小区供配电设计_毕业设计说明书1 精品

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The Power Supply design
Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
摘 要
Keywords:Power distribution system;Pຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduwer substation;The transformer
第1章 概述
This is works for the end of the power system , to study.the domestic load for small residential area . Statistics Load of small residential,we must think many things. Including the electricity consumption of the local residential in recent years, and the trend of changes year by year. I also contrast with the electricity consumption of the developed city ,and the Situation of transformers that have constructed. These work is to avoid the waste of the power of electricity and the waste of investment.After the confirmition of lode, I ensure the capacity of the transformer. With the evelopment of the transformer,I choose the transformer that have a good price quality. Considering the characteristic of district and the greate development of box-type electric substation ,It is good to divide the district to several zones. Every zone’s power is supplied by a box-type electric substation. the command is equiped by parallel capacitor,and one or two transformers that offer electric power to buildings nearby. In the field of address of transformer ,I follow electricity ordinanceand electrical safety strictly.It mustn’t affect the normal life. When drawing the schematic diagram ,I consider the distribution of the domestic load and the direction of the roads , on theprincipleof high efficiency and save resources ,to optimize of theplan.In therespectof underground cable ,I follow theCableLayingofelectricpowerengineeringhandbook and other relating to national standards. the Short Circuit Current has been analyzed, Majorequipmenthas beed tested and calibrated. lightning protective earthing system has been designed in asystematicway.
1.2 设计的主要任务
1. 负荷计算与无功补偿;
2. 变配电所主变压器和主接线方案,变配电所位置和型式的选择;
3. 变配电所一次设备的选择校验,变配电所进出线的选择,变配电所二次回路方案的选择与继电保护的整定,变配电所的防雷保护与接地装置的设计、变配电所的布置与结构设计;