
数据采集卡采集工具使用说明1. 数据采集工具界面:2. 打开采集工具接入USB数据采集卡后,采集工具会自动查找系统接入USB设备,左图为连接数据采集卡成功。
未接入采集卡,功能为不可以操作:3. 选择数据采集卡输出路径,点击如图下所示:勾选“采集数据结束后自动打开文件”复选项后结束采集后会自动的打开采集数据文件。
4. 采集参数设置:A.采集间隔时间(毫秒):采集每次数据点之间的等待时间设置,设置为0表示不等待连续采集数据。

避免频繁开机对产品造成不必要的损坏目录第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1 概述 (2)1.1.1 卡上8路(单)并行模拟输入 (2)1.1.2 卡上14路可编程数字量输入和输 (2)1.1.3 重新启动数字量保持输出值 (2)1.2 特点 (2)1.3 一般特性 (3)第二章安装与测试 (4)2.1 初始检查 (4)2.2 跳线分布图 (5)2.3 跳线设置 (5)2.3.1模拟输入量程跳线说明—JF1~JF8、JP1~JP8 (5) 2.3.2 输入接口保护电路使能跳线说—JD1~JD8 (5) 2.4 Windows2K/XP/9X下板卡的安装 (5)2.4.1 软件的安装 (5)2.4.2 硬件的安装 (7)2.5 测试 (7)2.5.1 模拟输入功能测试 (8)2.5.2 开关量输出功能测试 (9)2.5.3 开关量输入功能测试 (10)第三章连接说明 (11)3.1 模拟输入管脚说明—J1 (12)3.2 模拟输入连接 (12)3.2.1 单端模拟输入连接及注意事项 (12)3.3 数字量输入连接 (13)3.4 数字量输出连接 (13)第四章寄存器定义 (14)第五章常见问题及解决方法 (15)第一章产品介绍1.1 概述PCI8348A/AJ是一块PCI总线,是一款高速并行模拟输入及可编程数字量输入输出于一身的数据采集卡.适用于工业现场、实验室等多种场合,具有8路并行模拟输入、14路可编程数字量输入/输出。
05 监控篇之PCI数据采集卡

计算机测控系统通过数字量输入板卡采 集工业生产过程的离散输入信号,并通过数 字量输出板卡对生产过程或控制设备进行开 关式控制(二位式控制)。
将数字量输入和数字量输出功能集成在 一块板卡上,就称为数字量输入/输出板卡, 简称I/O板卡。
例如,下图所示为研华PCI-1730数字量输入/输出卡, 它提供了16路数字量输入和16路数字量输出,高输出驱动能 力和中断能力,具有2500VDC高电压隔离I/O通道。
数据采集系统的任务,就是传感器从被测对 象获取有用信息,并将其输出信号转换为计算机 能识别的数字信号,然后送入计算机进行相应的 处理,得出所需的数据。同时,将计算得到的数 据进行显示、储存或打印,以便实现对某些物理 量的监视,其中一部分数据还将被生产过程中的 计算机控制系统用来进行某些物理量的控制。
数据采集系统性能的好坏,主要取决于它的 精度和速度。在保证精度的条件下,应有尽可能 高的采样速度,以满足实时采集、实时处理和实 时控制对速度的要求。
2、 现代数据采集系统的特点:
1)现代数据采集系统一般都内含有计算机系统, 这使得数据采集的质量和效率等大为提高,同时 显著节省了硬件投资。 2)软件在数据采集系统中的作用越来越大,增加 了系统设计的灵活性。 3)数据采集与数据处理相互结合得日益紧密,形 成了数据采集与处理相互融合的系统,可实现从 数据采集、处理到控制的全部工作。
数据采集卡的性能优劣对整个系统举足轻重。选购时 不仅要考虑其价格,更要综合考虑,比较其质量、软件支持 能力、后续开发和服务能力等。
基于板卡的计算机测控系统的组成如图所示,它可分 为硬件和软件两大部分。

二数据采集卡的设置检测系统已下载可与数据采集卡通信的驱动程序,从开始菜单/ 所有程序/ Advantech Automation / Device Manager 打开研华的设备管理程序Advantech Device Manager,如图1-5所示。
在Installed Devices 列表中板卡信息PCI-1711的标识。
图1-5三板面与设备管理器的操作1 模拟量操作若要观察各模拟量输入通道的电压值的大小,可点击图1-5画面中“Test”按钮,进入图1-6的采集卡模拟输入量显示界面。
“Andlog input reading”选项夹中“Channel No 0 ~ 2”对应的“Analog input reading”栏中显示的内容分别是:压力传感器输出信号的电压值;液位传感器输出信号的电压值;温度传感器输出信号的电压值。
“Andlog input reading”选项夹中“Channel No 0 ~ 7”对应的“Analog input reading”栏中显示的内容分别是:1 ~ 8个精密电位器输出的直流电压值;当某一个电位器顺时针转动10周,则对应的电压值就会从0增加到5V。
2 数字量操作(1)数字输入量操作见图1-2,操作面板有16个“输入按钮”,即K0~K15。
动作结果可在图1-7的“Digital input”选项夹中对应的指示灯变成绿颜色。
如将K2和K3的“输入按钮”同时按下时,则Digital input选项夹中对应的DI 2和DI 3输入指示灯变成绿颜色。
(2)数字输出量操作打开图1-8的“Digital output”选项夹,按下DO0 ~ DO15任意按钮,都会使对应操作面板上的L0~L15中对应的指示灯点亮;重复上述操作,就会使指示灯改变原来的状态。

PCI8324A/B/AF/BF简明手册一、主要性能指标1.输出通道数:4路(A型、AF型)/8路(B型、BF型)可选2.输出信号范围:(标*为出厂标准状态)DA方式:0~2.5V;0~5V;0~10V(*);±2.5V;±5V;±10V3.D/A转换分辨率:16位4.最高DA输出速率:100K/CH5.对于AF型和BF型板卡,板上带缓冲区(FIFO):8K6.DA输出触发方式:软件启动方式/外触发/内部定时触发7.2路格雷码计数器(TTL电平)8.24路TTL电平开关量输入9.16路TTL电平开关量输出10.使用环境要求:工作温度:10℃~40℃相对湿度:40%~80% RH存贮温度:-55℃~+85℃11.外形尺寸:175.6mm X 98.3mm二、布局图(图中跳线阴影部分为出厂配置)图1三、操作说明1.板卡出厂设置本卡出厂所有通道上电后初始值为0V,输出范围为0~10V输出,具体跳线设置请参考图1。
2.跳线说明:在下列图示中的阴影部分表示短接跳线的位置JP1:控制DA输出通道1和输出通道2的极性,具体设置如图2:图2 输出极性跳线设置JP2:控制DA输出通道3和输出通道4的极性,具体设置参考图2JP3:控制DA输出通道5和输出通道6的极性,具体设置参考图2JP4:控制DA输出通道7和输出通道8的极性,具体设置参考图2图3 输出范围跳线设置当极性选择是单极性时表示DA输出范围是0~10V当极性选择是双极性时表示DA输出范围是-10V~+10V当极性选择是单极性时表示DA输出范围是0~2.5V当极性选择是双极性时表示DA输出范围是-2.5V~+2.5V当极性选择是单极性时表示DA输出范围是0~5V当极性选择是双极性时表示DA输出范围是-5V~+5VJP5:控制DA输出通道1的范围,具体设置参考图3JP6:控制DA输出通道2的范围,具体设置参考图3JP7:控制DA输出通道3的范围,具体设置参考图3JP8:控制DA输出通道4的范围,具体设置参考图3JP9:控制DA输出通道5的范围,具体设置参考图3JP10:控制DA输出通道6的范围,具体设置参考图3JP11:控制DA输出通道7的范围,具体设置参考图3JP12:控制DA输出通道8的范围,具体设置参考图3JP13:控制DA输出通道1到通道4的上电输出值,短路时上电输出当前范围最小值;开路时上电输出当前范围的中间值JP14:控制DA输出通道5到通道8的上电输出值,短路时上电输出当前范围最小值;开路时上电输出当前范围的中间值一般为了使上电时输出0V电压,单极性时将JP13 JP14短路,双极性时将JP13 JP14开路注意:当选择输出范围是2.5时相应通道无法调满。
红日 PCI 光栅和编码器数据采集卡 说明书

PCI光栅和编码器数据采集器RSPCIRS说明书西安红日科技Tel************Fax************ Web:QQ:282429943目录第一章功能描述 (3)第二章外观 (4)第三章引脚说明 (5)第四章工作环境 (6)第五章驱动软件安装 (7)第六章DEMO应用程序安装 (8)第七章二次开发动态连接库涵数接口说明 (9)第一章功能描述1、过零位清零功能、过零位次数输出(圈数1M的计数长度±524287;脉冲计数4M的计数长度±2097151)。

PCI-8340 高速模入接口卡技术说明书1. 概述PCI-8340高速模入接口卡适用于提供了PCI 总线插槽的PC系列微机,具有即插即用(PnP)的功能。
其操作系统可选用目前流行的 Windows 系列、高稳定性的Unix等多种操作系统以及专业数据采集分析系统LabVIEW 等软件环境。
其A/D 转换启动方式可以选用程控频率触发、程控单步触发、外部TTL信号触发以及外部时钟同步触发等多种方式。
2. 主要技术参数2.1模入部分( 标*为出厂标准状态,下同 )2.1.1输入通道数:单端16路 *;双端8路2.1.2 输入信号范围:0~10V*,±5V,0~5V2.1.3 输入阻抗:≥10MΩ2.1.4 输入通道选择方式:单通道程序指定/多通道自动扫描2.1.5 A/D转换分辩率:12位2.1.6 A/D采样程控频率:1KHz/5KHz/10KHz/50KHz/100KHz/200KHz2.1.7 A/D启动方式:程控频率触发/程控单步触发/外部TTL信号触发/外部时钟同步触发2.1.8 A/D转换非线性误差:±1LSB2.1.9 A/D转换输出码制:单极性原码*/双极性偏移码2.1.10 FIFO存储器容量:8K×16bit(全满)/4K×16bit(半满)2.1.11 数据读取识别方式:FIFO半满查询/FIFO非空查询/FIFO半满中断2.1.12 系统综合误差:≤0.1%F.S2.2 开关量部分2.2.1 输入路数:16路TTL电平2.2.2 输出路数:16路TTL电平2.3 电源功耗: +5V(±10%)≤500mA2.4环境要求:工作温度:10℃~40℃相对湿度: 40%~80%存贮温度:-55℃~+85℃2.5 外型尺寸:( 不含档板 )长×高=175.0mm×106.7mm ( 6.89英寸×4.2英寸)3. 工作原理3.1 工作原理简介PCI-8340 高速模入接口卡主要由高速多路模拟开关选通电路、高速高精度放大电路、高速模数转换电路、先进先出(FIFO)缓冲存储器电路、开关量输入输出电路和接口控制逻辑电路等部分组成。

避免高温或低温.(推荐温度范围应为 5 °C ~35°C)。
目录1. 产品介绍与功能 (3)1.1 产品简介 (3)1.2 产品功能特性 (4)1.2.1 主机端(服务器端) (4)1.2.2 IE 远程客户端 (6)2.产品安装 (7)2.1 服务器端与驱动安装 (7)2.2 软件的启动与卸载 (8)3.软件功能介绍 (9)3.1 登录系统 (9)3.2 服务器设置与操作 (10)3.2.1 设置本地用户权限 (12)3.2.2 设置网络用户权限 (13)3.2.3 录象质量设置 (14)3.2.4 报警设置 (15)3.2.5 设置自动工作计划 (18)3.2.6 普通云台设置 (19)3.2.7 录象回放相关 (20)3.2.8 调色方案设置 (21)3.2.9 网络端口参数设置 (22)4. 客户端操作使用说明 (23)1. 产品介绍与功能1.1 产品简介数字网络硬盘录像机以数码方式记录影像,它除了提供了清晰的画面,还能连续重复地录像,避免了模拟录像机频繁更换磁带的缺点。
PCI1394_4 4端口PCI 1394a FireWire适配器卡及数字视频编辑套件说明书

PCI1394_44 Port PCI 1394a FireWire Adapter Card with Digital Video Editing KitStarTech ID: PCI1394_4This 4 Port PCI IEEE 1394 FireWire 400 Adapter Card turns a motherboard PCI slot into four IEEE 1394a FireWire 6-pin female ports (1 internal, 3 external) - a cost-effective solution that lets you connect any FireWire 400 device that uses a 6-pin connector to your desktop computer.The card can be installed in either Mac or PC computers, providing a practical solution for connecting iPods, MP3 players, portable drives, digital camcorders and more. The adapter card supports hot-swappable connectivity, allowing you to plug, unplug, and swap your FireWire peripherals with ease, saving time and hassle.The 4 port FireWire PCI adapter card includes a copy of ULEAD's VideoStudio SE Basic video editing software, making it easy to capture and edit video from your digital video camcorder.ApplicationsAdd a high-speed FireWire port to a desktop without any FireWire portsConnect a digital camera to a desktop with a PCI slot to download photos and videoConnect a external FireWire hard drive or optical drive to a PCI-enabled systemFeatures3 external, 1 shared internal FireWire400 port, with supported data transfer rates up to 400 MbpsCompliant with IEEE 1394a - 2000 as well as 1394-1995 standardsIncludes Video Editing kit: Ulead Video Studio SE and FireWire cablePlug-and-Play and hot-swap compatibleTechnical SpecificationsWarranty LifetimeBus Type PCI (5 Volt)Card Type Standard ProfileChipset ID VIA - VT6306Industry Standards IEEE 1394-1995Industry Standards IEEE 1394aIndustry Standards OHCIIndustry Standards PCI 2.1Interface FireWire 400 (1394a)Ports4400 MbpsMaximum Data TransferRateConnector Type(s) 1 - PCI (5V; 32-bit) MaleExternal Ports 3 - Firewire 400 (6 pin; IEEE 1394a) FemaleInternal Ports 1 - Firewire 400 (6 pin; IEEE 1394a) FemaleYesMicrosoft WHQLCertifiedOS Compatibility Windows® 2000, XP®, Vista®, 7, 8, 8.1, 10Windows Server® 2003, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2Mac OS® 8.6 to 10.4Linux 2.6 to 4.4.x (LTS Versions Only)Note The internal port and the top external port cannot be used at the same time. Only one or the other is active at a time.Unused PCI slotSystem and CableRequirementsProduct Height8 cm [3.1 in]Product Length12 cm [4.7 in]Product Weight75 g [2.6 oz]Product Width18 mm [0.7 in]0.3 kg [0.6 lb]Shipping (Package)WeightIncluded in Package 1 - PCI Firewire CardIncluded in Package 1 - Firewire cable 4pin-6pinIncluded in Package 1 - Driver CDIncluded in Package 1 - Instruction ManualCertifications, Reports and CompatibilityPCI1394_4。
Osprey PCI系列多媒体采集卡驱动程序发行说明说明书

June 2015Osprey® PCI Series Multimedia Capture DriverRelease NotesDriver Version IDEO C APTURE C ARDOsprey 100, 210, 230, 440, & 530This driver has been tested on the following operating systems:•32-bit version of Windows 7•32-bit version of Windows 8/8.1•64-bit version of Windows 7•64-bit version of Windows 8/8.1•32-bit version of Windows 10•64-bit version of Windows 10•64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise•64-bit version of Windows Server 2012 StandardS ECTIONS IN T HIS FILEV IDEO C APTURE C ARDI NTRODUCTIONT ROUBLESHOOTINGT ESTING THE D RIVERM ANUALS AND H ELPL ATEST D RIVERS AND D OCUMENTATIONK NOWN I SSUESD RIVER I NSTALLATIONI NSTALL S CENARIOST ECHNICAL S UPPORTI NTRODUCTIONThis driver is the classes 1-4 AVStream video and audio capture driver for the Osprey Analog PCI Series video capture cards. This driver is built on Microsoft's AVStream / DirectShow® driver model.Check the Osprey website for updates or other operating system (OS) drivers.This driver works only with genuine Osprey video capture cards designed and marketed by Osprey Video, Inc of Carrollton, TX USA.T ROUBLESHOOTINGIf the installation program for this driver appears to hang, press Alt+Tab to ensure the installation screen is not hidden.The Digital Signature Not Found window may appear during the installation. Click Continue Anyway to dismiss this dialog.The diagnostic tab should only be used at the direction of an Osprey technical representative. Invoking tests or setting the wrong value could lock up the computer.T ESTING THE D RIVERThe driver is able to access the properties for the card through most major DirectShow applications such as Microsoft Windows Media Encoder or Flash Media Encoder. For detailed information on how to select the Osprey card and access the video properties, see the documentation with the third-party software.M ANUALS AND H ELPRefer to the Osprey Analog PCIe Series User Guide for detailed information about the Osprey driver.L ATEST D RIVERS AND D OCUMENTATIONBefore installing, check the Osprey website at for the latest drivers and documentation.If there is no newer driver at the time of your installation, periodically check the website for newer versions.K NOWN I SSUESThis release is not WHQL-certified.L ATEST InstallationThe examples provided are for Microsoft Windows 7, other OS versions may vary. Depending on your system setup, you will have multiple options for the installation of the Osprey Multimedia drivers.If you need to re-install this Osprey Analog PCI Series driver, you must uninstall any previous Osprey Analog PCI Series driver and reboot.I NSTALL S CENARIOSIn most cases, the most efficient and complete installation method is to install the Osprey driver before installing the card. The install program automates the Plug and Play steps required to install the drivers and ensures they are performed correctly.Following are the different scenarios and their methods of installation: Threemain situations may apply to you:Scenario 1: Osprey card(s) not physically installed in the PC. * RECOMMENDED METHOD*Scenario 2: Osprey card(s) physically installed, but Osprey software not installed. Scenario 3: Osprey card(s) physically installed, and previous Osprey software installed.•You must uninstall all previous installations of the Osprey Analog PCI Series driver before installing this version. You must also reboot your computer after uninstalling.•It is possible to install the Osprey Analog PCI Series driver using the Hardware Installation Wizard. Select Have disk and navigate to the Drivers directory located onthe installation disk to select the INF file. This advanced feature will not be supported by documentation or Customer Support. Use this method at your own risk.•The installer provides a Custom installation option, which allows selected installation.•Although the installer allows drivers to reside across mapped network drives, this method is not recommended because it will not allow a proper uninstall.Scenario 1: Osprey Card(s) Not Physically Installed in the PCThis scenario is called the Preinstall Scenario. After the install is run, as soon as an Osprey card is installed in the PC, it is detected and its drivers are started automatically. 1. Double-click the Microsoft Windows MSI installer file to start the installation.2. If you choose to do a custom install, select Destination Folders and Program Folders whenprompted.3. You will then be prompted to preinstall the drivers. Select Yes to continue.4. The Osprey software is now fully installed. It will be ready for use after you install the Ospreycard in your computer.5. When you are ready to install the card, shut down and install the Osprey card inside yourcomputer, then power up the computer. The OS will detect the newly present Osprey card, and begin to activate the pre-installed driver. The Osprey card will then be ready for use. Scenario 2: Osprey Analog PCI Series Card(s) Physically Installed, But Osprey Software Not InstalledRun the installation program:When you start the OS for the first time after the Osprey card is installed, the New Hardware Found wizard may appear one or more times. Cancel out of these wizards.After the OS has finished starting, do the following:1. Double-click the MSI installer file. This action will start the installation program.2. If you choose to do a custom install, select Destination Folders and Program Folders whenprompted.3. When the installation is finished, reboot the PC for the configuration changes to take effect. Scenario 3: Osprey Analog PCI Series Card(s) Physically Installed, and Previous Osprey Software InstalledThis scenario is for the case when the Osprey card is physically installed in the PC and there is a previous installation of the Osprey drivers.It is necessary to uninstall the old driver before installing the new driver. You must also reboot your computer after uninstalling.After restarting, the New Hardware Found wizard may appear one or more times. Cancel out of these wizards.Run the installation program:1. Double-click the MSI install file. This action will start the installation program.2. If you choose to do a custom install, select Destination Folders and Program Folders whenprompted.3. When the installation is finished, reboot the PC for the configuration changes to take effect. T ECHNICAL S UPPORTPhone: 972-488-7156Email:***********************Web: Product specifications and availability may change without notice.2017 Osprey Video, Inc. Osprey®, SimulStream® (and design) TM are registered trademarks Osprey Video or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。

MDR-8.07 移动数据记录器操作使用说明书北京京南航天数据技术有限公司目录1简介 (4)1.1用途 (4)1.2主要特点 (4)1.3 主要技术指标 (4)1.4设备组成 (4)1.4.1电源适配器 (5)1.4.2 MDR采集器 (5)2MDR软件安装 (7)2.1 硬件驱动安装 (7)2.2 MDR控制软件安装 (8)2.2.1软件安装条件 (8)2.2.2软件安装 (8)3MDR列表配置 (12)4MDR系统连接 (15)4.1 USB连接 (16)4.2网络连接 (16)4.3串口(RS422)连接 (17)5控制软件主界面 (17)5.1 菜单项 (19)5.1.1 系统配置 (19)5.1.2 数据操作 (19)5.1.3 数据显示 (21)5.1.4 应变调整 (21)5.1.5 标定 (22)5.1.6 其他菜单 (22)5.2 工具栏 (23)5.3 控制面板 (23)5.4 显示窗口 (24)6参数设置 (25)6.1 参数设置界面 (26)6.2 统一参数 (28)6.3 滑动平均 (28)6.4 触发类型设定 (29)7数据传输 (29)7.1 通道选择 (32)7.2 数据传输 (32)7.3 图形显示开关和显示图形延时 (32)7.4 图形操作 (33)8传感器标定 (33)9MDR数据采集步骤 (36)9.1 MDR连接 (36)9.2 MDR列表配置 (36)9.3 参数设置 (38)9.4 数据实时显示 (38)9.5 数据采集 (39)9.6 数据传输 (40)1简介1.1用途移动数据记录器 (Moving Data Recorder) 简称MDR,是北京京南航天数据技术有限公司自主研制具有国际领先水平的高技术产品;能够记录冲击、噪声、振动、速度、位移、过载、应变、陀螺、温度、压力、数字等多种信号,适用于恶劣环境下的动态、静态数据采集记录;广泛应用于桥梁、铁路、风能、教学、煤炭机械、特种设备、汽车碰撞、运输实验、分离实验、爆炸试验、摩拖车颠簸、飞行试验中的系统测量和设备检测等领域。

8341A Smart Active MonitorOperating Manual操作手册2IntroductionThank you for choosing a Genelec product! Fulfilling dreams by offering people the most truthful sound reproduction possible has been the source of our enthusiasm since 1978. There´s already over one million Genelec monitors around the world - welcome to our story!All Genelec monitors are designed, hand assembled and tested at our factory in Iisalmi, Finland. Our monitors are designed to last for decades and we take care that our customers receive excellent support and technical services throughout the life-time of the products.Please register your monitor at munity. /. You will receive an extended 5 year warranty for spare parts. For more information about our service and technical support see/customer-service.System CharacteristicsEach 8341A is supplied with one mains power cable, one 5-meter GLM network cable and this operating manual.The Genelec 8341A is suitable for professional monitoring applications calling for very high precision and reliability. It combines many remarkable Genelec technologies to provide point source benefits with directivity control over an extraordinarily wide audio bandwidth.Genelec Loudspeaker Manager™ (GLM™) Software And GLM User KitThe GLM software gets the most out of 8341 and tailor-fits it to your room. GLM is available for download free of charge at www. /glm. Check in from time to time to take advantage of new features, or consider using the cloud-based version. A GLM User Kit comprising the necessary hardware, including the GLM Adapter and measuring microphone is needed for building and operating the GLM network. This kit can be purchased at all certified Genelec dealers.Minimum Diffraction Coaxial (MDC™)The minimum diffraction coaxial driver is comprised of a powerful midrange driver combined with a tweeter driver extending to ultrasonic frequencies. This unique arrangement eliminates or minimizes acoustic diffraction sources that typically exist in coaxial drivers and produces a flat frequency response both on the acoustical axis and at all off-axis directions.The 8341 may be oriented either horizontally or vertically and is intended for near-field listening where the influences of the room can be mostly minimized. Typical distances can vary from 1 meter or less to 3 meters depending on room size and SPL requirements.Directivity Control Waveguide (DCW™)The 8341A has an unusually large directivity control waveguide extending over the whole front face of the enclosure. The midrange driver cone also forms a part of the directivity control waveguide for the tweeter. From behind the waveguide, two woofers radiate audio through two openings in the enclosure front. This unique design enables directivity control of all audio frequencies down to low bass.Acoustically Concealed Woofers (ACW™) A pair of nearly invisible woofers in the 8341A are placed acoustically coaxially with the midrange/tweeter drivers to create a three-way system with all drivers having their acoustical axes in the same position. This creates an ideally working point source radiator.Smart Active Monitor (SAM™)Genelec SAM technology can improve the reliability and accuracy of monitoring. Smart Active Monitors have several parametric notch and shelving filters that can be tuned automatically using the Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) software to exactly compensate for colorations generated by room acoustics. This enables SAM monitors to sound neutral and achieve accurate stereo imaging in all acoustical environments.Audio InputsThe 8341A’s audio inputs are designed to integrate easily into all professional environments, supporting balanced line level analog and AES/EBU format digital signal. The maximum analog input level is +25 dBu (13.7 Vrms or 19.5 V peak). Set to the maximum sensitivity, an analog input signal of -6 dBu produces 100 dB SPL sound level at 1 meter in free space. A -30 dBFS digital audio input level produces 100 dB SPL level at 1 meter in free space. Note that 0 dBFS refers to the largest possible digital input value.Analog input is selected when the AES/EBU signal input is not connected. The AES/EBU format digital audio input is selected automatically when a valid digital audio signal is present. Please note that this digital audio signal may be silence. This automatic audio signal input selection can be overridden when the 8341A is controlled with the GLM network, enabling flexible selection of either input.When using a digital audio source with adjustable level, it may instead be advantageous to lower the output level of the 8341A using the monitors on-board rear panel controls. This enables the use of a higher source output level with more digital resolution, while taking full advantage of 8341’s impressively low self generated noise.The AES/EBU input supports two channels of audio in a single cable. The DIGITAL OUT male XLR connector carries an unaltered copy of the digital input signal. This enables daisy-chaining of up to four monitors. The proper digital channel can be selected using DIP switches or GLM.Power ManagementThe 8341A mains power input supports any mains voltage globally (100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz). It can be plugged in anywhere in the world and will always deliver the maximum output power to the drivers even when the mains voltage fluctuates. If mains power is provided with a generator, inverter or lower-quality UPS device, we recommend filtering out harmonics from the mains power voltage.The energy saving function Intelligent Signal Sensing (ISS™) puts the monitor automatically into a deep sleep state when no input signal is present. The device then consumes less than one watt of power. Upon sensing an input signal, the monitor automatically awakens. The wait time until entering the power saving state can be configured using the GLM software. When ISS is active, you can leave your monitors on at all times and have the monitoring system immediately ready for action. The default wait time when ISS is enabled using the ISS DIP switch is 60 minutes.3Figure 3. Connector panel detail.Setup Using TheGLM™ Control NetworkAlthough the 8341A can be used without the GLM software and control network, it can only reach its full potential when set up and calibrated using GLM software, running on a Mac or PC. Genelec therefore recommends setting up the 8341A and other SAM monitors using GLM. You can find a detailed description of the setup and the use in the GLM System Operating Manual.The GLM software and the proprietary Genelec monitor control network offer automated acoustic equalization and alignment for any reproduction system from mono over stereo to complex 3D immersive audio setups, including also one or more subwoofers. GLM includes AutoCal, an expert algorithm built on data from thousands of professional listening rooms.Setup with the GLM User Kit consists of the following steps:1. Connect a CAT5 (RJ45) cable between each monitor (and subwoofer) and finally to the control network input of the GLM Adapter device (see Figure 1).2. Connect the GLM Adapter device to computer USB connector.3. Using a microphone stand, place the Genelec measurement microphone at the listening location with the microphone pointing upwards and the microphone top at the height of the engineer’s ear. The microphone is a part of the GLM User Kit.4. Connect the microphone cable to the microphone input in the GLM Adapter device.5. Download the GLM software at the Genelec web site (). Install the GLM software and follow the4MonitorMounting Position Treble Tilt Bass Tilt Bass Roll-Off Desktop Flat anechoic response None None None None Free standing in a damped room None -2 dB None None Free standing in a reverberant room None -4 dB None None Near field ona reflective surface None -2 dB None -4 dB In a cornerNone-4 dB-4 dBNoneTable 1. Suggested Tone Control settings for some typical monitor placement positions.instructions in the software to measure and set up your monitors.6. If you plan to not use a computer for controlling themonitors, use the GLM software to write the settings into the monitors (use menu item “Store | Store the Current Group Settings…”).The GLM network may also be used for monitor control - switching between sets of loudspeakers, solo, mute, invoking calibrated levels etc. - or settings can be permanently stored in all monitors for a static and predictable setup. If so, a computer is only needed for the setup.If the network is disconnected, settings stored using the GLM software can be enabled by setting the DIP switch “Stored” to ON.The C ONTROL NETWORK RJ-45 connectors are used for the GLM network. These connectors are not Ethernet LAN compatible. Do not connect to an Ethernet LAN.Setup Without Using The GLMWhen GLM is not available, you can still adjust the 8341A for placement in a room by using the DIP switches on the back of the monitor. Settings are more limited but nevertheless provide the fundamental equalizers to compensate for the acoustical effects of the listening room, input selections and input sensitivity. To use this method, ensure that the GLM management network is not connected and set the DIP switch “Stored” to its OFF position.Stand-Alone Control FunctionsBass Roll-Off ControlThe Bass Roll-Off control attenuates the monitor’s output near the cut-off frequency. Attenuation levels of -2 dB, -4 dB or -6 dB (both switches ON) can be selected by combining settings on one or more switches. This setting may be needed to control the bass level in spaces with strong low frequency reverberance.Desktop reflection compensation The desktop low frequency control attenuates the bass frequencies around 160 Hz by 4 dB. This feature is designed to compensate for the boost occurring often when the monitor is placed upon a meter bridge, table or similar reflective surface. Bass Tilt ControlThe Bass Tilt control switches offer three attenuation levels for the bass response below 800 Hz. The attenuation levels are -2 dB, -4 dB and -6 dB (both switches ON). This control is usually necessary when the monitors are placed near room boundaries such as at the wall or close to a room corner.Treble Tilt ControlThe Treble Tilt control allows adjusting the high frequency response above 5 kHz by +2 dB, -2 dB or -4 dB, which can be used for correcting an excessively bright or dull sounding system or to compensate for the high frequency level loss when the monitor is placed behind a screen.LED DisableThis switch shuts off the front panel LED light.ISSThis switch activates or deactivates the ISS automatic power saving function. The default time for ISS activation is 60 minutes, but the time can be adjusted in the GLM software.5Table 2. Monitor front panel light indications summaryColour IndicationSolid greed Normal state, normal operation Blinking greenGLM is adjusting the monitorGreen blink every 10 sec.Monitor is in an ISS power saving sleep stateRed blinkPower amplifier overload protection is active (audio is modified because of protection)Solid red Monitor is mutedYellowMonitor is not in the active (playing) groupYellow blinkingOverheat protection is active (audio is modified because of protection)DigitalThe Digital switch selects the digital audio channels on the AES/EBU. Turning both switches on reproduces the sum of the A and B channels. When both channels are selected 6 dB of attenuation is applied to avoid overloading the monitor.LevelThe Level switches reduce the monitor output in 10 dB steps (-10 dB, -20 dB and with both switches set to ON, -30 dB). The effects of these switches combine with the effect of the rotary level adjustment control. The total setting range is 42 dB.StoredThe Stored switch selects between the application of the above listed controls on the monitor’s back panel and applying the settings stored inside the monitor memory using the GLM calibration software. Setting the Stored switch to the OFF position selects the settings defined by the monitor’s controls. Setting the Stored switch to ON position selects the use of internally stored GLM settings and the adjustments on the monitor have no effect.Operating EnvironmentThis product is designed for indoor use only. The permissible ambient temperature is 15-35 degrees C elsius (50-95°F) and relative humidity 20% to 80% (non-condensing). To prevent condensation of humidity, after the product has been stored or transported in a cool environment and is then taken into a warm room, wait 0.5-1 hours before opening the packaging and connecting to the mains power.Sufficient cooling around the 8341A must be ensured. The minimum clearance behind, above and on both sides of the monitor is 50 mm (2 in). If the product is installed in a recess, the space must be ventilated sufficiently to dissipate the heat.Mounting And Placing MonitorsMounting OptionsThe vibration insulating Isolation Positioner/Decoupler™ (Iso-Pod™) table stand allows tilting of the monitor. The stand spring can be attached to three mounting points on the 8341A enclosure, allowing the Iso-Pod to be used on one vertical and two horizontal positions. With horizontal positioning, the Iso-Pod must be at it’s furthest forward position (See Figure 6).Aim the monitor so that its acoustic axis points towards the listening position (see Figure 4). Place the monitors symmetrically at equal distances from the listening position. If possible, place the listening position on the left-right centerline of the room (see Figure 5). When a monitor is placed far away (1.0-2.2 m, 3-7 ft) from the acoustically hard wall behind the monitor, an acoustic reflection from the wall may cause cancellation of low frequencies and reduce the bass output.Minimize reflections by placing the monitors away from acoustically reflective surfaces. Acoustic reflections from objects like desks, cabinets and computer monitors can cause unwanted coloration and blurring of the sound image. Putting the monitors on stands behind and above a mixing console usually improves the response over placing monitors on a meter bridge. Symmetrical positioning of the sound reflecting objects maintains a balanced soundstage (see Figure 5).A wide variety of ceiling and wall mounts are available through your Genelec dealer. Genelec 8341A can be fitted with König & Meyer monitor mounts using two M6 x 10 mm threaded holes on the enclosure back. There is an M10 x 10 mm threaded hole in the base of the monitor. Do not use the M10 thread for mounting the monitor on a microphone stand. Monitor stands typically have an incompatible 3/8 in UNC thread. Consult the Genelec Accessories C atalogue at or your local distributor/dealer for information.Front Panel LightNormally, the light on the front panel is green, indicating normal operational mode. Red and yellow colours are used to indicate special situations. See Table 2.Use With SubwoofersIn situations requiring deeper fundamental response or multichannel bass management, Genelec recommends using the 7300 series subwoofers. For more detailed system configuration and matching products, please consult the on-line Genelec Product Selection Tool at .MaintenanceThere are no user serviceable parts inside the monitor. Maintenance or repair must only be done by Genelec certified service personnel. The monitor enclosure must not be opened. Opening the monitor may lead to loss of the individual monitor factory calibration and damage to components.Figure 6. Placing the Iso-Pod stand when the monitor is used in horizontal position.6Figure 9. The curves above show the horizontal directivity characteristics of the 8341A. Figure 10. The curves above show the vertical directivity characteristics of the 8341A.Safety ConsiderationsAlthough the 8341A has been designed in accordance with international safety standards, to ensure safe operation and to maintain the monitor under safe operating conditions, the following warnings and precautions must be observed:• Servicing and adjustment must only be performed by certified Genelec service personnel. The monitor enclosure must not be opened.• Do not use this product with an unearthed mains cable or a mains connection without the protective earth contact as this may lead to personal injury.• To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to water or moisture.• Do not place any objects filled with liquid, such as vases on the monitor or near it.• Note that the amplifier is not completely disconnected from the AC mains service unless the mains power cord is removed from the monitor loudspeaker or the mains outlet.• Free flow of air behind and around the monitor isnecessary to maintain sufficient cooling. Do not obstruct airflow around the monitor.WARNING!The 8341A is capable of producing sound pressure levels inexcess of 85 dB, which may cause hearing damage. Sound exposure level integrated over an 8 hour working day should be limited to 80 dB(A) to reduce the risk of permanent hearing damage. For each 3 dB increase in sound exposure, half the exposure time should be observed (equal energy).GuaranteeThe Genelec 8341A is guaranteed for two years against manufacturing faults or defects altering performance. Refer to the reseller for full sales and guarantee terms.Compliance To FCC RulesNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a C lass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FC C Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to7try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.* The notch and shelving filters adjustments, AutoCal and GLM manual system calibration features are part of the Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM ) software8介绍感谢您选择真力产品!为人们提供最精准的声音再现,是真力自1978年成立以来的不懈追求。

1. 图像采集卡的安装
1.1 使用环境
Windows 2000,XP
CPU PIII 450 以上
内存 128M以上
1.2 安装文件
1.3 安装过程
计算机进入Windows 2000(XP)后会弹出发现新硬件对话框,如图1所以;
点击 显示已知设备驱动程序列表,从中选择特定驱动程序(D) 按钮, 点击下一步,会弹出下一对话框如图3所示:
图8 点击完成即可。

AMPCI-9114A通用数据采集卡使用说明书一. 概述AMPCI-9114A板是PCI总线通用数据采集控制板,该板可直接插入具备PCI插槽的工控机或个人微机,构成模拟量电压信号、数字量电压信号采集、监视输入和模拟量电压信号输出、数字量电压信号输出系统。
AMPCI-9114A板为用户提供了16位16路模拟量采集输入通道, 模拟量输入通道具有1/10/100/1000程控放大, 16Bit TTL数字量输入和16Bit TTL数字量输出。
二. 性能和技术指标2.1 性能•模拟信号输入A/D分辩率: 16Bit•模拟输出D/A分辩率: 12Bit•输入模拟信号通道:单端16路/双端8路•程控放大: 1/10/100/1000倍•模拟电压信号输入范围: ±10V•数字量输入/输出 16Bit DI/16Bit DO• A/D转换触发工作方式: 程序触发• A/D转换数据传输方式: 查询方式2.2 技术指标•输入电压范围: ±10V•输入阻抗: > 10 MΩ• A/D转换时间: ≤8.5uS• A/D转换精度: ≤±2LSB•模拟信号输入程控放大倍数: 1/2/4/8•程控放大器建立时间: ≤ 3 uS•程控放大器增益误差: ±0.05%•数字量输入/输出电平: HC•工作温度: 0 ~ 70℃•储藏温度: -40℃~ +85℃三. 软件安装与函数介绍3.1软件安装过程软件运行环境包括Windows2000和WindowsXP(以下简称为Windows)。
②当出现“添加新硬件向导”对话框时,将带有驱动程序的光盘放入光驱,并选择“下一步”;在随后出现的对话框中,选择或输入光盘的g:\ AMPCI-9114A\ 9114Awin2k\Pcisdk.inf文件。

特性♦模入部分:输入通道数:双端8路并行输入信号范围:0V~10V,-5V~+5V,0mA~20mA输入精度:16Bit最大采样频率:100KHz/路启动转换方式:软件启动/定时启动/外触发启动♦开关量部分:电平方式:TTL输入通道数:8路输出通道数:7路♦电源功耗: +5V@1.5A♦使用环境要求:工作温度:0℃~60℃相对湿度:40%~80%存贮温度:-45℃~+150℃外形尺寸:长×高=200.0mm×106.7mm布局图(阴影部分是跳线出厂设置)出厂设置本卡出厂设置成0~10V输入范围,零点和满度也都是按照0V~10V调节好的,如果用户需要使用-5V~+5V输入范围,可以自行调节输入信号范围选择跳线JP1和JP2是第一路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP3和JP4是第二路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP5和JP6是第三路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP7和JP8是第四路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP9和JP10是第五路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP11和JP12是第六路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP13和JP14是第七路模拟量输入极性选择跳线JP15和JP16是第八路模拟量输入极性选择跳线以第一路模拟量输入为例说明极性选择方法,如图所示:关于电流输入如果用户需要电流输入,需要在订货时说明。
关于调零、调满WZ1~WZ8为AD输入通道1~通道8的调零电位器WF1~WF8为AD输入通道1~通道8的调满电位器应该首先调节零点,然后调节满度J1端口定义J1为37芯D型头,包括了模拟和数字两部分的接口图4 J1端口定义模拟输入部分:AD1+~AD8+分别对应八个AD通道的信号正AD1-~AD8-分别对应八个AD通道的信号负AGND是模拟信号地数字控制部分:OCLK:时钟脉冲输出管脚,当时钟脉冲使能为使能时,输出脉冲信号最大为100KEI:外触发信号输入管脚,当外触发使能时此管脚接收到一个脉冲就转换一次ES:开始采集脉冲输入管脚,当开始采集脉冲使能时,此管脚变成高电平后板卡开始采集数据DI :数字开关量输入,共8路,其中DI1与EI共用一个管脚DI8与ES共用一个管脚,但是同一管脚不能同时用于两种功能DO:数字开关量输出,共7路GND:这些管脚为数字信号地,数字控制部分的信号地应该与这些管脚相连寄存器定义(本卡寄存器操作皆为双字)板卡驱动及编程说明PCI-8344B板卡驱动及编程说明请看《PCI-8344B驱动说明书.doc》,此驱动说明书以电子文档的形式与板卡驱动放在同一个压缩包内,一般可从中泰网站下载。

光盘提供的AmCap.exe是测试DSW采集卡(符合微软DirectX Show标准)及其驱动是否安装正确的小软件,7130-EchoBird几乎可以用于所有的7130卡,PowerVision几乎可以用于Win2k/xp/Vista下所有的878卡,“848驱动”几乎可以用于所有的848卡。
10Moons(天敏)驱动和AV(AV之星)驱动可用于Win98下绝大多数878卡, 其中10Moons驱动为中文, 而AV驱动为英文但有多种PAL制式可选。
FlyVideo(飞视)卡不能用他自己的驱动(可用别的驱动),该公司的 878不能正确的捕捉当前图像,建议不要使用。


03安全性须知04硬件安装05驱动安装07属性07设备信息09时序13OSD14HDMI15视频18输入26输出格式26Video Crossbar 目录2安全性须知电气方面的安全性操作方面的安全性为避免可能的电击造成严重损害,在搬动计算机主机之前,请先将计算机电源线暂时从电源插座中移除。
■3(a)机箱内主板示意图(b)机箱内主板上插上采集卡后的示意图操作步骤1. 关闭计算机电源,拔除电源线。
2. 移除机箱盖,找到 PCI Express 插槽,如图 (a)。
3. 移除您要安装视频采集卡的扩展槽上的槽位盖。
4. 将视频采集卡插入扩展槽直到牢牢插入,如图 (b)。

特性♦模入部分:输入通道数:单端32路,双端16路输入电压范围(跳线选择):4V,5V,10V,±3.33V,±5V,±10V增益范围(程控):1,2,4,8(可定制其他增益范围)输入精度:16Bit最大采样频率:250KHz缓冲区(FIFO):8K启动转换方式:软件启动/定时/外触发启动♦模出部分输出通道数:单端4路输出电压范围:5V,±5V(可定制其他电压范围)输出精度:12Bit输出电压建立时间:10uS到0.012%♦开关量部分:电平方式:TTL输入通道数:16路输出通道数:16路♦计数器部分:使用芯片:82C54兼容器件输入通道数:3路♦电源功耗: +5V@500mA♦使用环境要求:工作温度: 0℃~50℃相对湿度:40%~80%存贮温度:-40℃~+120℃外形尺寸:长×高=175.6mm X 98.3mm布局图(阴影部分是跳线出厂设置)出厂设置J1(模拟量输入和模拟量输出接口)D型头注:ADxAGND指模拟地,单端使用时为信号地为防止引入现场干扰,不应该使AD输入信号引脚悬空,可以将不使用的信号引脚与模拟地短路DAx表示模拟量输出的第x个通道J2(开关量输入输出和计数器输入接口40PIN)注:DIx表示开关量输入的第x通道DOx表示开关量输出的第x通道CLKx表示计数器输入的第x通道OUTx表示计数器输出的第x通道DGND指开关量信号地为了用户接线方便,我们随卡提供一根转接线,把卡上的J2(40PIN)转换为DB37(37芯D型头),引到计算机机箱外部。
DB37的引脚与开关量等信号的对照注:DIx表示开关量输入的第x通道DOx表示开关量输出的第x通道CLKx表示计数器输入的第x通道DGND指开关量信号地JP4、JP5、JP6、JP7(模拟量输入范围选择跳线) 对应关系如图所示:JP3(模拟量输入单双端选择跳线)对应关系如图所示:JP2(模拟量输出单双极性跳线)对应关系如图所示:JP1(计数器配置跳线)用户可以使用此跳线组合进行如下功能:发出步进电机控制脉冲,频率测量,外触发信号输入。

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1. 适用于windows98,2K,XP系统
2. 编程适用于VC,VB,Delphi等决大多数编程语言
1. 增加了一些错误号
2. 函数名普遍加了前缀“ZT8344A”
3. 废弃了用结构体传递参数的方式
推荐:如果用 VC 或 UltraEdit 打开,其中的注释及关键字会有不同的颜色,
1. 首先在程序初始化时调用 ZT8344A_OpenDevice 函数,用于打开设备,只调一次即可;
2. 调用 ZT8344A_DisableAD 函数,禁止AD
调用 ZT8344A_ClearHFifo 函数,清硬件缓冲区(HFIFO)
调用 ZT8344A_ClearSFifo 函数,清软件缓冲区(SFIFO)
调用 ZT8344A_OpenIRQ 函数,打开HFIFO半满中断
调用 ZT8344A_AIinit 函数,做一些AD初始化工作
3. 在一个循环中不断调用ZT8344A_GetSFifoDataCount 判断SFIFO中数据的个数,
申请一个数组,并把这个数组中传入 ZT8344A_AISFifo 用于接收数据,
注意:SFIFO的默认大小为 819200,用户要不断读数,使SFIFO有空间放入新的来自 HFIFO的数,如果SFIFO中的有效数据的个数接近 819200,会使整个AD过程停止。
4. 调用 ZT8344A_CloseIRQ 函数,停止采集过程
5. 在程序退出前调用 ZT8344A_CloseDevice 函数
提示:1. 在这版驱动中,板卡的序号是从1开始的
2. 如果函数返回 -1,应该调用ZT8344A_ClearLastErr 函数得到错误号,
3. 一旦错误号不为0,如果想重新使函数正常工作,必须调用
ZT8344A_ClearLastErr 函数清除错误号。
(1) 首先运行驱动目录中的 deloem.exe,删除与此卡相关的过时的inf文件
(2) 在“设备管理器”中用鼠标双击需要更新驱动的 pci8XXX板卡
(3) 对于2K用户选择“更新驱动程序”->“显示已知设备列表...”
(4) 最好重启系统,再运行驱动目录中带的test8344A程序。