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Name__________ Score_________



( )1. A. sheet B. chicken C. queen D. white

( )2. A. bake B. cat C. bed D. ice-cream

( )3. A. use B. up C. orange D. bird

( )4. A. cloudy B. wind C. tea D. rain

( )5. A. swim B.smart C. snail D. student


st. s Oct. 31D. It' clock. C. It's time to play. '( )1. A. It's Monday. B. Its 3 o'( )2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, I did.

( )3. A. It's Lucy's. B. It's a car. C. Number 15. D. It's silver. ( )4. A. She is laughing. B. He is drinking. C. They are reading. D. I'm watching TV.

( )5. A. This morning. B. Tomorrow. C. Twice a week. D. Next week. ( )6. A. It was OK. B. I went to Paris. C. Just for a week. D. Last month. ( )7. A. He was at school. B. He had a swim. C. Yes, he was. D. He didn't have any.

( )8. A. She is a model. B. She likes vegetables. C. She is tall and thin. D. She works in a hospital.

( )9. A. Yes, please. B. How do you do? C. You are welcome. D. All right. ( )10. A. With my friends. B. By bus. C. At 7 o'clock. D. Every morning.


Mr. Patel had a small shop near the s_______. The shop is open from Monday to F______, but not at

w_______. He arrives at eight o'clock in the morning, and he s________ the shop at half

p______ six in the

evening. People come and go in the shop all day. Mr. Patel knows them all. He's very friendly. He s_______

and listens. People tell him t______. He listens and t_______. He doesn't t_____ much. Mr. Patel is an

i__________ man.





/ 1




() 1.Her sister had a baby _______

B. in two months.A. for two months. D. two months ago.

C. at two months. ve got my suitcase, and _____ out now!) 2.--( B. I comem comingA. I

D. I comingC. coming

My father wants me ________.) 3.(

B. go to the cinemaA . go to school D. be going to go to school

C. to go home )4(What

time_______his mother_________(do) the housework D. does doB. does; doesC. do doesdo; do Listen, who____________ in the music room?)5(

D. is singingC. singingA. singB. sings

--____________________.()6-- I have a bad headache.

s all right.B. ThaA .I am sorry to hear that. t matter.C. Excuse me.D. It does'--They are singing in a tree.--_____are the birds doing?()7 A. WhoB. WhatC. HowD. WhereThere are _________ books in the house .)8(

D. hundredshundreds ofc. aA .hundredB.

Her jobs ____ her all over the world.)9( D. bringA. workB. travelC. take m going to meet my friend ____ lunch.ThenI()10 D. with

A .atB. forC. to


A. Yes, he was. Clair was there, too. 1. Where were you last night?

) (

B. I want him to call me this evening. 2. Can you get me some coffee?

) (

C. Because the book is funny. 3. How often do they watch TV?

) (

D. Yes, sir. Straight away. 4. Do you want me to do that for you?

) (

E. Oh, it is mine. Thanks. 5. Who does this pen belong to?

) (

F. Every evening. 6. Was Paul at the party?

) (

G. They are going to the theater this evening. 7. What do you want William to do?

) (

H. Yes, please. That's very kind. 8. Why are you laughing?

) (

I. I was in London. 9. What does she usually do at weekend?

) (

J. She usually reads books. 10. What are they going to do this evening?

) (


Jack ____ (wants, speak)Anna to call Pierre in Paris _____ (because, and) he's going to Paris _____

(first, do) thing tomorrow. Jack wants to _____ (see, meet) with Pierre at 8 o'clock. Jack was in Paris last

week, and he was in Washington the week _____ (before, after) last. Anna wants to travel, but she is _____

(never, always) at her desk. She was there ______(yesterday, tomorrow) and she was there the day before

yesterday. She and Janey are ____ (going, go ) to be _____ (office, there ) tomorrow, and the day

