
中国发起成立亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,简称AIIB)的背景和目的主要有以下几个方面:1.基础设施需求:亚洲地区的基础设施需求庞大,包括交通、能源、通信等领域。

什么是亚洲基础设施投资银行?亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,以下简称AIIB),是由中国发起的,总部设在中国北京的国际金融机构。

亚洲基础设施投资银行的筹建概况、意义及策略建议一、概述亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,简称AIIB)是中国发起成立的一家国际性多边开发银行。
二、意义AIIB的成立意义非常重大:1. 促进亚洲经济发展亚洲地区经济相对落后,基础设施建设较差,加之地缘政治风险高涨,投资和融资成本也呈现出增加趋势,这给亚洲经济的发展带来了极大的压力。
2. 完善全球治理结构多边开发银行是全球治理结构的重要组成部分,也是国际社会共同维护全球经济和贸易秩序的有力机制。
3. 反映新的国际格局AIIB的成立,不仅反映了世界经济结构变化和亚洲在全球经济格局中的地位不断提升,也是中国承担更多国际社会责任和权益所做出的一份贡献,既为中国拓展影响力创造了机会,也将推动全球发展进程。
三、策略建议在AIIB发展战略方面,我们有以下几点建议:1. 加强多边合作作为一个多边开发银行,AIIB需要依托成员国和国际社会的支持,加强与其他多边开发银行以及各国政府的合作。
2. 走出一条中国特色的国际化经营道路AIIB作为中国主导筹建的国际多边开发银行,发展时应走出一条中国特色的国际化经营道路,展现出中国的独特魅力和优势。

托福阅读素材:亚投行AIIB是如何产生的To the alphabet soup of international development banks (ADB, AfDB, CAF, EBRD, IADB), add one more set of initials: AIIB, or for the uninitiated, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. On October 24th, representatives from 21 Asian nations signed an agreement to establish the AIIB, which, as its name suggests, will lend money to build roads, mobile phone towers and other forms of infrastructure in poorer parts of Asia. China spearheaded the bank and hopes to formally launch it by the end of next year.国际发展银行的字母组合中又多了一种:AIIB,对不熟悉这个行业的人来说,它的全称是亚洲基础设施投资银行。
More money for critical projects might seem unambiguously good, but the AIIB has stoked controversy because Asia already has a multilateral lender, the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Why is China creating a new development bank for Asia?重要项目获得更多的资金看起来无疑是件好事,但亚投行引发的争议在于,亚洲已经存在一个多边贷款机构亚洲发展银行(简称ADB)了,为什么中国要为亚洲再创建一个新的发展银行?China’s official answer is that Asia has a massive infrastructure funding gap. The ADB has pegged the hole at some $8 trillion between 2010 and 2020. Existing institutions cannot hope to fill it: the ADB has a capital base (money both paid-in and pledged by member nations) of just over $160 billion and the World Bank has $223 billion. The AIIB will start with $50 billion in capital — hardly enough for what is needed but still a helpful boost.中国的官方回答是亚洲存在巨大的基础设施资金缺口。

For example,some countries want to buy some equipment. But don't have enough money,so we can lend them money to buy our things. And if there is not enough money to repay,they can give us oil and natural gas.
Before 2016
Can help on these domestic prolem
excess capacity国内产能过剩
the over-capacity of reign exchange reserve外汇储备过剩
accelerate the RMB internationalization人民币国际化
With the development of Interent,it’necessary for everyone to know some knowledge about economy and Internet.
Xi jinping, puts forward the idea in 2013.
The purpose is to output Chinese the excess capacity .and strengthen the relationship with Europe and other countries
The relationship between ALLB and RAB

亚洲基础设施银行(AIIB)1倡建方编辑亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )将同域外现有多边开发银行合作,相互补充,共同促进亚洲经济持续稳定发展。
[1]2评论编辑亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )的建立,将弥补亚洲发展中国家在基础设施投资领域存在的巨大缺口,减少亚洲区内资金外流,投资于亚洲的“活力与增长”。
亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )是继提出建立金砖国家开发银行、上合组织开发银行之后,中国试图主导国际金融体系的又一举措。
[2]3各国反应编辑亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )的倡议提出后,立即得到了印度尼西亚、马来西亚和泰国等东盟国家的积极回应与支持。
亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )的建设不仅可以加快亚洲国家的发展,亦可带动全球经济的复苏”。
]5意义编辑亚洲基础设施投资银行( Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank )不仅将夯实经济增长动力引擎的基础设施建设,还将提高亚洲资本的利用效率及对区域发展的贡献水平。


AIIB s fate connects to Chinese economy亚投行与中国经济共命运The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) officially opened for business on Saturday. In the past two years or so, the bank has been a subject of heated discussion as a symbol of change in the world order. However, its significance hinges on a number of factors in future, rather than the founding itself.1月16日,亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)正式开张营业。
There are many advantages in terms of the bank s operation and management. Infrastructure construction in Asia, which the AIIB is centered on, is virgin territory that has huge potential to be tapped. There is ample scope for the bank to find its role.亚投行在运营和管理方面有诸多优势,还是一块处女地的亚洲各国基础设施建设是亚投行经营的重心,有巨大的潜力可挖掘。

【关键词】亚投行;“一带一路”;人民币国际化;亚洲经济一体化;高储蓄高投资桥梁一、亚投行介绍1.简介亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ,简称亚投行,AIIB)是一个政府间性质的亚洲区域多边开发机构,重点支持基础设施建设,成立宗旨在促进亚洲区域的建设互联互通化和经济一体化的进程,并且加强中国及其他亚洲国家和地区的合作。

关于亚投行成立原因运行机制及作用分析理学部2012级地理科学专业程进摘要:亚投行经济秩序亚投行的全称是亚洲基础设施投资银行(英语:Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ,简称亚投行,英文缩写:AIIB)是一个政府间性质的亚洲区域多边开发机构,重点支持基础设施建设,总部设在北京。

中国将举办亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)的签字仪式。这一新成立的国际金融机构将成为世界银行和亚洲发展银行的竞争对手。 the bank's initial capital.
57个国家的代表 Germany, Australia and South Korea are among the founding members. 英国、德国、澳大利亚和韩国都是创办会员国。
美国对这一新机构的管理标准提出质疑,认为这是中国“软实力”的扩张。 The AIIB, which was created in October by 21 countries, led by China, will fund 去年10月,在中国的主导下,21个国家创立了亚投行。它将为亚洲的能源、交通和基础设施项目提供资金。
It is one of several institutions China has created to push its own economic agenda, largely driven by frustration over its lack of influence in the big global financial institutions such as the World Bank, says the BBC's Martin Patience in Beijing.
2551 亚洲基础设施投资银行的角色及其对亚洲经济的影响

而亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB)的成立,为亚洲基础设施建设带来了新的兴奋点。
首先,AIIB 推动了基础设施建设的加速,提高了亚洲区域内的互联互通水平,增强了区域间的经济联系。


维基百科亚投行英文介绍The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank was proposed as an initiative by the government of China[5] andsupported by 37 regional and 20 non-regional members Prospective Founding Members,51 of which have signed the Articles of Agreement that form the legal basis for theproposed bank. The bank starts operation after the agreement enters into force, which requires 10 ratifications, holding a total number of 50% of the initial subscritions of the Authorized Capital Stock. Countries with a large GDP that did not become PFM are the US, Japan (which dominated the ADB) and Canada.AIIB is regarded by some as a rival for the IMF, the World Bank and the AsianDevelopment Bank (ADB),[6] which are regarded as dominated by developed countries like the United States.[6] The United Nations has addressed the launch of AIIB as "scaling up financing for sustainable development"[7] for the concern of Global EconomicGovernance.[8]The bank was proposed by China in 2013[9] and the initiative launched at a ceremony in Beijing in October 2014.[10] The Articles of Agreement (AOA) were signed by 50 PFMs on29 June 2015, which become a party to the agreement through ratification. As of July2015, 1 state (Myanmar) has ratified the agreement, formally becoming a foundingmember.[1]Contents[hide]∙ 1 Historyo 1.1 AIIB within PRC policy thinking▪ 1.1.1 Fostering LT economic development▪ 1.1.2 Infrastructure as regional integration and foreign policy tool∙ 2 Legal basis and Membershipo 2.1 Founding Memberso 2.2 non Prospective Founding Members▪ 2.2.1 Dependent territories▪ 2.2.2 Other states∙ 3 Shareholding Structure∙ 4 Management structure∙ 5 Receptiono 5.1 Environmental record∙ 6 See also∙7 References∙8 External linksHistory[edit]The first news reports about the AIIB appeared in October 2013.[11] The Chinese government has been frustrated with what it regards as the slow pace of reforms and governance, and wants greater input in global established institutions like the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank which it claims are dominated by American, European and Japanese interests.[6]In April 2014, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia and said that China was ready to intensify consultations with relevant parties in and outside Asia on the preparations for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.[12]The Asian Development Bank Institute published a report in 2010 which said that the region requires $8 trillion to be invested from 2010 to 2020 in infrastructure for the region to continue economic development.[6][13] In a 2014 editorial, The Guardian newspaper wrote that the new bank could allow Chinese capital to finance these projects and allow it a greater role to play in the economic development of the region commensurate with its growing economic and political clout.[14] But until March 2015, China in the ADB has only 5.47 percent voting right, while Japan and US have a combined 26 percent voting right (13 percent each) with a share in subscribed capital of 15.7 percent and 15.6 percent, respectively. Dominance by both countries and slow reforms underlie China's wish to establish the AIIB, while both countries worry about China's increasing influence.[15]In June 2014 China proposed doubling the registered capital of the bank from $50 billion to $100 billion and invited India to participate in the founding of the bank.[16][17] On 24 October 2014, twenty-one countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the AIIB in Beijing, China: Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan andVietnam.[18] Indonesia's joining was slightly delayed due to their new presidential administration not being able to review the membership in time.[19] Indonesia signed the MOU on 25 November 2014.The U.S. allegedly tried to keep Australia and South Korea from becoming prospective founding members, after they expressed an interest in it.[20] However, both Australia and South Korea applied to join the bank in March 2015.[21][22][23]Hong Kong's Financial Secretary John Tsang announced in his budget speech in February 2015 that the territory would join the AIIB.[24] It did however not become one of the prospective founding members and negotiated as part of the Chinese delegation.In early March 2015, the United Kingdom's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced that the UK had decided to apply to join the Bank, becoming the first major Western country to do so. The announcement was criticised by the U.S. ObamaAdministration. A US government official told Financial Times, "We are wary about a trend toward constant accommodation of China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power." The official further stated that the British decision was taken after "no consultation with the US."[25] In response, the UK indicated that the subject had been discussed between Chancellor Osborne and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew for several months preceding the decision. It was further stated that joining the bank as a founding member would allow the UK to influence the development of the institution. By encouraging Chinese investments in the next generations of nuclear power plants, Osborne announced that "the City of London would become the base for the first clearing house for the yuan outside Asia."[26]Following the criticism, the White House National Security Council, in a statement to The Guardian, declared, "Our position on the AIIB remains clear and consistent. The United States and many major global economies all agree there is a pressing need to enhance infrastructure investment around the world. We believe any new multilateral institution should incorporate the high standards of the World Bank and the regional development banks. Based on many discussions, we have concerns about whether the AIIB will meet these high standards, particularly related to governance, and environmental and social safeguards … The international community has a stake in seeing the AIIB complement the existing architecture, and to work effectively alongside the World Bank and Asian Development Bank."[27]Three other European states: Germany, France and Italy – followed the UK's decision to join the AIIB in March. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble stated, "We want to contribute our long-standing experience with international financial institutions to the creation of the new bank by setting high standards and helping the bank to get a high international reputation."[28] In March 2015, the South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced that it, too, is planning to join the AIIB, citing its potential in benefiting South Korean companies win deals in infrastructural projects as well expanding South Korea's influence in international banking as a founding member.[29] States could indicate their interest in becoming a Prospective Founding Member until 31 March 2015.Negotiations took place in the framework of 5 Chief Negotiators Meetings (CNMs) which took place between November 2014 and May 2015. The Articles of Agreement, the legal framework of the proposed bank, were concluded in the fifth CNM. It was signed on 29 June 2015 by 50 of the named 57 prospective founding members in Beijing.AIIB within PRC policy thinking[edit]Fostering LT economic development[edit]The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can be construed as a natural inter-national extension of the infrastructure-driven economic development framework that has sustained the rapid economic growth of China since the adoption of the Chinese economic reform under chairman Deng Xiaoping. It stems from the notion that long-termeconomic growth can only be achieved through massive, systematic, and broad-based investments in infrastructure assets – in contrast with the more short-term "export-driven" and "domestic consumption" development models favored by mainstream Neoclassical economists and pursued inconsiderately by many developing countries in the 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century with generally disappointing results.[30][31]Infrastructure as regional integration and foreign policy tool[edit]In his 29 March 2015 speech at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) annual conference, President Xi Jinping insisted that "the Chinese economy is deeply integrated with the global economy and forms an important driving force of the economy of Asia and even the world at large. […] China's investment opportunities are expanding. Investment opportunities in infrastructure connectivity as well as in new technologies, new products, new business patterns, and new business models are constantly springing up. […] China's foreign cooperation opportunities are expanding. We support the multilateral trading system, devote ourselves to the Doha Round negotiations, advocate theAsia-Pacific free trade zone, promote negotiations on regional comprehensive economic partnership, advocate the construction of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), boost economic and financial cooperation in an all-round manner, and work as an active promoter of economic globalization and regional integration", insisting that the Silk Road Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank would foster "economic connectivity and a new-type of industrialization [in the Asia Pacific area], and [thus] promote the common development of all countries as well as the peoples' joint enjoyment of development fruits".[32]Legal basis and Membership[edit]ArticlesArticles of Agreement of the Asian InfrastructureInvestment BankPotential signatoriesSignatories (regional)Parties (non-regional)Signatories (non-regional)Signed 29 June 2015Location Beijing, ChinaEffective not in forceCondition Ratification by 10 states, comprising 50% of initialsubscriptions of capital stockSignatories 51Parties 1[1]Depositary Government of the People’s Republic of ChinaLanguages Chinese, English (used in disputes) and FrenchThe Articles of Agreement will form the legal basis for the Bank. 57 Prospective Founding Members (PFM) named in annex A of the agreement are eligible to sign and ratify the Articles, thus becoming a member of the Bank. Other states, which are parties tothe International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the Asian Development Bank may become members after approval of their accession by the bank.[33]The Articles were negotiated by the Prospective Founding Members, with Hong Kong joining the negotiations via China.[34][35]Founding Members[edit]The 57 Prospective Founding Members can become Founding Members through:∙Signing the Articles of Agreement in 2015∙Ratifying the Articles of Agreement in 2015 or 2016As of August 2015, 51 states have signed the Articles, one of which has ratified them. Seven countries that signed the founding charter did not sign the Article of Agreement on 29 June.[36][37] The formal actions towards becoming a Founding Member are shown below, as well as the percentage of the votes and of the shares, in the event all prospective founding states become parties, and no other members are accepted.Country (Region) ProspectiveFoundingMemberstatusSignature(Articles)[1]Ratification(Articles)[1]Shares% ofshares%ofvoteCountry (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eAustralia3 April 2015[38]29 June 201536,912 3.76 3.46Austria11 April 2015[39]29 June 20155,008 0.51 0.70Azerbaijan15 April 2015[40]29 June 20152,541 0.26 0.48Banglades h*24 October 201429 June 20156,605 0.67 0.83Brazil12 April 2015[41]29 June 201531,810 3.24 3.02Brunei*24 October 201429 June 2015524 0.05 0.31Cambodia *24 October 201429 June 2015623 0.06 0.32China* (founder)24 October 201429 June 2015297,804 30.34 26.06Denmark12 April 2015[41]3,695 0.38 0.58Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eEgypt14 April 2015[42]29 June 20156,505 0.66 0.83Finland12 April 2015[41]29 June 20153,103 0.32 0.53France2 April 2015[43]29 June 201533,756 3.44 3.19Georgia12 April 2015[41]29 June 2015539 0.05 0.31Germany1 April 2015[44]29 June 201544,842 4.57 4.15Iceland15 April 2015[40]29 June 2015176 0.02 0.28India*24 October 201429 June 201583,673 8.52 7.51Indonesia*25 November 2014[19]29 June 201533,607 3.42 3.17Iran 7 April 2015[45]29 June 201515,808 1.61 1.63Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eIsrael15 April 2015[40]29 June 20157,499 0.76 0.91Italy2 April 2015[43]29 June 201525,718 2.62 2.49Jordan7 February 201529 June 20151,192 0.12 0.37Kazakhsta n*24 October 201429 June 20157,293 0.74 0.89South Korea11 April 2015[39]29 June 201537,388 3.81 3.50Kuwait24 October 20145,360 0.55 0.73Kyrgyzsta n9 April 2015[46]29 June 2015268 0.03 0.29Laos*24 October 201429 June 2015430 0.04 0.30Luxembou rg27 March 2015[47]29 June 2015697 0.07 0.32Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eMalaysia24 October 201421 August 2015[48]1,095 0.11 0.36Maldives31 December 2014[19]29 June 201572 0.01 0.27Malta9 April 2015[46]29 June 2015136 0.01 0.27Mongolia*24 October 201429 June 2015411 0.04 0.30Myanmar*24 October 201429 June 20151 July 2015 2645 0.27 0.49Nepal*24 October 201429 June 2015809 0.08 0.33Netherland s12 April 2015[41]29 June 201510,313 1.05 1.16New Zealand5 January 2015[49]29 June 20154,615 0.47 0.66Norway14 April 2015[42]29 June 20155,506 0.56 0.74Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eOman*24 October 201429 June 20152,592 0.26 0.49Pakistan*24 October 201429 June 201510,341 1.05 1.16Philippines24 October 20149,791 1.00 1.11Poland 15 April 2015[40]8,318 0.85 0.98Portugal 15 April 2015[40]29 June 2015650 0.07 0.32Qatar* 24 October 201429 June 20156,044 0.62 0.79Russia 14 April 2015[50]29 June 201565,362 6.66 5.93Saudi Arabia13 January 2015[51]29 June 201525,446 2.59 2.47Singapore *24 October 2014[52]29 June 20152,500 0.25 0.48Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eSouth Africa15 April 2015[40]5,905 0.60 0.77Spain 11 April 2015[39]29 June 201517,615 1.79 1.79Sri Lanka* 24 October 201429 June 20152,690 0.27 0.50Sweden 15 April 2015[40]29 June 20156,300 0.64 0.81Switzerlan d28 March 2015[53]29 June 20157,064 0.72 0.87Tajikistan13 January 2015[51]29 June 2015309 0.03 0.29Thailand24 October 2014[52]14,275 1.45 1.50Turkey 10 April 2015[54]29 June 201526,099 2.66 2.52United Arab Emirates5 April 2015[55]29 June 201511,857 1.21 1.29Country (Region)Prospective Founding Member statusSignature (Articles)[1]Ratificati on (Articles)[1]Share s% of share s% of vot eUnited Kingdom28 March 2015[53]29 June 201530,547 3.11 2.91Uzbekista n*24 October 201429 June 20152,198 0.22 0.45Vietnam*24 October 201429 June 20156,633 0.68 0.84Unallocated Shares18,486 – –Grand Total5737 Regional 20non-Regional51 95.17% of shares1 0.27% of shares1,000,000100.00100.00Note: Regional members in blueMember, and the number of shares determines the fraction of autorized capital in the bank.[33][69][70][71]Three categories of votes exist: basic votes, share votes and Founding Member votes. The basic votes are equal for all members and constitute 18% of the total votes, while the share votes are equal to the number of shares. Each Founding Member furthermore gets 600 votes. An overview of the shares, assuming when all 57 Prospective Founding Members have become Founding Members is shown below (values in bold do not depend on the number of members):Vote Type% of Total VotesTotal VotesVote per MemberChina (LargestMaldives (SmallestPFM) PFM)Basic votes 12 138,510 2,430 2,430 2,430 Share votes 85 981,514 Varies 297,804 72FoundingMember votes3 34,200 600 600 600Total 1001,154,224 varies 300,834(26.1%)3,102 (0.3%)Shares and Voting %, in the event all PFM are party, and no new members are accepted, are shown in the table with parties above.Environmental record[edit]As the proposed bank has no management or approved loans, it has no environmental record. Several organizations have however expressed their concerns over environmental policy of the proposed bank because of the high stake of China in the bank's business. Although the proposed bank declared "AIIB will learn from the best practice in the world and adopt international standards of environmental protection", Yuge Ma has argued that this may be complicated in developing Asian countries.[73]∙Boao Forum for Asia∙New Development Bank (BRICS)/NDB BRICS∙Asian Development Bank (ADB)∙World Bank∙International Monetary Fund (IMF)。

The AsianInfras truct ure Invest mentBank (AIIB) is a propos ed intern ation al financ ial instit ution whichis focuse d on suppor tinginfras truct ure constr uctio n in the Asia-Pacifi c region. The bank was propos ed as an initia tiveby the govern mentof Chinaand suppor ted by 37 region al and 20 non-region al member s Prospe ctive Foundi ng Member s, 51 of whichhave signed the Articl es of Agreem ent that form the legalbasisfor the propos ed bank. The bank starts operat ion afterthe agreem ent enters into force, whichrequir es 10 ratifi catio ns, holdin g a totalnumber of 50% of the initia l subscr ition s of the Autori zed Capita l Stock. Countr ies with a largeGDP that did not become PFM are the US, Japan(whichdomina ted the ADB) and Canada.AIIB is regard ed by some as a rivalfor the IMF, the WorldBank and the AsianDevelo pment Bank (ADB),whichare regard ed as domina ted by develo ped countr ies like the United States. The United Nation s has addres sed the launch of AIIB as "scalin g up financ ing for sustai nable develo pment"for the concer n of GlobalEconom ic Govern ance.The bank was propos ed by Chinain 2013 and the initia tivelaunch ed at a ceremo ny in Beijin g in Octobe r 2014. The Articl es of Agreem ent (AOA) were signed by 50 PFMs on 29 June 2015, whichbecome a partyto the agreem ent throug h ratifi catio n. As of July 2015, 1 state(Myanma r) has ratifi ed the agreem ent.Founding MembersThe 57 Prospe ctive Foundi ng Member s can become Foundi ng Member s throug h:∙Signin g the Articl es of Agreem ent in 2015∙Ratify ing the Articl es of Agreem ent in 2015 or 2016As of July 2015, 50 states have signed the Articl es, one of whichhas ratifi ed them. Sevencountr ies that signed the foundi ng charte r did not sign the Articl e of Agreem ent on 29 June.The formal action s toward s becomi ng a Foundi ng Member are shownbelow, as well as the percen tageof the votesand of the shares, in the eventallprospe ctive foundi ng states become partie s, and no othermember s are accept ed.AIIB within PRC policy thinkingFoster ing LT econom ic develo pmentThe AsianInfras truct ure Invest mentBank can be constr ued as a natura l inter-nation al extens ion of the infras truct ure-driven econom ic develo pment framew ork that has sustai ned the rapideconom ic growth of Chinasincethe adopti on of the Chines e econom ic reform underchairm an Deng Xiaopi ng. It stemsfrom the notion thatlong-term econom ic growth can only be achiev ed throug h massiv e, system atic, and broad-basedinvest ments in infras truct ure assets in contra st with the more short-term "export-driven" and "domest ic consum ption" develo pment models favore d bymainst reamNeocla ssica l econom istsand pursue d incons idera telyby many develo pingcountr ies in the 1990sand the firstdecade of the 21st centur y with genera llydisapp ointi ng result s.Infras truct ure as region al integr ation and foreig n policy toolIn his 29 March2015 speech at the Boao Forumfor Asia (BFA) annual confer ence, Presid ent Xi Jinpin g insist ed that "the Chines e econom y is deeply integr atedwith the global econom y and formsan import ant drivin g forceof the econom y of Asia and even the worldat large. China's invest mentopport uniti es are expand ing. Invest mentopport uniti es in infras truct ure connec tivit y as well as in new techno logie s, new produc ts, new busine ss patter ns, and new busine ss models are consta ntlyspring ing up. China's foreig n cooper ation opport uniti es are expand ing. We suppor t themultil atera l tradin g system, devote oursel ves to the Doha Roundnegoti ation s,advoca te the Asia-Pacifi c free tradezone, promot e negoti ation s on region alcompre hensi ve econom ic partne rship, advoca te the constr uctio n of the AsianInfras truct ure Invest mentBank (AIIB), boosteconom ic and financ ial cooper ation in an all-roundmanner, and work as an active promot er of econom ic global izati on and region al integr ation", insist ing that the Silk Road Fund and the AsianInfras truct ure Invest mentBank wouldfoster "econom ic connec tivit y and a new-type ofindust riali zatio n [in the Asia Pacifi c area], and [thus] promot e the commondevelo pment of all countr ies as well as the people s' jointenjoym ent of develo pment fruits".。


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托福阅读素材:亚投行AIIB是如何产生的To the alphabet soup of international development banks (ADB, AfDB, CAF, EBRD, IADB), add one more set of initials: AIIB, or for the uninitiated, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. On October 24th, representatives from 21 Asian nations signed an agreement to establish the AIIB, which, as its name suggests, will lend money to build roads, mobile phone towers and other forms of infrastructure in poorer parts of Asia. China spearheaded the bank and hopes to formally launch it by the end of next year.国际发展银行的字母组合中又多了一种:AIIB,对不熟悉这个行业的人来说,它的全称是亚洲基础设施投资银行。
More money for critical projects might seem unambiguously good, but the AIIB has stoked controversy because Asia already has a multilateral lender, the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Why is China creating a new development bank for Asia?重要项目获得更多的资金看起来无疑是件好事,但亚投行引发的争议在于,亚洲已经存在一个多边贷款机构亚洲发展银行(简称ADB)了,为什么中国要为亚洲再创建一个新的发展银行?China’s official answer is that Asia has a massive infrastructure funding gap. The ADB has pegged the hole at some $8 trillion between 2010 and 2020. Existing institutions cannot hope to fill it: the ADB has a capital base (money both paid-in and pledged by member nations) of just over $160 billion and the World Bank has $223 billion. The AIIB will start with $50 billion in capital — hardly enough for what is needed but still a helpful boost.中国的官方回答是亚洲存在巨大的基础设施资金缺口。
Moreover, while ADB and World Bank loans support everything from environmental protection to gender equality, the AIIB will concentrate its firepower on infrastructure. Officially at least, ADB and World Bank officials have extended a cautious welcome to the new China-led bank, saying they see room for collaboration.更重要的是,亚洲发展银行和世界银行的贷款用来支持包括从环境保护到男女平等之类的各种项目,而亚投行则专注于基础设施建设。
Behind the scenes, though, the Chinese initiative has set off a heated diplomatic battle. America has lobbied allies not to join the AIIB, while Jin Liqun, the Chinese official who will head the bank, has shuttled between countries to persuade them to sign up. At the bank’s inauguration ceremony, Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were conspicuously absent.尽管如此,中国已经在幕后开展了一场激烈的外交战役。
In public, the concern cited by America and some of the hold-outs has been a lack of clarity about AIIB’s governance. Critics warn that the China-led bank may fail to live up to the environmental, labour and procurement standards that are essential to the mission of development lenders. However, China has insisted that AIIB will be rigorous in adopting the best practices of institutions such as the World Bank. Given that the bank will be placed under such a close microscope, there is good reason to believe China on this.在公开场合,美国和一些拒绝加入的国家对亚投行不透明的监管表示质疑。
But the real, unstated tension stems from a deeper shift: China will use the new bank to expand its influence at the expense of America and Japan, Asia's established powers. China’s decision to fund a new multilateral bank rather than give more to existing ones reflects its exasperation with the glacial pace of global economic governance reform. The same motivation lies behind the New Development Bank established by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Although China is the biggest economy in Asia, the ADB is dominated by Japan; Japan’s voting share is more than twice China’s and the bank’s president has always been Japanese. Reforms t o give China a little more say at the International Monetary Fund have been delayed for years, and even if they go through America will still retain far more power. China is, understandably, impatient for change. It is therefore taking matters into its own hands.事实上,这种难以宣之于口的紧张是由于更深层次的变化所导致的:中国将利用这个新银行扩大其影响力;而亚洲的现有势力,美国和日本,则会此消彼长。