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1. guitar [ɡɪ'tɑːr] n.吉他

2. join [dʒɔɪn] v.参加;加入

3. dance [dɑːns] [dæns] v.跳舞;舞蹈

4. swim [swɪm] v.游泳

5. sing [sɪŋ]v.唱;唱歌

6. chess [tʃes] n.国际象棋

7. paint [peint][pent] v.画画

8. speak [spi:k][spik] v.说;说话

9. piano ['pjɑːnəʊ] n.钢琴

10. drum [drʌm] n.喇叭

11. violin [ˌvaɪə'lɪn] n.小提琴

12. or [ɔːr] conj.或者

13. musician [mju'zɪʃn] n.音乐家

14. show [ʃəʊ] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看

15.draw [drɔː]v.画

16.story ['stɔːri] 故事、事迹、小说

17.tell [tel] v.告诉;讲述

18.write [rait] v.书写

19.talk [tɔːk] 谈话、谈论

20.also ['ɔːlsəʊ] 也;亦;而且adv.

21.people ['piːpl]人;人民n.

22.center ['sɛntɚ]中央、中心

23.home [həʊm] adv.家

24.today [tə'deɪ] n.& adv.今天;今日

25.make [meik] 使、促使、迫使

26.weekend ['wiːkend]n.周末;星期六和星期日

27teach [tiːtʃ] 教、讲授

28 club [klʌb] 社团;俱乐部n.

29 show [ʃəʊ] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看Play the guitar

Join in+小规模的活动\ join+组织join in the game, join in the conversation

join the Party, join the army, join sb(宾格) in doing sth\in sth----join me/join us

Dance dances dancing danced

Swim swam swun swimming go swimming Play chess painting

Paint\draw区分:draw主要指用铅笔、钢笔、粉笔等画图、画画或画线(侧重线条)Paint指用颜料绘画,如水彩画、油画等(侧重着色)draw a picture 用线条画成的图Paint a picture 用颜料绘成的画

Speaks spoke spoken speak+宾语(某种语言)Speak to sb

Play the piano\ play the drums\ play the drum Play the violin musical 悦耳的,音乐的Music音乐show sth to sb / show sth for sb Show sb sth= show sth to sb

Tell a story stories Tell sb sth=tell sth to sb Tell from 区分,辨别

Write sb sth \ write to sb 写信给某人

Write with 用…写

Talk with sb 和谁交谈

talk about 谈论,谈到

Talk to sb 责备,与某人谈话

Talk of 谈及,谈到,浅谈表面现象

Talk over 商谈,说服,讨论,商量


As well as用作连词一般位于句中

She called on you as well as me.

as well常用于肯定句句尾He knows French, and he knows English as well.

People复数,people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国

At the center of 在..的中心(一点,焦点)In the center of 在…的中心(范围,一般指在…里面)

At home

1. Make sth/sb done 使某人/某事被

He tried to make his ideas known.

2. make sb do sth 使某人做某事

He made me repeat the story.

3. make sb sth/ make sth for sb 为某人做某事物

He made us coffee/ He made coffee for us.

At\on the weekend at\on weekends 在周末Teach sb sth teach sb to do sth

The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably. 纪律的目的是教育儿童举止得体。

Their daughter’s death had taught him humility.


1up [ʌp] prep.向上

2dressed [drest] adj.打扮好的;穿着衣服的动词dress的过去式和过去分词.

3brush [brʌʃ] v.刷


5usually ['juːʒuəli] adv.通常

6forty ['fɔːrti] num.四十

7never ['nevə(r)] adv.永不;绝不;从不;未曾

8early ['ɜːli] adv.早adj.早

9fifty ['fɪfti] num.五十

10job [dʒɑːb]n.工作;零工;任务;职位13o'clock(=of the clock) adv.…点钟(只用于正点)

14.station ['steɪʃn] n.电视台;车站

15.funny ['fʌni] adj奇怪的滑稽好笑的

16.exercise ['eksərsaɪz] v.n锻炼;练习

17.group [ɡruːp] n.组群

18.take a shower淋浴;洗澡

19.work [wɜːrk] n.& v.工作

20.teeth [tiːθ] n.(tooth的复数形式)牙齿

21.best [best] adj.& adv.(good, well的比较级) (地)

22.half [hɑːf] [hæf]一半,半数

23.past [pɑːst] [pæst]过去,往事

24.quarter ['kwɔːtə(r)] n.一刻钟;四分之一

25.homework ['həʊmwɜːk] n.家庭作业

26.run [rʌn] v 跑;奔27.walk [wɔːk]v. 行走;步行

28.clean [kliːn] v打扫;弄干净;adj干净的

29.quickly ['kwɪkli] adv很快的

30.either ['aɪðər] adv或者;也

31.lot lɒt] pron大量;许多

32.taste [teɪst] v.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味

33.life [laɪf] n.生活

1.train [treɪn]n. 火车

2.bus [bʌs]n.公交车


4.ride [raɪd] v骑n旅行rode.ridden

5.bike[baɪk]n. 自行车

6.sixty ['sɪksti]num. 六十

7.seventy ['sevnti]num.七十


9.ninety ['naɪnti]num. 九十

10.hundred ['hʌndrəd]num. 一百

11.far [fɑːr]adv. 很

12.minute ['mɪnɪt]n.分钟

13.kilometer ['kɪləˌmiːtə]n.公里

14.new [njuː]adj. 新的

15.every ['evri]adj. 每一个

16.by [baɪ]prep. 通过,被

17.drive [draɪv]v. 开车

18.live [lɪv]v. 活的,生动的


20.cross [krɔːs]v. 交叉

21.river ['rɪvə(r)]n. 河,江

22.many ['meni]adj.许多

23.village ['vɪlɪdʒ]n. 村庄,村民

24.between [bɪ'twiːn]prep.介于…之间

25.bridge [brɪdʒ]n. 桥

26.boat [bəʊt] n.小船

27.ropeway ['rəʊpweɪ]n.索道;空中缆索

28.year [jɪə(r)]n. 年;岁

29.afraid [ə'freɪd]v. 害怕;惧怕

30.like [laɪk]prep. 像;怎么样(介词)

31.leave [liːv]v. 离开left

32.dream [driːm]n&v. 梦想;睡梦
