5050发光二极管 MHBBWT-0000-000COHD230G 规格书(V1.1)
![5050发光二极管 MHBBWT-0000-000COHD230G 规格书(V1.1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/951aad6331b765ce05081420.png)
.C R E E .C o m /X L A m pCLD-DS146 Rev 1Cree ® XLamp ® MHB-B LEDsProDuCt DEsCriPtionThe XLamp® MHB-B LeD is a new high-power LeD that enables a more effective way to lower system costs for high lumen lighting applications, such as high-bay, roadway and outdoor area, than mid-power LeDs.Leveraging key elements of Cree’s SC5 Technology™ Platform, the ceramic MHB-B LeDs combine high light output, high efficacy and high reliability to enablehigh lumen LeD designs that are not possible with mid-power LeDs.The MHB-B LeD delivers higher LPW than the MHB-A LeD in the same 5mm x 5mm package, allowing lighting manufacturers to quickly increase performance for existing MHB designs without any additional investment.FEAturEs• Flexible 9-v, 18-v or 36-v options • Maximum drive current: 700 mA (9 V), 350 mA (18 V), 175 mA (36 V)• viewing angle: 115°• Available in 70-CRI, 80-CRI and 90-CRI options• Unlimited floor life at ≤ 30 ºC/85% RH • Reflow solderable - JEDEC J-STD-020C• electrically neutral thermal path • RoHS- and ReACh-compliant• UL ® recognized component (E349212)tABLE oF ContEntsCharacteristics ...........................................2Flux Characteristics, easyWhite ® Order Codes and Bins - 9 V ..................................3Flux Characteristics, easyWhite ® Order Codes and Bins - 18 V ................................5Flux Characteristics, easyWhite ® Order Codes and Bins - 36 V ................................7Relative Spectral Power Distribution ........9Relative Flux vs. Junction Temperature ....9electrical Characteristics .........................10Relative Flux vs. Current ..........................11Relative Chromaticity vs. Current ............13Relative Chromaticity vs. Temperature ...14Typical Spatial Distribution . (14)Thermal Design ........................................15Performance Groups – Luminous Flux ..16Thermal Design - Continued ....................16Performance Groups – Chromaticity ......17Cree’s Standard White Chromaticity Regions Plotted on the 1931 CIe Curve ..18Bin and Order Code Formats ...................19Reflow Soldering Characteristics ............20Notes ........................................................21Mechanical Dimensions .. (23)Tape and Reel ...........................................24Packaging . (25)CHArACtEristiCsFLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE® Order COdes and Bins - 9 VThe following table provides order codes for XLamp MHB-B LeDs. For a complete description of the order code nomenclature, please see the Bin and Order Code Formats section (page 18).Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and a tolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher than the minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.* Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and atolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher thanthe minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.*Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.FLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE ® Order COdes and Bins - 9 V - COntinuedFLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE® Order COdes and Bins - 18 VThe following table provides order codes for XLamp MHB-B LeDs. For a complete description of the order code nomenclature, please see the Bin and Order Code Formats section (page 18).Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and a tolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher than the minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.* Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and atolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher thanthe minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.*Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.FLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE ® Order COdes and Bins - 18 V - COntinuedFLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE® Order COdes and Bins - 36 VThe following table provides order codes for XLamp MHB-B LeDs. For a complete description of the order code nomenclature, please see the Bin and Order Code Formats section (page 18).Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and a tolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher than the minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.* Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.Notes• Cree maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements, ±0.005 on chromaticity (CCx, CCy) measurements and atolerance of ±2 on CRI measurements. See the Measurements section (page 21).• Cree XLamp MHB-B LED order codes specify only a minimum flux bin and not a maximum. Cree may ship reels in flux bins higher thanthe minimum specified by the order code without advance notice. Shipments will always adhere to the chromaticity bin restrictions specified by the order code.*Flux values @ 25 °C are calculated and for reference only.FLuX CHArACtEristiCs, EAsyWHitE ® Order COdes and Bins - 36 V - COntinuedrelatiVe speCtral pOwer distriButiOn relatiVe Flux Vs. JunCtiOn temperatureTest condition: 9 V, If = 480 mA; 18 V, IF= 240 mA; 36 V, IF= 120 mA= 85 °C) relatiVe Flux Vs. Current (tJrelatiVe ChrOmatiCity Vs. CurrentrelatiVe ChrOmatiCity Vs. temperatureTest condition: 9 V, If = 480 mA; 18 V, IF= 240 mA; 36 V, IF= 120 mAtyPiCAL sPAtiAL DistriButionTest condition: 9 V, If = 480 mA; 18 V, IF= 240 mA; 36 V, IF= 120 mAtHErMAL DEsiGnThe maximum forward current is determined by the thermal resistance between the LeD junction and ambient. It is crucial for the end product to be designed in a manner that minimizes the thermal resistance from the solder point to ambient in order to optimize lamp life and optical characteristics.PErForMAnCE GrouPs – LuMinous FLuX (t J = 85 °C)XLamp MHB-B LEDs are tested for luminous flux and placed into one of the following bins.tHErMAL DEsiGn - ContinuEDPErForMAnCE GrouPs – CHroMAtiCityXLamp MHB-B LEDs are tested for chromaticity and placed into one of the regions defined by the following bounding coordinates.Bin AnD orDEr CoDE ForMAtsBin codes and order codes for MHB-B LEDs are configured in the following manner:order CodeBin CodeSeriesMHBB = MHB-B Internal codeCRI SpecificationB = 70 CRI minimum H = 80 CRI minimum U = 90 CRI minimum Chromaticity region FluxVf classC0 = 9-V class F0 = 18-V class N0 = 36-V class ColorWT = WhiteSeriesMHBB = MHB-B Chromaticity bin Vf classC0 = 9-V class F0 = 18-V class N0 = 36-V class Internal codeCRI SpecificationB = 70 CRI minimum H = 80 CRI minimum U = 90 CRI minimum Flux bin ColorWT = WhiterEFLoW soLDErinG CHArACtEristiCsIn testing, Cree has found XLamp MHB-B LEDs to be compatible with JEDEC J-STD-020C, using the parameters listed below. As a general guideline, Cree recommends that users follow the recommended soldering profile provided by the manufacturer of the solder paste used.Note that this general guideline may not apply to all PCB designs and configurations of reflow soldering equipment.Note: All temperatures refer to the topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.TTT e m p e r a t u r enotEsMeasurementsThe luminous flux, radiant power, chromaticity and CRI measurements in this document are binning specifications only and solely represent product measurements as of the date of shipment. These measurements will change over time based on a number of factors that are not within Cree’s control and are not intended or provided as operational specifications for the products. Calculated values are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as specifications.pre-release Qualification testingPlease read the LeD Reliability Overview for details of the qualification process Cree applies to ensure long-term reliability for XLamp LEDs and details of Cree’s pre-release qualification testing for XLamp LEDs. Cree did not perform Room Temperature Operating Life (RTOL) testing on the MHB-B LED.Lumen MaintenanceCree now uses standardized IES LM-80-08 and TM-21-11 methods for collecting long-term data and extrapolating LED lumen maintenance. For information on the specific LM-80 data sets available for this LED, refer to the public LM-80 results document.Please read the Long-Term Lumen Maintenance application note for more details on Cree’s lumen maintenance testing and forecasting. Please read the Thermal Management application note for details on how thermal design, ambient temperature, and drive current affect the LeD junction temperature.Moisture sensitivityCree recommends keeping XLamp LEDs in the provided, resealable moisture-barrier packaging (MBP) until immediately prior to soldering. Unopened MBPs that contain XLamp LeDs do not need special storage for moisture sensitivity.Once the MBP is opened, XLamp MHB-B LEDs may be stored as MSL 1 per JEDEC J-STD-033, meaning they have unlimited floor life in conditions of ≤ 30 ºC/85% relative humidity (RH). Regardless of the storage condition, Cree recommends sealing any unsoldered LEDs in the original MBP.roHs ComplianceThe levels of RoHS restricted materials in this product are below the maximum concentration values (also referred to as the threshold limits) permitted for such substances, or are used in an exempted application, in accordance with EU Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS2), as implemented January 2, 2013. RoHS Declarations for this product can be obtained from your Cree representative or from the Product Documentation sections of .rEACh ComplianceREACh substances of very high concern (SVHCs) information is available for this product. Since the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has published notice of their intent to frequently revise the SvHC listing for the foreseeable future, please contact a Cree representative to insure you get the most up-to-date REACh Declaration. REACh banned substance information (REACh Article 67) is also available upon request.notEs - ContinuEDuL® recognized ComponentLevel 4 enclosure consideration. The LED package or a portion thereof has been investigated as a fire and electrical enclosure per ANSI/ UL 8750.Vision advisoryWARNING: Do not look at exposed lamp in operation. eye injury can result. For more information about LeDs and eye safety, please refer to the LeD eye Safety application note.MECHAniCAL DiMEnsionsThermal vias, if present, are not shown on these drawings.All measurements are ±.13 mm unless otherwise indicated.recommended PCB solder Padside Viewtop View5.005.00OPTICAL REFERENCESide0.8±.1.71OPTICAL REFERENCE4.78.50.504.782.784.784. Viewrecommended stencil Pattern(shaded Area is open)tAPE AnD rEELAll Cree carrier tapes conform to eIA-481D, Automated Component Handling Systems Standard.All dimensions in mm [in].330+.25-.7512.4+1.0-.5MEASURED AT EDGE16.4+0.2.0MEASURED AT HUB12.4+.2.0MEASURED AT HUB±.213.11.9±.4±.42160°60°CATHODE SIDEANODE SIDEPACkAGinGCode, Qty, Lot #Moisture Barrier BagDessicant (inside bag)Humidity Indicator Card (inside bag)Label with Custo Patent LabelLabel with Cree Bin Code, Quantity, Reel IDLabel with Cree Order Code, Quantity, Reel ID, PO #Label with Cree Order Code,Quantity, Reel ID, PO #Label with Cree Bin Code,Quantity, Reel IDPackaged ReelBoxed Reel。
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JEITA ED-4701 200 203
JEITA ED-4701 200 201
JEITA ED-4701 200 202
JEITA ED-4701 100 103
JEITA ED-4701 300 302
JEITA ED-4701 300 303
JEITA ED-4701 300 304
产品型号 : 文件编号 : 版本编号 :
06B2HC-c TZS-15-113B V.03
■ 1206SMD侧面发光高亮度LED ■ 胶体颜色: 透明 ■ 发光颜色:蓝光 ■ 半功率视角:---° ■ 无卡位 ■ 晶片材质: CaAsP
备注: 1. 所有尺寸单位为mm ,如无特殊说明误差范围为±0.02mm、支架长度误差范围0.02mm 。 2. 胶体沿支架延伸不可超过0.01mm。 3. 多胶不超过0.01mm。
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2 亮化
最大限度性能参数(Ta = 25℃)
. 回流焊接
型号Model : E2835UX60 日期Date : 2018-3-31 部门Department : RD 版本Edition : A/1承认Acceptance▇批量生产Batch production □初步试样 Initial sample□客户专用设计Customer Special Design 设计编号Design Number :MLS批准Approval审核 Audit 制作production客户会签Customer signature 客户意见Customer comment地址:广东省中山市小榄镇龙山工业区木林森大道1号Address: XiaoLan town LongShan industrial zone Mulinsen road no. 1, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province总机(switchboard):*************E-mail:*************F INA L目录Contents产品介绍(Product Introduction ) 2光电参数(Photoelectric Parameters ) 4电性曲线(Electrical Curve ) 5色区坐标(Color Coordinates ) 6Bin 等级(Bin Level ) 8实验标准(Experimental Standard) 9包装规格(Packing Specification ) 10使用说明(Instructions For Use ) 12储存方式(Storage ) 16硫化标准(Vulcanization Experiments ) 17F INA L简述(Description ):平面发光二极管(Flat LED )高光效,高亮度,色温可选; 体积小,便于设计和安装; 高可靠性,长寿命;适用于照明例如灯管、筒灯、面板灯、吸顶灯等; 产品选择(Product Selection Guide ) 产品分类 Types 色温CCT (K) 光通量电压 VF显值 CRI测试电流Current (mA)Min Max E2835UW60 6500 45 65 3 80 150E2835UZ60 5000 45 65 E2835UN60 4000 45 65 E2835US60 3000 45 65 E2835UD60 27004565备注(Remarks):1、CRI x,y 测量误差±0.003Measurement tolerance, x, y ± 0.003 requirement 2、色温保证误差正负5%。
f5圆头发光二极管规格书F5圆头发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode,LED)是一种高效节能的光电器件,具有长寿命、快速响应、抗震动、低电压等优点。
一、外观尺寸1. 尺寸:直径为5mm2. 极性:有正负极之分,正极为长脚,负极为短脚3. 包装方式:常见的包装方式有盘装和管装两种,每盘或每管数量不同,具体可根据需求选择。
二、电气参数1. 额定工作电压(VF):通常为2V-3.6V之间。
2. 额定工作电流(IF):通常为10mA-30mA之间。
3. 反向漏电流(IR):通常小于10μA。
4. 静态亮度(IV):通常在1000mcd以上。
5. 发光角度:通常为120度左右,也有其他角度可供选择。
三、光学参数1. 发光颜色:可提供多种颜色选择,包括红色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、白色等。
2. 光通量(LM):通常为10lm-30lm之间,具体数值取决于颜色和电流。
3. 发光强度(CD):通常为1000cd-3000cd之间,具体数值取决于颜色和电流。
4. 色温(K):可提供不同的色温选择,包括暖白、自然白、冷白等。
5. 显色指数(CRI):通常在70以上,可根据需求提供更高的显色指数。
四、其他参数1. 工作温度范围:通常为-40℃至85℃之间。
2. 存储温度范围:通常为-40℃至100℃之间。
3. 寿命:通常可以达到50000小时以上,具体寿命取决于使用条件和环境因素。
4. 包装方式:除了盘装和管装外,还可以提供带引线或不带引线的封装方式,以满足不同客户需求。
例如:1. 家庭照明:可用于室内照明、夜灯等场合。
2. 商业照明:可用于商场、超市、办公室等场合。
3. 汽车照明:可用于汽车前照灯、尾灯等场合。
4. 电子产品:可用于手机、平板电脑、电视机等产品的背光源和指示灯。
发光二极管(LED产品简介一LED简介•LED(Light Emitting Diode俗称发光二级体或发光二极管,它包含了可见光和不可见光。
属于光电半导体的一类,在结构上包括P极与N极,是一种依靠半导体PN 结发光的光电元件,它分为Lamp系列,Top系列,食人鱼系列,SMD系列,High Power(大功率系列…。
•晶片的分类:• 1.1按组成分:•二元:如GaAs(砷化镓,GaP(磷化镓等•三元:InGaN(氮化铟镓,GaAlAs(砷化镓铝,GaAsP(磷化镓砷等•四元:AlGaInP(铝钾铟磷.AlGaInAs(铝钾磷砷• 1.2按极性分:•P/N极晶片(正极性N/P极晶片(反极性双电极(蓝,绿,紫光• 1.3按发光类型分:•表面发光型: 光线大部分从晶片表面发出•五面发光型:表面,侧面都有较多的光线射出• 1.4按发光颜色分:•红,橙,黄,黄绿,纯绿,蓝绿,蓝,紫光1.5按晶片的大小尺寸分:8mil 9mil 10mil 12mil (红,橙,黄,黄绿12mil 14mil (蓝,绿,紫光晶片之结构¾晶片的结构¾四大结构P型层, N型层, 基层(Substrate与电极•电极分上电极屯下电极电极材料部分有Al及Au依P型层及N型层的位置,分为两种P型层在上, 则为正极性N型层在上, 则为反极性基层一般为GaAs, GaP,…等晶片之材质及其發光顏色晶片发光原理•晶片是由P层半导体元素,N层半导体元素靠电子移动而重新排列组合成的PN结合体。
φ 共阳红绿双色LED数据手册
![φ 共阳红绿双色LED数据手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/934a792f1eb91a37f1115c4e.png)
■典型的光电特性曲线 (Ta=25℃ 除非不同地方) Typical Optical/Electrical Characteristics Curves (Ta=25℃ Unless Otherwise Noted)
电流-电压曲线 Current-Voltage Curve
■ 主要光电特性 (室温 = 25℃)Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics (Ta = 25℃)
发光颜色 Emitting Color
条件 最小值 典型值
最大值 MAX.
正向电压 Forward Voltage
第 6 页,共 6 页
■ 半功视角 Spatial Distribution
■ 可靠性试验
Reliability Performance
测试分类 Test Classification
测试项目 Test Item
寿命测试 Life Test
寿命测试 Life Test
热冲击测试 Thermal Shock Test
冷热循环测试 Temperature Cycle Test
Hubei Kento Electronic Co., Ltd
Specification for LED Product
■ 尺寸规格(毫米) Package Dimensions(mm)
注解: Notes: 1.所有尺寸单位是mm All dimension units are millimeters. 2.所有未标注尺寸公差为±0.2mm All dimension tolerance is ±0.2mm unless otherwise noted. 3.所有胶体底部与引脚处多胶部分大约为1.5mm An epoxy meniscus may extend about 1.5mm down the leads. 4.胶体底部毛边小于等于0.5mm Burr around bottom of epoxy may be 0.5mm max.
EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Technical Data Sheet3.0mm Round Type LED LampsA264B/SUB/S400-A4█ Features :●Low power consumption●High efficiency and low cost●Good control and free combinations on the colors of LED lamps ●Good lock and easy to ass embly ●Stackable and easy to assembly ●Stackable vertically and easy to assembly ●Versatile mounting on P.C board or panel ●Stackable horizontally and easy to assembly ●Pb free█ Descriptions :●ARRAY=Plastic Holder+Combinations of Lamps●The array will e asily mount the applicable lamps on any panel up to█ Applications :●ed as indicators of indicating the Degree, Functions, Positions etc, in electronic instruments.ChipMaterial Emitted Color 264-10SUBD/C470/S400-A4InGaNSuper BlueBlue DiffusedEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : //REV.:1Page: 1 of 6Device Number :CDAE-026-087Prepared date: 2005/2/21Prepared by:Lian Xiang YouLens Color PART NO.020-******** QQ2462655096EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.█ Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25℃Parameter Symbol Rating UnitForward Current I F25mAOperating Temperature Topr-40 to +85℃Storage Temperature Tstg-40 to +100℃Soldering Temperature Tsol260 ± 5℃Electrostatic Discharge ESD150VPower Dissipation Pd110mWPeak Forward Current I F(Peak100mA Reverse Voltage V R5VNote: *1:I FP Conditions --Pulse Width ≦ 1msec and Duty ≦ 1/10.*2:Soldering time ≦ 5 seconds.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : // REV.:1Page: 2 0f 6 Device Number :CDAE-026-087Prepared date:2005/2/21 Prepared by:Lian Xiang YouEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Technical Data Sheet3.0mm Round Type LED LampsA264B/SUB/S400-A4Min.Typ.Max.Unit I F =20mA / 3.4 4.0V V R =5V //50μA I F =20mA 160250/mcd I F =20mA /35/deg I F =20mA /468/nm I F =20mA /470/nm I F =20mA/35/nmEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. http : // REV.:1Page:3 of 6Device Number :CDAE-026-087Prepared date:Prepared by:Lian Xiang YouDominant Wavelength Spectrum RadiationBandwidthParameter Condition Forward Voltage Reverse Current Luminous Intensity Viewing Angle Peak Wavelength Symbol I R Iv 2θ1/2Electro-Optical Characteristics(Ta=25℃2005/2/21λp λd △λV FEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.Technical Data Sheet3.0mm Round Type LED LampsA264B/SUB/S400-A4█Reliability test items and conditions:The reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level:97% LTPD:3%NO Item Test ConditionsSample Size FailureJudgment Criteria1Solder Heat TEMP : 260℃ ± 5 ℃76 PCSH : +100℃ 15min2Temperature Cycle∫ 5 min 76 PCSL : -40℃ 15min H : +100℃ 5min3Thermal Shock ∫ 10 sec 76 PCSL : -10℃ 5min 4High Temperature Storage TEMP : 100℃76 PCS5Low Temperature Storage TEMP : -40℃76 PCSTEMP : 25℃I F = 20mA 7High Temperature / HighHumidity85℃ / 85% RH76 PCSNote :Ivt:The test Iv value of the chip before the reliablility testIv:The test value of the chip that has completed the reliablility test U:Upper Specification Limit L: Lower Specification LimitEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD.http : // REV.:1 Page:5 of 6Device Number :CDAE-026-087Prepared date: Prepared by:Lian Xiang You0/10/11000 HRS 0/10/11000 HRS6DC Operating Life 1000 HRS 2005/2/211000 HRSTest Hours/Cycle Ac/Re10 SECIv≦Ivt*0.5or Vf≧Uor Vf≦L 0/1300 CYCLES 0/1300 CYCLES 0/176 PCSEVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Technical Data Sheet 3.0mm Round Type LED Lamps A264B/SUB/S400-A4 Packing Quantity Specification1.250PCS/1Bag,4Bags/1Box2. 10Boxes/1Carton Label Form Specification CPN: Customer’s Production Numb er P/N : Production Number QTY: Packing QuantityA264B/SUB/S400-A4 CAT: Ranks HUE: Peak Wavelength REF: Reference LOT No: Lot Number MADE IN TAIWAN: Production Place Notes 1. Above specification may be changed without notice. EVERLIGHT will reserve authority on material change for above specification. 2. When using this product, please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for using outlined in these specification sheets. EVERLIGHT assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from use of the product which does not comply with the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions included in these specification sheets. 3. These specification sheets include materials protected under copyright of EVERLIGHT corporation. Please don’t reprodu ce or cause anyone to reproduce them without EVERLIGHT ’sconsent. EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Office: No 25, Lane 76, Sec 3, Chung Yang Rd, Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: (886-2-2267-2000, 2267-9936 Fax: 886-2267-6244, 2267-6189, 2267-6306 http:\\ EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. http :// Prepared date: 2005/2/21 REV.: Prepared by: 1 Page: 6 0f 6 Lian Xiang You Device Number : CDAE-026-087。
符号 Symbol
最小 值
一般 值
发光强度(Luminous Intensity)
发光角度(Viewing Angle)
峰值波长(Peak Wave Length) 主波长(Dominant Wave Length)
29.0±0.5 0.5
材质(Material) 顔色(Color)
环氧树脂 绿色扩散
2.0MIN 2.54
极限参数(Absolute Maximum Ratings)(Ta=25℃) 项目参数(Parameter)
符号(Symbol )
最大功耗(Max Power Dissipation)
最大正向电流(Max Continuous Forward Current)
V mA
℃ ℃
最大 值Max
. 150 / / 575
单位 Unit
mcd deg nm nm
测试条件 Conditio
n IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA
nm IF=20mA
V IF=20mA
μA VR=5V
注:本公司所提供的LED产品可根据客户需求订做,相关技术参数会发生变化,详细情况请咨 询我公司有关人员。
经老化实验证明:本LED在正常工作条件下:即IF=20mA、VF= 2.5 V时,使用寿命为3—— 10万小时。 备注:按防静电焊接操作(接地线、戴静电环、戴纯棉手指套)
产品型号(Part number system for led lamp) G304DC(φ3MM长脚绿发绿) 外形图(Package Dimensions)单位:(Unit):mm
Symbol VF IR λp λD IV 2θ½
Condition IF =20mA VR = 5V IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA
Min. 1.9 -----------
Typ. 2.0 --573 567 20 30
Max. 2.1 10 ---------
c a t h o d e
第 2 页 共 4 页
Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25° 25°C
Forward Current Peak Forward Current* Reverse Voltage Power Dissipation Operation Temperature Storage Temperature
Unit V µA nm nm mcd deg
Important Notes:
1) Tolerance of measurement of luminous intensity is ±15%. 2) Tolerance of measurement of dominant wavelength is ±1nm. 3) Tolerance of measurement of Vf is ±0.05 V.
Unit mA mA V mW
°C °C
Lead Soldering Temperature
*pulse width <=0.1msec
duty <=1/10
Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics ( Ta = 25° 25°C)
Items Forward Voltage Reverse Current Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Luminous Intensity 50% Power Angle
Symbol IF IFP VR PD Topr Tstg Tsol
Absolute maximum Rating 20 100 5 45 -40 ~ + 85 -40 ~ +100
Max.260 °C for 5 sec Max.
(3mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)
Symbol VF IR λp λD IV 2θ½
Condition IF =20mA VR = 5V IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA
Min. 2.0 -----------
Typ. 2.2 --635 625 150 30
Max. 2.4 10 ---------
Unit mA mA V mW
°C °C
Lead Soldering Temperature
*pulse width <=0.1msec
duty <=1/10
Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics ( Ta = 25° 25°C)
Items Forward Voltage Reverse Current Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Luminous Intensity 50% Power Angle
h t t p : / / w w w. s z l i n x i n . c n e-m a il : sa le s @s z li nx in . cn
电话: (0755)84859893 传真: (0755)84857772 技 术 质 量 部 批 准 审 核 制 定
黄色贴片式发光二极管 XL-1606UYC 商品说明书
![黄色贴片式发光二极管 XL-1606UYC 商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/95dc4c3859fafab069dc5022aaea998fcd224049.png)
产品承认书产品名称:0602-T0.6黄色贴片式发光二极管产品型号:XL-1606UYC客户名称:客户料号:承认日期:深圳市成兴光电子科技有限公司制定审核核准客户承认栏确认审核核准一、产品描述:●外观尺寸(L/W/H):1.7x1.1x0.6mm●颜色:高亮度黄色●胶体:透明胶体●EIA规范标准包装●环保产品,符合ROHS要求●适用于自动贴片机●适用于红外线回流焊制程二、外形尺寸及建议焊盘尺寸:Anode CathodeGreenmark建议焊盘尺寸备注:1.单位:毫米(mm)2.公差:如无特别标注则为±0.10mm三、建议焊接温度曲线:有铅制程无铅制程四、最大绝对额定值(Ta=25℃):参数符号最大额定值单位消耗功率Pd55mW最大脉冲电流(1/10占空比,0.1ms脉宽)I FP100mA正向直流工作电流I F25mA 反向电压V R5V 工作环境温度Topr-30°C~+85°C存储环境温度Tstg-40°C~+90°C焊接条件Tsol 回流焊:260°C,10s 手动焊:300°C,3s五、光电参数(Ta=25℃):参数符号最小值代表值最大值单位测试条件光强IV 37---64mcd IF =5mA 半光强视角2θ1/2---120---deg IF =5mA 主波长λD 586---594nm IF =5mA 正向电压VF 1.8--- 2.1V IF =5mA 反向电流IR------1uAVR=5V亮度分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件L13744mcdIF=5mAL24453L45364电压分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件D1 1.8 1.9VIF=5mAD2 1.9 2.0D32.02.1波长分档:代码最小值最大值单位测试条件Y01586588nmIF=5mAY02588590Y03590592Y04592594六、光电参数代表值特征曲线:φ6七、标签标识:CAT:光强(mcd)HUE:波长(nm)REF:电压(V)误差范围a.Luminous Intensity:±15%b.HUE:±1nmc.Forward Voltage:±0.1V八、包装载带与圆盘尺寸:φ13.0AA A-A剖面图U ser Feed D irection备注:1.尺寸单位为毫米(mm);2.尺寸公差如无标注,为±0.15mm;九、圆盘及载带卷出方向及空穴规格:尾端至少160mm盖带和空壳载带的组合开始端装有零件部分至少160mm盖带和至少160mm独立盖带或空壳载带的组合盖带与空壳载带的组合十、内包装及外包装:内标签圆盘干燥剂防潮防静电袋5cartons/box外标签抽真空、热封10bags/carton十一、信赖性实验:测试项目测试条件测试次数参考标准失效判定标准失效LED数量(PCS)防潮等级1.回流焊最高温度=260℃,10秒,2次回流焊;2.回流焊之前存储条件:30℃,相对湿度=70%,168H;-JEITAED-4701300.301﹟10/22焊接信赖性(无铅回流焊)回流焊最高温度=245±5℃,5秒(无铅回流焊)-JEITAED-4701303303A﹟20/22冷热循环-40℃30分钟~25℃5分钟~100℃30分钟~25℃5分钟300个循环JESD22-A104﹟10/22冷热冲击-35℃15分钟转换时间3分钟85℃15分钟300个循环JESD22-A106﹟10/22高温存储Ta=100℃1000小时JESD22-A103﹟10/22低温存储Ta=-40℃1000小时JESD22-A119﹟10/22常温老化Ta=25℃IF=20mA1000小时JESD22-A108﹟10/22(2)失效标准标准﹟项目测试条件失效标准﹟1正向电压(V F)I F=20mA>U.S.L*1.1光强(IV)I F=20mA<L.S.L*0.7反向电流(I R)V R=5V>U.S.L*2.0﹟2焊接可靠性/锡膏覆盖焊盘比例小于95%★U.S.L:规格上限L.S.L:规格下限十二、使用注意事项:◆使用:1.过高的温度会影响LED的亮度以及其他性能,所以为使LED有较好的性能表现,应将LED远离热源。
国星光电 NCD0603B1 片式发光二极管 数据手册说明书
![国星光电 NCD0603B1 片式发光二极管 数据手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f4534948773231126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f3738c.png)
佛山市国星光电股份有限公司FOSHAN NATIONSTAR OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD顾客名称Customer 产品名称ProductChip LED顾客型号Customer Type 产品型号TypeNCD0603B1顾客部品号Customer No.版本号Version NOA版研发中心Research&Development Center客户(加盖公章)Customer(Stamp)制定DRAW 审核CHECK批准APPROVE确认CONFIRM陆紫珊李友民朱明军发放日期(Release Date):2019-10-30产品规格书地址:广东省佛山市禅城区华宝南路18号Add:NO.18South Huabao Rd,Foshan,Guangdong,China电话(Tel):*************传真(Fax):*************邮编(Zip):528000邮箱(Email):********************** SPECIFICATION保存期限:长期NCD0603B1Chip Light Emitting Diode技术数据表Technical Data Sheet本产品主要作为信号指示及照明的电子元件广泛应用于各类使用表面贴装结构的电子产品中,如家用电器的开关指示灯、手机键盘灯、汽车仪表盘指示灯等。
This product is generally used as indicator and luminance for surface mounted electronic equipment,such as*The specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice.外形尺寸Outline Dimension推荐焊盘尺寸Recommended Soldering Pad极性Polarity-+Electro-Optical Characteristics(1)✧极限参数(温度=25℃)Absolute Maximum Ratings(Temperature=25°C)*注:脉冲宽度≤0.1ms,占空比≤1/10*Note:Pulse Width≤0.1ms,Duty≤1/10✧光电参数(温度=25℃)Electro-Optical Characteristics(Temperature=25°C)*注1:光强偏差±15%;压降偏差±0.1V;(X,Y)坐标偏差±0.01;单色光波长偏差±1nm。
■ 主要光电特性 (室温 = 25℃)Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics (Ta = 25℃)
发光颜色 Emitting Color
条件 最小值 典型值
最大值 MAX.
正向电压 Forward Voltage
第 5 页,共 6 页
Hubei Kento Electronic Co., Ltd
1.应用 此LED可使用于一些普通的电子设备,例如办公设备,通信设备、房屋装饰,若LED用在一些可靠性要
求较高的情况下,如航空运输,交通控制及医辽器械时,一定需参考销售提供之资料进行使用。 2.贮存
贮存LED的环境,温度不超过30℃,相对湿度不超过70%。 建议LED在原包装箱里日期不超过三个月进 行使用,如果需加长贮存时间,建议放在干燥箱内,并加放干燥剂,或者充入氮气。 3.清洗
当用化学品清洗胶体时必须特别小心,因为有些化学品对胶体表面有损伤并引起褪色,如三氯乙烯、 丙酮等。可用乙醇擦拭、浸渍,时间在常温下不超过3分钟。 4.引脚装配
-40 ~ +80
最大温度260℃,最长时间5 秒 Max.260°C for 5 sec Max.
IFP 条件:脉冲宽度小于等于10 分钟 IFP Conditions:Pulse Width≤10msec duty≤1/10 Tsol 条件:离胶体底部4mm 处为基础
第 6 页,共 6 页
简 介: Synopsis:
led2835绿光规格书2835GREEN SPECIFICATION产品型号 Model NO.:YLT-led2835GC-520描述:2835绿光贴片发光二极管是行业内标准的封装产品,此类产品为高可靠性及应用范围非常广泛,此高可靠性的产品非常适用于半户外及户外灯具相关,高可靠性要求的应用场合。
特性:1.外形尺寸D imensions单位(Units):毫米(mm)2.光电特性Electrical / Optical characteristics1/10周期, 0.1 msec脉宽IFP Conditions : 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1 msec Pulse Width.½ Rja = Heat resistance from Dice to Ambient temperature (Ta) Rjs = Heat resistance from Dice to Solder temperature of Cathode Side (Ts) (3) 原始光电参数Initial Electrical/Optical Characteristics (TA=25ºC)(4)发光强度范围Luminous Intensity Ranking (TA=25ºC)允许误差± 10%Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is ± 10%.(5)颜色范围Color Ranking (TA=25ºC)允许误差± 0.01Color Coordinates Measurement allowance is ± 0.01.3.包装PACKAGING(1)LEDS在装带之后纸箱包装. The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after taping.(2)装带规格Taping Specifications (单位:毫米Units:mm)(3)卷轴尺寸Reel Dimension装带数量2000个/卷2000Pcs/Reel(3) 最小包装标签注明以下:产品名称.批号.光电范围.数量.The label on the minimum packing unit shows ; Part Number, Lot Number, Ranking, Quantity.(4)请注意防水防潮Keep away from wate r, moisture in order to protect the LEDs.(5) 须采取适当防护措施,以防包装箱跌落或受到强力撞击造成对产品的损伤.The LEDS may be damaged if the boxes are dropped or receive a strong impact against them. so precautions must be taken to prevent any damage.4.可靠性RELIABILITY*) U.S.L.:Upper Standard Level **) L.S.L.:Lower Standard Level5.注意事项Cautions(1) 焊接条件Soldering Conditions本产品最多只可回焊两次,且在首次回焊后须冷却至室温之后方可进行第二次回焊.Number of reflow process shall be less than 2 times and cooling process to normal temperature is required between first and Second soldering process. 推荐焊接条件(Recommended soldering conditions)有铅回焊(Lead Solder )无铅回焊(Lead-Free Solder)推荐焊盘式样(Recommended Soldering Pattern ) 单位:毫米( Units:mm )(2)静电Static Electricity触摸LED时,推荐使用防静电手腕带或防静电手套.It is recommended that a wrist band or an anti-electrostatic glove be used when handling the LEDs.所有装置、设备、机器均应接地.All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded.静电损坏的LED会显示出异常特征:正向电压变低或在低电流时死灯.标准: I F=0.5mA时, V F > 2.0VDamaged LEDs will show some unusual characteristics such as the forward voltage becomes lower, or the LEDs do not light at the low current. Criteria : (V F > 2.0V at I F=0.5mA)(3)防潮包装Moisture Proof Package使用防潮包装It is recommended that moisture proof package be used .(4)储藏Storage打开包装袋之前,LED在温度为30°C或更低湿度70%RH以下,可保存一年.Before opening the package ,The LEDs should be kept at 30°C or less and 70%RH or less. The LEDs should be used within a year.(5)打开包装之后,应在24hrs 内焊接完毕.After opening the package, The LEDs should be soldered within 24 hours (1days) after opening the package. If unused LEDs remain, they should be stored in moisture proof packages, such as sealed containers with packages of moisture absorbent material (silica gel).下列情况发生时,须要在焊接前重新烘烤60 ± 5°C,24小时以上。
3 of 9
-30°C ~ + 85°C
-40°C ~ + 90°C 回流焊 : 260°C ,10s 手动焊 : 300°C ,3s
IR-Reflow In-Board, 2 Times 环境温度Ta= 65±5℃,相对湿度RH= 90~95%
高温储存 环境温度Ta= 105±5℃
240 小时 (+ 2小时)
MIL-STD-202F:103B JIS C 7021:B-11
1000 小时
mcd deg nm
V μA
IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA IF = 20mA
VR = 5V
4 of 9
Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength
十一、 信赖度测试:
7 of 9
类别 测试项目
东莞市荧月电子科技有限公司2835绿光规格书2835GREEN SPECIFICATION产品型号 Model NO.:YLT-led2835GC-520描述:led2835绿光贴片发光二极管是行业内标准的封装产品,此类产品为高可靠性及应用范围非常广泛,此高可靠性的产品非常适用于半户外及户外灯具相关,高可靠性要求的应用场合。
特性:尺寸(mm): 2.8 x 3.5 x 0.8mm 表面贴片发光二极管胶体颜色:透明发光颜色:绿光发光角度:120°版次 REV NO.:V01版文件编号Document NO.:TY-C030002日期 DATE :2015.3.11.外形尺寸D imensions单位(Units):毫米(mm)2.光电特性Electrical / Optical characteristics1/10周期, 0.1 msec脉宽IFP Conditions : 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1 msec Pulse Width.½ Rja = Heat resistance from Dice to Ambient temperature (Ta) Rjs = Heat resistance from Dice to Solder temperature of Cathode Side (Ts) (3) 原始光电参数Initial Electrical/Optical Characteristics (TA=25ºC)(4)发光强度范围Luminous Intensity Ranking (TA=25ºC)允许误差± 10%Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is ± 10%.(5)颜色范围Color Ranking (TA=25ºC)允许误差± 0.01Color Coordinates Measurement allowance is ± 0.01.3.包装PACKAGING(1)LEDS在装带之后纸箱包装. The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after taping.(2)装带规格Taping Specifications (单位:毫米Units:mm)(3)卷轴尺寸Reel Dimension装带数量2000个/卷2000Pcs/Reel(3) 最小包装标签注明以下:产品名称.批号.光电范围.数量.The label on the minimum packing unit shows ; Part Number, Lot Number, Ranking, Quantity.(4)请注意防水防潮Keep away from wate r, moisture in order to protect the LEDs.(5) 须采取适当防护措施,以防包装箱跌落或受到强力撞击造成对产品的损伤.The LEDS may be damaged if the boxes are dropped or receive a strong impact against them. so precautions must be taken to prevent any damage.4.可靠性RELIABILITY*) U.S.L.:Upper Standard Level **) L.S.L.:Lower Standard Level 5.注意事项Cautions(1) 焊接条件Soldering Conditions本产品最多只可回焊两次,且在首次回焊后须冷却至室温之后方可进行第二次回焊.Number of reflow process shall be less than 2 times and cooling process to normal temperature is required between first and Second soldering process. 推荐焊接条件(Recommended soldering conditions)有铅回焊(Lead Solder ) 无铅回焊(Lead-Free Solder)推荐焊盘式样(Recommended Soldering Pattern ) 单位:毫米( Units:mm)(2)静电 Static Electricity触摸LED 时,推荐使用防静电手腕带或防静电手套.It is recommended that a wrist band or an anti-electrostatic glove be used when handling the LEDs. 所有装置、设备、机器均应接地.All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded.静电损坏的LED 会显示出异常特征:正向电压变低或在低电流时死灯.标准: I F =0.5mA 时, V F > 2.0VDamaged LEDs will show some unusual characteristics such as the forward voltage becomes lower, or the LEDs do not light at the low current. Criteria : (V F > 2.0V at I F =0.5mA) (3)防潮包装Moisture Proof Package使用防潮包装It is recommended that moisture proof package be used .(4)储藏Storage打开包装袋之前,LED在温度为30°C或更低湿度70%RH以下,可保存一年.Before opening the package ,The LEDs should be kept at 30°C or less and 70%RH or less. The LEDs should be used within a year.(5)打开包装之后,应在24hrs 内焊接完毕.After opening the package, The LEDs should be soldered within 24 hours (1days) after opening the package. If unused LEDs remain, they should be stored in moisture proof packages, such as sealed containers with packages of moisture absorbent material (silica gel).下列情况发生时,须要在焊接前重新烘烤60 ± 5°C,24小时以上。
特性:尺寸(mm):5.0x5.0mm 表面贴片发光二极管胶体颜色:透明发光颜色:七彩和白光发光角度:120°表面颜色:表面白色应用:LED面板灯,半户外和户外显示屏红绿蓝全彩屏产品在不断更新,建议有新产品代替时使用.产品参数:注意:所有尺寸单位为mm;如无特殊说明误差范围为±0.05mm 。
***应用注意事项特点本文件主要向顾客及用户介绍怎样如何更好的使用我司的SMD LED 产品。
描述一般来说,SMD 5050跟一般的半导体有相同的用法。
当使用荧月电子的SMD5050产品,请遵从以下的使用方法以保护SMD LED 产品。
1.清洁:不要使用不明化学液体清洗SMD LED,不明的化学液体可能会损坏SMDLED。
当必要清洗时,把SMD LED沉浸在酒精里,在正常的室温下少于1 分钟并且自然干燥15 分钟,然后才开始使用。
2.防潮湿包装为避免产品在运输及储存中吸湿,SMD LED 的包装是用防潮的铝包装袋包装,并且包装袋里面含有干燥剂及湿度卡,干燥剂主要起到控制包装袋里的湿度,湿度卡主要是起到监控包装袋里的湿度。
3.储存a.包装袋密封后贮存在条件为温度< 40℃,湿度< 60%RH,保存期为12 个月。
c.开封后请在以下条件使用:温度< 30℃、湿度在30%RH 以下;如果使用时间超出24小时,须做以下烘烤处理才可使用。
d.烘烤条件:产品在烘箱在温度为70℃±5℃;相对湿度≤10%RH,时间:24 小时。
TLH-X1R5-K1KK 圆形发光二极管规格书说明书
![TLH-X1R5-K1KK 圆形发光二极管规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a728055ac381e53a580216fc700abb68a982ad90.png)
T-1 3/45mm Round Super Yellow LED (T-1 3/4)Features∙ Standard T-1 3/4 diameter package ∙ High efficient light output ∙ UV Resistant Epoxy ∙ RoHS complianceApplications∙ Indoor/Outdoor Applications ∙ Indicator∙ Vehicle Tail Light∙ Variable Message Signs∙ Center High Mount Stop Light ∙ Warning LightDevice Selection GuideAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)Parameter Symbol Value Unit Reverse VoltageV R5 V Average Forward Current (Note 1&3) I F 50 mA Peak Forward Current (Note 2)I FP100 mA Power Dissipation P d 120 mW LED Junction Temperature T J 125 °C Operating Temperature (Note 3)T opr -40 ~ +100 °C Storage Temperature T stg -40 ~ +100°CSoldering TemperatureT sol260°C / 5 secondsNotes: 1. Design of heat dissipation should be considered. 2. Duty Ration=1/10, Pulse Width=0.1ms.3. The allowable operating current at different operation temperature, please take reference from Fig. 5 page 3.Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25°C)Parameter SymbolMin. Typ. Max. Unit ConditionLuminous Intensity I V9690 14000 ----- mcd I F =20mAViewing Angle 2θ1/2----- 15 ----- deg Dominant wavelength λd585 589 595 nm Spectrum Radiation BandwidthΔλ----- 25 ----- nm Forward Voltage V F1.82.0 2.4 V Reverse CurrentI R----------10μAV R =5VNotes: Tolerance of Luminous Intensity: ±10%Tolerance of Dominant wavelength: ±1.0nmTolerance of Forward Voltage: ±0.1VFig.5 Forward Current vs. Ambient TemperatureAmbient Temperature T a (°C )Fig.1 Relative Intensity vs. WavelengthWavelength (nm )Fig.2 Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageForward Voltage V F (V)Fig.6 Radiation DiagramTypical Electro-Optical Characteristics Curves (Ta=25°C)Fig.3 Relative Intensity vs. Forward CurrentForward Current I F (mA)R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)F o r w a r d C u r r e n t I F (m A ) R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)F o r w a r d C u r r e n t I F (m A )Fig.4 Relative Intensity vs. Ambient TemperatureAmbient Temperature T a (°C )R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)Package Dimensions:Note:1. All dimensions are in millimeters, and tolerance is 0.2mm.2. Protruded resin under bottom surface of epoxy is 1.5mm max.3. Lead spacing is measured where the leads emerge from the package.4. Specifications are subject to be changed without notice.Ordering InformationTL H – X 1 R 5–K1KK –88–BLLead Free Bag or BoxFactory Location CodeFrame Structure CodeSize in mmRound LampWater ClearSuper Yellow ColorSuper BrightTaitron LED LampRank CombinationsBin Range of Luminous IntensityBin Code Min. Max. Unit Condition 6Y 9690 135706Z 13570 19000mcd I F=20 mA A1* 19000 26600Bin Code Min. Max. Unit ConditionG 1.8 2.0H 2.0 2.2V I F=20 mA J 2.2 2.4Bin Range of Dominant wavelengthBin Code Min. Max. Unit Condition Y3 585 589Y4 589 592nm I F=20 mA Y5 592 595Notes: Tolerance of Luminous Flux: ±10%Tolerance of Forward Voltage: ±0.1VTolerance of Dominant Wavelength: ±1.0nm*Bin with less distributionHow to contact usUSA HEADQUARTERS28040 WEST HARRISON PARKWAY, VALENCIA, CA 91355-4162Tel: (800)-TAITRON (800)-824-8766 (661)-257-6060Fax: (800)-TAITFAX (800)-824-8329 (661)-257-6415Email: *****************************TAITRON COMPONENTS INCORPORATED TAIWAN BRANCH 6F., NO.190, SEC. 2, ZHONGXING RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 23146, TAIWAN R.O.C.Tel: 886-2-2913-6238Fax: 886-2-2913-6239TAITRON COMPONENT TECHNOLOG SHANGHAI CORPORATION SUITE 1503, METROBANK PLAZA, 1160 WEST YAN’AN ROAD, SHANGHAI, 200052, CHINATel: +86-21-5424-9942Fax: +86-21-2302-5027。
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型号 : H2B01ARD04
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H2B01ARD04 文件编号: BF-2005-03-040
注: 所有的尺寸单位为毫米(mm),公差为 0.20mm
光强Iv(mcd)@20mA 型号发光颜色芯片材料胶体颜色
Min. Typ. Max.
H2B01ARD04 红色 ALGaAs 有色散射 40 60 --- 60
注: 中心轴亮度50%时单边的发光角度为θ1/2, 2θ1/2=θ1/2+θ1/2 Page 2 of 4
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H2B01ARD04 文件编号: BF-2005-03-040
功率消耗 PD 80 mW
1/10占空比 0.1ms 脉宽
IFP 100 mA
正向电流 IF 20 mA
反向电压 VR 5 V
工作温度 Topr -25℃~+80℃
储存温度 Tstg -25℃~+100℃
焊接温度Tsol 260℃下5秒。