三星口语 朗读儿歌




SSS英文启蒙儿歌是Super Simple Song的简称,全部都是节奏适中、歌词简单、充满韵律感、通过肢体动作可以互动并且充满乐趣的儿歌。







supersimplesongs英语儿歌Super Simple Songs系列共有儿歌157首,每首儿歌的时长在1至4分左右。


1.Baby Shark2.Yes I Can3.The Bath Song4.Walking In The Jungle5.Five Little Ducks6.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star7.Down By The Bay 18.Who Took The Cookie9.Brush Your Teeth10.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream11.Alice The Camel12.A Sailor Went To Sea13.Have A Pet14.Let's Go To The Zoo15.Little Robin Red Breast16.Clean Up17.Put On Your Shoes18.Red Light Green Light19.This Is The Way20.This Is The Way We Get Dressed21.This Is The Way We Go To Bed22.10 Little Airplanes23.10 Little Bicycles24.10 Little Buses25.10 Little Elves26.10 Little Sailboats27.10 Little Tractors28.Lets Take The Subway29.The Wheels On The Bus30.Can You Make A Happy Face31.Hello32.How Many Fingers33.I’m A Little Snowman34.Like You35.My Teddy Bear36.Days Of The Week37.Hello Hello38.We Wish You A Merry Christmas39.Humpty Dumpty40.I Can not Remember The Words To This Song41.Jack And Jill42.The Alphabet Is So Much Fun43.The Alphabet Song44.Are You Hungry45.Head Shoulders Knees Toes( Learn It)46.Head Shoulders Knees(Sing It)47.Head Shoulders Knees(Speeding Up)48.One Little Finger49.Open Shut Them50.The Skeleton Dance51.What Do You Like To Do52.After A While Crocodile53.Bye Bve Goodbve54.Row Row Row Your Boat55.Sweet Dreams56.The Alphabet Chant57.Hello Reindeer58.Jingle Bells59.Jingle Jingle Little Bell60.SANTA61.Santas On His Way62.Santa Where Are You63.The Twelve Days Of Christmas64.Up On The Housetop65.What Do You Want For Christmas66.Apples And Bananas67.Down By The Bay 268.Down By The Bay 369.Good Morning Mr Rooster70.Say Cheese71.See You Later Alligator72.Skidamarink73.Take Me Out To The Ballgame74.What's Your Name75.Decorate The Christmastree76.Goodbye Snowman77.Do You Like Lasagna Milkshakes78.Do You Like Pickle Pudding79.Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt80.Give Me Something Good To Eat81.Hot Cross Buns82.One Potato Two Potatoes83.Pat A Cake84.Peanut Butter N Jelly85.The Ice Cream Song86.The Muffin Man87.10 Little Dinosaurs88.10 Little Dinosaurs-part 289.10 Little Fishies90.Count And Move91.Count Down And Move92.Counting Bananas93.Five Little Monkeys94.Five Little Monsters Jumping On The Bed95.Five Little Pumpkins96.Five Little Speckled Frogs97.Seven Steps98.Ten In The Bed99.The Ants Go Marching100.Five Creepy Spiders101.Go Away102.Go Away, Spooky Goblin103.Goodbye My Friends104.Hello, My Friends105.Knock Knock. Trick Or Treat106.Knock Knock. Trick Or Treat 2107.This Is The Way We Carve A Pumpkin 108.Who Took The Candy109.Baby Shark-halloween110.BINGO111.Eeney Meeney Miney Moe112.Follow Me113.Here We Go Looby Loo114.Hide And Seek115.If You're Happy116.Make A Circle117.Mystery Box118.Mystery Box 2119.Mystery Box 3120.One For You One For Me121.Peek A Boo122.Rock Scissors Paper 1123.Rock Scissors Paper 2124.Rock Scissors Paper 3125.Rock Scissors Paper 4126.The Itsy Bitsy Spider127.The Pinocchio128.Uh Huh129.Wag Your Tail130.Walking Walking131.We All Fall Down132.Wind The Bobbin Up133.Hickory Dickory Crash134.How's The Weather135.I See Something Blue136.See Something Pink137.Little Snowflake138.Mr Golden Sun139.Open Shut Them 2140.Rain Rain Go Away141.The Months Chant142.There A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea 143.The Shape Song 1144.The Shape Song 2145.What's Your Favourite Colour146.Mary Had A Kangaroo147.Old Macdonald148.Old Macdonald Had A Farm149.The Animals On The Farm150.The Farmer In The Dell151.Lullaby Sailboat152.What Do You Hear153.Who Took The Cookie On The Farm 154.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Lullaby 155.Hush Little Baby Lullaby156.Brahms Lullaby157.Lullaby Mountains。















































统编版一年级语文下册第七单元 口语交际和语文园地

统编版一年级语文下册第七单元   口语交际和语文园地

哪些字可以合在一起组成新字?哪些字可以 拆分出新字?这些新的生字朋友你认识吗?
吵岁胖 现
口+少=吵 山+夕=岁 月+半=胖 王+见=现
票交弓 甘
飘-风=票 校-木=交 张-长=弓 甜-舌=甘
用部件组合和拆分构字法学习生字, 你还学会了哪些字?
要真诚地邀请小伙伴,我们可以这样 邀请:婷婷,我们一起玩游戏吧。
其次,如果别人不会玩这个游戏,这 时我们要教他们玩。我们可以先示范一遍 给别人看,也可以一边讲解一边做动作。
我们还可以和小伙伴发明新的玩法, 这样既能培养我们的动脑能力,又能玩出 新花样,玩出新乐趣。
同伴之间说话有礼貌。 二星,能较有条理地把游戏规则说给同
学听。 三星,能一边介绍,一边做动作,让听
评一评:你认为哪两个同 学做得最好,为什么?
实践活动: 课间,和同学一起玩玩你喜欢的游戏。 课后,和家人说说你玩过的游戏。
第1课时 第2课时
语文园地 孙悟空打妖怪.mp4
同学们仔细看看教材上的图文画面, 说一说:你发现了什么?
1.这首儿歌里你喜欢哪些人,不喜欢哪些人? 说说你的理由。 2.请同学们一边读一边用恰当的表情和动作 表演,看谁表演得最形象。 3.跟着节拍读儿歌,同时用自己喜欢的表情 和动作表演。
把这首儿歌推荐给爸爸 妈妈,让他们和你一起 以快乐的形式朗读儿歌。
床 左居
这3个字是什么结构的字? 按照什么顺序写的?

Super simple songs sss英文儿歌歌词

Super simple songs sss英文儿歌歌词

1. Knock Knock HelloHello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right handHello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.Come in. [Motion to come inside.Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone Let’s play. [Run in placeHello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.Knock, knock, knock. [Pretend to knock on a door. Come on in! [Motion for someone to come insideLet’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone. And play. [Run in place.And learn together. [Tap your finger on your temple. Knock, knock! [Thrust your fist in the air.2. Make a CircleTime to make a circle. (Everyone rushes to the center of the room and holds hands in a circle.)Make a circle, big big big. (Make the circle bigger.)Small small small. (Make the circle smaller.)Big big big. (Make the circle bigger.)Make a circle, small small small. (Make the circle smaller.)Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)Make a circle, round and round. (Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.) Round and round. Round and round. (If you like, move the circle in the other direction.)Make a circle, round and round. Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)Make a circle, up up up. (While holding hands, everyone reaches up high!)Down down down. (Crouch down low.)Up up up. (Reach high!)Make a circle, down down down. (Crouch low.)Now sit down. (Everyone sits down.)4. One Little FingerOne little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your other INDEX FINGER 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your head. Head! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Head!”)One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your HEAD 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Nose!”)One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your NOSE 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your chin. Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Chin!”)One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your CHIN 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your arm. Arm! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Arm!”)One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your ARM 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your leg. Leg! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Leg!”)One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index finger and bend it up and down.)Tap tap tap! (Tap your finger against your LEG 3 times.)Point your finger up! (Point up!)Point your finger down! (Point down!)Put it on your foot. Foot! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Foot!”)Put it on your leg. Leg! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Leg!”)Put it on your arm. Arm! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Arm!”)Put it on your chin. Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Chin!”)Put it on your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Nose!”)Put it on your head. Head! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice,“Head!”)Now let’s wave good-bye. Good-bye! (Wave good-bye with your index finger.) 5. Walking WalkingWalking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]*Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.]Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.]Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]*Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.]Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.]Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe. [Tiptoe.]Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump. [Jump.]Swimming swimming swimming. [Make a swimming motion.]Now let’s sleep. Now let’s sleep. [Rest your head against your hands or lie down on the ground and pretend to sleep.]Wake up! [Eyes open! Look alert!]It’s time to go! [Look at your watch.]Are you ready to go fast? [Run in place quickly.][quickly] Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]*Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.]Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.]Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.]*Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.]Running, running, running. Running, running, running. [Run.]Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]Whew! [Wipe your brow with your forearm]6. Are You Hungry?Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.) Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.) Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Mmmmm, a banana! (Optional: Teacher holds up a picture of a banana)Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (gesture peeling and then eating a banana)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Mmmmm, a watermelon! (Optional: Teacher holds up a picture of a watermelon.) Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (Gesture holding a big slice of watermelon and eating it.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)French fries! (Optional: Teacher holds up a picture of french fries.)Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (Gesture eating french fries one by one.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Spaghetti! (Optional: Teacher holds up a picture of spaghetti)Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (Gesture twirling spaghetti with a fork and eating it.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Are you hungry? (Shrug your shoulders and then rub your tummy.)Yes I am. (Thumbs up gesturing “yes”and/or nod your head “yes”.)Ice cream! (Optional: Teacher holds up a picture of an ice cream cone.)Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum (Gesture licking an ice cream cone.)I’m full! (Pat your tummy with both hands and puff out your cheeks.)7. Clean UpClean up, clean up. Everybody let's clean up.Clean up, clean up. Put your things away. (four times)Clean up! Clean up! Clean up! Put your things away. Pick up your toys. Pick up your books. Pick up your shoes. Put your things away.Clean up, clean up. Everybody let's clean up.Clean up, clean up. Put your things away. (two times)8. If You're HappyIf you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands, clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.)If you’re angry angry angry (Make an angry face and cross your arms over your chest.) stomp your feet (Stomp your feet.) If you’re angry angry angry (Make an angry face and cross your arms over your chest.) stomp your feet (Stomp your feet.) If you’re angry angry angry (Make an angry face and cross your arms over your chest.) stomp your feet, stomp your feet (Stomp your feet.) If you’re angry angry angry (Make an angry face and cross your arms over your chest.) stomp your feet (Stomp your feet.)If you’re scared scared scared (Make a scared face and place your hands on your cheeks.) say, “Oh no!”(Say, “Oh no!”) If you’re scared scared scared (Make a scared face and place your hands on your cheeks.) say, “Oh no!”(Say, “Oh no!”) If you’re scared scared scared (Make a scared face and place your hands on your cheeks.) say, “Oh no!”, say , "Oh no!" (Say, “Oh no!”) If you’re scared scared scared (Make a scared face and place your hands on your cheeks.) say, “Oh no!”(Say, “Oh no!”)If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy (Make a sleepy face.) take a nap (Rest your head on your hands and pretend to sleep.) If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy (Make a sleepy face.) take a nap (Rest your head on your hands and pretend to sleep.) If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy (Make a sleepy face.) take a nap, take a nap (Rest your head on your hands and pretend to sleep.) If you’re sleepy sleepy sleepy (Make a sleepy face.) take a nap (Rest your head on your hands and pretend to sleep.)If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands, clap your hands (Clap your hands.) If you’re happy happy happy (Smile and put your index fingers on your cheeks.) clap your hands (Clap your hands.)9. Days of the WeekSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday10. I See Something BlueBlue! I see something blue. Blue! I see something blue. Blue, blue, blue, blue... I see something blue .Find something blue!Yellow! I see something yellow. Yellow! I see something yellow. Yellow, yellow (I)see something yellow .Find something yellow!Red! I see something red. Red! I see something red. Red, red, red, red... I see something red.Find something red!Purple! I see something purple. Purple! I see something purple. Purple, purple (I)see something purple.Find something purple!Blue. Yellow. Red. Purple. I see colors everywhere.11. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (Let's Learn)(Speaking) Head (HEAD!) [Point to your head.] Shoulders (SHOULDERS!) [Point to your shoulders.] Knees (KNEES!) [Point to your knees.] Toes (TOES!) [Point to your toes.](repeat)Eyes (EYES!) [Point to your eyes.] Ears (EARS!) [Point to your ears.] Mouth (MOUTH!) [Point to your mouth.] Nose (NOSE!) [Point to your nose.]Head (HEAD!) [Point to your head.] Shoulders (SHOULDERS!) [Point to your shoulders.] Knees (KNEES!) [Point to your knees.] Toes (TOES!) [Point to your toes.](Singing, point to each body part.) Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes12. Head Shoulder's Knees and Toes (Let's Sing)Lyrics and actions: (Point to each body part as you sing.) Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toesx213. Ten in the Bed(Start with everybody seated)Here we go!There were ten in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 10 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)Nine! (Hold up 10 fingers and then take one away, leaving 9.)There were nine in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 9 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)Eight! (Hold up 9 fingers and then take one away, leaving 8.)There were eight in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 8 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)Seven! (Hold up 8 fingers and then take one away, leaving 7.)There were seven in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 7 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)Six! (Hold up 7 fingers and then take one away, leaving 6.)There were six in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 6 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)Five! (Hold up 6 fingers and then take one away, leaving 5.)There were five in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 5 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)Four! (Hold up 5 fingers and then take one away, leaving 4.)There were four in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 4 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)Three! (Hold up 4 fingers and then take one away, leaving 3.)There were three in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 3 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they all rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the left.)Two! (Hold up 3 fingers and then take one away, leaving 2.)There were two in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 2 fingers.) "Roll over, roll over" (Roll hands around each other.) So they both rolled over and one fell out. (Everyone rolls to the right.)One! (Hold up 2 fingers and then take one away, leaving 1.)There was one in the bed and the little one said, (Hold up 1 finger.) "I'm lonely...[sigh]" (Droop your shoulders....then everyone hugs)14. The Bath SongCan you wash your hair?I can wash my hair.Can you wash your feet?I can wash my feet.Can you wash your face?I can wash my face.Can you wash your knees.I can wash my knees.I can wash my hairI can wash my feetI can wash my face.I can wash my knees.This is the way we take a bath!Can you wash your shoulders?I can wash my shoulders.Can you wash your toes?I can wash my toes.Can you wash your hands?I can wash my hands.Can you wash your nose.I can wash my nose.I can wash my shoulders.I can wash my toes.I can wash my hands.I can wash my nose.This is the way we take a bath!The actions for the song are quite simple-just pretend to wash each part of the body on, “Can you wash your....?”and the children imitate and sing on, “I can wash my....”Then, in the next section, sing and wash together, “I can wash my hair. I can wash my feet. I can wash my face. I can wash my knees.”15. Five Little MonkeysFive little monkeys (Hold up five fingers.)Jumping on the bed (Jump up and down.)One fell off (Hold up 1 finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.) And bumped his head (Tap your head with your fist.)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (Put your pinky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)Four little monkeys (Hold up four fingers.)Jumping on the bed (Jump up and down.)One fell off (Hold up 1 finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.) And bumped his head (Tap your head with your fist.)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (Put your pinky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)Three little monkeys (Hold up three fingers.)Jumping on the bed (Jump up and down.)One fell off (Hold up 1 finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.) And bumped her head (Tap your head with your fist.)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (Put your pinky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)Two little monkeys (Hold up two fingers.)Jumping on the bed (Jump up and down.)One fell off (Hold up 1 finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.) And bumped his head (Tap your head with your fist.)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (Put your pinky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)One little monkey (Hold up one finger.)Jumping on the bed (Jump up and down.)She fell off (Hold up 1 finger and then roll your hand down towards the floor.)And bumped her head (Tap your head with your fist.)Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (Put your pinky and thumb to your ear like a telephone.)No more monkeys jumping on the bed! (Put one hand on your hip and wag your index finger.)18. I See Something Pink19. Go Away!(Before singing the song, teach the gestures for each of the creatures:Big green monster: Hold your hands up high as if they were two big claws.Scary witch: Make the shape of a witch's hat over your head with your hands. Black cat: Swipe your hand as if it were a cat's claw.White ghost: Hold your hands in front of you as though you are floating like a ghost. )Go away, big green monster, go away. (Push your hands out, then make the monster gesture, then push your hands out again.)GO AWAY! Go away, big green monster, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, big green monster. Go away, big green monster. Go away, big green monster, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, scary witch, go away. (Push your hands out, then make the witch gesture, then push your hands out again.)GO AWAY! Go away, scary witch, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, scary witch. Go away, scary witch. Go away, scary witch, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, black cat, go away. (Push your hands out, then make the cat gesture, then push your hands out again.)GO AWAY! Go away, black cat, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, black cat. Go away, black cat. Go away, black cat, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, white ghost, go away. (Push your hands out, then make the ghost gesture, then push your hands out again.)GO AWAY! Go away, white ghost, go away. GO AWAY! Go away, white ghost. Go away, white ghost. Go away, white ghost, go away. GO AWAY!20. What Do You Want for Christmas?What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.) What do you want for Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.)Santa’s on his way. (Pat your belly like Santa.)I want a train. (Make locomotive actions with arms.)I want a train. (Make locomotive actions with arms.)I want a great big train. (Make BIG locomotive actions with arms.) [SOUNDS: move around the room like a train!]What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.) What do you want for Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.)Santa’s on his way. (Pat your belly like Santa.)I want a rocket. (Put your hands up over your head making a rocket shape.)I want a rocket. (Put your hands up over your head making a rocket shape.)I want a great big rocket. (Put your hands up over your head making a BIG rocket shape.) [SOUNDS: Crouch down, with hands position like a rocket overhead and count down, the shoot up like a rocket spinning around!]Prepare for lift-off...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF!What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of aChristmas tree with your hands.) What do you want for Christmas?Santa’s on his way. (Pat your belly like Santa.)I want a robot. (Make robotic actions with your arms.)I want a robot. (Make robotic actions with your arms.)I want a great big robot. (Make BIG robotic actions with your arms.) [SOUNDS: move around the room like robots. ]What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.) What do you want for Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.)Santa’s on his way. (Pat your belly like Santa.)I want a teddy bear. (Stick both arms out in front of you like a teddy bear.)I want a robot. (Stick both arms out in front of you like a teddy bear.)I want a great big robot. (Stick both arms out in front of you like a BIG teddy bear.) [SOUNDS: sit down and one at a time, put out arms and legs posing like a teddy bear. Then, on “OH NO!”fall over like a teddy bear might, staying frozen in the teddy bear position. Kids love it!]What do you want for Christmas? Christmas? Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.) What do you want for Christmas? (Shrug your shoulders to indicate a question, and then make the shape of a Christmas tree with your hands.)Santa’s on his way. Santa’s on his way! (Pat your belly like Santa.)21. Put on Your ShoesPut on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)shoes, your shoes, your shoes. (Point to feet.) [SOUNDS: two short sounds, one for gesturing putting on left shoe, then one for right shoe.] Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)shoes, your shoes, your shoes. (Point to feet.) [SOUNDS: two short sounds, one for gesturing putting on left shoe, then one for right shoe.]Put on your shoes. (Gesture putting on your shoes.)Let's go outside. (Point outside the window.)Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up! (Make a "come on...let's go" gesture and then everybody runs around the room in a circle.)Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)pants, your pants, your pants. (Point to your pants.) [SOUNDS: three sounds--two for gesturing putting feet in each leg of the pants, then a funny sound to indicate pulling up your pants.]Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)pants, your pants, your pants. (Point to your pants.) [SOUNDS: three sounds--two for gesturing putting feet in each leg of the pants, then a funny sound to indicate pulling up your pants.]Put on your pants. (Gesture putting on your pants.)Let's go outside. (Point outside the window.)Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up! (Make a "come on...let's go" gesture and then everybody runs around the room in a circle.)Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)jacket, your jacket, your jacket . (Gesture pulling a jacket over your shoulders as if it were cold.) [SOUNDS: three sounds-two for gesturing putting arms in the sleeves of the jacket, and a zipping sound to zip up your jacket.]Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)jacket, your jacket, your jacket . (Gesture pulling a jacket over your shoulders as if it were cold.) [SOUNDS: three sounds-two for gesturing putting arms in the sleeves of the jacket, and a zipping sound to zip up your jacket.]Put on your jacket. (Gesture putting on your jacket.)Let's go outside. (Point outside the window.)Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up! (Make a "come on...let's go" gesture and then everybody runs around the room in a circle.)Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)hat, your hat, your hat. (Gesture tipping your cap.) [SOUNDS: a whistle sound - pretend to hold a hat high above your head - followed by a funny gong sound - pull the hat down hard on your head.]Put on your (Hands on hips, swaying back and forth.)hat, your hat, your hat. (Gesture pulling a jacket over your shoulders as if it were cold.) [SOUNDS: a whistle sound - pretend to hold a hat high above your head -followed by a funny gong sound - pull the hat down hard on your head.]Put on your hat. (Gesture putting on your hat.)Let's go outside. (Point outside the window.)Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up! (Make a "come on...let's go" gesture and then everybody runs around the room in a circle.)Put on your shoes. (Gesture putting on your shoes.)Your pants. (Gesture putting on your pants.)Your jacket. (Gesture putting on your jacket.)And your hat. (Gesture putting on your hat.)Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up! (Make a "come on...let's go" gesture and then everybody runs around the room in a circle.)22. See You LaterSee you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)Take care. (Wave with your left hand.)Good-bye. (Wave with right hand.)It's time to go. (Point to your watch, or where your watch would go on your wrist.) See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)It's time to go. (Point to your watch.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye.) Goodbye. (extend your arms out and point out to the class.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)Take care. (Wave with your left hand.)Good-bye. (Wave with right hand.)23. Please Sit DownShh! Be Quiet. Please sit down. Please sit down. Please sit down. Shh! Be Quiet. Please sit down. Listen, listen, listen!Shh! Be Quiet. Please sit down. Please sit down. Please sit down. Shh! Be Quiet. Please sit down. Listen, listen, listen!。





















三星口语考试资料:听听做做基本动作:pick up, take out, put…inside…, close, turn to page , place, erase, wipe out, write, count, draw, draw a line, connect, match, join加减乘除:add, plus 加,minus, take away, subtract 减,times, multiply,乘,divide 除,the total 总数。

通用少儿英语星级考试 三星

通用少儿英语星级考试 三星



之后又为了完善少儿考试项目,使考生通过口语和笔试考试全面了解自己现有的英语水平,上海外国语大学上海市通用外语水平等级考试办公室推出了通用英语星级考试(笔试)Star Test of English(Written )。



二·星级口语考试每年举办三次, 分别在4月、8月、12月,星级笔试考试每年举办两次,分别在3月,9月(具体考试日期考办会提前通知确定,基本上都是在当月下旬举行。

)口语考试报名及考务费一星至三星65元/四星85元笔试考试报名及考务费二星至三星65元/四星85元三·星级口语考试分为一星级、二星级、三星级、四星级四个等级:小学二年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考一星, 一星合格的口语水平相当于小学三、四年级的口语水平。

小学三、四年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考两星, 两星合格口语水平相当于小学毕业的口语水平小学五年级至初中一年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考三星, 三星合格口语水平相当于初中一、二年级的口语水平:利用计算机与无线局域网测评系统,主要测试考生的英语听说技能与实际应用、交际能力。


星级笔试考试分为二星笔试,三星笔试,四星笔试三个等级二星笔试相当于小学四、五年级程度三星笔试相当于学六年级、初一年级程度四星笔试相当于初三年级;高一年级程度五·有关三星口语考试三星口语考试共设有8个项目分别为: 1. 看图说词 2. 朗读儿歌 3. 情境对话 4.听说相反5. 听听做做6. 快听快答7. 看图说话8. 看看说说考试方式:考生凭准考证(下图所示)进入考场,进入到不同项目(以A-H 为编号的七个项目)的教室进行考试,每个教室有一名考官以及考试物品如CD 机,卡片,模型等,每完成一个项目,考官会在准考证中所对应的星星里敲图章,若是通过会直接敲该项目的编号如A ,若是不通过则会敲上“下次你能行”鼓励图章。

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集以下是为您生成的二十条主题为“super simple songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集”的相关文案,每条文案都包含了运用的例子:1. 哇塞,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这简直就是孩子英语世界的魔法宝盒!就像给孩子插上了飞向英语乐园的翅膀,你能想象他们在这个乐园里快乐翱翔的样子吗?比如《The Wheels on the Bus》,那欢快的旋律,孩子跟着唱起来,英语单词不就自然而然记住啦?2. 朋友们,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集真的太绝啦!这不就是给孩子们打开英语大门的神奇钥匙嘛!像《Five Little Monkeys》,每次播放,孩子都跟着手舞足蹈,难道这还不能让孩子爱上英语?3. 天呐,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,简直是英语启蒙的超级神器!好比是一艘带领孩子畅游英语海洋的快艇。

就说《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,孩子唱着就能认识好多动物单词,这难道不神奇吗?4. 亲,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集可太棒啦!它就像一座充满惊喜的英语城堡,等着孩子们去探索。

像《If You're Happy and You Know It》,孩子一唱就开心得不得了,难道您不想让孩子也这样快乐学英语?语学习路上的璀璨星光呀!如同为孩子点亮了英语梦想的灯塔。

比如说《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,优美的旋律,孩子能不陶醉其中?6. 嘿,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,那可真是不得了!简直是孩子英语启蒙的秘密武器!就像《Head Shoulders Knees and Toes》,边唱边指,英语身体部位单词轻松掌握,这效果难道不好?7. 哇哦,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这绝对是开启孩子英语智慧的宝藏!宛如一个装满英语知识糖果的罐子。



1. We shareWe love each other and we shareWith the other girls and boys.我们相亲相爱,我们和其它的男孩女孩们分享,Crayons, scissors, paint and glue,蜡笔,剪刀,颜料和胶水。

Puzzles, books and toys, too.也分享七巧板、书籍和玩具We take turns because it’s fair,我们轮流交换因为这样公平,And we are happy when we share.当我们分享时我们是开心的。

2. An Apple a Day 一天一个苹果An apple a daySends the doctor away一天一个苹果医生不用管我Apple in the morningDoctor's warning早上吃个苹果医生担心没事做Roast apple at nightStarves the doctor outright晚上烤个苹果医生饿得揭不开锅Eat an apple before going to bed Knock the doctor on the head睡前啃个苹果对医生来说是很大的打击Three each day, seven days a week Ruddy apple, ruddy cheek一周七天,一天三个红扑扑的脸儿象个红苹果3. Dreams 梦想Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For if dreams die如果梦想消失Life is a broken-winged bird生命将是折翼之鸟That cannot fly无法飞行Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For when dreams go如果梦想逝去Life is a barren field生命将是一片荒原Frozen with snow大雪冰封4. Mary had a little lambMary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.玛丽有一只小羊羔,一只小羊羔,一只小羊羔。



1. 《小星星》:天上有颗小星星,一闪一闪亮晶晶,我会学说小星星,一闪一闪亮晶晶。

2. 《小白船》:小白船,小白船,上面坐着个小女孩,她在唱歌,她在唱歌,唱得真好听。

3. 《小兔乖乖》:小兔乖乖,把门儿开开,快点儿进来,我要抱抱。

4. 《小燕子》:小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来这里,天空飞得高又远,多么快乐自由啊。

5. 《小蜜蜂》:小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡,飞到西来飞到花丛中,它喜欢在花丛中飞舞,采集花蜜制作蜜。




二星考之要点通用少儿英语二星考前模拟试题(一)A.看图说词Catalogue Australia diving mineral water actress hotel stream beetle combB.朗读儿歌I often sit and wish that ICould be a kite up in the sky;And ride upon the breeze and goTo any place I want to blow.C.听说相反1. That’s a small hospital.2. How dirty the classroom is .3. What time does the metro finish every day?4. Don’t open the window, please.5. The actress is wearing a new dress.D.听听做做道具:一本书,一支笔Are you ready? Now let’s begin.Take a piece of paper out of the book. Then draw a square on the top right-hand corner of the paper. Draw a star under the square ,with one line connect the shapes, write your name on the bottom of the paper. Then put another paper into the book. E.快听快答1. What do you usually do on Teacher’s Day?2. Where does your best friend live?3. Which football- player do you like best?4. How many hours are there in a day?5. Can we listen to the music with the walk-man?6. What color are lemons?7. Would you like to swimming with us on Sunday?F.看图问答1.How many people are there in the picture?2. Which season is it in the picture?3. How old is the baby?4. What color is the mother’s skirt?5. Is there a birthday cake on the table?G.看看说说说一个毛绒玩具兔说一个毛绒玩具兔通用少儿英语三星考前模拟测试试题A.情景对话1. You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You prefer summer to winter.2. You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You like autumn best.B.朗读儿歌,短文Colors affect our moods. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark grey.C .看图说词D .听说相反1.Everybody has his luck day.2. The bread is getting hard.3. Tom always forgets to bring his key.4 .It is the most expensive dress I have ever bought.5. Mom , the vinegar bottle is full.E 听听做做道具:纸绿色和蓝色笔各一支Take a piece of paper out of the box on the top right-hand corner of the table.pick up a green pen from the box on the top left-hand corner of the table,now draw a big oval on the paper,then draw two squares in the oval,connect the two squares with a line,now draw a triangle under the line,put a question mark in the triangle.F. 快听快答1.What do you do when you have a sore throat?2. Where do people wait for buses?3. HOWoften do you go to KFC?4. In which season do leaves begin to become yellow?5. Shall we go out for a walk?6. Who always cooks meal in your family?7. Name three big animals.8. Do you save pocket money?G. 看看说说一个闹钟二星考共有7项,通过5项为合格,分别是看图说词, 听说相反,快听快答,听听做做,看图回答,朗读儿歌/短文,看看说说.对比一星来说,减少了提示说词这个送分项目,增加了听说相反和看看说说两项,另外模仿换成了朗读.可以说难度有所增加,但考试的技巧性也增加了.如果是应试的话,我觉得二星也是比较容易的.看图说词: 送分项目,必须要拿下,不多说了.听听做做,看图回答和快听快答:复习方法同一星,而且难度也和一星差不多,如果一星复习的好的小朋友应对二星应该是没问题的.但个别辅导资料上有反意疑问句和选择疑问句,要稍微留意一下.看看说说:这是我认为出的最不好的一项,稍微有点经验的家长可以在5分钟内辅导孩子这项过关.具体就是给你个东西,让你说4句有关它的话.第一句,This is ...第二句:介绍外观(颜色,大小,新旧): It is new/long/yellow...第三句:从哪里来/什么时候用: I can buy it in supermarket/I eat/drink/use/play it everyday/...第四句: I like it very much.活生生一个八股文,一点意思也没有.听说相反:难度有一些的,要多练习.首先先把那些反意词拿出来练.培养孩子对这些词敏感,如果不敏感的话后面听句子再想的话,那句子肯定复述不出来了.朗读儿歌/短文:这一关应该是最难的.生词量很大,经常听到好多大孩子栽在这关,而好多幼儿园的小朋友却轻松过关.我觉得主要是小朋友的时间多,经常听就象唱歌一样就唱出来了,而大孩子本身上学没那么多时间,且让他们再象小朋友那样不理解地去读恐怕也不大适合了.不过据说现在大多都抽到儿歌,很少有抽到短文的,一共就是那么些,赌赌运气吧,不会那么差的.话说回来,要所有的儿歌短文都能很流利地念出来可是要花一番功夫的哦.。



幼儿播音主持小儿歌1. 《小嘴巴》小嘴巴,用处大呀,能说话呀,能唱歌呀。

你看那小主持人,哇,多棒呀!例子:宝宝们的小嘴巴是不是很可爱呀!2. 《声音亮》小朋友,声音亮哟,像小鸟,在歌唱哟。

大家快来一起呀,多响亮哟!例子:你们听,那声音多亮呀!3. 《小话筒》小话筒,手中拿呀,我来说,你来听呀。

这感觉,酷不酷呀?例子:拿着小话筒是不是超有趣呀!4. 《站姿正》站得直,挺胸膛呀,有精神,有模样呀。

就像那小松树呀,多帅气呀!例子:你们站得有这么正吗?5. 《表情棒》小脸蛋,笑哈哈呀,表情棒,人人夸呀。

这笑容,多灿烂呀!例子:快看看你的表情棒不棒呀!6. 《故事多》小脑袋,故事多呀,讲出来,真精彩呀。

大家都被吸引啦呀!例子:你是不是也有很多故事呀?7. 《有礼貌》见人先把招呼打呀,礼貌用语嘴边挂呀。

这样才是乖宝宝呀!例子:我们都要做有礼貌的孩子呀!8. 《不害怕》站在台上不害怕呀,大胆展示我最棒呀。

自信满满向前冲呀!例子:你会害怕吗?才不呢!9. 《一起玩》小朋友们一起玩呀,播音主持乐趣多呀。

快来加入我们呀!例子:我们一起玩播音主持多有意思呀!10. 《我爱它》播音主持我最爱呀,每天都想来练习呀。




2023年《ang、eng、ing、ong》教学设计2023年《ang、eng、ing、ong》教学设计1教学意图一、教材解读(一)语文教学内容及策略1.字母教学板块(1)读准音在读音方面,正确读准anɡ enɡ inɡ onɡ四个后鼻韵母的发音以及整体认读音节yinɡ是本课的教学重点、难点,例如:注意后鼻韵母enɡ onɡ的发音容易混淆,可借助情景图中“钟表”“台灯”提示学生正确发音,也可以借助口形编顺口溜“口形扁扁enɡ enɡ enɡ”,“口形圆圆onɡ onɡ onɡ”进行辨析帮助学生读准后鼻韵母的读音。

(2)识记形在识记形方面,这部分内容的重点是正确识记anɡ enɡ inɡ onɡ的字母形和整体认读音节yinɡ的形。










4.书写板块在四线三格中正确书写音节词mínɡ liànɡ,书写的时候要注意写紧凑、写匀称,将所有字母写完后再标声调,养成书写的好习惯,可以借助教师范写、仔细观察、独立描红迁移上一课的书写经验来写好音节词。


3.大声朗读课本第45页的两首儿歌,尝试背诵《We share》;
Not good
Not bad
4.思考:a. What do you often do after school? b. What’s your favorite fruit?
__________________ __________________ __________________
Not good
Not bad








4、从“小(xiao)”、“球(qiu)”、“游(you)”三个音节中引出ao ou iu,他们是小汽球给我们带来的三个新朋友。

(二)学习复韵母ao ou iu。

1、回忆学习复韵母ai ei ui的学习方法。


前音滑向后音——读音标调规则——标调)2、按上述方法分学习小组交流学习ao ou iu。


①学生自由说是怎样记住ao ou iu 的,(可以编儿歌,顺口溜,如:记ai:小a和小i,一起做游戏,两人手拉手,一高一矮笑嘻嘻;记ei:小兔黑黑,爱喝咖啡,e前i后,喝了一杯。

)②指名读ao ou iu ,试着说发音方法,然后采用各种读的方式巩固读音。

③指名说怎样给ao ou iu标调,并说明标调理由。

④练读标调的ao ou iu。

(设计有趣的游戏活动)(三)学习声母与ao ou iu组成的音节。

1、分类出示音节:bao dao gaoou cou sou。

jiu qiujiao qiao xiao引导学生区分哪些是两拼音节,哪些是三拼音节。






《摘苹果》:将复韵母ao ou iu及音节藏在苹果树上的苹果中,学生摘到苹果必须大声读对苹果中的音节或韵母,并带领全班同学读,老师就将苹果送给他。



103首非常好听的英语儿歌和数来宝1. The me song合:Everybody's talking withyou and me in English!Everybody's singing withyou and me in English!We are happy to be together.And we are happy to see another show! Come on! Let's go together!You and me!男:Learn the words, and sentence,and conversations, too!女:You can talk to me today,and I can talk to you!合:Everybody's talking withyou and me in English!Everybody's singing withyou and me in English!We are happy to be together.And we are happy to see another show! Come on! Let's go togerher!You and me! You and me!You and me!2. How are you? 男:Hi.女:Hello.男:How are you? 女:I'm fine. 和:I'm fine. 男:I have a dog. This is my dog. 女:How are you? (woof! woof!) 合:How are you?女:Hi.男:Hello.女:How are you? 男:I'm fine. 合:I'm fine女:I have a cat. This is my cat. 男:How are you? (Meow!)合:How are you?合:Hi.Hello.How are you?I'm fine.I'm fine.I have a bird.This is my bird. How are you?( Tweet! Tweet!) 和:How are you?3.It's a nice day 合:It is a nice day. It's a nice day. 女:I am here.男:I'm here.You are here.女:You're here.合:It's a nice day. It's a nice day. 女:He is here.He's here.男:She is here.She's here.合:It is a nice day. It's a nice day.4.Good morning! Good morning!I am your teacher. Good morning!You are my student. Good morning!What's your name? My name is Jack!Please stand up. Please sit down. please stand up. Please sit down.Good morning!I am your teacher. Good morning!You are my students. Good morning!What's your name?I'm Lily.Please stand up. Please sit down. Please stand up. please sit down. Good morning!Good morning!Good morning!5.Guess!What's this?Guess!What's this?Guess!A pen?A book?A pencil box?Yes! What's that?Guess!What's that?Guess!A desk?A chair?A backpack?Yes!This is a desk.This is a chair.And that is a backpack.over there!This is a pen.This is a book.And that is a pencil box!Take a look!(repeat all.)6.In the bedroomWhat do you see?What do you see in the bedroom?I see a bed.in the bedroom.What do you see?What do you see in the bedroom?I see a sheet.I see a bed.in the bedroom.What do you see?What do you see in the bedroom?I see a blanket.I see a sheet.I see a bed.in the bedroom.What do you see?What do you see in the bedroom?I see a pillow.I see a blanket.I see a sheet.I see a bed.in the bedroom.Good night!7. Numbers 1 to 5 One, one.There is one sun.Two, two.There are two shoes. Three, three.There are three trees. Four, four.There are four doors. Five, five.There are five knives. One, two, three, four, five!One, one.there is one sun.Two, two.There are two shoes. Three, three.There are three trees. Four, four.There are four doors.Five, five.There are five knives. One, two, three, four, five! One, one.There is one sun.Two, two.There are two shoes. Three, three.There are three trees. Four, four.There are four doors. Five, five.There are five knives. One, two, three, four, five!One, one.there is one sun.Two, two.There are two shoes. Three, three.There are three trees. Four, four.There are four doors.Five, five.There are five knives. One, two, three, four, five!One, one. there is one sun.Two, two.There are two shoes.Three, three.There are three trees.Four, four.There are four doors.Five, five.There are five knives.One, two, three, four, five!8. In the living roomIn the living room,ther's a sofa.There's a sofa in the living room. Please sit down.Please sit downin the living room.In the living room,there's a window.There's a window in the living room. Open the window.Close the windowin the living room.In the living room,there are curtains.There are curtains in the living room. Open the curtains.Close the curtainsin the living room.9. I'm ready now!Here's the sinkin the bathroom.I'm ready to wash my hands!Are you ready?Are you ready?Are you ready?I'm ready now!Here's my toothpaste.Any my toothbrush.I'm ready to brush my teeth!Are you ready?Are you ready?Are you ready? I'm ready now!Here' s the bathtub!And my rubber duck!I'm ready to take a bath! Are you ready?Are you ready?Are you ready?I'm ready now!10. No more!I'm thirsty!Have some milk!Yum! Yum!Can I have some more?That's all!No more?No more!I'm thirsty!Have some juice!Yum! Yum!Can I have some more?That's all!There is no more!No more?No more!I'm hungry!Have some cookies! Yum! Yum!Can I have some more? That's all!There is no more!No more?No more!I'm hungry!Have some cake!Yum! Yum!Can I have some more? That's all!There is no more!No more?No more!No more?No more!No more? No more!!!11. Let' go the garden! Let's go to the garden! Let's go to the garden! Let's go to the garden! Oh! Let's go!Collect some leaves. And pick some flowers. Let's stay in the garden for seven hours!Let's go to the garden! Let's go to the garden! Let's go to the garden! Oh! Let's go!Collect some leaves. And pick some flowers. Let's stay in the garden for seven hours!Let's go to the garden! Let's go to the garden!Let's go to the garden!Oh! Let's go!In the morning.And in the evening .Let's go to the garden!And I'm not leaving!Let's go to the garden!Let's go to the garden!Let's go to the garden!Oh! Let's go!12.Where is thumbkinWhere is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am. Here I am.How are you this morning?Very well, I thank you.Run away, run away.Where is pointer? Where is pointer? Here I am. Here I am.How are you this morning?Very well, I thank you. Run away, run away.Where is tall man?Where is tall man?Here I am. Here I am.How are you this morning?Very well, I thank you.Run away, run away.Where is ring man?Where is ring man?Here I am. Here I am.How are you this morning?Very well, I thank you.Run away, run away.Where is pinky? Where is pinky?Here I am. Here I am.How are you this morning?Very well, I thank you.Run away, run away.13. I love my familyI love my family.I love my family and my motherand my sister and my brother.I love my familyI love my daughter and my son. Oh, I love everyone!Yes, I love you.And I know you love me, too!I love my family.I love my father and my mother and my sister and my brother.I love my family.I love my daughter and my son. Oh, I love everyone!Yes, I love you.And I know you love me, too!14. Now do it again!Nod your head!Yes! Yes! Yes!Shake your head!No!No!No! Raise your hand! One, two, three! Put your hand down! Look at me!Look at him!Look at her!Very good!Now do it again! Uh-huh!(="Yes!")Nod your head!Yes! Yes! Yes! Shake your head! No!No!No!Raise your hand! One, two, three! Put your hand down! Look at me!Look at him!Look at her!Very good!Now do it again!Uh-uh!(="No!")15. Funny faceTwo big eyes,One little nose.Two big hands,ten little toes.One big mouth,Two small ears.Long straight hair.What a funny face!HA HA HA!Make a funny face!HA HA HA HA!HA HA HA HA!HA HA HA HA!HA HA HA!( Repeat all.)16. Let's play ball!I like to play outdoors!I like to play ball!So, come on!Come here and join me! Let's go! Let's play ball!Come on!Come here and join me!Let's go! Let's play ball!I like to play outdoors!I like to play ball!So, come on!Come here and join me!Let's go! let's play ball!Come on!Come here and join me!Let's go! Let's play ball! Ok!17. Numbers 1 to 10 One, one.Run, run, run!Two, Two.Go to the zoo.Three, three.Swim in the sea.Four, four.Stay by the shore.Five, five.Five a beehive.Six, sixPick up the sticks. Seven, seven.Go to Seven-Eleven.Eight,eight.Stay by the gate.Nine, nine.Form a line.Ten, ten.Catch the hen.( woman repeat all)18. Come to the party today! Knock! Knock!Open the door!Come in! Come in!Come to the party today!Turn on the light!Set the table! Turn on the radio!Come to the party today!Dance! Dance!Move your feet!Have something to drink! Have something to eat!Turn off the radio.Clear the table!Turn off the light!Thanks for the party today!Knock! Knock!Open the door!Come in! Come in!Come to the party today!Turn on the light!Set the table!Turn on the radio!Come to the party today! Dance! Dance!Move your feet!Have something to drink!Have something to eat!Turn off the radio.Clear the table!Turn off the light!Thanks for the party today!19. Wash and Dry.Here's some soapand shampoo.Here's a towel just for you. Here's a pair of slippers, too. And a bathmat just for you.Wash your body.Wash your hair.Dry your body.Dry your hair.Wash yourself anddry yourself everywhere!Here's some soap and shampoo.Here's a towel just for you. Here's a pair of slippers, too. And a bathmat just for you.Wash your body.Wash your hair.Dry your body.Dry your hair.Wash yourself anddry yourself everywhere!20. Sorry, we are late. Breakfast is ready.It's on the table.Breakfast is ready now.Where's the knife?The fork? The spoon?Where's the placemat?Where's the plate?Sorry, we're late!That's OK!Lunch is ready.Tt's on the table. Lunch is ready now. Where's the knife? The fork? The spoon? Where's the placemat? Where's the plate? Sorry, we're late! That's OK!Dinner is ready.It's on the table. Dinner is ready now. Where's the knife? The fork?The spoon?Where's the placemat? Where's the plate? Sorry, we're late! That's OK!21. That's my house! Look at that houseon that street.I live in that house! That's my house! That's my house!Look at that roofon that houseon that street.I live in that house. That's my house!That's my house!Look at that chimmey on that roofon that houseon that street.I live in that house. That's my house!That's my house!Look at that caton that chimneyon that roofon that houseon that street.I live in that house. That's my house!That's my house!That's my house!22. Yes,I do!No, I don't Do you know this man? Do you know this man? Do you know this man? Yes, I do!Do you know that man? Do you know that man? Do you know that man? No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!Do you know this woman? Do you know this woman? Do you know this woman? Yes, I do!Do you know that woman? Do you know that woman? Do you know that woman? No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!Do you know this child?Do you know this child?Do you know this child?Yes, I do!Do you know that child?Do you know that child?Do you know that child?No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!Yes, I do!No, I don't!23. Sister,Brother,Father,Mother Who's she?Is she your sister?Uh-huh.Yes,She is my sister.Who's she?Is she your mother? Uh-uh.No,She is not my mother.Who's he?Is she your brother? Uh-huh.Yes,he is my brotherWho's he?Is she your father? Uh-uh.No,he is not my fater.I'm his siter.He's my brother.I'm her brother.She's my sister. Who's she?Is she your mother? Uh-huh.Yes,She is my mother.Who's she?Is she your sister? Uh-uh.No,She is not my sister.Who's he?Is she your father? Uh-huh.Yes,he is my fatherWho's he?Is she your brother? Uh-uh.No,24. Write,Say,Spell,EraseCan you write this word?Can you say this word?Can you spell this word?and then erase this word?Chalk! C-H-A-L-K!That's right! That's great!Can you write this word?Can you say this word?Can you spell this word?and then erase this word?Eraser! E-R-A-S-E-R!That's right! That's great!Can you write this word?Can you say this word?Can you spell this word?and then erase this word? Blackboard! B-L-A-C-K-B-O-A-R-D! That's right! That's great!25. What's in the BoxWhat's in the box? What's in the box? Can you guess?What's in the box?Is it blue?Is it pink?It's blue...I think.What's in the box? What's in the box? Can you guess?What's in the box?Is it yellow?Is it blue?Is it pink?It's yellow...I think.What's in the box? What's in the box? Can you guess?What's in the box?Is it gree?Is it yellow?Is it blue?Is it pink?It's gree...I thinkWhat's in the box? What's in the box? Can you guess?What's in the box?Is it purple?Is it gree?Is it yellow?Is it blue?Is it pink?It's purple...I think.What's in the box? What's in the box? Can you guess?What's in the box?26. Listen to Me! Listen to me!Now listen to me!Clap your hands! One,two,three! [Clap,clap,clap] One,two,three! Clap your hands and listen to me! Point up!Point down!Touch your nose! Show me your ears! Touch your toes!Listen to me!Now listen to me! Clap your hands! One,two,three! [Clap,clap,clap] One,two,three! Clap your hands and listen to me! Point up!Point down!Touch your nose! Show me your ears! Touch your toes!Listen to me!Now listen to me!Clap your hands!One,two,three![Clap,clap,clap]One,two,three!Clap your handsand listen to me!27. Fifteen Little Birds Fifteen little birds singing in the sun. Fourteen flew awayand that left one.A lonely little bird singing a song.Waiting for the others to come and sing along.Fourteen little birds singing in the sun. Thirteen flew awayand that left one.A lonely little bird singing a song. Waiting for the others to come and sing allong.Thirteen little birds singing in the sun. Twelve flew awayand that left one.A lonely little bird singing a song.Waiting for the others to come and sing allong.Twelve little birds singing in the sun. Eleven flew awayand that left one.A lonely little bird singing a song.Waiting for the others to come and sing allong.Eleven little birds singing in the sun.Ten flew awayand that left one.A lonely little birdsinging a song.Waiting for the othersto come and sing allong.28. Thank You Very, Very much! Where's my T-shirt?Where's my T-shirt?here it is .here it is .It's in the drawer.It's in the drawer.Thank you very much.Thank you very, very much!Where's my shirt?Where's my shirt?here it is .here it is .It's on the shelf.It's on the shelf.Thank you very much.Thank you very, very much!Where's my pants? Where's my pants?here they are .here they areIt's on the shelf.It's on the shelf. Thank you very much.Where's my ties? Where's my ties?here they are .here they are .They're in the closet. They're in the closet. Thank you very much.Where's my coat? Where's my coat?here it is .here it is .It's on the bedIt's on the bed. Thank you very much.Thank you very, very much!29. Apples and Oranges, Tomatoes and PotatoesThese are apples! Those are oranges!These are tomatoes! Those are potatoes!Apples and oranges, tomatoes and potatoes!Are these apples?Yes, they are!Are these oranges?No, they aren't!Are these tomatoes?Yes, they are!Are these potatoes?No, they aren't!These are apples!Those are oranges!These are tomatoes!Those are potatoes!Apples and oranges,tomatoes and potatoes! Are these apples?No, they aren't!Are these oranges?Yes, they are!Are these tomatoes?No, they aren't!Are these potatoes?Yes, they are!These are apples!Those are oranges!These are tomatoes!Those are potatoes!Apples and oranges,tomatoes and potatoes!30. You Are My SunshineYou are my sunshinemy only sunshine,You make ne happywhen skies are gray.You'll never know, dearhow much I love you!Please don't take my sunshine away.You are my sunshinemy only sunshine,You make ne happywhen skies are gray.You'll never know, dearhow much I love you!Please don't take my sunshine away.You are my sunshinemy only sunshine,You make ne happywhen skies are gray.You'll never know, dearhow much I love you!Please don't take my sunshine away.31. It's a Beautiful Day in the Park! There's a girl in the park.She's walking in the park.It's a beautiful day in the park!There's a boy in the park.He's running in the park It's a beautiful day in the park! There's a bench in the park.A boy is sitting on the bench.It's a beautiful day in the park!There's a mother in the park.She's pushing a stroller.It's a beautiful day in the park!There's a children in the park. They're playing ball.It's a beautiful day in the park!There's a foutain in the park.A bird is splashing in the fountain. It's a beautiful day in the park!32. Say hello to your mom and dad Hello!Hi! Where are you going?I'm going to the store.And then I'm going home.Say hello to your aunt.Ok! Good-bye!Hello!Hi! Where are you going? I'm going to the park And then I'm going home. Say hello to your uncle. Ok! Good-bye!Hello!Hi! Where are you going? I'm going to the store. And then I'm going home. Say hello to your mom. Ok! Good-bye!Hello!Hi! Where are you going? I'm going to the store. And then I'm going home. Say hello to your dad. Ok! Good-bye!33. I love it!Here's a gift for you. This is for you.Here's a doll for you.Do you like it?I like it very much!Thank you very much!I'm happy you like it!I love it! I love it!Here's a gift for you.This is for you.Here's a model plane for you. Do you like it?I like it very much!Thank you very much!I'm happy you like it!I love it! I love it!Here are gifts for you. These are for you.These are gifts for you.Do you like them?We like it very much!Thank you very much!We're happy you like them!We love them! We love them!34. Say it again!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Grandma!Say it again!Grandma!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Grandpa!Say it again!Grandpa!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Aunt! Say it again!Aunt!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Uncle!Say it again!Uncle!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Cousins!Say it again!Cousins!Let's learn some words!Be quiet, please.And say the words in English, please! Repeat after me!Grandma!Say it again!Grandma!Repeat after me!Grandapa!Say it again!Grandapa!Repeat after me!Aunt!Say it again!Aunt!Repeat after me!Uncle!Say it again!Uncle!Repeat after me!Cousins!Say it again!Cousins!35.The hokey pokeyYou put your right hand in. You put your right hand out. You put your right hand in. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your left hand in. You put your left hand out. You put your left hand in. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your right foot in. You put your right foot out. You put your right foot in. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your right foot in. You put your right foot out. You put your right foot in. And you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your right shoulder in. You put your right shoulder out. You put your right shoulder in. And you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your left shoulder in. You put your left shoulder out. You put your left shoulder in. And you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your right hip in.You put your right hip out.You put your right hip in.And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your left hip in. You put your left hip out. You put your left hip in. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your head in.You put your head out.You put your head in.And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!You put your whole self in. You put your whole self out. You put your whole self in. And you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey,and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!36. I can jump so highI can jump so high!Can you touch the leaves? Yes, I can touch the leaves!I can jump so high!Can you reach the sky?Yes, I cannot reach the sky.I can run so fast!Can you run past the dog?Yes, I can run past the dog!I can run so fast!Can you run past the car? No, I cannot run past the car.I can count to five!Can you count to ten?Yes,I can count to ten! One, two, three,four,five!Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!Can you count to ten again?Yes, I can count to ten again!One, two, three,four,five!Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!(repeat all instead of the woman, the man asks the questions)37. Minus or plusWe like math!Minus or plus!Math is so much fun for us!One plus one is two.Two plus two is four.Four plus four is eight.You're clever!You're great!We like math!Minus or plus!Math is so much fun for us!Two minus one is one.Four minus two is two.Eight minus four is four.And you can do more!We like math!minus or plus!Math is so much fun for us!38.In my room!In my room, there's a bed.And there's a quilt on the bed. In my room! In my room!In my room, there's a bed.And there's a quilt on the bed. And there's a rug beside the bed In my room! In my room!In my room, there's a bed.And there's a quilt on the bed. And there's a rug beside the bed。



2011年4月三星口语真题及解析三星真题A 情景对话Play the roles 两位考生一组根据文字提示,进行对话。




Set 1 A: You ve read a few books in the三星真题A 情景对话Play the roles两位考生一组根据文字提示,进行对话。




Set 1A: You’ve read a few books in the winter holiday. Now you are talking about one of them with your classmate.B: You’ve read a few books in the winter holiday. Now you are talking about one of them with your classmate.Set 2A: Many of your classmates have very fancy(花哨的) pencil-boxes. Now you are asking your mother/father for a new pencil-boxB: Your son/daughter is asking you for a new pencil-box, but you don’t agree. And you tell him/her your reason.Set 3A: You are a teacher. One of your pupils always looks sleepy in class these days. Now you are talking to him/her about it.B: You are always sleepy in class these days. Now your teacher wants to talk to you about itSet 4A: Your deskmate’s English is very good. You admire(羡慕) him/her. You ask him/her how he/she learns English so well.B: Your deskmate admires(羡慕)you for your good English. He/She is asking you how you learn English so wellB 朗读儿歌Read Aloud评分标准:*单词读错率不得超过2个(不包括有注释的单词)。













This is one of the most challenging section of the test. According to my experience, most of the students are not able to perform well in this section since they have never been trained to organize the words, apply the sentence patterns to express their ideas and thought. They also don’t know what to say about the topic even in Chinese.示例:1.In KFC (A goes to the counter and order in KFC. B is the counter girl/counter boy.)B: Welcome to KFC. What can I help you?/May I help you?/What do you want?A: I want a hamburger and a cup of Coke./I'd like to have two chicken wings.B: What size does you want, small, medium or large size?A: I prefer small size./Small size will do.B: What else do you want?A: A package of French-fries, please.B: A hamburger, a small cup of Coke and a package of French-fries, right?A: Sure. How much are they?B: 20 Yuan.A:Here is the money.B: ok. Here is your change and your food.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome! Have a nice day!2. In the hospital (A is a patient who has a bad cold. B is a doctor)A: Good morning, doctor. B: Good morning. Sit down, please.A: Thank you. B: What's the matter with you?A: I feel sick and I have a headache. B: How long have you been like this?A: About two days. B: Please open your mouth and say"Ah"A: "Ah". B: You have a bad cold.A: Yah, I think so. I was caught in the rain the day before yesterday. Then what shall I do now?B: Take some medicine and have a good rest.A: But I have a lot of things to do. I have to work tomorrow.B: You definitely need a good rest. I will give you a medical certificat so that you can stay at home tomorrow.A: Ok, I see. I will take your advice. Thank you, doctor. B: You are welcome.3. At School (A and B are classmates. This Sunday is their English teacher-Miss Wang's birthday.A andB want to buy a birthday present for her.)A: Hello, Jennifer. B: Hello, Linda.A: This Sunday is Miss Wang's birthday. Yes, I have heard of it. / Really? Thank you for reminding me.A: I think we should send her a birthday present. B: You are right. / I agree with you.A: Do you know what Miss Wang likes? B: I have no idea. But maybe we can send her a bunch of flowers.A: oh, that's a good idea. B: I have no idea. But maybe we can send her a bunch of flowers.A: I think a bunch of carnations is better. / I think she prefers carnation.B: Why not include a birthday card? / It's better to include a birthday card.A: Yes, let's go to the flower shop to buy the carnations. B: Ok! Let's go.4. At school (A fell off the stairs and hurt his leg. B comes to help A.)A: Oh, my god! B: What's the matter? / What happened? / What's wrong with you?A: I fell off the stairs just now. B: Poor boy. How do you feel now? / Is it serious?A: I think my leg is hurt. Yah, look, your leg is bleeding blood.A: Oh, it's a great pain. / Oh, it's painful. B: Can you walk now?A: No, I don't think so. B: have a try. Let me help you stand up.A: OK, I am standing. B: Be carreful. I think I'd better send you to the school clinic.A: Thank you very much! B: You are welcome.5. At school (A has difficulty solving one maths question. B is helping him to work out.)B: Hi, Jennifer. What are you doing now?A: I am doing my homework.B: Why you look so sad? Are you in trouble?A: I've been working on this maths question for two hours. But I still can't work it out.B: Let me have a look. Maybe I can help you.A: Yah, you always get the first place in the maths tests. I think you can solve this problem.B: Which question?A: Question 3 on Page 20.B: What a coincidence! I have done this question before.A: Then do you know the way to do it?B: Sure. You should start from the equation first. Then you can calculate the rest.A: Oh, I see. I can't imagine how much time I still need to spend if whithout your help. Thank you so much.B: It's my pleasure. / You are welcome.6. Traveling in Shanghai(A is a tourist who is the first time to Shanghai. B is the tourist guide. B is companying A visiting the Bund.)B: Welcome to Shanghai! My name is Jennifer; nice to meet you. A: My name is Peter. Nice tomeet you, too.B: I'm your tourist guide. Is it the first time you've been to Shanghai? A: Yes, it is. But I've been to Beijing before.B: What do you think of Shanghai? A: It's a modern and fantastic city.B: Look, can you see that tall building? A: Let me see. Is it Jin Mao Tower?B: Yes. It's the tallest building in Shanghai. A: Then that tower must be the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.B: You are right. It now becomes the symbol of Shanghai. A: How about so many old buildings in the Bund?B: They were built around 100 years ago. They are all very stylish. A: That's great! It is really worth to visit Shanghai.B: Yes, Shanghai has been developed very well in the past 20 years. A: It will be an unforgettable trip.B: Do you want to take some photos? A: Certainly. Thank you.7. Ask the way(A is a foreign tourist and traveling in Shanghai. But A is lost his way, he asks a policeman the way to the hotel.B is the policeman. He is happy to tell the foreign tourist the way to his hotel)A: Excuse me, I'm a foreign tourist and now I lost my way. Can you tell me the way to the hotel? B: Of course, could you tell me which hotel you are staying?A: Garden Hotel. B: Oh, it's near Huai Hai Road.A: Where am I now? Is it very near the hotel? B: You are now at People's Square. It's quite far from here.A: Then how can I go there?B: You can take metro line 1 to South Shan Xi Road Station. It only takes five minutes to walk from the metro station to your botel.A: Where is the metro station? B: It's just opposite this road. Look, do you see the Metro Symbol?A: Yes, I see it. Thank you. B: You're welcome.8. Invitation(A invites B to Watch VCD at home on Sunday, but B is busy that day.)A: Hello, how are you these days? B: I'm fine, and you?A: I'm fine too. I bought some VCD just now. B: What are they?A: "The day after tomorrow", " Harry Potter III" and "National Treasure." B: I heard that they are really interesting.A: Have you seen those movies before? B: Not yet.A: Would you be free this Sunday? Please come to my home and watch VCD together.B: I'd like to, but I'm busy this Sunday. I will have lunch with my old friend who is from America. I'm sorry.A: That's all right, maybe you can come to my home next Sunday.B: That's a good idea. I think I will be free then.A: OK, I'll see you then. B: see you.练习:Set 1A: You play the role of a mother/father. Your child has spent too much time watching “The Super Girls”. You think it’s a waste of time.B: You love “The Super Girls” very much. You tell your father/mother the reason why you like “The Super Girls”Set 2A: You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You prefer summer to winter.B: You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You like autumn best.Set 3A: You and your friend are talking about what you want to be in the future. You want to be a designer and tell him/her the reasons.B: Your friend is telling you what he/she wants to be in the future. You want to be a tourist guide and tell him/her the reasons.Set 4A: The winter holiday is coming. You and your good friend are making a plan for it.B: The winter holiday is coming. You and your good friend are making a plan for it.Set 5A: You are in a small bookstore. You want to buy a book as a birthday present for your friend.B: You are a shop assistant in a small bookstore. You help the girl/boy get the right book she/he needs.Set 6A: You play the role of a parent. Your son’s classmate calls, but he is not at home. You ask the caller to leave his/her telephone number.B: You call your classmate Xiao Lin, because you want to tell him that the history test will be held on Tuesday instead of Monday.Set 7A: You are in an booking office(售票处)and you want to buy two tickets for the film The world without Thieves.B: You are booking clerk(电影院售票员).You ask your customer how many tickets he/she needs and what time of the film he/she wants.Set 8A: You’re not felling well. You have a headache.B: Your classmate looks unwell. You ask him/her the reason, and then offer to take him/her to the school clinic(医务室).第二课朗读考试秘籍:1、先浏览短文,然后从容朗读;2、声音洪亮,语速中等,不必是否能读完全文;3、注意语音、语调及节奏感。





以下是一些适合三岁儿童学习的英语儿歌,可以帮助他们扩大词汇量和提高英语听力技能:1. ABC Song:A, B, C, D, E, F, GH, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, PQ, R, S, T, U, VW, X, Y, and ZNow I know my ABCsNext time won't you sing with me?2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you are3. Five Little Ducks:Five little ducks went swimming one dayOver the hill and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack"But only four little ducks came back四只小鸭子去游泳走过山丘并远离母鸭说:“嘎嘎嘎”但只有四只小鸭子回来了4. The Wheels on the Bus:The wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll through the town公交车的轮子转啊转转啊转,转啊转公交车的轮子转啊转通过整个城镇5. If You're Happy and You Know It:If you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands如果你快乐并知道,拍拍手如果你快乐并知道,拍拍手如果你快乐并知道,你的脸上一定能看到如果你快乐并知道,拍拍手6. Old MacDonald Had a Farm:Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OAnd on that farm, he had a cow, E-I-E-I-OWith a moo-moo here and a moo-moo thereHere a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-mooOld MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O老麦当劳有一个农场,哞哞哞并在那个农场中,有一头牛,哞哞哞这里哞哞,那里哞哞这里一声哞,那里一声哞,到处都是哞哞老麦当劳有一个农场,哞哞哞7. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes:Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾、膝盖和脚趾头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾、膝盖和脚趾眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾、膝盖和脚趾这些英语儿歌不仅简单易记,而且有助于培养孩子们对英语的兴趣和学习乐趣。

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三星口语朗读儿歌(辅导教材)Set1In 1992 a new hamburger restaurant opened in Beijing, many people went there in the first few days after its opening. Some people enjoyed it, others found it too expensive. Some doctors told people not to have too many hamburgers. The foods you buy in hamburger restaurant are high in fat and sugar.expensive [iks ˈ pensiv] adj昂贵的←→cheap便宜的1992年,一家新的汉堡包店在北京开业了,许多人在新店开业后的头几天里光顾那里。



Set2There are four hobby groups in our school. I like make model ships, so I join the model ship group. Mary, my deskmate, joins the photo group, all the hobby group are very interesting. We meet each other in the groups once a week. Our teachers teach us how to make a model ship and how to take photos. we feel happy in hobby groups. 在我们的学校里有四个兴趣小组,我爱做轮船模型,所以我加入了轮船模型小组,我的同桌玛丽加入了照片组。




Set3If you want to have a really quiet holiday, you must go and stay on a farm. last year we went to my uncle’s farm, and had a very happy time. But the farmer’s life is not an easy one; there’s always a lot to do. He must look after his horses and cows, he must feed his sheep, pigs and hens and get the eggs. There is also much farm work in the field.Look after照顾have a good time玩得开心stay at home 呆在家里如果你想度过一个宁静的假期,你必须呆在农场。



Set 4We are now living in a modern world. We know it is necessary to speak a foreign language or two. What is the best way to learn the language ? there must be a lot of chances for students to practice it. However, before students can do this, they need to master some basic grammar. Teachers must also guide them on how to listen, speak, read and write.modern [ˈ mɔdən]adj.现代的foreign [ˈ fɔrin]adj.外国的chance [tʃɑ:ns]n.机会practice [ˈpræktis]vt.实践master [ˈ mɑ:stə]vt.掌握n,主人basic [ˈ beisik] adj基础的grammar [ˈɡræmə]n.语法guide [ɡaid]vt.n.指导now [nau] n. adv.现在know [nəu] V. 知道我们现在生活在现代社会,我们知道能说一到两门外语是必要的。




Set 5People in the west eat too much fat and sugar and do not take enough exercise. Because of this many of them become fat and die at an early age from heart disease. They also have bad teeth because of the sugar which they eat a lot. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten has no teeth left by the age of thirty.enough [i ˈnʌf] adj.足够的become [biˈkʌm]v.变成die [dai]v.死亡die…from死于……because of由于,因为。

because后接句子,because of 后接短语part [pɑ:t]n.部分Britain [ˈbritən]英国 UK=United kingdomby the age of到…岁为止leave [li:v]v.离开,留下,动身(left left)西方人吃进太多脂肪和糖,又没有进行足够的健身运动,因为这个原因,许多人发胖并且年纪轻轻就死于心脏疾病。



Set 6Life on the farm used to be harder, a farmer used to work from early morning till late in the evening. Now a lot of work is done by machine. Our uncle had a farm,when we were on his farm, we had to work very h ard to help him. But we didn’t mind. We really enjoyed working on the farm if the weather was fine.use [ju:s] v使用, n.用处use to 过去常常(表述过去习惯性行为,强调过去,现在不这样了)till [til] prep.直到…时(为止)machine [məˈʃi:n]机器mind [maind] v介意过去在农村的生活通常是艰难的,农民常常要起早摸活地干活。




Set 7In many places in the United States, the weather changes a lot from season to season, in summer, it is very hot. In autumn it is cool but not cold. In winter it is very cold and it snows. In spring the weather is warm. It often rains and flowers begin to blossom. Many people say that spring is a beautiful season.在美国许多地方,气候随季节变化而改变,四季分明。



the United States=Americachange [tʃeindʒ] v.改变,更换blossom [ˈblɔsəm] v.开花Set 8Taking part in sports can not only make us strong but also make our eyes, brains and muscles work together. While we are playing basketball, for example, our eyes have to watch the ball, our brain has to decide how to get the ball, and our legs have to run to do this. these almost happen at the same time. A great sportsman can do this with ease.brain[brein]n. 大脑muscle [ˈmʌsl]n.肌肉decide [diˈsaid]v.决定happen [ˈhæpən]vi. (偶然)发生with ease [i:z]自如地not only…but also… 不但…而且…参加体育活动不仅能使我们变得强壮,而且让我们的眼睛、大脑、肌肉一起运动。


Set 9Tea has, for hundreds of years, been a national drink of ours, and we always drink it hot and without sugar. However, since 19th century, people here have also taken coffee, usually with milk and sugar. With the change of time, some of us drink tea with sugar, too. Like the English. When the weather is hot, iced tea is sometimes preferred.since [sins]prep. (表示时间)从…以来; 自从…之后preferred [pri ˈfə:d] adj 首选的prefer [pri ˈfə:]v更喜欢,宁愿prefer…to…茶成为我们的国饮已经好几百年时间了,我们总是喝热茶并且不加糖。
