Ankur 9:30-11
18.S997 Special Subject in Schlank, W 3-5 66-154
* Calculus with Analytic Geometry, George
2nd ed.
E17-139 18.396
Advanced Analytic Cheng, MWF 11 E17-128 18.396 Methods in Science Hung and Engineering
Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics
Goeman MWF 12 4-163 s, Michel
Topics in Lie Theory Introduction to Arithmetric Geometry Number Theory I
Topics in Number Theory
Charles, MW
E17-122 18.782
François 2:30-4
Bezrukav TR 1- 4-146 18.785
in Mathematics Larry
Introduction to Topology
Munkres, TR 11- 4-159 18.787 James 12:30
Algebraic Topology Tabuada TR 9:30- E17-122 18.787 , Gonç 11
Graduate Topology Behrens, TR 2:30- E17-128 18.787
mit 线性代数
mit 线性代数
pi j m ) pi j p1 p2 ) pi j 1
pn + 1
Lecture 13: Lecture Notes
The rst implication follows by substituting the de nition of m. The second follows because pi divides the product p1p2 pn, and so must divide 1 in order to divide the sum. But no prime divides 1, so we have a contradiction. Therefore, there are an in nite number of primes. Proving that the set of primes is in nite is relatively easy, but the next example shows that determining whether a set is nite or in nite can be tricky.
De nition An in nite set S is said to be countably in nite i there exists a bijection f : N 7! S .
A set is countable if it is nite or countably in nite. Many familiar sets are countable: N , the even numbers, primes, integers modulo a constant k, etc. The formal de nition of a countable set is equivalent to the notion of a listable set, since listing the elements of a set gives a bijection with N and vice-versa. If we can list the elements of S as s0 s1 s2 : : : , then we can construct a bijection f : N 7! S de ned by f (i) = si. In the reverse direction, if we have such a bijection, then f (0) f (1) f (2) : : : is a list of all the elements of S . Sometimes we can list the elements of a set S , but the corresponding bijection f : N 7! S is very hard to compute. For example, in principle we could list the elements in any subset of N . However, most of these subsets are bizarre and di cult to describe writing a program to compute f (i) might be di cult or even impossible. The good news is that to prove that S is countable, we must only prove that a bijection f : N 7! S exists we do not have to write f explicitly or to give an algorithm to compute f (i).
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MIT麻省理工学院 算法导论公开课 Problem Set 4 solution
Introduction to Algorithms October 29, 2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.046J/18.410J Professors Erik D. Demaine and Charles E. Leiserson Handout 18Problem Set 4 SolutionsProblem 4-1. TreapsIf we insert a set of n items into a binary search tree using T REE-I NSERT, the resulting tree may be horribly unbalanced. As we saw in class, however, we expect randomly built binary search trees to be balanced. (Precisely, a randomly built binary search tree has expected height O(lg n).) Therefore, if we want to build an expected balanced tree for a fixed set of items, we could randomly permute the items and then insert them in that order into the tree.What if we do not have all the items at once? If we receive the items one at a time, can we still randomly build a binary search tree out of them?We will examine a data structure that answers this question in the affirmative. A treap is a binary search tree with a modified way of ordering the nodes. Figure 1 shows an example of a treap. As usual, each item x in the tree has a key key[x]. In addition, we assign priority[x], which is a random number chosen independently for each x. We assume that all priorities are distinct and also that all keys are distinct. The nodes of the treap are ordered so that (1) the keys obey the binary-search-tree property and (2) the priorities obey the min-heap order property. In other words,•if v is a left child of u, then key[v]<key[u];•if v is a right child of u, then key[v]>key[u]; and•if v is a child of u, then priority(v)>priority(u).(This combination of properties is why the tree is called a “treap”: it has features of both a binary search tree and a heap.)Figure 1: A treap. Each node x is labeled with key[x]:p riority[x]. For example, the root has key G and priority 4.It helps to think of treaps in the following way. Suppose that we insert nodes x1,x2,...,x n, each with an associated key, into a treap in arbitrary order. Then the resulting treap is the tree that wouldhave been formed if the nodes had been inserted into a normal binary search tree in the order given by their (randomly chosen) priorities. In other words, priority[x i]<priority[x j]means that x i is effectively inserted before x j.(a) Given a set of nodes x1,x2,...,x n with keys and priorities all distinct, show that thereis a unique treap with these nodes.Solution:Prove by induction on the number of nodes in the tree. The base case is a tree withzero nodes, which is trivially unique. Assume for induction that treaps with k−1orfewer nodes are unique. We prove that a treap with k nodes is unique. In this treap, theitem x with minimum priority must be at the root. The left subtree has items with keys<key[x]and the right subtree has items with keys >key[x]. This uniquely defines theroot and both subtrees of the root. Each subtree is a treap of size ≤k−1, so they areunique by induction.Alternatively, one can also prove this by considering a treap in which nodes are inserted in order of their priority. Assume for induction that the treap with the k−1nodes with smallest priority is unique. For k=0t his is trivially true. Now considerthe treap with the k nodes with smallest priority. Since we know that the structureof a treap is the same as the structure of a binary search tree in which the keys areinserted in increasing priority order, the treap with the k nodes with smallest priorityis the same as the treap with the k−1nodes with smallest priority after inserting thek-th node. Since BST insert is a deterministic algorithm, there is only one place thek-th node could be inserted. Therefore the treap with k nodes is also unique, provingthe inductive hypothesis.(b) Show that the expected height of a treap is O(lg n), and hence the expected time tosearch for a value in the treap is O(lg n).Solution: The idea is to realize that a treap on n nodes is equivalent to a randomlybuilt binary search tree on n nodes. Recall that assigning priorities to nodes as theyare inserted into the treap is the same as inserting the n nodes in the increasing orderdefined by their priorities. So if we assign the priorities randomly, we get a randomorder of n priorities, which is the same as a random permutation of the n inputs, sowe can view this as inserting the n items in random order.The time to search for an item is O(h)where h is the height of the tree. As we saw inlecture, E[h]=O(lg n). (The expectation is taken over permutations of the n nodes,i.e., the random choices of the priorities.)Let us see how to insert a new node x into an existing treap. The first thing we do is assign x a random priority priority[x]. Then we call the insertion algorithm, which we call T REAP-I NSERT, whose operation is illustrated in Figure 2.(e) (f)Figure 2: Operation of T REAP-I NSERT. As in Figure 1, each node x is labeled with key[x]: priority[x]. (a) Original treap prior to insertion. (b) The treap after inserting a node with key C and priority 25. (c)–(d) Intermediate stages when inserting a node with key D and priority 9.(e) The treap after insertion of parts (c) and (d) is done. (f) The treap after inserting a node with key F and priority 2.(c) Explain how T REAP-I NSERT works. Explain the idea in English and give pseudocode.(Hint: Execute the usual binary search tree insert and then perform rotations to restorethe min-heap order property.)Solution: The hint gives the idea: do the usual binary search tree insert and thenperform rotations to restore the min-heap order property.T REAP-I NSERT (T,x)inserts x into the treap T(by modifying T). It requires that xhas defined key and priority values. We have used the subroutines T REE-I NSERT,R IGHT-R OTATE, and R IGHT-R OTATE as defined in CLRS.T REAP-I NSERT (T,x)1T REE-I NSERT (T,x)2 while x =root[T]and priority[x]<priority[p[x]]3 do if x=left[p[x]]4 then R IGHT-R OTATE (T,p[x])5 else L EFT-R OTATE (T,p[x])Note that parent pointers simplify the code but are not necessary. Since we only needto know the parent of each node on the path from the root to x(after the call toT REE-I NSERT), we can keep track of these ourselves.(d) Show that the expected running time of T REAP-I NSERT is O(lg n). Solution:T REAP-I NSERT first inserts an item in the tree using the normal binary search treeinsert and then performs a number of rotations to restore the min-heap property.The normal binary-search-tree insertion algorithm T REE-I NSERT always places thenew item at a new leaf of tree. Therefore the time to insert an item into a treap isproportional to the height of a randomly built binary search tree, which as we saw inlecture is O(lg n)in expectation.The maximum number of rotations occurs when the new item receives a priority lessthan all priorities in the tree. In this case it needs to be rotated from a leaf to the root.An upper bound on the number of rotations is therefore the height of a randomly builtbinary search tree, which is O(lg n)in expectation. (We will see that this is a fairlyloose bound.) Because each rotation take constant time, the expected time to rotate isO(lg n).Thus the expected running time of T REAP-I NSERT is O(lg n+lg n)=O(lg n).T REAP-I NSERT performs a search and then a sequence of rotations. Although searching and rotating have the same asymptotic running time, they have different costs in practice. A search reads information from the treap without modifying it, while a rotation changes parent and child pointers within the treap. On most computers, read operations are much faster than write operations. Thus we would like T REAP-I NSERT to perform few rotations. We will show that the expected number of rotations performed is bounded by a constant (in fact, less than 2)!(a) (b)Figure 3: Spines of a binary search tree. The left spine is shaded in (a), and the right spine is shaded in (b).In order to show this property, we need some definitions, illustrated in Figure 3. The left spine of a binary search tree T is the path which runs from the root to the item with the smallest key. In other words, the left spine is the maximal path from the root that consists only of left edges. Symmetrically, the right spine of T is the maximal path from the root consisting only of right edges. The length of a spine is the number of nodes it contains.(e) Consider the treap T immediately after x is inserted using T REAP-I NSERT. Let Cbe the length of the right spine of the left subtree of x. Let D be the length of theleft spine of the right subtree of x. Prove that the total number of rotations that wereperformed during the insertion of x is equal to C+D.Solution: Prove the claim by induction on the number of rotations performed. Thebase case is when x is the parent of y. Performing the rotation so that y is the new rootgives y exactly one child, so C+D=1.Assume for induction that the number of rotations k performed during the insertionof x equals C+D. The base case is when 0 rotations are necessary and x is insertedas a leaf. Then C+D=0. To prove the inductive step, we show that if after k−1rotations C+D=k−1, then after k rotations C+D=k. Draw a picture of aleft and right rotation and observe that C+D increases by 1 in each case. Let y bethe parent of x, and suppose x is a left child of y. After performing a right rotation, ybecomes the right child of x, and the previous right child of x becomes the left childof y. That is, the left spine of the right subtree of x before the rotation is tacked onto y, so the length of that spine increases by one. The left subtree of x is unaffectedby a right rotation. The case of a left rotation is symmetric. Therefore after one morerotation C+D increases by one and k=C+D, proving the inductive hypothesis.We will now calculate the expected values of C and D. For simplicity, we assume that the keys are 1,2,...,n. This assumption is without loss of generality because we only compare keys.�For two distinct nodes x and y , let k = key [x ]and i = key [y ], and define the indicator random variableX 1 if y is a node on the right spine of the left subtree of x (in T ),i,k =0 otherwise .(f) Show that X i,k =1if and only if (1) priority [y ]> priority [x ], (2) key [y ]< key [x ], and(3) for every z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ],we have p riority [y ]< priority [z ].Solution:To prove this statement, we must prove both directions of the “if and only if”. Firstwe prove the “if” direction. We prove that if (1) priority [y ]> priority [x ], (2) key [y ]<key [x ], and (3) for every z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]are true, priority [y ]< priority [z ], then X i,k =1. We prove this by contradiction. Assume that X i,k =0. That is, assume that y is not on the right spine of the left subtree of x . We show thatthis leads to a contradiction. If y is not on the right spine of the left subtree of x ,it could be in one of three places:1. Suppose y is in the right subtree of x . This contradicts condition (2) becausekey [y ]< key [x ].2. Suppose y is not in one of the subtrees of x . Then x and y must share somecommon ancestor z . Since key [y ]< key [x ], we know that y is in the left subtreeof z and x is in the right subtree of z and key [y ]< key [z ] < key [x ]. Since y isbelow z in the tree, priority [z ]< priority [x ]and priority [z ]< priority [y ]. Thiscontradicts condition (3).3. Suppose that y is in the left subtree of x but not on the right spine of the leftsubtree of x . This implies that there exists some ancestor z of y in the left subtreeof x such that y is in the left subtree of z . Hence key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]. Sincez is an ancestor of y , priority [z ]< priority [y ], which contradicts condition (3).All possible cases lead to contradictions, and so X i,k =1.Now for the “only if” part. We prove that if X i,k =1, then statements (1), (2), and (3) are true. If X i,k =1, then y is in the right spine of the left subtree of x . Since y is ina subtree of x , y must have been inserted after x ,so p riority [y ]> priority [x ], proving(1). Since y is in the left subtree of x , key [y ]< key [x ], proving (2). We prove (3) by contradiction: suppose that X i,k =1and there exists a z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]and priority [z ]< priority [y ]. In other words, z was inserted before y . There arethree possible cases that satisfy the condition key [z ]< key [x ]:1. Suppose z is in the right spine of the left subtree of x .For y to be inserted into theright spine of the left subtree of x , it will have to be inserted into the right subtreeof z . Since key [y ]< key [z ], this leads to a contradiction.2. Suppose z is in the left subtree of x but not in the right spine. This implies thatz is in the left subtree of some node z in the right spine of x . Therefore for y tobe inserted into the right spine of the left subtree of x , it must be inserted into theright subtree of z . This leads to a contradiction by reasoning similar to case 1.3. Suppose that z is not in one of the subtrees of x . Then z and x have a commonancestor z such that z is in the left subtree of z and x is in the right subtree of x .This implies key [z ] < key [z ] < key [x ]. Since key [y ]< key [z ]< key [z ], y cannotbe inserted into the right subtree of z . Therefore it cannot be inserted in a subtreeof x , which is a contradiction.Therefore there can be no z such that key [y ] < key [z ] < key [x ] and priority [z ] < priority [y ]. This proves statement (3). We have proven both the “if” and “only if” directions, proving the claim.(g) Show that(k − i − 1)! 1 Pr {X i,k =1} == . (k − i +1)! (k − i +1)(k − i )Solution: We showed in the previous part that X i,k =1if and only if the priorities of the items between y and x are ordered in a certain way. Since all orderings are equally likely, to calculate the probability we count the number of permutations of priorities that obey this order and divide by the number of total number of priority permutations. We proved in (e) that whether or not X i,k =1depends only on the relative ordering of the priorities of y , x , and all z such that key [y ] < key [z ] < key [x ]. Since we assumed that the keys of the items come from {1,...,n }, the keys of the items in question are i,i +1,i +2,...,k − 1,k . There are (k − i +1)!permutations of the priorities of these items. Of these permutations, the ones for which X i,k =1are those where i has minimum priority, k has the second smallest priority, and the priorities of the remaining k − i − 1 items follow in any order. There are (k − i − 1)! of these permutations. Thus the probability that we get a “bad” order is (k −i −1)!/(k −i +1)!= 1/(k − i )(k − i +1).(h) Show thatk −1 � 1 1 E [C ]= =1− . j (j +1)k j =1 Solution:X For a node x with key k , E [C ]is the expected number of nodes in the right spine of the left subtree of x . This equals the sum of the expected value of the random variables i,k for all i in the tree. Since X i,k =0for all nodes i ≥ k , we only need to consider i <k .� � � k −1 �k −1 � E [C ]=E [X i,k ]=E X i,k i =1 i =1 k −1 =Pr {X i,k =1}i =1 k −1 � 1 =(k − i )(k − i +1) i =1 k −1 � 1= j (j +1)j =1 1To simplify this sum, observe that j (j 1+1) = j +1−j = − 1 . Therefore the sumj (j +1) j j +1 telescopes and we have 1 E [C ]=1− . kIf you didn’t see this, you could have proven that the equationk −1 � 1 1 =1− j (j +1)k j =1 holds by induction on k . In the proving the inductive hypothesis you might have 11discovered 1 − = .j j +1 j (j +1)(i) Use a symmetry argument to show that1 E [D ]=1− . n − k +1Solution: The idea is to consider the treap produced if the ordering relationship amongthe keys is reversed. That is, for all items x , leave priority [x ]unchanged but replacekey [x ]with n − key [x ]+1.Let T be the binary tree we get when inserting the items (in increasing order of priority) using the original keys. Once we remap the keys and insert them into a newbinary search tree, we get a tree T whose shape is the mirror image of the shape ofT . (reflected left to right). Consider the item x with key k in T and therefore has key n − k +1 i n T . The length of the left spine of x ’s right subtree in T has becomethe length of the right spine of x ’s left subtree in T . We know by part (g) that the expected length of the right spine of a left subtree of a node y is 1− 1/idkey [y ],so the expected length of the right spine of the left subtree of x in T is 1− 1/(n − k +1), which means that 1 E [D ]=1− . n − k +1(j) Conclude that the expected number of rotations performed when inserting a node into a treap is less than 2.Solution:11 E [number of rotations ]= E [C +D ]=E [C ]+E [D ]=1− +1− k n − k +1 ≤ 1+1=2. Problem 4-2. Being balancedCall a family of trees balanced if every tree in the family has height O (lg n ), where n is the number of nodes in the tree. (Recall that the height of a tree is the maximum number of edges along any path from the root of the tree to a leaf of the tree. In particular, the height of a tree with just one node is 0.)For each property below, determine whether the family of binary trees satisfying that property is balanced. If you answer is “no”, provide a counterexample. If your answer is “yes”, give a proof (hint: it should be a proof by induction). Remember that being balanced is an asymptotic property, so your counterexamples must specify an infinite set of trees in the family, not just one tree. (a) Every node of the tree is either a leaf or it has two children.Solution: No. Counterexample is a right chain, with each node having a leaf hanging off to the left(b) The size of each subtree can be written as 2k − 1, where k is an integer (k is not the same for each subtree).Solution: Yes.Consider any subtree with root r . We know from the condition that the size of this subtree is 2k 1 − 1. We also know that the size of the subtree rooted at the left child of r is 2k 2 − 1, and the size of the subtree rooted at the right child of r is 2k 3 − 1. But the size of the subtree at r is simply the node r together with the nodes in the left and right subtrees. This leads to the equation 2k 1 − 1=1+(2k 2 − 1)+(2k 3 − 1),or 2k 1 =2k 2 +2k 3. Now we show that k 2 =k 3. This is easy to see if you consider the binary representations of k 1, k 2, and k 3.Otherwise, if we assume WLOG that k 2 ≤ k 3, then we have 2k 1−k 2 =1+2k 3−k 2. 2Now, the only pair of integer powers of 2 that could satisfy this equation are 21 and 0 . Thus k 3 − k 2 =0,or k 2 =k 3, and the left and right subtrees of r have an equal number of nodes. It follows that the tree is perfectly balanced.(c) There is a constant c>0such that, for each node of the tree, the size of the smallerchild subtree of this node is at least c times the size of the larger child subtree.Solution:Yes1. The proof is by induction. Assume that the two subtrees of x with n nodes in itssubtree has two children y and z with subtree sizes n1 and n2. By inductive hypothesis,the height of y’s subtree is at most d lg n1 and the height of z’s subtree is at most d lg n2for some constant d. We now prove that the height of x’s subtree is at most d lg n.Assume wlog that n1 ≥n2. Therefore, by the problem statement, we have n2 ≥cn1.Therefore, we have n=n1 +n2 +1≥(1+c)n1 +1≥(1+c)n1 and the height hof x’s subtree is d lg n1 +1≤d lg(n/(c+1))+1≤d lg n−d lg(1+c)+1≤d lg nif d lg(1+c)≥1. Therefore, for sufficiently large d, the height of a tree with n nodesis at most d lg n.(d) There is a constant c such that, for each node of the tree, the heights of its childrensubtrees differ by at most c.Solution: Yes1. Let n(h)be the minimum number of nodes that a tree of height h thatsatisfies the stated property can have. We show by induction that n(h)≥(1+α)h−1,for some constant 0<α≤1. We can then conclude that for a tree with n nodes,h≤log1+α(n+1)=O(lg n).For the base case, a subtree of height 0has a single node, and 1≥(1+α)0 −1forany constant α≤1.In the inductive step, assume for all trees of height k<h, that the n(k)≥(1+α)k−1.Now consider a tree of height h, and look at its two subtrees. We know one subtreemust have height h−1, and the other must have height at least h−1−c. Therefore,we known(h)≥n(h−1)+n(h−1−c)+1.Using the inductive hypothesis, we getn(h) ≥(1+α)h−1 −1+(1+α)h−1−c−1+1≥2(1+α)h−1−c−1.Suppose we picked αsmall enough so that (1+α)<21/(c+1). Then (1+α)c+1 <2.Therefore, we getn(h)≥2(1+α)h−1−c−1≥(1+α)h−1.1Note that in this problem we assume that a nil pointer is a subtree of size 0, and so a node with only one child has two subtrees, one of which has size 0. If you assume that a node with only one child has only one subtree, then the answer to this problem part is “no”.�11Handout18: Problem Set4SolutionsTherefore, we satisfy the inductive hypothesis.Note that if we plug this value for αback into h≤log1+α(n+1),we getlg(n+1)h≤≤(c+1)l g(n+1).lg(1+2c+1)(e) The average depth of a node is O(lg n). (Recall that the depth of a node x is thenumber of edges along the path from the root of the tree to x.)Solution: No.√Consider a tree with n−n nodes organized as a complete binary tree, and the other √ √n nodes sticking out as a chain of length n from the balanced tree. The height of√√√the tree is lg(n−n)+n=Ω(n), while the average depth of a node is at most�√√ √(1/n)n·(n+lg n)+(n−n)·lg n√√=(1/n)(n+n lg n+n lg n−nlgn)=(1/n)(n+n lg n)=O(lg n)√Thus, we have a tree with average node depth O(lg n), but height Ω(n).。
定义:矩阵A的 逆矩阵是矩阵B, 使得AB=BA=I
性质:矩阵A的逆 矩阵是唯一的,且 A的逆矩阵也是方 阵
计算方法:使用高 斯-约旦消元法、 克莱姆法则等方法 计算矩阵的逆
应用:求解线性方 程组、求矩阵的秩、 求矩阵的逆等
定义:矩阵的行列 式是一个数值,表 示矩阵的体积或面 积
定义:向量空间中的子集,满足加法和数乘运算 性质:子空间中的向量线性组合仍然是子空间中的向量 例子:二维平面上的直线、三维空间中的平面 应用:线性方程组的解空间、矩阵的秩和零空间
定义:一组线性无关的向量,且向量之间的内积为零 性质:正交向量组是线性无关的,且向量之间的内积为零 应用:正交向量组可以用来求解线性方程组,以及进行矩阵分解 例子:二维平面上的单位向量组(1,0)和(0,1)是正交向量组
计算方法:通过行 列式的计算公式进 行计算
性质:矩阵的行列 式与矩阵的转置行 列式相等
应用:矩阵的行列式 在求解线性方程组、 特征值和特征向量等 方面有广泛应用
线性变换是一种特 殊的函数,它满足 线性性质
线性变换可以将一 个向量映射到另一 个向量
线性变换可以用矩 阵来表示,矩阵的 每一行代表一个基 向量的变换
定义:两个矩 阵A和B相似, 如果存在一个 可逆矩阵P,使
性质:相似矩 阵具有相同的 特征值和特征
应用:相似矩 阵可以用来简 化矩阵的运算
例子:对角矩阵 和单位矩阵是相 似的,因为它们 的特征值和特征 向量都是相同的。
我的导师最初希望我去做的题目,是对appearance 和motion建立一个unified的model。
这个题目在当今Computer Vision中百花齐放的世界中并没有任何特别的地方。
事实上,使用各种Graphical Model把各种东西联合在一起framework,在近年的论文中并不少见。
我不否认现在广泛流行的Graphical Model是对复杂现象建模的有力工具,但是,我认为它不是panacea(万应灵药),并不能取代对于所研究的问题的深入的钻研。
事实上,开始的时候,我也是和Vision中很多人一样,想着去做一个Graphical Model——我的导师指出,这样的做法只是重复一些标准的流程,并没有很大的价值。
三、相关学习资源1. MIT公开课:MIT在其官方网站上提供了大量的高质量公开课程资源,包括高等数学等多个学科。
2. 在线论坛和社区:学生们可以加入相关的数学学习论坛和社区,与他人交流学习经验、解答疑问,并获取更多的学习资源和学习灵感。
3 倍这一过程。E21 的第二行使矩阵 A 的行向量进行前述的线性组合,而其它两行
为了保持与原矩阵相同,采用同阶单位阵 I 的行向量。左乘的这个矩阵为“初等矩
阵”(Elementary Matrix),因此记做 E。我以为是消元矩阵,所以记做 E 呢。因
为所乘行向量的倍数-3 出现在 E 矩阵的第二行第一列,因此将之标注为 21。完成
回代 Back-Substitution
做方程的高斯消元时,需要对等式右侧的 b 做同样的乘法和加减法。手工计算 时比较有效率的方法是应用“增广矩阵”(augmented matrix),将 b 插入矩阵 A
之后形成最后一列,在消元过程中带着 b 一起操作。(Matlab 是算完系数矩阵再处
理 b 的。)
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
第 03 讲 矩阵的乘法和逆矩阵 Multiplication & inverse matrices
矩阵乘法 Matrix multiplication
我们通过四种方法讨论如何使矩阵 A 与 B 相乘得到矩阵 C。其中 A 为 mn(m
行 n 列)矩阵,而 B 为 np 矩阵,则 C 为 mp 矩阵,记 cij 为矩阵 C 中第 i 行第 j
1 2 3 6
方程组列图像为 x 2
5 z 2 4
6 3 1 2
如果改变等号右侧的 b 的数值,那么对于行图像而言三个平面都改变了,而对
那么问题来了,是否对于所有的 b,方程 Ax=b 都有解? 从列图像上看,问题转化为“列向量的线性组合是否覆盖整个三维空间?” 反例:若三个向量在同一平面内——比如“列 3”恰好等于“列 1”加“列 2”, 而若 b 不在该平面内,则三个列向量无论怎么组合也得不到平面外的向量 b。此时 矩阵 A 为奇异阵或称不可逆矩阵。在矩阵 A 不可逆条件下,不是所有的 b 都能令 方程 Ax=b 有解。 对 n 维情形则是,n 个列向量如果相互独立——“线性无关”,则方程组有解。 否则这 n 个列向量起不到 n 个的作用,其线性组合无法充满 n 维空间,方程组未必 有解。 从行图像的角度来看,三元方程组是否有解意味着什么?当方程所代表的三个 平面相交于一点时方程有唯一解;三个平面中至少两个平行则方程无解;平面的两 两交线互相平行方程也无解;三个平面交于一条直线则方程有无穷多解。 都是示意图,来看看 GS 和 Lay 的作图差异有多大吧……
MIT公开课程介绍(MIT OCW)网址://ocwweb/MIT网上免费公开课程项目于2001年4月宣布,计划在今后十年内把MIT 所有的课程内容放到网上,称之为“MIT OpenCourseWare”(MIT OCW)。
到目前为止,MIT已免费公开500 门课程,涉及MIT的33个学科和全部5个学院。
一、33个学科1.Aeronautics and Astronautics2.Anthropology3.Architecture4.Biological Engineering Division5.Biology6.Brain and Cognitive Sciences7.Chemical Engineering8.Chemistry9.Civil and Environmental Engineering10.Comparative Media Studies11.Earth,Atmospheric,and Planetary Sciences12.Economics13.Electrical Engineering and Computer Science14.Engineering Systems Division15.Foreign Languages and Literatures16.Health Science and Technology17.History18.Linguistics and Philosophy19.Literature20.Material Science and Technology21.Mathematics22.Mechanical Engineering23.Media Arts and Sciences24.Music and Theater Arts25.Nuclear Engineering26.Ocean Engineering27.Physics28.Political Science29.Science ,Technology and Society30.Sloan School of Management31.Urban Studies and Planning32.Women’s Studies33.Writing and Humanistic Studies二、课程大纲我们以建筑学系为例。
这本书一共四位作者,Thomas H. Cormen,Charles E. Leiserson和Ronald L. Rivest是来自MIT的教授,Clifford Stein是MIT出来的博士,现在哥伦比亚大学做教授,四人姓氏的首字母联在一起即是此书的英文简称(CLRS 2e),其中的第三作者Ronald L. Rivest是RSA算法的老大(算法名字里面的R即是指他),四个超级大牛出的一本书,此书不看人生不能算完整。
再介绍一下课堂录像里面授课的两位MIT的老师,第一位,外表“绝顶聪明”的,是本书的第二作者Charles E. Leiserson,以逻辑严密,风趣幽默享誉MIT。
第二位,留着金黄色的络腮胡子和马尾发的酷哥是Erik Demaine,21岁即取得MIT教授资格的天才,1981出生,今年才25岁,业余爱好是俄罗斯方块、演戏、琉璃、折纸、杂耍、魔术和结绳游戏。
麻省理工学院核心课程介绍---1. 课程概述麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)作为全球顶尖的科技研究与教育机构之一,致力于培养拥有广泛知识背景和深度专业能力的学生。
2. 数理基础课程麻省理工学院的数理基础课程涵盖了数学、物理和计算机科学等领域。
3. 人文社会科学课程人文社会科学课程旨在培养学生的社会意识、文化素养和人际交往能力。
4. 工程技术课程工程技术课程是麻省理工学院的一大特色。
5. 课程特点MIT的核心课程具有以下特点:首先,注重理论与实践相结合。
一、重要信息英文名:麻省理工大学(MIT)区域:北美洲国家:美国找到年份:1861年地址:77 Massachusetts Avenue网站:入学总人数:10264国际学生:2726(27%)本科入学人数:4199国际学生:383(9%)研究生入学人数:6065国际学生:2343(39%)二、本科课程介绍航空航天工程、航空航天工程与信息技术、人类学、考古与材料、艺术与设计、生物工程、生物学、脑与认知科学、化学工程、化学,生物工程、化学、土木与环境工程、土木工程、比较媒体研究、计算机科学与工程、地球,大气和行星科学、经济学、电气工程与计算机科学、电气科学与工程、工程、环境工程科学、外国语言与文学、历史、人文、科学人文与工程、人文与科学、语言学与哲学、文献、管理科学、材料科学与工程、数学、数学与计算机科学、机械与海洋工程、机械工程、机械工程、音乐、核科学与工程、哲学、物理、规划、治学、科学技术与社会、写作。
10.3963/j .issn .1671-606X .2009.04.0322009年8月 第28卷 第4期Vol .28 No .4 August 2009理工高教研究Journa l of H igher Educati o n i n Science &Technology作者:王硕旺系北京师范大学教育管理学院博士生;洪成文系北京师范大学教育管理学院教授,博士生导师.C D I O :美国麻省理工学院工程教育的经典模式———基于对C D I O 课程大纲的解读王硕旺,洪成文(北京师范大学,北京100875)摘要: CD I O 是美国麻省理工学院工程教育的一种经典模式。
课程大纲是CD I O 工程教育的指导性文件,详细规定了CD I O 工程教育的主要目标和内容等。
通过对课程大纲的解读,分析C D I O 工程教育的内容和特点等,以期对我国本科应用型人才培养模式的创新提供借鉴和启示。
关键词: C D I O ; 课程大纲; 启示中图分类号: G文献标识码: A文章编号: 1671-606X (2009)04-0116-04一、CD I O 工程教育模式概述CD I O 是2001年由美国麻省理工学院联合瑞典的查尔姆斯技术大学、林克平大学以及皇家技术学院等3所高校,共同开发的一种全新工程教育理念和实施体系。
CD I O 是英文单词“构思”(Conceive )、“设计”(Design )、“实施”(I m p le ment )、“运行”(Operate )的缩写。
GrayLevel[t] 曲线灰度描述函数,自变量t旳取值范围为闭区间[0, 1],t取0值为白色,t取1值为黑色。
• 举例:
n=4; r=5Cos[nt]+2Sin[5nt]; tu2=ParametricPlot[{rCos[t],rSin[t]},{t,0,2Pi},PlotStyle->{RGBColor[0,0,1],
6 4 2
-6 -4 -2 -2 -4 -6
例:AxesLabel-> None, 表达显示旳图形坐标轴没有标识;
AxesLabel->{"time" , "speed"}, 表达平面图形旳横坐标轴标识 显示为time 纵坐标轴标识显示为speed;
AxesLabel->{“时间”,“速度”,“高度”}, 表达空间图形旳 横坐标轴标识设置为时间, 纵坐标轴标识设置为速度, 竖坐标轴 标识设置为高度。
1.5 1
-2 -1 0 1
2 1 0 -1
2 -2
• 例3:
n=5; r=5Cos[nt]+Sin[5nt]; tu1=Parametricplot[{rCos[t],rSin[t]},{t,0,2pi},AspectRatio->1,
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工程师数学方法I ——MIT课程翻译:温秋芳(Wen, Qiufang)(简介并寄信)编辑:何斌((Bin He)(简介并寄信)《应用数学导论》(Introduction to Applied Mathematics),Gilbert Strang着,Wellesley-Cambridge出版社。
考试考试暂时定在第15, 27,39次课堂上,都是在平时的课上和正常的课程时间。
评分作业(9次): 34%考试(3次): 66%作业作业中粗体字的练习尤其重要, 典型的表现了本课程中一些额外的深度知识。
I. 应用线性代数1. 高斯消去法和轴化2. 矩阵分解A = LU 和正定矩阵3. 正定矩阵: 2 × 2 (省略n × n 矩阵的详细证明)4. 最小二乘法: A T A5. 弹簧和质量系统II. 离散平衡方程6. 基本平衡方程7. 电网络: A T CA(省略: RLC电路和回路电流)8. 平衡结构: 确定的或不定的9. 不稳定性: 刚性运动及机械装置10. 第1-9课复习11. 有约束的最小化: 拉各朗日乘数(省略: 投影)12. 对偶性, 能量与共能(co-energy)13. 加权最小二乘法14. 测试1前的复习15. 测试1: 第一、二章III. 连续平衡方程16. 弹性棒的平衡17. Sturm-Liouville问题,边界层和Delta函数(delta function)18. 弹性梁的平衡(省略: 样条逼近)19. 势流,斯托克斯定理和散度定理20. 格林定理,边界条件和泊松方程21. 变分法: 介绍(省略: 互补最小原理)22. 变分法: 实例(省略:拉各朗日方程和汉密尔顿方程)23. 三维空间的线积分,位势,旋度和梯度(省略:电磁学)24. 矢量微积分和曲线坐标系25. 流体力学26. 测试2前的复习27. 测试2: 第三章IV. 傅立叶级数和傅立叶变换28. 傅立叶系数29. 正弦级数和余弦级数, Parseval公式30. 拉普拉斯方程的傅立叶解及其收敛性31. 正交函数: 贝塞尔函数32. 离散傅立叶级数和n单位根33. 卷积定则和信号处理34. 常数对角矩阵35. 傅立叶变换: Plancherel公式和测不准原理36. 变换法则: (省略: 积分方程)37. 常微分方程的解和格林函数38. 测试3前的复习39. 测试3: 第四章Course OutlineTextStrang, Gilbert. Introduction to Applied Mathematics. Wellesley-Cambridge Press. (Table of Contents)ExamsThe exams are tentatively scheduled for Sessions 15, 27 and 39. They are in the normal class and class hour and are OPEN BOOK AND NOTES. There is NO FINAL exam.GradesProblem Sets (9): 34%Exams (3): 66%.Problem SetsExercises in bold in the Problem Sets are especially important and typically present some additional insight on the subject. Any changes to problem sets and due dates will be announced in class and on the course web page. Working together is allowed in problem sets. However, you must write up your results individually and indicate the names of your collaborators. Use of existing solutions is not allowed.I. Applied Linear Algebra1. Gaussian elimination and pivots2. Factorization A = LU and positive definite matrices3. Positive definite matrices: 2 × 2 (Omit: detailed proof for n × n)4. Least squares: A T A5. Systems of springs and massesII. Equilibrium Equations: Discrete Case6. Fundamental equations of equilibrium7. Electrical networks: A T CA (Omit: RLC circuit and Loop currents)8. Structures in equilibrium: determinate or indeterminate9. Instability: rigid motion and mechanism10. Review of Lectures 1═911. Minimizing with constraints: Lagrange multipliers (Omit: Projections)12. Duality. Energy and co-energy13. Weighted least squares14. Review for Exam 115. EXAM 1: Chapters 1 and 2III. Equilibrium Equations: Continuous Case16. Equilibrium of an elastic bar17. Sturm-Liouville problem, boundary layers and delta function18. Equilibrium of an elastic beam (Omit: Spline approximations)19. Potential flow, Stokes and divergence theorems20. Green's theorem, boundary conditions and Poisson's equation21. Calculus of variations: introduction (Omit: Complementary minimum principle)22. Calculus of variations: examples (Omit: Lagrangians and Hamilton's equation)23. Line integrals, potentials, curl and gradient in 3D (Omit: Electricity and magnetism)24. Vector calculus and curvilinear coordinate systems25. Fluid mechanics26. Review for Exam 227. EXAM 2: Chapter 3IV. Fourier Series and Transforms28. Fourier coeffiients29. Sine and cosine series, Parseval's formula30. Fourier solution to Laplace equation and convergence31. Orthogonal functions; Bessel functions32. Discrete Fourier series and the n roots of unity33. Convolution rule and signal processing34. Constant-diagonal matrices35. Fourier transforms: Plancherel's formula and uncertainty principle36. Transform rules (Omit: Integral equations)37. Solutions of ODE's and Green's function38. Review for Exam 339. EXAM 3: Chapter 4目录INTRODUCTION TO APPLIED MATHEMATICS Gilbert StrangWellesley-Cambridge Press (1986)TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Symmetric Linear Systems1.1 Introduction1.2 Gaussian Elimination1.3 Positive Definite Matrices1.4 Minimum Principles1.5 Eigenvalues and Dynamical Systems1.6 A Review of Matrix Theory2. Equilibrium Equations2.1 A Framework for the Applications2.2 Constraints and Lagrange Multipliers2.3 Electrical Networks2.4 Structures in Equilibrium2.5 Least Squares Estimation and the Kalman Filter3. Equilibrium in the Continuous Case3.1 One-dimensional Problems3.2 Differential Equations of Equilibrium3.3 Laplace's Equation and Potential Flow3.4 Vector Calculus in Three Dimensions3.5 Equilibrium of Fluids and Solids3.6 Calculus of Variations4. Analytical Methods4.1 Fourier Series and Orthogonal Expansions4.2 Discrete Fourier Series and Convolution4.3 Fourier Integrals4.4 Complex Variables and Conformal Mapping4.5 Complex Integration5. Numerical Methods5.1 Linear and Nonlinear Equations5.2 Orthogonalization and Eigenvalue Problems5.3 Semi-direct and Iterative Methods5.4 The Finite Element Method5.5 The Fast Fourier Transform6. Initial-Value Problems6.1 Ordinary Differential Equations6.2 Stability and the Phase Plane and Chaos6.3 The Laplace Transform and the z-Transform6.4 The Heat Equation vs. the Wave Equation6.5 Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems 6.6 Nonlinear Conservation Laws7. Network Flows and Combinatorics7.1 Spanning Trees and Shortest Paths7.2 The Marriage Problem7.3 Matching Algorithms7.4 Maximal Flow in a Network8. Optimization8.1 Introduction to Linear Programming8.2 The Simplex Method and Karmarkar's Method8.3 Duality in Linear Programming8.4 Saddle Points (Minimax) and Game Theory8.5 Nonlinear OptimizationSoftware for Scientific ComputingReferences and AcknowledgementsSolutions to Selected ExercisesIndex。