
英语精读第五册答案汇总第五册第⼀单元选词填空B5U1P71) The bank has discovered that on any _____ day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million. given 该银⾏发现每天现⾦交易都很少超过⼀百万元。
2) One could tell _____ that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. at a glance ⼈们⼀眼就能看出她不是那种会轻⾔放弃的⼈。
3) Applicants for this position need _____ in at least one foreign language. fluency 这个职位需要⾄少⼀门外语流利的求职者。
4) _____ patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. Given 只要有耐⼼,这个物种的⼈⼯繁育是可以实现的。
5)So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, _____, will hit a new record this year. hopefully ⽬前为⽌天⽓很好,今年庄稼产量很有希望创历史新⾼。
6) An employment contract should _____ the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms. define 劳动合同应该⽤明确的条款界定雇佣⽅和受雇⽅的权利和义务。
7) “How did you get the information about this author?”“I _____ him _____in Who’s Who.”looked…up 你是怎么得到这个⾃⼰的信息的?我在《名⼈录》中查到的。

Preparation for critical thinking
Lesson 10 Content Analysis
Article structure
Summary: This lesson presents an article that compares the differences between "Before" and "After" scenarios, typically in terms of a transformation or progress.
Simple Sentences
Sentences that consist of a subject and predicate, expressing a complete thought. They are typically used to provide basic information or make declarations.
Organization: The article is typically divided into three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction provides background information and a brief overview of the topic. The body presents theBeforeandAftercomparisons in detail, typically in separate paragraphs or sections. The conclusion summarizes the main points and highlights the significance of the comparison.

a ) say it true
b) say it is not true
c ) are not telling the truth
appear calm claim dive horn repeat sceptical seal sighting temperature
4. A horn is a type of bone which comes out of an
a ) do it again b) stop doing it c ) do it many
7. Something which appears can be__________.
a ) seen
b) heard c ) touched
appear calm claim dive horn repeat sceptical seal sighting temperature
The sighting of the monster by Li
(a third sighting)
The story of Tianchi monsters
Para.5 More information about Lake Tianchi
SIGHTING WITNESS Sighting One Xue Junlin
Choose the best way to complete the definitions of the words in the box.
appear calm claim dive horn repeat sceptical seal sighting temperature

现代大学英语精读五 后半学期小抄

7.1.It took me .. nobody but myself . = It took me a long time to get rid of illusion and realize the simple and apparent truth that I am nobody but myself . It was a painful process . I started with high expectations only to be deeply disappointed and thoroughly disillusioned .7.2.And yet I am no freak of nature .. eighty-five years ago. = (I am an invisible man) And yet I am physically normal as a human being and at the same time I am a natural product of history . when things seemed likely to happen to me , or when I was fated to be the man as described in the novel , other things had been equal eighty-five years ago .7.3.About eighty-five years ago .. like the fingers of the hand . = About eighty-five years ago , the blacks were told that they were no longer slaves , and shared with the whites everything industrial , civil and religious , and in everything social the blacks and the whites were separated . In other words , social inequality is accepted as a fact with which the blacks will live .7.4.In those pre-invisible days .. Washington . = In those days before I realized I was an invisible man , I imagined that I would become a successful man like Booker T. Washington .7.5.“I wanted at one and the same time to run .. murder her .” = I felt so embarrassed to see a naked white girl that I wanted to run away from the ballroom , to sink through the floor ;I took pity on the girl, so at the same time I wanted to protect the girl from the eyes of the man; I wanted to love her by caressing her because she was attractive; but at the same time I wanted to destroy the girl because she was the immediate cause of my embarrassment.7.6.Should I try to win against .. for nonresistance . = If I should try my best and win the flight, I would be winning against the best of the white man, who shouted “I got my money on the big boy.” In that case I would not behave with humility, and yet my speech advocated humility as the essence of success. So maybe I should let the big boy win without putting up resistance, for this was time for me to show humility.7.7.’Cast down .. are surrounded ..’ = Make full use of what you have and do the bestyou can . Take this attitude inmaking friends in everyhonourable way , making friendswith people of different racesamong whom we live .7.8.’You weren’t being smart .. atall time .’ = “You were not tryingto seem clever in a disrespectfulway , were you , boy ?” “Weintended to do the right thing bysetting you up as a role model ,but you must never forget whoyou are .”8.1. and I was conscious of hissuperiority .. trouble=I knew thatOppenheimer was a man of greattalent , but his way of showing histalent at my seminars causeduneasiness and resentment amongpeople , especially among hisfellow students .8.2.this did not seem to be the sortof anecdote= Since thoseattending the conference werepeople devoted to poetry , such ananecdote , though interesting ,might not be appreciated by theaudience .8.3. pitted against these excellentreasons .. carried the day=Therewere two reasons for my going tothe conference set against thereasons for my not going and theybecame decisive in my finaldecision .8.4. he is , for me , one of thosepeople=According to my view ,Spender belongs to the groupwhose writings about their lives ,experiences , that is whoseautobiographies , are moreinteresting than their literaryworks .8.5.Auden’s Dirac-like lucidity ..irresistible= Like Dirac , Audenwas outstanding in clarity . Hewas also outstanding in thepowerful use of the language andthe sense of fun about seriousissues . All these greatlyfascinated me .8.6.Spender’s journal entry .. doesnot say= Spender’s record of hisvisit is interesting not onlybecause of the things he mentionsbut also because of the things hedoes not say .8.7.Oppenheimer appears ..Spender’s life= In his book ,Spender fails to give a connected ,complete picture of Oppenheimerand does not mention thatOppenheimer’s background andsituation has quite a lot to do withSpender .8.8. the real thing was muchbetter = The real person lookedmuch better than the pictures .8.9.one probably should not readtoo mmuch into appearances =Maybe one should not attach toomuch importance to appearance .8.10.he had outlived them all..ofAuden = He had lived longer thanany of his more famous friendsbut traces or influences of thesefriends , especially those ofAuden , could still be found onhim .9.1.Your imagination comes tolife, and this, you think, is wherecreation was begun.= Thelandscape makes yourimagination vivid and lifelike, andyou believe that the creation ofthe whole universe was begunright here.9.2. But Warfare for the Kiowaswas preeminently a matter ofdisposition rather than of survival,and they never understood thegrim, unrelenting advance of theU.S.Cavalry. = The Kiowas oftenfought just because they weregood warriors, because theyfought out of habit, character,nature, not because they neededextra lands or material gains forthe sake of surviving and thriving.And they could not understandwhy the U.S.Cavalry never gaveup pushing forward even whenthey had won a battle.9.3. My grandmother was sparedthe humiliation of those high graywalls by eight or ten years… =Luckily, my grandmother did notsuffer the humiliation of being putinto a closure for holding animals,for she was born eight or ten yearsafter the event.9.4. It was a long journey towarddawn, and it led to golden age. =They moved toward the east,where the sun rises, and alsotoward the beginning of a newculture, which led to the greatestmoment of their history.9.5. They acquired horses, andtheir ancient nomadic spirit wassuddenly free of the ground. =Now they got horses. Reading onhorseback, instead of walking onfoot, gave them this new freedomof movement, thus completelyliberating their ancient nomadicspirit.9.6. From one point of view, theirmigration was the fruit of an oldprophecy, for indeed theyemerged from a sunless world. =In a sense, their migration confirmed the ancient myth that they entered the world from a hollow log, for they did emerge from the sunless world of the mountains.9.7. The Kiowas reckoned their stature by the distance they could see ,and they were bent and blind in the widerness. = Their stature was measured by the distance they could see. Yet , because of the dense forests, they could not see very far, and they could hardly stand straight.9.8. Clusters of trees and animals grazing far in the distance cause the vision to reach away and wonder to build upon the mind. = The earth unfolds and the limit of the land is far in the distance, where there are clusters of trees and animals eating grass. This landscape makes one see far and broadens one’s horizon.9.9. Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay below;they must wean their blood from the northern winter and hold the mountains a while longer in their views. = They would not yet change the direction southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle. First, they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains. Secondly, they didn’t want to lose sight of the mountains so soon.9.10. I was never sure that I had the right to hear, so exclusive were they of all mere custom and company. = I was not sure that I had any right to overhear her praying, which did not follow any customary way of praying, and which I guess she did not want anyone else to hear.9.11. Transported so in the dancing light among the shadows of her room she seemed beyond the reach of time. But that was illusion;I think I knew then that I should not see her again. = In this way she was entranced in the dancing light among the shadows of her room, and she seemed to be timeless(what she represented would last for ever).9.12. The women might indulge themselves; gossip was at once the mark and compensation of their servitude. = On these special occasions, women might make loud and elaborate jokes and talk among themselves. Their gossip revealed their position as servants to men and also a reward for theirservitude.10.1.we still remember…for thedead. = In your memory, thepre-9/11 world was peaceful,happy and safe(overlooking thefact that this was not the case)andwe will talk about those days witha feeling of deep respect and lovewhich ca only be found in talkingabout dead people.10.2.…the spoils of …andliberties. = In order to win the war,we might have to give up some ofour basic values and liberties wetreasure most.10.3.….who areattempting ……repressive agenda.= …who are planning to carry outthe plan to extend Americandomination into areas originallybeyond American reach, hence,the colonization of the future.10.4.…which assumesthe …multihued. = …whichthinks that the public is thinkingsimply and uniformly, in newpatriotism, but fails to recognizethat the emotions, ideas andopinions are as varied as thecountry itself?10.5.we too are mire near…safetyand security. = The terroristattacks put the Americans at thebottom of the pyramid accordingto Maslow’s scheme, trying toregain their sense of physicalsafety, the lowest type of safety.10.6.…it is somethingwe…participatory democracies. =American people hold that theypractice rule of law and protectsindividual rights and freedom. Tothem, violation of individualrights and suppression ofdissenting voices can only befound in repressive regimes.10.7.there was a relaxing …in thiscountry. = People began to putless emphasis on the pursuit ofwealth and possession of worldlygoods. And physical separationfrom others and irrationalbehavior as a result of impulse,the other two dangeroussymptoms that went in companywith materialism, also becameless serious. Materialism, togetherwith isolation and compulsion,had been the cause of the ruin ofcommunity in the country.10.8.…discourages national …bemost valuable. = Once you getinto the habit of earning andspending money, you will forgetthe fear and the sorrow that aretroubling you. At a time when it ishighly important for Americans tolook into ourselves and askourselves why “they hate us”, thisconcept direct our attention andthinking away from such analysis.10.9.…history is …crimes.= …history records many crimescommitted by human beingswhich are so horrible that theydefy analysis.10.10.we tend these in anightmare garden… = In spite ofthe fact that these images arehorrible images, images ofappalling atrocity, we still takecare to keep these images alive.11.1. My father would bringthe……like the sound of bells. =my father drove the horses tomove quickly down the roads,hitting their hind part with a light,quick blow with his whip. Thebells rang even more lightly andquickly over the snow, which inturn threw back a great brightnessthat was like the sound of bells.11.2. It always troubled meas……bite in their mouths. = Iwas puzzled as an eight-year-oldboy over the horses’ indifferenttowards their dead friend, whosehide had now turned into myfather’s overcoat. It was hard forme to understand why the horsesseemed to show no care to thatovercoat which came from theirrecently died friend and the manwho put a metal bar in theirmouths to control them, wearingit.11.3. There would be anoccasional……not here to stay. =occasionally on our way, wewould meet a car moving slowlyand carefully over the packedsnow. It had difficulty climbingup hills, which were slippery withthe snow, so it was often pulledup by a horse. When we passedby quickly on our sleigh, wewould shout loudly with a senseof triumph towards them, whichwere obviously clumsy and out ofplace, making trouble on the road.11.4. …the body heat ofmany……brown-sounding grunts.= the smell of quite a number ofbig and strong animals was verystrong. At the same time, since thebarn was filled with animals, itwas also warm. Pigs were utteringdeep, gloomy, and sonoroussounds…11.5. It gave him a better……nobody to it. = with so much contentand life in it, the rich odor of the barn appealed to my father much better than the freshest air, which, according to him, was weak and lacked substance.11.6. …and as my aunt hurried……from the oven. = my aunt had been baking bread for the purpose of making the oven ready for the cooking of the meat. As she passed by, I could smell the most delightful of allsmells-that of the freshly baked bread just out of the oven.11.7. For days after ……biting into a carrot. = while being kept inside the vegetable cellar, sitting in darkness and thinking about their wrong doings, they would help themselves to the carrots stored there. They had eaten so many that even several days after that, they would feel fed up with carrots and couldn’t have another bite.11.8. My aunt kept a……n ature of the day. = It was a state of confusion because various foods were kept going by my aunt. It would be inappropriate to the holy occasion and elated mood of Christmas to say no to any food passed to you.11.9. The man sat there……of their appetite. = with a stern and serious expression on their faces, the men sat there suffering from eating to the full capacity of their stomaches.11.10. …when already the crimson……sky like blood.= …the cardinals were deeply and vividly red, so when flying down onto the bird feeder, they were like drops of blood falling from the sky. Or:… the cardinals with deep and vivid red feather would be flying down like drops of blood falling from the sky.12.1. And truth is slippery, hard to establish. = truth is not easy to grasp and very difficult to prove.12.2. One of the more extraordinary……by the British press. = the scandals, sexual and other, involving members of the royal family, have in recent years outshone the television serials dealing with family problems. The most remarkable fact is that the characters of these individuals who are part of the scandals are largely invented by the British press.12.3. The creation of “characters”……stock in trade. = actually, the portrayal of fictioncharacters has quickly become amost important device employedby the press.12.4. …willingly drinking thepoisoned chalice of fame.= …these people are pleased andcontented when they are in thelimelight or in the newspaperheadlines although such famemay be an ill omen.12.5. For a n ovelist to be……acase of the biter bit. = I am awareof the fact that since I am anovelist and have used manydifferent types of people as rawmaterial for character creation, Imyself being rewritten intosomeone unrecognizable tomyself is a typical example of aperson good at tricking othersbeing tricked.12.6. In Britain, intrusion……ofprivacy laws. = in Britain, as aresult of exposure of private livesof famous people, certain groupsof influential people havedemanded the adoption of lawsprotecting privacy.12.7. …but where the powerfulcan hide behind……goundetected. = …but if the illegalactivities of those influentialpeople could be kept unknown tothe public as a result of privacyprotection laws, it is possible thata lot of other illegal activitiescould also be covered up by suchlaws.12.8. Many special-interestgroups……protection of thecensor. = many organized groupspursuing special policy goalswhich assert that they are morallysuperior to the rest of thepopulation are now demandingthat officials should be authorizedto control the content of printedmatters, TV programs and films.12.9.religious extremists, thesedays ……growing stridency. =those who hold fundamentalistreligious beliefs have recentlybeen making louder and louderdemands that their conservativebeliefs should be acceptedwithout question.12.10. …but mow we are asked toagree……the idea of respect.= …but now we are expected toaccept the view that if we expressdisagreement with those beliefs, ifwe think that those beliefs mightbe unsound or out-of-date orwrong, that they therefore couldbe debated, we are showingdisrespect for their beliefs, we aregoing beyond the bounds ofdecent behavior.7.1.on his deathbed临终之际7.2.in spirit of myself不由自主地7.3.an example of desirableconduct品行端正的楷模7.4.portable boxing ring可拆卸的简易拳击比赛场7.5.anticipatory sweat由于期待而流汗7.6.it smelled even more stronglyof tobacco and whisky那里的烟味和酒气更加刺鼻7.7.beads of pearly perspirationgiostening like dew汗珠香露水珠一样晶莹发亮7.8.a sudden fit if blind trerror由于眼睛看不见而产生恐惧7.9.their heads pulled in shortagainst their shoulders他们耸着肩,缩着脖子7.10.coins of all dimension大小不一的硬币7.11.bass pocket tokensadvertisting a certain makeautomobile汽车广告用的通知硬币装纪念品7.12.To Whom It My Concern敬启者9.1. a single knoll rises out of theplain一座孤零零的小山拔地而起9.2. popping up like corn to stingthe flesh像玉米花一样爆裂开,刺得人痛9.3. to lose the sense ofproportion失去(正常的)比例感9.4. a matter of disposition出于本性,由于习惯9.5. Positively classified明确的归类9.6. The object and symbol oftheir worship他们的崇拜物和象征物9.7. the top of the world世界上最好的地方9.8. the sense of confinement受束缚,被禁锢的感觉9.9. the boy was struck dumb这男孩突然变成了哑巴9.10. forbidden without cause毫无理由地被禁止9.11. a lot of coming and going人来人往9.12. made of lean and leather精瘦11.1. A burst of speed风驰电掣11.2. Deep freezer冷冻冰箱11.3. Packaged food袋装食品11.4. Smoked pork 熏肉11.5. Remote uncle远方叔叔11.6. with a sniff in her voice语气中略带讽刺11.7. Dignifying term令人倍显尊贵的称呼11.8. A short man with a fine natural shyness天生腼腆的矮个子男人11.9. Heavy with odors浓香四溢11.10. Uneaten prospects of more goose and untouched pies更多的等待上桌的烤鹅和馅儿饼7.1.“live with your head in the lion’s mouth”→你要在虎口里求生,我要你对他们唯唯诺诺、笑脸相迎,只有让他们丧失理智,才能战胜他们。

大学英语精读第五册 Unit 2Translation Chinese to English1.我认为向他求助是不现实的。
I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help.As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2.越来越多的人正在意识到与空气污染作斗争的迫切需要。
More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3.有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念采不再被年轻人珍视。
There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4.我们许多人觉得宇宙无限这一概念难以理解。
Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. 因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞(loophole),一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没有什么奇怪了。
There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前只住有三百人的边境小镇突然繁荣起来。
An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7.根据这一信息,该国已经具有制造核武器的能力。

高级英语精读5期末复习Unit 1 Who are you and What are you doing here?Paraphrase1.My father had some experience with lawyers,and with policemen,too;he was not well-disposed toward either.My father had some unhappy experiences with lawyers and policemen(implying that he got into some trouble and was punished in some way) and therefore did not like lawyers and policemen. The speaker‟s use of this unashamed admission about his father‟s trouble with the law is humorous.2.Then I had better study literature,unless I had inside information to the effect that reincarnation wasn't just hype,and I'd be able to attend college thirty or forty times.My father advised me to study literature since that was what I really liked. I had only one life, unless I had secret knowledge that we can all be reborn again and again (that reincarnation is not just nonsense)and therefore I can go to college many times. My father of course was totally contemptuous of the whole idea of reincarnation.3.They want the certificate that will give them access to Wall Street, or entrance into law or medical or business school.They want the diploma/credentials which will enable them to get well-paid jobs on Wall Street or go to law schools, medical schools, or business schools to become lawyers, doctors, and business executives.4.The work they are compelled to do to advance--get tenure, promotion, raises, outside offers--is , broadly speaking, scholarly work.In order to be successful, they have to work hard. They must earn the right to keep their job as a professor for as long as they like, keep publishing if they do not want to perish, get higher and higher salaries, and get offers from outside their universities to add to their prestige. And all this can be broadly called scholarly work.5. The professor saves his energies for the profession, while the student saves his for friends, social life, volunteer work, making connections, and getting in position to clasp hands on the true grail, the first job.The professor saves his energies for his own scholarly work while the student saves his energies for his friends, socializing, volunteer work, building a network of people who might be useful for his career, and trying in every possible way to obtain an ideal job upon graduation, which is really the most important goal for him. The speaker is implying that neither the professor nor the student is giving his/her main attention to teaching and learning. 6....the battle of waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.Eton, as we know is a public (that is, private) school for the British aristocracy. It educates the men who become Britain’s leaders; the ties formed there areall-important as are the unspoken rules you learn. So what Wellington is saying here is that it was this small and cohesive class and its values that defeated Napoleon.7.The quest at the center of a liberal arts education is not a luxury quest;it's a necessity quest.What students are looking for from a liberal arts education is not a luxury,but a necessity. It is not something you could do with, but something you absolutely can‟t do without.8.You may not have read yourself right, and college is the place where you can find out whether you have or not. The reason to read Blake and Dickinson and Freud and Dickens is not to become more cultivated, or more articulate, or to be someone who, at a cocktail party, is never embarrassed.You may be…someone who is never embarrassed in social gatherings because you are so well-read and so knowledgeable (or who can embarrass others by making them appear ignorant).9.For somehow your predecessors are more yourself than you are.For some reason, you find that these writers who lived a long time ago seem to know more about you than you do yourself.10.In reading,I continue to look for one thing—to be influenced,to learn something new,to be thrown off my course and onto another,better way.In reading, I continue to look for one thing. I hope that I can find new ideas and new perspectives that will make me change the course of my life and put me on a new and better road.英翻汉1.只是,聪明的人都习惯于琢磨如何才能顺利谋生的问题。

三年级英语复习计划Revision Plans2010-2011学年度下学期高台子学校小学部Gaotaizi Primary School张波Shirley一.复习时间由于结课时间比往常提前,所以复习时间相对也显得宽松些,我准备在第十六周开始复习。
具体的复习内容如下:I.单词1.chopsticks筷子2.hard困难的3.knife刀4.fork叉子5.easy简单的6.hamburger汉堡7.chips薯条8.fast food快餐9.cake蛋糕10.plane飞机11.kite风筝12.noodles面条13.dragon boat龙舟14.shorts短裤15.trousers裤子16.sweater毛衣17.shirt衬衫18.winner获胜者19.shop商店20.ill生病的21.biscuit饼干22.sweets糖23.dumplings 饺子24.egg鸡蛋25.rice米饭26. ice cream冰激淋27.doll洋娃娃28. computer game电子游戏机29.fix修理30.jigsaw puzzle拼图31.mouse 老鼠32.pet宠物33.rabbit兔子34.spider蜘蛛35.bird鸟36.snake蛇37.giraffe长颈鹿38.pig猪39.duck鸭子40.chicken鸡41.dog狗42.cat猫43.monkey猴子44.camel骆驼45.headache 头痛46.stomach ache胃痛47.test考试48.Friday星期五49.cold感冒50.cough咳嗽51.animal动物52.elephant大象53.horse马54.long jump 跳远55.high jump跳高56.run a race参加赛跑57.train火车58.taxi出租车59.bus 公共汽车60.driver司机61.nurse护士62.teacher教师63.doctor医生64.policeman警察65.pilot飞行员66.airport飞机场67.sea大海68.Saturday星期六II.动词短语Swim游泳ride a bike骑自行车play football踢足球play basketball 打蓝球sing唱歌dance跳舞listen to music听音乐read a book读书watch TV看电视have a drink喝水fly飞walk走run fast跑得快jump far跳得远eat吃sleep睡觉get up起床read a book读书draw 画make制作use使用write 写III.特殊名词变复数:person---people child ---children man--- men woman--- women this--- these that --- thoseIV. 时态:现在进行时态:表示正在发生的动作或状态。

Invisible manSome aboutTurn come across/meet withIn contradiction 互相矛盾self-contradictory 自相矛盾Naïve childish 天真Freak of nature abnormal 天生畸形Pertain relate with /connect withExult feel excited/ fell happyUndermine damage secretlyMeekest humble最温顺的Fierce strong firm坚定的Sulk show anger/disappointment生气Curse 诅咒spidingHumbleness谦卑Essence something essentialMight as well do 不妨Neat 整洁的Portable movable 可搬运的Ring场地Misgiving anxiety焦点Detract divert 分散转移Issue supply /provide 发放供给Usher v direct /guide指引招待指挥n 领座的人Vibrat shake/tramble颤抖Cluster 簇/串A blast of a wave of 一股Irrational unreasonable不合理的To caress touch gentlyCling stick to/adhere to坚持,附着在Fling throw/cast 扔Detached indifferent超脱的冷漠的Slipping and sliding 滑倒Sobe calm 清醒的Blindfold 蒙面Stumble walk unsteadily蹒跚Saliva liquid dropping from mouth唾液Prone脸朝下Lead牵Mill grind/smash 磨碎Erect upset/vertical正直的,垂直的Weave connecting together编织,交错Agonizing mental/physical suffering痛苦的Round 回合Leap jump跳Smash mill/grind 碾碎Rank 等级distinguishing恶心的coarse粗俗的Stale not freshBlank indifference冷漠Punch 用拳头重击Glisten shine 闪光Soak 下沉Swell 肿了Daze be wilder 困惑,迷惑Speculate guess推测Vacant empty/spare空白的Dimensions 维度Crumple fold大山谷Freckled 斑点的雀斑的Lunged for rush for 冲向run to跑向Frantically crazilyScoop 铲子try hard to get sth scoop news挖新闻scooper 狗仔队Contortion twist扭曲Foul 恶臭的Seared burn seriouslyIn a flash in a minuteLimp weakExtol highly praiseVessel 大船Heed pay attention toCast 扔Gulp swallowEnthusiasm passion /zealEmphasis 重点Nauseated vomit 恶心Render 1 提交2 服从顺从perform 3表演4使5 render to提供。
大学英语精读 第五册 英译汉复习资料

大学英语精读第五册英译汉复习资料第一单元 First day: Give us 15 Minutes a Day1.No haphazard hit-or-miss methods will do.漫无计划,随随便便的方法是不起作用的。
2.It has long since been satisfactorily established that a high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of the opportunities of his position. That would be putting the cart before the horse.长期以来人们就满意地发现:高级行政管理人员之所以拥有大的词汇量,并非仅仅因为其所处的职位给了他许多机会。
3. A command of English will not only improve the processes of your mind. It will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; increase your popularity.掌握英语不仅可以改进你的思维方式,它还给你信心,令你自信,是你的个性更真实可信,使你更受欢迎。
4.Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT.A simple word can destroy a friendship, landa large order.词汇具有爆炸性。
5.There are entertaining verbal calisthenics here, colorful facts about language, and many excursions among the words that keep our speech the rich, flexible, lively means of communication that it is.书中有引人入胜的词语操练,有丰富多彩的语言知识,有可供漫游的词语园地,正是这些词语使得我们的语言一直像现在这样成为丰富、灵活、生动的交际手段。

5. _______ , there is probably ________________ of pronunciation within the two countries as between
After all
as much variation
I have just read the ad on the school bulletin board and the moment I read it I took an interest in becoming one of the volunteer English teachers of the five. Now I am writing here to apply for this opportunity. First, please allow me to make a brief introduction about myself. I'm Li Hua, a member of the Loving Heart Club in our school, and I have a good command of English. My two years' experience as a tutor has taught me that working as a volunteer can build up our confidence and enable us to develop our communication skills, which are a necessity in our social life.
Book 5 Module 6复习外研版课件

Animals in Danger
Book 5 Module 6复习外研版
1.reserve n.保护区,保护圈;储备(量),储藏(量) vt.预订;保留;储备
归纳拓展 (1)reserve sth. for sb.为某人保留某物 reserve a room/table/seat预订房间/桌子/座位 reserve the right to do sth.保留做某事的权利 (2)keep sth. in reserve保留……备用 without reserve毫无保留地
2.struggle n.&v.挣扎,斗争,奋斗
归纳拓展 (1)struggle to do sth.挣扎着干某事 struggle/fight against 与……斗争 struggle /fight for 为争取……而斗争 struggle/fight with 和……一起战斗 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 (2)carry on a struggle进行斗争 in the struggle against在与……的斗争中
Book 5 Module 6复习外研版
①Everything ____ doing is worthy of ____ well. A. worthy; being done B. worthy; doing C. worth; being done D. worth; doing 【解析】空一考查be worth doing sth.“值得做某事”;
A. consult B. order C. reserve D. confirm 【解析】答句句意为“我忘了预订了,我们去吃法国
风味的饭吧”。reserve“预定(房间、座位等)”。 consult“商量,商议”;order“命令,定购”; confirm“确定,批准”。 【答案】C

context counter dedication define disgust fluency given guidance hopefully immediate practicable recognition scope short-cut at a glance come across confront with look up no good reduce to rely ontake refuge in wash one’s hands of1、The bank has discovered that on any day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million。
2、One could tell that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily。
3、Applicants for the position need in at least one foreign language。
4、patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved。
5、So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, , will hit a new record this year。
6、An employment contract should the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms。
7、How did you get the information about this author. I him in who’s who。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
选择题1.Pressed for the pros and cons of being the son of one of the famous, Rockreplies:”I think I’m among the most blessed of people who ever died.”2.Painting is the art of reaching the soul through the eyes, but if the pictureappeals to the eyes and never reach the soul, the painter has fallen far short of his aim.3.Under the norms of international law, counties are justified in using militaryforce abroad to defend their citizens from hostile military action.4.Statistics are cited to prove the depth of popular misery: falling real wages,rising unemployment, and a general collapse of living standards.5.The claim that woman can never be in positions of public responsibility becauseof their “raging hormo nal imbalances” is thoroughly refuted in this article. 6.Once the problem has been identified, the couple can start appropriatetreatment, and with the right treatment, Mr. Goswamy predicts, many more infertile couples will conceive.7.Every few miles his suitcase bounced out the back of the cart and Tock becameannoyed at having to stop and collect it all the time.8.While I am waiting on the platform, a railway employee shouts across the trackthat the 9.49 train is canceled, and that the next train will be at 10.19.9.The daughter of an Indian laborer, Mrs. Swami was deserted by her husbandand had to support four children on her own.10.Peter read the letter twice before its meaning sank in.11.“I might just as well pack up and go if you can’t even listen to thingsreasonably! “12.Mary cursed herself for making the silly mistake and letting the goldenopportunity slip through her fingers.13.Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to protect the birdsand minimize the impact of the oil spill.14.But what really distorts the official statistics is that they are based almostentirely on the state economy.15.The brutal truth is that some youngsters are so out of control they have to bedetained.16.Mary admired Max for his wit, although she could not tolerate his philosophy oflife.17.This is a matter which cannot be too carefully watched since failure to complyrenders you liable to heavy penalties.18.Their organization neither used nor advocated the use of violence in its strugglefor equality.19.It may be possible to claim damages against a local authority foe negligentlyfailing to ensure that construction work complied with the relevant building regulations.20.A substantial proportion of educational costs was transferred to localauthorities, although the latter had neither sufficient financial noradministrative means to carry out their new assignments.21.These fads for physical fitness invariably lead to two things: a great deal ofunnecessary injury and a lot of profit to the people behind the scheme.22.Each product manufactured by our company is quality tested at least threetimes, depending upon the requirements.23.Technological innovation is indispensable to the modernization of the economy.24.The essence of being human consists in the values we place on ourselves inbeing human beings.25.If they are innocent they have nothing to fear, that’s what they always say.26.It is to be expected that homebuyers will be less inclined to borrow at today’shigh rates.27.On 6 March he was suffering from skin problems and a dramatic fall in his bloodsugar level resulting from the earlier hunger-strike.28.Both girls quickly turned their faces away, just in case he would want to takerevenge on them later for having witnessed his humiliation.29.I had no experience of teaching art to anyone, but the headmaster assured methat it simply involved giving the boys some paints to play with and then telling them to get on with it.30.The hotel’s restaurant enjoys a good reputation, with a lovely first-floor terracewhere on fine days you dine overlooking the lake.31.In Diana’s words the new invention can provide “disabled people withfreedom from the wheelchair they spend so much of their life in, making themas mobile as the n ext gust of wind.”32.Materialism has until recently been virtually unknown in Confucian societies.33.Some lawyers say the law of deception must be adjusted to include deceptionof machines rather than just people.34.The building materials industry geared itself to meet the steady predictabledemand of the house-building industry, thus eliminating one of the chief obstacles to the output of houses.35.As a general rule vegetable oils are much better for you than fats thatarederived from animals.36.The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant tothe next.37.If left to reach their natural dimensions, many plant species will eventually takeover a wide area of ground and should be avoided in small gardens.38.Fame is the most fascinating subject in the world and I’m keenly interested inspeaking to certain people who’ve had fame and then lost it.39.Interestingly enough, having once entered the profession itself, age ceases tobe a barrier, for actors of any age may easily teach each other something and share emotions honestly.40.Another mystery is how the yacht drifted north-west when prevailingconditions would normally have sent it towards South America.41.The company is based on a novel concept of direct selling, which involvesrepresentatives knocking on doors selling household goods.42.It is my experience that many students of English Literature with good A-Levelresults dislike poetry, or at least feel baffled by it, and can go through a three-year degree course without this attitude being radically changed.43.Aside from the technological requirements of the new system, other importantissues have to be resolved.44.By the end of this month manufacturing capacity is expected to increasethree-fold, according to sales and marketing director Joe Weston.45.You may find it surprising that in this country acute labor shortage coexists withhigh unemployment.46.Those present at the meeting expressed interest in all of the organizationalaspects of home care, including nursing, equipment loans and the volunteer program.47.In this and succeeding meetings the focus of attention was primarily on themanpower involved, with some discussion of the public expenditure costs. 48.Other types of skin cancer are associated with continued exposure to the sunover a long period.词组填空1.Credulous people might accept that theory, but as for me, I don’t believe onehalf of it.2.Since she didn’t reply yet you should follow up your letter with a phone call.3.The meeting was late because the speaker talked on and on about his family, histravels, his publications and so forth.4.No one could say how the magician was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat untilhe later threw light on his tricks.5.Not only passengers sitting at the front of cars and taxis but also thosetravelling in the rear must be restrained where a seat belt is available.6.Even though he couldn’t swim, he managed to make it to the river band.7.It is not easy to make sense of the maze of facts and figures concerning theproject.8.Her suggestion may sound reasonable to you, butin everybody else’s eyesI’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.9.Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sick people want toknow the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way.10.The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close by giving a bringaccount of the advances science has made since liberation.11.It pays in the long run to introduce new techniques.12.At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone participating in anactivity at the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and didn’t say anything.13.Seeing that they were very busy then, we took our leave very quickly lest weshould get in the way.14.Reading between the lines, her husband figured out that she was still bitterabout his recent behavior in spite of the apparently cheerful tone of the letter.15.Owning sets of books is useless unless you read them.16.The nurse on duty hurried to Mr. Spenser’s ward in answer to his bell.17.Catching sight of its mother, the little child stopped crying and toddled to meether.18.Though he had done a day’s hard work, he said he wasn’t in the least tired.19.Mr. David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he concentrates on adifficult problem.20.Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live beyond my means.21.Fruit is best and cheapest when it isin season.22.We would have succeeded in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weatherhad not taken a hand in our plan.23.At first thought, the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly besolved when seriously dealt with.24.“Did you say you agreed with him?” “Yes, but mind you, I didn’t make anycommitment.”25.He has an inquiring mind and he’s never satisfied until he gets to the root ofthings.26.The plate fell to the floor, sending bits of china flying in all directions.27.Jane spent the five-minute break between games collecting her wits andrethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.28.The pilot and several passengers were held prisoner by the gunmen for 57hours.29.Timothy’s letters indicate that he loved his daughter and took pride in her andher work.30.The speaker talked about law in general and about international law inparticular.句子翻译1.丈夫死后,她只好独自挑起抚养五个孩子的经济重担。