

在1989年7月12日判决的案件中,最高法院民事庭: 一个巫师向另一个人出售了一些神秘之物,包括占 卜用的水晶球和作法用的桌子,供买方预测未来之 用。后来,买方付了一部分钱,卖方为得到53000 法郎余款提起诉讼。该法院在判决中说,尽管买方 义务的原因是卖方对财产的转移,且该财产已交付, 但该合同的原因决定于当事人的动机,没有这种动 机,买方是不会签订的该协议的。??在该案中, 当事人的动机是得到预知未来的机会,当然该动机 是违法的。
a 传统理论排斥对当事人主观心理状态的研究,但是在很 多情况下,对主观原因的排除是人为的和不能自圆其说的。 并且原因并非跟个案没有任何关系。 b 在一个单务合同中,一方面向另一方付款,另一方只需受 领。 c 涉及不法原因,以传统理论,当合同涉及到财产装让时, 只有标的物违法(比如是禁止流通物)时,才会导致买方义 务的原因违法。 4、现代理论的观点 现代理论认为:原因不仅指近因,也包括远因,即当时人 的动机。因此现代理论打破了主观主义与客观主义的严格界 限,使原因和动机很少混同了。提出了具体原因论,主张对个 案中的原因进行考察。
2、基于错误原因的合同:当事人错误地相信 其义务的存在,但实际上不存在的情况。
• 在1924年7月1日由最高法院判决的案 件中,一个剧院的所有人许诺赔给一 个音乐家一笔钱,因为后者的乐器在 一场火中被烧毁了。前者错误的相信 ,他有法律上的义务作出赔偿。然而 实际上,他依法律规定无义务赔偿。 判决结果是,这是基于错误原因作出 的许诺,故前者的许诺可以不履行。
• 设若前述甲允诺赠予四年学费的对象不是其友之 子乙, 而是对自己的儿子丙说, “如果你考上北 京大学附中, 我一定负担你的学费。 ” • 则甲为丙支付中学学费的行为不能构成丙辛苦劳 动的对价,因为丙作为未成年人享有受教育权, 其父甲负有保障其子受教育权得以实现的法定义 务。 • 故若丙果真考上北京大学附中, 甲为其支付学费 的行为仅是其履行法定义务的表现, 不能构成对 价。

合同一方违反了诚信义务, 如故意隐瞒重要信息、误 导对方等。
合同内容本身不合法或者 违反公共利益,如赌博协 议、贩卖毒品等。
要求违约方按照约定履行 合同义务,如交付货物、 提供服务等。
要求违约方赔偿因违约造 成的损失,包括直接损失 和间接损失。
约因的合法性要求合同内容必须符合法 律法规的规定,不能违反公共利益或国
在国际合同法中,不同国家和地区的法 如果合同内容违反了法律法规或国家利 律法规可能存在差异,因此对于合法性 益,那么该合同的约因就不具备合法性。 的判断需要根据具体的法律环境进行。
02 约因的类型
约因是指合同有效成立的重要因 素,是合同当事人之间合意的真
在国际合同法中,约因的类型包 括对价约因、互惠约因、合法约
不同类型的约因在合同成立和履 行过程中发挥着不同的作用,对
对价约因是指合同当事人之间 相互交换的利益,是合同成立 的重要基础。
约因的合理性要求合同条款必须公平合理,不能显失公平或违反商业惯 例。
在实践中,法院会根据合同的具体情况、双方当事人的地位和经验等因 素来判断约因的合理性。
如果合同条款存在显失公平或违反商业惯例的情况,那么该合同的约因 就不具备合理性。
04 约因的违反与救济
合同一方未能按照约定履 行自己的承诺,如未交付 货物、未提供服务等。
合同法 Contract Law

Contract law- Introduction
3.1.1 Definition of Contract (p68)
An agreement made between two or more persons, with the intention of creating certain legal rights and duties, which is enforceable at law.
• Clausula rebus sic stantibus does not apply if the parties to a contract had contemplated for the occurrence of the changed circumstance. It only relates to the changed circumstances that were never contemplated by the parties.
• Exceptio Non Adimpleti Contractus: Latin: exception of a non-performed contract
• “Exceptio non adimpleti contractus ... the right to refuse to perform one’s obligations under a reciprocal contract unless or until the other party dos so.
simple contract could be made either expressly
or impliedly, orally or writing form.

IntroductionSomething of value must be provided by each party to the contract in order to induce the other to sign the contract. This exchange of value can be called consideration in the field of Law. The value exchanged can take the form of money, physical objects, services, promised actions, endurance from a future action, and much more(Beatson, 2002, p88). The purpose of this essay is to find out why consideration is important in contract and whether there is any alternative for it. The essay is organised as follows: the definition of consideration, the rules of consideration, the importance of consideration and its relationship with the promissory estoppel. What is mainly argued in this essay is that consideration plays an indispensable role in contract despite some problems it has and it cannot be replaced by other doctrines like promissory estoppel (Mayne, 2009, p4).Main Body1. DefinitionAccording to Currie v Misa (1875), consideration was defined as: a valid consideration is consisted of either a loss to the promisee or a benefit to the promisor. However, this definition has some deficiencies when contracts are based just on an exchange of promises. For instance, if A promises to buy a car from B for £2000 and B promises to sell the car to A for £2000, the consideration in this contract presents itself by the exchange of promises. The definition thus becomes meaningless. Therefore, a preferable definition was summed up by S ir Frederick Pollock(1950): “An act or forbearance of one party, or the promise thereof, is the price for which the promises of the other is bought, and the promises thus g iven for value is enforceable.”This definition was approved to be more representative than the concept of benefit and loss by the House of Lords(cited in Richards, 2011, p.61-62).2. The rules of considerationAlthough the definition of consideration is direct and simple, it is wrong to regard it as a single coherent principle. Actually the doctrine of consideration as we know today is made up of a series of sub-principles and their exceptions (Richards, 2011, p.62). The sub-principles can be divided into three main categories as below (McKendrick, 1998, p.86).(1). Consideration can be executed or executory but it cannot be past(Richards, 2011, p62).(2). “Considerat ion must move from the promisee” (Beatson, 2002, p95).(3). Consideration must be sufficient but it need not be adequate(Lilienthal, 2011).When it comes to exceptions, it can be concluded that if either the promisor or the promisee already had a legal duty to pay such payment, it cannot be seen as consideration in the legal perspective(Lilienthal, 2011).3. Why consideration is important?Consideration is one of the primary constituent parts of an “enforceable contract” in English Law(Richards, 2011, p.60). It has many functions which make it indispensable in contract.Firstly, the doctrine of consideration has many functions. The most important function of consideration is to connect the two promises. This main function is less being talked about because consideration has already been regarded as a precondition of a valid contract(Bucher, no date, p21).Secondly, the reason why consideration is so important is its openness and elasticity. It gives the judge “room for discretion” when being used in specific cases. That is also the reason why consideration must be contained in every valid contract. (Bucher, no date, p22)Finally, consideration is a necessity for the formation of each simple contract. A contract without consideration is not suable. Moreover, It can also be used to make a distinction between “binding promises” and which can be regarded as “gratuitous” (Mayne, 2009, p.1). In each case, it became indispensable to ask whether the promisor receives any interest or the promiseeassumes any loss as long as it is related to contract. If the answer was no, the promise was “gratuitous” rather than “binding”(Beatson, 2002, p.92).4. Relationship between consideration and promissory estoppelIt can be seen from the definition of consideration that consideration is required in most agreements if they want to be enforced by the Court (Lilienthal, 2011). However, in practical situations, there aresome gratuitous gift contracts, which mean the donor promises to give something to the donee for free. If the promisor breaches his promise, there is no legal basis to remedy the detriment of the promisee. It is extremely unfair to promisee who suffers loss due to the reliance to the promisor (Beatson, 2002, p112). However, it can be argued that this problem of consideration has been mitigated through the development of the law in the fields of promissory estoppel (Mayne, 2009, p1).According to Denning J (cited in McKendrick, 2003, p.117), promissory estoppel can be defined as: When a person makes a clear statement of his future conduct whatever by words or behaviour, showing the statement to be reliable and to affect the relationship between the parties, and the other person changes his legal position because of the reliance on the promise, the first person will be prevented from doingwhat is contrary to the premier statement.However, what can be seen from the definition of promissory estoppel is that there are five important elements included, such as the promise to future conduct, the reliance and it must be inequitable for the promisor to breach his promise. Only meets all of these elements can promissory estoppel come intoforce. What’s more, the gratuitous contracts are in the minority of practical cases after all, which means the use of promissory estoppel is still limited and it cannot meet the needs of all contracts (McKendrick, 2003, p117-118). Therefore, in view of this it is possible to draw a conclusion that although promissory estoppel does have solved some problems of consideration, it cannot be an alternative of consideration. It can only be regarded as a supplement of consideration(Mayne, 2009, p4).ConclusionIn conclusion, although the role of consideration is not as significant as it was before in the modern law of contract because of the mitigating effects of modern legal developments in the field of promissory estoppel and other doctrines, considerationis still very important toidentify whether legal relations have been set up(Mayne, 2009, p4).。

The Main Components of a Contract 合同翻译基础合知望达汇编整理2020.9目录一、合同的结构 (3)二、引言和“鉴于”条款(Preamble & recitals) (5)2.1 合同主体条款Contracting parties (5)2.2 “引言”部分Recitals (6)2.3 有效对价Good and valuable consideration (6)2.4 公平交易Arm's Length terms (7)三、责任与义务(Obligations of the parties)条款 (8)3.1 各方义务(Obligations of the parties)条款 (8)四、价格(Price)条款与支付(Payment terms)条款 (9)4.1 价格条款(Price) (9)4.2支付条件条款(Payment terms) (10)五、合同有效期条款(Terms of contract) (10)5.1 生效Effectiveness (10)5.2 合同期的延长Extension of availability (11)5.3 合同中止/暂停Suspension of contract (11)5.4 合同终止Termination of contract (12)六、损害赔偿条款(Indemnification) (13)七、陈述与保证条款(Representations and warranties) (14)八、保险要求INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (15)九、不可抗力条款Force Majeure (16)十、合同争议解决(Disputes)条款 (18)十一、司法管辖Jurisdiction (23)十二、证明WITNESS与签署Signatures (24)12.1证明WITNESS (24)12.2 签署Signatures (25)十三、附件附录Schedule, Exhibit, Annex, Appendix, Attachment (25)13.1 附件Schedule (25)13.2 附件Exhibit (26)13.3 附录Appendix (27)13.4 附件/附录Annex (27)13.5 附件attachment (28)一、合同的结构1. 必备条款essential clauses / provisions2. 一般条款/通用条款general provisions3. 特殊条款/专用条款special provisions4. 章.条.款.项.目5. 首部non-operative part (当事人部分parties 陈述部分recital)经营地址,存续情况等6. 正文operative part7. 陈述部分recitals (包括:鉴于条款whereas clause和约因consideration)8. 尾部closing part (证明部分attestation 签字signature 附件appendix)9. 合同主体的名称.姓名和住所name and domicile of the parties10. 适格主体competent parties11. 标的contract object , subject matter12. 数量quantity 质量quality13. 价款或者报酬price or remuneration14. 对价consideration15. 履行时效.地点和方式time limit, place and method ofperformance16. 违约责任default / liability for breach of contract17. 除外规定exception18. 解决争议的方法methods to settle disputes19. 变更modification 终止termination 撤销cancellation 解除rescission20. 主体的变更或权利义务的整体转让novation21. 通知notice22. 违约责任default / breach of contract23. 救济remedies24. 责任的免除exception25. 不可抗力force majeure26. 争议的解决settlement of disputes27. 合同的生效effectiveness / validity28. 合同份数counterpart29. 合同的整体性entirety 合同的可分割性severability 合同的完整性entirety30. 文字效力language31. 法律适用applicable law / governing law32. 保密规定confidentiality33. 副本copies / counterparts34. 性别与单复数gender and singular / plural35. 合同尾部closing clauses / final clause(包括:证明条款attestation 签字部分testimonium / signature 附件部分addendum)二、引言和“鉴于”条款(Preamble & recitals)英语合同,在主体条款之后,往往会有一段“引言”。
国际合同法-Consideration 约因

3-1约因(Consideration)概说 约因( 约因 )
3-2.约因之意义 3-3.约因之功能
3-4 约因之判断
3-4-1.约因须经当事人双方交易磋商者 3-4-1-1.赠与性允诺(Gift Promise) 3-4-1-2.兼具交易磋商及赠与性质之约定允诺 (Mixture of Bargain and Gift Promise) 3-4-1-3.表面上或名义上之约因(Sham and Nominal Consideration) 3-4-1-4.以已发生事务为交易之允诺
3-4-2约因须系受约人因约定人之许诺而为承 诺或行为者 3-4-2-1.约因之适当性(Adequancy)问题 3-4-2-2.承诺或履行“既存义务”(Preexisting Duty)之问题 3-4-2-3.权利之不行使作为契约约因 (Forbearance as Co契约之约因 双方契约之约因
3-5-1.总说 3-5-2.约因之争
3-5-3义务之相互性(Mutuality of 义务之相互性( 义务之相互性 Obligation)或称约因之相互性 ) (Mutuality of Consideration) )
3-5-3-1. 3-5-3-1.定义 3-5-3-2.单方契约与义务之相互性原则 3-5-3-3.得撤销或不得强制履行之约定与相互性原则 3-5-3-4.虚幻允诺(Illusory Promise)与相互性原则 3-5-3-5.默示允诺(Implied Promise)与相互性原则 3-5-3-6.无效契约(Void Contract)与相互性原则
Lecture 4:Consideration约
4-1:Overview and Definition 4-2:Tests of Consideration 4-3:Consideration of Bilateral Contract 4-4:Contract without Consideration 4-5:Contract under Seal 4-6:Promissory Estoppel(允诺禁反言) 4-7:Conclusion

对价与约因Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】对价(consideration)与约因(cause)合同成立的诱因;致使缔约方缔结合同的原因、动机、代价或强迫性的影响力;一方当事人获得的权利、利益、利润或好处,或另一方当事人所遭受的损失或承担的义务。
其二是19世纪末产生的「对价的变换理论」〔bargain theory of consideration),即:对价的本质在于它是作为允诺的动机或诱因而提出和接受的;反言之,允诺之做出亦是对价之给付的诱因。
根据《美国(第二次)合同法重述》〔Restatement (Second) of Contracts〕,对价之意义,系指合乎法律规定之交换要素,其重心在于:1.受允诺人承诺或履行了其在法律上原无义务的作为或不作为,即受允诺人受有损害〔detriment;2.允诺人以其允诺交换磋商(bargain for)受诺人之作为或不作为。

合同翻译整理1. Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises, and the representations, warranties, covenants, and undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree among themselves as follows.鉴于上述事实和各⽅在下⽂所作的陈述、保证、⽴约和承诺,及其他有效的有价约因/有效对价,现各⽅达成协议如下。
representation 陈述warranties 保证covenant 约定、契约undertaking 承诺good and valuable consideration 有效的对价约因有效对价指⾜以⽀持当事⼈之间交易的对价对价(consideration)原本是英美合同法中的重要概念,其内涵是⼀⽅为换取另⼀⽅做某事的承诺⽽向另⼀⽅⽀付的⾦钱代价或得到该种承诺的承诺。


不当得利,是指没有法律上根据,有损于他人而自 己获得利益。 例如甲不慎丢失人民币现金l万元被乙捡到,乙得 到的1万元就属于不当得利。不当得利由于缺乏合 法的根据,因而虽属既成事实也不受法律保护。并 且法律为调整这种损人利己违反公平的事实状态, 特在当事人之间设定了一种债权债务关系。这种因 不当得利产生的债就叫不当得利之债,其中因不当 得利事实发生而使财产受损的一方是债权人,他有 权请求返还其利益;获得财产利益的一方是债务人, 负有返还他人利益的义务。
如果诺言人应当合理地预期其诺言会诱使受诺人 行为或不行为,该行为或不行为就其性质而言是确定 的和实质性的,同时,该诺言事实上导致了此种行为 或不行为,那么,强制执行该诺言才能避免不公正的 情况下,该诺言有约束力。
例如:一个学校盖办公楼,一个慈善家就许诺一年给 一千万,帮助学校将操场改建为大楼。前几年一直按 时拨款,学校便做了规划,开始动工修建,但几年后 这个人就不给钱了,大楼被迫停建,以前的操场也没 法用了。
四、中国法中的相关制度 我国《民法通则》规定,民事
活动应当遵循有偿原则。《合同法》规定 ,赠与人在赠与财产的权利转移之前可以 撤销赠与。如果这一规定可以类推适用于 商业活动中的纯粹恩惠型的诺言,这种诺 言也不具有强制执行的效力。
ABC 2020/5/18
2)过去的对价不是对价--对价须发 生在诺言作出同时或者之后;
3)对价与诺言互为诱因;对价须是诺言的诱因, 诺言须是对价之诱因: 4)对价须是有价值的东西,但不一定与诺言在价 值上相称;

一项意思表示只有包含了确定的订约意图 (fixed purpose)才能构成要约,否则就是一个 不具备任何法律效果的“初步协商”(initial negotiation),也叫做要约引诱。
Section 2. Offer 要约
我们讲英美契约法,有这样一个“公式”: offer + acceptance = meeting of mind / mutual assent 要约 承诺 双方意思表示趋于一 致
Definition of Offer
An offer is an act on the part of one person whereby he gives to another the legal power of creating the obligation called the contract. 要约是一方当事人的这样一种行为,即借此 行为给予另一方以法律权力,以产生称为合 同的义务
英美合同法 American & British Contract Law
In view of all this, We are making a binding agreement, Putting it in writing, And our leaders, Our levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it. (Nehemiah 9:38, BIBLE) 因这一切的事, 因这一切的事, 我们立确实的约, 我们立确实的约, 写在册上。 写在册上。 我们的首领,利未人, 我们的首领,利未人,和祭司都签了名 (尼西米记 9:38,圣经) ,圣经)

第二章法律英语术语draft 法案,草案Government bill 政府议案to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律 ratification, confirmation 批准law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效decree 法令clause 条款minutes 备忘录report 判例汇编codification 法律汇编legislation 立法legislator 立法者jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学legitimation 合法化legality, lawfulness 法制,合法legal, lawful 合法的,依法的to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法 outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的offender 罪犯to abolish 废止,取消rescission, annulment 废除,取消repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同)cancellation (支票)作废annulment 撤消(遗嘱)repeal rescission 撤消(判决)revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权disability, legal incapacity 无资格 nonretroactive character 不溯既往性 prescription 剥夺公权attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收 constitutional law 宪法canon law 教会法规common law 习惯法criminal law 刑法administrative law 行政法civil law 民法commercial law, mercantile law 商法 law of nations 万国公法,国际法international law 国际法natural law 自然法labour laws 劳工法fiscal law 财政法Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法 Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Military Law 军法Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法penal code 刑法典code of mercantile law 商法典civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权human rights, rights of man 人权(customs) duties 关税death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税Aabsolute proof 绝对证明absolute property 绝对财产(权)abstract of title 产权书摘要acceleration clause 提前(偿还)条款acceptance 承诺accident report 事故报告accident insurance 意外保险accusation 指控;控告accusatorial procedure 控告程序accusatorial process of proof 控告证明过程(程序) accusatorial system 控告或诉讼程序accused 被指控者accuser 控告人acknowledgement 认知(书)acquittal 无罪判决act 条例;作为Act for the prevention of Frauds and Perjuries 《预防诈欺和伪证条例》 action 诉讼;作为actual losses 实际损失adjudication 裁决;裁定administrative law 行政法administrative law judge 行政法法官administrative procedure 行政程序administrator 管理人;监管人admissible 可采的admissibility 可采性admit 采用;允许adoption 收养adulterous conduct 通奸行为ad valorem property tax 从价财产税adversarial hearing 对抗式听证会adversarial process 对抗式程序adversary 对手adversary trial system 对抗式(或抗辩)审判制度 advocacy 出庭辩护;诉讼代理advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人affidavit 正式书面陈述affirm 维持(原判)affirmation 保证书;证词affirmative 确保的agency (行政)机关agency action 机关(行政)机关agreed upon remedies 补救协议agreement 协议agreement-as-written 书面协议agreement -in-fact 事实协议alibi 阿里白(不在犯罪场的证明)alienation of affection 离间夫妻关系 allegation 声称;指控allege 诉称;指控alleged offense 所控罪行alternate juror 替补陪审员amendment 修正案American Bar Association 美国律师协会 American Law Institute 美国法学会analogy 类推Anglo-American Legal System 英美法系 anonymous accusation 匿名控告appeal 上诉appear 出庭appellant 上诉人appellate action 上诉行为 appellate court 上诉法院 appellee 被上诉人appealer 上诉人appropriate 拨款appurtenant 附属物arbiter 仲裁人arbitrary武断的arbitration仲裁arraignment初审array 陪审员名单arrest 逮捕arrest warrant 逮捕令(证)arrestee 被捕人article 条款,文章article of authority 授权条款articles of confederation 《联帮条例》articles of incorporation 公司组织章程artificial person 法人Asian American legal defense and education fund亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会 assault 意图或威胁伤害assert 主张,宣称asset 资产assistant attorney 助理法官associate judge 副法官associate justice 副大法官assumption 违约合同,违约赔偿之诉assumption 假定attempt 意图,企图attempted escape 逃脱未遂attestation 证词attorney 代理人,律师attorney at law 律师attorney general 检察长authentication 鉴定authority 权力,法源,权威性依据 automobile insurance 机动车保险 automobile tort 机动车侵权行为 autonomy 自治(权)Bban 禁令,禁止banishment 流放bankruptcy 破产bankruptcy discharge 破产债务解除 bankruptcy judge 破产法官bar 律师职业bar association 律师协会barrister 出庭律师battery 殴打bench trial 法官审beneficiary 受益人benefit 收益,福得bigamy 重婚罪bill of lading 提单bill of right 《人权法案》bind over 具保,具结binder 临时保险单binding 有约束力binding contract 有约束力的合同binding force 约束力binding interpretation 有约束力的解释black-letter law (普通接受之基本原则的)黑体字法 black nation bar association 全美黑人律师协会blue sky law 蓝天法(关于股票买卖控制的法律)Board of Governors(ABA)(美国律师协会的)董事会 body of law 法体bond 债券;保释金bond instrument 债券契据branding 鞭笞breach 违约;破坏bride 贿赂bribery 贿赂(罪)bright-line test 明显界限检验标准broker 中间人brokerage fee 佣金;中介费brother-sister corporation 兄弟公司;姊妹公司Bulk Sales Act《大宗销售条例》burden 责任burden of going forward with the evidence 先行举证责任 burden of persuasion 说服责任;证明责任burden of producing evidence 举证责任burden of proof 证明责任burglary入室盗窃(罪)business corporation实业公司business law 实业法business organization 实业组织buy-out agreement(股权)承买协议buy-sell agreement(股权)买卖协议bylaws(内部)章程CCalifornia Penal Code《加州刑法典》capital account 资本帐户 capital crime 可判死刑罪capital punishment 死刑capital surplus 资本盈余capitation tax 人头税career criminal 职业罪犯career judiciary 职业法官case briefing 案情摘要case-in-chief 主诉case law 判例法case method 案例教学法case report 判决报告case reports 判例汇编casualty insurance (意外伤害)保险catalog 商品目录(单)certificate 证书certificate of existence 实体存在证明(书) challenge 置疑;挑战challenge for cause有理回避chancery court 衡平法院charging instrument 控告文件checks and balances 制衡(原则)chief judge 首席法官chief justice 首席大法官child abuse 虐待儿童circuit court 巡回法院circuit judge 巡回法官circumstantial evidence 旁证;情况证据 citation 引证cite 援引;传讯civil court 民事法civil forfeiture 民事罚没civil law 民法Civil Law Legal System 民法体系civil liability 民事责任civil Liberty 民事自由civil Litigation民事诉讼civil procedure 民事诉讼程序civil suit民事诉讼Civil trial 民事审判Civil right 民权Civil right law 民权法Civil War Income Tax Act 《内战所得税条例》 Claim 诉讼请求,索赔Classification of law 法律分类Close corporation内部持股公司Closely held corporation 内部持股公司Closing 终结,成交,结帐Closing argument 最后论述Closing statement成交声明Code 法典Code of Judicial Conduct 《法官行为准则》 Codify 编成法典Co-felon 共同重罪犯Cohabitation 同居Collateral contract 附属合同Collegiate bench 合议席Collegiate panel 合议庭Commercial clause 商务条款,贸易条款Commercial law 商法Commercial paper 商务文件Commission佣金Commit 交托,犯(罪)Commitment 犯罪,许诺,委托Commitment of financing 融资许诺Common law 普通法Common law damages 普通法赔偿金Common law legal system(family) 普通法法系 Common law marriage 普通法婚姻Common property 共同财产Common stock 普通股票Community property 共同财产Comparative law 比较法Comparative negligence 比较过失Compensation 赔偿(金)Compensatory damage 应予赔偿之损害Competence 管辖权限Competency 有效性Complaint 控告,申诉Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act 《滥用毒品的综合预防与控制条例》Compulsory license 强制性许可Concur附条件地同意Concurring opinion 并存(判决)意见Confer 授与Conference 协商会议Confidential information 保密信息Confiscation 没收Conflict law 冲突法Congress 国会Consent 同意,认可Consideration 对价,约因Constitution 宪法Constitutional Convention 制宪会议Constitutional law 宪法Constitutional tort 宪法性侵权Constitutionality 合宪性Construction (法律的)结构,解释Construe 解释,分析Consultation 磋商Consumer protection statute 消费者保护法律Consumption tax 消费税Continental Law Legal System(or Family) 大陆法系Contingent fee 胜诉酬金Continuance 诉讼延期Contract 合同Contract dispute 合同纠纷Contract formation 合同构成Contract interpretation 合同解释 Contract law 合同法Contract performance 合同履行contractor 承包商contravence 触犯;违犯contributory negligence 共同过失 controlling law 应适应之法律conversion 非法占有convey 转让conveyance 转让convertible bond 可转换债券conviction 有罪判决convincing evidence 使人信服的证据copyright 版权;著作权corporal punishment肉体刑corporate camsel 公司法律顾问corporate excise tax 公司执照税corporate law 公司法corporation 公司corporation aggregate 合有公司corporation code 公司法典corporation law 公司法corporation sole 独有公司corpus 尸体;本金Council on legal Education Opportunities 法律教育机会委员会counselor (法律)顾问;律师counselor-at-law 律师court 法院;法官court decision 法院判决court fee 诉讼费court of appeals 上诉法院court of chancery 衡平法法院court of claims 索赔法院court of customs and Patent Appeals 关税及专利上诉法院 court of domestic relations 家庭关系法院court opinion 法院判决意见courtroom 法庭coverage 保险范围crime 犯罪crime code 刑法典crime homicide 有罪杀人crime justice system 刑事司法系统crime law 刑法crime liability 刑事责任crime procedure 刑事诉讼程序cross-examination 交叉盘问;盘诘cruel and unusual punishment 残忍和非常的刑罚 cumulative evidence 累计证据curative 临时监护的curriculum guide 课程指南custody 监护custom duty 关税customary law 习惯法customary practice 惯例customs court 关税法院Ddamage 损害;损伤damage claim 损害赔偿请求 damages 损害赔偿金deadlocked jury 僵局陪审团 death penalty 死刑death tax 遗产税debenture 债单(券)debt securities 债权证券 decide a case 判案deed 契约deed book 文契汇编defamation 诽谤default 不履行;违约defendant 被告人defence 辩护defence attorney 辩护律师defense's case-in-chief 辩护方主讼deficiency judgment 不足额判决degrees of murder (恶意)杀人罪的等级delegation 授权delegated legislation 授权立法deliberate intention 故意deliberation (陪审团)评议demonstrative evidence 示意证据deprivation 剥夺derogatory treatment of the work 对作品的贬毁性处理(或使用) designs 设计detract 毁损;贬低developer (土地)开发商dicta 判决附带意见dignity 尊严direct evidence 直接证据direct examination 直接盘问direct tax 直接税disa bility insurance 残疾保险disabled dependent child 无谋生能力的残疾儿童discharge 解雇;释放discount 贴现;折扣discovery 要求告知discrete risk transfer product 离散性风险转移(保险)产品 discretion 自由裁量权discriminatory 歧视性税收dispense 执行;施行dispute 争议;纠纷disposition 处置(权)dissent 异议;反对dissenting opinion 异议;反对意见dissolution 解散distort 歪曲;误解district attorney 地区检查官database right 数据权dividend 股息division of title 产权分割divorce 离婚docket 备审案件目录doctrine 法则;原则doctrine of constitutional supremacy 宪法至上原则 doctrine of Maranda Warnings 米兰达忠告原则document 文件;文书document of title 产权证书domant Commerce Clause 休眠的"贸易条款" domicile 住所地double jeopardy 一罪二审draft 起草;草拟draftman 起草者drug trade 毒品交易drug trafficking 毒品交易dry run 干转;排练due diligence 适当努力due process 正当程序Due Process Clause 正当程序条款due process test 正当程序检验标准duration 期限duress 强迫;胁迫duty 义务;关税duty of care 照看义务Eearnest money 定金easyment 地役权ecclesiastical court 宗教法庭 economic law 经济法effective date 生效日期effective time 生效时间element of crime 犯罪要素(件) empower 授权enact 制定;颁布en banc 全体法官出庭审判encroachment 侵占encumbered property 抵押财产enforce 实施;执行enforceable 可强制执行的enforceability 可执行性enforcement of Law 执法English-American Legal System (or Family) 英吉利法系 enjoin(衡平)强制令entail 限定继承entity 实体environmental impact statement 环境影响报告environmental Law 环境保护法Environmental protection Agency(EPA) 环境保护局environmental quality 环境质量equal protection clause 平等保护条款equitable relief 衡平救济equity 衡平法equity Law 衡平法equity precedent 衡平法判例equity securities 产权证券;衡平证券 error 过错 escape 逃走;逃脱escrow 第三者保存合同essential justice 实质公正estate 财产;遗产estate tax 遗产税EU Directive 欧盟指令evaluate 评价evict 逐出(租户)evidence 证据evidentiary presumption 证据推定evidentiary rule 证据规则ex aequo at bono 公平且善良examine 检查;盘问examination 检查;盘问exception 例外exception clause 例外条款excise tax 执照税exclude 排除exclusive listing 读家上市exclusive right 排他性权利exclusive tax situs 唯一征税地点 excusable homicide 可宽恕之杀人 execute 执行;签属execution 执行executive acts 行政条例executive branch 行政部门executive order 行政命令executor (遗嘱)执行人executor of estate 遗产执行人exemption 免除;豁免exhibit 展示物(证)exigent circumstance 紧急情况existing securities 上市证券exparte 单方面的expectation damages 预期赔偿金expert 专家(证人)expert testimony 专家证言expert witness 专家证人express contract 明示合同express statutory provision 法律明文规定 express warranty 明示保证(保修)ex rel 依据告发face amount 面颊face value 面植facilitate 促使:利于fact 事实fact in issue 争议事实factor 因素;代理商Factors Lien Act 《代理商留置权条例》Fair trial 公平审判false imprisonment 非法拘禁family law 家庭法fault 过错fault principle 过错原则feasibility study 可行性研究Federal Administrative Procedure Act 《联邦行政程序》 Federal Antitrust Law 《联邦犯托拉斯法》federal convention 联邦制宪会议federal crime of murder 联邦杀人罪Federal Housing Act 《联邦住房条例》Federal Income Tax Act 《联邦所得税条例》federal judge 联邦法官Federal rules of civil procedure 《联邦民事诉讼规则》Federal rules of criminal procedure 《联邦刑事诉讼规则》 Federal rules of evidence 《联邦证据规则》Federal securities act 《联邦证券条例》federal supremacy 联邦至上(原则)Federal tort claims act 《联邦侵权索赔条例》felon 重罪犯felony 重罪felony-murder 重罪杀人fiduciary 受托人file 档案;注册file a petition 呈交诉状;提出请求 fine 罚金fingerprint 手印fire insurance 火灾保险fire protection 消防first degree murder 一级谋杀first instance 一审fixture (不动产)附属物flogging 烙印force of law 法律效力forcible felony 暴力性重罪foreign exchange risk 外汇风险forfeiture 没收;罚没form contract 格式合同form of evidence 证据的形式formal adjudication 正式裁决 formal rulemaking 正式规则制定。
第五讲 合同法国际商法

4. Capacity to contract(缔约能力)
(a) 已经履行的涉及生活必需品的合同 所谓生活必需品,是指适合于未成年人的生活
条件,并适合于其在销售和交付时的实际需要 的商品或服务。(Goods are necessaries only if they are suitable (i) to the condition in life of the child; and (ii) to his/her actual requirements at the time of sale and delivery.)如果商品或服务具有使用价值,而 不仅仅是奢侈品,那么它们都属于生活必需品。
3. Consideration(对价)
双诺合同(Bilateral Contracts)中存在相互允 诺(mutual promises),一方允诺的对价是另 一方的允诺(具体表现形式为作为、不作为或 者支付金钱)。
单诺合同(Unilateral Contracts)中只存在一 方当事人的允诺,该允许的对价是另一方当事 人的特定作为。
3. Consideration(对价)
B.分类 (1)executory consideration(待履行对价) 又称未来的对价(future consideration),是
指在双诺合同成立时,为换取一方允诺人的允 诺而由另一方允诺人作出的允诺,由于该允诺 尚未完成,故称为待履行对价。如乙同意支付 5000欧元的允诺。

约因是英美法中一个重要而且复杂的概念。对确定 一个合约是否有效,包括商贸活动中常有的事后更改 合约(variation),追加协议(additional agreement), 和解 协议等是否有效,非常重要。
英国法律认为约因是“订约双方愿意去受法律约束 的唯一证据” ( only evidence of the intention of the parties to be bound )
Williams v. Roffey Bros &Nicholls Ltd
The defendant contractors entered into a contract to refurbish a block of flats. They sub-contracted the carpentry work to the claimant for price of 2000 pound. The claimant ran into financial difficulties after having completed part of the work. The cause of his difficulties was partly attributable to the fact that he had underpriced the job and partly because of his own inability to supervise his workforce. It was in the interest of the defendants to ensure that the claimant completed the work on time because if, as a result of delay or non-performance by the claimant, the defendants were late in completing the work and they would incur liability to their employers. So the defendants agreed to pay an extra 10300 to ensure that the work was completed on time. The claimant subsequently finished eight more flats but defendant only paid 1500. The claimant sued to the court.

Consideration对价(约因)Consideration 对价Something bargained for and received by a promisor from a promisee. Common types of consideration include real or personal property, a return promise, some act, or a forbearance. Consideration or a valid substitute is required to have a contract. Consideration is one of the three basic elements of contract formation in common law, the other two being offer and acceptance. it is not present in other legal systems.立诺人从承诺人那里讨价还价并得到的东西。
1. Definition of Consideration 对价的定义There are various definitions to consideration,likeConsideration is some benefit received by a party who gives a promise or performs an act, or some detriment suffered by a party who receives a promise.“A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist either in some right, interest, profit of benefit accruing to one party or some forbearance,detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other.”对价有多种定义,比如:对价是指承诺人或者行为人获得的利益,或者承诺人受到的损害。

合同法中的consideration编号:_______________________甲方:_______________________乙方:_______________________地址:_______________________联系人:_______________________联系电话:_______________________签订日期:_______________________签订地址:_______________________第一条协议目的及背景a. 协议目的① 本协议旨在明确甲乙双方在合同履行过程中的权利和义务。
② 双方同意按照合同的相关条款履行各自义务,并提供必要的支持与协助。
③ 本协议的签署表示双方在合作过程中相互尊重、共同努力,达成合作目标。
④ 甲乙双方将本协议作为未来合作的依据,并以此为准绳。
b. 协议背景① 甲方需要乙方提供某些具体服务,乙方同意按照甲方要求提供相应的服务。
② 本协议签署前,甲乙双方已进行充分沟通,确保双方需求与能力相匹配。
③ 本协议的签订符合双方的商业利益需求及合作意图。
④ 甲乙双方承认协议条款对双方具有法律效力,并愿意遵守相关约定。
c. 双方理解① 双方同意本协议将为未来的合作奠定基础,保证履约过程的顺畅。
② 协议中的所有条款已明确并被双方认可,任何一方不得随意修改。
③ 双方将严格按照约定的时间、条件及质量标准执行本协议。
④ 任何违反协议条款的行为将视为违约,违约方需承担相应的法律责任。
第二条对价(Consideration)a. 对价的构成① 本协议中的对价是指甲乙双方为履行协议约定所提供的货物、服务或其他有价之物。
② 甲方向乙方支付的款项或提供的其他利益,视为甲方履行其义务的对价。
③ 乙方向甲方提供的服务、产品或其他承诺视为乙方履行义务的对价。
④ 双方同意在履行本协议时,严格按照约定的对价支付与接收。
b. 对价支付方式① 甲方应按照协议中约定的方式支付对价,具体金额与支付方式双方已确认。
第三章 合同法new

(1) 有权。因为甲公司已经迟延履行合同,构成违约。 (2) 不正确。根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,如果 卖方不在合同规定的时间内履行其义务,则可以给卖 方规定一段合理的额外时间,在此时间内,买方不能 采取与此相冲突的救济方法。在本案中卖方即可以在 买方规定的“至迟不超过8 月20 日”的合理时间内履 行义务。合同依然有效。 (3) 由买方承担。根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定, 合同双方对风险承担没有约定的情况下,如果货物涉 及运输,则在自货物按照合同交付给第一个承运人以 运交买方时起,风险就转移给买方承担。本案中,即 货物交由铁路运输时起就将风险移转买方承担。
合同约定:甲公司出售一批木材给乙公司,履行方式为:甲 公司于7 月份将该批木材自吉林交铁路发运至大连,后由大 连船运至美国纽约,乙公司支付相应对价。但7 月份,甲公 司没有履行。8 月3 日,乙公司通知甲公司,该批木材至迟 应在8 月20 日之前发运。8 月10 日,甲公司依约将该批木材 交铁路运至大连。但该批木材在自大连至纽约的运输途中因 海难损失80% 。由于双方对货物灭失的风险约定不明遂发 生争执。乙公司认为,甲公司未于7 月份履行合同违约在先, 应承担损害赔偿责任。合同因甲公司未按时履行义务已终止, 故货物损失的风险理应由甲公司承担。 问:(1) 乙公司是否有权要求甲公司承担损害赔偿责任?为什 么? (2) 乙公司认为本案合同因甲公司违约已经终止的观点 是否正确?为什么? (3) 本案应如何处理?为什么?
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在1809年史蒂克尔诉迈立克案中,被告(船长)因两个海 员潜逃而向其余海员许诺:如果他们把船开回国去, 将额外分享那两个海员的工资,但后来被告与海员之 间发生纠纷。法庭裁定,由于海员们本应负有将船驶 回国的合同义务,因而被告的许诺并没有对价,故不 具有合同效力。
consideration must be sufficient but it need not be adequate.
It means that as long as the promisee’s act or promise satisfies the legal value test, the courts do not ask whether that act or promise was worth what the promisor gave, or promised to give, in return for it.
Moral obligation
Case: White v. Bluett A son promised not to bore his father with complaints
about the father’s distribution of his property among his children was held not to be good consideration for the father’s promise not to sue the son. The opposite case: Hamer v. Sidway: an uncle promised to pay his nephew 5000 if the nephew refrained from drinking liquor, using tobacco, swearing and playing cards untl he was 21. This promise was held to be enforceable because the nephew had a legal right to engage in such activities, and in giving up his rights he had provided consideration for the promise.
2) The orthodox传统的 position is clear: performance of an existing duty imposed by law does not constitute consideration.
3) case: Warபைடு நூலகம் v. Byham.
Preexisting Contractual Duties
Williams v. Roffey Bros &Nicholls Ltd
The defendant contractors entered into a contract to refurbish a block of flats. They sub-contracted the carpentry work to the claimant for price of 2000 pound. The claimant ran into financial difficulties after having completed part of the work. The cause of his difficulties was partly attributable to the fact that he had underpriced the job and partly because of his own inability to supervise his workforce. It was in the interest of the defendants to ensure that the claimant completed the work on time because if, as a result of delay or non-performance by the claimant, the defendants were late in completing the work and they would incur liability to their employers. So the defendants agreed to pay an extra 10300 to ensure that the work was completed on time. The claimant subsequently finished eight more flats but defendant only paid 1500. The claimant sued to the court.
Until recently the rule which English law adopted was that performance of an existing contractual duty owed to a promisor was no consideration for fresh promise given by that promisor.
约因要有价值,一般最常见的是金钱。但也可以是其 他的形式,如权益的放弃,提供服务或消息,修改原 先合约,以后的生意,及可以想象到的“好处”。
Adequacy of Consideration
General Rule: The first rule of the doctrine教条 of consideration is that
Preexisting Legal Duties
1) The question whether performance of a duty which one is already under an obligation to perform can constitute consideration for a promise given in return is currently a very controversial one in English contract law.
What’s consideration
法律上认可的对价(约因)的定义:“ 对受诺人有 损失,或对承诺人有利益 ”[A valuable consideration, in the sense of he law, may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other.]
Unit 3 Consideration (约因或对价 )
约因是英美法中一个重要而且复杂的概念。对确定 一个合约是否有效,包括商贸活动中常有的事后更改 合约(variation),追加协议(additional agreement), 和解 协议等是否有效,非常重要。
英国法律认为约因是“订约双方愿意去受法律约束 的唯一证据” ( only evidence of the intention of the parties to be bound )