罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)教材-第4章 15世纪(1400~1550)【圣才出品】

第4章15世纪(1400~1550)4.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景)(1) The Hundred Years’ War(百年战争)The Hundred Years’War continued and in 1415 at the Battle of Agincourt King Henry Ⅴ (1413~1422) defeated the French army and claimed himself the heir to the French throne.百年战争还在持续,在1415年的阿金库尔战役中,亨利5世(1413~1422)战胜了法国军队,并宣布自己是法国的继承者。
(2) The War of the Roses (1455~1485)(玫瑰战争)The War of the Roses, or the Thirty Years’ War, was a series of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. It lasted for thirty years until King Henry Ⅶ defeated Richard Ⅲ(1483~1485) at the Battle of Bosworth and ended the civil war.玫瑰战争,又叫三十年战争,是发生在两个家族之间的一系列内战,他们都宣称自己有权统治英国。
(3) The discovery of America and the new sea routes(美洲大陆和新航海线路的发现)In 1492, a Genoese mariner, Christopher Columbus (ca.1436~1506) who believed that he could reach India by sailing west, landed in America with thesupport of the Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella.1492年,热那亚水手克里斯托弗·哥伦布相信只要一直向西航行就能到达印度,在费迪南和伊莎贝拉的支持下,他登上了美洲大陆。

罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)教材-第6章 17世纪(1603~1688)【圣才出品】

第6章17世纪(1603~1688)6.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景)(1) During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the burgher class grew in strength, but it was not yet strong enough to constitute a threat to the feudal monarch. The burghers wanted free trade but the king controlled trade and commerce and imposed heavy taxes on the merchants. For eleven years the king ruled without calling Parliament and invented all kinds of ways to raise money. In this way the monarch greatly enraged the burgher class and these policies were one of the causes of the English bourgeois revolution.在伊丽莎白女王统治时期,市民阶层正在茁壮成长,但是还不足以对封建君主造成威胁。
(2) Another cause of the bourgeois revolution was the persecution of the Puritans. Puritanism represented the interests of the bourgeoisie. Charles I took strong measures against the Puritans and many of them had to emigrate to America to escape persecution.另一个造成资产阶级革命的原因是国王对于清教徒的迫害。

Chapter 4 The 15th century (1400 –1550) 一.Historical background1. The Hundred Years’War (1337 –1453)Henry VI--a puppetFrench heroine Joan of ArcIn 1453, all English territory in France was lost to the French only Calais to English king2. The War of the Roses (1455 –1485)a series of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. All noble families were involved in it.The House of Lancaster-red roseThe House of York - white roseResult:Henry Tudor (VII) married Elizabeth of the House of York -brought compromise between the two familiesand established a highly consolidated rule.3. The discovery of America and the new sea routes1)Christopher Columbus, 1492, landed in America2)Vascoda Gama, 1497, round the tip of Africa and reached India3)John Cabot and his son Sebastian, 1498, provided the basis for the English claim to North America4. Reformation of the churchHenry VIII took decisive measure to break away from the Church of Rome.1534---He passed the Act of Supremacy: as the supreme head on earth, thus the Anglican Church was founded二.Ballads1.The basic characteristics of ballads1)The beginning is often abrupt: without any introduction of the characters and the background of the tale2)There are strong dramatic elements: single episode, climax, intensity and immediacy3)The story is often told through dialogue and action4)The theme is often tragic, though there are a umber of comic ballads 5)The ballad meter is used: four-line stanzasodd numbered lines with 4 feet eacheven numbered lines with 3 feet each2.Subject matter of the balladsEnglish ballads: the Robin Hood balladswar ballad, bloodshed ballad, superstition ballad, domestic affairs, outlawry, love, sea, and border ballad.3.Collections of balladsBishop Thomas Percy,Reliques of Ancient English PoetryProfessor F. J. Child, English and Scottish Ballads三.Literature in the 15th century1. Popular BalladsReview the definition and the main feature of ballads2. Sir Thomas Malory (1405 –1471)1)The Death of Arthur: complied together the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table2)contribution to the development of English prose3)left a legacy to later writers that many of them used as subject matter in their writing3. Early English playsancient Greece and Rome, drama was a form of entertainmentroman catholic church prohibited it9th and 10th century allowed only for religious services14th century developed into 2 kindsMystery plays -are chiefly based on stories form the BibleMiracle plays -are on the lives of Christian saints Homework: What are the basic characteristics of ballads?。
(完整word版)新编英国文学选读上 所有作者作品简介复习资料(word文档良心出品)

John WycliffFather of English proseReform the church to away with the corruption and rottenness; translate Bible into standard English; maintain church must not interfere in temporal matters; fixes a national standard for English prose to replace various dialects.William LanglandpoetThe Vision of Piers Plowman(takes form of allorgory but gives realistic picture of 14th century)Sir Thomas MalorypoetLe Morte d'Arthur/The Death of ArthurGoeffrey Chaucerthe father of English poetryborn in rising family, join army then prisoned. smooth in political life.1st imitated French poetry and translated French poem, influenced by Italian,famous for his tales by linksThe Book of Duchess, Troilus and Cryseyde, The Parliament of Fowls, The House of Fame, The Canterbury TalesRenaissanceEdmund Spenser“the poet’s poet”born poor, became part of noble family, secretary of influential political members, queen son-in-law, boss burn down, he die in poorThe Shepheard's Calender(poem in 12parts, Virgil's verse dialogues, different descriptions of the English countryside, theme of love, poetry, religion);The Faerie Queene(allegorical romance, 7 deadly sins)Christopher MarloweThe greatest of pioneers of English drama in Renaissancehave been cooperate with Shakespeare.write all tragedies, works are remarkable for their imagination, burning passion, sensuous richness, variety of pace and response to varying emotions. his verse is known for its stateliness and its poetic beauty. Perfect blank-verseTamburlaine the Great(1587,Tamburlaine represent the Renaissance desire for infinite power and authority); The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus(1592, reflect the desire for infinite knowledge and express his atheism and patriotism, conforms with the orthodox teachings of the church)William ShakespeareThomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism.rich,help father of his shop, 18 married. left native town,a rising actor, disappear, write plays2 narrative poems: Venus and Adonis(1593),The Rape of Lucrece(1594)1st period of experimentation about history plays and comedies(imitation of exciting plays, by the spirit of youthfulness and rich imagination): King HenryVI(3parts, Richard III(1593),Two Gentlemen of Verona(1594), Love's LabourLost(1594))2nd period show more careful and artistic work, better plot and a marked increase in the knowledge of human nature: Midsummer Night's Dream(1595); Romeo and Juliet(1596); The Merchant of Venice(1597); two parts of Henry IV( As You Like It(1598), Julius Caesar(1599)); Henry V(1599)3rd period of gloom and depression: Hamlet(1601), Othello(1604),KingLear(1605),Macbeth(1605)4th period of restored serenity, a calm after storm: The Winter's Tale(1610), The Tempest(1611)17th centuryFrancis BaconThe first important essayist and the founder of modern science in Englandchief figure in 1700-1750, father is Lord, be a Lord but corruption and dismissed. pursuit of literary and scientific works; stress the importance of experience, or experiment, which is oppoed to common belief in Middle Ages,58essays. his essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulnessOf Truth, Of Friendship, Of RichesJohn DonneCatholic family. write religious sermons and poems; love lyrics with bothpositive(purify love as sth holy) and nagetive attitude(cynical tone to satirize women's inconstancy反复无常).Representetive of Metaphysical poet sSongs and SonnetsGeorge Herbertpoetfollows John DonneThe TempleBen Jonsonalso a dramastist,representitve of CavaliersRobert Herrickpoetfollows Ben JonsonHesperidesJohn Miltonchief Puritan poet, enthusiasm of bougeois revolution & bitter hatred for the despotic ruler;allusion to classic works, Miltonic style。


罗经国《新编英国⽂学选读》(第4版)教材-第3章乔叟时期(1350~1400)【圣才出品】第3章乔叟时期(1350~1400)3.1 复习笔记Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景)Two important historical events happened during the century in which Chaucer lived and their influence can be detected in the writings of Chaucer and Langland. The first was the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, starting from the reign of Edward the Third (1327~1377) and ending during the reign of Henry the Sixth (1421~1471). It was a series of wars fought between the English kings and the French kings for the French throne. The second historical event was the peasant uprising of 1381, during the reign of King Richard the Second. This peasant uprising was the direct result of exploitation and oppression of the peasants by the feudal lords.在乔叟⽣活的年代,发⽣过两件⼤事,它们的影响⼒可以在乔叟和朗格兰的作品中见到。

该书共分为上下两册,所选内容均为英国文学史上脍炙人口的经典作品,选文包括盎格鲁 - 撒克逊时期、诺曼时期、乔叟时期、15 世纪、文艺复兴、17 世纪、18 世纪等时期的英国文学作品。
《新编英国文学选读》共分为上下两册,所选内容涵盖了英国文学史上各个重要时期,如盎格鲁 - 撒克逊时期、诺曼时期、乔叟时期、15 世纪、文艺复兴、17 世纪、18 世纪等。

《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)是英国的民族史诗,《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ,1375-1400)以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德、是中古英语传奇最精美的作品之一。
1798年,威廉华兹华斯与塞穆尔泰勒柯勒律治合作出版了一本小诗集《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)标志着英国浪漫主义文学的崛起。
杰弗里•乔叟(1343-1400),Geoffrey Chaucer,英国文学之父。
主要作品有:《公爵夫人之书》(The Book of the Duchess)1836《百鸟会议》(The Parliament of Fowls)1380《声誉之堂》(The House of Fame)1374-1384《特洛勒斯与克丽西德》(Troilus and Criseyde)1380-1385《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)1386-1400威廉•莎士比亚(1564-1616),William Shakespeare。
主要作品:四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)《奥赛罗》(Othello)《李尔王》(king Lear)《麦克白》(Macbeth)四大喜剧:《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)《第十二夜》(Twelfth night)Sonnet的格式:1. 有14行。
罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)教材-第5章 英国文艺复兴(1550~1642)【圣才出品】

第5章英国文艺复兴(1550~1642)5.1 复习笔记I. Historical background(历史背景)After long years of foreign and domestic wars, England enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558~1603). By adopting a policy of tolerance the Queen successfully maintained a balance of power between the feudal lords and the rising burghers as well as between the Protestants and the Catholics. Another historical event that greatly strengthened the power of the monarch and accelerated the awakening of national consciousness was the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy in 1588.在经历连年不断的国内外战争之后,英国在伊丽莎白女王统治时期(1558~1603)获得了一段和平繁荣时期。
Ⅱ. The enclosure movement(圈地运动)The rising of the burgher class was indispensable to the enclosure movement. With the discovery of the new sea routes, the English merchants had been bringing enormous wealth from the east. But the first and most important field where the English burghers made their fortunes was the wool trade. As the demand for woolincreased, some of the nobles and the burghers turned vast arable land into pastures and large numbers of peasants became landless men. Many peasants who were compelled to leave their land came to settle down in towns and cities and earned their living as labourers. Thus, two opposite classes came into being, the capitalist class and the labouring class.圈地运动的展开与市民阶级的上升有密不可分的关系。
英国文学选读:中世纪文学The Medieval Period

Geoffrey of Monmouth(ca.11001155)
Between 1135 and 1140, he wrote a book in Latin entitled The History of the Kings of Britain.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
It is an anonymous poem. It is the most accomplished example of medieval romance. About form It is written in a unique stanza called the “bob and wheel”, see P23,34
Characteristics of the Middle English Literature
It strongly reflects the principle s of the medieval Christian doctrines. Meanwhile, since the latter period nears the Renaissance, an emphasis has also been placed on the humanity of Christ and the imagery of human passion.
Medieval Romance
Romance is a popular literary form in the Middle ages. Romance uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. The hero is usually the knight. Romantic love is an important part of the plot in romance. The English romance deals with three major subjects: Matter of France, of Rome and of Britain
罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)-章节题库-第4章 15世纪(1400~1550)【圣才出品】

第4章15世纪(1400~1550)一、填空题1. The most magnificent prose work of the 15th century is Le Morte D’ Arthur concerning with _____ legend.【答案】Arthurian【解析】15世纪左右公认的集大成作品为《亚瑟王之死》,是关于亚瑟王的传奇故事。
2. The fifteenth century has been traditionally described as the barren age in English literature. But it is the spring tide of English _____.【答案】ballads【解析】十五世纪英国歌谣开始兴起。
二、选择题Robin Hood was written in the form of _____.(北二外2014研)A. free verseB. balladC. sonnetD. blank verse【答案】B【解析】罗宾汉是用歌谣的形式书写的。
三、术语解释1. Morality playKey:①A kind of religious drama popular in England, Scotland, France, and elsewhere in Europe in the 15th and early 16th centuries. ②Morality plays are dramatized allegories, in which personified virtues, vices, diseases, and temptations struggle for the soul of man as he travels from birth to death. ③They instill a simple message of Christian salvation, but often include comic scenes. The best-known is Everyman. They had a considerable influence on the development of Elizabethan drama.2. Ballad(厦门大学2012研)Key: ①A folk song or orally transmitted poems telling a direct dramatic manner some popular story usually derived from a tragic incident in local history or legend. The story is told simply, impersonally, and often with vivid dialogue. ②Ballads are normally composed in quatrains with vivid alternating fore-stress and three-stress lines, the second and fourth lines rhyming;. But some ballads are in couplet form, and some others have six-line stanzas. ③Appearing in many parts of Europe in the late Middle Ages, ballads flourished particularly strongly in Scotland from the 15th century onward. Since the 18th century, educated poets outside the folk-song tradition—notably Coleridge and Goethe—have written imitations of the popular balla d’s form and style: Coleridg e’s ‘Rime of the Ancient Marine r’ is a celebrated example.四、论述题What is the most important department of English folk literature? And make comments on its most famous cycle: the Robin Hood Ballads.Key: (1) The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song, usually in quatrains with alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, the second and fourth lines rhyming. When it was chanted by ball-assigners, the audience joined in a refrain which usually followed each stanza. They are mainly the literature of the peasants, and in them one is able to understand the outlook of the English common people in feudal society.The subject of ballads are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters of class struggle.(2) The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called Robin Hood. Robin Hood, a legendary popular hero, is depicted in the ballads as a valiant outlaw, famous in archery, living under the greenwood tree with his merry men, taking from the rich and giving to the poor, waging war against bishops and archbishops, and constantly hunted by the sheriffs, whom he constantly outwits.Clearly the historical origin of Robin Hood and his band of outlaws is to be found in the perpetual struggles of the peasants against the landlords, against the local officials and against the king’s judges. Robin Hood is a partly historical and partly legendary character.The character of Robin Hood is many-sided. Strong, brave and clever, he is at the same time tender-hearted and affectionate. But the dominant Key in his character is his hatred for the cruel oppressors and his love for the poor and downtrodden. Robin Hood appears to be devout and orthodox in religion. Another feature of Robin’s view is his reverence for the king. The king appears in the ballads as an intermediary between the outlaws and his officials and judges, as the humorous and understanding guest in the greenwood, feasting on his own stolen deer. In spite of this, the Robin Hood ballads show the fighting spirit, indomitable courage and revolutionary energy of the English peasantry.(此题分两部分作答,第一部分主要分析什么是歌谣以及歌谣的写作主题;第二部分主要分析Robin Hood 的主要内容,主题和Robin Hood的形象。


En glish Lite ra ture a nd the Se le cte d Re a dingsDe ve lopm e nt of English Lite ra ture1 . Ea rly a n d M e die va l English lite ra ture ( -1 4 8 5 )2 . The English Re na is sa nce (15 5 0 -16 4 2 ? )3 . Th e 1 7 th Ce ntu ry –Th e Pe riod of Re volu t ion a n d Re stora t ion4 . The 1 8 th Ce ntu ry –T h e Age of Enlighte nm e nt5 . Th e Rom a ntic Pe riod (1 7 9 8 -1 8 3 2 )6 . Th e Victoria n Age (1 8 3 2 -1 9 0 1 )7 . Th e 2 0 th Ce n t u ry Lit e ra t u re –M o d e rn is m a n d Po s t- M o d e rn is mCha pte r 1 Ea rly a nd M e die va l En g lish lite ra ture一. Ep ic (史诗)A poe m th a t ce le bra te in the form of a co ntinu ous n a rra t ive the a chie ve m e nts of o ne or m ore he roic pe rsona ge s of history or t ra d it ion.Am ong the gre a t e pics of the w orld m a y be m e ntione d the Ilia d, Odysse y a nd Ae ne id of cla ssica l.Be ow ulf1 . H istorica l Ba ckgro u n d1)) Thre e Inva s ions:A.The Rom a n Conq u e st ( 5 5B. C - 4 10 A. D)B.The English Conqu e s t ( The Anglo-Sa xon Pe riod)C.The Norm a n Conq u e st (The Anglo-Norm a n Pe riod)2)) Tw o W a rs:A.The Hundre d Ye a rs W a r (1 3 37 -1 4 5 3 )B.The W a r of th e Rose (1 4 5 5 -1 4 85 )a . Anglo-Sa xo n Poe t ry : Pa ga n(异教的) &Christia n Be ow ulf /w orks of Ca e d m on a nd Cy ne w u lf.b. Anglo-Norm a n Poe t ry : Rom a ncec.Poe try in Age of Cha u ce r:d.. Popula r Ba lla ds: Ba lla d s of Ro binHood 2 . 评价1) Be ow u lf is a n a t i o na l e pic(史诗) of English pe o ple .2) It is the re pre se nta t ive w ork of th e e a rly English lit e ra tu re w ith 3 0 00 lin e s .3 ) It s w rit e r is u nknow n.4 ) Be ow u lf is a folk le ge nd brou g ht to Engla nd by the Anglo Sa xon from the ir prim it ive Northe rn Eu rope .5 ) Be ow u lf w a s pa sse d do w n fro m m o uth to m outh.6 )Be ow u lf w a s w rit te n dow n in the 1 0 t h ce n tu ry .3 . Ch a ra cte rs in th e s to ry :Be ow u lf: a ne p he w of king of Ge nts, a pe ople in De nm a rk.Hrothga r: king of De nm a rk.Gre nde l: a m onste r.She -m onste r(女妖怪 ): Gre nde l’s m othe r.Dra go n: a fire dra gon, a m onste r.4. Ou t line o f Th e Son g o f Be o w u lfTe u tonic(日耳曼的) h e ro Be ow u lf, the ne phe w of the king of the Ge a t la nd, he lpe d Hrothga r kill the m onste r ha lf-hu m a n ,Gre nd e l a s w e ll a s his viciou s m oth e r. W ith his he roic de e ds, he w a s m a de the king of Scyldings (Sw e d e n) for 5 0 ye a rs.The n in orde r to ga in m ore tre a sure for his pe ople , h e fought ha rd w ith a fie ry fire dra ke a nd w a s d e a d ly w o und e d , e ve ntu a lly d ie d . His la st w ill w a s to a sk his pe ople to b u ild his to m b in to a be a con for the se a fa re rs w ho sa ile d a long the co a st.5. The w rit in g fe a tu re s o f Be o w u lf ?1 ) The m ost im porta nt is in a llit e ra t ive (头韵的 ) ve rse a nd in a rt is t ic form .Eg:Thus m a d e the ir m ourning the m e n of Ge a t la nd,Fo r th e ir h e ro ’s p a ssin g, h is h e a r th-co m p a n io n s2 ) An othe r is the fre q u e nt u se of m e ta p hors a nd unde rsta te m e nts(低调陈述 ) for ironica l hu m or.ring-give r: king he a rth-com pa nions: a t te nd a nt w a rriors w ha le ’s roa d : se a -w oo d:not t rou ble som e : ve ry w e ll二 Rom a nce (传奇)1 .介绍1 )T he lite r ature for the uppe r class2 )A long composition in ve rse or prose , a bout knights—adve nture s3 )S ubje ct matters: about the matte r of Britain, the mate r of Fra nce , the m atte r of Rome4 )c onte nt :love chivalry a nd re ligion5 )骑士精神:l oyalty,brave l y.hone s ty2 . 代表作1 ) King Arthur a nd His Knights of the Round Ta ble :the most importa nt roma nce of the pe riod 2)Sir Gawa in a nd the Gre e n Knight : The best Arthuria n rom ance , a nonymous, in a l lite rative ve rseIts chara cte rs : King Arthur, Sir Gawain, the Gre e n Knight三 Ba lla d(民谣)1 . A ba lla d is a story told in song, u sua lly in 4 -line sta nza s, w ith the2 nd a nd 4 th rhym e d .2 .The Su bje cts of English Ba lla ds1 ) stru ggle of you ng lo ve rs2 ) the conflict be tw e e n love a nd w e a lth3 ) the crue lty of je a lo usy4 ) the criticism of th e civil w a r5 ) the m a t t e rs of cla ss s t ru ggle3 .代表作Robin ho od ba lla ds四.Ge offre y Cha uce r1 . 评价1 ) Th e first gre a t English po e t2 ) Th e fa th e r of English poe t ry3 ) Th e re pre se nta t ive w rite r in the M e d ie va l English lit e ra tu re2 . C ha u ce r’s thre e lit e ra ry pe riod s :1 ) Th e first or th e Fre nch pe riod:The Rom a u nt of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇》 a t ra nsla t ion, po pu la r in M iddle a ge sThe Book of the Duche ss 《悼公爵夫人》 , the be st w ork of the t im e Cha uce r’s lite ra ry ca re e r2 ) Th e se cond or the It a lia n p e riod:Troilus a nd Crise yde 《特罗伊拉斯和克莱西德》a poe m of a love story3 ) The third or the English pe riod, his be st pe rio d :The Ca nte rbury Ta le s《坎特伯雷故事集》 , i s m a s te rpie ce a nd a re pre se nta t ive w orks of th e M id dle Age s.The Ca nte rbury Ta le s1. O u t lin eIt op e ns w ith a ge ne ra l prologu e w he re w e a re told of a com pa ny of pilgrim s , 3 2 one s th a t ga the re d a t Ta b a rd Inn in Sou th w a rk, a su bu rb of Londo n. The y a re on the ir w a y to the shrine of St. Thom a s Be cke t a t Ca nte rbu ry . Th e y se t ou t tog e the r w ith the jo lly innke e pe r, Ha rry Ba ily , w ho prop ose d tha t e a ch pilgrim sh ou ld te ll tw o t a le s on the w a y to Ca nte rbury a nd tw o m ore on the w a y ba ck. But , tota lly only 2 4 ta le s a re finishe d . The pilgrim s a re from va riou s pa rts of Engla nd, re pre se n ta t ive s of a ll w a lks of life a nd socia l grou ps, knigh ts, m onks, w id ow s a n d prie st e tc. His w ork show e d a strikingly brillia nt a nd pictu re sq u e pa nora m a of his t im e a nd his country.2. C h a u ce r’s la n g u a g e :1) His la ngu a ge is fu ll of hu m or a nd sa t ire .2) His la ngu a ge is vivid, e xa ct a nd sm o oth, a m a ste r of w ord-pictu re s .3) He is the first to u se h e roic co uple t w hich he introduce d from Fra nce .4)He is the first gre a t poe t w ho w rote in the English la ngu a g e , m a king the dia le ct of London the sta n d a rd for th e m ode rn English spe e ch.Ps:1 . W h a t is t h e “h e ro ic co u p le t ”?Th e h e roic cou ple t is a ve rse form in e pic poe try, w ith lin e s of te n sylla ble s a nd five stre sse s , in rhym ing pa irs .(英雄诗体:用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。



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法王查理六世无力抵抗,于 1420年 5月21日在特鲁瓦签订几乎亡国的特鲁瓦和约。
与 14 世纪下半叶文学的成就相比,15 世纪的文学创作相当贫瘠。
(1) 。
(2) 民谣所叙述的故事非常生动,富于戏剧性;民谣所叙述故事,只是一种梗概,用最必需的事件把故事的情节串连起来
托马斯·珀西主教于1765年出版他所搜集的民谣,书名是《英诗辑古》,共有 300余首。