
1. 解决类问题形式解决类问题形式顾名思义,指在part3中对某个事物发展趋势的不足或缺陷提出的单一或者一系列的解决方案。
下面我们可以看看具体的问题形式(这里只是总结的常见形式,仅供参考)Interviewer: Facing so many disadvantages, do you think there are some effective ways to deal with this situation?Interviewee A: Well, based on the disadvantages of this issue, I think there are some effective methods to deal with the situation. From the government's perspective, a series of rules and regulations should be carried out based on the currently unsatisfactory situation. Hum ... sounds like a good idea. As far as individuals are concerned, everybody should do whatever it takes to comply with all the relevant rules and regulations.Interviewee B: Actually, there are plenty of ways to do.... I guess the top priorit y is …There is no way for ...to ...Another thing ...Besides,...sounds brilliant.从上述例子可以看出,面对这两类问题,有不同的作答方式和侧重点。
雅思口语part 3题型

雅思口语part 3题型
雅思口语part 3是口语考试的第三部分,通常是在part 2的
在part 3中,考官会就与part 2话题相关的更
part 3的题型通常包括以下几种:
1. 深入讨论,考官会就part 2中提到的话题进行深入的讨论,可能涉及到话题的各个方面,如影响、态度、观点等,要求考生进
2. 比较对比,考官可能会要求考生比较和对比不同事物、观点
3. 解释原因,考官可能会要求考生解释某一现象的原因或者某
4. 展望未来,考官可能会要求考生展望未来,对某一话题进行
5. 提出建议,考官可能会要求考生就某一问题提出建议或者解
总的来说,雅思口语part 3的题型是比较开放和灵活的,考官
会根据part 2的话题和考生的回答情况来提出更深入和具体的问题,要求考生进行更加细致和深入的回答,以展现其口语表达能力和思
表达能力和思维深度,以应对各种类型的part 3问题。
雅思口语Part 3备考技巧详解

雅思口语Part 3备考技巧详解一、雅思口语P3常见问题类型1. 观点类问题这类问题通常会要求考生对某个现象或观点进行评价和分析。
例如:“Do you think technology has made people more isolated?”(你认为技术是否使人们变得更加孤立?)。
2. 原因类问题雅思口语p3几个问题?这类问题会要求考生解释某个现象或观点的原因。
例如:“Why do some people prefer to live in big cities rather than small towns?”(为什么有些人更喜欢住在大城市而不是小镇?)。
3. 结果类问题这类问题会要求考生预测某个现象或观点的结果。
例如:“What will be the impact of climate change on future generations?”(气候变化对未来世代的影响是什么?)。
4. 比较类问题这类问题会要求考生比较两个或多个事物或现象的差异和相似之处。
例如:“How is social media different from traditional media?”(社交媒体和传统媒体有什么不同?)。
二、备考技巧分享1. 拓宽知识面为了在雅思口语P3环节中更好地应对各种问题,考生需要拓宽自己的知识面,关注时事热点、社会现象、科技发展等方面的信息。
2. 培养逻辑思维能力逻辑思维能力是雅思口语P3环节的重要考察点。

雅思口语part3问题总结与解析为了大家能更好的备考雅思考试,前程百利雅思小编特为大家整理雅思口语part3问题总结与解析,包了最新雅思听说读写备考资料,以及最权威的参考书,处于备考中的考生们,还等什么呢!1. 原因论述类考题:在回答这种类型的雅思口语考题时, ----问题的重点,且一定要紧扣此重点, 不能游离出去------探寻原因,这样,思路就能更加开阔,更能做到有话可说。
比如下面这道题:what is the reason why so many people want to become famous?参考答案:I believe many people want to become famous for two reasons. The first reason is if they become famous, they can make a lot of easy money and they can make their life easier. The second reason is they can make powerful friends and they will be powerful enough to protect their friends and family better.非常高频的出现一些因果的表达法,如 because, due to, owing to, the reason why...is that..., contribute to, lead to, give rise to, be attributed to, result from 等。
因此,经常用到的词就有 advantages, benefits, merits, upsides, plus points, disadvantages, drawbacks, downsides, minus points 等。

因此,研究雅思口语Part3的答题技巧及方法,不仅可以帮助我们练好Part1, 更能帮助我们取得雅思口语高分。
(1)preferØ关键问题Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home?Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?Which do you prefer, western wedding style or Chinese traditional one?Ø关键句型To be honest, I prefer A to B for the reason that…In my mind, I think…is better, because…To tell you the truth, although B is…, A is still better than B, because…(2)benefitØ关键问题What are the benefits of swimming?Ø关键句型The first benefit comes to my mind is…People say…, but for me, …There are several benefits to name. Firstly,… Secondly,…Thirdly,…(3)kindØ关键问题What kind of food do you like best?Ø关键句型My favorite… is…I’ll say the one which earns my interest is…My answer would be…(4)howØ关键问题How do you think we can control the terrible traffic condition?Ø关键句型Before I explain, I’d like you to imagine that you are a…, and…. After this thinking, you might know how…, right?There are a couple of ways to…. In the first place,… In addition,…. Last but not least,…This is really a big question for me. I think with the development of technology and society, the problem will be solved gradually.(5)advantages and disadvantagesØ关键问题What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program?Ø关键句型The advantage is…, while the disadvantage is…On one hand,…. On the other hand,…There are at least two advantages/disadvantages. For one thing,…. The other one is...(6)whyØ关键问题Why is it important for us to give gifts to others?Ø关键句型There are three reasons for that. To begin with,…. In addition,…. Lastly,….A couple of reasons may explain that. In the first place,…. What’s more,…. Last but not least,….There are several reasons for that. Firstly,…. Secondly,….Thirdly….Well, the reasons for that are very simple. At first, ….. Next,…. Finally,….(7)what should people do to…Ø关键问题What should people do to minimize the damage of bad weather?Ø关键句型We should…The first and foremost thing we should do is…The only way is…(8)Tell me something about…Ø关键问题Tell me something about the tourism attraction which leaves you the deepest impression.Ø关键句型If you like, I can show you around, and you’ll know why I like it so much.If you go there, you will receive a warm welcome.It may sound too general if I don’t go into any detail.(9)differenceØ关键问题What are the differences between Chinese food and western food?Ø关键句型A is… On the contrary,B is…There is a huge difference between A and B. A is…, but B is…A is…. This is very different from B, which is…(10)ChinaØ关键问题What do Chinese people like to read?Ø关键句型It depends. You know, China has a large population. For some people, …. But others…Well, choices are divided. On one hand, A….. On the other hand, B….There is a difference in preference between A and B. While A is…, B is ….(11)chooseØ关键问题Which one would you choose, living in a big city or a small countryside?Ø关键句型I will give my support for…I would vote for…… will be my first choice.(12)characteristicsØ关键问题What are the characteristics of good classmates?Ø关键句型I think … and … may be the words to describe it.There are many characteristics. But the most distinctive one is…(13)effectØ关键问题What are the effects of bad weather?Ø关键句型It is helpful for…It is beneficial especially when…It is harmful to…(14)what do you think aboutØ关键问题What do you think about the life of the famous people?Ø关键句型When I first think about…, the first thing come to my mind is…(15)would you like…Ø关键问题Would you like to be a singer?Would you like to be a movie star?Would you like to be a famous person?Ø关键句型If I have the time, I would like to have a try, because I think it would be interesting and meaningful.I afraid no, because I don’t care too much about….Absolutely. It is my childhood dream comes true.(16)do you oftenØ关键问题Do you often read books?Do you often go to restaurant?Do you often go to cinema?Ø关键句型Yes. And I… whenever I am free.No. I used to do that before, but now I drop it.No, because I don’t have enough time to do that.以上,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家从关键词这一角度入手,大致总结了雅思口语Part3可能考到的一些问题,希望能帮助广大考生发现雅思口语Part3的出题规律,并一一攻克其中的重点和难点。

比如下面这道题:What is the reason why family members do not eat togetheranymore?在这一题中,中心考点名词是family members,那么我们就可以对其做一个breakdown,家庭成员分孩子,成年人和老人,他们都会有自己身不由己,无法和家人共同进餐的不同原因,至此,考题就可从不同层次得到解答。
那么在阐述的进程中就必定会非常高频的呈现一些因果的表达法,如because, due to, owing to, the reason why…is that…, contributeto, lead to, give rise to, be attributed to, result from等。
2 情形对照类考题应对这种考题,建议考生首先要找出所对照的两者是什么,随即对两者的劣势和优势进行讨论,这类标题说穿了就是对于正反两面的讨论。
因此,经常用到的词就有advantages, benefits, merits, upsides, plus points,disadvantages, drawbacks, downsides, minus points等。

Part 1:雅思口语Part3介绍Part2:雅思口语Part3答题关键Part3的问题答题时有2个很重要的原则,一是Speak at length,二是站在多个角度答问题。
1. 个人观点类问题此类问题大致如下:你认为…怎么样?你做过…吗?你认为…重要吗?一些人认为…,你同意吗?如果…你会怎么做?这类型的问题考察的是个人经验,对某个事物的看法,即描述某事某物的重要性/意议/价值等。
个人观点类问题答题时可以有三种角度:*No1. 正面出击。
)*No2. 反例法。
)*No3. 正+反结合。
(正面说一点,反面说一点)2. 差异对比类问题雅思口语Part3很喜欢问对比类的话题,可以细分为三大类:①事物对比答题可以有两种方式:*思路1:introduction(答案的开头句)+A的特点/优缺点+B的特点/优缺点+example(举一个具体的例子来解释A和B之间的差异)或者:*思路2:introduction+ A的特点/优缺点&example+ B的特点/优缺点&example+ reasons(具体解释一下产生A和B之间差异的原因)②人群对比答题:此类问题考察不同人群对待同一件事物或某种现象的看法,即你对二者人生观与态度的认知。
答题时需要站在不同的人物角度来作答:Introduction+For men...+From the women’s perspective ...+Conclusion.③时间对比答题:涉及时间类的问题主要考察事物的发展过程、发展趋势并未来展望(potential),答题时:有对比现象(如:以前的交流工具和现在的交流工具有什么不同?),两个时间段都描述,描述事物特征、样子;无对比现象,分点阐述,注意逻辑、时态。

雅思口语之Part3考试题型归纳第一、观点考察类观点考察题在part3出现频率很高,考官会依据part 2的大主题和同学们回答的内容给出一个非常具体的场景,更像是“私人订制题”,比如:To what extent do you think advertising affects people's shopping habits?第二、原因论述类顾名思义,考官会针对一些现象问考生其理由或原因,比如:Why should children learn from role models?第三、利弊比较类此类题的重点在事物利弊的对比,和雅思大作文类似。
比如:What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?第四、时间对比类这一类题的明显特征就在于明显提到了事物过去和现在的状态,并希望考生进行比较口Have the modes of transport people use in your country changed much over the last1few decades?第五、情况对比类这种题目通常是两方的对比,比如两种不同场景的比较,或者是两类不同人群的比较!Are women more fashionable than men?第六、预测未来类这类题一般会要求考生对未来进行展望,用的时态也基本上都是未来时!Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future?第七、解决问题类这类考题通常会要求考生对某些社会问题提出解决方案,比如:What can people do to reduce water pollution?第八、影响效果类这一类题目就会要求考生描述清楚事物的影响:How does modern technology influence friendship?2。
雅思口语5-8月 口语part3问题措施类


第一部分句型结构Question type one: “basic description” questionsTell me about your hometownWell as you can probably guess I come from Beijing and I have lived here all my life, although at the moment I am studying in another city----Tianjin. I suppose if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it‟s absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia I guess. It‟s so big in fact that even the locals have problems finding their way around. Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the China‟s most renowned landmarks are “slap-bang” in the middle of Beijing.Lead-in phrase;Ok,then….; Right, ok; Alright; Well; Well, you know….; Well first of all….Actually…..Pointing phrase:The first thing I should mention is that…..The point I‟d like to begin with is that…..The main thing you need to know is that..You may (or may not) be aware that in fact..(1)lead-in phrase(2)1st pointing phrase(3)Point 1(4)Linking word/phrase +detail about point 1.Example of 2nd pointing phrase:Another point which I could add is that….A second feature which I should mention is that….As well as that, I could say that….(5)2nd pointing phrase(6)Point 2(7)Liking word/phrase + detail about point 2Example of 3rd pointing phrase:And I shouldn‟t forget to mention that ….In addition to what I‟ve just said, I can add that..I guess I could remark on the fact that…..something else that I need to comment on is that …(8) 3rd pointing phrase(9) point 3(10) linking word/phrase + detail about point 3Well, first of all, the main thing you need to know is that …(point 1).. in fact, …(detail1)… on top of that ,I can also add that …(point 2)….which means….(detail2)… something else that I need to comment on is that …(point 3) so actually.Questions for you to discuss:Tell me about the house/flat you live inDescribe your hometownTell me about your jobTell me about your familyTell me about your cityWhat is your main ambition?What makes you happy?Question type 2: likingI am fairly/ pretty keen on……I am quite /pretty fond of ….I am really into….. I am totally mad about……I am quite a big fan of ………. I am quite partial to…I am quite enthusiastic about….. I am quite passionate aobut….I generally prefer…..(use only when comparing)Do you like animals?Well ,to be honest, in general I would say that I am actually quite keen on animals, but in particular I would probably have to say that I am really into domestic pets like dogs. I guess the reason why I am a fan of dogs is because I adore their loyalty and companionship. In addition to dogs I suppose I am also pretty passionate about endangered species, especially dolphins and things like that and this is due to the fact I feel some degree of responsibility towards wildlife protection.First give a starting phrase or lead-in phrase:Well in general I would say that……Actually, I suppose that for the most part I‟d probably say that….Well, to be honest I should really say that….Of course I think I‟d have to say that…..Certainly I would definitely say that…..Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that….Select a liking expression and add the topic word or a general category of the topic.Well, in general I would say that I am quite passionate about Italian food…Now add a liking word or phrase to introduce a specific type of the topic or category.but in particular…. To be more precise particularly to be more specific especially to be more exact specifically to be more accuratewell in general, I would say that I am quite passionate about Italian food, to be more specific, I would probably say that I am really into pizza and pasta.Now add a linking phrase to introduce the first reason:And I guess this is probably because….This could be because ….This might be because….This is due to the fact that…..I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that……Well in general, I would say that I am quite passionate about Italian food, to be more specific, I would probably say that I am really into pizza and pasta. This is mainly because my girlfriend is Italian so she always cooks Italian cuisine at home.Lean cuisine : 瘦身特餐高级法式料理haute cuisine shangdong cuisine 鲁菜西式菜肴western cuisine Canton cuisine 粤菜Now use a linking phrase to introduce your second point:As well as this….. To add to this….. In addition to thisWell in general, I would say that I am quite passionate about Italian food, to be more specific, I would probably say that I am really into pizza and pasta. This is mainly because my girlfriend is Italian so she always cooks Italian cuisine at home. As well as this, I am quite partial to vegetarian food especially things like bean-curd. This could be because I am quite conscious of healthy eating and bean curd is a fat-free food and it‟s high in nutritional value.So the complete structure looks like this:Well to be honest, in general I would say that I am actually quite keen on …, but in particular I would probably have to say that I am really into…you know, things like…. I guess the reason why I am a fan of .. is because I adore….. in addition to this, I suppose I am also pretty passionate about,…., especially …. and things like that, and this is due to the fact that….Questions for you to discuss:What food do you like? Do you like listening to music?Do you like reading? Do you like shopping? What do you like about your hometown? What do you like about your studies/job?Question type 3: “disliking” questionsDisliking questions are quite common in part one of the speaking test. The answers can be very similar to the “liking”questions but with “disliking” vocabulary.I am not so keen on…. I am not really that fond of …I am not much of a fan of ……And for very strong “dislikes” use the following:I totally detest….. I really can‟t stand…..I absolutely loathe…..Is there anything you don‟t like about your hometown?Of course I think I‟d have to say that I‟m not so keen on the weather. To be more precise, I really can‟t stand the summer months. This is due to the fact that the temperatures can get as high as 40 degrees so it can be quite comfortable if you don‟t have air conditioning in your house. In addition to this, I am not really that fond of the public transport system. And I guess this is probably because the buses are too old and the seats are really hard, so long journeys are usually pretty bumpy.Questions for you to discuss:Is there anything you don‟t like about your school/ studies?Is there any food you don‟t like?What‟s the worst thingWhat‟s the worst thing about shopping?Are there any clothes that you don‟t like?What type of weather do you dislike?Question type 4: “types of “ questions.Begin with an opening phrase:Well actually Of course, you knowSure, obviously. Of course, It goes without saying ...OK, certainly,Then use one of the following:There‟s quite a mixed variety of.There's quite an extensive diversity ofthere's quite a wide range of.there‟s quite a diverse mixture of..there‟s a fairly broad range of .So the opening line might be:"Of course, it goes without saying that there's quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city."Now use the following structure to introduce the first type:But I guess the most + adj. .would probably be.However, I suppose the most + adj. could possibly be.Though I think the most + adj. .. would potentially beYet I Imagine the most'+adj. .may well be.Still, I suspect that the most + adj. .. could perhaps beIn these structures you will need to select an adjective which fits the question. Here are some possible adjective suggestions:CommonPopularFashionableFamouswidely-usedimportantstandardhip 新潮的usualcurrentbest-sellingcommonplacefrequenttrendy 时髦的well-knownwidely-knownsignificantconventionalwith-it 时新的customary 习惯的fashionableup-to-dateinfluentialprevalent 流行的notorious 声名狼藉的crucialprominent 显著的widespreadcelebratedcommonly-usedcommonly-knownnotable 著名的renowned 有名的So the first sentence could be:“Of course, i t goes without saying that there's quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city. Though I think the most commonly-used would potentially be buses.”Now use a phrase to add a detail:The thing with buses is thatI assume buses are so + adj. because….The point I want to add about buses is thatAnd what you have to realize with buses is thatAnd the explanation for this could be thatAnd the basis of this is that……So the first part of the answer could be:Of course, it goes without saying that there‟s quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city. Though I think the most commonly-used would potentially be buses. And the explanation for this could be that they are so cheap and reliable. In fact the average bus fare in my city is about one yuan for a single journey.Now use a linking phrase to introduce a second type.Besides (buses)….As well as (buses)…In addition to (buses)…Another kind of (public transport) would be…Another form of (public transport) worth mentioning could be…A second variety of (public transport) would be someth ing like…A subsequent category would be something like...So the next part of the answer might be:"As well as buses, a second variety of public transport would be something like taxis,"Add a linking phrase to develop the second type:And the main characteristic of (taxis) is that. ..And the unique aspect of (taxis) is that …And one exceptional aspect with (taxis) is thatAdd the detail with a linking word to form a complex sentence:“As well as buses, a second variety of public transport would be something like taxis. And one exceptional aspect with (taxis) is that they arc certainly the quickest way to get around town. So if you're in a hurry then taxis are the best bet (= the best choice )Now you need to add a vague end line:And of course there's the usual things likeAnd obviously you can also find things like .Likewise, as might be expected, there are things likeAnd naturally, there are things like.So the final sentence might be:"Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like ferries, motorcycle taxis and trains, although these are not as widely-used as the first two that I mentioned."So the finished structure might look something like:"Of course, it goes without saying there's quite an extensive diversity of..(topic) Still, I suspect that the most +adj. could perhaps be .. (type 1) And what you have to realize with ...(type 1) is that…In fact/ so /but /because (detail)Another form of… (topic) worth mentioning could be…(type 2) And the main characteristic of… (type 2)is that…(detail) (+ linking word complex structure)And naturally, there are things like… (2 or 3 other types)"Use the complete model structure to answer the following questions:Tell me about the types of sport that are popular in your countryWhat kinds of restaurants are popular in your country?What types of shops can be found in your local area?What types of things do people collect in your country?What hobbies arc common in your country?What types of TV programmes are popular m your country?Question Type 5: “Wh-/ How Often" QuestionsExample:How often do you go to the cinema?""Well to be honest, I think J would have to say that it really depends. Like for instance, if I have the money, then it‟s quite possible that I will watch a movie m the cinema, two or three times a month. You know cinema tickets are pretty pricey m China. Whereas in contrast, i f I'm broke, it‟s more likely that I'll watch movies at home on DVD: you probably know that DVDs are quite cheap here, especially compared to the price of cinema ticket.”The first step is to select an opening phrase:Well to be honest.. Well in truth .Actually to be fair. Well in all fairnessI n actual fact… In fact. in all honestyNow select a "depends" phrase:I think I would have to say that it really dependsI suppose I would have to maintain that it kind of depends reallyI imagine that it would depend on the situation.I guess my answer would be determined by different conditions.Now select a linking phraseLike for instance. More precisely like…Like more specifically.. Like, to be more direct.You know like, to be exactSelect one of the following:If (situation A) then I will most likely.If (situation A) then it's quite possible that I will.If (situation A) then as a consequence I will probably.If (situation A) then I guess it's quite likely that I will..Situation A Situation BWeekdays WeekendsSummer WinterGood weather Bad weatherTerm time school holidaysIf I'm alone if I am with friendsIf I've got a lot of time. If I am fairly busy…So the opening sentence might be:"Well In all fairness, I imagine that it would depend on the situation .like for instance, if (situation A)…then I will most likely ….so/because/in factNow you can compare situation A with situation b. add a compare liking phrase:Whereas in contrast…. Though, at the same time…Whereas on the other hand…. While, oppositely…讨论问题:How often do you go to the cinema?Where do you usually go shopping?When do you usually read?At what time of day do you usually listen to music?Who do you spend your evenings with?When you go out in the evenings, what do you usually do ?How often do you play sports?How often do you eat out in restaurants?Question Type6: “Yes/No” Questions"Is healthy eating important?""Well in actual fact, If I think about it, I guess that in many ways it's fairly important, especially when you consider that a healthy diet can help to prevent a variety of diseases and health problems such as diabetes and obesity But you also have to understand that eating unhealthy food in moderation is not overly harmful. In fact unhealthy food is often tastier than healthy food so I guess it's fine to eat a little junk food now and then. So all in all I guess my answer would have to be yes and no.”First, use an opening phrase:Well In actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways..OK, well in reality, I suppose that to some extent…Alright, I guess that on the one handWell certainly i n some ways…Now make your first statement (eg, It's fairly i mportant …) Develop the first statement using a linking structure: …especially when y ou consider that……particularly if you think about the poi nt that…especially with regard to the point that……and this is definitely the case with…Now you need to introduce your “No” answer. First use a linking phrase:But you also have to understand that…Even so, you could also say that…At the same time you could say that…After describing your "No" answer, you can "round-off" the answer with one of the following phrases:So all in all I guess my answer would have to be yes and no.So on the whole I suppose the answer has to be yes and no.So all things considered I guess the answer is both yes and no.So in the main. I suppose the answer is probably yes and no.Use the full structure to answer the following questions:Do many people work on farms in your country?Is food expensive in your country?Is public transport expensive in your country?Do you think that it is important to spend time alone?Do people wear special clothes at weddings in your country?Is watching TV a popular activity in your country?Do you think it important to play sports/do physical exercise?Is.fast food popular in your country?Is healthy eating important?Can you play a musical instrument?Do you think it‟s important tor children to learn to play a musical instrument?Is food expensive in your country?Is education free in your country?Do you think you are an ambitious person?Question Type 7: “Would” QuestionsWould you like to move to another city in the future?Would you like to change your job?Would you like to live near the sea?Would you like to learn another foreign language?Would you like to be in a film?What would you like to change about your city?What would you like to change about your school (school in the past) ?Would you like to change your name?Would you like to change your job?Would you like to live near the sea?Would you like to learn another foreign language?Would you like to be in a film?What would you like to change about your city?What would you like to change about your school?Would you like to change your name?What job would you like to do in the future?Would you like to live to a foreign country?Would you like to be a professional photographer?"Would you like to move to another city in the future?""I would like to change cities if I had the chance, because if I lived in a different city I would make lots of new friends and I could try lots of new kinds of food. Also I might be able to find a well-paid job. "Sometime candidates begin these questions with: “'I never t hought about it.”This is not a good example of native-speaker language. The following structure, can be used to begin your answer.Well, quite honestly I don't think I've ev er thought about that, but I guess…Actually, this isn't something that I've ever considered, hut i n short…I'm not really sure how to put this, but I suppose generally speakin g…Look at the following complete structure:“Would you like to move to another city?”“Actually this isn't something that I've ever considered, but in short I suppose I would possibly consider moving cities, especially if I had the chance to move to a coastal city like Xiamen or Sanya. If I lived in a seaside city I would be able to hang out on the beach every day and I would also have the opportunity to get into water sports like scuba--diving and possibly surfing.”long response ---- Linking phrases ---- Complex sentence ---- Redundant language较长的回答----连接性短语-----复杂的结构-----冗词第二部分结构:A: opening phrase+the first prompt from cardOk, then, I guess I could start off by answering who the person is….Alright then, in response to the first question of who the person is,So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of who the person is..Ok. I‟ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is…Right then, I‟d like to get cracking by pointing out who the person is…So I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is who the person isInitially then, I‟d like to get started by looking at who the person is…So, to start with I‟ll talk about who the person is..So I guess I could kick off by stating who the person is…Ok, so my first point here would obviously be who the person isBefore you add your content sentence, you need to add another linking phraseAnd I think I would have to choose… and I‟d probably select..And I…d have to go for…and my choice is going to be…And the one I‟d pick is…..后面一般可以加细节Because; for the reason that; actually; who is; which is; where ; in fact; although; particularly; especially, etc.B: the second point + the second prompt from cardGoing on to my nextpoint which is why he is famous…Continuing then with the next point of why he is famous…Now with regard to the next question of why he is famous..Next then in response to the point of why he is famous..Regarding the theme of why he is famous..Now on the subject of why he is famous…Now concerning the matter of why he is famousBefore you explain this point you need to add a second linking phrase (similar to your first point)And what I‟d like to add here is that…And what I need to emphasize here is that…And what I ought to stress here is that…and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that…And what I have to mention here is that…C: The third point + the third prompt from cardProgressing to the subject of why I would like to meet this celebrity…Moving onto the business of why I would like to meet this celebrityDrawing attention to the matter of why I would like to meet this celebrityProceeding with the issue of why I would like to meet this celebrityMoving forward onto the area of why I would like to meet this celebrityNow add your second linking phrase:I would like to explain that…What I‟d like to make clear is that….You really have to understand that….What I…d like to shed light on here is that….I suppose I should underline the fact that…加细节(原因,解释等)D The fourth point + the fourth prompt from cardFinally then, if there is time, I could deal with the last question of …To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of ..As a final point, if time permits, I‟d like to bring in the point of ….To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of …..Example:1.Describe an animal that can be found in your country.You should say:What type of animal it isWhere it can be foundWhether you have seen itWhat other people think of this animal.2. Describe a useful skill that you would like to learn.You should say:What the skill isWhy you would like to learn itWhether it would be difficult to learnWhether you think .you will/earn this skill in the near future.3 Describe your childhood home.You should say:What type of house / flat it wasWhere it was locatedWhat you liked about itWhether you still live in this house / flat.Suggested answers:1 "So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of what type of animal it is and the one I'd pick is the giant panda.Actually there are two types of panda, the lesser or red panda and the commonly known giant panda which is the national symbol of China.Now concerning the matter of where it can be found, and what I ought to stress here is that because it is an endangered species it lives mostly in protected nature reserves in Western China although it is also possible to see them in zoos around the world.Moving onto the business of whether I have seen it, I suppose I should underline the fact that I visited the Panda Sanctuary in Chengdu 2 years ago while I was travelling in Sichuan Province .It was actually a one-day tour of the pandas' habitat which, included lectures from conservation experts.As a final point, if time permits, I'd like to bring in the point of what other people think of the animal. I guess that most Chinese people feel some sense of patriotism 爱国主义towards the giant panda because it is recognized globally the archetypal 最原始的Chinese animal.2 "Ok, I'll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of what the skill is, and I'd probably l select the Chinese martial art Tai Ji, a skilled art which is used to promote physical and spiritual well-being.Continuing then with the next point of why I would like to learn it and what I ought to stress here is that I would really like to get in shape because at the moment I'm quite unfit. Ever since I was a kid I've been kind of fascinated by Tai Ji, especially the way it can help you to relieve stress and improve overall physical fitness.Progressing to the subject of whether it would be difficult to learn, you really have to understand that it would probably be quite demanding at first, then again I'm sure I would be able to deal with the challenge, although it might be tough to master some of the complicated breathing exercises.So to end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of whether I think I will learn this skill in the near future, and I should say that I have in actual fact already signed up for a Tai Ji class which is run at the local martial arts centre near where I live."3. Right then, I'd like to get cracking by pointing out what type of house it was, and I'd have to go for the house thatI was born in, which was a spacious rural cottage in a mountainous area of Northwest Hubei. Actually this was a single storey house with about five bedrooms.Regarding the theme of where it was located, and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that it was set in lush fields near a range of mountains near the border with Sichuan Province. Actually it was quite isolated-the nearest town was about l0 km away and the roads were quite bumpy.Moving forward onto the area of what I liked about it, I would like to explain that although I don't remember too much about it, the things that has always stayed in my mind are the thatched roof which made it nice and cool in the hot summer months and the communal courtyard that we shared with our neighbours.Finally then, if there's time, I could deal with the last question of whether I still live in this house and as I've already mentioned I was born in this house but I moved out when I was about 5 years old.第三部分结构汇总Part Three Question Type 1: Comparing"Do men and women like the same hobbies?""I think men and women like different hobbies, for example men are fond of many types of sporting activities such as football and basketball. Also they prefer things like watching action movies and going to bars, but women like hobbies such as shopping, watching TV, singing KTV and chatting online."(1) Well obviously...Well clearly...Sure, without a doubt...Well undoubtedly .Well unmistakably(2) There are a number of underlying differences here.There are a variety of possible differences here.There are a range of potential distinctions here.(3) However, I guess that the moot significant would be that...Though I suppose that the most obvious would be that...But 1 would say the most fundamental would be that...especially, particularly, in fact, such as, for example, specifically.(4) Whereas on the other hand….On the contraryThough quite the opposite…(5) add your next sentence: eg. Women are generally more keen on…(如果加细节) especially, particularly, in fact, such as, for example, specifically.第一个不同点介绍完毕,开始介绍下一个不同点(6)begin with a linking word:In addition…on top of this….Additionally.. Moreover…As well as this…. After that….(7) A second key distinction would be that…A subsequent contrast would be that..A further distinction might be that…(8) describe the second difference: eg. “men are quite keen on…(9) while on the other hand…. Conversely….Alternatively…. Then again, in opposition….(10) Then give a sentence to describe the second part of the second difference.When you want to describe the past, the easiest tense to use accurately is “used to”.X used to be much smaller…x didn‟t use to have as many…X always used to be more…X didn‟t use to be…."Well obviously there are a number of clear differences. However, 1 guess that the most significant would be that men tend to prefer sporting activities such as football or basketball. Whereas in contrast women prefer things like shopping for clothes. In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually like watching films; while on the other hand, women are more likely to prefer watching soap operas on TV."Some questions for you to discuss:Are TV programmes nowadays the same as TV programmes in the past?Vocabulary: chat show; sports programme; documentary; music programme; horror movie: comedy; romance; action movie; historical movie; martial arts; drama; crime; cartoon; news; current affairs; weather report; musical; Describing : educational; old fashioned; modern; scary; terrifying; interesting; fascinating; funny; amusing; humorous; exciting; boring; relaxing; popular; famous;Collocations: I was terrified; it was terrifying; I was scared; it was scary; I was amused; it was amusing; it‟s a true story; it‟s partly true; it‟s fiction; it got my attention; good looking actor; good looking actressSure, without a doubt, there are a variety of possible differences here. But 1 would say the most fundamental would be that there are more and more kinds of TV programs now, such as chat show, documentary and so on. Whereas on the other hand, in the past, we used to watch only one or two kinds of TV programs. Moreover, a further distinction might be that the quality of the TV programmes has become much higher nowadays. In fact, you can see a lot of TV programmes equipped with high technology. Then again, in opposition, you can only see some programmes with very boring plots and common-looking actors and actress whose performing skills were not so good.Are restaurants nowadays the same as restaurants in the past?Are free-time activities nowadays the same as 20years ago in your country?Vocabulary bank:Hobbies can be:Beneficial; challenging; energetic; enthralling; fascinating; intriguing; monotonous; popular; relaxing; satisfying; tranquil;Outdoor pastimes: bird watching; countryside walks; fishing; gardening; painting; photography; shopping; star-gazing;Indoor pastimes:Art and craft; board games; chess; coin collecting; computer games; embroidery; entertaining; knitting; listening to music; movies; patchwork quilting; scrapbooking; sewing; stamp collecting;Nowadays: playing computer games; reading novels; watching DVDs; looking at websites; taking photos; talking on the phone; chatting on MSN or QQ; texting friends; going out for coffee; Karaoke; going to the cinema; playing PS3; shopping at the mall with friends; reading magazines;Well undoubtedly, there are a range of potential distinctions here. However, I guess that the most significant would be that nowadays we can have a lot more choices about leisure activities, such as looking at websites, playing computer games, texting friends and so on. On the contrary, in the past, we used to go fishing, go shopping or even do some star-gazing. As well as this, A subsequent contrast would be that people tend to do more leisure activities inside their house. For example, they stay at home to watch DVDs or listen to the music. Alternatively, people in the past used to spend much more time outdoors, taking photos, fishing or do some gardening.Are shops nowadays the same as shop when you were younger?Are trips nowadays the same as trips that your parents had when they were young?In what ways are magazines different to newspapers?Do adults and children make friends in the same way?Are families nowadays the same as families in the past?Are buildings nowadays the same as buildings 100 years ago?Is public transport nowadays the same as public transport 20 years ago?Do old people and young people like the same hobbies?Do men and women have the same attitudes to shopping?What‟s the difference between things made by hand the things made by machines?Do people nowadays eat the same food as people 50 years ago?Is the weather in North China the same as the weather in South China?How has education changed in recent years in your country?Nowadays, do people make new friends in the same way as people 20 years ago?Are the ways in which people become famous nowadays the same ways that people became famous 100 years ago?Question type two: predictingWhat will houses be like in the future?I think that in the future, houses will be bigger, and maybe they will be in some strange places such as on the moon or under the sea.(1)Certainly, I am sure that most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related tothis.I am sure that in years to come we will see a number of changes related to this.I reckon that in the not so distant future there are going to be a few imminent changes with regard to.I imagine that in the near future, we will witness some major changes with regard to…(2) Initially, I guess that we might begin to see…To begin with, I‟d predict that we will most likely have…Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have…First of all, I would envisage that we are going to have..(3) Use a sentence to describe your first prediction.Initially, I guess that we might begin to see houses that are made of plastic materials because these will be much。

雅思口语part3实用模板在雅思口语考试中,part 3一直众多考生头疼的部分,然而任何事情想要解决总是有办法的,而且许多办法还能举一反三,触类旁通。
下面,小编为大家总结了一些Part 3的实用口语模板,供大家参考借鉴。
Part 3的话题有以下几种类型:1.解决型此类题目大多是问考生对于某个现象或者某样事物的不利方面,甚至是提出一个比较具有争议性的问题,要求考生对于该问题给出自己认为的比较合理的解决方法。
Q: What are the things you dislike on ... and how do you think those things can be solved in the future?A: Well, speaking of the things I dislike on ..., the first thing pops into my mind is ..., which I think is a natural result of ..., so I suppose a systematic and reasonable regulation and rule should be carried out based on currently unsatisfactory situation. Hum, ... sounds like a good idea, and ... might contribute a lot to this situation as well.2.展望型要求考生对于某样事物的未来发展或者趋势做一个简要的描述。
Q: How do you think of ... in the future?A: Well, although ... be not perfectly developed yet, I have to say it is a cool thing and its advantages are far outweighing its disadvantages. And with the joint effort coming from both government/and individual, I firmly believe that the future of this issue will be very bright. 途径型对于具体如何做某件事情,提出一个具体的方案或者思路。

雅思口语part3常见题型答题技巧雅思口语的Part 3在雅思备考中,是各位考生很头痛的一部分,因为虽然有机经题目可以用来练习,但是参考价值不如Part 1和Part 2的大,雅思考官提问的灵活度比较高,所以常常让我们无从下手。
我们都比较清楚,Part 3的题目是根据Part 2的话题发问的,所以如果第二部分考的是a long car journey you went on,那么第三部分可能问到大家的题目可能长成这样:1. What’s the difference between men and women's preference on cars?2. What will cars be like in the future?3. Why do people like to have private cars?第一题是典型的“比较”类型题,考官经常比较的维度还有“过去跟现在”“年轻人和老人”等。
不过一定要注意,可以根据自己或者身边人的经历作为素材组织答案,但在输出的过程中,一定要talk in general,不能说怎么怎么样。
Sample Answer:Well, I guess there are quite a few differences between men and women when it comes to getting a car. For starters, men pay more attention to the performance, so it might take them more time to decide which vehicle type and make they are supposed to buy, while women focus more on the appearance and convenience, so they might get themselves a cute compact, which is easy to drive and park. And also, about the color, both genders believe that the choice of color says a lot about themselves, like personality and taste, so traditionally, men prefer dark colors like black or dark blue, you know, to make them more professional and mature, but women, on the contrary, are more into light and bright colors. Oh, and men tend to consider the resale value of a car before they actually make the purchase, but I don’t think many women would do that.So those are the differences I can think of.第二题是典型的“in the future”预测未来题型,我们可以在Part 3看到好多这样的题目,例如:How do you think toys will change in the future? What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future?What will be the most popular jobs in the future? How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future? Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future? 等等。

雅思口语part3思路(原创版)目录1.雅思口语 Part3 的难度和重要性2.雅思口语 Part3 的题目类型及特点3.应对雅思口语 Part3 的策略和技巧4.实例分析5.总结正文一、雅思口语 Part3 的难度和重要性雅思口语 Part3 是雅思口语考试中最具挑战性的一部分。
这部分的问题较 Part1 和 Part2 更为复杂和深入,要求考生在短时间内对问题进行深入思考和分析,并给出有逻辑性和深度的回答。
因此,很多考生在面对 Part3 时感到十分棘手,甚至产生恐惧心理。
然而,Part3 在雅思口语考试中所占的分值较高,对于考生的总成绩具有重要影响。
因此,掌握 Part3 的答题技巧和思路对于考生来说至关重要。
二、雅思口语 Part3 的题目类型及特点Part3 的题目主要分为以下几类:1.分析类问题:要求考生对某个事物或观点进行多角度、全方位的分析,包括正面和负面的影响、优点和缺点等。
4.推理类问题:要求考生根据已知的信息进行推理和判断,例如:“根据这个图表,未来十年城市的人口会有什么变化?”Part3 的题目具有以下特点:1.发散性:题目较为开放,考生可以自由发挥,展现自己的思维能力和语言表达能力。
三、应对雅思口语 Part3 的策略和技巧1.扩展思路:在回答 Part3 问题时,要尽量扩展自己的思路,从不同角度和层面对问题进行分析。
3.积累素材:在平时的学习生活中,要积累一些素材,包括事实、数据、例子等,以便在回答 Part3 问题时能够信手拈来。

雅思口语Part3六大问题类型的备考(一)一、Part 3概况考试时间:4~5分钟考试形式:一问一答(与Part 1一样)话题内容:绝大部分与第二部分相关Part 3与Part 1的区别Part 1 :基本话题(Basic questions)熟悉话题(familiar topics)。
比如What kinds of music do you like?侧重于考生自己/个体。
Part 3:一般话题(General questions)社会话题(social issues/global questions)。
比如What factors can influence People’s Tastes in music?侧重于群体。
Part 3与Part 2的关联——关键词相同。
比如Part 2:Describe a famous personPart 3:1. What’s the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?2. How can people get famous these days?二、问题类型Part 3的问题类型能够分为6大类:对比、原因、预测、利弊、问题、措施。
1. 对比:能够分为四个类型——性别对比、古今对比、年龄对比和地域对比。
常见的转折连词Whereas;in contrast;on one hand,on the other hand; instead;however;nevertheless;unlike;even though;on the contrary;while;in/by contrasta性别对比What‘s the differences of consuming habits between men and women?Sample:Well, there are lots of difference. However,I think that the most significant difference wo uld be…On the contrary, men are prone to go shopping when they think that they have to.In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually buy electronic appliance…,while women are more likely to prefer buying clothes,cosmetics,jewelry.b年龄对比Do old and young people like the same kind of music?Sample:To be honest,I don’t think that they are fond of the same kind of music. …The old are apt to listen tosome …conversely,the young are more likely to…great rhythm.A further contrast is that old people…,while young people prefer…c地域对比when people purchase something,do you think people in city and in countryside would have the same purchasing behaviors?Sample:Well, obviously, there are a variety of differences in purchasing behaviors between people living in city and in countryside. The most first key distinction is that…,however, people in countryside prefer to think about the price.On top of that,a sec ond distinction could be …,on the country, peple on countryside are more likely to buy some daily necessity.d古今对比Are free time nowadays longer than that 20 years ago in your country?古今对比中不但连接词和开头的概括句很重要,时态也很关键。
雅思口语Part 3常见问题类型和参考答案

Part 3常见问题:Making Comparisons – Questions on Differences1. What are the differences in the music that young and old people listen to?I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that young people, onthe whole, mainly like listening to pop music, whereas the older generation tend to prefer listening to more traditional music, like folk music, Chinese opera, and even old revolutionary songs. So that’s one difference, and I guess another would be that young people often listen to Western music as well as Chinese music, whereas in contrast, I think it’s fair to say that most elderly people just tend to listen to Chinese music.2. What are the differences between living in cities and living in the countryside?Well I guess one difference would be that living in rural areas is generally a lot morerelaxing than living in urban areas, basically because the pace of life is relatively slower and more laid-back (悠闲). So that’s one thing, and as well as this, I guess another difference would be that in the countryside, there are generally not as many things to do as there are living in cities.3. What are the differences between young people and old people when they go travelling?I guess there are a handful of differences, of which one would be that young people generally like doing quite exciting and energetic things, for example if they’re on the beach, theymight play frisbee or volleyball, whereas I would say the elderly, on the whole, tend to simply like relaxing when they go on holiday, so they’ll probably take a few books with them and spend most of the time on a deck chair next to a swimming pool soaking up the sun and enjoying the feeling of doing nothing.4. What are the differences between a city centre and the suburbs?Well firstly, I think it’s fair to say that the city centre tends to be the most built-up area of the city, and is where most of the main commercial buildings are situated, like shopping malls and office blocks, whereas the suburbs are generally much more residential, and everything’s usually a lot more spread out (分散).So this is one aspect, and I suppose another thing to mention would be the traffic, because in most cities, the downtown areas, on the whole, tend to get horrendously congested (可怕的拥堵), whereas in the outskirts, the traffic’s normally not too bad, which is why I guess more and more people nowadays prefer living a little bit further out from the city centre – at least this seems to be the case in Guangzhou anyway.5. What are the differences between formal and casual clothes?Well thinking about it, I’d say it’s really what they seek to achieve. So basically what I meanis that, for formal clothes, one’s appearance is the most important aspect. In other words, you want to look good and presentable (像样的) in front of others; whereas for casual clothes, I’d say the comfort is the most important thing, which is why most people wear casual clothes when they’re at home. So formal clothes might look better than casual clothes, but they’re definitely not as comfortable!6. Are there any differences between the people who were famous in the past, and the people who are famous today?That’s an interesting question, and to tell the truth, I’m not really all that sure. But thinkingabout it, I guess there might be a few differences. I mean, nowadays it’s relatively easier to become famous because of the Internet, which gives everyone the possibility of gaining exposureto a large number of people. So because of this, I’d say that nowadays there are a lot of peoplewith normal backgrounds who have been able to become famous, whereas in the past, I imaginethis wasn't so much the case (以前不太这样子的), and that most people who became famousseveral decades ago probably received more professional training and had privileged backgrounds (家庭背景好).7. Do people of different ages relax in the same way?No, I guess on the whole, they generally don’t. I mean, children, for example, kind of justlike to relax by playing with toys or watching cartoons on TV. And for my age group, I’d say we generally like chatting with friends on QQ or weibo, which is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.And regarding the older generation, I’d say they tend to relax by simply either watching TV orreading the newspaper, which is something that young people don’t really do anymore.Part 3常见问题:How important…?●It’s extremely important because…●It’s definitely important because…●It’s essential because…●It’s fundamental because…●It’s not that important because…(It’s not so important because…)1. How important are leaders to a community of people?Oh, I think that good leadership is absolutely vital for the progress and stability of a community. Humans are social by nature, and having strong individuals guide them, is essential for their development.2. How important is giving hospitality to friends/strangers in your culture?It’s very important to be hospitable in Chinese culture. We always pay extra attention to makingpeople feel at hoe when they visit us. We believe that it is a sign of curtesy(=politeness), and weshould make sure that people feel as comfortable as possible. In the countryside, it’s very common for farmers to offer tea to people who pass by. I visited many old villages in Fujian and Guizhou, and I was always well received by the locals when I asked them for directions. Chinesepeople are usually very welcoming.3. How important is it to maintain individuality?It is fundamental to maintain individuality. Even if you are part of a team, you should fix yourselfsome personal goals, because you can’t always depend on others. In addition, if you improve yourself, everyone will benefit from it. Nowadays, I think that it is important to think by oneself,and make decisions independently. In China, we receive an education that does not encourage individuality or originality, but it’s essential to be creative and independent in today’s world.You should realize what is good for your own future. Plus, I think it ‘s nice to have time on yourown sometimes. I was raised as an only child, and I enjoy being alone from time to time.4. How important is music for a country?Music is essential for a country. First of all, every country has its own music, which means thatmusic can represent national identity. In addition, music definitely brings people together, so itcreates feelings of patriotism. For example, when the national anthem is playing, people willbe proud of their own countries.5. How important do you think traditional music will be in the future?Well, we never know for sure what will happen in the future, but I think that our traditionalmusic will become more fashionable very soon. I think that people might get tired of international music. Young people might enjoy the traditional sounds, as well as the skills requiredto play ancient instruments. Some famous artists like Jay Chou already mix modern rhythmswith traditional sound. I think that might get even more popular in the future. Traditional instruments like the erhu, pipa or guzheng sound absolutely stunning.6. How important are art galleries in modern societies?I think that art galleries are extremely important to societies because they display the objects societies consider beautiful. Art galleries are great places for people to appreciate fine art. Theyallow people to daydream, and they develop everyone’s imagination. I regard art museums as sophisticated places. Only refined people can fully enjoy art. I think that children should be takento art galleries, and a guide should explain to them why paintings are meaningful and what theyactually represent. Everyone should understand that art expresses feelings.7. How important are clothes as an expression of personality?I would say that clothes are extremely important nowadays. I think clothes reflect people’s tastes. You can judge if people care about their appearance or not, you can see if they are rathershy or outgoing. Sometimes colors can express whether or not people are active, enthusiasticor even optimistic. On the other hand, I was raised to believe that we shouldn’t judge a book byits cover. Appearance can be deceptive. A man might wear a suit on a daily basis at work, andyou might think that he is serious and reliable, but in fact he may go out every night, drink a lotof alcohol and lie to everyone. Very often, clothes reflect your professional position rather thanyour personality.Part 3常见问题:How could…? (Solutions)●I guess the best would be to…●I guess there are a number of things that could be done, one of which would be to…●I guess …could be… in a number of ways.●One possibility might be to…●One thing could be to…●I guess that requires…●They should definitely do… and…●It is indispensable(=essential) for the government to…●In order to solve this problem, the government should…●The most effective way to solve this problem might be to…●They could also arrange to do…● A number of actions should be taken…●This issue should be taken care of (=tackled) step by step…●Initially… Then… And probably most importantly…Explaining your idea:●Because in so doing,…●Because by doing that,…●Because then…●Because at the moment,…1. How can traffic congestion be reduced?Well, I guess congestion could be reduced in a number of ways.For example, one thing would be to increase the number of car lanes, because in so doing, cars would have more space to drive around. So that’s one thing, and I suppose maybe another possibility might be to introduce (引进) a congestion charge (拥堵费), like they’ve done in some cities around the world, as by doing this, people will think twice (三思而行) before getting into their cars. So yeah, that’s basically what I reckon.2. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?Thinking about it, I guess there are a number of things that could be done, one of which would be t o impose a fine on (惩罚) companies or individuals who make excessive noise, especially construction companies, because I’d say they’re, by far, the biggest culprits. And as well as this, maybe another thing might be to ban vehicles from hooting, because it’s one of the noisiest sounds in cities, and so I’m sure they would become a lot quieter without cars hooting all the time.3. How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?I guess the best thing to do would be to always allow lots of time to get anywhere. So for example, if it normally takes me, say, half an hour to get to the city centre, then I should probably leave home about an hour before I need to get there.4. What can the government do about pollution?Well I guess they could do a number of things, one of which would be to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint (碳脚印), in other words, become more environmentally-friendly. And one way of doing this, I suppose, might be to introduce a system whereby people are paid for recycling things, such as empty bottles and cans, otherwise they have no incentive.5. How can children be encouraged to play less computer games and more sports?That's a tough question, because it's practically impossible tearing a child away from a computer screen when they’re busy playing a game, but I guess one thing that could be done would be to make sports more appealing by providing more sports facilities. So, in other words, if a child only has to walk five minutes to get to a basketball court, he’s much more likely to play basketball than if he had to catch a bus for half an hour.6. How should parents educate their children before they start school?Well, I'm no expert, but I guess one thing they should do is encourage their children in everything they do, even if they make mistakes, because this'll help build children’s confidence and self-esteem (自尊). So that’s one thing, and I guess another good thing for parents to do would be to read stories, especially ones with good moral values, because all children love stories, and, in this way, they’ll be learning things without even realizing it.7. How do you think people can deal with pressure?That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say one thing that they could do is to let those close to them know how they’re really feeling, instead of keeping it bottled in (把感受深埋心底). And I know it sounds a bit simple, but I think in this way, friends and family will be able to help someone share the burden they are feeling, and hopefully help them get rid of the pressure. Or at the very least (最起码), they can support them in dealing with it.8. How do you think children could be brought up to become unselfish people?Well if I think about how my parents brought me up, one of the things they did to prevent me from becoming selfish was to set a good example (做出榜样) for me. In other words, they were always considerate and generous towards others, and this rubbed off on me (对我产生了影响), you know, it made me act in the same way. So I’d say this is definitely one of the best things that parents can do.9. Do you have any ideas on how to help children learn to co-operate with others and work asa team?That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say one way of cultivating their teamwork skills would be through games, because after all, every child enjoys playing games. So if they were given games to play which involved working together with other children, then I think this would be a very effective way of developing their sense of teamwork.10. In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?That’s a good question, and I’d say parents can encourage their children in a number of ways, one of which would be to give them as much freedom as possible to do what they want, instead of always telling them what to do. Because in this way, I think children will be able to better develop a sense of independence and maturity, which are important leadership qualities. And as well as this, I think another thing that parents can do is to always encourage their children in everything they do, regardless of how well they do it, because children will become more self-confident as a result, and will therefore be more likely to become a good leader.Part 3常见问题:Why问题类型1. Why do people enjoy visiting others?People enjoy visiting their friends and relatives because it is a good chance to get together and talk. You only enjoy visiting the people you get along well with. You expect to share some stories, or some laughs. Visits always bring people closer together. In addition, you might have a drink or some snacks while talking. Being with friends is always enjoyable and relaxing.2. Why do many people enjoy painting as a hobby?Painting must be relaxing, I guess. It could be a good way for a person to forget about his or her problems. It’s a quiet activity for people to unwind, and use their creativity at the same time.3. Why do many people encourage their children to join groups?I think that parents always want their children to be a member of a team because it is important for kids to socialize and make friends. Being part of a group will allow children to communicate with other young people and to expand their social skills. Nowadays, it’s fundamental to have good interpersonal skills. In addition, parents believe that it is better to play or learn with others rather than to be alone. A lot of young people like to stay in front of their computers at home, but parents consider this as a bad habit. I think that hanging out with other people is more fun and enjoyable.4. Why do some people think that keeping pets is good for children?It can be beneficial for children to have a pet because the animal can become a good companion. In addition, some parents believe that having a pet can give children a sense of responsibility. The kids must walk the dog, clean it and feed it. It could be a good chance for children to learn how to take care of weaker and younger creatures. I think that children with pets might learn how to be more considerate and thoughtful.5. Why do many films nowadays show a lot of violence?That’s a good question, and it fuels(=create)a lot of debates. I think that many men like to watch violent movies because, perhaps deep inside, men need this kind of adrenaline rush (=intense excitement) but they can’t experience it in real life. I think that young men always dream of having super-powers, and being able to crush anyone they dislike. Nowadays, we live in a pretty peaceful society even though there are occasional crimes, and violence simply lets people escape from reality. However, I think problems can sometimes happen when some people stop being able to discern what is real from what is fictional.6. Why don’t some people want to play sports?I suppose it must be related to their education and their personality. If their parents didn’t encourage them to practice sports at a young age, chances are they won’t enjoy running and competing. In addition, some people simply don’t have this mentality. Some might say they are a little lazy. I think everyone is different: in English you say “to each his own,”, right?7. Why do some people follow fashion in your country?Well, I guess it’s nice to look good and trendy. People want to buy cool clothes in order to leave a good first impression on others, and they also want their friends to think that they look nice, or elegant, or hip. Looking attractive is important in society. Wearing nice clothes definitely gives people confidence. In addition, people enjoy spending time with pretty girls or handsome guys: it’s always more pleasant talking with them. It sounds a bit superficial, but I think it’s true, we’re all attracted to beauty.8. Why is it important to know weather predictions in advance?I think it’s important to know what the weather will be like for people who plan to go traveling, or for those who plan to spend time outside for a special occasion. In addition, when there are weather alerts for a typhoon, a tornado, or a hurricane, it’s obviously vital to be aware of what might happen. These are extreme circumstances. Otherwise, I don’t think we need to check the weather forecast on a daily basis, because we shouldn’t try to control everything. I guess it’s simply a habit old people develop. I don’t think young people worry too much about tomorrow’s weather.9. Why do many people want to go abroad for an extended period of time?A lot students want to further their studies overseas because they believe that foreign universities can offer a better education, as well as more opportunities for their future. In some cases, people expect to find a better job and to make more money. I’ve heard that many Australian students take a year off after their studies in order to relax before starting our in life. They want to visit many countries and experience life. I think it’s amazing for young people to be able to do this. In China, if a student finds a part-time job, he’ll never make enough money to fly all around the globe.10. Why does shopping make some people feel happy?I guess that it’s always a pleasant feeling to get some new clothes that look good. It can make you look better, and people feel more confident when they’re pleased with their appearance. In addition, a lot of women consider shopping a hobby. It’s relaxing for them. They can spend time with their friends or their mothers, chatting and laughing while trying on new clothes. We all know how much women worry about their appearance, so it’s understandable that shopping for nice clothes and shoes can make themexcited. What’s more, we are all becoming more materialistic: we all care about having a car, a nice mobile, a good computer, because other people do. We can’t help comparing what we have with that others ought. On top of this, if we can buy something nice and expensive with our own money, we will experience a sense of achievement.Part 3常见问题:Compare…(Advantages and Disadvantages)●Well, looking at the advantages, I’d say that the main one is that…And as for the drawbacks, I suppose the most obvious one is that…Well, in terms of the positive effects, I’d say it’s a key source of revenue for many regions, especially for underdeveloped areas which would struggle a lot if it wasn’t for tourism. And it also creates a lot of employment for countries as well. Regarding the negative effects,I wouldn’t actually say there are that many, but I supposeone could be that local governments in some areas might start paying more attention to attracting tourism rather than the well-being (福利) of the local citizens, which I think is wrong, because taking care of the needs of the local citizens should always be the number one priority(最优先考虑的事).3. What are the pros and cons of long-distance travelling?Ok, well looking at the pros, I guess I’d basically say that when you travel far away, you get to see things that you wouldn’t normally see where you’re from, so for example, if I went to Africa, I’m sure I would get to see a whole new lifestyle, you know, something completely different to what I’m used to here.”And as for the cons, well, first of all, travelling a long way can be quite stressful and exhausting, especially if there are delays involved. And I know from personal experience that long-haul flights (长途航班) tend to be particularly uncomfortable, as unless you’re in business or first class, you have very little leg space, and it’s really difficult getting to sleep. So it’s often not a great deal of fun, especially if you’re travelling on your own.4. What are the advantages of giving money as a gift?Well, I guess one of the biggest advantages is that the person receiving the money can get whatever they want with it, so you save yourself the risk of wasting your money on something that the person has no interest in. And as well as this, I guess another advantage is that it saves a lot of time, because firstly you don’t have to spend time deciding on what to get, and secondly, you don’t have to bother about going and buying something. So all in all, money makes a pretty good gift!5. What do you think are the benefits of traveling by train?Well for me, I’d say one of the biggest benefits is that, with trains, you pretty much know (基本上知道) exactly what time you’ll arrive somewhere. Because I mean, unlike cars and buses, you won’t get stuck in traffic (堵在路上) if you go by train. So unless your train is delayed, which doesn’t happen a lot here, you should be able to get where you wanna go on time.So that’s one thing, and as well as this, I’d say another good thing about traveling by train is that you can get up and move around during the journey, which isn’t really possible if you’re in a car! So I think this makes traveling by train a bit more comfortable and enjoyable than a lot of other forms of transport.6. Are there any disadvantages to having lots of money?Yeah, I suppose there are. For example, I’ve heard quite a few stories about people who have won the lottery that have gone on to become quite unhappy and depressed, because everyone around them suddenly started asking for money. So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might bequite difficult to tell who your real friends are, because it’s very likely that a lot of people might want to make friends with you purely because of your money. But in any case (不过,五路如何), I’d still much rather be rich than just well-off (小康)!7. What are the benefits of swimming?Well, I guess the first thing to say would be that it’s good exercise, because you use all the muscles in your body when you swim. And it’s also relatively easy on the body, at least compared with some other kinds of exercise, because when you swim, your body’s moving in quite a smooth motion, whereas in sports like basketball and football, you often have to make sudden movements, which can lead to injuries if you’re not careful! So that would be one thing, and I guess another good thing about swimming is that it’s usually quite refreshing (清凉提神的), especially when the weather’s hot, and it can even be quite relaxing, as long as the pool’s not too crowded, of course!8. What are the good points about being famous?Well first of all, I imagine if you’re famous, you’re probably welcomed by people everywhere you go, which I’m sure must be nice to experience! So that’s one thing, and I guess another advantage of being famous is that you get a lot of companies sending you free stuff, like clothes and bags, in the hope that other people will see you with their product and then go and buy it themselves. And I remember once reading an interview with Will Smith, the actor, who said that he hardly needs to buy anything nowadays, because he gets most things for free!9. Are there any disadvantages to being famous?Yeah I’d say there are. And the most obvious one would be a lack of privacy. Because as I’m sure you know, most celebrities get followed around everywhere by the paparazzi, even on holiday, which I’m sure they must get sick and tired of (感到十分厌烦).So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might be quite difficult to tell (很难看得出) who your real friends are, because it’s very likely that a lot of people might want to be your friend purely because of your fame. And I guess that’s the reason why most celebrities mainly hang out and mingle(交际) with other celebrities.10. What benefits do people derive from taking part in competitive sport?Well I’ve never really thought about it, but I guess one benefit would be that people get a lot of excitement from taking part in competitive sport, because I mean, one of the beauties of sport is that you never quite know what’s gonna happen, or how the result’s gonna turn out. So it’s generally quite exciting taking part, and not just that, but (不仅如此) it’s also a fun way of keeping fit. You know, it’s a lot more fun than simply running on a treadmill (跑步机) for example!11. In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising?Well, looking at the advantages, I’d say that the main one is that it can help increase the awareness of a product or service, and in a lot of cases, you can reach a very wide target market through advertising, for example with TV and Internet ads. And as for the drawbacks, well I suppose the most obvious one is the cost, because as I’m sure you know, advertising isn’t cheap, and you have to pay for it up front, before you can start enjoying the benefits. So in other words, there’s quite a big element of risk (风险) to it, because you know, you could end up losing quite a lot of money if your advertising campaign (广告宣传活动) isn’t successful.。

1. 雅思口语part3分析类问题所谓分析类问题,其实就是指在part3中就某个事物或者观点而言的好的和不好的方面。
Interviewer:A: How do you feel about…?/What do you think of…?B: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ...?Interviewee: ...has always been the topic that is widely talked about and debated. It has its distinct advantages and disadvantages. Let me get started from the bright side. Speaking off the top of my head, another benefit is...and of course, we can't ignore its down side. The first thing is..., another disadvantage that springs to mind is...I think these are two sides of the same coin.可以看出在问题的方式上并不唯一,所以考生要会分辨并理解这类考题。

膆雅思口语Part3 常见话题关键词和句型(1)(2)芃Prefer 二选一类衿Do you prefer X or Y and why?蚇关键句型袄Personally, I prefer X to Y , / In my mind, I think ⋯ is better,莃simply because X is more ⋯ than Y.芀Besides, through X, I could ⋯ / Although B is ⋯ , A is still better than B, because 肅For example, if I ⋯蚃 So generally, I will go for X.莃关键问题莇Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home? 螇Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?蒂Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program? 蒃Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday?螈Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies?芅(2) Is⋯important? 重要类蒅关键句型薂Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for腿Since without X, we would ⋯(严重后果)羇Besides, ⋯芄So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important.蚂关键问题薀Is your computer important?莅Is protecting animals important?羃Is doing outdoor activities important?螂(3) difference 区别类羁What are the differences between X and Y?膇How could X differ from Y in肆关键句型袂X is ⋯ On the contrary, Y is ⋯膈There is a huge difference between X and Y . X is ⋯ , but Y is⋯袈Unlike X, Y tends to be more螅Compared with X, Y is less likely to be羂X is⋯, while Y is more like to be薈关键问题芆What are the differences between Chinese food and westernfood?薃What are the differences between living in big cities andsmall cities?羂What are the differences between watching live sports andwatching on TV?罿What are the differences between big weddings and smallweddings?流行类肈(4) What is the most popular ⋯ in your country?莂关键句型肂It depends.莀For X, ⋯⋯ , I believe that they have a fancy for ⋯ ,such as ⋯ , simply because蒆But for Y ,⋯.., I guess they tend to like ⋯, including ⋯ That 's probably because they莅Meanwhile, there are ⋯ that are welcomed by all ⋯ , like ⋯ . 膂分类:蒇Young and elders膈 Men and women膄Children and adults芁Students and office workers袈Northern Chinese and southern Chinese蚆关键问题羃What is the most popular way of relaxing for Chinese?莁What is the most popular sport in your country?艿What is the most common accommodation in your country?好坏处类莈(5) What are the pros and consof羆Advantages and disadvantages蒁Benefits and drawbacks蚀Merits and demerits螆关键句型螅The advanta ge is ⋯ , while the disadvantage is蒁On one hand, ⋯ . On the other hand,肁Well, ⋯ is beneficial in a variety of ways.薇Firstly, ⋯蒄Besides, ⋯薁More importantly,芇However, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that 羅关键问题people?蚁 What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program for children?改变类蚇(6) How has ⋯ changed recently in yourcountry?芅关键句型螁Generally speaking, people used to ⋯ in a traditional way.聿But now, an increasing number of people choose to膅关键问题螀How has the relationship between neighbors changed recently in your country?薆How has the way of travelling changed recently in yourcountry?膆How has people 's way of reading changed recently in your country?薃(7)观点类蕿What kinds of ⋯ are there/do people often 蚆What are the reasons of薇Why ⋯ ?肁Should ⋯ ?薂Is ⋯ always good for?螆关键句型蚄 There are several/a couple of/a variety of reasons/kindssuch as/like/including ⋯ /First ⋯ , Besides, ⋯螃关键问题莁What are the reasons of shopping online?袆 What kinds of things do people of lose?肅What kinds of movies do children like to watch?蒅What do people care about their health?膀Why is it important for us to give gifts to others?羆Should parents control their children 's time of usingcomputers?Is tourism always good for places?。
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(2)Prefer 二选一类
Do you prefer X or Y and why?
Personally, I prefer X to Y, / In my mind, I think…is better,
simply because X is more…than Y.
Besides, through X, I could…/ A lthough B is…, A is still better than B, because…For example, if I…
So generally, I will go for X.
Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home?
Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?
Which do you prefer, reading newspaper or watching TV program?
Do you prefer several short holidays or a long holiday?
Do you prefer watching foreign movies or Chinese movies?
(2)Is…important? 重要类
Yes, definitely. I always believe that X is really important and necessary for…Since without X, we would…(严重后果)
So apparently, there is no doubt that X is really important.
Is your computer important?
Is protecting animals important?
Is doing outdoor activities important?
(3)difference 区别类
What are the differences between X and Y?
How could X differ from Y in…?
X is… On the contrary, Y is…
There is a huge difference between X and Y. X is…, but Y is…
Unlike X, Y tends to be more…
Compared with X, Y is less likely to be…
X is…, while Y is more like to be…
What are the differences between Chinese food and western food?
What are the differences between living in big cities and small cities?
What are the differences between watching live sports and watching on TV?
What are the differences between big weddings and small weddings?
(4)What is the most popular… in your country? 流行类➢
It depends.
For X,……, I believe that they have a fancy for…,such as…, simply because…
But for Y,….., I guess they tend to like…, including… That’s probably because they…Meanwhile, there are… that are welcomed by all…, like….
Young and elders
Men and women
Children and adults
Students and office workers
Northern Chinese and southern Chinese
What is the most popular way of relaxing for Chinese?
What is the most popular sport in your country?
What is the most common accommodation in your country?
(5) What are the pros and cons of…好坏处类
Advantages and disadvantages
Benefits and drawbacks
Merits and demerits
The advanta ge is…, while the disadvantage is…
On one hand,…. On the other hand,…
Well, … is beneficial in a variety of ways.
More importantly,…
However, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that…
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with old people?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV program for children?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?
(6) How has…changed recently in your country? 改变类➢
Generally speaking, people used to …in a traditional way.
But now, an increasing number of people choose to …
How has the relationship between neighbors changed recently in your country? How has the way of travelling changed recently in your country?
How has people’s way of reading changed recently in your country?
What kinds of … are there/do people often…?
What are the reasons of…?
Is…always good for?
There are several/a couple of/a variety of reasons/kinds of…, such as/like/including…/First…, Besides,…
What are the reasons of shopping online?
What kinds of things do people of lose?
What kinds of movies do children like to watch?
What do people care about their health?
Why is it important for us to give gifts to others?
Should parents control their children’s time of using computers?
Is tourism always good for places?。