
部编版一(下)全册课后练习题参考答案识字1 春夏秋冬(春)(风)吹夏(雨)落(秋)霜降(冬)(雪)飘池(草)(青)(山)(花)(红)(鱼)(出)(水)(鸟)(入)(林)春风夏雨红花秋霜青草游鱼飞鸟识字3 小青蛙眼睛请问清水晴天心情语文园地一春回大地万物复苏柳绿花红莺歌燕舞冰雪融化泉水叮咚百花齐放百鸟争鸣第1课吃水不忘挖井人水井井口叫声叫好乡亲亲人主席主人上面面前战士战友第2课我多想去看看弯弯的小路宽宽的公路美丽的天山洁白的雪莲雄伟的天安门壮观的升旗仪式第3课一个接一个接着接力一再再见做梦做伴有趣趣事这样这里各自各种各样第4课四个太阳高山果园田野碧绿金黄火红清凉香甜温暖语文园地二一辆车一匹马一册书一棵树一支铅笔一架飞机春晓唐孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。
识字5 动物儿歌蜻蜓展翅蝴蝶飞舞蚯蚓松土蚂蚁搬家蝌蚪游泳蜘蛛结网识字6 古对今严寒朝霞酷暑夕阳古今和风细雨鸟语花香识字7 操场上打球拔河拍皮球跳高跑步踢足球识字8 人之初初始初夏天性性格专心专门善良友善语文园地五有饭能吃饱,有水把茶泡。

判断题:1.×2.√3.×4.×5.×6.×7.×8.√9.√ 10.√ 11.× 12.× 13.√ 14.√D.词类是语言系统中的关系类别之一。

二、课后习题解答1-1、一飞轮直径为0.2m ,质量为5.00kg ,t 边缘饶一轻绳,现用恒力拉绳子的一端,使其有静止均匀地加速,经0.50s 转速达10转/s 。
求; 飞轮的角加速度及在这段时间转过的转数 拉力及拉力所做的功从拉动后t=10s 时飞轮的角速度及边缘上一点的速度和切向加速度及发向速度。
解:,/1058.1,/6.12,/126,/1026.1)3(3.4921212125232202s m r a s m r a s m r v s t J J J J A t n t t z z z ⨯======⨯====-=ωβωβωωωωτ1-2、有一根长为l 、质量为m 的匀质细杆,两端各牢固的连接一个质量为m 的小球,整个系统可绕一过O 点并垂直于杆的水平轴无摩察的转动,如图。
当系统转到水平位置时,求: 系统所受的和力矩 系统的转动惯量 系统的角加速度解: (1)设垂直纸面向里为z 轴的正方向(即力矩的正方向),合力矩为两小球及杆的重力矩之和。
mgl M M M M lmg r g dr rg rgdm M l mlmg M lmg M F r M z z zz l l l l z zzz 4341243,4190,4/34/24/34/0=+'+'=∴======'-='=⨯=--⎰⎰杆右左杆右左杆所受重力矩:其中两小球所受重力矩:ρρρθ224/34/34/34/24/34/222483748731)41(,)43()2(ml J J J J ml r dr r dm r J l m J l m J z z zz l l l l l l z z z=+'+'=∴====='='---⎰⎰杆右左杆右左杆的转动惯量:两小球的转动惯量:转动惯量之和,小球的转动惯量和杆的系统的转动惯量等于两λλ(3)由转动定理lg J M J M z z z z 3736==⇒=ββ1-3、有一质量为m 1、 m 2(m 1>m 2)两物体分别悬挂在两个半径不同的组 合轮上,如图。

第1 章绪论课后习题讲解1. 填空(1) 从逻辑关系上讲,数据结构主要分为()、()、()和()。
(2) 数据的存储结构主要有()和()两种基本方法,不论哪种存储结构,都要存储两方面的内容:()和()。
2. 选择题⑴顺序存储结构中数据元素之间的逻辑关系是由()表示的,链接存储结构中的数据元素之间的逻辑关系是由()表示的。
A 线性结构 B 非线性结构 C 存储位置 D 指针⑵假设有如下遗产继承规则:丈夫和妻子可以相互继承遗产;子女可以继承父亲或母亲的遗产;子女间不能相互继承。
A 树 B 图 C 线性表 D 集合3. 判断题(1) 每种数据结构都具备三个基本操作:插入、删除和查找。
第2 章线性表课后习题讲解1. 填空⑵顺序表中第一个元素的存储地址是100,每个元素的长度为2,则第5个元素的存储地址是()。
第5个元素的存储地址=第1个元素的存储地址+(5-1)×2=108⑶设单链表中指针p 指向结点A,若要删除A的后继结点(假设A存在后继结点),则需修改指针的操作为()。
【解答】s->next =rear->next; rear->next =s; rear =s; q=rear->next->next;rear->next->next=q->next; delete q;2. 选择题⑴线性表的顺序存储结构是一种()的存储结构,线性表的链接存储结构是一种()的存储结构。
Java语言程序设计第1-6章 课后习题答案

第1章Java语言概述选择题1-1 在下列概念中,Java语言只保留了(B)A. 运算符重载B. 方法重载C. 指针D. 结构和联合1-2 下列关于Java语言特性的描述中,错误的是(D)A. 支持多线程操作B. Java程序与平台无关C. Java和程序可以直接访问Internet上的对象D. 支持单继承和多继承1-3 下列关于Java Application程序在结构上的特点的中,错误的是(C)A. Java程序是由一个或多个类组成的B. 组成Java程序的若干个类可以放在一个文件中,也可以放在多个文件中C. Java程序的文件名要与某个类名相同D. 组成Java程序的多个类中,有且仅有一个主类1-4 Java程序经过编译后生成的文件的后缀是(C)A. .objB. .exeC. .classD. .java1-5 下列关于运行字节码文件的命令行参数的描述中,正确的是(A)A. 第一个命令行参数(紧跟命令字的参数)被存放在args[0]中B. 第一个命令行参数被存放在args[1]中C. 命令行的命令字被存放在args[0]中D.数组args[]的大小与命令行参数的个数无关判断题1-1JavaC++的语言之前问世的。
(对)1-10Java Application程序是由多个文件组成的,其中可以有也可以没有主文件。

建筑工程上使用的绝热材料一般要求其热导率不大于 0.23 W/(m ·K ),吸声材料一般要求其平均吸声系数大于 0。
2 。
2.砼拌合物的和易性包括流动性、 粘聚性 和 保水性 三方面含义.3.与牌号为30甲的石油沥青相比,牌号为100甲的石油沥青延度较 大 ,软化点较 低 。
建筑石膏凝结硬化的速度较 快 ,凝固后体积将发生 膨胀(扩大) .5.砌筑烧结多孔砖砌体时所用砂浆的强度主要取决于 水泥强度 和 水泥用量 。
矿渣水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀性比硅酸盐水泥 强 ,其原因是矿渣水泥水化产物中 氢氧化钙含量少。
根据国家标准规定,硅酸盐水泥的细度要求为 300m 2/kg (比表面积),普通水泥的细度要求为 80µm 方孔筛筛余不得超过10。
0% 。
8.花岗岩的主要组成包括 长石 、 石英 和少量云母。
某工程采购一批烧结普通砖,露天放置一段时间后,发现大量砖块开始自动碎裂,这种现象称为 石灰爆裂 ,其原因是由于原材料中存在 石灰质物质 成分所引起的。
水乳型建筑涂料所采用的溶剂是 水 ,其涂膜的耐擦洗性较 好 。
材质相同的两种材料,已知表观密度ρOA 〉ρOB ,则A 材料的保温效果比B 材料( B )。
A. 好 B 。
差 C. 差不多 D. 相同2.高强石膏的强度较高,这是因其调制浆体时的需水量( A )。
A 。
大B 。
小C 。
中等 D. 可大可小3。
砂的细度模数越大,表示( A )。
A 。
砂越细B 。
砂越粗C 。
级配越好 D. 级配越差4.测定混凝土强度用的标准试件尺寸是( C )mm.A 。
7×70.7 B. 100×100×100 C. 150×150×150 D. 200×200×2005。

习题1-6 (A)1. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) D2. (1) -1, 1 (2) k π3. (1) 2(sin 2)14π=⋅=原式(2)0limx kx kx→==原式(3) ln 10==原式(4) 212422lim (1)x x x x e x⋅⋅→∞=+==原式(5) 2230323lim (1)1xxxx e x-⋅⋅-→+∞-=+==原式(6) 22222lim ln(1)lim ln(1)ln 2n n nnn n e nn⋅⋅→∞→∞=+=+==原式(7) 11(3)3221lim (1)3xx x x ex--+⋅⋅-+→∞-=+=+原式(8) 22123lim132x xx →==--原式 4. (1)(1)(1)1()(1)(2)2x x x f x x x x +-+==---x=1是可去间断点,x=2是无穷间断点 (2) x, |x|>1f(x)= -x, |x|<1 0, x=±1 x=±1是跳跃间断点(3) 1lim ()0x f x -→=,1lim()3x f x +→=, x=1是跳跃间断点 22lim ()lim ()5x x f x f x -+→→==,f(x)在x=2处连续(4) 0lim ()x f x →=∞, x=0是无穷间断点 1lim()0x f x -→-=,1lim()1x f x +→-=,x=-1是跳跃间断点(5)lim ()1x f x -→=-,0lim ()1x f x +→=,x=0是跳跃间断点(6) 0, |x|>1 f(x)=12, x=11, |x|<1 x=±1是跳跃间断点 5. 解:由11lim ()3lim ()1(1)x x f x b f x b f a-+→→=+==-==得:a=2, b=-1 6. 证明:设f(x)=e x -2-x, 因为 f(0)⋅f(2)=-2×(e 2-4)<0由零点定理知,至少存在一点ξ∈(0,2)使f(ξ)=0 即,方程e x -2= x 在(0,2)内至少有一个实根 7. 证明:设f(x)=x-2-sinx ,因为 f(0)⋅f(3)=-2×(1-sin3)<0由零点定理知,至少存在一点ξ∈(0,3)使f(ξ)=0 即,方程x=2+sinx 至少有一个小于3的正根 8. 证明:设F(x)=f(x)-f(a+x), 则有F(0)=f(0)-f(a)=f(2a)-f(a), F(a)=f(a)-f(2a)所以,F(0)⋅F(a)=-[ f(a)-f(2a)]2≤0若F(0)⋅F(a)=0,则F(0)=F(a)=0;若F(0)⋅F(a)<0,则由零点定理知,至少存在一点ξ∈(0,a)使F(ξ)=0;综上,至少存在一点ξ∈[0,a]使F(ξ)=0,即至少存在一点ξ∈[0,a]使f(ξ)=f(a+ξ)9. 解:设F(x)=(p+q)f(x)-pf(c)-qf(d),则有 F(c)=qf(c)-qf(d), F(d)=pf(d)-pf(c) 所以,F(c)⋅F(d)=-pq[f(c)-f(d)]2≤0 若F(c)⋅F(d)=0,则F(c)=F(d)=0;若F(c)⋅F(d) ≤0,则由零点定理知,至少存在一点ξ∈(c,d)使F(ξ)=0;又因为a<b<c<d,所以对任何正数p,q ,至少存在一点ξ∈[c,d]⊂(a,b),使得F(ξ)=0,即pf(c)+qf(d)=(p+q)f(ξ).(B)10. (1) 1111lim ln(1)ln lim (1)ln a x x x a xa x x x x e aaa⋅⋅→→+=+==原式=(2) 22232lim551x xx e e→∞-=+原式=(3)24sin 23cos40lim2tan 22x xx xx x x→--==原式=(4)1121121202lim ln(1)ln 111x xx xx e x -⋅⋅-→+==-原式=(5) 221121lim (1)nn nn nn n e n+⋅⋅+→∞++=原式=(6) 2112lim2312x xx x →=⋅原式=(7) 220112lim 2x xx →=原式=(8)1lim (1)1x x x→+∞-⋅=原式=11. (1) 0lim ()1x f x →= x=1是可去间断点 2lim()0x k f x ππ→+=x=2k ππ+是可去间断点lim ()x k f x π→不存在 x=k π是无穷间断点(2) 0lim ()x f x →=-∞x=0是无穷间断点 1lim ()1x f x →=-x=1是可去间断点2lim ()x f x →=+∞x=2是无穷间断点12. 解:由01lim ()x b f x a→-==∞,知:a=0,b ≠1由11lim()lim1x x e b f x x →→-=-存在,知:b=e所以,a=0,b=e13. 解: x+b x ≤0 h(x)= 2x+1 0<x<1 x+a+1 x ≥1 由 h(0-)=h(0+) 得:a=b=1 h(1-)=h(1+)所以,当a=b=1时,f(x)+g(x)在(-∞,+∞)上连续 14. 解:化简得:x, |x|>1f(x)= ax 2+bx, |x|<1 12(a+b+1) x=112(a-b-1) x=-1由 f(1-)=f(1+)=f(1) 得:a=0,b=1 f(-1-)=f(-1+)=f(-1)15. 证明:设f(x)=x 3-3x 2-9x+1,则f(0)⋅f(1)=1⨯(-10)<0所以,存在ξ∈(0,1)使f(ξ)=0,即原方程在(0,1)上存在实根 唯一性:16. 证明:设F(x)=f(x)-x,则由题意有: F(a)=f(a)-a>0;F(b)=f(b)-b<0 所以,存在C ∈(a,b)使F(ξ)=0即f(ξ)=ξ. 17. 证明: 令1()()()2g x f x f x =+-,则有:1111(0)()(0)()(1);()(1)()2222g f f f f g f f =-=-=-且()g x 在10,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上连续 11(0,)2ξ∴∍∈,使得:1111()()()02g f f ξξξ=+-=即:111()()2f f ξξ+=令1()()()4h x f x f x =+-,则有:11111111111111()()()()();()()()442424h f f f f f f f ξξξξξξξξ=+-=+-++=+-+且()h x 在111,4ξξ⎡⎤+⎢⎥⎣⎦上连续2111,4ξξξ⎛⎫∴∃∈+ ⎪⎝⎭,使得:2221()()()04h f f ξξξ=+-=即:221()()4f f ξξ+=,证毕.18. 证明:若f(x 1)=f(x 2),则结论显然成立 若f(x1)>f(x 2),则有f(x 1)>2),由介值定理知:至少存在一点ξ∈[x1,x 2],使得f(ξ)=若f(x1)<f(x 2),则有f(x 1)<2),由介值定理知:至少存在一点ξ∈[x1,x 2],使得f(ξ)=总上可知,原结论成立 19. 证明:由f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)得:f(0)=0取x 0∈(-∞,+∞),因为:00000lim [()()]lim [()()]lim ()(0)0x x x x x x f x f x f x x x f x f x x f →→→-=-+-=-==所以,f(x)为(-∞,+∞)上的连续函数. 20. 证明:由于对∀x 1,x 2∈[0,1],有|x 13-x 32|=|x 1-x 2|⋅|x 12+x 1x 2+x 22|≤3|x 1-x 2|于是对∀ε>0,取δ=3ε,对∀x 1,x 2∈[0,1],当|x 1-x 2|<δ时,就有:|x 13-x 32|<ε.故f(x)=x 3在区间[0,1]上一致连续 21.。

()A. 企业集团的成本优势B. 企业集团的协同优势C. 企业集团的舰队优势D. 企业集团的战略优势2、企业集团的主要联结纽带是()。
A. 技术B. 管理C. 产品D. 资本3、公司的最高权力机构是()。
A. 董事会B. 总经理班子C. 监事会D. 股东大会4、下列哪一项不是有限责任制的功能。
()A. 减少交易费用B. 促进资本流动C. 鼓励投资D. 消灭经营风险5、()是指出资者(股东)在完成出资义务后,对公司所享有的权利。
A. 支配权B. 经营权C. 法人财产权D. 原始所有权6、()是指公司法人对其拥有的法人财产所享有的较完整的权利。
A. 股权B. 原始所有权C. 经营权D. 法人财产权7、由一定人数的股东发起设立,全部资本划分成等额股份,股东以其认购的股份数额为限承担责任的公司是()。
A. 股份有限公司B. 有限责任公司C. 两合公司D. 无限责任公司8、()是指一定比例以上的股份被另一公司所持有或者按照协议被另一公司实际控制的公司。
A. 分公司B. 总公司C. 子公司D. 母公司9、下列选项中不可能成为公司股东的是()。
A. 国家开放大学B. 北京京东世纪贸易有限公司C. 马云D. 北京市人民政府10、()是公司法人资信状况的基础证明,是投资者对投资活动的最低担保,在一定程度上反映了公司法人的最初经济实力。
A. 公司资产B. 股东权益C. 注册资本D. 净资产11、()是指由过去的交易或事项所形成,并由公司拥有或者控制的能以货币计量的经济资源。

形考一1. 浏览本课程各个部分的学习内容并简要介绍。
2. 本课程的六个专题,你对哪个专题最感兴趣?对哪个专题最不感兴趣?谈谈原因。

激光原理及应用部分课后答案1-4为使He-Ne 激光器的相干长度达到1KM ,它的单色性0λλ∆应是多少?2-2当每个模式内的平均光子数(光子简并数)大于1时,以受激辐射为主。
2-3如果激光器和微波激射器分别在um 10=λm 500n =λ和z 3000MH =ν输出1W 连续功率,问美秒从激光上能级向下能级跃迁的粒子数是多少?2-4当一对激光能级为E2和E1(f1=f2),相应的频率为v (波长为λ),能级上的粒子数密度分别为n2和n1,q 求:(1)当v=3000MHZ ,T=3000K 时,n2/n1=?(2)当λ=1um ,T=3000K 时,n2/n1=?(3)当λ=1um ,n2/n1=0时,温度T=?解:2-5激发态的原子从能级E2跃迁到E1时,释放出λ=5um的光子,求这个两个能级的能量差。
2-10激光在0.2m 长的增益介质中往复运动过程中,其增强了30%。
求该介质的小信号增益系数0G 。
3-4,分别按下图中的往返顺序,推导近轴光线往返一周的光学变换矩阵⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛D C B A ,并证明这两种情况下的)(D A +21相等。

3)①绘制汽车行驶加速倒数曲线(已装货) :40.0626
1 dt a du g (D f )
Ft Fw 为动力因素) G
1 Iw 1 I f i g i0 T Ⅱ时, 1 m r2 m r2 1 1.798 3.598 1 0.218* 3.092 * 5.832 * 0.85 1 3800 0.3672 3800 0.3672 1.128
dU F Gf ) max 1.01km /(hs ) dt m
dU dt
i max 0.4105
dU ) max 4.023km /(hs ) dt 1.8、解:<1> 先求汽车质量换算系数 : (
代入数据有: =1.4168 若地面不发生打滑,此时,地面最大驱动力
1 I w 1 I f i g i0 T 1 m r2 m r2
4 9 .4 312 0.1 3U 1a
※本题也可采用描点法做图: 由发动机转速在 n min 600r / min, n max 4000 r / min ,取六个点分别代入 公式: ……………………………… 2)⑴最高车速: 有 Ft Ff Fw
Ua Ft 494.312 0.131 分别代入 U a 和 Ft 公式: Tq * 6.9 * 5.83* 0.85 0.377* 0.3697n 2 494.312 0.131 ( ) 0.367 5.83* 6.09 把 Tq 的拟和公式也代入可得:
定保证发动机在最经济工况下工作的“无级变速器调节特性” 。 答: 关系:
无级变速器传动比 I’与发动机转速及期限和行驶速度之间有如下


新视野第三版第二册答案UNIT 1—6 Unit 1Text ALanguage focus: Words in use1.condense2.exceed3.deficit4.exposure5.asset6.adequatepetent8.adjusting9.precisely10.b eneficialLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.editorial2.recovery3.accuracy4.substance5.tradition6.margin7.assembly8.ministry9.survival10.t radition11.c onsistency12.e fficientLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.feel obliged to2.be serious about3.run into4.distinguish between5.thrust upon6.was allergic to7.get lost8.be attracted to9.make sense10.l ooked upon asText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.mysterious2.desperate3.devise4.negotiate5.recalled6.specifically7.depict8.ignorance9.expand10.c onfusionLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.apply to2.in a bid to3.end up4.Speaking of5.get hold of6.appealed to7.Leaving behind8.focus onUnit 2Text ALanguage focus: Words in use1.promotes2.accelerate3.mystery4.insight5.boost6.analysis7.calculate8.barriers9.destruction10.prospectLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.excess2.bearing3.objective4.intensify5.execute6.promising7.exclude8.identity9.offend10.housingLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.are liable to2.in favor of3.is bound to4.speculate about5.invested with6.stand up for7.in the form of8.prepared for9.in the company of10.in successionText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.enroll2.revise3.accumulate4.accorded5.evaluate6.prime7.confirm8.shrinking9.sufficient10.recruitLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.bother to2.is available to3.been compelled to4.described as5.exposed to6.rather than7.have something to do with8.for its own sakeUnit 3Text ALanguage focus: Words in use1.peculiar2.radical3.phase4.sensible5.predictbeled7.resent8.witnessed9.equivalent10.parallelsLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.journal2.chaotic3.cooperate4.erosion5.dramatic6.confuse7.academy8.rightists9.depression10.dictate11.detection12.classificationLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.saddled with2.back off3.gives way to4.resorted to5.make allowances for6.wonder at7.prior to8.based upon/based onText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.hollow2.restless3.demonstrate4.exiled5.miserablemercial7.hesitated9.refine10.feasibleLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.are tired of2.fall into3.be strict with4.not amount to much5.drifted off6.bonded with7.resign oneself to8.surrender themselves toText ALanguage focus: Words in use1.confess2.temptingmence4.coordinating5.granted6.deserved7.displayed8.consequently9.lodged10.proceedLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.qualifications2.perception3.plantationspressed5.exhibit6.contented7.interpretationplicate9.illustration10.extension11.I dentification12.justificationLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.on her behalf2.took the liberty of3.immune to4.were filled with5.fall in love with6.expelled from7.been pessimistic about8.go along withText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.conveying2.forged3.thriving4.abnormal5.frowning6.thrilled7.reckoned8.clarified9.conquer10.concealingLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.make contact with2.took the initiative3.are inclined to4.thrive on5.indifferent to6.whip out7.in the pit of her stomach8.chip inUnit 5Text ALanguage focus: Words in use1.contradict2.paradox3.perspective4.explicit5.suspended6.derive7.defy8.retains9.manipulating10.tackleLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.concentrated2.messenger3.civilized4.Constitution5.browser6.objection7.expansion8.consume9.definition10.cultivation11.reaction12.negotiationLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.referred to2.at odds with3.put off4.consulting with5.do their utmost6.took stock of7.on track8.take inText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.prohibited2.submit3.remedied4.imposed5.feature6.crisis7.artificial8.principal9.issued10.isolatedLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.suffering from2.in accordance with3.shrugged off4.be entitled to5.care about6.tore at7.access to8.out of the questionUnit 6Text ALanguage focus: Words in use1.implement2.rival3.motivating4.discarded5.fluctuating6.prejudiced7.restore8.enlightening9.profit10.investigateLanguage focus: Word building Practice 21.sympathize2.confirmation3.strategic4.installation5.quote6.sympathetic7.criticize8.location10.industrialize11.provision12.registrationLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.was attached to2.be measured ine in handy4.clinging to5.pay a big price6.are exhausted from7.imposed on8.revolve aroundText BLanguage focus: Words in use1.concerning2.specified3.controversy4.rendered5.enforced6.distribute7.highlighted9.penetrating10.subtractLanguage Focus: Expressions in use1.played a role2.turned out3.are depressed about4.settle for5.rushed into6.out of control7.transferred to8.rely on。

选择一项:a. 汪静之b. 宗白华c. 徐志摩d. 郭沫若反馈回答正确.题目2正确获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干曹禺在大学期间创作的《雷雨》1934年7月在《文学季刊》一卷三期发表,是由一位著名作家和编辑推荐的。
选择一项:a. 巴金b. 老舍c. 茅盾d. 鲁迅反馈回答正确.题目3不正确获得2.00分中的0.00分未标记标记题目1921年诗集《女神》出版,宣告了新诗的最终形成。
选择一项:a. 郭沫若b. 胡适c. 刘半农d. 鲁迅反馈Your answer is incorrect.题目4正确获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干中国新文学史上第一部个人诗集是()。
选择一项:a. 《尝试集》b. 《雪朝》c. 《女神》d. 《冬夜集》反馈回答正确.题目5正确获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干30年代的抒情散文,在形式上精雕细琢、匠心独运,一种追求唯美的散文风格蔚然成风,其重要的代表作家是()。
选择一项:a. 郁达夫b. 丰子恺c. 何其芳d. 梁遇春反馈回答正确.题目6获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干《教我如何不想她》流传甚广,并首次使用“她”字,经赵元任谱曲后,成为传唱至今的流行歌曲,这首诗的作者是()。
选择一项:a. 刘半农b. 鲁迅c. 郭沫若d. 胡适反馈回答正确.题目7正确获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干发表于1917年1月《新青年》的《文学改良刍议》,其作者是()。
选择一项:a. 鲁迅b. 陈独秀c. 胡适d. 李大钊反馈回答正确.题目8正确获得2.00分中的2.00分未标记标记题目题干田汉1920年创作完成的第一部剧本是()。

(1) A1, , An 互不相容;(2) A1, , An 相互独立;(3)一般情形。
解:(1) 由概率的有限可加性可得
p= P(A1)+ P(A2)+ …+ P(An)
P = P( A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ∪ An )
= 1 − P( A1 A2 An )
= 1 − P( A1 )P(A2 ) P( An )
解:1) P{X = k} = Cnk pk (1 − )p n−k , k = 0,1,2..., n 或 X ~ B(n, p)
2) P{Y = k} = ( Cnk+k −1 pn 1 − p)k , k = 0,1,2...
22. 设事件 A,B,C 相互独立,且 P(A)=1/4, P(B)=1/3, P(C)=1/2. 试求: (1) 三个事件都不发生的概率; (2) 三个事件至少有一个发生的概率; (3) 三个事件恰好有一个发生的概率; (4) 至多有两个事件发生的概率。 解:
23. 设有事件 A1, , An ,在下列各种条件下怎样求 A1, , An 至少有一个发生的概率。
(本章计算概率的习题除 3~6 以外, 其余均需写出事件假设及概率公式, 不能只有算式) 1. 写出下列随机试验的样本空间。 (1)同时抛三颗色子,记录三颗色子的点数之和; (2)将一枚硬币抛三次,(i)观察各次正反面出现的结果;(ii)观察正面总共出现的次数; (3)对一目标进行射击,直到命中 5 次为止,记录射击次数; (4)将一单位长的线段分成 3 段,观察各段的长度; (5)袋中装有 4 个白球和 5 个红球,不放回地依次从袋中每次取一球,直到首次取到红球 为止,记录取球情况。
1 21

2—2 试用电压源与电流源等效变换的方法计算题图2-2中3Ω电阻中的电流I .题题2-2解题图12(a)解题图12(b)解题图12(c)解题图12(d)解题图12(e)解题图12(f)解题图12(g)解题图12(h)解题图12(i)解题图12(j)解:根据题目的要求,应用两种电源的等效变换法,将题图2-2所示电路按照解题图12所示的变换顺序,最后化简为解题图12(j )所示的电路,电流I 为A 2.0822I =+=注意:(1) 一般情况下,与理想电流源串联的电阻可视为短路、而与理想电压源并联的电阻可视为开路.故题图2-2所示电路最左边支路中的2Ω电阻可视为0;(2)在变换过程中,一定要保留待求电流I 的支路不被变换掉; (3)根据电路的结构,应按照a —b 、c-d 、e-f 的顺序化简,比较合理。
2—3 计算题图2-3中1Ω电阻上的电压U ab .V题题2-3V解题图13(a)Ω解题图13(b)Ω解题图13(c)Ω解题图13(d)Ω解题图13(e)解:该题采用两种电源的等效变换法解题比较简便。
按照解题图13的顺序化简,将题图2-3所示的电路最后化简为解题图13(e)所示的电路,根据电阻串联电路分压公式计算电压U ab 为V 37.2118.08.2U ab =+=2—5 应用支路电流法计算题图2—5所示电路中的各支路电流.V 45题题2-5V 45解题图15解:首先对于题图2—5所示电路的三条支路电流分别确定参考方向,如解题图15所示。
然后应用基尔霍夫电流定律和基尔霍夫电压定律定律列出下列三个方程:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+=++=+=++==-+3223231131321I6I 5I 3I 6I 245I 6I 20I 10I 6I 10700I I I 解之,得A3I A 5I A2I 321===2—6 应用支路电流法计算题图2—6所示电路中的各支路电流。
解:如题图2—6所示,电路中的四条支路均为并联,其中一条支路电流为已知,根据支路电流法可知,只需列出三个独立方程即可求解.为看图方便,将电路中4Ω电阻支路改画到解题图16所示的地方,应用基尔霍夫电流定律对结点a 列出一个电流方程,再应用基尔霍夫电压定律对电路左边回路和中间回路列出两个电压方程,即⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+=+==++-I4I 4.0116I 4I 8.0120010I I I 2121解之,得A13.28I A 75.8I A38.9I 21===2—8 电路如题图2—8所示,试用结点电压法计算图中电阻R L 两端电压U ,并计算理想电流源的功率。
新编实用英语综合教程3 unit(1-6) 课后答案

Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 11、are going to apply for a patent on it2、ve you made the necessary preparations3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready4、w long will it take to get the patentPut in Use : Practice 21、at findings have you got from the market research2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent years5、their views on consumption are also changing rapidly6、So you believe the potential market for mobile phones will be quite largePut in Use : Practice 31、are you interested in2、something about them3、 model do you prefer4、the functions or the price5、show you6、What's your price on that / What's the price Listen and JudgeTFFTTTTFListen and Respond1、In an automobile store2、To give it to his daughter as a birthday gift3、Only one4、About three months5、RMB 208 600 yuan6、In installmentsListen and Read1、Washing2、ten/103、Extremely4、Customers5、fresh smell6、Ingredients7、Larger8、Thicker9、Benefit10、less tired and less sleepyPassage I : Read and Think 1BDDCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 1、Because face-to-face selling can provide immediate feedback which helps salespeople to adapt.2、The purpose is to generate a lot of interest and book sales at no cost to the publisher.3、Because they want to get free publicity for their products.4、He believed that a consumer might not pay any attention to an ad—but might carefully read a long magazine story with the same information.5、Publicity is a very cheap (even free of charge) promotion method, and it might be more effective than paid advertising.Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Scattered2、Convinced3、Generated4、Prompted5、Identify6、Flexible7、Feedback8、Presentation9、Target10、objectivePassage I : Read and Complete 21、Direct2、Combine3、Establish4、Events5、Purchase6、Backgrounds7、Occupations8、Candidate9、Vital10、communicatePassage 1:Read and Translate1、She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2、He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3、You should always aim at doing your job well .4、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.5、The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6、Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Passage 1:Read and Simulate1、The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields.You like sports, while I prefer music.2、The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax due on his /her spouse's salary.There are so many different CD versions to choose from and I have no idea which is the best.3、The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good to the health of people without examining any other factors.4、In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building.I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.5、There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish.Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming.Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTTFFFTPassage II : Read and Translate 1、It has become a very common but very annoying practice to promotea new product on television.2、On Christmas Day, New Century Department Store gave away a small box of chocolate to every customer who shopped there.3、After waiting for a long time, we finally saw the President show up on the platform.4、Telephone booths placed one after another along the streets is the symbol of civilization and a beautiful view of the city as well.5、The spaceships manned by Chinese have witnessed two successful outer space missions.6、Even today, I still remember clearly what the old headmaster said at our graduation ceremony.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、made in 2、traditional product 3、famous brand4、Manufactured 5、special and tasty 6、a high reputation7、Health Food 8、the best seller 9、awards and medals10、the dried beefUnit 2Put in Use : Practice 11、Founded2、Employees3、Products4、Annual production / output5、Developing6、R&DPut in Use : Practice 21、We have been dealing in importing automobiles.2、We have three branches in China.3、It's in Toronto.4、They were about 180 million yuan.5、It's about ten percent.Listen and Complete1、19822、Stock3、Shanghai4、Hong Kong5、Tokyo6、mobile telephones7、digital cameras8、Sales9、200 00010、$80 000 000Listen and DecideDAACBListen and Read1、the 21st century2、Tokyo, JAPAN3、President and CEO4、June 17, 19375、135.3 billion yen6、21 6717、Software8、Communications SystemsPassage I : Read and Think 1 BCACDPassage I : Read and Think 21、Maintain market alertness2、Employee equal opportunity3、Excellent working conditions4、Produce outstanding quality5、market standard6、distribution channels7、Haier innovation8、Slack season9、Flexible strategies10、Goal of complete customer satisfaction Passage I : Read and Complete 11、Advancement2、Conservative3、Reflected4、Significance5、Distinctive6、Innovating7、had established8、Recognized9、PositivelyPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Referred2、Marketing3、Release4、Originally5、Introduction6、Differed7、Reputation8、Revolutionized9、Innovative10、AvailablePassage I : Read and Translate1、How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2、The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3、According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several pasengers.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.4、He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union, but he didn't get in / succeed.5、Throughout one-year industrious work, the company has achieved all its goals this year.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you.My suggestion is that you should buy that multifunctional sofa because it may serve as a bed.2、This school began as a community college and has grown to one of the most famous universities in the state.Columbia began as a family owned hat distributorship in 1938, and has grown into one of the world's largest outerwear brands.3、Our mission is to be one of the leaders in performance running and one of the most admired.The commitment of our company is to introduce the products of our country to the customers throughout the world.4、Luxury is becoming a concept rooted in our modern drive to find personal meaning and satisfaction.In history, "value" is itself a human concept rooted in rational and moral principles.5、Our president encourages us to improve ourselves by reading an houra day in our fields.According to a new research, smokers can reduce their risk for heart disease by cutting down on smoking cigarettes.Passage II : Read and Judge FFTTFFTTTFPassage II : Read and Complete1、19182、19633、5 0004、Nine5、19656、one million dollars7、2008、19859、Twenty-Five10、thirty five thousand11、one billion12、eight hundred thousandPassage II : Read and Translate1、This method has proved to be very successful.2、We won't know the worth of health until we are ill.3、This kind of performance was very popular with college students.4、It is recognized that smoking is bad to one's health.5、The best way to learn something is to do it.6、They will compete with swimmers from across the world.7、We can't solve all the problems, but we certainly can ease their suffering.8、I had a lot of fun that evening and so did everyone else at the party. Applied Writing : Read and Complete1、Spring Inc2、New York City3、four / 44、150%5、men's casual sportswear6、ServicesApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、was established2、specialize in3、annual sales4、is growing steadily5、Branches6、With7、serve the needs8、further develop9、deal with10、doing businessUnit 3Put in Use : Practice 11、Certainly. Here's the catalogue for some of our popular items.2、Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.3、We have a steady supply for most of them.4、We usually quote on a CIF basis.5、You'll find our prices very attractive.Put in Use : Practice 21、Fine2、have / take3、If4、For5、Long6、For7、Changes8、OutListen and JudgeTTFTFFFListen and Respond1、In HK dollars.2、The seller will reduce the total payment by one percent.3、$405 per unit.4、Because that is the standard practice on the FOB basis.5、The buyer.6、No, not yet.Listen and Read1、November2、Delivery3、Able4、Type5、Demand6、Month7、January8、Customers9、Models10、CarryPassage I : Read and Think DACCAPassage I : Read and Complete 11、purchased goods online2、eBay3、ISP4、user account names Passwords5、Failed6、Danger7、CarefulPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Denied2、Partly3、had risked4、Removed5、Failed6、Disaster7、Assumed8、Discourage9、Registered10、ResidentsPassage I : Read and Complete 31、Need2、Through3、See4、With5、Process6、Whom7、Party8、Another9、Not10、AboutPassage I : Read and Translate1、The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.2、High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart disease.3、Think twice before you make any important decisions.4、A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.5、Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem. Passage I : Read and Simulate1、If there is a problem, we never point fingers at each other.They pointed fingers at one another for failing to prevent the disaster.2、It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solved in the near future. It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.3、This computer virus is spreading, and all online users are at risk.The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.4、I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.5、Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it clearly?Passage II : Read and Judge TFTTTFFFPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、40% of all Canadians have access to the Internet2、The Internet is a universal information system3、Access to "the web" is easy4、obtain information5、set up a website of your own6、expand your business7、settle payment by credit cardtApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 1Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 2June 26, 2003Bank of China, ShanghaiSmith and Sons Co., Ltd. Southampton, EnglandShanghai Zhongnan Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai, China One Hundred And Fifteen Thousand US Dollars (US$ 115 000.00) August 26, 2003Bank of China, Shanghaiat sight1、commercial invoice five (5) DEF—101 June 3, 20032、Packing list five (5) Cotton Grade A, 100 Tons (CIF Southampton)3、Clean "On Board", "Freight Prepaid" Bill of Lading4、Insurance certificateShanghai, ChinaSouthampton, EnglandProhibitedPermittedUnit 4Put in Use : Practice 11、hire more people2、who will train and supervise the new employees we hire3、Normally, it takes three weeks to train an employee before he canwork 4、on his ownT5、he training sessions are too long6、But the new employees don't know anything about the computer and it7、also takes time to train them to use the computer8、That way you can cut down the training timePut in Use : Practice 21、mainly on fire prevention and office safety2、and controlled by the automatic sprinkler system3、I'll show you around after the talk4、one at either end of the corridor on each floor5、You can dial the emergency number on the telephone set there Listen and DecodeTFTFTListen and Respond1、From next Monday on.2、About the office rules.3、One should be quite familiar with office routines and try to do everything well.4、Keeping things in order.5、Be careful not to throw things about.Listen and Read1、Introduce2、Information3、Enable4、Acquire5、Planned6、Trainees7、Leave8、Designed9、Combine10、QualifiedPassage I : Read and Think 1 DDCCAPassage I : Read and Think 2 TTFTFFPassage I : Read and Complete 11、Perspective2、Assigned3、Revealed4、Insight5、Unintended6、Contrast7、Startled8、Perform9、feel like10、serving asPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Employees2、is concerned with3、Operate4、Responsive5、calls for6、Employers7、turn out8、On the other hand9、no denying10、MeansPassage I : Read and Translate1、In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.2、In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances to meet students of all sorts of nationalities.3、In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.4、My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.5、We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.6、When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.Passage I : Read and Simulate 1、He seems to know the way better than I do.His voice seemed to have disturbed her.2、His carelessness led to this accident.Hard work leads to success.3、I was assigned to a small room when I started my work in the college.Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.4、Don’t leave until I arrive.I won’t stop shouting until you let me go.5、My eyes were irritated by the smoke.The boss was irritated by the clerk’s rude behavior.6、When it came to his turn, he rose from his seat.When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.7、Instead of improving, he is getting worse.They built a reservoir half way up the mountain instead of at the top.Passage II : Read and Judge CCABDPassage II : Read and Rewrite1、manage2、Pertaining3、Need4、Require5、Competitive6、Technology7、Necessary8、change or learnPassage II : Read and Translate1、We are sorry, but this vacancy has already been filled.2、We have now entered the information age and left behind the industrial age.3、The rapid change of the global economy calls for college students to master the latest technology.4、We must try our best to develop ourselves to meet the needs of the new situation.5、It should be admitted that really qualified college teachers are hard to find.6、Prevention of disaster and terrorism requires a new set of management skills.Applied Writing : Read and JudgeFTFTFApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 11、have a training program2、conduct the new sales representative training program3、seek his advice and past experience4、searching for an outside trainer5、enjoys a good reputation in Asia6、may review the materials with the consulting firm7、what sort of training content we expectUnit 5Put in Use : Practice 11、the headline of the advertisement for our computers2、the headline is more important than the body3、What do you think of this headline4、it's a little too plain5、Shall we discuss the body of the advertisement firstPut in Use : Practice 21、We mainly deal with outdoor advertising.2、The choice of an advertising place depends on how much you are prepared to pay.3、Yes, but it can make your product widely known.Listen and Complete1、Media World2、Night and Day Advertising company3、Copywriters4、people don't work long in advertising5、safer than in advertisingListen and Decide1、Five years ago.2、About three years ago.3、She works closely with the clients and advertisement writers and works out advertising strategies with them.4、Below 30.5、Yes, there are also a lot of older people in it.Listen and Read1、American citizen2、nearly $ 3703、Argue4、Services5、Purchasing6、larger quantities7、in turnPassage I : Read and Think 1CDCACPassage I : Read and Think 21、Female2、New York City3、Married4、the World's Fair5、Top 10 advertisinPassage I : Read and Complete 11、soared2、Milestone3、Commercial4、Nutrition5、Amused6、Charming7、Icon8、Presented9、Romantic10、SymbolizesPassage I : Read and Complete 21、Pleasuret2、Icon3、Industry4、Appearance5、Consumers6、Commercials7、Campaign8、Launch9、Extend10、AccomplishmentPassage I : Read and Translate1、Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.2、On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year.3、The children were amused by the story about the cat.4、The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.5、Walking after supper promotes digestion.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.What we lack currently is credibility.2、Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almost been synonymous with the outstanding Party member.3、His misery in life began when he first tried the drugs.His romantic life began when he first touched a painting brush.4、The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy it again.We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang.5、Even today, a bunch of roses symbolizes love.Even today, war symbolizes destruction.Passage II : Read and JudgeFFFTTTFFPassage II : Read and Translate1、This kind of bed can be assembled easily with a screwdriver.2、She embodies all the best qualities of a doctor.3、Where are your so-called intimate friends when you are confronted with difficulties.4、The manufacturer-recommended retail price for the pens is 18 yuan a piece and the wholesale price is 12 yuan each.5、Although they are brothers, their personalities are quite distinct.Applied Writing : Simulate and Create 1DCDABApplied Writing : Simulate and Create 21、Non-Smoking M2、Reasonable rates3、No Job too BIG or too Small4、NANNY for downtown familyUnit 6Put in Use : Practice 11、I've been asked to come to investigate the damage to the load which this lorry was carrying2、It's your firm which is making the claim. Am I right3、I think these desks could be repainted4、We'll never be able to repair them5、They must have been under water for some time6、Your company should file a formal claim with this report and your policy within 14 daysPut in Use : Practice 21、That would save us a lot of trouble and time2、You cover WPA and War Risks, don't you3、do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks4、then don't bother. I was merely enquiring5、Thus the premium for the difference between 130% and 110% of the invoice value should6、be borne by the buyersListen and Complete1、an insurance company2、personal insurance3、liability insurance4、profit loss insurance5、Profit loss6、property insurance Listen and Decide CBACDListen and Read1、any insurance2、the coverage3、Insure4、Most often5、rely on6、Sells7、Represent8、Offer9、Shopping10、languagePassage I : Read and Think BDACBDPassage I : Read and Match 5 7 1 8 4 2 9 3 6 11 10Passage I : Read and Complete 11、provided2、Leveled3、on a large scale4、results in5、Financial6、Damaged7、States8、resulted from9、guard against10、entered intoPassage I : Read and Complete 2ACCBD BCCBDPassage I : Read and Translate1、These companies entered into a new agreement.2、A company has been set up to produce mobile phones on a large scale.3、This accident resulted in the death of 2 passengers.4、We'd better insure the house against fire.5、Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.Passage I : Read and Simulate1、The best way to guard against tooth decay is through brushing teeth every day.The best way to guard against infection is through vaccination.2、The purpose of the book is to introduce the basic knowledge of engineering.The purpose of the competition is to provide university students with a stage to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.3、This is possible only when the wheels stop turning.This is possible only when the weather is fine.4、In terms of economy, nations can be divided into two groups: developed countries and developing countries.The pie can be divided into five pieces so that everyone gets piece.5、We should try our best to reduce the mistakes resulting from carelessness.They are assessing the loss resulting from the air crash.Passage II : Read and Judge 1 FFFTTTFTPassage II : Read and RewriteInsuranceAdoptClaimRequiredInformrefused / disclaimedCourtPassage II : Read and Translate1、He has been working hard to maintain his family.2、I want a specific answer to the question I asked you yesterday.3、He put his books on the shelf in order.4、Many cities in China have to rely on the Yangtze River for water supply.5、Are you eligible to join this club?6、We used to cook on coal, but we've now switched to gas.Applied Writing : Read and Simulate 2FTFTTTApplied Writing : Read and Complete1、ship consignments of cameras to Australia2、you can issue an all-risks policy for these shipments3、you can issue a special rate4、regular monthly shipments5、We look forward to hearing from you very soon。
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电解专题一1、A 水晶主要成分是SiO 22、B B 中都表示羟基3、AB 亚磷酸(H 3PO 3)只生成的两种钠盐(NaH 2PO 3和Na 2HPO 3),前者为酸式盐,后者为正盐,亚磷酸是二元酸。
4、AB 令金属元素为R,原子量为M ,其最高价为+n 价,则其氟化物化学式为RF n , 恒有 M 1=M+19n (1) 讨论:① 当n 为奇数时,其硫酸盐化学式为R 2(SO 4)n ,故有 M 2=2M+96n (2) 联列(1)、(2)两式得n=(M 2-2M 1)/58② 当n 为奇偶数时,其硫酸盐化学式为R(SO 4)n/2,故有 M 2=M+48n (3) 联列(1)、(3)两式得n=(M 2-M 1)/295、BC 在C 50中所含碳碳单键数:50,碳碳双键数:25;而C 50Cl 10中所含碳碳单键数:55,碳碳双键数:20,碳氯单键数:106、 A 中:V(NO):V(H 2):V(CO 2) = 2:4:7B 中:V(NO 2):V(H 2):V(O 2) = 4:8:5 7、⑴CaCO 3+2HCl==CaCl 2+H 2O+CO 2↑ ⑵ 仪器 加入试剂 加入试剂的目的 B 饱和NaHCO 3溶液 除去二氧化碳中的氯化氢C 过氧化钠固体 与二氧化碳反应 DNaOH 溶液吸收二氧化碳气体⑶2Na 2O 3+2CO 2==2Na 2CO 3+O 2⑷用带火星的木条伸到试管F 的管底,如果木条复燃,说明过氧化钠与二氧化碳反应产生氧气,可做供氧剂。
8、⑴Ba 2+[]2-⑵H 2O 2+2H ++2Fe 2+==2Fe 2++2H 2O ⑶SiH 4,F 2,C 2H 6,Ar⑷N 2H 4(1)十2H 2O 2(1)==N 2(g)+4H 2O(g); △H==-641.5kJ/mol9、(1)Al 3+<Cl -<S 2-(2) 分子晶体4Al+3O 2↑ (3)2Al 2O 3(4) Be+2NaOH=Na 2BeO 2+H 2 ↑(5) 3:510、(1)Cr 2O 72-+6 Fe 2++14H += 6Fe 3++2Cr 3++7H 2OCl Cl S(2)1.5 (3)13.911、⑴ ,H 2O 2,N 2H 4, CO 2、C 2H 2、N 2O (任写两种)⑵(C 6H 10O 5)n NH 4NO 3 CH 2COOH 12、 (1) K 2CO 3和KHCO 3 (2) Cu 2(OH)2CO 3解析 令碱金属为A, 原子量为M ,可知两种碳酸盐应为正盐A 2CO 3和酸式盐AHCO 3,且质量之和为4.18-1.11=3.07(g )(1) 分析反应原理,可知3.07克混合物中:n(A 2CO 3)=0.25×6×10-3×10=0.015 (mol)n(AHCO 3)=(56×10-3×10)/22.4-0.015=0.01(mol)或n(AHCO 3)=(16-6×2)×10-3×0.25×10=0.01(mol)所以 (2M+60)×0.015+(M+61)×0.01=3.07 解之得 M=39 A 为K(1) 确定1.11克不溶性碳酸盐,思维层次如下:① 抓住“C ”守恒:1.11克难溶碳酸盐中n(CO 32-)=672.0×10-3/22.4-0.025=0.005(mol)② 挖掘隐性信息(数据),推出OH -:0.005molCO 32-将消耗0.01mol 的H +,而1.11克该难溶碳酸盐消耗H +的物质的量为2.5×8×10-3=0.02(mol ), 说明该盐必为碱式碳酸盐,且其中所含OH -的物质的量为0.01 mol.③ 抓住电荷守恒:快速确定该二价金属(设为B )的物质的量:n(B 2+)=0.01mol④ 运用摩尔比确定其化学式:n(B 2+):n(OH -): n(CO 32-)=2:2:1,即化学式为 B 2(OH)2CO 3 ⑤ 突破式量:M(B)=(1.11-60×0.005-17×0.01)/0.01=64, 即为Cu 。
专题二1、D 依据无色排除A ;依据酚酞变红排除B ;依据含有I -排除C2、C A 中还有NH 4+和OH -的反应;B 中应生成Mg(OH)2沉淀;D 中应生成Fe 3+3、C 与过量盐酸反应有气体生成惟有CO 32—,排除Ag +、Ba 2+;由(2)得出Al 3+和AlO 2—必有一种(不可能同时存在);而Na +、K +、SO 42—无法判断4、D A 可生成CO 32—或H CO 3—;B 可生成Al (OH )3或Al 3+;C 可生成S 或S 和FeS 5、C 关键是注意离子反应的顺序6、(1)2H ++SO 42—+Ba 2++2OH -===BaSO 4↓+2H 2O SO 42—+Ba 2+===BaSO 4↓(2)Ba 2++OH -+H ++SO 42—===BaSO 4↓+H 2O OH -+H +===H 2O(3)2Ba 2++4OH -+Al 3++2SO 42—===2BaSO 4↓+AlO 2—+2H 2OAl 3++3AlO 2—+6H 2O===4Al (OH )3↓ 7、4Zn +10H ++2NO 3-== 4Zn 2++N 2O↑+5H 2O ;(1)使生成的Zn(OH)2沉淀不溶解;促使Fe 3+完全水解为Fe(OH)3而除去。
(3) 抑制Zn 2+水解为Zn(OH)2。
OH HH N H8、(1)A ②④③④④①B ④③④①②④(2) 如下图提示:向混有少量HCl的MgSO4溶液中逐滴加入Ba(OH)2溶液,沉淀生成可分为3个阶段:第一阶段:只有Ba SO4生成,第二阶段:Ba SO4和Mg(OH)2同时生成,第三阶段:只有Mg(OH)2生成;并且第一阶段由于HCl的存在而未沉淀的Mg2+在第三阶段沉淀,故第一阶段和第三阶段在横坐标上等长。
9、⑴Br—、Na+、SO32—;Cu2+、Ba2+、CO32—;⑵无;⑶2Br—+ Cl2 == Br2 + 2Cl—;SO32—+ Cl2 + H2O==2H+ + SO42—+ 2Cl—10、⑴NaClO3,因为与相同量的Fe2+反应,NaClO3用量少;⑵应知道此温度下,溶液中Co2+和Ni2+能完全水解的pH值;⑶ 2 Fe(OH)3 + 3ClO—+ 4OH—== 2FeO42—+ 3Cl—+5H2O ,0.09N A或5.418×102211、1243 1432 21354 2135412、⑴[Cu(H2O)4]2+⑵[Cu(H2O)4 —x(NO3)x](2—x) (1<x<4)⑶可能是还原产物NO2溶入其中引起的。
专题三1、D 注意正确理解相关氧化还原反应概念2、A 题设反应为:4NH3+3F2=3NH4F+NF33、AD B中转移电子数为N A;C中Al失去电子数为2N A4、A 反应为:K 37ClO 3 + 6H 35Cl = K 35Cl + 535Cl —37Cl ↑+3 H 2O 故Cl 2的式量为70.67,反应中转移的电子数为5e -5、A 根据化合价升降的情况迅速得出6、 (1) R 3+ + Cl 2 + 6OH - RO 3- + 2 Cl -+ 3H 2O(2) 2Mn 2+ + 5RO 3- + 14H + 2MnO 4-+ 5R 3+ + 7H 2O 7、(1)甲;乙。
(2)单质A 可以是金属也可以是非金属。
(3)可能,2C +SiO 2=Si +2CO 等; (4)可能,2F 2+2H 2O =4HF +O 2等; (5)可能,2Mg +CO 2=2MgO +C 等 8、(1) n(H 2O) =mol mol g gg 00300.0·18437.0491.01=--(2) n(C 2O 42-) = 0.0500 mol ·L -1×0.024 L ×mol 00300.025= m(C 2O 42-) = 0.003 mol ×88 g ·mol -1 = 0.264g ω(C 2O 42-) =gg491.0264.0×100% = 53.8 %(3) 因为n(Fe 3+) = n(Fe 2+) = 0.0500 mol ·L -1×0.004 L ×5 = 0.00100 mol 1 :y :z = 0.00100 mol :0.00300 mol :0.00300 mol = 1 :3 :3 则 y = 3 , z = 3根据电荷平衡有:x + 3 = 2y ,得x = 3所以,化合物的化学式为:K 3Fe(C 2O 4)3·3H 2O9、(1)A 、E(2)A 、B 、C 有淡黄色沉淀生成 2S 2-+SO 32-+6H +=3S ↓+3H 2O10、⑴H O HN N⑵ ③ ①⑧ ⑶ Mg 3N 2 AgN 3⑷ Ag +2H ++NO 3-(浓)=Ag ++NO 2↑+H 2O11、⑴CN -+ClO - CNO -+Cl - 2CNO -+2H + +3ClO - N 2↑+2CO 2↑+3Cl -+H 2O⑵ a⑶去除Cl 2 防止空气中CO 2进入戊中影响测定准确度 ⑷ 82% 偏低①装置乙、丙、丁中可能滞留有CO 2 ②CO 2产生的速度较快未与戊中的澄清石灰水充分反应 ③Cl 2、HCl 在丙、丁中未吸收完全。
(三点中任意答两点即可)⑸ 建议一、不将甲中溶液一次全部加入乙中,改为分次加入,控制CO 2的产生速度;建议二、乙中瓶塞改为三孔塞,增加的那个孔中插入一根导管到液面以下,反应结束后缓缓通入除去CO 2的空气,使装置中滞留的CO 2尽可能多的与Ca(OH)2反应。
建议三、将戊中澄清石灰水改为浓度较大的NaOH 溶液,反应结束后向戊中加入足量CaCl 2后测沉淀质量。
等等12、实验Ⅰ:检验Na 2SO 3是否变质(或检验Na 2SO 3溶液中是否混有Na 2SO 4)实验Ⅱ:氢氧化铁胶体(或胶体);先产生红褐色沉淀,后沉淀逐渐溶解,溶液变为黄色;有气泡产生;Fe 3+ + 3SCN —==Fe(SCN)3实验Ⅲ:Fe 3+与SO 32—同时发生氧化还原反应和双水解反应;2Fe 3++3CO 32—+3H 2O=2Fe(OH)3↓+3CO 2↑①SO 32—有较强的还原性,CO 32—没有还原性;②SO 32—水解能力较CO 32—小 专题四1、D 浓硫酸水合放热2、D 从两个热化学方程式可得石墨比金刚石稳定3、C 显然两盐不符合复分解反应条件4、AC 催化剂不会改变一个化学反应的反应热5、AC 在此条件下,向原平衡体系再充入氨气,过程吸热,说明正反应放热;又根据等效平衡知识,后充入的0.2molNH 3的分解率应为70%,若 2 molNH 3完全分解所吸收的热量应为2%702.044.6⨯⨯ =92,故C 正确。