A little bit less paralysis of the mind, more security fence.2、侥幸躲过千次,出事就在一次。
Having escaped a thousand times, the accident happened once.3、宁停三分,不抢一秒。
It's better to stop for three minutes than to grab a second.4、出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。
Accident speed alarm, save lives and help the injured see the truth.5、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。
Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving is a serious hazard.6、加强综合治理,保障交通安全。
Strengthen comprehensive management to ensure traffic safety.7、行车走路讲安全,文明交通靠大家。
Safe driving and walking, civilized transportation depends on everyone.8、醉人驾车,易成罪人。
Driving drunkenly is easy to convict.9、斩草要除根,安全须治本。
Cutting grass must be eradicated and safety must be cured.10、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。
Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, security will always be in mind.11、酒后驾车,拿命**。
Good medicine is good for disease and traffic regulations are good for practice.2、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。
Small cigarette ends have great hidden dangers and negligence causes disaster.3、珍惜生命,遵章出行。
Cherish life and travel according to rules.4、路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行。
A good road, a good car and the best safety, slow, fast and safe on the line.5、善待生命,遵章守法,路路畅通,从我做起。
Be kind to life, abide by the rules and regulations, keep the road open, start from me.6、道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。
The road passes by the image, the traffic light looks at the accomplishment.7、生命需要阳光,幸福需要安全。
Life needs sunshine, happiness needs security.8、发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先。
Development is market-oriented and survival is safety-oriented.9、拐弯伸手示意,保障行车安全。
Turn and stretch your hand to ensure traffic safety.10、客货混装,害人害己。
A little bit less paralysis of the mind, more security fence.2、侥幸躲过千次,出事就在一次。
Having escaped a thousand times, the accident happened once.3、宁停三分,不抢一秒。
It's better to stop for three minutes than to grab a second.4、出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。
Accident speed alarm, save lives and help the injured see the truth.5、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。
Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving is a serious hazard.6、加强综合治理,保障交通安全。
Strengthen comprehensive management to ensure traffic safety.7、行车走路讲安全,文明交通靠大家。
Safe driving and walking, civilized transportation dependson everyone.8、醉人驾车,易成罪人。
Driving drunkenly is easy to convict.9、斩草要除根,安全须治本。
Cutting grass must be eradicated and safety must be cured.10、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。
Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, security will always be in mind.11、酒后驾车,拿命**。
交通安全的英文谚语范文一:Traffic Safety: Common Sense and Proverbial WisdomAs a student, there are many things we need to learn in order to function effectively in society. One of the most important things is traffic safety. As students, we often walk or bike to school, and we need to be aware of the dangers around us.There are many sayings about traffic safety that we can use to remind ourselves of the importance of being careful. For example, there is the saying "look both ways before you cross the street". This is a very important rule to remember. It means that we need to take the time to check for cars before we step into the road.Another saying is "better late than never". This is a good saying to remember when we are in a hurry to get somewhere. It means that it's better to take a little extra time and be safe than to rush and possibly have an accident.A third saying is "stop, look, and listen". This is a rule that is particularly important around trains. Trains can be very dangerous if we are not careful. We need to remember to stop and look both ways before we cross the track. We also need to listen for the train whistle to make sure it's not coming.These sayings are simple and easy to remember, but they can save our lives if we follow them. The key to traffic safety is to be aware of our surroundings and to take the time to be careful. We can't bein a hurry when we are on the road. Instead, we need to take our time and be aware of what's going on around us.Writing Tips:- The essay is written in a simple and straightforward manner suitable for a student.- It includes three proverbial expressions: "look both ways before you cross the street", "better late than never", and "stop, look, and listen".- The essay gives a brief explanation of each saying, and why they are important for traffic safety.- The essay emphasizes awareness and caution as the key to traffic safety.范文二:Drive Safely, Arrive Safely: Proverbial Wisdom on Traffic SafetyAs students, we might not own cars or drive on our own yet. However, traffic safety still affects us in many ways. We take buses, subways, and taxis, and we are sometimes pedestrians or cyclists. Therefore, it's essential to know how to be safe around cars and other vehicles.There are many proverbs and sayings about traffic safety. One of them is: "drive as if your life depends on it, because it does". This means we should always be cautious when we're driving, as our safety and the safety of others depend on our driving behavior. We need to follow traffic rules, wear safety belts or helmets, and avoiddistractions while driving, such as using cell phones.Another popular proverb is: "speed thrills but kills". This means that driving too fast can be dangerous and might lead to accidents. We should always obey the speed limit and adjust our speed according to the road conditions. We should also keep a safe distance from other vehicles to avoid collision.A third saying is: "expect the unexpected". This means that we should always be prepared for unexpected situations while driving, such as sudden braking, changing lanes, or encountering pedestrians or animals. We should always be aware of our surroundings and never take our eyes off the road.These proverbs remind us to be responsible and cautious on the road. They also teach us that traffic safety is everyone's responsibility, not just drivers. As pedestrians or cyclists, we should also follow traffic rules, stay alert, and use crosswalks or bike lanes when available.In conclusion, traffic safety is a critical issue for everyone, and we all need to be aware of it. By following these proverbs and taking the necessary precautions, we can ensure our safety and the safety of others on the road.Writing Tips:- The essay is well-organized, with three distinct parts for each proverb.- The essay uses vivid examples and explains each proverb in real-life situations, making it more relatable and practical.- The essay emphasizes the importance of being responsible and attentive on the road, regardless of our driving or non-driving status.- The essay concludes with a strong statement on the shared responsibility for traffic safety.。
Comply with traffic regulations, safety will always be with you.2、遵守交规,善待生命。
Obey the rules and treat life kindly.3、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。
If you are lucky, you will suffer misfortune.4、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。
Think twice before you act. Think twice about your family and society.5、高速公路,行驶适速。
Highway, driving at moderate speed.6、开车多留意,路边不儿戏。
Driving carefully, the roadside is not trivial.7、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。
Driving with all one's heart and being humane.8、国法如山,逃逸必捉。
National law is like a mountain, if you run away, you will catch it.9、讲交通公德,守交通法规。
Speak of public morality in traffic and abide by traffic laws and regulations.10、欲速不达,适得其反。
Not expediting is counterproductive.11、酒后驾车,生命打折。
Drinking, driving, life discount.12、安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。
Seatbelt is always the lifeline, traffic lights are always the rule-abiding people.13、珍惜生命,拒绝违章。
Walk along the Zunzhang Road, accompany you safely.2、交通安全系万家,平平安安是幸福。
Traffic safety is ten thousand families, peace and security is happiness.3、大意行车一回多,谨慎驾驶千趟少。
Carelessly driving more than once, but cautiously driving less than a thousand times.4、心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。
Traffic lights always shine in my heart, driving safely with my life.5、一日千里不是难,千金难买是安全。
A thousand miles a day is not difficult, but a thousand gold is safe.6、违法驾驶危害大,交通安全系万家。
Illegal driving is harmful, and there are thousands of traffic safety departments.7、遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。
Obey traffic regulations and be safe with you.8、红灯无数次,生命只一次。
Red light countless times, life only once.9、超载超速,危机四伏。
Overloading and speeding are dangerous.10、同志,亲人盼您平安回家。
Comrade, relatives look forward to your safe return home.11、跨入校园,好好学习;走出校门,好好走路。
Step into the campus, study hard; walk out of the school door, walk well.12、挣金山,挣银山,交通安全是靠山。
Good medicine is good for disease and traffic regulations are good for practice.2、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。
Small cigarette ends have great hidden dangers and negligence causes disaster.3、珍惜生命,遵章出行。
Cherish life and travel according to rules.4、路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行。
A good road, a good car and the best safety, slow, fast and safe on the line.5、善待生命,遵章守法,路路畅通,从我做起。
Be kind to life, abide by the rules and regulations, keep the road open, start from me.6、道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。
The road passes by the image, the traffic light looks at the accomplishment.7、生命需要阳光,幸福需要安全。
Life needs sunshine, happiness needs security.8、发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先。
Development is market-oriented and survival is safety-oriented.9、拐弯伸手示意,保障行车安全。
Turn and stretch your hand to ensure traffic safety.10、客货混装,害人害己。
Mixed loading of passengers and goods will do harm to oneself.11、飞速行车乐一时,一朝落马毁终生。
Careful driving is the first choice.2、道路千万条,安全第一条。
There are thousands of roads and safety is the first.3、金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。
Gold and jade are valuable, life is priceless, obey the law and live a safe life.4、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。
Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.5、欲速不达,适得其反。
Not expediting is counterproductive.6、高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去。
Come to work happily and go home safely.7、谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。
Drive cautiously for less than a thousand trips and carelessly for more than one trip.8、一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。
At first glance, two slows and three passes, paralyzingcarelessness and causing great misfortune.9、彼此让一让,安全有保障。
Make concessions to each other to ensure safety.10、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。
Small cigarette ends have great hidden dangers and negligence causes disaster.11、违章驾驶,害人害己。
Careful driving is the first choice.2、道路千万条,安全第一条。
There are thousands of roads and safety is the first.3、金玉有值,无价,遵守交法,平安一生。
Gold and jade are valuable, life is priceless, obey the law and live a safe life.4、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。
Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.5、欲速不达,适得其反。
Not expediting is counterproductive.6、高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去。
Come to work happily and go home safely.7、谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。
Drive cautiously for less than a thousand trips and carelessly for more than one trip.8、一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。
At first glance, two slows and three passes, paralyzing carelessness and causing great misfortune.9、彼此让一让,安全有保障。
Make concessions to each other to ensure safety.10、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。
Small cigarette ends have great hidden dangers andnegligence causes disaster.11、违章驾驶,害人害己。
No speeding, safe company.2、一人出行,全家牵挂。
One person travel, the whole family worried about.3、驾车不喝酒,路上好行走。
Drive without alcohol and walk on the road.4、拐弯慢行,天下太平。
Turn slow, Peace reigns over the land.5、懈谨慎上路,载幸福回家。
Our careful on the road, carrying happy home.6、礼让三先,天长地宽。
Comity is the first of three, but the length of day.7、勿贪近路,勿抢时间。
Don't cut corners, don't rush the time.8、高速公路,行驶适速。
Freeway, speed of travel.9、喝得醉醉,撞得碎碎。
Drunk drunk, hit the ground.10、红灯短暂,生命无限。
The red light is short, life is infinite.11、法规在心中,安全在手中。
Laws are in mind, and safety is in hand.12、车好、路好,安全最好。
A good car, a good road, the best security.13、违章超载,得不偿失。
Overloading is not worth the candle.14、天天讲交通安全不是玩笑。
It's no joke to talk about traffic safety every day. 15、珍爱生命,严守交规。
交通安全的英文谚语导读:1 、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。
Better go a hundred steps than take one step.2、文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。
Civilized traffic safety, keep life and love.3、十次事故九次快,谁不相信谁受害。
Ten accidents and nine accidents are fast. Whodoesn't believe who is injured?4、责任心是安全之魂,标准化是安全之本。
Responsibility is the soul of security, and standardization is the foundation of security.5、交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。
Traffic laws and regulations are obeyed by everyone, and families in civilized communities are happy.6、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。
Think twice before you act. Think twice about yourfamily and society.7、步步小心,安全是金。
Careful step by step, safety is gold.8、心无交规,路有坎坷。
Heart has no rules, road has bumps.9、醉人驾车,易成罪人。
Driving drunkenly is easy to convict.10、处罚违章不留情,看似无情最深情。
Penalties for violations of regulations are merciless, seemingly ruthless and affectionate.11、让一让道路通畅,让一让安全有保障,让一让心情更舒畅。
Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.2、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。
Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving is a serious hazard.3、遵守交规,善待生命。
Obey the rules and treat life kindly.4、车辆行人守秩序,平安保身皆欢喜。
Vehicles and pedestrians are in good order and safe.5、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。
Violations and accidents coexist, discipline and safety are forever.6、超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。
Overtaking and speeding happily for a while will lead to a life of regret for the accident.7、马路如虎口,劝君多留神。
The road is like a tiger's mouth, advise you to pay more attention.8、莫图一时快,肇事全家哀。
Motu quickly caused the whole family to mourn.9、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。
It's windy and rainy. Don't rush home.10、快一点危险丛生,缓一秒风平浪静。
Hurry up, dangerous and calm for a second.11、消防通道似血管,堵了通道全瘫痪。
Obey the traffic rules,treat life.2、超速行驶是抢占死亡线。
Speeding is a dying.3、交岔路口,看清再走。
Fork in the road,see to walk again.4、防灾求得平安在,遵章换得平安来。
Take precautions against natural calamities,finding peace in compliance in peace.5、酗酒开车是驶向死亡与坟墓的选择。
Drunken driving is heading for the choice of death and the grave.6、文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。
Traffic safety in civilization,keep life keep love.7、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。
Look before you leap,think life thought,thought society.8、狭路相逢君先过,并驾齐驱君先行。
First head-on king,neck and neck jun first.9、何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保平安。
Why should i worry about the journey more distant,and abide by the laws and regulations to protect peace.10、开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。
Drive do not drink,do not drink and drive.11、开车喝了酒,喜事变忧愁。
Drink and drive,positive change grief.12、道路千万条,安全第一条。
Careful driving is the first choice.2、道路千万条,安全第一条。
There are thousands of roads and safety is the first.3、金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。
Gold and jade are valuable, life is priceless, obey the law and live a safe life.4、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。
Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.5、欲速不达,适得其反。
Not expediting is counterproductive.6、高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去。
Come to work happily and go home safely.7、谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。
Drive cautiously for less than a thousand trips and carelessly for more than one trip.8、一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。
At first glance, two slows and three passes, paralyzing carelessness and causing great misfortune.9、彼此让一让,安全有保障。
Make concessions to each other to ensure safety.10、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。
Small cigarette ends have great hidden dangers and negligence causes disaster.11、违章驾驶,害人害己。
Driving in violation of regulations is harmful to oneself.12、退一步,自然妥稳,忍一句,自是平安。
To learn traffic safety, safety and happiness thousands. 2.宁走千步远,不冒一步险。
Rather go thousand paces, don't risk a step.3.实线虚线斑马线,都是生命安全线。
A zebra crossing, solid line dotted line is life safety. 4.安全最佳效应,平安共同心声。
Security best effect, the peace together.5.维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。
Maintaining traffic order to be a civilized citizen. 6.安安安全出车去,平平安安回家来。
In safety of the car, come home safely.7.维护交通安全,关爱生命久远。
Maintain the traffic safety, care for life long.8.行路慎为本,开车礼当先。
For this, carefully on the drive aim.9.道路交通安全法,伴您平安万里行。
Road traffic safety, with your safe journey.10.一看二慢三通过,麻痹大意闯大祸。
A look through the slow, degree of disaster.11.守法才能平安,平安才能回家。
The law to peace, peace to go home.12.路好车好安全最好,慢行快行平安就行。
Good road car safety is best, slow fast line of peace.13.人要安全靠右行,车要安全靠慢行。
People keep right to security, cars safer by slow.14.心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。
Life is only once. Peace is with you all your life.2、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。
Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving is a serious hazard.3、遵守交规,善待生命。
Obey the rules and treat life kindly.4、车辆行人守秩序,平安保身皆欢喜。
Vehicles and pedestrians are in good order and safe.5、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。
Violations and accidents coexist, discipline and safety are forever.6、超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。
Overtaking and speeding happily for a while will lead to a life of regret for the accident.7、马路如虎口,劝君多留神。
The road is like a tiger's mouth, advise you to pay more attention.8、莫图一时快,肇事全家哀。
Motu quickly caused the whole family to mourn.9、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。
It's windy and rainy. Don't rush home.10、快一点危险丛生,缓一秒风平浪静。
Hurry up, dangerous and calm for a second.11、消防通道似血管,堵了通道全瘫痪。
The fire passage was like a blood vessel, which blocked the passage and paralyzed it completely.12、彼此让一让,安全有保障。
第1篇1. Basic Traffic Rules(基本交通规则)- Stop at red lights and go at green.- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.- Use turn signals when changing lanes or making turns. - Obey speed limits.2. Crossing the Street Safely(安全过马路)- Always look both ways before crossing the street.- Use crosswalks or designated pedestrian crossings.- Walk, don't run, across the street.3. Bicycle Safety(自行车安全)- Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.- Ride in the same direction as traffic.- Use hand signals to indicate turns and stops.4. Car Safety(汽车安全)- Fasten seat belts for all passengers.- Avoid distracted driving (no phone use while driving). - Keep vehicles in good repair.5. Pedestrian Safety(行人安全)- Pay attention to traffic signals and signs.- Stay on the sidewalk when possible.- Be visible to drivers, especially at night.6. Child Safety(儿童安全)- Use child car seats or booster seats as recommended.- Teach children the basics of traffic safety.- Always supervise young children near roads.7. Public Transportation Safety(公共交通安全)- Wait for your ride at designated stops.- Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.- Follow the rules of the transport system.8. Emergency Situations(紧急情况)- Know how to call emergency services (e.g., 911 in the U.S.).- Learn first aid and basic safety procedures.- Understand how to react in a road accident.9. Drunk Driving Prevention(酒后驾驶预防)- Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.- Use designated drivers or public transportation if you've been drinking.10. Weather Awareness(天气意识)- Drive cautiously in adverse weather conditions.- Be aware of slippery roads and reduced visibility.这些内容是交通安全教育的基础,旨在提高人们的交通安全意识,减少交通事故的发生。
1.Buckle up. 扣好安全带。
2.Obey traffic rules. 遵守交通规则。
3.Drive slowly. 慢行。
4.Don't cross the road illegally. 不要违规横穿马路。
5.Keep a safe distance. 保持安全距离。
6.Be careful when driving at night. 夜间行车要小心。
7.Be alert for children and animals on the road. 注意路上的儿童和动物。
8.Do not drink and drive. 不要酒后驾车。
9.Do not litter on the road. 不要在路上乱扔垃圾。
10.Be mindful of road conditions. 注意路况。
Comply with traffic regulations, safety will always be with you.2、遵守交规,善待生命。
Obey the rules and treat life kindly.3、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。
If you are lucky, you will suffer misfortune.4、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。
Think twice before you act. Think twice about your family and society.5、高速公路,行驶适速。
Highway, driving at moderate speed.6、开车多留意,路边不儿戏。
Driving carefully, the roadside is not trivial.7、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。
Driving with all one's heart and being humane.8、国法如山,逃逸必捉。
National law is like a mountain, if you run away, you will catch it.9、讲交通公德,守交通法规。
Speak of public morality in traffic and abide by traffic laws and regulations.10、欲速不达,适得其反。
Not expediting is counterproductive.11、酒后驾车,生命打折。
Drinking, driving, life discount.12、安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。
Seatbelt is always the lifeline, traffic lights are always the rule-abiding people.13、珍惜生命,拒绝违章。
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It's nice to go home safely and keep the law.2、良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。
Good medicine is good for illness and traffic regulations are good for practice.3、一慢二看三通过,麻痹抢行闯大祸。
One slow two see three pass, paralysis rush into catastrophe.4、善待生命,遵章守法,路路畅通,从我做起。
Be kind to life, abide by the rules and regulations, keep the road open, start from me.5、维护交通安全,关爱生命久远。
Maintaining traffic safety and caring for long-term life.6、交通安全进万家,出入平安你我他。
Traffic safety into thousands of homes, safe access to you, me and him.7、快一点危险丛生,缓一秒风平浪静。
Hurry up, dangerous and calm for a second.8、做一名美和爱的使者。
Be a messenger of beauty and love.9、记住安全就二字,就能平安走天下。
Remember the word "safety" and you can walk safely all over the world.10、制度不全,事故难免。
Incomplete system makes accidents inevitable.11、交岔路口,看清再走。
Look at the intersection before you go.12、遵守交规,储蓄安全。
Comply with the traffic regulations and save safely.13、手拉手打造文明交通,心连心创建和谐社会。
Hand in hand to build civilized transportation, heart in heart to heart to create a harmonious society.14、心无交规,路有坎坷。
Heart has no rules, road has bumps.15、人在路中守交规,法在心中路畅通。
People obey the traffic rules in the road, and the law is smooth in the heart.16、同志,亲人盼您平安回家。
Comrade, relatives look forward to your safe return home.17、交通安全要遵守,飙车喝酒不可有。
Traffic safety should be observed. Drinking and racing are not allowed.18、您是河源的主人,您是文明礼让的楷模。
You are the master of Heyuan, you are a model of civilized courtesy.19、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。
Comply with traffic regulations and care for the journey of life.20、行车都抢先,事故在后边。
Traffic is ahead of schedule. Accidents are behind.21、大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。
Everybody's family is one. Traffic safety depends on everybody.22、安安安全出车去,平平安安回家来。
Ann got out safely and came home safely.23、行人要走人行道,过马路要走人行横道。
Pedestrians should walk on the sidewalk and cross the street on the sidewalk.24、违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。
Violation of regulations crosses the expressway, which inevitably leads to Huangquan Road.25、遵守交规,善待生命。
Obey the rules and treat life kindly.26、祸到临头悔恨晚,船到江心补漏迟。
It's too late to regret the misfortune, and it's too late to mend the leak in the middle of the river.27、司机遵章千家乐,安全畅通百业兴。
Drivers follow the rules of Qianjiale, safe and smooth Baiyexing.28、文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨。
Civilized roads open, safe home warmth.29、交通安全系万家,平平安安是幸福。
Traffic safety is ten thousand families, peace and security is happiness.30、一慢、二看、三通过。
One slow, two look, three pass.31、讲公德,讲礼貌,争做文明骑车人。
Speak of public morality, be polite and strive to be a civilized cyclist.32、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。
It's windy and rainy. Don't rush home.33、处罚违章不留情,看似无情最深情。
Penalties for violations of regulations are merciless, seemingly ruthless and affectionate.34、要想车祸不上身,交通法规牢记深。
If you want to avoid a car accident, traffic regulations should be kept in mind.35、珍惜生命,遵章出行。
Cherish life and travel according to rules.36、道路交通安全法,伴您平安万里行。
The Road Traffic Safety Act will keep you safe for thousands of miles.37、红灯停,绿灯行,不越线,不抢行。
Stop the red light, green light, no crossing the line, no rush.38、超载超速,危机四伏。
Overloading and speeding are dangerous.39、何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保平安。
He worries about how far the road is, abide by the laws and regulations to ensure safety.40、行人过路要小心,提前准备防万一。
Pedestrians should be careful when crossing the road. Prepare in advance just in case.41、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。
Violations and accidents coexist, discipline and safety are forever.42、安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。
Safety is the foundation of life, and violation of regulations is the source of accidents.43、责任心是安全之魂,标准化是安全之本。
Responsibility is the soul of security, and standardization is the foundation of security.44、三思而后行,思命思家思未来。
Think twice before you leap. Think twice about the future.45、不要着急,红灯亮了歇口气。
Don't worry, the red light is on.46、智者防患于前,愚者灭灾于后。
The wise man prepares for the former and the fool for the latter.47、交通法规,生命之友。
Traffic regulations, Friends of Life.48、交通规则你遵守,我遵守,大家来遵守。
You abide by the traffic rules, I abide by them, everyone will abide by them.49、开车多一份小心,家人多十分安心。
Driving more carefully, family members are very comfortable.50、开车拨接电话,行人危险大。
It is dangerous for pedestrians to dial and answer the phone while driving.51、公路打晒粮,肇事悔断肠。
Road drying grain, cause trouble repent broken intestines.52、离交通法规愈近,距交通事故愈远。
The closer to traffic regulations, the farther away from traffic accidents.53、大事小事不如不出事,早到快到不如安全到。
It's better to be safe than to be early.54、开车喝了酒,喜事变忧愁。
Driving and drinking, happy events and sad.55、为了您和他人的幸福,请自觉遵守交通法规。