
运动会开幕式发言稿英语英文回答:Ladies and gentlemen, honorable guests, esteemed athletes, and my fellow students,。
It is with great honor and excitement that I welcome you all to the grand opening ceremony of our annual sports meet. As the [Name of Institution] community gathers here today, we embark on a spirited journey of athleticism, determination, and camaraderie.Sports have always played an integral role in human history, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. From the ancient Olympic Games to the modern-day global sporting events, sports have fostered unity, inspired excellence, and promoted physical and mental well-being.In the realm of education, sports have proven to be an indispensable component. They provide students withinvaluable opportunities to develop essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, discipline, and perseverance. Participation in sports teaches us the importance ofsetting goals, striving for improvement, and overcoming adversity.Today, as we gather here on this field, we celebratethe culmination of countless hours of practice, dedication, and unwavering determination. Our athletes have spent countless days and nights honing their skills, pushingtheir limits, and inspiring each other to achieve greatness.To our athletes, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your hard work and unwavering dedication. You are the embodiment of the Olympic spirit, and your efforts will undoubtedly inspire generations to come. Remember, it isnot merely about winning or losing; it is about the journey, the challenges you face, and the lessons you learn alongthe way.To our parents, coaches, and teachers, I extend my sincere appreciation for your unwavering support andguidance. Your tireless efforts have empowered our athletes to reach their full potential and have instilled in them a love for sportsmanship and fair play.As we officially open the [Name of Institution] sports meet, let us embrace the true spirit of sportsmanship. Let us compete with passion and determination, but always with respect for our opponents. Let us strive for excellence, not at the expense of others, but in the pursuit of our own personal growth and development.And finally, to my fellow students, I urge you to embrace the excitement and energy of this event. Cheer on our athletes, celebrate their achievements, and let the spirit of sportsmanship permeate our entire community.May the games begin!中文回答:女士们,先生们,尊敬的来宾,尊敬的运动员,亲爱的同学们,。

学校运动会开幕式英语作文(中英文实用版)The school sports meeting opened with a grand ceremony that was filled with excitement and enthusiasm.As the sun rose, the campus was adorned with colorful flags and banners, creating a festive atmosphere that was impossible to ignore.随着太阳的升起,校园内彩旗飘飘,横幅林立,洋溢着一片喜庆的氛围。
The principal delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the importance of sports in cultivating a healthy body and a strong will.The students, dressed in their sports attire, listened attentively, their eyes glowing with anticipation.校长发表了鼓舞人心的讲话,强调了体育运动在培养健康体魄和坚强意志中的重要性。
Cheerleaders performed energetic routines, their cheers resonating throughout the stadium.The drummers banged on their drums, setting the rhythm for the event and heightening the excitement.拉拉队员们表演着充满活力的舞蹈,他们的欢呼声在体育场上空回荡。

体育运动会开幕式英文作文英文:The opening ceremony of the sports event was truly a spectacular and memorable event. As I stood in the stadium, I was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The atmosphere was electric, with the crowd buzzing with energy and enthusiasm.The ceremony began with a grand parade of athletes from different countries, each team proudly waving theirnational flags. The sight of the athletes marching in unison filled me with a sense of pride and unity. It was a powerful reminder of the unifying power of sports, bringing people from all corners of the world together.The highlight of the ceremony was the lighting of the torch, symbolizing the start of the games. As the flame was lit, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. It was a truly awe-inspiring moment, and I felt a surge ofadrenaline as I realized that the games were finally underway.Throughout the ceremony, there were performances showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the host country. From traditional dance to music, the performances were a beautiful celebration of diversity and inclusivity. It wasa wonderful opportunity to appreciate and learn about different cultures.As the ceremony drew to a close, I couldn't help butfeel a sense of pride and excitement for the upcoming games. The opening ceremony had set the stage for an incredible sporting event, and I couldn't wait to witness the amazing feats of athleticism and sportsmanship.中文:体育运动会的开幕式真是一场壮观而令人难忘的活动。

运动会开幕式演讲稿英语作文英文回答:Dear distinguished guests, faculty, staff, parents, and fellow students,。
It is with great honor and excitement that I stand before you today to commemorate the official opening of our annual school sports meet. This event is a testament to the dedication, perseverance, and sportsmanship that our students embody.As we gather here today, let us take a moment toreflect on the significance of this occasion. The sports meet is not merely a competition but a celebration of athleticism, camaraderie, and excellence. It is an opportunity for our students to showcase their talents, challenge their limits, and demonstrate the true spirit of sportsmanship.For our athletes, this event is the culmination of countless hours of training and preparation. You have dedicated yourselves to rigorous practice sessions, honing your skills and pushing yourselves to new heights. Your unwavering determination and commitment are an inspirationto us all.As you compete today, remember that victory is not the only measure of success. True greatness lies in the pursuit of excellence, the willingness to embrace challenges, andthe ability to overcome adversity with grace and dignity. Whether you cross the finish line first or last, know that your efforts and sportsmanship have left an enduring legacy.To our parents and supporters, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering encouragement and belief in our student-athletes. Your presence today is a testament to the invaluable role you play in their lives. Your words of support, your presence on the sidelines, and your unwavering enthusiasm fuel their passion and drive them to achieve their full potential.On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our guests and visiting teams. We are honored to have you join us today and witness the exceptional talents of our student-athletes.As the competitions unfold, let us embrace the true spirit of sportsmanship. Let us cheer for our athletes, regardless of their team affiliation, and celebrate their achievements with enthusiasm and respect. Let us uphold the values of fair play, integrity, and mutual respect, both on and off the field.In closing, I would like to remind everyone that the true legacy of this sports meet will not be measured by the medals won or the records broken. Rather, it will be measured by the lasting bonds of friendship forged, the lessons learned, and the memories created.May this event inspire us all to strive for greatness, both in athletics and in life. May it serve as a reminder that with determination, perseverance, and the unwavering support of our community, anything is possible.On that note, I declare the annual school sports meet officially open. Let the games begin!中文回答:各位尊敬的来宾、老师、职员、家长和同学们:我非常荣幸和激动地站在大家面前,主持我们一年一度的校运会开幕式。

目录组织标志及名称 (1)会徽 (3)吉祥物 (4)主题口号 (10)体育图标 (11)核心图形 (12)色彩系统 (12)组织标志及名称国际大体联标志国际大体联会徽受到"大学"一词的启发,国际大体联的会徽中间为单词开头字母"U",在字母的旁边及下方则有寓意着五大洲的五颗星均匀点缀着。
吉祥物UUUU-(侧面)UU 表情UU 表情(斗志)UU 表情(睿智)UU 表情(兴奋)UU 表情(骄傲)吉祥物“UU”是由深圳2011世界大运会会徽“欢乐的U”演变而成一张笑脸,同时,又具有“Universiade”的首写字母“U”的形态。


First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your presence here today is a testament to your commitment and dedication to this cause. Whether you are a distinguished guest, a participant, or a member of the organizing committee, your contributions are aluable, and we are truly grateful for your support.
As we open the curtains on this event, I cannot help but reflect on the journey that has led us to this point. It is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and countless hours of hard work. However, it is also a journey marked by perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of collaboration. Today, we stand on the cusp of something great, something that will leave an indelible mark on our lives and the lives of those we aim to serve.

文字表现 中文口号“从这里开始”,英文口号“Start Here”,在意思上高度一致。英文口号中,“Start”是“开始, 起步,启动”的意思,Here是“这里”,“此时此地”的意思,有时间、空间两个概念。 口号具有较好的延展性,便于多场合扩展使用 首先,中英文口号不含主语,能够扩展成各种子口号。每个人看到口号时,都可充分发挥想象,拥有广 泛的自由和空间,可以将自己的期望作为主语加入到口号中去,所以口号拥有广泛的包容性。在今后的大 运会筹办过程中,可围绕主题口号获得一系列子口号用于各种场合,例如火炬传递、开闭幕式、会歌歌词、 单项赛事等等。 其次,在视觉表现上,该主题口号也有很大的延展性。在具体使用时,根据不同的场景和主题演绎不同 的内容。可以设想:将主题口号字体固定,主语用手写体或其他变体,可以给受众长期稳定的视觉冲击, 同时又能够获得非常醒目的效果。 例如:梦想/青春/事业/激情/健康/未来 Dream/Youth/Passion/Career/Health/Future 从这里开始 Starts Here 最后,大运会主题口号作为深圳举办大运会的广告语,也是非常符合当代广告口号的创作原则。可以预 想,口号与会徽配合使用、相得益彰,将会为深圳大运会的宣传增色不少。 口号延续了大运会不断追求创新的精神 大运会的会徽“欢乐的U”敢于创新,突破了以往标志的一贯模式,很好地诠释了世界大学生运动会的宗 旨,形象地反映了大运会就是全世界大学生的文化嘉年华的特征,得到了市民、中国大体协、国际大体联 的高度肯定。 大运会主题口号继续延续了一贯追求的创新风格。中文口号“从这里开始”摈弃了一般口号多采用“青 春”、“激情”、“梦想”、“友谊”等词汇,文字质朴而意境深远,留有充分的想象空间,而且在表达 上也没有采用一般口号那种四平八稳的对仗形式。英文口号“Start Here”词语简单,发音为爆破音,响亮、 易懂易读。口号节奏感强,干脆利落,体现了年轻人朝气蓬勃、积极向上的精神风貌。


34. throwing 投掷运动 35. jumping 跳跃运动 36. games and competitions 球类运动 37. champion 冠军 38. second place/ runner-up 亚军 39. bronze medalist 季军 40. record 记录 41. gold medal tally 金牌榜 42. general medal tally 奖牌榜
• • • • • • •
Cycling Tennis Handball Hockey 曲棍球 Artistic Gymnastics 体操 Athletics 田径 Canoe /Kayak-Slalom 皮划艇激流回旋 • Rowing 赛艇
• Expressions Related to the Universiade • The Universiade (the World University Games) • 大运会 • FISU (the International University Sports Federation) • 国际大体联
• • • • • • • • •
体育项目 Sailing 帆船 Synchronized Swimming 花样游泳 Diving 跳水 Water Pob 水球 Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操 Canoe/Kayak-Flatwater 皮划艇静水 Weightlifting 举重 Baseball 棒球
• From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. • 从1961年到第八届二次会议,中国人 是不派出代表团参加。 • In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. • 1975年,中国被接受为会员的国际大 学体育联合会。




第26届深圳世界大学生夏季运动会2011 年,深圳这座充满活力与创新的城市,迎来了一场举世瞩目的体育盛会——第 26 届世界大学生夏季运动会。


体育运动会开幕式英文作文Title: The Grand Opening Ceremony of the Sports Event。
The opening ceremony of a sports event is a spectacle that embodies the spirit of competition, unity, and celebration. It serves as a platform to showcase the cultural heritage, traditions, and athletic prowess of participating nations. The recent opening ceremony of our sports event was nothing short of magnificent, captivating spectators from around the globe with its grandeur and splendor.The ceremony commenced with a breathtaking display of fireworks lighting up the night sky, symbolizing the beginning of an unforgettable journey of sportsmanship and camaraderie. As the dazzling lights faded, the stadium erupted with cheers and applause, setting the stage for an extraordinary evening ahead.One of the highlights of the ceremony was the Parade ofNations, where athletes from various countries marched proudly into the stadium, waving flags and donning vibrant traditional attire. The sight of athletes from diverse backgrounds coming together under one roof was a powerful representation of the unifying power of sports. Each delegation brought with them their unique culture and heritage, enriching the tapestry of the event.Following the Parade of Nations, the solemn yetuplifting rendition of the national anthem filled the air, evoking a sense of pride and patriotism among both athletes and spectators alike. It was a moment of unity, as we stood together, united by our love for sports and our respect for each other's nations.As the ceremony progressed, we were treated to a mesmerizing showcase of music, dance, and theatrical performances, each act paying homage to the host country's rich cultural heritage. From traditional folk dances to modern choreography, every performance was executed with precision and passion, leaving the audience in awe.One of the most memorable segments of the ceremony was the lighting of the Olympic flame, a symbol of hope, inspiration, and the enduring spirit of the games. As the flame was ignited, its warm glow illuminated the stadium, serving as a beacon of light for athletes embarking ontheir quest for excellence.Throughout the evening, there was an overwhelming sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, as athletes prepared to compete on the world stage and spectators eagerly awaited the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. It was a celebration of athleticism, perseverance, and the human spirit.In conclusion, the opening ceremony of our sports event was a spectacular showcase of talent, culture, and unity.It brought people together from all walks of life, transcending boundaries and fostering a sense of community and belonging. As we embark on this journey of competition and friendship, let us remember the true essence of sportsmanship and strive to make our event a shining example of excellence and fair play.。

运动会加油稿英文版(带翻译)cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. you do not knooment of success you dream of. yes, there is a lot of far-fetched dreams, but dreams can come true. has broken krylov said: “at this side of reality, the ideal at the other side, across the middle of the river rapids. efforts to frame action is on a bridge in sichuan.” from the reality on this side and reach the other side of the ideal, focusing on efforts to focus on confidence. , and that more should be the spirit of our athletes. eagle belong to the blue sky, e a stage , in order to e and spetitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful floe eone afraid of magma emitted burn themselves, select run, on the successful selection, they chose the injured; select high jump, on the ussels force by pregnancy after suffering a dazzling crystal pearl, e kind of faith in order to live.” hearts there is hope that only the hearts of the road, has the hearts of the road e exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life e humble and the great tragic. sport athletes. pace, orro. . touched, your spirit of sport. courage.运动如歌,但却没有永恒的调子。

开幕式英文致辞Ladies and gentlemen,It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the grand opening ceremony of [Event Name]. Today marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we come together to celebrate a new beginning and embark on a memorable experience.First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all our distinguished guests, sponsors, and organizers who have played an integral role in making this event possible. Your relentless efforts and unwavering support have undoubtedly been instrumental in shaping this magnificent occasion.This opening ceremony encapsulates the spirit of unity, innovation, and celebration of cultural diversity. As we gather here today, we embrace the opportunity to showcase our collective talents, skills, and passion. Together, we will witness a dynamic display of art, music, dance, and sports, celebrating the rich tapestry of human creativity and expression.Furthermore, this event amplifies the power of collaboration and highlights the importance of global connectivity. It serves as a platform for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together, exchange ideas, and foster meaningful connections. By transcending borders and cultural barriers, we can create a harmonious atmosphere that promotes mutual understanding and respect.In addition to the vibrant performances and exhibitions, this opening ceremony is also an occasion to reflect upon the challenges we have faced as a global community. The past year has been unprecedented, with the world grappling with an unforeseen pandemic. However, today, we emerge stronger and more resilient, ready to embrace the future with renewed hope and optimism.As we embark on this remarkable journey, let us embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and inspire one another. Let us celebrate our shared humanity and collectively work towards a better, more inclusive world. May this event be a source of joy, inspiration, and unforgettable memories for each and every one of us.Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to the success of this extraordinary event. I invite you all to immerse yourselves in the festivities, and may this opening ceremony mark the beginning of a truly memorable experience for all.Thank you and enjoy the spectacle that lies ahead.。

运动会开幕式英文作文英文:The opening ceremony of the sports meet was an unforgettable experience for me. The atmosphere was electric, and the excitement of the students was palpable. The ceremony began with a parade of all the participating teams, with each team proudly waving their flags and cheering loudly.As the ceremony continued, there were several performances from different cultural groups, showcasing the diversity of our school. One of the most impressive performances was a traditional dance from a group of students who had recently immigrated to our country. It was a beautiful display of their culture and talent.The highlight of the ceremony was the lighting of the torch, which was passed from one student to another untilit reached the final runner who lit the cauldron. It was amoment of great pride for our school and a symbol of the unity and teamwork that we all strive for.Overall, the opening ceremony was a fantastic start to the sports meet, and it set the tone for the rest of the event. It was a reminder that sports are not just about competition, but also about coming together as a community and celebrating our differences.中文:这次运动会的开幕式对我来说是一个难忘的经历。
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第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会副主席王荣致辞Speech by Mr WANG Rong (CHN), Vice President of the Organising Committee for the 26th Summer Universiade Shenzhen, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Shenzhen Municipality尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人,尊敬的乔治·基里安主席,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:今晚,我们相聚在中国,相聚在美丽的深圳湾。
此时此刻,请允许我表达深圳市民的共同心声--深圳欢迎来自世界各地的朋友们!Tonight we gather at beautiful Shenzhen Bay, China. On this joyful occasion please allow me, on behalf of all the citizens of the City of Shenzhen, to extend our heartfelt welcome to friends coming from afar around the world.深圳作为一座年轻的城市,也许会让青年朋友感到陌生。
Shenzhen, a young city in China, may be unfamiliar to some of our young friends. However, it is this young city's cordial invitation to a festive party of the young from around the world that drew the eye of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) four years ago for the host city of the 26th Summer Universiade. This decision is a trust and expectation that this young city has never received before. From the moment I took over the FISU Flag from President George E Killian in Belgrade on July 13, 2009, we began the countdown to honour our commitments with persistent efforts as the host of the 26th Summer Universiade.年轻的深圳举办大运会,给了我们一个宝贵的机会,能够在筹办过程中充分展示创新和创意,履行承诺、共襄盛会。
Hosting the 26th Summer Universiade gives the young city of Shenzhen an unparalleled opportunity to make a concerted effort to prepare a joyous sports event through creativity and dedication. This ceremony provides Shenzhen a brilliant chance to show its creativity. Under the effective leadership of the Chinese Central Government, and in the spirit of "Start Here" and 'Make a Difference', we have built new stadiums and gymnasiums and trained technical and management teams through maintaining high safety standards and in a scientific way. As a result, both the image and facilities of the City of Shenzhen have been enormously improved.各位青年朋友,深圳这座在中国改革开放中诞生的城市,过去三十多年里一直在燃烧着青春激情,追逐着青春梦想。
今晚,大运会的主火炬将在这里熊熊点燃,也预示着深圳将继续燃烧激情、奋发有为,创造一个更加美好的未来!Dear young friends, Shenzhen, as a city born out of China's reform and opening up 30 years ago, has ever since been blazing with youthful enthusiasm and keeping her youthful dreams alive. Tonight, the torch of the 26th Summer Universiade will be ignited right here in this young city, foretelling a better future for Shenzhen through hard work in sustained enthusiasm.愿你们喜欢深圳的热情与活力,愿深圳的一切给你们留下美好的回忆!I hope your experience in Shenzhen will be a wonderful memory.谢谢!袁贵仁在开幕式上的致辞第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会主席中华人民共和国教育部党组书记、教育部部长Speech by YUAN Guiren (CHN), President of the Organising Committee for the 26th Summer Universiade, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Education and Minister of Education, during the Universiade 2011 opening ceremony at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Centre在这祥和、欢乐、激动人心的时刻,我谨代表深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会,向出席开幕式的各位来宾表示衷心的感谢,向来自世界各地的代表团表示热烈的欢迎,向所有关心、支持本届大运会并为之付出辛勤劳动的朋友们致以崇高的敬意!On this harmonious, joyous and exciting occasion, I would like to express, on behalf of the Organising Committee for the 26th Summer Universiade Shenzhen, our heartfelt thanks to all the guests who have joined us here for the Opening Ceremony. I would also like to extend our warmest welcome to the delegations from around the world, and our highest regards to all friends who have supported and worked so hard for the Shenzhen Universiade.世界大学生运动会是大型国际体育盛会,半个多世纪以来蓬勃发展、贡献卓著、影响广泛。
The Universiade is a grand international sports event. For more than half a century, theUniveriade has flourished, made outstanding contributions and become increasingly important. The Universiade provides opportunities for university students to compete at their best, transcend themselves, achieve dreams, and make friends. During the Universiade, the athletes will show true sportsmanship and team spirit while enjoying the excitement of competitions. The young people will promote the values of peace and harmony as they lead us to a brighter future.青年朋友们,深圳是一个创造了无数奇迹的年轻城市,你们一定也能够在这里,展现不一样的精彩,创造新的奇迹。
Young friends, Shenzhen is a young city of miracles. I am sure that all of you will make a difference here and create your own miracles.预祝深圳第26解答学生运动会圆满成功!I wish the 26th Universiade complete success.谢谢!Speech of FISU President George E. KILLIAN at the Universiade Shenzhen 2011 opening ceremony 12 Aug. 2011国际大体联主席乔治·基里安在大运会开幕式上的致辞2011年8月12日尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人,女士们、先生们:It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the city of Shenzhen, China, home of the 26th edition of the Summer Universiade for the next 11 days. The FISU Family, the athletes, the coaches and the administrators standing here before you tonight are honoured and proud to be with you in Shenzhen, and they look forward to performing their very best for you during this Universiade that is the biggest event ever organised in FISU's history. Thank you all for being here tonight to share this historic moment.我非常高兴地欢迎各位来到中国深圳,在此参加为期11天的深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会。