the latest computer-related hardware, software, and communications equipment, as well as leading-edge digital circuitry. Chief among these tools, though, is the next generation of IR thermometers— the smart sensor.Today’s new smart IR sensors represent a union of two rapidly evolving sciences that combine IR temperature measurement with high-speed digital technologies usually associated with the computer. These instruments are called smart sensors because they incorporate microprocessors programmed to act as transceivers for bidirectional, serial communications between sensors on the manufacturing floor and computers in the control room (see Photo 1). And because the circuitry is smaller, the sensors are smaller, simplifying installation in tight orawkward areas. Integrating smart sensors into new or existing process control systems offers an immediate advantage to process control engineers in terms of providing a new level of sophistication in temperature monitoring and control.Integrating Smart Sensors into Process LinesWhile the widespread implementation of smart IR sensors is new, IR temperature measurement has been successfully used in process monitoring and control for decades (see the sidebar, “How Infrared Temperature Sensors Work,” below). In the past, if process engineers needed to ch ange a sensor’s settings, they would have to either shut down the line to remove the sensor or try to manually reset it in place. Either course could cause delays in the line, and, in some cases, be very dangerous. Upgrading a sensor usually required buying a new unit, calibrating it to the process, and installing it while the process line lay inactive. For example, some of the sensors in a wire galvanizing plant used to be mounted over vats of molten lead, zinc, and/or muriatic acid and accessible only by reaching out over the vats from a catwalk. In the interests of safety, the process line would have to be shut down for at least 24 hours to cool before changing and upgrading a sensor.Today, process engineers can remotely configure, monitor, address, upgrade, and maintain their IR temperature sensors. Smart models with bidirectional RS-485 or RS-232 communications capabilities simplifyintegration into process control systems. Once a sensor is installed on a process line, engineers can tailor all its parameters to fit changing conditions—all from a PC in the control room. If, for example, the ambient temperature fluctuates, or the process itself undergoes changes in type, thickness, or temperature, all a process engineer needs to do is customize or restore saved settings at a computer terminal. If a smart sensor fails due to high ambient temperature conditions, a cut cable, or failed components, its fail-safe conditions engage automatically. The sensor activates an alarm to trigger a shutdown, preventing damage to product and machinery. If ovens or coolers fail, HI and LO alarms can also signal that there is a problem and/or shut down the line.Extending a Sensor’s Useful LifeFor smart sensors to be compatible with thousands of different types of processes, they must be fully customizable. Because smart sensors contain EPROMs (erasable programmable read only memory), users can reprogram them to meet their specific process requirements using field calibration, diagnostics, and/or utility software from the sensor manufacturer.Another benefit of owning a smart sensor is that its firmware, the software embedded in its chips, can be upgraded via the communications link to revisions as they become available — without removing the sensor from the process line. Firmware upgrades extend the working life of asensor and can actually make a smart sensor smarter.The Raytek Marathon Series is a full line of 1- and 2-color ratio IR thermometers that can be networked with up to 32 smart sensors. Available models include both integrated units and fiber-optic sensors with electronic enclosures that can be mounted away from high ambient temperatures.(see Photo 1). Clicking on a sensor window displays the configuration settings for that particular sensor. The Windows graphical interface is intuitive and easy to use. In the configuration screen, process engineers can monitor current sensor settings, adjust them to meet their needs, or reset the sensor back to the factory defaults. All the displayed information comes from the sensor by way of the RS-485 or RS-232 serial connection.The first two columns are for user input. The third monitors the sensor’s parameters in real time. Some parameters can be changed through other screens, custom programming, and direct PC-to-sensor commands. Parameters that can be changed by user input include the following:∙Relay contact can be set to NO (normally open) or NC (normally closed).∙Relay function can be set to alarm or setpoint.∙Temperature units can be changed from degrees Celsius to degreesFahrenheit, or vice versa.∙Display and analog output mode can be changed for smart sensors that have combinedone- and two-color capabilities.∙Laser (if the sensor is equipped with laser aiming) can be turned on or off.∙Milliamp output settings and range can be used as automatic process triggers or alarms. ∙Emissivity (for one-color) or slope (for two-color) ratio thermometers values can be set. Emissivity and slope values for common metal and nonmetal materials, and instructions on how to determine emissivity and slope, are usually included with sensors.∙Signal processing defines the temperature parameters returned. Average returns an object’s average temperature over a period of time; peak -hold returns an object’s peak temperature either over a period of time or by an external trigger.∙HI alarm/LO alarm can be set to warn of improper changes in temperature. On some process lines, this could be triggered by a break in a product or by malfunctioning heater or cooler elements.∙Attenuation indicates alarm and shut down settings for two-color ratio smart sensors. In this example, if the lens is 95% obscured, an alarm warns that the temperature results might be losing accuracy (known as a “dirty window” alarm). More than 95% obscurity can trigger anautomatic shutdown of the process.Using Smart SensorsSmart IR sensors can be used in any manufacturing process in which temperatures are crucial to high-quality product.Six IR temperature sensors can be seen monitoring product temperatures before and after the various thermal processes and before and after drying. The smart sensors are configured on a high-speed multidrop network (defined below) and are individually addressable from the remote supervisory computer. Measured temperatures at all sensor locations can be polled individually or sequentially; the data can be graphed for easy monitoring or archived to document process temperature data. Using remote addressing features, set points, alarms, emissivity, and signal processing, information can be downloaded to each sensor. The result is tighter process control. Remote Online Addressability In a continuous process similar to that in Figure 2, smart sensors can be connected to one another or to other displays, chart recorders, and controllers on a single network. The sensors may be arranged in multidrop or point-to-point configurations, or simply stand alone.In a multidrop configuration, multiple sensors (up to 32 in some cases) can be combined on a network-type cable. Each can have its own “address,” allowing it to be configured separately with different operating parameters. Because smart sensors use RS-485 or FSK (frequency shiftkeyed) communications, they can be located at considerable distances from the control room computer — up to 1200 m (4000 ft.) for RS-485, or 3000 m (10,000 ft.) for FSK. Some processes use RS-232 communications, but cable length is limited to <100 ft.In a point-to-point installation, smart sensors can be connected to chart recorders, process controllers, and displays, as well as to the controlling computer. In this type of installation, digital communications can be combined with milliamp current loops for a complete all-around process communications package.Sometimes, however, specialized processes require specialized software. A wallpaper manufacturer might need a series of sensors programmed to check for breaks and tears along the entire press and coating run, but each area has different ambient and surface temperatures, and each sensor must trigger an alarm if it notices irregularities in the surface. For customized processes such as this, engineers can write their own programs using published protocol data. These custom programs can remotely reconfigure sensors on the fly—without shutting down the process line.Field Calibration and Sensor UpgradesWhether using multidrop, point-to-point, or single sensor networks, process engineers need the proper software tools on their personal computers to calibrate, configure, monitor, and upgrade those sensors.Simple, easy-to-use data acquisition, configuration, and utility programs are usually part of the smart sensor package when purchased, or custom software can be used.With field calibration software, smart sensors can be calibrated, new parameters downloaded directly to the sensor’s circuitry, and the sensor’s current parameters saved and stored as computer data files to ensure that a complete record of calibration and/or parameter changes is kept. One set of calibration techniques can include one-point offset and two- and three-point with variable temperatures:• One-point offset. If a single temperature is used in a particular process, and the sensor reading needs to be offset to make it match a known temperature, one-point offset calibration should be used. This offset will be applied to all temperatures throughout the entire temperature range. For example, if the known temperature along a float glass line is exactly 1800°F, the smart sensor, or series of sensors, can be calibrated to that temperature.• Two-point. If sensor readings must match at two specific temperatures, the two-point calibration shown in Figure 3 should be selected. This technique uses the calibration temperatures to calculate a gain and an offset that are applied to all temperatures throughout the entire range. • Three-point with variable temperature. If the process has a wide range of temperatures, and sensor readings need to match at threespecific temperatures, the best choice is three-point variable temperature calibration (see Figure 4). This technique uses the calibration temperatures to• Three points If the process has a wi de temperature range, the sensor reading must meet three specific temperatures. The best choice is a three-point temperature calibration. This technique uses the calibration temperature to calculate two gains and two offsets. The first gain and offset apply to all temperatures below the midpoint temperature and at all midpoints above the second plate. Three-point calibration is less common than multiple single-dot, but occasionally manufacturers need to implement this technology to meet specific standards.On-site calibration software also allows the use of routine diagnostic methods, including power supply voltage and relay tests that are run on smart sensors. The result is that the process engineer knows that the sensor works best and it makes it easier to do some necessary troubleshooting.3. ConcludesThe new generation of intelligent infrared temperature sensors requires process engineers to keep up with changes brought about by new production technologies and increased production. They can now configure as many sensors as possible to meet the needs of their particular control process and extend the lifespan of these sensors, far beyond theprevious “not smart” designs. Due to the increased production speed, equipment downtime must be reduced. By monitoring equipment as much as possible and fine-tuning temperature variables without the need for shutdown processes, engineers can maintain efficient processes and deliver high-quality products. The digital processing components and communication capabilities of smart infrared sensors provide a degree of flexibility, security, and ease of use that have not been achieved to date.Infrared (IR) radiation is an electromagnetic spectrum that includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and ultraviolet light, as well as gamma rays and X-rays. The IR is between the visible part of the spectrum and radio waves. Infrared wavelengths are usually expressed in micrometers and the spectral range is from 0.7 to 1000 microns. Only the 0.7-14 micron band is used for infrared temperature measurement.Using advanced optical systems and detectors, non-contact infrared thermometers can focus on almost any part or part of the 0.7-14 μm band. Because each object (except blackbody) emits the best infrared energy at a specific point along the infrared wavelength of the line, each process may require a unique sensor model with specific optics and detector types. For example, a sensor, a narrow concentration of polyethylene and related materials concentrated in the 3.43 μm spectral ran ge suitable for measuring surface temperature. A sensor is set at 5 microns to measure the glass surface. Light sensors are used for metal and metal foils. Thebroader spectral range is used to measure lower temperature surfaces such as paper, cardboard, poly, and aluminum foil composites.An object reflects the increase or decrease of emission infrared energy through its temperature. It is emitted energy, measured at the target emissivity, which indicates the temperature of an object.Emissivity is a term used to quantify the energy and light emitting properties of different materials and surfaces. Infrared sensors have an adjustable emissivity setting, usually from 0.1 to 1.0, allowing accurate measurement of several surface types of temperature. The emitted energy comes from an object and reaches the infrared sensor through its optical system, which focuses on one or more light-sensitive detectors on the energy source. The detector's infrared energy is then converted into electrical signals, which in turn are converted into temperature values based on the sensor's calibration equation and the target's emissivity. This temperature value can be displayed on the sensor or converted to a digital output in a smart sensor and displayed on the computer terminal.中文译文智能红外温度传感器P Ray跟上不断发展的工艺技术对工艺工程师来说是一向重大挑战。
传感器技术论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Development of New Sensor TechnologiesSensors are devices that can convert physical。
logical quantities。
into electrical signals。
The output signals can take different forms。
such as voltage。
and can meet the requirements of n n。
and control。
They are indispensable components in automatic n systems and automatic control systems。
If computers are compared to brains。
then sensors are like the five senses。
Sensors can correctly sense the measured quantity and convert it into a corresponding output。
playing a decisive role in the quality of the system。
The higher the degree of n。
the higher the requirements for sensors。
In today's n age。
the n industry includes three parts: sensing technology。
n technology。
and computer technology。
What is a smart sensorOne of the biggest advances in automation has been the development and spread of smart sensors. But what exactly is a "smart" sensor? Experts from six sensor manufacturers define this term.A good working "smart sensor" definition comes from Tom Griffiths, product manager, Honeywell Industrial Measurement and Control. Smart sensors, he says, are "sensors and instrument packages that are microprocessor driven and include features such as communication capability and on-board diagnostics that provide information to a monitoring system and/or operator to increase operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs."No failure to communicate"The benefit of the smart sensor," says Bill Black, controllers product manager at GE Fanuc Automation, "is the wealth of information that can be gathered from the process to reduce downtime and improve quality." David Edeal, Temposonics product manager, MTS Sensors, expands on that: "The basic premise of distributed intelligence," he says, is that "complete knowledge of a system, subsystem, or component's state at the right place and time enables the ability to make'optimal' process control decisions."Adds John Keating, product marketing manager for the Checker machine vision unit at Cognex, "For a (machine vision) sensor to really be 'smart,' it should not require the user to understand machine vision."A smart sensor must communicate. "At the most basic level, an 'intelligent' sensor has the ability to communicate information beyond the basic feedback signals that are derived from its application." says Edeal. This can be a HART signal superimposed on a standard 4-20 mA process output, a bus system, orwireless arrangement. A growing factor in this area is IEEE 1451, a family of smart transducer interface standards intended to give plug-and-play functionality to sensors from different makers.Diagnose, programSmart sensors can self-monitor for any aspect of their operation, including "photo eye dirty, out of tolerance, or failed switch," says GE Fanuc's Black. Add to this, says Helge Hornis, intelligent systems manager, Pepperl+Fuchs, "coil monitoring functions, target out of range, or target too close." It may also compensate for changes in operating conditions. "A 'smart' sensor," says Dan Armentrout, strategic creative director, Omron Electronics LLC, "must monitor itself and its surroundings and then make a decision to compensate for the changes automatically or alert someone for needed attention."Many smart sensors can be re-ranged in the field, offering "settable parameters that allow users to substitute several 'standard' sensors," says Hornis. "For example, typically sensors are ordered to be normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). An intelligent sensor can be configured to be either one of these kinds."Intelligent sensors have numerous advantages. As the cost of embedded computing power continues to decrease, "smart" devices will be used in more applications. Internal diagnostics alone can recover the investment quickly by helping avoid costly downtime.Sensors: Getting into PositionAs the saying goes, 'No matter where you go, there you are.' Still, most applications require a bit more precision and repeatability than that, so here's advice on how to select and locate position sensors.The article contains online extra material.What's the right position sensor for a particular application? It depends on required precision, repeatability, speed, budget, connectivity, conditions, and location, among other factors. You can bet that taking the right measurement is the first step to closing the loop on any successful application.Sensor technologies that can detect position are nearly as diverse as applications in providing feedback for machine control and other uses. Spatial possibilities are linear, area, rotational, and three-dimensional. In some applications, they're used in combination. Sensing elements are equally diverse.Ken Brey, technical director, DMC Inc., a Chicago-based system integrator, outlined some the following position-sensing options.Think digitallyFor digital position feedback:∙Incremental encoders are supported by all motion controllers; come in rotary and linear varieties and in many resolutions; are simulated by many other devices; and require a homing process to reference the machine toa physical marker, and when power is turned off.∙Absolute encoders are natively supported by fewer motion controllers; can be used by all controllers that have sufficient available digital inputs;report a complete position within their range (typically one revolution);and do not require homing.∙Resolvers are more immune to high-level noise in welding applications;come standard on some larger motors; simulate incremental encoders when used with appropriate servo amps; and can simulate absolute encoders with some servo amps.∙Dual-encoder feedback, generally under-used, is natively supported by most motion controllers; uses one encoder attached to the motor and another attached directly to the load; and is beneficial when the mechanical connection between motor and load is flexible or can slip.∙Vision systems , used widely for inspection, can also be used for position feedback. Such systems locate objects in multiple dimensions, typically X, Y, and rotation; frequently find parts on a conveyor; and are increasing in speed and simplicity.A metal rolling, stamping, and cut-off application provides an example of dual-encoder feedback use, Brey says. 'It required rapid and accurate indexing of material through a roll mill for a stamping process. The roll mill creates an inconsistent amount of material stretch and roller slip,' Brey explains.'By using the encoder on the outgoing material as position feedback and the motor resolver as velocity feedback in a dual-loop configuration, the system was tuned stable and a single index move provided an accurate index length. It was much faster and more accurate than making a primary move, measuring the error, then having to make a second correction move,' he says.Creative, economicalSam Hammond, chief engineer, Innoventor, a St. Louis, MO-area system integrator, suggests that the application's purpose should guide selection of position sensors; measurements and feedback don't have to be complex. 'Creative implementations can provide simple, economical solutions,' he says. For instance, for sequencing, proximity sensors serve well in many instances.Recent sensor applications include the AGV mentioned in lead image and the following.∙In a machine to apply the top seals to tea containers, proximity and through-beam sensors locate incoming packages. National Instruments vision system images are processed to find location of a bar code on a pre-applied label, and then give appropriate motor commands to achieve the desired position (rotation) setting to apply one of 125 label types.Two types of position sensors were used. One was a simple inductive proximity sensor, used to monitor machine status to ensure various motion components were in the right position for motion to occur. The camera also served as a position sensor, chosen because of its multi purpose use, feature location, and ability to read bar codes.∙ A progressive-die stamping machine operates in closed loop. A linear output proximity sensor provides control feedback for optimizing die operation; a servo motor adjusts die position in the bend stage. A linear proximity sensor was selected to give a dimensional readout from the metal stamping operation; data are used in a closed-loop control system.∙Part inspection uses a laser distance measurement device to determine surface flatness. Sensor measures deviation in return beams, indicating different surface attributes to 10 microns in size. An encoder wouldn't have worked because distance was more than a meter. Laser measurement was the technology chosen because it had very high spatial resolution, did not require surface contact, and had a very high distance resolution.An automotive key and lock assembly system uses a proximity sensor for detecting a cap in the ready position. A laser profile sensor applied with a robot measures the key profile.What to use, where?Sensor manufacturers agree that matching advantages inherent to certain position sensing technologies can help various applications.David Edeal, product marketing manager, MTS Sensors Div., says, for harsh factory automation environments, 'the most significant factors even above speed and accuracy in customer's minds are product durability and reliability. Therefore, products with inherently non-contact sensing technologies (inductive, magnetostrictive, laser, etc.) have a significant advantage over those that rely on physical contact (resistive, cable extension, etc.)'Other important factors, Edeal says, are product range of use and application flexibility. 'In other words, technologies that can accommodate significant variations in stroke range, environmental conditions, and can provide a wide range of interface options are of great value to customers who would prefer to avoid sourcing a large variety of sensor types. All technologies are inherently limited with respect to these requirements, which is why there are so many options.'Edeal suggest that higher cost of fitting some technologies to a certain application creates a limitation, such as with linear variable differential transformers. 'For example, LVDTs with stroke lengths longer than 12 inches are rare because of the larger product envelope (about twice the stroke length) and higher material and manufacturing costs. On the other hand, magnetostrictive sensing technology has always required conditioning electronics. With the advent of microelectronics and the use of ASICs, we have progressed to a point where, today, a wide range of programmable output types (such as analog, encoder, and fieldbus) are available in the same compact package. Key for sensor manufacturers is to push the envelope to extend the range of use (advantages) while minimizing the limitations (disadvantages) of their technologies.'Listen to your appDifferent sensor types offer distinct advantages for various uses, agrees Tom Corbett, product manager, Pepperl+Fuchs. 'Sometimes the application itself is the deciding factor on which mode of sensing is required. For example, a machine surface or conveyor belt within the sensing area could mean the difference between using a standard diffused mode sensor, and using a diffused mode sensor with background suppression. While standard diffused mode models are not able to ignore such background objects, background suppression models evaluate light differently to differentiate between the target surface and background surfaces.'Similarly, Corbett continues, 'a shiny target in a retro-reflective application may require use of a polarized retro-reflective model sensor. Whereas a standard retro-reflective sensor could falsely trigger when presented with a shiny target, a polarized retro-reflective model uses a polarizing filter to distinguish the shiny target from the reflector.'MTS' Edeal says, 'Each technology has ideal applications, which tend to magnify its advantages and minimize its disadvantages. For example, in the wood products industry, where high precision; varied stroke ranges; and immunity to high shock and vibration, electromagnetic interference, and temperature fluxuations are critical, magnetostrictive position sensors are the primary linear feedback option. Likewise, rotary optical encoders are an ideal fit for motor feedback because of their packaging, response speed, accuracy, durability, and noise immunity. When applied correctly, linear position sensors can help designers to ensure optimum machine productivity over the long haul.'Thinking broadly first, then more narrowly, is often the best way to design sensors into a system. Edeal says, 'Sensor specifications should be developed by starting from the machine/system-level requirements and working back toward the subsystem, and finally component level. This is typically done, but whatoften happens is that some system-level specifications are not properly or completely translated back to component requirements (not that this is a trivial undertaking). For example, how machine operation might create unique or additional environmental challenges (temperature, vibration, etc.) may not be clear without in-depth analysis or past experience. This can result in an under-specified sensor in the worst situation or alternatively an over-specified product where conservative estimates are applied.'Open or closedEarly in design, those involved need to decide if the architecture will be open-loop or closed-loop. Paul Ruland, product manager, AutomationDirect, says, 'Cost and performance are generally the two main criteria used to decide between open-loop or closed-loop control in electromechanical positioning systems. Open-loop controls, such as stepping systems, can often be extremely reliable and accurate when properly sized for the system. The burden of tuning a closed-loop system prior to operation is not required here, which inherently makes it easy to apply. Both types can usually be controlled by the same motion controller. A NEMA 23 stepping motor with micro-stepping drive is now available for as little as $188, compared to an equivalent servo system at about $700.'Edeal suggests, 'Control systems are created to automate processes and there are many good examples of high-performance control systems that require little if any feedback. However, where structural system (plant) or input (demand or disturbance) changes occur, feedback is necessary to manage unanticipated changes. On the process side, accuracy—both static and dynamic—is important for end product quality, and system stability and repeatability (robustness) are important for machine productivity.'For example,' Edeal says, 'in a machining or injection molding application, the tool, mold or ram position feedback is critical to the final dimension ofthe fabricated part. With rare exceptions, dimensional accuracy of the part will never surpass that of the position sensor. Similarly, bandwidth (response speed) of the sensor may, along with response limitations of the actuators, limit production rates.'Finally, a sensor that is only accurate over a narrow range of operating conditions will not be sufficient in these types of environments where high shock and vibration and dramatic temperature variations are common.'The latestWhat are the latest position sensing technologies to apply to manufacturing and machining processes and why?Ruland says, 'Some of the latest developments in positioning technologies for manufacturing applications can be found in even the simplest of devices, such as new lower-cost proximity switches. Many of these prox devices are now available for as little as $20 and in much smaller form factors, down to 3 mm diameter. Some specialty models are also available with increased response frequencies up to 20 kHz. Where mounting difficulties and cost of an encoder are sometimes impractical, proximity switches provide an attractive alternative; many position control applications can benefit from increased performance, smaller package size, and lower purchase price and installation cost.'Corbett concurs. 'Photoelectric sensors are getting smaller, more durable, and flexible, and are packed with more standard features than ever before. Some new photoelectrics are about half the size of conventional cylindrical housings and feature welded housings compared with standard glued housings. Such features are very desirable in manufacturing and machining applications where space is critical and durability is a must. And more flexible connectivity and mountingoptions—side mount or snout mount are available from the same product—allow users to adapt a standard sensor to their machine, rather than vice versa.'Another simple innovation, Corbett says, is use of highly visible, 360-degree LED that clearly display status information from any point of view. 'Such enhanced LED indicates overload and marginal excess gain, in addition to power and output. Such sensors offer adjustable sensitivity as standard, but are available with optional tamperproof housings to prevent unauthorized adjustments.'Photoelectric SensorsPhotoelectric sensors are typically available in at least nine or more sensing modes, use two light sources, are encapsulated in three categories of package sizes, offer five or more sensing ranges, and can be purchased in various combinations of mounting styles, outputs, and operating voltages. It creates a bewildering array of sensor possibilities and a catalog full of options.This plethora of choices can be narrowed in two ways: The first has to do with the object being sensed. Second involves the sensor's environment.Boxed inThe first question to ask is: What is the sensor supposed to detect? "Are we doing bottles? Or are we detecting cardboard boxes?" says Greg Knutson, a senior applications engineer with sensor manufacturer Banner Engineering.Optical properties and physical distances will determine which sensing mode and what light source work best. In the case of uniformly colored boxes, for example, it might be possible to use an inexpensive diffuse sensor, which reflects light from the box.The same solution, however, can't be used when the boxes are multicolored and thus differ in reflectivity. In that case, the best solution might be an opposed or retroreflective mode sensor. Here, the system works by blocking a beam. When a box is in position, the beam is interrupted and the box detected. Without transparent boxes, the technique should yield reliable results. Several sensors could gauge boxes of different heights.Distance plays a role in selecting the light source, which can either be an LED or a laser. LED is less expensive. However, because LED are a more diffuse light source, they are better suited for shorter distances. A laser can be focused on a spot, yielding a beam that can reach long distances. Tight focus can also be important when small features have to be sensed. If a small feature has to be spotted from several feet, it may be necessary to use a laser.Laser sensors used to cost many times more than LED. That differential has dropped with the plummeting price of laser diodes. There's still a premium for using a laser, but it's not as large as in the past.Environmental challengesOperating environment is the other primary determining factor in choosing a sensor. Some industries, such food and automotive, tend to be messy, dangerous, or both. In the case of food processing, humidity can be high and a lot of fluids can be present. Automotive manufacturing sites that process engines and other components may include grit, lubricants, and coolants. In such situations, the sensor's environmental rating is of concern. If the sensor can't handle dirt, then it can't be used. Such considerations also impact the sensing range needed because it may be necessary to station the sensor out of harm's way and at a greater distance than would otherwise be desirable. Active alarming and notification may be useful if lens gets dirty and signal degrades.Similar environmental issues apply to the sensor's size, which can range from smaller than a finger to something larger than an open hand. A smaller sensor can be more expensive than a larger one because it costs more to pack everything into a small space. Smaller sensors also have a smaller area to collect light and therefore tend to have less range and reduced optical performance. Those drawbacks have to be balanced against a smaller size being a better fit for the amount of physical space available.Sensors used in semiconductor clean room equipment, for example, don't face harsh environmental conditions, but do have to operate in tight spaces. Sensing distances typically run a few inches, thus the sensors tend to be small. They also often make use of fiber optics to bring light into and out of the area where changes are being detected.Mounting, pricingAnother factor to consider is the mounting system. Frequently, sensors must be mechanically protected with shrouds and other means. Such mechanical and optical protection can cost more than the sensor itself—a consideration for the buying process. If vendors have flexible mounting systems and a protective mounting arrangement for sensors, the products could be easier to implement and last longer.List prices for standard photoelectric sensors range from $50 or so to about $100.Laser and specialty photoelectric sensors cost between $150 and $500. Features such as a low-grade housing, standard optical performance, and limited or no external adjustments characterize the lower ends of each category. The higher end will have a high-grade housing, such as stainless steel or aluminum, high optical performance, and be adjustable in terms of gain or allow timing and otheroptions. Low-end products are suitable for general applications, while those at the higher end may offer application-specific operation at high speed, high temperature, or in explosive environments.Finally, keep in mind that one sensing technology may not meet all of the needs of an application. And if needs change, a completely different sensor technology may be required. Having to switch to a new approach can be made simpler if a vendor offers multiple technologies in the same housing and mounting footprint, notes Ed Myers, product manager at sensor manufacturer Pepperl+Fuchs. If that's the case, then one technology can be more easily swapped out for another as needs change.译文什么是智能传感器自动化领域所取得的一项最大进展就是智能传感器的发展与广泛使用。
Photoelectric sensorKey word:photoeletric effect photoelectric element photoeletric sensor classification sensor application characteristics. Abstract:in the development of science and technology in the modern society,mankind has into rapidly changing information era,people in daily life,the production process,rely mainly on the detection of information technology by acquiring,screening and transmission,to achieve the brake control,automation adjustment,at present our country has put detection techniques listed in one of the priority to the development of science and technology.Because ofmicroelectronics technology,photoelectric semiconductor technology,optical fiber technology and grating technical development makes the application of the photoelectric sensor is growing .The sensor has simple structure, non-contact,high reliability,high precision,measurable parameters and quick response and more simple structure,form etc,and flexible in automatic detection technology,it has been widely applied in photoelectric effect as the theoretical basis,the device by photoelectric material composition.Text:First,theoretical foundation-photoelectric effect Photoelectric effect generally have the photoelectric effect ,optical effect,light born volts effect.The light shines in photoelectric material,according to the electronic absorption material surface energy,if absorbed energy large enough electronic will overcome bound from material and enter the outside space,which changes photoelectron materials ,this king of phenomenon become the conductivity of the photoelectric effect.According to Einstein’s photoelectron effect,photon is moving particles,each photon energy for hv(v for light frequency,h for Planck’s constant,h=6.63*10-34J/HZ),thus different frequency of photons have different energy,light,the higher the frequency,the photon energy is bigger.Assuming all the energy photons to photons,electronic energy will increase,increased energy part of the fetter,positive ions used to overcome another part of converted into electronic energy.According to the law of conservation of energy:1/2mv =hv-A2Type,m for electronic quality,v for electronic escaping the velocity,A microelectronics the work done.From the type that will make the optoelectronic cathode surface escape the necessary conditions are h>A.Due to the different materials have different escaping,so reactive to each kind ofcathode material,incident light has a certain frequency is restricted,when the frequency of incident light under this frequency limit,no matter how the light intensity,won’t produce photoelectron lauch,this frequency limit called“red limit”.The corresponding wavelength for type,c for the speed of light,A reactive for escaping.When is the sun,its electronic energy,absorb the resistivity reduce conductive phenomenon called optical effects.It belongs to the photoelectric effect within.When light is,if in semiconducter electronic energy big with semiconductor of forbidden band width,the electronic energy from the valence band jump into the conduction band,form,and at the same time,the valence band electronic left the corresponding cavities. Electronics,cavitation remained in semiconducter,and participate in electric conductive outside formed under the current role.In addition to metal outer,most insulators and semiconducter have photoelectric effect,particularly remarkable,semiconductor optical effect according to the optoelectronics manufacturing incident light inherent frequency,when light resistance in light,its conductivity increases,resistance drops.The light intensity is strong,its value,if the smaller,its resistance to stop light back to the original value.Semiconductor producted by light illuminate the phenomenon is called light emf,born volts effect on the effect of photoelectric devices have made si-based ones,photoelectric diode,control thyristor and optical couplers,etc.Second,optoelectronic components and characteristics According to the outside optoelectronics manufacturing optoelectronic devices have photoelectron,inflatable phototubes and photoelectric times once tube.1.Phototubes phototubes are various and typical products arevacuum phototubes and inflatable phototubes,light its appearance and structure as shown in figure 1 shows,made of cylindrical metal half cathodic K and is located in the wires cathodic axis of anode in A package of smoke into the vacuum,when incident light within glass shell in the cathode,illuminate A single photon took all of its energy transfer to the cathode materials A free electrons,so as to make the freedom electronic energy increase h.When electrons gain energy more than escape of cathode materials,it reactive A metal surface constraints can overcome escape,form electron emission.This kind of electronic called optoelectronics,optoelectronic escaping the metal surface for after initial kinetic energyPhototubes normal work,anode potential than the cathode, show in figure 2.In one shot more than “red light frequency is premise,escape from the optoelectronic cathode surface by positive potential attracted the anode in photoelectric tube forming space,called the current stream.Then if light intensity increases,the number of photons bombarded the cathode multiplied,unit of time to launch photoelectron number are also increasing,photo-current greatens.In figure 2 shows circuit,current so as to achieve a photoelectric conversion.When the LTT optoelectronic cathode K, electronic escape from the cathode surface,and was the photoelectric anode is an electric current,power plants absorb deoxidization device in the load resistance-I,the voltage. Phototubes photoelectric characteristics fig.03 shows,from the graph in flux knowable,not too big,photoelectric basis characteristics is a straight line.2.Photoelectric times had the sensitivity of vacuum tube duo tolow,so with people developed has magnified the photomultiplier tubes photo-current ability.Figure 4 isphotomultiplier tube structure schematic drawing.From the graph can see photomultiplier tubes also have A cathode K and an anode A,and phototubes different is in its between anode and cathode set up several secondary emission electrodes,D1,D2 and D3…Usually,double electrode for 10~15 levels.Photomultiplier tubes work between adjacent electrode,keeping a certain minimum,including the cathode potential potentials,each multiply electrode potential filtering increases, the anode potential supreme.When the incident light irradiation, cathodic K escape from the optoelectronic cathode multiplied by first accelerated,by high speed electrode D1 bombarded caused secondary electron emission,D1,an incident can generate multiple secondary electron photonics,D1 emit of secondary electron was D1,D2 asked electric field acceleration,converged on D2 and again produce secondary electron emission…So gradually produce secondary electron emission,make electronic increased rapidly,these electronic finally arrived at the anode, form a large anode current.If an level,multiply electrodes at alllevels for sigma,the multiplication of rate is the multiplication of photomultiplier tubes can be considered sigma n rate,therefore,photomultiplier tube has high sensitivity.In the output current is less than 1mA circumstances,it in a very wide photoelectric properties within the scope of the linear relationship with good.Photomultiplier tubes this characteristic, Make it more for light measurement.3.and photoconductive resistance photoconductive resistance within the working principle is based on the photoelectric effect. In semiconducter photosensitive material ends of mount electrode lead,it contains transparent window sealed in the tube and shell element photoconductive resistance.Photoconductive resistance properties and parameters are:1)dark resistance photoconductive resistance at roomtemperature,total dark conditions stable resistance called dark resistance,at the current flow resistance is called dark current.2)Light resistance photoconductive resistance at roomtemperature and certain lighting conditions stable resistance measured,right now is called light resistance of current flow resistance is called light current.4.V olt-ampere characteristics of both ends photoconductive resistance added voltage and current flows throughphotoconductive resistance of the relationship between called volt-ampere characteristics shown,as shown in figure 5.From the graph,the approximate linear volt-ampere characteristics that use should be limited,but when the voltage ends photoconductive resistance,lest than shown dotted lines of power consumption area.光敏电阻的伏安特性5.photoelectric characteristics photoconductive resistance between the poles,light when voltage fixed the relationship between with bright current photoelectric characteristics.Called photoconductive resistance photoelectric characteristics is nonlinear,this is one of the major drawback of photoconductive resistance.6.Spectral characteristics is not the same incident wavelength the sensitivity of photoconductive resistance is different also.Incidence wavelength and photodetector the relationship between relative sensitivity called spectral characteristics.When used according to the wavlength range by metering,choosedifferent material photoconductive resistance.7.Response time by photoconductive resistance after photo-current need light,over a period of time (time) rise to reach its steady value.Similarly,in stop light photo-current also need,over a period of time (down time) to restore the its dark current,this is photoconductive resistance delay characteristic . Photoconductive resistance rise response time and falling response time about 10-1~10-3s,namely the frequency response is 10Hz~1000Hz,visible photoconductive resistance cannot be used in demand quick response occasion,this is one of the main photoconductive resistance shortcoming.8、and temperature characteristic photoconductive resistance by temperature affects greatly,temperature rise,dark current increase,reduced sensitivity,which is another photoconductive resistance shortcoming.9、frequency characteristic frequency characteristics refers to an external voltage and incident light,strong must be photo-current I and incident light,modulation frequency,the relationship between the f,photoelectric diode is the freqency characteristic of the ptotoelectric triode frequency characteristics,this is because of the photoelectric triode shot “yankees there capacitance and carrier base-combed need time’s sake.By usingthe principle of the photoelectric effciency of optoelectronics manufacturing frequency characteristic of the worst,this is due to capture charge carriers and release charge need a certain time’s sake.Three,photoelectric sensorsPhotoelectric sensor is through the light intensity changes into electrical signal changes to achieve control,its basic structure,it first figure 6 by measuring the change of converting the light signal,and then using photoelectric element further will light signals into electrical signal by photoelectric sensor general. Illuminant,optical path and optoelectronics.Three components of photoelectric detection method has high precision,fast response,non-contact wait for an advantage,but measurable parameters of simple structure,sensors,form flexible,threefore, photoelectric sensor in the test and control is widely used.By photoelectric sensor generally is composed of three parts, they are divided into:transmitter and receiver and detection circuit shown,as shown in figure 7,transmitter aimed at the target launch beam,the launch of the beam from semiconductor illuminant,general light emitting diode(LED),laser diode and infrared emission diode.Beam uninterrupted lauch,or change the pulse width. Receivers have photoelectric diode,photoelectrictriode,composed si-based ones.In front of the receiver, equipped with optical components such as lens and aperture,etc.In its back is detection circuit,it can filter out effective signal and the application of the signal.In addition,the structural components in photoelectric switch and launch plate and optical fiber,triangle reflex plate is solid structure launch device.It consists of small triangle cone of reflective materials,can make a beam accurately reflected back from plate,with practical significance.It can be in with the scope of optical axis 0 to 25,make beams change launch Angle from a root almost after launch line,passes reflection or from the rotating polygon.some basic returns.Photoelectric sensor is a kind of depend on is analyte andoptoelectronics and light source,to achieve the relationship between the measured purpose,so the light source photoelectric sensor plays a very important role,photoelectric sensor power if a constant source,power is very important for design,the stability of power directly affect the accuracy of measurement,comonly used illuminant have the following kinds:1,leds is a change electric energy into light energy semiconductor devices.It has small volume,low power consumption,long life,fast response,the advantages of high mechanical strength,and can match and integrated circuits. Therefore,widely used in computer,instruments and automatic control equipment.2,Silk light bulb that is one of the most commomly used illuminant,it has rich infrare light.If chosen optoelectronics, constitutes of infrared sensor sensitive colour filter can be added to the visible tungsten lamps,but only filter with its infrared does illuminant,such,which can effectively prevent other light interference.3,compared with ordinary light laser with energy concentration, directional good,frequency pure,coherence as well as good,is very ideal light sources.The light source,optical path and photoelectric device composition photoelectric sensor used inphotoelectric detection,still must be equipped with appropriate measurement circuit.The photoelectric effect to the measurement circuit of photoelectric element of widerange caused changes needed to convert the voltage or current. Different photoelectric element,the measurement circuit required is not identical also.Several semiconductor introduces below optoelectronic devices commonly used measurement circuit.Figure 9(a)with temperature compensation given the photosensitive diode bridge type measuring circuit.When the incident light intensity slow change,the reverse resistance photosensitive diode is the slow change,the change of the temperature will cause the bridge output voltage,must compensate.Drift picture a photosensitive diode as the test components,another into windows,in neighboring bridge,the change of the temperature in the arms of the influence of two photosensitive diode,therefore,can eliminate the same output with tempereture bridge road drift.Light activated triode incident light in work under low illumination,or hope to get bigger output power,also can match with amplifying circuit,as shown in figure 9 shows.Because even in the glare photosensitive batteries,maximum output voltage also only 0.6V,still cannot make the next level 1 transistor have larger current output,so must add positive bias,as shown in figure 9(a)below.In order to reduce the transistor circuit impedance variations,base si-based ones to reduce as much as possible without light,when the reverse bias inherit in parallel a resistor si-based ones at both ends.Or like figure 9(b)as shown by the positive ge diode produces pressure drop and test the voltage produced when exposed to light,make silicon tube e stack,b the voltage between actuators than 0.7V,and conduction work.This kind of circumstance also can use silicon light batteries,as shown in figure 10(c)below.Semiconductor photoelectric element of photoelectric circuit can also use integrated operational amplifier.Silicon photosensitive diode can be obtained by integrating op-amp large output amplitude,as shown in figure 11(a)below.When light is produced,the optical output voltage in order to guarantee photosensitive diode is reverse biased,in its positive to add a load voltage.Figure 11.(b) give the photocell transform circuit,because the photoelectric si-based ones short-circuit current and illumination of a linear relationship between,so will it up in the op-amp is,inverse-phase input,using these two potential difference between the characteristics of close to zero,can get better effect.In the picture shows conditions,the output voltage U0=2IφR FThe photoelectric element by flux the role of different made from the principle of optical measurement and control system is varied,press the photoelectric element (optical measurement andcontrol system)output nature,namely,can be divided into second analog photoelectric sensor and pulse (switch)photoelectric sensor.Analog photoelectric sensors will be converted into continuous variation of the measure,it is measuered optical with a single value relations between analog photoelectric sensor. According to be measured (objects)method detection of target can be divided into transmission (absorption)type,diffuse type, shading type(beam resistance gears)three categories.So-called transmission style means the object to be tested in optical path in constant light source,the light energy through things,part of being measured by absorption,transmitted light onto photoelectric element,such as measured liquid,gas transparency and photoelectric BiSeJi etc;speed.gratifying the so-called diffuse style means the constant light by the light onto the analyte from the object to be tested,and projected onto surfaces reflect on after optoelectronic devices,such as photoelectric colorrimetric thermometer and light gauge etc;The so-called shading style means the when illuminant issued by the flux of light analyte covered by a part Jing optoelectronics,make projection on the flux change,change the object to be tested and extent of the position with the light path,such as vibration measurement,the size measurement;And in pulse photoelectricsensor in the sensors,photoelectric element in switch work of the state,the current output it is usually only two steady state of the signal,the pulse form used for photoelectric counting and photoelectric speed measurement and so on.And infrared photoelectric sensor classification and working way generally have the following kinds:1,groove photoelectric sensor put a light emitter and a receiver in a slot face-to-face outfit are on opposite sides of the photoelectric groove.Lighter emits infrared light or visible light, and in unimpeded cases light receptors can receive light.But when tested objects from slot zhongtong obsolete , light occluded ,photoelectric switches and action.Output a switch control signal,cut off or connect load current,thus completing a control movement.Groove switch is the overall of detection distance because general structure limits only a few centimeters. 2,DuiShe type optoelectronic sensor if you put lighter and receive light is separated,can make the detection distance increase.By a lighter and an inbox light sensor into a photoelectric switch is called DuiShe separate photoelectric switches,referred to DuiShe photoelectric switch.Its detection distance can reach a few meters and even a dozen meters.When using light-emitting device and recive light device are installedin test object through the path of the sides,test object by blocking light path,accept light implement action output a switch control signals.3,Reflex plate.it photoelectric switch light-emitting device type and receive light device into the same device inside,in its front pack a reflex plate.the using the reflection principle of complete photoelectric control function is called reflex plate.it reflex (or reflector reflx)photoelectric switch.Under normal circumstances, lighter the light reflected by reflex plate.it is received by accept light;Once the light path be test object to block,accept light,the light is not received photoelectric switch is action,output a switch control signals.4,Diffusion reflective photoelectric switches its detection head with a lighter and also an inbox light ware,but no reflex plate.it ahead.Normally lighter for the light collect light is not found. When test object by blocking the light,and the light reflected light,receive part implement received light signals,output a switch signals.Four,I’m the idea of photoelectric sensorWith the development of science and technology people on measuring accuracy had the higher request,this has prompted the pace with the times photoelectric sensor have updated,improvethe main means photoelectric sensor performance is the application of new materials,new technology manufacturing performance is more superior photoelectric element.For example,today the prototype of the photoelectric sensor is a small metal cylindrical equipment,with a calibration lens,transmitter into receiver focused light,the receiver out of cable to the device got to a vacuum tube amplifiers in metal cylinder on the incandescent light bulb inside a small as the light source a strong incandescent lamp sensor.Due to the sensor various defects existing in the fields,gradually faded.To appear, because of it of fiber of excellent performance,then appeared with sensors supporting the use of optical passive components, another fiber without any interference of electromagnetic signal, and can make the sensor of the electronic components and other electrical disturbance in isolation.Have a piece of plastic optical fiber core or plass light core,light outside a metallic core skins and bread this layer metal cortical density lower than light core, so low,the beam refraction in the two materials according to the border(incident Angle within a certain range,reflected),is all. Based on optical principle,all beams can be made by optical fiber to transmission.Two incident beam Angle in an Angle (along the fiber length direction within)by multiple reflectionsfrom the other end after injection,another incident angles than accept the incident light in metal skin,loss.This accept Angle within the biggest incident Angle than two times,this is because fiber slightly larger from air into density larger fiber materials hitting may have a slight refraction.In light of the optical fiber transmission from inside the influence of fiber bending(whether more than bending radius minimal bending radius).Most optical fiber is flexible,easy to install in the narrow space. Photoelectric sensor is a kind of non-contact measurement small electronic measurement equipment,rely on detect its receives the light intensity change,to achieve measurement purposes,and it’s also a vulnerable to external disturbance and lose the measurement accuracy of the device.When be being designed so besides the choice optoelectronic components,still must set GSCC signal and temperature compensating measures used to weaken or eliminate the impact of these factors.。
What is a smart sensorOne of the biggest advances in automation has been the development and spread of smart sensors.But what exactly is a"smart"sensor?Experts from six sensor manufacturers define this term.A good working"smart sensor"definition comes from Tom Griffiths,product manager,Honeywell Industrial Measurement and Control.Smart sensors,he says, are"sensors and instrument packages that are microprocessor driven and include features such as communication capability and on-board diagnostics that provide information to a monitoring system and/or operator to increase operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs."No failure to communicate"The benefit of the smart sensor,"says Bill Black,controllers product manager at GE Fanuc Automation,"is the wealth of information that can be gathered from the process to reduce downtime and improve quality."David Edeal,Temposonics product manager,MTS Sensors,expands on that:"The basic premise of distributed intelligence,"he says,is that"complete knowledge of a system,subsystem,or component's state at the right place and time enables the ability to make'optimal'process control decisions."Adds John Keating,product marketing manager for the Checker machine vision unit at Cognex,"For a(machine vision)sensor to really be'smart,'it should not require the user to understand machine vision."A smart sensor must communicate."At the most basic level,an'intelligent' sensor has the ability to communicate information beyond the basic feedback signals that are derived from its application."says Edeal.This can be a HART signal superimposed on a standard4-20mA process output,a bus system,orwireless arrangement.A growing factor in this area is IEEE1451,a family of smart transducer interface standards intended to give plug-and-play functionality to sensors from different makers.Diagnose,programSmart sensors can self-monitor for any aspect of their operation,including "photo eye dirty,out of tolerance,or failed switch,"says GE Fanuc's Black. Add to this,says Helge Hornis,intelligent systems manager,Pepperl+Fuchs, "coil monitoring functions,target out of range,or target too close."It may also compensate for changes in operating conditions."A'smart'sensor,"says Dan Armentrout,strategic creative director,Omron Electronics LLC,"must monitor itself and its surroundings and then make a decision to compensate for the changes automatically or alert someone for needed attention."Many smart sensors can be re-ranged in the field,offering"settable parameters that allow users to substitute several'standard'sensors,"says Hornis."For example,typically sensors are ordered to be normally open(NO)or normally closed(NC).An intelligent sensor can be configured to be either one of these kinds."Intelligent sensors have numerous advantages.As the cost of embedded computing power continues to decrease,"smart"devices will be used in more applications. Internal diagnostics alone can recover the investment quickly by helping avoid costly downtime.Sensors:Getting into PositionAs the saying goes,'No matter where you go,there you are.'Still,most applications require a bit more precision and repeatability than that,so here's advice on how to select and locate position sensors.The article contains online extra material.What's the right position sensor for a particular application?It depends on required precision,repeatability,speed,budget,connectivity,conditions,and location,among other factors.You can bet that taking the right measurement is the first step to closing the loop on any successful application.Sensor technologies that can detect position are nearly as diverse as applications in providing feedback for machine control and other uses.Spatial possibilities are linear,area,rotational,and three-dimensional.In some applications,they're used in combination.Sensing elements are equally diverse.Ken Brey,technical director,DMC Inc.,a Chicago-based system integrator, outlined some the following position-sensing options.Think digitallyFor digital position feedback:•Incremental encoders are supported by all motion controllers;come in rotary and linear varieties and in many resolutions;are simulated by many other devices;and require a homing process to reference the machine toa physical marker,and when power is turned off.•Absolute encoders are natively supported by fewer motion controllers;can be used by all controllers that have sufficient available digital inputs;report a complete position within their range(typically one revolution);and do not require homing.•Resolvers are more immune to high-level noise in welding applications;come standard on some larger motors;simulate incremental encoders when used with appropriate servo amps;and can simulate absolute encoders with some servo amps.•Dual-encoder feedback,generally under-used,is natively supported by most motion controllers;uses one encoder attached to the motor and another attached directly to the load;and is beneficial when the mechanical connection between motor and load is flexible or can slip.•Vision systems,used widely for inspection,can also be used for position feedback.Such systems locate objects in multiple dimensions,typically X,Y,and rotation;frequently find parts on a conveyor;and are increasing in speed and simplicity.A metal rolling,stamping,and cut-off application provides an example of dual-encoder feedback use,Brey says.'It required rapid and accurate indexing of material through a roll mill for a stamping process.The roll mill creates an inconsistent amount of material stretch and roller slip,'Brey explains.'By using the encoder on the outgoing material as position feedback and the motor resolver as velocity feedback in a dual-loop configuration,the system was tuned stable and a single index move provided an accurate index length.It was much faster and more accurate than making a primary move,measuring the error,then having to make a second correction move,'he says.Creative,economicalSam Hammond,chief engineer,Innoventor,a St.Louis,MO-area system integrator, suggests that the application's purpose should guide selection of position sensors;measurements and feedback don't have to be complex.'Creative implementations can provide simple,economical solutions,'he says.For instance, for sequencing,proximity sensors serve well in many instances.Recent sensor applications include the AGV mentioned in lead image and the following.•In a machine to apply the top seals to tea containers,proximity and through-beam sensors locate incoming packages.National Instruments vision system images are processed to find location of a bar code on a pre-applied label,and then give appropriate motor commands to achieve the desired position(rotation)setting to apply one of125label types.Two types of position sensors were used.One was a simple inductive proximity sensor,used to monitor machine status to ensure various motion components were in the right position for motion to occur.The camera also served as a position sensor,chosen because of its multi purpose use, feature location,and ability to read bar codes.•A progressive-die stamping machine operates in closed loop.A linear output proximity sensor provides control feedback for optimizing die operation;a servo motor adjusts die position in the bend stage.A linear proximity sensor was selected to give a dimensional readout from the metal stamping operation;data are used in a closed-loop control system.•Part inspection uses a laser distance measurement device to determine surface flatness.Sensor measures deviation in return beams,indicating different surface attributes to10microns in size.An encoder wouldn't have worked because distance was more than a ser measurement was the technology chosen because it had very high spatial resolution,did not require surface contact,and had a very high distance resolution.An automotive key and lock assembly system uses a proximity sensor for detecting a cap in the ready position.A laser profile sensor applied with a robot measures the key profile.What to use,where?Sensor manufacturers agree that matching advantages inherent to certain position sensing technologies can help various applications.David Edeal,product marketing manager,MTS Sensors Div.,says,for harsh factory automation environments,'the most significant factors even above speed and accuracy in customer's minds are product durability and reliability.Therefore, products with inherently non-contact sensing technologies(inductive, magnetostrictive,laser,etc.)have a significant advantage over those that rely on physical contact(resistive,cable extension,etc.)'Other important factors,Edeal says,are product range of use and application flexibility.'In other words,technologies that can accommodate significant variations in stroke range,environmental conditions,and can provide a wide range of interface options are of great value to customers who would prefer to avoid sourcing a large variety of sensor types.All technologies are inherently limited with respect to these requirements,which is why there are so many options.'Edeal suggest that higher cost of fitting some technologies to a certain application creates a limitation,such as with linear variable differential transformers.'For example,LVDTs with stroke lengths longer than12inches are rare because of the larger product envelope(about twice the stroke length)and higher material and manufacturing costs.On the other hand,magnetostrictive sensing technology has always required conditioning electronics.With the advent of microelectronics and the use of ASICs,we have progressed to a point where, today,a wide range of programmable output types(such as analog,encoder,and fieldbus)are available in the same compact package.Key for sensor manufacturers is to push the envelope to extend the range of use(advantages)while minimizing the limitations(disadvantages)of their technologies.'Listen to your appDifferent sensor types offer distinct advantages for various uses,agrees Tom Corbett,product manager,Pepperl+Fuchs.'Sometimes the application itself is the deciding factor on which mode of sensing is required.For example,a machine surface or conveyor belt within the sensing area could mean the difference between using a standard diffused mode sensor,and using a diffused mode sensor with background suppression.While standard diffused mode models are not able to ignore such background objects,background suppression models evaluate light differently to differentiate between the target surface and background surfaces.'Similarly,Corbett continues,'a shiny target in a retro-reflective application may require use of a polarized retro-reflective model sensor.Whereas a standard retro-reflective sensor could falsely trigger when presented with a shiny target, a polarized retro-reflective model uses a polarizing filter to distinguish the shiny target from the reflector.'MTS'Edeal says,'Each technology has ideal applications,which tend to magnify its advantages and minimize its disadvantages.For example,in the wood products industry,where high precision;varied stroke ranges;and immunity to high shock and vibration,electromagnetic interference,and temperature fluxuations are critical,magnetostrictive position sensors are the primary linear feedback option.Likewise,rotary optical encoders are an ideal fit for motor feedback because of their packaging,response speed,accuracy,durability,and noise immunity.When applied correctly,linear position sensors can help designers to ensure optimum machine productivity over the long haul.'Thinking broadly first,then more narrowly,is often the best way to design sensors into a system.Edeal says,'Sensor specifications should be developed by starting from the machine/system-level requirements and working back toward the subsystem,and finally component level.This is typically done,but whatoften happens is that some system-level specifications are not properly or completely translated back to component requirements(not that this is a trivial undertaking).For example,how machine operation might create unique or additional environmental challenges(temperature,vibration,etc.)may not be clear without in-depth analysis or past experience.This can result in an under-specified sensor in the worst situation or alternatively an over-specified product where conservative estimates are applied.'Open or closedEarly in design,those involved need to decide if the architecture will be open-loop or closed-loop.Paul Ruland,product manager,AutomationDirect,says, 'Cost and performance are generally the two main criteria used to decide between open-loop or closed-loop control in electromechanical positioning systems. Open-loop controls,such as stepping systems,can often be extremely reliable and accurate when properly sized for the system.The burden of tuning a closed-loop system prior to operation is not required here,which inherently makes it easy to apply.Both types can usually be controlled by the same motion controller.A NEMA23stepping motor with micro-stepping drive is now available for as little as$188,compared to an equivalent servo system at about$700.'Edeal suggests,'Control systems are created to automate processes and there are many good examples of high-performance control systems that require little if any feedback.However,where structural system(plant)or input(demand or disturbance)changes occur,feedback is necessary to manage unanticipated changes.On the process side,accuracy—both static and dynamic—is important for end product quality,and system stability and repeatability(robustness) are important for machine productivity.'For example,'Edeal says,'in a machining or injection molding application, the tool,mold or ram position feedback is critical to the final dimension ofthe fabricated part.With rare exceptions,dimensional accuracy of the part will never surpass that of the position sensor.Similarly,bandwidth(response speed) of the sensor may,along with response limitations of the actuators,limit production rates.'Finally,a sensor that is only accurate over a narrow range of operating conditions will not be sufficient in these types of environments where high shock and vibration and dramatic temperature variations are common.'The latestWhat are the latest position sensing technologies to apply to manufacturing and machining processes and why?Ruland says,'Some of the latest developments in positioning technologies for manufacturing applications can be found in even the simplest of devices,such as new lower-cost proximity switches.Many of these prox devices are now available for as little as$20and in much smaller form factors,down to3mm diameter.Some specialty models are also available with increased response frequencies up to20kHz.Where mounting difficulties and cost of an encoder are sometimes impractical,proximity switches provide an attractive alternative; many position control applications can benefit from increased performance, smaller package size,and lower purchase price and installation cost.'Corbett concurs.'Photoelectric sensors are getting smaller,more durable,and flexible,and are packed with more standard features than ever before.Some new photoelectrics are about half the size of conventional cylindrical housings and feature welded housings compared with standard glued housings.Such features are very desirable in manufacturing and machining applications where space is critical and durability is a must.And more flexible connectivity and mountingoptions—side mount or snout mount are available from the same product—allow users to adapt a standard sensor to their machine,rather than vice versa.'Another simple innovation,Corbett says,is use of highly visible,360-degree LED that clearly display status information from any point of view.'Such enhanced LED indicates overload and marginal excess gain,in addition to power and output.Such sensors offer adjustable sensitivity as standard,but are available with optional tamperproof housings to prevent unauthorized adjustments.'Photoelectric SensorsPhotoelectric sensors are typically available in at least nine or more sensing modes,use two light sources,are encapsulated in three categories of package sizes,offer five or more sensing ranges,and can be purchased in various combinations of mounting styles,outputs,and operating voltages.It creates a bewildering array of sensor possibilities and a catalog full of options.This plethora of choices can be narrowed in two ways:The first has to do with the object being sensed.Second involves the sensor's environment.Boxed inThe first question to ask is:What is the sensor supposed to detect?"Are we doing bottles?Or are we detecting cardboard boxes?"says Greg Knutson,a senior applications engineer with sensor manufacturer Banner Engineering.Optical properties and physical distances will determine which sensing mode and what light source work best.In the case of uniformly colored boxes,for example, it might be possible to use an inexpensive diffuse sensor,which reflects light from the box.The same solution,however,can't be used when the boxes are multicolored and thus differ in reflectivity.In that case,the best solution might be an opposed or retroreflective mode sensor.Here,the system works by blocking a beam.When a box is in position,the beam is interrupted and the box detected.Without transparent boxes,the technique should yield reliable results.Several sensors could gauge boxes of different heights.Distance plays a role in selecting the light source,which can either be an LED or a laser.LED is less expensive.However,because LED are a more diffuse light source,they are better suited for shorter distances.A laser can be focused on a spot,yielding a beam that can reach long distances.Tight focus can also be important when small features have to be sensed.If a small feature has to be spotted from several feet,it may be necessary to use a laser.Laser sensors used to cost many times more than LED.That differential has dropped with the plummeting price of laser diodes.There's still a premium for using a laser,but it's not as large as in the past.Environmental challengesOperating environment is the other primary determining factor in choosing a sensor.Some industries,such food and automotive,tend to be messy,dangerous, or both.In the case of food processing,humidity can be high and a lot of fluids can be present.Automotive manufacturing sites that process engines and other components may include grit,lubricants,and coolants.In such situations,the sensor's environmental rating is of concern.If the sensor can't handle dirt, then it can't be used.Such considerations also impact the sensing range needed because it may be necessary to station the sensor out of harm's way and at a greater distance than would otherwise be desirable.Active alarming and notification may be useful if lens gets dirty and signal degrades.Similar environmental issues apply to the sensor's size,which can range from smaller than a finger to something larger than an open hand.A smaller sensor can be more expensive than a larger one because it costs more to pack everything into a small space.Smaller sensors also have a smaller area to collect light and therefore tend to have less range and reduced optical performance.Those drawbacks have to be balanced against a smaller size being a better fit for the amount of physical space available.Sensors used in semiconductor clean room equipment,for example,don't face harsh environmental conditions,but do have to operate in tight spaces.Sensing distances typically run a few inches,thus the sensors tend to be small.They also often make use of fiber optics to bring light into and out of the area where changes are being detected.Mounting,pricingAnother factor to consider is the mounting system.Frequently,sensors must be mechanically protected with shrouds and other means.Such mechanical and optical protection can cost more than the sensor itself—a consideration for the buying process.If vendors have flexible mounting systems and a protective mounting arrangement for sensors,the products could be easier to implement and last longer.List prices for standard photoelectric sensors range from$50or so to about $100.Laser and specialty photoelectric sensors cost between$150and$500.Features such as a low-grade housing,standard optical performance,and limited or no external adjustments characterize the lower ends of each category.The higher end will have a high-grade housing,such as stainless steel or aluminum,high optical performance,and be adjustable in terms of gain or allow timing and otheroptions.Low-end products are suitable for general applications,while those at the higher end may offer application-specific operation at high speed,high temperature,or in explosive environments.Finally,keep in mind that one sensing technology may not meet all of the needs of an application.And if needs change,a completely different sensor technology may be required.Having to switch to a new approach can be made simpler if a vendor offers multiple technologies in the same housing and mounting footprint, notes Ed Myers,product manager at sensor manufacturer Pepperl+Fuchs.If that's the case,then one technology can be more easily swapped out for another as needs change.译文什么是智能传感器自动化领域所取得的一项最大进展就是智能传感器的发展与广泛使用。
TypesofSensors(各种类型的传感器)外文翻译Types of SensorsⅠ.Pressure sensorsModel FDS05-P Diffused Silicon Pressure Sensor: Tee intelligent industrial pressure sensor adopts the imported sensor of high quality. with great defending grade,it can work in any caustic condition. By linking external , linking external canola,it can measure the temperature of the medium with high temperature. It is stable and capable of limiting current in positive direction and protecting in negative direction. It is with the ability of intelligent temperature and linearity compensation with the temperature of一40℃~+ 140℃.It is widely used in petrifaction ,metallurgy, electric power and light spinning.Ⅱ.Load cell &torque sensorsSuspended arm type Bx5: Its elastomeric adopts cutting (or curved) hanging girder configuration, so it is low in height and with high configuration intensity. It is good against fatigue and eccentricity. It is stable and reliable in product performances,high in precision, and convenient in mount-up and use. It is suitable for force measurement and weighting such as strap balance, chute balance, flat balance and ground balance .Loading type: pull ox push .Ⅲ.Temp& hum sensorsMote MSTB Temperature Transducer: A sensor module is fitted in the temperature trans-ducker’s terminal block,which uses a specific chip to magnify and has linearization approach to improve the measurement precision .Tie cold junction needs no compensation. Sa it is with high direct load capacity , large transfer distance and strong ability of ants-external interference。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:光电与通信工程年级专业:12电子信息工程姓名:刘燊学号:1106012133附件:Advances in Sensor Technology Development指导老师评语:指导教师签名:年月日——摘自夏伟强,樊尚春传感器技术的的新发展仪器仪表学报传感器技术的新进展传感器技术是新技术革命和信息社会的重要技术基础,是一门多学科交叉的科学技术,被公认为现代信息技术的源头。
美国麻省理工学院华人科学家张曙光领导的研究小组借助一种特殊溶液,成功地找到了大规模制造嗅觉感受器的办法;同样是麻省理工学院的研究人员利用气相色谱-质谱技术感受识别气体分子,研制出一种能对微量有毒气体做出强烈反应的微型传感器;俄罗斯科学家以从一种普通蘑菇中提取的混合物为原料,与压电石英晶振构成谐振式传感器,能够探测空气中含量极低的酚成分;日本科学家研制出能快速识别流感病毒纳米传感器,有望以纳米技术为快速识别流感病毒、乙型肝炎病毒、疯牛病病原体和残留农药等物质提供新手段;西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学研制出新型缩微DNA分析传感器,这种传感器能将分析 DNA链的时间缩短到几分钟或几小时,智能仪器与传感器技术、空间生物智能传感技术。
设计一种智能压力传感器,根据组合物的应用范围的智能传感器系统中,进行温度校正,充分考虑共同的组件之间的连接参数协调,我们选择了一个良好的可用性、高可靠性和低成本元件,80C51单片机进行控制和处理,对于整个测量系统组成而言,该系统具有自动测量、放大、A / D转换的温度和压力参数、微弱信号的锁定放大、相敏检波(PSD)、共模信号抑制、采集到的信号消噪处理、交叉敏感的脱钩的功能,并能够将结果显示,它还具有自动自检、温度补偿和上侧的通信和其它功能。
关键词:压力传感器,锁-放大器;80C51F350的单片机硬件电路手稿编号:1674-8042(2011)02-0157-04DIO:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.141 引言随着时代的发展,电子计算机,自动化生产,调制解调器信息,军工,交通运输,化工,环保,能源,海洋开发,遥感,空间科学与技术,传感器的需求越来越大的发展,其应用已渗透进入该地区国民经济各个部门和人们的日常的日常文化生活。
2 系统硬件设计智能传感器的传感器_信息的检测和处理。
传感器技术外文文献及中文翻译Sensor technologyA sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque , pressure , temperature , humidity , speed , acceleration , or vibration .Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a) stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features , and (c) governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems .It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring , communication , and computer control of machines and systems .Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly .Analog-to-coverter(ADC) is available for interfacing analog sensors with computers .Classifications of SensorsSensors that are of interest in manufacturing may be classified generally as follows:Machanical sensors measure such as quantities aspositions ,shape ,velocity ,force ,torque , pressure , vibration , strain , andmass .Electrical sensors measure voltage , current , charge , and conductivity .Magnetic sensors measure magnetic field ,flux , and permeablity .Thermal sensors measure temperature , flux ,conductivity , and special heat .Other types are acoustic , ultrasonic , chemical , optical , radiation ,laser ,and fiber-optic .Depending on its application , a sensor may consist of metallic , nonmetallic , organic , or inorganic materials , as well as fluids ,gases ,plasmas , or semiconductors .Using the special characteristics of these materials , sensors covert the quantity or property measured to analog or digital output. The operation of an ordinary mercury thermometer , for example , is based on the difference between the thermal expansion of mercury and that of glass.Similarly , a machine part , a physical obstruction , or barrier in a space can be detected by breaking the beam of light when sensed by a photoelectric cell . A proximity sensor ( which senses and measures the distance between it and an object or a moving member of a machine ) can be based on acoustics , magnetism , capacitance , or optics . Other actuators contact the object and take appropriate action ( usually by electromechanical means ) . Sensors are essential to the conduct of intelligent robots , and are being developed with capabilities that resemble those of humans ( smart sensors , see the following ).This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example,through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country the exhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Tactile sensing is the continuous of variable contact forces , commonly by an array of sensors . Such a system is capable of performing within an arbitrary three-dimensional space .has gradually shifted from manufacturing tonon-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristicsIn visual sensing (machine vision , computer vision ) , cameral optically sense the presence and shape of the object . A microprocessor then processes the image ( usually in less than one second ) , the image is measured , and the measurements are digitized ( image recognition ) .Machine vision is suitable particularly for inaccessible parts , in hostile manufacturing environments , for measuring a large number of small features , and in situations where physics contact with the part may cause damage .Small sensors have the capability to perform a logic function , to conduct two-way communication , and to make a decisions and take appropriate actions . The necessary input and the knowledge required to make a decision can be built into a smart sensor . For example , a computer chip with sensors can be programmed to turn a machine tool off when a cutting tool fails . Likewise , a smart sensor can stop a mobile robot or a robot arm from accidentally coming in contact with an object or people by using quantities such as distance , heat , and noise .Sensor fusion . Sensor fusion basically involves the integration of multiple sensors in such a manner where the individual data from each of the sensors ( such as force , vibration , temperature , and dimensions ) are combined to provide a higher level of information and reliability . A common application ofsensor fusion occurs when someone drinks a cup of hot coffee . Although we take such a quotidian event for granted ,it readily can be seen that this process involves data input from the person's eyes , lips , tongue , and hands .Through our basic senses of sight , hearing , smell , taste , and touch , there is real-time monitoring of relative movements , positions , and temperatures . Thus if the coffee is too hot , the hand movement of the cup toward the lip is controlled and adjusted accordingly .The earliest applications of sensor fusion were in robot movement control , missile flight tracking , and similar military applications . Primarily because these activities involve movements that mimic human behavior . Another example of sensor fusion is a machine operation in which a set of different but integrated sensors monitors (a) the dimensions and surface finish of workpiece , (b) tool forces , vibrations ,and wear ,(c) the temperature in various regions of the tool-workpiece system , and (d) the spindle power .An important aspect in sensor fusion is sensor validation : the failure of one particular sensor is detected so that the control system maintains high reliability . For this application ,the receiving of redundant data from different sensors is essential . It can be seen that the receiving , integrating of all data from various sensors can be a complex problem .With advances in sensor size , quality , and technology and continued developments in computer-control systems , artificial neural networks , sensor fusion has become practical and available at low cost .Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedom Fiber-optic sensors are being developed for gas-turbine engines . These sensors will be installed in critical locations and will monitor the conditions inside the engine , such as temperature , pressure , and flow of gas . Continuous monitoring of the signals from thes sensors will help detect possible engine problems and also provide the necessary data for improving the efficiency of the engines .传感器技术传感器一种通过检测某一参数而产生信号的装置。
传感器 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 分布是温度传感器
Distributed Temperature SensorIn the human living environment, temperature playing an extremely important role。
No matter where you live, engaged in any work, ever-present dealt with temperature under. Since the 18th century, industry since the industrial revolution to whether can master send exhibition has the absolute temperature touch. In metallurgy, steel, petrochemical, cement, glass, medicine industry and so on, can say almost eighty percent of industrial departments have to consider the factors with temperature. Temperature for industrial so important, thus promoting the development of the temperature sensor.Major general through three sensor development phase: analog integrated temperature sensor. The sensor is taken with silicon semiconductor integrated workmanship, therefore also called silicon sensor or monolithic integrated temperature sensor. Such sensing instruments have single function (only measuring temperature), temperature measurement error is smaller, price low, fast response, the transmission distance, small volume, micro-consumption electronic etc, suitable for long distance measurement temperature, temperature control, do not need to undertake nonlinear calibration, peripheral circuit is simple. It is currently the most common application at home and abroad, an integrated sensor。
DiMo:Distributed Node Monitoring in WirelessSensor NetworksAndreas Meier†,Mehul Motani∗,Hu Siquan∗,and Simon Künzli‡†Computer Engineering and Networks Lab,ETH Zurich,Switzerland∗Electrical&Computer Engineering,National University of Singapore,Singapore‡Siemens Building T echnologies,Zug,SwitzerlandABSTRACTSafety-critical wireless sensor networks,such as a distributed fire-or burglar-alarm system,require that all sensor nodes are up and functional.If an event is triggered on a node, this information must be forwarded immediately to the sink, without setting up a route on demand or having tofind an alternate route in case of a node or link failure.Therefore, failures of nodes must be known at all times and in case of a detected failure,an immediate notification must be sent to the network operator.There is usually a bounded time limit,e.g.,five minutes,for the system to report network or node failure.This paper presents DiMo,a distributed and scalable solution for monitoring the nodes and the topology, along with a redundant topology for increased robustness. Compared to existing solutions,which traditionally assume a continuous data-flow from all nodes in the network,DiMo observes the nodes and the topology locally.DiMo only reports to the sink if a node is potentially failed,which greatly reduces the message overhead and energy consump-tion.DiMo timely reports failed nodes and minimizes the false-positive rate and energy consumption compared with other prominent solutions for node monitoring.Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.2.2[Network Protocols]:Wireless Sensor NetworkGeneral TermsAlgorithms,Design,Reliability,PerformanceKeywordsLow power,Node monitoring,Topology monitoring,WSN 1.INTRODUCTIONDriven by recent advances in low power platforms and protocols,wireless sensor networks are being deployed to-day to monitor the environment from wildlife habitats[1] Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.MSWiM’08,October27–31,2008,Vancouver,BC,Canada.Copyright2008ACM978-1-60558-235-1/08/10...$5.00.to mission-criticalfire-alarm systems[5].There are,how-ever,still some obstacles in the way for mass application of wireless sensor networks.One of the key challenges is the management of the wireless sensor network itself.With-out a practical management system,WSN maintenance will be very difficult for network administrators.Furthermore, without a solid management plan,WSNs are not likely to be accepted by industrial users.One of the key points in the management of a WSN is the health status monitoring of the network itself.Node failures should be captured by the system and reported to adminis-trators within a given delay constraint.Due to the resource constraints of WSN nodes,traditional network management protocols such as SNMP adopted by TCP/IP networks are not suitable for sensor networks.In this paper,we con-sider a light-weight network management approach tailored specifically for WSNs and their unique constraints. Currently,WSN deployments can be categorized by their application scenario:data-gathering applications and event-detection applications.For data-gathering systems,health status monitoring is quite straight forward.Monitoring in-formation can be forwarded to the sink by specific health status packets or embedded in the regular data packets.Ad-ministrators can usually diagnose the network with a helper program.NUCLEUS[6]is one of the network management systems for data-gathering application of WSN.Since event-detection deployments do not have regular traffic to send to the sink,the solutions for data-gathering deployments are not suitable.In this case,health status monitoring can be quite challenging and has not been discussed explicitly in the literature.In an event-detection WSN,there is no periodic data trans-fer,i.e.,nodes maintain radio silence until there is an event to report.While this is energy efficient,it does mean that there is no possibility for the sink to decide whether the net-work is still up and running(and waiting for an event to be detected)or if some nodes in the network have failed and are therefore silent.Furthermore,for certain military ap-plications or safety-critical systems,the specifications may include a hard time constraint for accomplishing the node health status monitoring task.In an event-detection WSN,the system maintains a net-work topology that allows for forwarding of data to a sink in the case of an event.Even though there is no regular data transfer in the network,the network should always be ready to forward a message to the sink immediately when-ever necessary.It is this urgency of data forwarding that makes it undesirable to set up a routing table and neighborlist after the event has been detected.The lack of regular data transfer in the network also leads to difficulty in de-tecting bad quality links,making it challenging to establish and maintain a stable robust network topology.While we have mentioned event-detection WSNs in gen-eral,we accentuate that the distributed node monitoring problem we are considering is inspired by a real-world ap-plication:a distributed indoor wireless alarm system which includes a sensor for detection of a specific alarm such as fire(as studied in[5]).To illustrate the reporting require-ments of such a system,we point out that regulatory speci-fications require afire to be reported to the control station within10seconds and a node failure to be reported within 5minutes[9].This highlights the importance of the node-monitoring problem.In this paper,we present a solution for distributed node monitoring called DiMo,which consists of two functions: (i)Network topology maintenance,introduced in Section2, and(ii)Node health status monitoring,introduced in Sec-tion3.We compare DiMo to existing state-of-the-art node monitoring solutions and evaluate DiMo via simulations in Section4.1.1Design GoalsDiMo is developed based on the following design goals:•In safety critical event monitoring systems,the statusof the nodes needs to be monitored continuously,allow-ing the detection and reporting of a failed node withina certain failure detection time T D,e.g.,T D=5min.•If a node is reported failed,a costly on-site inspectionis required.This makes it of paramount interest todecrease the false-positive rate,i.e.,wrongly assuminga node to have failed.•In the case of an event,the latency in forwarding theinformation to the sink is crucial,leaving no time toset up a route on demand.We require the system tomaintain a topology at all times.In order to be robustagainst possible link failures,the topology needs toprovide redundancy.•To increase efficiency and minimize energy consump-tion,the two tasks of topology maintenance(in par-ticular monitoring of the links)and node monitoringshould be combined.•Maximizing lifetime of the network does not necessar-ily translate to minimizing the average energy con-sumption in the network,but rather minimizing theenergy consumption of the node with the maximal loadin the network.In particular,the monitoring shouldnot significantly increase the load towards the sink.•We assume that the event detection WSN has no reg-ular data traffic,with possibly no messages for days,weeks or even months.Hence we do not attempt to op-timize routing or load balancing for regular data.Wealso note that approaches like estimating links’perfor-mance based on the ongoing dataflow are not possibleand do not take them into account.•Wireless communications in sensor networks(especially indoor deployments)is known for its erratic behav-ior[2,8],likely due to multi-path fading.We assumesuch an environment with unreliable and unpredictablecommunication links,and argue that message lossesmust be taken into account.1.2Related WorkNithya et al.discuss Sympathy in[3],a tool for detect-ing and debugging failures in pre-and post-deployment sen-sor networks,especially designed for data gathering appli-cations.The nodes send periodic heartbeats to the sink that combines this information with passively gathered data to detect failures.For the failure detection,the sink re-quires receiving at least one heartbeat from the node every so called sweep interval,i.e.,its lacking indicates a node fail-ure.Direct-Heartbeat performs poorly in practice without adaptation to wireless packet losses.To meet a desired false positive rate,the rate of heartbeats has to be increased also increasing the communication cost.NUCLEUS[6]follows a very similar approach to Sympathy,providing a manage-ment system to monitor the heath status of data-gathering applications.Rost et al.propose with Memento a failure detection sys-tem that also requires nodes to periodically send heartbeats to the so called observer node.Those heartbeats are not directly forwarded to the sink node,but are aggregated in form of a bitmask(i.e.,bitwise OR operation).The ob-server node is sweeping its bitmask every sweep interval and will forward the bitmask with the node missing during the next sweep interval if the node fails sending a heartbeat in between.Hence the information of the missing node is disseminated every sweep interval by one hop,eventually arriving at the sink.Memento is not making use of ac-knowledgements and proactively sends multiple heartbeats every sweep interval,whereas this number is estimated based on the link’s estimated worst-case performance and the tar-geted false positive rate.Hence Memento and Sympathy do both send several messages every sweep interval,most of them being redundant.In[5],Strasser et al.propose a ring based(hop count)gos-siping scheme that provides a latency bound for detecting failed nodes.The approach is based on a bitmask aggre-gation,beingfilled ring by ring based on a tight schedule requiring a global clock.Due to the tight schedule,retrans-missions are limited and contention/collisions likely,increas-ing the number of false positives.The approach is similar to Memento[4],i.e.,it does not scale,but provides latency bounds and uses the benefits of acknowledgements on the link layer.2.TOPOLOGY MAINTENANCEForwarding a detected event without any delay requires maintaining a redundant topology that is robust against link failures.The characteristics of such a redundant topology are discussed subsequently.The topology is based on so called relay nodes,a neighbor that can provide one or more routes towards the sink with a smaller cost metric than the node itself has.Loops are inherently ruled out if packets are always forwarded to relay nodes.For instance,in a simple tree topology,the parent is the relay node and the cost metric is the hop count.In order to provide redundancy,every node is connected with at least two relay nodes,and is called redundantly con-nected.Two neighboring nodes can be redundantly con-nected by being each others relay,although having the same cost metric,only if they are both connected to the sink. This exception allows the nodes neighboring the sink to be redundantly connected and avoids having a link to the sinkas a single point of failure.In a(redundantly)connected network,all deployed nodes are(redundantly)connected.A node’s level L represents the minimal hop count to the sink according to the level of its relay nodes;i.e.,the relay with the least hop count plus one.The level is infinity if the node is not connected.The maximal hop count H to the sink represents the longest path to the sink,i.e.,if at every hop the relay node with the highest maximal hop count is chosen.If the node is redundantly connected,the node’s H is the maximum hop count in the set of its relays plus one, if not,the maximal hop count is infinity.If and only if all nodes in the network have afinite maximal hop count,the network is redundantly connected.The topology management function aims to maintain a redundantly connected network whenever possible.This might not be possible for sparsely connected networks,where some nodes might only have one neighbor and therefore can-not be redundantly connected by definition.Sometimes it would be possible tofind alternative paths with a higher cost metric,which in turn would largely increase the overhead for topology maintenance(e.g.,for avoiding loops).For the cost metric,the tuple(L,H)is used.A node A has the smaller cost metric than node B ifL A<L B∨(L A=L B∧H A<H B).(1) During the operation of the network,DiMo continuously monitors the links(as described in Section3),which allows the detection of degrading links and allows triggering topol-ogy adaptation.Due to DiMo’s redundant structure,the node is still connected to the network,during this neighbor search,and hence in the case of an event,can forward the message without delay.3.MONITORING ALGORITHMThis section describes the main contribution of this paper, a distributed algorithm for topology,link and node monitor-ing.From the underlying MAC protocol,it is required that an acknowledged message transfer is supported.3.1AlgorithmA monitoring algorithm is required to detect failed nodes within a given failure detection time T D(e.g.,T D=5min).A node failure can occur for example due to hardware fail-ures,software errors or because a node runs out of energy. Furthermore,an operational node that gets disconnected from the network is also considered as failed.The monitoring is done by so called observer nodes that monitor whether the target node has checked in by sending a heartbeat within a certain monitoring time.If not,the ob-server sends a node missing message to the sink.The target node is monitored by one observer at any time.If there are multiple observer nodes available,they alternate amongst themselves.For instance,if there are three observers,each one observes the target node every third monitoring time. The observer node should not only check for the liveliness of the nodes,but also for the links that are being used for sending data packets to the sink in case of a detected event. These two tasks are combined by selecting the relay nodes as observers,greatly reducing the network load and maximiz-ing the network lifetime.In order to ensure that all nodes are up and running,every node is observed at all times. The specified failure detection time T D is an upper bound for the monitoring interval T M,i.e.,the interval within which the node has to send a heartbeat.Since failure detec-tion time is measured at the sink,the detection of a missing node at the relay needs to be forwarded,resulting in an ad-ditional maximal delay T L.Furthermore,the heartbeat can be delayed as well,either by message collisions or link fail-ures.Hence the node should send the heartbeat before the relay’s monitoring timer expires and leave room for retries and clock drift within the time window T R.So the monitor-ing interval has to be set toT M≤T D−T L−T R(2) and the node has to ensure that it is being monitored every T M by one of its observers.The schedule of reporting to an observer is only defined for the next monitoring time for each observer.Whenever the node checks in,the next monitoring time is announced with the same message.So for every heartbeat sent,the old monitoring timer at the observer can be cancelled and a new timer can be set according the new time.Whenever,a node is newly observed or not being observed by a particular observer,this is indicated to the sink.Hence the sink is always aware of which nodes are being observed in the network,and therefore always knows which nodes are up and running.This registration scheme at the sink is an optional feature of DiMo and depends on the user’s requirements.3.2Packet LossWireless communication always has to account for possi-ble message losses.Sudden changes in the link quality are always possible and even total link failures in the order of a few seconds are not uncommon[2].So the time T R for send-ing retries should be sufficiently long to cover such blanks. Though unlikely,it is possible that even after a duration of T R,the heartbeat could not have been successfully for-warded to the observer and thus was not acknowledged,in spite of multiple retries.The node has to assume that it will be reported miss-ing at the sink,despite the fact it is still up and running. Should the node be redundantly connected,a recovery mes-sage is sent to the sink via another relay announcing be-ing still alive.The sink receiving a recovery message and a node-missing message concerning the same node can neglect these messages as they cancel each other out.This recov-ery scheme is optional,but minimizes the false positives by orders of magnitudes as shown in Section4.3.3Topology ChangesIn the case of a new relay being announced from the topol-ogy management,a heartbeat is sent to the new relay,mark-ing it as an observer node.On the other hand,if a depre-cated relay is announced,this relay might still be acting as an observer,and the node has to check in as scheduled.How-ever,no new monitor time is announced with the heartbeat, which will release the deprecated relay of being an observer.3.4Queuing PolicyA monitoring buffer exclusively used for monitoring mes-sages is introduced,having the messages queued according to a priority level,in particular node-missing messagesfirst. Since the MAC protocol and routing engine usually have a queuing buffer also,it must be ensured that only one single monitoring message is being handled by the lower layers atthe time.Only if an ACK is received,the monitoring mes-sage can be removed from the queue(if a NACK is received, the message remains).DiMo only prioritizes between the different types of monitoring messages and does not require prioritized access to data traffic.4.EV ALUATIONIn literature,there are very few existing solutions for mon-itoring the health of the wireless sensor network deployment itself.DiMo is thefirst sensor network monitoring solution specifically designed for event detection applications.How-ever,the two prominent solutions of Sympathy[3]and Me-mento[4]for monitoring general WSNs can also be tailored for event gathering applications.We compare the three ap-proaches by looking at the rate at which they generate false positives,i.e.,wrongly inferring that a live node has failed. False positives tell us something about the monitoring pro-tocol since they normally result from packet losses during monitoring.It is crucial to prevent false positives since for every node that is reported missing,a costly on-site inspec-tion is required.DiMo uses the relay nodes for observation.Hence a pos-sible event message and the regular heartbeats both use the same path,except that the latter is a one hop message only. The false positive probability thus determines the reliability of forwarding an event.We point out that there are other performance metrics which might be of interest for evaluation.In addition to false positives,we have looked at latency,message overhead, and energy consumption.We present the evaluation of false positives below.4.1Analysis of False PositivesIn the following analysis,we assume r heartbeats in one sweep for Memento,whereas DiMo and Sympathy allow sending up to r−1retransmissions in the case of unac-knowledged messages.To compare the performance of the false positive rate,we assume the same sweep interval for three protocols which means that Memento’s and Sympa-thy’s sweep interval is equal to DiMo’s monitoring interval. In the analysis we assume all three protocols having the same packet-loss probability p l for each hop.For Sympathy,a false positive for a node occurs when the heartbeat from the node does not arrive at the sink in a sweep interval,assuming r−1retries on every hop.So a node will generate false positive with a possibility(1−(1−p r l)d)n,where d is the hop count to the sink and n the numbers of heartbeats per sweep.In Memento,the bitmask representing all nodes assumes them failed by default after the bitmap is reset at the beginning of each sweep interval. If a node doesn’t report to its parent successfully,i.e.,if all the r heartbeats are lost in a sweep interval,a false positive will occur with a probability of p l r.In DiMo the node is reported missing if it fails to check in at the observer having a probability of p l r.In this case,a recovery message is triggered.Consider the case that the recovery message is not kept in the monitoring queue like the node-missing messages, but dropped after r attempts,the false positive rate results in p l r(1−(1−p l r)d).Table1illustrates the false positive rates for the three protocols ranging the packet reception rate(PRR)between 80%and95%.For this example the observed node is in afive-hop distance(d=5)from the sink and a commonPRR80%85%90%95% Sympathy(n=1) 3.93e-2 1.68e-2 4.99e-3 6.25e-4 Sympathy(n=2) 1.55e-3 2.81e-4 2.50e-5 3.91e-7 Memento8.00e-3 3.38e-3 1.00e-3 1.25e-4 DiMo 3.15e-4 5.66e-5 4.99e-67.81e-8Table1:False positive rates for a node with hop count5and3transmissions under different packet success rates.number of r=3attempts for forwarding a message is as-sumed.Sympathy clearly suffers from a high packet loss, but its performance can be increased greatly sending two heartbeats every sweep interval(n=2).This however dou-bles the message load in the network,which is especially substantial as the messages are not aggregated,resulting in a largely increased load and energy consumption for nodes next to the paring DiMo with Memento,we ob-serve the paramount impact of the redundant relay on the false positive rate.DiMo offers a mechanism here that is not supported in Sympathy or Memento as it allows sending up to r−1retries for the observer and redundant relay.Due to this redundancy,the message can also be forwarded in the case of a total blackout of one link,a feature both Memento and Sympathy are lacking.4.2SimulationFor evaluation purposes we have implemented DiMo in Castalia1.3,a state of the art WSN simulator based on the OMNet++platform.Castalia allows evaluating DiMo with a realistic wireless channel(based on the empiricalfindings of Zuniga et al.[8])and radio model but also captures effects like the nodes’clock drift.Packet collisions are calculated based on the signal to interference ratio(SIR)and the radio model features transition times between the radio’s states (e.g.,sending after a carrier sense will be delayed).Speck-MAC[7],a packet based version of B-MAC,with acknowl-edgements and a low-power listening interval of100ms is used on the link layer.The characteristics of the Chipcon CC2420are used to model the radio.The simulations are performed for a network containing80 nodes,arranged in a grid with a small Gaussian distributed displacement,representing an event detection system where nodes are usually not randomly deployed but rather evenly spread over the observed area.500different topologies were analyzed.The topology management results in a redun-dantly connected network with up to5levels L and a max-imum hop count H of6to8.A false positive is triggered if the node fails to check in, which is primarily due to packet errors and losses on the wireless channel.In order to understand false positives,we set the available link’s packet reception rate(PRR)to0.8, allowing us to see the effects of the retransmission scheme. Furthermore,thisfixed PRR also allows a comparison with the results of the previous section’s analysis and is shown in Figure1(a).The plot shows on the one hand side the monitoring based on a tree structure that is comparable to the performance of Memento,i.e.,without DiMo’s possibil-ity of sending a recovery message using an alternate relay. On the other hand side,the plot shows the false positive rate of DiMo.The plot clearly shows the advantage of DiMo’s redundancy,yet allowing sending twice as many heartbeats than the tree approach.This might not seem necessarily fair atfirst;however,in a real deployment it is always possible(a)Varying number of retries;PRR =0.8.(b)Varying link quality.Figure 1:False positives:DiMo achieves the targeted false positive rate of 1e-7,also representing the reliability for successfully forwarding an event.that a link fails completely,allowing DiMo to still forward the heartbeat.The simulation and the analysis show a slight offset in the performance,which is explained by a simulation artifact of the SpeckMAC implementation that occurs when the receiver’s wake-up time coincides with the start time of a packet.This rare case allows receiving not only one but two packets out of the stream,which artificially increases the link quality by about three percent.The nodes are observed every T M =4min,resulting in being monitored 1.3e5times a year.A false positive rate of 1e-6would result in having a particular node being wrongly reported failed every 7.7years.Therefore,for a 77-node net-work,a false positive rate of 1e-7would result in one false alarm a year,being the targeted false-positive threshold for the monitoring system.DiMo achieves this rate by setting the numbers of retries for both the heartbeat and the recov-ery message to four.Hence the guard time T R for sending the retries need to be set sufficiently long to accommodate up to ten messages and back-offtimes.The impact of the link quality on DiMo’s performance is shown in Figure 1(b).The tree topology shows a similar performance than DiMo,if the same number of messages is sent.However,it does not show the benefit in the case of a sudden link failure,allowing DiMo to recover immedi-ately.Additionally,the surprising fact that false positives are not going to zero for perfect link quality is explained by collisions.This is also the reason why DiMo’s curve for two retries flattens for higher link qualities.Hence,leaving room for retries is as important as choosing good quality links.5.CONCLUSIONIn this paper,we presented DiMo,a distributed algorithm for node and topology monitoring,especially designed for use with event-triggered wireless sensor networks.As a de-tailed comparative study with two other well-known moni-toring algorithm shows,DiMo is the only one to reach the design target of having a maximum error reporting delay of 5minutes while keeping the false positive rate and the energy consumption competitive.The proposed algorithm can easily be implemented and also be enhanced with a topology management mechanism to provide a robust mechanism for WSNs.This enables its use in the area of safety-critical wireless sensor networks.AcknowledgmentThe work presented in this paper was supported by CTI grant number 8222.1and the National Competence Center in Research on Mobile Information and Communication Sys-tems (NCCR-MICS),a center supported by the Swiss Na-tional Science Foundation under grant number 5005-67322.This work was also supported in part by phase II of the Embedded and Hybrid System program (EHS-II)funded by the Agency for Science,Technology and Research (A*STAR)under grant 052-118-0054(NUS WBS:R-263-000-376-305).The authors thank Matthias Woehrle for revising a draft version of this paper.6.REFERENCES[1] A.Mainwaring et al.Wireless sensor networks for habitatmonitoring.In 1st ACM Int’l Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Application (WSNA 2002),2002.[2] A.Meier,T.Rein,et al.Coping with unreliable channels:Efficient link estimation for low-power wireless sensor networks.In Proc.5th Int’l worked Sensing Systems (INSS 2008),2008.[3]N.Ramanathan,K.Chang,et al.Sympathy for the sensornetwork debugger.In Proc.3rd ACM Conf.Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2005),2005.[4]S.Rost and H.Balakrishnan.Memento:A health monitoringsystem for wireless sensor networks.In Proc.3rd IEEE Communications Society Conf.Sensor,Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2006),2006.[5]M.Strasser,A.Meier,et al.Dwarf:Delay-aware robustforwarding for energy-constrained wireless sensor networks.In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Int’l Conference onDistributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2007),2007.[6]G.Tolle and D.Culler.Design of an application-cooperativemanagement system for wireless sensor networks.In Proc.2nd European Workshop on Sensor Networks (EWSN 2005),2005.[7]K.-J.Wong et al.Speckmac:low-power decentralised MACprotocols for low data rate transmissions in specknets.In Proc.2nd Int’l workshop on Multi-hop ad hoc networks:from theory to reality (REALMAN ’06),2006.[8]M.Zuniga and B.Krishnamachari.Analyzing thetransitional region in low power wireless links.In IEEE SECON 2004,2004.[9]Fire detection and fire alarm systems –Part 25:Componentsusing radio links.European Norm (EN)54-25:2008-06,2008.。
英文原文:——From X IA W e-i q iang, FAN Shang-chun Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument Advances in Sensor Technology Development The sensor technology is an important technical foundation of the new technological revolution and the information society, is a multidisciplinary science and technology, and is widely regarded as the source of the modern information technology [1].In recent years, sensor technology developmentFast, and made many new developments, in particular, has made a lot of progress in terms of gas sensors, biological sensors, vision sensors [2 - 3].Massachusetts Institute of Chinese scientist Zhang Shuguang research team led by means of a special solution to find the large-scale manufacture of the olfactory receptor [4]; same MIT researchers used gas chromatography - mass spectrometry feelidentify gas molecules, developed a trace toxic gases react strongly miniature sensors [5]; Russian scientists as raw material extracted from a common mushroom mixture, a resonant sensor with a piezoelectric quartz crystal canvery low levels of phenol in the detection of air ingredient Japanese scientists have developed quickly identify influenza virus nanosensors [7], nanotechnology is expected to quickly identify influenza virus, hepatitis B virus, mad cow disease pathogens and pesticide residues and other substances [6];the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, developed a new means;New microfilm DNA analysis sensors [8], this sensor is able to analyze the DNA chain time shortened to a few minutes or a few hours, intelligent instrument and sensor technology, space biology, intelligent sensing technology.Applications, a series of laboratory tests in a paternity test to detect genetically modified food also can determine the genetic toxicity of new drugs; National Institute of Standards and Technology Research Institute to develop an ultra-sensitive micro-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) sensor, the micro-sensor andparallel microfluidic channels in a silicon chip on top of this technology to enhance the detection sensitivity of NMR to a new level, with a wide range of application prospects [9] in the chemical analysis.Our sensor technology compared with foreign countries, there is a big gap, but the last two years has also made some progress and breakthroughs, the birth of some new products, some of the major national Model Engineering application.Such as resource ringReality technology in the field of environmental monitoring and environmental risk assessment technology, fast online monitoring technology of Air Pollution Complex key gaseous pollutants and airborne fine particles and ultrafine particles fast online monitoring technology, marine technology collarDomain of marine water pollution parameters online monitoring technology and marine metal contaminants on-site and on-line monitoring techniques.HgCdTeinfrared sensors have been used in China's Fengyun series satellites, oceanic satellites and Shenzhou series flyShip.Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics invented the small precision CMOS celestial sensor technology won the 2008 National Invention and Technology Prize [10].The development of these technologies highlights sensor technology showing toThe high-precision, miniaturization, micro-power consumption and passive, intelligent, high reliability direction of the trend, the following were discussed.The main direction of development of sensor technology to the development of high-precisionAutomated production technology continues to evolve, the requirements of the sensor is also continuously improve the requirements developed with high sensitivity, high accuracy, fast response speed, good interchangeability new sensor to ensure the reliability of production automation.In recent years, the world's major the sensor research institutions using new theories, new methods, new techniques to improve the sensor accuracy achieved outstanding results.American scholars have found a new method to improve the sensitivity of the sensor [11], to take a systematic approach to the various design rules together with a consistent framework to improve the design of the sensor.They compared the traditional planar sensor (p lanar sensor) components with cylindrical single nanotube sensor (cylindrica l sing le-nano tube sensor)Components, the results show the smaller cylindrical sensitivity of the sensor is at least 100 times higher, which is sufficient to prove that the smaller the better the theoretical.University of California at Berkeley and the Berkeley Lab researchers create the world's first fully functional nanotube device, the successful construction of a weighing gold atoms nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) [12].This device measured the gold atoms quality for 3125 @ 10 - 22 g.The NEMS mass sensor consists of a single carbon nanotube, double wall, with all the electronic properties, and the increase in hardness.The one end of the carbon nanotubes can be freely, while the other end is connected to one electrode, and the distance relative to the electrode is very near.The DC power from the battery or solar cell on the pair of electrodes connected, cause it to some fluctuations in the resonance frequency of vibration.When an atom or molecule is stored above carbon nanotubes, the resonant frequency of this carbon nanotube will therefore the mass of the atoms or molecules to change, similar to the different weight diver would change the resonance frequency of the diving board.American Oak R idge National Laboratory using silicon micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor detected 515 fg (femtograms) of the substances, and to create a new world record [13].The use of only 2 Lm Length, 50 nm thick silicon cantilever, by an inexpensive diode laser vibration.The researchers believe that the use of MEMS sensors in theory be able to detect any substances.British the Transense company launched a precision level millionth non-contacttorque sensor Torqsense [14].This sensor is based on the principle of surface acoustic wave (SAW), the size of only 4 mm @ 2 mm @ 015 mm.45b fixed for measuring the torque of the shaft, the two SAW sensor and the shaft was continuously into / half-bridge 0 structure; When the shaft is subject to torque, a pressure receiving a tensile the consolidated two sensors frequency generating / Difference 0 or /superposition 0 signal to derive the respective torque or temperature signal.Epson Toyocom Corporation developed a? 10 Pa (about one ten thousandth atmospheric pressure) of high accuracy and high resolution of 011 Pa and a volume of 1215 ml, weight is 15 g small crystal absolute pressure sensor [15].Tuning-fork type crystal unit is used in the pressure detecting unit, whereby the oscillation frequency of high stability can be obtained, thus achieving the pressure sensor with high precision and high resolution crystal; on top of this using QMEMS technology developed a new original.pressure sensing structure, to make it possible to have both small and high performance.Taiyo Yuden developed a detection sensitivity of 10 @ - 9 (1ppb) gas sensor [16], because of its gas adsorption characteristics, Taiyo Yuden be called / of nanoscale gas sensor 0, and in October 2007show opening / CEATEC JAPAN 20070.The sensor 80Lm @ 500Lm dielectric film is formed on a silicon wafer, using a dielectric film after the adsorbed gas, the resistance value change of the dielectric film, in order to detect the gas.112 development to the miniaturization of various control equipment function more and more, the requirements of the various components of smaller is better, and thus the sensor itself, the volume is as small as possible, which requires a focus on the development of micro-sensors based on new materials and processing technology.French scientist, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics Albert # Fil German scientist Peter # Green Berger found / giant magnetoresistance 0 effect [17 - 19], not only can produce more sensitive data read headThe increasingly weak magnetic signals and still be able to be clearly read out and converted into a clear current change.The breakthrough in the technology provides an extremely important technical support for the miniaturization of sensors.Hitachi Metals has developed the world's smallest 3-axis acceleration sensor, external dimensions of 215mm @ 215 mm _AT_ 1mm volume of 6125 mm3 to varistor resin package.The package size smaller than similar products by 30% the volume and weight of 14 mg, 46% lower than similar products, with more than 20,000 gravitational acceleration impact resistance.Japanese scientists have also successfully developed the world's smallest ultra-sensitive tactile sensor, the prospects for a wide range of applications in the field of medical devices.The sensor is embedded in the synthetic resin of approximately 011mm3 a diameter of 1 ~ 10 Lm, long of 300 ~~ 500 Lm, the helical spring-like fine carbon coil element, carbon coil after the contact with the object, will be minor changes in pressure and temperature conversioninto electrical signals.Furthermore, the sensor can also sense / screwed 0, / 0, etc. of friction signal.113 micro-power consumption and passive sensor can not work without power, in the field or in a place far from the grid, often with a battery or solar power, the development of micro-powersensor and passive sensor is an inevitable development direction,In this way, you can saveEnergy and can improve the life of the system.German scientists have developed a sensor, the energy of the fluid (liquid or gas) can have through their own conversion into electricity, which means that the sensor can own / power generation 0, which would greatly facilitate the design and maintenance of the system.The conversion process is carried out in a fixed cavity into electricity, the media fluid (liquid or gas) through the heart as blood flows through here like.Due to the Coanda effect, the flow of fluid is close to the conduit wall; continuous flow generated here periodic pressure fluctuations, to the piezoelectric ceramics, piezoelectric ceramic ultimately by the energy of the fluid is converted into electrical conduction by the feedback member.Generated electricity in the microwatt or milliwatt able to meet the energy demand of the loop running sensor to ensure the sensor reading and outgoing data.British Perpetuum and CAP-XX, Australia developed without battery driven wireless sensor terminal The terminal is equipped with a micro vibration can be converted to energy generators and double-layer capacitor.The vibration of the installation site can be used as energy, power generation, the surplus electric power can be stored in the electric double layer capacitor [23].114 to the intelligent development of increasingly complex with the development of science and technology, the function of the sensor.Its output is no longer a single analog signal, but after the microprocessor processing the digital signal, and some even with a control function.Technology development that the digital signal processor (DSP) will promote the development of many new next-generation products.The technology laboratory R & D of the San Jose Accen ture one is called / 0 of smart dust smart sensing system can automatically monitor and leaf-like objects combustion warning.Once the smart dust sensor point will be near each small dust sprayed into the trees, dust to locate and establish a wireless connection.When spotted possible anomalies detected, it will touch the the nearby dust size device to determine their access to information, and get multiple information from multiple sources, then the sensor will be able to judge a tree dangerous.Once the danger trigger sensor group through its wireless connection to send messages to woodland workers to monitor the sensor network.Ok i recently introduced ultra-small triaxial accelerometer module the ML8950, integrated sensor chip and control IC, the world's thinnest package.Has detected a triaxial accelerometer function can also detect tilt and impact shocks.The controlling IC chip is fitted in the signal amplifying circuit, a control circuit, analog-to-digital converter, and temperature compensation circuit.Furthermore, it is the first with a digital interface triaxial accelerometer module, because it can be directly connected to the CPU, so without the use of analog to digital signal converter device can be embedded in the digital device.115 directly affects the reliability of the sensor to the high reliability electronic device antijamming performance, the development of high reliability, the wide temperaturerange of the sensor will be permanent direction.Improve the temperature range has always been a major issue in the scope of its work, most sensors are - 20 ~ 70e, in the military system requirements Operating temperature - 40 ~ 85e range, while cars boiler occasions require sensor temperature requirements are higher, so the development ofpromising emerging materials (such as ceramic) sensor.Honeyw e ll launch LG1237 absolute pressure sensor is an intelligent, accurate, stable measurement of the product within the pressure range of 015 to 1000 Pa, its service life of 25 years or 100, 000 hours.Product - 55e to 125e, the accuracy rate of over? 0103% F1S1, the device will be with a piezoresistive pressure sensor connected with the DSP of the microprocessor, and can withstand the live level acceleration and vibration.Institute of Precision Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University successfully developed an anti-shock 2000e instantaneous ultra high temperature silicon isolated high temperature pressure sensor.The sensors in the environment - 30 ~ 250e pressure measurement, pressure measurement to be completed by the of 1000MPa any of the following range, and can withstand the high temperature of 2000e instantaneous impact, to meet the high-temperature, high-pressure, high-frequency response and instantaneous temperature impact and other harsh environmentspressure measurement.The sensor is an effective solution to the technical problems of sensor failure pressure measurement and instantaneous temperature impact in the field of China's aerospace, petrochemical, automotive and other high-temperature environment.The development of biosensorsIn recent years, with the development of biotechnology, bio-sensor has also been a lot of development.And attaches great importance to the food industry, environmental monitoring, fermentation industry, medicine and a wide range of applications, such as for the detection of food ingredients, food additives, harmful toxins and food freshness [28 - 31].Environmental pollutants, continuous, rapid, on-line monitoring of foreign subcellular lipids fixed made of cellulose acetate membrane and oxygen electrode amperometric biosensor detection of acid rain acid mist sample solution.Widely used microbial sensors take advantage of this electrochemical sensors can be of the number of microbial cells as an effective measurement tool, a continuous, on-line determination of the cell concentration in the fermentation industry.Microbial sensor is not only used in clinical medicine, and is also used in military medicine, through timely and rapid detection of bacteria, viruses, and biological weapons defense.The past two years, China has invested in biosensor research on a lot of manpower and resources, made some pretty good results.For example, successfully developed / protein chip biosensor system 0 and its practical prototype provides a novel label-free protein analysis technology.The water-soluble conjugated polymer is used as a new fluorescent probes, the design of a series of conjugated polymer-based biosensor system.The use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer principle, the development of novel high sensitivity based on the conjugated polymer spent hydrogen peroxide and glucose sensing system.Conjugated through the regulation ofthe electron transfer process of the polymeric system, to achieve a sensitive detection of the nitroxide free radicals and antioxidants.117 quantum mechanics and sensor technology, the development of quantum mechanics provides a theoretical basis for the development of modern science and technology.Development of quantum effects sensitive a measurement of the quantum-sensitive devices, such as resonant tunneling diodes, quantum well lasers and quantum interference components, with high-speed (increased 1,000-fold) than the sensitive electronic devices speed, low-power (more sensitive than electronicdevices reduce energy consumption by 1000 times), efficient, highly integrated, reliable and economic advantages.Therefore, the development of nanoelectronics, may lead to a new revolution in sensor technology and sensor technology to a new stage of development.2 domestic sensor gapIn recent years, China's sensor industry has made great strides, and has formed the basis of a certain industry, but there is still a wide gap compared with developed countries. Scientific research and development behind the international level from 5 to 10 years, 10 to 15 years behind the large-scale production technology. China's chemical industry, the security monitoring sensor market, almost all foreign enterprises occupied. Sensors for military, aerospace and other purposes, the foreign country is an embargo. The level of development of the sensor behind a serious impediment to the development of China's automobile, petrochemical, aerospace and other industries. At present, China has yielded few results of independent intellectual property rights of innovative research results to industrial conversion speed is slow, inefficient, and achieved significant social and economic benefits of the project less; able to represent the national level, but also to achieve large-scale production of small enterprises, high-grade fewer products, low market share; big gap between production technology and equipment from the international level; overall in the tracking state. Sensor devices and systems the comprehensive technical level of China's independent innovation capability is low, sensitive materials, integrated design and manufacturing, industrial design, testing and calibration than backward. Gap with foreign countries mainly in: Device varieties, mainly dependent on imports of high-end products; lower level of automation, intelligent; modular, standardized, low degree of integration; poor stability, reliability is low; Low cost the market less competitive.3 countermeasures and suggestionsAccording to the current situation of the development of sensor technology at home and abroad, our gaps, combined with the needs and priorities of China's science and technology, social and economic development strategy, to give overall consideration to the sensor technology, basic research, applied basic research and applied research. Basic research is mainly focused on sensor mechanism of, from a theoretical point of view to solve a number of key technologies of sensor development, provide important theoretical basis for the study of the sensor. Application of basic research on the basis of the basic research, focusing on key technologies provide important technical support for the sensor market process transformation to the theoretical and experimental prototype. In the sensor applied research, the mainexisting, after the application of the basic research stage proved to be more reliable and mature technology into the application stage of the market-oriented products.For our future sensor development countermeasures, including the following aspects:1) the planning of the national level from the level of national development, the future direction of development of the sensor planning, the plan should focus on the development of a new type of high-precision, low power consumption, miniaturization and miniaturized sensors. Note that the combination of production, learning and research.2) between different industries sensors complement each other and promote each sensor as an information access means in different industries have different characteristics and needs. Similar sensor technology for different industries. Should support complementary advantages between the various sectors, including joint research on common technology, craftsmanship help each other, to form a common development of various industries, thus contributing to the sensorVigorously develop technology.3) vigorously promote the construction and development of the sensor research base, to develop sensor senior professionals to encourage the sensor research leading to the national laboratory, the joint ministerial key laboratories, Key Laboratory of the industry and universities Key Laboratory, the formation of a system national the sensor research base group to provide technical support for the development of the sensor. Meanwhile, laboratory and trained expertise of a number of sensors, provide important protection of personnel for the development of sensor technology research areas.4) To change from passive to active, actively develop high-performance sensor in the the sensor research process to avoid simply copying foreign technology. Sensing technology trends, to carry out a prospective study to break through the bottleneck problem, a technology with independent intellectual property rights, to break down foreignTechnological monopoly, in a place on the international.Development of new sensor new sensor, generally should include: a new principle, fill sensor Blank, biomimetic sensors and other aspects. They are interrelated. The working mechanism of the sensor is based on a variety of effects, and the law of which inspire people to further explore the sensitive functional materials with new effects and novel physical properties sensor device developed new principle, which is the development of high-performance, multi-function, important way of low-cost, miniaturized sensors. Structured sensor developed earlier matures. Complex structure type sensor, the general structure it, the volume is too large, the prices are high. Type sensors of the physical properties of roughly contrast, has many attractive advantages, coupled with past development is not enough. Countries in the world in terms of physical properties sensor invest a lot of manpower and material resources to strengthen research, thus making it a noteworthy developments. The various effects of quantum mechanics developed low sensitivity threshold sensor usedto detect weak signals, the development of one of the new trends. Integrated, multifunctional, integrated intelligent sensor includes two definitions, and one multi-element of the same functions in parallel, about a single sensing element of the same type with integrated technology are arranged on the same plane, aligned in one dimension This is the case for a linear sensor, a CCD image sensor. Another definition of integrated multi-functional integration, upcoming sensor zoom, computing, and temperature compensation, link integration, assembled into a single device. With the development of integrated technologies, various types of hybrid and monolithic integrated pressure sensors have appeared, some of them have become a commodity. Integrated piezoresistive, capacitive pressure sensor, and other types of integrated piezoresistive sensors rapid development and wide application. Sensor multifunction is one of the development. The typical example of the so-called multi-functional monolithic silicon, an American University Sensor Research and Development Center developed a multi-axis force sensor can measure three line speed, of three centrifugal acceleration (angular velocity) and three angular acceleration. The main element is mounted on one substrate by four properly designed cantilever consisting of monolithic silicon structures, 9 are correctly arranged in the respective cantilever piezoresistive sensitive components. Multifunctional not only can reduce production costs, reduce the volume, and can effectively improve the stability of the sensor, reliability and other performance indicators. Integrate a plurality of different functions of the sensing element and integrated processing and evaluation of the results of measurement of these parameters, in addition to measurement of a variety of parameters can be performed simultaneously, but also reflects the overall status of the system under test.From the above it can be seen, integrated solid-state sensor brings many new opportunities, it is also the basis of multi-functional. Combination of sensor and microprocessor, the detection function also has information processing, logical judgment, self-diagnostics, and artificial intelligence of "thinking" it is called intelligent sensors. By means of a semiconductor integrated sensor portion signal pre-processing circuit, the input and output interfaces, microprocessor production on the same chip, large-scale integrated intelligent sensor. Smart sensor is the product of the combination of sensor technology and LSI technology, its implementation will depend on the improvement and development of the sensing technology and semiconductor integrated process level. Such sensors have multi-energy, high-performance, small size, suitable for mass production and ease of use, and can say with certainty, is one of the most important direction sensor.The development of new materials, sensor materials is an important foundation of the sensor technology, sensor technology upgrades support. With the advances in materials science, sensor technology has matured, more and more of its kind, In addition to early use of semiconductor materials, ceramic materials, optical fiber, as well as the development of superconducting materials, the development of the sensor provides a material basis. For example, according to many semiconductor materials silicon substrate easy miniaturization, integration, multi-functional, intelligent, and semiconductor optical heat detectors with high sensitivity, high accuracy, non-contactsexual characteristics, the development of infrared sensors, laser sensors modern sensors, fiber optic sensors, etc.; in the sensitive material, a ceramic material, organic material quickly, different formulations can be used mixed raw material and precision deployment of chemical constituents based on, after the precision molding sintering, to obtain one or a certain types of gas-sensitive material having an identification function, is used to produce a new gas sensor. In addition, the organic polymer sensitive materials is of great concern in recent years new sensitive materials with potential applications, the sensor can be made of the thermistor, photosensitive, gas sensing, humidity, force-sensitive ion-sensitive biological Min et al. Sensor technology continues to evolve, but also to promote the development of newer materials, such as nano materials.U.S. NRC has developed a nano ZrO2 gas sensor, and control of motor vehicle exhaust emissions, cleaning up the environment effect good, relatively broad application prospects. As a result of the production of nanomaterials sensor, has a huge interface can provide a lot of gas channel, and the on-resistance is small, is conducive to the development of miniaturized sensor to the birth of more new material With the continuous advancement of science and technology . Adoption of new technology in the development of new sensors, is inseparable from the adoption of new technology. Within the meaning of the new technology is very broad, and here mainly refers to the development of emerging sensor contact a particularly close microfabrication technology. This technique, also known as micro-machining technology, With the IC process development, it is the ion beam, electron beam, molecular beam, a laser beam, and chemical etching for microelectronics processing techniques in recent years, has been the more more used in the sensor field, such as sputtering, vapor deposition, plasma etching, chemical gas deposition (CVD), epitaxy, diffusion, etching, lithography, etc., so far, a large number of sensors made by the process described above reported at home and abroad. Smart materials smart materials refers to the physical, chemical, mechanical, electrical, and other parameters of the design and control of materials, develop biological material characteristics or superior to biological material properties of artificial materials. Some people think that the material has the following functions can be called smart materials: a judgment on the environment can be adaptive function; possess self-diagnostic function; possess self-healing capabilities; function with self-reinforced (or time base). The most prominent feature of the biological material with time base function, this differential sensor characteristics and its variational sensitive.Conversely, the long-term in a particular environment and get used to this environment, the sensitivity decreased. In general, it can adjust its sensitivity to adapt to the environment. In addition to the biological material, most notably smart material is a shape memory alloy, shape memory ceramics and shape memory polymer. The smart material exploration work has just begun, I believe the near future there will be a lot of development.。
Sensor technologyA sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque ,pressure , temperature ,humidity , speed ,acceleration ,or vibration 。
Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a)stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features ,and (c)governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems 。
It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring ,communication ,and computer control of machines and systems 。
Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly 。
Sensor technologyA sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque , pressure , temperature , humidity , speed , acceleration , or vibration .Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a) stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features , and (c) governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems .It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring , communication , and computer control of machines and systems .Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly .Analog-to-coverter(ADC) is available for interfacing analog sensors with computers .Classifications of SensorsSensors that are of interest in manufacturing may be classified generally as follows:Machanical sensors measure such as quantities aspositions ,shape ,velocity ,force ,torque , pressure , vibration , strain , and mass .Electrical sensors measure voltage , current , charge , and conductivity .Magnetic sensors measure magnetic field ,flux , and permeablity .Thermal sensors measure temperature , flux ,conductivity , and special heat .Other types are acoustic , ultrasonic , chemical , optical , radiation , laser ,and fiber-optic .Depending on its application , a sensor may consist of metallic , nonmetallic , organic , or inorganic materials , as well as fluids ,gases ,plasmas , or semiconductors .Using the special characteristics of these materials , sensors covert the quantity or property measured to analog or digital output. The operation of an ordinary mercury thermometer , for example , is based on the difference between the thermal expansion of mercury and that of glass.Similarly , a machine part , a physical obstruction , or barrier in a space can be detected by breaking the beam of light when sensed by a photoelectric cell . A proximity sensor ( which senses and measures the distance between it and an object or a moving member of a machine ) can be based on acoustics , magnetism , capacitance , or optics . Other actuators contact the object and take appropriate action ( usually by electromechanical means ) . Sensors are essential to the conduct of intelligent robots , and are being developed with capabilities that resemble those of humans ( smart sensors , see the following ).This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country theexhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Tactile sensing is the continuous of variable contact forces , commonly by an array of sensors . Such a system is capable of performing within an arbitrarythree-dimensional space .has gradually shifted from manufacturing tonon-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristicsIn visual sensing (machine vision , computer vision ) , cameral optically sense the presence and shape of the object . A microprocessor then processes the image ( usually in less than one second ) , the image is measured , and the measurements are digitized ( image recognition ) .Machine vision is suitable particularly for inaccessible parts , in hostile manufacturing environments , for measuring a large number of small features , and in situations where physics contact with the part may cause damage .Small sensors have the capability to perform a logic function , to conducttwo-way communication , and to make a decisions and take appropriate actions . The necessary input and the knowledge required to make a decision can be built into a smart sensor . For example , a computer chip with sensors can be programmed to turn a machine tool off when a cutting tool fails . Likewise , a smart sensor can stop a mobile robot or a robot arm from accidentally coming in contact with an object or people by using quantities such as distance , heat , and noise .Sensor fusion . Sensor fusion basically involves the integration of multiple sensors in such a manner where the individual data from each of the sensors ( such as force , vibration , temperature , and dimensions ) are combined to provide a higher level of information and reliability . A common application of sensor fusion occurs when someone drinks a cup of hot coffee . Although we take such a quotidian event for granted ,it readily can be seen that this process involves data input from the person's eyes , lips , tongue , and hands .Through our basic senses of sight , hearing , smell , taste , and touch , there is real-time monitoring of relative movements , positions , and temperatures . Thus if the coffee is too hot , the hand movement of the cup toward the lip is controlled and adjusted accordingly .The earliest applications of sensor fusion were in robot movement control , missile flight tracking , and similar military applications . Primarily because these activities involve movements that mimic human behavior . Another example of sensor fusion is a machine operation in which a set of different but integrated sensors monitors (a) the dimensions and surface finish of workpiece , (b) tool forces , vibrations ,and wear ,(c) the temperature in various regions of the tool-workpiece system , and (d) the spindle power .An important aspect in sensor fusion is sensor validation : the failure of one particular sensor is detected so that the control system maintains high reliability . For this application ,the receiving of redundant data from different sensors is essential . It can be seen that the receiving , integrating of all data from various sensors can be a complex problem .With advances in sensor size , quality , and technology and continued developments in computer-control systems , artificial neural networks , sensor fusion has become practical and available at low cost .Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedomFiber-optic sensors are being developed for gas-turbine engines . These sensors will be installed in critical locations and will monitor the conditions inside the engine , such as temperature , pressure , and flow of gas . Continuous monitoring of the signals from thes sensors will help detect possible engine problems and also provide the necessary data for improving the efficiency of the engines .传感器技术传感器一种通过检测某一参数而产生信号的装置。
Sensor technologyA sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque , pressure , temperature , humidity , speed , acceleration , or vibration .Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a) stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features , and (c) governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems .It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring , communication , and computer control of machines and systems .Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly .Analog-to-coverter(ADC) is available for interfacing analog sensors with computers .Classifications of SensorsSensors that are of interest in manufacturing may be classified generally as follows:Machanical sensors measure such as quantities aspositions ,shape ,velocity ,force ,torque , pressure , vibration , strain , and mass .Electrical sensors measure voltage , current , charge , and conductivity .Magnetic sensors measure magnetic field ,flux , and permeablity .Thermal sensors measure temperature , flux ,conductivity , and special heat .Other types are acoustic , ultrasonic , chemical , optical , radiation , laser ,and fiber-optic .Depending on its application , a sensor may consist of metallic , nonmetallic , organic , or inorganic materials , as well as fluids ,gases ,plasmas , or semiconductors .Using the special characteristics of these materials , sensors covert the quantity or property measured to analog or digital output. The operation of an ordinary mercury thermometer , for example , is based on the difference between the thermal expansion of mercury and that of glass.Similarly , a machine part , a physical obstruction , or barrier in a space can be detected by breaking the beam of light when sensed by a photoelectric cell . A proximity sensor ( which senses and measures the distance between it and an object or a moving member of a machine ) can be based on acoustics , magnetism , capacitance , or optics . Other actuators contact the object and take appropriate action ( usually by electromechanical means ) . Sensors are essential to the conduct of intelligent robots , and are being developed with capabilities that resemble those of humans ( smart sensors , see the following ).This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country theexhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Tactile sensing is the continuous of variable contact forces , commonly by an array of sensors . Such a system is capable of performing within an arbitrarythree-dimensional space .has gradually shifted from manufacturing tonon-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristicsIn visual sensing (machine vision , computer vision ) , cameral optically sense the presence and shape of the object . A microprocessor then processes the image ( usually in less than one second ) , the image is measured , and the measurements are digitized ( image recognition ) .Machine vision is suitable particularly for inaccessible parts , in hostile manufacturing environments , for measuring a large number of small features , and in situations where physics contact with the part may cause damage .Small sensors have the capability to perform a logic function , to conducttwo-way communication , and to make a decisions and take appropriate actions . The necessary input and the knowledge required to make a decision can be built into a smart sensor . For example , a computer chip with sensors can be programmed to turn a machine tool off when a cutting tool fails . Likewise , a smart sensor can stop a mobile robot or a robot arm from accidentally coming in contact with an object or people by using quantities such as distance , heat , and noise .Sensor fusion . Sensor fusion basically involves the integration of multiple sensors in such a manner where the individual data from each of the sensors ( such as force , vibration , temperature , and dimensions ) are combined to provide a higher level of information and reliability . A common application of sensor fusion occurs when someone drinks a cup of hot coffee . Although we take such a quotidian event for granted ,it readily can be seen that this process involves data input from the person's eyes , lips , tongue , and hands .Through our basic senses of sight , hearing , smell , taste , and touch , there is real-time monitoring of relative movements , positions , and temperatures . Thus if the coffee is too hot , the hand movement of the cup toward the lip is controlled and adjusted accordingly .The earliest applications of sensor fusion were in robot movement control , missile flight tracking , and similar military applications . Primarily because these activities involve movements that mimic human behavior . Another example of sensor fusion is a machine operation in which a set of different but integrated sensors monitors (a) the dimensions and surface finish of workpiece , (b) tool forces , vibrations ,and wear ,(c) the temperature in various regions of the tool-workpiece system , and (d) the spindle power .An important aspect in sensor fusion is sensor validation : the failure of one particular sensor is detected so that the control system maintains high reliability . For this application ,the receiving of redundant data from different sensors is essential . It can be seen that the receiving , integrating of all data from various sensors can be a complex problem .With advances in sensor size , quality , and technology and continued developments in computer-control systems , artificial neural networks , sensor fusion has become practical and available at low cost .Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedomFiber-optic sensors are being developed for gas-turbine engines . These sensors will be installed in critical locations and will monitor the conditions inside the engine , such as temperature , pressure , and flow of gas . Continuous monitoring of the signals from thes sensors will help detect possible engine problems and also provide the necessary data for improving the efficiency of the engines .传感器技术传感器一种通过检测某一参数而产生信号的装置。
中英文资料对照外文翻译Basic knowledge of transducersA transducer is a device which converts the quantity being measured into an optical, mechanical, or-more commonly-electrical signal. The energy-conversion process that takes place is referred to as transduction.Transducers are classified according to the transduction principle involved and the form of the measured. Thus a resistance transducer for measuring displacement is classified as a resistance displacement transducer. Other classification examples are pressure bellows, force diaphragm, pressure flapper-nozzle, and so on.1、Transducer ElementsAlthough there are exception ,most transducers consist of a sensing element and a conversion or control element. For example, diaphragms,bellows,strain tubes and rings, bourdon tubes, and cantilevers are sensing elements which respond to changes in pressure or force and convert these physical quantities into a displacement. This displacement may then be used to change an electrical parameter such as voltage, resistance, capacitance, or inductance. Such combination of mechanical and electrical elements form electromechanical transducing devices or transducers. Similar combination can be made for other energy input such as thermal. Photo, magnetic and chemical,giving thermoelectric, photoelectric,electromaanetic, and electrochemical transducers respectively.2、Transducer SensitivityThe relationship between the measured and the transducer output signal is usually obtained by calibration tests and is referred to as the transducer sensitivity K1= output-signal increment / measured increment . In practice, the transducer sensitivity is usually known, and, by measuring the output signal, the input quantity is determined from input= output-signal increment / K1.3、Characteristics of an Ideal TransducerThe high transducer should exhibit the following characteristicsa) high fidelity-the transducer output waveform shape be a faithful reproduction of the measured; there should be minimum distortion.b) There should be minimum interference with the quantity being measured; the presence of the transducer should not alter the measured in any way.c) Size. The transducer must be capable of being placed exactly where it is needed.d) There should be a linear relationship between the measured and the transducer signal.e) The transducer should have minimum sensitivity to external effects, pressure transducers,for example,are often subjected to external effects such vibration and temperature.f) The natural frequency of the transducer should be well separated from the frequency and harmonics of the measurand.4、Electrical TransducersElectrical transducers exhibit many of the ideal characteristics. In addition they offer high sensitivity as well as promoting the possible of remote indication or mesdurement. Electrical transducers can be divided into two distinct groups:a) variable-control-parameter types,which include:i)resistanceii) capacitanceiii) inductanceiv) mutual-inductance typesThese transducers all rely on external excitation voltage for their operation.b) self-generating types,which includei) electromagneticii)thermoelectriciii)photoemissiveiv)piezo-electric typesThese all themselves produce an output voltage in response to the measurand input and their effects are reversible. For example, a piezo-electric transducer normally produces an output voltage in response to the deformation of a crystalline material; however, if an alternating voltage is applied across the material, the transducer exhibits the reversible effect by deforming or vibrating at the frequency of the alternating voltage.5、Resistance TransducersResistance transducers may be divided into two groups, as follows:i) Those which experience a large resistance change, measured by using potential-divider methods. Potentiometers are in this group.ii)Those which experience a small resistance change, measured by bridge-circuit methods. Examples of this group include strain gauges and resistance thermometers.5.1 PotentiometersA linear wire-wound potentiometer consists of a number of turns resistance wire wound around a non-conducting former, together with a wiping contact which travels over the barwires. The construction principles are shown in figure which indicate that the wiperdisplacement can be rotary, translational, or a combination of both to give a helical-type motion. The excitation voltage may be either a.c. or d.c. and the output voltage is proportional to the input motion, provided the measuring device has a resistance which is much greater than the potentiometer resistance.Such potentiometers suffer from the linked problem of resolution and electrical noise. Resolution is defined as the smallest detectable change in input and is dependent on thecross-sectional area of the windings and the area of the sliding contact. The output voltage is thus a serials of steps as the contact moves from one wire to next.Electrical noise may be generated by variation in contact resistance, by mechanical wear due to contact friction, and by contact vibration transmitted from the sensing element. In addition, the motion being measured may experience significant mechanical loading by the inertia and friction of the moving parts of the potentiometer. The wear on the contacting surface limits the life of a potentiometer to a finite number of full strokes or rotations usually referred to in the manufacture’s specification as the ‘number of cycles of life expectancy’, a typical value being 20*1000000 cycles.The output voltage V0 of the unload potentiometer circuit is determined as follows. Let resistance R1= xi/xt *Rt where xi = input displacement, xt= maximum possible displacement, Rt total resistance of the potentiometer. Then output voltage V0= V*R1/(R1+( Rt-R1))=V*R1/Rt=V*xi/xt*Rt/Rt=V*xi/xt. This shows that there is a straight-line relationship between output voltage and input displacement for the unloaded potentiometer.It would seen that high sensitivity could be achieved simply by increasing the excitation voltage V. however, the maximum value of V is determined by the maximum power dissipation P of the fine wires of the potentiometer winding and is given by V=(PRt)1/2 .5.2 Resistance Strain GaugesResistance strain gauges are transducers which exhibit a change in electrical resistance in response to mechanical strain. They may be of the bonded or unbonded variety .a) bonded strain gaugesUsing an adhesive, these gauges are bonded, or cemented, directly on to the surface of the body or structure which is being examined.Examples of bonded gauges arei) fine wire gauges cemented to paper backingii) photo-etched grids of conducting foil on an epoxy-resin backingiii)a single semiconductor filament mounted on an epoxy-resin backing with copper or nickel leads.Resistance gauges can be made up as single elements to measuring strain in one direction only,or a combination of elements such as rosettes will permit simultaneous measurements in more than one direction.b) unbonded strain gaugesA typical unbonded-strain-gauge arrangement shows fine resistance wires stretched around supports in such a way that the deflection of the cantilever spring system changes the tension in the wires and thus alters the resistance of wire. Such an arrangement may be found in commercially available force, load, or pressure transducers.5.3 Resistance Temperature TransducersThe materials for these can be divided into two main groups:a) metals such as platinum, copper, tungsten, and nickel which exhibit and increase in resistance as the temperature rises; they have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance.b) semiconductors, such as thermistors which use oxides of manganese, cobalt, chromium, or nickel. These exhibit large non-linear resistance changes with temperature variation and normally have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.a) metal resistance temperature transducersThese depend, for many practical purpose and within a narrow temperature range, upon the relationship R1=R0*[1+a*(b1-b2)] where a coefficient of resistance in ℃-1,and R0 resistance in ohms at the reference temperature b0=0℃ at the reference temperature range ℃.The international practical temperature scale is based on the platinum resistance thermometer, which covers the temperature range -259.35℃ to 630.5℃.b) thermistor resistance temperature transducersThermistors are temperature-sensitive resistors which exhibit large non-liner resistance changes with temperature variation. In general, they have a negative temperature coefficient. For small temperature increments the variation in resistance is reasonably linear; but, if large temperature changes are experienced, special linearizing techniques are used in the measuring circuits to produce a linear relationship of resistance against temperature.Thermistors are normally made in the form of semiconductor discs enclosed in glass vitreous enamel. Since they can be made as small as 1mm,quite rapid response times are possible.5.4 Photoconductive CellsThe photoconductive cell , uses a light-sensitive semiconductor material. The resistance between the metal electrodes decrease as the intensity of the light striking the semiconductor increases. Common semiconductor materials used for photo-conductive cells are cadmium sulphide, lead sulphide, and copper-doped germanium.The useful range of frequencies is determined by material used. Cadmium sulphide is mainly suitable for visible light, whereas lead sulphide has its peak response in the infra-red regionand is, therefore , most suitable for flame-failure detection and temperature measurement. 5.5 Photoemissive CellsWhen light strikes the cathode of the photoemissive cell are given sufficient energy to arrive the cathode. The positive anode attracts these electrons, producing a current which flows through resistor R and resulting in an output voltage V.Photoelectrically generated voltage V=Ip.RlWhere Ip=photoelectric current(A),and photoelectric current Ip=Kt.BWhere Kt=sensitivity (A/im),and B=illumination input (lumen)Although the output voltage does give a good indication of the magnitude of illumination, the cells are more often used for counting or control purpose, where the light striking the cathode can be interrupted.6、Capacitive TransducersThe capacitance can thus made to vary by changing either the relative permittivity, the effective area, or the distance separating the plates. The characteristic curves indicate that variations of area and relative permittivity give a linear relationship only over a small range of spacings. Thus the sensitivity is high for small values of d. Unlike the potentionmeter, the variable-distance capacitive transducer has an infinite resolution making it most suitable for measuring small increments of displacement or quantities which may be changed to produce a displacement.7、Inductive TransducersThe inductance can thus be made to vary by changing the reluctance of the inductive circuit. Measuring techniques used with capacitive and inductive transducers:a)A.C. excited bridges using differential capacitors inductors.b)A.C. potentiometer circuits for dynamic measurements.c) D.C. circuits to give a voltage proportional to velocity for a capacitor.d) Frequency-modulation methods, where the change of C or L varies the frequency of an oscillation circuit.Important features of capacitive and inductive transducers are as follows:i)resolution infiniteii) accuracy+- 0.1% of full scale is quotediii)displacement ranges 25*10-6 m to 10-3miv) rise time less than 50us possibleTypical measurands are displacement, pressure, vibration, sound, and liquid level.8、Linear Variable-differential Ttransformer9、Piezo-electric Transducers10、Electromagnetic Transducers11、Thermoelectric Transducers12、Photoelectric Cells13、Mechanical Transducers and Sensing Elements传感器的基础知识传感器是一种把被测量转换为光的、机械的或者更平常的电信号的装置。
外文文献1标题“Flexible Sensors for Wearable Health: Why Materials Matter”作者Sarah O’Brien, Michal P. Mielczarek, and Fergal J. O’Brien文献概述本文主要介绍了柔性传感器在可穿戴健康监测中的应用,以及传感材料的选择对柔性传感器性能的影响。
本文对柔性材料的常见种类 (如: 聚合物、金属、碳复合材料等) 进行了介绍,并重点探讨了传感材料选择的影响因素,如对柔性传感器的灵敏度、特异性和响应时间等。
外文文献2标题“Smart sensing system for precision agriculture”作者Olivier Strauss, Lucas van der Meer, and Benoit Figliuzzi文献概述本文主要介绍智能传感系统在精准农业中的应用。
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设计一种智能压力传感器,根据组合物的应用范围的智能传感器系统中,进行温度校正,充分考虑共同的组件之间的连接参数协调,我们选择了一个良好的可用性、高可靠性和低成本元件,80C51单片机进行控制和处理,对于整个测量系统组成而言,该系统具有自动测量、放大、A / D转换的温度和压力参数、微弱信号的锁定放大、相敏检波(PSD)、共模信号抑制、采集到的信号消噪处理、交叉敏感的脱钩的功能,并能够将结果显示,它还具有自动自检、温度补偿和上侧的通信和其它功能。
关键词:压力传感器,锁-放大器;80C51F350的单片机硬件电路手稿编号:1674-8042(2011)02-0157-04DIO:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.141 引言随着时代的发展,电子计算机,自动化生产,调制解调器信息,军工,交通运输,化工,环保,能源,海洋开发,遥感,空间科学与技术,传感器的需求越来越大的发展,其应用已渗透进入该地区国民经济各个部门和人们的日常的日常文化生活。
2 系统硬件设计智能传感器的传感器_信息的检测和处理。
图2.1 基于CS051F350的智能压力传感器框图 设计主要是提供了一个稳定的电源电压,结合单片机通过外围电路设计。
然后,单RS485通信接口 电源 单片机(C8051F350) 温度传感器 锁定增强压力传感器 传感器校正片机提供标准当前进信号进行调制并作为电压信号发送给压力传感器。
该设计包括5080C51F350微控制器,放大器OP07,RS485通讯接口,压力传感器,温度传感器DS18B20,高速ADC AD620,三端电源稳压器LM317,LM37和各自的周边电路。
它具有以下特点:1)高速,流水线结构的8051兼容微控制器核心(T050 MIPS);2)在系统,满足高速,非侵入式调试接口(片);3)24位或16位的单端ADC,带模拟多路;4)两个8位电流输出DA;5)8 KB片上皮疹内存;6)768字节片上RAM;7)在芯片上电复位,VDD监视器和温度传感器;8)片上电压比较器。
但是拿起弱信号,C8051F350包含24位Σ-Δ型A / D转换器(ADC),具有精度高,分辨率高的优势。
此外,8KB的FLASH MEM0F C8051F350是用来存储程序代码和非易失性数据。
我们可以从图中看到,单芯片能够获得稳定可靠的电压(LM317、LM37和2 V的稳压管),通过三端电压调节器调节外部电压调节器。
通过LM317外部的DC电压24 V,5 V电压需要通过SP485芯片转换。
3 V电压的MCU,实现了由2 V稳压LM337。
LM317输出电压U317和LM337输出电压U337公式为:因为I Adj小于100/uA的,在大多数情况下,我们可以忽视。
为了防止电源插头接线错误地破坏内部电路,二极管1N1418被放置在24 V DC电源负输出。
C8051F350器件包括两个8位数字—模拟转换器(IDAC)电流模式IDAC的最大输出电流可以调整为四种不同的设置:0.25毫安,0.5毫安,1 mA时,和2毫安。
输出电流被设置为0.25 mA. 然后OP07放大器将其转换成电压信号,电压信号,压力传感器。
DS18B20的力量是由外部5 V电源供应。
它具有以下特点:1)允许超过400个收发器的传输线;2)高接收器输入阻抗(R IN=150kΩ典型值);3)半的双工配置与工业标准引脚排列一致;4)-7 V到+12 V的共模输入电压范围;5)低功耗(250兆瓦);6)独立的驱动器和接收使能。
图2.2 基于C8051F350的智能压力传感器的原理3系统软件设计该设计还包含软件程序中,附加各种功能的实现依靠软件来协调。
上计算机程序的设计主要是用Visual Basic 语言。
Visual Basic 提供了一个面向对象的可视化编程工具。
图3.3 系统主程序流程图在Visual Basic 环境下,实现串行通信可以通过MSC 控制完成串行发送和接收数据。
有收集压力 从PC 通过Modbus 协议解释形成和实施相应的功能代码任务 响应消息发送到电脑 电源管理 建立10秒和60秒的时钟信号 收集温度 收集电源电压 初始化 开始了这个表,我们可以得出这样的结论,我们可以控制它在一定压力和温度的误差范围在5/1 000。
表4.1 实验测量误差分析表标准电压KPa 校准值补偿相对误差绝对误差0.00 0.000 056 0.000 056 8 0.000 113 60.05 0.050 100 4 0.000 100 4 0.000 200 80.10 0.100 230 4 0.000 230 4 0.000 460 80.15 0.150 573 2 0.000 573 2 0.001 146 40.20 0.200 632 1 0.200 632 1 0.001 264 20.25 0.251 255 2 0.001 255 2 0.002 510 4参考文献[1]高金展,2004年“微弱信号检测”锁相放大器,P.154-196,相关指导,第239页275.清华大学出版社,北京.[2]JR曹刘,H.,2002年重装修人工神经网络遍及感觉机械的设计,应用电解容量型压力.自动化系统集成仪器,(8):14-16.[3]Y.C.Sun,Y.L.Iu,Q.H.Memg,等,2000.提示自动海连欣电动势桥压力传感器零点输出信号电漂移特性.电子交易,11:39-42.[4]A.D.Whalen,1971.在纽约和伦敦:学术出版社的信号检测.[5]J.H.LIU.智能传感器结构等的“西安电子科技大学图书相关,第206-209页.[6]Y.M.Gong,2006。
智能压力传感器数据补偿处理和无线传输.河北科技大学论文.[7]2004年G.Peng W.J.Ni.C语言函数混合编程的相对误差.运河Harbor.sup.11:128-130.[8]M.Zh.Zhou N.Chu,根据能量传播的FELING机数据融合网络的动态状态计算方式的一种控制,2007年。
中国期刊仪器科学,28(1):172-175.[9]A.D.Adrian K.Rainer,2002.一个简单的基于单片机的数字锁相放大器为低级别的光学信号的检测.第一届IEEE国际电子设计工作坊出发.测试和应用(DEL-TA'02),基督城,Neweal.附:英文原文Design of C8051F350-based Intelligent Pressure SensorLi-na HAN(韩丽娜),An-li TAO(陶安利),Shao-gang LI(李绍刚),Jun-guo LIU(柳军国),Yun-zhou LI(历运周),Xiang-zhong LI(李相众) (School of Information Science and Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qindao 266510,China)AbstractIn order to overcome the deficiencies of traditional pressure sensors. a kind of intelligent pressure sensors with temperature correction is designed.According to the intelligent sensor system of composition and range of applications,with fully taking into account the parameters of the connection between components of co-ordination,we chose a good usability,high reliability and low cost components composed of the entire measurement system,with controlling and dealing with in 80C51 microcontroller,the system had the temperature and pressure parameters with automatic measurement,amplification,A/D conversion,the weak signal locked amplification,as well as Phase Sensitive Detection(PSD), common-mode signal rejection,the collected signal de-noising processing,cross-sensitivity of the decoupling and show the results. It also has a self-test.automatic temperature compensation and on-side munications and other functions.Key words:pressure sensor;Lock-in Amplifier;80C51F350 SCM;hardware circuitry Manuscript Number:1674-8042(2011)02-0157-04dio:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.141 IntroductionWith the development of the electronic computer, production automation, modem information, military, transportation, chemical, environmental protection, energy, ocean development, remote sensing, space science and technology, the development of the growing demand forsensors, their applications have been infiltrated into the area of the national economy various departments and people s day-to-day cultural life. It can be said that from space to the ocean, from a variety of complex engineering systems to the basic necessities of daily life can not be separated from a variety of sensors, sensor technology plays a huge role for the growing development of the national economy. However. the intelligent sensors selling on the current market have many deficiencies, such as a single informance indicators and variable quality. This design summarized the above deficiencies, on the basis of the previous experience using technology of Lock-in Amplifier and phase-sensitive detection and cleverly solved the useful signal with low defects from noise extracted and the issue of cross-sensitivity of the decoupling and used dual—power supplying for electricity and well improved system performance, ncreasing a new fault diagnosis and using of a common digtal interface technology and intemational communication protocol and so on. Therefore, there are very broad application prospects.2 System hardware designIntelligent sensor is detection and processing of information of the sensor. Intelligent sensors including the function of collection, processing, exchange information. It is the combination of integrated sensors and microprocessor product. The composition of the intelligent pressure sensor is shown in Fig.1.Fig.1 CS051F350-based intelligent pressure sensor block diagramThe design mainly provides a stable power supply voltage to single-chip through the external circuit design. Then the single-chip offer standard current signal. after it is modulated and transmits it to pressure sensor as voltage signal. Pressure sensors translate voltage signal into acceptable signal for single-ship through the ADC. Then the single-chip programmatically deals with the signal. Using DS18B20 collects on-site real-time temperature to proofread the pressure of real-time.At the same time. the single-chip fulfills communication with the host computer through the RS485 interface. All data which required in temperature compensation algorithm need for obtaining in the laboratory.The design includes 80C51F350 microcontroller, amplifier OP07,communication interface RS485,pressure sensors, temperature sensors DS18B20,high-speed ADC AD620, hree-terminal power regulators LM317,LM37 and their respective peripheral circuits.The design used C8051F350 as microprocessor. It has the following characteristics:1)High-speed pipelined 8051 compatible microcontroller core(up t0 50 MIPS);2)In-system, ful-speed, non-intrusive debug interface(on-chip);3)24 or 16 bit single-ended/differential ADC with analog multiplexer;4)Two 8 bit Current Output DA ;5)8 kB of on-chip Rash memory;6)768 bytes of on-chip RAM;7)On-chip power-on reset, VDD monitor, and temperature sensor;8)On-chip voltage comparator.The C8051F350 include a fully-differential,24 bit Sigma-Delta Analog to Di tal Converter(ADC)with on-chip calibration capability. Two separate decimation filters can be programmed for throughputs of up to 1 kHz. An internal reference is available, or a differential external reference can be used for ratio metric measurements, which used in the design of an internal voltage reference. A Programmable Gain Amplifier(PGA)is included, with eight gain settings up to 128x,gain range which fully accord with the design requirements. The on-chip in put buffers can be used to provide a high input impedance for direct connection to sensitive transducers. An 8 bit offset DAC allows for correction of largeinput offset voltages. Taking into account the design of intelligent pressure. sensors is used to pick up weak signal in the industrial environment.However,C8051F350 contains 24 bit Sigma-Delta A/D converter(ADC)which has the advantages of high accuracy, high resolution. And it can be better to measure the weak signals. In addition. 8KB of FLASH MEM 0f C8051F350 is used to store program codes and non-volatile data. It uses MOVX instruction read-in data and reads data with MOVC instruction. It makes the system do not need extra nonvolatile MEM. Thus the system simplifies the hardware design and reduces the cost.We can see from Fig.2,the single-chip can gain a stable and reliable voltage through three-terminal voltage(LM317, LM37 and 2 V stabilovolt)regulator adjusting to external voltage regulator. Through LM317 external DC voltage 24 V was converted 5 V voltage which required by SP485 chip. 3 V voltage of MCU was realized by 2 V stabilivolt and the LM337. LM317 output voltage U317 and LM337 output voltage U337 which formula wereBecause I Adj less than 100/uA, we neglect it in most cases. In the Fig.2. near input terminal of the three-terminal regulator,10uF tantalum ELECTRO and 0.1uF ceramic CAP are used respectively to filter out low-frequency and high-frequency interference. To prevent the power plug is wired mistakenly to destroy internal circuit, a diode 1N1418 is placed in 24 V DC power negative output. In order to avoid the high-frequency digital signal impacting analog circuit, analog power and digital power are supplied separately. In power-circuit design, a 100uF INDUCTOR separates analog power and digital power to avoid crosstalk between them.The C8051F350 devices include two 8 bit current modes Digital-to-Analog Converters(IDAC).The maximum current output of the IDAC can be adjusted for four different current settings:0.25 mA,0.5mA,1 mA, and 2 mA.The output current is set to 0.25 mA. Then OP07 amplifier convert it into voltage signal.The voltage signal provides power for pressure sensors. The weak signal which was measured by pressure sensors and amplified by AD620 is treated by the single-chip. The AD620.with its high accuracy of 40 ppm maximum nonlinearity, low offset voltage of 50uV max and offset drift of 0.6Uv/℃max, is ideal for use in precision data acquisition systems. Furthermore, the low noise, low input bias current. and low power of the AD620 make it well suited for medicalapplications. which make it very suitable for dealing with weak signals.DS18B20 was used to measure ambient temperature. DS18B20 have the following characteristics:1)Unique 1-Wire interface requires only one port pin for communication;2)Requires no external components;3)Can be powered from data line;4)Zero standby power required, etc. Information is sent to/from the DS18B20 over a 1-wire interface. so that only one wire needs to be connected from a central microprocessor to a DS18B20.The power of DS18B20 is supplied by external 5 V power. as shown in Fig.2. Pin P0.7 of C8051F350 connects with the pin DQ of DS18B20. in single bus way. DS18B20 digital input and output pins are open-drain state and the bus need to add a 4.7K pull—up resistor.In addition,the communication is completed by the RS485 in the design. It has the following characteristics:Fig.2 C8051F350-based intelligent pressure sensor schematic1)Allows over 400 transceivers on a transmission line;2)High impedance on receiver inputs(RIN=150 kΩtypical);3)Half-Duplex configuration consistant with industry standard pinout;4)-7 V to+12 V common mode input voltage range;5)Low Power Consumption(250 mW);6)Separate driver and receiver enable. The RS485 supports for many common operating system, so it is easy to realize the communication between different networks.3 System software designThe design also includes the software program, the realization of various functions rely ons software to coordinate. This design mainly solve the problem as follows:1)The pressure of self-tuning at different tempera tures;2)Realize lock-in amplify and phase-sensitive detection algorithm;3)Procedures for specific functions of single-chip module;etc.The design of the lower computer program mainly used the familiar C programming language. The design process is divided into different functional modules in order to ease the debugging process. Include the following modules:system initialization. update sensor temperature, update sensor temperature, update sensor supply voltage, update sensor zero drift value, explain the formation from PC by the Modbus protocol and form the task flag, perform the appropriate function code task, send response messages to PC, fault diagnosis, power management, etc. Flow chart of system main program shown in Fig.3Fig.3 Flow chart of system main programThe design of the upper computer program mainly used the Visual Basic language. Visual Basic provides an object-oriented visual programming tool. Developers only need to design the screen by “painting”the required user interface, and set the properties of these objects, do not write a lot of program code for the user interface design.In Visual Basic environment, the serial communication was implemented through MSC control which canfinish sending and receiving data in serial. In order to realize automatic sending. we used timer control the Mscomm and Timer control are invisible when the program is running.4 Results and conclusionThe design introduced the intelligent pressure sensors with low-cost, small size, high accuracy, high reliability and easy and convenient to use. And it also can communicate at long bowls with computer. So they can form a wider range and nlore advanced system controlled by measuring pressure. After laboratory measurements wecan get as shown in Tab.1 the error analysis table. With this table we can draw theconclusion that we could control it with in 5/1 000 In a certain pressure and temperature range of error. That is the smart pressure sensor can achieve the purpose of accurate measurement in line with the original design.Tab.1 Experimental measurement error analysis tableFrom:Jin-zhan Gao,2004.“Detection of Weak Signals” Lock-in Amplifier, P.154-196,Correlationdetection, P.239-275. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing.谢谢下载,祝您生活愉快!。