

最新politics and the english language(英汉对照名师资料汇编

最新politics and the english language(英汉对照名师资料汇编

Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that the English language is in a bad way,but it is generally assumed that we cannot by conscious action do anything about it.大多数为英语而烦心的人都会承认,英语的处境不佳,并且我们不能通过有意识的行动而使这种情形有所改观。

Our civilization is decadent and our language--so the argument runs--must inevitably share in the general collapse.我们的文明颓废不堪,语言也不能幸免,她不可避免的成为整体衰落的一份子。

It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism,like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes. 随之而来,任何反对滥用语言的努力都是感情上的复古主义者,就像那些倾向于蜡烛而非电灯,或是偏爱马车而非飞机的努力一样。

Underneath this lies the half-conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes.言外之意,这里隐藏着一种并不十分明细的信念,即语言是自然衍生的结果,并不是我们为自身之便而创造的工具。

Now,it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer.现在可以明白了,一种语言的衰落归根结底都会有政治和经济上的原因:而不能简单的归因于一两个蹩脚作家的不良影响。



一、行政学之研究Proof of fact 事实验证Civil service reform 公务员制度改革Kingly prerogative 君主的特权Democracy 民主政治Oligarchy 寡头政治Tyranny 专制制度Political philosophy 政治哲学Monopoly 垄断Science of administration 管理科学New conception of state duty 国家职责的新观念Telegram system 电报系统Administrative function 行政职能administrative practices行政实践high centralized forms of government高度集权的政府common franchise公共性质a policy of aristocratic privilege贵族特权政体a system of democratic power民主权力体制the interests of the governed统治者利益perfect machinery完善的国家机器absolute government专制政府自由主义原则liberal principles行政计划和方法plans and methods of administration机构发展constitutional development绝对统治者absolute rulers拥有最高权力的人民sovereign people简便高效simplicity and effectiveness单一意志single will公共信托机关public trustSymmetrical divisions 行政区域Constitutional era 宪政时代Liberal principle 自由理论Great charter 大宪章Legal and administrative reforms 法制和行政改革the revolution heralded 革命的先驱Public criticism 众矢之的The general principles of government 政府的一般原则Public opinion 民意;公众舆论Public-spirited 有爱国心的,有公德心的Self-government 自治Abuses of power 滥用职权Democratic policy 民主政治Federal governments 联邦政府constitutional 宪法的monarch 君主monarchy 君主国、君主体制accordance 一致、和谐rotten 腐败的、堕落的embody 实现,使具体化compromise 妥协,危害compounding 组合a whole gamut of modifications全范围的修改Legislative 立法的jurisdiction 司法权Reformer 改革家Sovereign n君主独立国adj至高无上的有主权的极好的Empirical adj经验主义的Executive functions行政职能Executive officer 行政官员Moral atmosphere 道德氛围Public trust 公众信任Governmental adjustment 政府调节Constitutional principle 宪政原则Non-administrative functions 非行政职能Logical discernment 逻辑判断Functional movement机能性运动Public law公法Technical official 技术官员High authority 高层权力老师补充:constitutional reform 宪政改革popular sovereignty 人民主权public opinion 公共舆论prejudices and reasons 偏见和理性full of compromises 充满妥协sound political doctrine 合理的政治学说distribution of authority 分权的原则the ideal model 理想模式public counsel 公开协商touchstone of theories 理论的试金石二、政治与行政private individuals 私人public authorities 公共机构judicial authorities 司法机构executive authorities 执行机构administrative authorities 行政机构state will 国家意志separate power 分权ethical principles 道德原则public patronage 公职任免权be apt to 倾向于executive function 执行职能legislature 立法机关governmental function 政府职能governmental system 政府体制legal doctrine 法律文件political system 政治体制veto power 否决权entrust 委托,信任the principle of the separation of powers 分权原则political paralysis 政治瘫痪sacrifice 牺牲subordinate 使服从representative 代表positive law 实在法;实证法Politics and Administration政治与行政the executive authority行政权expediency权宜之计political theory政治学理论governmental institution 政府机构constitutional law 宪法,国家法administrative officers 行政人员,行政官员老师补充:lack of harmony 缺乏协调三、官僚制Community n. 社区;群落;共同体;团体Subordination n. 从属;附属;主从关系Civil-service law n.公务员法,文官法federal judges 联邦法官tenure for life 终身制arbitrary dismissal 任意解雇legitimate monarchs 合法君主public opinion 公共舆论immigrant votes 移民的选票popular elections 民众选举administrative chief 行政首脑the expert qualification 专家资格the bureaucracy mechanism 官僚机制jurisdictional areas 权限范围bureaucratic authority 官僚制的权力private economic domination 私人经济领域institutions of capitalism 资本主义机构political structures 政治结构empires of conquest 侵略性帝国executive office 行政机关secondary activity 次要工作labor contracts 劳务契约ideas of culture-values 文化价值观念social esteem 社会尊重老师补充:charismatic type 领袖型traditional type 传统型的权威rational-legal type 合理合法型personal trustees 个人亲信table-companions 身边僚属court servants 朝廷臣仆written documents 书面文件office management 办公室管理office hierarchy 官僚等级制graded authority 按等级赋权super-and subordination 上下级tenure for life 终身任职四、彼得原理men upstairs 身居高职的人Hierarchy n. 层级;等级制度;科层制Factory n. 工厂;制造厂;代理店Incompetence n. 无资格,不胜任;无能力;不适当;不熟练Ineligible n. 无被选资格的人adj. 不合格的;不适任的;无被选资格的Automobile n. 汽车vt. 驾驶汽车Occupation n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期Applicability n. 适用性;适应性Observe vi. 观察;说;注意到;评论vt. 观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论Certificate n. 证书;执照,文凭vt. 发给证明书;以证书形式授权给…;用证书批准Supervisor n. 监督人,[管理] 管理人;检查员Superintendent n. 监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者Incompetent n. 无能力者adj. 无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的minority group 少数群体,少数群体document n. 文件,公文;[计] 文档;证件vt. 用文件证明comply with 照做,遵守the red tape繁文缛节官僚作风Credential n. 证书;凭据;国书departmental adj. 部门的;各县的;分科的Monopoly 垄断;垄断者;专卖权occupational incompetence 职业无能politician 政治家,政客military commanders 军事指挥员situational imponderables 情境的无法估量authoritative source权威人士;权威来源public servants 公务员;公职人员move upward through a hierarchy 通过层次结构向上移动corrupt 腐败的,贪污的;堕落的hierarchy 层级;等级制度maintenance foreman 维修工长City Hall市政厅mayor 市长demoralized 士气低落的;泄气的affability 亲切;和蔼;殷勤superintendent 监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者Workers’Union 工会back and forth 来回Zealous 热心的Apprentice 学徒,实习生obscure fault疑难毛病Perfectionism完美主义Assign new tasks 指派新任务up to one's elbows in 忙于(工作)in a muddle一片混乱Superior上级Subordinates下属Military 军队racy style of speech言谈风趣scorn for petty regulations蔑视琐碎规则Meddle干涉Meddlesome爱管闲事的Superintendent负责人Peter Principle 彼得原理五、新公共行政行政结构administrative structure权威authority行为主义behaviorism边界关系boundary relations计划-规划-预算系统programming-planning-budging systems官僚制;古典官僚制模型bureaucracy ; classic model of bureaucracy变革,变迁,变化change公民参与citizen participation城市管理city management市政服务city services文官制度,公务员制度civil services (reform)文官委员会civil services commission共识,达成一致consensus冲突conflict美国国会congress分权decentralization决策理论decision theory平等-不平等equality-inequality等级制,层级节制hierarchy人际关系human relations逻辑实证主义logical positivism军事的military新公共行政New Public Administration组织民主organizational democracy参与participation多元主义pluralism政策-行政二分法policy-administration dichotomy项目管理project management公共选择public choice理性rationality再造reorganization回应性responsiveness科学与技术science and technology社会公平social equity训练培训training价值中立value neutrality现代行为理论家modern behavioral theorists代议制representativeness政治中立权限politically neutral competence行政领导executive leadership政治反应political responsiveness高层管理top-level management城市管理city management辅助性职能部门the basic auxiliary staff services政治和经济资源political and economic resources前所未有的经济发展时代an era of unprecedented economic growth 道德谴责morally reprehensible委员会的立法机关committee legislatures执行和制定政策execute and make police行政人员administrators政府体制的框架framework of our governmental systempolitical forms 政治形式decentralization 分权organization development 组织开发programming-planning-budgeting systems 规划-计划-预算系统basic strategy 基本策略a basic device for change 一种基本的变革efficiency and economy 效率和经济socioeconomic circumstances 社会经济循环democratic government 民主政府a new form of political access 一种新的政治接近权policy decisions 政策决策the public servant 社会公仆social equity 社会公平Classic Public Administration 传统的公共行政学social problems 社会问题Defense Department 国防部civil-service commissions 文官委员会logical positivism 逻辑实证主义organization theory 组织理论decision theory 决策理论human-relation 人际关系理论second-generation behaviorism 第二代行为主义scientific skills 科学技能alternative policies 备择政策administrative modes 行政模式abstract thought 抽象的思想Administrative theory 行政理论Social equity 社会公平Legislature 立法机关Executive 行政部门Raise taxes 收税Rubric 红字标题Public administrators 行政管理人员Conflict 斗争Middle-level civil service 中级公务人员Eligibility standards 选举标准Regulation 规章Deprived minorities 被剥夺的少数民族Mayor 市长City council 市政委Political system 政党系统Generalist 通才New public administration 新公共行政管理Personnel agency 私人代理Budget department 预算部门Monitored and coordinates 监督协调Integrative综合一体化的Autonomy自治Administrative relations行政事务Resolution决议boundary-exchange process 边际交换过程reference groups 关联群体Distributive and integrative processes 分配和整合过程Military decision 军事决策Crash programs 应急项目Backward budgeting 置后预算Decentralized projects 分权化的项目Pluralist elites 多元主义精英分子The United States Selective Service 美国的征选兵役制The maximum-feasible-participation notion 最大可能性参与的概念Less hierarchic and less authoritative bureaucracies 相对非层级和非权威的官僚机构六、改革政府entrepreneurial government 企业型政府bloated, wasteful, ineffective 机构臃肿、浪费严重、效率低下hierarchical 等级的; 分层的knowledge-intensive society 知识密集型社会decentralizing authority 分权,分散权力nonprofit institution 非营利机构public sector 公共部门public crises 公共危机neighborhood groups 社区团体Mass production 量产Voluntary association 志愿者协会Geographic community 地理社区Neutral administrators 价值中立的行政人员Competitive government 竞争性政府Landfill operation 填埋作业Custodial services 托管服务Parking lot management 停车场管理Cost—consciousness 成本意识Administrative bureaucracies 行政层级的官僚机构health department 卫生部,卫生处welfare department 福利部门commerce department (美国)商务部port authority 港务局Planning and Commission 规划委员会Results-Oriented Government 结果导向型政府Mission-Driven Government 使命型政府federal funding 联邦资助public housing 公共住房,政府为低收入者所建的住房Medicaid coverage 医疗保险welfare package 福利待遇mosaic society 融合社会recreation facilities 娱乐设施competitive bidding process 竞争性招标程序tax revenues 税收收入Interest group 利益集团budget systems 预算制度the electoral process 选举过程market-oriented government 以市场为导向的政府market mechanisms 市场结构antiterrorist system 反恐体系fiscal crisis 财政危机tax revolt 抗税the taxpaying public 纳税人government regulations 政府规章health care 医疗保健。

最常用英语翻译政治文体句型总结大全 完美版

最常用英语翻译政治文体句型总结大全  完美版

China tomorrow would be a powerful peace-loving country full of hope. 未来的中国必将是一个爱好和平,充满希望的强国。

The Chinese people always love peace.一直以来,中国人民都爱好和平。

The great wall built 2000 years ago by the first king of Qing dynasty was defensive;2000年前,秦朝第一代皇帝修建了长城,用于抵御外侮;1000 the silk Route developed in Tang dynasty was to seal its silk, tea and china out to the world;1000年前,唐朝开辟的丝绸之路用来向世界销售丝绸,茶叶,瓷器;500 years ago, the famous diplomat and voyager Zhenghe’s voyage down the western seas was to make friends with the adjacent countries and brought them exquisite and brilliant products and advanced technology of agriculture and handicraft.500年前,著名外交家,航海家郑和下西洋,与周边国家建立睦邻友好关系,给他们带去精美产品,传播先进的农业手工业技术。

As the great Rissuan litterateur Leo Tolstoy once said: the Chinese nation is the oldest, the greatest and the most peace-loving nation. 诚如伟大的俄罗斯文学巨匠列夫托尔斯泰所说:“中华民族是最古老,最伟大,最爱好和平的民族。



公共英语二级经典阅读文章翻译公共英语二级经典阅读文章翻译篇一For many people in the U.S., sports are not just for fun. Theyre almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person. Other fans watch the games at home, glued to their TV sets. Americas devotion to athletics has created a new class of wealthy people: professional athletes. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and even toiletries.对许多的美国人而言,运动不只是为了好玩。






篇二Many sports were imported from other countries. European immigrants brought tennis, golf, bowling and boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a truly American origin. Even today some formerly "foreign" sports like soccer are gaining American fans. In 1994 the U.S. hosted the World Cup for the first time ever.许多的运动是从外国引进来的。



1、概念界分1)公共行政,公共管理,政策公共行政:政治家、政策、官僚制公共管理:管理者、交易、公司手段政策:合法性、主权、权威(权利)2) 管理的概念A.无压力工作的艺术B.管理是对组织成员的努力和其他的组织资源的使用进行计划、组织、领导和控制,以实现既定的组织目标的过程。


他们的行动往往是建立在某种方法、计划或条理性之上, 而不是建立在某种预感之上。




(显然, 组织的工作越是统一和协调, 组织就越有效。




2、管理模型(Management of model)外部环境(包括任务环境、社会环境、管理环境)内部环境(包括组织结构、企业文化、资源)A:战略规划使命目标战略政策B:战略实施项目预算程序(议程)C:评价与控制绩效评价反馈3、管理者的角色(从明茨伯格的分级视角)Technical-rational perspective:.........技术理性的视角:管理和组织的描述注重于组织的理论(机械的)方面以及计划,组织,协调,决策和控制的正式管理职能Behavioral perspective:......行为的视角:管理的描述基于行为学科学家对组织实际上是如何地表现以及经理们在他们的职责内做了些什么的观察(管理的描述基于行为科学家的观察,包括......)Cognitive perspective: ......认知的视角:组织和管理的描述强调知识技能(知识的作用),核心竞争力及认知过滤。

Managerial roles: ......管理角色:对经理人在组织中行为表现的期望(预期)Interpersonal roles: ......人际关系角色:管理者的角色是在在组织中担任有名无实的领导者或者真正的领导者Informational roles: ......信息角色:管理者的角色是在组织中充当组织的神经中枢,接受并传播重要信息Decisional roles: ......决策角色:管理者在于发起行动,处理内部矛盾(干扰),合理分配资源,协商冲突4、企业管理(工商管理)与公共行政的对比1、相似点(共性):组织结构的设计;稀有资源的配置;人员管理。



公共行政学经典文选(英文版)1 .The Study of Administration Woodrow WilsonP18第二部分的前两段The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics; it at most points stands apart even from the debatable ground of constitutional study.It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.The object of administrative study is to rescue executive methods from the confusion and costliness of empirical experiment and set them upon foundations laid deep in stable principle.行政管理的领域是一种事务性的领域,它与政治领域的那种混乱和冲突相距甚远。



Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革)in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。

This new paradigm poses(形成,造成)a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。

These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。

Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。

All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。

A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。



公共事业管理专业英语部分翻译The New Public Law新公共法The public law of the United Kingdom is defined by the prevailing(adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的)constitutional order(宪法秩序),the government and the various institutions (n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构)of the state,he rights of the citizen and membership of the European Union.Local government exists with(与…共存)statutory (adj. 法定的;法令的;可依法惩处的)powers and responsibilities.There are since 1998 devolved powers to the Scottish Parliament,the Welsh Assembly(n. 装配;集会,集合),the Northern Ireland Assembly and since 1999 an elected mayor(n. 市长)for London.The public law of the United Kingdom has lately come of age(臻至成熟).There are several reasons for this development.Fundamental constitutional reforms have embraced(vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含)changes to the electoral system(选举制度),a more independent Bank of England withthe responsibility of adjusting interests rates(利息,利率)removed from the government of the day,reforms of the House of Lords(英国的上议院),and strategies(n. 策略,战略)to modernize(v 现代化)almost every aspect of government institutions and procedures.There is also a new freedom of Information Act 2000(2000年《信息自由法》).There are changes to the criminal justice system(刑事司法体系),tribunals(n. 法庭;裁决;法官席)and inquiries (n. 探究;调查;质询),and to the management of the courts system.The most celebrated and acclaimed (vt. 称赞;为…喝采,向…欢呼)innovation(n. 创新,革新;新方法)is the Human Rights Act 1998,which came fully into force in October 2000.The 1998 Act is likely to increase the use of judicial review (司法审查)and thus has the potential to shift(vt. 转移;改变)decision- making in public law matters from elected ministers (n. 部长;大臣)to the courts under the direction of increased judicial controls.academic terms,public law has broadly defined terms of reference including the academic discourse(学术话语)from lawyers,economists,historians and political scientists.There is also a judicial contribution.The development of administrative law is largely a product of judicial creativity(司法创造力)and self regulation(自我调节).Since the 1960s there is a remarkable judicial self-confidence in defining and articulating(v表达,表述)the role of the courts in public law matters.As Lord Donaldson remarked in 1984:从概念术语的角度来看,公法在它自身的技术规则与程序和分析技巧上有一定的发展。



专业英语复习材料2011.1.19 2A401 上午9:00~10:45简答:2 . Politics and Administration Frank J .GoodnowThere are, then, in all governmental systems two primary or ultimate functions of government, viz . the expression of the will of the state and the execution of that will . There are also in all states separate organs, each of which is mainly busied with the discharge of one of these functions . These functions are, respectively, Politics and Adminis- tration.(p34)因此,在所有的政府体制中都存在着两种主要的或基本的政府职能,即国家意志的表达职能和国家意志的执行职能。



Actual political necessity however requires that there shall be harmony between the expression and execution of the state will .(p35) 然而,实际政治的需要却要求国家意志的表达与执行之间协调一致。

3. Scientific Management Frederick W .Taylor(1)To develop a science to replace the old rule-of-thumb knowledge.(2)The scientific selection of the workmen and his development.(3)The bringing of the science and the scientifically selected and trainedworkmen together.(4)An almost equal division of the actual work of the establishmentbetween the workmen and the management.5 . Notes on the Theory of Organization Luther GulickThere are three clear limitations beyond which the division of work cannot to advantage go . The first is practical and arises from the volume of work involved in man-hours .The second limitation arises from technology and custom at a given time and place . The third limitation is that the subdivision of work must not pass beyond physical division into organic division . (p58)分工有三个明显的限制,超过这些限制分工就不能有利地进行。



《公共管理英语》部分翻译(目前缺第四章、第六章、第七章翻译,欢迎小伙伴们补充)第一章1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开Citizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunit y to be a visitor at municipal government meetings, thanks to the gov ernment’s recent efforts to open its administration-adopting the Mea sures for Inviting Citizens to Listen to the Administrative Meeting, which came into effect on December 16, 2001.得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。

Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on admini strative affairs. The number of citizen listeners invited to very imp ortant meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies to the city’s people’s congress, members of the local committee of the Chinese Peo ple’s Political Consultative Conference, personages of democratic, m embers of the Association of Industry and Commerce and others. They m ust be at least 18 years of age, and willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.每次行政事务会议邀请10名市民参加。



⏹The functions of government were simple, because life itself was simple.(那时的)政府功能是简单的,因为生活本身也是简单的⏹It is getting to be harder to run a constitution than to frame one.运行一部宪法比制定宪法变得更加困难。

⏹Because the same man cannot be at two places at the same time因为同一个人不能同时身处两地;⏹Because one man cannot do two things at the same time因为同一个人不能同时做两件事情;⏹The introduction of machinery accentuates the division of work.⏹机器(机械)的引入强化了劳动分工。

⏹Coordination of work - complements the division of work 协作是分工的补充。

⏹The Span of Control 控制幅度⏹Technical Efficiency –homogeneity技术效率(同质性)⏹Caveamus expertum - beware the expert(警惕专家的适用条件或局限性)⏹New Public Administration adds social equity to the classic objectives and rationale.新公共行政在传统目标和原理中增加了社会公正(的因素)。

⏹ 2. Devising Operational Plans to achieve these objectives. 设计操作性计划以实现这些目标⏹The length of service of politically appointed top government managers is relatively short,高级政治任命政府管理人员服务期限是相对短的,. Public processes versus private processes. 公共过程对私人过程⏹7. Role of press and media. 出版传媒的角色⏹8. Persuasion and direction. 说服与指挥⏹9. Legislative and judicial impact. 立法和司法影响⏹10. Bottom line. 底线⏹ 2.improved channels of communication between governments and their citizens政府和公民间改善的沟通渠道⏹ 3.creation of a hospitable business environment“亲商”的环境⏹ 1.关注谁的需要。



The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics;it at most points stands apart even from the debatable ground of constitutional study. It is a part of political life only as the methods of the manufactured product. But it is,at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the face that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.The object of administrative study is to rescue executive methods from the confusion and costliness of empirical experiment and set them upon foundations laid deep in stabel principle.It is for this reason that we must regard civil-service reform in its present stages as but a prelude to a fuller administrative reform. We are now rectifying methods of appointment;we must go on to adjust executive functions more fitly and to prescribe better methods of executive organization and action. Civil-service reform is thus but a moral preparation for what is to follow. It is clearing the moral atmosphere of official life by establishing the sanctity of public office as a public trust,and, by making the service unpartisan, it is opening the way for making it businesslike. By sweeting its motives it is rendering it capable of improving its methods of work.Let me expand a little what I have said of the province of administration. Most important to be observed is the truth already so much and so fortunately insisted upon by our civil-service reformers;namely, that administration lies outside the proper sphere of politics. Although politics sets the tasks for administration,it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices.This is distinction fo high authority;eminent German writers insist upon it as of course. Biuntschli, for instance,bids us separate administration alike from politics and from law. Politics, he says, is state activity”in things great and universal,” while”administration, on the other hand,”is”the activity of the state in individual and small things. Politics is thus the special province of the statesman, administration of the statesman, administration of the technical official.” “Policy does nothing without the aid of administration”; but a dministration is not therefore politics. But we do not require German authority for this position; this discrimination between administration and politics is now,happily, too obvious to need further discussion.There is another distinction which must be worked into all our conclusions, which, though but another side of that between administration and politics,is not quite so easy to keep sighe of: I mean the distinction between constitutional and administrative questions, between those governmental adjustments which are essential to constitutional purposes of a wisely adapting convenience.One cannot easily make clear to every one just where administration resides in the various departments of any practicable government without entering upon particulars so numerous as to confuse and distinctions so minute as to distract. No lines of demarcation, setting apart administrative from non-administrative functions, can be run between this and that department of government without being run up hill and down dale, over dizzy heights of distinction and through dense jungles of statutory enactment, hither and thither around “ifs”and “buts,” “whens”and “howevers” until they become altogether lost to the common eye not accustomed to this sort of surveying, and consequently not acquainted with the use of the theodolite of logical discernment. A great deal of administration goes about incognito to most of the world, being confounded now with political “management,” and again with constitutional principle.Perhaps this ease of confusion may explain such utterances as that of Niebuhr’s:”Liberty,” he says, “depends incomparably more upon administration than upon constitution.” At first sight this appears to be largely true, Apparently facility in the actual exercise of liberty does depend more upon administrative arrangements than upon constitution guarantees; although constitutional guarantees alone secure the existence of liberty. But—upon second thought—is even so much as this true? Liberty no more consists in easy functional movement than intelligence consists in the ease and vigor with which the limbs of a strong man move. The principles that rule within the man, or the constitution, are the vital springs of liberty or servitude. Because dependence and subjection are without chains, are lightened by every easy-working device of considerate, paternal government,they are not thereby transformed into liberty. Liberty cannot live apart from constitutional principle; and no administration, however perfect and liberal its methods, can give men more than a poor counterfeit of liberty if it rest upon illiberal principles of government.A clear view of the difference between the province of constitutional law and the province of administrative function ought to leave no room for misconception; and ti is possible to name some roughly definite criteria upon which suchu a view can be built. Public administration is detailed and systematic execution of public law. Every particular application of general law is an act of administration. The assessment and raising of taxes, for instance, the hanging of a criminal, the transportation anddelivery of the mails, the equipment and recruiting of the amy, and navy, etc.,are all obviously acts of administration; but the general laws which direct these things to be done are as obviously outside of and above administration. The broad plans of governmental action are not administrative; the detailed execution of suchu plans is administrative. Constitutions, therefore, properly concern themselves only with those instrumentalities of government which are to control general law. Our federal constitution observes this principle in saying nothing of even the greatest of the purely executive offices, and speaking only of that President of the Union who was to share the legislative and policy-making functions of government, only of those judges of highest jurisdiction who were to interpret and guard its principles, and not of those who were merely to give utterance to them.This is not quite the distinction between Will and answering Deed, because the administrator should have and does have a will of his own in the choice of means for accomplishing his work. He is not and ought not to be a mere passive instrument. The distinction is between general plans and special means.There is, indeed, one point at which administrative studies trench on constitutional ground—or at least upon what seems constitutional ground. The study of administration, philosophically viewed, is closely connected with the discover the simplest arrangements by which responsibility can be unmistakably fixed upon officials; the best way of dividing authority without hampering it, and responsibility without obscuring it. And this question of the distribution of authority, when taken into the sphere of the higher, the originating functions of government, is obviously a central constitutional question. If administrative study can discover the best principles upon which to base such distribution, it will have done constitutional study an invaluable service. Montesquieu did not, I am convinced, say the last word on this head.To discover the best principle for the distribution of authority is of greater importance, possibly, under a democratic system, where officials serve many masters, than under others where they serve but a few. All sovereigns are suspicious of their servants, and the sovereign people is no exception to the rule; but how is its suspicion to be allayed by knowledge? If that suspicion could be clarified into wise vigilance, it would be altogether salutary; if that vigilance could be aided by the unmistakable placing of responsibility, it would be altogether beneficent, Suspicion itself is never healthful either in the private or in the public mind. Trust is strength in all relations of life; and, as it is the office of the constitutional reformer to create conditions of trustfulness, so it the office of administrative organizer to fit administration withconditions of clear-cut responsibility which shall insure trustworthiness.And let me say that large powers and unhampered discretion seem to me the indispensable conditions of responsibility. Public attention must be easily directed, in each case of good or bad administration, to just the man deserving of praise of blame. There in no danger in power, if only it be not irresponsible. If it be divided, dealt out in shares to many, it is obscured; and if it be obscured, it is made irresponsible. But if it be centred in heads of the service and in heads of branches of the service, it is easily watched and brought to book. If to keep his office a man must achieve open and honest success, and if at the same time he feels himself intrusted with large freedom of discretion, the more safely obscure and unnoticed does he feel his position to be, and the more readily does he relapse into remissness.Just here we manifestly emerge upon the field of that still larger question—the proper relations between public opinion and administration.To whom is official trustworthiness to be disclosed, and by whom is it to bo rewarded? Is the official to look to the public for his meed of praise and his push of promotion, or only to his superior in office? Are the people to be called in to settle administrative discipline as they are called in to settle constitutional principles? These questions evidently find their root in what is undoubtedly the fundamental problem of this whole study. That problem is:What part shall public opinion take in the conduct of administration?The right answer seems to be, that public opinion shall play the part of authoritative critic.But the method by which its authority shall be made to tell? Our peculiar American difficulty in organizing administration is not the danger of losing liberty, but the danger of not being able or willing to separate its essentials from its accidents. Our success is made doubtful by that besetting error of ours, the error of trying to do too much by vote. Self-government does not consist in having a hand in everything, any more than housekeeping consists necess arily in cooking dinner with one’s own hands. The cook must be trusted with a large discretion as to the management of the fires and the ovens.In those countries in which public opinion has yet to be instructed in tis privileges,yet to be accustomed to having its own way,this question as to the province of public is much more readily soluble than in thiscountry,where public opinion is wide awake and quite intent upon having its own way anyhow. It is pathetic to see a whole book written by a German professor of political science for the purpose of saying to his countrymen,”Please try to have an opinion about national affairs”; but a public which is so modest may at least be expected to be very docile and acquiescent in learning what things it has not a right to think and speak about imperatively. It may be sluggish, but it will not be meddlesome. It will submit to be instructed before it tries to instruct. Its political education will come before its political activity. It trying to instruct our own public opinion, we are dealing with a pupil apt to think itself quite sufficiently instructed beforehand.The problem is to make public opinion efficient without suffering it to be meddlesome. Directly exercised, in the oversight of the daily details and in the choice of the daily means of government, public criticism is of course a clumsy nuisance, a rustic handling delicate machinery. But as superintending the greater forces of formative policy alike in politics and administration, public criticism is altogether safe and beneficent, altogether indispensable. Let administrative study find the best means for giving public criticism this control and for shutting it out from all other inter ference.But is the whole duty of administrative study done when it has taught the people what sort of administration to desire and demand, and how to get what they demand? Ought it not to go on to drill candidates for the public service?There is an admirable movement towards universal political education now afoot in this country. The time will soon come when no college of respectability can afford to do without a well-filled chair of political science. But the education thus imparted will go but a certain length. It will multiply the number of intelligent critics of government, but it will create no competent body of administrators. It will prepare the way for the development of a sure-footed understanding of the general principles of government, but it will not necessarily foster skill in conducting government. It is an education which will equiplegislators,perhaps,but not executive officials. If we are to improve public opinion, which is the motive power of government, we must prepare better officials as the apparatus of government. If we are to put in new boilers and to mend the fires which drive our governmental machinery, we must not leave the old wheels and joints and valves and bands to creak and buzz and clatter on as best they may at bidding of the new force. We must put in new running parts wherever there is the least lack of strength of adjustment. It will be necessary to organize democracy by sendingliberal tests as to technical knowledge. A technically schooled civil service will presently have become indispensable.There is, indeed, one point at which administrative studies trench on constitutional ground—or at least upon what seems constitutional ground. The study of administration, philosophically viewed, is closely connected with the discover the simplest arrangements by which responsibility can be unmistakably fixed upon officials; the best way of dividing authority without hampering it, and responsibility without obscuring it. And this question of the distribution of authority, when taken into the sphere of the higher, the originating functions of government, is obviously a central constitutional question. If administrative study can discover the best principles upon which to base such distribution, it will have done constitutional study an invaluable service. Montesquieu did not, I am convinced, say the last word on this head.To discover the best principle for the distribution of authority is of greater importance, possibly, under a democratic system, where officials serve many masters, than under others where they serve but a few. All sovereigns are suspicious of their servants, and the sovereign people is no exception to the rule; but how is its suspicion to be allayed by knowledge? If that suspicion could be clarified into wise vigilance, it would be altogether salutary; if that vigilance could be aided by the unmistakable placing of responsibility, it would be altogether beneficent, Suspicion itself is never healthful either in the private or in the public mind. Trust is strength in all relations of life; and, as it is the office of the constitutional reformer to create conditions of trustfulness, so it the office of administrative organizer to fit administration with conditions of clear-cut responsibility which shall insure trustworthiness.And let me say that large powers and unhampered discretion seem to me the indispensable conditions of responsibility. Public attention must be easily directed, in each case of good or bad administration, to just the man deserving of praise of blame. There in no danger in power, if only it be not irresponsible. If it be divided, dealt out in shares to many, it is obscured; and if it be obscured, it is made irresponsible. But if it be centred in heads of the service and in heads of branches of the service, it is easily watched and brought to book. If to keep his office a man must achieve open and honest success, and if at the same time he feels himself intrusted with large freedom of discretion, the more safely obscure and unnoticed does he feel his position to be, and the more readily does he relapse into remissness.Just here we manifestly emerge upon the field of that still larger question—the proper relations between public opinion and administration.To whom is official trustworthiness to be disclosed, and by whom is it to bo rewarded? Is the official to look to the public for his meed of praise and his push of promotion, or only to his superior in office? Are the people to be called in to settle administrative discipline as they are called in to settle constitutional principles? These questions evidently find their root in what is undoubtedly the fundamental problem of this whole study. That problem is:What part shall public opinion take in the conduct of administration?The right answer seems to be, that public opinion shall play the part of authoritative critic.But the method by which its authority shall be made to tell? Our peculiar American difficulty in organizing administration is not the danger of losing liberty, but the danger of not being able or willing to separate its essentials from its accidents. Our success is made doubtful by that besetting error of ours, the error of trying to do too much by vote. Self-government does not consist in having a hand in everything, any more than housekeeping consists necessarily in cooking dinner with one’s own hands. The cook must be trusted with a large discretion as to the management of the fires and the ovens.In those countries in which public opinion has yet to be instructed in tis privileges,yet to be accustomed to having its own way,this question as to the province of public is much more readily soluble than in this country,where public opinion is wide awake and quite intent upon having its own way anyhow. It is pathetic to see a whole book written by a German professor of political science for the purpose of saying to hiscountr ymen,”Please try to have an opinion about national affairs”; but a public which is so modest may at least be expected to be very docile and acquiescent in learning what things it has not a right to think and speak about imperatively. It may be sluggish, but it will not be meddlesome. It will submit to be instructed before it tries to instruct. Its political education will come before its political activity. It trying to instruct our own public opinion, we are dealing with a pupil apt to think itself quite sufficiently instructed beforehand.The problem is to make public opinion efficient without suffering it to be meddlesome. Directly exercised, in the oversight of the daily details and in the choice of the daily means of government, public criticism is of course a clumsy nuisance, a rustic handling delicate machinery. Butas superintending the greater forces of formative policy alike in politics and administration, public criticism is altogether safe and beneficent, altogether indispensable. Let administrative study find the best means for giving public criticism this control and for shutting it out from all other inter ference.But is the whole duty of administrative study done when it has taught the people what sort of administration to desire and demand, and how to get what they demand? Ought it not to go on to drill candidates for the public service?There is an admirable movement towards universal political education now afoot in this country. The time will soon come when no college of respectability can afford to do without a well-filled chair of political science. But the education thus imparted will go but a certain length. It will multiply the number of intelligent critics of government, but it will create no competent body of administrators. It will prepare the way for the development of a sure-footed understanding of the general principles of government, but it will not necessarily foster skill in conducting government. It is an education which will equip legislators,perhaps,but not executive officials. If we are to improve public opinion, which is the motive power of government, we must prepare better officials as the apparatus of government. If we are to put in new boilers and to mend the fires which drive our governmental machinery, we must not leave the old wheels and joints and valves and bands to creak and buzz and clatter on as best they may at bidding of the new force. We must put in new running parts wherever there is the least lack of strength of adjustment. It will be necessary to organize democracy by sending liberal tests as to technical knowledge. A technically schooled civil service will presently have become indispensable.管理是一个领域的业务。



第一章1、There has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. 发达国家公共部门的管理经历了一场转变。

2、This new paradigm poses a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这种新的典范对曾被认为是公共行政的一些基本的、几乎是永恒的原理提出了直接的挑战。

3、All these points will be discussed at greater length later,but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.虽然上述一切都值得深入探讨,这里强调的主要一点是,在100年来很少发生变化的公共部门职业领域,如今已经发生了全面的变革。

4、There is some debate over whether or not public management,particularly the new public management,is a new paradigm for public sector management.这里有一些争论,关于是否公共管理,特别是新公共管理是公共部门管理的新典范。

5、Some argue that paradigm is large hurdle to jump,requiring agreement among all a discipline's practitioners -- a more or less permanent way of looking at the world.一些人认为典范是巨大的障碍,需要协议在所有学科的实践者——或多或少永久看待世界的方式。



Lesson 1The Practice and Discipline of Public AdministrationSome Definitions公共行政,像许多人的努力,是很难界定的。























行政管理英文文献篇一:行政管理公共管理论文中英文外文翻译文献中英文外文翻译文献The New Public Management SituationNo doubt, many countries in the world, and both developed countries and developing countries, in the late 1980s and early 1990s began a continuous public sector management reform movement. The reform movement is still in many aspects government continue to the organization and management of the influence. People in these reforms view repudiating them. Critics especially in Britain and the United States, critics say the new mode of various problems exist, but also does not have the international prevailing reform of public management, could not be called paradigm. Criticism from almost every aspect of the change. Most of the academic criticism belong to the mouth. Different schools of thought in detail discussion, The academic journal articles and abstraction, from reality. At the same time, in the practice of public management andimplementation of the reform and the change. As I in other articles in the thought, in most countries, the traditional public administrative mode for public management mode has been replaced. The reform of public department responded to the realities of several interrelated problems, including: the function of public sector provide public services of low efficiency, Economic theory of change, Private sector related changes impact of globalization, especially as a kind of economic power, T echnology changes made decentralization and better control globally becomes possible. The administrative management can be divided into three stages: the development of distinct phases, and public administration before traditional pattern and public management reform stage. Each stage has its own management mode. From a stage of transition to the next stage is not easy, from the traditional public administration to public administration has not yet completed the transition. But it was only a matter of time. Because the new mode of theoretical basis is very strong. The new public management movement , although this name, but it is not only a debate in the booming, and in most developed countries have taken the best management mode of expression. The traditionaladministrative mode than it's age is a great reform, but that time has passed.A traditional patternObviously, in the late 19th century bureaucracy system theory, not sound already exists some form of administrative management. Public administration has a long history, and it is the concept of a government and the rise of civilization as history. As the case Glad2den Osama bin laden (point), a model of administrative since the government appears has existed. First is endowed with founder or leader, then is the social or administrative person to organizers of eternity. Administration management or business is all in social activities, although not among factors, but the glow of social sustainable development is of vital importance. Recognized administrative system in ancient Egypt is already exists, its jurisdiction from the Nile flooding caused by the year to build the pyramids irrigation affairs. China is adopted in the han dynasty, Confucian norms that government should be elected, not according to the background, but according to the character and ability, the government's main goal is to seek the welfare of the people. In Europe, various empire - Greek, Roman, and the holy Roman, Spain'sadministrative empire, they first by the central through various rules and procedures. Weber's thought, modern medieval countries develop simultaneously with bureaucratic management structure development. Although these countries in different ways, but they have common features, it can be called before modern. Namely, the administrative system of early essence is the personification of, or the establishment in Max Weber's nepotism basis, i.e. to loyal to the king or minister certain human foundation, not is personified, With allegiance to the organization or individual basis rather than for the foundation. Although thereare such a viewpoint that administration itself not only praise from traditional mode, the characteristic of early but often leads to seek personal interests corruption or abuse of power. In the early administrative system, we now feel very strange approach has the functions of government administration is generally behavior. All those who walk official tend to rely on friends or relatives for work or buy officer, which means the money to buy the first officer or tax officials, and then out to the customer to money, which is the first to buy officer recovery investment cost, and can make afortune. America in the 19th century FenFei system of political parties means in the ruling changed at the same time, the government of all administrative position is changed. Modern bureaucracy is before personal, traditional, diffusion and similar and special, and according to the argument, modern Weber bureaucracy is impersonal, rational, concrete, achievement orientation and common. Personalized government is often inefficient: nepotism means incompetent not capable person was arranged to positions of leadership, FenFei political corruption, in addition to making often still exist serious low efficiency. The enormous success of traditional administrative pattern that early practice looks strange. Specialization and not politicized administrative in our opinion is so difficult to imagine that trace, there exist other system. Western administrative system even simple selection of officials to pass the exam, until 1854, Britain and north G..M. Trevelyan report after Northcote - began to establish in China, although the system has long passage.The traditional public administrative patternIn the late 19th century, additionally one kind of pattern on the world popular, this is the so-called traditionaladministrative pattern. Its main theoretical basis from several countries, namely, the American scholars and Germany Woodrow Wilson of Max Weber's, people put their associated with bureaucracy model, Frederick Tyler systematically elaborated the scientific management theory, the theory of the private sector from America, for public administration method was provided. And the other theorists, T aylor without focusing on public sector, but his theory was influential in this field. The three traditional public administration mode is theorist of main effect.In other countries, plus G..M. Trevelyan and North America, the state administration of administrative system, especially the Wilson has produced important influence. In the 19th century, the north G..M. Trevelyan and put forward through the examination and character, and appointed officials put forward bias and administrative neutral point of view. The traditional administrative pattern has the following features:1. The bureaucracy. The government shall, according to the principle of bureaucratic rank and organization. The German sociologist Max Weber bureaucracy system of a classic, and analysis. Although the bureaucracy in businessorganizations and other tissues, but it is in the public sector got better and longer.2. The best way of working and procedures are in full manual detail codes, for administrative personnel to follow. Strictly abide by these principles will run for the organization provides the best way.3. Bureaucratic service. Once the government policy areas in, it will be through the bureaucracy to provide public products and service providers.4. In political and administrative two relations, political and administrative managers generally think of administrative affairs can be separated. Administration is the implement instruction, and any matter policy or strategic affairs shall be decided by the political leaders, which can ensure that the democratic system.5. Public interests are assumed to individual civil servants, the only motive for public service is selfless paying.6. Professional bureaucracy. Public administration is viewed as a kind of special activities, thus requirements, obscure, civil servants neutral equal employment and lifelong service to any political leaders.7. The administrative task is to carry out the meaning ofthe written instructions and not others assume the personal responsibility.Through the comparison of the early administrative pattern, we can better understand the main advantages and Webber system differences. Webber system and it is the most important mode of various before the difference: the rule-based impersonal system replaced the personification of administrative management system. An organization and its rules than any of the people are important organization. Bureaucracy is itsoperation and how to respond to customer must is personified. As Weber has demonstrated that the modern office management , will be incorporated into various regulations deeply touched it. The modern public administration by law theory, to command certain affairs authority has been awarded the legitimate public authority. This does not grant an institution specific cases through some instructions. It only matters is abstractly control some issues. In contrast, through personal privileges and give concession regulation of all affairs. The latter is completely dominated by the hereditary system, at least these affairs is not the traditional infringement is thissituation.It is very important. Early administration based on personal relationships, be loyal to relatives, protect, leaders or political, rather than on the system. Sometimes, the early administration is politically sensitive, because of the administrative organs of the staff is appointed, they also politicians arms or mainstream class. However, it is often autocratic, autocratic administration may be unfair, especially for those who can't or unwilling to input personal and political game. One of the basic principles for with weber impersonal system to completely eliminate autocratic - at least in ideal condition is so. File exists, the reference principle of parallel and legal basis in the same environment means will always make the same decision. Below this kind of circumstance is not only more efficient, and the citizen and bureaucratic hierarchy know myself.Other differences were associated with this. In various regulations and impersonal basis, will naturally formed strict hierarchy. Personal rating system and its provisions in the left unchanged. Although Webber emphasizes the entire system, but he also noticed the bureaucracy of the organization and individual term.The traditional administrative mode won great success, it is widely adopted by governments around the world. Theoretically or in practice, it shows the advantage. And before the corruption flourished, it is more efficient than system, and the thought of individual professionalization civil servants and amateur service has a great progress. However, this model is also exposed the problems that shows that the model can even said outdated, also can say is outdated.篇二:行政管理专业毕业论文中英文翻译新公共管理的现状欧文·E·休斯(澳大利亚莫纳什大学管理系)毫无疑问,世界上许多国家,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,在20世纪80年代后期和90年代初期都开始了一场持续的公共部门管理变革运动。



公共行政学经典文选(英文版)英语翻译段落公共行政学经典文选(英文版)1 .The Study of Administration Woodrow WilsonP18第二部分的前两段The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics; it at most points stands apart even from the debatable ground of constitutional study.It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.The object of administrative study is to rescue executive methods from the confusion and costliness of empirical experiment and set them upon foundations laid deep in stable principle.行政管理的领域是一种事务性的领域,它与政治领域的那种混乱和冲突相距甚远。















目录CONTENTSChapter One From the end of the 19th century to the 30s of the 20th centuryIntroduction1.The StUdy of Administration——Woodrow Wilson 2.Politics and Administration——Frank J.Goodnow 3.Scientific Management——Frederick W.T aylor 4.Bureaucracy——Max Weber5.Notes on the Theory of Organization——Luther GulickChapter T wo The 40s of the 20th century to the 7Os of the 20th centuryIntroduction6.Bureaucratic Structure and Personality——Robert K..Merton 7.A Theory of Human Motivation——A.H.Maslow 8.Power and Administration——Norton E.Long 9.Parkinson’s Law or the Rising Pyramid——C.NorthcoteParkinson10.The Human Side of Enterprise——Douglas Murray McGregor 11. The Science of“Muddling Through”——Charles E.Lindblom 12.Organizations and the System Concept——Daniel Katz &Robert L.Kahn13.Policy AnalystS:A NeW Professional Role in Govemment Service ——Y ehezkel Dror14.The Life Cycle of Bureaus——ANthony Downs15.PUblic Administration in a Time of Revolution——Dwight Waldo16.The Peter Principle——Laurenc J.Peter &Raymond Hull 17.T owards a New Public Administration——H.George Frederickson18.Organization :a Situational Perspective——Jay W.Lorsch 19.Historical T rends in Leadership Theory and Research——Ralph M.Stogdill20.Public and Private Management:Are They Fundamentally Alike in all Unimportant Respects?——Graham T.AllisonChapter Three The 80s Of the 20th Century to the 90s Of the 20th centuryIntroduction21.Some Developments in the Study of Market Choice,Public Choice, and Institutional Choice——Vincent Ostrom 22.EXploring the Limits of Privatization——Ronald C.Moe 23.Public Administration in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe——Eric M.Rice24.Understanding Goverument Regulation——Richard Lehne 25.Privatization Revisited——William T.Gonnley 26.Breaking through Bureaucracy——Michael Barzelay with Babak J.Armajdni27.Productivity and Quality Management——Marc Holzer 28.Public-Private Partnership in the T wenty-First Century——Graham Finney &David A.Grossman29.Reinventing Govemment——Davia Osbome &T ed Gaebler 30.Reinventing the American Federal Govemment:Reform Redux Or Real Change?——Patricia W.Ingraham。



公共行政学英文English:Public administration is the study of the implementation of government policy and the management of public programs. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including organization, management, financial management, human resource management, and policy analysis and evaluation. Public administration is essential for the functioning of government institutions and the delivery of public services, and it often involves working with diverse stakeholders, including elected officials, government employees,non-profit organizations, and the general public. This field also involves studying the ethical and legal aspects of public administration, as well as the impact of public policies on different societal groups. Overall, public administration plays a crucial role in ensuring effective and efficient governance and the attainment of public goals.中文翻译:公共行政学是研究政府政策实施和公共计划管理的学科。

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公共行政学经典文选(英文版)1 .The Study of Administration Woodrow WilsonP18第二部分的前两段The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics; it at most points stands apart even from the debatable ground of constitutional study.It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.The object of administrative study is to rescue executive methods from the confusion and costliness of empirical experiment and set them upon foundations laid deep in stable principle.行政管理的领域是一种事务性的领域,它与政治领域的那种混乱和冲突相距甚远。





2 .Politics and Administration Frank J.Goodnow 弗兰克•J•古德诺政治与行政P32政治与行政功能的区别如果我们分析任何具体的政府组织,就可以看到有三种从事执行国家意志的机构。



































































3 .Scientific Management Frederick W. Taylor词汇P41 第二段The third of the principles of scientific management is the bringing of the science and the scientifically selected and trained workmen together. I say "bringing togethe r" advisedly, because you may develop all the science that you please, and you may scientifically select and train workmen just as much as you please, but unless some man or some men bring the science and the workmen together all your labor will be lost. We are all of us so constituted that about three-fourths of the time we will work according to whatever method suits us best; that is, we will practice the science or we will not practice it; we will do our work in accordance with the laws of the science or in our own old way,just as we see fit unless some one is there to see that we do it in accordance with the principles of the science. Therefore I use advisedly the words "bringing the science and the workman together.”It is unfortunate, however, that this word "bringing" has rather a disagreeable sound, a rather forceful sound; and, in a way, when it is first heard it puts one out of touch with what we have cometo look upon as the modern tendency. The time for using the word "bringing" with a sense of forcing,in relation to most matters, has gone by; but I think that I may soften this word down in its use in this particular case by saying that nine-tenths of the trouble with those of us who have been engaged in helping people to change from the older type of management to the new management-that is, to scientific management-that nine-tenths of our trouble has been to "bring" those on the management's side to do their fair share of the work and only one-tenth of our trouble has come on the workman's side. Invariably we find very great opposition on the part of those on the management's side to do their new duties and comparatively little opposition on the part of the workmen to cooperate in doing their new duties. So that the word "bringing" applies much more forcefully to those on the management's side than to those on the workman's side.科学管理原则的第三点是把科学和(系统)科学化挑择和培训工人相结合(组合到在一起)。
