HUBA压力传感器000TECK/泰克仪表代理瑞士HUBA压力传感器(HUBA511压力传感器、HUBA501压力传感器、HUBA520OEM型压力传感器、HUBA506压力传感器)HUBA压力传感器广泛应用于各种工业自控环境,涉及水利水电、铁路交通、智能建筑、生产自控、航空航天、军工、石化、油井、电力、船舶、机床、管道等众多行业000常年备货列表:000HUBA压力传感器511系列:000Huba 511.900003572 压力传感器-1-0 BAR 4-20 mA R1/4Huba 511.911003571 压力传感器0-1 BAR 4-20 mA R1/4Huba 511.911004041 压力传感器0-1 BAR 0.5-4.5VHuba 511.914001571 压力传感器0-2.5 BAR 0-5VDCHuba 511.914603571 压力传感器0-2.5 BAR 4-20 mAHuba 511.933003242 压力传感器0-40 BAR 4-20 mA 付AMPHuba 511.933003572 压力传感器0-40 BAR 4-20 mA R1/4HUBA压力传感器501系列:000Huba 510.930S03740 压力传感器0-10BAR 4-20MA,R1/4Huba 510.931S03030 压力传感器0-16 BAR 出线Huba 510.933S03540 压力传感器0-40BARHuba 510.99017 压力传感器0-40BAR 4-20mAHuba 510.99037 压力传感器0~25BAR 出线1.5M R1/4Huba 510.99069 压力传感器0-400BAR 0-10V G1/4 M12瑞士HUBA506压力传感器常用型号:(常备货)000Huba 506.930A03021W 压力传感器-1~9 BAR 4-20mAHuba 506.932A03121W 压力传感器0-25BAR 4-20MAHuba 506.932A03141W 压力传感器-1~25bar 4~20mA R1/4Huba 506.933A03141W 压力传感器-1-40BAR 4-20ma R1/4Huba 506.933A06121W 压力传感器-1~39bar 1~5VTECK/泰克仪表所销售的瑞士HUBA压力传感器为瑞士进口产品,公司备有常规型号,供货周期为即时发货。

0 ...5 V 8.0 ... 33 VDC>10 kOhm/< 100 nF
1 ...6 V 8.0 ... 33 VDC>10 kOhm/< 100 nF
0 ...10 V 11.4 ... 33 VD>C10 kOhm/< 100 nF
0 ...10 V 24 VAC ±15% >10 kOhm/< 100 nF
0…+ 6 bar
0…+ 10 bar
0…+ 16 bar
0…+ 25 bar
0…+ 40 bar
93320…+60 bar9402
0…+ 100 bar
0…+ 160 bar
校准 输出信号 / 供电电源
0…+ 250 bar
0…+ 400 bar 只有FPM密封
通用设备制造 铁路 机械制造 水力 过程控制技术 汽车工业
% fs
重复性 迟滞,线性,重复性
长期稳定性 acc. DIN EN 60770
% fs
% fs % fs % fs
0.1 ±0.3 ±1.0
TC零点 1)
% fs/10K ±0.15
TC 灵敏度 1)
% fs/10K ±0.15
Omega HH41 HH42 高精度温度仪表说明书

L-55feedback silicone function button. The unit’s LCD display features a low battery indication and also rate of temperature change arrows which, flashing at different speeds, inform the operator of the rate at which the temperature is changing. The unit has internal jumpers to disable selection of °F or °C from the front panel and enable display of either °F or °C only. Internal jumpers are also present to select either auto or manual shut-off mode. In the auto shut-off mode, the unit will automatically shut off 10 minutes after the last function key entry. Model HH42 has all the features of the HH41 with the addition of RS232 communications.In situations where very high system accuracy is required, OMEGA offers a total system calibration service (probe plus meter); ask for CAL-4.The HH41 handheld thermistor thermometer is a rugged, fieldtested unit that fits a wide variety of temperature measurement applications requiring ultra-high accuracy and high resolution at an economical price. The HH41 accepts OMEGA’s 400 Series thermistor probes with phone jack termination. The HH41 features display hold and °F/°C selection from the single front panel tactileU Works with Standard Omega ® “400” Series Thermistor Probes with Phone Jack Termination U Ultra-High accuracy, up to ±0.015°C (±0.027°F)U Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate U High Resolution, up to 0.01°F or °CU -20 to 130°C (-4 to 266°F) Temperature Range U model HH42 hasRS232 Communications U Hold Function, autoShut-Off, Rate of Change arrow Indicators, Over/Under Range and Low Battery IndicationHH41 shown withON-403-PP tubular stainless steel thermistor probe, sold separately.Ultra-High accuracy andResolution Handheld Thermistor ThermometerSpecificationsaccuracy: See InstrumentAccuracy vs. Temperature Table on next pageResolution: See Display Resolution Table on next page Repeatability: 0.002 to 0.01°C (-20 to 70°C);0.004 to 0.02°C (-4 to 158°F) typical for 1 week at constant ambient temperature Temperature Range: -20 to 130°C (-4 to 266°F)Reading Rate: 2 per second Display: 41⁄2 digit LCDPower: 9 Vdc battery, alkaline (included), optional 110 Vac or 220 Vac adaptorBattery Life: 20-hour, typical, alkaline batteryBattery Indicator: Displays flashing battery indicator when less than 1-hour of battery life remainsNo PointsOMEGACARE SM extendedwarranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for fulldetails when placing an order.OMEGACARE SM covers parts,labor and equivalent loaners.a: ON-401-PP, general purpose probe B: ON-401-PP-V, flexible probe C: ON-403-PP, immersion probe D: ON-404-PP, glass probee: ON-405-PP, air temperature probeF: ON-408-PP, surface temperature probe g: ON-409-PP, surface temperature probe H: ON-410-PP, 1/8 NPT probe 4.5” longDisplay Resolution Temperature Unit Selection: °F/°C selectable from front panel function button, or internal jumpers Instrument accuracy* aBCDeFgH400 Series standard connectorOmega ® 400 Series thermistor probes (sold separately).A C o m p l e t eL i s t i n g o f T he r m i s t o r P r o b e s A v a i l a b l e O nl i n e。

108 2180 6800 27,200 87,100 272,000 545,000
体积 (1) gal/min
0.4 10 30 120 385 1200 2400
108 2180 6800 27,200 87,100 272,000 545,000bbl/源自r550 1700 3400
高准 ELITE® 流量计是精确测量流量和密度的领导 者,ELITE 流量计可为各种过程流体提供最精确的 测量,同时具备少有的低压降。每个 ELITE 流量 计具备标准的二次外壳,接液部件可选不锈钢或镍 合金,提供各种过程连接以满足您的不同需求。
ELITE 流量计有专门用于特殊场合的设计。 CMF010 在低流量应用上显示了卓越的高性能, CMF010P 适用于高达 6000PSI (413 bar)的高 压介质,CMF400 型流量计可为大流量计量需求提 供最精确的测量结果。
±0.50% 流量 ±
⎛ ⎝
零 -------点 流------稳 量------定 值------性----⎠⎞
× 100
% 流量
±0.20% 流量 (2)
±0.25% 流量 ±
⎛ ⎝
零 -------点 流------稳 量------定 值------性----⎠⎞
× 100
% 流量
质量 lb/min
体积 (1) SCFM
68 °F(20 ℃ ), 100 psi[ 磅 / 平方英寸 ] (6.8 bar) 的空气产生大约 10 psid[ 磅 / 平方英寸,压降 ] (0.68 bar) 压降时的流量
CMF010M, CMF010H CMF010P CMF025 CMF050 CMF100 CMF200 CMF300 CMF400

压力传感器 TLEE-188-503-15691 ∙压力传感器– 400系列∙压力传感器– 501系列∙压力传感器– 503系列∙压力传感器– 505系列∙压力传感器– 506系列∙压力传感器– 511系列∙压力传感器– 515系列∙压力传感器– 516系列∙压力传感器– 520系列∙压力传感器– 528系列∙压力传感器– 680系列∙压力传感器– 691系列∙压力传感器– 522系列∙压力传感器– 527系列∙差压式压力传感器– 401系列∙差压式压力传感器– 402系列∙差压式压力传感器– 403系列∙差压式压力传感器– 652系列∙差压式压力传感器– 692系列∙差压式压力传感器– 698系列∙差压式压力传感器– 699系列∙差压式压力传感器∙电子式压力开关o电子式压力开关– 521系列o电子式压力开关– 529系列o电子式压力开关- 540系列o电子式压力开关- 548系列机械式压力开关∙机械式压力开关– 604系列∙机械式压力开关– 605系列∙机械式压力开关– 610系列∙机械式压力开关– 620系列∙机械式压力开关– 625系列∙机械式压力开关– 630系列压力液位计∙压力液位计– 681系列∙压力液位计– 712系列流量传感器∙流量传感器- 200系列∙流量传感器- 210系列∙流量传感器- 230系列∙流量传感器- 235系列∙流量传感器- 236系列∙流量传感器∙压力传感器芯片o压力传感器芯片– 509系列o压力传感器芯片– 513系列o压力传感器芯片– 513 大气压系列力传感器芯片– 410系列数字式显示仪∙数字式显示仪- 800系列∙数字式显示仪- 801系列附件∙散热器。

此传感器使用了HUBA CONTROL近十年来发展的陶瓷技术,并使
瑞士HUBA 692系列压差变送器,并将其转换成标准的电流或电

huba传感器是德国HUBA CONTROL AG公司生产的压力传感器。
HUBA CONTROL AG是一家专业生产传感器的
Omega 产品说明书.pdf_1719178992.496101

***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.CONTENTS1. Introduction (1)1.1 Specification (1)1.2 ModelNumber (2)2. Operation (2)2.1 Principle (3)2.2 Precautions (4)3. Installation (5)Piping (5)3.1 General3.2 Strainers/Filters (7)and Installation Kits (7)Straighteners3.3 Flow4. Maintenance (8)4.1 General (8)Procedures (8)4.2 Cleaning4.2.1 Chemical Cleaning (8)Cleaning (8)4.2.2 Steam4.3 PickupCoil Testing (10)Shooting (11)4.4 TroubleAppendix A: DrawingTypical Assembly Sanitary Flowmeter with Installation Kit (12)1.IntroductionThe following information is provided for the proper installation and maintenance of your instrument.1.1 SpecificationsLinearity: ± 0.5% of reading over linear flow rangeRepeatability:± 0.1% of readingFlow Range: 0.35 to 650 gpmTemperature Range: -450 °F to +450 °F w/ Standard MAG coilSignal Output: 10 mVrms or greater into 10K ohm load at minimum flow rate.Materials of Construction: 316/316L Dual Rated Stainless Steel Rotor 17.4 PH SSRetaining Ring 15.7 MO PH SSBearings: Hard Carbon Composite Surface Finish: 32 micro inch finish End Fitting: Tri-Grip® Sanitary Type-1-1.2 Model NumberLinear FlowRangeWater Model No.FittingsLPM GPMMaxPressureDrop(psid)Lengthmm(in)NominalK-factorPulses/GalWeightkg(lb)FTB-401A 11/2″ TRI 1.32 to13.20.35 to3.53.090.4(3.56)15,000 3 lbsFTB-402A 11/2″ TRI 2.84 to28.40.75 to7.55.090.4(3.56)8,900 3 lbsFTB-403A 11/2″ TRI 4.73 to361.25 to9.55.290.4(3.56)5,800 3 lbsFTB-404A 11/2″ TRI 6.62 to611.75 to163.090.4(3.56)5,200 3 lbsFTB-405A 11/2″ TRI 9.5 to1102.5 to295.082.5(3.25)2,200 3 lbsFTB-406A 11/2″ TRI 15 to2274 to 60 5.190.4(3.56)840 3 lbsFTB-407A 11/2″ TRI 23 to3526 to 93 4.3116.5(4.59)400 4 lbsFTB-408A 11/2″ TRI 30 to4928 to 130 3.0116.5(4.59)230 4 lbsFTB-409A 2″ TRI 57 to85215 to2253.3154(6.06)120 7 lbsFTB-410A 21/2″ TRI 95 to151425 to4004.0254(10)97 8 lbsFTB-411A 3″ TRI 151 to246040 to6504.0254(10)45 12 lbsNote: Operating pressure is limited by the TRI fitting.-2-2.Operation2.1 PrincipleThe turbine flow sensor consists of a rotor assembly which is supported on a shaft held in place by triple tube clusters and secured with locking nuts within the flowmeter housing.The rotor is free to spin on a self lubricated ceramic ball bearing. A magnetic type pickup coil is attached on the exterior of the flowmeter housing.A low mass rotor design allows for rapid dynamic response. The deflector cones eliminate downstream thrust on the rotor and allows for dynamic positioning of the rotor between deflector cones.The dynamic positioning of the low mass rotor provides wider rangeability and longer bearing life than that of conventional turbine flowmeters. Integral flow straightening tubes minimize the effects of upstream flow turbulence.As the liquid flows through the flowmeter the rotor spins at rate proportional to the volumetric liquid flowrate.Each rotor blade passing through the pickup coil generates an electrical pulse. The frequency of the pulses is proportional to flowrate. The summation of pulses represents total amount of liquid volume passed through the meter.The number of pulses generated per unit of volume is called the calibration factor or K-Factor. This calibration factor is used to calculate flowrate and total amount of flow.Material Selection and ConstructionThe housing is made of 316 stainless steel. The rotor is made of 17.4 pH stainless steel. Bearings are composite hard carbon, FDA approved.-3-Flowmeter CalibrationsThe standard calibration provided with an Omega turbine flowmeter consists of a 10-point water calibration that is traceable to NIST. Based on this water calibration, we derive an average k-factor for water for the flowmeter.The uncertainty of this calibration is typically 0.1%.The K-factor on turbine flowmeters used on liquid service is NOT density dependent.2.2 Precautions♦Do not drop the meter. Dropping the meter may result in damage to the meter housing and/or internals.♦Do not operate the meter at flowrates greater than the maximum flowrate marked on the meter. Operating at flowrates greater than the maximum flowrate may over-spin the meter. Over-spinning may result in damage to the meter.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.-4-3.InstallationCAUTION:Turbine meter has to be installed with pickup coil pointing down (see Appendix A) to ensure proper cleanability.Inspect all packages for any indications of damage which may have occurred during shipment.Verify that all meter parts or auxiliary components have arrived with the shipment. Refer to the packing list/invoice for a detailed list of items included in the shipment.3.1 General PipingIt is required to install meter with a minimum straight run of pipe approximately 10 pipe diameters ahead of the inlet and 5 pipe diameters following the outlet to avoid any effect of fluid swirls.The meter housing is marked by a flow direction arrow and the inlet is marked ‘IN’ and the outlet is marked ‘OUT’. The meter must be installed in the piping in the correct orientation to ensure the most accurate operation.Install meter with adequate distance and isolation from electric motors, transformers, welding equipment and solenoids to avoid any electromagnetic interference from ambient electrical field.When it is expected that flow will be intermittent, the meter should not be mounted at a low point in the piping system. Solids which settle or congeal in the meter may affect meter performance.-5-Blocking and Bypass valves should be installed if it is necessary to do preventive maintenance on the flowmeter without shutting down the flow system. The Bypass valve can be opened before the Blocking valves are closed allowing the flow to continue while removing the turbine flowmeter for service.IMPORTANT: All flow lines should be purged prior to installing the meter. To prevent possible damage to the meter, install themeter ONLY in flow lines that are clean and free of debris. Upon initial start-up of the system a spool piece should be installed in place of the flowmeter so that purging of the system can be performed to remove all particle debris which could cause damage to the meter internals. In applications where meter flushing is required after meter service, care should be taken as to not over-spin the meter, as severe meter damage may occur.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.-6--7-To maintain an accurate flow measurement it is necessary to maintain a downstream pressure sufficient to prevent flashing/cavitation. Flashing of the liquid will result in an indication of flow significantly higher than the actual flow. In order to eliminate this condition adequate downstream pressure must be maintained. The minimum required downstream pressure may be calculated using the following equation:Downstream pressure may be maintained by a downstream valve that provides the necessary downstream pressure to prevent flashing/cavitation in the metering run.3.2 Strainers/FiltersTurbine flowmeters are designed for use in a clean fluid service. However, the service fluid may carry some particulate material which would need to be removed before reaching the flowmeter. Under these conditions a strainer/filter may be required to reduce the potential hazard of fouling or damage that may be caused by foreign matter.METER SIZEMESH SIZEPARTICLE SIZE(Maximum)¼” to ½”100 .0055 5/8” to 1¼”70 .008 1½” to 3”40.015If a strainer/filter is required in the system, it should be located upstream of the flowmeter taking care that the proper minimum distance is kept between the strainer and flowmeter.3.3 Flow Straighteners and Installation KitsProper application of the Omega FTB-400A Series Flowmeter requires a minimum inlet straight pipe run of 10 pipe diameters and a minimum outlet straight pipe run of 5 pipe diameters.Installation kits for the Omega FTB-400A Series Flowmeter consist of two lengths of appropriate tubing cut to a length appropriate for the upstream and downstream straight pipe run with appropriate end fittings. Flow straightening sections may be provided within the installation kit. ()()essure xVapor essureDrop x essure Minimum Pr 25.1Pr 2Pr +=4.MaintenanceProcedures4.1 CleaningThe Omega FTB-400A Series flowmeters have been designed to allow for cleaning by commercially accepted practices. These include removing the flowmeter from the line for cleaning in an approved fluid, flushing the line with an approved cleaning solution, and steam cleaning. With all cleaning methods, care must be taken to not over-spin the meter, as severe meter damage may occur.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.4.2.1 ChemicalCleaningThe flowmeters may be chemically cleaned using an approved cleaning solution by removing the meter from the service line and using a bath or by flushing the meter in place.The hard carbon composite bearing designs used have been tested and found to be compatible with the following CIP fluids manufactured by Klenzade; Mandate, AC-300, AC-101, Principle, and XY-12.Following the cleaning operation, the cleaning solution should be flushed from the meter and/or service line with potable water to remove the chemically active cleaning solution.Care should be taken to ensure that flowrates occurring during chemical cleaning do not exceed the flow capacity of the flowmeter.4.2.2Steam CleaningSteam cleaning is only recommended for meters with hard carbon composite bearings.The steam flow velocity during the cleaning should not exceed 1/3 of the maximum liquid flow capacity of the flowmeter.-8-Steam Cleaning Rates at Various Steam PressuresMeter Size 50 psigPPH175 psigPPH1100 psigPPH1125 psigPPH1VelocityFPS2RateGPM31/4 1.25 1.70 2.25 2.50 1.72 1.05 3/8 2.70 3.67 4.75 5.39 3.68 2.25 1/2 3.50 4.73 6.14 7.00 4.74 2.90 5/8 5.78 7.82 10.20 11.50 5.02 4.80 3/4 10.50 14.20 18.40 20.90 6.32 8.701 21.70 29.40 38.10 43.10 7.35 18.001¼ 33.70 45.70 59.30 67.10 7.32 28.00 1½ 47.00 63.60 82.50 93.50 7.08 39.002 81.30 110.10 142.80 162.00 6.89 67.502½ 144.60 196.00 254.00 288.00 7.84 120.003 235.00 318.00 412.60 467.00 8.85 195.00 NOTES1.PPH = Pounds Per Hour2.The velocity is expressed for a line size equal to the inlet bore of the flowmeter.3.The apparent GPM is provided since many applications have a flow rate indicatorwhich can be used to set a safe flow rate during the steam cleaning cycle.-9--10-4.3 Pickup Coil TestingTesting the MAG and MCP (RF) coils consists of measuring theresistance with an ohmmeter. Resistance measurements are to be madeonly when there is no flow through the meter.1. Measure the resistance between pin A and pin B. The resistanceshould be approximately as listed in the following table of somecommon coils.2. The resistance from any pin to the case should be greater than 1Mohm.COIL *DC RESISTANCE (Ohms) MC2PAHT15.0 ±10% MCP3A11.5 ±10% PC13-74G1800 ±10% PC13-74S1850 ±15% PC24-45G1350 ±10% PC24-45S1850 ±15% PC28-13G120 ±20% PC28-14G 180 ±20%If either resistance measurement fails, replace the pickup coil. Firmlyseat the new coil in the flowmeter and tighten the locking nut.*For specific coils not listed contact the HFC Customer Service Department for theapproximate resistance readings.4.4 TroubleShootingRefer to the following troubleshooting guide for assistance with possible meter malfunctions:TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Fluid will not flow ▪Meter clogged. Clean meter.through the meter ▪Line to meterblocked.Clean line to meter.Reduced flow through the meter ▪Meter partiallyclogged.Clean meter.▪Line to meterpartially blocked.Clean line to meter.Meter readings inaccurate ▪Fluid flowrate isnot within meterflow range.See “Specifications” formin and max flowrates.▪Meter drag due toimproperinstallationReplace internals.-11-DRAWINGTypical Assembly Sanitary Flowmeter with Installation Kit-12-WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2016 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM2124/0617。

ThermCal400Dry Block Temperature CalibratorINSTRUCTION MANUALPlease read all the information in this booklet before using the unit. August 2013The ThermCal400IntroductionThe ThermCal400 calibrator provides a safe, dry, constant temperature source for checking and calibrating a wide range of temperature sensors, systems, indicators and thermometers It is fast and economical and can be used either on a bench top or as a portable field unit. The weight of the unit is only 11 pounds/five kilograms. The unit covers the temperature range from 5°C above ambient up to 400°C using a machined aluminum block as the heat transfer medium. The temperature control circuit is built into the unit.Features include:• Maximum temperature of 400°C/752°F• An independent over-temperature cutout• Up to eight setpoints can be stored & recalledEven though the unit heats up rapidly, highly efficient insulation and an internal cooling fan ensures that the case remains cool enough to handle even at maximum operating temperatures. The ThermCal400 calibrator has been designed to comply with all relevant electromagnetic interference and electrical safety regulations.-1-SpecificationFigures quoted are at the base of the well at the time of calibration.Temperature range: 5°C/9°F above ambient to 400°C/752°FOver-temperature limit: 450°C/842°FDisplay resolution: 0.1°Accuracy: ±0.25°C (30 to 200°C)±0.4°C (200 to 400°C)Stability (after 20 minutes): ±0.020°C (50 to 200°C)±0.040°C (200 to 400°C)Well to well radial uniformity: 0.015°C at 200°C & 0.025°C at 400°CHeat up time 20° C to 300°C: 9 minutesCool down 300°C to 100°C: 18 minutesImmersion Depth: 4.5" (114.3mm)Fan Cooling: AutomaticWeight: 11 lbs (5 Kg)Dimensions* (H x W x D): 8.75 x 8 x 8 inches/222.25 x 203.2 x 203.2 mm*excluding the carrying strapElectrical supplyVoltage Cycles Power230V 50/60Hz 900W120V 50/60Hz 900WNote: The above specifications are quoted for an ambient temperature range of 10°C/50°F to 30°C/86°F.Outside this range, the quoted figures may deteriorate but the unit will still work safely.-2-Working environmentThe calibrator units are designed to work safely under the following conditions:Ambient temperature range: 5°C/9°F to 40°C/104°FHumidity: Up to 95% relative humidity, non-condensingWarningWarning: HIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUSAviso: LAS TEMPERATURAS ELEVADAS SON PELIHIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUS: They can cause serious burns to operators and ignite combustible material. Accurate Thermal Systems has taken great care in the design of these units to protect operators from hazards, but operators should pay attention to the following points:• USE CARE AND WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES TO PROTECT HANDS• DO NOT put hot objects on or near combustible objects• DO NOT operate the unit close to inflammable liquids or gases• DO NOT place any liquid directly in your unit• At all times USE COMMON SENSEOperator SafetyAll operators of Accurate Thermal Systems equipment must have available the relevant literature needed to ensure their safety. It is important that only suitably trained personnel operate this equipment in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual and with general safety standards and procedures. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Accurate Thermal Systems, the protection provided by the equipment to the operator may be impaired. All Accurate Thermal Systems units have been designed to conform to international safety requirements and are fitted with a self-resetting over-temperature cutout. If a safety problem is encountered, switch off at the power socket and remove the plug from the supply.-3-Installation1. All Accurate Thermal Systems units are supplied with a power cable.2. Before connecting the power supply, check the voltage against the rating plate. Connect the powercable to a suitable plug according to the table below. Note that the unit must be earth groundedto ensure proper electrical safety.Electrical connections:220V-240V 110V-120VLive Brown BlackNeutral Blue WhiteEarth ground Green/yellow GreenThe fused plug supplied with the power lead for use in the UK is fitted with the following value fuse to protect the cable: 230V UK 4 AMPThe fuse in the unit protects the unit and the operatorNote that units marked 230V on the rating plate work at 220V; units marked 120V work at 110V. Inboth cases, however, the heating rate will degrade by approximately 8%. The rating plate is on therear of the unit.3. Plug the power cable into the socket on the rear of the unit.4. Place the unit on a suitable bench or flat workspace, or in a fume cupboard if required, ensuring thatthe air inlet vents on the underside are free from obstruction.After use, when you have finished heating samples, remember that parts of the unit may be very hot.Take the precautions listed earlier.-4-OPERATIONPreparation1.The heater design, temperature sensor and control circuit give good temperature control anduniformity, but make sure that there is a close fit of the probes in the block to allow efficient heattransfer. Contact us about an insert that more closely fits your probe or device being calibrated.2. Plug the power cable into the socket in the back of the unit. Connect the power cable to theelectrical supply and switch the power on.Setting the operating temperature1.To set the operating temperature required, press and hold either the up or down arrow button toincrement to the value required. Alternatively you can press the («PF) key to move over toindividual digits to set higher values much quicker. After 2 seconds your value will be set & retained.2.When you have the correct set temperature displayed the unit will start to heat or cool to thatvalue.3. Once the process value/actual temperature reaches the set point, allow the block to fully stabilize forat least 15 minutes before performing a calibration.Entering up to 8 setpoints for fast recall1. To input up to 8 setpoints press the first button on the left and then the 2nd button from the leftuntil the top line displays SP-0. Here you can enter up to 8 values for fast future recall. Do notchange any of the settings or values after SP-7. When finished entering values press the button onthe left one time.You’ll need to note which value is in which location for future recall.2. To select one of the 8 setpoints for use from the main display press the 2nd button from the left sothe top line displays M-SP. Next use the up arrow key to select one of the 8 setpoint values. Pressthe 1st key on the left twice for the value to be accepted.-5-Factory default control parametersThe parameters used in the controller have been developed by Accurate Thermal Systems to give the best unit performance for most applications. If the need arises the “AT” autotune command can be run to further optimize results based on the thermal block load and ambient conditions. Contact us for further support and details.Switching the display from Degrees C to Degrees F and vice versaTo switch the display press and hold down the left key until the display indicates “CN-t”, next press the 2nd key from the left one time and the top line will show “d-U” which is display units. Switch to either C or F. Based on which setting you use the parameters below must be changed to those shown. They will display by pressing the 2nd key from the left after setting C or F. After all values have been changed hold down the left most key so the controller resets and accepts the new values.Parameter Degrees C Degrees FSL-H 410.0 770.0SL-L 0.0 0.0To correct the calibration offset – press button on left, then button 2ndfrom the left until the parameter CN5 is displayedCN5 If in C multiply valueby 1.8 to switch to F If in F divide value by 1.8 to switch to C-6-Operator maintenanceNOTE THAT THIS EQUIPMENT SHOULD ONLY BE DISMANTLED BY PROPERLY TRAINED PERSONNEL. REMOVING THE FRONT OR REAR PANELS EXPOSES POTENTIALLY LETHAL VOLTAGES. THERE ARE NO OPERATOR MAINTAINABLE PARTS WITHIN THE EQUIPMENT.In the unlikely event that you experience any problems with your unit which cannot easily be remedied, you should contact your supplier and return the unit if necessary. Please include any details of the fault observed and remember to return the unit in its original packing. Accurate Thermal Systems will accept no responsibility for any damage to units that are improperly packed for shipment. If in doubt, contact your supplier.1.Cleaning: Before cleaning your unit, ALWAYS disconnect it from the power supply and allow it tocool below 50° C. Your unit can be cleaned by wiping with a damp soapy cloth. Care should beexercised to prevent water from running inside the unit. Do not use abrasive cleaners.2.Fuses: Your unit is protected by fuse. They should only be changed by suitably qualifiedpersonnel. If the fuse blow persistently, a serious fault is indicated and you may need to return theunit to your supplier for repair.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe controller is factory preset with all parameters and calibration data and therefore cannot becalibrated or serviced in the field. Please contact Accurate Thermal Systems for arrangements to haveyour unit calibrated or serviced.-7-Replacement PartsThe following parts may be obtained from Anville Instruments Ltd. if replacements or alternatives are required: Part Number Description4163 UK 240 volt power cable with 13amp UK plug (5 amp fuse)4164 Euro style 240 volt power cable with R/A Schuko plug4150 US style 120 volt power cable4159 Instruction manual4150 Unit carrying strap4153 Insert extractorATS3041 insert 1/8, 3/16, ¼, 5/16 & 3/8” ATS3047 Blank insertATS3043 Insert 5 x 1/4" ATS3048 insert 1 x 9/16" & 1 x 1/4"ATS3044 Insert 2 x 1/4" & 2 x 3/8" ATS3049 insert 1 x 5/8" & 1 x 1/4"ATS3045 Insert 2 x 1/4" & 2 x 1/2" ATS3050 insert 1 x 11/16" & 1 x 1/4" ATS3046 Insert 1 x 1/4" ATS3051 insert 1 x 3/4" & 1 x 1/4"ATS3052 Carrying caseSpare PartsPart Number Description4146 225 watt, 120 volt heater4160 Temperature controller4147 PRT4145 Solid state relay4165 4 amp fuse (240 volt units)4157 8 amp fuse (120 volt units)-8-Contact InformationAccurate Thermal Systems LLC61 Mohr RoadBurlington, NJ 08016Ph: 609-326-3190Email:***********************Website: GUARANTEEThe unit is guaranteed against any defects in material or workmanship for the period of 3 years. This period is from the date of purchase, and within this period, all defective parts will be replaced free of charge provided that the defect is not the result of misuse, accident or negligence. Servicing under this guarantee should be obtained from the supplier. Not withstanding the description and specification(s) of the units contained in the Operator’s Manual, Accurate Thermal Systems hereby reserves the right to make such changes as it sees fit to the units or to any component of the units. This manual has been prepared solely for the convenience of Accurate Thermal Systems customers and nothing in this Instruction Book shall be taken as a warranty, condition or representation concerning the description, merchantability, fitness for purpose or otherwise of the units or components.-9-。
Huba Control Type 699 压力传感器说明书

1/5Huba Control Type 699 | Technical data subject to change | Edition 09/2020Pressure and fl owThe type 699 transmitters are available in switchable pressure ranges and with or without display. The full-version includes customer specific adjustment possibilities. Especially develo-ped sensors for each pressure range ensure accurate long term stable measurement and the large variety of options provide the perfect platform for use in air conditioning technology as well as for fine measurement in the industrial and medical environment.Relative and di ff erentialpressure transmitter -Type 699Differential pressure transmitter+ Available with or without LCD display + Adjustable measurement range + Switchable output signals+ Switchable response curve (linear or root-extracted)+ Resettable Zero Point (Reset button) + Full scale adjustable+ Attractive price / performance ratio+ Application at over and low pressure range possible + Fast, easy mounting. Housing incorporates integral bracket for wall or ceiling mountingPressure range -1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar2/5Huba Control Type 699 | Technical data subject to change | Edition 09/2020Pressure and fl owPressure rangeRelative and differential-1 ... 1 mbar / 0 ... 0.3 – 50 mbar Operating conditions MediumAir and neutral gases TemperatureMedium / ambient 0 ... +70 ºCStorage-10 ... +70 ºCNo cond e nsationTolerable overload on one sideApplication at over pressure range< 3 mbar P1 = 50 mbar P2 = 4 mbar> 3 mbar P1 = 100 mbar P2 = 4 mbar Application at under pressure range< 3 mbar P1 = -4 mbar P2 = -50 mbar> 3 mbarP1 = -4 mbar P2 = -100 mbarRupture pressureambient temperature 2 x overload70 ºC1.5 x overloadMaterials in contact with mediumS e nsorC e ramic Al 2O 3 (96%)Diaphragm Silicon eHousingPolycarbonat PCElectrical overviewOutput 1) Pow e r supply 1) Load Curr e nt consumption 2)2 wire 4 ... 20 mA 8.0 ... 33 VDC < supply voltage - 8 V[Ohm] < 20 mA 3 wire 0 ... 10 V 13.5 ... 33 VDC / 24 VAC ±15% > 10 kOhm < 10 mA 0 ... 20 mA 13.5 ... 33 VDC / 24 VAC ±15% < 500 Ohm < 30 mA 4 ... 20 mA 13.5 ... 33 VDC / 24 VAC ±15% < 500 Ohm < 30 mA 0 ... 5 V 3) 6.5 ... 33 VDC / 24 VAC ±15% > 10 kOhm < 10 mA Filter Response time switchable by off / 0.2s / 1s / 5s / 20s Polarity reversal protection Short circuit proof and protected against polarity reversal. Each connection is protected against crossover up to max. supply voltage.Dynamic response Response time < 20 ms Load cycle< 10 HzProtection standard Without coverIP 00With coverIP 54IP 65DisplayLCD DisplayDouble spaced per 8 digit alphanumericAt additional backlight LCD-Display 30 mA current consumption Module MODBUSRTU RS-485Ranges of adjustmentThe zero piont is adjustable by reset button.The Full scale is adjustable by DIP-Switch and additional by the turbopoti.AdjustabilityOptional version with self configurable parameters (see order code selection table)Electrical connectionScrew terminals for wire and stranded conductors up to 1.5 mm 2Cable gland with built-in strain relief PG11Pressure connection Connection pipeØ 6.2 mmMounting instructions Installation arrangement Recommendation: Vertical, (Factory calibration) with pressure connections downwards MountingMounting bracket (integrated in case)Tests / Admissions ULElectromagnetic compatibilityCE-conformity acc. EN 61326-2-3 WeightWithout display ~ 90 g With display~ 100 gPackagingSingle packaging in cardboard Multiple packaging20 / 40 / 1200.02 A3/5Huba Control Type 699 | Technical data subject to change | Edition 09/2020Pressure and fl owOut100%a)Pressurec)Out b)Test conditions:25 ºC, 45% rF, Power supply 24 VDC TC z.p. / TC z.p. 0 … 70 ºC- no additional root-extracted errors - For changing diaphragm position, compensable with zero point reset ParameterUnit±0.5 mbar0 ... 1 mbar0 ... 3 mbar0 ... 5 mbar0 ... 10 - 50 mbarTolerance zero point max.% fs ±1.0±1.0±0.7±0.7±0.7Tolerance zero full scalemax.% fs ±1.0±1.0±0.7±0.7±0.7Resolution % fs0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1Total of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability max.% fs ±1.0±1.0±1.0±1.0±0.6Long therm stability acc. to DIN EN 60770% fs ±1.0±1.0±1.0±1.0±1.0TC zero point 1) typ.% fs/10K ±0.2±0.2±0.2±0.1±0.1TC zero point 1) max.% fs/10K ±1.0±1.0±0.5±0.4±0.4TC sensitivity 1) typ.% fs/10K ±0.3±0.3±0.2±0.1±0.1TC sensitivity 1)max.% fs/10K±0.6±0.6±0.5±0.5±0.24/5Huba Control Type 699 | Technical data subject to change | Edition 09/2020Pressure and flow9297EN 60 715-TH 35-7.54512835.2611.6Fig. 3Fig. 1Fig. 2Universal2 and3 wire3 wire2 wire Connection kit for vent duct (metal), 90º angled including tube 2 m long (Fig. 1) 104312Connection kit for vent duct (plastic), straight including tube 2 m long (Fig. 2) 100064DIN-rail mounting adaptor (Fig. 3) 112854Module MODBUS 117305Calibration certificate104551V rsion Variabl e param e t e rs Dual DIP-Switch Pressure ranges in grades Tenfold DIP-Switch Pressure ranges in grades; stepless adjustable with Turbo-Poti / output signals / fi lter (o ff / on) / response curve (linear / root extracted)Te nfold DIP-Switch with Display Pre ssure range s in grade s; ste ple ss adjustable with Turbo-Poti / pre ssure units / pre ssure range characte r / output signals; additional 0 ... 5 V / fi lter (o ff/ 0.2s / 1s / 5s / 20s) / response curve (linear / root extracted) / backlight (o ff / 5min / on)Huba Control AG Headquarters Schweiz Industriestrasse 17CH-5436 Würenlos Telefon +41 56 436 82 00Fax+41 56 436 82 82***********************Huba Control AGBranch O ff ice United KingdomUnit 13 Berkshire House, County Park Business Centre, Shrivenham Road Swindon Wiltshire SN1 2NR Phone +44 1993 77 66 67Fax+44 1993 77 66 71***********************Huba Control SA Succursale France Rue LavoisierTechnopôle Forbach-Sud F-57602 Forbach Cedex Téléphone +33 3 87 84 73 00Télécopieur +33 3 87 84 73 01***********************Huba Control AG Niederlassung Deutschland Schlattgrabenstrasse 24D-72141 Walddorfhäslach Telefon +49 7127 2393 00Fax+49 7127 2393 20***********************Huba Control USA, Inc.O ff ice United States of America 303 Wyman Street Suite #300Waltham MA 02451Tel: +1 866-6HUBACO (+1 866-648-2226)************************Huba Control AG Vestiging Nederland Hamseweg 20A NL-3828 AD-Hoogland Telefoon +31 33 433 03 66Telefax+31 33 433 03 77***********************。

压阻原理以1954年首次发现的半导体 效应为基础,即在机械应力作用下, 半导体的阻值会发生变化。与传统的 应变仪测量相比,这一发现开拓了全 新的应用领域。从那时起,其他相近 的技术开始出现,如金属薄膜技术和 陶瓷厚膜技术。
开始: – 奇石乐 – 传感器型号 – 版本 – 传感器版本号 – 传感器序号
初始校准: – 工作温度范围 – 初始校准日期 – 初始校准值
再校准: – 参考温度 – 再校准日期 – 再校准值
结尾: – 注释
传感器、连接电缆和 TEDS 元件
PiezoStar®-10 多年来奇石乐在厂内培养高灵 敏和高温稳定的晶体。
从晶体到传感器需要 200 道工序
奇石乐压力传感器 - 设计的多样化和创新
PiezoSmart® 意味着传感器的自动识别
技术先驱 - 引导发动机测试技术发展
PiezoSmart® 传感器
● 电荷和电压放大器参数的自动设 置
● 精确压力指示数据测量简便 ● 简化设置过程缩短试验台的测量
准备时间 ● 通过分析系统数据自动交换,简
化测量分析和记录 ● 传感器自动识别技术极大地提高
更多关于升级的信息, 请参考第 18 页

2763 / 2767 / 2769全自动互感器试验装置特点⏹ 单台仪器测量电流及电压互感器。
⏹ 全自动测量、数字显示电流/电压比误差、相移、试验电流及电压。
⏹ 可测量互感器的一次侧和二次侧的电流和电压。
⏹ 测试变压器和标准变压器的变比可以不同。
⏹ 可输入交互参数以简化操作。
⏹ 测量进行期间,微处理器监控所有输入和控制。
⏹ 2 x 16字符点阵,纯语言显示错误信息。
⏹ 测量耗时短。
⏹ 动态平均。
⏹ 精度高。
⏹ 固有负载低。
⏹ 可连接至外部打印机(RS 232C 接口) ⏹ 前板设有压电晶体制键盘。
⏹产品规格遵从IEC 60044-1, IEC 60044-2; IEC 60044-3; IEC 60044-7,ANSI/IEEE C57.13-1978 和 VDE 0414, part 2标准。
⏹ 含RS 232C接口用于连接计算机。
可选配件⏹ 遥控测量过程用- IEEE 488 接口 ⏹更多可选配件参见采购信息综述TETTEX 仪器公司出产的2767型电流/电压互感器自动测试装置是一款高效、精确的互感器测量仪,专为实验室、工业生产、质量管理及官方计量站应用而设计。
该仪器经过德国物理技术研究院(PTB )测试,校正核准,完全符合PTB 仪表变压器测试标准。
全套测试系统同时,TETTEX 仪器公司也设计并销售计算机控制电流和电压互感器测量设备,以满足客户的特定需求,它们包括: ⏹ 2767型组合测试装置,用于电流和电压比互感器测试。
⏹ 4760系列标准电流互感器(电流比较器)。

A、电机过载保护——自动停机B、排气温度过高保护——自动停机C、超压力压缩保护——自动停机D、电源相路出错保护——自动停机E、油细分离器堵塞——警告F、.机油过滤器堵塞——警告G、空气滤清器堵塞——警告H、润滑油量提示A、排气压力显示B、润滑油油压显示C、排气温度显示D、运行累计时间显示E、电机过载显示F、压缩机运行显示G、压缩机停机显示A、具有警示复位、清除旧信息功能B、具有对故障警示提供诊断相应资料功能C、具有故障汇记功能D、具有远程通讯功能E、具有24台机组联机功能✧比例调节进气阀1)特殊设计的侍服气缸,调节范围0—100%;2)具有止回功能,无须加装油路止回阀和断油阀;3)配有机械式放空阀;✧反比例容量调节阀1)较一般膜片式容调阀,寿命更长,无易损件;2)调节范围宽;3)调节压力动作稳定;✧压力维持阀1)开启压力准确可靠;2)带止回功能;3)压力损失小;4)阀芯采用非金属,不会有生锈所引起的动作失灵;✧温控阀1)热敏感元件动作稳定,有效避免油在低温和高温下工作;2)油温有效控制在70—85℃;3)阀芯动作稳定,无卡死误动作故障;✧油过滤器1)过滤精度10微米;2)压差小;3)带压差报警发讯器;✧油细分离器1)带预分离的三层分离;2)压差小初始压差0.2bar;3)分离效果好,残油量为1—3mg/m3;4)抗压强度高,能承受5bar压差✧双螺杆压缩机通用油1)有效减少主机泄露;2)有效提高主机寿命;3)不结焦;✧西门子接触器1)所有接触器加装阻容吸收器;2)欧姆龙逆项保护器;3)BURKERT电磁阀;3 / 18GENTLY压缩机技术优势GENTL Y压缩机在研究、制造过程中,主要地注重了减少不必要的维护费用和时间。

1)室外温湿度传感器现场使用的室外温湿度传感器主要有两个型号QFA3160 电源:24VDC;输出:0-10VQFA3171电源:24VDC;输出:4-20mA按上图片可以修改传感器的信号类型和量程范围,信号类型出场都是调试好的,基本不用改。

-1… + 0 bar
0 … + 1 bar
0 … + 1.6 bar
0 … + 2.5 bar
0 … + 4 bar
0 … + 6 bar
0 … + 10 bar
0 … + 16 bar
0 … + 25 bar
0 … + 40 bar
0 … + 60 bar
0 … 10 VDC
11.4 … 33 VDC
比例式10…90% 5VDC(4.75…5.25)
2线 4 … 20 mA 电压承载 可定制
8 … 33 VDC 500 VDC
1000 VDC
> 10 kOhm / < 100 nF < 供电电压 − 8V [Ohm]
0.02 A
电流消耗 在额定压力时 3线 2线
特殊 FPM (特殊氟橡胶)
-30 … + 150 ℃
0… 5V
8.0 … 33.0 VDC
1… 6V
8.0 … 33.0 VDC
0 … 10 V
11.4 … 33.0 VDC
4 … 20 mA
8.0 … 33.0 VDC
10 … 90%比例式
5 VDC (4.75 … 5.25)

0970 0007 VA 400 Chinese, V1.03, 02.04.08VA 400 热式质量流量传感器产品特点1希尔思的流量传感器VA 400是基于热式质量流量原理设计的。
· 插入式设计,可带压安装· 基于热式质量流量原理,测量值不受压力和温度影响· IP65外壳,即使在恶劣工业环境中也能提供良好保护· 响应迅速· 精度高,量程大· 管道直径:1/4” 至 12” (其他管径可根据客户要求订做)0970 0007 VA 400 Chinese, V1.03, 02.04.082用户必须在启动仪器之前完整地阅读操作指南,并加以认真遵守。
希尔思的 VA 400 型产品可在压缩空气管道、空气输送管或通道中作固定式或移动式使用。

WT-400M 系列智能四回路显示控制变送仪表使用说明书电子四十六所天津索思仪表测控系统技术有限公司联系人:周金宝 邹菁 王树洁 地址:天津市南开区科研西路20号 邮编:300192 电话:022-******** 87893040 87899183 87890392 87899181(传真) 公司网址: E-mail :sales@二、主要技术指标一、基本功能及特点● 精度: 0.5级适用于温度、压力、流量、液位、重量等工业过程参数的测量与显示,并且可以选择对过程参数进行报警或位式控制,还可以选择将过程参数变送输出给后级仪表、记录仪、计算机或采集系统等。
● 显示:4路4位数字显示 (0.56”LED 红色)● 显示分辨率:1● 输入信号: Pt100、Cu50、BA1、热电偶(N、K、E、J、T、S、R、B )、 ● 四排显示可以同时显示四路测量值 ● 高性能开关电源,交、直流通用输入 DC 4~20mA、 0~10mA、 1~5V、 0~5V● 输出信号: 继电器触点输出220V/1A(阻性负载,内部电火花消除电路)DC24V 供电 <30mA● 输入分度、量程可以通过面板按键设定● 最多可以带4个报警,报警控制方式、报警限、回差值可以通过面板按键设定 ● 工作条件: 环境温度 0~50℃ 相对湿度 ≤85% RH 避免强腐蚀性气体仪表电源 AC 60~260V 或 DC 24~350V 全范围、无极性● 最多可以带2路隔离变送输出,输出方式、变送量程可以通过面板按键设定 ● 可以提供馈电输出● 仪表重量: <470g● 可以带RS485/RS232/RS422隔离通讯接口,MODBUS 协议三、仪表使用方法 3、后端子接线说明:1、仪表外形及开孔尺寸:WT-400M 系列横式后端子图(竖式将上图逆时针旋转90度)160×80×140 mm 横式 80×160×140 mm 竖式开孔152+0.5×76+0.5 mm 开孔76+0.5×152+0.5 mm2、显示面板及按键使用说明:名称 内容 Ⅰ号显示屏 正常状态下,显示第一回路测量值 参数设定状态下,显示参数设定值 Ⅱ号显示屏 正常状态下,显示第二回路测量值 参数设定状态下,显示参数名提示符 Ⅲ号显示屏 正常状态下,显示第三回路测量值 显示屏Ⅳ号显示屏正常状态下,显示第四回路测量值 S参数设定入口按键(长按该键5秒钟以上,进入参数设置状态)参数设定确认按键(修改参数后,按一下保存参数并进入下一参数)♦ 参数设定时,用于移动光标(每按一下,参数闪烁位循环左移)▲ 参数设定时,用于增加数值(每按一下,正闪烁位数字加一)按键Q 参数设定时,参数修改状态下,取消修改当前参数值参数设定时,参数无改动状态下,退出设置AL1 第一回路有超限报警时灯亮AL2 第二回路有超限报警时灯亮AL3 第三回路有超限报警时灯亮指示灯AL4第四回路有超限报警时灯亮★ 以上接线图仅供参考。
Honeywell SS400 系列 开关型霍尔位置传感器 说明书

56Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS400系列/开关型MICRO SWITCH选型指南型号SS411A SS413A SS441A SS443A SS449A SS461A SS466A 磁场类型 双极 双极 单极 单极 单极 锁存 锁存供电电压(VDC3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 供电电流(max )10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 输出类型 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉输出电压(max )40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 输出电流max*20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 输出漏电流,max 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 上升 (10-90%) .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max.05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max 输出开关时间 Vcc=12V RL=1.6K C=20pF 下降(90-10%) .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max最大动作点 G mT 70 7.0 G mT 140 14.0 G mT 135 13.5 G mT 215 21.5 G mT 435 43.5 G mT 110 11.0 G mT 200 20.0 最小释放点-70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 210 21.0 -110 -11.0 -200 -20.0 磁特性-40℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 15 1.5 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点65 6.5 140 14.0 117 11.7 190 19.5 400 40.0 90 9.0 200 20.0 最小释放点 -65 -6.5 -140 14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 230 23.0 -90 -9.0 185 18.5 0℃最小回差 15 1.5 20 2.0 18 1.8 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 115 11.5 180 18.0 390 39.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 140 14.0 20 2.0 75 7.5 235 23.5 -85 -8.5 -180 18.0 25℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 20 2.0 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 120 12.0 180 18 400 40.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 -14.0 15 1.5 70 7.0 215 21.5 -85 -8.5 -180 -18.0 85℃最小回差12 1.2 20 2.0 15 1.5 15 1.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 190 19.0 最大动作点 65 6.5 140 14.0 123 12.3 190 19.0 410 41.0 100 10.0 180 18.0 最小释放点 -65 6.5 -140 14.0 15 1.5 60 6.0 200 20.0 -100 10.0 -180 -18.0 125℃最小回差 12 1.2 20 2.0 8 0.8 10 1.0 30 3.0 50 5.0 160 16.0 最大动作点 70 7.0 140 14.0 125 12.5 200 20.0 420 42.0 110 11.0 185 18.5 最小释放点 -70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 10 1.0 55 5.5 185 18.5 -110 -11.0 -185 -18.5 150℃最小回差10 1.020 2.05 0.55 0.530 3.050 5.0140 14.0G=Gauss mT=milliTesla注:可订购安装在线带和卷带上的SS400,引脚上间距0.1”,每个卷带含3000个SS400传感器.所有SS400系列绝对输出电流值为50mA开关型霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH SS400系列/开关型5758Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS100系列/开关型,表面封装MICRO SWITCHG=GaussMT=milliTesla型号SS111A SS113A SS141A SS143A SS149A SS161A SS166A 磁性能 双极 双极 单极 单极 单极 锁存 锁存供电电压(VDC )3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 供电电流(max )10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 输出类型 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉输出电压(max )40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 输出电流max20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 漏电流,max 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA.1.5μs . 1.5μs . 1.5μs . 1.5μs .1.5μs . 1.5μs .1.5μs 输出开关时间上升下降.1.5μs 1.5μs .1.5μs 1.5μs 1.5μs .1.5μs .1.5μs 最大动作点 G mT 70 7.0 G mT 140 14.0 G mT 135 13.5 G mT 215 21.5 G mT 440 44.0 G mT 110 11.0 G mT 200 20.0 最小释放点-70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 210 21.0 -110 -11.0 -200 -20.0 磁特性-40℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 15 1.5 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 0.0 最大动作点65 6.5 140 14.0 117 11.7 190 19.0 400 40.0 90 9.0 185 18.5 最小释放点 -65 -6.5 -140 14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 230 23.0 -90 -9.0 -185 -18.5 0℃最小回差 15 1.5 20 2.0 18 1.8 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 115 11.5 180 18.0 390 39.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 14.0 20 2.0 75 7.5 235 23.5 -85 -8.5 -180 18.0 25℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 20 2.0 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 120 12.0 180 18 400 40.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 -14.0 15 1.5 70 7.0 215 21.5 -85 -8.5 -180 -18.0 85℃最小回差12 1.2 20 2.0 15 1.5 15 1.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 190 19.0 最大动作点 65 6.5 140 14.0 123 12.3 190 19.0 410 41.0 100 10.0 180 18.0 最小释放点 -65 6.5 140 14.0 15 1.5 60 6.0 200 20.0 -100 10.0 -180 -18.0 125℃ 最小回差12 1.220 2.08 0.810 1.030 3.050 5.0160 16.0开关型霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH SS100系列/开关型、表面封装地址:西安市高新区创新大厦MF5 网站:,E-mail:*******************.com5960SS94B1系列Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器 MICRO SWITCH安装尺寸(仅供参考) 输出特性(仅供参考)特点:·单个电流沉或电流源输出 ·增强的温度稳定性 ·三针一列引脚·激光修正的薄膜和厚膜电阻减少了灵敏度变化并带温度 补偿内部结构图SS94B 选型指南规格SS94B1供电电压(VDC) 4.5-12工作性能@5VDC消耗电流(mA) 8typ.,11max 输出电流/Type 输出电压比率变化/电流沉或电流源输出1mA typ.,2mAmax输出电压范围 负高斯 正高斯 0.4V type Vs-0.4V typ 磁特性@25℃ 满量程 零点(偏置@0高斯) 灵敏度(mV/高斯) 线性度(%满量程) 5VDC(-67.0to+67.0mT,typ) 4.0V(-670to+670gauss,typ.)2.5±0.03V3.125±0.063 -0.5±0.5 温度误差(@25℃) 零点飘移(%/℃) 灵敏度飘移(%/℃)±0.03 ±0.0361Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器 MICRO SWITCH特点:·单个电流沉或电流源输出 ·提高的温度稳定性 ·三针一列PCB 引脚·激光修正的薄膜和厚膜电阻减少了灵敏 度变化并带温度补偿·敏感磁场强度±100到±2500高斯SS94A 选型指南规格 SS94A1 SS94A1B SS94A1E SS94A1F SS94A2SS94A2C SS94A2D 主要特点通用 5VDC 工作低飘移高灵敏度噪声屏蔽++噪声屏蔽++噪声屏蔽++供电电压(VDC )*6.6-12.6 4.5-8.0 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6消耗电流(mA )** 13typ 30max 8typ17.5max13typ30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 输出电流(mA) 电流沉或源 1max 1max1max1max1max1max1max反应时间(μsec ) 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 磁特性*** 满量程*625 Vs375 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs测量磁场范围(gauss )* -500-+500 -500-+500 -500-+500 -100-+100 -500-+500 -1000-+1000 -2500-+2500灵敏度(mV/gauss@25C ) 50±.1 1.875±1.00 5.0±.1 25.0±.5 5.0±0.1 2.0±0.05 1.00±0.02 线性度+(%span) -0.8typ -1.5max -0.8typ-1.5max-0.8typ-1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max输出Vout(Ogauss@25C)*** 4.00±0.04V 2.50±0.05v 4.00±0.04v 1.00±0.08v 4.00±0.04v 4.00±0.04v 4.00±0.04v 温度误差(所有%S 以 25值为基准)* 零点(%/C ) 灵敏度(%/C )±.02 ±.02±0.25 ±0.25±.01 ±.02±.10 ±.02 .055±.02 ±.02±.0125 ±.02±.007 ±.02*-40℃~12℃**包括负载,典型在25℃/最大在-40℃***@Vs=5VDC 只限于SS94AIB/@Vs=8VDC 适用其余型号 +曲线始末端点直线法++陶瓷背面镀银与引脚电气连接 规定用2.2K Ω电阻除非另外标注零点电压(0高斯时电压)和灵敏度与供电电压比率变化62Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH特点:·体积小巧(0.16×0.118″) 低功耗—典型7mA 在5VDC ·电源沉或源线性输出·内含激光修正的薄膜电阻提供精确的灵 敏和温度补偿·工作温度范围-40~+150℃ ·可反应于正的或负的磁场·方块霍尔传感元件提供稳定的输出·Rail-to-Rail 性能可提供更有效的信号 以到达更高精度订货指南Vs=5.0V,T A =-40至+125℃(除非另外标明)指标 SS495A 标准 SS495A1 高精度 SS495A2*基本型供电电压(VDC ) 4.5-10.5 4.5-10.54.5-10.5 Typ. 7.0 7.07.0供电电流@25C(mA) Max. 8.50 8.5 8.5输出类型(电流沉 源)比率变化 比率变化 比率变化 输出电流(mA ) 典型电流沉 最小电流源 最小电流沉 最小电流沉 Vs >4.5V Vs >4.5V Vs >4.5V Vs >5.0V 1.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.6 1.01.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 磁特性@25C ,5VDC Typ Guass:-670-+670(-67-+67mT)磁场范围 Min Guass:-600-+600(-60-+67mT)Typ 0.2-(Vs-0.2)输出电压范围 Min 0.4-(Vs-0.4)零点电压(输出@0高斯、伏) 2.500±0.075 2.5±0.100 灵敏度(mV/G ) 3.125±0.125 3.125±0.094 3.125±0.156 Typ -1.0% -1.0%线性误差(%量程) Max -1.5% -1.5%温度误差 零点飘移(%/C ) 灵敏度飘移(%/C ) ≥25℃Max <25℃Max ±0.06% ±0.04%% +0.02%±0.03% +0.03%±0.03%±0.07% -0.02%+0.06%-0.01%+0.07%*散装,每包1000个表面安装型:加后缀S 如:SS495A-S 线带包装T1型:加后缀T1丝带包装P 型(表面安装):加后缀SP MilliTesla=Gauss ×10-1 公司由传感器销售部、仪表销售部、工程部和总务部四个部组成。
IHM400B 高压智能操控装置 操作手册说明书

IHM400B高压智能操控装置(版本号:4.10)操作手册(使用前请详细阅读此操作手册)目录一、概述 (1)二、技术指标 (1)三、模拟显示部分与功能 (2)3.1断路器状态显示 (2)3.2手车位置显示 (2)3.3接地开关位置显示 (3)3.4弹簧储能显示 (3)3.5带电显示及闭锁功能 (3)3.6自动加热除湿控制及时温湿度数字显示功能 (3)3.7人体感应探头 (3)3.8手动照明 (3)3.9智能语音防误提示功能 (3)3.10转换开关功能 (4)3.11通讯功能 (4)3.12温湿度传感器断线报警功能 (4)四、安装尺寸与接线图 (4)4.1安装尺寸 (4)4.2接线图 (5)五、显示与设置说明 (6)5.1显示 (6)5.2设置说明 (6)六、运输与贮存 (7)七、保修期限及订货说明 (7)一、概述IHM400B高压智能操控装置,产品功能强大,使用于3KV-35KV户内开关柜,中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜。
二、技术指标工作电源:AC85~265V/DC110~300V工作环境温度:-20℃~+70℃工作环境湿度:≤95%RH温度测量范围:-20℃~+80℃湿度测量范围:20%-99%RH加热输出口:无源输出降温输出口:无源输出报警输出口:无源输出照明输出口:无源输出强制闭锁输出口:无源输出介质强度:≥AC2000V绝缘性能:≥100MΩ温度精度:≤±1℃湿度精度:≤±2%RH动态闪烁频率:1次/秒人体接近感应时间:≤3秒RS485通讯距离:≤1200米通讯波特率:1200bps、2400bps、4800bps、9600bps可设置数据格式:8个数据位1个停止位无奇偶校验开关量输入端子和LED数码显示关联关系:动态配置抗电磁干扰性能:符合IEC255-22的标准规定12三、模拟显示部分与功能(注:此面膜图为常规面膜图,具体面膜图以实物为准)01断路器合指示09加热A 指示02断路器分指示10加热B 指示03(1)、03(2)工作位置指示11操作键盘04(1)、04(2)试验位置指示12储能旋钮05接地开关合指示13远方/就地转换开关06接地开关分指示14分/合闸转换开关07储能指示15报警指示08液晶显示界面16带电显示及闭锁3.1断路器状态显示断路器合闸并且分闸回路完好时,红色01模拟条发光;断路器分闸并且合闸回路完好时,绿色02模拟条发光。

Installation arrangement
Signal/Power supply
See order code selection table • Short circuit-proof and protected against polarity reversal. Each connection against other with max. +/– supply voltage. Electric strength 500 VDC, on request 1000 VDC
Order code selection table
EDITION 03/2004
. 511
Relative pressure
苏州迅鹏进口仪表事业部 9
Absolute pressure
Pressure ranges in bar1 –1 ... + 0 bar 0 ... + 1 bar 0 ... + 1.6 bar 0 ... + 2.5 bar 0 ... + 4 bar 0 ... + 6 bar 0 ... + 10 bar 0 ... + 16 bar 0 ... + 25 bar 0 ... + 40 bar 0 ... + 60 bar 0 ... + 100 bar 0 ... + 160 bar 0 ... + 250 bar 0 ... + 400 bar 0 ... + 600 bar
Adjustment accuracy zero point and
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OEM 压力传感器– 400系列
0 ... 10 - 100 mbar
OEM 压力传感器– 501系列
-1 ... 0 - 60 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 503系列
0 ... 2.5 - 25 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 505系列
0 ... 4 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 506系列
-1 ... 7 - 60 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 511系列
-1 ... 0 - 600 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 515系列
-1 ... 0 - 600 bar
OEM 压力传感器– 516系列
–1 … 0 – 16 bar
压力传感器– 520系列
-1 ... 9 bar / 0 ... 2.5 – 600 bar
压力传感器– 528系列
–1 ... 0 – 60 bar
压力传感器– 680系列
0 ... 0.1 - 1000 bar
压力传感器– 691系列
-1 ... 0 - 600 bar
压力传感器– 522系列
0 ... 2.5 – 600 bar
压力传感器– 527系列
0 ... 1 – 60 bar