路虎揽胜维修电路图(412 AUXILIARY )




----------电气系统412-01供暖和通风412-01控制部件412-01空气分配和过滤412-02燃油式中间加热器412-02电子中间加热器413-01仪表组413-08信息和消息中心413-09分段保养消息发送策略413-09警告设备413-13停车助手414-00蓄电池和充电系统 - 一般信息414-00静态放电414-02B带集成式启动机发电机414-03皮带驱动一体式启动机发电机414-03直流到直流转换器417-01外部照明417-02车内照明417-04白天行驶灯418-00通信网络419-01A防盗–主动419-01B防盗–被动419-10乘员监测模块已发布: 20-十一月-20182020.0 NEW RANGE ROVER EVOQUE (LZ), 412-01自动空调系统供暖和通风(G2301065)说明和操作部件位置部件位置 - 1/1注意:图示为右侧驾驶 (RHD) 车辆左侧驾驶 (LHD) 车辆与之类似。


HVAC 控制模块。






HVAC 控制模块通过鼓风机控制模块控制鼓风机的运行。



进一步信息请参阅: 空调 - 车辆配备:非电动车/MHEV (412-01 自动空调系统, 说明和操作).进一步信息请参阅: 空气分配和过滤(412-01 自动空调系统, 说明和操作).进一步信息请参阅: 控制部件 - [+] InControl 智能驭领尊享触控(412-01 自动空调系统, 说明和操作).进一步信息请参阅: 控制部件 - [+] InControl 智能驭领双屏尊享触控(412-01 自动空调系统, 说明和操作).说明车颈盖板车颈盖板连接到隔板的前部,在空气进气管的新鲜空气进气口周围。



路虎维修手册电路图语言:中文Chinese 、英文English。

D.路虎2015年路虎Discovery Sport L550原厂维修手册2014-2015年路虎Freelander2 L359原厂维修手册2014-2015年路虎Range Rover Sport L494原厂维修手册2012-2013年路虎Range Rover Sport L320 原厂维修手册2013-2015年路虎Range Rover L405原厂维修手册2013-2015年路虎Discovery4 L319原厂维修手册2012-2015年路虎Range Rover Evoque L538原厂维修手册2009-2015年路虎卫士Defender L316原厂维修手册2008-2015年路虎Freelander2 L359原厂维修手册2007-2012年路虎Range Rover Sport L320原厂维修手册2005-2007年路虎Discovery3 L319原原厂维修手册2006-2012年路虎Range Rover L322原厂维修手册2008-2009年路虎Discovery3 L319原厂维修手册2011-2012年路虎Discovery 4 L319原厂维修手册2009-2015年路虎系列车型修数据规格资料2015年路虎年Discovery Sport车型DTC故障代码及诊断帮助信息2012-2015年Range Rover Evoque车型DTC故障代码及诊断帮助信息2010-2015年路虎Discovery4车型DTC故障代码及诊断帮助信息2008-2015年Range Rover Sport车型DTC故障代码及诊断帮助信息2008-2015年Freelander2车型DTC故障代码及诊断帮助信息JLR维修手册(第一册)描述与运作JLR维修手册(第二册)修理指南JLR维修手册(第三册)电路图2006-2015路虎Range Rover Sport电路图与电器元件维修信息说明2006-2014年路虎Discovery电路图与电器元件维修信息说明2008-2015路虎Freelander2电路图与电器元件维修信息说明2012-2015年Range Rover Evoque电路图与电器元件维修信息说明2015年Discovery Sport/L550原厂电路图2015路虎卫士Defender/L316原厂电路图2015路虎Range Rover Sport/L494原厂电路图2015年路虎Range Rover/L405原厂电路图2015路虎Range Rover Evoque/L538原厂电路图2015年路虎Freelander2/L359原厂电路图2015路虎Discovery4/L319原厂电路图2014Range Rover Evoque/L538原厂电路图2014年Range Rover (All New)/L405原厂电路图2014年Range Rover Sport/L494原厂电路图2013年Range Rover Evoque/L538电路图2013年Discovery4原厂电路图2013年Freelander2原厂电路图2013年Range Rover Sport电路图2012年Range Rover Evoque汽油机原厂电路图2012年Range Rover Evoque柴油机原厂电路图2006年New Range Rover原厂电路图2007年New Range Rover原厂电路图2008年New Range Rover原厂电路图2009年Range Rover Sport原厂电路图2010年Range Rover Sport原厂电路图2011年New Range Rover原厂电路图2012年New Range Rover原厂电路图2012年Range Rover Sport原厂电路图2006年Discovery3原厂电路图2007年Discovery3原厂电路图2008年Discovery3原厂电路图2009年Discovery3原厂电路图2011年Discovery4原厂电路图2010年Discovery4原厂电路图2011年Discovery4原厂电路图2012年Discovery4 原厂电路图2008年Freelander2原厂电路图2009年Freelander2原厂电路图2011年Freelander2原厂电路图2012年Freelander2柴油机原厂电路图2012年Freelander2汽油机原厂电路图2006年Freelander2原厂电路图2007年Defender原厂电路图2011年Defender原厂电路图2012年Defender原厂电路图路虎一级技师培训-路虎车型介绍路虎一级技师培训--路虎电路图知识技术培训路虎一级技师培训- IDS诊断与测试技术培训路虎一级技师培训-路虎SDD诊断电脑使用技术培训路虎一级技师培训-路虎底盘系统技术培训路虎一级技师培训--路虎发动机技术培训路虎一级技师培训--路虎变速箱技术培训路虎一级技师培训-路虎车身电器系统技术培训路虎一级二级技师测评复习试题路虎二级技师培训--路虎新揽胜极光技术介绍路虎二级技师培训--路虎胎压监测系统技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎四轮驱动系统技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎数据总线网络管理技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎汽油机技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎柴油机技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎空调系统技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎空气悬挂系统技术培训路虎二级技师培训--路虎电控发动机管理系统技术培训路虎三级技师培训--JLR新款发动机电子管理系统诊断技术培训路虎三级技师培训--路虎ABS、TCS系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎TPMS系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎ZF与JATCO自动变速器技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎底盘悬挂与制动系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎电子驻车制动系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎分动器及差速器技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎空调系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎全地形反馈系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎三级技师培训--路虎自适应巡航ACC系统技术培训(包含内训及考题)路虎差速器分动箱后桥全地形反馈系统培训路虎揽胜运动LR538培训手册JLR D4无钥匙进入系统内训师课程新型路虎技术特训课程JLR 导航专题培训JLR认证技师自学课程发现三全车诊断高级电器培训路虎新款发动机管理系统培训1路虎新款发动机管理系统培训2路虎新款发动机管理系统培训3路虎诊断电脑使用方法技师培训L405上市培训神行者2培训路虎极光全车系统培训路虎揽胜运动版培训路虎发动机培训路虎技师基础培训路虎的电路图基础知识培训路虎车载导航系统安装培训路虎底盘及空气悬挂培训路虎车身电器系统培训JLR柴油车电气系统培训路虎柴油产品自学手册路虎变速箱系统培训路虎V8发动机培训JLR新型柴油机技术培训新型柴油机技术研讨英文版路虎培训资料路虎技术视频JLR简写代码JLR防盗匹配改装2010年路虎区域案例研讨2011年路虎区域案例研讨2012年路虎区域案例研讨2007年路虎技术通报2008年路虎技术通报2009年路虎技术通报2010年路虎技术通报2011年路虎技术通报2012年路虎技术通报2013年路虎技术通报2014年路虎技术通报2015年路虎技术通报E.奥迪奥迪A1技术培训学习手册奥迪A2技术培训学习手册奥迪A3技术培训学习手册奥迪A4L技术培训学习手册奥迪A5技术培训学习手册奥迪A6LC6技术培训学习手册奥迪A6LC7技术培训学习手册奥迪A7技术培训学习手册奥迪A8D3技术培训学习手册奥迪A8LD4技术培训学习手册奥迪Q3技术培训学习手册奥迪Q5技术培训学习手册奥迪Q7技术培训学习手册奥迪R8技术培训学习手册奥迪RS技术培训学习手册奥迪S8技术培训学习手册奥迪TT技术培训学习手册奥迪工厂技师基础培训奥迪技师考试资料奥迪防盗系统高级培训新款奥迪A4L A6L A7技术高级培训新款奥迪Q3 Q5技术高级培训新款奥迪A8L Q7 技术高级培训新款奥迪编码、匹配、数据流新款奥迪SVM行动升级代码奥迪V AS、ODIS诊断技术培训新款奥迪系列发动机技术高级培训新款奥迪系列变速箱技术高级培训新款奥迪系列底盘技术高级培训新款奥迪混合动力技术培训新款奥迪系列空调技术高级培训新款奥迪系列电器技术基础培训新款奥迪系列电器诊断技术高级培训奥迪A5 ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪Q5 ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪Q7 ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪A7 ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪新A6L ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪新A8L ITV多媒体视频培训奥迪新型电器系统ITV多媒体视频培训新款奥迪防盗系统ITV多媒体视频培训新款奥迪双离合变速箱ITV多媒体视频培训2011年SOST专题培训第一期+TPI通告2011年SOST专题培训第二期+TPI通告2012年SOST专题培训第一期+TPI通告2012年SOST专题培训第二期+TPI通告2012年SOST专题培训第三期+TPI通告2013奥迪SOST专题培训第一期+TPI通告2013奥迪SOST专题培训第二期+TPI通告2013奥迪SOST专题培训第三期+TPI通告2014奥迪SOST专题培训+TPI通告奥迪车辆重要TPI(技术经理现场看车)奥迪年度重点技术议题汇总寶馳名車國際服務中心Bao Chi Super luxury car International Service Center ==持久更新。




近光 远光
远光 近光
保险片 50A-100A
保险丝 5A30大A保险丝 50A
筒式保险 30A-50A
保险丝颜色: 保险丝:
i 16
保险丝和继电器位于下列两 个保险盒内: ➢ 发动机舱 ➢ 驾驶员侧仪表下方
发动机舱保险 盒
驾驶员侧仪表 下方保险盒
接地点和接地桩 头
保险丝和继电器位于下列两 个保险盒内: ➢ 发动机舱
➢ 仪表台右下方
然后向车辆的各系 统和副驾驶员侧的 保险盒供电
所有的系统通过保险 丝保护
接地螺栓焊到车身上,以供搭铁 线的搭铁点通过单独的插针连接
到接地螺栓上 接地桩头通过多针插头连到
保险丝和继电器位于下列两 个保险盒内: ➢ 右前座椅下方
Code B G K LG N O P R S T U W Y
Wire Colour Codes
Black Green Pink Light Green Brown Orange Purple Red Slate (Grey) Transparent Blue White Yellow


2 . 0车 的 后 雨 刮 系 统 控 带 I J 原理、 特点 ,
监测 驻停 开关是 否有 停止 的意 图。 存 刮 水 器 和 清 洗 器 控 制 开 关 移 至 关 闭
位 置且 B CM 随 后 检 测 到 来 自 驻 停 开
并  ̄ 士△ : [ : 1 蜘 - I t P k 障 案 例 进 行 了详 细 的 阐 述 。
均 存标 准 范 同 内 ( 2 0  ̄ C时 5 . 0 ~ S . 6 f Z ) , 正常 。
“ s 2 ” 控制线路高 ( + 『 { 短路 、 断路 ) 。
一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一
故 障分析 : 换 挡 电磁 阀 “ Sl ” 和 换 挡 电磁 阀 “ S 2 ” 是根 据 T CU 输 出 的 信 号 打开 和关 闭 , 变 速 器 根 据 换 挡 电磁
( 2) 管 路 压 力控 制 电磁 阀 S Ur .
5 . 61 2;
P 0 9 7 4 一换 挡 电磁 阀 “ S 1 ” 控 制 线 路 高
( + I j 短 路 、 断路 ) : P 0 9 7 7 一 换 挡 电 磁 阀
( 3) 锁 止控 制 电磁 阀 s l u: 5 . 3 。
I l : 5. 6 n: S I C2: 5 . 6 n i S I Cl: 0 款
CA 7 1 6 5 A F 4型 奔 腾 轿 车 ,行 驶 里 程
8 . 9 6万 k m。 在 正 常 行 驶 的 过 程 中 , 出
现 车 辆 突 然 降 挡 、急 减 速 ,停 车 的 现 象。 类似有人 在给车辆进行 紧急制动 。 仪表上面 的 A ~ 1灯 同 时 点 亮 。 I ) T C:
五 l l I





一、LIN总线简介LIN是Local Interconnect Network的缩写,即单线式总线,在传输速率和总线类型上与CAN总线有较大的区别。







基于LIN总线的汽车空调风门执行器原理与检修◆文/福建省陈育彬技能大师工作室 陈育彬1-同步间隔;2-同步区域;3-标识符;4-开始;5-终止;6-数据区域;7-校验和;8-信息头;9-信息段。



197After wheel changing, alwayssecure tools and replaced wheelin their correct storage positions.If not properly stowed theseobjects can become flyingmissiles in a crash or roll-over,potentially causing injury ordeath.15.Check the tyre pressure of the replacedwheel and adjust if necessary.16.Set the transfer box to high range.FUSESChecking or renewing a fuseAlways turn the ignition off and switchoff the affected electrical circuit, beforeremoving a fuse. Always replace fuseswith the correct type and specification.Note: There are a number of spare fusesincluded within the fuse boxes.A fuse removal tool is located in the passengercompartment fuse box.Each fuse box has a label in the cover whichidentifies the circuits protected, the fuse valuesand their locations. They are also listed on thefollowing pages.198Fuse box locations1.Engine fuse box.2.The passenger compartment fuse box.Engine compartment fuse boxThe engine compartment fuse box is located inthe front passenger side of the enginecompartment.FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit 125Fuel pump 2-Not used 35Air suspension ECU 425Diesel EMS (ECM and fuel pump relay control)510Petrol EMS (purge valve, EGR, inlet manifold tune valve), E-box fan 615Petrol EMS (ignition coils)615Diesel EMS (Sensors and glow plug relay control)725Front seat heater 825Rear seat heater 9-Not used 1015Petrol EMS (throttle motor, MAF), cooling fan1991015Diesel - cooling fan 1115Petrol EMS (rear oxygen sensors)1210Heated washer jets 1310Petrol EMS (ECM, VVTs and fuel pump relay control)1310Diesel EMS (PCV, VCV)1420Petrol EMS (front oxygen sensors)1530Heated front screen 1610Heated door mirrors 1715Petrol EMS (injectors)1715Diesel EMS (MAF, EGR), E-Box fan 1830Heated front screen 19-Not used 205Alternator 21-Not used 2230Rear blower 2325Dynamic Stability Control system 2420Petrol - brake boost pump 2510Lighting switch 2620Air suspension ECU 275Engine Control Module (ECM)2820Diesel - auxiliary heater 2930Front wipers 3010Auto transmission ECU FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit200Passenger compartment fuse boxThe passenger compartment fuse box is fittedbehind the glovebox. To access the fuses, openthe glovebox, then pinch the top of the supportstays and lower the glovebox into the footwell.FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit 110Interior lamps - glovebox lamp, vanity mirror lamp, map lamps, switchable roof lamps. Electric seats (non memory).210Right-hand side lamps 3-Not used 410Left-hand side lamps 510Reverse lamps 610Trailer reverse lamp 725Driver’s window 830Trailer pick-up (battery feed)95Air bags 10-Not used 1115Washer pump 1215Horn 1325Heated rear window 1410Trailer side lamp 1515Brake lamps, Brake switch 1610Powerfold mirror 1720Rear right-hand window 185Rain sensor, ambient light sensor (auto lamps)1915Auxiliary power socket - 2nd row seats 2015Sunroof 2125Passenger window 2210Trailer pick-up (ignition feed)23-Not used 245Transfer box - centre differential, Terrain Response 255Engine Control Module (ECM)265Battery back-up sounder 2710Adaptive front lighting, Headlamp levelling201285Fuse box engine compartment - ignition2930Passenger electric seat 30-Not used 3120Rear left-hand window 3215Rear fog lamps 335Mirror adjust, Automatic transmission selector 3415Auxiliary power socket - front seats 355Air suspension ECU 365Park Distance Control, Tyre pressure monitoring system 375Dynamic Stability Control 3815Front fog lamps 395Instrument pack 405Key-in sense 415Electric Parking Brake (EPB)4230Audio amplifier 4310Radio frequency receiver, Tyre Pressure Monitoring system 445Automatic transmission selector 45-Not used 4630Drivers electric seat 4715Auxiliary power socket - 3rd row seats 4815Rear wiper 4930Central door locking 5010Electric fuel flap actuator 5110Climate control ECU 525Telephone, traffic message centre 5315Multi-media module, audio unit, DVD player, Video Display 545Electric seat - memory, lumbar pump 5515Cigar lighter 5610Adaptive front lighting (left-hand unit)5710Rear seat entertainment module 5810Telephone, touch screen display, multi-media module, TV tuner 5910Cubby box cooler FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit。



Cct 1 2 3 4 5 6
Model or Feature LHD RHD Td6 V8 Heated rear seats NAS vehicles only
N 颜色代号
Green 绿色
Wire Colour Codes Pink 粉红色
Light Green 淡绿色 Brown 棕色 Orange 橙色 Purple 紫色 Red 红色 Slate (Grey) 暗蓝灰(灰色) Transparent 透明 Blue 兰色 White 白色 Yellow 黄色
保险丝和继电器位于下列保险 盒内: ➢ 发动机舱 (E-box) ➢ 副驾驶员侧仪表下方 ➢ 行李箱右侧
发动机舱保险 盒E-Box继电 器和保险
防火墙内 继电器和 保险片
副驾驶员 侧继电器
后差速器控制模块 驻车距离控制模块
音响主机 空调控制单元
发动机控制模块 分动箱控制模块
空气悬挂控制模块 AFS控制模块
地形反馈控制模块 SRS控制模块
功放 AT控制模块
RSE控制单元 DVD碟机
Where is the Range Rover's engine compartment fuse box located? In the environmental box (E-box)



2221.Slacken the wheel nuts half a turn.2.Position the jack below the jacking pointadjacent to the applicable wheel.3.Raise the vehicle until the tyre is clear ofthe ground.4.Remove the wheel nuts.5.Remove the wheel.6.Make sure the mating faces of thereplacement wheel and the wheel hub are clean.7.Apply an approved anti-seize compound tothe mounting bore of the replacement wheel.8.Fit the replacement wheel and the wheelnuts. Lightly tighten the wheel nuts, ensuring they are firmly seated. Do not fully tighten while the tyre is clear of the ground.9.Ensure that the space under and aroundthe vehicle is free from obstructions, then lower the vehicle.10.Remove the jack and wheel chocks.11.Tighten the wheel nuts to 140 Nm (105lbf.ft) in a diagonally opposite ing a suitable blunt tool, apply lightpressure to the rear of the replaced wheel centre cap and ing hand pressure only, fit the centrecap into the newly fitted wheel.14.Return all tools and the replaced wheel totheir correct storage positions in the vehicle.After wheel changing, always secure tools and replaced wheel in their correct storage positions. If not properly stowed these objects can become flyingmissiles in a crash or roll-over, potentially causing injury or death.15.Check the tyre pressure of the replacedwheel and adjust if necessary.16.Set the transfer box to high range.FUSESChecking or renewing a fuseAlways turn the ignition off and switch off the affected electrical circuit, before removing a fuse.Note: There are a number of spare fuses included within the fuse boxes.A fuse removal tool is located in the lower glovebox.Each fuse box has a label in the cover which identifies the circuits protected, the fuse values and their locations. They are also listed on thefollowing pages.223Fuse box locations - up to 2010 model year1.Engine fuse box2.Rear loadspace fuse box3.Passenger fuse box4.Auxiliary fuse box (diesel models only)224Fuse box locations - from 2010 model year1.Auxiliary fuse box (diesel models only)2.Engine fuse box (diesel models)3.Engine fuse box (petrol models)4.Rear loadspace fuse box5.Battery fuse box6.Battery fuse box 27.Passenger compartment fuse box225Engine compartment fuse boxesThe engine compartment contains an engine fuse box and, on diesel models, an auxiliary fuse box. From 2010 model year there are two battery fuse boxes in the engine compartment, which contain fusible links.Engine fuse box - up to 2010 model year: The engine fuse box is located in the E-box in the front right corner of the engine compartment. Remove the E-box cover to access the engine fuse box.Fuse numberRating (amps)Circuit protected125Engine control module petrol / Not used (petrol)25Engine control module315Fuel injectors (petrol) / Water in fuel sensor, inlet port deactivation actuator, active engine mounting solenoid (diesel)415Rear heated oxygen sensors (petrol) / Not used (diesel)515Supercharger coolant pump (supercharged petrol) / Not used (naturallyaspirated petrol and diesel)625Fuel tank unit (naturally aspirated petrol) / fuel pump driver module(supercharged petrol) / fuel tank unit and ECM (diesel)715Engine control module, viscous fan, mass air flow sensor (petrol) /Viscous fan (diesel)8-Not used 910Purge valve, EGR valve, E-box cooling fan (petrol) / Glow plug relays(diesel)10-Not used1115Ignition system capacitor (petrol) / mass air flow sensors, E-box coolingfan, manifold tuning valve (diesel)1220Brake boost pump (petrol) / Not used (diesel)1320Front heated oxygen sensors (petrol) / Not used (diesel)1410Transmission and capacitor 15-Not used1615Horns 1730Transfer box control module 18-Not used1910Engine control module, variable valve timing solenoids (petrol) / Fuelvolume and pressure control valves (diesel)20-Not used 21-Not used2240Starter relay 2350Condenser fan control unit226Engine fuse box - from 2010 model year: On diesel vehicles, the engine fuse box is located in the E-box in the front right corner of the engine compartment. Remove the E-box cover to access the engine fuse box.On petrolvehicles, the engine fuse box is located on the right side of the engine compartment,immediately in front of the suspension turret Fuse number Rating (amps)Circuit protected125Engine control module (diesel) / Not used (petrol)25Mass air flow sensors, oil quantity and level sensor (petrol) / Not used (diesel)315Left hand pre and post catalyst oxygen sensors (petrol) / Not used (diesel)415Engine control module, variable valve timing intake and exhaustsolenoids, ECM cooling fan (petrol) / Glow plug relays, inlet port deactivation actuator, active engine mounting solenoid, water in fuel sensor (diesel)515Viscous fan, camshaft profile switching solenoids banks 1 and 2, purgecontrol valve, manifold tuning valve (petrol) / Viscous fan (diesel)625Fuel pump driver module (petrol) / Fuel tank unit (diesel)7-Not used 830Wiper fast-slow and on-off relays 910Engine control module, automatic transmission module 1040Starter relay 1140Front screen heater left hand element 1230Transfer box control module 1320Fuel burning heater 1440Front screen heater right hand element 1515Supercharger coolant pump relay (supercharged petrol) / Not used(naturally aspirated petrol and diesel)1615Horns 1710Adaptive cruise control module and sensor 1810Engine control module (petrol) / Fuel volume and pressure control valves(diesel)1910Right hand pre and post catalyst oxygen sensors (petrol) / Not used(diesel)2015Ignition coils and capacitor (petrol) / E-box cooling fan, manifold tuningvalve, mass air flow sensors (diesel)227Auxiliary fuse box - up to 2010 model year (diesel models only): The auxiliary fuse box is attached to the engine bulkhead, behind the battery.Auxiliary fuse box - from to 2010 model year (diesel models only): The auxiliary fuse box is located in the E-box in the front right corner of the engine compartment. Remove the E-box cover to access the auxiliary fuse box.2160Glow plug relay cylinders 1 to 4 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)2260Glow plug relay cylinders 5 to 8 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)2350Cooling fan control unitFuse number Rating (amps)Circuit protectedFuse number Rating (amps)Circuit protected1G 40Cylinder 1 and 2 glow plugs 2G 40Cylinder 3 and 4 glow plugs 3G 40Cylinder 5 and 7 glow plugs 4G40Cylinder 6 and 8 glow plugsFuse number Rating (amps)Circuit Protected115Heated washer jets relay 230Power wash relay 35Generator410Slip control ECU 540Slip control ECU 625Slip control ECU740Glow plug cylinders 1 and 2 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)840Glow plug cylinders 3 and 4 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)940Glow plug cylinders 5 and 7 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)10 -Not used 11 -Not used1240Glow plug cylinders 6 and 8 (diesel) / Not used (petrol)228Battery fuse box - from to 2010 model year: The battery fuse box is located behind the battery.Battery fuse box 2 - from to 2010 model year: Battery fuse box 2 is located behind the battery, adjacent to the battery fuse box.Fuse number Rating (amps)Circuit Protected150Passenger compartment fuse box 250Passenger compartment fuse box340Passenger compartment fuse box (central electronics module)440Passenger compartment fuse box 780Auxiliary fuse boxFuse number Rating (amps)Circuit Protected5250Engine fuse box6250Rear loadspace fuse box229Passenger compartment fuse boxThe passenger compartment fuse box is fitted behind the lower glove box. To access the fuses:1.Open the glove box, then release theleft-hand support stay (1). This allows the glove box to open to the service position.2.Remove the fuse box cover by pressingdown on the catches (2) while pulling the cover rearwards.Passenger compartment fuse box - up to 2010model year Fuse number Rating (amps)Circuit15Instruments, Passenger airbag disable indicator25Heated rear window, Rear blower, Heated seats - rear, Cigar lighter/Front accessory socket, Trailer socket 35Airbag DCU, Occupancy sensor45Exterior lamps, Instrument illumination, Approach lamps23057.5Diagnostics, Transmission65Rear view mirror, Parking distance control, TPM system75Air suspension8-Spare95Brake lamps, Exterior lamps, Instrument illumination, Cruise control, Steering wheel audio controls, Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) 1020Climatic seats1130Central locking, External mirrors, Electric window - driver’s1210Air conditioning, Heated seats - front1310Lumbar pumps, Analogue clock145Transit relay - transit only155Central locking, Diagnostic socket, Power assisted steering165TPM system175Approach lamps1810Immobilisation19-Spare2030Seat memory, Electric seat switches, Steering column adjust2130Electric seat switches225Telephone, Traffic messaging (TMC)23-Spare2430Central locking, Exterior mirrors, Electric window - front passenger’s 255Immobilisation2630Windscreen wipers2720Glove box lamp, Interior lamps, Body Control Unit (BCU)2830Headlamp washers2910Heated steering wheel305Alternator315Engine management, Immobilisation325Active Front lighting System (AFS)335Transmission, Centre console switches, Electronic differential347.5Air conditioning, Blower, Heated front screen, Heated/cooled seats 355Hill Descent Control (HDC), Dynamic Stability Control, Steering angle sensor365Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)Fuse number Rating(amps)Circuit231Passenger compartment fuse box - from 2010 model year 37-Spare385Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Yaw rate sensor 395Immobilisation 405CD autochanger415Rain sensor, Rear window wash/wipe, Headlamp wash/wipe 425Vanity mirror illumination435Alarm, Interior mirror (Infra red), Glove box lock control 44-Spare455Instruments 465Instruments4715Heated screen washers, Heated wiper blades 4815Active Front lighting System (AFS) - LH4930Navigation system, On-board computer, On-board monitor, Audio system 50-Spare515Interior illumination5220Heated/cooled seats - front5315Active Front lighting System (AFS) - RH 54-Spare5525Anti-lock Braking System, Dynamic Stability Control 5625Heated seats - rear 5720Air suspension 5820Sunroof5920Auxiliary heater (diesel models only), Independent heater 6030Central locking, Electric windows - rearFuse number Rating (amps)CircuitFuse number Rating (amps)Circuit15Instruments, passenger airbag disabled indicator2-Spare 310Front fog lights 4-Spare55Slip control, yaw rate sensor, steering angle sensorRange Rover23265Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)7-Spare830Passenger’s powered front seat95Electric Parking Brake (EPB)105Air suspension1110Reverse lights - trailer125Reverse lights13-Spare145Brake pedal switch1530Heated rear screen1610Coolbox175Keyless entry, keyless start18-Spare195Engine Management System (EMS)2010Heated steering wheel2110Climatic seats225Transmission, rear differential, transfer box, centre console switchpack 235Adaptive front lighting system / headlamp levelling2410Right hand sidemarkers, right hand tail lamp2510Left hand sidemarkers, left hand tail lamp, number plate lamps26-Spare2710Tail lamps - trailer28-Spare2920Driver’s climatic seat / heated seat3025Passenger’s door315Rain sensor, dimming interior mirrors, surround camera3225Driver’s door3320Passenger’s climatic seat / heated seat3410Fuel filler door locking / fuel filler door unlocking35-Spare365Battery backed alarm sounder37-SpareFuse number Rating(amps)CircuitRange Rover2333815Front screen washer 3925Left hand rear door 405Driver’s window switch pack, clock, seat switch pack,415Telephone 4230Driver’s powered seat 4315Rear screen washer 4425Right hand rear door 4530Passenger’s powered seat 4630Driver’s powered seat 4720Sunroof 4830Trailer 495Right hand headlamp motors 505Left hand headlamp motors 515Steering wheel switches 5220Front cigar lighter, centre console accessory socket 53-Spare 54-Spare 5520Loadspace accessory socket 5610Airbags 5710Battery saver circuits 5830Deployable sidestep 59-Spare 60-Spare 6110Instrument panel 6210Climate control 6320Rear cigar lighter, front accessory socket 6415Head unit, Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) autochanger 655Venture cam 665Diagnostics socket 6715Rear seat entertainment 6810Infotainment 695Compact disc (CD) autochanger FusenumberRating (amps)CircuitRange Rover234Rear loadspace fuse box: The fuse box is situated on the right-hand side of the loadspace behind the rear loadspace access hatch.Up to 2010 model yearFrom 2010 model year FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit 115Trailer socket 2-Spare 3-Spare 420Accessory socket - rear 520Rear screen wiper 630Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)7-Spare 830Rear window heater 930Audio system amplifier 1010Rear seat entertainment, Vehicle Information Communication System 1110Telephone, Navigation, Message centre, Television, Radio, Headphones 125Rear view camera 135Air suspension 1415Rear blower motor 1510Tailgate 165Remote control receiver, glove box switch 1720Cigar lighter - front, Accessory socket - rear 1820Cigar lighter - rear, Accessory socket - front 19-Spare 2020Trailer socket FusenumberRating (amps)Circuit130Audio system amplifier 215Adaptive dynamics 35Parking aid, Blind Spot Monitor (BSM), surround camera 410Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)520Air suspension 630Electronic Park Brake (EPB)7-Spare。



LGW,0.35D,2785YN,0.5D,450YB,0.5D,490W,4.0,240YG,0.5D,1735BN,0.5D,100YW,0.5D,1115YU,0.5D,1115OG,1.5D,2555GP,1.0D,1620N,0.5D,2785B,0.5D,290B,0.5D,290B,0.5D,290WR,1.5D,1000B,0.5D,690GP,0.5D,1360YU,0.5D,2465YW,0.5D,2465NR,6.0D,1155BN,0.5D,740YG,0.5D,740OG,1.5D,3075BN,0.5D,1635R,35.0D,345NS,6.0D,1155NR,4.0D,1050LGW,0.5D,1195GP,1.0D,1060N,0.5D,1195WR,1.5D,1280B,50.0D,235Y,0.5,1630NG,0.5,485GB,1.5D,1180NG,0.5,1145YW,0.35D,915YU,0.35D,915YN,0.5D,645YB,0.5D,645GB,0.75D,1195R,4.0,385B,1.0D,2815YW,0.35D,460YU,0.35D,460B,4.0,395LGB,0.5,1645G,0.5,1645GP,0.5D,460GP,0.5D,3315B,4.0D,820Module (BCM) (D207)Body Control-FUSE 62P 10.0 AmpsLINK 17E 50.0 AmpsFUSE 21P 10.0 AmpsFUSE 11E 15.0 AmpsLINK 18E 50.0 Amps C1168L-15 C1166L-15Junction box-Central (P101)C2443-5 C2444L-5Ignition (R211)Relay-PCB (R16)C3127-1 C3126-1C3127-2 C3126-2temperature (T119)Sensor-Ambient air-(A/C) (R180)Relay-Air conditioning-R14MINIJunction-box engine (P108)LINK 12E 40.0 Amps Blower (R176)Relay-R16MINIC2996L-2 C2997-2C2443-4 C2444L-4C2240L-2 C2238L-2C2240L-1 C2238L-1C1270-2C1270-3C1270-112.0 VoltsBattery (P100)C3070L-8 C3069M-8Instrument cluster (D107)module (ECM) (D131)Engine control-C0047L-9 C0223L-9C Sheet2temperature (ECT) (T121)Sensor-Engine coolant-Center Instrument panel (S425)Switch pack-Front (M132)Motor-Blower-motor control-Front (D258)Module-Blower-C2053TL-15 C2054L-15Control (D243)Module-Climate conditioning (A/C) (D149)Clutch-Compressor-Air-TYPE 3C2997-1 C2996L-1TYPE 3C2054L-16 C2053TL-16C2054L-17 C2053TL-17BSheet2C0581-4MS CAN LC0583L-22C0585L-46C0412-1C0412-2SJ939SJ1005SJ1024SJ396T C0583L-21C0570L-11C0632-1C0582-13C0581-5MS CAN H C0570L-117C0570L-30C0570L-186C0570L-33SJ553SJ1028SJ1026C1661-1C1641-1C0045-1C0570L-28C0570L-10C0634-68Silver PlatedC0634-13Silver PlatedC0635L-58Silver Plated HS CAN H C0635L-45Silver PlatedHS CAN LC0635L-4Silver PlatedSensor Gnd C0635L-29Silver Plated AMBIENT TEMPC0230-23MS CAN H C0230-21HS CAN H C0230-5HS CAN LC0230-7MS CAN L PIS44SJ862SJ731SJ852SJ730C0169B-2Gold PlatedC0169B-1Gold PlatedSJ199C1629L-4MS CAN LC1629L-3MS CAN H C0056-2+C0056-1-C2281-4C2281-5C3470-13MS CAN LC3470-12MS CAN H C3470-1C3470-6C3510-6C3510-4C3510-11C3510-13C3470-5C3471-7C3471-19C1629L-10C2281-1C2281-3C0182M-1C2606L-1C2629L-1蓄电池发动机舱集线盒空调继电器鼓风机继电器中央集线盒车身控制模块BCM供电继电器乮点火开关ON 时乯环境空气温度传感器发动机控制模块ECM仪表空调压缩机离合器前鼓风机马达前鼓风机马达控制模块气候控制模块中央仪表板开关组合发动机冷却液温度传感器B,4.0D,1645O,0.5,825GY,0.5,855RG,0.5,355O,0.5,670Y,0.5,920GY,0.5,700O,0.5,350O,0.5,310U,0.5,600GY,0.5,340GY,0.5,380RY,0.5,1015P,0.5,180NB,0.5,1110BG,0.5D,830N,0.5,1505RW,0.5,1505GB,0.5,1505YB,0.5,1505P,0.5,930BG,0.5D,2020BR,0.5D,2785BG,0.5D,1775O,0.5D,2785BG,0.5D,730UY,0.5D,1445GB,0.75D,1195P,0.5,575B,0.5D,3690B,0.5D,3690B,0.5D,3690B,0.5D,3065B,0.5D,3690B,0.5D,690BG,0.5D,2055O,0.5,390GY,0.5,360RY,0.5,200Control (D243)Module-Climate Sensor-Evaporator (T165)C Sheet1Humidity (T315)Sensor-Temperature/Intake air door motor (M138)MA Sheet3D Sheet3Sensor-Air quality (T306)B Sheet1C2240L-4 C2238L-4C2240L-3 C2238L-3C2240L-5 C2238L-5C2240L-6 C2238L-6door motor (M279)Face/feet air distribution Mdoor motor (M204)RH air temperature door motor (M203)LH air temperature MMdoor motor (M259)Screen air distribution MTYPE 2C0417-1C0417-2C3471-5SJ3C0419-5C0419-1C0419-3C0419-6RECC0419-7FRSC1443L-1C1443L-2C2683-2HC/COC2683-1C2683-3BATTC2683-6GNDC2683-4NOX SJ173C3471-17C3471-3C3471-26C3471-9C3471-21C3470-16SJ550C3470-15C3470-26C3470-14C3471-1C3471-25C3471-11SJ1SJ2SJ4C2133-4C2130-2ININOUTC2133-2C2133-6C2130-4C2130-5C2130-6INOUT C2131-4C2131-5C2131-2C2131-6INOUTC2134-4C2134-5C2134-6C2134-2C0560L-1空气质量传感器气候控制模块温度/湿度传感器空气进入门马达蒸发器温度传感器风档空气分流门马达右侧空气温度门马达左侧空气温度门马达脸部/脚部空气分流门马达RU,0.5D,2785BU,0.5D,2785GW,0.5D,1795WU,0.5D,1795WR,0.5D,1795R,0.5D,2365(DIESEL 3.0L)UN,0.5D,2365(DIESEL 3.0L)UN,0.5D,2345(PV8)R,0.5D,2345(PV8)R,0.5D,2390(DV8)UN,0.5D,2390(DV8)UN,0.5D,940RG,0.5D,940BG,0.5D,830WU,0.5D,2365(DIESEL 3.0L)WU,0.5D,2345(PV8)WU,0.5D,2390(DV8)BG,0.5D,1775P,1.0,1995(PV8NA)P,1.0,1995(PV8NA)S,1.0,2330(DV8)W,1.0,2330(DV8)BG,1.0,2145PW,1.0,2145BG,0.5D,1145(PV8)S,0.5D,1145(DIESEL-NON 3.0L)RG,0.5D,1145(PV8)W,0.5D,1145(DIESEL-NON 3.0L)S,0.5D,1215(DIESEL 3.0L)W,0.5D,1215(DIESEL 3.0L)C2238L-7 C2240L-7C2238L-11 C2240L-11Control (D243)Module-Climate C2443-7 C2444L-7C2443-9 C2444L-9Sunlight (T166)Sensor-Refrigerant (T278)Sensor-Pressure-Refrigerant (T278)Sensor-Pressure-Refrigerant (T278)Sensor-Pressure-C2444L-8 C2443-8D Sheet2A Sheet2C2274L-7C3070L-9 C3069M-9C3070L-17 C3069M-17C2725L-3C2725L-4C2724-4C2724-3C2273E-7C2273E-11C2274L-11valve (D332)Refrigerant solenoid valve (D332)Refrigerant solenoid valve (D332)Refrigerant solenoid C3470-22C3470-17C3470-23C3470-24C3470-25C3470-9+C3470-10-C1465-2V OUTC1465-3 5 V C1465-1GNDC3529-2V OUTC3529-3 5 V C3398-2V OUTC3398-3 5 V C3529-1GNDC3398-1GNDC0790L-3RC0790L-4C0790L-1LC0790L-2C0999M-2C0999M-1C0128-1C0128-2C0127E-2C0127E-1气候控制模块制冷剂电磁阀制冷剂电磁阀制冷剂电磁阀柴油-除3.0升汽油V8柴油3.0升日光传感器制冷剂压力传感器制冷剂压力传感器制冷剂压力传感器。


- E趋匝匿 N e w C a r T e c h
路 虎揽 胜 运 动版 混 合 动 力新 技术 ‘ 三 )
◆ 文, / / 北 京 安海 权
( 接2 0 1 7 q : ' 第3 期)
三、 电力变频转换器( E P I C )
1 . 概 述
电力 变 频 转 换 器( E PI C) 位 于 高 压 蓄 电池 托 盘 内 ,安 装在 车 辆
转换器( 2 8 o v A C至2 8 0 V D C) 从MG为H VB 充电。' : 3 DC 至D C 转换器( 2 8 o v DC 至1 4 V DC ) ,从HV B为车辆电气系统提供电力。
EP J C是 高 压 系 统 所 有 部 件 之 间 的 中 央 连 接 , 同时 也 连 接 到
过 EPI C获 取 电 能 。EPI C包 含 一 个 DC— DC转换 器 ,输 出至 1 2 V
电气系统 。E PI C通 过 混 合 CAN总 线 从 车 辆 网关 接 收 充 电 负 荷 请 求 ,方 法 和 正 常 的 1 2 V发 电机 一样 。 注 意 :如 果 混 合 动 力 系 统 不 能 工 作 ,蓄 电 池 将 不 能 充 电 。蓄 电 池 可 能 通 过至 跨接 柱 的连 接 , 从 外 部 充 电 器上 充 电 ,方 法 与 q F HE V车 辆相 同 。高 压 蓄 电 池不 能 通 过 该 外部 充 电 装 置进 行充 电 。
回路 示 意 图如 图2 3 所示。回路有一个电动泵 8 - ,并 由 EPI C进 行 控制 ,方 式 与使 用 P W M信 号 1  ̄ g HVB ; @¥ P 液 泵 相 同 。EPl C可通 过
器( 2 8 0 V D C至2 8 0 V AC) ,从HV B为MG提供动力。、 2 C 至DC



题目:路虎揽胜发动机故障灯点亮诊断维修方案目录1.问诊试车 (1)1.1车辆信息 (1)1.2故障现象 (1)1.3故障确认 (2)2.故障原因分析 (2)2.1发动机故障码解读与判断 (2)2.2系统故障原因分析 (3)3.维修方案实施 (4)3.1系统诊断流程方案 (4)3.2维修方案实施 (4)3.3修复验证 (7)4.维修总结 (8)参考文献 (9)路虎揽胜发动机故障灯点亮诊断维修方案1.问诊试车1.1车辆信息路虎揽胜发动机型号:306PS3.0生产日期:2015年8月行驶里程:10137km如图1-1图1-11.2故障现象车主报修:发动机故障灯点亮还抖动。






4 引脚继电器
第1 页
电线在第 …… 页上继续
发动机控制模块 (ECM) (D131)
问题 1, 部件周围的虚线是什么意思? 所示部件不完整
连接排 (K109)
接地连接排 (K108)
右前 车窗电机 (S109)
左前 车窗电机 (S109)
电话弹出盒 (F170)
电话 EAR+ 电话 EAR–
问题 2, 交叉线代表什么? 电线绞在一起
电机启动机 电磁阀 (N100)
300.00 安培
问题 3, 突出显示的符号代表什么? 部件通过其固定件接地
连接排 (K109)
问题 4, 什么是连接排?
多点接头 (不一定都连接在一起)
该图显示电线上方的信息,为您提供了什么信息? 电线颜色和横截面面积尺寸(平方毫米),长度
线路图符号 导线色码
BK 或 B BN 或 N BU 或 U GN 或 G GY 或 S OG 或 O PK 或 K RD 或 R VT 或 P WH 或 W YE 或 Y
黑色 咖啡色
蓝色 绿色 灰色(蓝灰色) 橙色 粉红色 红色 紫罗兰色(紫色) 白色 黄色
近光灯 开关 (S101)
前照灯闪光灯开关 (S108)



R,0.5DRN,0.5DRN,0.5D Y,0.5DB,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DBG,0.5DG,0.5DR,0.5DPU,0.5D R,0.5DGK,0.5DRN,0.5DBG,0.5DBG,0.5DR,0.5DR,0.5D R,0.5D R,0.5D R,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DRY,0.5D RB,0.5D RU,0.5D RW,0.5D RG,0.5D R,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DR,0.5DR,0.5DY,0.5DG,0.5DR,0.5DY,0.5DG,0.5DRN,0.5DRN,0.5DB,0.5D RN,0.5DRN,0.5DB,0.5DB,0.5DRN,0.5DB,2.5D B,0.5DRN,0.5DN,0.5H(DV6EU4)N,0.5H(DV6EU3)Y,0.5H (DV6EU4)Y,0.5H(DV6EU3)BG,0.5H (DV6EU4)RN,0.5D B,2.5D R,0.5H(DV6EU3)BG,0.5H(DV6EU3)G,0.5H (DV6EU4)G,0.5H(DV6EU3)Y,0.5H (DV6EU4)Y,0.5H(DV6EU3)R,0.5H (DV6EU4)C2365L-9C2365L-11C2365L-7C2365L-15C2365L-13C2365L-14selector indicator (B113)Lamp-Automatic gearbox-selector indicator (B113)Lamp-Automatic gearbox-Gearshift mechanism (D308)C Sheet1B Sheet1switch (S100)Lighting control position (T331)Sensor-PCB/PRND-C2674L-2 C2675L-2C0903-10 C0868-10C2790-4 C2791-4C2790-6 C2791-6C2790-5 C2791-5C2790-3 C2791-3C2790-2 C2791-2C2790-1 C2791-1C0903-18 C0868-18C0903-11 C0868-11C2674L-4 C2675L-4C2674L-3 C2675L-3C0903-9 C0868-9C0903-20 C0868-20C0903-19 C0868-19C2674L-6 C2675L-6C2674L-5 C2675L-5C2674L-1 C2675L-1C1167-9 C1165L-9C0868-23 C0903-23control module (D307)Transmission-TCM and Control Valve Body (D306)C2366C-9C2366H-9C2366H-11C2366C-11C2366H-7C2791-7 C2790-7C2791-8 C2790-8C0903-24 C0868-24Type 3C2366C-14C2366H-13C2366C-7C2366H-15C2366C-15C2366C-13C2366H-14C2657-2SPORT/MANUAL LEDC2656-7ILLUMC2656-6GNDC2658-8BATT C2658-7AUXC0041-9ILLUMSJ117C2657-1ILLUM/BATTC2658-15SPORT/MANUAL LEDC2658-3ILLUM C2658-16ILLUM/BATTC2658-14D LEDC2658-13N LED C2658-12R LED C2658-11P LED C2658-10SHIFTLOCK -C2658-9SHIFTLOCK +C2658-2P LOCKC2658-1GND C2658-4S/MC2658-6STEP -C2658-5STEP +SJ973C2656-4 D LED C2656-5ILLUM/BATTC2656-3N LED C2656-2R LED C2656-1P LED C2657-3GNDC2657-4ILLUMSJ52C2598-1SPORT/MANUALC0193-1Silver PlatedC0193-5Silver PlatedC0193-4Silver PlatedSJ2000SJ2001SJ301SJ300STEP -STEP +C0193-7Silver PlatedC0193-11Silver PlatedC0193-12Silver PlatedSHIFTLOCK +/KEYLOCK +P LOCK CONFIRMATIONSHIFTLOCK -换档位置传感器换挡杆位指示灯泡灯光控制开关TCS及车身阀变速箱模块换挡杆装置锁止开关PY,1.0H(DV6EU4)PY,1.0H(DV6EU3)PY,1.5D B,1.0H(DV6EU4)PY,1.0HB,1.0H(DV6EU3)B,1.0H(DV6EU4)B,1.0H(DV6EU4)B,1.0H(DV6EU3)B,1.0H(DV6EU3)PY,1.0HPY,1.0HPY,1.0HB,1.0H(DV6EU4)B,1.0H(DV6EU3)B,1.5DB,4.0D A Sheet1C2366H-1C2366C-1C2365L-1control module (D307)Transmission-TCM and Control Valve Body (D306)Capacitor (G158)C2366C-10C2366H-10C2365L-10TYPE 3C0193-14Silver PlatedC0193-16Silver PlatedGNDSJ6409BATTC1324-2SJ2410SJ6410C1324-1C0193-13Silver PlatedGNDSJ2409C0560L-1SJ173电容TCM及车身阀变速箱模块电源接地接地R,0.5DRN,0.5DRN,0.5D Y,0.5DB,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DBG,0.5DG,0.5DR,0.5D R,0.5DPU,0.5D GK,0.5DRN,0.5DBG,0.5DBG,0.5DR,0.5DR,0.5D R,0.5D R,0.5D R,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DRY,0.5D RB,0.5DRU,0.5D RW,0.5D RG,0.5D R,0.5D N,0.5DY,0.5DR,0.5DR,0.5DY,0.5DG,0.5DR,0.5DY,0.5DG,0.5DRN,0.5DRN,0.5DB,0.5D RN,0.5DRN,0.5DB,0.5DB,0.5DRN,0.5D B,2.5D B,0.5DRN,0.5D N,0.5H(PV8NA)N,0.5H(PV6)Y,0.5H (PV8NA)Y,0.5H(PV6)BG,0.5H (PV8NA)RN,0.5D B,2.5D R,0.5H(PV6)BG,0.5H(PV6)G,0.5H (PV8NA)G,0.5H(PV6)Y,0.5H (PV8NA)Y,0.5H(PV6)R,0.5H (PV8NA)C2365L-9C2365L-11C2365L-7C2365L-15C2365L-13C2365L-14selector indicator (B113)Lamp-Automatic gearbox-selector indicator (B113)Lamp-Automatic gearbox-C2790-6 C2791-6Gearshift mechanism (D308)C Sheet1B Sheet1switch (S100)Lighting control position (T331)Sensor-PCB/PRND-C2674L-2 C2675L-2C0903-10 C0868-10C2790-3 C2791-3C2790-5 C2791-5C2790-4 C2791-4C2790-2 C2791-2C2790-1 C2791-1C0903-18 C0868-18C0903-11 C0868-11C2674L-4 C2675L-4C2674L-3 C2675L-3C0903-9 C0868-9C0903-20 C0868-20C0903-19 C0868-19C2674L-6 C2675L-6C2674L-5 C2675L-5C2674L-1 C2675L-1C1167-9 C1165L-9C0868-23 C0903-23TCM and Control Valve Body (D306)control module (D307)Transmission-C2366A-9C2366B-9C2366B-11C2366A-11C2366B-7Type 3C2791-7 C2790-7C2791-8 C2790-8C0903-24 C0868-24C2366A-14C2366B-13C2366A-7C2366B-15C2366A-15C2366A-13C2366B-14C2657-2SPORT/MANUAL LEDC2656-7ILLUMC2656-6GNDC2658-15SPORT/MANUAL LEDC2658-7AUXC2658-3ILLUM C2658-8BATT C0041-9ILLUMSJ117C2657-1ILLUM/BATTC2658-16ILLUM/BATTC2658-14D LED C2658-13N LED C2658-12R LED C2658-11P LED C2658-10SHIFTLOCK -C2658-9SHIFTLOCK +C2658-2P LOCKC2658-1GND C2658-4S/MC2658-6STEP -C2658-5STEP +SJ973C2656-4 D LED C2656-5ILLUM/BATTC2656-3N LED C2656-2R LED C2656-1P LED C2657-3GNDC2657-4ILLUMSJ52C2598-1C0193-1Silver PlatedC0193-5Silver PlatedC0193-4Silver PlatedSJ2000SJ2001SJ301SJ300STEP -STEP +SPORT/MANUALC0193-7Silver PlatedC0193-11Silver PlatedC0193-12Silver PlatedSHIFTLOCK +/KEYLOCK +P LOCK CONFIRMATIONSHIFTLOCK -选档杆装置选档杆位置传感器灯控制开关档位杆指示灯TCM及车身阀变速箱模块锁止开关PY,1.0H(PV8NA)PY,1.0H(PV6)PY,1.5D B,1.0H(PV8NA)PY,1.0HB,1.0H(PV6)B,1.0H(PV8NA)B,1.0H(PV8NA)B,1.0H(PV6)B,1.0H(PV6)PY,1.0HPY,1.0HPY,1.0HB,1.0H(PV8NA)B,1.0H(PV6)B,1.5DB,4.0D A Sheet1C2366B-1C2366A-1C2365L-1control module (D307)Transmission-TCM and Control Valve Body (D306)Capacitor (G158)C2366A-10C2366B-10C2365L-10TYPE 3C0193-14Silver PlatedC0193-16Silver PlatedGNDSJ409BATTC1324-2SJ1410SJ410C1324-1C0193-13Silver PlatedGNDSJ1409SJ173C0560L-1TCM控制阀电容变速箱模块。



中央集线盒 Junction box-Central (P101)
C0583L-22 C0583L-21
5.0 Amps FUSE 37P
20.0 Amps
Body ControlModule (BCM) (D207)
无钥匙进入 Keyless Entry
Sheet 1 O
Sheet 1 P
Sheet 1 Q
Sheet 1 R
Sheet 1 G
Sheet 1 AG
Sheet 1 AH
Sheet 1 AJ
Sheet 1 V
Sheet 1 W
Sheet 1 X
Sheet 1 Y
Sheet 1 L
Sheet 1 AK
Sheet 1 AL
Latch Release Motor
右前门把手模块 Module-Door handle-
Front RH (D476)
Unlock Pull Sw
R,0.35D,1545 R,0.35D,2150 R,0.35D,3350 R,0.35D,630
Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 2 Sheet 3



路虎揽胜V8发动机故障码ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM –V8Engine Management P CodesP Code No. Component/Signal Fault Description0010 LH bank CMP sensor Signal malfunction0011 LH bank CMP sensor Timing over-advanced or system performance 0012 LH bank CMP sensor Timing over-retarded0020 RH bank CMP sensor Signal malfunction0021 RH bank CMP sensor Timing over-advanced or system performance 0022 RH bank CMP sensor Timing over-retarded0030 LH bank front HO2S heater circuit Circuit intermittent0031 LH bank front HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to ground0032 LH bank front HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to battery0036 LH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Circuit intermittent0037 LH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to ground0038 LH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to battery0050 RH bank front HO2S heater circuit Circuit intermittent0051 RH bank front HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to ground0052 RH bank front HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to battery0056 RH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Circuit intermittent0057 RH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to ground0058 RH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Short circuit to battery0102 MAF sensor signal Short circuit to ground0103 MAF sensor signal Short circuit to battery0106 ECM internal ambient pressure sensor Performance problem0107 ECM internal ambient pressure Short circuit to ground0108 ECM internal ambient pressure Open circuit or short circuit to battery0112 IAT sensor Short circuit to ground0113 IAT sensor Open circuit or short circuit to battery0114 Ambient temperature input Fault data received0116 ECT sensor Signal implausible0117 ECT sensor Short circuit to ground0118 ECT sensor Open circuit or short circuit to battery0120 APP sensor switch A Implausible0121 APP sensor switch A Range/ Performance problem0122 APP sensor switch A Open circuit or short circuit to ground0123 APP sensor switch A Short circuit to battery0125 ECT sensor Insufficient coolant temperature for closed loop control0128 Thermostat monitoring sensor Low coolant temperature –thermostat stuck open 0130 LH bank front HO2S signal Circuit malfunction0131 LH bank front HO2S signal Short circuit to ground0132 LH bank front HO2S signal Short circuit to battery0133 LH bank front HO2S signal Slow response0134 LH bank front HO2S signal No activity0135 LH bank front HO2S heater circuit Circuit malfunction0136 LH bank rear HO2S signal Circuit malfunction0137 LH bank rear HO2S signal Short circuit to ground0138 LH bank rear HO2S signal Short circuit to battery0139 LH bank rear HO2S signal Slow response0140 LH bank rear HO2S signal No activity0141 LH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Circuit malfunction0150 RH bank front HO2S signal Circuit malfunction0151 RH bank front HO2S signal Short circuit to ground0152 RH bank front HO2S signal Short circuit to battery0153 RH bank front HO2S signal Slow response0154 RH bank front HO2S signal No activity0155 RH bank front HO2S heater circuit Circuit malfunction0156 RH bank rear HO2S signal Circuit malfunction0157 RH bank rear HO2S signal Short circuit to ground0158 RH bank rear HO2S signal Short circuit to battery0159 RH bank rear HO2S signal Slow response0160 RH bank rear HO2S signal No activity0161 RH bank rear HO2S heater circuit Malfunction0171 LH bank lambda control Fuelling too lean0172 LH bank lambda control Fuelling too rich0174 RH bank lambda control Fuelling too lean0175 RH bank lambda control Fuelling too rich0201 Fuel injector 1 Open circuit0202 Fuel injector 2 Open circuit0203 Fuel injector 3 Open circuit0204 Fuel injector 4 Open circuit0205 Fuel injector 5 Open circuit0206 Fuel injector 6 Open circuit0207 Fuel injector 7 Open circuit0208 Fuel injector 8 Open circuit0221 APP sensor switch B Range/ Performance problem0222 APP sensor switch B Open circuit or short circuit to ground 0223 APP sensor switch B Short circuit to battery0231 Fuel pump motor drive Short circuit to ground0232 Fuel pump motor drive Short circuit to battery0233 Fuel pump motor drive Circuit fault0261 Fuel injector 1 Short circuit to ground0262 Fuel injector 1 Short circuit to battery0264 Fuel injector 2 Short circuit to ground0265 Fuel injector 2 Short circuit to battery0267 Fuel injector 3 Short circuit to ground0268 Fuel injector 3 Short circuit to battery0270 Fuel injector 4 Short circuit to ground0271 Fuel injector 4 Short circuit to battery0273 Fuel injector 5 Short circuit to ground0274 Fuel injector 5 Short circuit to battery0276 Fuel injector 6 Short circuit to ground0277 Fuel injector 6 Short circuit to battery0279 Fuel injector 7 Short circuit to ground0280 Fuel injector 7 Short circuit to battery0282 Fuel injector 8 Short circuit to ground0283 Fuel injector 8 Short circuit to battery0300 Misfire detection Random/Multiple cylinder misfire0301 Misfire detection Cylinder 1 misfire0302 Misfire detection Cylinder 2 misfire0303 Misfire detection Cylinder 3 misfire0304 Misfire detection Cylinder 4 misfire0305 Misfire detection Cylinder 5 misfire0306 Misfire detection Cylinder 6 misfire0307 Misfire detection Cylinder 7 misfire0308 Misfire detection Cylinder 8 misfire0324 Knock sensors Control system error0327 LH bank knock sensor 1 Short circuit to ground0328 LH bank knock sensor 1 Short circuit to battery0332 RH bank knock sensor 3 Short circuit to ground0333 RH bank knock sensor 3 Short circuit to battery0335 CKP sensor Signal implausible0340 LH bank CMP sensor Signal implausible0342 LH bank CMP sensor Short circuit to ground0343 LH bank CMP sensor Short circuit to battery0345 RH bank CMP sensor Signal implausible0347 RH bank CMP sensor Short circuit to ground0348 RH bank CMP sensor Short circuit to battery0370 Reference mark detection Timing reference high resolution signal A0411 SAI vacuum solenoid valve Incorrect flow detected0412 SAI vacuum solenoid valve drive Circuit malfunction0413 SAI vacuum solenoid valve drive Open circuit0414 SAI vacuum solenoid valve drive Short circuit0418 SAI air injection pump relay Open circuit0420 LH bank catalytic converter Efficiency below threshold –light off too long 0430 RH bank catalytic converter Efficiency below threshold –light off too long 0442 EV AP system Minor leak (1.0 mm or less)0443 Purge valve drive Circuit malfunction0444 Purge valve drive Open circuit0445 Purge valve drive Short circuit to battery or ground0455 EV AP system Major leak (more than 1.0 mm)0456 EV AP system Minor leak (0.5 mm or less)0461 Fuel tank level signal Range/Performance problem0462 Fuel tank level signal Short circuit to ground0463 Fuel tank level signal Short circuit to battery0464 Fuel tank level signal Circuit intermittent0491 SAI system Malfunction on LH bank0492 SAI system Malfunction on RH bank0500 Vehicle speed signal Signal implausible0501 Rough road detection vehicle speed signal Intermittent, erratic or high0503 Rough road detection vehicle speed signalRange/Performance0512 Comfort start Request circuit malfunction0530 A/C refrigerant pressure sensor Signal fault0532 A/C refrigerant pressure sensor Short circuit to ground0533 A/C refrigerant pressure sensor Short circuit to battery0561 Battery voltage monitor System voltage unstable0562 Battery voltage monitor System voltage low0563 Battery voltage monitor System voltage high0571 Brake lights switch Cruise control/brake switch circuit A0604 ECM self test RAM error0605 ECM self test ROM error0606 ECM self test Processor fault0615 Comfort start relay drive Open circuit0616 Comfort start relay drive Short circuit to ground0617 Comfort start relay drive Short circuit to battery0634 ECU internal temperature ECU temperature high0650 MIL output drive Open circuit, or short circuit to ground or battery0660 Manifold valve output drive Control circuit malfunction0661 Manifold valve output drive Open circuit or short circuit to ground0662 Manifold valve output drive Short circuit to battery0691 Engine cooling fan control Short circuit to ground0692 Engine cooling fan control Short circuit to battery0693 Engine cooling fan control Circuit intermittent0704 A/C compressor clutch switch Input circuit malfunction1000 DMTL pump motor drive Intermittent or short circuit to ground or battery 1102 Throttle position to mass air flowplausibility not active Air mass too small 1103 Throttle position to mass air flowplausibility not active Air mass too large 1117 Thermostat monitoring sensor Short circuit to ground1118 Thermostat monitoring sensor Open circuit or short circuit to battery 1120 APP sensor Implausible signals1121 APP sensor 1 Range/ Performance problem1122 APP sensor 1 Short circuit to ground1123 APP sensor 1 Short circuit to battery1129 HO2S Swapped sensors (LH to RH)1161 LH bank lambda control Adaption per ignition too small1162 LH bank lambda control Adaption per ignition too large1163 RH bank lambda control Adaption per ignition too small1164 RH bank lambda control Adaption per ignition too large1170 LH bank front HO2S signal Fuel trim malfunction1171 LH bank lambda control Adaption over time too large1172 LH bank lambda control Adaption over time too small1173 RH bank front HO2S signal Fuel trim malfunction1174 RH bank lambda control Adaption over time too large1175 RH bank lambda control Adaption over time too small1221 APP sensor 2 Range/ Performance problem1222 APP sensor 2 Short circuit to ground1223 APP sensor 2 Short circuit to battery1300 Misfire detection Catalyst damaging misfire1301 Misfire detection Multiple cylinder misfire1327 LH bank knock sensor 2 Short circuit to ground1328 LH bank knock sensor 2 Short circuit to battery1332 RH bank knock sensor 4 Short circuit to ground1333 RH bank knock sensor 4 Short circuit to battery1413 SAI air injection pump relay Short circuit to ground1414 SAI air injection pump relay Short circuit to battery1450 DMTL pump motor Reference current above limit1451 DMTL pump motor Reference current below limit1452 DMTL pump motor Reference current unstable1453 DMTL pump motor Changeover valve stuck1454 DMTL changeover valve drive Short circuit to battery1455 DMTL changeover valve drive Short circuit to ground1456 DMTL changeover valve drive Open circuit1481 DMTL heater output drive Signal intermittent1482 DMTL heater output drive Open circuit or short circuit to ground1483 DMTL heater output drive Short circuit to battery1488 DMTL pump motor drive Open circuit1489 DMTL pump motor drive Short circuit to ground1490 DMTL pump motor drive Short circuit to battery1522 Plausibility MSR intervention No activity1523 LH bank VCC control solenoid valve Short circuit to ground1524 LH bank VCC control solenoid valve Short circuit to battery1525 LH bank VCC control solenoid valve Open circuit1526 RH bank VCC control solenoid valve Open circuit1527 RH bank VCC control solenoid valve Short circuit to ground1528 RH bank VCC control solenoid valve Short circuit to battery1614 Electric thermostat heater drive Open circuit1615 Electric thermostat heater drive Short circuit to ground1616 Electric thermostat heater drive Short circuit to battery1619 5V reference voltage Internal reference voltage error1620 Comfort start input Engine crank signal error (request whileengine running)1621 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Timed out1623 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Exchange code in EEPROM failure1624 Serial link with immobilisation ECU EEPROM read/write failure1626 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Engine torque monitoring problem1630 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Throttle position control deviation1631 Throttle drive Motor power stage fault1632 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test 'Limp home' position not adapted1633 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Throttle position control band stuck short1634 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Throttle position control band stuck long1635 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Control gain adaption error1638 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Throttle control range not learned1639 ECM, throttle monitoring/ self test Throttle motor spring test failed1645 CAN bus link with ABS ECU Timed out1646 CAN bus link with EA T ECU Timed out1647 CAN bus link with instrument pack Timed out1651 CAN bus link with transfer box ECU Timed out1659 ECM self test Torque monitor error1660 ECM self test Limp home monitor error1666 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Message parity bit fault (wrong code)1672 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Exchange code implausible1673 Serial link with immobilisation ECU No start code programmed1674 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Message fault1693 Serial link with immobilisation ECU False manipulation of start code by tester interface 1694 Serial link with immobilisation ECU Start code corrupted1700 Transfer box ECU Implausible signal1709 CAN bus link with transfer box ECU Message information error。

路虎维修手册(第四册)电路图 V2.0

路虎维修手册(第四册)电路图 V2.0

连接器后面有带编号的后缀,可以用它来识别导线的 针脚编号,例如:C500 - 17 表示插头 500,针脚编号 17。导线的绝缘颜色可通过普通的方式识别。如果导线 有主要颜色和颜色条纹,则主要颜色放在前面,例如: YR- 黄色并带红色条纹。 导线类型
MX*, MY*
编号 N122 P100 P101 P108 P110 P124 P136 R100 R102 R103 R117 R118 R122 R130 R132 R133 R137 R138 R139 R142 R176 R181
名称 变速箱电磁阀 蓄电池 乘客舱保险丝盒 发动机舱保险丝盒 保险丝固定架 挂车连接 挂车保险丝 主继电器 启动机继电器 燃油泵继电器 冷却风扇继电器 冷却风扇继电器 1 报警继电器 前雾灯继电器 点烟器继电器 喇叭继电器 后刮水器继电器 加热后风窗继电器 电动洗涤继电器 巡航控制继电器 鼓风机继电器 空调压缩机离合器继电器
导线类型 下表中列出了导线类型代码以及代码的意义解释。
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