员工手册(英文版)-Employee Handbook(English)

Term over three year: probation period is six months.
3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release aEvaluation for QualifiedEmployees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.
3-4.3Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.
3-3Probation period试用期
3-6Personnel records个人档案
3-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.

员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment,attendance,Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations。

员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment,attendance,Leave &Holiday,code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations。
(员工手册)英文版的员工手册The Company Philosophy (3)I.The Company Mission (3)II.About the Handbook (4)III.EmploymentAppointment (5)Joining Formalities (5)Probationary Period (5)Work Schedule (6)Work Behavior (6)Performance Expectations (7)Performance Evaluation (7)Job Description (8)Roles Responsibilities (8)Promotions (8)Transfers (8)pensationPay (9)Pay Periods (9)Pay Mode (9)Compensatory and Overtime Pay (9)V.Attendance and LeavesAttendance (10)Timings (10)Holidays (10)Flexi – Hours (10)Leaves (11)VI.BenefitsCertification and Training expenses (12)Hospitalisation and Health Insurance (12)Tax Planning (12)VII.Work Place BasicsClean Work – Place (13)Confidentiality (13)Patents and Copyrights (13)Misconduct (13)Disciplinary Actions (13)Personal Appearance (13)Business Attire (13)Casual Attire (13)Inappropriate Attire (13)Personal Belongings (14)Smoking Policy (14)Equipment & Facilities (14)Parking (14)Telephone Use (14)Internet Use (14)municationBulletin Board (15)Instant Messenger (15)Web Mail (15)IX.GrievancesGrievances Handling (15)Process Improvement (15)Employee Suggestion Program (15)X!. Closing (16)About the Hand BookAs an employee of Halcyon Technologies, you have your own unique duties and responsibilities. This handbook is designed to assist the employees of Halcyon Technologies who are governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Company. It is to help you understand the system you work for by providing an overview of important rights, policies and benefits you have as an employee of Halcyon. Though this Handbook is not intended to cover all the policies and procedures in great detail. For more detailed questions, contact the HR Department.This handbook applies to all the employees who are in permanent, probationary and trainee appointments.Employment1)Appointment:Your appointment is based on your performance in therecruitment process of our Company. Your appointment is subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Appointment Letter given to you.You need to give your acceptance by signing and returning the duplicate copy of the Appointment Letter to the HR department. Your Signing the Appointment Letter implies that you agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Appointment Letter.2) Joining Formalities:At the time of joining, you will be given with a New EmployeeJoining Application, which you need to fill in completely and submit it to the HR Department. You are also requested to bring the following original certificates along with two sets of copies (A4 size only). These documents arealso essential to obtain a Visa when you may be required in the future to go abroad on business/ work. So it would be in your interest to ensure that they are all in place at the time of joining the organization.a)Signed Copy of Offer letter.b)Degree / Provisional / Course completion Certificate of all College /University qualifications.c)Mark sheets of all College / University qualifications (all semesters)d)Certificates & Mark sheets of 10th & 12th classese)3 passport size photographsf)Copy of your passport (if you don’t have a pass port, kindly apply forone immediately, since it would be to your advantage to have one atthe time of joining)g)Relieving letter (incase you are already employed)h)Latest Pay Slip/Form 16 (if already employed)i)Four wheeler driving license (if already obtained)All the above documents will be kept in Employee’s Permanent Personnel File along with the New Employee Joining Form.In addition to the above requirements you need to open a Salary Account withHDFC Bank for your Salary Credits. The Formalities to open an account can bediscussed with the HR department.3) Probationary Period: The probationary period serves as an extension of theselection process and gives both you and your supervisor time to see if the job is right for you, and you are right for the job. As per the Company standards you will be on probation for a period of 3 months from the date of joining and may be confirmed as a permanent employee upon successfulcompletion of your probation. Your performance during this period will be appraised based on certain standards set by the company which will be discussed with you at the time of joining. In addition to your performance during the Probationary Period, your confirmation as a permanent employee is subject to your submitting the requisite documents as required by the Company, mentioned above in the section of “Joining Formalities”.If you demonstrate satisfactory work progress during the ProbationaryPeriod andthe decision is made to continue your employment at the end of theprobationaryperiod, you will receive a permanent Appointment Letter in this regard. Ifworkprogress is not satisfactory, an employee can be terminated with anopportunity forappeal at the management’s discretion.4) Work Schedule: The standard workweek schedule is five days per week,eighthours a day plus a one hour meal period. Other schedules apply to part-time and some shift employees.The Company also has a Flexible Work Schedule. Wherein employees have theoption to choose a variable work schedule that allows employees to choose a dailywork schedule and meal period which is most compatible with the Company requirements as well as their personal needs. The employee and the supervisorshall agree upon in advance of such Variable Work Schedule to be followed, consistent with the needs of the Company.The following general rules apply to the Flexible Work Schedule:An employee, who arrives later than scheduled time, may bepermitted to make up the deficit by working that much longer at theend of the workday according to the work needs of the Company.Otherwise, the tardiness shall be charged to the appropriate leavecategory.Supervisors shall take appropriate action to correct any abuse ormisuse ofthis privilege which may include deductions from employee’s pay.If an employee reports to work early, the employee may, with thesupervisor’s permission, begin work at that time and leave at acorrespondingly early hour.If an employee leaves work early without permission, the time shall be deducted from the employee’s pay or may be charged to the appropriateleave account if justified.An employee working later than schedule due to workload, can claimthe extra hours worked accordingly the next day, with the consent ofthe supervisor, keeping in mind the next day’s deliverables.5)Work Behavior:It is essential that all employees accept personalresponsibility for maintaining high standards of conduct and job performance, including observance of the Company rules and policies.Violations of these standards will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is considered a dimension of performance evaluation. It is a corrective process to help employees overcome work-related shortcomings, strengthen work performance and achieve success.6)Performance Expectations: At the time of joining you will be given a copyof your Job Description along with a set of expectations that the Company is looking in you. These set of expectations will be made in consultation with you.7)Performance Evaluation:Annual Performance Evaluation will be doneduring the month of April every year for each employee having been employed for six months or longer. The evaluation period will cover the period 1st April through 31st March. Self Appraisal forms will be given to each employee to appraise themselves on what their accomplishments were during the Appraisal Year. Completed forms have to be returned, through appropriate channels, to the HR Team. Upon receipt of the evaluation form, the following actions will be accomplished:T he Immediate Supervisor will:a)Complete the evaluation form as promptly as possible.Exceptional must be discussed in Comments section of theevaluation form. Describe why performance is not satisfactoryand specify how performance can be improved, or explainwhy performance is outstanding.b)Discuss evaluation with the employee emphasizing strong andweak points in job performance. Commend the employee fora job well done if applicable and discuss specific correctiveaction if warranted. Set mutual goals for the employee toreach before the next performance evaluation.Recommendations should specifically state methods tocorrect weaknesses and/or prepare the employee for futurepromotions.c)Allow the employee to make any written comments he/shedesires. Have employee sign the evaluation form and initialafter supervisor's comments.d)Forward the original copy of the evaluation form to the HRDepartment. Retain a copy of the completed form for thedepartment and the employee.e)Subsequent to the completion of this evaluation by thesupervisor, and review by the employee, revisions must bediscussed by both parties. In addition, if changes in the formare made after the employee has signed the form, the level ofauthority making the changes must notify the immediatesupervisor and give the employee and supervisor copies ofthe revised evaluation.The Director will:a)Review each form to ensure further actions on the appraisal.b)See that proper actions have been taken to resolve anyidentified conflicts.c)Account for all evaluation forms in his area of responsibility.d)Forward all original forms together as a group to the HRDepartment.HR Team will:Review for completeness and accuracy. Any unresolvedproblems will be brought to the attention of the concerned lineof authority. The completed form will be placed in theEmployee's Permanent Personnel File.8)Job Description: At the time of joining the employee will be given with a setof JobDescription, that he needs to perform at the Job. In addition to it, according the employee position in the Organisation and the requirements of the company, the employee may be a given a new set of Job Description discussed mutually by the employee and the supervisor. Signed Job Description sheet has to be submitted to the HR Department which will be placed in the Employee's Permanent Personnel File and will be used for future appraisals.9)Roles and Responsibilities: The Roles and Responsibilities of the employeewillbe specified by the immediate superior of the employee at the time of Joining. Apart from the Roles mentioned initially, the Company may assign new Roles and Responsibilities to the employee as and when required.10)Promotions: Based on your Performance Appraisals, accordingly youmight bepromoted to a senior position as decided by the Company.11)Transfers:You are also liable to be transferred to any of the newOffices that theCompany might open or you may at times need to work on some of the Companyassignments abroad. Transfers may involve a promotion, reassignment, demotionor lateral move. Your leave credits and all the other benefits go with you.Your Personnel File is also transferred to your new Office.Compensation1)Pay: Your Pay will be according to the Pay structure specified in yourAppointment Letter. You will be paid a Net Salary after making the necessary deductions. The Company is required by law to deduct the following from your pay:Income Tax at the prevailing rate.Professional Tax.Provident Fund.Absences from work not covered by authorized leave credits2)Pay Periods: Your Payday will be on the last day of each month. If thisday falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, payday will be on the preceding business day.3)Pay Mode: Your Pay Mode will be direct deposit to your Salary Accountwith HDFC Bank. You will receive a Salary Slip indicating the net amount deposited into your account after any additions, subtractions anddeductions in your salary.4)Compensatory and Overtime Pay:Attendance and Leaves1)Attendance: The Company has installed a Proximity Card Reader at theentrance of the Office and you are provided with an Identity cumProximity card, which you need to swipe in the machine to get yourattendance recorded. You need to strictly maintain the Work schedule assigned to you.2)Timings: The general office timings are from 8:30 A.M. in the Morning to5:45 P.M in the Evening, with a one hour break for Lunch from 1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.M. The reporting time to the Office (8.30 A.M) will have a grace period of 10 Minutes. Employees reporting to the Office after thereporting time will have to undergo Loss of Pay for that day, with anexception of Two such late comings in a months. The above mentioned rules will not apply if:The Employee is under a Flexible Work Schedule; orThe Employee has notified his Superior in advance of the Late Coming for that day3)Holidays: The Company has decided to set the following days asHolidays:Makara SankranthiRepublic DayHoliUgadi/Telugu New Year Day.Good FridayIndependence DayGandhi JayanthiRamzanVijaya DashimiDiwaliBakridChristmasIf any employee observes religious holidays other than those set aside by the Company, the HR Department will work with the employee toexchange another holiday for the religious holiday or adjust theschedule of the employee4)Flexi-Hours: Flexi – Hours is already being discussed under the topicFlexible Work Schedule in the 4th Point of Employment Section of this Hand Book.5)Leaves: You are entitled to the following kind of Leaves:Sick Leave: you earn 12 Days in a Year as sick leave. With yoursupervisor’s approval, you may use sick leave for:Illness or injury preventing you from doing your jobMedical appointments for you or your immediate familyIllness of one of your immediate family membersDeath of an immediate family memberWhen you cannot come to work because of illness or injury, keepin touch with your supervisor to report your progress. You mayneed to submit a doctor’s certificate or other evidence to verifythe reason for taking sick leave.Casual Leave: You also earn 6 Days in a year as Casual Leave.Benefits1) Hospitalisation and Health Insurance: The Company is providing thebenefits of Cashless Hospitalisation to all the employees and theirimmediate dependants. The Company will pay the premiums of any such HealthInsurance Policy. The employee at the time of Joining needs to fill up the HealthInsurance application form and submit it to the HR Department. The employeewill get a Health Insurance Card, the list of Hospitals, the Claiming process etc.from the Health Insurance Company directly within One month of Joining2) Certification and Training Expenses: With the objective of promotingQualityand keeping its employees updated on the latest technologies, theCompanyhas formulated a policy of giving away expenses pertaining to theCertificationand Training. The Company will bear the expenses if any employee wantsto get certified in any of the Course related to the Job the Employee isinto.In addition to it the company may at its discretion bear the expenses of atraining module, if the Company feels such a Training has a directimplication with the Productivity.3) Tax Planning: The Company will also Guide you on your Tax Issues. TheCompany will show you different avenues of investments to plan your tax.The Company if required can provide you some discount on your Investments.4) Dinner and Cab Allowance: Dinner Allowance will be given to Employees whomay have to stay back beyond their Work Schedule for a longer duration.In addition to it Employees staying back till late hours (i.e. Beyond 12:00A.M) will be provided with a Cab Allowance.Work Place Basics1)Clean Work – Place: It is the duty of every employee to maintain a cleanand tidy work place in and around his/her desk and also in the remaining places of the Office.2)Confidentiality: During the course of his/her employment the employeemay be disclosed with certain Technical and Business information of the Company as well as that of the Client such as methods, processes, pricing data, financial data, customer list etc. The employee need to maintain confidentiality of the information he has with him. In addition to it the Employee has to Sign a Non Disclosure Agreement at the time of Joining.3)Patents and Copyrights: The Company has the exclusive rights over theentire job done by the employee at the Company.4)Misconduct:The employees are expected to maintain a cordialrelationship with their Co –Employees, Superiors and Sub –Ordinates.The Company has a Zero Tolerance approach towards Cases of Sexual Harassment. The Company will make sure that employees who bring the charges do not face any sort of retaliation, the company also assures the employees of their confidentiality.5)Disciplinary Actions: The Company will take disciplinary action on thosewho are found guilty or who are leveled with charges of improper misconduct.6)Personal Appearance:The employees are expected to come to theOffice dressed in appropriate attire as specified by the Company.7)Business Attire: Business Attire is applicable from Monday to Thursday.The following dress code applies to Business Attire.For Gentlemen: They are expected to dress in business formals, i.e., a full / half-sleeved shirt, formal trousers and formal leather shoes (brown, black or tan).For Ladies: They are expected to be in a saree or salwar / churidar kameez, or dressed in western business formals,8)Casual Attire: Casual Attire is applicable on Fridays. The following dresscode applies for Casual Attire.For Gentlemen: They may opt to wear jeans, a t-shirt, and sports shoes.For Ladies: They may opt to wear jeans and a t-shirt.9)Inappropriate Attire: Shorts, sundresses, Rubber Slippers, Fancy sandalsare not considered appropriate. Slippers / sandals are not appropriate at all on all working days.10)Personal Belongings: Employees have to be utmost careful with theirpersonal belongings, while working in the office. It is advised that the employees should not bring any expensive item to the office for their own benefit.11)Smoking Policy:The Company is dedicated in maintaining a drug-free work environment. The entire Office is a No Smoking area.Employees are requested to keep a note of the Smoking Policy of the Company. Violators will have to face the disciplinary actions suggested by the Company.12)Equipment & Facilities:The Company thrives to facilitate theemployees with certain facilities which help the employee both personally and professionally. The Company will keep on adding many more facilities as and when required. Currently the Company provides you with the following facilities:Pantry, where everyone can have there Lunch.Cold Water ContainerCoffee/Tea Vending Machine.Separate Restrooms for Men and Women.Network PrinterWeb-mail Provision with an Official E-mail ID13)Parking: The Company also provides you with a parking provision, ifyou commute by a vehicle. You need to intimate the HR Department at the time of Joining about the requirement of a parking place.14)Telephone Use: Employees have also the provision of receiving callson the Office Phone, subject to the condition that the work doesn’t get hampered. They can also make any outgoing call with the permission of the Supervisor.15)Internet Use:The Company’s internal network is conn ected to theInternet. Every employee with computer access to the internal network has access to the Internet, including use of E-mail and the World Wide Web. While the Internet is a great resource for our organization, it is the responsibility of each employee to use this resource responsibly and respectfully. It is assumed that the predominant use of these resources will be for work use, and that any personal use of E-mail or the World Wide Web will be limited. Personal use will never be a priority over work matters. If an employee is found spending excessive time on personal use of these resources, this privilege may be revoked for that employee.E-mail sent from the Company should be treated the same as any other communication that is sent. All communications represent the Company as a whole, and as such, should be written in a professional and appropriate manner. This also applies to any material that is published on the Company Website.Communication1)Bulletin Board: The Company will keep a Bulletin Board at a prominentLocation in the Office for all its internal communications. Employees are requested to update themselves on the changes in the Bulletin Board.2)Instant Messenger: The Company also uses an Instant Messengerconnected through a network, for an internal communication. Employees can also make use of the Messenger facility to communicate within themselves. Employees are restricted to send any obscene or vulgar messages to Co-Employees using the Instant Messenger. Offenders will have to face a disciplinary action suggested by the Company.3)Web Mail: The Company will also use the Web Mail to communicate withthe employees.Grievances1)Grievances Handling:A positive relationship between employees andsupervisors is based on mutual trust, respect, and open communication.If an employee has a problem or grievance concerning the employment, the Employee should first discuss the issue or concern with his immediate supervisor. In most cases, these discussions can clear up any misunderstanding or conflict. If the Employee is not successful in resolving the concerns about his employment, Work related grievances or any other unresolved issue, the Employee can approach the HRDepartment to address work-related problems or complaints fairly andwithout fear of reprisal.2)Process Improvement:The Company also has a Process ImprovementProgram where the Employees are supposed to fill up Feedback Formstwice in a year. Employees can also suggest any improvements, if any inthe feedback form3)Employee Suggestion Program: In addition to the Process ImprovementProgram the Company also has an Employee Suggestion Program, wherean employee can suggest anything which might be useful to theCompany in any aspect. They can approach the HR department to givethe Suggestions in a written format.ClosingYour work with Halcyon Technologies has a full potential for enriching your Professional Life which in turn will be beneficial for the Company in achieving its Goals. Keep in mind that through your employment, you are a vital resource of Halcyon TechnologiesHopefully, this handbook has helped you understand what is expected of you, your avenues to find out more informationas well as outlining some of the advantages and benefits of employment with Halcyon Technologies。
员工手册Employee Handbook(中英双语版50页)

员工手册Employee Handbook致员工书 Letter to All Employees亲爱的同仁们:Dear Colleagues,欢迎您加入XXX这个大家庭。
Welcome to joining XXX., the big family! We are thrilled to have you to share your positive energy. I hope you are proud of your decision today, and we are convinced that XXX can be the very stage to showcase your talent and achieve your dreams. You will be working closely with over 600 colleagues to create high-end, world-class Automotive in China. We expect each and every one of you to play an important role in implementing the vision & mission of XXX as well as of your own department.此员工手册为您在您的工作中履职提供了基本框架,提供了公司相关的人力资源各项政策和指导原则:员工福利待遇、员工的权利和义务以及必须遵守的公司规定规程,将为您的日常工作带来帮助。
The Employee handbook offers you the framework to well manage your job. This handbook provides the following information: various policies and guidelines of HR work of the company; employees' welfares and rights, obligations and company rules that must be abided by employees, which will be helpful for your daily work.部分条款与条件可能因不同公司的要求或新法规而加以变更。

员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定。
Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company’s personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理。
Article2 Staff recruitment,attendance,Leave &Holiday,code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。
员工守则英文版Employee Handbook

×××× Co., Ltd. Employee Handbook 1st February 2011IndexDISCLAIMER (3)CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS (4)SALARY AND JOB POTENTIAL (6)EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLIC Y (6)HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES (7)EMPLOYEE BENEFITSPublic Holidays (7)Annual Leave (7)Medical Insu rance (8)Sick Leave (8)Unemp loyment Insurance (8)Compensation for Work Connected Injury (8)Pens ion (8)Change of Status o r Termination (8)Performanc e Appraisal (9)Lunchtime (9)Funeral Leave/Bereavement Benefits (9)Marriage Leave (9)Maternity Leave (10)Paternity Leave (10)Employment with O ther Employers (10)EMPLOYMENT WORK RULESEmployee Conduct & Work Rules (11)Drug Free W orkplace (13)Sexual Harassment Policy (13)Complaints .................. (14)Hours of Work (15)Break Time (15)Work Week, Paydays an d Pay Periods (15)Probationary Period (15)Overtime (15)Tardi ness (15)Absen teeism (16)Solicitations (16)Confidentiality (16)Safety Rules (17)Pre-placement Physi cal Examinations (17)Patent Rights (17)Resignation of Employment (17)Dismissal Procedures (17)Personal Details (17)Personal Phone Calls/Mail (18)Training (18)DisclaimerBy signing the following, I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Company’s Employee Handbook. I understand that it is my responsibility to become familiar with and abide by its contents. I further understand and agree to the following:•THIS HANDBOOK REPRESENTS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT COMPANY POLICIES RELATIVE TO EMPLOYMENT, BUT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ALL INCLUSIVE OF COMPANYPOLICIES OR PRACTICES.•THE COMPANY RETAINS THE RIGHT IN ITS BUSINESS JUDGEMENT TO MODIFY, SUSPEND, INTERPRET, OR CANCEL IN WHOLE OR PART THESE POLICIES AS ALLOWED BY PRC GOVERNMENT LABOURLAWS.•THE COMPANY DOES NOT RECOGNIZE VERBAL OR IMPLIED CONTRACTS FOR EMPLOYMENT.•THE CONTENTS OF THIS HANDBOOK DO NOT CONSTITUTE AN EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT.•THIS HANDBOOK SUPERSEDES ANY PREVIOUS HANDBOOK, APPLICATION, MEMORANDA OR MATERIALS PROVIDED. Employee’s Name:_________________________________________________(Please Print in English and Chinese, as in ID card)Employee’s Signature:________________________________________________ Employee’s ID number:________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________ Witness: __________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________Code of Business EthicsThe Company is committed to policies and practices, which will strengthen our company and inspire public confidence in our Company, products and our management.Company CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS is as follows:1.The Company will strive at all times to conduct the affairs to merit publicconfidence in our business and industry. The Company will not make payments to domestic or foreign dignitaries or persons other than authorized sales representatives in the People’s Republic of China or foreign countries in order to fulfill a legal contractual agreement. The Company will not make contributions to any individual or organizations that would be construed as politically motivated.2.The Company will strive to see that our employees are given every opportunity toprogress within the Company and are appropriately compensated for their work.3.The Company will deal fairly with customers and suppliers and extend to themthe same treatment we wish to receive ourselves. In this respect the Company will not receive, accept or offer gratuities, unauthorized finders fee payments, bribes or other illegal compensation which would tend to subvert free competition.4.The Company will compete vigorously to serve our customers and expand ourbusiness but will avoid unfair and/or unethical practices.5.The Company will seek through sound management practices to produce theprofit necessary for the continued progress of the business and so fulfill our responsibilities to our stockholders, employees, customers, and community.6.Employees of the Company shall avoid outside affiliations which can put them ina position of potential or actual conflict of interest with the Company.Employees of the Company may not, directly or indirectly:(a)Own stock or have any other interest in a competitor, customer, or supplier,except for the ownership of less than 5% of the securities of a companywhose securities are widely held and publicly traded;(b)Serve as a member of the Board of Directors (or similar body) of, or performwork or render service to, any organization having a competitiverelationship with the Company.7.Gifts, except of nominal value, shall not be given to customers or anyone elsehaving business dealings with the Company. Lavish entertainment of or with those having business dealings with the Company will be avoided.8.All business expenses paid for by the company or its employees during the courseof business must be of a business nature and approved by management.9.It is the policy of the Company that the possession or use of alcoholic beveragesor illegal drugs (including the unlawful use of prescription drugs) within Company buildings or on Company property is strictly forbidden. Since the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs by an employee will adversely affect job performance and renders the employee potentially dangerous to co-workers as well as to himself/herself, the consumption of alcoholic beverages or the use of drugs so as to cause the employee to be at work or to report to work under the influence of intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs is also forbidden. An employee reporting to work or at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to dismissal.Salary and Job PotentialThe Company takes pride in the fact that anyone can go as far as their individual ability takes them. Salaries and job assignments are reviewed regularly and productive employees are rewarded for their good performance and hard work. We are anxious to have able and dedicated employees grow with us. The salary, subsidy and bonus are confidential information of the Company. Any disclosure of the information of the salary, subsidy, bonus and/or other benefits committed by the employee shall be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations of the Company, which will result in disciplinary action which could result in termination. SalaryThe salary is paid monthly. According to PRC Government regulations, employee’s individual income tax, and the personal contribution to the social security insurance scheme, the public housing reserve, and other PRC Government mandatory employee contributions will be deducted and paid from monthly salary payment.Salary Adjustment(a) The purpose of the individual salary review is to determine the appropriatesalary to pay an employee based on his individual performance, the Company achievements and Company’s business operation status.(b) In principle, an employee’s salary may be reviewed at year end each year.Company’s achievements, employee’s job performance, and economic conditions are among the factors that may be taken into account during annual review. The management decision during such reviews shall be considered final.Equal Employment Opportunity PolicyThe Company is committed to providing equal employment opportunity in all aspects of personnel for all applicants and employees regardless of their sex, race, age, handicap, disability, religion, national origin, or other condition or factor, as defined and prescribed by applicable law. By hiring, compensating, training, and promoting employees on the basis of merit, we assure the continued success of Company operations and the full utilization of our human resources.Our goal is to provide an environment that fosters and encourages the personal and professional growth of employees. The Company prohibits any form of harassment, the making of offensive remarks, or other abusive conduct directed at employeesregarding their sex, race, age, handicap, disability, religion, national origin or other protected classification. Any employee who feels subjected to or witnesses such behavior shall immediately report it to their manager/supervisor or to Division Human Resources or Corporate Human Resources Department. Any questions about this policy shall also be brought to the attention of the same persons. Allegations of violations of this policy will be promptly investigated in as confidential a manner as possible and appropriate corrective action will be taken if, and where, warranted. Employees may raise concerns without fear of reprisal.Human Resource PoliciesThe work rules which follow are the result of much thought and consideration on the part of the Company. They were designed to let you know what the Company expects of you in the performance of your job.Employee BenefitsThe information given below summarizes the benefits available to our employees.Public HolidaysAll full-time employees are entitled to basic paid public holidays as announced by Chinese central and local government.Currently the PRC Government have listed 11 days public holiday per year as; New Years Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.If a holiday falls on a Saturday, or a Sunday, (the previous Friday or the following Monday will be considered a holiday) subject to management discretion.Paid holidays that occur during the scheduled vacation period of an employee shall not be considered as vacation time off.Annual LeaveEmployees who have successfully completed the probationary period will be eligible for annual leave. Employees earn annual leave on a monthly basis. Annual leave must be requested at least fourteen (14) working days in advance and is subject to management approval. Regular employees of the Company will be eligible forAnnual Leave based on the following schedule.● 1 – 9 years of total work service = Ten (10) working days per year●10 – 19 years of total work service = Fifteen (15) working days per year●20 years of total work service = Twenty (20) days per yearAnnual leave that the employee has earned for the year is valid until December 31st the following year. Unused leave cannot be paid or applied for after that time.Medical InsuranceThe Company will arrange medical insurance for eligible employees according to PRC Government laws and regulations.Sick LeaveRegular employees are entitled to five (5) days of sick leave in any one year with full payment of the basic salary with valid certificate of diagnosis.If the sick days are more than 5 days, the payment of salary shall be subject to the local laws and regulations.Unemployment InsuranceYour unemployment insurance benefit has been established according to the local laws and regulations, to provide benefits for you in the event you should become unemployed.Compensation for Work Connected InjuryThe Company provides Workers’ Compensation coverage according to local laws and regulations for employees who are injured on the job.In order to protect your rights to qualify for benefits, you must report any injury immediately to your supervisor and also complete an accident report detailing the circumstances and conditions relative to the accident.PensionThe pension insurance will be arranged by the Company according to the local laws and regulations.Change of Status or TerminationWithout any limitations by any section of this Handbook, the Company has the right, in its sole discretion, to make and implement decisions relating to an individual’s position, compensation, retention, and/or other terms and conditions of employment. The Company is not bound by anything to the contrary which may be communicated to employees. No company representative is authorized to modify this Handbook or to enter into any agreement, oral or written, contrary to this Handbook. Company Policies and practices with respect to any matters are not to be considered as creating any contractual obligation on the Company’s part or as stating in any way that termination will occur only for “just cause”. Statements of specific grounds for termination set forth in this Handbook or in any other Company documents are examples only, not an all-inclusive list, and thus, are not intended to restrict the Company’s right to terminate an employee at its will but within accordance with current PRC Labour Law.All benefits that are due and payable at termination will be paid in accordance with applicable law. The employee will be notified of the benefits that may be continued and of the terms, conditions, and limitations of such continuance. Performance AppraisalYour supervisor will keep you informed regularly of your performance level. The performance appraisal review process has been established as the formal means to ensure this. The first review you will receive will be scheduled at the end of your probationary period. Periodic reviews are conducted thereafter.Lunch TimeEmployees are given 30 minutes lunch time to be taken between 1130hrs and 1330hrs during normal work day. T he actual time to be agreed by the employee’s supervisor.Funeral Leave/Bereavement BenefitsFuneral leave is provided for eligible employees in case of the death of a relative as indicated below. If requested an employee may be allowed up to three days with pay to attend to the funeral of a direct relative, (which is defined as the employee’s spouse, parent, child, or sibling). The paid days shall be limited to the basic Monday to Friday workweek. Funeral leave shall not be applicable towards days after the funeral for other purposes, such as settling the estate of the deceased. One paid day may be granted to attend the funeral of other family members, defined as grandparents or parents-in-law).Marriage LeaveMarriage leave is provided to eligible employees. The time off for marriage leave includes Saturday and Sunday. A relevant marriage certificate is required for the marriage leave. The employee is required to apply for such leave prior to his/her marriage and the marriage leave shall be taken within twelve (12) months from the date of the marriage registration. The marriage leave is for the first marriage only. For employees first marriage – for males below 25 years of age and females below 23 years of age, the marriage leave is three (3) CALENDER days.For employees first marriage –for males who are 25 years of age and older and females who are 23 years of age and older, the marriage leave is 15 CALENDER days.Maternity leaveAll female employees are entitled to maternity leave under the birth control policy as set forth below:(1) Maternity leave will be 90 calendar days. For first birth mothers >24 years ofage there will be an additional 30 calendar days bringing the total to 120 calendar days. For cases of twins, dystocia or surgical delivery an additional 15 calendar days will be added for each factor. All time off under the maternity leave includes Saturday and Sunday.(2) Any rest days or public holidays within the maternity leave period shall becounted as part of the maternity leave.(3) An employee who applies for the maternity leave shall submit a leaveapplication form attached with a medical certificate confirming her pregnancyand specifying her expected date of confinement via her immediate superior to Human Resources Department for record at least three (3) weeks before the expected date of confinement.(4) With the agreement of individual manager concerned, if the female employeereturns to work before the expiration of her maternity leave, full salary will be paid accordingly.(5)Any female employee who takes any day-off for her pregnancy check-up, postconfinement medical treatment will be counted as sick leave and be paid in accordance with Sickness Allowance. For all of sick leave the employee will receive 2/3 of her salary for a maximum period of 30 days.(6)In a case where all sick paid leave for the year has been used up, employee mayapply for unpaid leave.Paternity LeavePaternity leave is provided for eligible male employees under the birth control policy. In cases of first birth mothers >24 years of age, the father employees paternity leave will be three (3) calendar days. Employee should request leave in advance and submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate for verification.In other circumstances no paternity leave is provided.Employment with other EmployersThe Company shall have no liability for any retirement pension, housing, medical or other social obligations arising from the employee’s previous or future employment relationship with another Employer.If the Employee has health problems resulting primarily from activities, incidents or exposure to an unhealthy environment that occurred during prior employment with another Employer, then the Company shall have no liability for expenses resulting form such health problems. A doctor appointed by the company will determine the validity of any such claims.The Company shall determine length of service solely from work performed for the Company—not for any other employer (except when it’s rela ted to the length of treatment period). Severance payments and all the other payments, entitlements and benefits related to length of service shall be determined on this base.Employee Conduct and Work RulesIn an effort to ensure the efficient conduct of its business, the Company has established the following set of work rules that must be observed by all employees.To assure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, the Company expects all employees to adhere to standards of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the organization. Certain standards of conduct are necessary for the efficient operation of the Company and for the overall benefit and protection of the rights and safety of all. Accordingly, it is each individual’s responsibility to be aware of, understand and adhere to these standards.Conduct which interferes with the operations of the Company brings discredit on the Company or is offensive to customers or co-employees will not be tolerated. Such conduct will result in corrective disciplinary action ranging from verbal warnings up to and including dismissal, depending upon the seriousness of the misconduct.Acts which may subject an individual involved to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, include, but are not limited to:1.failure to report to work without notifying and personally receiving approval fromyour immediate supervisor for such absence;2.excessive tardiness or absence, including failure to observe the appropriate startand stop times for lunch;3.failure to notify management each day of absence and the reason(s) therefore;4.failure to return from an approved leave of absence on the stipulated dates ortaking an unauthorized leave of absence;5.falsification of any Company record or report, such as an application foremployment, a time card, or inventory records;6.conviction of a crime;7.reporting to work under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugsand narcotics; or the use, sale, dispensing or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs and narcotics on Company premises/property or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment or while conducting company business;8.the use of profanity or abusive language;9.the possession of firearms, explosives or other weapons on Company property;10.insubordination;11.carelessness or inefficiency resulting in loss to the Company;12.assault on or threat of violence directed to a fellow employee or customer;13.theft of, misuse of, inappropriate removal of, wrongful possession of, or failure tostore properly Company property or tools, or theft or misuse of a co-employee’s property;14.threatening or intimidating management, supervisors or fellow workers;15.horseplay, pranks or practical jokes;16.improper attire or inappropriate personal appearance or personal hygiene;17.misuse of, or non-use of, protective safety equipment, or violation of any safety orhealth rule;18.engaging in any form of sexual harassment or other violation of our EqualEmployment Opportunity Policy;19.making false, disparaging statement concerning, or making fraudulent use of, thecompany, its name or its products;20.engaging in conduct on Company premises which is in violation of any existinglaws, ordinances or regulations;21.violation of company policies;22.interference with work production or unsatisfactory performance or conduct;23.unauthorized posting, removing or defacing of any material on bulletin boards orother Company property;24.unauthorized disclosure of business “secrets” or confidential information;25.receiving, accepting or offering gratuities, unauthorized finders fee payments,bribes or other illegal compensation;26.inducement of another employee to break any standard of conduct or companypolicy;27.submission of false or erroneous insurance claims or expense reports;28.operation or use of Company equipment which employees have not been taught touse or have not been given authority to use;29.engaging in other employment or transacting any other business that materiallyaffects the completion of work tasks ;)30.any other violation of the employment contract or any other act which theCompany, in its sole discretion, considers detrimental to the legitimate business interest of the Company.Drug Free Work PlaceEmp loyees are the Company’s most valuable resource and for that reason, their health and safety is of paramount concern. The Company will not tolerate any drug or alcohol use which imperils the health and well-being of its employees or threatens its business. The use of illegal drugs and abuse of other controlled substances, on or off duty, is inconsistent with law abiding behavior expected of all our employees. Employees who use illegal drugs or abuse other controlled substances or alcohol, on or off duty, tend to be less productive, less reliable, and prone to greater absenteeism resulting in the potential for increased cost, delay and risk in the Company’s business. Employees have the right to work in a drug free environment. In addition, drug and alcohol ab use inflicts a terrible toll on the company’s productive resources and the health and well-being of our workers. The Company is therefore committed to maintaining a safe workplace free from the influence of alcohol and drugs.All employees offered employment with the Company shall, as part of their pre-employment physical, be tested for use of illegal drugs and/or substances. In addition the Company shall have the right to require that an employee submit to urinalysis and/or other screening for illegal drugs and alcohol under the following circumstance: (a) Following any injury in the work place in which an employee is involved andrequires medical treatment and/or evaluation by a physician;(b)Where the Company has reasonable suspicion that the employee is under theinfluence and/or has recently ingested illegal drugs and/or alcohol.Sexual Harassment PolicyIt continues to be the policy of the Company that sexual harassment of employee or applicant for employment in any form is unacceptable conduct which will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexualfavors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature. No supervisor or other employees shall engage in such kind of conduct, nor state or even imply that one’s refusal to submit to such conduct will adversely affect that person’s employment, work status, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employment or career development. Similarly, no employee shall promise, imply or grant any preferential treatment in connection with another employee or applicant engaging in sexual conduct.Thus, in our efforts to act positively to protect our employees against such harassment, the Company endorsed the following policy:1. It is illegal and against the policies of the Company for any e mployee, male or female, to sexually harass any employee by:(a)Making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or other verbalor physical conduct of a sexual nature, a condition of an employee’s continued employment; or(b)Making submission to, or rejection of, such conduct the basis for employmentdecisions affecting the employee; or(b)Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment by suchconduct.2. Any employee who feels that he or she is a victim of sexual harassment,including, but not limited to, the conduct listed above, by any supervisor, management official, other employee, customer, client, or any other person in connection with employment at the Company shall bring the matter to the attention of their immediate supervisor or the Human Resources department.An employee who is uncomfortable for any reason in bringing such a matter to the attention of this individual, or who is not satisfied that bringing the matter to the attention of such person will resolve or has resolved the matter, should report the matter to Division Human Resources or Corporate Human Resources Dept. Any question about this policy or potential sexual harassment should also be brought to the attention of the same persons. The Company will promptly investigate all allegations of sexual harassment in as confidential a manner as possible and take appropriate corrective action if, and where, warranted. Some examples of possible appropriate corrective action include: counseling, training, transfer, suspension with counseling, and/or termination of employment. Any form of retaliation against any individual for filing a bona fide complaint under this policy or for assisting ina complaint investigation is expressly prohibited.ComplaintsOn important matters affecting you as an employee, we want to be sure that you are treated fairly. Therefore, if you feel that you have a serious complaint, discuss the matter in detail with your supervisor. If the decision which you have received from your immediate Supervisor is not satisfactory to you, you may then present your case to the Manager of your immediate Supervisor.You are encouraged to discuss any and all problems which you may have in connection with your work. Remember that many times your Supervisor may be unaware of certain problems and unless you call it to their attention it may go unnoticed and uncorrected.Hours of WorkThe regular work schedule consists of a 40 hour week, 8 hours each day, Monday through Friday. Starting times, regular daily hours, and lunch hours may be subject to change and will be formally announced.Hours of the office are as follows: 8 am – 4.30 pm Monday to FridayLunch TimeEmployees are allowed an unpaid lunch break of 30 mins each day. Workweek, Payday and Pay PeriodsEmployees are paid on a monthly basis at the conclusion of each month. Probationary PeriodNew employees may be required serve a probationary period. The time frame of the probation period shall be the maximum allowed by PRC Government regulations. The purpose of the probationary period is to serve as a time of learning and adjustment for the employee and the Company. The successful completion of the probationary period shall not be construed as creating a contract or guaranteeing employment for any specific duration or as establishing a termination standard. The Company shall notify the Employee, in the last week of the probation period whether his/her employment contract had been confirmed to be continued.During the employee’s probation period, if it has been proved that he/she is not conforming to the Company’s employment conditions, the Company may terminate。

员工手册EmployeeHandbook(中英双语版50页)员工手册Employee Handbook致员工书?Letter to All Employees亲爱的同仁们:Dear Colleagues,欢迎您加入XXX这个大家庭。
Welcome to joining XXX., the big family! We are thrilled to have you to share your positive energy. I hope you are proud of your decision today, and we are convinced that XXX can be the very stage to showcase your talent and achieve your dreams. You will be working closely with over 600 colleagues to create high-end, world-class Automotive in China. We expect each and every one of you to play an important role in implementing the vision & mission of XXX as well as of your own department.此员工手册为您在您的工作中履职提供了基本框架,提供了公司相关的人力资源各项政策和指导原则:员工福利待遇、员工的权利和义务以及必须遵守的公司规定规程,将为您的日常工作带来帮助。

员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定.Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company's personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理.Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance,Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。

员工手册中英文1. What are the working hours?The working hours are from 9 am to 6 pm, with a one-hour lunch break.工作时间是多少?工作时间是上午9点到下午6点,中间有一小时的午餐休息时间。
2. What is the dress code?The dress code is business casual. Employees areexpected to dress professionally and respectfully.着装要求是什么?着装要求是商务休闲。
3. What is the company policy on vacation time?Employees are entitled to 10 days of paid vacation time per year. Vacation days must be approved by a manager at least two weeks in advance.公司的休假政策是什么?员工每年有10天带薪假期。
4. What is the policy on sick leave?Employees are entitled to 5 days of paid sick leave per year. If an employee is sick for more than 5 days, they will need to provide a doctor's note. Sick leave must be approved by a manager.公司的病假政策是什么?员工每年有5天带薪病假。

Employee Handbook 员工手册Policy NO.政策编号Version 1.00版次 1.00Valid for: Company China适用于本公司中国A Word from the Management管理层寄语The management of Company (China) Co., Ltd. extends a warm welcome to you.本公司(中国)有限公司管理层向您表示诚挚欢迎。
To help you settle in quickly, we have prepared this Employee Handbook to introduce you Company’s organization, history, products and services, employment policies, terms and conditions, as well as Company’s programs and activities.为了使您迅速适应工作,我们特别准备了这份《员工手册》,其内容包括本公司组织架构、历史、产品和服务、聘用政策和相关条款,以及各项公司计划与活动。
Our company understands the value and importance of human resources. We follow the tradition of Company corporate culture which is marked by mutual respect and trust. We firmly believe that it is people who make up this organization and its success depends on good team work. As you are now one of the key member of a united team, you must take your responsibility and excel in your work.本公司非常重视人力资源。

1. General总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sure our company’ssmooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。
1-1.2 ‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies theworking disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。
1-2 Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。
1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication in Bulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。
Employee Handbook 员工手册 英文版

Sample Employee HandbookTABLE OF CONTENTSWELCOME TO THE COMPANY (3)COMPANY PHILOSOPHY (3)O PEN-D OOR P OLICY (3)E QUAL E MPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITY (4)H ARASSMENT P OLICY (4)WORKING AND COMPENSATION (5)E MPLOYMENT ON AN A T-W ILL B ASIS (5)A TTENDANCE AND R EPORTING TO W ORK (5)W ORKDAY H OURS AND S CHEDULING (6)R ECORDING H OURS W ORKED (6)P AY P ERIOD AND P AYDAY (6)W ORKWEEK &O VERTIME (7)H OLIDAYS (7)E MPLOYMENT C LASSIFICATIONS (7)M AINTAINING Y OUR P ERSONNEL R ECORDS (8)P ERSONNEL F ILES (9)P ERFORMANCE E VALUATIONS (9)STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE WORKPLACE (9)S AFETY (9)C ARE OF E QUIPMENT AND S UPPLIES (10)S MOKING AT THE W ORKPLACE (10)V IOLENCE AND W EAPONS (11)D RUG-F REE W ORKPLACE (11)R ESPONDING TO C USTOMER I NQUIRIES AND P ROBLEMS (11)A PPEARANCE AND D RESS (12)C ONFLICTS OF I NTEREST (12)C ODE OF E THICAL C ONDUCT (12)S OLICITATION AND D ISTRIBUTION (13)P ERSONAL C ALLS,V ISITS, AND B USINESS (13)B USINESS E XPENSES (13)I NSPECTION OF P ERSONAL AND C OMPANY P ROPERTY (14)N ETWORK AND E LECTRONIC R ESOURCES P OLICY (14)C ONFIDENTIAL AND P ROPRIETARY I NFORMATION (15)R ULES OF C ONDUCT AND P ROGRESSIVE D ISCIPLINARY P ROCEDURE (16)R E-E MPLOYMENT (17)M OONLIGHTING (17)BENEFITS (18)M OBILE P HONES (18)P AID T IME O FF (19)L EAVES OF A BSENCE (19)ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK (21)WELCOME TOTHE COMPANYThe Company has prepared this handbook to provide you with an overview of the Company’s policies, benefits, and rules. It is intended to familiarize you with important information about the company, as well as provide guidelines for your employment experience with us in an effort to foster a safe and healthy work environment. Please understand that this booklet only highlights company policies, practices, and benefits for your personal understanding and cannot, therefore, be construed as a legal document. It is intended to provide general information about the policies, benefits, and regulations governing the employees of the company, and is not intended to be an express or implied contract. The guidelines presented in this handbook are not intended to be a substitute for sound management, judgment, and discretion.It is obviously not possible to anticipate every situation that may arise in the workplace or to provide information that answers every possible question. In addition, circumstances will undoubtedly require that policies, practices, and benefits described in this handbook change from time to time. Accordingly, the company reserves the right to modify, supplement, rescind, or revise any provision of this handbook from time to time as it deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion with or without notice to you.No business is free from day-to-day problems, but we believe our personnel policies and practices will help resolve such problems. All of us must work together to make the company a viable, healthy, and profitable organization. This is the only way we can provide a satisfactory working environment that promotes genuine concern and respect for others including all employees and our customers. If any statements in this handbook are not clear to you, please contact the company president or his designated representative for clarification. This handbook supersedes any and all prior policies, procedures, and handbooks of the company.COMPANY PHILOSOPHYO PEN-D OOR P OLICYIn keepin g with the company’s philosophy of open communication, all employees have the right and are encouraged to speak freely with management about their job-related concerns.We urge you to go directly to your supervisor to discuss your job-related ideas, recommendations, concerns and other issues which are important to you. If, after talking with your supervisor, you feel the need for additional discussion, you are encouraged to speak with the company president.The most important relationship you will develop at the Company will be between you and your supervisor. However, should you need support from someone other than your supervisor, the entire management team, including the company president, is committed to resolving your individual concerns in a timely and appropriate manner.E QUAL E MPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITYIt is the policy of the Company to provide equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment and not to discriminate on any basis prohibited by law, including race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, marital status or veteran status. It is our intent and desire that equal employment opportunities will be provided in employment, recruitment, selection, compensation, benefits, promotion, demotion, layoff, termination and all other terms and conditions of employment. The President of the Company and all managerial personnel are committed to this policy and its enforcement.Employees are directed to bring any violation of this policy to the immediate attention of their supervisor or the company president. Any employee who violates this policy or knowingly retaliates against an employee reporting or complaining of a violation of this policy shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Complaints brought under this policy will be promptly investigated and handled with due regard for the privacy and respect of all involved.H ARASSMENT P OLICYThe Company will not tolerate harassment or intimidation of our employees on any basis prohibited by law, including race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, handicap, disability, marital status, or veteran status. Moreover, any suggestions made to any employee that sexual favors will affect any term or condition of employment with the Company will not be tolerated. It is the policy of the Company that any harassment, including acts creating a hostile work environment or any other discriminatory acts directed against our employees, will result in discipline, up to and including discharge. The Company also will not tolerate any such harassment of our employees by our clients or vendors.For purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as any type of sexually-oriented conduct, whether intentional or not, that is unwelcome and has the purpose or effect of creating a work environment that is hostile, offensive or coercive. The following are examples of conduct that, depending upon the circumstances, may constitute sexual harassment:▪Unwelcome sexual jokes, language, epithets, advances or propositions;▪Written or oral abuse of a sexual nature, sexually degrading or vulgar words to describe an individual;▪The display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters or cartoons;▪Unwelcome comments about an individual’s body;▪Asking questions about sexual conduct;▪Unwelcome touching, leering, whistling, brushing against the body, or suggestive, insulting or obscene comments or gestures;▪Demanding sexual favors in exchange for favorable reviews, assignments, promotions, or continued employment, or promises of the same.Employees must bring any violation of this policy to the immediate attention of their supervisor or the company president. The Company will thoroughly investigate all such claims with due regard for the privacy of the individuals involved. Any employee who knowingly retaliates against an employee who has reported workplace harassment or discrimination shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.WORKING AND COMPENSATIONE MPLOYMENT ON AN A T-W ILL B ASISAll employees of the company, regardless of their classification or position, are employed on an at-will basis. This means that each employee’s employment is terminable at the will of the employee or the company at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. No officer, agent, representative, or employee of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement with any employee or applicant for employment on other than on an at-will basis. Furthermore, nothing contained in the policies, procedures, handbooks, manuals, job descriptions, application for employment, or any other document of the company shall in any way create an express or implied contract of employment or an employment relationship on other than an at-will basis.A TTENDANCE AND R EPORTING TO W ORKEach employee is important to the overall success of our operation. When you are not here, someone else must do your job. Consequently, you are expected to report to work on time at the scheduled start of the workday. Reporting to work on time means that you are ready to start work, not just arriving at work, at your scheduled starting time.The company depends on its employees to be at work at the times and locations scheduled. Excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The determination of excessive absenteeism will be made at the discretion of the company. Absence from work for three consecutive days without properly notifying your supervisor will be considered a voluntary resignation. After two days’ absence, you may be required to provide documentation from your physician to support an injury- or illness-related absence, and to ensure that you may safely return to work.If you expect to be absent from the job for an approved reason (e.g., paid time off or a leave of absence), you should notify your supervisor of your upcoming absence as far in advance as possible. If you unexpectedly need to be absent from or late to work, you must notify your supervisor prior to the start of your scheduled workday that you will be late or absent and provide the reason for that absence or tardiness. If your supervisor is not available, you should contact the company’s main office prior to the start of your scheduled workday. Leave your number so that your supervisor can return your call. Failure to properly contact us will result in an unexcused absence for disciplinary purposes. Your attendance record is a part of your overall performance rating. Your attendance may be included during your review and may be considered for otherdisciplinary action up to and including termination.Where possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled around your assigned work hours; otherwise, they may be considered absences without pay. If you are unable to schedule an appointment before or after your shift, you are required to talk to your supervisor to make special arrangements.W ORKDAY H OURS AND S CHEDULINGThe regularly scheduled workday for our business office is: Monday through Friday, 7:30-8:00 a.m. to 4:30-5:00 p.m. The usual expected workday at jobsites is 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. These start and end times are only guidelines, however, and employees are required to be present for work during the workday established for them by their supervisors or by the company president.Particularly at jobsites, this regular schedule may vary depending on such factors as weather, materials supply, permit approval, etc. If you are unsure about expected starting times on any particular job assignment, ask your supervisor for clarification.In case of unplanned conditions, such as bad weather, that may force a schedule change at the last minute, you should contact your supervisor or call the office directly.The company does not generally schedule rest periods or breaks, other than meal breaks, during the workday. However, if the company does schedule such rest periods or breaks, they will be paid breaks and will usually be for 15 minutes. For lunch or meals, our policy is:▪Field employee meals will be 30 minutes.▪Office employee meals will be 1 hour.▪The meal period is unpaid.▪All employees are required to take a lunch break and no employee is authorized, without prior supervisory approval, to perform work duringthe lunch period.R ECORDING H OURS W ORKEDAll hourly employees are required to keep a time sheet. On your time sheet, you must correctly record the job number, job code, and time spent on each job number or code for each day worked. The company will provide you with a time sheet for reporting your hours. Only you are authorized to record your own time.Completed time sheets are due in the office no later than 8:00 a.m. on the Wednesday following the end of a pay period. Failure to turn in time sheets by this deadline may delay your paycheck for that week.P AY P ERIOD AND P AYDAYThe company issues paychecks each Friday, on a weekly basis. Pay periods starton Wednesday morning and end on Tuesday afternoon. Therefore, each Friday, you will receive a paycheck for all hours worked in the pay period ending the previous Tuesday afternoon. If an employee uses direct deposit, the employee’s pay may not be available for withdrawal from his or her bank account until the following Monday.W ORKWEEK &O VERTIMEThe company’s workweek begins on Wednesday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Tuesday at 12:00 midnight.Occasionally it may be necessary for an employee to work beyond his or her normal workday hours. Overtime pay is paid only when work is scheduled, approved, and made known to you in advance by your supervisor. Under no circumstances shall an employee work overtime without the prior approval of his or her supervisor.Hourly employees will receive overtime pay at a rate of one-and-one-half times their regular hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek.To the extent possible, overtime will be distributed equally among all employees in the same classification and position, provided that the employees concerned are equally capable of performing the available work. Decisions regarding overtime work will be made by the Production Coordinator or his/her representative. Any employee asked to work overtime will be expected to rearrange his/her personal schedule to work the requested overtime.H OLIDAYSThe company observes the following holidays:▪New Year's Day▪Memorial Day▪Fourth of July▪Labor Day▪Thanksgiving▪ChristmasFull-time employees will be paid for these holidays as long as the employee was present for work on the workdays immediately before and after that holiday, or had an acceptable excuse for being absent on any such days. If a paid holiday falls within an employee's vacation period, the holiday will not be counted as a vacation day.Part-time employees are not eligible for holiday pay.E MPLOYMENT C LASSIFICATIONSUpon being hired by the Company, all new employees must serve a ninety (90) calendar day introductory period. It is especially important that you make your supervisor aware of any questions or problems you may encounter during this period.Your performance will be carefully monitored during this period. At the end of the introductory period, your performance will be reviewed, and if it has been satisfactory, you will become a Regular Full-Time or Regular Part-Time Employee. Satisfactory completion of the introductory period does not entitle you to employment for any specific term, but does entitle you to participation in many of the Company's employee benefits programs.For the sole purpose of determining the allowance of certain employee benefits, employees are classified as:1.Regular Full-Time Employees - An employee who has satisfactorilycompleted the introductory period and is scheduled to work an average offorty (40) hours per week on a regular and continuous basis.2.Regular Part-Time Employees - An employee who has satisfactorilycompleted the introductory period and is usually scheduled to work lessthan an average of forty (40) hours per week but not less than ten (10)hours per week on a regular and continuous basis.3.Temporary Employees - An employee whose services are anticipated to beof limited duration falls into this classification. Temporary employees arenot eligible for participation in those employee benefits programs madeavailable for the Company Regular Full-Time and Regular Part-TimeEmployees, although separate benefit plans may be available for certaintemporary employees assigned to work at the Company. Any suchemployees will be separately notified of any such programs. Service as atemporary does not count as service as a Regular Employee for benefiteligibility purposes.For payroll purposes, employees will be classified as one of the following:1.Exempt Employees - Certain employees such as executive, administrative,professional and outside sales employees are paid on a salary basis for allhours worked each week. Certain computer professionals may also beexempt, regardless of whether they are paid on a salary or hourly basis.These employees are expected to work whatever hours are required toaccomplish their duties, even if it exceeds their normal workweek. Noovertime premium pay will be paid to exempt employees in mostcircumstances.2.Non-Exempt Employees - All employees who are not identified as exemptemployees are considered non-exempt employees. Non-exemptemployees are eligible for payment of overtime premium pay.M AINTAINING Y OUR P ERSONNEL R ECORDSIt is your responsibility to provide current information regarding your address, telephone number, insurance beneficiaries, change in dependents, marital status, etc.Please use the personnel records form to note any changes in your address, phone number, emergency contact information, marital status, number of dependents, etc. Changes in exemptions for tax purposes will only be made upon the receipt of a completed W-4 form. P ERSONNEL F ILESEmployee personnel files are the property of the company, and do not belong to the employee. However, upon request, the company will provide employees with copies of performance evaluations and other performance-related documents that the employee has previously received.P ERFORMANCE E VALUATIONSEmployees may have their job performance reviewed on an annual basis by either their supervisor or by the president of the company.STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS FOR THE WORKPLACES AFETYThe company believes in maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for our employees. However, to achieve our goal of providing a safe workplace, each employee must be safety conscious. We have established the following policies and procedures that allow us to provide safe and healthy working conditions. We expect each employee to follow these policies and procedures, to act safely, and to report unsafe conditions to his or her supervisor in a timely manner.Reporting Unsafe Conditions or PracticesEmployees are expected to continually be on the lookout for unsafe working conditions or practices. If you observe an unsafe condition, you should warn others, if possible, and report that condition to your supervisor immediately. If you have a question regarding the safety of your workplace and practices, ask your supervisor for clarification.If you observe a coworker using an unsafe practice, you are expected to mention this to the coworker and to your supervisor. Likewise, if a coworker brings to your attention an unsafe practice you may be using, please thank the coworker and make any necessary adjustments to what you are doing. Safety at work is a team effort.Maintaining a Safe WorksiteWe expect employees to establish and maintain a safe worksite. This includes but is not limited to the following applications:▪Maintaining proper fall-protection systems.▪Building and maintaining walkways, handrails, and guardrails.▪Properly lifting and lowering heavy objects.▪Inspecting tools and equipment for defects before use.▪Keeping walkways clear of debris.▪Construction and use of safe scaffolding.▪Inspecting, cleaning, and properly storing tools and equipment after use.▪Following established safety rules.Using Safety EquipmentWhere needed, the company provides its employees with appropriate safety equipment and devices. You are required to use the equipment provided in the manner designated as proper and safe by the manufacturer. Failure to properly use safety equipment may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.If you require safety equipment that has not been provided, contact your supervisor before performing the job duty for which you need the safety equipment.Reporting an InjuryEmployees are required to report any injury, accident, or safety hazard immediately to their supervisor(s). Minor cuts or abrasions must be treated on the spot. More serious injuries or accidents will be treated accordingly. Serious injuries must be reported on the injury or accident report form available in the office.Hazard CommunicationsIf you believe that you are dealing with a hazardous material and lack the appropriate information and/or safety equipment, contact your supervisor immediately.C ARE OF E QUIPMENT AND S UPPLIESAll employees are expected to take care of all equipment and supplies provided to them. You are responsible for maintaining this material in proper working condition and for promptly reporting any unsafe or improper functioning of this material to your supervisor.Neglect, theft, and/or destruction of the company’s materials are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.S MOKING AT THE W ORKPLACEThe company’s policy is to provide smoke-free environments for our employees, customers, and the general public. Smoking of any kind is prohibited inside our office and on our worksites. Employees may smoke on scheduled breaks or during meal times, as long as they do so outside the worksite or office. Employees who take excessivesmoke breaks may be required to work longer hours to make up for time lost smoking.Employees are also responsible to inform all those working on our job sites of this smoke-free policy, and report to their supervisor any violation of this policy.V IOLENCE AND W EAPONSThe company believes in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, in part by promoting open, friendly, and supportive working relationships among all employees. Violence or threats of violence have no place in our business. Violence is not an effective solution to any problem. Employees are strictly prohibited from bringing any weapons, including knives, pistols, rifles, stun guns, Mace, etc., to the worksite or office. Neither threats of violence nor fighting will be tolerated. Furthermore, if you have a problem that is creating stress or otherwise making you agitated, you are encouraged to discuss it with your supervisor.You are expected to immediately report to your supervisor any violation of this policy. Any employee found threatening another employee, fighting, and/or carrying weapons to the worksite will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.D RUG-F REE W ORKPLACEThe company does not tolerate the presence of illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs in our workplace. The use, possession, distribution, or sale of controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol, or being under the influence of such controlled substances is strictly prohibited while on duty, while on the company’s premises or worksites, or while operating the company’s equipment or vehicles. The use of illegal drugs as well as the illegal use of legal drugs is a threat to us all because it promotes problems with safety, customer service, productivity, and our ability to survive and prosper as a business. If you need to take a prescription drug that affects your ability to perform your job duties, you are required to discuss possible accommodations with your supervisor. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.Prior to employment, each potential employee must undergo a drug test. The company may also require employees to take random drug tests during their employment with the company. A positive result on any such drug test is grounds for immediate termination.Your receipt of this policy statement and signature on the handbook acknowledgment form signify your agreement to comply with this policy.Any employee who is convicted of violating criminal drug statutes must notify an appropriate officer or senior official of the company of that conviction within five days of the conviction. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action.R ESPONDING TO C USTOMER I NQUIRIES AND P ROBLEMSAt the company, client satisfaction is the measure of our success. It is the responsibility of each employee, within reason, to interact with the client to achieve this goal.A PPEARANCE AND D RESSTo present a business-like, professional image to our customers and the public, all employees are required to wear appropriate clothing on the job. By necessity, the dress standards for the business office are somewhat different than for jobsites.▪For the business office, casual to business-style dress is appropriate.Employees should be neatly groomed and clothes should be clean and ingood repair. Leisure clothes such as cut-offs or halter tops are notacceptable attire for the business office. The company will provideemployees with shirts bearing the Company’s logo, which employees areexpected to wear as appropriate in the business office.▪For jobsites, employees are expected to wear work clothes appropriate for work to be done. Employees should be sensitive to the location andcontext of their work and should be ready to adjust their dress if thecircumstances so warrant. Employees at a jobsite should wear clothingthat protects their safety (steel-toed shoes, for example) and wear clothingin such a way as to be safe (e.g., shirts tucked in when working aroundmachinery). The company will provide employees with shirts bearing theCompany’s logo, which employees are expected to wear on the jobsite.C ONFLICTS OF I NTERESTYou should avoid external business, financial, or employment interests that conflict with the company’s business interests or with your ability to perform your job duties. This applies to your possible relationships with any other employer, consultant, contractor, customer, or supplier.Violations of this rule may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.C ODE OF E THICAL C ONDUCTIn order to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, employees are expected to abide by the following code of ethical conduct. Please consult your supervisor or an official of the company if you have any questions.Employees of the company should not solicit anything of value from any person or organization with whom the company has a current or potential business relationship.Employees of the company should not accept any item of value from any party inexchange for or in connection with a business transaction between the company and that other party.Employees may accept items of incidental value (generally, no more than $25) from customers, suppliers, or others as long as the gift is not given in response to solicitation on your part and as long as it implies no exchange for business purposes. Items may include gifts, gratuities, food, drink and entertainment.If you are faced with and are unsure how to handle a situation that you believe has the potential to violate this code of ethical conduct, notify your supervisor or the company president.Violations of this code may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.S OLICITATION AND D ISTRIBUTIONFor the safety, convenience, and protection of all employees, the company has adopted the following rules concerning solicitation and the distribution of materials: The company prohibits solicitation and distribution of non-company materials on Company property or at Company jobsites at all times.P ERSONAL C ALLS,V ISITS, AND B USINESSThe company expects the full attention of its employees while they are working. Although employees may occasionally have to take care of personal matters during the workday, employees should try to conduct such personal business either before or after the workday or during breaks or meal periods. Regardless of when any personal call is made, it should be kept short.Employees should also limit incoming personal calls, visits, or personal transactions. The company’s phones should be available to serve the Company’s customers, and non-business use of the phones can hurt the company’s business. A pattern of excessive personal phone calls, personal visits, and/or private business dealings is not acceptable and may lead to disciplinary action.B USINESS E XPENSESEmployees may occasionally incur expenses on behalf of the Company. The company will reimburse employees for typical business expenses, such as mileage (for example, when the Company asks an employee to travel to a different jobsite during the workday) and certain job-related supplies or materials. The company will pay mileage reimbursements at the end of each month, upon receipt of the employee’s mileage record. In order to be reimbursed for job-related supplies or materials, employees must deliver a receipt for the supplies or materials to the company’s business office within 7 days of the purchase. Employees may also turn in such receipts by attaching them to the employee’s。

pany Introduction公司简介
***Products (Shenzhen) Limited, founded in 2005, is a foreign proprietorship company specialized in bags and other sewn products, mainly producing world famous brand kitbags, school bags for customers over Europe, America, and Asia. Located in**i Industrial District,**,**Town,**, Shenzhen, the company has workshops, dormitories, and canteen and other establishment.
3-4.2The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.
3-1.3Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal
员工手册 英语

员工手册英语Employee Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for OrganizationsEmployee handbooks are an essential part of any organization, and they serve as a crucial tool for communicating key information and procedures to new and existing employees. They also provide an overview of company values, policies, and expectations, creating a foundation for a positive corporate culture. In this article, we willdiscuss the importance of employee handbooks, the areas they should cover, and how to create an effective manual for your organization.Step 1: Understand the Importance of Employee HandbooksAn employee handbook provides vital information for employees, such as leave policies, benefits, compensation,and performance management. It is also an essential document that outlines a company's code of conduct, values, and expectations for its employees. A well-crafted employee handbook can increase employee engagement, reduce legal risks, and mitigate compliance issues.Step 2: Cover the Key Areas in Employee HandbooksTo create an effective employee manual, it's essentialto ensure that it covers several key areas, such as:1. Company Overview: This section provides an overviewof the company's history, vision, and mission.2. Employment Policies: This section outlines the company's employment policies, including benefits, leave, and compensation.3. Workplace Conduct: This section covers key workplace conduct policies such as harassment, discrimination, ethics, and safety to ensure a respectful and safe work environment.4. Performance Management: This section provides information on the company's performance management systems, including reviews, feedback, and training and development opportunities.5. Employee Code of Conduct: This section outlines the employee's expected behavior, including work hours, dress code, use of company resources, and conflict of interest policies.6. Termination and Resignation: This section outlinesthe procedure for organizational separations, including resignation, termination, and layoffs.Step 3: Create an Employee Handbook that Reflects your CultureA well-crafted employee handbook should be tailored to your organization's culture and values. Therefore, it should be written in a style that aligns with your corporate culture, such as formal or informal tone. A handbook that reflectsyour values and culture will enhance employee engagement and motivation.Step 4: Legal ConsiderationsEmployee handbooks should be written in a legally compliant manner, aligning with state and federal laws. Organizations should consult an employment law expert to ensure compliance with current legislation, avoid legal risks, and maintain harmony with labor regulations.Step 5: Review and Update your Employee HandbookAn Employee handbook is a dynamic document, and organizations should periodically review and update thedocument to ensure that it reflects the latest regulatory approaches, advances in employment practices, and the evolution of the organization's culture.ConclusionEmployee handbooks are valuable to a company's overall corporate strategy, and all employers should have this guide. It is an excellent tool to communicate across the organization and convey information and procedures to new and existing employees. Therefore, when creating an employee handbook, an organization must focus on content, legal compliance, cultural fit, and timely updates. An employee handbook will help foster a healthy and vibrant corporate culture that is supportive of employees' needs and aspirations, thereby improving employees' engagement and demonstrating their value to the company.。
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There are several things that are important to keep in mind about this handbook. First, it contains only general information and guidelines. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. For that reason, if you have any questions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit, or the applicability of a policy or practice, you should address your specific questions to the Human Resources Department.
Compensation & Benefits 1 Confidential Policy for Salary Information 2 Compensation 3 Overtime 4 Bonus 5 Individual Income Tax 6 Social Insurance and Welfare 7 Company Welfare 8 Leave
Attached: Acknowledgement for Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook
25 25 25 26 26 26
Employee Handbook
Whether you have newly joined us or have been at XXXXXXXX for a while, we are confident that you will find our Company a dynamic and rewarding place to work with. We consider the employees of XXXXXXXX to be one of our most valuable resources. This manual has been written to provide the employees with information about the human resource policies and systems of XXXXXXXX.
Europe, Middle East, North and South America with a network of 32 locations. Our headquarter
based in Guangzhou, P. R. China right now.
We truly believe that sportswear should be more like a fashion than only a narrow vision of sport. We have chosen Black, White and Red colors in our logo because black and white differentiate our brand from competitors where there is no grey area in our quality standard; just fashion and quality together. Whereas, red color means that we are eager to go all the way to make our brand flow smoothly in the veins of our customers. Our product include Apparel, Shoes and hand bag.
Employee Handbook
(Mar. 2013)
IV. V.
Company Introduction 1 Company Introduction 2 Vision and Mission
Employment Policy 1 Employment 2 Probation 3 Termination 4 Retirement
Our Commitments towards our Community: 1) Energy : In order to consume on energy and to reduce global warming,we use energy saving
machines and bulbs as much as possible. Additionally, we use light sensors in common areas. 2) Environment : We stress on using raw materials and products that are environmentally friendly. 3) Charity : We do our utmost efforts to support any credible charity in the country. 4) Volunteering : We encourage our managers and staff to participate in any activities that support
Employee Behavior and Discipline 1 Behavior and Dressing Code 2 Disciplinary Action 3 Employee Grievances 4 Sexual Harassment
Code of Conduct and Compliance 1 Confidentiality 2 Conflict of Interests 3 Bribery and Corruption
Third, this handbook and the information in it should be treated as confidential. No portion of this handbook should be disclosed to others. This handbook is part of the employment and the individual employee should comply completely. Finally, some of the subjects described here are covered in detail in official policy documents. You should refer to these documents for specific information, since this handbook only briefly summarizes those benefits. There are opportunities and challenges in XXXXXXXX. Please pay more patience and passion to understand our culture, and achieve your career success together with us. The Human Resources Department shall be responsible for interpretation of the Handbook.
Training & Development 1 Training 2 Career Development 3 Performance and Development Review
Administration management 1 Working Schedule 2 Employee Identity Card 3 4 Smoking Administration 5 Safety 6 Health 7 Email Policy 8 Use of Company Property 9 Personal Telephone Calls and Mobile
Employee Handbook
5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9
13 13 13
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18 18iness Travel 2 Business Trip Expense Claim 3 Other Expense Claim 4 Change of Personal Particulars 5 Governing Law 6 Implementation