第1卷一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共1 0分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填涂在答题卡上。
”7.下列不属于...汤显祖的“临川四梦”的是A.《牡丹亭》B.《紫钗记》C.《邯郸记》D.《紫箫记》8.“忽如一夜春风起,千树万树梨花开”这两旬诗出自岑参的A.《白雪歌送武判官归京》B.《轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征》C.《走马川行奉送出师西征》D.《天山雪歌》9.下列哪首王维的诗歌体现的是初冬的幽美景色A.《江汉临泛》B.《山中》C.《鹿柴》D.《渭城曲》10.下列句子中,不含..有通假字的一项是A.居其所而众星共之B.匪来贸丝,来即我谋C.都邑浮前浦,波澜动远空D.返景入深林,复照青苔上第Ⅱ卷二、填空题(本大题共9小题,每空1分,共1 0分)11.是中国最早的诗歌总集,收录西周至春秋中期各地方民族及朝庙乐章共305首。
2016年江苏专转本考试《语文》真题(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. 下列加下划线的字词释义正确的一组是 ( )A 浅尝辄止(立即) 日薄西山(迫近) 责无旁贷 (替代)B 本末倒置(树根) 并行不悖 (反对) 众望所归 (趋向)C 安之若素 (平常) 文过饰非(掩饰) 萍水相逢(浮萍)D 功败垂成(落下) 花团锦簇 (聚集) 后来居上(处在)答案:C2. 在下面一段文字横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一项是 ( ) 大力_________创新文化,_________创新沃土,_________敢为人先、宽容失败的良好氛围,调动全社会创业创新积极性,_________成推动发展的磅礴力量。
A 弘扬培植营建汇聚B 弘扬厚植营造汇聚C 发扬培植营造汇合D 发扬厚植营建汇合答案:B3. 下宋词名句与作者顺序相匹配的一项是 ( )(1)对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。
A 晏殊周邦彦欧阳修李清照B 柳永范仲淹秦观苏轼C 柳永范仲淹欧阳修李清照D 晏殊周邦彦秦观苏轼答案:B4. 下列关于元代杂剧的说明,不正确的一项是 ( )A 王实甫《西厢记》提出了"愿普天下有情的都成了眷属"。
B 白朴《梧桐雨》描写了杨玉环和李隆基凄美的爱情故事。
C 马致远《汉宫秋》对汉元帝这一形象寄予了深深的同情。
D 关汉卿《救风尘》中周舍搭救了落难的风尘女子赵盼儿。
答案:D5. 《红楼梦》中主持大观园管理"改革"的人物有 ( )A 李纨迎春王熙凤B 王熙凤探春宝钗C 李纨探春宝钗D 王熙凤迎春宝钗答案:C6. 下列关于清代文学的说明,正确的一项是 ( )A 散文流派"桐城派"中的代表作家有归有光、方苞、姚鼐等。
B 孔尚任《桃花扇》描写了侯方域与柳如是的爱情故事。
课⽂翻译: 郭橐驼,不知他最初叫什么名字。
其实我⼜有什么特殊的本领呢?” 发问的⼈说:“把你这些种树的道理运⽤到为官治民上可以吗?”橐驼说:“我只知道种树罢了,作官治理百姓不是我的事情。
2016年安徽省专升本(大学语文)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 1.单项选择题 3.古文翻译题6.阅读理解单项选择题1. 下列作品中善于采用“欲擒故纵, 引君入彀”的论辩方法是( )A. 《孟子》B. 《墨子》C. 《庄子》D. 《荀子》正确答案: A解析:孟子的文章多以对方的日常生活为例, 巧设陷阱, 使对方陷入矛盾顿生的境地, 从而驳斥他人的主张。
再援引古代圣君贤臣用尽心力为民除害, 功绩显著的大量事实为论据, 从而证实自己观点的正确和他人的错误, 故选A。
2. 下列文章不属于诸子散文的是( )A. 《季氏将伐颛臾》B. 《赵威后问齐使》C. 《寡人之于国也》D. 《秋水》正确答案: B解析:《季氏将伐颛臾》选自《论语》;《寡人之于国也》选自《孟子.梁惠王上》;《秋水》选自《庄子》;而《赵威后问齐使》选自西汉刘向整理编订的《战国策》, 故选B。
3. 《国语》属于( )史书。
A. 国别体B. 纪传体C. 编年体D. 语录体正确答案: A解析:《国语》是中国最早的一部国别体著作。
记录范围为上起周穆王十二年(前990)西征犬戎(约前947年), 下至智伯被灭(前453年), 故选A。
4. 文学上主张“文章合为时而著, 歌诗合为事而作”的诗人是( )A. 白居易B. 元稹C. 杜甫D. 李商隐正确答案: A解析:白居易是中唐时期影响极大的大诗人, 在《与元九书》中, 他提出了自己的文学主张:“文章合为时而著, 歌诗合为事而作。
5. 下列成语不是出自《陈情表》一文的有( )A. 茕茕孑立B. 祸起萧墙C. 日薄西山D. 形影相吊正确答案: B解析:祸起萧墙, 出自《论语.季氏》, 故选B。
6. 下列作品属于汉乐府的是( )A. 《行行重行行》B. 《陌上桑》C. 《短歌行》D. 《杜陵叟》正确答案: B解析:《行行重行行》出自《古诗十九首》中的第一首;《短歌行二首》是曹操以乐府古题创作的两首诗;《杜陵叟》是唐代诗人白居易的作品;《陌上桑》是中国汉乐府民歌的名篇, 富有喜剧色彩的汉族民间叙事诗, 故选B。
答案:A[解析] 项,“兵”字古今意义不同,选项中的意思为“兵器”,今多表示战士。其他三项古今意义相同。
问题:6. 东晋著名诗人,开创田园诗派;诗风平淡自然,却于质朴之中见绚丽,平淡当中显醇厚。其诗《饮酒》有名句:“山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。”这位诗人就是______
D.环境 A B C D
答案:BCD[解析] 小说的三要素是人物、情节和环境。
问题:5. 记叙文的叙述方式有______
D.倒叙 A B C D
答案:ABD[解析] 记叙文常见的叙述方法有:顺叙、平叙、倒叙、插叙、详叙、略叙等。
问题:12. 他是20世纪30年代中国“现代派”诗歌的代表人物,其代表作有《雨巷》《我用残损的手掌》等。这位诗人名为______
答案:C[解析] 1932年,《现代》月刊创刊,戴望舒参与编辑工作并发表作品,成为我国20世纪30年代“现代派”诗歌的代表人物。
问题:13. 他是中国现代文学的奠基人,幼年受过诗书经传的传统教育,1902年留学日本,后弃医从文。其小说集有《呐喊》《彷徨》,散文集为《朝花夕拾》,杂文集有《且介亭杂文》等。代表作为《狂人日记》《阿Q正传》《秋夜》等。他名为______
问题:10. 下列选项中画线的字,属于“名词用作动词”的一项是______
2016专转本语文答案【篇一:2015语文专转本真题】class=txt>一、语文知识(本大题共 15 小题,均为单项选择题,每小题 1分,共 15 分。
请将答题卡上代表试题正确答案的字母涂黑)1.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是( )a. 言简意赅暮霭一愁莫展慰藉b. 良莠不齐休憩出类拔萃渎职c. 舐犊情深皱褶既往不纠厄运. 融汇贯通狙击墨守成规泻气2. 在下面一段文字横线处依次填入的成语,最恰当的一项是( )在“互联网+”时代,汉语词汇变化之快,是词典的修订改版_____,这反映出一个社会的_____。
( )a.望尘莫及欣欣向荣b. 应接不暇纷繁芜杂c.力不能支日新月异d. 措手不及瞬息万变3. 下列古籍中,保存古代神话传说最多的是( )a. 《淮南子》b. 《庄子》c. 《山海经》d. 《楚辞》4. 下列名句出自《孟子》一书的是( )a. 见贤思齐,见不贤而内自省b. 穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下c. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴d. 君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴5. 被鲁迅誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的史学名著是( )a.《史记》 b. 《汉书》 c. 《后汉书》 d. 《三国志》6. 下列唐诗名句与作者顺序相匹配的一组是( )(1)莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君(2)漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阳夏木啭黄鹂。
a. 王维高适李贺杜甫b. 王维李贺杜甫高适c. 高适王维杜甫李贺d. 高适李贺王维杜甫7. 下列作品中,属于晚清谴责小说的是( )a.《儿女英雄传》b.《歧路灯》c.《儒林外史》d.《孽海花》8. 近代提出“诗界革命”和“小说界革命”的是( )a.龚自珍b.黄遵宪c.康有为d. 梁启超9. 下列不属于端午节传统习俗的一项是( )a. 挂香包b. 插艾蒿c.登高d.喝雄黄酒10.2015 年是农历乙未年,也是中国抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯战争胜利 70周年。
2016年陕西省专升本(大学语文)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 5. 填空题 6. 阅读理解9. 词语解释11. 判断题12. 作文单项选择题1.诗歌《氓》选自( )A.《诗经》B.《楚辞》C.《乐府诗集》D.《古诗十九首》正确答案:A解析:《氓》选自《诗经.卫风》,是春秋战国时期卫国的一首民歌。
2.下列作品代表两汉时期散文最高成就的是( )A.《左传》B.《战国策》C.《汉书》D.《史记》正确答案:D解析:《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,是古代散文史上的一座丰碑,被鲁迅誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”,代表了两汉时期散文的最高成就。
3.以“飘逸、奔放、雄奇、壮丽”为诗歌风格的唐代诗人是( ) A.柳宗元B.韩愈C.李白D.王维正确答案:C解析:李白的诗歌充满浪漫色彩,感情奔放豪迈,想象奇特丰富,词采瑰玮绚丽,风格飘逸自然。
4.下列著作中代表儒家思想的是( )A.《墨子》B.《论语》C.《庄子》D.《韩非子》正确答案:B解析:《论语》主要记载了孔子及其弟子的言行,是有关儒家思想的重要著作,集中体现了孔子的儒家思想;《墨子》主要记载了墨家创始人墨子的言行,墨家与儒家并称“显学”;《庄子》一书主要体现了道家思想;《韩非子》是法家思想的体现。
5.《春江花月夜》的作者是( )A.高适B.孟浩然C.陈子昂D.张若虚正确答案:D解析:《春江花月夜》是由初唐诗人张若虚所作,张若虚与张旭、包融、贺知章合称“吴中四士”。
6.下列作品属于小说的是( )A.《说笑》B.《百合花》C.《咬文嚼字》D.《<北京大学月刊>发刊词》正确答案:B解析:《说笑》《咬文嚼字》和《(北京大学月刊)发刊词》都是议论文,只有《百合花》是小说。
7.下列学者中提出“思想自由”“兼容并收”办学理念的是( ) A.蔡元培B.钱锺书C.余秋雨D.朱光潜正确答案:A解析:“思想自由”“兼容并收”的思想是由蔡元培提出,蔡元培是中国著名的现代教育家。
1.诗句“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”出自( )A.李商隐《无题》(相见时难别亦难)B.李白《行路难》(其一)C.陆游《关山月》(和戎诏下十五年)D.杜甫《蜀相》答案:B2.下列关于一多的表述,错误的一项是( )A.闻一多是新月社成员B.《死水》是闻一多的代表作C.闻一多诗歌的艺术风格是飘逸清丽D.《发现》一诗抒发了闻一多的爱国主义激情答案:C3.《陈情表》《张中丞传后叙》《报刘一丈书》的作者依次是( )A.李密、宗臣、韩愈B.宗臣、李密、韩愈C.韩愈、李密、宗臣D.李密、韩愈、宗臣答案:D4.提出“创造这中国历史上未曾有过的三样时代,则是现在的青年的使命!”的是( )A.梁启超B.胡适C.鲁迅D.陈独秀答案:C5.“赋”作为一种文体,成熟于( )A.战国时代B.汉代C.唐代D.宋代答案:B6.有“曲状元”之称的是( )A.王实甫B.马致远C.自朴D.关汉卿答案:B7.我国一部纪传体通史是( )A.《论语》B.《战国策》C.《史记》D.《汉书》答案:C8.“多行不义必自毙”“望洋兴叹”“形影相吊”三个成语依次出自( )A.《郑伯克段于鄢》《庄子·秋水》《陈情表》B.《庄子·秋水》《陈情表》《郑伯克段于鄢》C.《郑伯克段于鄢》《陈情表》《庄子·秋水》D.《陈情表》《庄子·秋水》《郑伯克段于鄢》答案:A9.郭沫若《炉中煤》写于( )A.五四时期B.抗日战争爆发初期C.抗日战争胜利之时D.新中国建立之时答案:A10.“乐府”最初的含义是( )A.先秦民歌B.最早的格律诗C.西汉王朝设立的掌管音乐的机构D.宫廷里的歌舞厅答案:C11.《五代史伶官传序》一文的主旨是( )A.满招损,谦受益B.祸患积于忽微C.智勇多困于所溺D.盛衰在于人事答案:D12.先秦诸子散文中,最富有浪漫色彩的是( )A.《论语》B.《孟子》C.《庄子》D.《墨子》答案:C13.下列关于作家、作品的搭配,完全正确的是( )A.鲁迅——《坟》、《灯下漫笔》B.朱自清——《背影》、《香市》C.茅盾——《故都的秋》、《子夜》D.钱钟书——《围城》、《论毅力》答案:A14.《西厢记·长亭送别》中,“泪添九曲黄河溢,恨压三峰华岳低”两句采用的修辞手法是( )A.比喻、夸张B.比喻、通感C.通感、夸张D.比喻、排比答案:A15.下列文学常识表述错误的是( )A.被后人称作“三苏”的作家是苏洵、苏轼、苏辙B.“济南二安”指的是李清照和辛弃疾C.苍凉悲壮是曹操诗歌的主要艺术风格D.曹雪芹是我国明代伟大的浪漫主义作家答案:D16.下列句子中,“之”字可译作“到”“去”的是( )A.以子之道,移之官理,可乎B.驱而之薛,使吏召诸民当偿者,悉来合券C.故远人不服,则修文德以来之D.不如早为之所,无使滋蔓答案:B17.下列各组句中加点的字,意思相同的一组是( ) 答案:D18.下列句子中,不是词类活用的是( )A.都城过百雉,国之害也。
参考解析:【精析】B望洋兴叹、贻笑大方二词出自《庄子•秋水》。祸起萧墙、分崩离析二 词出自《论语・季氏》。
”描述的人物是()A、薛宝钗B、林黛玉C、贾宝玉D、王熙凤9.主张“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的是()A、欧阳修B、韩愈C、杜甫D、白居易10.下列成语出自《庄子·秋水》的是()A、望洋兴叹、祸起萧墙B、望洋兴叹、贻笑大方C、贻笑大方、分崩离析D、祸起萧墙、分崩离析11.《饮酒》(其五)中,表现“无我之境”的诗句是()A、结庐在人境,而无车马喧B、问君何能尔?心远地自偏C、采菊东篱下,悠然见南山D、此中有真意,欲辨已忘言12.被闻一多先生誉为“诗中的诗,顶峰上的顶峰”的作品是()A、《离骚》B、《春江花月夜》C、《短歌行》D、《孔雀东南飞》13.《张中丞传后叙》一文中所说的“守一城,捍天下”的“城”是指()A、洛阳B、长安C、睢阳D、汴州14.“泪添九曲黄河溢,恨压三峰华岳低”所用的修辞手法是()A、比喻B、夸张C、拟人D、排比15.欧阳修《五代史伶官传序》中提出王朝兴衰的主要因素是()A、伶官B、天命C、人事D、人才16.成语“多行不义必自毙”出自下列哪部著作()A、《尚书》B、《论语》C、《左传》D、《战国策》17.《垓下之围》中,“虞兮虞兮”的悲歌表现的场景是()A、乌江自刎B、霸王别姬C、决战楚汉D、东城快战18. 王小波的《时代三部曲》不包括()A、《黄金时代》B、《黑铁时代》C、《青铜时代》D、《白银时代》19. 《我的四个假想敌》中,“战争”的敌我双方是()A、父亲与女儿B、父亲与男友C、母亲与男友D、女儿与男友20.“生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了蚤子。
2016陕西专升本答案【篇一:2016年专升本考试《大学语文》资料附试卷】s=txt>一、季氏将伐颛臾《论语》二、寡人之于国也《孟子》三、秋水(节选)《庄子》四、大同《礼记》五、谏逐客书李斯六、陈情表李密七、五代史伶官传序欧阳修八、答司马谏议书王安石九、论毅力梁启超十、灯下漫笔鲁迅十一、谈时间梁实秋十二、论快乐钱钟书十三、选择与安排朱光潜十四、论学问培根记叙文知识十五、郑伯克段于鄢《左传》十六、冯谖客孟尝君《战国策》十七、李将军列传(节选)《史记》十八、张中丞传后叙韩愈十九、种树郭橐驼传柳宗元二十、报刘一丈书宗臣二十一、马伶传侯方域二十二、往事(一之十四)——生命历史中的几页图画冰心二十三、背影朱自清二十四、故都的秋郁达夫二十五、香市茅盾二十六、爱尔克的灯光巴金二十七、箱子岩沈从文诗词曲赋知识二十八、氓《诗经》二十九、国殇屈原三十:陌上桑汉乐府三十一:短歌行(其一)曹操三十二、饮酒(其五)陶渊明三十三、从军行(其四)王昌龄三十四、山居秋暝王维三十五、行路难(其一)李白三十六、蜀相杜甫三十七、白雪歌送武判官归京岑参三十八、杜陵叟白居易三十九、无题(相见时难别亦难)李商隐四十、关山月(和戎诏下十五年)陆游四十一、炉中煤——眷念祖国的情绪郭沫若四十二、发现闻一多四十三、再别康桥徐志摩四十四、我爱这土地艾青四十五、门槛1——梦屠格涅夫四十六、虞美人(春花秋月何时了)李煜四十七、八声甘州(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)柳永四十八、水调歌头(明月几时有)苏轼四十九、声声慢(寻寻觅觅)李清照五十、水龙吟(登建康赏心亭)辛弃疾五十二:前赤壁赋苏轼小说知识五十三、宝玉挨打曹雪芹五十四、风波鲁迅五十五、断魂枪老舍五十九、长亭送别王实甫六十、日出(节选)曹禺要求:(示例)(一)《诗经》与《楚辞》 1.《诗经》与《楚辞》概述。
2016年江苏专转本考试《语文》真题(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. 下列加下划线的字词释义正确的一组是 ( )A 浅尝辄止(立即) 日薄西山(迫近) 责无旁贷 (替代)B 本末倒置(树根) 并行不悖 (反对) 众望所归 (趋向)C 安之若素 (平常) 文过饰非(掩饰) 萍水相逢(浮萍)D 功败垂成(落下) 花团锦簇 (聚集) 后来居上(处在)答案:C2. 在下面一段文字横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一项是 ( ) 大力_________创新文化,_________创新沃土,_________敢为人先、宽容失败的良好氛围,调动全社会创业创新积极性,_________成推动发展的磅礴力量。
A 弘扬培植营建汇聚B 弘扬厚植营造汇聚C 发扬培植营造汇合D 发扬厚植营建汇合答案:B3. 下宋词名句与作者顺序相匹配的一项是 ( )(1)对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。
A 晏殊周邦彦欧阳修李清照B 柳永范仲淹秦观苏轼C 柳永范仲淹欧阳修李清照D 晏殊周邦彦秦观苏轼答案:B4. 下列关于元代杂剧的说明,不正确的一项是 ( )A 王实甫《西厢记》提出了"愿普天下有情的都成了眷属"。
B 白朴《梧桐雨》描写了杨玉环和李隆基凄美的爱情故事。
C 马致远《汉宫秋》对汉元帝这一形象寄予了深深的同情。
D 关汉卿《救风尘》中周舍搭救了落难的风尘女子赵盼儿。
答案:D5. 《红楼梦》中主持大观园管理"改革"的人物有 ( )A 李纨迎春王熙凤B 王熙凤探春宝钗C 李纨探春宝钗D 王熙凤迎春宝钗答案:C6. 下列关于清代文学的说明,正确的一项是 ( )A 散文流派"桐城派"中的代表作家有归有光、方苞、姚鼐等。
B 孔尚任《桃花扇》描写了侯方域与柳如是的爱情故事。
(1)Part Phonetics (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 A.kitchen B.sandwich C.China D.peach2 A.pig B.together C.garden D.swing3 A.music B.telescope C.newspaper D.maths4 A.house B.blouse ugh D.mouth5 A.wash B.sure C.shape D.squarePart II Vocabulary and Structure (40 points) Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6Have you ever considered____B____ abroad?A. traveledB. travellingC. to travelD. travel 7Mark, Mr. White ____C____. Would you please drive him to the airport? A. has left B. leaves C. isleaving D. is left8I jumped out of my bed____C____I heard the firealarmA usuallyB carefullyC immediatelyD regularly9--What kind of mobile phone would you like?--Oh, I'd like one with a camera and I don'twant to_____c___by cash.A giveB useC payD buy10--Shall Mary come and play computer games?--No, ____C____ she has finished her homework.A whenB ifC unlessD once11He was about ____A____to bed________ he hearda noise.A. to go; whenB. going; becauseC. to go; asD. going; until12I ___C_____to give you a birthday present, butI was short of money then.A. intendedB. have intendedC. hadintended D. was intending13There are many people dancing____B____ music inBeihai Park every evening.A. inB. toC. byD. from14Look! Your shoes are so dirty. You___A_____themyesterday.A. washedB. had washedC. should washD. should have washed15--Hello, Karen, come in .____B____.-- Thank you.A. All rightB. Makeyourself at homeC. That's my homeD. It's a greathonour16His watch, for ___A____ he paid $100, is now worth$500. A. which B. that C. it D. what17Londoners always take umbrellas with them whenthey go out, just ___A___ it rains.A. in caseB. in case ofC. so thatD. so long as18The country life he was used to __B___ greatlysince 1992.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed19In my view, watching TV too much ____D____ youreyes.A. are bad forB. do bad forC. does harmful toD. is harmful to20Why not ___B__ her _______ as she likes?A. let; doesB. let; doC. to let; to doD. letting; do21 In many small restaurants people are served rice ___A______ while the dishes cost a lot.A. for freeB. of freeC. for freelyD. freely22Does the price include breakfast only, or dinner __C___?A The twoB or elseC as wellD together23 The days ___C___ we spent together on the farm are not easy ______.A. when; to forgetB. which; to be forgottenC. that; to forgetD. ; to be forgotten 24Don't be too hard ____B_____the boy; he didn't mean ________ it.A. at; doingB. on; to doC. on; doingD. for; to do 25--How long B at this job? --Since 1990.A. were you employedB. have you been employedC. had you been employedD. will you be employedPart III Cloze (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that is most suitable andthe mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Have you ever had problems in your life and don't know how to be happy? If 26 , you will find ,Being a Happy Teenager by Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful .In his book, Matthews 27 us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers. There are many 28 such as parents and friends, and the book says we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills 29 howto put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better.Many teenagers think 30 happiness comes from a good exam result or praise () from other people. But you can 31 be happy when there are no such ,good things.Success comes from a(n) good attitude . If you 32 from problems, you will have success in the future.Some school students have problems such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 33 comes from thinking about things in a positive() way. If you are 34 , people notice you and you can get a better view() at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes 35 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews' most important lesson: you choose to be happy!A 26. A. so B. not C. it D. doB 27. A. orders B. tells C. asks D. argues D 28. A. roles B. classes C.courses D. subjectsB 29. A. for example B. such as C. so as D. so thatC 30. A. what B. how C. that D. whether a 31. A. yet B. already C. still D. forever b 32. A. learn B. rescue C. struggle D. separateB 33. A. success B. happiness C. failure D. heightC 34. A. short B. small C. tall D. fat A 35. A. take B. spend C. cover D. costPart IV Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )Directions: There are 3 reading passages in the part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet.Passage onePeople in the United States honor their parents with two special days: Mother's Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father's Day, on the third Sunday in June These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens They give love and care These two days offer an opportunity to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers More mothers now work outside the home More fathers must help with child-careThese two special days are celebrated in many different ways On Mother's Day people wear carnations() A red one symbolizes a living mother A white one shows that the mother is dead Many people attend religious services to honor parents It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery On these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants Theyoften have outdoor barbecues for Father'sDay These are days of fun and good feelings andmemoriesAnother tradition is to give cards andgifts Children make them in school Many people maketheir own presents These are valued more than theones bought in stores It is not the value of thegift that is important, but it is,the thought thatcounts Greeting card stores, florists, candymakers, bakeries, telephone companies, and otherstores do a lot of business during these holidays36Which is NOT a reason for children to show loveand respect for parents? DA Parents bring up childrenB Parents give love and care to childrenC Parents educate children to be good personsD Parents pass away before children grow up37What do you know from the passage? BA Mother's Day and Father's Day are both in MayB Fewer women worked outside the home in the pastC Not all the children respect their parentsD Fathers are not as important as mothers at home38On Mother's Day and Father's Day,____A____A people usually have family partiesB everyone goes to visit the cemeteryC children always go to parents' homeD hand-made cards are the most valuable gifts39What do you think,floristsdo? AA They sell flowersB They make bread or pastryC They offer enough room for having family partiesD They sell special clothes for Mother's Day andFather's Day40In she second paragraph, the underlined word`cemetery' means___a_____A funeralB weddingC graveD holidayPassage twoOne of the interesting things about Cuba is itseducational system. As in many other countries,schools are free. What is unusual is that schoolscombine study with manual work. Each school has aplot of land where the children work for each day.They plant vegetables, which they weed and water,and later they harvest the crops. In this way theydevelop good working habits and learn how importantit is to produce. Usually, children do not likevegetables such as spinach, green beans, or cabbage. But by growing vegetables themselves, Cuban children soon develop a taste for them. During the summer, older children also go to the country to help the farmers with the crops.In this system, the children spend part of their school time studying and the rest working in the open air helping increase the nation's production.66How is Cuba's educational system different from that of other countries? CA Schools are free.B Schools force children to work.C Manual work is emphasized.D Schools produce a lot of crops67How do Cuban children spend their school time? BA Fewer hours for classroom study than for manual work.B Part of the classroom study and the rest for manual work.C Half of the time studying and the other half working on the land.D Most of the time studying and the rest playing in the open air. 68What do children do for their manual work? DA They plant vegetables.B They harvest the crops they grow.C They help the farmers with their crops.D All of the above.69Which of the following is mentioned in thepassage? AA The nation's production is increased.B Children go to the country to help the farmerswith the crops twice a year.C Children enjoy working in the open air.D Children grow less interested in study.70What does the word ,taste mean here? BA A kind of sense.B Liking.C Ability to enjoy beauty.D Small quantity.Passage threeIt doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps,but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That'swhat all doctors thought, until they heard about AlHerpin.Al Herpin, it was said, never slept. He was 90years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersey.They expected to find out that he needed sleep ofsome kind. But they were surprised. Though theywatched him every hour of the day, they never sawHerpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He neverneeded one.The closest that Herpin came to resting was tosit in a rocking chair() and read some newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strangecontinuous sleeplessness. Herpin offered the onlyprobable explanation of his condition. Heremembered some talk about his mother having beeninjured several days before he was born.56. The point of this story is that _____b__.A. We needn't feel surprised to find someone whodoesn't sleepB. one person was found who actually didn't need anysleepC. everyone needs some rest to stay aliveD. not sleeping may help one to live longer57 The doctors came to visit Herpin hoping to___B____.A. find a way to cure him of his sleeplessnessB. find out that his sleeplessness was not reallytrueC. find out why some old people didn't need any sleepD. find a way to free people from needing any sleep58. After watching him closely, the doctors believed that Al Herpin __C_____.A. needed some kind of sleepB. slept while one was watchingC. needed no sleep at allD. nearly slept in a rocking chair59. One suggested explanation of Herpin's sleeplessness was ____d___.A. his old ageB. his not having a bedC. his magnificent physical conditionD. his mother's injury while carrying him60.The writer of the story obviously thinks that Al Herpin's sleeplessness __d_.A. could be curedB. could be explainedC. was healthfulD. was uncommonPart V Writing (20 points )Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in 100--120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.Johnson123(2)Part Phoneti cs (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letter combinationsmarked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined partsand identify the one that is different from theothers in pronunciation. Then mark your answer onthe Answer Sheet.1 A.never B.leg C.red D.he D2 A.what B.water C.walk D.talk A3 A.flower B.follow C.how D.brown B4 A.study B.puzzle C.bus D.busy D5 A.behind B.bedroom C.jacket D.eleven BPart II Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: In this part, there are 20 incompletesentences. For each sentence, there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that bestcompletes the sentence and then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6He's been admitted into a famous university, butit will be 4 years c he graduatesA whenB sinceC beforeD that7This medical team a 20 doctors and 40 nurses.A is consisting ofB consists ofC is consisted ofD consist of8We thought there were 35 students in the dininghall , A , in fact, there were 40.A whileB whetherC whatD which9 D I prefer a color TV, I have to buy a blackand white one this time.A .As B. Since C. Because D .Although10Christopher Reeve said he was far C busywith living to think of upA so, givingB very, givingC too, givingD too,given11---Have you A food?---Yes, our food .So we must buy some immediately.A. run out of; has run outB. run out; has runout of C. run out; has run out D. run out of; hasbeen run out12Word came B he had expected for a long time . A. that B. what C. when D. where13At the meeting yesterday, the director A up with a suggestion that the new play should be put on during the Spring Festival.A cameB putC caughtD kept14The novel is D reading, so he advised me it.A. worthy; to buyB. very worth; buyingC. worthy; buyingD. well worth; to buy 15Although he hates his stepmother, D he goes to see her for the love of his father. A. here and there B. more or less C. sooner or later D. now and then16Mr Green expressed the hope B he could have another chance to come to visit China again the next year .A.whatB. thatC. whenD.which 17 There was a terribly loud thunder C the sudden flash of lightning.A. followedB. was followedC. followingD. which was followed by18There are few areas left where pandas can live, B ? A. aren't there B. are there C. is there D. isn't there19If you want to download this song, please A the link.A log onB log offC click onD click to 20--My goodness! This job is so tough.-- D . Let's work it out together. A. No wonder B. Give it up C. It is up to you D. Calm down21All these changes will lead to A strong and powerful China, ______ country that can surprise and enrich our planet.A. a; aB. the; aC. the; theD. a; the 22I have taught him C the computer. A. how check B. to check C. how to check D. to how checking 23---This year, the production of Toyota rose from 80,000 to 100,000.---Oh, it has risen A 25%. A by B to C in D with 24Some people D playing football while others enjoy football matches.A. be fond of; watchB. are fond; watchingC. are fond of; watchedD. are fond of; watching25Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of A .A. energyB. sourceC. powerD. materialPart III Cloze (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and the mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Most students want to communicate better in English. If this is one of your goals, it is 26 to study a balance of the four major skills. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the main skills you need to communicate in any 27 . Being very good at only one of these skills will not help you to communicate. It helps to think of these communicative 28 in two groups.First you have input. Next you have output. First you listen to someone ask you a question. Second you speak and give them your 29 . First you read a letter from someone. After that you writeback to them. Input and output don't 30 go ina special order. Sometimes you speak first and then you listen and sometimes you write about what you hear. During communication, the person you are communicating with 31 one of the opposite skills.Some students want to know which skill is the most important. Since all of the skills rely on each other, 32 of them are important. However, to communicate we do use some skills more often than others. For example, about 40 of the time that we 33 communicating we are simply listening. We speak for about 35 of the time. About 16 of communication 34 reading , and about 9 from writing.Each of these main skills have micro skills within them. For example, pronunciation is a type of speaking skill that must be 35 in order to improve communication. Spelling is a skill that makes understanding the written word easier. Grammar and vocabulary are other micro skills. Micro doesn't mean they are unimportant.C 26. A. strange B. regular C. important D. differentA 27. A. language B. subject C. conversation D. CultureB 28. A. chances B. skills C. ideas D. plansA 29. A. answer B. thought C. problem D. surpriseB 30. A. luckily B. necessarily C. happily D.politelyA 31. A. uses B. finds C. likes D. losesB 32. A. both B. all C. neither D. noneA 33. A. spend B. waste C. take D. saveB 34. A. makes up B. comes from C. works on D. goesbyA 35. A. practised B. understood C. taught D.explainedPart IV Reading Comprehension ( 60 points )Directions: There are 3 reading passages in thepart. Each passage is followed by five questions.For each question there are four suggested answersmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and markit on the Answer Sheet.Passage oneOn July 16, 1969, the tall and powerful rocketblasted off from Cape Kennedy. TheApollo II separated from the rocket when it was farout in space. The spaceship traveled very fast andin four days the astronauts reached the moon.The Apollo II spaceship had three parts. One of themwas called the lunar module,which was the only partof the spaceship that would land on the moon. Nearthe moon, the lunar module separated form the restof the Apollo II spaceship. TWO of the threeastronauts traveled down to the Apollo II spaceship,moving on in the orbit of the moon. Then came theexciting moment.ON the night of July 20, the lunar modulesuccessfully landed on the moon.36How many days did the astronauts spend travelingfrom the earth to the moon?A A 4 daysB 5 daysC 3 daysD Notmentioned37Theroket can be described as __D_____?A powerfulB lovelyC tallD both C andD38Which of the following landed on the moon? DA The rocket.B The Apollo II spaceship.C The other two parts except the lunar module.D The lunar module.39The landing on the moon was considered____C___?A a failureB a disasterC a successD an accident40. What is the best title of the passage? BA American Astronauts' Mission.B Apollo II's Successful Flight to the moon.C One of the Great Wonders in the word.D Apollo II Spaceship.Passage twoGo to church, then have a big lunch, then go out to play while mum does the housework. That was a typical () British Sunday in the 1960s. But things now could not be more different.Some British sociologists recently studied the typical British Sunday. They found that people get up later and do less housework than they did 40 years ago. They are far more likely to be out shopping or enjoying themselves than cooking Sunday lunch.Sunday mornings were busy 40 years ago. Most women caught up on their weekly housework and cooked a nice lunch. They seldom allowed themselves any ,leisure until afternoon, after the dishes were cleaned. Then there would be another rush to thetable between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm for tea.But now, Britons can have brunch () at therestaurant. Fewer people bother to cookthemselves.,You only have two free days a week. You don't wantto have to waste one because there is nothing to dobut watch boring TV, said Elizabeth Biggs, 25, aproducer in London.,On Saturday you are recovering from the week,Biggs added. ,Sundays are the last chance for theweekend -- you want to get as much as you can outof the day before you hav e to go back to work.In the past, British women usually did theirshopping during the week, while the husband was atwork. ,Now men seem to do that as much as women,said Jonathan Gershuny, a professor who took partin the study.Men also do more housework now on Sundays. Backin the 1960s, men were far more likely to spendSundays out of the house -- at the pub or playingfootball -- before lunch.41. Many Britons have brunch at the restaurantbecause __C_____.A. They have no time to cook at home.B. They get up too late.C. They won't bother to cook themselves.D. They will go to church.42. Which of the following is NOT true? CA. Britons used to go to church on Sundays.B. Britons usually had a big lunch at home.C. British women did their shopping on Sundays inthe past.D. British men did little housework at home in thepast.43. The underlined word , leisure in Para 3 means______D_____.A. houseworkB. shoppingC. lunchD. free time44. The text mainly tells us ___D_____.A. what Britons did on SundaysB. why Britons go shopping on SundaysC. How Britons spend their holidaysD. the changes of the ways the Britons spend theirSundays45. What can we infer () from the passage? BA. Men do more housework on Sundays.B. Sundays in Britain might be very boring in thepast.C. No people go to church on Sundays now.D. Britons all go out on Sundays.Passage threeA city man from a big city with a new carriage and a beautiful pair of horses was driving along a country road. He did not give much attention to where he was going. Pretty soon he realized that he was lost, but he continued to drive, expecting to find his way or to meet someone who could tell him how to get back to the town.It was a long, lonely road, for many hours he kept on driving. When it was almost dark, he saw a farmer ploughing the land. He stopped and called out,,Hello, farmer, ,Hello, yourself, the farmer replied, still ploughing. ,Where does this road go? , I haven't ever seen i t go anywhere, it always stays right where it is. said the farmer, without stopping his work. ,How far is it to the next town? said the driver, speaking a little louder. , Don't know, never measured it. replied the farmer.By this time the city man was getting angry. , What do you know? You are the biggest fool I have everseen. The farmer stopped ploughing and looked fora longtime at the city man. Then he saidscornfully(), ,Maybe I don't know much, andperhaps I am a fool. But at least I am not.46. The city man was driving along the country roadto ___D_____.A. a townB. a cityC. a fieldD. an unknownplace47. Very soon he found that___B_____.A. he lost a beautiful horseB. he was unable to findhis wayC. he missed the roadD. he had to look for his newcarriage48. It was a long lonely road, and ____A____.A. he did not meet any one for many hoursB. not a man there would tell him how to get backto the townC. it was far from the townD. only one carriage could run on it49. The city man did not stop driving__A______.A. until he saw a farmer in a field.B. when it wasalmost darkC. until he was tiredD. until he and his horses weretired50. Which of the following can replace ,go in thesentence , Where does this road go?BA. walkB. moveC. lead toD. runPart V Writing (20 points )Directions: For this part, you are supposed to writea letter in 100--120 words based on the followingsituation. Remember to write it clearly.JoeDear Joe,I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for daysand hope you have got quite better now.(3)Part Phonetics (10 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 rge ugh C.sofa D.vase C2 A.push B.fun C.sun D.cut A3 A.clock B.hot C.go D.sock C4 A.back B.fast C.have D.map B5 A.teacher B.seat C.weather D.please CPart II Vocabulary and Structure (40 points) Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6Scientists are afraid that some day an even bigger earthquake will __A___ the area.A. strikeB. beatC. knockD. push7Is this the reason __D___ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A.why he explainedB.what he explainedC.how he explainedD. he explained8Fat and sugar__A___ a lot to high blood pressureA contributeB celebrateC congratulateD complain9Whatever you do, make sure to __B___ it.A concentrate toB concentrate onC be concentrate toD beconcentrate on10--What fine weather! Would you like to go outfor a walk?--___C____A. Look out.B. What can I do for you?C. That sounds a good idea.D. I don't agree.11In no case___C__ our children do that.A. we letB. we causeC. should we haveD. we should let12When we ___A__ after a long talk we found thechildren sleeping in _____ bedsA. separated separateB. separated separatedC. separate separateD. separate separated13The solider insisted on searching for thesurvivors from the earthquake, ___A__ he hadn`tslept for 30 hours.A. even thoughB. just becauseC. now thatD.as though14In the past decade, the Internet___A__ rapidly.It's believed that it_____ a greater growth in thefuture.A. has grown; will haveB. grew; hasC. grew; willhave D. has grown; has15 __D___ , in front of the class, I get a littlenervous.A. In timeB. On timeC. At one timeD. At times16The government has promised to __A___ the matterand will give the workers a satisfactory answer.A. look intoB. look throughC. put intoD. put away17My new classmate told us about his trip to___A__Great Wall. He said it was _____ exciting experiencefor him.A. the; anB. ; theC. the;D.; a18I had hoped to go into the fire to fetch theexpensive box, but my roommate told me__D___ .A. don't goB. not goC. not to goD.not to19--What kind of mobile phone would you like?--Oh, I'd like one with a camera and I don't。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、1“今宵酒醒何处?”的下两句是“杨柳岸,晓风残月”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、14.下面各组词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.渲染(xuàn)抽噎(yè)逞能(chěnɡ)自惭形秽(huì)B.迸溅(bènɡ)荣膺(yīnɡ)褶皱(zhě)气冲斗牛(dǒu)(正确答案)C.殷红(yīn)阔绰(chuò)惩戒(chéng)戛然而止(jiá)D.缄默(jiān)追溯(sù)栈桥(zhàn)鲜为人知(xiān)4、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、郯子tán 六艺经传zuàn 贻yíB、句读dòu 苌弘cháng 老聃ránC、阿谀yú授之书sòu 李蟠fánD、或不焉fǒu 谄媚chǎn 嗟乎jiē(正确答案)5、1“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎”一句出自柳永的《雨霖铃》。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、“无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂,纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽,潦倒不通世务,愚顽怕读文章,行为偏僻性乖张,哪管世人诽谤”描写的是( ) [单选题] *A.贾宝玉(正确答案)B.贾琏C.贾蓉D.贾环7、1“相逢何必曾相识”的上一句是“同是天涯沦落人”。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)8、成语完形,望()秋水[单选题] *川穿(正确答案)见透9、1白居易,字乐天,号香山居士,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错10、A、依稀矫揉造作提纲陈词烂调B、接恰应接不暇部署变本加厉C、度假陈词滥调殉职自以为是(正确答案)D、贯通一鸣惊人干练张惶失措答案解析:陈词滥调接洽张皇失措11、1. 下列各项中,有错别字的一项是()[单选题] *A.皎洁扶植震耳欲聋出类拔萃B.晦暗阻碍暴风骤雨五彩斑斓C.雄辩挑剔相辅相成名副其实D.偏僻家眷轻歌慢舞霓裳羽衣(正确答案)12、郁达夫的自传体白话小说是()[单选题] *春风沉醉的晚上沉沦(正确答案)薄奠迟桂花13、1《劝学》的作者是荀子,名况,字卿,是我国春秋时期著名的思想家、教育家,先秦儒家最后的代表,朴素唯物主义思想的集大成者。