绳正法曲线拨道计算一、基本原则1. 为了保证曲线两端的直线在拨道后方向不变,既使曲线的转角不变,在整个曲线上的实量正矢之和应该与计划正矢总和相等。
既: ① 实量正矢和=计划正矢和。
2. 保证曲线两端的直线位置不变,即:使曲线或拨道控制点的头尾半拨量和拨量通过修正等于0。
二、整正曲线时的两个基本要求 1. 拨量要小在整正计算的过程中,要考虑现场以及劳力的实际情况尽量减少拨道量和拨道点数量,一般情况下两者成反比,既调整点数越少拨量越大,调整点数越多拨量越小。
2. 拨后的曲线要圆顺拨后的正矢应该符合《维规》中对缓和曲线正矢差、圆曲线连续差和最大最小差的要求,即拨后缓和曲线正矢要尽量的递增递减一致,圆曲线正矢尽量均匀一致。
三、曲线整正计算⑴曲线中央点位置(QZ ):⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∙=+==∑∑∑∑=-ini i i i f f i f f f QZ 11)(现场正矢合计现场正矢到累计合计,i 为测点号,n 为总测点数⑵圆曲线平均正矢(p f ): 已知曲线半径,R f p 50000=(20米弦)或Rf p 12500=(10米弦) 不知曲线半径,nff ip ∑==测量正矢的测点数现场正矢合计式中,n 为相对应的正矢测点数。
⑶圆曲线分段数M :pif fM ∑==圆曲线平均正矢现场正矢合计⑷圆曲线长度(y L ):m M L y 10⨯= ⑸圆曲线头尾位置(ZY ,YZ ):2M QZ ZY -= 2M QZ YZ += ⑹缓和曲线的分段数(m ):1010hL m ==缓和曲线长度如不知缓和曲线的长度,可根据公式max 9Hv L h =先求缓和曲线长度。
辙叉理论尖端至附带曲线中央点的水平距 离,就是L中。 L中=甲N-1.435/2N 1.435/2N 为常数, 9# 道岔为 0.08 米 ,12#
• 甲: • 两条线路相邻内股钢轨,工作边之间 的距离。
• 道岔号数=辙叉角的正切值。
• 例题:某附带曲线半径为500米,从曲线
T外=R外 tgα/2
9#道岔α= 6°20′25″ α/2=3°10′12.5″ α/2=2°22′55″ tgα/2=0.055386 tgα/2=0.041593 12#道岔α= 4°45′49″
根据计算的L中,从辙叉心理论尖端,沿直线内股钢轨丈量,然后 用方尺,引申至侧线外股钢轨交得一点,即中央点(QZ)。从中央点向 两端,沿外股钢轨量取切线长T外,即可得到曲线头尾的位置。
• 例题:某附带曲线半径为500米,从曲线头至曲线尾部 拉弦长32米,计算8等分的曲线各点矢距。
• 正矢=左弦长×右弦长÷2÷半径
• =16×16÷2÷500 • =0.256米 • =256毫米
• 1、7点矢距=左弦长×右弦长÷2÷半径
• =4×28÷2÷500
• =112毫米 • 2、6点矢距=左弦长×右弦长÷2÷半径 • =8×24÷2÷500 • =192毫米
(3)根据岔号N及半径R计算切线长T。 T = R外×tgα/2 由交点JD沿两切线方向,分别量取切线长T,确定 曲线起、终点位置A及B。并检验由曲线起点至辙叉跟 端的夹直线是否满足要求,否则,应适当减小半径。
(5)线间距不大于5.2 m。
4.求曲线中央点位置中央点位置=现场实量正矢合计计现场实量正矢倒累计合5.求圆曲线平均正矢f c根据现场正矢分布情况,可在曲线中部选择大致相同的正矢数累加计算圆曲线平均正矢(f c)=N f=圆曲线测点数圆曲线实量正矢合计注意:求出的圆曲线平均正矢与现场实测正矢进行大致比较:若圆曲线平均正矢普遍大于现场实测正矢时,则下一步求出的曲线段数应将小数点后几位舍去,使段数减少。
6.求算曲线段数、长度:曲线段数N =圆曲线平均正矢现场正矢合计(结果取整)注意:求出的段数为偶数时,曲中点(QZ)位置在正点上;求出的段数为奇数时,曲中点(QZ)位置在两点正中间。
7.重新确定、标记曲线各测点根据计算出的曲中点(QZ)位置和曲线段数,分布并标记出各测点、始点(ZY )终点(YZ )位置。
测量现场正矢,并计入下表中始点(ZY )位置 = 曲中点(QZ )位置 -2曲线段数终点(YZ )位置 = 曲中点(QZ )位置 +2曲线段数8.求出并检算连接曲线半径R ,是否满足连接曲线养护维修有关规定 曲线半径fR 12500(m ) 因该曲线半径R 导<R <1.5R 导,所以该连接曲线半径满足连接曲线养护维修有关规定 。
范 , 超 高顺 坡 不对 , 正 矢 点 正 矢 量存 在 错 误 ; 年 复 一 年 作业 时 按 简 易 拨 道 法 拨 道 造 成 曲 线 头 尾 位 置 错 误 , 目视 曲 线 较 圆 顺 , 在钢轨顶 面踏面下 1 6 mm 范 围 内测 量 曲 线 正 矢 超 限 较 多 , 造 成 晃车 , 导 致 曲线 半
用 3 0 m 卷 尺量 , 分别 以 5 m 一 点 设 置 正 矢 点 并
量 , 我 们对 管 内 的附 带 曲线 超 高 、 轨距 、 三 角 坑 进 行
了精 细 修 , 虽 然 比起 以前情 况有所 好 转 , 但 还是 不太 理 想 。 解 决 附 带 曲 线 正 矢 不 良这 一 难 题 成 了 日常 维
在 拨 道 以前 必 须 先 将 直 线 方 向 拨 直 , 将 附带 曲线 肥
边 打磨 , 利 用人 工 或 大 机 将 附带 曲线 高 低 、 水平 找好 , 轨
车 , 保证 行 车安 全 。
距 变化 率 按不 大 于 1 ‰控 制 , 使 上股 方 向便 于控 制 。
图1 附 带 曲线 计 算
根 据站 场平 面 图标 出 的附 带 曲线 起 点 位 置 , 用
平 面 图 上 标 出 的 距 离 减 去 道 岔 后 长 剩 余 的 量 即 为 道 岔 跟 端 接 头 轨 缝 中至 附 带 曲 线 起 点 位 置 ( 以 4 2 2 8 6 O
1 2# , 线 间距 为 5 m 道岔 为例 ) 。
拔 正 附 带 曲 线 引起 了 诸 多 不 利 因 素 , 经 试 验 和论 证 , 采 用 绳正 法拨 正 附 带 曲线 方 向 可 以使 精 度 大大提
高 , 而且 不 改 变 曲 线 头 尾 位 置 , 从 而 能 达 到 准 确 控 制 曲 线轨 向 的 目的 。
APU Audio Power Unit 放大器单元VPI Visual Passenger Information 可视乘客信息VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频信号系统PTI Positive Train Identification 列车自动识别SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling 西门子计算机辅助信号DTI Departure Time Indicator 发车计时器PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统ADM Administrator Workstation 系统工作管理站RM Restricted Manual Mode ATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶AR Automatic Reversal 自动折返ATT Automatic Train Tracking 列车自动跟踪SIC Station Interface Case 车站接口箱LCP Local Control Panel 局部控制台ARS Automatic Route Setting 列车自动进路排列ATR Automatic Train Regulation 列车自动调整通信系统MDF Multiplex Distribution Frame 综合配线架TBS TETRA Base Station TETRA基站PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange 专用自动小交换机DDF Digital Distribution Frame 数字配线架ODF Optical Distribution Frame 光配线架VDF Audio Distribution Frame 音频配线架DxTiP Digital Exchange for TETRA TETRA数字交换机ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合业务数字网OMS OTN Management System OTN管理系统NCC Network Control Center 网络控制中心PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制TETRA Terrestial trunked Radio 欧洲数字集群标准TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 公用电话交换网CDD Configuration and Data Distribution Server 配置及数字分配服务器自动售检票系统TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol 传输控制/网络协议CPS Central Processing System 中央计算机系统SPS Station Processing System 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number 个人身份号码MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure 运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTTR Mean Time To Repair 维修耗时平均值TVM Ticket Vending Machine 自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit 便携式验票机GATE 闸机GCC Graphic Control Computer 图形监视计算机MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均无故障运行时间EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance 电磁兼容性环境系统FAC 消防专项合格证书EMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System 车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System 环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller 数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程逻辑控制器API Application Programming interfac 应用程序接口BAS Building Automation System 火灾报警系统设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心MMI Man Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源供给铁路;铁道railway railroad铁路线railway line;railroad line铁路网railway network;railroad network铁道科学railway science铁路技术railway technology铁路等级railway classification国有铁路national railway;state railway地方铁路local railway;regional railway私有铁路private railway合资铁路joint investment railway;jointly owned railway标准轨铁路standard-gage railway窄轨铁路narrow-gage railway米轨铁路meter-gage railway宽轨铁路broad-gage railway单线铁路single track railway双线铁路double track railway多线铁路multiple track railway重载铁路heavy haul railway高速铁路high speed railway电气化铁路;电力铁路electrified railway;electric railway干线铁路main line railway;trunk railway市郊铁路suburban railway地下铁道;地铁subway;metro;underground railway工业企业铁路industry railway矿山铁路mine railway轻轨铁路light railway;light rail高架铁路elevated railway单轨铁路;独轨铁路monorail;monorail railway磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railway;maglev森林铁路forest railway山区铁路mountain railway既有铁路existing railway新建铁路newly-built railway改建铁路reconstructed railway运营铁路railway in operation;operation;operating railway专用铁路special purpose railway干线trunk line;main line支线branch line铁路专用线railway special line货运专线railway line for freight traffic;freight special line;freight traffic only line客运专线railway line for passenger traffic;passenger special line;passenger traffic only line客货运混合铁路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic铁路运营长度;运营里程operation length of railway;operating distance;revenue length 列车运行图train diagram铁路建筑长度construction length of railway区间section区段district轨距rail gage;rail gauge轮重wheel load轴重axle load最大轴重maximum allowable axle load限制轴重axle load limited限界clearance;gauge限界图clearance diagram铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance;structure clearance for railway;railway struction gauge基本建筑限界fundamental construction clearance;fundamental structure gauge桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearance;bridge structure gauge隧道建筑界限tunnel construction clearance;tunnel structure gauge铁路机车车辆限界rolling stock clearance for railway;vehicle gauge机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock机车车辆下部限界clearance limit道碴级配ballast grading洛杉叽磨损实验Los Angeles abrasion test碎石道碴stone ballast矿碴道碴slag ballast卵石道碴gravel ballast砂道碴sand ballast底碴subballast道床厚度thickness of ballast bed;depth of ballast道床宽度width of ballast bed道床碴肩shoulder of ballast bed轮轨游间clearance between wheel flange and gage line曲线内接inscribed to curves自由内接free inscribing强制内接compulsory inscribing楔形内接wedging inscribing静力内接static inscribing动力内接dynamic inscribing轨道不平顺track irregularity静态不平顺static track irregularity;irregularity without load动态不平顺dynamic track irregularity轨道几何尺寸容许公差track geometry tolerances 轨道变形track deformation;track disorder;track distortion轨道残余变形track residual deformation;track permanent deformation 弹性挤开gage elastically widened;elastic squeeze-out轨道水平;左右水平track cross level轨道方向track alignment轨道前后高低;前后高低longitudinal level of rail;track profile三角坑;扭曲twist warp轨道明坑visile pit of track;visible low spot of track;track depression翻浆冒泥mud-pumping钢轨低接头depressed joint;battered foint of rail接头瞎缝closed joint;tight joint大轨缝excessive joint gap;wide joint gap线路爬行track creeping轨头波纹磨损corrugation of rail head;rail corrugation轨头短波浪磨损short wave undulation of rail head轨头长波浪磨损long wave undulation of rail head轨头马鞍形磨损rail end batter;saddle wear of rail end轨头肥边flow of rail head;lipping of rail head错牙接头rail ends unevenness in line or surface钢轨伤损rail defects and failures钢轨擦伤engine burn;wheel burn钢轨锈蚀rail corrosion白点flake crack;shatter crack;small nucleus fissure核伤nucleus flaw;oval flaw轨头剥离gage line shelly cracks轨头掉块spalling of rail head轨头压溃crushing of rail head轨头垂直劈裂vertical split of rail head轨头微细波纹detail fracture of rail head轨端崩裂rail end breakage钢轨打标记branding & stamping of rails轨端削角;轨端倒棱rail end chamfering螺栓孔削角;螺栓孔倒棱bolt hole chamfering螺栓孔加强bolt hole cold-working strenthening轨头水平劈裂horizontal split of rail head轨腰劈裂piped rail ;split of rail web钢轨裂纹rail cracks轨头发裂head checks ;hair crack of rail head轨底崩裂burst of rail base;burst of rail bottom ;broken rail base 钢轨折断brittle fractures of rail ;sudden rupture of rail钢轨落锤试验drop test of rail螺孔裂纹bolt hole crack线路大修major repair of reack ;overhaul of track ;track renewal线路中修intermediate repair of track线路维修maintenance of track找小坑spot surfacing全面起道捣固out-of-face surfacing起道raising of track ;track lifting落道under cutting of track ;lowering of track垫砂起道measured shovel packing改道gage correction ;gaging of track拨道track lining整正水平adjusting of cross level整正曲线curve adjusting;curve lining绳正法整正曲线string lining of curve绳度整正曲线计算器string lining computer ;string-line calculator调整轨缝;均匀轨缝adjusting of rail gaps;evenly distributing joint gaps 整正规缝dispersal of rail gaps;adjusting joint gaps up to standard矫直钢轨staightening of kinked rail焊修钢轨;堆焊钢轨resurfacing of rail打磨钢轨rail grinding轨头整形rail head reprofiling轨头非对称断面打磨asymmetrical rail head profile grinding方正轨枕tie respacing ;squaring of ties削平木枕tie adzing修补木枕tie repairing木枕防腐preservation of wooden tie木枕预钻孔preboring of wooden tie ;preboring of spike holes木枕刻痕incising of wooden tie枕木塞tie plug木枕防裂装置anti splitting device捣固道床ballast tamping夯实道床ballast ramming ;ballast consolidating清筛道床ballast cleaning整理道床ballast trimming锁定轨温fastening-down temperature of rail零应力轨温strss free rail temperature中和轨温neutral temperature放散温度力destressing ;stress liberation温度力temperature stress温度力峰temperature stress peak轨道鼓出临界温度critical temperature of track buckling伸缩区;呼吸区breathing zone缓冲区buffer zone;transition zone固定区nonbreathing zone ;fixd zone ;deformation -free zone调节轨buffer rail气压焊oxyacetylene pressure welding电阻焊flash butt welding铝热焊thrmlt welding周转轨inventory stock备用轨stock rails per kilometer of track;emergency rail stored along the way再用轨second hand rail ;relaying rail顺坡run-off elevation作业标志working signal停车牌red board;stop indicator慢行牌yellow board ;speed indicator线路标志road way signs ;permanent公里标kilometer post曲线标curve post坡度标grade post桥梁标bridge post隧道标tunnel post管界标section sign钢轨位移观测桩rail creep indication posts鸣笛标whistle board线路中断line interruption施工封闭线路line occupation for works封闭线路作业时间;开天窗作业时间works occupation time ;working time of closed sectin列车空隙作业时间working time between trains养路表报maintenance -of-way report and forms;track work forms工务设备台帐technical record of track ;bridge and other equipments养路管理电脑系统computer aided track maintenance and management system线路平剖面图track charts养路费用maintenance of way expenditures线路维修规则rules of maintenance of way轨道养护标准standards of track main tenance换算线路长度equibalent track kilometerage轨检车评分track evaluatin by recording car;evaluation by track inspection car轨道质量指数track quality index平面交* level crossing立体交* grade separation道囗grade crossing;level crossing道囗铺面grade crossing pavement ;surface of grade crossing道囗平台level stretch of grade crossing道囗警标warning sign at grade crossing道囗栏木cross barrier at grade crossing道囗栅栏side barrier at grade crossing道囗护桩protective stake atgrade crossing限界架clearance limit frame道岔turnout ;switches and crossings单开道岔simple turnout ;;lateral turnout单式对称道岔;双开道岔symmetrical double curve turnout ;equilateral turnout 单式不对称道岔;不对称双开道岔unsymmetrical double curve turnout ;unequilateral turnout单式同侧道岔unsymmetrical double curve turnout in the same direction 三开道岔stmmetrical three throw turnout ;three-way turnout不对称三开道岔unsymmetrical three-way turnout ;unsymmetrical three throw tunout左开道岔left hand turnout右开道岔right hand turnout交* crossing菱形交* diamond crossing直角交* rectangular crossing ;square crossing交分道岔slip switch单式交分道岔single slip switches复式交分道岔double slip switches渡线crossover交*渡线scissors crossing ;double crossover平行渡线parallel crossover梯线ladder track套线道岔mixed gage turnout道岔主线main line of turnout ;main track of turnout ;turnout main 道岔侧线branch line of turnout ;branch track of turnout turnout branch导曲线lead curve导曲线半径radius of lead curve导曲线支距offset of lead curve道岔中心center of turnout辙* frog;crossing辙*角frog angle辙*号数frog number道岔号数turnout number道岔始端beginning of turnout道岔终端end of turnout尖轨switch rail tongue rail;blade直线尖轨straight seitch曲线尖轨curved switch尖轨理论尖端theoretical point of switch rail尖轨尖端actual point of switch rail尖轨跟端heel of swith rail曲线出岔道岔turnout from curved track辙*心轨理论尖端theoretical point of frog辙*心轨尖端actual point of frog辙*趾端toe end of frog ;frog toe辙*跟端heel end of frog;frog heel道岔基线reference line of turnout道岔全长total length of turnout道岔理论长度theoretical length of turnout道岔实际长度actual length of turnout道岔理论导程theoretical lead of turnout道岔前部理论长度front part theoretical legth of turnout道岔后部理论长度rear part theoretical length of turnout道岔后部实际长度rear part actual length of turnout尖轨长度length of switch rail辙*趾长toe length of frog辙*跟长heel length of frog辙*趾宽toe spread of frog辙*跟宽heel s[read of frog尖轨动程throw of switch护轨与心轨的查照间隔check gage护背距离guard rail face gage;back gage辙*有害空间gap in the frog ;open throat;unguarded flange-way转辙角switch angle辙*咽喉throat of frog轮缘槽flange-way;flange clearance转辙器switch可弯式尖轨转辙器flexible switch间隔铁式尖轨转辙器loose heel switch高锰钢整铸辙* solid manganese steel frog;cast manganese steel frog钢轨组合辙* bolred rigid frog;assembled frog可动心轨辙* movable-point frog可动翼轨辙* movable-wing frog钝角辙* obtuse frog锐角辙* end frog;acute frog曲线辙* curved frog基本轨stock rail密贴尖轨closed switch rail;close contact between switch point and stock rail 淬火尖轨surface-hardened switch rail;quenched switch rail特种断面尖轨special heavy section switch rail;tongue rail made of special section rail;full-wed section switch rail翼轨wing rail心轨point rail;nose rail道岔护轨turnout guard rail尖轨护轨switch point guard rail尖轨保护器switch protector道岔拉杆switch rod;stretcher bar道岔连接杆connecting bar;following stretcher bar间隔铁filler;spacer block尖轨补强板reinforcing bar滑床板slide plate;switch plate线路机械permanent way machine线路机具permanent way tool路基机械subgrade machine;machine for roadway work轨道机械track machine道碴机械ballast machine捣固机械tamping machine夯实机械ballast consolidating machine道碴清筛机械ballast cleaning machine轨行式装运机械rail-mounted handling and transportation machine轨道检测设备track geometry measuring device安全防护设备safety protection equipment线路清理机械permanent way clearing machine公铁两用线路机械rail/road permanent way machine大型线路机械;重型线路机械heavy permanent way machine;large permanentway machine小型线路机械;轻型线路机械light permanent way machine ;small permanent way machine拨道机track lining machine拨道器track lining tool起道机track lifting起道器rail jack;track jack起拔道机track lifting and lining machine起拔道器track lifting and lining tool钢轨钻孔机rail drilling machine钢轨钻孔器rail drilling tool磨轨机rail grinding machine磨轨车rail grinding car磨轨列车rail grinding train锯轨机rail cutting machine ;rail sawing machine轨缝调整器rail gap adjuster ;rail puller钢轨拉伸器rail tensor直轨器rail straightening tool ;rail straightener平轨器rail bending tool ;rail bender钢轨刨边机rail-head edges planing machine钢轨推凸机rail weld seam shearing machine钢轨推凸器rail shearing device机动螺钉;螺栓板手rail screw-bolt power wrench地面钢轨凃油器on-track rail lubricator车载钢轨凃油器on-board rail lubricator焊轨机rail welding machine轨枕抽换机tie replacing machine木枕钻孔机wooden tie drilling machine打道钉机spike driver起道钉机spike puller混凝土枕螺栓钻取机concrete tie dowel drilling and pulling machine方枕器tie respacer木枕削平机wooden sleeper adzing machine手提电动捣固机;电镐portable electric tamper;hand electric tamper手提风动捣固机porable pneumatic tamper手提内然捣固机portable gasoline-powered tamper小型液压捣固机light hydraulic tamping machine液压捣固机;液压捣固车hydraulic tamping machine配碴整形机ballast distributing and regulating machine道碴犁ballast plow扒碴机crib ballast removers收碴机ballast recoliecting machine枕间夯实机crib consolidating machine道床边坡夯实机ballast shouder consolidating machine全断面道床夯实机full section ballast consolidating machine道床底碴夯实机subballast consolidating machine动力稳定机dynamic track stabilizer边坡清筛机ballast shouder cleaning machine大型全断面清筛机large ballast undercutting cleaners;on-track full section undercutting cleaners中型清筛机medium ballast undercutting cleaners大揭盖清筛机ballast cleaning machine eith removed track panels小型枕底清筛机small ballast undercutting cleaners轻型轨道车light rail motor car ;light motor trolley重型轨道车heavy rail motor car;heavy motor trolley发电轨道车power generating rail car发电走行两用车self-propelled power generating car轨道平车rail flat car长钢轨运输作业列车long welded rail transporting and working train铺轨机track laying machine轨行式起重机crane on-track ;rail-mounted crane 悬臂式铺轨排机track panel laying machine with cantilever 悬臂式铺轨机rail laying machine with cantilever门式铺轨排机track panel lating gantry crane铺轨列车track laying train工程宿营车work train with camp cars轨道检查车track recording car ;track inspection car轨道检查小车track geometry measuring trolley桥梁试验车bridge test car钢轨探伤车rail flaw detection car钢轨探伤仪rail flaw detector钢轨磨损检查车rail profile measuring car钢轨磨损检查仪rail profile gauge列车速度检查仪train speed monitoring device列车接近报警器train approach wairning device限界检测车clearance car ;clearance inspection car塌方落石报警器land slide warning device除雪机snow removing machine;snow remover道岔熔冰器sewitch heater除砂机sand removing machine开沟机ditcher开沟平路机track shaving machine ;ditching and grading machine 灌木切割机brush cutting machine ;brush cutter除草机weeding cutting machine ;weed cutter喷洒除草机weed killing machine weed killer万能道尺universal rail gage道钉锤spike hammer撬棍lining bar ;claw bar轨道水平尺track level螺栓扳手track wrenches单轨小车hand cart地表排水surface drainage地下排水subsurface drainage过滤层filter路基松软soft spots of road bed滑坡landslip;landslide坍方slide ;slip蠕变creep;crawl崩塌collapse;toppling冲刷erosion ;scouring落石rock fall泥石流warth flow;debris flow ;mud and rock flow冻害frost heaving雪崩snow slip ;snow slide;snow avalanche道碴槽ballast tub道碴箱ballast box道碴袋ballast pocket道碴巢ballast nest路基下沉subgrade settlement煤矿沉陷mining subsidence路基挤起subgrade bulge ;subgrade squeeze-out防洪flood control防砂sand-drift control ;sand protection防雪snow-drift control;snow protection雪害snow blockade;snow drift水害flood damage;washout砂害sand blockade;sand drift隧道冰害frost damage in tunnel防雪棚snow fence ;snow guard防雪障snow protection bank防雪树篱snow protectin hedge拉沟slotting刷坡slope cutting边坡植被防护vegetation on slope石笼gabion铺草皮sodding整治冻害轨道treatment of frost heaving track垫冻害垫板track shimming电化学加固土壤electro-chemical tratment of soil 桥梁浅基shallow foundation of bridge;unsafe dpth foundation of bridge 限界检查checking of clearance;check measurement河调一防护失修disrepaire of flow regulating and shore protectin structure ;river bank protection out of repair桥址水文观测hydrologic observation of bridge site桥梁检定试验bridge rating test容许强度检定working stress rating承载系数检定load factor rating自动力矩检定autostress rating桥梁检定承载系数rated load-bearing coefficient for bridge;rated load-bearing c oefficient for bridge as compared with standard live loading 特种车辆活载special live load;lilve load of special type wagon墩台基础挖验excavating foundation for checking pupose foundation examinationby excavation墩台基础钻探drilling foundation for checking purpose;foundation examinationby drilling圬工梁裂损cracking of concrete and masonry beam隧道漏水tunnel leak衬砌裂损lining cracking衬砌腐蚀中间漆intermediate coat面漆top coat工地漆field coat工厂漆shop coat干捣水泥砂浆dry tamped cement mortar混凝土裂纹concrete cracks钢梁腐蚀裂纹corrosion cracking of steel bridge钢梁应力腐蚀裂纹stress corrosion cracking of steel bridge隧道防火措施measures against tunnel fire隧道通风tunnel ventilation隧道防排水tunnel water handling喷射混凝土修理shotcrete repair桥隧养护maintenance of bridge and tunnel桥隧经常保养regular maintenance of bridge and tunnel 桥隧综合维修comprehensive maintenance of bridge and tunnel structure桥隧病害整治damage repair for bridge and tunnel ;repair bridge and tunnel fault桥涵扩孔opening enlargement of bridge and culvert桥梁浅基防护unsafe depth foundation protection ;bridge shallow foundation protection墩周冲淤scouring and sepositing around pier桥隧巡守bridge and tunnel patrolling限界改善clearance improvement墩台防撞collision prevention around pier;pier protection against collision钢梁加固strengthening of steel bridge临时便桥shoofly防洪预抢工程precautinary work against flood水害断道railroad break down due to to flood ;line blockade due to flood 水害抢修rush repair of flood damage to open for traffic抛石防护riparap protection临险抢护emergency rush engineering ;emergency repairs水害复旧restoration work for flood damage ;restoration of flood damaged structures日降雨量daily precipitatin雨量计rain gage洪水标记flood mark河床冲刷channel erosion洪水淹没flood inundation on tracks防水林forestation against flood防撞破凌breaking up ice run;breaking up ice floe prevent collision 房屋维修regular maintenance of buildings and structures房建大修major repair of buildings and structures房建检修inspection and repair of buildings and structures铁道牵引动力railway traction power;railway motive power机车locomotive机车种类types of locomotive蒸汽机车steam locomotive内燃机车;曾用名"柴油机车" diesel locomotive电力机车electric locomotive燃气轮机车gasturbine locomotive动车组motor train unit;motor train set动车motot car拖车trailer铁路干线机车railway trunk line locomotive工矿机车industrial and mining locomotive客运机车passenger locomotive货运机车freight locomotive;goods locomotive调车机车shunting locomotive;switcher小运转机车locomotive for district transfer;transfer locomotive train 路用机车locomotive of service train;service locomotives配属机车allocated locomotive非配属机车un-allocated locomotive支配机车disposal locomotive非支配机车un-disposal locomotive运用机车locomotive in operation检修机车locomotive under repairing备用机车locomotive in reserve封存机车locomotive stored up待修机车locomotive waiting for repair机车出租leased locomotive机车报废locomotive retirement机车储备locomotive reservation;locomotive storage 机车整备locomotive servicing;locomotive running preparation机车整备能力locomotive service capacity机车技术规范locomotive technical specification转向架中心bogie pivot center转向架中心距离distance between bogie pivot centers;bogie pivot pitch 机车全轴距locomotive total wheel base机车转向架轴距locomotive wheel base of bogie机车固定轴距locomotive rigid wheel base机车长度locomotive overall length机车宽度locomotive width机车高度locomotive height机车计算重量calcuated weight of locomotive机车整备重量locomotive service weight机车重量locomotive weight机车粘着重量locomotive adhesive weight轴重转移;轴荷载转移axle load transfer粘着重量利用系数adhesive weight utility factor机车重量分配weight distribution of locomotive轮对横动量lateral play of wheel set机车噪声locomotive noise热值;发热量heat value机车万吨公里能耗energy consumption per 10;000 t-km of locomotive机车用煤coal for locomotive机车用柴油diesel oil for locomotive机车用电electricity for locomotive机车用换算煤converted coal for locomotive标准煤standard coal机车用润滑剂lubricant for locomotive给水water supply水鹤water crane给水处理water [supply] treatment炉内软水water softened in boiler炉外软水water softened out of boiler软水water softened净水water purified机务段locomotive depot机车运用段locomotive running depot机车检修段locomotive repair depot机车折返段locomotive turnaround depot列车无线电调度系统train radio dispatching system机车监控记录装置locomotive supervise and record apparatus机车故障locomotive failure机车牵引特性locomotive tractive characteristic机车效率total locomotive efficiency机车轮周效率efficiency of locomotive at wheel rim机车传动功率transmission efficiency of locomotive机车牵引特性曲线locomotive tractive characteristic curve机车轮周功率曲线locomotive power curve at wheel rim机车牵引力曲线locomotive tractive effort curve机车预期牵引特性曲线predetermined tractive characteristic curve of locomotive机车功率locomotive power轮周功率output power at wheel rim比功率power/weight ratio比重量weight/power ratio单位体积功率specific volume power机车牵引力locomotive teractive effort轮周牵引力tractive effort at wheel rim 车钩牵引力tractive effort at coupler;drawbar pull起动牵引力stsrting tractive effort粘着牵引力adhesive tractive effort持续牵引力continuous tractive effort基本阻力basic resistance运行阻力running resistance惰行阻力idle runing resistance;coasting resistance起动阻力starting resistance附加阻力additional resistance坡道阻力gradient resistance曲线阻力curve resistance空气阻力air resistance单位阻力unit resistance;specific resistance换算阻力;加算阻力converted resistance速度控制系统speed control system加速acceleration减速deceleration恒速constant speed加速力acceleration force减速力deceleration force列车制动train braking制动方式brake mode空气制动air brake真空制动vacuum brake动力制动dynamic brake液力制动hydraulic brake电阻制动rheostatic brake再生制动regenerative brake电空制动electropneumatic brake蓄能制动energy-storing brake涡流制动eddy current brake磁轨制动electromagnetic rail brake踏面制动tread brake盘型制动disc brake机车制动周期locomotive braking period机车制动距离locomotive braking distance机车每轴闸瓦作用力brake shoe force per axle of locomotive制动braking常用制动service braking;service application最大常用制动;常用全制动full servive braking;full service application阶段制动graduated application自然制动unintended braking;undesired braking紧急制动emergency braking;emergency application意外紧急制动undesirable emergency braking;UDE缓解release直接缓解;一次缓解direct release阶段缓解graduated release自然缓解unintended release;undesired release漏泄leakage充风;充气charging阶段提升graduated increasing保持位suppression;maintaining position;holding position制动管减压量brake pipe pressure reduction过量减压over reduction局部减压local reduction分段减压split reduction最大常用减压full servive reduction常用局减quick service紧急局减quick action前后风压差false gradient列车管压差train pipe pressure gradient保压停车stopping at maintaining position缓解停车stopping at release缓解波速release propagation rate制动波速braking propagation rate机车制动机locomotive brake gear空气压缩机air compressor调压器pressure regulator给风阀feed valve减压阀reducing valve机车分配阀locomotive distributing valve切换阀transfer valve自动制动阀automatic brake valve单独制动阀independent brake valve滤尘止回阀strainer check valve机车紧急放风阀locomotive emergency vent valve高压保安阀high pressure safety valve低压保安阀low pressure safety valve无载起动电空阀no-load starting electropneumatic valve油水分离器oil-water separator总风缸main air reservoir空气干燥器air dryer撒砂装置sanding device砂箱sand box撒砂阀sanding valve撒砂器sandingsprayer紧急撒砂emergency sanding自动撒砂automatic sanding间隙效应slack actionL/V比值L/V ratio弓网关系pantograph-contact line relation机车牵引区段locomotive tractive district机车交路locomotive routing单肩回交路single-arm routing双肩回交路double-arm routing半循环交路semi-loop routing循环交路loop routing环形交路circular routing短交路short routing长交路long routing直通交路through routing机车乘务制度locomotive crew working system机车包乘制system of assigning crew to designated locomotive机车轮乘制locomotive crew pooling system机车随乘制locomotive caboose crew system机车乘务组locomotive crew司机driver副司机assisant driver指导司机driver instructor司炉fireman机车运用指标index of locomotive operation机车出入段作业preparation of locomotive for leaving and arriving at depot 机车全周转complete turnround of locomotive机车在段停留时间detention time of locomotive at depot 机车全周转距离diatance of one complete turnround of locomotive机车全周转时间period of one complete turnround of locomotive机车走行公里locomotive running kilometers换算走行公里converted running kilometers沿线走行公里running kilometers on the road辅助走行公里auxiliary running kilometers本务走行公里leading locomotive running kilometers单机走行公里light locomotive running kilometers重联机车走行公里multi-locomotive running kilometers机车日车公里average daily locomotive running kilometers机车平均牵引总重average gross weight hauled by locomotive机车日产量average daily output of locomotive运用机车台数number of locomotive in service机车需要系数coefficient of locomotives requirment单机运行light locomotive running双机牵引;双机重联牵引double locomotive traction多机牵引multi-locomotive traction主机;本务机车leading locomotive机车超重牵引traction for train exceed mass norm机车调度命令locomotive diapatching order机务段运行揭示running service-bulletin of depot司机运转保单driver’s service-report;driver’s log司机室driver’s cab司机操纵台driver’s desk司机模拟操纵装置simulator for driver train-handling优化操纵optimum handling;optimum optimum operation机车自动操纵automatic locomotive operation机车保养locomotive maintenance机车检修locomotive inspection and repair机车检修修程classification of locomotive repair机车大修locomotive overhaul [repair];locomotive general overhaul架修intermediate repair定修periodical repair;light repair蒸汽机车洗修steam locomotive boiler washout repair机车厂修locomotive repair in works机车段修locomotive repair in depot日常检查routine inspection机车临修locomotive temporary repair定期检修repair based on time or running kilometers状态检修repair based on condition of component换件大修component exchange repair配件互换修repair with interchangeable component预防维修制preventive maintenance system检修周期period of inspection and repair月检monthly inspection定检公里running kilometers between predetermined repairs定检时间time between predetermined repairs检修范围scope of repairing course;scope of repair超范围修理repair beyond the scope of repairing course检修停时standing time under repair集中化修理;集中修centralization of repair检修基本技术条件fundamental technical requirements for repair and inspection 检修工艺规程technological regulations for repair and inspection检修作业程序repair procedure;shop program磨耗限度limit of wear检修限度locomotive repair limit第一限度1st limit。
曲线整治正常用的方法有矢距法、偏角法和绳正法。前 两种多应用于新建或改建的铁路上。在既有线上,由于行车 的干扰,置镜困难,绳正法得以普遍应用。本技术要利用“三 无曲线”的方法计算来确定曲线要素,并通过绳正法计算曲 线拨道量。
由于路基处理不到位、道床阻力不足或曲线养护方法不 当,造成曲线正矢与计划正矢误差严重超限或曲线头尾方向
⑴曲线现状分析 从第(3)、(4)列可以看出该曲线第 7 和第 9 个点 正 矢 差 值 为 73mm, 远 超 曲 线 半 径 R ≤ 250m 圆 曲 线 经 常保养允许正矢最大最小值差 24mm,属于严重超限;且 第 7 和第 8 个点实测正矢连续差为 34mm,远超曲线半径
表 1 某地铁停车场 10 道 曲线正矢整治计算表
不良;或其他原因造成曲线资料无从考证,需要重新确定曲 线要素并进行拨道量计算。此类现象尤其在场段较为普遍。
部分曲线因直线方向不良、头尾位置不对,以致测量出 的现场曲线正矢值很不正常。如果在此基础上去计算和拨正 曲线,不仅拨道量大,而且曲线也不能圆顺。在这种情况下, 应先通过计算找出曲线中点,确定曲线头尾位置,再重新计 算计划正矢与拨道量(以某地铁停车场 L10 道正矢超限曲线 为例)。
R ≤ 250m 圆曲线经常保养允许正矢连续差 16mm。 ⑵根据现场正矢计算半径及平均正矢 由表可知,第 3~9 个点在圆曲线上,则取第 3~9 个点
1.[单选题]允许速度 Vmax>160km/h 的正线道岔,轨道静态几何尺寸经常保养容许偏差管理值:轨距为+4,-2mm,水平为 5mm,高低为 5mm,轨向为( )。
A)60mmB)65mmC)70mmD)75mm答案:B解析:3.[单选题]设以为接头轨枕间距,易为中部轨枕间距,c为接头与中部轨枕过渡间距,a、b、c的大小关系是( )。
A)a>b>cB)b>c>aC)c>b>aD)a>c>b答案:B解析:4.[单选题]高速铁路防护栅栏、防护栅栏门及救援疏散通道、公跨铁立交桥护栏及防护(抛)网、公铁并行防护桩(墙)、限高防护架等安全防护设施和声屏障(包括风屏障,下同)应设置规范、标准、齐全、安装牢固,安全警示标志应( )。
A)规范B)标准C)牢固D)醒目答案:D解析:5.[单选题]在用全站仪进行角度测量时,若棱镜不输入棱镜常数和大气改正数,( )所测角值。
A)影响B)不影响C)水平角影响,竖直角不影响D)水平角不影响,竖直角影响答案:B矢连续差为( )。
未成年工指的是( )。
A)年满 12 周岁未满 16 周岁B)未满 17 周岁C)未满 18 周岁D)未满 16 周岁答案:D解析:8.[单选题]CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道,桥梁地段连续底座板(含后浇带部位)混凝土裂缝不得大于( ),侧向挡块与底座板不得粘连。
方法:绳正法(正矢法) 它是利用曲线上正矢与半径以及正矢与拨量的关系, 计算应拨动的数量,将曲线拨正,使之圆顺。
这种方法是在曲线上每10m设测点(用弦代替弧), 用一根20m长的弦线,两端拉紧并贴靠轨道外轨内侧轨 顶面下16mm处,在弦线中点准确量出弦线至外轨内侧 的距离,叫做“现场实测正矢”或“实测正矢”。
当ZH(HZ)位于测点时:a=0,b=1, f1 = fs /6,f2 = fs 。
算例:R=1000m,l0=100m,测点1、2距ZH点分别 为4m,6m,求f1、f2。
50000 fc 50mm 1000
100 10(段 ) 10
f c 50 fs 5mm n 10
1 (b ) 3 f1 2 6 Rl0 1 (b )3 (b )3 f2 2 6 Rl0 6 Rl0
fc 将 R , l 0 n , fs 代入上式得: n 2 fc
b3 f1 f s 6 a3 f 2 (b ) f s 6
我国铁路缓和曲线一般采用直线型超高顺坡,三次抛物 线的线型,其参数方程为:
l4 x l1 40 R 2 l 0 2 l l3 l4 l3 y 1 56 Rl 0 2 6 Rl 0 6 Rl 0
1 1 (b )3 (b )3 f 2 y 3 y2 2 2 6Rl0 6Rl0
能生 巧 , 方法 完全可 代替 传统 的点 号差法 , 该 为解决
31 已知 未 修 正 前计 算 拨 道 置 已知 某 铁路 曲线 .
22 公式 的使 用方 法 . 221 确 定 2 .. 个相 邻 点 的调整 修 正量 首 先 观察 曲
线计 算拨 道量 走势 , 虑控制 桩号 的 限制拨 道量 , 考 直
第一次计算拨道量如下表 l 。其中最 大拨道量 1 6mm, l 号桩 为道 口, 处拨 道量要 求 为 0 5 此 。
巾 a 一 f= a - 前 2 ± )2 巾 a ± 一 前 2 , 2 , a 一 ( 1 = a 一 前 2… … … … ( 3)
222 计 算 其 他测 点 的 调整 修 正量 按 照公 式 ( ) .. 3 计 算 出下 一 点 a 调 整 修 正量 范 围 。根据 需 要 确 定 该 点 修正量 , 次计算 直 至始 、 端桩 号 的修 正量 为 依 末
目前 , 铁路 曲线 常用 的整 正方 法 主要 有 绳正 法 ( 正矢法 )偏 角法 、 、 坐标 法等 , 随着 大量 曲线 整正计算 机软 件 的应用 , 曲线拨 道 量人工 计算 基本 被代替 , 但
是 软 件 计 算 出 来 的拨 道 量 通 常 会 很 大 ( 过 4 超 0 mm) , 在 实 际 中难 以 实 施 , 要 对 拨 道 量 进 行 人 工 修 正 , 需 才
如 如 铝
l O
1 0
0 0
1 1
道 口处 拨 道 量 = 0
O l
作量小 、 活性 高 、 观性强 , 灵 直 只要 多计 算几 次 , 熟 便
曲线正矢作业验收容许偏差表1—1曲线半径R 缓和圆圆曲R≤25061218 250<R≤35051015 350<R≤4504812 450<R≤800369R >800υmax≤120 km/h369υmax>120km/h246注:曲线正矢用20m弦在钢轨踏面下16mm处测量。
二、曲线整正的基本原理 (一)两条假定1、假定曲线两端切线方向不变,即曲线始终点拨量为零。
即∑f 现=∑f 计 式中:∑f 现——现场正矢总和 ∑f 计——计划正矢总和同时还要保证曲线两端直线不发生平行移动,即始终点拨量为零,即e 始=e 终=∑∑--=101002n n df式中:e 始——曲线始点处拨量 e 终——曲线终点处拨量df ——正矢差,等于现场正矢减计划正矢∑∑--10102n n df —-全拨量。
注:曲线正矢用20m 弦在钢轨踏面下16mm 处测量。
二、在外股钢轨上用钢尺丈量,每10m 设置1个测点(曲线头尾是否在测点上不限)。
二、曲线整正的基本原理 (一)两条假定1、假定曲线两端切线方向不变,即曲线始终点拨量为零。
即∑f 现=∑f 计 式中:∑f 现——现场正矢总和 ∑f 计——计划正矢总和同时还要保证曲线两端直线不发生平行移动,即始终点拨量为零,即e 始=e 终=∑∑--=101002n n df式中:e 始——曲线始点处拨量 e 终——曲线终点处拨量df ——正矢差,等于现场正矢减计划正矢∑∑--10102n n df —-全拨量。
测点现场正矢测点现场正矢测点现场正矢测点现场正矢测点现场正矢测点现场正矢测点现场正矢1 -12 03 -14 215 36 6 547 648 160 9 143 10 125 11 123 12 141 13 105 14 7515 152 16 192 17 132 18 160 19 130 20 77 21 10722 126 23 103 24 165 25 159 26 121 27 90 28 12729 153 30 87 31 60 32 31 33 39 34 7 35 036 5 37 -2 38 -1首先,运行软件进入开始画面,输入原始口令“000000”后,到了程序的主画面如下:第一步,把现场正矢数据填到“现场正矢.xls”文件内。
现场正矢.xls 文件位于安装目录下,如,我是把软件安装在C盘的Program Filesr内(C:\Program Files\曲线整正)。
第一步:计算实测正矢倒累计、正矢差、差累计,并对差累计进行修正(在曲线的一端或上下 两端来修正,以避免干扰曲线中部拨距的调整),继而得出修正后差累计; 第二步:计算修正后半拨量及拨量,由于正拨量与负拨量不等,为避免钢轨内部应力变化, 对拨量进行三次梯形修正,由此计算数列合计,并计算出调整后拨量; 第三步:
937 816 684 560 430 311 205 120 60 20 4
(3) 2681
0 7 24 50 67 88 110 130 129 127 125 129 127 127 129 125 126 124 121 132 124 130 119 106 85 60 40 16 4
(4) 2681
1 0.5 3
1 127.5
-6 4
-0.5 -2
0 126.5
-8 2
-1 -10 4
-1 -12 6
-1 -12 8
-1 -10 6
-8 2
-6 -6 126
-6 4
-2 -6 126
在曲线的一端或上下 ; 钢轨内部应力变化,
-1 0
绳正法拨距优化计算方法的研究及应用刘永孝;刘学毅;杨俊斌;代丰【摘要】利用不同半径和缓和曲线长度进行组合,比较其拨距的绝对值和的大小,找出拨距绝对值和最小条件下对应的最优拨距.为了分析拨距与曲线半径、缓和曲线长度之间的关系,将优化出的半径和缓和曲线长度进行适当的调整,计算调整后的曲线的拨距值.计算结果表明:此种优化方法在不用调整计划正矢的情况下,直接满足曲线整正的原则,将优化结果和调整缓和曲线长度和半径后的拨距值进行比较,验证了计算结果是最优的,且优化出的半径和缓和曲线长度与曲线既有的要素比较接近,能较好地满足现场对曲线整正的要求,尤其对三无曲线和无缝线路地段曲线更为适用.%Different radiuses and different lengths of easement curve were assembled to compare the magnitude of the total absolute value of its move distance, so as to find out the optimal move distance under the condition of the smallest total absolute value of the move distance. In order to analyze the relationship between move distance and curve radius as well as the length of easement curve, the optimized radius and length of easement curve were adjusted appropriately to calculate the move distance of the adjusted curve. The calculation results show that this kind of optimization method can comply with the curve realignment principle. Compared with the move distance resulted from the adjustment of the radius and length of easement curve, the optimized results can be proved to be optimal. And the optimized radius and length of easement curve can approach to the existing curve factors, thereby meeting the requirementsfor the curve realignment in situ. Especially, it is more applicable to the curve without three main factors and to the curve on the CWR region.【期刊名称】《铁道标准设计》【年(卷),期】2013(000)002【总页数】4页(P26-29)【关键词】曲线整正;绳正法;计划正矢;拨距优化【作者】刘永孝;刘学毅;杨俊斌;代丰【作者单位】兰州交通大学土木工程学院,兰州730070;西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都610031;西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都610031;西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都610031;西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,成都610031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U216.42+61 概述绳正法进行曲线整正计算时,要满足3个条件:(1)计划正矢的和与现场正矢的和相等;(2)曲线始、终点的拨距为零,如果是无缝线路,还需要满足曲线的拨距和为零这一条件;(3)对某些控制点的拨距有限制,如小桥、隧道、道口、信号机等[1-3]。
当ZH(HZ)位于测点时:a=0,b=1, f1 = fs /6,f2 = fs 。
算例:R=1000m,l0=100m,测点1、2距ZH点分别 为4m,6m,求f1、f2。
50000 fc 50mm 1000
100 10(段 ) 10
f c 50 fs 5mm n 10
由公式可以得出,当相邻测点都在圆曲线上时,测点 的正矢 fc 都相等。但在曲线的始终端,ZY、YZ点因两 侧曲率的不同,相应的正矢 f 与 fc 就不同。 如下图,设直线与圆曲线直接连接,且ZY或YZ不在 测点上,各测点的正矢为:
1 y2 2
1 y3 y2 2
f3 fc
正矢是由曲线产生的, 其大小与曲线长度有关。
1 (b ) 3 f1 2 6 Rl0 1 (b )3 (b )3 f2 2 6 Rl0 6 Rl0
fc 将 R , l 0 n , fs 代入上式得: n 2 fc
b3 f1 fs 6 f 2 1 (1 b ) 3 2b 3 f s 6
1 y 2 y1 3 y1 2 1 f 2 ( y 3 y1) y 2 6 y1 2 f 1 2 1 f 3 ( y 4 y 2) y 3 9 y 1 3 f 1 2
6Rl 0 (2 ) 3 y2 8 y1 6 Rl 0 (3 ) 3 y3 27 y1 6 Rl 0 (4 ) 3 y4 64 y1 6 Rl 0
l0 n:缓和曲线长度的分段数 n 。 10