



许国璋英语第三册试卷(A)许国璋英语第三册试卷(A)PART I Phrase Translation(10%)1)be proud of (.为..感到骄傲)2)live on(以..为生)3)in favour of (赞成)4)instead of(代替)5)by accident(意外地)6)take hold of(抓住)7)come into being(产生)8) to give rise to (引起)9)be keen on(爱好)10)get in touch with(与..保持联系)PART II V ocabulary and StructureThere are 40 incomplete sentences in this part, for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d), choose one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.1)The teacher gave orders that the test before 5:00. (a)a)be finished b)would be finishedc)would have been finished d)was finished2)I went to see William, that he had left two days before. (a)a)only to learn b)learning c)to learn d)learned3)I realised we should do something to avoid to death. (d)a)freezing b)to freeze c)to be frozen d)being frozen4)She moved towards the window and hid in the shadow of the window. (b)a)so quietly as she could b)as quietly as she couldc)with such quietness as she couldd)with the same quietness as she could5) , I would tell her everything. (a)a)If she should come tomorrow b)If she would come tomorrowc)If she will come tomorrow d)If she has come tomorrow6)He that he didn’t want to have anything to do with the matter. (c)a)made clear b)made it being clearc)made it clear d)made it to be clear7) when a game of football? (b)a)had you last b)did you last havec)last had you d)did you have last8) The young couple their friends about their plan of marriage until the wedding day. (a)a)kept…in the dark b)prevented…to knowc)made…ignorant d)restrained…from knowing9)The completion of the tunnel has been owing to a strike.(b)a)held off b)held up c)held on d)held over10)You may have been right when you said I didn’t have to help him. ButI don’t regret what I thought was right. (a)a)having done b)being done c)to do d)to have done11) We have become used his queer ways. (c )a)with b) in c)to d) on12)The food is not quite her taste. (d)a)on b)in c)with d)to13) It seems Nancy is very proud her people. (b)a)with b)of c)on d)for14) I’ll send the girl and you tell her about the decision. (d)a)of b) with c)in d)for15)He took me the hand. (c)a) on b)with c)by d)in16)He is the cleverest of the three. ( b)a) so far b)by far c)among d) all17) A party of scientists were searching oil deposits. ( c )a) on b) out c)for d) of18) She insisted our going by train.(b)a) by b)on c)for d) of19) We lived the little wild fruit. ( c )a) by b) in c) on d) with20) We decide everything public opinion. (c )a) because b) in order to c) according to d)so as to21)Those who are favour of the proposal blow their trumpets.(b)a) on b)in c)blank d)both22) It was a that he escaped the earthquake unhurt. ( b)a) true b) wonder c)discover d)drug23)I have my account from that bank. ( a)a)transferred b)understood c)spoken d)responded24)Did they succeed overcoming the difficulties? (d)a)on b)of c)with d)in25) He acts as if he a child. ( c )a)is b) be c)were d)are26) By the window several chairs and a table. (a )a)stand b) stands c)is d)being27) The verb must agree the subject in person and number.(d)a)to b) on c)in d)with28) Mongolia lies the north of China. ( b )a)in b) to c) on d) by29) Cows feed hay and beans. (a)a) on b)by c)with d)in30) Here too cotton is grown, Egypt is rightly famous.(a)a) for which b)which c) that d) where31) The workers are the foundation for the building. (b)a) taking b)laying c)putting d)lying32)He watched a chance to speak. (c )a)out b)on c)for d) of33) we cannot learn English well without watching idiomaticways of saying things. (a)a) out for b) out of c)on d)in34) I remember one little museum which Ilyich could not tearhimself away. (d)a)on b)in c)by d)from35) he soon got down learning the language. (a)a)to b)on c)in d)at36) Few people can beat him chess. ( b)a)on b)at c)of d)with37)He is suffering toothache. ( c)a) on b)at c)from d)by38) They argued for two hours, but neither would give . (a)a)in b)up c)away d) on39) by now optimism had given to doubt. ( d)a) street b)room c) space d)way40)It gave to a wave of anti-transplant feelings. (a )a)rise b) raise c)way d) roadPART III Reading ComprehensionThere are two passages in this part, each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d). you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.A moment’s drilling by the dentists may make us nervousand upset. Many of us cannot stand pain. To avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two. We demand the “needle”that deadens the nerves around the tooth.Now it’s true the human body has developed millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. This helps us adjust to the world. Without our nerves-and our brain,which is a bundle of nerves--- we wouldn’t know what’s happening. But we pay for our sensitivity. We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with anypart of our body. The history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain.But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian Fakir who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle right through an arm, and feel no pain. This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain.The big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude towards it. If the dentist says, “this will hurt a little”, it helps us to accept the pain. By staying relaxed, and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation, we can handle the pain without falling apart. After all, although pain is an unpleasant sensation, it is stilla sensation, and sensations are the stuff of life.1.The purpose of this passage is mainly to tell us (c )a)that pain is good for usb)to stop taking the “needle” at the dentist’s.c)how to handle pain.d)How to avoid torture.2.The result of pain is to (b)a)let us know what’s going on.b)Make us open to torture.c)Make us pay for our sensitivity.d)Help us get more sensations.3.The most important thing in handling pain is to (d)a)do what the Indian Fakirs do.b)Welcome itc)Know about it in advance.d)Treat it as an interesting sensation4. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, the word“withstanding”probably mean s (c )a)accepting b)avoiding c)handling d)curing5. “we pay for our sensitivity .” (paragraph 2) this means (b)a)it was fortunate for humans to have developed this sensitivity.b)We suffer because of this sensitivityc)We know very well how to cope with sensations of paind)We have to pay the dentist for his treatment of our teeth. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Of all the animals in the animal kingdom, which one (aside from man) is smartest? There are several ways of measuring the intelligence of animals. In one test a scientist sets three identical cans on a table. While the animal watches, he puts food under one of the cans. Then he leads theanimal away. Some time later, he brings it back to see is it remembers which can has the food. No sniffing is allowed;the animal must go directly to the correct can or it fails.This is called a delayed-response test. The idea is to find out how long an animal’s memory can retain information. The scientists would try showing the cans to the animal one hour later, or two hours later, or even a full day later. They discovered thatchimpanzees and elephants have the best memory, and are able to remember the correct can for at least twenty hours. No other animal is close. Dogs came next, but they only remembered for nine hours.To settle the matter, the scientists devised a gigantic maze and ran the chimps and elephants through it. The maze was very complicated, with many blind alleys and dead ends. It took the chimps ten minutes to find their way out. The elephants needed a half hour. Even allowing for the elephants’ slower rate of speed, the test indicates that chimpanzees are the smartest animals.From this and other tests, the scientists drew the following conclusion: an animal’s intellige nce de pends on the size of its brain in proportion to the size of its body. The elephant’s brain weights ten pounds. But this is only 1/600th of its 6000 pound body. A chimp’s brain weighs about one pound, or 1/120th of its total body weight. So in proportion to its body size, the chimp has five times as much brain as the elephant----more brain for less body. The chimp is the champ.6.Select the best title. (d)a)the elephant’s memoryb)judging intelligencec)the chimp’s braind)the smartest animal7. The main idea of this passage is that (c )a)there are several ways of measuring the intelligence of animals.b)Chimps and elephants have the best memory.c)Intelligence tests show that the chimp is the smartest animald)The scientists devised a gigantic maze and ran the chimps andelephants through it8. The delayed-response test is designed to test an animal’s(d)a)eyesight b)intelligence c)learning ability d)memory9. The passage indicates that elephants (c )a)never forget b)are smarter than chimpsc)are slower-moving than chimpse)have better memories than chimps10. According to the passage, a rhinoceros that weighs 2100 pounds and has a 3 pound brain is (c )a)equal in intelligence to a chimpb)more intelligent than an elephantc)less intelligent than an elephantd)equal in intelligence to an elephantPART IV Translation(自己先翻译)1) The poor record of survival, plus public reaction against the media’s use of heart transplants for publicity (and perhaps also entertainment), gave rise to a wave of anti-transplant feelings both in and outside the medical profession. After that heart transplants as good as ceased.2) The woman lay on the couch, her face covered with a cloth. The doctor sat down and began the operation. He cut four strips of skin from his leg and graf ted them on to the woman’s arm. Though he was suffering from terrible pain, his hand was steady and sure.3) On the east of the square is the new Museum of Chinese History. Here you can trace the history of China from its earliest beginnings to the modern era. Here, too, air China’s finest arttreasures. It is air-conditioned and beautifully lighted, and its displays are presented with taste. It is surely one of the great museums of the world.4) Having decided to go to prison, Soapy at once set about fulfilling his desire. There were many ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to get a good meal at some expensive restaurant, and then ,after saying that he could not pay, be quietly arrested by a policeman and sent to prison by the judge.5) Ruth did not reply at once. For months she had been existing without sufficient food. When Easton was unemployed they had to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary. Often she pretended, as she gave him his meals, that she had had her meal while he was out.。



许国璋英语第三册试卷(B )PART I Phrase Translation( 10%)l) to have in mind(心中所想的是) 2)at length(终于)3)be worn out (破旧了)4)leave out (省去)5)be nasty about (对谋事故意刁 难) 6)at the sight of (看到)7)at the cost of (以••代价)8)in order to (为了・・)9)every fifth year (每隔五年) 10)spread out (散开)PART II Vocabulary and StructureThere are 40 incomplete sentences in this part, for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d), choose one answer that best completes the sentence ・ Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.l)we consider ____ o f no great difference whether you have a copper pipe or a lead pipe, (c )a) that b)this c)it d)them2) "were all three people in the car injured in the accident?^^“no, _______ only the two passengers who got hurt.59 (a)a) i t was b)there is c)it were d)there was3) He came back from work only ten minutes ago.He ____ to his factory. a) mustn ,t have gone c)wouldn't have gone 4) ____ an answer, he decided towrite another letter to her. (d)a) having not received b)having received notc)no having received d)not having received5) ____ he is not in good health, he often helps others, (a)a) while b)when c)since d )now that6) 1 think Fll wait until the mail ____ ・(c)a) should come b)is coming c)comes d)will come7) ______________________________________ I t was essential that the application forms _________________________ back before thedeadline ・ (c )a) must be sent b)would be sentc)be sent d)should have been sent8) _________ Robots “steel collar workers". (a)a)are often referred to as b)often refer to9) __________________ As for the force to cause current, we call it(b) b)can ,t have goned)may not goc)name after d)are often named afteran electricalpressure・(c )a)acquired b)inquired c)required d)enquired10)______________________ w e must take it into that he has been ill for nearly threemonths, (c)a)thought b)estimation c)account d)computation11)The cruel landlord _________ his farmhands even the food theyate.(c)a)called b)forced c)grudgedd)wanted12)when I had gone _____ this work I was extremely delighted with it.(d)a)out b)of c)on d)through13) __ I succeeded in getting it into the water, I feel certain that I should have begun the voyage・(b)a)have b)had c)when d)having14)Our paper is running ___ ;we'll have to buy some・(b)a)up b)out c)in d)after15)We must have the matter _____ as quickly as we can. (c )a)solve b)solving c)settled d)settling16)Fm _______ to believe what you say. (c)a) inclined about b)incline c)inclined d)inclining17)Now he was ____ awake, (b)a)narrow b)wide c)open d)tight18)Will you add ___ these figures and let me know the total amount?(b) —a)in b)up c)on d)at19)I know _____ nothing of German. (c )a)next brittle c)next to d) more20)the foreman could give him __________ at any time. ( d)a)sack b)bag c)book d)the sack21)His speech _______ much discussion, (c )a)leaded b)result c)caused d)bring22)Soapy at once set ______ fulfilling his desire・(a)a) about b)on c)up d)out23)Our subsequent visits to various communes _________ anxiety intojoy・(c)a)called b)took c)turned d)transfer24)There are as many as eight rows of trees __________ the highway.(b)a)standing b)flanking c)sitting d)rising25)New factories and colleges are mushrooming _____ i n these districts.(a)a)up b)out c)in d)on26)The blind develop a keen sense of _______ ・(b)a)seeing b)touch c)speaking d)sight27)you can ____ the history of China from its earliest beginnings tothe modem era. (c )a)oblige b)force c)trace d)develop28)the more the rays are spread out, _______ heat they give to the partof earth they touch・(b)a)the more b)the less c)much d)less29)the earth is as smooth for its size __ a rubber ball, (c )a)like b)look like c)as d)seem30)The clouds spread ______ the sky. ( c )a) on b)at c) over d) up31)His help ________ a great deal to us. (d)a) points b)asks c)owes d)meant32)some reactionary lamas who tried to stir ______ trouble spread therumoui*. ( c )a) out b)on c)up d)over33)we were particularly keen on ____________ t o one man. (c)a)to listen b)being listen c)listening d)listened34)Vladimir Ilyich got in ______ with two Englishmen. ( d)a)feel b)relation c)sense d)touch35)I have always been on my guard _________ such blunders, (d)a) off b)on c) by d)against36)one has to pay _____ attention to English idioms. ( b )a)well b) close c) less d) near37)This road _____ away into the country. (b)a)lays b)stretches c)makes d)expands38)One cannot think of Africa without _______ o f Egypt. ( d)a)mention b)referring c) think d)thinking39)some mice were dying ______ an infection. ( d)a)off b) in c) on d)from40)penicillin is made _____ of plant material that the body canabsorb.(a)a)up b) blank c)out d) inPART III Reading ComprehensionThere are two passages in this part, each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements・ For each of them, there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d). you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage・Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treatedunfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it ? are you afraid to ask someone for a date?Many people are afraid to assert themselves. Dr.Alberti, author of "stand up, speak out, and talk back", thinks it's because their self-respect is low. “our whole set-up is designed to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti, “there's always superior around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who "knows better9・ These superiors often gain when they chip away at your self-image.99But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses——AT for short. In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be thimselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting other people・In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear. A group taking an AT course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But AT uses an even stronger motive—the need to share・ The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image. If someone you face is more "important^than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your own good sense・You go by the other person's label. But, why should you? AT says you can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.1.The problem the writer talks about is that (b)a)some people buy things they don't want.b)Some people are afraid of speaking up for their rights・c)There are too many chiefs and not enough “Indians”.d)Some people think too highly of themselves・2.The cause of the problem talked about in this passage is that (a)a)some people have a low self-image.b)There is always someone around who "knows better".c)Salesmen talk people into buying things they don't want.d)People don't share enough3.The effect of our set-up on people is often to (a)a)make them distrust themselves.b)Make things more favourable for "superiors".c)Keep thim from knowing as much as their ^superiors99 knowd)Help them to learn to speak up for their rights ・4.AT is one solution to the problem in this passage. One thing ATdoesn^ do is (d)a)use the need of people to shareb)show people they have a right to be themselves.c)Help people overcome feai;d)Help people to assert themselves even if others suffer.5.A good title for this passage could be (a)a)Assertiveness Trainingb)Loss of Self-respectc)The importance of Human Rightd)Share Your Feeling With OthersQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage・Rod Laver was a tennis u greaf\ He was top man on the court for thirteen years, from 1962 to 1975・ whenever he got behind, the "little giant99 didn't tighten up. Instead, he relaxed・ He didn't start to play a “safe" game. He took chances・ He played as if he was ahead. And more times than not it paid off.We meet fear and worry every day. But when fear and worry cause us to lose our head, things get really bad・During the 1930's we were in deep trouble as a country. One out of three people was out of work. F.D. R. said, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?9 He knew that if Americans looked at their troubles with a clear head, they would work out of them.Did you ever hear the story of Kelly? One day, Kelly walked over to his neighbour Casey to bon'ow his wheelbarrow. On the way Kelly started to think, "what if Casey isn't home?" a few steps further the thought hit him, "what if his wheelbarrow is broken?^ Kelly was getting more and more upset, "what if,” Kelly began to say to himself, “what if Casey won't lend me the wheelbarrow?^^By the time he rang Casey's bell Kelly was in an angry mood. Casey came to the door and greeted Kelly in a friendly way. Kelly pulled back and hit Casey on the jaw."keep your damned wheelbarrow.,' growled Kelly as he walked back to his house・6.When Rod Laver, the "little great" of world tennis, got behind,he would (c)a)play a "safe” game・b)Play as if every point is worth winning.c)Play a relaxed gamed)Forgot what the score was7.F.D.R/s saying “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself9 meantthat (a)a)Americans would lose 讦they gave way to fear.b)Americans had no real troubles during the 1930's・c)F.D.R. would solve America's problems because he was not afraid.d)Americans were in trouble because they hadn't looked at their troubles with clear heads・& Kclly,s main problem was that (c)a)he didn't have a wheelbarrow.b)His neighbour, Casey, wouldn't lend him his wheelbarrow.c)He let his womes take over until he believed them・d)He was angry at Casey.9.A good title for this passage would be (b)a)we are our greatest enemiesb)how to overcome fear and worriesc)fear and worries cause us to lose our headd)fear is our main problem in life10.What Rod Laver and F.D.R・ had in common was (c )a)both of them had fear and worries.b)Both of them were brave tennis players.c)Both of them had the ability to look at things with a clear head・d)Both of them had the ability to advise the Americans to handle fear. PART IV Translation (自己先翻译)1)At the top of the mountain there were thirty of us comrades・ At the foot the mountain was a whole battalion ofKuomintang soldiers, surrounding us in a tight ring. We hadgiven the enemy a hard time. They dared not come after us,but we could not get away.2)It is not just blind men who make such silly mistakes. Peoplewho have eyes sometimes act just as foolishly as them whenthey take a one-sided view of things.3)Africa is a very large continent 一larger than China, Europeand the United States put together. It sits on the equator,stretching booth north and south about 35 degrees・ For thisreason it is the most tropical of continents ・4)Although I was interested in the language, I wasn't clearabout its usefulness. I think I have a better idea of that now・So the problem now is not why I should study English, buthow to get the best results in the shortest possible time.5)This was a great lesson to me, and now I saw, though toolate, the folly of beginning a work before we count the cost,and before we judge rightly of our own strength to gothrough with it.。





1. 教材内容详实丰富许国璋《英语》第三册包含的内容非常丰富,涵盖了英语语法的基本知识,如名词、动词、形容词和副词等,还包括了句型转换、写作和翻译等多方面的知识点。


2. 方法灵活多样许国璋《英语》第三册不仅仅注重知识的传授,还注重培养学习者的语言技能。



3. 历经重印1992年的重印说明了许国璋《英语》第三册的受欢迎程度和重要性。









4. 包容性和实用性许国璋《英语》第三册教材的内容涉及了广泛的英语知识,既有基础知识,也有较高级的语法点和词汇。




人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 2 第二单元过关检测(B卷)

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 2 第二单元过关检测(B卷)





1.How many pills does the woman take every day?2.Where does the woman come from?A.China.B.France.C.Canada.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Homework.B.A course.C.An exam.4.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Ask the conductor.B.Get off immediately.C.Check the map.5.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.Customer and waiter.B.Teacher and student.C.Boss and employee.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6.What are the speakers doing now?A.Having breakfast.B.Drinking coffee.C.Shopping in the supermarket.7.What is the best in this shop according to the man?A.French bread.B.French toast.C.Fried eggs.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。



高考英语一轮总复习新人教版:必修第三册UNIT2阅读题组——练速度(35mins)Ⅰ.阅读A(2022·全国乙卷)HenryRaeburn (1756—1823)TheExhibitionThis exhibition of some sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and work of Scotland’s best loved painter,Sir Henry Raeburn,comes to London.Selected from collections throughout the world,it is the first major exhibition of his work to be held in over forty years.LectureSeriesScottish National Portrait(肖像画) Gallery presents a series of lectures for the general public.They are held in the Lecture Room.Admission to lectures is free.AnIntroductiontoRaeburn Sunday 26 Oct.,15.00 DUNCAN THOMSON Raeburn’sEnglishContemporaries Thursday 30 Oct.,13.10JUDY EGERTONCharactersandCharacterisationinRaeburn’sPort raitsThursday 6 Nov.,13.10NICHOLAS PHILLIPSON RaeburnandArtist’sTraininginthe18thCen turyThursday 13 Nov.,13.10MARTIN POSTLEExhibitionTimesMonday-Saturday 10.00-17.45 Sunday 12.00 -17.45Last admission to the exhibition:17.15.There is no re-admission.Closed:24-26 December and 1 JanuaryAdmission£4.Children under 12 years accompanied by an adult are admitted free. SchoolsandCollegesA special low entrance charge of £2 per person is available to all in full-time education,up to and including those at first degree level,in organised groups with teachers.1.What is the right time for attending Raeburn’sEnglishContemporaries?A.Sun.26 Oct.B.Thurs.30 Oct.C.Thurs.6 Nov.D.Thurs.13 Nov.2.How much would a couple with two children under 12 pay for admission?A.£4.B.£8.C.£12.D.£16.3.How can full-time students get group discounts?A.They should go on Sunday mornings.B.They should come from art schools.C.They must be led by teachers.D.They must have ID cards with them.B“To me,love is the most important thing.What could be more healing than love?”These words,like lines from a poem,are easy to agree with coming from Robin,who founded the Bumi Sehat Bali Clinic in central Ubud,the setting for the film EatPrayLove.Now the clinic provides treatment or educational support for over 100,000 people annually.Giving birth to her first child at nineteen,Robin moved to Hawaii aftercollege,working for several years on a farm,where she taught farming practices and poetry.But in 1991,she received heartbreaking news.Her idyllic life on the farm in Hawaii was turned upside down when her sister,expecting a child in Alabama,died of pregnancy complications (妊娠并发症).“When my dear sister passed away,I realised mothers were dying everywhere.In countries with increased poverty,some people can’t afford to go to th e hospital.What motivated me initially was my love for my sister,but this soon grew into a concernfor mothers and children all over the world.”Robin’s feelings for her sister were transformed into a desire to help women everywhere in need.To ensure that children are born healthy,nutritionally balanced meals are provided for expecting mothers free of charge.Those who lack housing are free to stay as long as it is necessary.The clinic also sees patients of all ages who have symptoms unrelated to childbirth,while providing facilities for language learning and IT education,and annually training over 6,000 nursing and midwifery (助产)students,backed by a scholarship programme.Just as Robin said,love is to be found inside the Bumi Sehat Bali Clinic.Perhaps feelings of showing kindness toward others and wanting to make the world a better place are the key to a brighter tomorrow.4.Which of the following best explains “idyllic” underlined in paragraph 3?A.Peaceful.B.Dramatic.C.Tough.D.Troublesome.5.What made Robin change her career course at first?A.Her love for midwifery.B.Her desire to help children.C.Her sorrow for her sister’s death.D.Her loss of interest in poetry.6.What do we know about the clinic?A.It is famous for its nursing programme.B.It offers mothers-to-be free diets.C.It provides financial aid for mothers.D.It has treated more than 6,000 patients.7.What can we learn from Robin’s story?A.Love makes the world a better place.B.Ups and downs make one strong.C.Kindness can be richly rewarded.D.Hard work inspires great respect.C(2023·天津第二中学高三二模)My almost 6-year-old son is currently crazy about Star Wars and Harry Potter.I know he’s young,but the movies and books bring up topics for us to sort through all the time—tough topics.A good chance for me! We read the books together;we watch the movies together.We’ve talked about many things that some parents of a 5-year-old might not talk about,but I want to have these conversations with my son.Today,it was rainy and when the baby took her nap,I allowed him to watch a Star Wars movie as a reward for being so kind this morning to his sister who was feeling a little unhappy.As I was folding laundry,I said to him,very casually,“Wow,that Darth Vader really makes me sick.” My son chided (指责) me,“Mama,Darth Vader has good in him.I know he’s on the dark side,but he isn’t all bad.” This launched us into a conversation about good versus evil and how goodness can be found in anyone if we only look hard enough.For the past week,I feel like I have been tested with various examples of people simply not being nice.And some people were rude for no apparent reason.A nurse was impatient with me on the phone when I called for a prescription.Little ears were listening in on all of those instances and after doing my best to be nice on the phone call with the nurse,I hung up and said to my husband,“Wow,what was wrong with her? She was so rude.” My boy said,“Mama,we all have a bad day.Be nice to her andshe might be nice to you back.” This child teaches me lessons every day,and all we can do is treat people with kindness,as hard as it might be.The nurse was probably exhausted from taking sick calls and maybe she simply needed a coffee break.I do know that those people were not on their best behavior or showing their best side but how many of us have been in those exact shoes? We all act in haste.We all speak in haste.We all do things we regret.And,if we were lucky,we were met with kindness instead of anger in return for our outburst.My son reminded me today to be kinder and gentler to the people I meet with.I’m going to try harder this week.I’m going to try to smile when I met with a frown.Like he mentions,even Darth Vader has good in him and maybe he just needs a little sympathy.8.How does the writer react to her son’s recent interest?ing it as a chance to express her regret.B.Trying to persuade him to change his mind.C.Trying to help him develop some more hobbies.ing it as a chance to have a deep talk with him.9.Why did the author allow her son to watch a movie Star Wars?A.Because it was a reward for his kindness.B.Because her son loves Star Wars.C.Because it was raining outside.D.Because the baby was napping.10.What did the author learn from her child?A.How to be rude to people.B.How to complain about others.C.The importance of being kind to others.D.The essential of asking for medical advice.11.Which of the following words can be used to describe the author’s son?A.Optimistic and calm.B.Brave and enthusiastic.C.Courageous and generous.D.Considerate and sympathetic.DThe connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research.Recent studies have found positive effects.A study conducted in Youngstown,Ohio,for example,discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime.In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have taken it a step further—changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions.These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when they’re short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater.“We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use every day,” explained Michael Strano,a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(发光) in experiments using some common vegetables.Strano’s team found that they could create a faintlight for three-and-a-half hours.The light,about one-thousandth of the amount needed to read by,is just a start.The technology,Strano said,could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.In the future,the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant’s lifetime.The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off “switch” where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US.Since lighting is often far removed from the power source(电源)—such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway—a lot of energy is lost during transmission(传输).Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.12.What is the first paragraph mainly about?A.A new study of different plants.B.A big fall in crime rates.C.Employees from various workplaces.D.Benefits from green plants.13.What is the function of the sensors printed on plant leaves by MIT engineers?A.To detect plants’ lack of water.B.To change compositions of plants.C.To make the life of plants longer.D.To test chemicals in plants.14.What can we expect of the glowing plants in the future?A.They will speed up energy production.B.They may transmit electricity to the home.C.They might help reduce energy consumption.D.They could take the place of power plants.15.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Can we grow more glowing plants?B.How do we live with glowing plants?C.Could glowing plants replace lamps?D.How are glowing plants made pollution-free?Ⅱ.七选五If you’ve studied biology,you’ve probably learned about blood types.Or perhaps you have learned something about blood types from social media. 1 These letters correspond to two antigens(抗原),A and B.People with AB blood have bothantigens,those with A or B have only one,and people with O have no antigens at all.2 If you’ve had a blood transfusion(输血),you are probably aware that your blood type determines which blood you can receive.Maybe you’ll think that you should plan your meals based on your blood type.3 This last concept is popular inAsia,particularly in the Republic of Korea.Someone with type-A blood is thought to be considerate but shy.People with type-B blood are known for being creative butodd.Type-O individuals are considered to be some of the most sociable people.Those with type-AB are sensible artists,but sometimes calculating or unpredictable.The Republic of Korea is one place where the blood type personality theory catches on.A study released in 2017 suggests that nearly 60% of people in the Republic of Korea believe that blood types serve as an indicator of a person’s personality. 4But such theory can also cause discrimination.In the above-mentioned study,about half of the respondents said that they like people with type-O blood best. 5 The general belief was that type-O individuals have a personality that best fits the culture in the Republic of Korea,while AB-types don’t suit such a culturaloutlook.As a result,in recent years,many media have stopped promoting the theory.A.Many factors contribute to your blood type.B.So,what does blood type mean to you personally?C.Meanwhile,only 6% of those surveyed said they like AB-types.D.They have a large social circle but are very easy to get annoyed.E.Or perhaps you think your blood type influences your personality.F.Even those that don’t agree with the concept are familiar with the idea.G.Either way,you’ll know there are four main blood types:A,B,O,and AB.必修第三册UNIT2 阅读题组——练速度Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。

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(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr. Wang _______ the visitors around it.A. went on to showB. went on showingC. went on with showingD. kept on showing2.--What is the model plane look like? --Well, the wings of the plane are ____of its body.A. more than the length twiceB. twice more than the lengthC. more than twice the lengthD. more twice than the length3. It’s too late to go out now._____, it’s sta rting to rain.A. BesidesB. MeanwhileC. HoweverD. Anyhow4. That morning, however, he______ the bus and had to wait for the next one.A. lost B missed C took off D got on5. “________of them are not here.” means “____of them are not here.”A. All; SomeB. Both; EveryC. Both; NeitherD. All; Both6. The college entrance examination is coming; the students are ____ it.A. preparingB. prepared forC. preparedD. preparing for7. While ____ in the room, we were all very excited.A. waitedB. waitingC. to waitD. waits8. -- “Are you _______from America?” -- “No, neither of us.”A. eachB. bothC. allD. neither9. She asked ______ we were getting on well with our work.A. howB. ifC. whatD. that10. As ____ matter of fact, there was ____ exploration in _____ last house I visited.A. a, an, theB. the, an, aC. a, the, theD. the, a, a11. -- The boy is tall enough ___ his age. --Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age.A. to; shorterB. at; tallerC. at; shorterD. for; shorter12. The food tastes _____ and sells _____.A. well; wellB. good; goodC. good; wellD. well; good13. Jack is a good friend ______; he often comes to our home for a visit.A. of my fatherB. of my father’sC. for my fatherD. with my father14. Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_____ in the team.A. somebody elseB. everybody elseC. anybody elseD. nobody else15. Mr. Gates, it’s very nice______ to you. Hope to see you next month in New York.A. to talkB. talkC. talkingD. talked16. The man, _____was known as an expert, lived in the countryside.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. he17. My sister is very keen _____ art.A. atB. onC. inD. for18. They ______ have a ticket for the movie.A. a lot ofB. manyC. everyD. each19. He’s _____a new project.A. worked outB. worked onC. figured outD. made out20. ______ 11:30 yesterday they had already had lunch.A. OnB. AtC. ByD. WithII.阅读理解。



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plotpl0tn. 在此处一块地topt0pn. 顶battalionb2t9lj2nn. 军队营surrounds2raundvt. 包围tighttaitadj. 紧ringri8n. 环圆圈dared/2aux. amp v. 敢于starvesta:vvi. 饿wildwaildadj. 野生的野的searchs2:t6vi. 觅找berryberin. 浆果apricoteiprik0tn. 杏heyheiinterj. 嘿rushr36vi. 冲commissark0misa:n. 政委ashamed26eimdadj. 渐愧disciplinedisiplinn. 纪律heatedhi:tidadj. 热烈的arguea:gju:vi. 争论argumenta:gju:m2ntn. 争论scoutskautn. 侦察兵situationsitjuei62nn. 形势favourablefeiv2r2bladj. 有利breakthroughbreik4ru:n. 突围boltb2ultvt. 闩门insistinsistv. 坚持kindnesskaindnisn. 善意友好puzzlep3zlvt. 迷惑queerkwi2adj.奇怪的troopsn. pl.部队hillsidehilsaidn. 山坡cursek2:svt. 咒骂luckl3kn. 运气wrapr9pvt. 包silversilv2n. 银子silver dollard0l2n. 银元folkf2ulkn. 乡亲accept2kseptvt. 接受burstb2:stv. 进发graspgra:spvt. 紧握proudlypraudliadv. 自豪地骄傲地gazegeizvi. 凝视lieutenant-generalleften2ntn. 中将at the top of在…顶上at the foot of在…脚下to live on靠吃…生活in the open在露天里a number of一些to burst out冲口说出one after another一个一个地goldeng2uld2nadj. 金的金色的trumpettr3mpitn. 喇叭explorerikspl0:r2n. 探险家rulerru:l2n. 统治者indeedindi:dadv. 真的的确opinion2pinj2nn. 意见publicp3blik舆论wheneverwenev2conj. 每当policyp0lisin. 政策settlesetlvt. 决定解决favourfeiv2n. 赞成支持proposalpr2p2uz2ln. 建议oppose2p2uzv. 反对theirs5/2zpron. 他们的naturallyn9t62r2liadv. 自然地majoritym2d70ritin. 多数completek2mpli:tadj. 完全的democracydim0kr2sin. 民主courtyardk0:tja:dn. 庭院restrestn. 其余的人或物assemble2semblv. 集合stepstepvi. 举步走liftliftvt. 举起according to根据按照Is that so是这样吗it is the same as和…一样in favour赞成instead of代替而不bacteriab9kti2ri2n. pl.细菌owe2uvt. 归功于欠discoverdisk3v2vt. 发现organism0:g2niz2mn. 生物体有机体virusvai2r2sn. 病毒病原体hatefulheitfuladj. 可恨的可恶的accident9ksid2ntn. 偶然的事意外的事by accident意外地basementbeism2ntn. 地下室bacteriologistb9kti2ri0l2d7istn. 细菌学家substances3bst2nsn. 物质deadlydedliadj. 致命的platepleitn. 盘子mouldm2uldn.霉霉菌flourishfl3ri6vi. 生长茂盛发展transfertr9nsf2:vt. 转移test tubetju:b试管presentprezntvt. 向…提出association2s2usiei62nn. 协会Medical Association医学会penicillinpenisilinn. 青霉素盘尼西林ignoreign0:vt. 忽视不理meanwhilemi:nwailadv. 同时dyedain. 染料textiletekstailn. 纺织品纺织原料injectind7ektvt. 注射injectionind7ek62nn. 注射amount2mauntn. 数量micemaisn. pl.鼠drugdr3gn. 药物药sulfas3lf2adj. 磺胺的perfectp2:fikt p2:fektvt. 使…完美改善dreaddredvt. 畏惧scarlet feverska:lit fi:v2猩红热leprosylepr2sin. 麻疯病respondrisp0ndvi. 响应反应respond to病情反应良好curekju2vt. amp vi. 治愈pneumonianju:m2unj2n. 肺炎earn2:nvt. 挣得博得赢得effectifektn. 作用影响side effect副作用crystalkristln. 结晶体晶体dissolvediz0lvvt. amp vi. 溶解collectk2lektvi. 聚集堆积kidneykidnin. 肾脏interfereint2fi2vt. 妨碍打扰functionf38k62nn. 功能vi. 起作用skin rashr96n. 皮疹journald72:nln. 杂志quantitykw0ntitin. 量数量in quantityvt. 大量地reduceridju:s减少reduced costn. 降低的价格infectioninfek62nvt. 传染病感染absorb2bs0:bvt. 吸收frequentlyfri:kw2ntliadv. 经常地reactionri9k62nn. 反应allergic2l2:d7ikadj. 过敏性的fatalfeitladj. 致命的healhi:lvt. 治愈vi. 痊愈agenteid72ntn. 化学剂to owe...to归功于to present...to向…提出to earn the name of赢得…的名声wonder drug特效药to come upon偶然地见到blindblaindadj. 瞎盲目的elephantelif2ntn. 象beastbi:stn. 兽toucht3t6vt. amp n. 抚摸sense of touch触觉trusttr3stvt. 信任tuskt3skn. 象的长牙mistakenmisteik2nadj. 想错了smoothsmu:5adj. 光滑sharp6a:padj. 尖锐spearspi2n. 长矛trunktr38kn. 象的鼻子entirelyintai2liadv. 完全snakesneikn. 蛇plainpleinadj. 明白的nameneimvt. 提出说出举出hugehju:d7adj. 巨大的exactlyigz9ktliadv. 一点不差fanf9nn. 扇子tailteiln. 尾巴sillysiliadj. 傻愚蠢的surely6u2liadv. 一定当然roper2upn. 绳索quarrelkw0r2lvi. 争吵foolishlyfu:li6liadv. 愚蠢地one-sidedadj. 片面的viewvju:n. 见解观点It happened that碰巧so that为了以便to take hold of抓住to lose ones senses糊涂了to move on继续向前走civilizationsivilaizei62nn. 文明文化equatorikweit2n. 赤道equatorialekw2t0ri2ladj. 赤道的stretchstret6vi. 延伸degreedigri:n. 度度数tropicaltr0pik2ladj. 热带的percentp2sentn. 百分率百分之几desertdez2t diz2:tn. 沙漠adj. 沙漠的vegetationved7itei62nn. 总称植物shrub6r3bn. 灌木gazelleg2zeln. 瞪羚hareh/2n. 野兔survives2vaivvi. 幸免于shade6eidn. 遮荫处temperaturetemp2rit62n. 温度portionp0:62nn. 部分rainfallreinf0:ln. 降雨量plateaupl9t2un. 高原tree-dotted树木点缀的herdh2:dn. 兽群牧群antelope9ntil2upn. 羚羊varietyv2rai2tin. 种类品种zebrazi:br2n. 斑马giraffed7ira:fn. 长颈鹿rhinocerosrain0s2r2sn. 犀牛leopardlep2dn. 豹hyenahaii:n2n. 鬣狗cradlekreidln.摇篮发祥地characteristick9rikt2ristikn. 特点regularityregjul9ritin. 规律性annual9nju2ladj. 一年一度的Ethiopiai:4i2upi2n. 埃塞俄比亚Ethiopiani:4ioupi2nadj. 埃塞俄比亚的originate2rid7ineitvi. 发源于laden with充满… submerges3bm2:d7vt. 淹没saturates9t62reitv. 使…充满layerlei2n. 一层maizemeizn. 玉米milletmilitn.小米beanbi:nn. 豆类datedeitn. 枣worshipw2:6ipvt. 崇拜legendled72ndn. 传奇templetempln. 寺院measureme72vt. 测量surveys2:veivt. 观察geometryd7i0mitrin. 几何学calendark9lind2n. 历书历法astronomy2str0n2min. 天文学keep out把…挡在外面to feed on以…为食to come into being产生usefulnessju:zfulnisn. 用处abroad2br0:dadv. 国外commandk2ma:ndn. 掌握problempr0bl2mn. 问题stressstresvt. 强调着重solids0lidadj. 牢固的结实的foundationfaundei62nn. 基础idiomidi2mn. 习惯用语idiomaticidi2m9tikadj. 习用的memorizemem2raizvt. 记住背诵individualindividju2ladj. 个别的单个的exactigz9ktadj. 确切的equivalentikwiv2l2ntn. 等同词语等值词arouse2rauzvt. 引起唤起blunderbl3nd2n.错误gongg08n. 锣triptripn. 旅行journeyd72:nin. 旅行besidesbisaidzprep. 除…这外handwritingh9ndraiti8n. 书法basicbeisikadj. 基本的original2rid72n2ladj. 原来的n. 原著effectivelyifektivliadv. 有效地weaponwep2nn. 武器what...for为了什么to get on well进行得很顺利first of all首先to get...right把某事做对to watch out for注意It seems to me在我看来It is a matter of...这是…的问题to catch one out发现某人犯错误word for word字对字地逐字地in order to为了hogh0gn. 猪penpenvt. 关进栏里ingloriousingl0:ri2sadj. 可耻的spotsp0tn. 地点barkba:kvi. 犬吠mockm0kn. 嘲笑accursed2k2:sidadj. 不幸的例霉的noblyn2ubliadv. 高尚地preciouspre62sadj.珍贵的bloodbl3dn. 血shed6edvt. 流血泪in vain白白地monsterm0nst2n. 妖魔怪物defydifaivt. 反抗蔑视constraink2nstreinvt. 迫使强制honour0n2vt. 尊敬kinsmankinzm2nn. 同胞亲戚commonk0m2nadj. 共同的foef2un. 敌人outnumberautn3mb2vt. 在数量上超过blowbl2un. 打击death blow致命的打击dealdi:lvt. 给与打击gravegreivn. 坟墓murderousm2:d2r2sadj. 凶残的cowardlykau2dliadj. 怯懦的胆小的packp9kn. 一群狐群狗党presspresvt. 逼迫landl9ndvt. 上岸登陆portp0:tn. 港口brightenbraitnvi. 高兴起来curiouslykju2ri2sliadv. 好奇地strongholdstr08h2uldn. 堡垒prisonpriznn. 监狱singlesi8gladj. 一个单一的amuse2mju:zvt. 使感到有趣amusing2mju:zi8adj. 令人感到有趣的joked72ukvi. 开玩笑rowr2un. 排front row前排crowdkraudn. 人群particularlyp2tikjul2liadv. 特别地keenki:nadj. 渴望热切accent9ks2nt 9ksentn. 口音afterwardsa:ft2w2dzadv. 后来advertisement2dv2:tism2ntn. 广告exchangeikst6eind7vt. 交换attract2tr9ktvt. 吸引extensiveikstensivadj. 广泛的广博的facilityf2silitin. 设备scientificsai2ntifikadj. 科学的researchris2:t6n. 研究ordinary0:din2riadj. 普通的boreb0:vt. 使人厌烦tearti2 t/2vt. 撕拉开examineigz9minvt. 审察检视spaciousspei62sadj. 宽敞的drawingdr0:i8n. 画climbklaimvi. 攀登爬上lawnl0:nn. 草坪inhabitinh9bitvi. 居住doorstepd0:stepn.门口台阶districtdistriktn. 区区域strikingstraiki8adj. 惊人的明显的contrastk0ntr9st k2ntr9stn. 对照wealthwel4n. 财富富裕mutterm3t2vt. 喃喃自语clenchklent6vt. 咬紧紧握not a single一个也没有now that现在既然at first起初to get down to定下心来做一件事to be keen on非常爱好to get to终于to get in touch with与…取得联系from side to side从一边到另一边to go on foot步行Londonl3nd2n伦敦Siberiasaibi2ri2西伯利亚Hyde Parkhaid pa:k海德公园Britainbritn英国不列颠Britishbriti6英国的Irelandai2l2nd爱尔兰Irishai2ri6爱尔兰的爱尔兰语Parisp9ris巴黎transplanttr9nspla:ntvt. amp n. 移植chestt6estn. 胸腔胸膛imaginationim9d7inei62nn. 想象想象力offer0f2vt. 主动提出出价dollard0l2n. 美元optimism0ptimizmn. 乐观乐观主义rejectrid7ektvt. 排斥resistancerizist2nsn. 抵抗抵抗力germd72:mn. 微生物细菌病菌recipientrisipi2ntn. 接受者slightlyslaitliadv. 略微地worthw2:4adj. 用作表语值… mis givingmisgivi8n. 疑虑担心share6/2vt. 共同享有eminentemin2ntadj. 著名的cardiacka:di9ka. 心脏的心脏病的surgeons2:d72nn. 外科医生morallym0r2liadv. 道德上道义上moralm0r2ladj. 道德的justifyd73stifaivt. 证明是正当的ordeal0:di:ln. 严峻考验折磨publicityp3blisitin. 宣传宣扬besiegebisi:d7vt. 包围围攻glimpseglimpsn. 一瞥看一眼breadwinnerbredwin2n. 养家活口的人recallrik0:lvt. 回忆回想起professionpr2fe62nn. 职业foremostf0:m2ustadj. 第一流的ratereitn. 比率率the rate of success成功率testimonytestim2nin. 证明公开的表明pricelesspraislisadj. 无价的regretrigretn. 懊悔悔恨to give way to被…代替to come ones way发生在某人身上short of除…以外to give rise to引起使…发生to speak for itself最雄辩地证明as good as几乎事实上to have no regret不懊悔selflesslyadv. 忘我地backwardnessn.落后prosperouspr0sp2r2sadj. 繁荣的Tibetantibet2nadj. 藏族的n. 藏人herdsmanh2:dzm2nn. 牧民graduategr9djueitvi. 毕业medicalmedik2ladj. 医药的医学的assign2sainvt. 派指定steppestepn. 草原sheep6i:pn. 羊绵羊cowkaun. 母牛lamala:m2n. 喇嘛prayerpr/2n. 咒词祷词charmt6a:mn. 符咒tenttentn. 帐篷stirst2:vt. 煽动惹起spreadspredvt. 散布rumourru:m2n. 谣言poisonp0iznn. 毒毒药concernk2ns2:nn. 关心patientpei62ntn. 病人successfuls2ksesfuladj. 成功的treatmenttri:tm2ntn. 治疗casekeisn. 病症病例graduallygr9dju2liadv. 逐渐merelymi2liadv. 仅只serioussi2ri2sadj. 严肃的严重的sinksi8kvi. 下沉equipikwipvt. 装备well-equipped设备很好的nursen2:svt. 看护护理signsainn. 迹象flockfl0kn. 羊群hesitateheziteitvi. 犹豫迟疑sicksikadj. 病distrustdistr3stvt. 不信任graftgra:ftvt. 接植植皮skin-graftingn. 植皮手术bearb/2vt. 忍受starest/2vt.注视couchkaut6n. 铺床operation0p2rei62nn. 手术stripstripn. 细长条条sufferings3f2ri8n. 苦痛steadystediadj. 稳定的carek/2vi. 关心to wipe out消灭to fall ill染病病例to stir up trouble煽动是非挑起麻烦day and night日日夜夜地to win over争取过来to show sign of有…的迹象to search through...遍寻查遍as it is照目前这样never before以前从未曾有过to care about关心spinspinv. 旋转pokep2ukvt.戳刺polep2uln. 长竿旗灯杆tilttiltv. 倾斜微欹directiondirek62nn. 方向warmthw0:m4n. 温暖blazebleizv. 炽燃n. 火焰rayrein. 光线射线slantsla:ntvt. 倾斜surfaces2:fisn. 表面heathi:tn. 热tiptipv. 倾斜northernn0:52nadj. 北方的北部的hemispherehemisfi2n. 半球southerns352nadj. 南方的南部的probablypr0b2bliadv. 可能或许sparklespa:klvi. 闪耀billionbilj2nnum. 一万亿英制fieryfai2riadj. 如火的rockr0kn. 岩石bumpyb3mpiadj. 凹凸的崎岖的crustkr3stn.硬皮soils0iln. 土壤uneven3ni:v2nadj. 不平的不平衡的actually9ktju2liadv. 实际上sizesaizn. 大小尺码rubberr3b2n. 橡胶blanketbl98kitn. 毯子覆盖层atmosphere9tm2sfi2n. 大气层dropdr0pn. 水滴stormst0:mn. 暴风雨风暴planetpl9nitn. 行星imagineim9d7inv. 想象perp2:prep. 每per year每年circles2:kln. 圆v. 围绕环绕reflectriflektvt. 反射sliversliv2n. 一牙一小片from top to bottom从头到底ten times larger大十倍once every week每周一次to spread out散??to give off...放出from far off从极远的地方all around在四面八方es per hour以每小时…哩的速度impressionimpre62nn. 印象speedspi:dn. 速度remarkablerima:k2bladj. 突出的显著的full-scale齐备的blockbl0kn. 一群楼房hotelh2uteln. 旅馆饭店tiletailn. 瓦assure26u2v. 使…确信residentrezid2ntn. 居民geniusd7i:nj2sn. 智慧天才rapidr9pidadj. 快速的anniversary9niv2:s2rin. 周年纪念undertake3nd2teikv. 进行从事majormeid72adj. 大的重要的projectpr2d7ektpr0d7ektn. 建筑工程vastva:stadj. 巨大的tracetreisv. 追溯modernm0d2nadj. 近代的现代的erai2r2n. 时代treasuretre72n. 珍品displaydisplein. 展览品tasteteistn.趣味frontfr3ntv. 装饰建筑物的正面columnk0l2mn. 圆柱banquetb98kwitn. amp v. 宴会宴请twenty-odd二十多个receptionrisep62nn. 接待会客reception room客厅normaln0:m2liadj. 一般的普通的ballroomb0:lru:mn. 舞厅sweepingswi:pi8adj. 巨大的balconyb9lk2nin. 阳台congressk08gresn. 大型会议noveln0v2ladj. 新奇的异常的featurefi:t62n. 特色特征designdizainn. 设计acoustics2ku:stiksn. 音响设计distinctlydisti8ktliadv. 清楚地earphonei2founn. 耳机simultaneoussim2lteinj2sadj.同时的citizensitiznn. 公民volunteerv0l2nti2adj. 义务的志愿的architecturala:kitekt62r2ladj. 建筑方面的architecturea:kitekt62n. 建筑艺术建筑学triumphtrai2mfn. 巨大的胜利miraclemir2kln. 奇迹to lay out设计in a matter of大约只不过在…之内Romer2um罗马意大利首都borderb0:d2n. 边界国境线dismayedadj. 惊愕calamityk2l9mitin. 灾害subsequents3bsikw2ntadj. 随后的anxiety98gzai2tin. 忧虑emergeim2:d7v. 出现显得droughtdrautn. 旱灾faminef9minn. 饥馑bumperb3mp2adj. 丰硕的cropkr0pn. 收获收成产量flankfl98kv. 在…之旁highwayhaiwein. 公路大路cyclistsaiklistn. 骑自行车的人tracktr9kn. 小路或跑道beneathbini:4prep. 在…之下avenue9vinju:n. 林荫道mushroomm36rumv. 很快地出现stackst9kn. 一堆stacks of许多的大量的suburbans2b2:b2nadj. 市郊的proportionpr2p0:62nn. 比例primarypraim2riadj. 第一位的continuallyk2ntinju2liadj. 不断地ensurein6u2v. 保证benefitbenifitn. 利益kindergartenkind2g1:tnn. 幼儿园communityk2mju:nitin. 公众outstandingautst9ndi8adj. 突出的academy2k9d2min. 学院athlete94li:tn. 运动员famefeimn. 声誉marvelma:v2lv. 惊讶赞赏featfi:tn. 技艺gracegreisn. 优雅splashspl96n. 泼溅水instructorinstr3kt2n. 教练员uninhibited3ninhibitidadj. 无拘束duckd3kv. 忽然潜入水中every fifth year每隔五年true to his word说话算话说到做到at the cost of以…为代价for the benefit of为…的利益rank and file普通士兵一般群众from the start从一开始solitarys0lit2riadj. 孤独的reaperri:p2n. 收割者beholdbih2uldv. 看yonj0nadj. amp adv. 古语在远处lassl9sn. 姑娘by oneself单独地gentlyd7entliadv. 轻轻地bindbaindv. 捆melancholymel2nk2liadj. 悲伤的忧郁的strainstreinn. 曲调歌valeveiln. 山谷profoundpr2faundadj. 深的overflow2uv2fl2uv. 洋溢充满nightingalenaiti8geiln. 夜莺chantt6a:ntv. 歌唱noten2utn. 音符调子wearywi2riadj. 疲倦的厌倦的bandb9ndn. 队shady6eidiadj. 有树荫的haunth0:ntn. 人们常去的地方Arabian2reibj2nadj. 阿拉伯的阿拉伯人的sand.。



许国璋英语第三册第六课课文**English Content:**In the intricate dance of cross-cultural communication, language often serves as the invisible thread connecting people from diverse backgrounds. This thread, however, can easily become tangled when cultural differences come into play. The sixth lesson of the third volume of Xu Guozhang's English textbook beautifully illustrates this point, highlighting the nuances of language and its role in bridging the gaps between people.The lesson begins with a dialogue between two individuals from different cultures, each speaking their native language. The struggle to understand each other's words is not just a linguistic one; it's also a cultural one. The words themselves may be simple, but the meanings they convey are layered with cultural implications and historical context. This is where the art of translation and interpretation comes into play. It's not just about converting words from one language to another; it's about understanding and conveying the deeper meanings behind those words.As the lesson progresses, it delves into the complexities of language learning. It's not enough to merely master the grammar and vocabulary of a language; one must also immerse oneself in its culture to truly understand how it is used. Language is not just a tool for communication; it's a window to a culture's soul. By understanding the cultural backgrounds of others, we can better appreciate their language and the ways they communicate.The lesson concludes with a powerful reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity in communication. When communicating with someone from a different culture, it's crucial to be aware of our own cultural biases and assumptions. We must strive to put ourselves in the other person's shoes, to see the world through their eyes. Only then can we truly connect with them and build meaningful relationships.In summary, the sixth lesson of Xu Guozhang's English textbook is a profound exploration of the role of language in cross-cultural communication. It teaches us that true understanding and connection go beyond mere words; theyrequire a deep understanding of the cultures that shape those words. By embracing this understanding, we can overcome the barriers of language and culture and create a more connected and understanding world.**中文内容:**在跨文化交流的纷繁复杂中,语言往往扮演着连接不同背景人群的隐形纽带。

人教版高中英语必修第三册课后习题 第2单元过关检测(B卷)

人教版高中英语必修第三册课后习题 第2单元过关检测(B卷)





1.What is the man’s favourite sport?A.Football.B.Basketball.C.Ping-pong.答案:C2.What will the weather be like tomorrow?A.Rainy.B.Snowy.C.Sunny.答案:C3.What will the man drink?A.Green tea.B.Coca Cola.C.Coffee.答案:A4.How old is the woman now?A.10.B.16.C.26. 答案:B5.What is the man looking for now?A.His mobile phone.B.His iPad.C.His wife’s mobile phone.答案:A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6.When was the man born?A.In 1982.B.In 1992.C.In .答案:B7.Why did the man go to the Olympic Games?A.To watch an event.B.To do volunteer work.C.To compete in an event.答案:C听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 2 Section B

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 Unit 2 Section B

SectionB LearningAboutLanguage必备知识基础练Ⅰ.单句填空1.The old man needed emergency (surgeon) to remove a blood clot from his brain.2.Before (liberate) there were few doctors and little medicine in the countryside.3.Doctors were (disturb) that less than 30 percent of the patients recovered.4.That (special) who carried out the brain scan thought Tim’s chance of survival was slim.5.A computer company wanted to hire her as their(consult),but she refused firmly.Ⅱ.短语填空1. your set bedtime and wake-up time,no matter what happens.2.Playing games not only our valuable time,but also does great harm to our health.3.The town is without electricity and the water supply has been due to the earthquake.4.I’m looking for a birthday present for my daughter,but I haven’t .5.The character “王”one vertical stroke and three horizontal strokes.6.It might be a good idea to your beard before going to Beijing for the interview.7.We must to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.8.As I have taken these two simple steps to exercise,I started to .Ⅲ.句式升级1.Before you eing-up einutes.(升级为省略句)→,be sure to do warming-up einutes.2.Hearing the lecture,she was so excited that she couldn’t go to sleep.(升级为too...to...结构)→Hearing the lecture,she wasto sleep.3.I don’t like playing the piano.My brother doesn’t like playing it,either.(升级为neither...nor...结构)→my brother likes playing the piano.4.It’s too late.You must decide which boo k you want to borrow.(升级为“疑问词+to do”结构)→It’s too late.You mustdecide .5.Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas.(升级短语)→Sichuan Province a basin and some mountainous areas.Ⅳ.完成句子1.何时何地举行婚礼还没有决定。



许国璋英语许式英语语音语法复习一一. 英语语音(一)英语字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll MmNn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 其中A、E、I、O、U(Y)为元音字母。

练习:1.朗读并比较下列各组字母:a-o e-c b-d d-g g-j j-y I-j h-k m-n v-w r-t u-n I-L-TU-V M-W O-Q K-P-R-H B-D E-F C-G J-Y H-N2.朗读下列缩写词:CPC PRC UN USA GNP GDP a.m. p.m. IT PC Y2KVIP IQ CEO CBD APEC OPEC(二)英语音素和音标1.音素和音标音素是语音的最小单位。











根据英语单词所含音节的数目可分为单音节词(如;a, he, she, on, desk)、双音节词(如:letter, mother, doctor)和多音节词(如:information, economics,)2.单词重音.重读音节——符号为[′-],次重读音节——符号为[?-]在双音节词和多音节词中,一般有一个音节读得重些、清楚些,这个音节叫重读音节,其他读得轻而弱的音节叫非重读音节。


学生卷模板版Unit 3 B 卷-高二英语选择性必修第三册同步单元AB卷

学生卷模板版Unit 3 B 卷-高二英语选择性必修第三册同步单元AB卷

Unit 3 War and peace测试卷(B卷提升篇)【外研版】学校:__________班级:__________姓名:_________ 考号:___________本试卷共分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题;满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。

第Ⅰ卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节;满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. She claims that ______ films are polluting the minds of our children.A. featureB. disasterC. adventurousD. violent2. Our ultimate ______ is the removal of all nuclear weapons.A. objectiveB. destinationC. welfareD. ambition3. She sat by the window, ______ her years of hard and rewarding work as a doctor.A. preservingB. recallingC. liberatingD. acknowledging4. He is a(n) ______ soccer player who hasn’t got recognition that he deserves.A. ambitiousB. relevantC. outstandingD. identical5. Unless the ______ on the boarder are dealt with properly, a war will be inevitable.A. aggressionsB. bombsC. troopsD. frictions6. A TV set which is ______ still consumes a certain amount of electricity.A. on standbyB. on guardC. on dutyD. on show7. Besides athletic achievements, he also made great ______ progress in his major subjects.A. intellectualB. preciousC. academicD. classic8. He said that he would not be able to ______ home for Christmas due to the stormy weather.A. put itB. appreciate itC. name itD. make it9. Cycling in the park, I ______ my teacher, who was jogging with his wife.A. met up withB. put up withC. lived up toD. came up with10. Portraits of people will draw readers’ attention, especially if the images are ______ and tell a story.A. collectiveB. memorialC. timidD. relevant11. Every possible means ______ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A. is usedB. are usedC. has been usedD. have been used12. Mathematics ______ the language of science.C. is B. are C. are going toD. am13. The population of Jiangsu ______ to more than twice of what it was in 1949. The figure is now reaching 74 million.A. has grownB. have grownC. are growingD. grew14. A survey of the opinions of the experts ______ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week ______ good for one’s health.A. show; areB. shows; isC. show; isD. shows; are15. It is reported that many a new house ______ at present in the disaster area.A. are being builtB. is being builtC. were being builtD. was being built第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从16-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。



河北省石家庄市赵县王西章中学2023-2024学年英语三下期中经典试题(时间:90分钟分数:100分)学校_______ 年级_______ 姓名_______一、读单词,选出不同类的一项(每题2分,共20分)。

1.A. three B. she C. he2.A. colour B. red C. black3.A. girl B. boy C. dog4.A. time B. eleven C. twelve5.A. small B. tiger C. short6.A. bike B. basketball C. football7.A. big B. noodles C. small8.A. small B. big C. like9.A. tall B. student C. teacher10.A. brother B. family C. grandmother二、单项选择(每题2分,共10分)。

11.I ______ like fish. ( )A. doesB. amC. don’t12.“这些是什么?”用英语如何表达?( )A. What are those?B. What are these?C. What is this?13.I’m from China. I’m a Chinese. ( )A. B. C.14.—________ Sara like bananas? ( )—No, she doesn’t.A. DoB. DoesC. Is15.—Is he your grandfather? ( )—Yes, he ______.A. aren’tB. isC. isn’t三、选词填空(每题2分,共10分)。

16.Look at the woman. She is my . (grandpa / grandma)17.Miss Wang is my teacher. She is from .(China / Canada)18.It’s a (dog / cat).19.I’m(seven / six) years old.20.This is my little (brother / father), George.四、按要求完成下列句子(每题2分,共10分)。


A. whatB. whoC. whoseD. whom
()10.In our city,_______ middle school students want to work as a teacher in
the future.
A. thousandB. thousand ofC. thousands ofD. two thousand of
36. There are some new students in our school this term.(改为否定句)
There _______ _______ new students in our school this term.
31.Autumn lasts from early September to November.
Autumn __________ in September and __________ __________ to November.
32.How's the weather today?
__________ the weather __________ today?
33.The rain was heavy last night.
It __________ __________ last night.
34.January is the coldest month of the year.
()15._____ sleep too late.It’s bad for your health.
A.DoB.NotC.Don’tD.Please not



2023年高考英语第三次模拟考试卷(新高考B卷)高三英语(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。






1. What color is the dress the woman is trying on?A. Yellow.B. Orange.C. Blue.2. What is the man's job probably?A. A novelist.B. A cartoonist.C. A reporter.3. What kind of occasion are the speakers probably celebrating?A. A wedding.B. A holiday.C. A birthday.4. How does the woman prefer to learn?A. By reading books.B. By watching videos.C. By using the Internet.5. Who was the man angry with?A. The cinema staff.B. The woman.C. Some other audiences.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



许国璋英语1-4册:探索英语学习的深度与广度In the realm of English language learning, the Xu Guozhang English series, spanning from volumes 1 to 4, stands as a monumental guide for students seeking to master the language. These textbooks offer a comprehensive and structured approach to learning English, covering various aspects of grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Volume 1 of the series introduces the student to the basics of English, focusing on fundamental grammar rules and building a solid foundation of vocabulary. The lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive, encouraging students to actively participate in the learning process. This volume lays the groundwork for the more advanced concepts that will be tackled in subsequent volumes.As students progress to Volume 2, they are introduced to more complex grammar structures and a wider range of vocabulary. The lessons become more challenging, yet still maintain a balance of accessibility and fun. This volume continues to build on the foundation established in Volume1, while introducing new concepts such as conditional sentences and more advanced verb forms.Volume 3 takes the student's English skills to the next level, introducing more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary. Lessons focus on improving reading comprehension and listening skills, as well as honing speaking and writing abilities. This volume challenges students to think critically about the language and apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.By the time students reach Volume 4, they have gained a comprehensive understanding of the English language and are ready to tackle even more advanced concepts. This volume focuses on enhancing advanced grammar skills, expanding vocabulary knowledge, and refining reading, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. Lessons becomeincreasingly challenging, encouraging students to pushtheir limits and achieve fluency in English.The Xu Guozhang English series not only covers the technical aspects of language learning but also emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding. Lessons often include discussions about British and American culture,history, and traditions, providing students with a deeper understanding of the language and its context.Overall, the Xu Guozhang English series is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to master English. The textbooks offer a balanced approach to language learning, covering all aspects of grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. By following this series from volumes 1 to 4, students can gradually build their English skills from the ground up, achieving fluency and proficiency in the language.**许国璋英语1-4册:英语学习的深度与广度探索** 在英语学习领域,许国璋英语系列,从1册到4册,为那些希望精通这门语言的学生提供了一本重要的学习指南。

译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 UNIT 2 Section B

译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册课后习题 UNIT 2 Section B

SectionB Grammarandusage&IntegratedskillsA级必备知识基础练Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.(天津3月卷)The (universal) is all yours to explore and enjoy.2.It is (crucial) important that we are ready for this time.3.When he (orbit) in the capsule,he took photographs of our planet.4.The (astronomy) is delighted that China has made great achievements in the field of astronomy.5.The television program is designed to educate and not (mere) to entertain.6.The advantages are plain (see),so you don’t need to hesitate.7.People’s health is the (found) of a civilization’s progress and an important indicator of a nation’s prosperity.8.We like red,because red stands for happiness and good fortune in our culture.9. amazed me was that he arranged for a car to pick me up at the airport.10.It is a pity your parents didn’t permit you to go hiking.Ⅱ.用正确的连接词填空1.Thanks to the improvement of technology, we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly.2. the college will take in more new students this year is true.3.It is suggested that this eperature.4. matters most is whether you are willing to learn and to study hard.5. these methods are efficient remains to be seen.6.According to the game rules, first scores 100 points wins the trophy.7.It was amazing quickly I could get there—just half an hour.8. is reported in the newspaper is that seventeen climbers have been killed in the snowstorm.9. team wins on Saturday will go to the national championships.10.It was not surprising he won two gold medals in the match,for he is an excellent player.Ⅲ.短语填空1.Whether the team will those scientists remains an unanswered question.2.They performed a number of scientific experiment and technological tests,which the following manned missions.3.Rick hasn’t changed.He looks exactlyhe did at school.4.We should stick to the principles and beflexible .5.The organization North Carolina and has programs in seventy countries.6.You may what Sam says,for he is a person who always keeps his word.7.Let’s more information about this smartphone on the Internet.8.The fact that he has an advantage over his classmatesis .Ⅳ.完成句子1.我的确知道有时候我需要把自己从网络世界中拉出来。

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许国璋英语第三册试卷(B)PART I Phrase Translation(10%)1)to have in mind(心中所想的是)2)at length(终于)3)be worn out(破旧了)4)leave out(省去)5)be nasty about(对谋事故意刁难)6)at the sight of (看到)7)at the cost of(以..代价)8)in order to(为了..) 9)every fifth year(每隔五年) 10)spread out (散开)PART II V ocabulary and StructureThere are 40 incomplete sentences in this part, for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d), choose one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.1)we consider of no great difference whether you have a copperpipe or a lead pipe. (c )a)that b)this c)it d)them2) “were all three people in the car injured in the accident?”“no, on ly the two passengers who got hurt.” (a)a)it was b)there is c)it were d)there was3)He came back from work only ten minutes ago.He to his factory. (b)a)mustn‟t have gone b)can‟t have gonec)wouldn‟t have gone d)may not go4) an answer, he decided to write another letter to her. (d)a)having not received b)having received notc)no having received d)not having received5) he is not in good health, he often helps others. (a)a)while b)when c)since d)now that6)I think I‟ll wait until the mail. (c)a)should come b)is coming c)comes d)will come7)It was essential that the application forms back before thedeadline. (c )a)must be sent b)would be sentc)be sent d)should have been sent8)Robots “steel collar workers”. (a)a)are often referred to as b)often refer toc)name after d)are often named after9)As for the force to cause current, we call it an electricalpressure. (c )a)acquired b)inquired c)required d)enquired10)we must take it into that he has been ill for nearly threemonths. (c )a)thought b)estimation c)account d)computation11) The cruel landlord his farmhands even the food theyate.(c )a)called b)forced c)grudged d)wanted12) when I had gone this work I was extremely delighted with it.(d)a)out b)of c)on d)through13) I succeeded in getting it into the water, I feel certain that I should have begun the voyage. ( b)a)have b)had c)when d)having14) Our paper is running ;we‟ll have to buy some. (b)a)up b)out c)in d)after15) We must have the matter as quickly as we can. (c )a)solve b)solving c)settled d)settling16) I‟m to believe what you say. (c)a) inclined about b)incline c)inclined d)inclining17)Now he was awake. (b)a)narrow b)wide c)open d)tight18) Will you add these figures and let me know the total amount?(b)a)in b)up c)on d)at19) I know nothing of German. (c )a)next b)little c)next to d) more20) the foreman could give him at any time. ( d)a)sack b)bag c)book d)the sack21) His speech much discussion. (c )a)leaded b)result c)caused d)bring22) Soapy at once set fulfilling his desire. (a)a) about b)on c)up d)out23) Our subsequent visits to various communes anxiety intojoy.(c )a)called b)took c)turned d)transfer24)There are as many as eight rows of trees the highway.(b)a)standing b)flanking c)sitting d)rising25) New factories and colleges are mushrooming in these districts.(a)a)up b)out c)in d)on26) The blind develop a keen sense of . (b)a)seeing b)touch c)speaking d)sight27)you can the history of China from its earliest beginnings tothe modern era. (c )a)oblige b)force c)trace d)develop28) the more the rays are spread out, heat they give to the partof earth they touch. (b)a)the more b)the less c)much d)less29)the earth is as smooth for its size a rubber ball. (c )a)like b)look like c)as d)seem30) The clouds spread the sky. ( c )a) on b)at c) over d) up31) His help a great deal to us. (d)a) points b)asks c)owes d)meant32)some reactionary lamas who tried to stir trouble spread therumour. ( c )a) out b)on c)up d)over33) we were particularly keen on to one man. (c)a)to listen b)being listen c)listening d)listened34)Vladimir Ilyich got in with two Englishmen. ( d)a)feel b)relation c)sense d)touch35) I have always been on my guard such blunders. (d)a) off b)on c) by d)against36)one has to pay attention to English idioms. ( b )a)well b) close c) less d) near37) This road away into the country. (b)a)lays b)stretches c)makes d)expands38)One cannot think of Africa without of Egypt. ( d)a)mention b)referring c) think d)thinking39) some mice were dying an infection. ( d)a)off b) in c) on d)from40)penicillin is made of plant material that the body canabsorb.(a)a)up b) blank c)out d) inPART III Reading ComprehensionThere are two passages in this part, each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d). you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it ? are you afraid to ask someone for a date?Many people are afraid to assert themselves. Dr.Alberti, author of “stand up, speak out, and talk back”, thinks it‟s because their self-respect is low. “our whole set-up is designed to make people distrust themselves,” says Alberti. “there‟s always superior around---a parent, a teacher, a boss---who …knows better‟. These superiors often gain when they chip away at your self-image.”But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer “assertiveness training” courses----AT for short. In the AT course people learn that they have a right to be thimselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting other people.In one way, learning to speak out is to overcome fear. A group taking an AT course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But AT uses an even stronger motive---the need to share. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-image. If someone you face is more “important”than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your own good sense.You go by the other person‟s label. But, why should you? AT says you can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do, you can learn to speak out.1.The problem the writer talks about is that (b)a)some people buy things they don‟t want.b)Some people are afraid of speaking up for their rights.c)There are too many chiefs and not enough “Indians”.d)Some people think too highly of themselves.2.The cause of the problem talked about in this passage is that (a)a)some people have a low self-image.b)There is always someone around who “knows better”.c)Salesmen talk people into buying things they don‟t want.d)People don‟t share enough3. The effect of our set-up on people is often to (a)a)make them distrust themselves.b)Make things more favourable for “superiors”.c)Keep thim from knowing as much as their “superiors” knowd)Help them to learn to speak up for their rights.4. AT is one solution to the problem in this passage. One thing ATdoesn‟t do is (d)a)use the need of people to shareb)show people they have a right to be themselves.c)Help people overcome fear.d)Help people to assert themselves even if others suffer.5. A good title for this passage could be (a)a)Assertiveness Trainingb)Loss of Self-respectc)The importance of Human Rightd)Share Your Feeling With OthersQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Rod Laver was a tennis “great”. He wa s top man on the court for thirteen years, from 1962 to 1975. whenever he got behind, the “little giant” didn‟t tighten up. Instead, he relaxed. He didn‟t start to play a “safe” game. He took chances. He played as if he was ahead. And more times than not it paid off.We meet fear and worry every day. But when fear and worry cause us to lose our head, things get really bad.During the 1930‟s we were in deep trouble as a country. One out of three people was out of work. F.D. R. said. “the only thi ng we have to fear is fear itself.” He knew that if Americans looked at their troubles with a clear head, they would work out of them.Did you ever hear the story of Kelly? One day, Kelly walked over to his neighbour Casey to borrow his wheelbarrow. On the way Kelly started to think. “what if Casey isn‟t home?” a few steps further the thought hit him, “what if his wheelbarrow is broken?” Kelly was getting more and more upset. “what if,”Kelly began to say to himself, “what if Casey won‟t lend me the wheelbarrow?”By the time he rang Casey …s bell Kelly was in an angry mood.Casey came to the door and greeted Kelly in a friendly way.Kelly pulled back and hit Casey on the jaw.“keep your damned wheelbarrow.” growled Kelly as he walked back to his house.6. When Rod Laver, the “little great” of world tennis, got behind,he would (c )a)play a “safe” game.b)Play as if every point is worth winning.c)Play a relaxed gamed)Forgot what the score was7. F.D.R.‟s saying “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” meantthat (a)a)Americans would lose if they gave way to fear.b)Americans had no real troubles during the 1930‟s.c)F.D.R. would solve America‟s problems because he was notafraid.d)Americans were in trouble because they hadn‟t looked at t heirtroubles with clear heads.8. Kelly‟s main problem was that (c)a)he didn‟t have a wheelbarrow.b)His neighbour, Casey, wouldn‟t lend him his wheelbarrow.c)He let his worries take over until he believed them.d)He was angry at Casey.9.A good title for this passage would be (b)a)we are our greatest enemiesb)how to overcome fear and worriesc)fear and worries cause us to lose our headd)fear is our main problem in life10. What Rod Laver and F.D.R. had in common was (c )a)both of them had fear and worries.b)Both of them were brave tennis players.c)Both of them had the ability to look at things with a clear head.d)Both of them had the ability to advise the Americans to handlefear.PART IV Translation(自己先翻译)1)At the top of the mountain there were thirty of uscomrades. At the foot the mountain was a wholebattalion of Kuomintang soldiers, surrounding us in atight ring. We had given the enemy a hard time. Theydared not come after us, but we could not get away.2)It is not just blind men who make such silly mistakes.People who have eyes sometimes act just as foolishly asthem when they take a one-sided view of things.3)Africa is a very large continent –larger than China,Europe and the United States put together. It sits on theequator, stretching booth north and south about 35degrees. For this reason it is the most tropical ofcontinents.4)Although I was interested in the language, I wasn‟tclear about its usefulness. I think I have a better idea ofthat now. So the problem now is not why I shouldstudy English, but how to get the best results in theshortest possible time.5)This was a great lesson to me, and now I saw, though toolate, the folly of beginning a work before we count thecost, and before we judge rightly of our own strength togo through with it.。
