《旅游英语》课件——Chinese Ancient Cities 中国古城

Langzhong ancient city
an outstanding example of a Han Chinese city of the Ming and Qing It has retained all its features to an exceptional degree and in doing so provides a remarkably complete picture of cultural, social, economic, and religious development during one of the most seminal periods of Chinese y.
Ancient Lijiang City
Dongba Culture
located in the northeast margin of sichuan basin the middle reaches of jialing river known as “langyuan fairyland” 2,300 years history military town of the ancient state of Shu
the city settlement with a history of more than one hundred years still well preserved or restored to its original appearance in modern times the external expression of a place's history and culture the cultural heritage Shared by mankind
an outstanding example of a Han Chinese city of the Ming and Qing It has retained all its features to an exceptional degree and in doing so provides a remarkably complete picture of cultural, social, economic, and religious development during one of the most seminal periods of Chinese y.
Ancient Lijiang City
Dongba Culture
located in the northeast margin of sichuan basin the middle reaches of jialing river known as “langyuan fairyland” 2,300 years history military town of the ancient state of Shu
the city settlement with a history of more than one hundred years still well preserved or restored to its original appearance in modern times the external expression of a place's history and culture the cultural heritage Shared by mankind

Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
Tiger-leaping Gorge is a most dangerous section of Yangtze river. Folks say that tigers often leap to the other side of the river by this rock, thus the gorge earns this name.
Li Jiang Town is officially called "Da Yan Town", a graphic description of the town’s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains.
Located 25 kilometers north of Li Jiang,Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
It is said there is a fairyland beneath the colorful clouds of southern China. A place blessed with fresh air, clear streams, breathtaking snow-capped mountains, and an undisturbed landscape inhabited by a friendly group of people.

• Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang.
----vera• Nhomakorabea1. Lijiang 丽江
• 2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊
• 3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙 雪山
• 4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
• 5. Lugu Lake 泸 沽湖
• 6. Dayan Town 大研镇
• All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.
• Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.

虎跳峡位于丽江玉龙雪山与香格里拉哈巴雪山的交界处,距离丽江 古城约60公里。虎跳峡分上虎跳、中虎跳、下虎跳三段,全长18公 里,峡谷垂直高差3790米,是世界上最深的峡谷之一。80年代开 始有国外背包客开始在此徒步,渐渐开始有了客栈,供应简单的餐 饮,现在已经是非常成熟的徒步路线。由于虎跳峡位于丽江往香格 里拉的中途站,所以通常与一些户外路线如“梅里四日游”和“雨 崩六日游”等结合在一起。
老君山被称为云南众山之祖,相传太上老君曾在此炼丹,因此得名。 老君山位于丽江古城西南110公里处,与兰坪、剑川交界,主峰海 拔约4300米。与玉龙雪山终年积雪不同,老君山四季郁郁葱葱,原 始森林苍莽清幽,满山野生杜鹃,高原草甸,99个冰蚀湖星罗棋布, 俗称99龙潭,这里还分布着200多平方公里由红色砂岩形成的丹霞 地貌。
束河古镇古称“十合”,纳西语“绍坞”,旅游开发前称龙泉村,因为 村里有几股清澈见底的清泉,也被称为“清泉之乡”。束河古镇是联合 国教科文组织授予的“世界文化遗产丽江古城”的重要组成部分。历史 也比丽江大研古城更悠久,古时候的束河是丽江土司从中原引进能工巧 匠的聚集地,是丽江的手工业中心。今天的束河以“比丽江更小资更清 净的古镇”著称,以“田园中的古镇,古镇中的田园”为主要名片。这 里有丽江地区最大的石桥—青龙桥,最有意境的清泉—九鼎龙潭。
世界遗产 委员评价
古城丽江把经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙地融合在一起,真实完美地保存和再现了古朴的风貌。 古城的建筑历经无数朝代的洗礼,饱经沧桑,它融汇了各个民族的文化特色而声名远扬。丽江还拥 有古代的供水系统,这一系统纵横交错、精巧独特,至今仍在有效地发挥着作用。
虎跳峡位于丽江玉龙雪山与香格里拉哈巴雪山的交界处,距离丽江 古城约60公里。虎跳峡分上虎跳、中虎跳、下虎跳三段,全长18公 里,峡谷垂直高差3790米,是世界上最深的峡谷之一。80年代开 始有国外背包客开始在此徒步,渐渐开始有了客栈,供应简单的餐 饮,现在已经是非常成熟的徒步路线。由于虎跳峡位于丽江往香格 里拉的中途站,所以通常与一些户外路线如“梅里四日游”和“雨 崩六日游”等结合在一起。
老君山被称为云南众山之祖,相传太上老君曾在此炼丹,因此得名。 老君山位于丽江古城西南110公里处,与兰坪、剑川交界,主峰海 拔约4300米。与玉龙雪山终年积雪不同,老君山四季郁郁葱葱,原 始森林苍莽清幽,满山野生杜鹃,高原草甸,99个冰蚀湖星罗棋布, 俗称99龙潭,这里还分布着200多平方公里由红色砂岩形成的丹霞 地貌。
束河古镇古称“十合”,纳西语“绍坞”,旅游开发前称龙泉村,因为 村里有几股清澈见底的清泉,也被称为“清泉之乡”。束河古镇是联合 国教科文组织授予的“世界文化遗产丽江古城”的重要组成部分。历史 也比丽江大研古城更悠久,古时候的束河是丽江土司从中原引进能工巧 匠的聚集地,是丽江的手工业中心。今天的束河以“比丽江更小资更清 净的古镇”著称,以“田园中的古镇,古镇中的田园”为主要名片。这 里有丽江地区最大的石桥—青龙桥,最有意境的清泉—九鼎龙潭。
世界遗产 委员评价
古城丽江把经济和战略重地与崎岖的地势巧妙地融合在一起,真实完美地保存和再现了古朴的风貌。 古城的建筑历经无数朝代的洗礼,饱经沧桑,它融汇了各个民族的文化特色而声名远扬。丽江还拥 有古代的供水系统,这一系统纵横交错、精巧独特,至今仍在有效地发挥着作用。

` • Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.
• The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.
`````` • All these natural sceneries and
these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.
丽江ppt 中英文结合 丽江介绍 原创

• 束河古镇依山傍水,民居房舍错落有致。 街头有一潭水,称为“九鼎龙潭”,又称 “龙泉”。潭周绿柳垂地,翠柏指天,泉 水清澈,游鱼可数。从潭中溢出的流水蜿 蜒于村中道旁,远近汩汩有声。村庄中心 有长33米、宽27米的小小四方街,与古城 四方街一样可以引水冲洗。街面上的那些 被人马踩踏得光溜平滑的石板,似乎还能 照见往日的繁华。
• 1.古街 丽江街道依山势而建,顺水流而设,以红 色角砾岩(五花石)铺就,雨季不泥泞、 旱季不飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致,质 感细腻,与整个城市环境相得益彰。 • 2.古桥 在丽江古城区内的玉河水系上,飞 架有354座桥梁,其密度为平均每平方公里 93座。形式有廊桥(风雨桥)、石拱桥、 石板桥、木板桥等。较著名的有锁翠桥、 大石桥、万千桥、南门桥、马鞍桥、仁寿 桥,均建于明清时期。
• • • • • • • •
1.丽江古城 The Old Town of Lijiang 2.玉龙雪山 Yulong Snow Mountain 3.束河古镇 Beam River Ancient Town 4.黑龙潭 Black dragon pool
丽 江
相隔丽江不远的玉龙雪山脚下,有纳西族的人民在那 里自由地生活着。当到了谈婚论嫁的时候,姑娘和小 伙子们都会在雪山脚下谈情说爱,畅谈人生和美好的 未来,如果双方的父母同意他们的婚事,他们就会幸 福地走在一起,如果一方的父母反对他们的婚事,相 爱的人就会相约在一个漆黑的夜晚,选择玉龙雪山上 一个神秘的山洞,在那里,他们在一起会度过一个美 好的夜晚。第二天当太阳升起的时候,他们会更加紧 紧相拥,因为,当太阳光线从洞口射进洞里,在洞里 形成而且只能形成一米长的光线的时候,他们就会牵 手从雪山上跳下,在纳西族,他们的这种做法不认为 是殉情,而是认为结伴去天堂成亲。 第二天早上,当双方的父母不见了自己的儿女,就会 明白他们的儿女去了玉龙雪山那个神秘的山洞,于是, 他们来到雪山脚上,摆上水果和鲜花,祝福他们的儿 女,在天堂生活得幸福和快乐。

Lugu Lake
❖ Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the "Matriarchy" of the Yongning Mosuo people in ninglang.Li来自iang ancient town
❖ Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"-- "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab“. More than 4,ooo families still live in the town . All the houses, both look like they did centuries ago.
Tiger-leaping Gorge
❖ It is a most dangerous section of yangtze river about 17km long. Folks say that tigers often leap to the other side of the river by this rock, thus the gorge earns this name.
1. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 2. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 3.Lugu Lake 泸沽湖 4. Dayan Town 大研镇
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
❖ The mountain is 15km north of lijiang city and has 13 peaks extending for 35km from north to south ,along side the deepest gorge in the world “Tiger leaping Gorge”.

• Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.
• The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.
----vera• • •来自• • •1. Lijiang 丽江 2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊 3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙 雪山 4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 5. Lugu Lake 泸 沽湖 6. Dayan Town 大研镇

gs to Do
Undoubtedly, there are plenty of marvelous places for tourists to stay in LiJiang. It’s attractions are dominated by the awesome scenery of places like Tiger Leaping Gorge, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lugu Lake, The Mufu Wood Mansion, Jade Spring Park, Shuhe Ancient Town, Dongba Museum, The Mural in Baisha Village, First Bend of the Yangtze River and LiJiang Ancient Town.
Naxi Ancient Music and Dance Show
Naxi Concert Hall
LiJiang is a place blessed with a mild climate all yearround, resulting in a variety of natural resources and agricultural products in the region. The Naxi people, who have lived here for many generations, have developed their own cuisine using the rich local ingredients. Their dishes are a must to try if you are visiting LiJiang.
Undoubtedly, there are plenty of marvelous places for tourists to stay in LiJiang. It’s attractions are dominated by the awesome scenery of places like Tiger Leaping Gorge, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lugu Lake, The Mufu Wood Mansion, Jade Spring Park, Shuhe Ancient Town, Dongba Museum, The Mural in Baisha Village, First Bend of the Yangtze River and LiJiang Ancient Town.
Naxi Ancient Music and Dance Show
Naxi Concert Hall
LiJiang is a place blessed with a mild climate all yearround, resulting in a variety of natural resources and agricultural products in the region. The Naxi people, who have lived here for many generations, have developed their own cuisine using the rich local ingredients. Their dishes are a must to try if you are visiting LiJiang.
平遥 丽江 高句丽 英文PPT

蔚盛长票号是平 遥“蔚”字五联 号之一。成立于 道光六年 (1826),由原 设于平遥城内的 绸缎庄改组而成, 总号设在平遥城 内。
A series of Museums
中国商会博物馆 协同钱庄博物馆
镇国寺 县衙
Mysterious Gaogouli
日丽中天万宝精华同耀彩 升临福地八方辐辏独居奇
--雷履泰 雷履泰
• 生于清乾隆三十五年 (1770年),卒于道 光二十九年(1849 1849 年),山西平遥县洪 保村人,中国金融业 泰斗——山西票号创 始人,对我国金融业 发展贡献颇大
• 清虚观是古城内最大的道 观。 • 清虚观始建于唐显庆二年 (657年),原名太平观, 宋治平元年(1064年)改 为清虚观。元初改名为太 平兴国观,后又易名 “太 平崇圣宫” • 2006年05月25日,清虚观 作为元至清古建筑,被国 务院批准列入第六批全国 重点文物保护单位名单。
• 对于高句丽的历史归属,中国、朝鲜和韩国的现代学者自 20世纪后期以来存在较大争议。中华人民共和国在1949 年建国之后的初期,受到苏联学术界的影响,将高句丽视 为朝鲜历史,但自20世纪80年代以后,逐渐扭转了这种观 点,目前已经基本形成高句丽历史属于中国历史范畴,高 句丽国家是中国历史上的地方政权,高句丽民族是中国古 代的少数民族的主流观点 • 依据主要是:高句丽民族和国家的形成在中国的历史疆域 范围内(汉朝四郡)、其后虽然都城迁移到今天的朝鲜境 内、但也没有脱离汉朝四郡的范畴,高句丽灭亡以后又首 先成为中国的郡县,高句丽人大多数融入中国的汉族或东 北少数民族 • 因此,高句丽的历史完整的属于中国历史。

D re a m y A ncie nt city a t N ight 梦幻般的古城之夜
Lijia ng N ight
Lijia ng N ight
Lijia ng N ight
T he e nd ! T ha nk you !
Lijia ng sce ne ry 丽江风景
• • • • Jade D ra gon S now M ounta in 玉龙雪山 T ige r—Le a ping G orge 虎跳峡 Lugu La ke 泸沽湖 D a ya n old tow n 大研古镇
Ja de D ra gon S now M ounta in 玉龙雪山
T he south of clouds — Lijia ng 彩云之南—丽江
P roduce r :Q iulin
G e ogra phic Loca tion 地理位置
Lijia ng is located in Lijia ng Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunn a n province .
D a ya n old tow n 大研古镇
G re a t inkstone 大砚 4000 fa m ilie s y 银河 Leisure-tim e 业余时间 Bonfire pa rty 篝火晚会 N a xi girls 纳西姑娘
5596 m e te rs 5596千米 35km 、25km 35千米、25千米 13 pe a ks 13峰
T ige r —Le a ping G orge 虎跳峡
17km 17千米 Y a ngtz e R ive r 长江

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• All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.
• Lijiang Town is officially called "Dayan Town"—— "Dayan" literally means a "great inkstab", a graphic description of the town's location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.
1. Lijiang 丽江
• 2. Roof of the World 世界屋脊
• 3. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙 雪山
• 4. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
丽江 英文简介 详尽版 presentation

• Beam River ancient town in the ancient city of Lijiang four kilometres north-west is Naxizu pioneers in Lijiang mark in the first one where there is "Cha Ma Road," preserved an important market towns and Naxizu from commercial farming civilization to civilization transition live specimens
10.纳西铜锣 锅焖饭
11.青蛙饼 (Because like a frog's mouth)
13.凉树花【A kind of moss (苔藓)】
Snack street
• That is a carefree and simplicity ancient city, full of people flowing water bridge else's quiet and blue sky plateau snow mountain mysterious, seems a xanadu. • 那是一座悠闲纯朴的古城,充满小桥流水人 家的宁静和蓝天高原雪山的神秘,似是一方 人间仙境世外桃源。
• the Naxi nationality • 纳西族 • Dongba culture • 东巴文化

• Reputation: • the second batch which is approved by one of
China's famous historical and cultural city • world cultural heritage declared by the United
• • the last section, it drops 100 meters and its flow rate increases to an
amazing. it is the third and lowest section which is acclaimed for being the wildest attraction of all!
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Pumi, Yi nationalities
Hugu Lake
• area :48.45 Square kilometers
17 aches
14 bays
3 peninsulas
1 sea island
Tiger Leaping Gorge
• Location: the river passes between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain.
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
China's famous historical and cultural city • world cultural heritage declared by the United
• • the last section, it drops 100 meters and its flow rate increases to an
amazing. it is the third and lowest section which is acclaimed for being the wildest attraction of all!
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Pumi, Yi nationalities
Hugu Lake
• area :48.45 Square kilometers
17 aches
14 bays
3 peninsulas
1 sea island
Tiger Leaping Gorge
• Location: the river passes between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain.
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More

Square Street is the center of the ancient city of Lijiang, transport links around the alley through quiet, is said to be built by the Ming Dynasty Chieftain their seal of shape. Here is the most important hub in the Tea-Horse Road station. 四方街是丽江古城中心,交通 四通八达,周围小巷通幽,据 说是明代木氏土司按其印玺形 状而建。这里是茶马古道上最 重要的枢纽站。
位于云南 的西双版 纳,她的 美丽,丰 富,神奇 的南方, 犹如一颗 璀璨的明 珠,镶嵌 在祖国的 西南边 疆。。
Xishuangbanna, meaning "ideal and magical land", here with mysterious tropical rain forest natural landscape and minority amorous feelings is famous in the world, The water-sprinkling festival every year in mid-april, held attracts many tourists at home and abroad to participate. 西双版纳,意为“理想而神奇的土地”,因神秘的热带雨林自然景观和少 数民族风情而闻名于世,泼水节在每年的四月中旬举行,吸引了众多的国 内外游客参与。
参观西双 版纳野生 动物园
Visit Xishuan gbanna Wild Animal Park

它有20米高。它有24层檐 三层,五种颜色的凤凰鸟 欢迎世界各地朋友的到来。 这就是为什么叫这个名字 的原因
The FivePhoenix Towers 五凤楼
It once was political, economic and cultural center of the song dynasty. It distributes on a north-south axis, and its center has a ladder square, around which four lanes lead to the four wings.它曾经是
It is 20 meters high .It has 24 eaves in its three layers, as if five colorful phoenixes are spreading its wings to welcome people all around the world. And it is why it is called the name. Baisha residential buildings
important traditional festival of Yi, Bay, Maxi and other ancient peoples重要的传统节日, 白族、纳西族和其他古 老的民族
It held mostly in the lunar calendar, June 24. the main activities of bull, fighting sheep, cock fighting, horse racing, wrestling(摔跤), dance performances, beauty contests and so on它主要是在农历6月24日。
The FivePhoenix Towers 五凤楼
It once was political, economic and cultural center of the song dynasty. It distributes on a north-south axis, and its center has a ladder square, around which four lanes lead to the four wings.它曾经是
It is 20 meters high .It has 24 eaves in its three layers, as if five colorful phoenixes are spreading its wings to welcome people all around the world. And it is why it is called the name. Baisha residential buildings
important traditional festival of Yi, Bay, Maxi and other ancient peoples重要的传统节日, 白族、纳西族和其他古 老的民族
It held mostly in the lunar calendar, June 24. the main activities of bull, fighting sheep, cock fighting, horse racing, wrestling(摔跤), dance performances, beauty contests and so on它主要是在农历6月24日。
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• 丽江不仅旅游出名,小吃也是文明 全球。丽江的小吃千奇百怪无所不 有,想得到的,想不到的,听过的 ,没听过的,只要来到丽江,就会 给您不一样的惊喜。现在就让我为 大家介绍一些丽江的小吃吧
Dongba culture 东巴文化
• The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the "Dong Ba Culture" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.
• 纳西族的人们,在发展他们的土地的冰雪覆盖的山脉和 动荡的河流自古以来,要他们的信用,“咚巴文化”视为 世界上奇迹,是一个包罗万象而独特的文化。
• Lijiang not only a famous tourism, and snacks. Lijiang snack of various omniscient, wanted, can not think, heard, haven't heard , as long as came to Lijiang, will give you a surprise. Now let me introduce some lijiang snacks
• 丽江同时荣戴国家级丽江玉龙雪山风景名胜区桂
山、黎明等一带大面积的地质景. 观……。
Yulong Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山)
• 那是一座悠闲纯朴的古城,充满小桥 流水人家的宁静和蓝天高原雪山的神 秘,似是一方人间仙境世外桃源。
geographic location (地理位置)
• Lijiang wear national Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain scenic crown. In scenic area have build lijiang ancient city and many old temple in South Song Dynasty ; The show has an altitude of 5596 meters of the Yulong Snow Mountain; Has the most dangerous of the Tiger Leaping Gorge in the world ; A so-called "miles Yangtze
yak 牦(máo)牛
Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峡
Flying 石鼓
Leeches dam 蚂蝗坝
laojun mountain
老君山 7
cultureቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文化)
• the Naxi nationality • 纳西族
• Dongba culture • 东巴文化
• The famous bar is ONE METER SUN BAR (一米阳光酒吧)and SAKURA CAFE BAR(丽 江樱花屋酒吧)
scenic spots river first gulf" Flying; Alpine vegetation, danxia
landform wonders of laojun mou(nt旅ain游, d景aw点n,)
mainly area of the geological landscape ......
Li Jiang 丽江
------my favorite city
• li jiang is not my hometown ,but is my favorite city in china
• That is a carefree and simplicity ancient city, full of people flowing water bridge else's quiet and blue sky plateau snow mountain mysterious, seems a xanadu.
• The landform(地形) ofYulong
Snow Mountain is glacial(冰 川). It is capped by snow all year round, and you can see the snow even in the Lijiang City. It is said that the view of the massif(山丘) from the gardens at the Black Dragon Pool (黑龙池) is one of China’s finest views.
10.纳西铜锣锅 焖饭
11.青蛙饼 (Because like a frog's mouth)
13.凉树花【A kind of moss
Snack street
• Lijing have another name --"Affairs city (艳遇之都)" .The origin of the name is bar ,every traveller in Lijiang will come to the bar in Sifang Street(四方街),May is a little relationship with mosuo custom(摩梭风俗), the bar is higher rates of affairs