作文素材:第四届中国中学生作文大赛获奖作品选写作佳苑2009-10-18 1705第四届中国中学生作文大赛获奖作品选第四届中国中学生作文大赛,沪港台三地获奖精品,附点评与总评( 《散文选刊》2009年第7期 )爸爸赠送的微笑(香港南屯门官立中学中六年级)踏进十一月,香港的天气仍是那么暖和。
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
張掁興伉儷書院 培英中學 嘉諾撒培德書院(女) 仁濟醫院靚次伯紀念中學 聖伯多祿中學 協同國際學校 鄧鏡波學校 九龍塘學校英文中學部 新界西貢坑口區鄭植之中學 啟思中學 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學 福建中學(觀塘) 觀塘功樂官立中學 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 香港管理專業協會李國寶中學 崇蘭中學 保良局姚連生中學 荔景天主教中學 播道書院 香港國際學校 英皇佐治五校 東華三院吳祥川紀念中學 仁濟醫院第二中學 基督教聖約教會堅樂中學 新界鄉議局大埔區中學 葵湧蘇浙公學 香港兆基創意書院 天主教伍華中學 鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學 香港中文大學校友會聯會張昌中學 中華基督教會蒙民偉書院 寶覺中學 香港仔浸信會呂明才書院 北角協同中學 香港三育中學 中華傳道會李賢堯紀念中學 保良局羅氏基金中學 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會鄭榮之中學 耀中國際學校(中學) 新民書院 天主教鳴遠中學 慕光英文書院
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在專題研習方面,本校以常識科為切入點,建構縱向的研習能力架構,並與其他 科作配合。本年度,學校於五年級推行由導師帶領小組的延續性研習計劃,讓學 生更全面及有系統地進行研習活動。當學生專題研習進入總結階段,學校為學生 舉行一次公開性的發佈會,藉以為學生提供向外界展示學習成果的機會,從而提 升說話技巧及自信心,加強他們的學習動機。
在課程管理方面,本校設課程主任、科顧問、科主任機制,領導、監察和檢討課 程的推行。課程主任和科顧問領導各科主任,科主任帶領科任老師,推行各科工 作計劃。課程主任、科顧問及科主任有共同空堂時間,以便討論科的發展和計劃 的執行策略,監察課程的縱向橫向發展得宜。本年度,中英數三個主要科目完成
2006-2007 年度校務報告
教職員管理方面,本校盡量按教師的學歷、職級、能力、學科經驗及意願,並考 慮學校的發展需要,分配教學及非教學工作,職責明確。本校全體教師已接受專 業訓練,全體英文及普通話教師均達語文能力要求。本年度,學校更大力推展專 科專教,有 78%教師能專注自己專長任教,達至更佳的教學效果。本校善用資源, 聘任多名非教學人員分擔教師的非教學工作,除了邀請家長義工,更增聘活動導 師擔任課外活動導師,共 14 組之多,為教師創造空間,讓他們能騰出時間專注教 學和輔導學生,提升教學成效。本校又為新入職教師安排資深教師作伙伴,幫助 他們適應新環境。
香港前50名的中學1 拔萃女書院.hk/2 皇仁書院.hk/3 聖保羅男女中學.hk/chinese4 喇沙書院.hk/5 華仁書院(九龍).hk/6 香港華仁書院.hk/7 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院/8 聖若瑟英文書院.hk/9 英皇書院.hk/10 香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學.hk/11 順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學.hk/12 庇理羅士女子中學.hk/it-school/php/webcms/public/mainpage/main.php313 荃灣官立中學.hk/index/index25.aspx?nnnid=114 聖保祿學校https://.mo/Pages/Home.aspx15 拔萃男書院.hk/17 培正中學.hk/18 協恩中學.hk/english/index.html19 聖保羅書院.hk/20 廖寶珊紀念書院.hk/21 可風中學.hk/it-school/php/webcms/public/mainpage/main.php322 英華書院.hk/home.action;jsessionid=B205E7266FDB35E05319BA341F28E8FA23 金文泰中學.hk/24 陳瑞祺喇沙中學.hk/25 保良局第一張永慶中學.hk/26 聖士提反書院.hk/27 張祝珊英文中學.hk/28 屯門官立中學.hk/29 伊利沙伯中學.hk/30 聖士提反女子中學.hk/31 浸信會呂明才中學.hk/33 聖公會林護紀念中學.hk/34 宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學.hk/index/index09.aspx?nnnid=135 聖公會鄧肇堅中學.hk/36 保良局百周年李兆忠紀念中學.hk/37 嘉諾撒聖心書院.hk/38 趙聿修紀念中學.hk/39 新界鄉議局元朗區中學.hk/40 荃灣何傳耀紀念中學.hk/website/41 賽馬會體藝中學.hk/newweb/42 沙田官立中學.hk/43 九龍真光中學.hk/cht/44 元朗商會中學.hk/web/index1.html45 民生書院.hk/46 聖芳濟書院.hk/47 聖公會莫壽增會督中學.hk/index.shtml48 聖言中學.hk/49 華英中學.hk/waying/public.asp50 迦密中學.hk/html/index.php?L=1补充回答:。
MAEBSC001LED自製排字板國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC002LED安全帽國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC003一路暢通 紅綠燈秒數自動調整系統苗栗農工ˇˇMAEBSC004不沾濕新版飲料杯明道中學ˇˇ分離式冰箱麗山高中MAEBSC006ˇˇMAEBSC007方便三用鞋龍華國中ˇˇMAEBSC008方便背包國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAEBSC009可伸縮桌子新竹高工MAEBSC010可更換鞋底的鞋子民生國中ˇˇMAEBSC011可測量皮帶國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC012可測量剪刀國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC013可調式車刀架國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC014可攜式壓瓶器國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學ˇˇMAEBSC015平行架國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAEBSC016仿生滾壓機構開南商工ˇˇMAEBSC017全自動腳踏車LED燈復興國中ˇˇMAEBSC018全自動腳踏車LED燈復興國中2MAEBSC019多功能角度平台新竹高工ˇˇMAEBSC020死角清潔機麗山高中MAEBSC022自動餵魚器民生國中ˇˇMAEBSC023伸縮擺水器國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAEBSC024抗抽取式麻煩․小道具明道中學ˇˇ抗抽取式麻煩小道具MAEBSC025車運動時產生風阻來發電台北市立麗山高級中學MAEBSC026刻度增量尺明道中學ˇˇMAEBSC027板子逐日開南商工ˇˇMAEBSC028附便條紙的筆明道中學ˇˇMAEBSC029省水水桶龍華國中ˇˇMAEBSC030飛炫吸拖把明道中學ˇˇMAEBSC031能接電話的安全帽新竹高工MAEBSC032強力省電冰箱民生國中ˇˇMAEBSC033球類分類器新竹高工ˇˇMAEBSC034創意發電鞋國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC035智慧型冷卻系統國立羅東高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC036替換式鞋底新竹高工ˇ筆灰第二春明道中學MAEBSC037ˇˇMAEBSC038超乾又淨吸水拖明道中學ˇˇMAEBSC039集電網銘傳國中ˇˇMAEBSC040塑膠袋大小剪裁器北興國中ˇˇMAEBSC041新一代寶特瓶回收器銘傳國中MAEBSC042新型滅火器裝置高雄市立餐飲國中ˇˇMAEBSC043萬用筍刀北興國中MAEBSC044萬用圓規國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAEBSC045節能減碳屋開南商工ˇˇMAEBSC046落葉吸塵機大業國中ˇˇMAEBSC047飼料罐復興國中ˇˇMAEBSC048慣性充電器國立嘉義高工ˇˇMAEBSC049摺疊腳踏車籃復興國中ˇˇMAEBSC050磁鐵圖釘復興國中ˇˇMAEBSC051衛生紙抽取器私立長榮高級中學國中部ˇˇMAEBSC052隨身攜帶的精巧餐具盒北興國中ˇˇMAEBSC053環保花盆國立嘉義高工ˇˇMAEBSC054環保磁力發電機龍華國中ˇˇMAEBSC055簡易黏滯係數測量儀器台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAEBSC056離心式捕蚊燈國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAEBSC057颺 Power竹崎高中國中部ˇˇMAEBSC058鐵馬專用雨傘台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAEBSC059觀察能量轉換之儀表板台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAEBSC060轉吧!電風扇台北市立成德國民中學ˇˇMAEBSC061水族箱自動餵食器公東高工ˇˇMAEBSC062高能量高效率太陽能集熱棒宜蘭高級商業職業學校ˇˇMAEBMU001LED太陽燈窗簾中正高工ˇˇMAEBMU002化學鑷子及活化複體市立松山高級工農職業學校ˇˇMAEBMU003全新免電池萬能遙控器中正高工ˇˇMAEBMU004冰遺管北興國中ˇˇMAEBMU005ˇˇ自動撒灑水盆栽國立岡山高級農工職業學校MAEBMU006伸縮幽浮管復興國中ˇˇMAEBMU007削削不亂跑的橡皮擦民生國中ˇˇMAEBMU008探測壓縮垃圾桶開南商工ˇˇMAEBMU009傘傘發亮民生國中ˇˇMAEBMU010開瓶暢飲崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMU011整妝帶發北興國中ˇˇMAEBMU012環保肥皂盒龍華國中ˇˇMAEBCE001Easy刷台中一中ˇˇMAEBCE002一定準小便斗北興國中ˇˇMAEBCE003太陽能支援型海水淡化器開南商工ˇˇMAEBCE004牙膏一推即通明道中學ˇˇMAEBCE005ˇˇ可抽取平版衛生紙國立嘉義女中MAEBCE006叫我活動發電機五福國中ˇˇMAEBCE007立可筆國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAEBCE008多功能便利夾崇明國中ˇˇMAEBCE009多功能電風扇復興國中ˇˇMAEBCE010多用途魔鬼氈橡皮筋後甲國中ˋ聖功女中ˇˇMAEBCE011安全帽雨傘民生國中ˇˇMAEBCE012自製迷你投影機後甲國中ˇˇMAEBCE013快速晒衣機明道中學ˇˇMAEBCE014垃圾袋簡易套國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBCE015垃圾減量設計國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAEBCE016便利抽私立長榮高級中學國中部ˇˇMAEBCE017便利管宜蘭縣復興國民中學ˇˇMAEBCE018便利撕吸管護套國立佳冬高級農業職業學校ˇˇMAEBCE019屋頂上的自動散熱灑水器北興國中ˇˇMAEBCE020省電插座崇明國中ˇˇMAEBCE021高密度養殖法開南商工ˇˇMAEBCE022搶救時間大作戰-收納雨衣高雄市立前金國中ˇˇ搶救時間大作戰收納雨衣MAEBCE023新型冷氣插座開南商工ˇˇMAEBCE024萬用圖釘龍華國中ˇˇMAEBCE025環保蔬菜培養箱北興國中ˇˇMAEBCE026雙層磁鐵便利多北興國中ˇˇMAEBCE027寵物給水提醒器復興國中ˇˇMAEBCE028多用途魔鬼氈橡皮筋後甲國中、聖功女中ˇˇMAEBMA001「蟑」目結舌—太陽能電子捕蟑屋弘德工商ˇˇMAEBMA002M.E.罩聖心女中ˇˇMAEBMA003千變萬化保麗龍切割器國立嘉義女中ˇˇMAEBMA004大小「變」利畫袋國立後壁高級中學MAEBMA005ˇˇ太陽能不倒翁造景燈國立岡山高級農工職業學校MAEBMA006太陽能自動旋轉澆花器明道中學MAEBMA007太陽能趨鳥剋星國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAEBMA008手把替換帶崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA009手環式購物袋架明道中學ˇˇMAEBMA010水循環發電系統崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA011可壓縮寶特瓶國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAEBMA012好筆在尺苗栗縣私立建台中學ˇˇMAEBMA013收納菸蒂的香菸盒開南高級商工職業學校ˇˇMAEBMA014自動帶滅式門牌開南高級商工職業學校ˇˇMAEBMA015自然鉛筆崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA016伸縮杯墊明道中學ˇˇMAEBMA017伸縮杯墊國立後壁高級中學ˇˇMAEBMA018吸鼻涕好幫手崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA019防滴水小傘明道中學ˇˇMAEBMA020便利使用烘傘機麗山高中ˇˇMAEBMA021家庭電路概念設計崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA022書包遮雨套北興國中MAEBMA023超級牙刷崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA024擠藥筆崇明國中ˇˇMAEBMA025環保液體罐後龍鎮維真國中ˇˇMAEBMA029一次到位 停車場引導系統苗栗農工ˇˇ一次到位停車場引導系統MAEBMA033半圓管式汽車遮陽隔熱裝置公東高工ˇˇMAEBMA040電池保護裝置大業國中ˇˇMAHBSC003地震警示器龍華國中MAHBSC004多功能自行車把手北興國中ˇˇMAHBSC005桌腳固定器中正高中ˇˇMAHBSC006人車都好用-真好用雨傘國立嘉義女中不會剪到手的安全指甲剪北興國中MAHBSC007ˇˇMAHBSC009牙套人的救星台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAHBSC010可調式噴嘴國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC011巧手板明道中學設計群ˇˇMAHBSC013多功能答卷筆明道中學ˇˇMAHBSC014多功能檯燈開南商工ˇˇMAHBSC015多用途雨傘警示裝置私立協志高級工商職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC016如意門鎮昌國小MAHBSC017有電門把鎖開南商工ˇˇMAHBSC018自動感應窗簾台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAHBSC019自動圖釘筆復興國中ˇˇMAHBSC020自動餵食系統國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC021伸縮式三角錐開南商工ˇˇMAHBSC022防空三合一逃生斧北興國中ˇˇMAHBSC023板擦吸塵器明道中學ˇˇMAHBSC024板擦嘶嘶叫明道高級中學ˇˇMAHBSC025便利肥皂罐立德國中MAHBSC026指揮二重唱明道中學ˇˇMAHBSC027健康金字塔立德國中MAHBSC028救你命-火災快速逃生器羅東高職ˇˇMAHBSC029眼鏡手電筒民生國中ˇˇMAHBSC030插頭不脫落裝置高雄市立餐旅國中ˇMAHBSC031超便利棉花棒民生國中ˇˇMAHBSC032新型腳踏車煞車牛角型警示燈宜蘭高商ˇˇMAHBSC033腳踏車龍頭安全彈簧國立新竹高級工業職業學校MAHBSC034輕鬆撿網球撿球器後甲國中ˇˇMAHBSC035震驚天地──簡易地震儀臺北市立成德國民中學ˇˇMAHBSC036橋墩防潰緊報系統開南商工ˇˇMAHBSC037聲控GPS北興國中ˇˇMAHBSC038轉向手推車國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC039floatˇˇ崇明國中MAHBSC040齒輪自動變速器台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAHBSC041馬桶車國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC042充電發電兩用車國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC043折跟高跟鞋國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC044MP3安全帽國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC045行軍尿桶國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC046卷軸式白板國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC047圓弧形腳架國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC048磁鐵假牙國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBSC049健康舒鼻器龍華國中ˇ隊伍編號作品名稱參賽學校推薦總表作品摘要說明書MAHBMU001一次性安全針筒開南商工ˇˇMAHBMU002互饋式車距警示系統開南商工ˇˇMAHBMU003可水洗軟式板擦開南商工ˇˇMAHBMU004快速救援LED三角架國立大甲商工ˇˇMAHBMU005折疊式盥洗用品崇明國中ˇˇMAHBMU006防灰板擦大甲高工ˇˇMAHBMU007神奇黑板清潔盒陽明國中ˇˇMAHBMU008新型航空拋物式滅火器北興國中ˇˇMAHBMU009萬能登山杖北興國中ˇˇMAHBMU010腳踏車上的傘北興國中ˇˇMAHBMU011棉被翻身不怕掉崇明國中ˇˇMAHBCE001K書警報器國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBCE002酷炫拐杖傘玉山國中ˇˇMAHBCE003自製校園圍籬監測系統民生國中ˇˇMAHBCE004快速吹風機國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBCE005ˇˇ兔耳型腳踏車安全固提書包架國立秀山高級工業職業學校MAHBCE006坡度計國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAHBCE007拖地鞋玉山國中ˇˇMAHBCE008神農滅火彈龍華國中ˇˇMAHBCE009創意警示安全帽國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBCE010暖暖包小電毯的安全護衛包後甲國中ˇˇMAHBCE011醉不上道之汽車行車安全裝置台南高工ˇˇMAHBCE012聰明找書器國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBCE013暖暖包小電毯的安全護衛包後甲國中ˇ暖暖包、小電毯的安全護衛包隊伍編號作品名稱參賽學校推薦總表作品摘要說明書MAHBMA001醉不上道之汽車行車安全裝置台南高工ˇˇMAHBMA002一次性連環藥包杯開南商工ˇˇMAHBMA003大小吸管都罩得住國立佳冬高級農業職業學校ˇˇMAHBMA005會叫我刷牙的筷子國立佳冬高級農業職業學校ˇˇMAHBMA006太陽能帽用排熱器英明國中ˇˇMAHBMA007太陽能環保空氣清淨機龍華國中ˇˇMAHBMA008手汗大剋星明道中學ˇˇMAHBMA009神奇車燈秀水高工ˇˇMAHBMA010方便拉線式電扇中正高工ˇMAHBMA011加溫保暖口罩後甲國中ˇˇMAHBMA012安全事故三角錐明道中學ˇˇ安全嬰兒車中正高工MAHBMA013ˇˇMAHBMA014有健康概念的洋芋片輕鬆拿開南商工ˇˇMAHBMA015有健康概念的除油碟盤開南商工ˇˇMAHBMA016汽車S.O.S台北市開南商工高級職業學校ˇˇMAHBMA017防滴水洗臉毛巾明道中學ˇˇMAHBMA018防爆手煞車大甲高工ˇˇMAHBMA019拼命找死你鬧鐘明道中學MAHBMA020神奇圖釘明道高級中學國中部ˇˇMAHBMA021健康皮帶明道中學ˇˇMAHBMA022涼涼蚊帳國昌國中ˇˇMAHBMA023眼鏡的新家台北市立第一女子高級中學MAHBMA024隙縫清潔器大甲高工ˇˇMAHBMA025脫衣橡皮擦明道中學ˇˇMAHBMA026舒貝克椅墊台北市立麗山高中ˇˇMAHBMA027超級馬力中正高工ˇˇMAHBMA029腳踏車後視鏡崇明國中ˇˇMAHBMA030震動枕頭(無線之遠距離遙控型)開南商工ˇˇMAHBMA031震動背帶開南商工ˇˇMAHBMA032壓縮垃圾桶崇明國中ˇˇMAHBMA033應用超音波於自行車後方來車警示裝置國立苗栗高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBMA034應用雷射光於車輛行車的指示裝置國立苗栗高級農工職業學校ˇˇMAHBMA035擠檸檬器崇明國中ˇˇMAHBMA036簡易麥克風衛生套布裝置高雄市立餐旅國中ˇˇMAHBMA037爆閃安全雨衣國立彰化女中ˇˇMAHBMA038襪子暖暖包崇明國中ˇˇMAHBMA039老師我愛你板擦大業國中ˇˇMASBSC001Cut、Cut、Cut- 衛生紙剪裁機臺北市立成德國民中學ˇˇMASBSC002改良式感應樓梯燈秀水高工ˇˇMASBSC003盲人魔術方塊國立新竹高級工業職業學校MASBSC004革命板擦機龍華國中ˇˇ震盪週期和向心加速度之探究麗山高中MASBSC005ˇˇMASBSC006大型時鐘精準器國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC007不留膏的牙膏瓶明道中學ˇˇMASBSC008不斷水原子筆麗山高中ˇˇMASBSC009六角活動鈑手開南商工ˇˇMASBSC010方便泡麵醬料擠壓器北市市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC011方便倒廚餘桶大甲高工ˇˇMASBSC012水平拐杖大業國中ˇˇMASBSC013包你安全插臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC014可烘乾雨傘的傘筒麗山高中ˇˇMASBSC015可彎曲拖把開南商工ˇˇMASBSC016四孔便利提架龍華國中ˇˇMASBSC017全自動炒菜鍋國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC018多功能收納櫃臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC019多功能照明燈開南商工ˇˇMASBSC020多層替換式調整形眼鏡民生國中ˇˇMASBSC021安全四腳拐杖中正高工ˇˇMASBSC022安全插座復興國中ˇˇMASBSC023安全嬰兒車中正高工MASBSC024收納式指甲剪大業國中ˇˇMASBSC025老人扶助器開南商工ˇˇMASBSC026自動收線吹風機公東高工ˇˇMASBSC027吸水桶崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC028快速光學任意等分裝置國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC029折疊桌崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC030汽車免淋雨裝置台南高工ˇˇMASBSC031具警示功能的安全拐杖銘傳國中MASBSC032定量器國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC033盲人專用會說話的杯子北興國中ˇˇMASBSC035附有簡易排便裝置之助行器ˇˇ雨傘甩水機開南商工MASBSC036ˇˇMASBSC037便利腳踏車架崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC038便利膠囊私立長榮高級中學國中部ˇˇMASBSC039按壓式沖杯機復興國中ˇˇMASBSC040省電電梯臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC041倍速筆國立嘉義高工ˇˇMASBSC042浴缸滿水位警報器復興國中ˇˇMASBSC043神奇魔力杖中正高工ˇˇMASBSC044茶包休息站崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC045起子型電烙鐵開南商工ˇˇMASBSC046帶我回家台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC047捲收衣架國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC048脫水瀝傘架開南商工ˇˇMASBSC049透明立可白崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC050野外求生組龍華國中ˇˇMASBSC051超音波泡茶杯墊臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBSC052開瓶器國立新竹高級工業職業學校MASBSC053間歇齒輪傳動機構高雄市立中正高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC054菇菇寶貝機龍華國中ˇˇMASBSC055溼度鐘中正高工ˇˇMASBSC056萬能水桶崇明國中ˇˇMASBSC057萬能定位平台開南商工ˇˇMASBSC058萬能曬衣架民生國中ˇˇMASBSC059萬能置物台中正高工ˇˇMASBSC060圖釘筆龍華國中MASBSC061精密防盜鎖國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC062輕易摘果機國立岡山高級農工職業學校ˇˇMASBSC063遙控器電話民生國中ˇˇMASBSC064撕雙面膠器國立新竹高級工業職業學校MASBSC065膠帶王復興國中ˇˇ壁式插座電源開關國立新竹高級工業職業學校MASBSC066ˇˇMASBSC067隨心所欲 - 垃圾桶就在你我身旁臺北市立成德國民中學ˇˇMASBSC068隨意訂國立後壁高級中學ˇˇMASBSC069靜電電蚊拍開南商工ˇˇMASBSC070壓壓樂明道中學ˇˇMASBSC071聰明的錢包臺北市立麗山高中ˇˇMASBSC072簡易省力腳踏手壓式兩用拖把擰乾機公東高工ˇˇMASBSC073翻書書籤國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBSC074雙功能原子筆私立明道中學ˇˇMASBSC075雙面文件櫃(夾)龍華國中ˇˇMASBSC076懶人刮刀明道中學ˇˇMASBSC077藥藥鬧鐘明道高級中學ˇˇMASBSC078警示拐杖龍華國中ˇˇMASBMU001方便單手操作的沐浴瓶北興國中ˇˇMASBMU002多功能肥皂刷北興國中ˇˇMASBMU003方便收納袋大甲高工ˇˇMASBMU004磁鐵牙刷組北興國中ˇˇMASBMU005ˇˇ懶人拖把嘉義民生國民中學MASBMU006可替換式鞋墊清潔鞋龍華國中ˇˇMASBMU007簡易DVD吸取器後甲國中ˇˇMASBMU008簡便貓砂清潔袋台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBMU009節省空間的凹盤台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBMU010透明電冰箱崇明國中ˇˇMASBMU011定書指環崇明國中ˇˇMASBMU012隨沾即用妙妙刷豐東國中MASBMU013盲人撲克牌市立北興國中ˇˇMASBMU014開門「鑰」不要開南商工高級職業學校ˇˇMASBMU016盲人導杖中正高工ˇˇ隊伍編號作品名稱參賽學校推薦總表作品摘要說明書MASBCE001一支抵兩支圖釘大甲高工ˇˇMASBCE002一袋作氣嘉義民生國民中學ˇˇMASBCE003吊掛式沐浴罐大甲高工ˇˇMASBCE004好收納菜瓜布大甲高工ˇˇMASBCE005好脫手套大甲高工ˇˇMASBCE006奔跑盆栽復興國中ˇˇMASBCE007盲人防撞安全拐杖嘉義民生國民中學ˇˇMASBCE008滑機爆笑民生國中ˇˇMASBCE009簡便型圍巾大甲高工ˇˇMASBMA001Easy穿線針明道中學ˇˇMASBMA002七彩連接樂龍華國中ˇˇMASBMA003手關節牙刷開南商工ˇˇMASBMA004可更換式暖暖手套臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇ可愛插頭輕鬆拔高雄市立前金國中MASBMA005ˇˇMASBMA006立即用雙面膠器高雄市立高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBMA007多功能立體衣鞋櫃明道中學ˇˇMASBMA008多功能野炊刀開南商工ˇˇMASBMA009多用處長頸鹿明道中學ˇˇMASBMA010好媽媽花瓶(Good Momo Vase)明道高中ˇˇMASBMA012自動對齊筷大甲高工ˇˇMASBMA013伸縮浴缸公東高工ˇˇMASBMA014伸縮電話線國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBMA015改良式助步器北興國中ˇˇMASBMA016改良刮水器崇明國中ˇˇMASBMA017沐浴輕鬆刷崇明國中ˇˇMASBMA018防止鑰匙掉進水溝國立秀水高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBMA019兩用削皮刀開南商工ˇˇMASBMA020夜燈傘龍華國中MASBMA021附椅子的書包北興國中ˇˇMASBMA022便利切割器崇明國中ˇˇMASBMA023保鮮蓋中正高工ˇˇMASBMA024後背式點滴架北興國中MASBMA025神奇的桶子-多層次多用途的桶子組民生國中ˇˇMASBMA026站立雨傘大甲高工ˇˇMASBMA027乾麵快泡碗國昌國中ˇˇMASBMA028創意杖明道中學ˇˇMASBMA029提醒垃圾桶大甲高工ˇˇMASBMA030智慧型LED夜光樓梯國立彰化女中ˇˇMASBMA031智慧型馬桶台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMASBMA032無所不掃大甲高工ˇˇMASBMA033集中掉髮梳崇明國中ˇˇMASBMA034暗藏玄機的花瓶明道中學ˇˇMASBMA035暖暖鞋臺北市立麗山高中ˇˇMASBMA037ˇˇ腳底刷崇明國中MASBMA038摺疊腳踏車北興國中ˇˇMASBMA039摺疊鑰匙高雄高工ˇˇMASBMA040磁力夾國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMASBMA041磁鐵筷子麗山高中ˇˇMASBMA042輕鬆多能擦窗機明道私立高級中學ˇˇMASBMA043輕鬆收衣架民生國民中學ˇˇMASBMA044擰毛巾機大業國中ˇˇMASBMA045翻滾吧!餐具崇明國中ˇˇMASBMA046雙功能用筆明道中學MASBMA047藥物叮嚀蛋明道中學ˇˇMASBMA048觸碰你的無限可能─FOCUS金門高中ˇˇMASBMA049鑰拔王【要拔完】明道中學ˇˇMASBMA050輕鬆開罐器國立新竹高工ˇˇMAREBSC001變形腳架開南商工ˇˇMAREBSC002變手指龍華國中MAREBSC003懸掛式書法用品盒崇明國中ˇˇMAREBSC004簡易教用圓規崇明國中ˇˇMAREBSC005ˇˇ隨身輕便型口袋民生國中MAREBSC006錢幣分類機台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAREBSC007燈籠魚帽民生國中ˇˇMAREBSC008樂譜及時印明道中學ˇˇMAREBSC009彈到爆運動鞋民生國中ˇˇMAREBSC010萬用公母線銘傳國中ˇˇMAREBSC011痴書櫃台北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAREBSC012發光眼鏡麗山高中MAREBSC013換頭印章開南商工ˇˇMAREBSC014單晶片應用於瞬時移動物體時間之量測中正高工ˇˇMAREBSC015蛋糕切割器崇明國中ˇˇMAREBSC016蛇型耳機明道中學ˇˇMAREBSC017斜筆筒龍華國中MAREBSC018站立式水上摩托車北興國中ˇˇMAREBSC019玻片風乾器麗山高中ˇˇMAREBSC020拉一下嚇一跳英明國中ˇˇMAREBSC021投幣式鬧鐘明道中學ˇˇMAREBSC022快速翻譜機明道中學ˇˇMAREBSC023兩秒衣架公東高工ˇˇMAREBSC025自走式滑板車北興國中ˇˇMAREBSC026多用耳機開南商工ˇˇMAREBSC027世界唯一的筆民生國中ˇˇMAREBMU001延長線造型套大甲高工ˇˇMAREBMU002絕不落鏈變速箱大業國中ˇˇMAREBMU003繽紛色彩──創意偏光畫臺北市立成德國民中學ˇˇ隊伍編號作品名稱參賽學校推薦總表作品摘要說明書MAREBCE001新式可變倍率光學成像教學系統大直高中 國中部ˇˇMAREBCE002簡易型分光光度計麗山高級中學ˇˇMAREBCE003防止籃球夾框構造後甲國中ˇˇMAREBCE004整合式資料夾國立新竹高級工業職業學校隊伍編號作品名稱參賽學校推薦總表作品摘要說明書MAREBMA001可變換組合式椅子北興國中ˇˇMAREBMA002雨傘站起來鹽埕國中ˇˇMAREBMA003迷你泡泡機大甲高工ˇˇMAREBMA004野餐行動桌龍華國中ˇˇMAREBMA005超強力竹槍雙園國中ˇˇMAREBMA006多功能粉筆盒三民國中ˇˇMAREBMA007花木雕塑輔助器國立彰化師大附工ˇˇMAREBMA008自行車上之攝影應用中正高工ˇˇMAREBMA009多功能看書架崇明國中ˇˇMAREBMA010薄如紙的e琴譜明道中學ˇˇMAREBMA011掀掀有意思明道中學ˇˇMAREBMA012勁暴洗碗君明道中學ˇˇMAREBMA013蓮蓬頭音樂播放器明道高級中學ˇˇMAREBMA014寵物調教器明道中學ˇˇMAREBMA015屑屑處理球明道中學ˇˇMAREBMA016方便拉線式電扇中正高工ˇˇMAREBMA017改良式書套臺北市立麗山高級中學ˇˇMAREBMA018彩色粉筆高雄市立餐旅國中ˇˇMAREBMA019你累了嗎?不怕你睡著─墊板鈴金門高中ˇˇMAREBMA020一顆心禮物盒開南商工ˇˇMAREBMA021娛樂計時器開南商工ˇˇ感應式語音存錢筒開南商工MAREBMA022ˇˇMAREBMA023鼠籠式發電機開南商工ˇˇMAREBMA024變換造型鞋中正高工ˇˇMAREBMA025網球發球機國立新竹高級工業職業學校ˇˇMAREBMA026簡易取(方便撿球)網球球拍開南商工ˇˇMAREBMA027薑餅人出氣筒筆袋民生國中ˇˇMAREBMA029大氣壓髮雕崇明國中ˇˇMAREBMA030分離式鬧鐘開南商工ˇˇMAREBMA031情人手套公東高工ˇˇMAREBMA033生活好幫手中正高工ˇˇ。
一般来说,SAT2考场大多是小考场,最多300人,下面是为考生整理的香港sat2考试地点中只考SAT2的考场哦!62209,HKFYG JOCKEY CLUB LEAD CENTRE,香港青年协会赛马会创意科艺中心地址:香港数码港3座F区7楼717-720室(Units 717-720, Level 7, Core F, Cyperport 3, H.K.)62151,SKH LUI MING CHOI SEC SCH,圣公会吕明才中学地址:香港香港仔华富道57号华富邨(Wah Fu Estate, 57, Wah Fu Road, Aberdeen, H.K.)62191,NLSI LUI KWOK PAT FONG COLLEGE,新生命教育协会吕郭碧凤中学地址:九龙观塘翠屏道102号(102 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)62247,ASSEMBLY OF GOD HEBRON SEC SCH,神召会康乐中学地址:新界大埔宝雅苑(Po Nga Court, Tai Po, New Territories)62186,CCC FUNG LEUNG KIT MEM SEC SCH,中华基督教会冯梁结纪念中学地址:新界大埔宝湖道22 号(22 Plover Cove Road, Tai Po, New Territories)62248,SOUTH TUEN MUN GOVT SEC SCHOOL,南屯门官立中学地址:新界屯门湖山路218号(218 Wu Shan Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories)62222,BAPTIST LUI MING CHOI SEC SCH,浸信会吕明才中学地址:新界沙田沥源邨源禾路11号(11 Yuen Wo Road, Lek Yuen Estate, Sha Tin, N.T. )62200,QESOS ASSOCIATION SEC SCH,伊利沙伯中学旧生会中学地址:新界天水围天城路18号(18 Tin Shing Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories)62172,HKEAA SAN PO KONG OFFICE 4TH FLR,香港考试及评核局新蒲岗办事处地址:九龙新蒲岗爵禄街17号(17 Tseuk Luk Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon) 62184,PUI CHING ACADEMY,培正专业书院地址:九龙加士居道42号(42 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon)62154,HOLY CARPENTER SECONDARY SCHOOL,圣匠中学地址:九龙红磡大环道10号(10 Tai Wan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon)62238,NATIONAL EDUCATION SERVICES CTR,国民教育服务中心地址:新界青衣长青邨第三校舍(School No.3, Cheung Tsing Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T. )。
香港中文大學校友會聯會張煊昌中學 二ΟΟ二年 一月份 校務概況 (200(20011-20020022)人事 校長 教員 資訊科技 統籌員 資訊科技 助理員 實驗室 技術員書記 教務助理 學校 接待員 校工 (兼職) 合共 備註 1 54 1 1 3 7 1 2 10 (2) 80(82)班級與學生 27班 共1003人 ( S.1 198, S.2 198, S.3 178, S.4 154, S.5 158, S.6 57, S.7 60 )教 務 4/1 7/1 9/1 16/1 16/1 19,26/1 21/1 29/1 - 本月恢復進行全校「課前閱讀計劃」,部份學生漸漸養成閱讀習慣。
英文香港i 報記者到校採訪全級中一生活教育科進行性教育課之上課情況。
訓 輔 導 7-11/19,16,23,30/1 9,21,29/1 10,18,23,27,31/1 12/1 15,22,26/1-3/2 20/1 20/1 21/1 24/1 校服儀容獎勵活動,多位學生得到禮物作鼓勵。
南屯門官立中學屯門湖山路二一八號SOUTH TUEN MUN GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL 218, Wu Shan Road, Tuen Mun.OUR REF.: 本校檔號:E-mail 電郵: stmgss@.hkWebsite 網址: .hkYOUR REF.: 來函檔號:Tel. No. 電話: 2404 5506Fax No. 傳真: 2618 3151家長通訊(六十六)人類豬流感肆虐綜藝晚會、試後活動及其他事項安排敬啓者:敬希垂注以下事項:一、鑑於近日人類豬流感肆虐,世界衞生組織已將警戒級別提升至第六級,本港的確診個案亦日增,根據衞生防護中心防疫指引,實不宜舉行大型集會,避免人多聚集,故本校實行以下措施:1. 取消原定於7月3日晚上七時,在屯門大會堂舉行的綜藝晚會;2.3. 同學仍須量度體溫及紀錄。
二、暑假期間開放自修室與互動學習中心予學生使用1. 開放自修室本校於暑假期間,開放G34室供同學作自修之用,詳情如下:(1) 日期:二零零九年七月十三日至八月二十一日(2) 時間:逢星期一至五(上午九時至下午五時),公眾假期除外。
(3) 注意事項:(i) 必須穿著整齊校服及帶備學生證,學生證須寫下聯絡電話。
(ii) 自修室內須保持肅靜,不得飲食。
(iii) 使用者必須自律,違規者可被取消使用自修室的資格。
2. 開放互動學習中心本校於暑假期間,開放互動學習中心4(電腦室)供同學作網上學習之用,詳情如下:(1) 日期:二零零九年七月十三日至八月二十一日(2) 時間:逢星期一至五(上午九時至下午五時),公眾假期除外。
(3) 負責:布曉霖先生(4) 注意事項:(i) 必須穿著整齊校服及帶備學生證,學生證須寫下聯絡電話。
(ii) 互動學習中心內須保持肅靜,不得飲食。
(iii) 使用者必須自律,違規者可被取消使用互動學習中心的資格。
湾仔区 中西区 南区 油尖旺区 荃湾区 九龙城区 沙田区 黄大仙区 湾仔区 九龙城区 中西区
香港铜锣湾高士威道120号 九龙深水埗青山道101号 香港薄扶林华富道57号华富邨 地下第2层至6楼 九龙柯士甸道162号 新界荃湾海坝街70号 九龙喇沙利道18号地库1至2楼 及地下至4楼 新界沙田禾輋邨丰顺街7号 九龙慈云山蒲岗村道173号 香港铜锣湾礼顿道140号 九龙何文田常和街4号 香港中环坚尼地道7号
序 号
校网 直资 资助 直资 资助 资助 官立 资助 直资 资助
教学语言 英文为主 英文为主 中文及英文 英文为主 英文为主 英文为主 英文为主 英文为主 英文为主 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否
寄宿 女 男
全年学费约 HKD$35,000-45,000 $0 HKD$3,430-7,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 HKD$17,600 $0
25 保良局蔡继有学校 26 播道书院 27 启思中学 28 港青基信书院 29 香港培正中学 30 协恩中学 31 伊利沙伯中学 32 福建中学 33 顺德联谊总会梁銶琚 中学
34 圣保禄中学 35 基督教香港信义会宏 信书院
36 慈幼中学 37 基督教中国布道会圣 道迦南书院
38 嘉诺撒圣心书院 39 圣保罗书院 40 圣类斯中学 41 港大同学会书院 42 蓝田圣保禄中学 43 培桥中学 44 保良局颜宝铃书院 45 苏浙公学 46 真光女书院 47 香港中国妇女会中学 48 玫瑰岗学校(中学部) 49 林大辉中学 50 浸信会吕明才中学
序 号 1 学校名称 圣保罗男女中学 校网 直资 教学语言 英文为主 是 寄宿 学生性别 男女 全年学费约 HKD$52,000 所在地区 中西区 具体地址 香港麦当劳道33号
屯門官立中學二零零九至二零一零年度學校通訊(第一期)3. 校管會召開 推動校務發展二零零九年十一月新界屯門青山公路393號 電話:24580459 傳真:26183160網址:.hk本年度首次校管會會議在十月二十七日召開,大會通過了二零零八至二零零九年度的校務報告,又討論及議決未來三年校方施政的重點。
這些主要關注事項是:一. 通過調適課程、協作學習及分層課業,照顧同學的學習差異。
三. 加強同學的社會意識,提升社交能力。
4. 本校樂團揚威音樂大賽本校樂團由音樂老師高威率領,參加全港學界英文歌唱比賽,奪得季軍,獲頒獎盃、二仟元書券及一仟元樂器券,成績理想,可喜可賀。
二. 教務消息1. 教職員發展日本年度首次教職員發展日在八月下旬舉行。
2. 元認知的學與教本校參與由中文大學學校發展及評估組主辦的「自主學習─元認知學與教的策略與實踐」計劃。
3. 本校youtube頻道啟播為了充分利用現代資訊科技,加強教學的效果,令教學能不囿於時空的限制,本年度開始本校利用網上的資源,製作youtube頻道,收錄了本校教與學的重要項目,例如表演、演講、工作坊等,歡迎同學及家長隨時瀏覽本校網站,從超連結上觀看。
4. 設計與科目相關活動擴闊同學視野本年度本校配合新高中學制的推行,訂立新的時間表,由循環周制改為星期制,每天上課六節,每節五十五分鐘。
School VisionWe are committed to the development of independent, critical and compassionate students who are capable of realizing their full potential and rising to the challenges of the future.我們的願景南屯門官立中學致力培養學生成為處事獨立、具判斷力、能關顧別人的良好公民,並發展其潛能,迎接未來的挑戰。
Mission Statement It is our mission to guide our students in their moral, academic, physical, social and aesthetic growth by providing an environment which is conducive to learning and supportive of their needs so that they can develop into confident, responsible and considerate citizens who are capable of developing their potential to the full.我們的使命我們致力為學生提供良好的學習環境,並給予有需要的支援,以達致道德、學問、體格、社交、藝術各方面的發展。
School Structure and PhilosophyBackgroundEver since its establishment in 1988, South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School has placed great faith by its stakeholders by providing all-rounded education and broadening students’ perspectives, with a mission to develop students’moral, academic, physical, social and artistic abilities. We are also strongly committed to our vision of developing students’ poten tial so that they can become independent, critical and compassionate members of society, and most of all, be opened to new ideas, adaptable and all-embracing.FacilitiesThe school is spacious and well-equipped, with 27 classrooms, 3 small-class teaching rooms, 4 laboratories, 4 multimedia learning centres, 2 computer rooms, 3 interactive learning centres, a Visual Arts Room, a Geography Room, a Music Room and a Technology and Living Room. To cater for the needs of our students in the formal and informal curriculum, we have 2 student activity centres, 3 activity rooms, 2 multi-purpose rooms, a library, a lecture theatre, a discipline room, a conference room, a self-access learning centre, a basketball court with spectators’ stand, a volleyball court, a table-tennis court, a gymnasium, a school hall and a covered playground. There is also a parents’ resource room where parents can meet one another and browse the latest resources for parents. All rooms and the School Hall are air-conditioned and are connected by a central broadcasting system.MOI: English (except Chinese Language, Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Liberal Studies (SS) and Putonghua) ☐Cluster programmesCore Subjects and Electives of the Senior Secondary Curriculumfor 2014-2017 Cohort* Cluster ProgrammesSelection Criteria:a.Students will be ranked according to their S.3 annual exanimation results.b.Priority will be given to students with better academic results and good conduct.-Class E – students would take 3X (not including subjects of the cluster programmes).-Classes A – D – students would take 2X.Learning Support to Studentswork Schools Programme for Senior Form StudentsA general and well-balanced curriculum is provided for the junior form students while a broad and well-designed curriculum is offered to the senior formers. To broaden the choices of electives for students, four schools in Tuen Mun district, including Tuen Mun Government Secondary School, Ho Ngai College, CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School and our school have formed a Network Schools Programme since September 2009, allowing the senior secondary students of individual school to take specific electives offered by cluster schools. As a host school for 2013-2016 Cohort, our school would conduct regular meetings among cluster schools throughout the year to discuss school calendars, timetables, as well as to review the resources, students’ performance, difficulties encountered and possible solutions for the sustainability of programme.Meanwhile, a S.4 student and a S.5 student studied NSS music at Arts and Technology Centre on Saturday mornings.The following table shows the number of students participating in various courses of the programme in 2014-2015:No. of our students joining the Network Schools Programme in 2014-2015Total28No. of students of other schools taking Chinese Literature in our school in 2014-2015Total 3The student participants were able to take electives based on their own interest and, on the other hand, the participating schools were able to make best use of their resources. The participants realized that their horizons had been broadened as they were exposed to the culture and curriculum of other schools and they had made new friends.B. For S.1 and S.2 Students(1) Remedial Classes and Learning Support ProgrammeAiming to improve the learning ability of lower achievers, we arranged after-school remedial classes in Chinese, English and Mathematics for selected S.1 and S.2 students. After Half-yearly / Yearly examination, low achievers (bottom 10%) from each subject of each level were selected to join the class conducted by teaching assistants, while the teaching materials were provided by the subject panels to meet their needs. The purpose was to consolidate their understanding of basic concepts and have a good foundation for future learning. The effectiveness of the lessons was assessed by how students performed in the following examination. Student(s) with good performance would quit the course and the new low achievers (bottom 10%) would be selected. Ten one-hour lessons for each class were organized in 2014-2015. Students’ pe rformance was satisfactory and most of them showed improvement in their Yearly examination 2014-15.A series of learning support programmes for S.1–S.5 were launched during school holidays to improve students’language proficiency and equip them with the skills in preparing for the HKDSE Exam.(2) Cross Curricular Activities ProgrammeThe objectives of the interdisciplinary CCA programme are to encourage students to think critically and creatively about shared matters of importance in life, and how to be an upright young member of society. The content and learning experiences are directly related to the core values in school, including the motto, vision and mission statements. Based on such values, students are trained to be confident, responsible and considerate citizens in society and family members. Students are also expected to demonstrate a positive attitude towards life and posses the necessary qualities as well as core competencies which are essential for their future education and life-planning.School Stakeholder ListsA.School Management Committee Members (2014-15)Chairperson : Ms. CHING Suk-yee (PEO(CD)2) Principal : Mrs. CHAN LEUNG Siu-hingTeacher Members : Mr. GOT Chi-wahMs. POON Po-naParent Members : Mr. KONG FanMs. CUI Meiping, SophiaAlumni Member : Mr. MOK Wai-yin, Louis, PhDIndependent Members : Dr. FUNG Siu-han, Anissa Mr. YEUNG Man-yui, GaryHon. Secretary : Mr. TANG Tat-manB. Parent-Teacher Association Committee Members (2014-15)Chairperson : Mr. WONG Chi-keungVice-chairpersons : Mr. KONG FanMrs. CHAN LEUNG Siu-hing (Principal)Secretaries : Ms. MA Ka-laiMs. HO Yat-hingMr. NG Chi-wai (Teacher)Ms. YAN Tik-woon (Teacher)Treasurers : Mr. YUNG Chi-woonMs. POON Po-na (Assistant Principal)Liaison Officers : Ms. CUI MeipingMr. LO Wai-man (Teacher)Recreation Co-ordinators : Ms. WONG Lai-yungMs. LEUNG Yuk-yinMr. LEE Ying-choi (Teacher)Executive Committee Members : Mr. GOT Chi-wah (Assistant Principal)Ms. WAN Yuen-wah (Teacher)C. Alumni Association Committee Members (2014-15)Chairperson : Ms. NG Hoi-yanVice-chairperson : Ms. HO Lok-yanSecretary : Ms. LUI Yin-yiTreasurer : Ms. NG Hoi-lamCommittee Members : Mr. KWOK Ka-chunMs. CHAN Hiu-lamMs. Hung Ka-yingMs. Wong Tsz-yanMs. Xie Ding-zhenMs. LEUNG Wing-yeeD. Staff1. PrincipalMrs. CHAN LEUNG Siu-hing2. Assistant PrincipalsMr. GOT Chi-wah Ms. POON Po-na3. Teaching StaffMs. CHAN Ching-yan Ms. CHAN Pui-yee Ms. CHAN Sau-ching Mr. CHAN Ying-yue Mr. CHAU Wai-chung Ms. CHEN Tsui-wah Mr. CHENG Pak-to Ms. CHEUNG Chi-nan Ms. CHEUNG Hoi-wai Ms. CHEUNG See-wan Mr. CHEUNG Tak-wai Ms. CHOW Ka-poMr. CHUNG Yat-fat Mr. FONG Kam-fai Mr. FONG Wai-kinMs. HO Shin-yee Mrs. IP LIU Suk-ching Mr. KONG Kwok-lung Mr. KONG Siu-wing Ms. KWOK Wing-yin Mrs. LAM AU Yiu-fong Ms. LAM Mei-shan Ms. LAM Soo-chu Ms. LAM Tsz-shanMr. LAU Kwok-yiu Mrs. LAUTEN Priscilla Devi Mr. LEE Chi-yuMs. LEE Mei-po Mr. LEE Shing-on Mr. LEE Tang-chow Mr. LEE Ying-choi Ms. LEE Yuk-fung Ms. LEUNG Ka-yiMs. LI Wing-chau Ms. LO Mei-ling Ms. LO Wai-manMr. LUK Chak-lam Mr. MA Chun-man Ms. MAK Kwan-chi Ms. MAK Lee-yin Mr. NG Chi-wai Ms. NG Mei-fongMr. NG May-hung Ms. NG Miu-ching Ms. NG Wing-yeeMs. NG Yin-ni Mr. POON Cheuk-yuet Ms. ROSS Tricia Kit-ying Mr. SHUM Pui-long Mr. TANG Tat-man Mr. TSANG Chi-hoMr. TSE Kwok-keung Ms. WAN Yuen-wah Mr. WONG Chun-kit Mr. WONG Sun-ting Mr. WONG Yu-por Ms. YAN Tik-woonMs. YIP Li Ms. YU Suk-ping Mr. YUNG Hon-wai4. Laboratory TechnicianMr. CHEUNG Sik-man Ms. FUNG Siu-kam Ms. LEUNG Kit-ching5. School Social WorkerMs. PANG Chui-wan6. Clerical StaffMrs. HUNG LO Wai-kwan Ms. IP Pui-Sze Ms. TO Yuen-yingMs. TSE Wing-yi Ms. WONG Mei-chun7. Support StaffMr. CHAN For-wa Mr. CHAN Kwing-hung Ms. CHAN Ngan-ling Mr. CHENG Chin-mong Mr. CHEUK Shuk-han Ms. CHEUNG Kuk-heung Ms. CHOW Kwai-kwan Ms. CHUNG Wai-ching Ms. CHUNG Wing-chi Ms. FUNG Mei-ho Mr. FUNG Sing-hon Mr. LAM Kam-kwan Ms. LAM Sin-yee Mr. LAU Yik-hong Mr. LEE Kwan-waiMs. LEUNG Suk-ha Ms. LO Tim-tai Ms. MA Yee-tingMr. YEUNG Chun-fai Ms. YUEN Yuet-yin Mr. YUNG Ho-yeungNumber of Active School DaysClass OrganizationStudent AttendanceStudent Early ExitTotal no. of early exit students (in the school year)Number of TeachersTeacher QualificationsTeachers’ Professional DevelopmentMajor Concerns (Achievements and Reflections)1.To promote character educationAchievementsa.More than 95% of S.1 students had joined either Civil Aid Service Cadet or Sea Cadet. Asmost of the senior form cadets with good leadership skills were willing to serve in both groups, they were able to take the leading role in the team to offer advice and guidance to junior cadets for their character building as well as whole-person development.b.Besides the regular trainings on Saturdays, various activities and services, such as trainingcamp, flag raising ceremony, visits, patrolling, hiking practices, crowd control, mountaineering safety promotion, annual parade and leadership workshop were organized. Cadets participated enthusiastically in the trainings/ activities/ services and their performance was good.c.With the uniform group training, it was found that the physical fitness of the junior formstudents was much improved, as the number of participants in sports events and their performance had both reached a record high. Students’self-discipline and self-management skills were gradually improved, especially during the morning assembly and the ‘self-management session’ at the beginning of each school day.d.Students acquired the navigational knowledge and living skills. They became more considerateteam members and built up team spirit through co-operating with others.e.Students devoted themselves to serving the community. They also became tougher throughdealing with various adversities.f.All Discipline Prefects and Counselling Prefects had joined the Leadership Training Camps.The training of Discipline Prefects focused on the sense of mission, skills and attitude in handling misbehaviour of fellow schoolmates while that of Counselling Prefects was on team-building and experience in organizing activities.g.School-based training programs were organized for the Careers Prefects and Student Librarians.These trainings were informative and task-based. Both Careers Prefects and Librarians reflected that they could apply the skills to perform duties.h. A Leadership Training Program was organized by the ECA Committee for the Chairpersonsand Vice-chairpersons of the ECA Clubs/Groups/Houses, ECA and Careers Ambassadors. The aim of the program was to equip those student leaders with the generic skills such as problem-solving, interpersonal and critical thinking skills as well as the task-related skills of their respective posts.i.The training programs were found effective in cultivating a sense of mission among prefects indifferent functional teams. Student leaders found themselves more able to assume an active and disciplined role and act as role models among schoolmates. They had the confidence to work in a team and to take up the duties of prefects.j.Many students had participated in various external activities concerning student leadership training and outstanding student leader election. Several awards had been won by our students. k.The China Week was held around Lunar New Year. Programmes included cooking competition, board display, talks, debates, and a Chinese traditional fashion show were organized. Studentsenjoyed all activities of the China Week which had deepened their understanding about the latest development of China. Students were getting familiarized with the culture of their motherland and learned how to respect and appreciate different cultures from a global perspective.l.Courtesy Ambassadors from S.3 to S.6 were selected to promote the importance of courtesy in school. Students were encouraged to greet each other when they arrived at school in the morning.m.Speeches were delivered by students during the flag-hoisting morning assemblies once per month. Students had more exposures to the issues relating to their motherland.n.Slogan design competitions on positive values were held with active response.o.Class periods concerning the topic of integrity and courtesy were conducted for S.2 and S.4 students respectively. Students were able to learn probity through the interactive drama. They were also encouraged to have self-reflection on how to treat other people politely in their daily life.p.Two “Stars of the Month” were elected in each class in order to cultivate a sense of mutual appreciation and recognition among students in the same class. Students who had no lateness record, no late submission of homework, and no disciplinary record in the month were eligible for the election. Through participating in the program, students recognized the importance of self-discipline how to behave well.q.An Excellence in Punctuality Award Scheme was organized to promote the importance of being punctual. Book coupons would be awarded to the classes with excellent performance.Improvements were shown in students’ punctuality. There were on average three classes in each month that had no lateness record. The total number of lateness record and the number of students with lateness record fell accordingly.r.Two teacher-student interviews were held among class teachers and students in each school year. Through the interviews, teachers had a better understanding of their students’ problems and aspirations.s. A set of comprehensive guidelines for the Self-management Session was distributed to students. Subject monitors of various subjects were responsible for collecting the assignments from their fellow schoolmates and keeping a proper record which would be submitted to the teacher-in-charge at the end of each month. The running of the Self-management Session was smooth. Students developed a good habit of submitting homework on time. Subject monitors had the chances to serve their class and they were encouraged to act as role models to hand in homework punctually. Teachers also found that more and more students were aware of the importance of submitting homework on time. They found it more convenient to spot out which students had handed in homework late and take follow-up actions to collect the assignments.They believed that as the scheme went on, students’ performance in handing in homework would be further improved.Reflectionsa.The importance of self-discipline would be a focus to improve students’ behaviour.b.All junior form students would be encouraged to participate in uniform group training.c.Different opportunities would be given to students to widen their horizons.d.Students’ leadership skills would be further developed. The school-based Leadership TrainingPrograms would continue to be carried out to enhance students’ leadership skills.e.Junior form students would be encouraged to be student leaders and to participate in therelevant training programs.f.The self-management skills of students would be further nurtured.g.Students’ sense of responsibility would be further fostered.munity awareness and an enthusiastic serving culture among students would be enhanced.2.To enhance the effectiveness of learning and teachingAchievementsa.To facilitate effective learning, the School promoted ‘interactive classroom learning andteaching’. School-based training workshops on the strategies for conducting interactive lessons were held on the staff development days. Mr. Morton Chan, the School Development Officer of the ‘Quality School Improvement Project’ was invited to share the skills for catering learn ers’ diversity through cooperative learning and self-directed learning on the SD Days. The workshops effectively helped teachers grasp the techniques on conducting interactive lessons. All teachers have applied those strategies and skills learnt in at least 30% of their lessons and 94.4% of the HODs agreed that the lessons of their panel members were interactive and effective.b.In order to cater for learning differences, all subject departments designed tailor-madeteaching materials and assignments to suit different abilities of students. Homework such as graded exercises and tiered assignments were set and incorporated in the schemes of work.c.To boost students’ learning motivation outside classroom, ample opportunities to participatein extended learning experiences were provided. The ‘Exploration of Hong Kong Museums Programme’ for S.2 students was carried out to enrich their knowledge. Holiday assignments of the English Department and departments of Chinese History and Integrated Science were arranged. Good works of students were displayed for sharing. Besides, all S.1 students were also given the Annual Museum Pass in December 2014, and they were required to make good use of the pass.d.The survey on the utilization of the Museum Annual Pass reflected that 38.5% respondentshad used the Museum Pass 1 to 2 times, 52.3% 3 to 5 times and 9.2% respondents had made good use of the pass and visited different museums for more than 5 times during the year.e.Besides participating in external activities and competitions, students were also encouragedto take part in activities concerning different subject areas. In line with this idea, all KLAs organized at least one cross-curricular activity, such as the Inter-class Mathematics and Science Quiz, the Inter-house PSHE Quiz and the Geo-English Orienteering Competition, to help broaden students’ horizons.f.The group activities and the research-based group project of the CCA Programmeeffectively developed students’different generic skills like collaboration and problem-solving techniques. Three groups of students were given the chance to share their research findings and reflections on the Parents Day.g.To promot e teachers’ professional development, the School had nominated teachers to attendcourses on different areas in order to keep pace with the up-to-date educational trend. HODs had suggested suitable courses for panel members to attend for immediate and long-term training.h.Teachers were also encouraged to form learning circles. The departments of Mathematicsand Liberal Studies had joined the ‘Quality School Improvement Project’ held by the CUHK and the teachers learning community of the EDB respectively. Meetings were held with the support teams, in which strategies on collaborative lesson planning, designing quality assignments, and self-directed learning were shared.i.Three S.1 Mathematics lessons were observed by the support team of the Quality SchoolImprovement Project. Besides, lesson observations and professional sharing sessions among the LS teachers of different schools were conducted. Valuable comments on pedagogies and skills on catering diverse learners were received.j.To build up a sharing culture among teachers, cross-subject peer lesson observations were conducted. All teachers observed and had professional sharing with colleague(s) from other KLA(s).k.An e-version of the ‘Pearls of Wisdom’consisting of the reflections of good teaching practices, quality assignments and good classroom management skills were completed. It was uploaded to the school public folder for sharing.Reflectionsa.The importance of interactive classroom learning and teaching should continue to beemphasized and pedagogical strategies should be further refined to enhance interactive learning and teaching. Teachers should be equipped with pedagogical skills in the organization of interactive learning activities for studentsb.Designing learning and teaching materials and assignments to cater for learner’s diversityshould be incorporated as routine work. Greater academic support should be given to students with diverse learning needs.c.To facilitate effective learning, e-learning programmes could be carried out and studentsshould be inspired to set goals and plans to strive for excellence and improvement. Career and life planning programmes could be incorporated into the formal or informal curriculum.d.In order to motivate students to learn, sustained efforts would be paid to provide studentswith opportunities to learn outside class. More cross-curricular/ cross-KLA activities should be organized to widen students’ horizons and to enhance effective learning.e.The ‘Exploration of Hong Kong Museums Programme’would continue to offer learningopportunities for S.1 students next year and the class-based Cross-curricular Activities Programme should continue to be carried out to nurture students’ generic skills.f.Although HODs had suggested suitable courses for panel members to attend for immediateand long-term training, some teaching staff did not attend two or more courses concerning learning and teaching. Further steps should be taken to encourage teachers to invest more time and effort in professional development.g.Sustained and continuous efforts should be made to encourage teachers to form learningcircles and effective teaching practices should be collected for the ‘Pearls of Wisdom’to enrich its contents.JUPAS Offer ResultsThe S.6 students sitting for the HKDSE Examination 2015 received pleasing results in most subjects, and around 60% of them have met the minimum entrance requirements for degree programmes. Among the S.6 graduates who were offered university places through JUPAS 2015, 82.5% were degree programmes.Two of our best students were admitted to the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK. One obtained five 5** and three 5*, and was enrolled by The Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS). The other one obtained two 5**, two 5* and two 5, and was enrolled by the Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme of CUHK. Some other students were also admitted by other tertiary institutions with scholarships.Graduates with degree or diploma courses offer were shown in the following pie chart.*SSSDP --- Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated ProfessionsHSMC --- Hang Seng Management CollegeTHEi --- Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong KongPerformance of Students Total no. of S.6 school leavers: 154 Destination of Exit StudentsStudent Reading HabitsMajor Learning Support ProgrammesThe School-based Grant has been allocated to subsidize the following activities:1.188 students were subsidized for their expenses in School Picnic.2.34 S.1 students were subsidized for the Annual Museum Pass. Students were encouraged to usethe annual pass to visit museums to broaden their horizons in different aspects and were also asked to share their experience with schoolmates after each visit.3.16 students were subsidized in various musical instrument classes throughout the academic year.4.9 students were subsidized to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad Training Course inwhich a lot of advanced skills in tackling difficult mathematical problems were discussed.5.12 students were supported to attend English Carnivals in the 2nd term with a view to enhancingtheir confidence in using English inside and outside classrooms.6.Among all the participants, 21 students were subsidized to join the Disneyland Youth EducationSeries on 28 Feb 2015 while 16 students were subsidized for the same programme on 7 July 2015. Programme s included “Disney’s World of Physics –Advanced Learning” and “Global Perspectives – An A dventure in Liberal Studies” so as to develop their skills in planning inquiry projects.7.An educational visit to the Ocean Park was held on 3 July 2015. Among the participants, 37students were subsidized. They learned how to care for nature and the living things.Students reflected that the above activities had broadened their horizons, as well as building their knowledge while they were able to exchange ideas and experience with coaches, instructors and even students from other participating schools.The Jockey-club Life-wide Learning Fund has been allocated to the following activities:1.188 students were subsidized for their expenses in School Picnic.2.28 S.1 students were subsidized for the Annual Museum Pass. Students were encouraged to usethe annual pass to visit museums to broaden their horizons in different aspects.3.11 students were subsidized in various musical instrument classes throughout the academic year.7 students were subsidized to attend the Jockey Club A Cappella Education Programme.4. 6 students was subsidized to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad Training Course.5. 5 students were supported to attend English Carnivals in the 2nd term.6. 1 student was subsidized in a Drama Course.7. 2 students were subsidized in Table-tennis Training Course.petitions can help students to broaden their horizons. 5 students were subsidized to attendthe 67th Hong Kong Music Festival, 1 student was supported to participate in "Hong Kong 200"Leadership Project 2015, while 1 student was subsidized in全國青少年語言知識大賽(全國作文總決賽).9.Among all the participants, 15 students were subsidized in the Disneyland Youth EducationSeries on 28 Feb 2015 while another 27 students were subsidized for the same event on 7 July 2015. Programme s included “Disney’s World of Physics –Advanced Learning” and “Global Perspectives – An Adve nture in Liberal Studies”.10.A visit to the Ocean Park was held on 3 July 2015. Among the participants, 33 students weresubsidized. They learned how to care for nature and the living things.11.The Fund supported 8 students in the Mainland Exchange Programme “An Exploration into theEconomic Development and Guangdong-Hong Kong Cooperation in Nansha and Qianhai”.24 students were subsidized to visit the University of Macau, and 29 students were supported tojoin the cultural tour to Chaozhou.12.The Counselling Team has organized a number of activities to empower both the prefects andstudents. Some of them were subsidized to participate in the Counselling Prefect Training (17 prefects), War Game Day (17 students), Escape from a Secret Chamber (26 students), Graffiti Workshop (17 students) and Adventure Ship (17 students).13.25 students were subsidized to attend the Leather Craft Workshop.14.3 students were subsidized for transport fee in a trip to Yuen Long Sewage Treatment Plant.All stakeholders reflected that all these activities had helped to promote positive youth development in all aspects.。
南屯門官立中學 校內評核規則I. 測驗∕考試學生須知 1. 一般情況下,學生應於開考前十分鐘進入試場。
2. 應考中英文科口試的學生,如在報到時間後十五分鐘內到達報到室,仍可參加考試,但會被扣5分作懲罰;遲到逾十五分鐘者,不能參加考試,是次考試作零分計。
3. 學生須按照座位編號就座。
4. 在試場內,學生必須保持肅靜,不得談話或干擾他人。
5. 如學生攜帶筆盒/筆袋,應將筆盒/筆袋內的文具取出放置桌上,然後把筆盒/筆袋放進書包內。
6. 若學生需要使用計算機,計算機必須印上「H.K.E.A.A. APPROVED 」或「H.K.E.A.APPROVED 」的標籤,確保皮套內並無藏有任何紙張,並將計算機放在桌上,而計算機封蓋/皮套則放置於手提包內或座位下。
7. 學生如攜帶手提電話,應把它關掉並將電話放存在學校大堂的電話櫃。
8. 必須將個人物品放進書包內,然後將書包扣好或拉上拉鍊,並將書包放在座位的椅子下,不可放在通道上。
9. 學生必須聽從監考老師指示。
10. 學生不得早退,須待監考老師指示,方可離開試場。
11. 除獲監考老師指示外,學生不得將試場供應的任何物品包括試卷攜離試場。
12. 除午膳時間外,學生不得中途離開學校,必須待當天測驗∕考試完畢,方可離開。
13. 學生如被發現在測驗∕考試中作弊,會被記大過,該科成績將被取消。
14. 所有科目測驗∕考試會按原定測驗∕考試時間表進行,因惡劣天氣或特別事故,教育局宣佈學校停課而未能應考的科目,校方會安排盡快補考。
II. 考試名次排序 為使學生對自己的學業表現有更深入的瞭解,學生於考試中的全級名次及分科名次將會詳列於成績表內,以供參考。
III. 計算學生成績準則 (1) 學期的成績,即上學期期考及學年考試學期成績 = 51(測驗成績) + 54(考試成績)(2) 全年成績 = 31(上學期期考成績) + 32(學年考試成績)若學生在全年成績的總平均分不及格,則可能不獲升級。
南 屯 門 官 立 中 學 屯門湖山路二一八號 SOUTH TUEN MUNGOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL218, Wu Shan Road, Tuen Mun.OUR REF.: 本校檔號: E-mail電郵 : stmgss@.hk Website網址 : .hk YOUR REF.: 來函檔號:Tel. No.電話 : 2404 5506 Fax No. 傳真 : 2618 3151敬啓者:鑑於一個位於元朗的雞場發現禽流感,政府已於2008年12月9日提升本港禽流感應變級別至嚴重級別。
所以,學校、家長及學生應採取以下預防措施:1. 盡量避免直接接觸雀鳥和家禽應盡量避免接觸雀鳥和家禽及其糞便,因染病的雀鳥和家禽的糞便中可能會帶有病毒。
2. 保持良好的個人衞生保持雙手清潔,並用正確方法洗手。
3. 增強身體抵抗力及實踐健康生活。
4. 進食家禽肉類和蛋前應徹底煮熟。
5. 保持良好的環境衞生確保室內空氣流通。
6. 如出現發燒或呼吸道的徵狀,應避免上學及立即向醫生求診。
有關更多禽流感的資料,可瀏覽衞生防護中心網頁 (.hk)。
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「醫院的急症室人頭湧湧,我們好不容易才能離開 擠逼的人群,以及嘈雜的人語聲。我們乘升降機往五 樓時,升降機在三樓停下,並打開門。這時,有兩位 護士推著一個坐輪椅的老翁進來,只見老翁目光呆滯, 動也不動地坐著。他瘦骨如柴的身軀連接著三、四部 的醫療器材,那些器材一直發出「嘟!嘟!」的聲音, 本來鴉雀無聲的升降機彷彿變成了一詭異的世界。當 老翁準備被推離升降機時,我無意中看到護士小姐手 中拿著的病歷記錄,上面寫著:「黃中正,七十三歲, 末期肝癌……」這一刻,我才明白到老翁的處境、老 翁的無奈。看來,他剩下的日子,也只能繼續呆坐著, 讓那些器材聲音成為他生命倒數的伴樂。 」
送過外公最後一程後,我和媽媽弟弟也要回家了。離 去時,剛巧經過產房,內裡傳來新生兒嘶啞的哭聲和誕生 的腥血氣味……命運又再一次對我開玩笑了──醫院是露 靈魂榮歸天國的地方,也是靈魂由天國降生的聖地。」
二、描寫文 1. 人物描寫 ─刻劃人物的外貌、行動、語言等
例子一 一位令我初則畏懼,後卻心悅誠服的訓導老師
1. 參加了某比賽後,一直也沒有消息,以為自己落 敗了。
2. 接到電話/信件/電子郵件,知道在外地生活多年, 一直也無意返港的好友/親戚將會回來。
• 內容當以抒情為主,惟所寫感受須與接到喜出望 外的消息有關(如將重點放在收不到消息的失落, 便不恰當)。例如:
同學可直接描繪人物的形貌、體態、衣飾;或 從事件中刻畫人物的性格心態;又或藉側面描 寫,從旁烘托出校工廣受歡迎之處。
2. 景物描寫─宜從多角度進行描寫(如感觀角度;
小高是一位蠻不講理的同學,經常欺負 必須強調:
校內弱小,我們稱他為「小霸王」。有 蠻不講理
一天,我發現他孝順、善良的一面,因 欺負校內弱小
「我眼中的小霸王」為題,描寫小高這 另眼相看
「某天放學後,我與三兩知己到 球場打籃球,突然發現遺失了自己 心愛的書包」,以「我心愛的書包 不見了」為題,記下整件事的經過 和感受
話的看法。 以議論為主
以議論為主 試談談飼養寵物的利弊。
寫作文章一篇:「今天我 被人誤會了,那種感覺令
1. 對於接到得獎通知,同學可詳細描述自己得獎的 喜悅心情,並抒發「一分耕耘,一分收穫」等的 感受,或者對某人的謝意。
2. 對好友/親戚回港,同學除詳細描述自己喜悅心 情外,也可以寫寫自己與好友/親戚的深厚感情。
• 必須清楚交代考試夜讀的經過,點明時間為晚上, 讀書目的為準備考試。例如: 一、描寫深宵寂靜的氣氛 二、寫自己一人夜讀的孤獨/疲倦…… 三、寫母親為自己送上香茶 四、寫對母親的謝意……
「命運總嘉歡拿我們開玩笑?外公就在我們各人離開 病房後,安祥地離開了……
得知此消息後,各人都沒有當場痛哭流涕,只是默默 地接受了這誰都要經歷面對的事實;而且,外公的臉上是 掛著微笑的!我事後認真思索過:為何外公臉上有一抹祥 和的莞爾?是他對人生的最後答案?是他深感命運對他的 悲慈?他的離去不是建基於惡病之上,而是他盡力盡心走 完他的人生路……
驟雨中的鬧市 景象
校工:在校內做勤雜工作的人 廣受:廣泛地受到
驟雨:指突然而來的雨 鬧市:繁華喧鬧的地方
珍貴友情失而復 得有感
甲、作文 (70%) 乙、語文運用 (30%)
分數 上品 中品 下品
內容 40% 28以上 20-27 20以下
文辭 30% 19以上 14-18 13以下
結構 20% 13以上 9-12 8以下
字體及標點 10% 7以上 5-6 4以下
描寫 1. 景物描寫 2. 人物描寫
驟雨中的鬧市景象 一位廣受歡迎的校工
論說 1. 說明為主
談談怎樣待人處事才可以受人歡迎 我對中學生兼職的看法
2. 議論為主
(有明確主場) 香港人有禮貌嗎?談談你的看法。
錯字: 每個半分 字數不足: 每行一分
1. 審題不清 2. 錯別字多 3. 文句不通、詞彙貧乏 4. 語言通俗、口語化
記敘 + 抒情
1. 記敘主、抒情副
2. 抒情主、記敘副
郊遊迷途記、記一次你患病的經過及感受 描述一次你在醫院探望親友的所見所聞 珍貴友誼失而復得有感
• 必須以第一生,描寫該名訓導老師處理跟訓導 有關事件的表現
• 透過其處理手法、說話技巧、言行舉止、處事 態度等以帶出對該名老師初則畏懼,後卻心悅 誠服的感受。
考生可專寫一位,如寫幾位,用以烘托或以對 比手法突出其中一位亦可。
只寫出短暫的受某些同學的歡迎,都不切合題 旨。如只寫成類似我最喜愛的一位校工,更屬 偏差。同學應集中描寫校工廣受歡迎的情況。
放學、三兩知己、 心愛的書包及感受
一、記敘、抒情文 選材必須緊扣文題 必須敘事完整,條理分明 先敘事,後寫感想;或是一面敘事,一
面描述個人感受均可。(但以後者為佳) 以抒情為主文章,感受宜有300字。
• 必須清楚及簡略交代接到「一個」令我「喜出望 外」的消息的經過,並解釋「喜出望外」的原因。 例如: