CVD 浙大英文课件

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The mainly hemorrhagic sites are the perforating branches of middle cerebral artery, the most common sites of ICH are lenticulostriate arteries, lateral branches of those are called hemorrhagic arteries.

基底节区Basal ganglia 70%

脑叶Cerebral lobe 10%

脑干Brain stem 10%

小脑齿状核区Cerebellar dentate nucleus 10%


Granulous aneurysm : the lenticulostriate arteries > branches of the basilar artery supplying the pons > thalamic branches of the posterior cerebral arteries > branches of the superior cerebellar arteries > some arteries supplying the junctional zone between parietal and occipital lobe and branches of temporal lobe

临床表现clinical manifestations (1)


Age 50-70 years. The incidence is higher in men than in women

冬春季多发Mostly occurrs in winter and spring.

多有高血压史Usually with hypertension.


Occurrs when activities or emotional excitement.


Neurologic deficits may progress over minutes to hours.


Global cerebral symptom: headache, vomiting, alterd consciousness

临床表现clinical manifestions (2)

1. 基底节区出血(内囊区出血)占70%,其中壳核(内囊外侧型)60%,丘脑(内囊内侧型)10%。

The most common site of hemorrhage is basal ganglia, which occurs in 70% of patients. It consists of putamen (lateral of the internal capsule) and thalamus (medial of the internal capsule) . (1)壳核出血:三偏,双眼向病灶对侧同向凝视不能,主侧半球有失语。

(1) Putaminal hemorrhage: hemiplegia, hemisensory deficit, hemiopia, impairment of syntropic gaze to the contralateral lesion, aphasia with dominant hemisphere

临床表现clinical manifestions (3)


(2)Thalamic hemorrhage: the thalamic genual artery and the long penetrating thalamic artery. hemiplegia, hemisensory deficit, hemiopia, hemiplegia affecting the arm and leg to a roughly

equal extent, impairment of superficial and deep sensation, marked ocular sign, impairment of consciousness, symptoms of the median line, the extrapyramidal symptoms, the thalamic aphasia, mentalsymptoms.

临床表现clinical manifestions (4)


(3)Hemorhage in the head of the caudate nucleus: seldom. meningeal irritation sign, unobvious paralysis, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness, positive Kernig’s sign, the facial and hypoglossal paralysis caused by contralateral upper unit opathy.

临床表现clinical manifestions(5)


2. Pontine hemorrhage: 10%, mostly occurs between the basal pons and the tegmen.


Massive hemorrhage(>5ml): usually ruptures into the fourth ventricle. Coma, pinpoint pupils, vomiting, central fever, central dyspnea, impairment of horizontal eye movements, quadriplegia, decerebrate rigidity, usually leads to death within 48 hours.

临床表现clinical manifestions (6)


Small hemorrhage: crossed paralysis, ataxic-hemiplegia, both eyes gaze to the ipsilateral lesion or internuclear ophthalmoplegia.


Hemorrhage in diencephalon: seldom.


Mild case: unilateral or bilateral oculomotor nerve partial paralysis, Weber’s syndrome.


Severe case: deep coma, flaccid quadriplegia, rapidly go to death

临床表现clinical manifestions (7)



4.Cerebellar hemorrhage: 10%, usually occurs in the artery supplying dentate nucleus.

The symptoms including vertigo, vomiting, occipital headache and disorders of equilibrium, but not quadriplegia appear at onset of bleeding.

临床表现clinical manifestions (8)


Mild case: clumsiness of unilateral body, unstable movement, ataxia, nystagmus, no paralysis.

