


2:Input→Trace gate(选输入范围) 3:Input→Time gate(选输入时间范围)
在“Use horizons”对话框中的 Set horizons file 选项中要选 第一步生成的*_Tinterface.hor 文件,然后再选控制层。 4:Input→Wells/User locations→Wells(选输入井) 5:Input→Select QC traces(可选) 6:Edit→Edit trend(编辑单口井包络函数) 7:Edit→Disable all constraints(关掉井约束) 8:Edit→Advanced→Wavelet scaling(子波估算)
若 Estimate 的“Scale factor”接近于正负 1,则输入子波可用, 否则要重新提取输入子波以免影响结果的正确性。 9:Output→Generate results
在 Generate the following output 选项中选 P_Impedance,其 它根据实际需要可选。 四: 道合并(高频地震和低频井约束模型道合并)
JASON(invertrace)操作流程 前言
一:JASON 软件工作的基础与关键: 井数据编辑、子波提取、合成记录制作与时深关系的调整。
二:工作思路: 1:所有的井数据应能较好地反映地下地质情况的变化。 2:首要的是要作好井数据的编辑工作;时深转换要准确;合成
记录要尽可能的与地震记录接近;子波提取要合理;极性与地震数据 相匹配。
注:若正常极性及正反射系数对应波谷时,Scale factor 应是负值。
11:调整合成记录使其尽可能的与地震记录接近。 12:用右键调出编辑对话框进行加井分层等编辑工作。
注:合成记录制作是整个反演过程中“人为干预”最多和耗时最长的过程,也 是影响反演结果合理正确与否的关键环节,其后基本是工作站在进行各种运算, 因此一定要认真、仔细地做好合成记录






步骤如下:一,选择工区(即一个文件夹)主窗口——File——Select Project(图2),弹出图3。


图2图31. 数据的导入主窗口——Datalinks——Landmark——Landmark Link(2003)(图3),弹出图4。

图3图42. 工区的选择File——Seisworks project:选地震工区t163,ok。

(图5)图5File——Openworks project——选SHNEGCAI, 选井列表t163,ok。

(图5)此时,图5 窗口的状态栏将会发生变化,以上选择的工区将会显示。

(图6)图63. 地震数据的导入Select——Import——Seismic/property data(图7),弹出图8。

选cb 3dv(纯波数据,作反演时一定要用纯波数据),ok。

图7图84. 层位数据的导入Select——Import——Horizons,选择反演时需要的层位和断层(图9)。

图95. 井数据的导入Select(图7)——wells,弹出图10。





1. 井曲线、地震数据、子波的输入主窗口——Analysis——Well log editing and seismic tie(图1),弹出图2。




JASON软件操作使用说明编写人:钮学民、徐美娥慎国强、孙振涛X会芹特殊处理所JASON <5.0>一.FileSelect project …Create project…Copy project …Exit二.ModelingLargo …正演与井校正EarthModel …地质框架模型Wavelets …子波VelMod …速度模型InverTrace …地震道反演ModTrace …RockTrace …弹性反演InverMod …储层精细描述StatMod …随机反演FunctionMod …Specials三.AnalysisVolume view and body checking …Section view and interpretation …Map view and calculation …Well log editing and seismic tie …Cross plots and histograms …Attribute extraction …Auto snapper …Graph view …Well log view …Stratigraphic anomaly checkerProcessing toolkit …Cross correlation …四.DatalinksLandmarkGeoQuestGeoshare half_link …Seismic/property dataHorizonsWellsWaveletsVelocity data …TablesCaltural data …Export for upscaling …Specials五.UtilitiesProject managementDowngrade <64 to 32 bit> …Downgrade <5.0 to 4.x> …Well upgrade <4.x to 5.0> …Project copy …Project parameters …Project coordinates …Project description …File manager …Horizon managementMerge data files …Inquire data files …Downscale utility …Create/Edit Tables …Data attributes editor …File Manager …Specials→JGW←→ASCII六.SystemSubmit a software change request …Show system load/disk usage …Unix terminal window …Inspect current license features …Show batch queue …Show postscript printer queue …Screen snapping tools …Screendump …XV …Hints and tips …Netscale navigator一、File菜单:Select project:选择工区,必须是已经建好的工区,或重新恢复的工区.Create project:建立一个新工区.Copy project:拷贝工区,用户为了工作的方便,可以利用此菜单,选择拷贝或的文件、的方式,重新生成一个新工区,而不必重新加载数据.Exit:退出JASON应用平台.二、Modeling菜单Largo模块:该模块的输入是井.该模块主要通过正演流体模型,采用流体替换的方式,建立不同岩性不同流体条件下的Vp、Vs的转换公式,并能正演出不同岩性不同流体〔油、气、水〕条件下相应的测井曲线〔如AI/EI/SP等〕,另外,它还有测井质量控制和环境校正功能Wavelet 模块:1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputSeismic mode:地震模式.Zero offset:零偏移距.AVA:振幅随Seismic:地震选择.Select data:选择数据.Edit data attribute:编辑数据属性.Select seismic:选择地震.Select wavelet:选择子波.List lat. constant wavelet:列出横向常子波.Seismic data parameters:地震数据参数.Min angle:最小角度.Max angle:最大角度.Mute<%>:切除.Rel weight:真权值.Well/user locations:井/用户定义.Use wells:用井.Wells:井选择.Use other locations:用户定义位置.Locations:位置.Solid model:模型.Use solid model:使用模型.Solid model:模型选择.Do not use solid model:不使用模型.用户可以自由根据实际情况选择.Time gate:时窗选择.Select traces:选道.Select traces:选道.Number of traces per well or location:每口井或位置的道数.Select search trace gate:选择搜索道.Generate trace selection:产生道选择.Save as trace gate:保存道.Lateral search distance<m>:横向搜索距离.3、Locate:Find optimal well position<vertically or laterally>:纵向或横向井位寻找最优道.Settings:设置.Optimization scheme:优化机制. Fast:快速. Accutate:准确.Optimization criterion:优化标准.Correlation:相关.Residual energy:剩余能量.Parameters to optimize:优化参数.Lateral shift:横向漂移.Time shift:时间漂移.Input wavelet:输入子波.Optimization ranges:优化X围.Start:起始.End:截止.Increment:间隔.X shift:X偏移.Y shift:Y偏移.Relative time shift<s>:相对时间偏移.Estimate/edit shifts to apply well:估算/编辑漂移.Estimate from data:从数据估算.Input wells:输入井.Output wells:输出井.X shift:X偏移.Y shift:Y偏移. Time shift:时间偏移.Total:所有.Horizon :层位.RelQC:质量控制. Show cross correlations:显示十字相关.Show wavelet:显示子波.show time shift:显示时间漂移.4、EditScale wavelet:子波比例化.Setting:设置.Input/output wavelet:输入输出子波.Correlation range<s>:相关X围.Scale factor:比例因子. Estimate:估算.Save as:保存.Create synthetic wavelet:产生合成子波.Setting:设置.Wavelet type:子波类型.Ricker :雷克子波.Double cosine:双余弦.Output wavelet:输出子波.Start time<s>:起始时间.Phase rotation<deg>:相位旋转.Length<s> :长度.Sample interval<s>:采样间隔.Ricker wavelet central frequency<HZ>:雷克子波中心频率.Double cosine:双余弦.Left cosine frequency bands<HZ>:左余弦频率带.Right cosine frequency bands<HZ>:右余弦频率带.Lower :低 Upper:高 Lower:低 Upper:高.Calculate&QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算.Show wavelet:显示子波.Show autocorrelations:显示自相关.pare with other wavelets:与其它子波比拟.Select data for spectral QC :频谱质量控制数据选择.pare with data spectrum:与其它数据频谱比拟.OK:可以. Apply:采用. Dismiss:放弃.Generate minimum phase wavelet:生成最小相位子波.Settings:设置.Input wavelet:输入子波. Output wavelet:输出子波.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算. Show wavelets:显示子波.OK:可以.Apply:采用. Dismiss:放弃.Average wavelets:子波平均.Input wavelets:输入子波. selection list:选择列出.Output wavelet:输出子波.Calculate&QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算.Show wavelet:显示子波.OK:可以.Apply:采用.Dismiss:放弃.Merge wavelet amplitude and phase spectral:合并子波振幅谱和相位谱.Select wavelets:子波选择.Amplitude spectrum wavelet:振幅谱子波.Phase spectrum wavelet:相位谱子波.Output wavelet:输出子波.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算. Show wavelet:显示子波.OK:可以. Apply:采用. Dismiss:放弃.Edit wavelet attributes:编辑子波属性.Wavelet:子波.Seismic:地震.Origination seismic:原始地震.XY coordinates:XY坐标.Add:增加.Change:改变.Remove:删除. Clear:清空.X coord:X坐标.Y coord:Y坐标.Well:井.OK:可以.Apply:采用.Dismiss:放弃.5、EstimateEstimate wavelet amplitude spetrum:估算子波振幅谱.Settings:设置.Taper:等级 populis<strong> Low pass filter:低通滤波.Remove QC:删除质量控制.Thomson<strong>Cosine<User defined>:余弦〔用户定义〕.Output wavelet:输出子波.Wavelet length<s>:子波长度.Cosine taper range<%>:余弦等级X围.Wavelet maximum frequency:子波最大频率.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算.subset wells for QC;质量控制井子集.Show wavelets:显示子波.Show autocorrelations:显示自相关.Display mode;显示模式.Separate wells:井别离. Overlay wells:井迭合.Select data for spectral QC:频谱质量控制数据选择.pare with data spectrum:同数据频谱比拟.OK:可以.Apply:采用.Dismiss:放弃.Estimate wavelet constant phase spectrum:估算子波常相位谱.Settings:设置.Start with input wavelet phase:以输入子波相位为先.Zero phase input wavelet first :零相位输入子波为先.Minimize phase input wavelet first:最小相位输入子波为先.Start from:起始.Wells:井.New SSI:新SSI.Latest SSI QC:最新SSI质量控制.Previous SSI QC:前一个SSI质量控制.Use well based trend model in SSI:SSI中用基于井的趋势模型.Yes:是.No:否.Parameters:参数. Time shift:时间漂移.Input parameters:输入参数.Output parameters:输出参数.SSI QC director:SSI QC .Optimization range:优化X围.Start:起始.End:截止.Increment:间隔.Time shift<s>:时间漂移.Phase rotation<deg>:相位旋转.Values to apply:采用值.Time:时间.Phase:相位.Scale factor:比例因子. Estimate from data:由数据估算.Calculate&QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算.Show wavelets:显示子波.Subset wells for QC:QC井子集.Report per well:每口井报告.Show cross correlations:十字相关显示.Show sparse spike inversion QC:稀疏脉冲反演质量控制显示.Display mode:显示模式.Separate wells:井分开显示.Overlay wells:井迭合显示.Show autocorrelations:十字相关显示.Select data for spectral QC:频谱质量控制数据选择.pare with data spectral:与数据频谱比拟.Generate wavelet amplitude and phase spectra:产生子波振幅谱和相位谱.Taper:等级.None:非.Papouis<strong>Cosine<user defined>:余弦〔用户定义〕.Start from:起始.Wells:井.New SSI:新SSI.Latest SSI QC:最新SSI质量控制.Previous SSI QC:前一个SSI质量控制.Initial wavelet:初始子波.Output wavelet:输出子波.SSI QC directory:SSI质量控制.Wavelet start time:子波起始时间.Wavelet length:子波长度.Left cosine taper range:左余弦等级X围.Right cosine taper range:右余弦等级X围.Wavelet maximum frequency:子波最大频率.Wells correlation range:井相关X围.Prior information:初始信息.Do not use prior wavelet:不用初始子波.Use prior wavelet amplitude spectrum:用初始子波振幅谱.Use prior wavelet amplitude & phase spectra:用初始子波振幅和相位谱.Prior wavelet:初始子波.Prior wavelet weight:初始子波权值.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate :计算.Show wavelets:显示子波.Subset wells for QC:质量控制井子集.Show SSI QC:显示SSI质量控制Display mode:显示模式.Separate wells:井别离.Overlay wells:井迭合.Show autocorrelations显示自相关.Select data for spectral QC:频谱质量控制数据选择.pare with data spectral:与数据频谱比拟.Wells dependent time shift correction report:井依赖时间漂移相关报告.Show length denpendent optimum wavelet and S/N ratio显示长度依赖优化子波和信噪比.Ok:可以.Apply:采用.Cancel:放弃.Generate sparse spike inversion QC:产生稀疏脉冲反演质量控制.Use well based trend in SSI:SSI中采用基于井的趋势.Yes:是.No:否.SSI QC directory:SSI质量控制输出.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Generate SSI QC:产生 SSI质量控制.Show wavelet:显示子波.Show SSI QC:显示SSI质量控制.OK:可以.Cancel:放弃.Advanced sparse spike inversion QC:弹出Invertrace中Constrained sparse spike inversion:约束稀疏脉冲反演模块.具体见下面.Estimate AVA wavelet constrained by ZO wavelet6、Interpolate:内插.Interpolate wavelets laterally:横向子波内插.Output setting:输出设置.Run nowSelect wavelets:选择子波.Edit wavelet info:编辑子波信息.Define trace gate:定义道.Time sample interval:时间采样间隔.Interpolated wavelet file:内插子波文件.Select wavelet interpolation/extrapolation mathod:选择子波内插/外推方法.Interpolation type:内插类型.Inverse distance weighted:反距离加权.Locally weighted:局部加权.Triangulation:三角加权.Natural neighborGlobal kriging:全局克里金.Local kriging局部克里金.Variogram’s range:变差X围.Nr of points per quadrant:没个象限点数.Assign weight horizons:指定加权层位.Horizon file:层位文件.Normalize:正常化. Multiply:乘.Wavelet :子波. Weight:权值.Current weight:当前权值. Horizon:层位.Assign current weight horizon to selected wavelets:将当前加权层位指定到所选子波.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Calculate:计算.QC trace gate:质量控制道.Show wavelet:显示子波.OK:可以. Cancel:放弃.7、Decon:反褶积.Setting:设置.Input wavelet:输入子波.Filter length:滤波器长度.Filter stabilization:滤波器稳定.Output filter:输出滤波器.Calculate & QC:计算和质量控制.Caculate:计算.Show wavelet子波显示.Show filter:滤波器显示.pare with siemic spectral:与地震频谱比拟.Show raw and deconvolved seismic:原始和反褶积地震显示.OK:可以. Apply:采用. Dismiss:放弃.EarthModel模块:EarthModel模块基于地震解释,从测井数据和层序地层描述中建立三维属性模型.例如,它常用用于建立详尽的AI数据体.它由以下五个模块组成.Model builder<with TDC> 带时深转换的模型建立:1、Input :(1)Horizons: 选经过精心解释修改好的用于时深转换的层文件〔*.hor〕〔包括断层〕.(2)horizons/tops to tie : 用鼠标点亮所列的用于反演的层位.只有选中的深度域的测井分层与相对应的层位相匹配.(3)Framework :这是用于模型内插时的地层描述表.假如有地层描述表,会在此项点亮时自动列出〔*.frw〕.假如没有,可在后面进展的Edit中编辑一个符合该区地质情况和沉积规律的地层描述表.(4)Wells:从标准文件选择对话窗中,选择一口或多口用于时深转换的井.(5)Logs:在选定井以后,井曲线选择窗口自动打开.声波、密度和阻抗曲线会自动点亮.可以通过点亮某一种或几种曲线改变选择.(6)Trace gate:用标准的道X围对话窗选择反演工区X围.只有所选工区中的道并且有XY坐标的那些道才用于处理.2、Edit:用于建立时深转换过程.点击其中的任一条目弹出一对话窗口,可以输入或修改参数.〔1〕Edit framework:编辑建立地层描述表.在这一模块中必须定义时深基准面,这一基准面用于时深转换参考.如有断层,选不被断层断开的反演的顶层,假如没有断层,可选任意一层.(a)建表注意的事项:从地层开始向上逐层编辑,有断层,先建立断层的下盘的地层,后建断层上盘的地层,有断层时最好加顶、底层.(b)QC trace gate 建立QC道X围.Generate QC 计算QC panel 检查地层描述表是否合理,否如此在修改,直到合理为止(c)Define datum:定义基准面.*Time horizon 有断层时选反演的顶层Depth from well tops(d)save as <*.frw> 存地层描述表文件为*.frw(e)Hor interpolation 选择层位的插值方法〔只有三种:三角插值、自然邻居和局部克里金〕(2)Conversion parameters 通过输入值设置深度基准面的标准偏差、深度厚度偏差、声波比例因子标准偏差.这三个值用于时间层位垂向成图到深度域优化过程所用的三个不匹配函数的加权计算.如果深度基准面标准偏差设为0,深度基准面不进展优化并且在优化过程中维持为固定值.(3)Edit data for Earthmod /or for invermod 设置建立地质模型的时间或深度层位的插值方法.(a)Areal weight interpolation: Interpolation type设置局部加权算法,此处可选如此的加权算法有五种,如Inverse distance weighted 、Locallyweighted、Triangulation、Natural neighbors、Global kriging,用户可根据实际情况选择,也可通过试验选择适宜的加权算法.Weighted horizon :用户可在此针对某一层或某一储层X围设置加权层位.QC :用户可查看权值.(b)Well weights:给每口井分配权,一般用1.(c)Logparameters:log 井曲线类型;Vertical detail: 对每种曲线定义垂向分辨能力.3、Output :Generate 结果产生(a)Run now(b)Select output files:选输出内容*.hor(c)Output solid model:填或选一个模型名字(d)Output directory: 填或选一个输出(e)Set file names:点亮输出文件的名字,用鼠标点一下下方的OK,如此会弹出一对话框,允许出入新文件名.如果选Cancel,将不会改变文件名,如果选Reset,原始文件名将替代编辑的文件名.(f)Layer seting :Interface&layers:点击选Merged或Separate 层或界面合并或别离输出.Split layer into segments:点击选或不选此项,层会被分成几段.Model builder<Without TDC> 不带时深转换的模型建立:其根本内容同Model builder<with TDC>,在定义地层描述表时不需定义基准面.Model generator:模型产生1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、Input(1)Solid model:选Model builder<with TDC>或Model builder<Without TDC>的结果.(2)Data for seismic modeling:选择建立模型的数据.〔a〕seismic data&wavelet 选择地震数据和子波.〔b〕Time gate 选择反演的时窗.(3)Trace gate:选择反演道X围.3、EditModeling parameters: 设定模型参数.Time sample interval:时间采样间隔.Depth sample interval:深度采样间隔.Alpha :Gardner 公式〔用于从声波曲线导出密度曲线〕中的参数,缺省值为310.Belta: Gardner 公式中的参数,缺省值为0.25.4、OutputGenerateSelect output files:选择将要产生的文件,用户可根据实际需要进展选择.Output directory:选择输出.Output file type :点击选择Seismic/Property 或Stratigraphic.Set file names:设置文件名.Layer seting :Interface&layers: 点击选Merged或Separate.OK:点击此,如此开始进展模型建立,并弹出一出口,指示工作进展程度.假如选Cancel,如此放弃此项工作.Model interpolate:模型内插1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、Input(1)Time/Depth Mode:选择时间域或深度域.(2)Solid model:选择模型.点击此项出现对话框,可供选择模型都列出,用户可根据实际需要选择适宜的模型.(3)Layers:层选择和参数设置.Select layers/Layers interval:选择层和层采样间隔.Select interval:选择采样间隔.Assign current interval to selected layers:点击选中的层,点击此按钮可以为该层设置采样间隔.(4)Seismic/Property data:选择所要内插的数据.(5)Trace gate:内插X围.Output equals input tracegate:输出等于输入.Inputtracegate:输入道X围.Output tracegate:输出道X围.一般需要做内插时,要分别填写输出和输入道X围.并且输出要大于输入.3、EditInter/extrapolation method:内插/外推方法.(1)I nterpolation type:内插类型.在此可以选五种中的任一种.(2)S tabilization type:稳定类型.Plane fit 平面拟合.Inverse distance averaging:反距离平均.(3)E nforce stabilization even if not required:通过点击选中此项,可在不需要时强制稳定.(4)K riging parameters:克里金参数,此项是在内插类型选择为Local Kriging时,起作用.Varaogram range:变差X围,缺省为1000米.Nr of points per quadrant:每一象限中的个数,缺省为2.Interpolation parameters:内插参数(1)Maxmium lateral interpolation distance:最大横向内插距离.(2)Lateral interpolation :横向内插,有两种选择,分别为Horizon fitting和well weights.(3)Vertical Interpolation:垂向插值,有两种选择,分别为Interpolation和Blocking.4、OutputGenerateRun nowSeismic/property data:填写输出内插完的数据名.Interfaces/layers:选择Merged或seperated.OK:作业运行,Canel:放弃作业或放弃参数修改.Well curve generator:井曲线生成.主要用于伪井曲线生成.1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputSolid model:选择所要生成井曲线的模型.Well tracks:井轨迹.Invertrace模块该模块为地震反演模块,用来将地震反射数据转换成声阻抗.主要有递归反演和稀疏脉冲反演两种类型.其中的应用是利用波阻抗进展纯产层和孔隙度估算.Recursive invertion:递归反演.1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputSeismic data:地震数据选择.Wavelet:子波选择.Calibration well:选择标定好的井.Tracegate:反演道X围.Timegate:反演时窗大小,可以时时间控制,也可以是层位控制.3、EditInverse base line:在计算AI基线时用道AI平均值.Constant time:选某一时间位基线.Horizon file:选择层位文件中某一层作为基线.AI value:阻抗值.Well file: 如果有标定的阻抗曲线,可以通过此选项将阻抗值设置为井与基线相交点处.Average over:阻抗在多大时窗中平均.Seismic scale factor:地震子波比例化时用的比例因子和相关值.Seismic scale over:地震比例因子.缺省值为1.Wavelet scale over:子波比例因子.Negative seismic scale factor:地震负极性比例因子.Corelation range :相关X围.Calculate factors:自动计算比例因子.4、OutputGenerateRun nowAcoustic impedance data: 声阻抗数据名.AI -database line: 声阻抗基线数据名.Generate : 作业开始.Cancel :放弃作业或参数修改.Constrained sparse spike inversion:约束稀疏脉冲反演.1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputSeismic data:选择地震数据.Wavelets:子波选取,可选多个或一个.Wells/User location:用经过时深转换的井或其它位置.Trace gate:道X围.Time gate:时窗X围.Select QC traces:质量控制道选择.可以通过此项选择处理参数.3、EditEdit trend:编辑趋势.Horizonfile:选层位文件.Horizon:选层.From log:用多井阻抗曲线自动计算趋势.Save as:存储趋势为*.atmSelect well:逐口井检查趋势.Edit constraints: 编辑约束.逐口井编辑约束带,包所有井的数据包括进去.Save as:存储约束为*.con.Wavelet scaling:子波比例化.Input wavelet:输入子波.Output wavelet:输出子波.Correlation range:相关X围.Scale factor:比例因子.Save as:保存比例化的子波.Edit and QC parameters:通过质量控制选择反演参数.Lambda:反演参数.通过QC确定lambda.Advance :Wavelet interpolation:子波内插算法选择.Trace to trace constraints:道间约束.一般不要首先使用道间约束.On 打开道间约束.Acoustic impedance constraints:声阻抗约束.Two travel time constraints:二维旅行时约束.Off 关闭道间约束Soft trend constraints:软趋势约束.On 或off.On时,Soft trend constraints<%>为软趋势约束百分数.Sparse spike parameters:稀疏脉冲参数.Lambda :Lambda值.Reflectivity norm:反射标准.Seismic misfit norm:地震不匹配标准.Performance setting:执行设定.Maximum number of iterations for sparsity:稀疏最大迭代次数.Maximum number of intial model iterations:初始模型迭代最大次数.Maximum frequence:最大频率.4、Output→Generate results•Run nowbatch directory:输出稀疏脉冲反演数据.选输出内容Generate acoustic impedance data 生成声阻抗数据.Generate reflection coefficients生成反射稀疏数据.Generate synthetic data生成合成地震数据.Generate residual data生成剩余数据.Genetate synthetic/seismic correction生成合成地震与实际地震相关数据.Ok 作业开始.Trace merging :道合并.1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputLow freq. AI data:低频阻抗数据.Bandlimited AI data:带限阻抗数据.注意:合并的两个数据的采样率要一样,才能合并.否如此可通过重新做Earthmodel,采样率与地震一致,或ProcessingToolKit 中resample重采样.Wavelet:子波.Trace gate:道X围选择.3、EditDesign filters:滤波器设计.Low filter:低频滤波器.High filter:高频滤波器.Filter overlap:滤波器重迭.Filter length:滤波器长度.Edit trend:此项一般不做.4、Output→GenerateRun now选输出内容plete acoustic impedance data:全频带声阻抗数据.Low freq. ponent of AI:低频声阻抗成分.Bandlimited ponent of AI:带限声阻抗成分.AI data with trend subtracted:去掉趋势声阻抗数据.AI data with constant subtracted:减掉常数声阻抗数据.Constant :常数值.为阻抗.Generate:产生结果.Cancel:取消作业或放弃参数修改.Creat/Edit tables:表编辑.用户可在此编辑两列表、三列表、或四列表.Net pay&porosity estimation 纯产层和孔隙度估算.1、F ile: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、I nput:Calculated by: AI –trend–baselineAI onlyResevoir has:low 低阻抗异常high impedance:高阻抗异常.用户根据实际油藏对应的阻抗异常合理选择.AI data:波阻抗数据.dAI to porosity table:孔隙度转换表AI to velocity table: 阻抗速度转换表dAI to Netpay table:纯产层转换表Trace gate:道X围Time gate:时窗X围3、E ditBaseline value :阻抗基线值.Edit trend:趋势编辑.4、O utput→GenerateRun now选输出内容plete difference AI data 阻抗数据完全差异Difference AI data within time gate 时窗内阻抗数据差异Netpay纯产层Porosity孔隙度Generate:产生结果.Cancel:取消作业或放弃参数修改.Invermod模块该模块主要由三个模块组成.Invermod地震集成油藏参数主要目的是将Earthmodel with TDC得到的初始层序地层模型进展优化改变为地震给出的后验层序地层模型.Principal ponent analysis 主组分分析1、F ile: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、I nputPCA mode:主组分分析模式,用户可以进展选择.Principal ponent analysis<gi>地质主组分分析Seismic character inversion<sci>地震参数反演.Both <both> 两种结合.Solid model:模型选择,该处要选Earthmodel with TDC的solidmodel结果.Seismic data<seismic character inversion> 选地震数据.只有在sci或both时才能选择.Uncertainties 不一致性.第一次做,可不选.Trace gate:道X围选择.3、E ditPCA parameters主组分分析参数PCA type:主组分类型.PCA unconstrained:主组分分析不约束.PCA constrained: 主组分分析约束.Singular value deposition type单值分解类型:SVD all pc: 所有主组分单值分解SVD seismic data pc:地震数据主组分单值分解Constraint type principal ponents: 主组分约束类型None非约束Hard硬约束Soft软约束Hard<default>缺省硬约束Constraint type weights:约束类型权值None非加权Hard硬加权Soft软加权Hard<default>缺省硬加权Constraint type sum约束类型求和None非Soft软求和Soft<default>缺省软求和Constraint type inverse约束类型倒转Hard硬倒转Soft软倒转Hard<default> 缺省硬倒转Bounds principal ponents 主组分边界Automatic 自动边界User defined用户定义边界Principal ponent info cutoff主组分信息门限Seismic data parameters<sci>地震数据参数选择.Seismic data地震数据选择.Wavelet start子波起始时间Wavelet length子波长度Wavelet max. freq子波最大频率Edit uncertainties4、O utput→GenerateRunnowOutput solid model 输出模型Model estimation:模型估算模块1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputME mode:模型估算模式Geologic inversion<gi>:地质反演Seismic character inversion<sci>地震参数反演Both地震地质联合反演.用户可以选择一种.Solid model:选模型,此处选PCA的输出.Wavelets:选多个子波.Seismic data<gi>地质反演时选地震数据.Seismic data<sci>:地震参数反演时选地震数据.Wells:选多个时深转换井文件Logs:选井曲线Trace gate:道X围Time gate:时窗X围.3、EditWavelet interpolation:选择子波内插算法.Seismic parameters地震参数选择.Maximum frequence最大频率.Estimation parameters估算参数Standard deviation weight misfit加权不匹配标准偏移.Standard deviation trace scale misfit道比例不匹配标准偏移.Standard deviation wavelet start time子波起始时间标准偏移.4、Output→GenerateRun nowOutput solid model输出模型.Model generator:模型产生1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputSolid model选择模型,此处选ME的输出.Data for seismic modeling地震模拟数据选择.Wavelets选多个子波.Seismic data地震数据选择.Trace gate道X围选择.3、EditModeling parameters模型参数Time sample interval时间采样间隔.Depth sample interval深度采样间隔.Edit data for seismic modeling地震模拟数据参数编辑.Wavelet interpolation子波内插算法选择.Time gate时窗X围选择.4、Output→Generate结果输出.Run now选择输出内容,用户可在此选择感兴趣也就是对油藏比拟敏感的属性结果进展输出.OK作业开始.Cancel:放弃作业或参数修改.StatMod 随机模拟与随机反演模块它包含两个模块,第一个模块是StatModanalysis,用来分析数据和模拟直方图和变差图.第二个模块是Statmod modeling,执行随机模拟和随机反演,模拟技术补充有克里金、序贯模拟还有几种同前两种不同的技术,包含随机反演.随机模拟的目的:1、提供一个三维油藏模型适合地质统计数据属性,通过直方图和变差图的形式来表达的;2、模拟油藏的精细的异质性;3、提供一等该率的适合直方图和变差图的三维油藏模型,这样可以量化油藏模型的不确定性.该模块中的输入除了地震数据外,还有地质模型和地质统计数据,它具有以下优点:1、结果由地质统计数据以直方图和变差图的形式约束,结果会有更高的分辨率、准确率和横向连续性.2、该方法由输入的地质模型来驱动,因而直方图和变差图是沿着地质模型微层起作用的.3、输出模型根底上的随机模型是可靠的.另外,随机反演的主要特征是:1、由于StatMod可以把油藏属性作为反演过程的一个整体局部来估算,其中属性和地震的关系是通过阻抗相联系的.属性阻抗的关系在StatMod中可以定义成硬信息或者模糊信息,近似于浑浊变换.后来属性阻抗非线性关系和阻抗值与属性的非高斯分布是整个加以考虑的.3、它可以估算阻抗和〔或〕油藏属性同时估算岩性.最后,它是真正三维机制:随机反演中,整个三维体是在一个进程中反演的.它是在整个三维体上迭代:在整个反演进程中,每次迭代时摄动和匹配地震网格点是从整个体中随机抽取的. StatModanalysis 随机数据统计分析1、File: Save parameters 保存参数;Exit 退出此模块.2、InputTime/depth mode:时间模式或深度模式.Solid model:模型选择.Layers层选择.Lithology masks选择性输入,岩性标志.Data for histograms and transforms直方图分析和拟合Well logs data测井数据Model data模型数据Horizon data层位数据a)选多个时域井文件log type:曲线类型,选单一井曲线出现StatModTransform窗口.b)HistogramNr of intervals:直方图条数Build the histogram 建立直方图.出现直方图.Donec)TransformUse automatic fit:自动拟合.Type拟合曲线类型 Gaussion高斯Log_ganssion对数高斯By table数据表d)Save as first:保存直方图名字.Assign current transform to selected layers:将当前转换分配到选择的层.OK →Donee)Line width 置线条宽度.Title 写图名.DoneData for variogram sampling and modeling变差图分析Primary dataWell logs data测井数据Model data模型数据Horizon data层位数据Secondary dataa)选多个时域井文件.选一种井曲线,出现StatModvariogram窗口.b)Sample variogramSelect sampling parameters:FunctionVariogram变差图Cross-vario交汇变差图,需要选择两种数据.并且需要将交汇变差图分配到第二种数据.ModogramRodogram拉冬变差图Threshold临界Indication指示变差图用户要注意填写#of lags lag intervelbuild th sampal variogram出现变差图.c)可以扫描岩性的横向与纵向变化:Select search parameters:选择搜索参数。











二、子波估算和层位标定技术这部分工作是通过Modeling下的Wavelets…和Analysis下的Well log editing and seismic tie…两个模块完成的。




子波估算和层位标定技术的方法如下:1)计算理论子波(如Ricker)(Wavelets…→Edit→Create synthetic wavelet... )。


华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
1.深 度 2.3.为 井 斜 4.声 波 5.孔 隙 度 6.自 然 伽 马
如果表中有不匹配之处 在此编辑
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
• Seismic/property data *.mhd *.min *.mod
• Horizon data *.hhd *.hin *.hor
• Well data *.wll
• Coordinate data xy.map
• Project rang data run.map
• Table data *.tab
同一种格式的文件可以同时加载 1.井 文 件 的 选 取 2.键 入 井 坐 标 .补 心 海 拔 高 程 .井 名
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
井分层 数据输入
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
1.添 入 四 角 的 坐 标 2.计 算 网 格 3.退 出 菜 单
华北油田分公司勘探开发研究院二连室 王 连 军 于 2003年 4月 初
Seismic data loading and QC Check seismic data integrity Check seismic amplitude Check seismic amplitude spectrum









第一章 数据连接与加载一:首先要建立一个JASON的工作目录。

(例sn4jason)加载的数据、中间过程数据及最终成果将保存在此目录下,相当于一个Seis Project。



图1-1 JASON工作主菜单(一)地震工区相关数据连接主菜单→Datalinks→Landmark→Landmark98(97,2000)出现次级菜单。

图1-2 地震工区相关数据连接菜单1:File→SeisWorks project(选择要研究的地震工区)2:Select→import→Seismic/property data(选择要加载的地震数据体) import→Horizons(选择要研究的地震层位)注:若LandMark地震工区有现成可用井曲线,可import→wells直接加载。

3:Select→Trace gate(选择要研究的地震工区范围)4: Select→Time gate(选择要研究的地震工区时间范围)5:Options→Desire JGW format→As file(8 bit integer……可供选择的数据加载格式)6:Options→Existing files→overwrite(Append……对已存在文件的处理方式)7:Transport→Import(加载数据执行)注:在整个数据加载过程中,有些选项是可选的,注意选择。

Jackson 吉他和贝斯手册说明书

Jackson 吉他和贝斯手册说明书

Congratulations! You’ve just joined countless others in what may be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.For over 30 years , Jackson has been creating some of the finest guitars and basses in the music world. You are now the owner of one of them, so be proud. Long before the late, great Randy Rhoads walked into our shop, we made it our business to make the tools that musicians want. Take a few minutes to read this manual to become better acquainted with your new Jackson instrument. Understanding the correct setup procedure will keep your Jackson playing great in all conditions. Keep in mind that some procedures in this manual should only be performed by qualified technicians or persons who have experience in neck adjustments and intonation.JACKSON OWNER’S MANUAL ALL MODELS - GUITAR AND BASSCONTROLS1. VOLUME CONTROL: This knob acts as the master output of the guitar. Rotating the knob clockwise will increase the volume, counterclockwise will decrease the volume.2. TONE CONTROL: This knob acts as a high frequency roll off. With the knob turned fully clockwise, all frequencies are present. When the knob is turned counterclockwise, the higher frequencies are rolled off, giving a darker tone.3. PICKUP SELECTOR SWITCH: The pickup switch is used to switch between different combinations of the pickups. We use three main types of switches in most of our models. The 3-way slotted and toggle; the 5 way slotted ; and the Jackson JE-0005. The 3-way is used in most of our 2 pickup guitars and works as follows: 1=neck pickup; 2=neck and bridge pickup: 3=bridge pickup . The 5-way switch is used on many Jackson guitars in both 3-pickup and some 2-pickup models. In a 3-pickup model, the switch is as follows: 1=neck; 2=neck and middle; 3=middle; 4=middle and bridge; 5=bridge . The JE-0005 5-way switch operates as follows: 1=neck; 2=neck and bridge in parallel; 3=neck and bridge in series; 4=neck and bridge in parallel with filter; 5=bridge .BRIDGEJackson guitars use an assortment of bridge styles for various models. Here is a brief explanation of each type we use.1. Tune-o-matic: It has a simple height adjustment via two mounting posts. Intonation is adjusted by screws at each bridge saddle. The strings can either run through the body or attach to a stop bar tailpiece.2. Vintage Style Hardtail: String height is adjusted by small allen screws on each side of the saddles. Intonation is adjusted by the screws mounting the saddles to the rear of the bridgeplate.3. Vintage Style Tremolo: It is a very basic, 2 point fulcrum style tremolo with self centering saddles. This bridge is designed to rest flat on the body (non-floating).4. Vintage Style Floating Tremolo: This is an upgraded type of the Vintage Style tremolo. It can be adjusted to sit flat, or float above the body.5. Jackson Bass Bridge: We use a variety of low mass, high density, flat mounted bridges. On most of our Concert Basses, the bridges are convertible. This means the strings can be top loaded, or strung through the body. All have self centering saddles with individual intonation and string height adjustments.6. Double Locking Tremolos: This is the most common type of bridge, and can be found on most of our guitars. It is very simple to setup with a little guidance and patience. Note: For more information and technical tips and help,be sure to check out RESTRINGING THE DOUBLE LOCKING TREM1. Before loosening the strings, slip a small stack of business cards or a pencil under the bridge plate to maintain spring tension and keep the bridge parallel to the body.NOTE: There are many products on the market today that will assist in Floyd Rose® setups. Ask your localretailer for more info or check out our website .2. Loosen the 3 screws on the locking nut.3. Loosen all strings via the tuners on the headstock until there is no tension.4. Loosen the string clamping screws at bridge.5. Remove the strings from the guitar.6. Cut the ball end off the new strings.7. Insert the new strings between the clamping block and the saddle.8. Tighten the screws to lock the strings in place. Do not overtighten!9. Wind strings onto the tuners.10. Tune all stings to pitch, and stretch the strings by lightly pulling on them. Retune and repeat several times until thestrings will not detune.11. Repeat this process for all strings before tightening the locking nut and retuning using the fine tuners on the bridge.This is the one step that will determine the feel or “action” of your guitar. A few things should be taken into consideration before setting the intonation. What type, brand and gauge strings are you going to use? How high do you want the strings from the fretboard? How much spring tension do you want (how high do you want the bridge to float)? These will need to be determined before you get started. These steps should be completed in the order listed below.1. Neck Relief: The ideal neck setup will have a moderate amount of relief (curvature) to accommodate the vibrating strings. With the guitar tuned to pitch, fix a capo to the first fret, and depress the sixth string (low E) at the last fret. Measure the gap from the bottom of the string to the top of the 7th fret (using a feeler gauge, ruler with .010” increments, or similar tool) – the gap should be around .010” (see factory specs for more detail). If there is excessive relief, tighten the truss rod by turning it clockwise. If there is not enough relief, loosen the truss rod. Truss rod adjustments should be made in ¼ turn increments. The truss rod is located behind a plastic cover on the headstock of most Jackson instruments.2. Tremolo Spring Tension: This adjustment determines the neutral position of the tremolo. It is recommended to balance the spring tension with string tension – causing the bridge plate to sit parallel with the body. Heavier strings will require more spring tension, lighter strings (and drop tunings) will need less. To increase spring tension,tighten the 2 screws that hold the spring claw to the body (behind tremolo cavity cover on rear of body); loosen the screws to decrease tension.3. String Height: String height, or action, is measured as the distance between the bottom of the string and the top of the 17th fret (with strings tuned to pitch, no capo). If your tremolo or tune-o-matic bridge restson two mounting posts that go into the guitar body, the string height is adjusted by raising or lowering these posts. If your bridge is a vintage style or a bass, there are two allen wrench adjustments on each saddle that will raise and lower each string independently. Optimal string height depends on playing style and preference. See the factory specs section below for recommended string heights to get started. Low stringheight takes less effort to fret the strings, but may induce fret buzzing and less sustain if it’s too low.4. Pickup height: To set the pickup height, fret all strings at the last fret and use a 6” ruler (with 1/64” increments, or similar tool) to measure the distance from the bottom of the strings to the top of the pole pieces. The optimal distance depends on the type of pickup, and the player’s preference. See factory specs for pickup height guidelines.5. Intonation: All of the adjustments listed above must be completed prior to setting the intonation. Ensure that all strings are tuned to pitch. With intonation set properly, the 12th fret harmonic should be in tune with the 12th fret fretted note on every string. First play the 12th fret harmonic (lightly rest your finger on the string over the12th fret), and tune to pitch (use an electronic tuner for best results). Then, play the 12th fret fretted note (by evenly pressing the string on the 12th fret). If the fretted note is sharp, lengthen the string by moving the bridge saddle rearward. If flat, shorten the string by moving the bridge saddle forward. After adjusting the stringlength, retune the guitar (this will require unlocking the nut on guitars equipped with a double locking tremolo), andrepeat this procedure until the harmonic and fretted note are both in tune.FACTORY SPECSThe following are Jackson’s recommended neck relief, string height, pickup height, and string gauge specs. Please note that any problems that may arise from lowering the string height below our factory specifications, will not be covered by the Jackson warranty.NECK RELIEFGUITAR .007” - .008” (.18mm - .20mm)BASS.012” - .014” (.30mm - .36mm)STRING HEIGHTBASS SIDETREBLE SIDE GUITAR 4/64” (1.6mm)3/64” (1.2mm)BASS6/64” (2.4mm)5/64” (2.0mm)PICKUP HEIGHTBASS SIDETREBLE SIDE HUMBUCKER 4/64” (1.6mm)4/64” (1.6mm)STANDARD SINGLE COIL 5/64” (2mm)4/64” (1.6mm)NOISELESS SINGLE COIL8/64” (3.6mm)6/64” (2.4mm)FACTORY STRING GAUGES1st2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 6 STRING GUITAR . STRING GUITAR w/ TREM. STRING GUITAR w/o TREM. STRING BASS .045,065.085.100---5 STRING BASS. CAREThese are a few guidelines to keep your new Jackson in top form. The body, neck and headstock should be wiped clean with a clean soft cloth and a guitar polish after every use. The fingerboard should be cleaned every time you change strings. There are many cleaners on the market and most will dry the fingerboard (most window cleaning products have ammonia in them and will certainly dry the fingerboard dramatically) so be sure to oil the fingerboard after you clean it. There are many great oils today made just for fingerboards, so ask your local dealer for more information. Don’t let the board dry out, it will shrink and/or crack, causing the frets to raise up and become unlevel and unplayable. The hardware can be cleaned with a dry rag. If you have acidic perspiration or perspire excessively, please keep the hardware well oiled or it will rust and corrode. There are several tips on cleaning and maintaining your guitar on our website at .The Jackson you’ve chosen is a fine musical instrument and like any high quality product, care and regular maintenance should be a priority to help your guitar or bass last a lifetime. Thank you for choosing Jackson , we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed owner’s registration and return it to us so that we may learn to better serve your needs. Also, be sure to read the care suggestions listedbelow. For more help be sure to visit our website at , thank you. For your own records, in case of loss, theft, etc., please fill in the following information and store it in a safe place.MODEL:__________________________________________________________________________COLOR:__________________________________________________________________________SERIAL NUMBER:_________________________________________________________________DEALER:________________________________________________________________________PURCHASE DATE:________________________________________________________________BATTERY REPLACEMENTOn all of our active circuits, 9 volt batteries are used to power-up. The systems feature the latest in IC circuitry, with very low power requirement. The battery is switched on when a cord is inserted into the input jack, so be sure to unplug the guitar/bass when not in use to avoid unnecessary power drain.NOTE: All PC1 guitars use an 18volt system (two 9 volt batteries) and both must be replaced as a pair in order for the sustainer system to function correctly. NOTE: Unless the instrument is equipped with a separate battery box, the battery is contained within the electric control cavity.CARE SUGGESTIONS~ NEVER store your guitar/bass in a hot car trunk! The HEAT WILL CAUSE SEVERE DAMAGE to your instrument.~ Always clean your strings after every use.~ Change strings at least every 20 playing hours.~ Wipe down the guitar with a clean, soft cloth after every use to remove sweat, etc from building up.~ Clean and oil fingerboard everytime you change strings.~ Do not overtighten any of the screws on the instrument. In most cases snug is best.~ When traveling by air be sure to detune strings by 1 step. Have an agent check your guitar before locking the case and tape the case closed to prevent tampering.~ Adjustments may need to be performed when you move your instrument into or out of different climates of altitude or humiditySTRING LOCK SCREWSINTONATION SCREWSSUSTAIN BLOCKGUITAR BODYBASE PLATEFINE TUNING SCREWS SADDLE。



在Control panel 中:点按⇐给一对合理的时深数据⇐ Well vertical type ⇐ Display ⇐ Time表示只改变时间域,深度域不变选层⇐(窗口显示时间域曲线)*_T1.wll⇐Save as …三、作初始雷克子波:初步调整Tops与Horizons的关系:Wavelets⇐ModelingSeismic mode⇐Input Zero offsetλ⇐…AVA选地震数据⇐seismic data … ⇐ seismic ⇐Input⇐Input *T1.wll⇐Select well …⇐Wells/User locations (选经过深时转换的井文件)Time⇐Input … (选子波估算的时窗)⇐gate …Select traces…⇐Input (选井旁道)投影距离Create⇐3、Edit synthetic wavelet …WaveletOutput waveletStart time : sL ength (s) :Rickerr wavelet central frequency (HZ) :显示子波波形、振幅谱与相位谱不断调整子波主频、与地震频谱对比OK然后在Well log editing and seismic tie 中:seismic.mod⇐Seismic data … ⇐Input⇐Input 选子波,(选Create_wavelet.mtr)⇐Wavelet用此子波调整分层(tops)与地震解释(horizons)的关系Edit mode : Bulk shift allStretch / squeeze allScale wavelet⇐Edit …(注意:雷克子波的振幅与井旁地震道振幅不匹配,必须计算子波的比例因子。

)反复调,…⇐Save as … *T2.wll四、从地震数据中估算子波------ 制作合成记录:⇐Seismic data …⇐Input seismic.mod*T2.wll⇐Select well …⇐ Wells/User locations ⇐Input(选经过再一次时间调整的井文件)Estimate wavelet amplitude and phase spectra⇐Estimate …Taper (振幅谱斜坡的衰减类型)Output waveletWavelet start time(s):Length(s):Wavelet maximum frequency (HZ):OK然后在Well log editing and seismic tie …中:⇐ Wavelet ⇐Input amp+phase_wavelet.mtr反复调整合成记录,在调整过程中,要显示以下曲线:⇐Select logs … p_sonicTime (慢度曲线,用于调整合成记录的质量控制)P_impedance(置为当前曲线)⇐ *T3.wll!!不断重复以上过程,直到子波形状规则、旁瓣小、tops与horizons对齐、合成记录的主要目的层与地震记录一致为止。



二、 JASON 软件工作的基础与关键:----井数据编辑、子波提取、合成记录制作与时深关系的调整(一)深度域井曲线编辑:Applications Display EditorsWell editor …(1) Input Well… *.wll (选深度域井文件)(2) Edit Display Edit选Logs Ok(3) 编辑井曲线:a) 消除奇异值,b)延长曲线。

具体方法:Edit Mode Draw current用右键选被编辑的曲线,用左键画曲线,点按(4)计算深度域阻抗曲线,点按(5)Impedance(6)*_ed.wll (深度域经过编辑的井曲线文件)(二)直接将深度域曲线转为时间域:在 Well Editor 中:TD RelationCreate sonicTD Edit Mode表示只改变时间域,深度域不变(窗口显示时间域曲线) 选层Save as … *_T1.wll(三) 作初始雷克子波: 调整Tops 与Horizons 的关系: Applications WaveletsWavelet estimation …Input Seismic data … …Input Wells/User locations Select well … *T1.wll (选经过深时转换的井文件) Input Time gate … …Input Select traces…测线方位OutputWaveletOutput waveletL ength (s) :显示子波波形、振幅谱与相位谱不断调整子波主频、与地震频谱对比然后在Well editor 中:Input SeismicInput Wavelet用此子波调整分层(tops)与地震解释(horizons)的关系 Edit mode : Bulk shift allStretch / squeeze allWell Editor Edit Scale wavelet …反复调,…Save as … *T2.wll(四)从地震数据中提子波:Input Seismic data … seis.modInput Wells/User locations Select well … *T2.wll(选经过再一次时间调整的井文件) Output Estimate wavelet amplitude and phase spectra …TaperOutput waveletLength(s):Wavelet maximum frequency(HZ):然后在 Well editor …中:Input Wavelet amp+phase_wavelet.mtrEdit Scale wavelet …反复调,…*T3.wll!!不断重复以上过程,直到子波形状规则、旁瓣小、tops 与horizons 对齐、合成记录的主要目的层与地震记录一致为止。






步骤如下:1、选择工区(即一个文件夹)主窗口——File——Select Project (图2),弹出图3。


图2图32、数据的导入主窗口 ---- Datalinks -------- L andmark ---- Landmark Link (2003)(图3),弹出图4。

图3图4A工区的选择File ------ Seisworks project:选地震工区t163, ok。

(图5)图5File ------ Openworks project ------- 选SHNEGCAI,选井列表t163, ok。


(图6)图6B地震数据的导入Select --------Import ------ Seismic/property data (图7),弹出图8。

选cb 3dv (纯波数据,作反演时一定要用纯波数据),ok。

图7图8C层位数据的导入Select --------Import ----- Horizons,选择反演时需要的层位和断层(图9)。

图9D:井数据的导入Select (图7) ------ wells,弹出图10。


图10E:数据的传输Transport ------ Import,以上所选的landmark中的数据将传入jason中。



1、井曲线、地震数据、子波的输入主窗口 ---- Analysis ------- Well log editing and seismic tie (图1),弹出图2。










(例sn4jason)加载的数据、中间过程数据及最终成果将保存在此目录下,相当于一个Seis Project。



图1-1 JASON工作主菜单(一)地震工区相关数据连接主菜单→Datalinks→Landmark→Landmark98(97,2000)出现次级菜单。

图1-2 地震工区相关数据连接菜单1:File→SeisWorks project(选择要研究的地震工区)2:Select→import→Seismic/property data(选择要加载的地震数据体)import→Horizons(选择要研究的地震层位)注:若LandMark地震工区有现成可用井曲线,可import→wells直接加载。

3:Select→Trace gate(选择要研究的地震工区范围)4: Select→Time gate(选择要研究的地震工区时间范围)5:Options→Desire JGW format→As file(8 bit integer……可供选择的数据加载格式) 6:Options→Existing files→overwrite(Append……对已存在文件的处理方式)7:Transport→Import(加载数据执行)注:在整个数据加载过程中,有些选项是可选的,注意选择。



Jason 软件入门手册 ----- InverTrace 入门PlusChapter 1.InverTracePlus 流程图1Chapter 2. 工区的建立与数据的加载( )JasonJason Geoscience Workbench34Preferred unit systemOKJGWCurrent project工 弹。

径路定指为变 的下面界主时这意注。

了好建就区 的下径路定指在。

后然位单择选边旁 在, 图出 后径路 定指栏一 的部底在, 图出弹 择选File→Create project,。

示所 图如, 称简下以(面界主 ) 入键 接 直 下径 路 意 任 在 以 可 就 么 那 , 件 软Jason2Directory OK,径路区工前当演反冲脉疏稀束约JGW 2图 取提波子与定标震井 图入进, 了 装安 经 已 上器 机 的 您 果 如 立建的区工 一载加的据数同据数型类种各的区工应相对现实以可后上连, 图见,接连以可统系 与 。

现实 的面下面界主 过通均载加据数 载加的据数 )二(JGW。

了区工该入进就, 后然,面里 的部底在现出就径路该 ,径路择选,径路的区工 有放存有所了出列面里框方间中, 图出弹, 择选上面界主在,区工 的在存经已个一开打要果如,外另 图5Directory JGW型类据数义定位单择选3图projectDatalinks45OKJGWDatalinksLandmark和图Geoquest6File→Select →7a)88OKTest fileListTest file format文位层 看查 的边右 话对Horizon file formatList →Select ASCII horizon format对的方下击点后然,件文位层择选, 击点。

框话对出推 ,式格的件文位层定指,框 边右 击点 图出弹边右Horizon file formatSet →Select horizon definition标坐 、 及以号道线入输改修,名区工义定。









第一章 数据连接与加载一:首先要建立一个JASON的工作目录。

(例sn4jason)加载的数据、中间过程数据及最终成果将保存在此目录下,相当于一个Seis Project。



图1-1 JASON工作主菜单(一)地震工区相关数据连接主菜单→Datalinks→Landmark→Landmark98(97,2000)出现次级菜单。

图1-2 地震工区相关数据连接菜单1:File→SeisWorks project(选择要研究的地震工区)2:Select→import→Seismic/property data(选择要加载的地震数据体) import→Horizons(选择要研究的地震层位)注:若LandMark地震工区有现成可用井曲线,可import→wells直接加载。

3:Select→Trace gate(选择要研究的地震工区范围)4: Select→Time gate(选择要研究的地震工区时间范围)5:Options→Desire JGW format→As file(8 bit integer……可供选择的数据加载格式)6:Options→Existing files→overwrite(Append……对已存在文件的处理方式)7:Transport→Import(加载数据执行)注:在整个数据加载过程中,有些选项是可选的,注意选择。



Eaton 014333Eaton Moeller® series ZE Overload relay, Ir= 0.4 - 0.6 A, 1 N/O, 1N/C, Direct mountingGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series ZE Thermaloverload relay014333401508014333852 mm65 mm45 mm0.075 kgVDE 0660CSA File No.: 012528ULCEIEC/EN 60947-4-1CSA-C22.2 No. 14UL 508IEC/EN 60947IEC/EN 60947-5-1UL Category Control No.: NKCR UL File No.: E29184CSACSA Class No.: 3211-03ZE-0,6Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model Code0.6 A1 x (0.5 - 1.5) mm², Main cables2 x (0.5 - 1.5) mm², Main cables1 x (0.5 - 1.5) mm², Control circuit cablesIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.8 mm25 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Direct attachmentDirect mountingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.8 mm40 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.AutomaticPush-button5 kA, SCCR (UL/CSA)15 A, max. CB, CB for max. 480 V, SCCR (UL/CSA)1 A, max. Fuse, SCCR (UL/CSA)230U034DA-DC-00004858.pdf ETN.ZE-0,6IL03407007ZDA-CD-zeDA-CS-zeDA-DC-00004328.pdf DA-DC-00004317.pdfRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Terminal capacity (flexible with ferrule)10.11 Short-circuit ratingStripping length (control circuit cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting method10.2.5 LiftingStripping length (main cable)Ambient operating temperature (enclosed) - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Reset functionShort-circuit current rating (basic rating)Characteristic curve Declarations of conformity eCAD modelIstruzioni di installazione mCAD modelReport di certificazione10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Screw sizeM3.5, Terminal screwAdjustable current range - min0.4 AProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact when actuated from front (EN 50274)Ambient operating temperature - max50 °CClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78FeaturesTest/off buttonTrip-free releasePhase-failure sensitivity (according to IEC/EN 60947, VDE 0660 Part 102)Reset pushbutton manual/autoStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 WRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 500 V0.5 AElectrical connection type of main circuitScrew connection10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage rating - max600 VACAmbient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Safe isolation300 V AC, Between main circuits, According to EN 61140250 V AC, Between auxiliary contacts, According to EN 61140 300 V AC, Between auxiliary contacts and main contacts, According to EN 61140Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V 1.5 AClassCLASS 10 A10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of contacts (normally closed contacts)110.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V 0.7 AHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid1.6 WSwitching capacity (auxiliary contacts, general use)0.6 A, 600V AC, (UL/CSA)1.5 A, 240V AC, (UL/CSA)Product categoryZE overload relays for mini contactor relaysOverload release current setting - min0.4 ARated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 60 V0.75 AEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid4.8 WHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WSuitable forBranch circuits, (UL/CSA)Temperature compensationContinuous≤ 0.25 %/K, residual error for T > 40°Terminal capacity (solid)2 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Control circuit cables1 x (0.75 - 2.5) mm², Main cablesNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts) Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 220 V, 230 V0.2 AConventional thermal current ith of auxiliary contacts (1-pole, open)6 AOverload release current setting - max0.6 ATerminal capacity (solid/stranded AWG)18 - 14, Main cables2 x (18 - 12), Control circuit cables10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Degree of protectionIP20Overvoltage categoryIIINumber of auxiliary contacts (change-over contacts)Pollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)6000 V AC4000 V (auxiliary and control circuits)10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Tightening torque1.2 Nm, Screw terminalsAdjustable current range - max0.6 AScrewdriver size2, Terminal screw, Pozidriv screwdriver0.8 x 5.5 mm, Terminal screw, Standard screwdriverRated operational current (Ie) at AC-15, 120 V1.5 A10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of contacts (normally open contacts)1Short-circuit protection ratingMax. 4 A gG/gL, Fuse, Auxiliary contacts20 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “1” coordination2 A gG/gL, Fuse, Type “2” coordinationNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)1Rated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 110 V0.4 ARated operational voltage (Ue) - max690 VShock resistance10 g, Mechanical, Sinusoidal, Shock duration 10 msRated operational current (Ie) at DC-13, 24 V0.9 AEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tutti i diritti riservati. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaR300, DC operated (UL/CSA) D300, AC operated (UL/CSA)Switching capacity (auxiliary contacts, pilot duty)。

jason 安装说明

jason 安装说明

jason安装说明石油物探技术2008-06-28 18:42:24 阅读198 评论0 字号:大中小订阅1、建立jason目录把jas7.tar.bzz 解压tar -xvjf jas7.tar.bzz2、将jas7——data——jason70——license中的license.dat编辑。

3、将运行uname -a 察看本机名。


或者修改主机名#hostname [主机名]修改/etc/sysconfig/network中的hostnameNETWORKING=yesHOSTNAME=主机名修改/etc/hosts文件#vi /dev/hosts4、在root用户修改网卡物理地址/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down/sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 0014224C8BFA/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up并把它加到/etc/rc.local5、运行jgsetup——选16、设置环境C Shell or TCSH shell:setenv JASROOT /your/root/pathin his or her .cshrc file and relogging.Korn Shell, Born Shell, and BASHFor a user of Korn Shell (csh) (or Born Shell (sh)or Bourne Again Shell (bash) )export JASROOT =/your/root/pathin his or her .profile, .bash_rc, or .bash_profile fileand relogging. These files are in your home directory and canonly be seen by typing: ls -la[地震勘探] Linux下Jason的安装!(1) 先安装Linux系统!(2) 添加帐号:user:jason pwd:jason123(3) 建立一个安装目录:jason70(4) 将jason的介质,如jas7.tar.bzz 拷入该目录,并解压(先试试右键解压行不行,或试试:tar -xvjf jas7.tar.bzz)(5) 进入解压的目录,如jas7,将jas7—>data—>jason70—>license中的license.dat编辑(用命令:gedit license.dat&)(6) 在Linux中运行uname -a ,将下面一行文字中Linux后的一段文字(如:localhost localdomain)替换掉license.dat 中的SERVER后的第一个英文字。



jason地质统计学反演手册 StatMod MC入门手册Chapter 1. 工作流程……………………...5% ...….……………… ..15%..……………………..5%……………………...50%百分数表示每个步骤所用时间占整个项目时间的百分比……………………...10%….………………….15%Chapter 2.基本的输入输出数据输入数据地层网格模型岩石物理分析地质统计学参数地震数据测井曲线输出数据岩性实现属性实现岩性概率体Chapter 3. 详细操作步骤操作步骤以StatMod MC培训数据为例第一步.首先完成一个高质量的叠后CSSI反演这一步的目的是为地质统计学提供一个好的研究基础, 这个“好”主要体现在: (1) 好的井震标定, 目标区的相关值达到0.85以上;(2) 好的叠后反演结果, 用来质控地质统计学模拟和反演结果, 是地质统计学反演结果横向预测准确度的参照物;(3) 利用叠后反演结果进行砂体雕刻, 对目标区的岩性展布、比例有一个总体上正确的把握, 这些认识都是地质统计学的初始输入。

(说明:在提供的培训数据中已经为用户做了以上准备,用户可以从主界面中打开该培训数据所在工区, 然后用Map View看工区底图,用Section View查看地震数据、叠后CSSI反演数据、地质框架模型与层位数据以及井数据与子波 , 并用Well Editor检查井震标定情况)第二步. 数据准备●● 井曲线重采样这一步将测井数据重采样至地质微层采样间隔,具体操作为: (1) JGW主界面→ Analysis→ Processing toolkit;(2) Input→ Data selection→ Data type:选Well, 点击Input file(s)右边List 选择任意井(可以选多井),然后在弹出的界面Select logs中选择任意井曲线(可以多选),点击OK退出;(3) Parameters→ Resample log, 在弹出界面Processing toolkit中填写重采样间隔(注意s 与ms单位),点击OK退出;(4) Output→ Define process, 从Select from中选择Resample log, 点击››输入到右边的Process里面; (5) Output→ Generate, 在弹出的界面中填写输出路径和输出文件名,然后点击Generate,开始计算重采样的曲线。



JASON软件操作使用说明编写人:钮学民、徐美娥慎国强、孙振涛刘会芹特殊处理所JASON (5.0) 一.FileSelect project …Create project…Copy project …Exit二.ModelingLargo …正演及井校正EarthModel …地质框架模型Wavelets …子波VelMod …速度模型InverTrace …地震道反演ModTrace …RockTrace …弹性反演InverMod …储层精细描述StatMod …随机反演FunctionMod …Specials三.AnalysisVolume view and body checking …Section view and interpretation …Map view and calculation …Well log editing and seismic tie …Cross plots and histograms …Attribute extraction …Auto snapper …Graph view …Well log view …Stratigraphic anomaly checkerProcessing toolkit …Cross correlation …四.DatalinksLandmarkGeoQuestGeoshare half_link …Seismic/property dataHorizonsWellsWaveletsVelocity data …TablesCaltural data …Export for upscaling …Specials五.UtilitiesProject managementDowngrade (64 to 32 bit) …Downgrade (5.0 to 4.x) …Well upgrade (4.x to 5.0) …Project copy …Project parameters …Project coordinates …Project description …File manager …Horizon managementMerge data files …Inquire data files …Downscale utility …Create/Edit Tables …Data attributes editor …File Manager …Specials→JGW←→ASCII 六.SystemSubmit a software change request …Show system load/disk usage …Unix terminal window …Inspect current license features …Show batch queue …Show postscript printer queue …Screen snapping tools …Screendump …XV …Hints and tips …Netscale navigator一、File菜单:Select project:选择工区,必须是已经建好的工区,或重新恢复的工区。



JASON (5.2)应用指南地震数据加载3D 道头 2D 道头21 32 CDP number 21 32 CDP number13 32 line number 400 bytes line name73 32 X 73 32 X77 32 Y 77 32 Y109 32 first sample time 109 32 first sample time一、3D 磁盘文件加载(*.sgy):Datalinks → Seismic/Property data → SEG-Y → Disk SEG-Y Import …1、 Parameters …1) Create/edit SEG-Y format definition …→Definition name → Standard disk SEG-YSEG-Y dimension → 3DSEG-Y disk mode → CQuick verify settings →File name → List … → 选 SEG- Y 文件显示3200字节卷头显示240字节道头找到道头中的关键字节的位置,然后填写有关字节的位置:CDP → CDP ensemble number (offset 21) → 21Line number → Specify trace header position below → 221X coordinate → Source X-coornate (offset 73) → 73Y coordinate → Source Y -coornate (offset 73) → 77XY unit → Manual override → m……2) Select / edit transport parameters …(1) Segy format 在 list 中点按 (2) Time → us(3) Time gate1500 --- 3500 ms( 4) Time of first sample 0 ms(5) 3D(6) → 选 test.sgy 文件(7)点按 →Standard disk SEGYEdi t unit … Add … Test.sgy Edit … Show EBCDIC header … Show binary header …Survey nameTrace selectionLines Start End IncrementCDP‘s Start End IncrementScaling : No scaling( 8) JGW file 在 list 中键入 JGW 内部文件名(9) Model type(10) UnitOk3 ) Desired JGW format As SEGY8 bits16 bits ✓32 bitsFloating point4) Existing files Overwrite ✓Append and overwrite overlapAppend and don‘t overwrite overla p5) Existing XY coordinates Do not read new XY coordinatesAppend and overwrite overlap ✓Append and don‘t overwrite overlap2、Transport → Import selected files (即全部输入)3、 File → Save and Exit(自动生成三维工区平面图和地震数据文件 seis.mod )二、2D 磁盘文件 (.sgy) 加载: (道头最好记录 CDP. X. Y…等信息)1、Parameters …(1) Select / edit transport parameters …步骤 1) 2) 3) 4) 同前5) 2D 2D lines6) → 选多个 *.sgy 文件给 line name5) 一个个点亮 → → CDP‘s -- Ok注意:2D 工区,如果道头没记 X.Y :!! 道头有X.Y ,加载省事,自动生成平面图和地震数据文件 seis.mod 。

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前言JASON地学综合研究平台(JASON GEOSCIENCE WORKBENCH)为用户提供的跨越地震、地质、测井资料的综合分析研究工具,它可满足油气勘探开发不同阶段对储层的油气藏定量研究的需求。




主要模块及功能如下:Enviaonment-Plus 运行环境及分析工具数据输入与输出(地震segy格式、测井las格式和层位ASCII格式)各种数据,各种方式的显示(井、层位、地震等的2D/3D显示)合成记录标定2D/3D解释(地震体与属性体解释)交会图/直方图分析三维立体显示与三维(地质/储集)体自动解释沿层、层间属性提取、沿层属性切片层位数据计算(平滑、加/减、拟合等)地层异常检测处理工具包(重采样、滤波、互相关等)等值线Wavelets 子波估算用多种技术估算地震子波(无井估算地震子波、单井或多井估算地震子波等)空变子波理论子波估算子波的振幅谱与相位谱计算平均子波VelMod 速度建模建立三维速度模型(用均方根速度,逐层的层速度编辑与平滑)时深转换,深时转换提供阻抗的低频模型EarthModel 地质框架模型构建以层为基础的地层框架模型生成以地层框架模型为基础的测井曲线内插模型提供用于地震反演的低频模型InverTrace 地震反演的储层与油气藏描述提供可靠的地震反演声阻抗数据体在地震反演声阻抗数据体上解释,可提高解释的精度和可靠性预测产层有效厚度和平均孔隙度InverMod 基于测井的精细储层油气藏描述StatMod 地质统计随机模拟与随机反演生成既满足测井资料和地质统计,又满足地震资料的储层/油气藏模型更准确地估算各种参数的不确定性,提供参数模拟的可靠性评定地质统计分析(直方图[油气藏参数的空间分布规律],变差图[油气藏参数的空间相关性])各种随机模拟与随机反演的算法:1.Sequential Gaussian Simulation (序贯高斯模拟)SGS2.Sequential Gaussian Collocated Co-simulation (序贯高斯配置协模拟) SGCCS3.Sequential Gaussian Co-simulation (序贯高斯协模拟) SGCS4.Sequential Indicator Simulation (序贯指示模拟,岩性模拟)SIS5. Lithology masks (遮挡岩性指示模拟)6.Sequential Indicator Simulation with a trend (带趋势的序贯指示模拟)SIS with trend7.Stochastic inversion (随机反演)8.Kriging/.CokrigingFunctionMod 数据分析变换工具Largo 测井曲线计算、正演与分析工具帮助用户分析测井曲线提供弹性反演所必须的横波测井资料提供利用测銰曲线判别流体的可靠准则RockTrace 弹性反演JASON (5.2)应用指南一、地震数据加载:3D道头 2D道头21 32 CDP number 21 32 CDP number13 32 line number 400 bytes line name73 32 X 73 32 X77 32 Y 77 32 Y109 32 first sample time 109 32 first sample time(一)3D磁盘文件加载(*.sgy):Datalinks → Seismic/Property data → SEG-Y → Disk SEG-Y Import …1、Parameters …1) Create/edit SEG-Y format definition …→Definition name →Standard disk SEG-YSEG-Y dimension → 3DSEG-Y disk mode → CQuick verify settings →File name → List …→选 SEG- Y 文件显示3200字节卷头显示240字节道头找到道头中的关键字节的位置,然后填写有关字节的位置:CDP →CDP ensemble number (offset 21) → 21Line number→ Specify trace header position below→ 221X coordinate → Source X-coornate (offset 73) → 73Y coordinate → Source Y -coornate (offset 73) → 77XY unit → Manual override → m……2) Select / edit transport parameters …(1) Segy format 在 list 中点按 (2) → us(3) Time gate1500 --- 3500 ms( 4) Time of first sample 0 ms(5) 3D→ 选 test.sgy 文件(7)点按→Survey name Trace selectionCDP’s在 list 中键入 内部文件名(10) UnitOk✓Floating pointOverwrite ✓pAppend and overwrite overlap ✓Append and don’t overwrite overlap2、Transport →Import selected files (即全部输入)3、 File → Save and Exit(自动生成三维工区平面图和地震数据文件seis.mod )(二)2D 磁盘文件(.sgy) 加载: (道头最好记录 CDP. X. Y…等信息)1、Parameters … (1) Select / edit transport parameters …步骤 1) 2) 3) 4) 同前5) 2D 2D lines → 选多个 *.sgy 文件给5) 一个个点亮 →--注意:2D 工区,如果道头没记 X.Y :!! 道头有X.Y ,加载省事,自动生成平面图和地震数据文件 seis.mod 。

1)首先加→ seis.mod2)Utilities → Project management ⇐ Project coordinates …Edit → Edit X Y coordinates …→ 任选一线(2) Interpolate from corners→ 输入坐标(3)(1)(2) (3) 反复做,把所有的测线坐标输入进去。

(4)File → Save and Exit二、井数据加载(一)加载井曲线与井位(逐口井分别输入):1、LAS 格式或ASCII 文件:ASCII 文件 w01.asc2、Datalinks → Wells → Well log import (las,ASCII)…(1)Input → Set template file …→ 选井曲线数据文件 → Ok(2) Input → Select files…→ 选井曲线数据文件 → Ok(3)Edit → Edit template …注意深度单位注意未定义数值的表示形式)注意深度单位Manual注意深度单位 Manual可以看文件头的内容f)逐列编辑选一个typelog → Edit header …Ctrl + 选另一个 Type → 选另一个 log → Edit header…注意:1) Depth: Ttack mode → Track only2) 其他曲线 :Track mode → log only3) 注意单位(4) Edit → OverwriteAppend and don’t overwrite overlap(5) Transport → Import selected wells …a) 任选一行b) Edit …→中键入井名X coord(补心海拔高与地震基准面海拔值的高差)( Datum 给零值,通过时深 tops 确定 Datum )Okd) Ok(6) File → Save and Exit (一定要先存,后退出)3、显示井位:Analysis → Map view and calculations …在 Map view 窗口检查井位Input → Wells → Use Time as Vertical axis? (no) (用深度域显示)→ 选 *.wll → Ok(二)斜井轨迹加载:(在4.x 版本中,斜井的深度必须用TVD)1、> vi deviate.datσx. σy 为相对井口的坐标位移)步骤与前相同,至少三行数据。

2、注意:1) 井曲线要与目的层位相交2) 井曲线加载后再加井轨迹 (直井就不用加井轨迹)3) 先在深度域显示井位.井轨迹和井曲线(检查)深度域剖面显示:Applications → Display & Editors→ section visualization and interpretation …Input → Vertical gate …→ Depth …→ 选深度范围Input → Wells …→ no → 选深度域井文件→ 选井曲线Display track Display tops(三)井分层数据与时深关系的加载:1、 > vi well.top (多井自由格式)注意:1) 注意单位: depth : m time : s2) Top name 与层名 (horizon name)要一致2、Datalinks → Wells → Well tops import (ASCII) …(1) Input → ASCII well tops file …→ 选 tops 文件(2) Input →Parameters …→空白 “ ” “ “ ‘ ‘给 top name 所在列数给 well name 所在列数给 time 所在列数时间单位Import depth values给depth 所在列数深度单位→*.tpl6)Ok(3) Input →中修改井名.wll键入X .Y 坐标给零值(4) Existing files →✓(5) Transport→ Import3、在平面和剖面图窗口上显示深度域的tops (检查)4、File → Save and Exit(四)增加井曲线类型及其单位:Utilities → Project management → Project parameters …1、Edit → Type and units …Unit :或者 Data type :Unit :ν Lithologic data type :→Litho-type :Integer representation :……(例如 : sand 1, oil-sand 2, …)逐个键入,Ok2、File → Save and Exit增加的内容存在文件 usertypelist.txt 中6.0 版本:Edit user defined clases → Add clases →填写新的组分(clases)→ Edit user defined types → Add type → →填写新的数据类型(types ) →填写数据单位(units )→ 选择clases三、层位数据输入/输出(Horizon data Export & Import ):以 GeoQuest 为例。
