



人文知识文学篇:1. Edmund Spencer 是英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的诗人,被誉为“诗人中的诗人”"Poet’s Poet",首创“斯宾塞诗体Spencerian Stanza” (a verse form consisting of eight iambic pentameter lines)。

杰出作品《仙后》(The Faerie Queene),被誉为文艺复兴时期“最杰出的史诗”。

2.乔纳森·斯威夫特Jonathan Swift: 18世纪英国爱尔兰讽刺小说和散文大家,用散文和小说两柄利器抨击英王朝的腐败、昏暗与罪恶。

作品:游记体讽刺小说Gulliver’s Travels、A Modest Proposal(谴责英国对爱尔兰人民的剥削和压迫)。

3. Francis Scott Fitzgerald,二十世纪美国小说家。


代表作品有:The Great Gatsby(他最有声誉的小说),This Side of Paradise,T ender Is the Night ,T ales of the Jazz Age4. Alliteration: 在头韵体诗歌里,一行里的几个单词以相同的辅音开头。

例如:might and main, saints and sinners 等。

英语解释:Alliteration is a rhetorical device. In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound.5.朗费罗Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,19世纪美国最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一。

他去世后英国的威斯敏斯特教堂的“诗人之角”Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey安放了他的半身像,是美国唯一获此殊荣的诗人。





一、文化艺术1. 中国传统文化:中国悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴是中华民族的瑰宝,包括中国儒家思想、道家思想、佛教文化、中国古代文学、绘画、书法以及传统音乐、舞蹈等。


2. 西方文化:西方文化源远流长,包括希腊罗马文化、基督教文化、文艺复兴运动、启蒙运动、现代主义艺术等。


3. 艺术形式与艺术家:艺术是人类精神的表达和创造,包括音乐、绘画、雕塑、建筑、文学等艺术形式。


二、历史1. 世界古代史:古代文明的兴衰是人类社会发展的缩影,从埃及、希腊、罗马到中国、印度等,每个古代文明都有其独特的历史背景和文化特点。


2. 中国近现代史:中国的近现代史经历了清朝的衰落、封建社会的瓦解、列强入侵、辛亥革命、抗日战争、解放战争和新中国的建立等重大事件。


3. 世界现代史:20世纪是世界历史上变革最为剧烈的时期,包括两次世界大战、冷战、殖民地解放、科技革命等重大事件。


三、哲学思想1. 中国哲学思想:中国哲学思想独具特色,包括儒家思想、道家思想、墨家思想、法家思想、名家思想等。


2. 西方哲学思想:西方哲学思想源远流长,包括柏拉图主义、亚里士多德主义、康德哲学、黑格尔哲学、存在主义等。



英国文学~《贝奥武甫》(The story of Beowulf)代表着古英语的最高成就,是英国文学中现存的最古老的头韵史诗(alliterative epic),是一首异教诗(pagan poem),展现了部落社会(tribal society)的景象威廉.朗格拉(William Langland)主要描写下层人民生活,《耕者皮尔斯》(Piers the Plowman)--与《坎特伯雷故事集》并称为早期英国文学的两大巨作杰弗里.乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)被誉为;“英国诗歌之父”(the father of English Poetry)“英国小说之父”(th father of English Fiction)《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)--未完成,只有24个故事托马斯.怀亚特(Thomas Wyatt)他是第一个将十四行诗(sonnet)引进英国文学的人.埃德蒙.斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)被誉为“诗人中的诗人”(The poets’poet),并有“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)的称号《牧羊人日记》(The Shepherd's Calendar)《新婚喜歌》(Epithalamion)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)--开创了“斯宾塞诗体”(Spenserian Stanza)托马斯.莫尔(Thomas More)《乌托邦》(Utopia)--为其代表作弗朗西斯.培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)--是英国文学史上第一部散文题材作品。


里斯托夫.马洛(Chriistopher Marlowe)马洛是莎士比亚之前最伟大的剧作家,是“大学才子派”(University wits),他首创戏剧的创作手法“无韵诗”(blank verse),他的作品为莎士比亚的戏剧铺平了道路。



TEM8 人文知识文学部分●测试要求:能初步具备英语文学知识。

●考点:重要作家、作品、流派、文学类型、年份●分值:3分Quiz1. George Bernard Shaw was a(n)__A. playwrightB. poetC. novelistD. essayist2. John Galsworthy was most famous for___.A. Heart of DarknessB. UlyssesC. The Forsyte SagaD. A Passage to India3. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by___.A. Henry JamesB. O. HenryC. Harriet Beecher StowerD. Mark Twain4. Which of the following was written by Thoreau?A. NatureB. Walde nC. The Scarlet LetterD. The Fall of the House of Usher5. The book that gives a fairly accurate picture of southern plantation life is __.A. An American TragedyB. The Call of the WildC. Uncle Tom’s CabinD. A Hazard of New Fortunes6. Which of the following is NOT the Noble Prize winner?A. Ernest HemingwayB. Eugene O’NeilC. William FaulknerD. F. Scott Fitzgerald7. What flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?A. NovelB. DramaC. EssayD. Poetry8. Which of the following is the novel by Jane Austen?A. FrankensteinB. Sense and SensibilityC. Kuba KhanD. Don Juan9. Which is William Thackeray’s masterpiece?A. The VirginiansB. V anity FairC. The Book of SnobsD. The News Comes10. Which of the following writers was NOT associated with modernism?A. D.H. LawrenceB. E. M. ForsterC. Charles DickensD. Virginia Woolf(1—5:A C D B C 6-10: D B B B C)Basic Literary Genre●Poem●drama●Essay●Fiction●Short storyPoemA. Narrative:●RomanceRomance: It is a literary genre popular in the Middle Ages(5th century to 15th century), dealing, in verse or prose, with legendary, supernatural, or amorous(恋爱的)subjects and characters.The tern was applied to tales specifically concerned with knights, chivalry, and courtly love. Popular subjects for romances included the Macedonian King Alexander the Great, King Arthur of Britain and the Knights of the Round Table. Later prose and verse narrative, particularly those in the 19th-century romantic tradition, are also referred to as romances; set in distant or mythological places and times, like most romances they stress adventure and supernatural elements.●Ballads(民歌,歌谣):three eight-line stanzas with a concluding stanza of four liens called an envoy(结尾)●Epic: (Homer,荷马)Iliad ,Odyssey,BeowulfEpic: It is, originally, an oral long narrative poem, majestic both in theme and style.Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance,involving action of broad sweep and grandeur. Most epics deal with the exploits of a single individual, thereby giving unity to the composition. Typically, an epic includes several features: the introduction of supernatural forces that shape the action; conflict in the form of battles or other physical combat; the stylistic conventions such as an invocation (祈祷)to the Muse, a formal statement of the theme, long Lists of the protagonists involved, and set speeches couched in elevated language. Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history. The characteristics of the hero of an epic are national rather than individual. At other times epic may synthesize the ideals ofa great religious or cultural movement. The Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante expresses thefaith of medieval Christianity. The Faerie Queene by the English poet Edmund Spenser represents the spirit of the Renaissance in England and like Paradise Lost by John Milton, represents the ideals of Christian humanism.B. Lyric:●Sonnet,Sonnet: It is a lyric poem of 14 lines with a formal rhyme scheme, expressing different aspects of a single thought, mood, or feeling, sometimes resolved or summed up in the last lines of the poem.Two main forms of the sonnet are:The Petrarchan, or Italian (8+6):octave+sestetE.g. Elizabeth Browning: Sonnets from the PortugueseThe English, or Shakesperean(4+4+4+2: three quatrains +one couplet(Robert Browning: Ulysses, written in the form of dramatic monologue)Spenserian Stanza: In The Faerie Queene, Spenser, a poet in the 16th century, originated a nine-line verse stanza, now known as the Spenserian stanza: the first eight lines are iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格), and the ninth, iambic hexameter (六步抑扬格).●ode(颂诗)Ode: It is a dignified and elaborately structured lyric poem praising and glorifying an individual, commemorating an event, or describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally. Odes originally songs performed to the accompaniment of a musical instrument.Eg.Percy B. Shelly: Ode to the West WindJohn Keats: Ode to a Nightgale(夜莺颂)Ode on Melancholy (忧郁颂),Ode on a Grecian Urn (希腊古瓮颂)●elegy (挽歌)●Elegy: It is, originally in classical Greek and Roman literature, a poem composed ofcouplets. Classical elegies addressed various subjects, including love, lamentation, and politics, and were characterized by their metric form. The best elegy in English is Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, written by Thomas Gray, which treats not just a single death but the human condition as well. The most famous example of the pastoral elegy is Lycidas, by the English poet John Milton.●Free Verse(不受格律约束的)自由诗体A type of poetry that deliberately seeks to free itself from the restriction imposed bytraditionally fixed conventions of meter, rhyme, and stanza. Free verse is now often poetry in open forms.E.g. Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass●Blank Verse无韵诗,素体诗(不押韵的五音步诗行)Blank verse is a type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter●Dramatic IronyThe reader’s awareness of a discrepancy (difference) between a character’s perception of his or her own situation or activities, or of their consequences and the true nature of that situation or those consequences. E.g. It is frequently employed in Shakespeare’s many plays such as The Merchant of V enice, Macbeth and so on.A Brief Survey of British Literature●I.Old and Medieval English Literature(5th-14th Century)●II. The Renaissance Period (14th- mid-17th)●III. The Neoclassical Period(mid-17th-18th century)●IV. The Romantic Period (1798-1832)●V. The Victorian Period (1837-1901)●VI. The Modern Period (late 19th C---)I. Old and Medieval English Literature(5th-14th Century)A. The historical backgroundSince the historical times England where the early inhabitants were Celts has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the English, and the Normans. And of the three it was only the English conquest that had lasting effects.(1) In 43 A.D. the Romans landed in Britain, and ruled England for almost 4 centuries, but the Celts still kept their own language, custom and religion.(2)When the Roman Empire declined and its troops left England, the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded the island from Northern Europe around the fifth century. They drove the native Celts away from England into Wales, Scotland, and even into Ireland across the sea. The three tribes gradually settled down and mixed into a whole people called English.(3) In 1066, the Normans conquered England.B. Important writers and worksEnglish Epic:BeowulfGeoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400): The Canterbury Tales(The first Realistic writer, father of English poetry, Master of the English language)II. The Renaissance Period (14th- mid-17th)●It first started in Florence and Venice of Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture andarchitecture. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe.●The word “Renaissance”, which means rebirth or revival, is usually regarded as the result of a newemphasis upon the newly discovered Greek and Roman classics and the combination or comprise of a newly interpreted Christian tradition and an ardently admired tradition of pagan classical culture. The essence of the Renaissance is Humanism.●Renaissance, therefore, is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholarsmade attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to lift the restriction in all areas placed by the Roman Catholic church authorities.Important writers and works●Thomas More( 1478-1535): Utopia 《乌托邦》●Edmund Spenser (1552-1599): The Faerie Queen《仙后》;The Shepherd Calendar《牧羊人日志》●Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593): Edward II,Dr. Faustus,Tamburlaine 《帖木耳大帝》,The Jew of Malta,The Passionate Shepherd to His Love●William Shakespeare (1564-1616): History plays, comedy, tragedy, romantic tragicomediesThe greatest four tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, MacbethComedies: The Comedy of Errors,Love’s Labour’s Lost,As You like It,Twelfth Night,The Merchant of Venice,The Merry Wives of Windsor,Much Ado About Nothing●Ben Jonson : The Alchemist《炼金术士》●Francis Bacon: Essays●John Donne: (the representative of the metaphysics of the 17th century) The Elegies and SatiresJohn Milton: Paradise Lost,Paradise Regain,Samson Agonistes●John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress 《天路历程》III. The Neoclassical Period(mid-17th-18th century)The eighteenth-century England is also, better, known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement going on throughout Europe at the time. The Enlightenment celebrated reason (rationality),equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themselves and their societyLiterature of the Period:●Neoclassical poetry and prose ( the last decades of the 17th to the early decades of the 18th century) ●The rise and flourish of modern realistic novel in the middle years of the 18th century●Gothic novel and the sentimental and pre-romantic poetry and fiction in the last decades of the18th century.Important writers and works●Alexander Pope (1688-1744): An Essay on Criticism;Odyssey;The Rape of the Lock●Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): Robinson Crusoe●Samuel Richardson (1689-1761): Pamela●Henry Fielding (father of the English novel): The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling●Samuel Johnson: A Dictionary of the English Language●Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal●Gulliver’s Travels: a satire on the 18th-century English society. It includes four parts: Lilliput (小人国), Brobdingnag (巨人国),flying Island of Laputa, Houyhnhnms (horses with reasons)●Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard《墓园挽歌》IV. The Romantic Period (1798-1832)●English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death.●The Romantic period is an age of poetry. In the preface to the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth defines poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.”Important poets & poems of the period●Robert Burns(1759-1796) (famous for his poems written in Scots):My Heart’s in the Highland;A Red, Red Rose●William Blake (1757-1827):Song of Experience;Song of InnocenceLake PoetsWilliam Wordsworth (1770-1850):Lyrical Ballads,(worshipper of nature) My Heart Leaps Up,The Prelude 《序曲》,To the Cuckoo●Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834): Kubla Khan《忽必烈汗》;The Fall of theBastille●Robert Southey : John of Arc《圣女贞德》Byron, Shelley, and Keats●George Gordon Byron (1788-1824): Cain,Don Juan,Oriental Tales《东方叙事诗》●Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822):Ode to a Skylark《云雀颂》Ode to the West Wind,Prometheus Unbound《解放的普罗米修斯》●John Keats(1795-1821):Ode on a Grecian Um,Ode to AutumnOde to Nightingale●Mary Shelly: Frankenstein 《科学怪人》其他:●Jane Austen ( 1775-1817):Emma,Mansfield Park,Pride and Prejudice,Sense and Sensibility,Northanger Abbey,Persuasion●Sir Walter Scott: historical novelsV. The Victorian Period (1837-1901)By this time, romanticism gradually gave way to realism, and the novel gradually became the dominant form of literature.●Two Poets:●Alfred Tennyson: Idylls of the King《国王之歌》●Robert Browning: famous for his dramatic monologueThe Seraphim and other poems《天使及其他》, The Ring and the Book《戒指与书》(his masterpiece)Important writers and works●Charles Dickens (1812-1870): A Tale of Two Cities,David Copperfield,Great Expectations,Oliver Twist,Hard Times,The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》,Bleak House 《荒凉之屋》●William Thackeray(1811-1863): Vanity Fair《名利场》●Thomas Hardy(1840-1928): Far From the Madding CrownJude the Obscure 《无名的裘德》Tess of the D’UrbervillesThe Mayor of CasterbridgeThe Return of the NativeUnder the Greenwood Tree 《绿荫下》●Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)(put forward aestheticism : art for art’s sake):The Picture of Dorain GrayAn Ideal HusbandA Woman of No Importance●Robert Louis Stevenson: Treasure IslandWomen Writers: Bronte Sisters and George Eliot●Charlotte Bronte: Jane EyreProfessorShirley●Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights●Anne Bronte: Agnes Grey●George Eliot:Middlemarch,The Mill on the Floss,Silas Marner 《职工马南传》VI. The Modern Period (late 19th C---)Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the idea of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself.(1)Modernism marks a strong and conscious break with the past.(2)Modernism emphasizes on the need to move away from the public to the private, from the objectiveto the subjective.(3)Modernism upholds a new view of time by emphasizing the psychic time over the chronologicalone.(4)Modernism is a reaction against realism. The works can be labeled as anti-novel, anti-poetry, oranti-drama.Famous Irish Authors(1)George Bernald Shaw (1856-1950):He is considered as the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare. Some of his plays can be termed as problem plays. He got Nobel Prize in 1925.Major Barbara 《芭芭拉少校》Mrs. Warren’s ProfessionWidowers’ HousesPygmalion《皮格马力翁》Man and Superman, Arms and ManThe Apple CartThe Devil’s Disciple(2)William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)(got Noble Prize in 1923):The Land of Heart’s Desire(3)James Joyce (1882-1941): (famous fo r his “stream of consciousness)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManDublinersUlyssesFinnegans WakeOther Important Writers●Virginia Woolf (1882-1941): Mrs. Dalloway,To the LighthouseThe Waves 《海浪》● D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930): Lady Chatterley’s LoversSons and Lovers,The Rainbow,The White Peacock,Women in Love●T.S.Eliot(1888-1965) (got Noble Prize in 1948 for his poem Four Quartets. Poet, dramatist &Critic.): Murder in the CathedralThe Waste LandOn Poetry & PoetsThe Use of Poetry●Joseph Conrad: Heart of DarknessLord Jim● E.M.Foster: A Passage to IndiaA Room with a View●John Galsworthy: (got Noble Prize in 1932): The Forsyte Saga《福塞特家史》A Modern ComedyTo LetOther Noble Prize winners:●Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot (1969)●Rudyard Kipling: the first English author to be awarded the Noble Prize for literature in 1907.●W.B. Yeats (1923)A Brief Survey of American LiteratureOutline:●The Literature around the Independence Revolution (mid-17th-18th Century)●American Romanticism (1810-1865)●American Realism (1865-1910)●American Naturalism●American Modernism(1912--)●African American Writers●American DramaI. The Literature around the Independence Revolution (mid-17th-18th Century)●Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): The AutobiographyPoor Richard’s Almanac●Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): third president of the U.S. (1801-1809), author of The Declarationof Independence. (the 2nd president of the U.S. is John Adams)●Philip Freneau: poet of the American RevolutionII. American Romanticism (1810-1865)American Romanticism was also called American Renaissance. It was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. For romantics, the feelings, the intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense. They emphasized individualism, placing the individual against the group.1. Early Romantic Writers●Washington Irving (1783-1859): Rip V an WinkleThe Legend of Sleepy HollowThe Sketch Book《见闻札记》●James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851): The Last of the Mohicans《最后的莫希干人》The Deerslayer《杀鹿者》The Prairie《大草原》边疆小说:The Pioneers《拓荒者》Leatherstocking Tales2. New England TranscendentalismIn 1836, Ralph Waldo Emerson published a little book called Nature. “The Universe is composed of Nature and the Soul,”it says. “Spirit is present everywhere.”Nature’s voice pushed American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism, the summit of American Romanticism.Transcendentalism(1)philosophical definition: The recognition of man’s obt aining (attaining) knowledge by transcendingthe reach of the senses/independent of senses, emphasizing intuition.(2) A literary movementa. emphasize spirit, or the Oversoul (超灵)as the most important thing in the universe.b. stress the importance of i ndividual, regarding the individual is divine.c. offer a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. This in turn added to thetradition of literary symbolism in American literature.Two Great Transcendentalists●Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882):Nature: the manifesto of American transcendentalismThe American Scholar: America’s Declaration of Intellectual IndependenceSelf-RelianceDivinity School AddressThe Transcendentalist●Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862): Walden 《瓦尔登湖》Civil Disobedience●(Louisa May Alcott : Little Women)3. Late Romantic Writers●Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864): The Scarlet LetterThe Hose of the Seven GablesThe Marble FaunMosses from an Old Manse《古屋青苔》●Herman Melville (1819-1891): Moby Dick;Typee●Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849): (father of the American detective stories)The Fall of the House of Usher;Poems: The Raven; To Helen4. Famous poets●Walt Whitman (1819-1892): Leaves of GrassSong of Myself●Emily Dickinson(1830-1886): I Heard a Fly Buzz When I DiedBecause I Could Not Stop for DeathMy Life Closed Twice before its CloseI Died for BeautyIII. American Realism (1865-1910)Major features of Realism:●Straightforward or matter-of-fact matter●Focus on commonness of the lives of the common people●Objective rather than idealistic view of human nature●Present moral visionsImportant writers and works●Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896): Uncle Tom’s Cabin●Mark Twain (1835-1910):local colorist (Hemingway once said, “All great American literature camefrom one book called The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”)The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Gilded AgeThe Prince and the PauperThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,The Innocence Abroad●Henry James (1843-1916): He is considered the founder of psychological realism, and focuses oninternational themes.The AmericanThe Portrait of a LadyThe AmbassadorsThe Wings of the DoveDaisy MillerThe Golden BowlThe BosoniansIV. American Naturalism●Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945): Sister CarrieJennie GerhardtAn American Tragedy (his greatest work)●Stephen Crane (1871-1900): The Red Badge of CourageMaggie: A Girl of the Streets●Henry: the father of American short stories: Cabbages and Kings 《白菜与国王》Road of Destiny 《命运之路》The Cop and the AnthemThe Gift of the MagiA Service of Love《爱的牺牲》●Jack London: The Call of the WildThe Son of the WolfThe Sea-wolfWhite FangMartin EdenIV. American Modernism (1912--)1. Modern Poetry●Ezra Pound (1885-1972): In a Station of the MetroPisan Cantos《比萨诗章》●Robert Frost (1874-1963): His poetry focused on the landscape and people in New England.New Hampshire,Mending Wall,After Apple-picking,The Death of the Hired Man,The Road Not Taken●T.S. Eliot2. Modern Fiction●Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961): spokesman of the Lost GenerationA Farewell to ArmsFor Whom the Bell TollsThe Sun Also Rises (1925)The Old Man and the SeaDeath in the Afternoon● F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940): the literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.The Great GatsbyTender is the NightTales of the Jazz AgeThe Side of ParadiseThe Last Tycoon●William Faulkner: The Sound and the FuryLight in AugustAbsalom, AbsalomGo Down, Moses●John Steinbeck: The Grapes of WrathThe Pearl●John Dos Passos: U.S.A TrilogyMinor Writers●Sinclair Lewis(1885-1951): the first American writer to get Noble Prize for literatureMain StreetBaddit●J.D. Salinger: (1919--): The Catcher in the Rye 《麦田的守望者》●Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997): Howl●Saul Bellow: (Jewish writer, got Nobel prize in 1976) Seize the Day●Joseph Heller: Catch-22●Jack Kerouac (1922-1969): On the Road《在路上》African American Writers●(1940s) Richard Wright:Native Son,Black Boy●(1950s) Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man●James Baldwin:Go Tell It on the Mountain (1954)●Alex Haley: Roots (1976)●Alice Walker: The Color Purple●Toni Morrison:( the first African American woman to get Nobel Prize in 1993)The Bluest Eye,BelovedSong of SolomonParadiseJazzAmerican Drama●Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953):美国戏剧之父The greatest American dramatist, and got PulitzerPrize for 4 times, and the Nobel Prize in 1936.Beyond the Horizon《天边外》(成名作)Emperor JonesAll the God’s Children Got WingsDesire Under the ElmsThe Iceman Cometh●Arthur Miller (1915--): Death of a SalesmanNoble Prize Winners●Sinclair Lewis (1930)●Eugene O’Neill (1936): Beyond the Horizon●T.S. Eliot (1948)●William Faulkner (1949)●Ernest Hemingway (1954)●John Steinbeck (1963): The Grapes of Wrath●Toni Morrison (1993)。


10、Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,feminism小说创作的代表: Mrs. Dalloway,《达罗卫夫人》、To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》、The Waves《海浪》;
11、E.M.Forster: 《通往印度之路》
12、George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳:Widowers' Houses《鳏夫的房产》,Heartbreak House《伤心之家》,Mrs. Warren's Profession《华伦夫人的职业》
4、Ballads 民谣:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》。
三、 The Renaissance文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪)
1、 Thomas More托马斯·莫尔: Utopia《乌托邦》
2、 Thomas Wyatt 最先将sonnet引入英国文学。
2、 Coleridge柯勒律治:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《古舟子咏》Christabel《克里斯特贝尔》, Kubla Khan《忽必烈汗》
3、 Southey骚赛:桂冠诗人;
4、 George Gordon Byron乔治·戈登·拜伦: Don Juan《唐璜》
悲观时期: David Copperfield《董贝父子》,David Copperfield《大卫科波菲尔》
后期:Bleak House《荒凉山庄》,Hard Times《艰难时世》A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》,Great Expectations《远大前程》
14、Thackeray萨克雷:Vanity Fair《名利场》
2、Yeats叶芝:爱尔兰使人 《芦苇的风》《库尔的野天鹅》《驶向拜占庭》。


Harper lee To Kill a Mockingbird
Sinchlair Lewis Main Street
Jack London The Call of the Wild, Martin Eden
Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead
Ralph Ellison Invisible Man
William Faulkner Go Down, Moses, The Sound and the Fury
F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby
Alex Haley Roots
Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter
《Canon In D》帕海贝尔
《小百合》(《云之彼端 约定的地方》中的曲子)
《Ave Maria圣母颂》舒伯特
John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin
William Styron Sophie’s Choice
Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca
George Eliot Middlemarch
E.M.FGorster Howards End, A Passage to India



专八必背人文知识1. A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens.2. Phonology: The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation. 音位学; 在语言或一门语言中,对有关其分类和模式以及为大家所默认的发音规则的研究音韵学, 音系学3. Syntax: The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences. 句法,研究词或其它句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科4. Semantics: The study or science of meaning in language forms.语义学,以语言形式表示意思的研究或科学5. acronym : 首字母组合词,首字母缩略词,比如,NATO, UNESCO, BASIC,它们可以连拼,但VOA是 Initialism。

6. Metonymy: A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. 换喻或转喻,一种,一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美==或用剑代替军事力量,对面来了三个“红领巾”也是,以红领巾指代少先队员。




2、阿尔弗雷德大帝Alfred the Great :英国散文之父Father of English Prose二、中古英语时期的英国文学1、暗讽体allegory非常盛行:这是一种源于希腊文的修辞法,意为"换个方式的说法".它是一种形象的描述,具有双重性,表层含义与真正意味的是两回事.2、Romance 开始上升到一定的高度3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士S ir Gawain and the Green Knight:反映了骑士制度chivalry的理想,是中世纪封建贵族文化的精髓。

4、威廉·兰格伦Willian Langlaud :著有《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》Piers Plowman5、乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer:坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体) The Canterbury Tales 。


他也因此被誉为“英国诗歌之父”Father of English poetry。

6、托马斯.马洛礼Sir Thomas Malory 《亚瑟王之死》The Death of King Arthur三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪)1、托马斯.莫尔Sir Thomas More :《乌托邦》Utopia2、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯·怀特和 Henry Howard亨利·霍华德把十四行诗sonnet引入英国3、菲利普·锡德尼Philips Sidney:著有《诗辩》The defense of Poesie,这是伊丽莎白时代文学批评的最佳之作;《阿卡迪亚》Arcadia 描述田园生活,为现代长篇小说的先驱4、斯宾塞Edmund Spenser :《仙后》The Faerie Queene。



专八人文知识一、概况1. 英国:①国旗:Union Jack,国歌:Godsave the queen,首都:伦敦②爱丁堡:苏格兰首府,Cardiff:威尔士首府,Belfast:北爱尔兰首府,英联邦成立于1931年,共53个成员国。

③英格兰脊梁:the Pennine Chain,最高峰:Ben Nevis,最重要的河:Thames river,第一大河:Severn river④英国政治:议会君主制,君主仅是国家首脑,真正的权利在首相(Prime Minister)及其内阁(cabinet)手中。

议会(Parliament)是立法机构,包括女王、上院(house of lords)、下院(house of commons)(权利真正来源)。

司法(judiciary)⑤党派:保守党(来源托利党)和工党(来源辉格党)2. 美国:①国旗:stars and stripes,国歌:the star-spangled banner星条旗永不落,国庆:7月4日,首都:华盛顿②北美脊梁:Rocky Mountains,五大湖(在美国和加拿大中间):Lake Michigan/Superior/Erie/Huron/Ontario, 其中Lake Michigan是唯一一个全在美国的湖,Lake Ontario 和Lake Erie 之间有Niagara Falls,father of waters: the Mississippi River③纽约被称为“the Big Apple”,洛杉矶:有好莱坞,芝加哥:又名“the windy city”,旧金山:UN诞生地(1945年),波士顿:很多著名大学所在地④著名总统:Thomas Jefferson:撰写独立宣言,Abraham Lincoln:内战时期任职,废除奴隶制,解放妇女等,Roosevelt在经济大萧条时新政,Nixon:冷战及越南战争(楚门条约)⑤1812年,美国彻底摆脱英国控制。







III、这部分在我看来是最容易拿分的,复习的时候只要将sytax, semantics, pragmatics,等概念弄清楚,把Chomski和另外有名的语言学家对应的理论记一下就可。



希望对赴考途中的朋友们有所帮助!人文知识总结,希望在临考前有最好的冲刺状态.加油!美国概况:1.The traditional dividing line in America between " east" and " west" is The Mississippi River.2.The traditional dividing line in America between "South " and "North" is The Missouri River.3.The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain.4.Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is Africa Americans .5.America has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party.6.The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by The World War 2.7.In the United States, primary education requires6 years.8.Most college students in the United States are in public institutions.9.The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are the United States District Courts; the United States Courts of Appeal ; the United States Supreme Court.10.Louisana (which state ) is not governed by the common law.11.Of the fifty states of America, 38 states now have the death penalty as punishment.12.The four major regions of the United Sates are Northeast, South, Mid-west, West.13.The New England (Northeast)region’s culture character was shaped largely by Puritan spirit.14.California is the largest state in terms of size and population in America.15."Hollywood"is often used as a synonym for American film.16.The north-eastern part of the United States ――New England enjoys a Typical Continental climate.17.Detroit, a U.S. city bordering Lake Erie, is famous for its Automobile industry.18.The natives of the continent of the America are the Indians.19.New York is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.20.Washington D.C. is named after both George Washington and Christopher Columbus.21.American and British English are two varieties of the English language.22.The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was Abraham Lincon.23.Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is Rohode Island.24.The number of the Representatives (众议院)from each American state depends on the population.25.The statue of liberty was given to American people by French as a gift in 1884.26.John Fitzgerald Kennedy is 35th president.27.In 1837, the first college-level institution for women , Mount Holyoke Female Seminary ,opened in Massachusetts to serve the “ Muslim sex”.28.The capital of Massachusetts is Boston.29.Seattle is Washington’s largest city.30.Washington D.C., the capital of U.S. is situated on the Potomac River banks.31.When did the American Civil War break out? 1861.32.In which day is Halloween celebrated? 31 October.33.The founding fathers of the American Republic :George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin.34.The New Deal was started by Franklin Roosevelt.35.The United States was rated 4 in the world in terms of land areas.36.The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by boards of education.37.The Bill of Rights consists of 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791 .38.The United States produces as much as much as half of the world’s soybeans and corn.39.Televison invention marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”.40.The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from John Locke.41.The District of Manhattan is in the city of New York.42.The seats in the Senate(参议院) are allocated to different states equality (have two seats).43.The Rocky Mountains is located in the Northwest of America,44.Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to Los Angles.45.Newsweek is American newspaper, The Guardian , The Daily Telegraph is England, The International Herald Tribune is French.46.The U.S. is called a “melting pot” because people from different races live there together .47.The first Puritans came to America on the ship May Flower.48.Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have given their life for country.(阵亡将士纪念日)49.“Trick or Treat” is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated Halloween.50.The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated with Easter,are considered to present fertility and new life.51.The world-famous Havard University is in Massachusetts (Cambridge).52.Broadway (百老汇) is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment.53.Yellowstone National Park (黄石国家公园), Grand Canyon(大峡谷), St. Patrick’s Cathedral(圣派翠克大教堂) are the tourist attraction in the United States.54.Ronald Reagan was an actor before he became the President.55.New Englanders were originally known as Yankees, which come to stand for all Americans.56.On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in New York, which housed the government then.57.Henry Fond was the first man to mass production.The Fall Line瀑布线:A point where water-falls or rapids suddenly drop from a higher level to the lower one.瀑布线指的是瀑布急速地从高处向低处流泻的点。



西班牙文学1.中世纪文学:la Edad Media(1)现存第一步保存最完整的西班牙语文学作品:熙德之歌Cantar deMío Cid (2)Juan Manuel 代表作:散文集El conde Lucanor(3)西班牙文艺复兴之杰作:小说La celestina,作者Fernando de Rojas.标志着中世纪结束,文艺复兴开始。

2.黄金时代el siglo de oro (1550-1681)(1)文艺复兴时期:época renacentista①Poesía:代表作家Garcilaso de la Vega, 代表作:Soneto, Bucólica②流浪汉小说novela picaresca:西班牙特有的一种文学体裁,代表作:Vida deLazarillo de Tormes 《小癞子》原名《托美思河的小拉萨罗》③神秘文学literatura mística:西班牙特有的一种文学题材,分散文和诗歌两种形式:·散文prosa:代表作家:Santa Teresa de Jesús,代表作Castillo Interior心灵楼阁或寓所·诗歌:代表作家San Juan de la Cruz, 代表作Cántico espiritual心灵颂歌④戏剧teatro:代表作家Lope de Vega西班牙文学“三巨头”之一, 代表作Fuenteovejuna羊泉村⑤长篇小说novelas largas 代表作家Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,代表作ElIngenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha西班牙文学“三巨头”之一(2)巴洛克时期época barroca①Poesía:·Luis de Góngora代表作Soledades孤独西班牙文学“三巨头”之一·Francisco de Ouevedo,代表作Sue ños梦②teatro·Pedro Calderón de La Barca 代表作La vida es sueño·Tirso de Molina, 代表作El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra 其作品中为世界文学贡献了一个经典文学形象:Don Juan3.十八世纪文学siglo XVIII戏剧为主: Laendro Fernández de Moratín 代表作El café4.十九世纪文学siglo XIX(1)L a primera mitad de siglo literatura romántica上半叶·Mariano José de Larra,笔名;Fíjato,代表作El Doncel de don Enrique el Doliente,Macías.·José de Espronceda 代表作诗歌canción del pirata·gustavo adolfo bécquer代表作诗歌Rimas·Rosalía de Castro 代表作诗歌Cantares gallegos, Fallas nuevas, En las orillas del Sar(2)L a segunda mitad de siglo literatura下半叶①Novelas realisticas 现实主义小说·Juan Valera 代表作Pepita Jimenéz·Benito Pérez Galdós 代表作历史小说Episodios nacionales, 、el 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo·Leopaldo Alas 笔名Clarín 代表作Adiós, cordera. 、La regenta·Pedro Antonio de Aalarcón 代表作El sombrero de tres picos②戏剧③José Echgaray y Eizaguirre 诺贝尔1904,代表作El gran galeoto5.二十世纪文学sigl XX(1)“98”一代generalcion del 98--1898①诗歌:Antonio Machado, 代表作Soledades、El campo de Castilla②小说Pio Baloja 代表作El arbol de la ciencia、la lucha por la vida、zalacaín elaventurero③戏剧Jacinto Benavente 1922诺贝尔,Los intereses creados④哲学Miguel de Unamuno代表作El sentido de la vida humana⑤Valle Inclán⑥Azorín(2)“14”一代generalcion del 14---1914Juan Ramon Jimenéz 1956诺贝尔,代表作Platero y yo(3)“27”一代generalcion del 27---1927Federico Garcia Lorca ,代表作诗歌Romancero gitano 戏剧Boda de sangreDámaso Alonso 代表作hijos de la iraVicente Aleixandre 代表作1977诺贝尔La destruccion o el amor、sombra del paraisoLuis CernudaPedro SalinasRafael AlbertiJorge Guillén(4)流亡文学Literatura en el exilioRamon Jose Sender 代表作En la vida de Ignacio Llorel戏剧家alejandro alonso戏剧家小说家Max Aub(5) 战后文学posguerra及现当代文学卡米洛·侯赛·塞拉Camilo José Cela代表作《帕斯瓜尔·杜阿尔特一家(La familia de Pascual Duarte)》米盖尔·德里维斯Miguel Delibes代表作《与马里奥在一起的五个小时》卡门·拉弗雷特Carmen Laforet代表作《一无所获(nada)》安娜·玛丽娅·马图特Ana María Matute代表作《初忆》爱德华多·门多萨Eduardo Mendoza代表作《萨沃达案件的真相》.胡安·侯赛·米亚斯Juan José Millás代表作《你错乱的名字》20世纪60年代后文学1962 Luis Martin Santos 代表作Tiempo de Silencia揭开了文学革新的序幕70年代,“实验文学”诞生,Germán Sánchez Espeso 代表作Narciso80年代,Antonio Muñoz Molina 代表作el invierno de lisboa90年代后,小说多以反映当代社会问题为主,女性文学也掀起高潮西班牙三大文学奖:Premio Miguel de CervantesPremio Nacional de LiteraturaPremio Planeta世界最高文学奖Premio Nobel拉美文学1.古代文学:土著民族文化:阿兹特克和玛雅创造了文字(印加无文字);古印第安文学自然淳朴,形式多样,包括神话、传说、史诗、抒情诗、戏剧等。




奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)以他的诙谐短诗著称。

An epigram is a brief,clever,an usually memorable statement现实主义(Realism):现实主义指艺术或文学中客观地将事物、行为或社会状况按照现实的本来情况进行表述,而不是用抽象的或者理想化的形式来表现。

Realism sought to portray familiar characters,situations,and settings in a realistic manner.This was done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail.(二)名家名作查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812-1870)狄更斯是19世纪最伟大的小说家,批判现实主义的杰出代表。





Sketches by Boz《波兹特写》Pickwick Papers《匹克威克外传》Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》-----小说中的奥利弗(Oliver)是狄更斯笔下的第一儿童形象。

The Old Curiosity Shop《老古玩店》在中期作品中,狄更斯对社会的乐观态度开始改变。

David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》-----全书采用第一人称叙事语气,其中融进了坐着本人的许多生活经历。



专八人文知识(文学常识)英美文学知识练习1.Beowulf is considered as the greatest epic in ________.A.Anglo-Saxon timesB.The Roman OccupationC.The Middle AgesD.The renaissance2. _______ is considered as “the Father of English Poetry”.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. William ShakespeareC. John MiltonD. Edmund Spenser3. Which of the following is Not an author of the English Renaissance?A. Sir Thomas MoreB. Christopher MarloweC. Francis BaconD. Geoffrey Chaucer4. Which of the following is Not considered as one of Shakespeare?s four greatest tragedies?A. HamletB. Romeo and JulietC. King LearD. Macbeth5. Portia is the famous character in Shakespeare?s play_______.A. HamletB. Merchant of VeniceC. The TempestD. Othello 6.John Milton?s works included all the followingexcept_________.A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. The Pilgrim?s Progress7. During 1711-1712 Richard Steelecollaborated with ____ in publishing the daily paper The Spectator.A. Joseph AddisonB. Alexander PopeC. Samuel JohnsonD. John Dryden8. Which of the following is notconsidered as a so-called sentimentalistof 18th century?A. Thomas GrayB. John KeatsC. Oliver GoldsmithD. Laurence Sterne9. _____ is considered as the firstEnglish psycho-analytical novel.A. Pamela by Samuel RichardsonB. The Vicar of Wakefield by OliverGoldsmithC. Daniel Defoe?s Robinson CrusoeD. Jonathon Swift?s Gulliver’s Travels10. Which of the following is not a novelby Henry Fielding?A. Jonathan WildB. Tom JonesC. Joseph AndrewsD. Don Quixote11. …To be or not to be, that is a question?is a famous line from the soliloquy of __________.A. HamletB. King LearC. MacbethD. Shylock12. Songs of Innocence is a collection oflyric poems composed by __________.A. Robert FrostB. Mrs. BrowningC. William BlakeD. Charles Swinburne13. The poem Auld Lang Syne, now theuniversal parting-song of the English-speaking peoples, was occupied by _________.A. Alfred TennysonB. William BlakeC. William WordsworthD. Robert Burns14. The preface to the “Lyrical Ballads”served as the manifesto of the English ________ Movement in poetry.A. RomanticB. ClassicC. RealisticD. Modernistic15. The following poets except _____ haveoften been mentioned as the “Lake Poets”.A. William WordsworthB. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. Robert SoutheyD. Percy Bysshe Shelley16. Don Juan is the masterpiece of_________.A. Percy Bysshe ShelleyB. George Gordon ByronC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. John Milton17. “If winter comes, can Spring be farbehind?” is a world-famous line from “Ode to the West Wind” composed by _________.A. George Gordon ByronB. Percy Bysshe ShelleyC. John KeatsD. Emily Dickinson18. “Beauty is truth, truth is beauty”is afamous line from “Ode on a Grecian Urn” by_________.A. George Gordon ByronB. Percy Bysshe ShelleyC. John KeatsD. William Wordsworth19. 《萨克逊劫后英雄略》is a Chinesetranslation of the English novel ______.A. Walter Scott?s IvanhoeB. Daniel Defoe?s Robinson, CrusoeC. Jonathon Swift?s Gulliver’s TravelsD. Charles Di ckens?s The PickwickPapers20. Which of the following novels is notwritten by Charles Dickens?A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. Oliver TwistC. David CopperfieldD. Rob Roy21.Vanity Fair is the great masterpiece of ___________.A. Charles DickensB. Elizabeth Cleghorn GaskellC. William Makepeace ThackerayD. George Eliot22. Which of the following novels is notwritten by Jane Austin?A. Sense and SensibilityB. Pride and PrejudiceC. Mansfield ParkD. The Mill on the Floss23. Wuthering Heights is the masterpieceof the English woman writer_________.A. Charlotte Bront.B. Emily BrontC. Anne BrontD. George Eliot24. The Seven Lamps of Architecture isone of the major works concerning art criticism written by the famous prose-writer of Victorian England _____.A. Matthew ArnoldB. Thomas CarlyleC. John RuskinD. Thomas Babington Macaulay25. School for Scandal is the masterpieceof the most important 18th century English dramatist_______.A. Richard Brinsley SheridanB. Charles LambC. William ShakespeareD. Oscar Wilde26. Treasure Island is a romance writtenby_________.A. Rudyard KiplingB. Robert Louis StevensonC. Joseph ConradD. Herbert George Wells27. William Butler Yeats is a well-knownIrish _________.A. NovelistB. PoetC. PlaywrightD. Essayist28. “Art for Art?s sake” is a theoryadvanced by _____.A. Henry JamesB. Oscar WildC. Samuel ButlerD. George Mereditn29. Thomas Hardy wrote the followingnovels except_________.A. Tess of the D?UrbervillesB. Jude the ObscureC. Far from the Madding CrowdD. The Way of All Flesh30. The Forsyte Saga, the first triology ofthe 20th century English critical realist John Galsworthy, consists of the following except________.A. The Man of PropertyB. In ChanceryC. To LetD. The White Monkey31. Which of the following plays is notwritten by Bernard Shaw?A. Major BarbaraB. Mrs. Warren?s ProfessionC. The Silver BoxD. Heartbreak House32. The Waste Land is the masterpiece of the poet_______.A.Thomas Stearns EliotB.Hilda DoolittleC.William Butler YeatsD.Walt Whitman33. The founder of the …Stream of consciousness?school of novel writing James Joyce?s major works contains the following except_____-.A.UlyssesB.Finnegans WakeC.Mrs DallowayD.Four Quartets34. Lady Chatterley?s Lover is a famous novel written by _______.A.David Herbert LawrenceB.Virginia WoolfC.William Somerset MaughamD.Katherine Mansfield35. Thomas Paine was one of these political pamphleteers and the mostpersuasive rhetorician for the cause of independence. He wrote the following woks except______./doc/e15807751.html,mon SenseB.The Rights of ManC.The Age of ReasonD.Poor Richard?s Almanac36. The Song of Hiawatha, the first American epic in Blank verse about the American Indians is composed by _____.A.William Cullen BryantB.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowC.William WordsworthD.Washington Irving37. The author of The Leatherstocking Tales is ______.A.James Fenimore CooperB.Edgar Allan PoeC.Jack LondonD.Nathaniel Hawthorne38. Rip Van Winkle and the The Legend of Sleepy Hollow are the most outstanding ofthe stories that _____ wrote.A.Washington IrvingB.James Fenimore Cooper/doc/e15807751.html,wrence SterneD.Oliver Goldsmith39. Nature,which has been called “the manifesto of American transcendentalism”was written by ____.A.Thomas PaineB.Henry David ThoreauC.Nathaniel HawthorneD.Ralph Waldo Emerson40. Walden; or, Life in the Woods is a recording of life and meditation of ___ when living alone in Walden Pond.A.Ralph Waldo EmersonB.Nathaniel HawthorneC. Henry David ThoreauD. William Wordsworth41. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque was written by___, who has been regarded as the father of modern short story.A.Henry David ThoreauB.Nathaniel HawthorneC.Edgar Allan PoeD.Washington Irving42. Leaves of Grass, which ran nine editions with more than 400 poems all written in fee verse form, is the great masterpiece of ____.A.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowB.Walt WhitmanC.William Butler YeatsD.Emily Elizabeth Dickinson44. The most important book written by Herman Melville is ____.A.TypeeB.Moby DickC.PierreD.The Prairies45. Known as O. Henry, ___ was one of the most prolific modern American short story writers and wrote about 300 shortstories, including the famous “The Copand the Anthem”, The Four Million, and so on.A. William Sidney PorterB. Katherine Anne PorterC. William Dean HowellsD. Sherwood Anderson46. ______ has been called th e first of the “Modern psychological novelists,”and “a realist of the inner life”. And he wrote such great novels as The Ambassadors, The Turn of the Screw, The Wings of the Dove, The Golden Bowl, and The Portrait of a Lady.A. Earnest HemingwayB. William Guthbert FaulknerC. William JamesD. Henry James47. Mark Twain is the penname of ______.A. Samuel Langhorne ClemensB. William Sidney PorterC. Sherwood AndersonD. Sarah Orne Jewtt48.Which of the following is not written by Mark Twain?A. Innocents AbroadB. The Gilded AgeC. Tom SawyerD. The American49. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches is the best collection of tales written by ______.A. HemingwayB. Hanmlin GarlandC. Francis Bret HarteD. Harriet Beecher Stowe50. Uncle T om?s Cabin is a great masterpiece written by which of the following women writers___?A. Kate ChopinB. Mary E. Wilkings FreemC. Alice BrownD. Harriet Beecher Sowe51. The most famous book written by Stephen Crane about the American CivilWar is ____.A. The Red Badge of CourageB. Maggie, A Girl of the StreetsC. George?s MotherD. The Third Violet52. “The Trilogy of Desire”by Theodors Dreiser includes the following except___.A. The FinancierB. The StoicC. The TitanD. Sister Carrie53. The trilogy “Epic of the Wheat”written by Frank Norris includes the following but________.A. The OctopusB. The PitC. The WolfD. Mcteague54. Jack London wrote the following works except ___.A. The People of the AbyssB. The Sea WolfC. The American TragedyD. Martin Eden55. Cathay, a collection of translation of Chinese poems, was done by the American poet_______.A. Ezra PondB. Emily DickinsonC. Wallace StevensD.E.R. Robinson56. Which of the following is not a work of T. S. Eliot?A. The Waste LandB. The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockC. Murder in the CathedralD. Don Juan57. Which of the following is not a representative of the so-called Chicago poets in the 1920s and 1930s America? A. Vachel LindsayB.Edgar Lee MastersC. Carl SandburgD. Kenneth Koch58. In the later 1950s and the whole 1960s Beat Poet ______ made his voice heard asthe poet laureate of the Beat Generation.A. Allan GinsbergB. Robert Penn WarrenC. Robert LowellD. Charles Olson59. Earnest Hemingway, generally regarded as spokesman for the Lost Generation, wrote the following novels except____.A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. The old man and the sea.D. This Side of Paradise60. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, known as the “Roaring 20s”, and “Jazz Age”, wrote the following but____.A. For whom the Bell TollsB. The Beautiful and DamnedC. The Great GatsbyD. Tender Is the Night61. ____, the first American writer to receive the Nobel Prize for literature, is theauthor of Babbit and Main Street.A. Earnest HemingwayB. Sinclair LewisC. John SteinbeckD. Gertrude Stein62. ____ is usually considered as the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. The Grapes of WrathB. The PearlC. East of EdenD. Moon is Down63. The Catcher in the Rye is the first and only novel written by_____.A. Truman CapoteB. Jerome David SalingerC. James ThurberD. John Updike64. The Female Man, a significant feministic achievement in literature, was written by woman writer____.A. Joyce Carol OatesB. Katherine Anne Poeter。



An Outline of British Literary HistoryEarly and Medieval English Literature1. Beowulf, epic in old Briton2. Romance3. Ballads4. Geoffrey Chaucer, the founder of English poetry, “The Canterbury Tales”The English Renaissance (16th—first half of 17th)1. Characteristic of Renaissance: 1) a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature; 2) keen interest in the activities of humanity (humanism)2. Thomas More, the greatest of the English humanists, “Utopia”3. Poets in this period: (The sonnet, an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter intricately rhymed, was introduced to England from Italy by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard)① Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86), love sonnets: “Astrophel and Stella”② W alter Raleigh (1552-1618), “Discovery of Guiana”③ Edmund Spenser (1552-99), “The Shepherd’s Calendar” (a pastoral poem in 12 books); “The Faerie Queene” (his masterpiece dedicated to Queen Elizabeth). He is the first master to make Modern English the natural music of his poetic effusions.④ John Lyly (1554-1606), a romance writer for the gentle reader, “Euphues”4. Prose Writer: Francis Bacon (1561-1626), “Essays” (58 ones). It covers a wide variety of subjects, such as love, truth, friendship, parents and children, beauty, studies, riches, youth and age, garden, death, and many others. They have won popularity for their precision, clearness, brevity and force.5. Drama (the highest glory of English Renaissance)① university wits: Lyly, Peele, Marlowe, Greene, Lodge and Nash. They made rapid progress in dramatic technique because they had a close contact with the actors and audience.② Christopher Marlowe (1564-93): 1) Tamburlaine; 2) The Jew of Malta;3) Doctor Faustus③ Ben Jonson (1572-1637): 1) Every man in His Humor; 2) Volpone, or the Fox”; 3) The Alchemist;④ William ShakespeareFour Tragedies: 1) Hamlet 2) Othello 3) King Lear 4) MacbethCelebrated comedies: 1) The Merchant of Venice 2) The Taming of the Shrew 3) A Midsum mer Night’s Dream 4) All’s Well That Ends Well other celebrated ones: 1) Titus Andronicus 2) Romeo and Juliet 3) Henry V 4) Twelfth Night 5) Julius Caesar 6) Timon of Athens 7) The Tempest 8) Antony and CleopatraThe Neoclassical Period1. John Milton (1608-1674): 1) Paradise Lost 2) Paradise Regained 3) Samson Agonistes2. John Bunyan (1628-1688): The Pilgrim’s Progress3. Metaphysical Poets (mysticism in content and fantasticality in form): 1) John Donne (1572-1631), the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry. 2) George Herbert (1593-1633), “the saint of the Metaphysical school”, sings the glory of God 3) Andrew Maevell, a Puritan4. John Dryen (1631-1700): 1) All for Love (a tragedy) 2) An Essay of dramatic Poesy (It established his position as the leading critic of the day.)5. Richard Steele (1672-1729), a representative of the Enlightenment in English literature, the founder of “The Tatler” (a newspaper)6. Joseph Addison (1672-1719), another representative of theEnli ghtenment in English literature, the founder of “The Spectator” (a daily paper)7. Alexander Pope (1688-1744), the most important poet and classicist in the first half of the 18th century. 1) Essay on Criticism (didactic poem in heroic couplets) 2) The Rape of the Lock 3) Pope’s Homer (his translation of “Illiad” and half of “Odyssey” in heroic couplets)8. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745): Gulliver’s Travels9. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): 1) Robinson Crusoe 2) Captain Singleton 3) Moll Flanders 4) Colonel Jacque10. Samuel Richardson (1680-1761): Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded11. Henry Fielding (1707-1754): 1) Tom Jones 2) Joseph Andrews12. Tobias Smollett (1721-1771): Roderick Random13. Laurence Sterne (1713-1768): 1) Tristram Shandy 2) A Sentimental Journey14. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816), a playwright: The School for Scandal15. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), a lexicographer critic and poet: Dictionary16. Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774): The Vicar of Wakefield17. Edward Gibbon, historian: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire一、殖民地时期的美国文学1、约翰史密斯:美国文学的第一个作家,《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》;2、纳撒尼尔沃德:《北美的阿格瓦姆鞋匠》,北美讽刺文学第一笔;3、威廉布拉德福德:美国历史之父,《普利茅斯种植园史》4、安妮、布拉德斯特利特《第十个缪斯》5、迈克尔威格尔斯沃斯6、爱德华泰勒长诗《上帝对其选民有影响的决定》7、乔纳森爱德华兹:大觉醒运动中主要的思想家;二、南北战争时期的美国文学1、富兰克林2、托马斯、潘恩:《长诗》3、托马斯、杰弗逊:《独立宣言》4、约翰、伍尔曼:《日记》5、飞利浦、弗瑞诺:美国独立革命的诗人6、飞利浦、惠特利:美国文学史上第一位出版诗集的黑人女诗人,了不起的诗才之称,《胡塞先生和棺木》;7、威廉、邓拉普:美国戏剧之父8、华盛顿、欧文:美国文学之父,《见闻札记》《睡古传说》《温克尔》9、詹姆斯菲尼莫尔库珀:《开拓者》《最后一个莫干希人》《探路人》10、威廉、布莱恩特:美国的华兹华斯,《诗选》《黄色的紫罗兰》《致水鸟》11、爱伦、坡:侦探小说的鼻祖,《厄舍古厦的倒塌》《乌鸦》12、艾默生:超验主义,13、大卫梭罗14、亨利、费朗罗:《伊凡吉林》歌颂爱情;《海华沙之歌》第一部描写印第安人的史诗;15、纳撒尼尔、霍桑:《范肖》《带七个尖角阁的房子》《福谷传奇》以第一人称叙述;16、麦尔维尔17、斯托夫人的代表作《汤姆叔叔的小屋》18、惠特曼:free verse;草叶集;三、第一次世界大战时期的美国文学1、豪威尔斯是美国现实主义文学的奠基人,其代表作诗《塞拉斯拉帕姆的发迹》;2、亨利、詹姆斯:《黛西米勒》;《贵妇人的画像》《美国人》3、马克吐温4、赫姆林加兰:加兰是“乡土文学作家”的重要代表,《大路》,80年代美国的真实写照;5、弗兰克诺里斯:开创自然主义的先河,代表作《章鱼》;6、欧亨利:美国现代短篇小说的创始人;7、杰克伦敦:自然主义,《马丁伊登》自传体小说8、西奥多、德莱赛:美国现代小说的先驱,20世纪美国文学中第一位杰出的作家;《嘉莉妹妹》,《欲望三部曲》:《金融家》《巨人》《斯多葛》;9、艾米丽迪金森:现代英美诗歌的先驱;四、一战到二战时期的美国文学1、罗伯特弗罗斯特:四次获得普利策奖2、庞德:印象派诗歌运动的主要力量;3、爱德华、肯明斯:视觉诗歌的创始人;4、尤金、奥尼尔:《天边外》早起作品;《送冰人来了》;《长夜漫漫路迢迢》,1936年获得诺贝尔文学奖;5、辛克莱、刘易斯:1930年获得诺贝尔文学奖;第一个获得该奖项的美国作家,《大街》《巴比特》6、海明威:7、菲茨杰拉德:《人间天堂》《了不起的盖茨比》《夜色温柔》8、赛珍珠:《大地》1938年美国历史上第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的女性作家;9、《约翰、斯坦贝克:20世纪美国文坛最重要的作家之一,1962年获得诺贝尔文学奖;《天堂的牧场》《煎饼坪》《愤怒的葡萄》《月落》《烦躁的冬天》10、福克纳:《喧哗与骚动》《寓言》获得普利策奖;最重要的作品三部曲:《村子》《小镇》《大宅》11、兰斯顿休斯:哈莱姆的桂冠诗人五、二战以后的美国文学1、杰克、开鲁亚克:垮掉的一代,《在路上》2、塞林格:垮掉的一代的重要作家,《麦田的守望者》3、纳博科夫:《洛丽塔》4、约瑟夫、海勒:《第22条军规》5、库特、冯尼格:黑色幽默手法;6、威廉、斯泰轮:《苏菲的选择》7、辛格:美国犹太作家,1978年诺贝尔文学奖《路柏林的魔术师》8、索尔、贝娄:1976年诺贝尔文学奖;《晃来晃去的人》9、菲利普、罗斯:《美国牧歌》,获普利策奖;10、托尼、莫里森:1993年获得诺贝尔,第一位美国黑人作家;《最蓝的眼睛》《所罗门之歌》11、田纳西、威廉斯:《欲望号街车》《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》12、阿瑟、米勒:《推销员之死》首都命名为华盛顿是为了纪念美国的第一任总统乔治•华盛顿,而联邦直辖区命名为哥伦比亚特区是为了纪念第一位从欧洲横渡大西洋到达西半球的探险家克里斯多拂•哥伦布。











美国又称为Uncle Sam(1961年美国国会正式承认),国花为玫瑰Rose。


New England:6州,美国政治、经济、文化的发源地。




2最小的是罗德岛州有布朗大学3新罕布什尔州–是美国大选的第一个州4新英格兰人又称为yankees.the Middle Atlantic States: 7州、最重要的为纽约州、宾州、新泽西州和马里兰州。





英语专业八级考试人文知识Introduction:The English Major Level 8 Examination, also known as the TEM-8, is a crucial test for English language learners, especially for those majoring in English. Besides language proficiency, one essential aspect of this examination is the knowledge of humanities. In this article, we will explore various topics related to humanities that are frequently tested in the TEM-8.I. Literature:A. Literary Movements:Literary movements encompass various styles and trends that emerged throughout history. Understanding these movements is vital for comprehending literary texts and analyzing their themes, techniques, and societal implications. Some significant literary movements include:1. Romanticism: Originating in the late 18th century, Romanticism emphasized individualism, emotions, and nature. Poets such as William Wordsworth and Lord Byron were key figures in this movement.2. Realism: Arising in the mid-19th century, Realism focused on portraying everyday life, often addressing social issues. Famous Realist authors include Leo Tolstoy and Gustave Flaubert.3. Modernism: Emerging in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Modernism rejected traditional forms and experimented with new narrative techniques. Prominent Modernist writers are T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf.B. Literary Devices:Literary devices are tools employed by writers to enhance the meaning and impact of their works. Familiarity with these devices is necessary to analyze and interpret literary texts. Some common literary devices are:1. Metaphor: A figure of speech that compares two unrelated things, highlighting their similarities.Example: "Life is a journey."2. Symbolism: The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities beyond their literal meaning.Example: In "The Great Gatsby," the green light symbolizes Jay Gatsby's aspirations and dreams.3. Irony: A literary technique that conveys a meaning opposite to what is expected.Example: In Orwell's "Animal Farm," the pigs proclaim the equality of all animals while subjugating them.II. Art and Architecture:A. Art Movements:Art movements reflect changing trends and styles in visual art. Recognizing various art movements helps interpret artworks and understand their historical and cultural contexts. Some notable art movements include:1. Renaissance: This period, spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, witnessed a renewed interest in classical art and literature. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo thrived during this time.2. Impressionism: Originating in the 19th century, Impressionism focused on capturing a moment's fleeting impression through light and color. Claude Monet and Edgar Degas were prominent Impressionist painters.3. Cubism: Developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in the early 20th century, Cubism presented objects from multiple viewpoints, fragmenting and reassembling them in abstract forms.B. Architectural Styles:Architecture reflects the cultural, social, and historical background of a society. Familiarity with different architectural styles aids in understanding their purpose and significance. Some well-known architectural styles include:1. Gothic Architecture: Prominent in medieval Europe, Gothic architecture is characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and intricate details found in cathedrals such as Notre-Dame in Paris.2. Renaissance Architecture: Inspired by ancient Greek and Roman styles, Renaissance architecture is characterized by symmetry, harmonious proportions, and domes. Examples include St. Peter's Basilica and the Florence Cathedral.3. Modernist Architecture: Appearing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Modernism emphasized functionality, simplicity, and the use of new materials such as glass and steel. Architects like Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe were prominent figures in this movement.III. Philosophy:Philosophy encompasses the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and more. Some influential philosophers and their areas of focus are:1. René Descartes: Descartes delved into epistemology and metaphysics, famously stating, "I think, therefore I am."2. Immanuel Kant: Kant explored ethics and developed the categorical imperative, emphasizing moral duties based on reason.3. Friedrich Nietzsche: Nietzsche questioned traditional values and morality, advocating for the affirmation of life and the individual's pursuit of power.Conclusion:Having a solid understanding of humanities is crucial for success in the English Major Level 8 Examination. Literature, art, architecture, and philosophy are all integral aspects of humanities, and familiarity with their various elements and movements allows for a comprehensive understanding of English literature and culture. By delving into these topics, English majors can enhance their knowledge and appreciation of the humanities, ultimately improving their performance in the TEM-8.。



专业英语八级人文知识第一篇:专业英语八级人文知识英国文学一、古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066)1、贝奥武夫2、阿尔弗雷德大帝:英国散文之父二、中古英语时期的英国文学1、allegory体非常盛行2、Romance开始上升到一定的高度3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士4、Willian Langlaud 《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》5、乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体)6、托马斯.马洛礼《亚瑟王之死》三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪)1、托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》2、Thomas Wyatt 和 Henry Howard引入sonnet3、Philips Sidney 《The defense of Poesie》《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱4、斯宾塞《仙后》诗人中的诗人;斯宾塞体诗节;5、莎士比亚:长篇叙事诗:《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》、《露克丝受辱记》四大悲剧:哈姆雷特、李尔王、奥赛罗、麦克白7、本.琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》8、约翰.多恩“玄学派”诗歌创始人9、George Herbert 玄学派诗圣10、弗朗西斯.培根现代科学和唯物主义哲学创始人之一《Essays》英国发展史上的里程碑《学术的推进》和《新工具》四、启蒙时期(18世纪)1、约翰、弥尔顿:《失乐园》、《为英国人民争辩》2、约翰、班扬:《天路历程》religious allegory3、约翰、德莱顿:英国新古典主义的杰出代表、桂冠诗人;《论戏剧诗》4、亚历山大.蒲柏:英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表;英雄双韵体的使用达到登峰造极的使用;《田园组诗》是其最早田园诗歌代表作5、托马斯、格雷:感伤主义中墓园诗派的代表人物《墓园挽歌》6、威廉、布莱克:天真之歌、经验之歌;7、罗伯特、彭斯:苏格兰最杰出的农民诗人;8、Richard Steel和Joseph Addison合作创办《The tatler》和《the spectator》9、Samuel defoe 英国现实主义小说的奠基人之一;《鲁滨逊漂流记》;《铲除非国教徒的捷径》,仪表达自己的不满;10、Jonathan Swift 《一个小小的建议》;《格列佛游记》;《桶的故事》;11、Samuel Richardson 英国现代小说的创始人;帕米拉;克拉丽莎;查尔斯.格蓝迪森爵士的历史;12、Henry Fielding 英国现实主义小说理论的奠基人;《约瑟夫。



英国文学Part 1. Old and medievalBeowulf 贝尔武甫(the national epic of the English people) strickingfeature: alliteration, metaphors and understatements.William Langland威廉。

兰格伦Piers the Plowman耕者皮尔斯Geoffrey Chaucer 杰佛利·乔叟1340-1400 长诗:The House of Fame声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德小说:Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集----英国文学史上现实主义第一部杰作(他是最早有人文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人)his contribution to English poetry: introduced from france the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the heroic couplet), is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. Who making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.Part 2. The English renaissanceThomas More托马斯。

莫尔Utopia乌托帮Philip Sidney菲力普。

锡德尼Astrophel and Stella Apology for Poetry诗辩Edmond Spenser埃德蒙。

斯宾塞The Faerie Queene 仙后The Shepherds’s Calender 牧羊人日历Francis Bacon培根1561-1626 Advancement of Learning学术的进展;Novum Organum新工具;New Atlantic新大西岛;Essays论文集(Of Studies论学习;Of Wisdom for a Man’s Self)The founder of English materialist philosophyChristopher Marlowe克里斯托夫。

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