英美报刊阅读教程Lesson10The New Mommy Track
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社交媒体的影响 分析社交媒体对英美社会的影响,包括社交方式、 信息传播和网络安全等方面。
探讨英美社会在多元化和包容性方面的努力和成 果,如少数族裔权益保护、性别平等等。
环保与可持续发展 介绍英美在环保和可持续发展方面的政策和措施, 如垃圾分类、清洁能源等。
报道全面,涵盖政治、经济、文化等各 个领域,如《泰晤士报》、《纽约时 报》。
Hale Waihona Puke 专业性报刊针对某一领域进行深入报道和分析,如 《金融时报》、《科学》杂志等。
以深度报道和评论为主,涉及政治、文 化、艺术等方面,如《经济学人》、 《时代》周刊等。
实时更新,互动性强,多媒体呈现,如 BBC新闻网、CNN等。
分析英美两国在政治、经济、社会等方面的政策,如税收政策、 移民政策等
分析英美两国的外交政策,如对外援助、国际维 和等
介绍英美主要节日的起 源、庆祝方式和象征意 义,如圣诞节、复活节、 感恩节等。
探讨英美餐桌上的礼仪 和规矩,包括餐具使用、 就餐顺序和社交技巧等。
THE NEW迁移博伊西,落基山山麓之间爱达荷州坐向东北和大盆地沙漠南,大天空和沙漠尘土飞扬之间,博伊西一直是先锋镇。
在19世纪初,传说,法裔加拿大毛皮捕手来到一个树丛,并惊呼“莱斯布瓦!” - 树林。
通过本课程的学习,学生应增强对英美文化的了解 和认识,培养跨文化意识和国际视野。
《英美报刊阅读教程》(第二版), 高等教育出版社。
英美主流报刊杂志(如《纽约时报》 、《泰晤士报》、《经济学人》等) 、新闻网站(如BBC、CNN、VOA等 )、多媒体教学课件等。
在阅读社会文化类文章 时,如何运用背景知识 帮助理解?
如何评价社会文化现象 对社会和个人的影响?
在现代社会中,如何看 待和传承传统文化?
探讨文章中的政治术语 、隐喻和修辞手法,以 及它们如何传递作者的 意图和态度。
评价文章的客观性和公 正性,以及可能存在的 偏见和误导。
思考政治类文章对读者的影响 ,如何提高读者的政治觉悟和 批判性思维能力。
思考政治类文章对读者的影响 ,如何提高读者的政治觉悟和 批判性思维能力。
分析社交媒体在青少 年中的普及程度和使 用情况。
例子二:解析某篇报 道中关于“社交媒体 对青少年影响”的讨 论。
探讨社交媒体对青少年社交、心 理、行为等方面的影响。
思考如何引导青少年合理使用社 交媒体。
Unit2 Gender IssuesMen turn to jobs women usually do 1.HOUSTON - Over the last decade, American menof all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women.2."The way I look at it is that anything, basically,that a woman can do, a guy can do," said Miguel Alquicira, who graduated from high school when construction and manufacturing jobs were scarce and became a dental assistant.3.The trend began well before the crash,andappears to be driven by a variety of factors, including financial concerns, quality-of-life issues and a gradual erosion of g ender stereotypes.4.In interviews, about two dozen men played downthe economic considerations, saying that the stigma associated with choosing such jobs had faded, and that the jobs were appealing not just because they offered stable employment, but because they were more satisfying.5."I.T. is just killing viruses and clearing paper jamsall day," said Scott Kearney, 43, who tried information technology and other fields before becoming a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston.6.An analysis of United States census data by TheNew York Times shows that from 2000 to 2010,occupations that are more than 70 percent female accounted for almost a third of all job growth for men, double the share of the previous decade.7.That does not mean that men are displacingwomen - those same jobs accounted for almost two-thirds of women's job growth. But in Texas, for example, the number of men who are registered nurses nearly doubled in that time period.8.The shift includes low-wage jobs as well.Nationally, two-thirds more men were bank tellers, almost twice as many were receptionists and two-thirds more were waiting tables in 2010 than a decade earlier.9.Even more striking is the type of men who aremaking the shift. From 1970 to 1990, according to a study by Mary Gatta, senior scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, an organization based in Washington, D.C., and Patricia A. Roos, a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, men who took so-called pink-collar jobs tended to be foreign-born, non-English speakers with low education levels.10.Now, though, the trend has spread among men ofnearly all races and ages, more than a third of whom have a college degree. In fact, the shift is most pronounced among young, white, college-educated men like Charles Reed, a sixth-grade math teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School in Houston.11.Mr. Reed, 25, intended to go to law school after atwo-year stint with Teach for America, a nationalteacher corps of recent college graduates who spend two years helping under-resourced urban and rural public schools. But Mr. Reed fell in love with teaching. He says the recession had little to do with it, though he believes that, by limiting prospects for new law school graduates, it made his father, a lawyer, more accepting.12.To the extent that the shift to "women's work" hasbeen accelerated by recession, the change may reverse when the economy recovers. "Are boys today saying, 'I want to grow up and be a nurse?'"asked Heather Boushey, senior economist at the Center for American Progress. "Or are they saying, 'I want a job that's stable and recession-proof?'"13.Daniel Wilden, a 26-year-old Army veteran andnursing student, said he had gained respect for nursing when he saw a female medic use a Leatherman tool to save the life of his comrade."She was a beast," he said admiringly.14.More than a few men said their new jobs were farharder than they imagined. But these men can expect success. Men earn more than women even in female-dominated jobs. And white men in particular who enter those fields easily move up to supervisory positions, a phenomenon known as the glass escalator, said Adia Harvey Wingfield,a sociologist at Georgia State University.15."I hated my job every single day of my life," saidJohn Cook, 55, who got a modest inheritance that let him drop a $150,000-a-year database consultant's job to enter nursing school.16.His starting salary will be two thirds lower, butdatabase consulting does not typically earn hugs like the one Mr. Cook received from a girl after he took care of her premature baby sister. "It's like, people get paid for doing this kind of stuff?" Mr.Cook said, tears coming to his eyes as he recounted the episode.17.Several men cited the same reasons for seekingout pink-collar work that have drawn women to such careers: less stress and more time at home.At John G. Osborne Elementary School, Adrian Ortiz, 42, joked that he was one of the few Mexicans who made more in his native country, where he was a hard-working lawyer, than he did in the United States as a kindergarten teacher in a bilingual classroom. "Now," he said, "my priorities are family, 100 percent."18.Betsey Stevenson, a labor economist at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, said she was not surprised that changing gender roles at home, where studies show men are shouldering more of the domestic burden, are showing up in career choices. "We tend to study these patterns of what's going on in the family and what's going on in the workplace as separate, but they're very much intertwined," she said. "So as attitudes in the family change, attitudes toward the workplace have changed."19.In a classroom at Houston Community College,Dexter Rodriguez, 35, said his job in tech support had not been threatened by the tough economy.Nonetheless, he said, his family downsized the house, traded the new cars for used ones and began to live off savings, all so Mr. Rodriguez could train for a career he regarded as more exciting.20."I put myself into the recession," he said, "becauseI wanted to go to nursing school."Unit3 E-CommerceThe Post-Cash Economy1.In London, travelers can buy train tickets withtheir phones - and hold up the phones for the conductor to see. And in Starbucks coffee shops in the United States, customers can wave their phones in front of the cash register and pay for their soy chai lattes.2.Money is not what it used to be, thanks to theInternet. And the pocketbook may soon be destined for the dustbin of history - at least if some technology companies get their way.3.The cellphone increasingly contains theessentials of what we need to make transactions."Identification, payment and personal items," as Hal Varian, the chief economist at Google, pointed out in a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. "All this will easily fit in your mobile device and will inevitably do so."4.The phone holds and records plenty more vitalinformation: It keeps track of where you are, what you like and who your peers are. That data can all be leveraged to sell you things you never knew you needed.5.The survey, released last month by the PewResearch Center's Internet and American Life Project along with Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center in North Carolina, asked justover 1,000 technologists and social scientists to opine on the future of the wallet in 2020. Nearly two-thirds agreed that "cash and credit cards will have mostly disappeared" and been replaced with "smart" devices able to carry out a transaction.But a third of the survey respondents countered that consumers would fear for the security of transactions over a mobile device and worry about surrendering so much data about their purchasing habits.6.Sometimes, those with fewer options are the onesto embrace change the fastest. In Kenya, a service called M-Pesa (pesa is money in Swahili) acts likea banking system for those who may not have abank account. With a rudimentary cellphone, M-Pesa users can send and receive money through a network of money agents, including cellphone shops. And in India, several phone carriers allow their customers to pay utility bills and transfer small amounts of money over their cellphones. 7.Several technology companies, big and small, arebusy trying to make it easier for us to buy and sell all kinds of things without our wallets. A start-up, WePay, describes itself as a service that allows the smallest merchant - say, a dog walker - to get paid;the company verifies the reputations of payers and sellers by analyzing, among other things, their Facebook accounts.8. A British start-up, called Blockchain, offers a freeiPhone application allowing customers to use a crypto-currency called bitcoins, which users can mint on their computers.9. A company called Square began by offering asmall accessory to enable food cart vendors and other small merchants to accept credit cards on phones and iPads. Square's latest invention allows customers to register an account with Square merchants and pay simply by saying their names.The customer's picture pops up on the merchant's iPad.10.Google Wallet has been designed to sit in yourphone, be linked to your credit card, and let you pay by tapping your phone on a reader, using what is known as near field technology. But Google Wallet works on only four kinds of phones, and not many merchants are equipped for near field technology.11.Meanwhile, PayPal, which allows people to makepayments over the Internet, has quietly begun to persuade its users to turn to their cellphones.PayPal posted about $118 billion in total transactions last year and became the fastest-growing segment of eBay, its parent company. 12."The physical wallet, which had no innovation inthe last 50 years, will become an artifact," John J.Donahoe, the chief executive of eBay, told me recently. The wallet would move into the cloud, and ideally, from his perspective, into PayPal. No more would the consumer worry about losing a wallet. Everything, he declared, would be contained within PayPal. It would also enable the company to collect vast amounts of data about customer habits, purchases and budgets.13.Mr. Donahoe said he wanted his company tobecome "a mall in your pocket."14.I recently described PayPal's plans to AlessandroAcquisti, an economist who studies digital privacy at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Mr. Acquisti smiled. If today all you need to do is enter your phone number and PIN when you visit a store, perhaps tomorrow, he said, that store will be able to detect your phone by its unique identifier. Perhaps, you won't have to shop at all. Your shopping data would be instead collected, analyzed and used to tell you exactly what you need: a motorcycle from Ducati or purple rain boots in the next size for your growing child. Money will be seamlessly taken from your account. A delivery will arrive at your doorstep."In the future, maybe you won't have to pay," Mr.Acquisti offered, only half in jest."The transaction will be made for you."Unit4 Cultural ExchangeAsia’s Endangered Species: the Expat1.Forget expats. Western companies doing businessin Asia are now looking to locals to fill the most important jobs in the region.2.Behind the switch, experts say, are several factors,including a leveled playing field in which Western companies must approach newly empowered Asian companies and consumers as equals and clients—not just manufacturing partners.panies now want executives who can securedeals with local businesses and governments without the aid of a translator, and who understand that sitting through a three-hour dinner banquet is often a key part of the negotiating process in Asia, experts say.4.In fact, three out of four senior executives hired inAsia by multinationals were Asian natives already living in the region, according to a Spencer Stuart analysis of 1,500 placements made from 2005 to 2010. Just 6% were noncitizens from outside of Asia.5."It's a strategic necessity to be integrated in theculture. Otherwise, the time to learn all of it takes forever," said Arie Y. Lewin, a professor of strategy and international business at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. He adds that locals may better navigate a business culture where copycats and competitors often play by different rules.6.What's more, a failed expatriate hire can be acostly mistake and slow a firm's progress in the region, said Phil Johnston, a managing director at recruiter Spencer Stuart.7.To help companies fill Asia-based executive roles,at least two search firms—Spencer Stuart and Korn/Ferry International—say they have begun classifying executives in four broad categories: Asia natives steeped in local culture but educated in the U.S. or Europe; the foreigner who has lived or worked in Asia for a long time; a person of Asian descent who was born or raised in a Western country but has had little exposure to Asia; and the local Asian executive who has no Western experience.8.For companies seeking local expertise, both firmssaid the first category is by far the most sought-after. But Mr. Johnston said those candidates are difficult to find and retain, and they can command salaries of $750,000 to $1 million—on par with, and sometimes more than, their expat counterparts.9.German conglomerate Siemens AG in 2010 hiredMei-Wei Cheng, a China-born Cornell University graduate, to head its Chinese operations—a role previously held by European executives.10.While Siemens's European executives had madeinroads with Chinese consumers—building sales in the region to nearly one-tenth of global revenue—the firm realized it needed someone who could quickly tap local business partners.11.After an extensive search, Siemens hired Mr.Cheng, formerly CEO at the Chinese subsidiariesof Ford Motor Co. and General Electric Co. GE 12.The decision to hire locally seems to have paidoff for Siemens: In his first 18 months on the job, Mr. Cheng forged two wind-power jointventures with Shanghai Electric Group Co.13.Mr. Cheng communicates easily with localofficials, a major advantage when it comes to selling energy technology to individual cities, says Brigitte Ederer, head of human resources for Siemens and a member of the company's managing board. Many local officials don't speak English.14.Bob Damon, president of recruiter Korn/FerryInternational's North American operations, said the current talent pool for executive roles is so limited that most top Asian executives simply rotate from one Western company to another, as Mr. Cheng did.15.Other companies are adding to the demand bycreating new positions in Asia. Campbell Soup Co.CPB last week announced the appointment of Daniel Saw as its first-ever president of Asia operations, while Canadian conglomerate Bombardier Inc. BBD.B.T hired Albert Li to fill a new role overseeing its aerospace business in China. Both executives were born in Asia and have worked as regional managers for Western multinationals.16.Meanwhile, younger Chinese professionals arepositioning themselves to meet the need for executive talent in the years to come. Nearly four in 10 American M.B.A. programs say China was their fastest-growing source of foreign applicants last year, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the Graduate Management Admission Test.17.Foreigners with no Asia experience, on the otherhand, need not apply, recruiters said. Spencer Stuart's Mr. Johnston said he occasionally receives inquiries from Western middle managers, proclaiming that they are finally ready to make a career move to the region. He advises them that "there is nothing about their experience that is interesting or relevant to Asia."18.In hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong, expatsreceive as much as $200,000 a year in subsidies for housing, transportation and private schooling, Mr. Johnston said. Payments to offset taxes for these benefits add up to another $100,000.Altogether, a bad match can cost a company as much as $1 million, after figuring in relocation costs, he said.19.Monster Worldwide Inc. Chief Executive SalIannuzzi said the company has been hiring locally for several years, in part because he found deploying expatriates cost too much. "It takes them six months to figure out how to take a ferry, they're there for 12 months, and then they spend the next six months figuring out how to get home," he said.20.Like some other companies, Monster now tracksits own workers to ensure a pipeline of talent.21.The online job-search company's current head ofChina operations, Edward Lo, a former fraternity brother of Mr. Iannuzzi, understands the local scene, is well connected in China and knows how to recruit, Mr. Iannuzzi said. Among Mr. Lo's duties: finding his own successor before he retires.22.Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. basedin White Plains, N.Y., also develops its own leaders for Asia, plucking people who have come up through the company ranks. For example, the head of Asia Pacific started in the 1970s on the finance team in Hong Kong, and the head of the Middle East region was a hotel manager who worked his way up.23.Having grown up in their markets, managersunderstand customer needs, said Starwood CEO Frits van Paasschen. Regional heads in China, for instance, know that when dealing with land owners or developers, deals are less "transactional," and more "trust-based," he said.They also know that Chinese travelers—who now comprise the majority of hotel guests in the region—feel more at home when they're supplied with tea kettles, slippers and chopsticks, he added.24.For fast-food company Yum Brands Inc. CEODavid Novak calls his Asia-bred regional head and executive team "our single biggest competitive advantage." China has become the company's biggest earnings driver, comprising more than 40% of operating profit.25.Thanks to Yum's China leaders, Mr. Novak says,KFC in China began serving rice porridge and soy milk for breakfast, and Pizza Hut now offers an afternoon tea menu—both of which have been big hits among local customers.Unit5 Auto-WorldThe Future of the Car :Clean, Safe and it Drives itselfCars have already changed the way we live. They are likely to do so again1.SOME inventions, like some species, seem tomake periodic leaps in progress. The car is one of them. Twenty-five years elapsed between Karl Benz beginning small-scale production of his original Motorwagen and the breakthrough, by Henry Ford and his engineers in 1913, that turned the car into the ubiquitous, mass-market item that has defined the modern urban landscape. By putting production of the Model T on moving assembly lines set into the floor of his factory in Detroit, Ford drastically cut the time needed to build it, and hence its cost. Thus began a revolution in personal mobility. Almost a billion cars now roll along the world’s highways.2.Today the car seems poised for another burst ofevolution. One way in which it is changing relates to its emissions. As emerging markets grow richer, legions of new consumers are clamouring for their first set of wheels. For the whole world to catch up with American levels of car ownership, the global fleet would have to quadruple. Even a fraction of that growth would present fearsome challenges, from congestion and the price of fuel to pollution and global warming.3.Yet, as our special report this week argues, stricterregulations and smarter technology are making cars cleaner, more fuel-efficient and safer than ever before. China, its cities choked in smog, is following Europe in imposing curbs on emissions of noxious nitrogen oxides and fine soot particles.Regulators in most big car markets are demanding deep cuts in the carbon dioxide emitted from carexhausts. And carmakers are being remarkably inventive in finding ways to comply.4.Granted, battery-powered cars have disappointed.They remain expensive, lack range and are sometimes dirtier than they look—for example, if they run on electricity from coal-fired power stations. But car companies are investing heavily in other clean technologies. Future motorists will have a widening choice of super-efficient petrol and diesel cars, hybrids (which switch between batteries and an internal-combustion engine) and models that run on natural gas or hydrogen. As for the purely electric car, its time will doubtless come.Towards the driverless, near-crashless car 5.Meanwhile, a variety of “driver assistance”technologies are appearing on new cars, which will not only take a lot of the stress out of driving in traffic but also prevent many accidents. More and more new cars can reverse-park, read traffic signs, maintain a safe distance in steady traffic and brake automatically to avoid crashes. Some carmakers are promising technology that detects pedestrians and cyclists, again overruling the driver and stopping the vehicle before it hits them.A number of firms, including Google, are busytrying to take driver assistance to its logical conclusion by creating cars that drive themselves to a chosen destination without a human at the controls. This is where it gets exciting.6.Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, predicts thatdriverless cars will be ready for sale to customers within five years. That may be optimistic, but the prototypes that Google already uses to ferry itsstaff (and a recent visitor from The Economist) along Californian freeways are impressive.Google is seeking to offer the world a driverless car built from scratch, but it is more likely to evolve, and be accepted by drivers, in stages.7.As sensors and assisted-driving softwaredemonstrate their ability to cut accidents, regulators will move to make them compulsory for all new cars. Insurers are already pressing motorists to accept black boxes that measure how carefully they drive: these will provide a mass of data which is likely to show that putting the car on autopilot is often safer than driving it. Computers never drive drunk or while texting.8.If and when cars go completely driverless—forthose who want this—the benefits will be enormous. Google gave a taste by putting a blind man in a prototype and filming him being driven off to buy takeaway tacos. Huge numbers of elderly and disabled people could regain their personal mobility. The young will not have to pay crippling motor insurance, because their reckless hands and feet will no longer touch the wheel or the accelerator. The colossal toll of deaths and injuries from road accidents—1.2m killed a year worldwide, and 2m hospital visits a year in America alone—should tumble down, along with the costs to health systems and insurers.9.Driverless cars should also ease congestion andsave fuel. Computers brake faster than humans.And they can sense when cars ahead of them are braking. So driverless cars will be able to drive much closer to each other than humans safely can.On motorways they could form fuel-efficient “road trains”, gliding along in the slipstream of the vehicle in front. People who commute by car will gain hours each day to work, rest or read a newspaper.Roadblocks ahead10.Some carmakers think this vision of the future is(as Henry Ford once said of history) bunk. People will be too terrified to hurtle down the motorway in a vehicle they do not control: computers crash, don’t they? Carmakers whose self-driving technology is implicated in accidents might face ruinously expensive lawsuits, and be put off continuing to develop it.11.Yet many people already travel, unwittingly, onplanes and trains that no longer need human drivers. As with those technologies, the shift towards driverless cars is taking place gradually.The cars’ software will learn the tricks that humans use to avoid hazards: for example, braking when a ball bounces into the road, because a child may be chasing it. Google’s self-driving cars have already clocked up over 700,000km, more than many humans ever drive;and everything they learn will become available to every other car using the software. As for the liability issue, the law should be changed to make sure that when cases arise, the courts take into account the overall safety benefits of self-driving technology.12.If the notion that the driverless car is round thecorner sounds far-fetched, remember that TV and heavier-than-air flying machines once did, too.One day people may wonder why earlier generations ever entrusted machines as dangerous as cars to operators as fallible as humans.Unit6 RomanceThe Modern Matchmakers现代红娘Internet dating sites claim to have brought scienceto the age-old question of how to pair offsuccessfully. But have they?互联网相亲网站声称已经将科技运用如何成功配对的问题之上。
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The lobbying exists in many countries, but the most developed is in America. Washington can be regarded as the street of lobby.
change their positions in this process.
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The existence of lobbying in America has the following four reasons.
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02 它们往往具有作者的个人观点和立场,语言风格 较为多样化。
03 社论和专栏文章注重逻辑性和说服力,常常使用 各种修辞手法来加强表达效果。
分析中美贸易战的背景、原因、影响及 未来趋势。
分析欧盟的历史、现状、挑战及未来发 展。
探讨朝鲜半岛核问题、南北关系及国际 社会的角色。
研究全球经济治理体系的现状、问题及 改革方向。
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Lesson 4VI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a “population befouled with all the social vices”. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian family is larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the “model minority” because of their superiority to other races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already have “natural” advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans’ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants’ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians’ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture’s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation’s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures’ pull4. Young people’s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans’ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants’ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians’ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author’s view concerning the development of Asians’ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movementLesson 6Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. DVI.1. Because they regard First Amendment freedom as essential American rights and will not allow any restriction on it.2. Because it holds the view that the reform will place restriction on individual rights and therefore should be fiercely resisted.3. Because the situation is not the same as before. In the 1950s, McCarthy and his inquisitors trampled the free expression of left-wing view; and so for the next two decades or so it was essential to defend the principle of free speech at every opportunity. Now the free speech is not in jeopardy, it should not be rigidly defended.4. Mr. Neuborne holds that in modern political campaign rich candidates flood voters with commercials and propaganda of every kind, so that others have no chance of attracting attention. Poor candidates may enjoy the right to speak, but not the hope that everyone will hear what theyhave to say. To give them a hearing, he suggests that the speech of rich candidates be limited.5. The authors mean that the situation now is different from that of the 1960s. Americans should not abide by the same principle in spite of the change of time. In the 1960s heyday, the ACLU was absolutely correct in upholding citizens’ rights against the police and other authorities. This was because they did not reflect the inte rests of America’s black minority. However, all that has now changed: many policemen, and police chiefs, are black, as are many mayors. If these leaders, reflecting the wishes of their constituencies, choose to adopt tough measures to fight crime, the ACLU should not presume to second-guess them. It’s time to adopt a different attitude.6. The ACLU’s rigid defence of rights ends up favoring the strong more than the weak.7. He thinks that America’s free speech has a price. Though America has been one of the freest countries in the world, it is one of those in which the gap between the rich and poor is the starkest.OutlineI. The burial of the campaign finance reform and its implications(1)II. Two sides’ views on the reform(2)1. Opponents’ view2. Majority’s viewIII. American public’s qualified support for free speech(3—5)1. Firm belief in the first amendment2. Strong support for the campaign finance reform3. Deep split within the ACLU over the campaign financeIV. Criticism of the ACLU’s rigid defence of rights(6—11)1. Burt Neuborne’s view on the ACLU’s line on campaign spending2. Tracey Meares and Dan Kahan’s criticism of the ACLU’s other issuesV. Author’s comment(12) Liberty has a price.Lesson 7Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. BVI.1. It indicates that Microsoft corp. has tight control over the software business.2. The present honeymoon will not last long. The industry does not speak with one voice. At the same time, their success has greatly damaged the interests of other industries. So there will be troubles ahead. Besides this, there’s also potential for a huge culture clash. A lot of Silicon Valley types don’t realize the importance of politics and have disdain for government.3. President Clinton promised to keep the Internet tax-free for now and Hewlett Packard Co. won approval to export sophisticated cryptography chips. The 1986 semiconductor trade agreement was signed to stop the dumping of Japanese chips in the US and set market-share goals for US chips in Japan.4. The industry believes that government should do what it needs to do but leave them alone. The software tycoons have little patience for bureaucratic oversight and tend to be uncompromising. The hardware tycoons are willing to look for compromise.5. They are: easing immigration restriction; securities-litigation reform and ending export limit of encryption technology.6. The Internet and electronic commerce have been rearranging the business landscape—changing how Americans buy everything. They are spreading into all sorts of digital services, from entertainment to online banking to telephony.7. Because high-tech leaders have realized that the industry’s future is less about technology and more about policy.OutlineI. Close contact between high tech industry and Washington politicians(1—2)1. Specific example: Bill Gates and Scott G. McNealy’s attendance at the March 3 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee2. Increasing contact between high tech industry and Washington policy makersII. Reasons for the close relationship(3—6)1. High tech industry’s fast expansion and the appearance of more issues2. Politicians’ strong interest in the job growth industry3. Increasing conflicts between high tech industry and other industries4. High tech industry’s urgent need for solution to many problemsIII. Relationship between high tech industry and government(7—11)1. Good relationship at present2. Difficulties in maintaining the honeymoon3. Need for high tech new executives to learn lobbyingIV. Efforts made by high tech companies at lobbying(12—14)1. Computer companies’ fight for a high-definition TV format2. The establishment of Washington offices3. Crusade to fight alleged Japanese dumping of computer chipsV. Problems with the high tech industry(15—16)1. Lack of unity2. Little patience for bureaucratic oversightVI. Objectives of the high tech executives(17—18)1. Easing immigration restriction and securities litigation reform2. Ending limit on the export encryption technologyVII. Prospects(19) High tech executives will quickly learn how to play the Washington political gameLesson 12Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. BVI.1. The market situation of the sales in the United States is much better than ever before. Many bookstores report increases of over 30%.2. America’s bookstores offer a rich diversity of Bibles to suit people’s different needs and comprehension levels. The 270 stores in the Family Christian Stores chain might carry 200 different titles. Customers now have more choices in format, bindings, boxing and pricing. All new Bibles claim improved scholarship, better readability and more relevance.3. The advance of technology has made it possible to publish more quickly and less expensively. Therefore, it has helped to speeden new Bible production and shorten the shelf life of Bibles.4. In order to meet readers’ different needs, publishers produce specialty Bibles and Bibles with notes and comments.5. The initialism NIV stands for the New International Version.6. The notes and comments in the new Bible would produce the adverse effects of leading the reader off the right page theologically and remaking God in the writer’s own image.OutlineI. Fast increase of Bible sales(1—5)II. Rich diversity of Bible versions and variations(6—17)1. More choices in bindings, boxings and pricing2. Different kinds of Bibles serving different purposes3. Different Bibles claiming improved scholarship and readability4. An explosion of format choicesIII. Reasons for the rich diversity(18—25)1. Advance of technology2. Bible companies’ desire for their market shares3. Customers’ wish for specialty versions suiting their specific needsIV. Possible adverse effects of the notes and comments(26—35)1. Leading the reader off the right page theologically2. Remarking God in one’s own imageLesson 15Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. AVI.1. Americans transfer less money among themselves for such things as social security and welfare.2. It is the measure of “fiscal drag”—the burden taxes place upon an economy.3. It refers to funds that go from one citizen’s pocket to another’s with the government as intermediary.4. High-tax, high-transfer countries tend to be culturally cohesive. America is a melting pot. It is a more diverse society. People are reluctant to contribute to the public spending.5. Lower taxes. More services and more spending.6. They would shoulder higher taxes if they could be sure that doing so would make life better for themselves, their children and their children’s children. A great ma jority would pay more if they could be guaranteed the money would go to education or health insurance or even housing for the homeless. They are willing to pay for the direct and visible services.OutlineI. American’s tax load compared with people of other countries(1—3)1. Lighter load according to OECD’s finding2. More complaints about taxes according to opinion polls3. Author’s view on OECD’s findingII. Similarities and differences between America and other countries in taxes(4—9)1. Similaritya. Allocation of similar proportion of GDP to governmentb. Effect of the allocation on economy: fiscal dragc. US tax payers’ strong sense of fiscal drag2. Difference: US less transfer paymentsa. America’s capability to increase transfer paymentsb. Reasons for US less transfer paymentsUS less cultural cohesion caused by the society’s diversity;Government’s less spending for infrastructureIII. Public’s sentiment over taxes(10—12)1. Willingness to pay more for worthwhile causes such as education and pollution control2. Hatred for bureaucrats’ waste of taxpayers’ money3. Tendency to want it both ways: lower taxes, but more servicesResult: huge federal deficitLesson 17Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. DVI.1. Alcohol poisoning caused Wynne’s death. The autopsy of Wynne found that he had a blood alcohol level six times the amount at which the state considers a person intoxicated.2. Excessive drinking among college students has been blamed for at least six deaths in the year before the writing of the article. It affects not only the bingers but also fellow students, who are more likely to report lost sleep, interrupted studies and sexual assaults on campuses with high binge-drinking rates. Sometimes it may cause riots.3. The most important factor is the campus culture encouraging students to drink, and drink heavily. At many colleges, school life is still synonymous with alcohol-lubricated gatherings. College newspapers are filled with alcohol-related ads. On many campuses, bars send shuttle buses to round up students.4. The act of raising the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 can not solve the problem. Many drink at private parties off campus, with an older student buying the alcohol. Bars’enforcement of the drinking age is often lax, false IDs are common, and legal-age friends are often willing to buy the drinks and bring them back to the table. Instead of drinking in well-monitored settings, the young often experiment in private homes and bars, where there are few checks in place to deter dangerous practices. Research suggests that making alcohol illegal may give it an illicit thrill for younger drinkers. So raising the age may have made the binge problem even worse.5. To solve the binge problem, many colleges hand out literature and hold workshops to educate students about responsible drinking. In addition, they penalize campus groups that sponsor reckless parties.6. No, it’s far from enough just to ban alcohol on campus, for it does nothing about the excessive drinking off-campus. So, colleges should work with the larger community to ensure that students cannot abuse alcohol at private homes and bars.OutlineI. Specific example: Wynne’s death of alcohol poisoning(1)II. General situation: Pervasive binge drinking on campuses(2—3)1. A common problem with most schools2. Huge yearly consumption of alcohol3. Harmful effects on the bingers and fellow studentsIII. Causes for the campus binge problem(4—5)1. Binge-encouraging culture: alcohol-lubricated gatherings; college newspapers’advertising; bars’ shuttle-bus service2. Off-campus wide-availability and high promotion of alcoholIV. Measures taken by many colleges to solve the binge problem(6—7)1. Education through literature and workshops2. Punishment for campus groups for sponsoring reckless parties3. Ban on alcohol consumption on campusesV. Author’s recommended measures(8—9)1. Working with the larger community to stop off-campus alcohol abuse2. Encouraging on-campus responsible drinking for those of legal drinking ageLesson21Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. BVI.1. He took two of his father’s guns from an unlocked cabinet and a third from a family car. He had learnt to fire weapons from his father.2. He means that Barry Loukaitis’ shooting in many respects showed the way in which America’s school yard killings would occur. More recent school killings followed the pattern of Barry Loukaitis’ shooting.3. The violent pop culture predisposed kids to violent behavior. It produced a profound cultural influence pulling kids into a world where violence is a perfectly normal way to handle emotions.4. It shows a very serious problem: American juveniles are becoming violent, callous andremorseless. More kids have mental disorders and their mental problems occur earlier.5. Most earlier killings were gang-related, or they were stabbings involving money or a girl friend. However, most recent killings were shootings done by kids with mental troubles. The victims were chosen at random.6. Yes, they gave ample warning signs, often in detailed writings at school, of dramatic violent outbursts to come. However, adults never took the threats and warning signs seriously. They simply overlooked them.7. Juvenile suicide rates have increased over the last four decades and have leveled off near their all-time highs. More than 1.5 million Americans under age 15 are seriously depressed.8. Because they were strapped for mental health counselors.9. Their parents or grandparents did not lock guns out of kids’ reach. Some of them even bought them guns and taught them how to use the guns.OutlineI. Specific example: Barry Loukaitis’ shooting on Feb. 2, 1996(1—4)II. Common traits of school yard killings after Barry’s shooting(5—14)1. Mental state: displaying problems2. Instruments for killing: easy access to guns3. Culture’s influence: immersion in gun culture and obsession with violent pop culture4. Signs of violence: showing ample signs, which, however, are overlookedIII. Striking changes of school yard killings in type over the last six years(15—27)1. Most earlier killings: gang-related stabbings; fights over money or a girl friend2. Most killings after Barry’s shooting: use of guns; random choices of victims; mental troubles3. Examples: Barry Loukaitis; an Alaskan boy; Luke Woodham in Mississippi; Michael Carneal in Kentucky; a 13-year-old boy in ArkansasIV. Analysis of the Causes(28—41)1. Mood disorders happening earlier & shortage of mental health counselors2. Easy access to guns: unlocked; parents’ teaching; holiday gifts; taking courses3. Pop culture’s influence: violent video shows and video games; gangster rap。
美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文
![美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e3777423ccbff121dd3683dc.png)
【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial ProgressThe remaining divisions in American society shouldnot blind us to a half-century of dramatic changeBy Abigail and Stephan ThernstromIn the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court.Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners’ association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association’ s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court.But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?”The homeowners didn’t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don’t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.”It’s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well.That’s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another.To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends:A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.But it wasn’t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve ofWorld War II, a trivial five percent of black men were engaged in white-collar work of any kind, and six out of ten African-American women were employed as domestics.In 1940 there were only 1,000 practicing African-American lawyers; by 1995 there were over 32,000, about four percent of all attorneys.Today almost three-quarters of African-American families have incomes above the government poverty line. Many are in the middle class, according to one useful index—earning double the government poverty level; in 1995 this was $30,910 for a two-parent family with two children and $40,728 for a two-parent family with four children. Only one black family in 100 enjoyed a middle-class income in 1940; by 1995 it was 49 in 100. And more than 40 percent of black households also own their homes. That’ s a huge change.The typical white family still earns a lot more than the black family because it is more likely to collect two paychecks. But if we look only at married couples—much of the middle class—the white-black income gap shrinks to 13 percent. Much of that gap can be explained by the smaller percentage of blacks with college degrees, which boost wages, and the greater concentration of blacks in the South, where wages tend to be lower.Blacks are moving to the suburbs. Following the urban riots of the mid-1960s, the presidential Kerner Commission14 concluded that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”—black central cities and whites outside the core. That segregation might well blow the country apart, it said.It’ s true that whites have continued to leave inner cities for the suburbs, but so, too, have blacks. The number of black suburban dwellers in the last generation has almost tripled to 10.6 million. In 1970 metropolitan Atlanta, for example, 27 percent of blacks lived in the suburbs with 85 percent of whites. By 1990, 64 percent of blacks and 94 percent of whites resided there.This is not phony integration, with blacks moving from one all-black neighborhood into another. Most of the movement has brought African-Americans into neighborhoods much less black15 than those they left behind, thus increasing integration. By 1994 six in ten whites reported that they lived in neighborhoods with blacks.Residential patterns do remain closely connected to race. However, neighborhoods have become more racially mixed, and residential segregation has been decreasing.Bigotry has declined. Before World Was ft, Gunnar Myrdal16 roamed the South researching An American Dilemma, the now-classic book that documented17 the chasm betwe en the nation’s ideals and its racial practices, hi one small Southern city, he kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” an African-American who was principal of a black high school. No one seemed to know who he was. After he finally found Smith, Myrdal was told that he should have just asked for “Jim.” That’ s how great was white aversion to dignifying African-Americans with “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”Bigotry was not just a Southern problem. A national survey in the 1940s asked whether “Ne-groes shoul d have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job.” A majority of whites said that “white people should have the first chance at any kind of job.”19. Such a question would not even be asked today. Except for a lunatic fringe18, no whites would sign on to such a notion.1920. In 1964 less than one in five whites reported having a black friend. By 1989 more than two out of three did. And more than eight often African -Americans had a white friend.21. What about the last taboo?20 In 1963 ten percent of whites approved of black-white dating; by 1994 it was 65 percent. Interracial marriages? Four percent of whites said it was okay in 1958; by 1994 the figure had climbed more than elevenfold, to 45 percent. These surveys measure opinion, but behavior has also changed. In 1963 less than one percent of marriages by African- Americans were racially mixed. By 1993, 12 percent were.22. Today black Americans can climb the ladder to the top.21 Ann M. Fudge is already there; she’s in charge of manufacturing, promotion and sales at the $2.7-billion Maxwell House Coffee and Post Cereals divisions of Kraft Foods.22 So are Kenneth Chenault, president and chief operating officer at American Express23 and Richard D. Parsons, president of Time Warner, Inc.24 After the 1988 Demo-cratic Convention25, the Rev. Jesse Jackson26 talked about his chances of making it to the White House. “I may not get there,” he said “But it is possible for our children to get there now.”23. Even that seems too pessimistic. Consider how things have improved since Colin and Alma Powell27 packed their belongings into a V olkswagen28 and left Fort Devens, Mass., for Fort Bragg, N. C. “I remember passing Woodbridgc, Va.,” General Powell wrote in his autobiogra phy, “and not finding even a gas-station bathroom that we were allowed to use.” That was in 1962. In 1996 reliable polls suggest he could have been elected President.24. Progress over the last half-century has been dramatic. As Corctta Scott King wrote not long ago, the ideals for which her husband Martin Luther King Jr. died, have become “deeply embedded in the very fabric of America29.”From Reader’s Digest, March, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. According to the author, ___________A. racism has disappeared in AmericaB. little progress has been made in race relationsC. media reports have exaggerated the racial gapD. media accounts have made people believe that the gap between blacks and whites has become narrower2. What the Kerner Commi ssion meant by “accelerating segregation” was that __________A. more and more whites and blacks were forced to live and work separatelyB. more and more blacks lived in the central cities, and whites outside the coreC. more and more whites lived in the central cities, and blacks outside the coreD. nowadays more and more blacks begin to live in the suburbs3. The last taboo in the article is about ____________.A. political status of America’s minority peopleB. economic status of America’ s minori ty peopleC. racial integrationD. interracial marriages4. Gunnar Myrdal kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” but no one seemed to know who he was, because _____________.A. there was not such a person called Jim SmithB. Jim Smith was not famousC. the whites didn ‘t know Jim SmithD. the white people considered that a black man did not deserve the title of “Mr.”5. In the author’s opinion, _A. few black Americans can climb the ladder to the topB. Jesse Jackson’ s words in th is article seemed too pessimisticC. Colin Powell could never have been elected PresidentD. blacks can never become America’ s PresidentVI. Questions on the Article1. Why were those low-income teen-agers who came to the Perrywood community consid-ered to be “the eyesore”?2. What is the surprising twist of the story?3. According to this article, what has caused much of the white-black income gap?4. Why did the presidential Kerner Commission conclude that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”?5. Why wouldn’t questions as “Should negroes have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job?” be asked today?Topics for Discussion1. Can you tell briefly the dramatic progress in the status of America’ s minority p eople over the last half-century?2. Do you think the article is unbiased? What do you think of the author s view on the African-Americans?1. amenity: n. A. The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness. 怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快 B. A feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location.生活福利设施;便利设施:能够增加吸引力或价值的事物,特别是不动产或地理位置⊙ We enjoy all the -ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。
英美报刊选读 考到的课本问题及答案
![英美报刊选读 考到的课本问题及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d79b8f5ba0d4a7302763a9c.png)
Lesson ElevenIs America’s new declinism for real1. What is the difference between the latest global trends report and the one issued four years ago?The latest report foresees world in which the US plays a prominent role in global events,butthe US is seen as one among many global actors". The report issued four years ago had projected "continuing US dominance".2. What does "new declinism" mean?It means that Americans,especially theintellectuals,think that America is in decline. They have lost the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the "unipolar moment". It is new because there were times in US history when people had similar thoughts.3. What are the reasons of the new declinism?There are three reasons:First,the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it clear that US military supremacy does not automatically translate into political victory. Second,the rise of China and India suggests that America’s days as the world’s largest economy are numbered. Third, the financial crisis has fed the notion that the US is living beyond its means and that something is badly wrong with the American model.4. What does William Wohlforth of Dartmouth College think of the new declinism?He pointed out that America may recover from the new declinism just like before and there may be a resurgence of American confidence.5. Why does the writer think that the new declinism may be more soundly based than the previous ones?Because he thinks that China may pose more challenge to the US than the Soviet Union and Japan since it has a large size and a record of sustained and dynamic economic growth..6. What do you think of America’s decline? And China’s rise?OpenLesson FifteenLibby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat1. For what was I. Lewis Libby charged?Mr. Libby was charged for perjury and obstruction of justice because he was considered to have lied to investigators. He was charged with five felony accounts of lying to the grand jury and to officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who were investigating the leak of Ms. Wilson's name to Mr. Novak.2. How did Libby defend himself on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice?Mr. Libby said that he believed he first learned about Ms. Wilson in a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC. He also told the grand jury that he had been taken aback by Mr. Russert’s information. He had testified that he did not discuss Ms. Wilson’s identity with Judith Miller,a former reporter for The Times,or with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine.3. How did Mr. Wells defend Mr. Libby?Trying to present the case as hopelessly complicated as possible, Mr. Wells spoke for nearly two and a half hours to leave the jurors in doubt about the validity of the charges. And he asserted that Mr. Libby had become enmeshed in legal difficulty because of White House efforts to protect Mr. Rove.4. Why did the White House intend to protect Mr. Rove?Because Mr. Rove was Mr. Bush’s right-hand man and "was most responsible for seeing the Republican Party stayed in office.”And he had a major role in guiding Mr. Bush's re-election campaign.5. Do you think the Bush administration had distorted intelligence about Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium? Why or why not?Yes,I think so. Because the weapons of mass destruction have not been found up to now.6. How do you understand Mr. Cheney’s words that "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy who was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others?"Mr. Cheney means that he is not going to sacrifice Libby just for the purpose of protecting Mr. Rove.Mr. Cheney means that he is not going tosacrifice Libby just for the purpose ofprotecting Mr. Rove.Lesson EighteenA Race We Can All Win1. What are the different views between the author and some other American politicians on China? Why does he think so?Many American politicians have played tovoters’ economic insecurities by scapegoating China,while the author believes that China is not a threat to America,but an incredible opportunity. Since the author has worked 35 years in the private sector, and has run the nation's largest city for 6 years.2. What does the author see behind the growing Chinese economy?Although China emerges as an economic dynamo,the author has also seen the frailties underpinning its system. The increasingly congested roads and polluted air choke its economy and its people. The growth of cities is also exposing other fundamental long-term economic challenges,for instance,the education system is simply not producing enough skilled workers--- engineers,doctors,scientists and mangers. At the same time,health-care costs are skyrocketing.3. What common problems do both China and America meet? Give an example to illustrate how China is solving these problems.Both China and America have congestion,pollution,education, and rising health-care costs.4. Compared with China,what are the advantages for America to solve these problems? Do you agree with the author?The author advocates that America has a system of government that is far less corrupt and far more stable,owing to American democratic politics,free press and open, transparent markets.5. In the author's opinion, how can America meet the challenge?The Americans should prevent themselves from slowing down, which means overcoming the political inertia that has stopped them from investing in the 21st-century infrastructure that they need.6. Do you agree with the author’s opinions about China and the US? Please illustrate your own views with some examples.Open.Lesson NineteenWhy the Monarchy Must Stay1.What was Mr. Churchill’s view on Britain’s system of government? Do you agree withhim?a.he thought it was the best that man had yet devisedthough it was imperfect.b. Open.2. What role does Queen Elizabeth II play? Can she play a better role than an American president in a sense? Explain.a. she, as head of state, carries out ceremonial duties, and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate.b. In the author’s view, she can. An American president is also the leader of a political party, so he can’t remain above politics.3. What power does Queen Elizabeth II have/ does Her Majesty have the real power to choose a prime minister? Why or why not?a. she can choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war.b. No. she is a figurehead bound by the tradition, constitution and laws of the nation. She does it on the advice of Parliament.4. If the monarchy were abolished, what would things in Britain be like?The government, Parliament, nation, and Commonwealth would be turned upside down. Every nut and bolt of every one of Britain’s major institutions would have to be altered to make way for change.5. Do you know any scandals about some members of the royal family? Be specific.There are a couple of scandals involving the Queen’s sister and children. Apart from Camillagate 卡米拉门and Squidgygate鱿鱼门事件, it was reported that Princess Michael ofKent had an affair with oil tycoon John Ward Hunt, a relative of the fabulously wealthy Bunker Hunt of Houston, U. S. A.6. Why must the monarchy stay? Can it keep a politician from holding all the powers? Do you think the monarchy must go? State the reasons.a. In the author’s view , it has served both the British Empire and the Commonwealth with great distinction. Besides, it is legitimate and accords with traditions.b. Yes, it can, but it is not the monarchy but the parliamentary democracy that can keep a politician from holding all the powers and becoming a dictator.c. It depends. It is the British people that can decide its future.Lesson TwentyThe Coming Conflict in the Arctic1.What issues would the two heads of states discuss at the Lobster Summit atKennebunkport?Putin and Bush spent most of their time at the “lobster summit” discussing how to prevent the growing tensions between their two countries caused by missile defense in Europe and the final status of Kosovo.2. What’s the real purpose of Russia’s claim to the vast area of the ice covered Arctic seabed?The claim is not really about territory, but rather about the huge hydrocarbon reserves that are hidden on the seabed under the Arctic ice cap. Since these newly discovered energy reserves will play a crucial role in the global energy balance as the existing reserves of oil and gas will be depleted over the next 20 years. And the Russian government wants to secure Russia’s long-term dominance over global energy markets.3. Why are the Arctic reserves so attractive to Arctic-rim countries?Because the whole world is in danger of depleting natural resources, and scientists estimate that the Arctic territory contains more than 10 billion tons of gas and oil deposits. That’s why the Arctic reserves will be of such crucial importance to the world’s energy future, though they are still largely unexplored.4. Why doesn’t international Law recognize Russia’s right to the entire Arctic seabed north of the Russian coastline?The U.S. government has been jealous of Russia’s attempts to project its dominance in the energy sector and has sought to limit opportunities for Russia to control export routes and energy deposits outside Russia’s territory. As a result, it refused to recognize Russia’s claim to the entire Arctic seabed and blocked the anticipated Russian bid.5. What is the viable scientific evidence supporting Russia's claim? What has boosted Russia's claim over the oil- and gas-rich triangle?After a group of Russian geologists taking a six-week voyage to the Lomonosov Ridge, they claimed the ridge was linked to Russian Federation territory. Their research boosted Russia’s claim over the oil-and gas-rich triangle. The latest findings are likely to prompt Russia to lodge another bid at the UN to secure its rights over the Arctic sea shelf.6. What is the US government’s attitude to the Russian claim? Why did President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention?The US government refused to recognize Russia’s claim and blocks the bid. President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention because , if the Senate ratified the Law of the Sea Convention, U. S. would have the same right to claim a 12 mile zone for territorial waters and a larger 200 mile economic zone in the Arctic territory.7. Why did the author say that it promises to be a tough fight?If the Russian government wants to get its Arctic claim approved, it should have a tough diplomatic fight with other countries, especially the U. S. government.。
美英报刊阅读教程答案Lesson 1Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. DVI.1. The three big milestones for America‘s population are the following: 1915 when America‘s population grew to 100 million, 1967 when America‘s population increased to 200 million and 2006 when America‘s population reached 300 million.2. America‘s recent population growth has been extraordinary. Since 2000 alone, America has added 20 million people. In sharp co ntrast with America‘s population increase, Europe‘s birth rates have been plunging and Japan‘s population has been shrinking.3. There are the following three trends: migration to the west and the south, sharp increase of immigrants and fast increase of the over-65 population.4. The fast growth of the South and the West has been buoyed by immigration, lower costs, and recreational opportunities.5. The major factor in the population growth is immigration. Since 2000 alone, there has been a 16 percent rise in the number of immigrants living in American households.6. The most striking difference is the change of the main source. Before 1967, the main source of immigrants was Western Europe. However, after President Johnson signed the Immigration and Naturalization Act in 1965 to stop racial and ethnic quotas for new immigrants, and once the Mexican economy tanked in the 1970s, immigrants from Mexico sharplyincreased. In Fort Wayne, nearly 80 percent of Hispanics are Mexican. An estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now live in America.7. According to the article, the influx of new immigrants has caused the problem of racial tensions.8. Back in 1990, the median age in America was 22.9 years. But with people having fewer babies, that number started to climb. Lower fertility rates mean older populations. The baby boom caused a brief pause in this movement during the 1950s and 1960s, but the aging trend has since resumed. The median age is up to 36.5 and is expected to rise to 39 by 2030 before leveling off.9. People like Mayor Bill Saffo consider the senior citizens asa real asset because they are active in the community, and they work part-time and create businesses.10. Its main attractions are its great beaches, low cost of living and abundant golf courses.11. The enlarged senior population will overburden Social Security and Medicare, the two largest entitlement programs.OutlineI. Growth of America‘s population(1—2)1. Population growth to 300 million in October, 20062. Extraordinary recent growth compared with other countriesII. America‘s population trends and their impacts(3—4)1. Three broad trendsa. Migration to the west and the southb. Sharp increase of immigrantsc. Baby-boomers‘ getting close to retirement age2. Great impacts of t he trends on America‘s culture, politics and economyIII. The new migration: case study of Boise(5—13)1. Boise‘s fast development2. Challenge for city planners3. Four-decade migration pattern4. Factors in the fast growth5. Sources of new residents in Boise6. Developers‘ purchase of land at a feverish pace7. Economic planners‘ effort to attract solid jobsIV. Big wave of immigrants(14—19)1. Increase of ethnic diversity at Northwood Middle School2. Fort Wayne‘s population composition change3. Fast growth of Hispanicsa. Example of Fort Wayneb. Example of Goshen4. Tensions caused by the influx of HispanicsV. Graying of America and its impacts(20—26)1. Onslaught of 77 million aging boomers2. Growth of America‘s median age3. Impacts of senior people‘s increase on the economy: case study of Wilmingtona. Attractions for the senior peopleb. Specific examples of Bill and Brydenc. Senior people‘s contribution to the local economyVI. Prospects of America‘s population change(27-31)1. Further acceleration of population growth2. Increase of population proportion of the South and the West3. Greater impacts of births by new immigrants4. Doubling of the over-65 population and the heavy loads on Social Security and MedicareLesson 2Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. DVI.1. Because they are pragmatic and resourceful in money matters. They not only work hard to earn more money, but also save for retirement, make investment and hedge against the unexpected.2. The first grim reality is that in about 30 years, just as the first of this age group step into retirement, the traditional Society Security System won‘t be able to support them. The second one is the decreased job security today. The third one is that they carry more debt at their age than any other generation had. All these factors force them to pay more attention to money matters.3. Matures are ―savers‖ whereas Xers are ―hedgers‖. Matures saved what they could so that their children might have more comfortable lives. But Xers do not have such an expectation. Their different attitudes toward money were shaped by the circumstances surrounding the youth. Aftereffects of the Depression and World War Ⅱforced the Matures to be self-sacrificing and frugal. Xers experienced many uncertainties and crises: the savings-and-loan debacle of the ?80s, recession of the early ?90s and parents‘divorce. All these experiences havehelped them to develop pragmatism and the habit of protecting against the expected.4. Because this generation is more interested and better versed in investment. A study by Amex shows that they take more risks on technology stocks.5. They are more eager to earn money through hard work and more interested in starting up their own businesses for profits.6. No. they are spending money to make the time before retirement a pleasure. They spend more money than Boomers did in the same span on stereos, cellphones, beepers, all new VW Jettas and GMC Sunfires.OutlineI. News Lead: general description of Gen-X(1—2)Definition: age span; total number; focus on money; buying powerII. Reasons for Xers‘ focus on money(3—7)1. Survival instinct2. Early awareness of the unsafe cover of the social security system3. Faced with decreased job security4. Burdened with heavy debtIII. Measures taken to prepare for the future(8—24)1. Saving for retirement2. Hedging against the unexpected3. Investing in stocksa. Taking more risks on technology stocksb. Drawing more attention from investment firmsc. Showing more interest in forming clubs4. Money-first work ethica. More willing to work hard, take more job offersb. More interested in starting up their own businessesc. More preoccupied with money-makingIV. Xers‘ purchasing power(25—26)1. Xers‘ consumption pattern2. Reason for the consumption patternLesson 3Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DVI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a ―population befouled with all the social vices‖. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian familyis larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the ―model minority‖ because of their superiority to o ther races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already h ave ―natural‖ advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans‘ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants‘ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians‘ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture‘s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation‘s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures‘ pu ll4. Young people‘s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans‘ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants‘ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians‘ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author‘s view concerning the development of Asians‘ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movement。
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson8
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson8](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72f0b84dfc4ffe473368abe8.png)
Lesson 8 Seeing the Back of the Car汽车文化“I’LL love and protect this car until death do us part,” says Toad, a 17-year-old loser whose life is briefly transformed by a “super fine” 1958 Chevy Impala in “American Graffiti”.一名17岁的失败者,图德说,“我将会爱护这辆车并且保护它,一直到死亡把我们分开为止”,他的生活由于“美国风情画”中的一辆1958年的超精细雪佛兰羚羊而完全改变了。
The film follows him, his friends and their vehicles through a late summer night in early 1960s California: cruising the main drag, racing on the back streets and necking in back seats of machines which embody not just speed, prosperity and freedom but also adulthood, status and sex.这部电影带着他,他的朋友们和他们的车穿越到了二十世纪六十年代加州,一个夏天的夜晚:快而平衡地穿过那里的主要街道,在破旧的街巷中飙车,在汽车后座位上拥吻,这辆车体现的不仅仅是速度,财富和自由,还有成年的宣告,社会地位和性关系的成熟。
The movie was set in an age when owning wheels was a norm deeply desired and newly achievable.当时这部电影的制作背景是----拥有辆车的深深渴望和它代表的一种新型的成就。
在18世纪和19世纪,随着工业革命的推进和民主制度的建立,英美报刊经历了快速发展。出现了大量政治、经济、 文化等领域的报刊,报道范围不断扩大,报道深度也不断增加。同时,报刊的发行量和影响力也不断提升。
英美报刊可以按照内容、形式、读者群体等多种方式进行分类。 按照内容可分为政治类、经济类、文化类、娱乐类等;按照形 式可分为日报、周报、月刊等;按照读者群体可分为综合性报 刊和专业性报刊等。
文化传统 英美文化源远流长,受欧洲文艺复兴、启蒙运动等思想影 响深远。两国均重视个人主义、自由主义和实用主义,同 时拥有丰富的文学、艺术和音乐遗产。
犯罪、贫困、种族歧视等长期困 扰英美社会的问题经常在报刊中 报道,揭示这些问题的深层原因
随着全球气候变化和环境恶化, 环境保护成为英美报刊关注的热 点之一。报道涉及政府政策、企
避免主观色彩,确保新闻的公正 性和客观性。
追求言简意赅,避免冗长和复杂 的表达。
• 英美报刊概述 • 英美报刊阅读技巧 • 英美报刊常见题材与写作风格 • 英美报刊词汇与语法特点 • 英美报刊文化与社会背景 • 英美报刊阅读与英语学习
live with a bit more chaos and more easily adopt a big picture view. If my wife and I
sw“atothpmisp”aehkdereapnroeosfeviterisoratnolls“s,suhlmiefemcaewrdyoe, usmtlodmmcsyetesrttnyadleintolyfdebael more orderly. But she cedes to my style of papmreaornesttnliyntinigngd”beientacthilaseuapsnredvkIioeauemspsoeirnndtecrnshc.ae.rge of the day-tHoe-dr abyislituyfft.oHdeor athbisility to do this is a key
By Alan Paul
Tiger Mom... Meet Panda Dad
I have watched the 1uproar over theTigTiegreMr Momom debate with growing annoyance that one simple question remains unasked: Where are the dads?
Call me the Panda Dad; I am happy to parent with cuddliness, but not afraid to
课文翻译英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本第五版端木义万Lesson7Lesson 7 :Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places远程办公Young Singles, Other ‘Non-Families’ Taking Over Outer Areas, Study Shows研究显示,单身青年和其他“非家庭成员”占据了周边地区By D’Vera Cohn.A role reversal between cities and suburbs is rewriting a demographic script that has dominated American life for decades.城市和郊区之间的角色转换正在改写几十年来主导美国生活的人口统计学脚本。
Young singles, elderly widows and other such “non-family households”now outnumber married-with-children homes in the nation’s suburbs, creating changes in demand for housing, entertainment and services in the communities where most Americans live.在美国的郊区,年轻的单身人士、年老的寡妇和其他类似的“无家庭家庭”现在的数量超过了结婚带孩子的家庭,这就改变了大多数美国人居住的社区对住房、娱乐和服务的需求。
At the same time, the married-with-children families often thought of as typically suburban are increasing in many growing cities of the South and West, according to a study based on the 2000 Census to be released today by the Brookings Institution.与此同时,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)今天发布的一项基于2000年人口普查的研究显示,在美国南部和西部许多发展中城市,通常被认为是典型的郊区已婚带孩子家庭的人数正在增加。
1. After the delivery of octuplet, Suleman felt____.
A. worried B. ecstatic C. relieved D. tired
Lesson 11
2. It can be seen from the fifth paragraph that a very
Lesson 11
With fraternal multiples, each child is a separate fertilized egg, making the children similar genetically as with single birth children. Within higher multiple groups, a combination of the two is possible. For instance, in the case of quadruplets, two of the children can come from a single egg, making them identical, while the other two may be the result of individually fertilized eggs.
(in vitro fertilization—试管受精,In Vitro Fertilization is commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, the process is combined with a procedure known as embryo transfer, which is used to physically place the embryo in the uterus.)
Lesson 1Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. DVI.1. The three big milestones for America’s population are the following: 1915 when America’s population grew to 100 million, 1967 when America’s population increased to 200 million and 2006 when America’s population reached 300 million.2. America’s recent population growth has been extraordinary. Since 2000 alone, America has added 20 million people. In sharp contrast with America’s population increase, Europe’s birth rates have been plunging and Japan’s population has been shrinking.3. There are the following three trends: migration to the west and the south, sharp increase of immigrants and fast increase of the over-65 population.4. The fast growth of the South and the West has been buoyed by immigration, lower costs, and recreational opportunities.5. The major factor in the population growth is immigration. Since 2000 alone, there has been a 16 percent rise in the number of immigrants living in American households.6. The most striking difference is the change of the main source. Before 1967, the main source of immigrants was Western Europe. However, after President Johnson signed the Immigration and Naturalization Act in 1965 to stop racial and ethnic quotas for new immigrants, and once the Mexican economy tanked in the 1970s, immigrants from Mexico sharply increased. In Fort Wayne, nearly 80 percent of Hispanics are Mexican. An estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now live in America.7. According to the article, the influx of new immigrants has caused the problem of racial tensions.8. Back in 1990, the median age in America was 22.9 years. But with people having fewer babies, that number started to climb. Lower fertility rates mean older populations. The baby boom caused a brief pause in this movement during the 1950s and 1960s, but the aging trend has since resumed. The median age is up to 36.5 and is expected to rise to 39 by 2030 before leveling off.9. People like Mayor Bill Saffo consider the senior citizens as a real asset because they are active in the community, and they work part-time and create businesses.10. Its main attractions are its great beaches, low cost of living and abundant golf courses.11. The enlarged senior population will overburden Social Security and Medicare, the two largest entitlement programs.OutlineI. Growth of America’s population(1—2)1. Population growth to 300 million in October, 20062. Extraordinary recent growth compared with other countriesII. America’s population trends and their impacts(3—4)1. Three broad trendsa. Migration to the west and the southb. Sharp increase of immigrantsc. Baby-boomers’ getting close to retirement age2. Great impacts of the trends on America’s culture, politics and economyIII. The new migration: case study of Boise(5—13)1. Boise’s fast development2. Challenge for city planners3. Four-decade migration pattern4. Factors in the fast growth5. Sources of new residents in Boise6. Developers’ purchase of land at a feverish pace7. Economic planners’ effort to attract solid jobsIV. Big wave of immigrants(14—19)1. Increase of ethnic diversity at Northwood Middle School2. Fort Wayne’s population composition change3. Fast growth of Hispanicsa. Example of Fort Wayneb. Example of Goshen4. Tensions caused by the influx of HispanicsV. Graying of America and its impacts(20—26)1. Onslaught of 77 million aging boomers2. Growth of America’s median age3. Impacts of senior people’s increase on the economy: case study of Wilmingtona. Attractions for the senior peopleb. Specific examples of Bill and Brydenc. Senior people’s contribution to the local economyVI. Prospects of America’s population change(27-31)1. Further acceleration of population growth2. Increase of population proportion of the South and the West3. Greater impacts of births by new immigrants4. Doubling of the over-65 population and the heavy loads on Social Security and MedicareLesson 2Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. DVI.1. Because they are pragmatic and resourceful in money matters. They not only work hard to earn more money, but also save for retirement, make investment and hedge against the unexpected.2. The first grim reality is that in about 30 years, just as the first of this age group step into retirement, the traditional Society Security System won’t be able to support them. The second one is the decreased job security today. The third one is that they carry more debt at their age than any other generation had. All these factors force them to pay more attention to money matters.3. Matures are “savers” whereas Xers are “hedgers”. Matures saved what they could so that their children might have more comfortable lives. But Xers do not have such an expectation. Their different attitudes toward money were shaped by the circumstances surrounding the youth. Aftereffects of the Depression and World War Ⅱforced the Matures to be self-sacrificing and frugal. Xers experienced many uncertainties and crises: the savings-and-loan debacle of the ‘80s, recession of the early ‘90s and parents’divorce. All these experiences have helped them to develop pragmatism and the habit of protecting against the expected.4. Because this generation is more interested and better versed in investment. A study by Amex shows that they take more risks on technology stocks.5. They are more eager to earn money through hard work and more interested in starting up their own businesses for profits.6. No. they are spending money to make the time before retirement a pleasure. They spend more money than Boomers did in the same span on stereos, cellphones, beepers, all new VW Jettas and GMC Sunfires.OutlineI. News Lead: general description of Gen-X(1—2)Definition: age span; total number; focus on money; buying powerII. Reasons for Xers’ focus on money(3—7)1. Survival instinct2. Early awareness of the unsafe cover of the social security system3. Faced with decreased job security4. Burdened with heavy debtIII. Measures taken to prepare for the future(8—24)1. Saving for retirement2. Hedging against the unexpected3. Investing in stocksa. Taking more risks on technology stocksb. Drawing more attention from investment firmsc. Showing more interest in forming clubs4. Money-first work ethica. More willing to work hard, take more job offersb. More interested in starting up their own businessesc. More preoccupied with money-makingIV. Xers’ purchasing power(25—26)1. Xers’ consumption pattern2. Reason for the consumption patternLesson 3Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DVI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a “population befouled with all the social vices”. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian family is larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the “model minority” because of their superiority to o ther races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already have “natural” advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans’ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants’ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians’ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture’s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation’s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures’ pull4. Young people’s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans’ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants’ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians’ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author’s view concerning the development of Asians’ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movementLesson 4Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. CVI.1. The author thinks so because New Hampshire is a politically active state. From the interplay of candidates and the press to the frenetic energy of campaign volunteers, no other state provides as many opportunities to see politics in action.2. The aim of the course was to see and learn about as many political candidates as possible and observe their relationships with media and potential voters.3. Politics and media are clearly intertwined in shaping the national political agenda. What makes the relationship even more complex is a greater public voice utilizing various means to engage citizen participants in the unfolding story.4. As the multitude of channels that bombard us on a daily basis and inundate them with messages from all directions, the impact of any single message is often diffused as audiences selectively tune in and pay attention to only certain messages.5. According to early deterministic theories, media were all-powerful and capable of shaping human behavior in significant ways.6. Major corporations’ control of the media has the following two impacts. First, it underscores the fact that most media outlets are profit-generating enterprises and maintain stock holders. Therefore, creating news coverage that can enhance ratings and increase viewership is always the first goal. Furthermore, these profit-making goals often directly contrast with the requirements of responsible, objective journalism. A second impact is the lack of diversity. As corporation ownership narrows, power lies in the hands of a few, making it difficult for diverse voices to be heard. These monopolies tend to create a mainstream mentality that makes it especially difficult for marginalized voices to gain publicity.7. The bloggers are often called “the Sixth Estate” because they exert great influence on politics. They can provide an added level of transparency to the process and transform how the public access and absorb political news. Through careful fact-checking, scathing critiques, and dialogue, these web journals written by journalists, professors, and average citizens provide another layer of influence as they attempt to ensure that political claims are substantiated and well-developed.8. Through email and websites, candidates can often bypass traditional media and directly interact with the public in an electronic form of direct mail that is relatively inexpensive and far more expedient. Candidates and their surrogates send daily e-mail messages to supporters and potential voters, keeping them apprised of critical moments, popularity surges, and the need to send more money to maintain momentum. Websites generate armies of political supporters willing to give money and work locally for their candidates. Electronic bulletin boards keep voters informed about candidate sightings and other political events. These technological developments and candidates’ ability to embrace the new technologies will help the public to become more interested in elections.9. According to the author, the victory pose of the two leaders illustrates the role visual power has in establishing authority and credibility for the incoming president. The uncritical coverage of Medvedev angered many bloggers as they attempted to identify the characteristics of Medvedev and his relationship with Putin, while also pointing out the merits of other political candidates.10. Kenya’s blogging community has been playing a highly vibrant role in the country’s politics. Over 60 blog sites devoted specifically to the Kenyan election process discuss the violence and unrest that has resulted from perceived fraudulent activities, involving vote tabulations that put incumbent president Mwai Kabaki back in power. When the government instituted a media blackout, blogs were critical in spreading the latest news. Even after the blackout was lifted, bloggers were faster and more detailed in their reporting about the latest clashes than were other news sources. Blogs are attempting to tell the story in ways that reflect the pain and struggle of the Kenyan people.11. Considering the new realities, media outlets must find multiple ways to feed consumers and new ways to maintain viability.12. The public can increase their political literacy by becoming more aware of these integrated systems. They can learn how to analyze the ways candidates shape messages to acquire media attention and how media outlets support much of this shaping.OutlineI. New Hampshire as an ideal place for the study of U.S. politics(1-2)1. Strong primary election atmosphere in Manchester, New Hampshire2. New Hampshire’s better conditions for the study of media, politics and citizen participationa. Providing more opportunities for the observation of U.S. politics in actionb. Providing an early view of something profound happeningII. Relationship between media, politics and citizen participation(3-6)1. Inextricable link between politics and media2. Influence of citizen participation through Internet social networks and blogging sites3. Changes in the ways of media’s influence on politics4. Nature of media influenceIII. Media plurality’s impact on politics(7-8)1. Diffusion of media messages’ impact2. Difficulty in gauging media’s influence on politicsIV. Media ownership changes and their impacts(9-10)1. Major corporations’ control of the media2. Impacts of major corporations’ controla. More emphasis on profitsb. Reduction of diversity in viewsV. Technological development and its impacts on politics(11-12)1. Interactive technology and new way of civic engagement in politics2. Personalization of electronic messages between the candidate and potential votersVI. Shifting influences in media and increased citizens’ political participation in the international arena(13-17)1. Politicians’ learning ways to stage political influence2. Case of Russia’s electiona. Government’s use of the victory pose for political influenceb. Challenge posed by bloggers’ reportingc. Government’s consideration of legislation to control blogging3. Case of the Pakistan’s electiona. Websites’ reflection of citizens’ anger over U.S. involvementb. More engaged citizenry4. Case of Kenya’s electionBloggers’ efforts to expose the fraudulent activities in the election5. Internet’s tremendous potential in shaping future campaign and electionsVII. Prediction about the evolution of politics, media and civil participation in the future(18-21)1. Further development of online networks and growth of their influence2. Need for political literacy and the way to increase literacy3. Positive effect of creating a more civil discourse4. Politician s’ continuous use of the art of persuasionLesson 5Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. DVI.1. Because they regard First Amendment freedom as essential American rights and will not allow any restriction on it.2. Because it holds the view that the reform will place restriction on individual rights and therefore should be fiercely resisted.3. Because the situation is not the same as before. In the 1950s, McCarthy and his inquisitors trampled the free expression of left-wing view; and so for the next two decades or so it was essential to defend the principle of free speech at every opportunity. Now the free speech is not in jeopardy, it should not be rigidly defended.4. Mr. Neuborne holds that in modern political campaign rich candidates flood voters with commercials and propaganda of every kind, so that others have no chance of attracting attention. Poor candidates may enjoy the right to speak, but not the hope that everyone will hear what they have to say. To give them a hearing, he suggests that the speech of rich candidates be limited.5. The authors mean that the situation now is different from that of the 1960s. Americans should not abide by the same principle in spite of the change of time. In the 1960s heyday, the ACLU wasabsolutely correct in upholding citizens’ rights against the police and other authorities. This was because they did not reflect the interests of America’s black minority. However, all that has now changed: many policemen, and police chiefs, are black, as are many mayors. If these leaders, reflecting the wishes of their constituencies, choose to adopt tough measures to fight crime, the ACLU should not presume to second-guess them. It’s time to adopt a different attitude.6. The ACLU’s rigid defence of rights ends up favoring the strong more than the weak.7. He thinks that America’s free speech has a price. Though America has been one of the freest countries in the world, it is one of those in which the gap between the rich and poor is the starkest.OutlineI. The burial of the campaign finance reform and its implications(1)II. Two sides’ views on the reform(2)1. Opponents’ view2. Majority’s viewIII. American public’s qualified support for free speech(3—5)1. Firm belief in the first amendment2. Strong support for the campaign finance reform3. Deep split within the ACLU over the campaign financeIV. Criticism of the ACLU’s rigid defence of rights(6—11)1. Burt Neuborne’s view on the ACLU’s line on campaign spending2. Tracey Meares and Dan Kahan’s criticism of the ACLU’s other issuesV. Author’s comment(12) Liberty has a price.Lesson 6Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. BVI.1. It indicates that Microsoft corp. has tight control over the software business.2. The present honeymoon will not last long. The industry does not speak with one voice. At the same time, their success has greatly damaged the interests of other industries. So there will be troubles ahead. Besides this, there’s also potential for a huge culture clash. A lot of Silicon Valleytypes don’t realize the importance of politics and have disdain for government.3. President Clinton promised to keep the Internet tax-free for now and Hewlett Packard Co. won approval to export sophisticated cryptography chips. The 1986 semiconductor trade agreement was signed to stop the dumping of Japanese chips in the US and set market-share goals for US chips in Japan.4. The industry believes that government should do what it needs to do but leave them alone. The software tycoons have little patience for bureaucratic oversight and tend to be uncompromising. The hardware tycoons are willing to look for compromise.5. They are: easing immigration restriction; securities-litigation reform and ending export limit of encryption technology.6. The Internet and electronic commerce have been rearranging the business landscape—changing how Americans buy everything. They are spreading into all sorts of digital services, from entertainment to online banking to telephony.7. Because high-tech leaders have realized that the industry’s future is less about technology and more about policy.OutlineI. Close contact between high tech industry and Washington politicians(1—2)1. Specific example: Bill Gates and Scott G. McNealy’s attendance at the March 3 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee2. Increasing contact between high tech industry and Washington policy makersII. Reasons for the close relationship(3—6)1. High tech industry’s fast expansion and the appearance of more issues2. Politicians’ strong interest in the job growth industry3. Increasing conflicts between high tech industry and other industries4. High tech industry’s urgent need for solution to many problemsIII. Relationship between high tech industry and government(7—11)1. Good relationship at present2. Difficulties in maintaining the honeymoon3. Need for high tech new executives to learn lobbyingIV. Efforts made by high tech companies at lobbying(12—14)1. Computer companies’ fight for a high-definition TV format2. The establishment of Washington offices3. Crusade to fight alleged Japanese dumping of computer chipsV. Problems with the high tech industry(15—16)1. Lack of unity2. Little patience for bureaucratic oversightVI. Objectives of the high tech executives(17—18)1. Easing immigration restriction and securities litigation reform2. Ending limit on the export encryption technologyVII. Prospects(19) High tech executives will quickly learn how to play the Washington political gameLesson 7Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. DVI.1. The U.S. faces a violent contradiction between its long republican tradition and its more recent imperial ambitions. The contradiction will be resolved in one of two ways. Rome attempted to keep its empire and lost its democracy. Britain chose to remain democratic and in the process let go its empire. The U.S. is well embarked on the course of non-democratic empire.2. During the Depression that preceded WWII, the English economist John Keynes, a liberal capitalist, proposed a form of governance that would mitigate the boom-and-bust cycles inherent in capitalist economies. To prevent the economy from contracting, Keynes suggested that the government should take on debt in order to put people back to work. He was not averse to creating make-work tasks if necessary. During periods of prosperity, the government would cut spending and rebuild the treasury.3. Upon taking office in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt put several Keynesian measures into effect, including socialized retirement plans, minimum wages for all workers, and government-financed jobs on massive projects, including the Triborough Bridge in New York City, the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, a flood-control and electric-power-generation complex covering seven states.4. Between 1940 and 1996, the U.S. spent nearly $4.5 trillion on the development, testing, and construction of nuclear weapons. By 1967, the U.S. possessed some 32,000 deliverable bombs. None of them was ever used. The author believes that this illustrates perfectly Keynes’s observation that in order to create jobs, the government might as well decide to bury money in old mines and “leave them to private enterprise on the well-tried principles of laissez faire to dig them up again.” His view is that those nuclear bombs were not just America’s secret weapon but also a secret economic weapon because such spending helped create economic growth.5. When evaluating the real weight of military Keynesianism in the American economy today, one must approach official defense statistics with great care. The “defense” budget does not include: the Department of Energy’s spending on nuclear weapons, the Department of Homeland Security’s outlays for the actual “defense”of the US, the Department of Veterans Affairs’responsibilities for the lifetime care of the seriously wounded or the billions of dollars the Department of State spends each year to finance foreign arms sales and militarily related development or payments of pensions to military retirees and widows and their families. Still to be added are interest payments by the Treasury to cover past debt-financed defense outlays.6. By the term “feedback loop”, the author means that American presidents know that military Keynesianism tends to concentrate power in the executive branch, and so presidents who seek greater power have a natural inducement to encourage further growth of the military-industrial complex. So the phenomena feed on each other, based not on the demand for defense but rather on the available supply of money.7. In pursuit of more power, Bush and Cheney have unilaterally authorized preventive war against nations they designate as needing “regime change”, directed American solders to torture persons they have seized and imprisoned in various countries, ordered the National Security Agency to carry out illegal “data mining”surveillance of the American people, and done everything they could to prevent Congress from outlawing “cruel, inhumane, or degrading”treatment of people detained by the US.8. The War Power Act requires that the president obtain congressional approval within 90 days of ordering troops into combat. No, no president has ever acknowledged the legitimacy of the War Powers Act, and these so-called limitations on presidential powers had been gutted, ignored long before Cheney became Vice President.9. According to John Yoo, in peacetime, Congress enacts laws, the President enforces them, and the courts interpret them. But in war time, the gravity shifts to the executive branch.10. No, the judicial is not effective in restraining presidential ambition. The Supreme Court was active in the installation of the current president, and the lower courts increasingly are packed with judges who believe they should defer to his wishes.11. According to the author, economic bankruptcy would mean a drastic lowering of the current American standard of living, a loss of control over international affairs, a process of adjusting to the rise of other powers.OutlineI. Key judgements(1-3)1. Contradiction between the republican tradition and imperial ambitions2. Unsustainable conflict between the republican tradition and imperial ambnitions3. Economic and political collapse as the most likely endingII. Growth of military Keynesianism(4-8)1. America’s hegemonic policy as the inevitable result of Keynesianism2. Keynesianism and its aim3. Roosevelt’s application of several Keynesian measures4. Emergence of military Keynesianism5. Difference between Keynesianism and military KeynesianismIII. Impacts of military Keynesianism(9-15)1. Massive shift to armament industry in the US。
目录第1单元社会群体1.Who We Are Now?(当今美国种族成分)知识介绍:移民之国语言简说:报刊英语特色2.The Lost Generation(迷惘的一代)知识介绍:内战后的几代人语言简说:美国社会群体相关词语3.The Year of the(Business)Woman(妇女企业家的从政之年)知识介绍:美国妇女地位语言简说:《美国新闻与世界报道》简介4.Think Again:Global Aging(全球老龄化问题的重新思考)知识介绍:全球人口老龄化语言简说:委婉语第2单元家庭婚姻5.Dating and Mating for Over-35s(大龄青年恋爱与结婚)知识介绍:英美大龄末婚现象语言简说:标题修辞6.Working at Home: Family-friendly?(在家办公是否有益家庭生活?)知识介绍:家庭与工作关系语言简说:标题常用符号7.The Future of Abortion(堕胎问题的发展前景)知识介绍:美国妇女堕胎问题语言简说:《新闻周刊》介绍8.The War over “Family Values”(家庭价值观的论战)知识介绍:美国单亲家庭语言简说:报刊用喻第3单元文教娱乐9.Me Me Media(个性化的媒体)知识介绍:Web 2.0:一场新的网络变革语言简说:《读者文摘》简介10.Reining in the Test of Tests(严控高考题型)知识介绍:高校招生语言简说:新闻标题的结构11.Plot Claange:Foreign Forces Tr aforin HollywoodFilms(改变好莱坞电影的外国因素)知识介绍:美国电影全球化策略语言简说:词语+er构词12.Get Moving!(动起来!)知识介绍:健康与锻炼语言简说:《时代》周刊介绍第4单元衣食住行13.The Decline of Neatness(行为标准的蜕化)知识介绍:美国人的穿着语言简说:闲适性评论语言特色14.The Deadly Noodle(~命的饮食)知识介绍:饮食与肥胖语言简说:词语文化内涵15.Thrown Together in a Crisis,Strange Share Ca and LifeStories(危难时拼车相聚,陌生人亲切交谈)知识介绍:纽约公交罢工语言简说:《纽约时报》简介16.“Exurbs”Floudsh,but Is This Really What WeWant?(城市远郊扩张,是否符合愿望?) 【2版1单元L4】知识介绍:城市无序扩张语言简说:拼缀词第5单元观念风尚17.How Anglo Is America(美国特性中有多少英国文化成分)知识介绍:英国文化对美国文化影响深远语言简说:派生构词18.Economic Downturn Has More Folks Stashing TheirCash(经济衰退促使更多人存款)知识介绍:美国人消费观的变化语言简说《今日美国报》简介19.Do the Elderly Want to Work?(老年人想干工作吗?)知识介绍:美国退休问题语言简说:报刊常用俚语20.Regular Folks Get the Star Treatment(普通人享受日月星待遇)知识介绍:美国人爱美容语言简说:特写常用导语第6单元政治体制21.Who's Sorry Now?(是谁在难受?)知识介绍:游说活动语言简说:词性转化22.What Deep Throat did(“深喉”到底做了什么?)知识介绍:水门事件语言简说:新闻报道引语23.The Neocon Revolution(新保守主义革命)知识介绍:新保守主义语言简说:报刊翻译常见错误24.Ever Higher Society,Ever Harde r to Ascend(社会阶梯越来越高,地位攀升越来越难)知识介绍:美国阶级状况语言简说:词义变化第7单元企业经济25.E-Biz Strikes Again!(电子商务再次袭击)知识介绍:电子商务语言简说:网络新词常用词缀26.Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End(美元统治地位缘何即将结束)知识介绍:美元地位语言简说:习语活用27.The Grapes of wrath,Again(“愤怒的葡萄”情景再现)知识介绍:美国非法移民语言简说:报刊常用典故28.The Changing Face of American Jobs(美国就业市场的变化)知识介绍:美国劳力市场结构变化语言简说:复合词第8单元科技军事29.GPS NaVigation Moves to Your Pa lm(全球定位系统装置进入手中)知识介绍:GPS的前世今生语言简说:名词定语30.Medicine's Wild Kingdom(生物医学的王国)知识介绍:生物制药语言简说:前置定语31.Power Revolution(能源革命)知识介绍:再生能源语言简说:缩略词32.Cadets Trade the Trenches for F irewalls(军校学员的网络战演习)知识介绍:网络战语言简说:标题短词第9单元社会问题33.The Other America(美国的另外一面)知识介绍:卡特里娜飓风语言简说:嵌入结构34.In Congress,the Uphill Battle for Gun Control(国会限枪之战难以取胜)知识介绍:枪支问题语言简说:外刊与文化35.Should Drugs Be Legalized?(毒品应该合法化吗?)知识介绍:美国吸毒问题语言简说:称号、职务前置36.Homeless U.S.A(美国的无家可归问题)知识介绍:美国住房情况语言简说:解释性报道第10单元世界风云37.Three Lessons from London(伦敦爆炸案的教训)知识介绍:恐怖主义语言简说:借代38.After the Flames(骚乱平息后的反思)知识介绍:移民问题语言简说:“说”意动词39.The Weakest Link(世界最弱的环节)知识介绍:伊拉克战争语言简说:外报外刊中意识形态的表现40.Fight for the T0p of the World(北极之争)知识介绍:北极之争语言简说:版面与图片。