
压力传感器论文压电传感器论文一种用于压力传感器的温度控制系统设计摘要:针对SiC高温MEMS压力传感器易受温度影响,产生零点漂移、测量误差增大等问题,设计了一种温度控制系统,根据科恩-库恩公式建立了系统的数学模型,采用参数自整定PID控制算法,克服了纯PID 控制有较大超调量的缺点,实现了一个温度控制系统。
关键词:MEMS; 压力传感器; 温度控制; 零点漂移Design of Temperature Control System for Pressure Sensors GUO Jiang(College of Information Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China) Abstract: A temperature control system for the SiC MEMS pressure sensor is designed as the pressure sensor is susceptible to high temperature, and easy to result in zero drift, and measurement error increase. A mathematical model for the system is established according to Cohen-Coon formula. And finally a temperature control system is achieved with theparameter self-tuning PID control algorithm to overcome the shortcoming of a large overshoot adjustment of pure PID control. The Similink module simulation model was set up by the Matlab Simulation software system. The simulation and testing verifies that the system can meet the design demands. The pressure sensor is hard to be compensated within a large temperature range is solved, with which the application of the pressure sensor in high temperature environments is achieved and the stability of the pressure sensor is improved.Keywords: MEMS; pressure sensor; temperature control; zero drift0 引言在微电子器件领域,针对SiC器件的研究较多,已经取得了较大进展,而在MEMS领域针对SiC器件的研究仍有许多问题亟待解决。
南京工业大学毕业设计任务书学院专业年级学生姓名任务下达日期:2005 年12 月20 日毕业设计日期:2006 年2月20 日至2006 年 6 月20日毕业设计题目:基于CAN总线的智能压力传感器毕业设计专题题目:毕业设计主要内容和要求:1、了解目前压力监测装置的应用现状及发展趋势;2、了解CAN总线的原理、特点;3、设计一种基于CAN总线的智能压力传感器,使之具有数据存储、显示、报警、修改上下限报警值以及通信功能;要求硬件配置方面包括微控制器模块、压力传感器模块、数码管显示模块、通信模块及仪表的抗干扰措施的设计;软件方面包括初始化模块、数据采集模块、数据处理模块、LED显示模块、通信模块及控制模块等相应程序以及总程序的编写; 最后进行软硬件仿真调试。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:传感器技术文献、资料英文题目:Sensor-technology文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14Sensor technologyA sensor is a device which produces a signal in response to its detecting or measuring a property ,such as position , force , torque , pressure , temperature , humidity , speed , acceleration , or vibration .Traditionally ,sensors (such as actuators and switches )have been used to set limits on the performance of machines .Common examples are (a) stops on machine tools to restrict work table movements ,(b) pressure and temperature gages with automatics shut-off features , and (c) governors on engines to prevent excessive speed of operation . Sensor technology has become an important aspect of manufacturing processes and systems .It is essential for proper data acquisition and for the monitoring , communication , and computer control of machines and systems .Because they convert one quantity to another , sensors often are referred to as transducers .Analog sensors produce a signal , such as voltage ,which is proportional to the measured quantity .Digital sensors have numeric or digital outputs that can be transferred to computers directly .Analog-to-coverter(ADC) is available for interfacing analog sensors with computers .Classifications of SensorsSensors that are of interest in manufacturing may be classified generally as follows:Machanical sensors measure such as quantities aspositions ,shape ,velocity ,force ,torque , pressure , vibration , strain , and mass .Electrical sensors measure voltage , current , charge , and conductivity .Magnetic sensors measure magnetic field ,flux , and permeablity .Thermal sensors measure temperature , flux ,conductivity , and special heat .Other types are acoustic , ultrasonic , chemical , optical , radiation , laser ,and fiber-optic .Depending on its application , a sensor may consist of metallic , nonmetallic , organic , or inorganic materials , as well as fluids ,gases ,plasmas , or semiconductors .Using the special characteristics of these materials , sensors covert the quantity or property measured to analog or digital output. The operation of an ordinary mercury thermometer , for example , is based on the difference between the thermal expansion of mercury and that of glass.Similarly , a machine part , a physical obstruction , or barrier in a space can be detected by breaking the beam of light when sensed by a photoelectric cell . A proximity sensor ( which senses and measures the distance between it and an object or a moving member of a machine ) can be based on acoustics , magnetism , capacitance , or optics . Other actuators contact the object and take appropriate action ( usually by electromechanical means ) . Sensors are essential to the conduct of intelligent robots , and are being developed with capabilities that resemble those of humans ( smart sensors , see the following ).This is America, the development of such a surgery Lin Bai an example, through the screen, through a remote control operator to control another manipulator, through the realization of the right abdominal surgery A few years ago our country theexhibition, the United States has been successful in achieving the right to the heart valve surgery and bypass surgery. This robot has in the area, caused a great sensation, but also, AESOP's surgical robot, In fact, it through some equipment to some of the lesions inspections, through a manipulator can be achieved on some parts of the operation Also including remotely operated manipulator, and many doctors are able to participate in the robot under surgery Robot doctor to include doctors with pliers, tweezers or a knife to replace the nurses, while lighting automatically to the doctor's movements linked, the doctor hands off, lighting went off, This is very good, a doctor's assistant.Tactile sensing is the continuous of variable contact forces , commonly by an array of sensors . Such a system is capable of performing within an arbitrarythree-dimensional space .has gradually shifted from manufacturing tonon-manufacturing and service industries, we are talking about the car manufacturer belonging to the manufacturing industry, However, the services sector including cleaning, refueling, rescue, rescue, relief, etc. These belong to the non-manufacturing industries and service industries, so here is compared with the industrial robot, it is a very important difference. It is primarily a mobile platform, it can move to sports, there are some arms operate, also installed some as a force sensor and visual sensors, ultrasonic ranging sensors, etc. It’s surrounding environment for the conduct of identification, to determine its campaign to complete some work, this is service robot’s one of the basic characteristicsIn visual sensing (machine vision , computer vision ) , cameral optically sense the presence and shape of the object . A microprocessor then processes the image ( usually in less than one second ) , the image is measured , and the measurements are digitized ( image recognition ) .Machine vision is suitable particularly for inaccessible parts , in hostile manufacturing environments , for measuring a large number of small features , and in situations where physics contact with the part may cause damage .Small sensors have the capability to perform a logic function , to conducttwo-way communication , and to make a decisions and take appropriate actions . The necessary input and the knowledge required to make a decision can be built into a smart sensor . For example , a computer chip with sensors can be programmed to turn a machine tool off when a cutting tool fails . Likewise , a smart sensor can stop a mobile robot or a robot arm from accidentally coming in contact with an object or people by using quantities such as distance , heat , and noise .Sensor fusion . Sensor fusion basically involves the integration of multiple sensors in such a manner where the individual data from each of the sensors ( such as force , vibration , temperature , and dimensions ) are combined to provide a higher level of information and reliability . A common application of sensor fusion occurs when someone drinks a cup of hot coffee . Although we take such a quotidian event for granted ,it readily can be seen that this process involves data input from the person's eyes , lips , tongue , and hands .Through our basic senses of sight , hearing , smell , taste , and touch , there is real-time monitoring of relative movements , positions , and temperatures . Thus if the coffee is too hot , the hand movement of the cup toward the lip is controlled and adjusted accordingly .The earliest applications of sensor fusion were in robot movement control , missile flight tracking , and similar military applications . Primarily because these activities involve movements that mimic human behavior . Another example of sensor fusion is a machine operation in which a set of different but integrated sensors monitors (a) the dimensions and surface finish of workpiece , (b) tool forces , vibrations ,and wear ,(c) the temperature in various regions of the tool-workpiece system , and (d) the spindle power .An important aspect in sensor fusion is sensor validation : the failure of one particular sensor is detected so that the control system maintains high reliability . For this application ,the receiving of redundant data from different sensors is essential . It can be seen that the receiving , integrating of all data from various sensors can be a complex problem .With advances in sensor size , quality , and technology and continued developments in computer-control systems , artificial neural networks , sensor fusion has become practical and available at low cost .Movement is relatively independent of the number of components, the equivalent of our body, waist is a rotary degree of freedom We have to be able to hold his arm, Arm can be bent, then this three degrees of freedom, Meanwhile there is a wrist posture adjustment to the use of the three autonomy, the general robot has six degrees of freedom. We will be able to space the three locations, three postures, the robot fully achieved, and of course we have less than six degrees of freedomFiber-optic sensors are being developed for gas-turbine engines . These sensors will be installed in critical locations and will monitor the conditions inside the engine , such as temperature , pressure , and flow of gas . Continuous monitoring of the signals from thes sensors will help detect possible engine problems and also provide the necessary data for improving the efficiency of the engines .传感器技术传感器一种通过检测某一参数而产生信号的装置。

Figure 3. Pressure measuring instrumentation.
In typical pressure sensor applications, a resistive bridge outputs a differential signal—with a span of tens or hundreds of millivolts—that is proportional to the applied pressure and the excitation voltage applied to the bridge. The Honeywell 26PC01SMT series microstructure pressure sensor, for example, has a 1.0 -psi full-scale span. With 5 V applied, it would have a zero-pressure null offset of 2 mV, a full-scale output span anywhere in the range of 14.7 mV to 18.7 mV, and a 2.5-V common-mode level. In order to accurately resolve this small differential output voltage in the presence of the high commonmode voltage, an instrumentation amplifier’s ability to reject common-mode signal is essential. For example, 12-bit readout resolution calls for an LSB of less than 10 V (35 mV/4096), or about 101 dB below the common-mode level.

Capacitive Sensor Operation Part 1: The BasicsPart 1 of this two-part article reviews the concepts and theory of capacitive sensing to help to optimize capacitive sensor performance. Part 2 of this article will discuss how to put these concepts to work.Noncontact capacitive sensors measure the changes in an electrical property called capacitance. Capacitance describes how two conductive objects with a space between them respond to a voltage difference applied to them. A voltage applied to the conductors creates an electric field between them, causing positive and negative charges to collect on each objectCapacitive sensors use an alternating voltage that causes the charges to continually reverse their positions. The movement of the charges creates an alternating electric current that is detected by the sensor. The amount of current flow is determined by the capacitance, and the capacitance is determined by the surface area and proximity of the conductive objects. Larger and closer objects cause greater current than smaller and more distant objects. Capacitance is also affected by the type of nonconductive material in the gap between the objects. Technically speaking, the capacitance is directly proportional to the surface area of the objects and the dielectric constant of the material between them, and inversely proportional to the distance between them as shown.:In typical capacitive sensing applications, the probe or sensor is one of the conductive objects and the target object is the other. (Using capacitive sensors to sense plastics and other insulators will be discussed in the second part of this article.) The sizes of the sensor and the target are assumed to be constant, as is the material between them. Therefore, any change in capacitance is a result of a change in the distance between the probe and the target. The electronics are calibrated to generate specific voltage changes for corresponding changes in capacitance. These voltages are scaled to represent specific changes in distance. The amount of voltage change for a given amount of distance change is called the sensitivity. A common sensitivity setting is 1.0 V/100 µm. That means that for every 100 µm change in distance, the output voltage changes exactly 1.0 V. With this calibration, a 2 V change in the output means that the target has moved 200 µm relative to the probe.Focusing the Electric FieldWhen a voltage is applied to a conductor, the electric field emanates from every surface. In a capacitive sensor, the sensing voltage is applied to the sensing area of the probe. For accuratemeasurements, the electric field from the sensing area needs to be contained within the space between the probe and the target. If the electric field is allowed to spread to other items—or other areas on the target—then a change in the position of the other item will be measured as a change in the position of the target. A technique called "guarding" is used to prevent this from happening. To create a guard, the back and sides of the sensing area are surrounded by another conductor that is kept at the same voltage as the sensing area itself. When the voltage is applied to the sensing area, a separate circuit applies the exact same voltage to the guard. Because there is no difference in voltage between the sensing area and the guard, there is no electric field between them. Any other conductors beside or behind the probe form an electric field with the guard instead of with the sensing area. Only the unguarded front of the sensing area is allowed to form an electric field with the target.DefinitionsSensitivity indicates how much the output voltage changes as a result of a change in the gap between the target and the probe. A common sensitivity is 1 V/0.1 mm. This means that for every 0.1 mm of change in the gap, the output voltage will change 1 V. When the output voltage is plotted against the gap size, the slope of the line is the sensitivity.A system's sensitivity is set during calibration. When sensitivity deviates from the ideal value this is called sensitivity error, gain error, or scaling error. Since sensitivity is the slope of a line, sensitivity error is usually presented as a percentage of slope, a comparison of the ideal slope with the actual slope.Offset error occurs when a constant value is added to the output voltage of the system. Capacitive gauging systems are usually "zeroed" during setup, eliminating any offset deviations from the original calibration. However, should the offset error change after the system is zeroed, error will be introduced into the measurement. Temperature change is the primary factor in offset error.Sensitivity can vary slightly between any two points of data. The accumulated effect of this variation is called linearity erro. The linearity specification is the measurement of how far the output varies from a straight line.To calculate the linearity error, calibration data are compared to the straight line that would best fit the points. This straight reference line is calculated from the calibration data using least squares fitting. The amount of error at the point on the calibration line furthest away from this ideal line is the linearity error. Linearity error is usually expressed in terms of percent of full scale (%/F.S.). If the error at the worst point is 0.001 mm and the full scale range of the calibration is 1 mm, the linearity error will be 0.1%.Note that linearity error does not account for errors in sensitivity. It is only a measure of the straightness of the line rather than the slope of the line. A system with gross sensitivity errors can still be very linear.Error band accounts for the combination of linearity and sensitivity errors. It is the measurement of the worst-case absolute error in the calibrated range. The error band is calculated by comparing the output voltages at specific gaps to their expected value. The worst-case error from this comparison is listed as the system's error band. In Figure 7, the worst-case error occurs for a 0.50 mm gap and the error band (in bold) is –0.010.Gap (mm)Expected Value (VDC)Actual Value VDC)Error (mm) 0.50 –10.000 –9.800 –0.0100.75 –5.000 –4.900 –0.0051.00 0.000 0.000 0.0001.25 5.000 5.000 0.0001.50 10.000 10.100 0.005Figure 7. Error valuesBandwidth is defined as the frequency at which the output falls to –3 dB, a frequency that is also called the cutoff frequency. A –3 dB drop in the signal level is an approximately 30% decrease. With a 15 kHz bandwidth, a change of ±1 V at low frequency will only produce a ±0.7 V change at 15 kHz. Wide-bandwidth sensors can sense high-frequency motion and provide fast-responding outputs to maximize the phase margin when used in servo-control feedback systems; however, lower-bandwidth sensors will have reduced output noise which means higher resolution. Some sensors provide selectable bandwidth to maximize either resolution or response time.Resolution is defined as the smallest reliable measurement that a system can make. The resolution of a measurement system must be better than the final accuracy the measurement requires. If you need to know a measurement within 0.02 µm, then the resolution of the measurement system must be better than 0.02 µm.The primary determining factor of resolution is electrical noise. Electrical noise appears in the output voltage causing small instantaneous errors in the output. Even when theprobe/target gap is perfectly constant, the output voltage of the driver has some small but measurable amount of noise that would seem to indicate that the gap is changing. This noise is inherent in electronic components and can be minimized, but never eliminated.If a driver has an output noise of 0.002 V with a sensitivity of 10 V/1 mm, then it has an output noise of 0.000,2 mm (0.2 µm). This means that at any instant in time, the output could have an error of 0.2 µm.The amount of noise in the output is directly related to bandwidth. Generally speaking, noise is distributed over a wide range of frequencies. If the higher frequencies are filtered before the output, the result is less noise and better resolution (Figures 8, 9). When examining resolution specifications, it is critical to know at what bandwidth the specifications apply.Capacitive Sensor Operation Part 2: System OptimizationPart 2 of this two-part article focuses on how to optimize the performance of your capacitive sensor, and to understand how target material, shape, and size will affect the sensor's response.Effects of Target SizeThe target size is a primary consideration when selecting a probe for a specific application. When the sensing electric field is focused by guarding, it creates a slightly conical field that is a projection of the sensing area. The minimum target diameter is usually 130% of the diameter of the sensing area. The further the probe is from the target, the larger the minimum target size.Range of MeasurementThe range in which a probe is useful is a function of the size of the sensing area. The greater the area, the larger the range. Because the driver electronics are designed for a certain amount of capacitance at the probe, a smaller probe must be considerably closer to the target to achieve the desired amount of capacitance. In general, the maximum gap at which a probe is useful is approximately 40% of the sensing area diameter. Typical calibrations usually keep the gap to a value considerably less than this. Although the electronics are adjustable during calibration, there is a limit to the range of adjustment.Multiple Channel SensingFrequently, a target is measured simultaneously by multiple probes. Because the system measures a changing electric field, the excitation voltagefor each probe must be synchronized or the probes will interfere with each other. If they were not synchronized, one probe would be trying to increase the electric field while another was trying to decrease it; the result would be a false reading. Driver electronics can be configured as masters or slaves; the master sets the synchronization for the slaves in multichannel systems.Effects of Target MaterialThe sensing electric field is seeking a conductive surface. Provided that the target is a conductor, capacitive sensors are not affected by the specific target material; they will measure all conductors—brass, steel, aluminum, or salt water—as the same. Because the sensing electric field stops at the surface of the conductor, target thickness does not affect the measurement中文翻译电容式传感器操作第一部分:基础 这篇文章的第一部分回顾了电容式传感器的概念和理论来帮助我们优化电容式传感器的性能。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:光电与通信工程年级专业:12电子信息工程姓名:刘燊学号:1106012133附件:Advances in Sensor Technology Development指导老师评语:指导教师签名:年月日——摘自夏伟强,樊尚春传感器技术的的新发展仪器仪表学报传感器技术的新进展传感器技术是新技术革命和信息社会的重要技术基础,是一门多学科交叉的科学技术,被公认为现代信息技术的源头。
美国麻省理工学院华人科学家张曙光领导的研究小组借助一种特殊溶液,成功地找到了大规模制造嗅觉感受器的办法;同样是麻省理工学院的研究人员利用气相色谱-质谱技术感受识别气体分子,研制出一种能对微量有毒气体做出强烈反应的微型传感器;俄罗斯科学家以从一种普通蘑菇中提取的混合物为原料,与压电石英晶振构成谐振式传感器,能够探测空气中含量极低的酚成分;日本科学家研制出能快速识别流感病毒纳米传感器,有望以纳米技术为快速识别流感病毒、乙型肝炎病毒、疯牛病病原体和残留农药等物质提供新手段;西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学研制出新型缩微DNA分析传感器,这种传感器能将分析 DNA链的时间缩短到几分钟或几小时,智能仪器与传感器技术、空间生物智能传感技术。

《电气工程及其自动化专业英语》课程论文年级专业姓名学号TransformerThe basic concept of transformerPower transformer is a kind of static electrical equipment, is used for AC voltage is a numerical (current) into a voltage value of the same frequency one or several different (current) equipment. When a winding with alternating current, is generated by the alternating magnetic flux, the alternating magnetic flux through the iron core of the magnetic effect, the AC induction electromotive force in the two secondary winding. The two induction electromotive force level and one or two times the number of winding turns the number of voltage size and number of turns is proportional to. The main function is to transmit electricity, therefore, the rated capacity is its main parameters. Rated capacity is used in a performance of power value, it is the characterization of electrical energy transmission size, with kVA or MVA said that when the rated voltage is applied to the transformer, according to it to determine under specified conditions does not exceed the rated current value of temperature riseThe development trend of transformerDistribution transformer in China usually refers to the voltage of 35kV and 10kV and below, capacity below 6300kVA power transformer terminal user directly to the power supply. At present, the national online operation of distribution transformer total power loss is about 41100000000kWh, accounting for about 3.16% of total generating capacity in 2000. Although the distribution transformer is high-efficiency equipment (95-99%), but because of the large quantity and fixed the no-load power consumption, transformer efficiency even small improvements can also considerable energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, so its itself there is a huge energy saving potentialIn the late 90, the speed of the development of industry of our country distribution transformer faster. Since 1997, due to urban and rural power grid renovation project of the pull, the power transformer industry has maintained a good momentum of development. Power transformer output growth of 24.81% in 1999. In 2000 the power transformer production increased by 15.88%, the proportion of the number of distribution transformer increase: in 1999 the number of distribution transformer proportion rose from 34.72% in 1998 to 39.51%, an increase of 5 percentage points; in 2000 the proportion of the number of distribution transformer 36.89%. (10kV and below 6300KVA transformer output was 304099 units, 41778KVA, 35kV, 6300KVA and below transformers production was 7821 units, 9316.4KVA). Oil immersed distribution transformer equipment of urban and rural power grid renovation project selected have all realized the transition from type S7 to type S9.With the continuous progress of the development of market economy and science and technology, the continuous application of new material and new technology, the low loss, the new distribution transformer have been successfully developed. Many domestic transformer manufacturers have invested a lot of money to introduce advanced foreign technology and equipment manufacturing, continuous research and development of low loss transformer and various structure forms such as transformer, oil immersed transformer has appeared more energy-saving than the new S9 series S10, S11 series, new SC9 series dry type transformer, amorphous alloy core and other low loss etc. products have shown the potential of energy saving distribution transformer in china. In addition, in the distribution transformer online operation of age over 20 years old in the transformer low efficiency to about 10% above, to estimate the capacity of about 240000000 kVA, the transformer is in accordance with the six, seventy's standard design products, the loss is very high, if you take a certain investment by S9 to replace the old transformer will be great economic benefit. According to the calculation of different capacity, the purchase of S9 transformer to replace the old transformer investment returns years generally only 2~3 years (not counting the old transformer recycling fee and dismounting fee condition), the enormous energy saving potentialThe structure of transformerTransformer (of a large capacity transformer speaking) generally is composed of iron core, winding, oil tank, insulation casing and cooling system five major part. The following diagramThe core is the main part of the transformer magnetic circuit. Usually made of silicon content is higher, the thickness of 0.35 or 0.5 mm, the surface is coated with insulating paint rolled or cold-rolled silicon steel sheet piled up. The basic form of iron core structure of transformer has two kinds, one kind is called the core type iron core, also called the inner iron core. The other is called a shell type iron core, also called the outer iron coreThe winding is part of the circuit of transformer, it is insulated flat line or circle line wrapped around a. Power transformer of domestic generally adopts a concentric winding, the so-called concentric winding is in each cross section of iron core column, winding are based on the same center of a circle cylindrical coil is sheathed on the outside of the iron core column. Concentric winding according to its structure can be divided into cylindrical, segmented, continuous, double pancake, kink type, spiral type etc.. The tank is the oil immersed transformer shell, a transformer body is placed in the tank, tank filled with transformer oil, transformer oil has two functions, one hand as an insulating medium, on the other hand, as a cooling medium, namely through thetransformer oil circulation, will send out winding and iron core in the heat, bring the box wall and the radiator, oil cooler for cooling. The insulation of transformer bushing is high and low pressure wire inside the transformer tank is introduced to the outside, not only as a lead insulation to ground, and bear a fixed lead role. Therefore, must have provisions in manufacturing standard electrical strength and mechanical strength. Cooling method of cooling system of transformer according to its size can be divided into: oil immersed self cooling type, oil immersed forced air cooled, forced oil circulation cooling.The working principle of transformerThe transformer is based on electromagnetic induction principle. Because of its working principle and working process and internal electromagnetic motor (generators and motors) are exactly the same, so it will be designated as a class is only a motor, rotating speed is zero (i.e. stationary). The transformer body is mainly composed of winding and iron core. When working, the winding is the "power" of the path, and the iron core is the "magnetic" pathway, which plays the role of winding frame. A measuring input power, because its change creates an alternating magnetic field in the core (from the electric energy into magnetic energy); because of turns (penetration), two winding magnetic field lines in the constantly changing alternately, so induces two electric potential, when the external circuit communication, it created a sense of current, output power (from the magnetic field can be changed into electrical energy). This "electric magnetic electric" transformation process is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction to on the energy conversion process, this is also the work process of transformer. Here again by theory analysis and formula calculation to further illustrate: in the schematic diagram of single phase transformer in (below)The closure of the iron core is wound with two mutually insulated winding. One side access power called a winding, one side of the output power is called the two secondary windings when the ACpower supply voltage U1 to the primary winding, there are alternating current through the winding and I1 in the core generates an alternating magnetic flux phi. Not only the alternating magnetic flux through a winding, but also through the two secondary windings, the two windings are respectively E1 and E2 induced electromotive force. Then if the two secondary windings and the outer circuit load is connected, will have a current I2 flowing into the load of Z, namely two windings have the power output.。

设计一种智能压力传感器,根据组合物的应用范围的智能传感器系统中,进行温度校正,充分考虑共同的组件之间的连接参数协调,我们选择了一个良好的可用性、高可靠性和低成本元件,80C51单片机进行控制和处理,对于整个测量系统组成而言,该系统具有自动测量、放大、A / D转换的温度和压力参数、微弱信号的锁定放大、相敏检波(PSD)、共模信号抑制、采集到的信号消噪处理、交叉敏感的脱钩的功能,并能够将结果显示,它还具有自动自检、温度补偿和上侧的通信和其它功能。
关键词:压力传感器,锁-放大器;80C51F350的单片机硬件电路手稿编号:1674-8042(2011)02-0157-04DIO:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.141 引言随着时代的发展,电子计算机,自动化生产,调制解调器信息,军工,交通运输,化工,环保,能源,海洋开发,遥感,空间科学与技术,传感器的需求越来越大的发展,其应用已渗透进入该地区国民经济各个部门和人们的日常的日常文化生活。
2 系统硬件设计智能传感器的传感器_信息的检测和处理。

关键词:电子血压计;示波法;幅度系数法;压力传感器ABSTRACTThe electronic sphygmomanometer overcame the shortcomings of mercury sphygmomanometer such as specialized operation, not easy to carry and so on. And with the improvement of people’s living standard and hea lth awareness, it gradually gets into more and more families. For the shortcomings of its measurement accuracy is not high and its poor reproducibility, this paper puts forward a design method based on oscillometer method, using AT89C52 as its microprocessor, MPX2100 as its pressure sensor. This paper mainly introduces oscillometer method, amplitude coefficient, the main unit modules of electronic sphygmomanometer and its main problems. The experimental results show this design has a high anti-jamming capability, easy to operate, light and portable. It overcomes the shortcomings of ordinary electronic sphygmomanometer, such as measurement accuracy is not high and poor reproducibility to some extent.Key words: electronic sphygmomanometer; oscillometer method; amplitude coefficient; pressure sensor目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)目录 (I)第1章前言 (1)1.1 课题背景及研究意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)1.3 课题研究内容 (5)第2章基于示波法的血压测量原理 (6)2.1 示波法原理 (6)2.2 血压判定方法 (7)2.2.1 波形特征法 (8)2.2.2 幅度系数法 (8)第3章基于示波法的电子血压计的硬件实现 (9)3.1 设计原则 (9)3.2 设计方案论证 (11)3.3 主要电路分析与设计 (13)3.3.1 单片机AT89C52 (13)3.3.2 压力传感器 (14)3.3.3 自动调零电路 (16)3.3.4 前置放大电路 (17)3.3.5 滤波电路 (18)3.3.6 A/D转换电路 (20)3.3.7 显示电路 (23)3.3.8 报警电路 (24)3.3.9 PUMP KPM14A (26)第4章基于示波法的电子血压计的软件实现 (27)4.1 软件流程图 (27)4.2 主要子程序的设计与实现 (27)4.2.1 测量程序 (27)4.2.2 信号处理程序 (27)4.2.3 显示报警程序 (27)第5章结束语 (29)5.1 本文总结 (29)5.2 未来展望 (29)参考文献 (31)致谢 (33)附录 (34)第1章前言随着人们生活节奏的加快和工作压力的增大,心血管疾病不仅发病率越来越高,而且逐步呈现低龄化趋势,成为危害人类身体健康的一大疾病之一。
压力传感器 毕业设计


Sensor Networking:Concepts,Applications,and Challenges1 IntroductionAt the end of the 20th century,the Internet has been able to provide a large number of users with the ability to move diverse forms of information readily and thus has revolutionized business,industry,defense,science,and education,research,and human interactions.The technologies of information pro-cessing in the last fifty years that made the Internet possible included modern microelectronics resulting in low-cost PCs and servers and world-wide telecommunication and computer networking infrastructure.In the last ten years,sensor networking combines the technology of modern microelectronic sensors,embedded computational processing systems,and modern computer and wireless networking method-ologies.It is believed that sensor networking in the 21st century will be equally significant by providing measurement of the spatial-temporal physical phenomena around us,leading to a better understanding and utilization of this information in a wide range of applications.Sensor networking will be able to bring a finer-grained and fuller measurement (using acoustic,seismic,magnetic,infrared,imaging,etc.data) and characterization of the world around us to be processed and communicated,so the decision makers can utilize the information to take actions in near-real-time.In the last few years,there have been much world-wide interests in the basic and applied research and deployment of sensor networks (e.G,the cumulative number of"hits"on Goggle Scholar by the fall of 2005 on "sensor networks"is over 350,000.) In the last three years,there were numerous annual conferences and workshops held around the world on sensor networks (e.G,some of them include).Many technical monographs and books dealing with sensor networks have appeared (e.G,some of them include).Several Special Issues of journals dealing with various aspects of sensor networks have also been published (e.G,some of them include).These statistics andinformation all indicate that sensor networking has extensive interests.In this overview paper,Section 1 provides an introduction to the sensor networking problem.Section 2 considers the recent explosive interests in sensor networks..Section 3 discusses various concepts and hardware issues.Section 4 reviews four main basic application cases in the NSF funded CENS program at UCLA.Section 5 lists six challenges in sensor networks.A brief conclusion is included in Section 6.The references include numerous relevant papers,books,and conferences that have appeared in recent years.2 Explosive interests in sensor networksSensor network as a concept and in realization appeared only in the last five years or so due to the accumulations of enabling technologies of the last fifty years.The concept of a programmable digital computer was originated in the 1940s.In the 1950s,mainframe electronic digital computers were built.They were expensive and were only available in few educational,governmental,and commercial research organizations.At this time,basic concepts of digital communication also became known In the 1960s,mini-computers became popular and digital computations were made available to more users.In that period,satellite and terrestrial microwave communication made the transmission of large amount of digital data possible.The concept of the transmission of data over a network of many nodes distributed over large areas was pioneered by researchers of the Arpanet.In the 1970s,microprocessors significantly reduced the cost of digital computations,and the availability of low-cost DSP chips also made digital processing possible for many applications.Commercial and military communication and computer networks were spread around the world. In the 1980s,PCs appeared and the beginning of the Internet allowed researchers at few research and large commercial organizations to easily communicate with others.In the 1990s,optical communication networks and the availability of the WWW browser allowed the explosive growth of world wide communications among individuals through the Internet.In this period,advances in embedded processors and wireless communication technology led to the creation of ad hoc networks and explosive world-wide usage of cellular telephony.In2000s,with all the above available technologies,sensor networking was made possible.A sensor network consists of dozens/hundreds/thousands of nodes (possibly randomly distributed),each with a sensor (e.G,acoustic,seismic,magnetic,chemical,image,video,temperature,etc.),a low-power embedded processor (of varying processing capability),a radio (e.G,a low-power transceiver of varying capability and range),a battery often of limited energy and size,and a program controlling one or more nodes and possibly some parts of the network to perform some given task..The slogan of a few years ago,"The network is the computer,"is now,"The network is the sensor."2.1 Sensor networks connect the physical world to the virtual worldIn the last fifteen years,the Internet using computer networks had connected the digital computers of the world into a virtual world. Sensor networks provide the capability of connecting the physical world(using the sensors in the sensor networks) to the digital world through the Internet to the virtual world.Sensor networks enhance the explosive impact of the Internet many folds by bringing the phenomena of the physical world under greater understanding and control.At present,the European SENSOR consortium with over thirty-five participating institutions in fifteen countries is using sensor networks to study the understanding of the multifunction use of land.The U.S.National Science Foundation (NSF) is supporting several large research efforts using sensor networking.NEON (National ecological observatory network) is estimated to be a $500 millions project over many years.An observatory may track birds and weather over a forest canopy.Another one may track invasive species causing agricultural losses,while a third one may monitor the biosphere associated with climatal changes.The Earth scope project is estimated to cost $200 millions and its purpose is to erect 3,000 stations to track faint tremors,measure crustal deformation and make three-dimensional maps of the interior of the earth.The Neptune project,also estimated to cost $200 millions,will place 2,000 miles of cables with sensors,cameras,and tether less robots in the depth of the Pacific Ocean from California to Canada. Its goal is to study from the depth to the surface for the total understanding of the ocean environment.NSF has also funded a ten year researchprogram of approximately $40 millions at CENS (Center for Embedded Networked Sensing) at UCLA starting in 2002 to study the impact of densely embedded sensing for scientific applications.Details on some of the projects of CENS will be discussed in Section 4.Many other applications of sensor networks have been proposed and implemented.It may include robotic control in manufacturing and industrial inventory management of products.It may perform personal health monitoring of senior citizens in their homes.Sensor network has been used for environ-mental pollutant monitoring on land,water,and air.It can be perform habitant monitoring in open spaces. Sensor networks can monitor plants in precision farming.It can monitor structural integrity of buildings.It can detect,localize,and track vehicles and people for commercial and military surveillance and reconnaissance applications.2.2 Commercial aspects of sensor networksAn ideal sensor network node (often called a mote) is shown in Fig.1.It may consist of one or more sensors,a microprocessor/controller,programs to perform its desired operation,a RF transceiver,and a battery supply.To keep cost low (i.e., costing less than $1),it needs to use a fully integrated single chip CMOS design of less than 1cm3in volume.To achieve ultra low-power,it needs to use less than one milliwatt of power.At present there are several dedicated hardware companies including Crossbows,Mill all Net,Eaton,IV,etc,selling various types of mote nodes,sub-systems,and services in sensor networks.Intel makes the Star gate sensor node.Recently.IBM announced the formation of a new business unit to invest $250 million over five years to support products and services in sensor networks.Microsoft also has an active R&D efforts in sensor networks.3 Concepts and hardware in sensor networksIn this section,we will introduce various concepts and hardware in sensor networks.They include sensor principle and hardware;sensor signal processing and communication;sensor network methodology;network position and synchronization;sensor network energy management;sensor network data management;sensor network node architecture;and sensor network data integrity and security.Sensors act as the "eyes and ears"of the sensor networks in accepting inputs from the physical world. Acoustical sensor (microphones) may be low cost condenser microphones or calibrated micro-phones (e.G,Linear X M31 and M53 microphones).Chemical sensors may detect CO2 or nitrates. Sensors to detect vibrations can use low-cost geophones or more accurate and expensive bi-axial or triaxial accelerometers.Sensors to detect magnetic fields can utilize magnetometer.Low-cost image and video sensors use CCD sensing devices.All of the previously listed sensors have existed for many years and are capable of sensing various physical phenomena.These conventional sensors are commercially available and have well defined costs,sizes,and sensitivities.However,state-of-the-art MEM-based sensors are often much smaller,have greater sensitivities and have lower power needs,but often are available only from laboratories in experimental batches.For practical system applications,there are trade offs between commercially available low-cost sensors versus"super performance"but expensive,unavailable,and unproven MEM-basedsensors.There are many issues in sensor signal processing and communication.The ADC (analog-digital-converter) bit requirement depends on the type of signals encountered by the sensors.The issue of communication transmission energy per bit versus processing energy cost per bit is an important matter in sensor networks.In some applications,it is possible to perform more local processing at the nodes instead of transmitting the raw information bits for processing at a central node.Often it is desirable to perform distributed processing than centralized processing in wireless sensor networks.There is active research in trade offs studies in low-bits,low-power,and distributed processing algorithm in sensor networks.A sensor network can be organized in a star,ring,tree,or ad hoc manner.An important initial organization requirement of a network is to discover connectivity among the nodes so communication links can be established.Network routing procedure shows which links are desirable from the communication energy and node reserve energy points of view.Latency and congestion are issues of importance in routing.Models for information channels (e.G,broadcast,multiple-access,cooperative relaying,etc.) and theoretical rate-flow capacity results for maximum data transfer in the sensor network are areas of active research.Spatial-temporal relationships for physical phenomena can be observed by densely distributed nodes in a sensor network.In order to determine the location and time of events of one or more sources of interest as they evolve in space and time,the nodes must know their own positions (and in time if the nodes are also moving).Sensor network constraints of distributed versus central processing,low-power processing,and limited physical placements of the nodes all make these solutions to be challenging.4 ChallengesIn this section,we list six fundamental challenges in the research,development,and commercial aspects of sensor networks.1) Application specific–Problems in sensor networks are highly application specific as can beseen from the four case studies described in Section 4.It is essentiallyimpossible to design a sensor network system that is near optimum for many applications.It is clear that sensor networks will form basic building blocks of many societal infrastructures (i.e,electric power network,water and natural gas networks, transportation network,etc.).All these systems posse both a challenge in that innovative design needs to be used to tackle each new sensor network application.but also presents the massive manufacturing of few generic sensor network systems to reduce their costs.2) Cooperative operation of the sensor network–How do all the sensor nodes operate in an organized and systematic manner to exploit the correlated information available across all parts of the network? This cooperation may involve different level of fusion of the results obtained after distributed processing across the entire network.3) Node and source localization–In many sensor networks,the location of the sensor nodesmust be determined.This problem has been addressed by many researchers,but reliable and practical solutions for many applications are still quite challenging.The detection,localization,and tracking of multiple sources have been considered for many years in aerospace applications,but are even more challenging in sensor networks with limited resources for real-time applications.4) Poor wireless communication links–Low-powered RF transmission under severe multipath propagation conditions limits the reliability of most wireless sensor networks over single links.Reliable hop links are even more challenging.Research and development efforts to solve these problems need to be considered from the theoretical system as well as practical hardware points of view.5) False positive issue using sensor network–Many deployed sensor networks often produced the"false positive"result.That is,the network declared some critical state (thus resulting in the need to take some important actions) from the measured data in the network,when the true situation does not warrant such actions. This"crying wolf scenario"lowers the confidence of the use of sensor networks for some applications.At present,this problem and not necessarily the technical nor cost of such sensor network systems are preventing wider deployments.Clearly,better hardware at the node level aswell as better decision algorithm need to be utilized to reduce the frequency of this problem.6) Battery limitation–Many sensor networks operate in remote locations with no AC power Supply.heir physical locations may present the usage of solar cells to charge the batteries.thus,higher energy density batteries muse be used for these situations.Active research and development in various small form factor fuel cells may lead to their availability in the near future.5 ConclusionsThe overview paper considered some basic issues in sensor networking.It is clear that sensor networking is only at its infancy.Much challenging work in research,development,and application will be performed in sensor networks in the coming years.。

宁波大红鹰学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译所在学院:机电学院班级: 09机自6班姓名:赵亚威学号: 091280742指导教师:张育斌合作导师:2012年 11 月 15 日The realization of wireless sensor networks and applications inagriculture1 IntroductionWireless sensor networks (Wireless Sensor Network, WSN) are deployed in the monitoring area by the large number of low-cost micro sensor nodes, wireless communication through the formation of a multi-hop network self-organization. The aim is to perceive collaboration, collection and processing of network coverage in the perception of objects, and send observers. "Sensors, sensing object and the observer," constitute the three elements of the network. Here that the sensor is not in the traditional sense of the simple perception of physical signals and the sensor into a digital signal, which is the sensor module, data processing module and wireless communication module integrated in a small physical unit, that is , enhanced features than many traditional sensors can not only be aware of environmental information, but also data processing and wireless communication capabilities. With the built-in sensor nodes in a variety of sensors, where the environment can measure heat, infrared, sonar, radar and seismic signals and other signals to detect temperature, humidity, noise, light intensity, pressure, soil composition, moving object the size, speed and direction, and so many physical phenomena of interest to us. Wireless sensor network is a new mode of information acquisition and information processing. Because of the shortage of water resources are at a considerable degree, plus 90% of the waste, untreated sewage or handling standards for direct discharge of water pollution, water quality is lower than 11% of agricultural water supply standards. Water is the lifeblood of agriculture, is the controlling element of the ecological environment, but it is also strategic economic resources, extraction of groundwater by pump irrigation of farmland, rational use of water resources, development of water supply, improve the ecological environment in China is currently accurate Agriculture key, so use of irrigation water and energy supply in today's world is the general trend of technological development.2 Overview of wireless sensor networks2.1 The system architecture of wireless sensor networksWireless sensor network system architecture shown in Figure 1, typically include sensor nodes, aggregation nodes and management nodes. Clouds in the observation area sensor nodes in order to constitute a network of self-organized manner. Sensor node processing the collected information, the way to multi-hop relay the information transmitted to the sink node. Then through the Internet or mobile communicationnetwork and other channels to reach management node. End-users through the management of wireless sensor network node management and configuration, release monitoring tasks or collect return data.2.2 The characteristics of wireless sensor networks(1) self-organization. As the network and the network itself, the physical environment in which the unpredictability of factors, such as: can not pre-set exact location of the node can not know in advance the relationship between the nodes adjacent to some nodes because of energy depletion or other causes of death, newnodes join and so on, make the network deployment and expansion without the need to rely on any of the default network infrastructure, layered protocol between nodes and distributed algorithms by coordinating their behavior, a node can quickly start automatically after the formation of a separatemulti-hop routing network.(2) multi-hop routing.Limited communication distance of nodes in the network, the node can only communicate directly with its neighbors, if beyond the range of its RF communication nodes, you need to be routed through intermediate nodes.(3) the spatial distribution of a large area, node density, the number is huge.(4) data-center.In wireless sensor networks, people usually only care about a region within a certain numerical observations, and not to the specific observations concerned a single node.(5) node capacity constraints.The energy of sensor nodes, processing power, storage capacity and communication ability and so is very limited.①power energy restricted.As the miniaturization of sensor nodes, node battery power is limited, and because physical constraints make it difficult for nodes to replace the battery, so battery power limitations of sensor nodes is the wireless sensor network design one of the most critical constraints, which directly determines the network's worklife.② computing and storage capacity is limited.Bring low-cost micro sensor nodes weak processor, memory capacity of small features, so it can not perform complex calculations, and the traditional Internet network protocols and algorithms on the relative maturity of wireless sensor networks, too costly, difficult to use,must therefore be simple, effective protocols and algorithms, such as the ZigBee protocol.③communication is limited.Typically, the energy consumption of wireless communication and communication distance d E the relation: E = kdn.Where 2 <n <4.N is usually taken as 3.2.3 The shortcomings of wireless sensor networks(1) energy is limited. Sensor nodes are usually powered by ordinary batteries or lithium batteries, the energy limited.In unattended environments, wireless sensor network applications is one of the bottlenecks.(2) node cost is higher. Currently on the market price in thousands of sensor nodes over the wireless sensor network nodes need many, limiting promote the use of wireless sensor networks.(3) The poor security. As a result of wireless channel, distributed control technology, the network more vulnerable to passive eavesdropping, active intrusion and other attacks.(4) collaboration. Individual sensor nodes are often unable to complete the target of measurement, tracking and recognition, while the number of sensor nodes need to exchange information through the algorithm on data obtained for processing, aggregation and filtering, the final result.3 the current wireless sensor network applications in agricultureView of the water shortage and the demand for farmland irrigation, irrigation equipment under the existing conditions of application fields of crops, soil, water distribution, etc., for precise analysis of the current agricultural solved key technical problems, we propose a use ofwireless sensor network technology, suitable for large areas of agricultural land Intelligent Irrigation Control.3.1 The system worksOf SCM system with multiple sensors on the humidity, temperature, rainfall, pH, water evaporation (wind speed) and air temperature, and other information collection to achieve the precise automatic irrigation control field, the output of the signal information through a wireless full-dup lex Public data transmission sent to the control center transceiver module (embedded systems) to determine whether to activate the pump for the farm water supply, water supply or not, this sa me information sent by the GPRS communication through the Internet to remote control centers, remote monitoring, and some models by computer to process information, make a water supply plan.3.2 Hardware Design of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless sensor network model is different from the traditional wireless network infrastructure, network, monitoring the region by a large number of sensor nodes randomly dispenser (the node), coordinated by the node and quickly set up their own communications network, under the principle of priority for energy efficiency division of work tasks for monitoring regional information .Self-organizing properties of the network when the node failure is reflected in the new node is added or when the network is capable of adaptive re-established to adjust the overall detection accuracy, give full play to its advantages in resources, that is, each node in the network with data collected in addition both data forwarding function smulti-hop routing. Wireless sensor networks composed of nodes in each category by the general data acquisition, data processing, data transmission and power the four parts. Each of microcontrollerhardware and software design are the same. The design of the study design was only for a single chip system. Be monitored in the form of physical signals determines the type of sensor .Embedded processors are often used CPU, such as the MOTOROLA company's 68HC16, C51 MCU and so on. Data transmission unit can be selected from low-power, short-range wireless communication modules, but considering the anti-theft and natural damage, the system chooses the larger power, transmission distance of SA68D21DL, farmers can be placed in the office or home, the main controller. Figure 2 depicts the composition of the node, in which the direction of the arrow indicates that the data flow direction in the node.3.3 The main control systemIn this system, the control network and Internet hosts as the connection between the wireless sensor network protocol conversion gateway. The hardware used Zhiyuan Electronics Mini ARM embedded computer modules. MiniISA series acquisition board structure using smart card, that card on the built-in MCU.MCU on the board on-board I / O ports control, to achieve I / O data buffer, thereby reducing the interface to the host board for Mini ISA dependence, saving the host data processing time, to ensure MiniISA system more efficient operation. MCU board can also collect data or output data for further processing. System schematic shown in Figure 3.3.4 Design of the remote control system is mainlyGPRS communication system, GPRS and Internet network access system, the monitoring center console-friendly interface display control system. This part of the hardware can be applied to existing mobile telecommunications companies and Internet resources, software and professional capabilities to consider the cost of independent development, the proposed application of the existing remote software, such as "Ball Remote Control" software, remote monitoring equipment Co., Ltd. in Hunan Province The RC-2000 remote control software visualization system. Concluding RemarksThis paper reviews the nodes of wireless sensor networks, characteristics, and current applications in agriculture, research-based embedded systems, intelligent wide are a of farmland out of the water supply system, water is detected field information to continue through the automatic control Electric water pump to start, and realized the remote GPRS communications, PC, to learn through the health system and over which it controlled, automatic acquisition of soil information to determine whether to activate the pump from the line for the farm water supply, which is in line with China's rural areasbasic national conditions. The system is simple, click on the system transformation, can be designed courtyard automatic water supply systems, automatic water supply system and a garden greenhouse automatic water supply system, so the scalability of the system is better, relatively broad prospects.Today's wireless sensor network as a new hotspot in the field of information, involving interdisciplinary. With the reduced cost sensors and related solutions to continuous optimization problems, such as power consumption and data fusion algorithm is more small, node localization algorithm in continuous improvement, and more advanced wireless RF module, wireless sensor networks will be more in agriculture wide range of applications.译文:无线传感器网络的实现及在农业上的应用1引言无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network ,WSN)就是由部署在监测区域内大量的廉价微型传感器节点组成,通过无线通信方式形成的一个多跳的自组织的网络系统。

Design of high precision pressure-resistance type pressure sensor detecting systemXueliang Zhao 1,a 1Center For Hydrogeology And Environmental Geology Survey,CGS, Key Laboratory of Geological Environment Monitoring Technology,Ministry of Land and Resources, Baoding of Hebei Province China , Shuren Gao 2, Tao Wang 2 and Yingping Guo 12Petroleum Production Engineering Research Institute, Huabei Oilfield Company, CNPC, Renqiu ChinaAbstract. The high precision detecting circuit is designed for the KELLER 3L sensor which is the pressure-resistance pressure sensor, and the water level long time monitoring of groundwater is accomplished. Through designing the power management circuit, the pressure sensor driver circuit, the signal conditioning circuit and temperature compensation method, the problem of zero drift and temperature drift is solved. The experiment shows that the pressure detecting instrument has the very good application prospect with the advantages of small size, low power consumption, high precision and so on.Keywords: pressure-resistance type pressure sensor; water level monitoring; detecting circuit; groundwater.1 IntroductionThe high precision monitoring of groundwater level is very important for the groundwater resources management and groundwater environment quality. The measurement of water level need use the pressure sensor. The pressure sensor includes float-type and pressure-resistance type generally. Along with the development of the science and technology, automation, online-monitoring, intelligence and high precision are the trend of groundwater level monitoring. The float-type pressure monitoring instrument has not matched the demand because of the disadvantages for example low precision, poor sensitivity and so on. The pressure-resistance pressure sensor can transform the water level into voltage signal, and is very easy to accomplish the long-time online high precision monitoring. However, the pressure sensor driver circuit and the temperature compensation are the key factors for the measurement precision. Aim at the groundwater level demand the power management circuit, the pressure sensor driver circuit and temperature measuring circuit are designed based on the pressure-resistance pressure sensor. The measurement accuracy is improved greatly, and the water level monitoring instrument is very suit to the demand at present.2 The KELLER 3L pressure sensorThe KELLER 3L pressure sensor is a pressure-resistance pressure sensor which is manufactured by diaphragm technology based on laser welding. It’s size isΦ9.5×4.2mm, and the pressure scale is 20 toa200 bar. The accuracy is 0.25%FS. The bridge circuit is included inside the sensor. It is very easy to be integrated with the detecting circuit and instrumentation housing. The groundwater level monitoring instrument is suit to be installed inside the monitoring wells to long-time monitor the groundwater situation based on the 3L pressure sensor. The internal equivalent circuit diagram of 3L pressure sensor is shown in the figure 1.Figure 1. The internal equivalent circuit diagram of 3L pressure sensor3 Hardware designThe MSP430F548[5] is adopted as the main processor. The whole instrument includes six parts: the processor minimum system, the constant current source pressure sensor driver circuit, the constant current source temperature electrode driver circuit, the signal transmission circuit, the power manage circuit and the host computer. The processor minimum system controls other parts to work orderly and collect the pressure sensor analog signal and temperature sensor signal. The pressure-resistance pressure sensor is drove by the constant current source pressure sensor driver circuit. The temperature sensor is drove by the constant current source temperature electrode driver circuit. The different part’s supplies are managed by the power manage circuit. The monitoring result data is transmitted to the host computer by the 485 bus. The water level data and water temperature data are saved and displayed by the host computer. The whole block diagram is shown in the figure 2.Figure 2. The whole block diagram2.1 MSP430F5438 and ADC12 moduleThe MSP430F5438 is the 16 bit ultra-lowpowersinglechip of TI based on the RISCarchitectures. The current can achieve u a level in the conditionofultra-low powerconsumption by the power management module of MSP430F5438. The multichannel and high precision ADC12 module is integrated into the MSP430F5438 [5]. It includes ADC core, 2.5V/1.5V reference voltage generator and a variety of clock source etc. The ADC12 module can meet manydatacollectionapplications, so that the hardware design can been greatlysimplified. The ADC12 block diagram is shown in figure 3.Figure 3. The ADC12 block diagramThe A0 channel and A1 channel are chosen to collect the signal of the thermostat sensor and the pressure-resistance type pressure sensor. The registers are set as follow.ADC12CTL2=ADC12RES_2;ADC12ICTL0=ADC12ON+ADC12SHT0_12;ADC12CTL1=ADC12SSEL_1+ADC12DIV0+ADC12SHP+ADC12CONSEQ_03.2 The constant current source pressure sensor driver circuitThe pressure-resistance pressure sensor can be drove by the constant current source and the constant voltage source. The constant current source which is compared with constant voltage source is benefitto reduce the temperature influence. The constant current source driver circuit is designed to let the pressure-resistance type pressure sensor work normally [1]. The circuit is shown in the figure 4.Figure 4.The constant current source driver circuitThe constant current source driver circuit is constructed by operational amplifiers A1, A2 and resistances. The operational amplifiers A1 and A2 use LM358. The current formula is shown as follow:I=-V0R3/R1R5 (R1×R4=R2×R3)The current which is generated by Fig.4 is 1mA according to the KELLER 3L pressure sensor’s demand.3.3 Pressure sensor signal conditioning circuitThe output resistance of pressure-resistance type pressure sensor is very high. Therefore, the pressure sensor signal conditioning circuit need have very bigger input resistance than the output resistance to guarantee the normal work of pressure sensor [2]. The pressure sensor signal conditioning circuit is shown in the figure 5.Figure 5.The signal conditioning circuitThe first stage co phase parallel connection differential amplifier circuit is constructed by the operational amplifiers A1 and A2. The second stage amplifier circuit is designed by A3 to improve the gain. The signal conditioning circuit has high input resistance, CMRR and open-loop gain with small offset current and noise, and can inhibit the common-signal interference effectively. The value of R1, R2, R3 and R4 are R. The value of R5 and R6 are Rf. The value of output voltage can be adjusted by the Adjustable resistance W. The value of output voltage is calculated according to the formula as follow.4 Software designThe system use the methodofmodularization, and the software program is written by C programming language in the IAR Embedded Workbench. The whole program include five parts: the main program, the supply management program, the pressure sensor signal acquisition program, the temperature measurement program, data handle program [3], the 485 communication program. The system program flow chart is shown in figure 6.Figure 6. The system program diagram4.1 Temperature compensation methodThe temperature is the main reason which influences the pressure measurement accuracy. So the temperature compensation must be carried out. The least square method is used to build the two non-linear function relationship including the relation of pressure sensor output voltage-pressure and the relation of temperature-Curve coefficient [4].The specific temperature compensation method includes three steps. Firstly, the curve equations need been built in different temperatures through experiments. Secondly, the curve equations are bulit between Curve coefficient which is in the first step and temperature. Finally, the final compensation equation is built through the first step and the second step.The DS18B20 which is a kind of digital temperature sensor is adopted to measure the groundwater temperature. The DS18B20 measurement circuit is very simply, and can minimum the whole hardware design the complexity.5 The application resultThe pressure-resistance type Pressure Sensor Detecting system’s performance is certificated by the analogy device which can analogy groundwater environment for example water pressure, watertemperature and water velocity of flow. The results are shown in table 1.Table 1.Pressure sensor detecting system’s performance experiment Temperature(°C) analogy pressor(KPa) measurement value(KPa) relative error(%)0 100 99.80 0.20 200 199.60 0.40 300 299.34 0.6610 100 99.61 0.39 200 199.48 0.52 300 299.30 0.7030 100 99.50 0.50 200 199.35 0.65 300 299.20 0.8045 100 99.36 0.64 200 199.37 0.63 300 299.20 0.80The table shows that the maximun relative error of pressor measurement system is 0.80% under the different temperature and pressure. The pressure measurement system is suit to be installed in the well to long-time online monitor the water level and water temperature with the advantages of small size, low power consumption, high precision and so on.6 ConclusionThe high accuracy pressure-resistance type pressure sensor measurement system is achieved finally by using the MSP430F5438A processor, the constant current source driver circuit, the signal conditioning circuit and temperature compensation. The laboratoryexperiment is carried out, and the result has very good effect. The measurement system has board prospectsinapplication with the advantage of low-power dissipation, simple structure and highreliability.AcknowledgmentThis research is Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China No.41303089; Geological Survey Project of China No.121201012000150010; The special public welfare industry research of The Ministry of land and resources in China N0.201411083-3.References1.Hu Yuanyuan, Wang Dajun. Intelligent Design of Pressure Sensor Temperature CompensationBased on ATmegal6[J]. Instnmient Technique and Sensor, 2010,10:9-11.2.Cai Ying, Bi Peng. Pressure-resistance Type Pressure Sensor andDesign of Its ApplicationCircuit[J]. Measuremence and Overhaul,2002,22(5):12-14.3.Liu Peng, Yang Xueyou. Design of C Compensating Silicon Piezoresistive Sensor’ Error basedon MAX1452[J]. Instnmient Technique and Sensor, 2010,4:52-65.4.Ni Xiuhui, Zhang Linlin, Ren Guoxing.Design of High Precision ThermistorTanperatureMeasuranent Based on MSP430[J]. Instnmient Technique and Sensor,2009, 3:101-120.5.MSP430x5xx Family User’s Guide [J/OL].2008,.。


三、压力传感器的应用1. 工业领域在工业生产中,压力传感器被广泛应用于流体控制、液位监测、压力监测等方面。
2. 医疗领域在医疗设备中,压力传感器的应用也十分广泛。
3. 生活领域除了工业和医疗领域,压力传感器在生活中也有着广泛的应用。


压力传感器曲线对比英语Comparison of Pressure Sensor CurvesPressure sensors are widely used in various industries to measure pressure levels in different applications. The measurement of pressure is important for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of systems and equipment. There are various types of pressure sensors available, each with its unique characteristics and performance. In this article, we will compare the curves of two common types of pressure sensors: piezoresistive and capacitive.Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor CurvePiezoresistive pressure sensors are based on the principle of changing resistance in response to the applied pressure. The sensor consists of a thin diaphragm made of silicon or other materials that deform under pressure. The deformation causes a change in the resistance of the strain gauge or piezoresistor, which is then converted into a voltage signal. The output voltage of the sensor is proportional to the applied pressure.The curve of a piezoresistive pressure sensor is typically a straight line over a particular pressure range. The output voltage increases linearly with the applied pressure. However, the linearity of the curve can vary depending on several factors, such as the material of the diaphragm, the size and shape of the sensor, and the temperature.Capacitive Pressure Sensor CurveCapacitive pressure sensors work based on the principle of changing the capacitance between two conductive plates in response to the applied pressure. The sensor consists of two plates separated by a thin diaphragm that deforms under pressure. The deformation causes a change in the distance between the plates and hence a change in the capacitance. The change in capacitance is then converted into an electrical signal.The curve of a capacitive pressure sensor is typically a second-order curve, which means that the output voltage increases nonlinearly with the applied pressure. The curve has a polynomial equation of the form y = a + bx + cx^2. The coefficients a, b, and c depend on the material and geometry of the sensor.ConclusionIn conclusion, both piezoresistive and capacitive pressure sensors are widely used in various applications. The curve of a piezoresistive pressure sensor is typically a straight line, while the curve of a capacitive pressure sensor is a second-order curve. The choice of sensor depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the measurement range, accuracy, and response time.。

毕业任务书一、题目智能压力传感器系统设计二、指导思想和目的要求1. 培养学生综合运用所学职业基础知识、职业专业知识和职业技能提高解决实际问题的能力从而达到巩固、深化所学的知识与技能;2. 培养学生建立正确的科学思想培养学生认真负责、实事求是的科学态度和严谨求实作风;3. 培养学生调查研究收集资料熟悉有关技术文件锻炼学生的科研工作能力和培养学生的团结合作攻关能力三、主要技术指标1. 培养学生综合运用所学职业基础知识、职业专业知识和职业技能提高解决实际问题的能力从而达到巩固、深化所学的知识与技能;2. 培养学生建立正确的科学思想培养学生认真负责、实事求是的科学态度和严谨求实作风;3. 培养学生调查研究收集资料熟悉有关技术文件锻炼学生的科研工作能力和培养学生的团结合作攻关能力三、主要技术指标本设计主要设计一个智能压力传感器的设计要求如下:被测介质:气体、液体及蒸气量程: 0Pa~500pa综合精度:±0.25%FS供电: 24V Dc(12~36VDC)介质温度:-20~150℃环境温度:-20~85℃过载能力: 150%FS响应时间:≤10mS稳定性:≤±0.15%FS/年能实时显示目标压力值和保存参数并能和上位机进行通信并具有较强的抗干扰能力所需要完成的工作:1.系统地掌握控制器的开发设计过程相关的电子技术和传感器技术等进行设计任务和功能的描述;2.进行系统设计方案的论证和总体设计;3.从全局考虑完成硬件和软件资源分配和规划分别进行系统的硬件设计和软件设计;4.进行硬件调试软件调试和软硬件的联调;5. 查阅到15篇以上与题目相关的文献按要求格式独立撰写不少于15000字的设计说明书及1.5万(或翻译成中文后至少在3000字以上)字符以上的英文翻译四、进度和要求第01周----第02周:查阅相关资料并完成英文翻译;第03周----第04周:进行市场调查给出系统详细的设计任务和功能进行系统设计方案的论证和总体设计;第05周----第07周:完成硬件电路设计并用PROTEL画出硬件电路图;第08周----第10周:完成软件模块设计与调试;第11周----第12周:进行硬件调试软件调试和软硬件的联调;第13周----第14周:撰写毕业设计论文;五、主要参考书及参考资料1. 单片机原理及应用张鑫等电子工业出版社2. MCS51单片机应用设计张毅刚等哈尔滨工业大学3. MCS51系列单片机实用接口技术李华等北京航天航空大学4. PROTEL2004电路原理图及PCB设计清源科技机械工业出版社5. 基于MCS-51系列单片机的通用控制模块的研究曹卫芳山东科技大学2005.56. 单片机应用技术选编何立民北京航空航天大学出版社20007. 检测技术与系统设计张靖等中国电力出版社2001摘要压力是工业生产过程中的重要参数之一压力的检测或控制是保证生产和设备安全运行必不可少的条件实现智能化压力检测系统对工业过程的控制具有非常重要的意义本设计主要通过单片机及专用芯片对传感器所测得的模拟信号进行处理使其完成智能化功能介绍了智能压力传感器外围电路的硬件设计并根据硬件进行了软件编程本次设计是基于AT89C51单片机的测量与显示是通过压力传感器将压力转换成电信号再经过运算放大器进行信号放大送至8位A/D转换器然后将模拟信号转换成单片机可以识别的数字信号再经单片机转换成LED显示器可以识别的信息最后显示输出而在显示的过程中通过键盘向计算机系统输入各种数据和命令让单片机系统处于预定的功能状态显示需要的值本论文根据压力传感器零点补偿与非线性补偿原理设计出了测量压力传感器的硬件应用单片机技术测量电路简单成本低应用面广但是由于自身的稳定性其测量结果仍存在误差关键词: 压力;AT89C51单片机;压力传感器;A/D转换器;LCD显示;AbstractPressure is one of the important parameters in the process of industrial production. Pressure detection or control is an essential condition to ensure production and the equipment to safely operatingwhich is of great significance. The single-chip is infiltrating into all fields of our livesso it is very difficult to find the area in which there is no traces of single-chip microcomputer. In this graduation designprimarily through by using single-chip and dedicated chiphandling of analog signal measured by the sensor to complete intelligent function. This design illustrates external hardware circuit design of intelligent pressure sensorand conduct software development to the hardware.The design is based on measurement and display of AT89C51 single-chip. This is the pressure sensors will convert the pressure into electrical signals. After using operational amplifierthe signal is amplifiedand transferred to the 8-bit A/D converter. Then the analog signal is converted into digital signals which can be identified by single-chip and then converted by single-chip into the information which can be displayed on LED monitorand finally display output. In the course of showthrough the keyboard to input all kinds of data and commands into the computer the single-chip will locate in a predetermined function step to display requiredvalues.In additionbased sensor thermal drift and nonlinearity principlethis paper has designedIntelligent sensor hardware circuit and edited a C51Program.The circuit with micro-Process issimple and cheapthough the result has still a little error.Key words: pressure; AT89C51 single-chip; pressure sensor; A/D converter; LCD monitor;目录第一章绪论 11.1前言11.2选题的背景和意义11.3智能压力传感器的发展方向21.4本文研究的内容 3第二章系统总体方案设计 42.1系统任务描述42.1.1控制系统要求 42.1.2主要仪器的选择42.2系统总体设计62.2.1系统组成 62.2.2基于单片机的智能压力检测的原理6第三章压力传感系统硬件设计73.1压力传感器73.1.1金属应变片的工作原理73.1.2 电阻应变片的基本结构83.1.3电阻应变片的测量电路83.1.4电桥电路的工作原理93.1.5非线性误差及温度补偿10浩渡科技-专业生产各类传感器,仪器仪表3.2信号放大电路113.2.1三运放放大电路113.3 A/D转换器123.3.1 A/D转换器的简介123.3.2 配置位说明133.3.3 工作时序图143.3.4 单片机对ADC0832的控制原理153.4 单片机173.4.1 AT89C51单片机简介173.4.2主要特性173.4.3管脚说明183.4.4振荡器特性193.4.5芯片擦除203.5 液晶屏LCD简介 203.5.1液晶显示器原理203.5.2液晶显示器分类203.5.3字符的显示213.5.4 LM016L引脚功能说明213.6 报警模块22第四章软件设计 234.1 系统的主程序234.2 A/D转换器的软件设计254.2.1 ADC0832芯片接口程序的编写254.3 LCD数码管显示程序设计274.3.1 LM016LCD的RAM地址映射及标准字库表27第五章 PROTEUS 仿真调试 295.1仿真软件了解295.1.1proteus软件介绍295.1.2protuse功能和特点295.2本次设计仿真过程305.2.1 创建原理图305.2.2 绘制仿真原理图305.2.3 系统调试315.2.4 开始仿真31第六章总结 336.1 设计总结336.2展望和不足34致谢35参考文献36附录一 PROTEL图37附录二源程序38第一章绪论1.1前言在信息高速发展的今天传感器检测系统的智能化和集成化成为其发展的两个重要方向而传感器检测系统智能化和集成化的程度主要取决于与之相结合的微处理器的性能具有数据处理能力能够进行自动检测、自动校准、自动误差补偿、自动抽样、以及标度变换功能的智能压力传感器检测系统已成为国内外开发和研究的热点传感器技术是现代测量和自动化技术的重要技术之一从宇宙探索到海洋开发从生产过程的控制到现代文明生活几乎每一项现代科学技术都离不开传感器在工业、农业、国防、科技等各个领域传感器技术都得到了广泛的应用并展现出极其广阔的前景因此许多国家对传感器技术的发展十分重视例如在日本传感器技术被列为六大核心技术(传感器、通信、激光、半导体、超导和计算机)之一并且是将传感器列为十大技术之首;美国将90年代看作是传感器时代将传感器技术列为90年代22项关键技术之一我国对传感器的研究也有二十多年的历史并取得了很大的成就目前在"科学技术就是第一生产力"的思想指引下各项科学技术取得了突飞猛进的发展传感器技术也越来越受到各方面的重视虽然在某些方面已赶上或者接近世界先进水平但是从总体来看与国外传感器技术的发展相比我国对传感器技术的研究和生产还比较落后现正处于方兴未艾的阶段由于智能传感器系统的研究起步较晚其理论和实践远未成熟离实际应用需求差距很大尤其是用于压力测量的高性能、小体积、低成本智能压力传感器系统更是有待于进一步开发因此研究开发高性能的智能压力传感器系统对于促进信息技术及自动化技术的发展、提高设备的性能及自动化水平具有不可低估的意义1.2选题的背景和意义近年来随着微型计算机的发展他的应用在人们的工作和日常生活中越来越普遍工业过程控制是计算机的一个重要应用领域其中由单片机构成的嵌入式系统已经越来越受到人们的关注现在可以毫不夸张的说没有微型计算机的仪器不能称为先进的仪器没有微型计算机的控制系统不能称其为现代控制系统的时代已经到来压力测量对实时监测和安全生产具有重要的意义在工业生产中为了高效、安全生产必须有效控制生产过程中的诸如压力、流量、温度等主要参数由于压力控制在生产过程中起着决定性的安全作用因此有必要准确测量压力为了测到不同位置的压力值本次设计为基于单片机智能压力测量系统通过压力传感器将需要测量的位置的压力信号转化为电信号再经过运算放大器进行信号放大送至8位A/D转换器然后将模拟信号转换成单片机可以识别的数字信号再经单片机转换成LCD显示器可以识别的信息最后显示输出基于单片机的智能压力检测系统选择的单片机是基于AT89C51单片机的测量与显示将压力经过压力传感器变为电信号再通过三运放放将电信号放大为标准信号为0-5V的电压信号然后进入A/D转换器将模拟量转换为数字量我们所采样的A/D转换器为ADC0832ADC0832为8位分辨率A/D转换芯片其最高分辨可达256级可以适应一般的模拟量转换要求其内部电源输入与参考电压的复用使得芯片的模拟电压输入在0~5V之间芯片转换时间仅为32μS据有双数据输出可作为数据校验以减少数据误差转换速度快且稳定性能强独立的芯片使能输入使多器件挂接和处理器控制变的更加方便通过DI数据输入端可以轻易的实现通道功能的选择正常情况下ADC0832与单片机的接口应为4条数据线分别是CS、CLK、DO、DI但由于DO端与DI端在通信时并未同时有效并与单片机的接口是双向的所以电路设计时可以将DO和DI并联在一根数据线上使用为了提高单片机系统I/O口线的利用效率利用单片机AT87C51的串行口和液晶显示屏LM016L来显示.1.3智能压力传感器的发展方向(1)向高智能高精度发展:随着自动化生产程度的不断提高对传感器的要求也在不断提高必须研制出具有灵敏度高、精确度高、响应速度快、互换性好的新型传感器以确保生产自动化的可靠性目前能生产精度在万分之一以上的传感器的厂家为数很少其产最也远远不能满足要求(2)向高可靠性、宽温度范围发展:传感器的可靠性直接影响到电子设备的抗干扰等性能研制高可靠性、宽温度范围的传感器将是永久性的方向提高温度范围历来是大课题大部分传感器其工作范围都在一20℃~70℃在军用系统中要求工作温度在一40OC一85OC范围而汽车锅炉等场合要求传感器工作在一20OC~1200C在冶炼、焦化等方面对传感器的温度要求更高因此发展新兴材料(如陶瓷)的传感器将很有前途(3)向微型化发展:各种控制仪器设备的功能越来越人要求各个部件体积能占位置越小越好因而传感器本身体积也是越小越好这就要求发展新的材料及加工技术目前利用硅材料制作的传感器体积己经很小如传统的加速度传感器是由重力块和弹簧等制成的体积较大、稳定性差、寿命也短而利用激光等各种微细加工技术制成的硅加速度传感器体积非常小、互换性可靠性都较好(4)高智能化:将压力传感器和单片机联系在一起使其能够在实际应用中能更好地实现人机互换交流增加仪器的数字化和智能化1.4本文研究的内容研究开发一个智能压力传感器要实现的主要目标是:1.系统地掌握单片机的开发设计过程相关的电子技术和传感器技术等进行设计任务和功能的描述2.进行系统设计方案的论证和总体设计3.从全局考虑完成硬件和软件资源分配和规划分别进行系统的硬件设计和软件设计4.进行硬件调试软件调试和软硬件的联调第二章系统总体方案设计2.1系统任务描述该系统的任务是能够测量出被测物的压力并能实时显示目标压力值和保存参数并能和上位机进行通信并具有较强的抗干扰能力2.1.1控制系统要求该控制系统要求满足以下几点要求:(1)被测介质:气体、液体及蒸气(2)量程: 0Pa~500pa(3)综合精度:±0.25%FS(4)供电: 24V Dc(12~36VDC)(5)介质温度:-20~150℃(6)环境温度:-20~85℃(7)当压力超过一定范围是可以报警(8)能实时显示目标压力值和保存参数并能和上位机进行通信并具有较强的抗干扰能力2.1.2主要仪器的比较选择1、压力传感器的选择压力传感器是压力检测系统中的重要组成部分由各种压力敏感元件将被测压力信号转换成容易测量的电信号作输出给显示仪表显示压力值或供控制和报警使用力学传感器的种类繁多如电阻应变片压力传感器、半导体应变片压力传感器、压阻式压力传感器、电感式压力传感器、电容式压力传感器谐振式压力传感器及电容式加速度传感器等而电阻应变式传感器具有悠久的历史由于它具有结构简单、体积小、使用方便、性能稳定、可靠、灵敏度高动态响应快、适合静态及动态测量、测量精度高等诸多优点因此是目前应用最广泛的传感器之一电阻应变式传感器由弹性元件和电阻应变片构成当弹性元件感受到物理量时其表面产生应变粘贴在弹性元件表面的电阻应变片的电阻值将随着弹性元件的应变而相应变化通过测量电阻应变片的电阻值变化可以用来测量各种参数2、放大器的选择被测的非电量经传感器得到的电信号幅度很小无法进行A/D转换必须对这些模拟电信号进行放大处理为使电路简单便于调试本设计采用三运算放大器因为在具有较大共模电压的条件下仪表放大器能够对很微弱的差分电压信号进行放大并且具有很高的输入阻抗这些特性使其受到众多应用的欢迎广泛用于测量压力和温度的应变仪电桥接口、热电耦温度检测和各种低边、高边电流检测3、A/D转换器的选择目前单片机在电子产品中已得到广泛应用许多类型的单片机内部已带有A/D转换电路但此类单片机会比无A/D转换功能的单片机在价格上高几元甚至很多我们采用一个普通的单片机加上一个A/D转换器实现A/D转换的功能这里A/D转换器可选ADC0832、ADC0809等;串行和并行接口模式是A/D转换器诸多分类中的一种但却是应用中器件选择的一个重要指标在同样的转换分辨率及转换速度的前提下不同的接口方式会对电路结构及采用周期产生影响对A/D转换器的选择我们通过比较ADC0809和ADC0832来决定这两个转换器都是常见的A/D转换器其中ADC0809的并行接口A/D转换器ADC0832是串行接口A/D转换器我们所做的设计选择ADC0832A/D转换在单片机接口中应用广泛串行 A/D转换器具有功耗低、性价比较高、芯片引脚少等特点4、主控制器的选择单片机是一种在线式实时控制计算机在线式就是现场控制需要的是有较强的抗干扰能力较低的成本这也是和离线式计算机的(比如家用PC)的主要区别它拥有基于复杂指令集(CISC)的单片机内核虽然其速度不快12个振荡周期才执行一个单周期指令但其端口结构为准双向并行口可兼有外部并行总线故使其扩展性能非常强大51的内部硬件预设可用特殊功能寄存器对其进行编辑2.1.3总体方案的选择经过上述总结本设计采用89C51单片机作为控制芯片采用电阻应变片压力传感器采集压力信号通过压力传感器将采集的压力信号转换成与之对应的电信号经过ADC0832放大处理通过89C51在LCD屏幕上显示压力数据在超过压力限制时由蜂鸣器报警2.2系统总体设计2.2.1系统组成图2.1 智能压力传感器原理方框图2.2.2基于单片机的智能压力检测的原理本次设计是以单片机组成的压力测量系统中必须有前向通道作为电信号的输入通道用来采集输入信息压力的测量需要传感器利用传感器将压力转换成电信号后再经放大并经A/D转换为数字量后才能由计算机进行有效处理然后用LCD进行显示我们这次主要做的是A/D转换单片机和显示我们选用的A/D转换器是ADC0832单片机为AT89C51显示为液晶显示LCD根据硬件电路编程调试出来并显示结果第三章压力传感系统硬件设计3.1压力传感器3.1.1金属应变片的工作原理应变式压力传感器是把压力的变化转换成电阻值的变化来进行测量的应变片是由金属导体或半导体制成的电阻体是一种将被测件上的应变变化转换成为一种电信号的敏感器件它是压阻式应变传感器的主要组成部分之一电阻应变片应用最多的是金属电阻应变片和半导体应变片两种金属电阻应变片又有丝状应变片和金属箔状应变片两种通常是将应变片通过特殊的粘和剂紧密的粘合在产生力学应变基体上当基体受力发生应力变化时电阻应变片也一起产生形变使应变片的阻值发生改变从而使加在电阻上的电压发生变化这种应变片在受力时产生的阻值变化通常较小一般这种应变片都组成应变电桥并通过后续的仪表放大器进行放大再传输给处理电路(通常是A/D转换和CPU)显示或执行机构其阻值随压力所产生的应变而变化金属电阻应变片的工作原理是吸附在基体材料上应变电阻随机械形变而产生阻值变化的现象俗称为电阻应变效应对于金属导体一段圆截面的导线的金属丝设其长为L截面积为A(直径为D)原始电阻为 R金属导体的电阻值可用下式表示:R=ρL∕A (3.1)式中:ρ--金属导体的电阻率(Ω·cm2/m) S--导体的截面积(cm2)L--导体的长度(m)当金属丝受到轴向力 F而被拉伸或压缩产生形变其电阻值会随之变化通过对(3.1)式两边取对数后再取全微分得:(3.2)式中为材料轴向线应变且跟据材料力学在金属丝单向受力状态下有(3.3)式中μ为导体材料的泊松比因此有(3.4)试验发现金属材料电阻率的相对变化与其体的相对变化间的关系为(3.5)式中c为常数(由一定的材料和加工方式决定)将式 (3.5)代入 (3.4)且当ΔR=R时可得(3.6)式中k=(1+2μ)+c(1-2μ)为金属丝材料的应变灵敏系数上式表明金属材料电阻的相对变化与其线应变成正比这就是金属材料的应变电阻效应电阻变化率△R/R 的表达式为:K=ΔR/Rμ/ε式中μ-材料的泊松系数;ε-应变量当金属丝受外力作用时其长度和截面积都会发生变化从上式中可很容易看出其电阻值即会发生改变假如金属丝受外力作用而伸长时其长度增加而截面积减少电阻值便会增大当金属丝受外力作用而压缩时长度减小而截面增加电阻值则会减小只要测出加在电阻的变化(通常是测量电阻两端的电压)即可获得应变金属丝的应变情3.1.2 电阻应变片的基本结构电阻应变片主要由四部分组成电阻丝是应变片敏感元件;基片、覆盖片起定位和保护电阻丝的作用并使电阻丝和被测试件之间绝缘;引出线用以连接测量导线3.1.3电阻应变片的测量电路应变片可以将应变转换为电阻的变化为了显示于记录应变的大小还要将电阻的变化再转换为电压或电流的变化因此需要有专用的测量电路通常采用直流电桥和交流电桥3.1.4电桥电路的工作原理由于应变片的电桥电路的输出信号一般比较微弱所以目前大部分电阻应变式传感器的电桥输出端与直流放大器相连如图3.1所示图3.1直流电桥设电桥的各臂的电阻分别为R1R3R2R4 它们可以全部或部分是应变片由于直流放大器的输入电阻比电桥电阻大的多因此可将电桥输出端看成开路这种电桥成为电压输出桥输出电压U0 为U0= (3.7)由上式可见:若R1R3=R2R4则输出电压必为零此时电桥处于平衡状态称为平衡电桥平衡电桥的平衡条件为:R1R3=R2R4应变片工作时其电阻变化ΔR此时有不平衡电压输出(3.8)由式(3.8)表明:ΔR《 R1 时电桥的输出电压于应变成线性关系若相邻两桥臂的应变极性一致即同为拉应变活压应变时输出电压为两者之差若不同时则输出电压为两者之和若相对两桥臂的极性一直输出电压为两者之和反之则为两者之差电桥供电电压U越高输出电压U0 越大但是当U大时电阻应变片通过的电流也大若超过电阻应变片所允许通过的最大工作电流传感器就会出现蠕变和零漂基于这些原因可以合理的进行温度补偿和提高传感器的测量灵敏度3.1.5非线性误差及温度补偿由式(3.8)的线性关系是在应变片的参数变化很小ΔR《 R1 的情况下得出的若应变片承受的压力太大则上述假设不成立电桥的输出电压应变之间成非线性关系在在这种情况下用按线性关系刻度的仪表进行测量必然带来非线性误差为了消除非线性误差在实际应用中常采用半桥差动或全桥差动电路如图3.2所示以改善非线性误差和提高输出灵敏度U U(a)半桥差动电路(b)全桥差动电路图3.2 差动电桥图3.2(a)为半桥差动电路在传感器这中经常使用这种方法粘贴应变片时使两个应变片一个受压一个受拉应变符号相反工作时将两个应变片接入电桥的相邻两臂设电桥在初始时所示平衡的且为等臂电桥考虑到ΔR=ΔR1=ΔR2 则得半桥差动电路的输出电压为(3.9)由上式可见半桥差动电路不仅可以消除非线性误差而且还使电桥的输出灵敏度提高了一倍同时还能起到温度补偿的作用如果按图3.2(b)所示构成全桥差动电路同样考虑到ΔR=ΔR1=ΔR2=ΔR3=ΔR4时得全桥差动电路的输出电压为(3.10)可见全桥的电压灵敏度比单臂工作时的灵敏度提高了4倍非线性误差也得到了消除同时还具有温度补偿的作用该电路也得到了广泛的应用3.2信号放大电路3.2.1三运放放大电路本次设计的放大器采用了三运放因为它具有高共模抑制比的放大电路它由三个集成运算放大器组成如图3.3所示3.3 三运放高共摸抑制比放大电路。
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The Basic knowledge of Sensor and Development of SensorThe Basic knowledge of SensorA transducer is a device which converts the quantity being measured into an optical, mechanical, or-more commonly-electrical signal. The energy-conversion process that takes place is referred to as transduction.Transducers are classified according to the transduction principle involved and the form of the measured. Thus a resistance transducer for measuring displacement is classified as a resistance displacement transducer. Other classification examples are pressure bellows, force diaphragm, pressure flapper-nozzle, and so on.1、Transducer ElementsAlthough there are exception ,most transducers consist of a sensing element and a conversion or control element. For example, diaphragms,bellows,strain tubes and rings, bourdon tubes, and cantilevers are sensing elements which respond to changes in pressure or force and convert these physical quantities into a displacement. This displacement may then be used to change an electrical parameter such as voltage, resistance, capacitance, or inductance. Such combination of mechanical and electrical elements form electromechanical transducing devices or transducers. Similar combination can be made for other energy input such as thermal. Photo, magnetic and chemical,giving thermoelectric, photoelectric,electromaanetic, and electrochemical transducers respectively.2、Transducer SensitivityThe relationship between the measured and the transducer output signal is usually obtained by calibration tests and is referred to as the transducer sensitivity K1= output-signal increment / measured increment . In practice, the transducer sensitivity is usually known, and, by measuring the output signal, the input quantity is determined from input= output-signal increment / K1.3、Characteristics of an Ideal TransducerThe high transducer should exhibit the following characteristicsa) high fidelity-the transducer output waveform shape be a faithful reproduction of the measured; there should be minimum distortion.b) There should be minimum interference with the quantity being measured; the presence of the transducer should not alter the measured in any way.c) Size. The transducer must be capable of being placed exactly where it is needed.d) There should be a linear relationship between the measured and the transducer signal.e) The transducer should have minimum sensitivity to external effects, pressure transducers,for example,are often subjected to external effects such vibration and temperature.f) The natural frequency of the transducer should be well separated from the frequency and harmonics of the measurand.4、Electrical TransducersElectrical transducers exhibit many of the ideal characteristics. In addition they offer high sensitivity as well as promoting the possible of remote indication or mesdurement.Electrical transducers can be divided into two distinct groups:a) variable-control-parameter types,which include:i) resistanceii) capacitanceiii) inductanceiv) mutual-inductance typesThese transducers all rely on external excitation voltage for their operation.b) self-generating types,which includei) electromagneticii) thermoelectriciii) photoemissiveiv) piezo-electric typesThese all themselves produce an output voltage in response to the measurand input and their effects are reversible. For example, a piezo-electric transducer normally produces an output voltage in response to the deformation of a crystalline material; however, if an alternating voltage is applied across the material, the transducer exhibits the reversible effect by deforming or vibrating at the frequency of the alternating voltage.5、Resistance TransducersResistance transducers may be divided into two groups, as follows:i) Those which experience a large resistance change, measured by using potential-divider methods. Potentiometers are in this group.ii) Those which experience a small resistance change, measured bybridge-circuit methods. Examples of this group include strain gauges and resistance thermometers.5.1 PotentiometersA linear wire-wound potentiometer consists of a number of turns resistance wire wound around a non-conducting former, together with a wiping contact which travels over the barwires. The construction principles are shown in figure which indicate that the wiper displacement can be rotary, translational, or a combination of both to give a helical-type motion. The excitation voltage may be either a.c. or d.c. and the output voltage is proportional to the input motion, provided the measuring device has a resistance which is much greater than the potentiometer resistance.Such potentiometers suffer from the linked problem of resolution and electrical noise. Resolution is defined as the smallest detectable change in input and is dependent on the cross-sectional area of the windings and the area of the sliding contact. The output voltage is thus a serials of steps as the contact moves from one wire to next. Electrical noise may be generated by variation in contact resistance, by mechanical wear due to contact friction, and by contact vibration transmitted from the sensing element. In addition, the motion being measured may experience significant mechanical loading by the inertia and friction of the moving parts of the potentiometer. The wear on the contacting surface limits the life of a potentiometer to a finite number of full strokes or rotations usually referred to in the m anufacture’s specification as the ‘number of cycles of life expectancy’, a typical value being 20*1000000 cycles.The output voltage V0 of the unload potentiometer circuit is determined as follows. Let resistance R1= xi/xt *Rt where xi = input displacement, xt= maximum possible displacement, Rt total resistance of the potentiometer. Then output voltage V0= V*R1/(R1+( Rt-R1))=V*R1/Rt=V*xi/xt*Rt/Rt=V*xi/xt. This shows that there is a straight-line relationship between output voltage and input displacement for the unloaded potentiometer.It would seen that high sensitivity could be achieved simply by increasing the excitation voltage V. however, the maximum value of V is determined by the maximum power dissipation P of the fine wires of the potentiometer winding and is given by V=(PRt)1/2 .5.2 Resistance Strain GaugesResistance strain gauges are transducers which exhibit a change in electrical resistance in response to mechanical strain. They may be of the bonded or unbondedvariety .a) bonded strain gaugesUsing an adhesive, these gauges are bonded, or cemented, directly on to the surface of the body or structure which is being examined.Examples of bonded gauges arei) fine wire gauges cemented to paper backingii) photo-etched grids of conducting foil on an epoxy-resin backingiii) a single semiconductor filament mounted on an epoxy-resin backing with copper or nickel leads.Resistance gauges can be made up as single elements to measuring strain in one direction only, or a combination of elements such as rosettes will permit simultaneous measurements in more than one direction.b) unbonded strain gaugesA typical unbonded-strain-gauge arrangement shows fine resistance wires stretched around supports in such a way that the deflection of the cantilever spring system changes the tension in the wires and thus alters the resistance of wire. Such an arrangement may be found in commercially available force, load, or pressure transducers.5.3 Resistance Temperature TransducersThe materials for these can be divided into two main groups:a) metals such as platinum, copper, tungsten, and nickel which exhibit and increase in resistance as the temperature rises; they have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance.b) semiconductors, such as thermistors which use oxides of manganese, cobalt, chromium, or nickel. These exhibit large non-linear resistance changes with temperature variation and normally have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.a) metal resistance temperature transducersThese depend, for many practical purpose and within a narrow temperature range, upon the relationship R1=R0*[1+a*(b1-b2)] where a coefficient of resistancein ℃-1,and R0 resistance in ohms at the reference temperature b0=0℃ at the reference temperature range ℃.The international practical temperature scale is based on the platinum resistance thermometer, which covers the temperature range -259.35℃ to 630.5℃.b) thermistor resistance temperature transducersThermistors are temperature-sensitive resistors which exhibit large non-liner resistance changes with temperature variation. In general, they have a negative temperature coefficient.For small temperature increments the variation in resistance is reasonably linear; but, if large temperature changes are experienced, special linearizing techniques are used in the measuring circuits to produce a linear relationship of resistance against temperature.Thermistors are normally made in the form of semiconductor discs enclosed in glass vitreous enamel. Since they can be made as small as 1mm,quite rapid response times are possible.5.4 Photoconductive CellsThe photoconductive cell , uses a light-sensitive semiconductor material. The resistance between the metal electrodes decrease as the intensity of the light striking the semiconductor increases. Common semiconductor materials used forphoto-conductive cells are cadmium sulphide, lead sulphide, and copper-doped germanium.The useful range of frequencies is determined by material used. Cadmium sulphide is mainly suitable for visible light, whereas lead sulphide has its peak response in the infra-red region and is, therefore , most suitable for flame-failure detection and temperature measurement.5.5 Photoemissive CellsWhen light strikes the cathode of the photoemissive cell are given sufficient energy to arrive the cathode. The positive anode attracts these electrons, producing a current which flows through resistor R and resulting in an output voltage V. Photoelectrically generated voltage V=Ip.RlWhere Ip=photoelectric current(A),and photoelectric current Ip=Kt.BWhere Kt=sensitivity (A/im),and B=illumination input (lumen)Although the output voltage does give a good indication of the magnitude of illumination, the cells are more often used for counting or control purpose, where the light striking the cathode can be interrupted.6、Capacitive TransducersThe capacitance can thus made to vary by changing either the relative permittivity, the effective area, or the distance separating the plates. The characteristic curves indicatethat variations of area and relative permittivity give a linear relationship only over a small range of spacings. Thus the sensitivity is high for small values of d. Unlike the potentionmeter, the variable-distance capacitive transducer has an infinite resolution making it most suitable for measuring small increments of displacement or quantities which may be changed to produce a displacement.7、Inductive TransducersThe inductance can thus be made to vary by changing the reluctance of the inductive circuit.Measuring techniques used with capacitive and inductive transducers:a) A.C. excited bridges using differential capacitors inductors.b) A.C. potentiometer circuits for dynamic measurements.c) D.C. circuits to give a voltage proportional to velocity for a capacitor.d) Frequency-modulation methods, where the change of C or L varies the frequency of an oscillation circuit.Important features of capacitive and inductive transducers are as follows:i) resolution infiniteii) accuracy+- 0.1% of full scale is quotediii) displacement ranges 25*10-6 m to 10-3miv) rise time less than 50us possibleTypical measurands are displacement, pressure, vibration, sound, and liquid level.8、Linear Variable-differential Ttransformer9、Piezo-electric Transducers10、Electromagnetic Transducers11、Thermoelectric Transducers12、Photoelectric Cells13、Mechanical Transducers and Sensing ElementsThe Devolepment of SensorSensor is one kind component which can transform the physical quantity, chemistry q uantity and the biomass into electrical signal. The output signal has the different form s like the voltage, the electric current, the frequency, the pulse and so on, which can sa tisfy the signal transmission, processing, recording, and demonstration and control de mands. So it is the automatic detection system and in the automatic control industry .I f automatic Technology is used wider, then sensor is more important. In information a ge, the information industry includes information gathering, transmission, process thre e parts, namely sensor technology, communication, computer technology. Because of ultra large scale integrated circuit’s rapid development after having been developed Modern computer technology and c ommunication, not only requests sensor precision reliability, speed of response and ga in information content request more and more high but also requests its cost to be inex pensive. The obvious traditional sensor is eliminated gradually because of the functio n, the characteristic, the volume, the cost and so on. As world develop many countries are speeding up to the sensor new technology’s research and the development, and all has obtained the enormous breakthrough. No w the sensor new technology development mainly has following several aspects: Using the physical phenomenon, the chemical reaction, the biological effect as the sen sor principle therefore the researches which discovered the new phenomenon and the new effect are the sensor technological improving ways .it is important studies to deve loped new sensor’s the foundation. Japanese Sharp Corporation uses the superconductivity technology t o develop successfully the high temperature superconductivity magnetic sensor and ge t the sensor technology significant breakthrough. Its sensitivity is so high and only inf erior in the superconductivity quantum interference component. Its manufacture craft is far simpler than the superconductivity quantum interference component. May use in magnetism image formation technology. So it has the widespread promoted value. Using the immune body and the antigen meets one another compound when the electr ode surface. It can cause the electrode potential change and use this phenomenon to b e possible to generate the immunity sensor. The immunity sensor makes with this kind of immune body may to some organism in whether has this kind of ant original work inspection. Like may inspect somebody with the hepatitis virus immune body whether contracts the hepatitis, plays to is fast, the accurate role. The US UC sixth branch has developed this kind of sensor.The sensor material is the important foundation for sensor technology, because the ma terials science is progressive and the people may make eachkind of new sensor For example making the temperature sensor with the high polymerthin film; The optical fiber can make the pressure, the current capacity, the temperatu re, the displacement and so on the many kinds of sensors; Making the pressure transm itter with the ceramics. The high polymer can become the proportion adsorption and t he release hydrogen along with the environment relative humidity size. The high poly mer electricity lies between the constant to be small, the hydrogen can enhance the po lymer the coefficient of dialectical loss. Making the capacitor the high polymer dielect ric medium, determines the electric capacity cape city the change, then obtains the rel ative humidity. Making the plasma using this principle to gather the legitimate polysty rene film temperature sensor below, it has the characteristic.Measured the wet scope is wide; The temperature range is wide, may reach -400 ℃ ~ +1,500 ℃; The speed of response is quick, is smaller than 1S; The size is small, may use in the small space measuring wet; The temperature coefficient is small.The ceramic electric capacity type pressure transmitter is one kind does not have the i ntermediary fluid the dry type pressure transmitter. Uses the advanced ceramic techno logy, the heavy film electronic technology, its technical performance is stable, the year drifting quantity is smaller than 0.1%F.S, warm floats is smaller than ±0.15%/10K, anti- overloads strongly, may reach the measuring range several hundred times. The survey scope may from 0 to 60mpa.German E+H Corporation and the Ame rican Kahlo Corporation product is at the leading position.The optical fiber application is send the material significant breakthrough, its uses in most early the optical communication techniques. In the optical communication use di scovered works as environmental condition change and so on the temperature, pres-su re, electric field, magnetic field, causes the fiber optic transmission light wave intensit y, the phase, the frequency, change and so on the polarization condition, the survey lig ht wave quantity change, may know causes these light wave physical quantity the and so on quantitative change temperature, pressure ,electric field, magnetic field size, use s these principles to be possible to develop the optical fiber sensor. The optical fiber s ensor and the traditional sensor compare has many characteristics: Sensitivity high, th e structure simple, the volume small, anti-corrosive, the electric insulation good, the p ath of rays may be curving, be advantageous for the realization telemeter and so on. O ptical fiber sensor Japan is in the advanced level. Like Idec Izumi Corporation and Su n x Corporation. The optical fiber send receiver and the integrated path of rays technol ogy unify, accelerates the optical fiber sensor technology development. Will integrate the path of ray’s component to replace the original optics part and the passive light component; enabl e the optical fiber sensor to have the high band width, the low signal processing voltag e, the reliability high, the cost will be low.In semiconductor technology processing method oxygenation, the photo etc hang, the proliferation, the deposition, the plane electron craft, variousguides corrosion and stea ms plates, the sputtering thin film and so on, these have all introduced to the sensor m anufacture. Thus has produced each kind of new sensor, like makes the silicon micro s ensor using the semiconductor technology, makes the fast response using the thin film craft the gas to be sensitive, the wet sensitive sensor, the use sputtering thin film craft system pressure transmitter and so on..The Japanese horizontal river company uses various guides’ corrosion technology to carry on the high accuracy three dimensional processing; the system helps the silicon resonance type pressure transmitter. The core partially presses two resonant Liang by t he feeling which above the silicon diaphragm and the silicon diaphragm manufactures to form, two resonant Liang's frequency difference correspondence different pressure, measures the pressure with the frequency difference method, may eliminate the error which factor and so on ambient temperature brings. When ambient temperature chang e, two resonant Liang frequencies and the amplitude variation are same, after two freq uency differences, its same change quantity can counterbalance mutually. It’s survey most high accuracy may reach 0.01%FS.American Silicon Microstructure Inc.(SMI) the company develops a series of low end s, linear in 0.1% to 0.In 65% scope silicon micro pressure transmitter, the lowest full measuring range is 0.15psi (1KPa), it makes take the silicon as the material, has the u nique three dimensional structure, the light slight machine-finishing, makes the wheat stone bridge many times with the etching on the silicon diaphragm, when above silico n chip stress, it has the distortion, the resistance produces presses the anti- effect but t o lose the bridge balance, the output and the pressure becomes the proportion the elect rical signal.Such silicon micro sensor is the front technology which now the sensor develops, Its e ssential feature is the sensitive unit volume is a micron magnitude, Is the traditional se nsor several dozens, several 1%. In aspect and so on industry control, aerospace doma in, biomedicine has the vital role, like on the airplane the use may reduce the airplane weight, reduces the energy. Another characteristic is can be sensitive is small surveye d, may make the blood pressure pressure transmitter.The Chinese aviation main corporation Beijing observation and control technical rese arch institute, the development CYJ series splashes thanks the membrane pressure tra nsmitter is uses the ion sputtering craft to process the metal strain gauge, it has over c ome the nonmetallic strain gauge easily the temperature influence insufficiency, has th e high stability, is suitable in each kind of situation, is measured the medium scope wi dely, but also overcame the tradition lowly to glue the precision which the type broug ht, sluggish big, shortcoming and so on slow change, had the precision high, the re-lia bility is high, the volume small characteristic, widely used in domain and so on aviati on, petroleum, chemical industry, medical service.Integrates the sensor the superiority is the traditional sensor is unable toachieve, it is a simple sensor not merely, it in at the same time the auxiliary circuit par t and send the part will integrate on together the chip, will cause it to have the calibrati on, to compensate, from the diagnosis and the network correspondence function, it mi ght reduce the cost, the gain in yield, this kind of blood pressure sensor which Americ an LUCAS, NOV ASENSOR Corporation will develop, each week will be able to prod uce 10,000.The intellectualized sensor is one kind of belt microprocessor sensor, is achievement which the microcomputer and the sensor unifies, it has at the same time the examinati on, the judgment and the information processing function, compares with the tradition al sensor has very many characteristics:Has the judgment and the information processing function, can carry on the revision, t he error to the observed value compensates, thus enhancement measuring accuracy; M ay realize the multi-sensor multi parameters survey; Has from the diagnosis and from the calibration function, enhances the reliability; The survey data may deposit and wit hdraw, easy to operate; Has the data communication interface, can and the microcomp uter direct communication.The sensor, the signal adjustment electric circuit, the monolithic integrated circuit inte gration forms ultra large-scale integrated on a chip the senior intelligence sensor. Ame rican HONY WELL Corporation ST-3000 intelligence sensor, the chip size only then has 3×4×2mm3, uses the semiconductor craft, makes CPU, EPROM, the static pressure, the dif ferential pressure, the temperature on the identical chip and so on three kind of sensiti ve units.The intellectualized sensor research and the development, US is at the leading positio n. American Space Agency when development spaceship called this kind of sensor for the clever sensor (Smart Sensor), on the spaceship this kind of sensor is extremely im portant. Our country in this aspect research and development also very backward mai nly is because our country semiconductor integrated circuit technological level is limit ed.The sensor’s development is changing day after day since especially the 80's humanities have ent ered into the high industrialization the information age, sensor techno-logy to renewal , higher technological development. US, Japan and so on developed country sensor te chnological development quickest, our country because the foundation is weak, the se nsor technology compares with these developed countries has the big disparity. Theref ore, we should enlarge to the sensor engineering research, the development investmen t, causes our country sensor technology and the foreign disparity reduces, promotes ou r country instrument measuring appliance industry and from the technical developmen t.。