
Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 4NAME:SCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction ...........................................................Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel.........................Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la Hotel..............Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New Structure.......Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New Structure.Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New Structure. ......Conclusion. ...........................................................Reference. ............................................................IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to examine the understanding of management structure in the organization and its application. There are five sections in the report: management structure before merger; management structure after new development; contingency approach and its variables after merger; different relationships within the new structure; relevance of different relationships with new structure.Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la HotelAt present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span ofcontrol. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flowof information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure.Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions aretaken by the top management and the other levels implement the directions that top manager gives. In the case, Craig mainly used the centralized approach. For example, all his subordinates must follow the menu made by Craig. And Craig made decisions by himself and allocated tasks to kitchen staff and waiters. It should be a centralized approach. Decentralization means top manager delegates authorities to all levels of management. In the case, Ailsa used this decentralized approach. For example, in the management of Ailsa, she gave rights to Antonio to run things. It was a decentralized approach.Line structure: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. Its advantage is that it is very convenient to communicate because of the direct line relationship. However, because it needs an one-to-one managing process, the managing tasks are too heavy. It will be costly. In this case, Craig used the line approach. Craig allocated specific tasks to different staffs. He required that all staffs should do dishes following his menu. And he required the waiters should attend to customers within five minutes of being seated. He managed all the individuals in the restaurant directly. So it was a line approach.Team structure: it refers to divide the entire organization into work groups or teams. After dividing into teams, there will be high employee involvement and empowerment. The functional barriers will also be reduced. However, the ambiguous chain of command will arise. In the case, Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach.Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management of the hotel, Craig ’s staffs were divided into following parts: the kitchen cook, the purchasing staff and the waiters. They did different tasks and made different products or service tocustomers. So it was a products or service approach.Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la HotelAfter the new development of the organization, the organizational structure can be divided into three parts: the manager, the staff and the supplier. It is called a Shamrock management structure. The departmentalization approach could also be used.Product departmentalization: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, before merger, it consists of four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. There would be additional two types after the merger. One was is farm , the other is Gordon’s restaurant.Shamrock structure: It especially refers to the three-part or three levels of an organizational structure. In the shamrock organization there are three different groups of people: basic managers, employees as the core part, the external co- workers and the part-time workers as a form of supplement.As above graph shows, the organization of the hotel was divided into three parts in the Shamrock model. The first part was the manager in the organization. This part played an important role in the organization. In the case, Craig was a manager who directs the tasks in the kitchen and the restaurant. He arranged and managed the kitchen and restaurant into a normal operation. Ailsa played a key role in the marketing and management of the hotel. She worked hard in the Supplier-Gordo Managermanaging hotel development and made great progress finally. The second part was staff. Therenwere four types : chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. They also played an important role in the operating activities of the hotel. The chambermaids and waiting staffsprovided service to customers and the kitchen supplied foods and drinks to customers. The thirdFarm supply: 3 staffs Craig: Kitchenpart was supplier- Gordon. Gordon supplied raw materials from his farm to Craig’s kitchen. Also, Restaurant:wife, 2 RestaurantGordon opened a restaurantchefs, 4whichwaitersconsisted of his wife, twoAlisa:chefsMarketingandfour waiters. Every partin the Shamrock organization has their own expectations.Managing thehotelChambermaidsReceptionKitchen staffWaiting staff.Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New StructureContingency theory holds the view that there is no one best way to structure. The particular situational factors such as size, technology or task will determine the systems and structures employed.Task: it means that the nature and size of the task will influence shaping the organization. For example, in the case, before Gordon converted his farm house to his restaurant, his main task was to grow and sell organic products. So the organization was a simple one. After owning a restaurant, the tasks became complicated and the organization structure became complicatedas well. So the nature and size of the task will determine the type of the organization structure.Technology: Technology relates to the production process used. It is not just related to the information technology, but also to the technology of producing a product or supplying service.In this case, before the merger of Gordon’s farm as a hotel, Ailsa made marketing strategiesand plans which focused on the city customers and business. After the merger, Ailsa mustmake another different marketing strategy which should be feasible in Gordon’s farm. Appropriate technology is very important in the operating process of an organization.Size: It is an essential factor that influences the shape and structure of an organization. Also, different size of organizations have different producing procedures and outcomes.In the case, after the merger, the hotel had a lot of changes in the size. For example, the number of stuffwas increasing. Besides, because Gordon’s farm was a part of the hotel, it would be less costlyto buy raw materials used in the kitchen. It would a competitive advantage in price within its competitors.Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New StructureLine relationship: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in aline relationship. In the case, Craig was responsible for managing and directing the kitchenstaff and waiters. He allocated the specific tasks to different staffs to ensure that his plans were completed. This was an example of the line relationship.Staff relationship: It means the relationship between the staffs in different departments. Forexample, in the case, the relationship between reception staff and other staffs, such as the maintenance staff.Functional relationship: It is a relationship which exists between different functions in the hotel. In the case, for example, the relationship between the accountant function and other functions. They all had closed relationship in the organization.Lateral relationship: It is a relationship which exists between the same level of staffs which are in different systems and do different tasks. For example, there were waiters in both Ailsa ’s and Craig’s management system. But waiters in Craig’s restaurant supplied service to customers eating here. And waiters in Ailsa ’s hotel supplied service to customers living here. This was a lateral relationship.Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New StructureAuthority: It is a right to order or direct others to do specific tasks, and then attract the responses which are appropriate to achieve the goals of the organization. For example, in the case, only Craig had the authority to allocate tasks to his staffs. And only Craig and Saskia had the right to sign for any procedure. Few changes appeared after the merger.Responsibility:It is the obligation for some people in the organization to perform a task, assignment or function. In the case, for example, Antonio as a reception manager, had the responsibility on reception of clients. Few changes appeared after the merger.Delegation: It is an action to pass the responsibility or authority to a person to carry out and complete the specific task. In the case, Ailsa delegated her right to Antonio to help her manage the hotel. However, Craig hardly delegated any right to others. As a result, it caused some problems such as staffs’complaints. The suggestion is that Craig should delegate some rights to the staff, such as some decision-making. In this way, the involvement of the staffs will be increased. And the efficiency of kitchen operation will be improved.ConclusionThe findings of the report reveal the management structures, contingency theory and different relationships and their applications in different situations.ReferenceYuan Yu, Zhang Shutao,2021,Managing People and Organisations, China Modern Economic Publishing House.。

Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 4NAME:SCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction .............................................................................................................................................................. Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel.................................................................................. Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la Hotel....................................................... Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New Structure........................................Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New Structure .........................Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New Structure ...................................... Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................ Reference ..................................................................................................................................................................IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to examine the understanding of management structure inthe organization and its application. There are five sections in the report: management structure before merger; management s tructure after new development; contingency approach and its variables after merger; different relationships within the new structure; relevance of different relationships with new structure.Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la HotelAt present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products orservices: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.Flat structure: it means that a business has f ew vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. H owever, because o f wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure.Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken by the top management and the other levels implement the directions that top manager gives. In the case, Craig mainly used the centralized approach. For example, all his subordinates must follow the menu made by Craig. And Craig made decisions by himself and allocated tasks to kitchen staff and waiters. It should be a centralized approach. Decentralization means top manager delegates authorities to all levels of management. In the case, Ailsa used this decentralized approach. For example, in the management of Ailsa, she gave rights to Antonio to run things. It was a decentralized approach.Line structure: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. Its advantage is that it is very convenient to communicate because of the direct line relationship. However, because it needs an one-to-one managing process, the managing tasks are too heavy. It will be costly. In this case, Craig used the line approach. Craig allocated specific tasks to different staffs. He required that all staffs should do dishes following his menu. And he required the waiters should attend to customers within five minutes of being seated. He managed all the individuals in the restaurant directly. So it was a line approach.Team structure: it refers to divide the entire organization into work groups or teams. After dividing into teams, there will be high employee involvement and empowerment. The functional barriers will also be reduced. However, the ambiguous chain of command will arise. In the case, Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach.Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management of the hotel, Craig ’s staffs were divided into following parts: the kitchen cook, the purchasing staff and the waiters. They did different tasks and made different products or service to customers. So it was a products or service approach.Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la HotelAfter the new development of the organization, the organizational structure can be divided into three parts: the manager, the staff and the supplier. It is called a Shamrock management structure. The departmentalization approach could also be used.Product departmentalization: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, before merger, it consists of four types: chambermaids, r eception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. There would be additional two types after the merger. One was is farm , the other is Gordon ’s restaurant.Shamrock structure: It especially refers to the three-part or three levels of an organizational structure. In the shamrock organization there are three different groups of people: basic managers, employees as the core part, the external co- workers and the part-time workers as a form of supplement.As above graph shows, the organization of the hotel was divided into three parts in the Shamrock model. The first part was the manager in the organization. This part played an important role in the organization. In the case, Craig was a manager who directs the tasks in the kitchen and the restaurant. He arranged and managed the kitchen and restaurant into a normal operation. Ailsa played a key role in the marketing andmanagement of the hotel. She worked hard in the managing hotel development and made great progress finally. The second part was staff. There were four types : chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. They also played anCraig: Kitchen Restaurant Alisa: MarketingFarm supply: 3 staffsRestaurant: wife, 2 chefs, 4waiters ManagerSupplier-Gordonimportant role in the operating activities of the hotel. The chambermaids and waiting staffs provided service to customers and the kitchen supplied foods and drinks to customers. The third part was supplier- Gordon. Gordon supplied raw materials from his farm to Craig’s kitchen. Also, Gordon opened a restaurant which consisted of his wife, two chefs and four waiters. Every part in the Shamrock organization has theirown expectations.Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New StructureContingency theory holds the view that there is no one best way to structure. The particular situational factors such as size, technology or task will determine the systems and structures employed.Task: it means that the nature and size of the task will influence shaping the organization. For example, in the case, before Gordon converted his farm house to his restaurant, his main task was to grow and sell organic products. So the organization was a simple one. After owning a restaurant, the tasks became complicated and the organization structure became complicated as well. So the nature and size of the task will determine the type of the organization structure.Technology: Technology relates to the production process used. It is not just related to the information technology, but also to the technology of producing a product or supplying service. In this case, before the merger of Gordon’s farm as a hotel, Ailsa made marketing strategies and plans which focused on the city customers and business. After the merger, Ailsa must make another different marketing strategy which should be feasible in Gordon’s farm. Appropriate technology is very important in the operating process of an organization.Size: It is an essential factor that influences the shape and structure of an organization. Also, different size of organizations have different producing procedures and outcomes. In the case, after the merger, the hotel had a lot of changes in the size. For example, the number of stuff was increasing. Besides, because Gordon’s farm was a part of the hotel, it would be less costly to buy raw materials used in the kitchen. It would a competitive advantage in price within its competitors.Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New StructureLine relationship: it means that authority comes down from the boss to their staff directly in a line relationship. In the case, Craig was responsible for managing and directing the kitchen staff and waiters. He allocated the specific tasks to different staffs to ensure that his plans were completed. This was an example of the line relationship.Staff relationship: It means the relationship between the staffs in different departments. For example, in the case, the relationship between reception staff and other staffs, such as the maintenance staff.Functional relationship: It is a relationship which exists between different functions in the hotel. In the case, for example, the relationship between the accountant function and other functions. They all had closed relationship in the organization.Lateral relationship: It is a relationship which exists between the same level of staffs which are in different systems and do different tasks. For example, there were waiters in both Ailsa’s and Craig’s management system. But waiters in Craig’s restaurant supplied service to customers eating here. And waiters in Ailsa’s hotel supplied service to customers living here. This was a lateral relationship.Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New StructureAuthority: It is a right to order or direct others to do specific tasks, and then attract the responses which are appropriate to achieve the goals of the organization. For example, in the case, only Craig had the authority to allocate tasks to his staffs. And only Craig and Saskia had the right to sign for any procedure. Few changes appeared after the merger.Responsibility:It is the obligation for some people in the organization to perform a task, assignment or function. In the case, for example, Antonio as a reception manager,had the responsibility on reception of clients. Few changes appeared after the merger.Delegation: It is an action to pass the responsibility or authority to a person to carry out and complete the specific task. In the case, Ailsa delegated her right to Antonio to help her manage the hotel. However, Craig hardly delegated any right to others. As a result, it caused some problems such as staffs’complaints. The suggestion is that Craig should delegate some rights to the staff, such as some decision-making. In this way, the involvement of the staffs will be increased. And the efficiency of kitchen operation will be improved.ConclusionThe findings of the report reveal the management structures, contingency theory and different relationships and their applications in different situations.ReferenceYuan Yu, Zhang Shutao,2013,Managing People and Organisations, China Modern Economic Publishing House.。

Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction (2)Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2)Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3)Section 3: Open System Theory (3)Section 4: Different stakeholders (4)Section 5: Effective control strategy (4)Conclusion (5)Reference (5)IntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy.Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.Goals:Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals.Objectives:Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific than the goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.Policies:Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines. Craig stock only in the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. These are Shangri-La's purchase policies.Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization Each Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization. Formal organizationFormal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role. Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization. Informal organizationsInformal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life. Craig personal centralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups arecomposed of an informal organization.Section 3: Open System Theory什么事开放式系统Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality. Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment. SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.For SWOT analysis of cases.Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year, if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years. Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter difficulties at the hotel she can solve problems in time. All staffs are going to the local college. Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, so as to improve the hotel's service quality.Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing.Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints, it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff. Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel. Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation.Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customer of Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend, will lower the Shangri-La's customers.Section 4: Different stakeholdersInternal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.Owner: Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. The Stewart families are owners. Respectively SandyStewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.Manager: Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. They can get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.Employee: Employee training opportunities, and opportunities for promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenance staff are employees.External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer. Government :Government to comply with the legislation to ensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governmentsSupplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships are also important. In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.Financer:Financers are responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment and loan period.Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making. United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services. In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.Section 5: Effective control strategyPersonal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen. Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig to dinner is a strict requirement.Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company. Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.ConclusionI learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, can better serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。

IntroductionThe main content of this report describes the difficulties faced by the A G Bell Ltd. in High town and the solutions. How to solve the problem of human resource management. This report is divided into three main parts. The three main parts are policy statement the main body of the training and strategy responsibilities for training at AG Bell Ltd Training and developing the workforce is important in company.Section 1: policy statement1.Policy StatementA G Bell Ltd. is provide 24/7 call center services. The company provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The department of the company is made up of teams. The company's less hierarchy is conducive to communication between organizations, Inter Organizational Communication is conducive to the development of the company and to avoid mistakes in the work.The company’s organization wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. The company will relocate to larger premises for the next two months. The recruitment and training of employees is very important. The company carries on the personalized training to the staff, to be trained by the company staff to improve work efficiency to meet the needs of the company. The company recruitment is diversified. The company recruiting vulnerable groups. The company give attention to vulnerable group of employees. Employees contribute to the organization through training.2.The main body of the Training StrategyA.the nature of AG Bell LtdAG Bell Ltd.’s vision is provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. Customers are satisfied with the service from AG BellLtd. AG Bell Ltd development to get more market share. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The company’s recruitment is distinctively, Ltd. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group, it is very important for the company to train the staff from a disadvanged group.B.the commitment and the contributionCommitment:AG Bell Ltd. come to High Town to face a lot of difficulties. The difficulties includes local economic decline, local employment rate is low and laborer’s skills is low. But AG Bell Ltd. to overcome these difficulties. The company training staff to improve skills and work efficiency. The company is committed to the fair treatment of each employee. The company encourage every employee to work better. The good performance of the staff is good for the organization to achieve the goal and profit maximization.Contribution: The AG Bell Ltd. has made a lot of contributions to the society. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group. AG Bell Ltd. helped High Town down the unemployment rate. The company helped disadvanged group’s ease the burden on the family. Companies can open lectures and psychological counseling to help disadvanged group overcome psychological barriers. The Company can strengthen exchanges and cooperation between employees. The company's good reputation is good for the company to get the customer's satisfaction and more market share.Section 2: The main body of the training strategyA.the major issues of AG Bell Ltd.AG Bell Ltd. will face a lot of difficulties in the next two years. AG Bell Ltd. wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. High proportion of traditional industries in High Town, so High Town employee has no experience in call center services.AG Bell Ltd. concerned about disadvantage groups. AG Bell Ltd. recruitment has acharacteristic, recruit staff from disadvantage groups. They may have psychological barriers. Staff from disadvantage groups may have an inferiority complex and they may not be willing to communicate with their colleagues. They need equal treatment and training.High Town’s local economic downturn. The unemployment rate of High Town’s traditional manufacturing industry is low. So the skills of the unemployed workers are low. The company takes a long time to train the staff.B.Training needsAG Bell Ltd. moved to High Town five years ago. AG Bell Ltd. needs to have a familiar process in High Town. The contents of AG Bell Ltd. training staff include personal team leadership; information technology; safety and health knowledge; Fluent communication skills.C.Resource implication of training needsAbout health and safety training and customers service training both of training for organizational group and individual. The organizational short-term training includes to understand the local cultural environment and lecture of employee psychological enlighten, organizational medium to long-term training includes cultivate customer loyalty and to update employee benefits policy. Group’s short-term training includes familiar with work flow training and the training of the employees are familiar with each other. Group’s medium to long-term training includes training for group leader; and improve the training of group work efficiency. Individual short-term training includes job skills training and mental health training Individual medium to long-term training includes the training of employees' loyalty to the company and training of employees' benefits and features.Section 3: responsibilities for training at AG Bell LtdA.B.ManagerManager analyzed the company's performance and achievements. Managersupports an employee who works hard.C.D.Team leaderTeam leader has different training for different job roles.E.F.Training professionalsTraining professional’s organization design training and development strategy.Training professionals designed and produced materials for training.G.IndividualDetermine individual training needs.ConclusionWith the help of human resource management, the company has solved many problems about training. A G Bell Ltd. has a good social reputation. A G Bell Ltd. is concerned about the vulnerable groups. A G Bell Ltd. helped to lighten the burden of society. Wish A G Bell Ltd. a better and better development.R eferenceHallier, J. and Butts, S. (2000) ‘Attempts to advance the role of training: process and context’, Employee Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 375-402.King, N. (1994), ‘The qualitative research interview’, in Cassell, G., Symon, G. (Eds), Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, Sage Publications, London.。

Question 1Most of the time, organizations were established in order to complete specific goals .and these goals are very important which make sure the direction that the organization will take over the long-range and are not always very unambiguous. Actually, there are four types of goals. Operational Goal, Product Goal, Consumer Goal and Secondary Goal.When a goal relate to the consumer we called it consumer goal, at the same time others may include product goals which refer to the range of products and services, operational goals cover staffing levels and technology, according to the case study we can see “The Scotia Airways is the first airline to offer full business class services, but at prices that are equivalent to the economy class of its competitors,” is the consumer goal of the Scotia Airway.As we know, the Scotia Airways is an organization aims to make profit, in other words, Scotia Airway’s operation goal was to make profit and enhance the market share.Secondary goals are usually not the most important things but are all the same important that the organization would like to achieve, according to this case study we can see “Scotia Airways aspires to mark its international presence, by introducing flights to major European tourist destinations, as well as expanding to major business centre in Eastern European and the Middle and Far East.” is the Secondary goals of the Scotia Airways.In a sense, the objectives should have four key elements, they are Measurable, Attainable, objectives are more specific than goals, and in order to achieve goals the specific path must be formed. and Realistic and be Time-specific. In the case study you can see, the investors in Scotia Airways have set an ambitious program for expansion over the next 5 years to include long haul destinations. And the airlines international flights will only use custom built wide bodied aircraft, and would not offer economy class travel.Policies can provide a way to make sure that the management and staff can make decisions. Which also try to provide a guideline to channel a manager’s thinking in a specific direction. Again policies familiarly give an expression to the values of the main stakeholders. In the case study you can see, Senior Management agrees output targets with middle and junior managers and staff, and allows the operational planning to be determined by those managers and employees.RelationshipBusiness objectives are more specific and have the particular method in order to achieve goals; goals are usually determine the long-range direction of the organization. Objectives are narrow and are set for certain tasks in particular while goals are broader than objectives in the sense that goals are general intentions and are not specific enough to be measured, but they both have a certain time frame, goals usually have a longer time-frame than objectives, objectives are usually precise targets set for a short term, goals may be set for a longer term but many objectives may be set within that goal.AdviceEmployees is the basic part of Scotia Airways, so, if the Scotia Airways pay more attention to the welfare of the employee, they will pay more attention to their work for reward, because they will think that is a good choice to join in this company, or they will think this organization is just like their family. Scotia Airways will have a better future once the employees working hard. At the same time, Scotia Airways can set a feedback systems, this is to say, Scotia Airways should listen to their consumer’s suggestion, so the management can make some decision much easy and make fewer mistakes.Question 2Open systems is a useful system to business corporation because it can provide a ripe way of thinking, and its theory is a systems that interact with their environments. Inputs:Raw materials: the aircraft supporting facilities like oil.Machinery: Scotia Airway’s airplane.Human resources: 80 staff across all departments.Money: the investors invest much capital in Scotia Airways.Organization processes:Strategy: become an airline with international influence and can sustained profitability Objectives and goals: aims to provide exceptional value for money, unparalleled comfort and convenience to its passengers, every time they are on board. Structure: the Scotia Airways have three departments. Finance department, operations department, marketing and sales departmentManagement style: work together like a familyQuestion 3Formal organizationFormal organization has clear objectives, tasks, structure and the corresponding mechanism, the function and the members of the responsibility relations as well as member activities of the specification. Formal organizational is a certain structure, the same goals and specific functions behavior system. For example, Scotia Airway’s department, Finance department, marketing and sales department, and operations department.Informal organizationInformal organization has no formal plan organization structure, through interaction and from formal organization have clear objectives and organization operation mechanism. Informal organization intends to create a certain forms of way, this kind of organization form usually organization chart to illustrate.In Scotia Airways, some department like finance department is a permanent establishment, because the department is certain structure and have the right to decide the company strategy.Some organization in Scotia Airways is informal organization, like some basketball team in the Scotia Airways. The team is made up by the Scotia Airways employees. But it is not a formal organization because the team is only some employees who like to play basketball.Question 4Employees: employees are most interested in job security. This group is the most important part of an organization. Without their hard working, organization can not exist with normal operation. In short, they contribute to the organization and key to its success. For example, the airline currently employs 80 staffs across all departments. They are interest in job security, and the quality of their services will directly affect the company’s performance.The government: the government levy taxes and rules on organization sometimes may be expensive to carry out and follow. For example, if the government increases tax, it will make the profit, because the cost of sales is increase.Suppliers: suppliers always want to have a good relationship with the organization because they can achieve some benefits from it. For example, when the Scotia Airways have a very good relationship with the suppliers, the suppliers may be give a low price. It will decrease a lot of cost.Directors and managers: directors and managers are most interested in how to make maximum profit and achieve the goals made by the organization. For example, they have a clear idea that business travel was a growth area. And Scotia Airways need more money supports their company. Sure they have interest income from investment. Question 5Control through rules, policies and proceduresAs we all know, rules, policies and procedures can regulate people’s behavior, Scotia Airways try to let people know which management can make a decision by providing a working rules, it is good for the company, because it can make people work more efficient. Scotia Airways set a standard of policies which aims to provide exceptional value for money, unparalleled comfort and convenience to its passengers, and every time they are doing great because of the rules and policies, and through the rules, every employee knows what they should do and what the right manner is. So, the management can run the company much easy,ReferenceScottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 20.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 27.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 29.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House,Managing People and Organizations page 32.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 44.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 46.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 58.Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Managing People and Organizations page 72.。

1. Human Resource Management was introduced as a term to reflect how organisations achieed the best from their employees. It was reconised that the best way to compete in an ever-increasing worldwide market was to have highly motivated people.Human Resource Management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the personnel aspects of your management job, specifically, acquiring, training, appraising, rewarding, and providing a safe, ethical, and fair environment for your company’s employee s.2. (1)Human resources management is said to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while seeking to create and develop teams of workers for the benefit of the organization.Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. Human resource management, on the other hand, tends to be an integral part of overall company function.Personnel management is typically the sole responsibility of an organization's personnel department. With human resources management, all of an organization's managers are often involved in some manner, and a chief goal may be to have managers of various departments develop the skills necessary to handle personnel-related tasks.a.Emerging of Personnel Management/Social justiceEvolution of Personnel management started in 19th century. During the 19th century’s governments began to feel pressure from the working class masses who started to question and defy the power of the aristocracy. This was called the social reform. The working class began to form workplace combinations and trade organizations to provide a collective voice for their rights. The fist Trade Union Conference held in 1868. The personnel function arises from the work of nineteenth century social reformers.b.Grouth in PM 1914-1939/Human bureaucracyThe exact growth of personnel management started during First World War. Include the supply of welfare officer made mandatory by government and the title labour manager or employment manager came in the year 1920 in engineering industry and other industries where the factories was very importanty to handle absence、recruitment and so on. Second world war increased the importance of having personnel department In the early twentieth century, personnel began to move away from its primary focus on welfare. This was a period in which large-scale industrial organisations began to emerge. Personnel as a specialism started to take shape, with responsibility to look at areas such as organisational design and staffing. Some social scientis ts’ studies promoted the development of PM. For examples: Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayoc.Consent by negotiationDuring the 1950s and 1960s, the personnel function widened its role in organisations to include a bargaining role. Industrial relations became a key personnel role. The statutory duty placed on nationalised industries required them to negotiate with unions representing employees. University courses began to appear for personnel specialists. Personnel management perform different function such as Collective bargaining role, Implementation of legislation role, Social conscience of the business role, Growing performance improvement role.d. Organisation and integrationFrom the early 1980s, the Human Resources Management function is complex and as such has resulted in the formation of Human resource departments/divisions in companies to handle this function. The Human resource function has become a wholly integrated part of the total corporate strategy.Personnel specialists began to develop a closer role in the management of organisations, rather than dealing principally with employee issues on their behalf. The period also saw the growth of personnel as a career, with opportunities to specialise in specific areas. The practitioners of HRM are required to get certification ,such as CIPD.(2)a.Human recource planningHuman recource planning requires the human resource mangement function to ensure that it has in place the right type and number of workers in place at any given time.b.Recruitment and selectionRecruitment and selection are usually considered as one process. However, we will make the distinction here between the initial actions and considerations when planning staff recruitment and the process of selecting an individual from a pool of applicants. Recruitment needs to be carefully planned in order to attract the right type of applicant. Ultimately, this increases the chances of making a suitable selection and appointment. c. Training and DevelopmentMore and more organisations are recognising human capital as their most valuable asset. Retaining the best people in your company requires a comprehensive succession planning policy. In fact, corporate training and development is the solution to enhance the competence and capabilities of your people. Through training and development, you can observe improvements in performance of your workforce in handling their job more effectively. Equipped with the right skills and knowledge, your best people can perform better.d. Employee relationsEmployee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale. Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations.e. Pay and rewardIt is important for employers to find out what attracts, retains and engages individuals and then explore how best they can meet these needs as well as meeting the requirements of the business within the appropriate legal and regulatory environment. It is crucial that when creating an employer offering, organisations try to ensure that they align their practices to the needs of the business and employees, and integrate the various elements of the reward package so that they support, rather than contradict, one another.f. Performance Management and AppraisalStaff Performance Management is one of the most important functions in human resource management. It provides the context to link individual objectives with departmental targets, thus supporting and facilitating the attainment of departmental goals.Staff performance management can be a very effective management tool when applied properly. It provides staff with clarity of aims and focus on job expectation, motivates staff to perform better, cultivates the desired culture, helps focus on the desired results,improves communication, helps develop staff and helps achieve departmental objectives.g. Job analysisJob analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of these jobs and the characteristics of the people who should be hired for them. It include two main part : Job descriptions – what the job entails? Person specifications – what kind of people to hire for the job?Job Analysis: The procedures for determining the duties and skills requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it .Job description: A list of a job’s duties , responsibilities, reporting relationships, workin g conditions, and supervisory responsibilities. It is a product of the job Analysis.作为一个术语,以反映组织achieed如何从员工的最佳的人力资源管理。

Managing People and OrganizationsShangri-la Hotel case study1. Analyse the relationship between organizational goals ,objectives and policies and explain their contribution to effective management in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.“G oals usually determine the direction that the organization will take over the long term and are not always very specific .”.For example, Shangri-la Hotel have two goals, product goals and customer goal. First, Craig insisted his source from Gordon who was the first farmer have the freshest meat,vegetables and fruits. He convinced that fresh food absolutely essential for the reputation and success of the restaurant. This is a product goals for the Shangri-la hotel. Second, Ailsa focus on customers goals. Ailsa believed that Shangri-la hotel depend on high quality customer care. So Ailsa trained the staff who in the Shangri-la hotel to the highest standards. This is a customer goals for the Shangri-la hotel.“Objectives are more specific than goals and identify the specific path to be taken in order to achieve goals.”. Objectives should obey on SMART rules, including specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Craig has formulate a rigorous standards manage his staff. He always provided free drink for the team to celebrate became he wants the team enjoy there get-together. Across Ailsa’s management,theinternational visitors and revenue of the hotel have steadily increased. “These provide a firework of rules or guidance within which management and staff can make decision.”is policies. Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate at the end of each week. This policy can get well with others.2. Identify the main differences between the formal organization and informal organization.“The formal organization is a deliberately planned structure of roles, authority relationships and communication channels .”.First, formal organization must have a purpose, just like Shangri-la hotel insisted provided the freshest vegetables, meat and fruits to their customers. Then the defined reporting structure is also necessary to the formal organization, so Shangri-la hotel have their rules to running. The formal organization should exist the rules. The Shangri-la hotel training all staff to the highest level to give customers a high quality service. Finally, a formal organization will be controlled. The manager of the Shangri-la hotel ran the hotel under a very strict guidelines, he prepared the menu and allocated tasks personally. When he was away from the hotel, just Ailsa and he can make a decision for hotel.Oppositional, “The informal organization is a network of personal and social relationships or friendships that arise as people associate with other people in the work environment.”. The informal organization isopposite with the formal organization. The informal organization have no formal purpose but will meet social needs of members, no formal structure, no formal rules influencing behaviours and no formal control.3. Explain the composition of the Open System Theory and explain how it applies in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.Open System Theory is "The internal environment and the external environment influence the interaction between the relationships.".4. Different stakeholders in the case study and explain their influence and interest.“There are many different individuals or groups who affect or are affected by an organization.”. They called stakeholders of the organization. In the Shangri-la hotel, chef and kitchen staff are internal stakeholder. And external stakeholders are someone who want a good return on their investment. The government and the customers are external stakeholder of the hotel.5. Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to theShangri-la Hotel case study and justify its suitability. “Organizational control is the imposition of process, procedures and standards upon an operation in terms of machinery or personal interactions.”. And there are six types of the control strategies by organizations. Control through machinery is adapt to the Shangri-la hotel, the advantage of the technology can reduce the pressure of the manager.Candidate name: Wang diStudent numer:167106439Grade and class: FS2Number:4625。

Analyze the relationship between organizational goals, objectives and policies and explain their contribution to effective management in theShangri-la Hotel case study.Organizational goal is the expected results of subjective vision, is formed in the mind of a subjective ideology.the goals include five parts followsCustomer goals focusing on customers’needs, benefits, services ,etc. For example people who live in the Shangri-la Hotel are need comfortable room, delicious food and excellent service. Product goals related to the range of products including quality, quantity and services on offer.For example Craig is convinced that using the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit from Gordon’s farm is essential.Operational goals covering areas like technology or machines used,staffing levels.Craig must make sure that all customers would be attended to within five minutes of being seated. Secondary goals subordinate to the above three goals and relating to environmental issue. At the end of each week, Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate, and the team always enjoyed these get-togethers.Service goals is every employee should be a good professional quality and professional personal integrity, into every day to deal with customers do every thing, into the customer’s perception and recognition.The hotel want to customers feel pleasant in the hotel.Organizational objectives are more specific than goals and identify the specific path to be taken in order to achieve goals.It has to be SMART (specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound)Specific: objective must be detailed and definite.Measurable: objective should be assess by concrete standards, includingAttainable: objective set by organization could be achievable and accessible.Realistic:objective should be built up in obedient with real capabilities and actual condition. Time-bound:objective are set on time and should be adapted to the condition change.In case, under control of Ailsa’s management , Shangri-la hotel became the first hotel in Glasgow to achieve the prestigious 5-star AA award.Organizational policies: these provide a framework of rules or guidance within which management and staff can make decisions.In the shangri-la Hotel, The fist rule is the reputation of the Shangri-la Hotel depended on high quality customer care, and it wasimportant that all staff in the hotel were trained to the highest standards. The second is Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign for the meat and vegetable deliveries. The last one is the sales visits that Ailsa made meant she was often away from the hotel, so Antonio had authority to charge of the Hotel when she was absence.Relationship: Each policy will contribute to the achievement of objectives,every objectives are to promote the realization of goals.2.Identify the main difference between the formal organization and informal organization.Organization is a group of individuals operating together in a systematic way to achieve set of objectives.Formal organizations are set up to achieve goals and specific organizational objectives . Informal organization theorists have been aware that within the formal structure of the organization there will always be an informal group.Formal organization has planned responsibility, consistent functions and structure of authority and communication. In case,the hotel is a formal organization,because the hotel has professional manage. And all staff have their responsibility and tasks.Informal organization has loosely structured and fluctuating with its individual membership spontaneous.In case, the Hotel kitchen is an informal organization .Because they are independent individual. they haven’t specific system to control their thought and behavior. And the structure of authority and communication in the kitchen is not rigorous. they haven’t specific structure. they work together and sure the work.3.Explain the composition of the open System Theory and explain how it applies in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.The open System Theory is a conceptual framework, which investigate organization and its environmental relation. Open system have internal and external environment.SWOT belongs to internal environment,PEST belongs to external environment.SWOT analysis is a kind of enterprise internal analysis method. It includes strengths, weakness,opportunity and threat.Strengths are internal factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la hotel is a 3-star Michelin hotel, it is first 5-starAA in Glasgow.Weakness are internal factor of organization.In case, employees have complain about Craig. Opportunity is external factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la cooperation with Gordon. Gordon has the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit.Threat is external factor of organization.In case,recently,the three main large companies of Shangri-la hotel into closure.PEST analysis refers to the analysis of the macro environment.It includes polities, economic,society and technology.Political factor includes political system ,the political situation, the government’s attitude.In case,Economic factor includes GDP,market mechanism,market demand,etc. In case,Alica obtained the funding from Scottish Enterprise.Social factor is that general conditions of whole social development in a certain period,mainly includes social morality ,and cultural traditions, the population change trend. In case, Craig and Ailsa both believed in supporting local business, and always used local banks, financial advisors and lawyers to support their business.Technological FactorsRefers to the total level and change trend of social technology, technical change, technological breakthroughs to the enterprise, and the technology of the interaction between the political, economic and social environment. In case,hotel need more advanced product to attract customers.4.Identify different stakeholders in the case study and explain their influence and interest.Stakeholder Theory is a around the enterprise and the social value as the center of business ethics and organizational management theory.Stakeholder includes nine roles . this role has two parts,external stakeholders and internal stakeholders.External stakeholders in clude customers, supplies,society,Government ,creditors and shareholders. Internal stakeholders include Directors and managers,employees, owners.External stakeholdersShareholders is institutions and individuals who own a stake in a company.Craig and Ailsa. they have discretion to determine the profitability of the company. shareholder will be interested in return on their investment and possibly the long-term growth and development of the hotel.The influence of shareholder have right of decide strategy. right to vote, right to election of directors.Customer who buy the products or services. People who live in the Shangri-la hotel and choose Shangri-la hotel in the future.they spend money in hotel and bring benefit for Hotel. The interest of customer want to have more quality service. The influence of customer is if they do not accept this Hotel, they can chose the other hotels. So customer have great influence in the hotelSupplies who provide raw materials and services.The Gordon’s farm and Scottish Enterprise. Farm supply products for Shangri-la Hotel, Scottish Enterprise offer fund to Shangri-la hotel.The supplies interest is Shangri-la Hotel provides a source of revenue for the supplier. The influence of supplies is they want to ensure that the hotel will be important to pay for the goods.Internal stakeholdersDirectors and managers: those who lead organizations. Craig and Ailsa. they have authority to make decisions directly. The interest of directors and managers make hotel become more and more successful under the control of them. The influence of directors and managers is they make decision, these decision will decide the development of the hotel.Employee who work for an organization. For example Saskia, Antonio and staff who work in the Shangri-la hotel. The kitchen staff were well paid,but the atmosphere could be very tense.The interest of employee achieve salary. The influence of employee have development of working conditions and quality of service and they can provide service for customers to make benefits for hotel.5.Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to the Shangri-la Hotel case study and justify its suitability.Strategy control mainly refers to the implementation of enterprise business strategy.check the enterprise strategy. evaluation of enterprise performance, and the established strategic objectives and performance standards,to find a strategic gap, to analyze the causes of deviation, to correct the deviation, so that the implementation of enterprise strategy better with the current internal and external environment,enterprise goals , so that the enterprise strategy is achieved.Effective include personal centralized control,, bureauctric control,output control, cultural control.personal centralized control: It takes centralized decision. It emphasis direct supervision and personal leadership founded upon ownership, charisma, or technical expertise. It user reward and punishment to reinforce conformity to personal authority .Bureaucracy control: Bureaucracy is an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by set rules and procedures held together by a central administration. Problems of bureaucracy control gave detailed rules and procedures, power from top to the bottom,emphasize the work schedule , pay attention to the extra rewards and don not believe in team work.Output control: Financial measure of performance. problem with output control is managers must create output standards that motivation at all levels. They must be careful not to create short-term goals that motivate managers to ignores the future, And if standard are set too high, works may engage unethical behaviors to attain them.Culture control: The set of internalized value, norms,standards of behavior, and common expectations that control the ways in which individuals and groups in an organization interact with each other and work to achieve organization goals.he Craig’s behavior displayed the personal centralized control,because when the waiting stuff offered suggestions on how to deal with customers’ problems,Craig always rejected them and proclaim’ this is my kitchen,we run it my way.’which reflect Craig as the manager in this hotel,take centralized decisions and ignore other employees opinions.。

H N D人力资源管理o u t c o m eCompany number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies, differences between the formal and informal organization, open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy.Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals, objectives and policyfacilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.Goals:Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers. Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-laHotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting thefreshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals. Objectives:Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific thanthe goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.Policies:Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines. Craigstock only in the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. These are Shangri-La's purchase policies.Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organizationEach Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization.Formal organizationFormal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role. Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization. Informal organizationsInformal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life. Craig personalcentralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups are composed of an informal organization.Section 3: Open System Theory什么事开放式系统Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality. Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment. SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.For SWOT analysis of cases.Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year,if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years. Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter difficultiesat the hotel she can solve problems in time. All staffs are going to the local college. Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, so as to improve the hotel's service quality.Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing. Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints,it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff. Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel.Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation. Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customer of Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend,will lower the Shangri-La's customers.Section 4: Different stakeholdersInternal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.Owner: Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. TheStewart families are owners. Respectively Sandy Stewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.Manager: Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. Theycan get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.Employee: Employee training opportunities, and opportunitiesfor promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenancestaff are employees.External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer.Government :Government to comply with the legislation toensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governmentsSupplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships arealso important. In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.Financer:Financers are responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment andloan period.Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making. United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services. In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.Section 5: Effective control strategyPersonal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen.Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig todinner is a strict requirement.Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. Inthe Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company.Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.ConclusionI learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, canbetter serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。

IntroductionThe main content of this report describes the difficulties faced by the A G Bell Ltd. in High town and the solutions. How to solve the problem of human resource management. This report is divided into three main parts. The three main parts are policy statement the main body of the training and strategy responsibilities for training at AG Bell Ltd Training and developing the workforce is important in company.Section 1: policy statement1.Policy StatementA G Bell Ltd. is provide 24/7 call center services. The company provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The department of the company is made up of teams. The company's less hierarchy is conducive to communication between organizations, Inter Organizational Communication is conducive to the development of the company and to avoid mistakes in the work.The company’s organization wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. The company will relocate to larger premises for the next two months. The recruitment and training of employees is very important. The company carries on the personalized training to the staff, to be trained by the company staff to improve work efficiency to meet the needs of the company. The company recruitment is diversified. The company recruiting vulnerable groups. The company give attention to vulnerable group of employees. Employees contribute to the organization through training.2.The main body of the Training StrategyA.the nature of AG Bell LtdAG Bell Ltd.’s vision is provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. Customers are satisfied with the service from AG BellLtd. AG Bell Ltd development to get more market share. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The company’s recruitment is distinctively, Ltd. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group, it is very important for the company to train the staff from a disadvanged group.B.the commitment and the contributionCommitment:AG Bell Ltd. come to High Town to face a lot of difficulties. The difficulties includes local economic decline, local employment rate is low and laborer’s skills is low. But AG Bell Ltd. to overcome these difficulties. The company training staff to improve skills and work efficiency. The company is committed to the fair treatment of each employee. The company encourage every employee to work better. The good performance of the staff is good for the organization to achieve the goal and profit maximization.Contribution: The AG Bell Ltd. has made a lot of contributions to the society. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group. AG Bell Ltd. helped High Town down the unemployment rate. The company helped disadvanged group’s ease the burden on the family. Companies can open lectures and psychological counseling to help disadvanged group overcome psychological barriers. The Company can strengthen exchanges and cooperation between employees. The company's good reputation is good for the company to get the customer's satisfaction and more market share.Section 2: The main body of the training strategyA.the major issues of AG Bell Ltd.AG Bell Ltd. will face a lot of difficulties in the next two years. AG Bell Ltd. wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. High proportion of traditional industries in High Town, so High Town employee has no experience in call center services.AG Bell Ltd. concerned about disadvantage groups. AG Bell Ltd. recruitment has acharacteristic, recruit staff from disadvantage groups. They may have psychological barriers. Staff from disadvantage groups may have an inferiority complex and they may not be willing to communicate with their colleagues. They need equal treatment and training.High Town’s local economic downturn. The unemployment rate of High Town’s traditional manufacturing industry is low. So the skills of the unemployed workers are low. The company takes a long time to train the staff.B.Training needsAG Bell Ltd. moved to High Town five years ago. AG Bell Ltd. needs to have a familiar process in High Town. The contents of AG Bell Ltd. training staff include personal team leadership; information technology; safety and health knowledge; Fluent communication skills.C.Resource implication of training needsAbout health and safety training and customers service training both of training for organizational group and individual. The organizational short-term training includes to understand the local cultural environment and lecture of employee psychological enlighten, organizational medium to long-term training includes cultivate customer loyalty and to update employee benefits policy. Group’s short-term training includes familiar with work flow training and the training of the employees are familiar with each other. Group’s medium to long-term training includes training for group leader; and improve the training of group work efficiency. Individual short-term training includes job skills training and mental health training Individual medium to long-term training includes the training of employees' loyalty to the company and training of employees' benefits and features.Section 3: responsibilities for training at AG Bell LtdA.ManagerManager analyzed the company's performance and achievements. Managersupports an employee who works hard.B.Team leaderTeam leader has different training for different job roles.C.Training professionalsTraining professional’s organization design training and development strategy.Training professionals designed and produced materials for training.D.IndividualDetermine individual training needs.ConclusionWith the help of human resource management, the company has solved many problems about training. A G Bell Ltd. has a good social reputation. A G Bell Ltd. is concerned about the vulnerable groups. A G Bell Ltd. helped to lighten the burden of society. Wish A G Bell Ltd. a better and better development.R eferenceHallier, J. and Butts, S. (2000) ‘Attempts to advance the role of training: process and context’, Employee Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 375-402.King, N. (1994), ‘The qualitative research interview’, in Cassell, G., Symon, G. (Eds), Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, Sage Publications, London.。

• Each section is 30 marks
Section A
1. Basic components of organisation
• People
-- managerial staff -- qualified engineer -- technicians -- apprentice
• Words requirement: 1,500 words
• Time length: 135 minutes
• A4 page of note is allowed to bring with candidates
• Candidates should achieve at least 50% to pass
-- secondary goals: use local contractors, insurance brokers and accountants for services to the company
Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of objective
Section A
3. How organisation interacts with external environments
• Well trained staff
• Loan from bank, grant
• Equipments • Local
contractors, insurance brokers and accountants
Managing People and Organisation

IntroductionThe main content of this report describes the difficulties faced by the A G Bell Ltd. in High town and the solutions. How to solve the problem of human resource management. This report is divided into three main parts. The three main parts are policy statement the main body of the training and strategy responsibilities for training at AG Bell Ltd Training and developing the workforce is important in company.Section 1: policy statement1.Policy StatementA G Bell Ltd. is provide 24/7 call center services. The company provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The department of the company is made up of teams. The company's less hierarchy is conducive to communication between organizations, Inter Organizational Communication is conducive to the development of the company and to avoid mistakes in the work.The company’s organization wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. The company will relocate to larger premises for the next two months. The recruitment and training of employees is very important. The company carries on the personalized training to the staff, to be trained by the company staff to improve work efficiency to meet the needs of the company. The company recruitment is diversified. The company recruiting vulnerable groups. The company give attention to vulnerable group of employees. Employees contribute to the organization through training.2.The main body of the Training StrategyA.the nature of AG Bell LtdAG Bell Ltd.’s vision is provides services to customers by high level of service and high technology applications. Customers are satisfied with the service from AG BellLtd. AG Bell Ltd development to get more market share. The company’s structure is flat organization structure. The company’s recruitment is distinctively, Ltd. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group, it is very important for the company to train the staff from a disadvanged group.B.the commitment and the contributionCommitment:AG Bell Ltd. come to High Town to face a lot of difficulties. The difficulties includes local economic decline, local employment rate is low and laborer’s skills is low. But AG Bell Ltd. to overcome these difficulties. The company training staff to improve skills and work efficiency. The company is committed to the fair treatment of each employee. The company encourage every employee to work better. The good performance of the staff is good for the organization to achieve the goal and profit maximization.Contribution: The AG Bell Ltd. has made a lot of contributions to the society. AG Bell Ltd. will recruits staff from a disadvanged group. AG Bell Ltd. helped High Town down the unemployment rate. The company helped disadvanged group’s ease the burden on the family. Companies can open lectures and psychological counseling to help disadvanged group overcome psychological barriers. The Company can strengthen exchanges and cooperation between employees. The company's good reputation is good for the company to get the customer's satisfaction and more market share.Section 2: The main body of the training strategyA.the major issues of AG Bell Ltd.AG Bell Ltd. will face a lot of difficulties in the next two years. AG Bell Ltd. wants to recruit 40 new employees in High Town. High proportion of traditional industries in High Town, so High Town employee has no experience in call center services.AG Bell Ltd. concerned about disadvantage groups. AG Bell Ltd. recruitment has acharacteristic, recruit staff from disadvantage groups. They may have psychological barriers. Staff from disadvantage groups may have an inferiority complex and they may not be willing to communicate with their colleagues. They need equal treatment and training.High Town’s local economic downturn. The unemployment rate of High Town’s traditional manufacturing industry is low. So the skills of the unemployed workers are low. The company takes a long time to train the staff.B.Training needsAG Bell Ltd. moved to High Town five years ago. AG Bell Ltd. needs to have a familiar process in High Town. The contents of AG Bell Ltd. training staff include personal team leadership; information technology; safety and health knowledge; Fluent communication skills.C.Resource implication of training needsAbout health and safety training and customers service training both of training for organizational group and individual. The organizational short-term training includes to understand the local cultural environment and lecture of employee psychological enlighten, organizational medium to long-term training includes cultivate customer loyalty and to update employee benefits policy. Group’s short-term training includes familiar with work flow training and the training of the employees are familiar with each other. Group’s medium to long-term training includes training for group leader; and improve the training of group work efficiency. Individual short-term training includes job skills training and mental health training Individual medium to long-term training includes the training of employees' loyalty to the company and training of employees' benefits and features.Section 3: responsibilities for training at AG Bell LtdA.ManagerManager analyzed the company's performance and achievements. Managersupports an employee who works hard.B.Team leaderTeam leader has different training for different job roles.C.Training professionalsTraining professional’s organization design training and development strategy.Training professionals designed and produced materials for training.D.IndividualDetermine individual training needs.ConclusionWith the help of human resource management, the company has solved many problems about training. A G Bell Ltd. has a good social reputation. A G Bell Ltd. is concerned about the vulnerable groups. A G Bell Ltd. helped to lighten the burden of society. Wish A G Bell Ltd. a better and better development.R eferenceHallier, J. and Butts, S. (2000) ‘Attempts to advance the role of training: process and context’, Employee Relations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 375-402.King, N. (1994), ‘The qualitative research interview’, in Cassell, G., Symon, G. (Eds), Qualitative Methods in Organisational Research, Sage Publications, London.。
hnd 人力 outcome1-3 全部答案

Section A
2b. Objectives and policies
• Definition of policy
-- Provide a framework of rules or guidance that manager and staff can make decision -- Systematic way of delegating responsibility and encourage consistency -- Based on explicit values
• Structure
-- Civil engineering project -- Structural engineering project
• Facility, technology, financial (bank loan, grant)
Property of Jing WANG
Section A
Property of JingStakeholders
• Employees, including apprentices, technicians, engineers (payment, training, performance, promotion, working condition…) • Clients (high quality service, customer care, reputation…) • Financial providers, including bank, investors (performance, rate of return, credit, dividend) • Local firms, including training providers, insurance brokers, accountants (provide work for them, long-term cooperation) • Suppliers, including contractors (provide work Property of Jing WANG for them)

Outcome1HNDSQA人力资源管理导论Content1. Definition of Human Resource Management (2)2. Differences between HRM and PM (2)3. Four stages of HRM development (5)4.Key functions of HRM (5)5. Reference (5)Definition of Human Resource ManagementHuman resource management (HRM, HM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. HRM can also be performed by line managers.[1]HRM is an organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training etc. [2]HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives. [3] HRM is moving away from traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles, which are increasingly outsourced. HRM is now expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees and that employee programs impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of human resource management involves strategic direction and human resourcemanagement metrics and measurements to demonstrate value.[4]Differences between HRM and PMPersonnel management (PM) is basically an administrative record-keeping function, at the operational level. PM attempts to maintain fair terms and conditions of employment, while at the same time, efficiently managing personnel activities for individual departments etc. It is assumed that the outcomes from providing justice and achieving efficiency in the management of personnel activities will result ultimately in achieving organizational success. [5]HRM is concerned with carrying out the same functional activities traditionally performed by the personnel function, such as HR planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, employee relations, performance management, employee appraisals, compensation management, training and development etc. But, the HRM approach performs these functions in a qualitatively distinct way, when compared with personnel management.The following are several main differences between PM and HRM:1) PM is workforce-centered, directed mainly at the orga nization?s employees; such as finding and training them, arranging for them to be paid, explaining management?s expectations, justifying management?s action s etc. Nevertheless, HRM is resource–centered, directed mainly at management, in terms of devolving theresponsibility of HRM to line management and administrative development etc.2) Although indisputably an administrative function, PM has never totally identified with management interests, as it becomesineffective when not able to understand and articulate the aspirations and views of the workforce, just as sales representatives have to understand and articulate the aspirations of the customers.3) PM is basically an operational function, concerned primarily with carrying out the day-to-day people management activities. HRM is strategic in nature, which is, being concerned with directly assisting an organization to gain sustained competitive advantages.4) HRM is more proactive than PM. PM is about the maintenance of personnel and administrative systems; HRM is about the forecasting of organizational needs, the continual monitoring and adjustment of personnel systems to meet current and future requirements, and administration changes.Four stages of HRM developmentSocial Justice●The origins of personnel manageme nt lie in nineteenth century, deriving from thework of social reformers such as Lord Shaftesbury and Robert Owen.●Their criticism of the free enterprise system and the leadership created by theexploitation of workers by factory owners enabled the first personnel managers to be appointed and provided the first frame of reference in which they worked: to ameliorate the lot of workers●Such concerns are not obsolete. There are still regular reports of employees beingexploited by employers flouting the law, and the problem of organizational distance between decision makers and thoseputting decisions into practice remains a source of alienation from work.●In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries some of the larger employers witha paternalist outlook began to appoint welfare officers to manage a series of newinitiatives designed to make less harsh of their employees.●Prominent examples were the progressive schemes of unemployment benefit, sickpay and subsidized housing provided by the Quaker family firms of Cadbury and Rowntree, and Lever Brothers? soap business.●While the motives were ostensibly charitable, there was and remains a business aswell as an ethical case for paying serious attention to the welfare of employees.●This is based on the co ntention that it improves commitment on the part of staffand leads potential employees to compare the organization favorably competitors.●The result is higher productivity, a longer-serving workforce and a bigger pool ofapplicants for each job. It has also been argued that a commitment to welfare reduces the scope for the development of adversarial industrial relations.●The more conspicuous welfare initiatives promoted by employers today includeemployee assistance schemes, childcare facilities and health-screening programs.Human Bureaucracy●This phase marked the beginnings of a move away from a sole focus on welfaretowards the meeting of various other organizational objectives. Personnel managers began to gain responsibilities in the areas of staffing, training and organization design.●Influenced by social scientists such as F.W. Taylor and Henri Fayol personnelspecialists started to look at how organizational structures could be designed and labor deployed so as to maximize efficiency.●The human bureaucracy stage in the development of personnel thinking was alsoinfluenced by the Human Relations School, which sough to ameliorate the potential for industrial conflict and dehumanization present in too rigid an application of these scientific management approaches.●Following the ideas of thinkers such as Elton Mayo, the fostering of socialrelationships in the workforce and employee morale thus became equally important objectives for personnel professionals to raise productivity levels. Consent by negotiation●Personnel managers next added expertise in bargaining to their repertoire ofskills.●In the period of full employment following the Second World War labor became ascarce resource. This led to a growth in trade union membership and to what Alian Flanders, the leading industrial relations analyst of the 1960s, called “the challenge from below”.●Personnel specialists managed the new collective institutions such as jointconsultation committees, joint production committees and suggestion schemes set up in order to accommodate the new realities. In the industries that were nationalized in the 1940s, employers were placed under a statutory duty to negotiate with unions representing employees.●To help achieve this, the government encouraged the appointment of personnelofficers and set up the first specialist courses for them in the universities.● A personnel management advisory service was also set up at the Ministry ofLabor, which still survives as the first A in ACAS.Organization and Integration●The late 1960s saw a switch in focus among personnel specialists, away fromdealing principally with the rank-and-file employee on behalf of management, towards dealing with management itself and the integration of managerial activity.●This phase was ch aracterized by the development of career paths and ofopportunities within organizations for personal growth.●This too remains a concern of personal specialists today, with a significantportion of time and resources being devoted to the recruitment, development and retention of an elite core of people with specialist expertise on whom the business depends for its future.●Personnel specialists developed techniques of manpoweror workforce planning.This is basically a quantitative activity, boosted by the advent of information technology, which involves forecasting the likely need for employees with different skills in the future.Key functions of HRM1)Human resource planning or employment planning is the process by which anorganization attempts to ensure that it as the right number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right time2)Job analysis defines a job in terms of specific tasks and responsibilities andindentifies the abilities, sills and qualifications needed to perform it successfully.3)Employee recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool ofapplicants from which qualified candidates for job vacancies within an organization can be selected.4)Employee selectio n involves choosing from the available candidates theindividual predicted to be most likely to perform successfully in the job.5)Performance appraisal is concerned with determining how well employees aredoing their jobs, communicating that information to employees and establishing a plan for performance improvement.6)Training and development activities help employees learn how to perform theirjobs, improve their performance and prepare themselves for more senior positions.7)Career planning and development activities benefit both employees and theorganizations.8)Employee motivation is vital to the success of any organization. Highlymotivated employees tend to be more productive and have rates of absenteeism and turnover.Reference1.Armstrong, Michael (2006). A Handbook of Human Resour ce Management Practice(10th ed.). London: Kogan Page. ISBN 0-7494-4631-5. OCLC 622822482. Towers, David. "Human Resource Management essays". Retrieved 2007-10-17.3. By Susan M. Heathfield, /doc/aa5660198.html,Guide/doc/aa5660198.html,/od/glossaryh/ f/hr_management.htm4. Pfeffer, J. (1994) Competitive advantage through people, Harvard Business School 4 /doc/aa5660198.html,/od/glossaryh/f/hr_mana gement.htm5.…Personnel management?. The Columbia Encyclopedia (Sixth ed.). Columbia University Press. 2005. /doc/aa5660198.html,/65/x-/X-personne.html. Retrieved 2007-10-17. "Personnel management - see industrial management".。

1.Analyze the relationship between organizational goals, objectives and policies andexplain their contribution to effective management in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.Organizational goal is the expected results of subjective vision, is formed in the mind of a subjective ideology.the goals include five parts followsCustomer goals focusing on customers’needs, benefits, services ,etc. For example people who live in the Shangri-la Hotel are need comfortable room, delicious food and excellent service.Product goals related to the range of products including quality, quantity and services on offer.For example Craig is convinced that using the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit from Gordon’s farm is essential.Operational goals covering areas like technology or machines used,staffing levels.Craig must make sure that all customers would be attended to within five minutes of being seated.Secondary goals subordinate to the above three goals and relating to environmental issue. At the end of each week, Craig always provided free drinks for the team to celebrate, and the team always enjoyed these get-togethers.Service goals is every employee should be a good professional quality and professional personal integrity, into every day to deal with customers do every thing, into the customer’s perception and recognition.The hotel want to customers feel pleasant in the hotel.Organizational objectives are more specific than goals and identify the specific path to be taken in order to achieve goals.It has to be SMART (specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound) Specific: objective must be detailed and definite.Measurable: objective should be assess by concrete standards, includingAttainable: objective set by organization could be achievable and accessible.Realistic:objective should be built up in obedient with real capabilities and actual condition.Time-bound:objective are set on time and should be adapted to the condition change.In case, under control of Ailsa’s management , Shangri-la hotel became the first hotel in Glasgow to achieve the prestigious 5-star AA award.Organizational policies: these provide a framework of rules or guidance within which management and staff can make decisions.In the shangri-la Hotel, The fist rule is the reputation of the Shangri-la Hotel depended on high quality customer care, and it was important that all staff in the hotel were trained to the highest standards. The second is Craig also insisted that only Saskia and he should have the authority to sign for the meat and vegetable deliveries. The last one is the sales visits that Ailsamade meant she was often away from the hotel, so Antonio had authority to charge of the Hotel when she was absence.Relationship: Each policy will contribute to the achievement of objectives,every objectives are to promote the realization of goals.2.Identify the main difference between the formal organization and informal organization.Organization is a group of individuals operating together in a systematic way to achieve set of objectives.Formal organizations are set up to achieve goals and specific organizational objectives .Informal organization theorists have been aware that within the formal structure of the organization there will always be an informal group.Formal organization has planned responsibility, consistent functions and structure of authority and communication. In case,the hotel is a formal organization,because the hotel has professional manage. And all staff have their responsibility and tasks.Informal organization has loosely structured and fluctuating with its individual membership spontaneous.In case, the Hotel kitchen is an informal organization .Because they are independent individual. they haven’t specific system to control their thought and behavior. And the structure of authority and communication in the kitchen is not rigorous. they haven’t specific structure. they work together and sure the work.3.Explain the composition of the open System Theory and explain how it applies in the Shangri-la Hotel case study.The open System Theory is a conceptual framework, which investigate organization and its environmental relation. Open system have internal and external environment.SWOT belongs to internal environment,PEST belongs to external environment.SWOT analysis is a kind of enterprise internal analysis method. It includes strengths, weakness,opportunity and threat.Strengths are internal factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la hotel is a 3-star Michelin hotel, it is first 5-starAA in Glasgow.Weakness are internal factor of organization.In case, employees have complain about Craig.Opportunity is external factor of organization.In case, Shangri-la cooperation with Gordon. Gordon has the freshest meat,vegetables and fruit.Threat is external factor of organization.In case,recently,the three main large companies of Shangri-la hotel into closure.PEST analysis refers to the analysis of the macro environment.It includes polities,economic,society and technology.Political factor includes political system ,the political situation, the government’s attitude.In case, Economic factor includes GDP,market mechanism,market demand,etc. In case,Alica obtained the funding from Scottish Enterprise.Social factor is that general conditions of whole social development in a certain period,mainly includes social morality ,and cultural traditions, the population change trend. In case, Craig and Ailsa both believed in supporting local business, and always used local banks, financial advisors and lawyers to support their business.Technological FactorsRefers to the total level and change trend of social technology, technical change, technological breakthroughs to the enterprise, and the technology of the interaction between the political, economic and social environment. In case,hotel need more advanced product to attract customers.4.Identify different stakeholders in the case study and explain their influence and interest.Stakeholder Theory is a around the enterprise and the social value as the center of business ethics and organizational management theory.Stakeholder includes nine roles . this role has twoparts,external stakeholders and internal stakeholders.External stakeholders in clude customers, supplies,society,Government ,creditors and shareholders. Internal stakeholders include Directors and managers,employees, owners.External stakeholdersShareholders is institutions and individuals who own a stake in a company.Craig and Ailsa. they have discretion to determine the profitability of the company. shareholder will be interested in return on their investment and possibly the long-term growth and developmentof the hotel.The influence of shareholder have right of decide strategy. right to vote, right to election of directors.Customer who buy the products or services. People who live in the Shangri-la hotel and choose Shangri-la hotel in the future.they spend money in hotel and bring benefit for Hotel. The interest of customer want to have more quality service. The influence of customer is if they do not accept this Hotel, they can chose the other hotels. So customer have great influence in the hotelSupplies who provide raw materials and services.The Gordon’s farm and Scottish Enterprise. Farm supply products for Shangri-la Hotel, Scottish Enterprise offer fund to Shangri-la hotel.The supplies interest is Shangri-la Hotel provides a source of revenue for the supplier. The influence of supplies is they want to ensure that the hotel will be important to pay for the goods.Internal stakeholdersDirectors and managers: those who lead organizations. Craig and Ailsa. they have authority to make decisions directly. The interest of directors and managers make hotel become more and more successful under the control of them. The influence of directors and managers is they make decision, these decision will decide the development of the hotel.Employee who work for an organization. For example Saskia, Antonio and staff who work in the Shangri-la hotel. The kitchen staff were well paid,but the atmosphere could be very tense.The interest of employee achieve salary. The influence of employee have development of working conditions and quality of service and they can provide service for customers to make benefits for hotel.5.Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to the Shangri-la Hotel case study and justify its suitability.Strategy control mainly refers to the implementation of enterprise business strategy.check the enterprise strategy. evaluation of enterprise performance, and the established strategic objectives and performance standards,to find a strategic gap, to analyze the causes of deviation, to correct the deviation, so that the implementation of enterprise strategy better with the current internal and external environment,enterprise goals , so that the enterprise strategy is achieved.Effective include personal centralized control,, bureauctric control,output control, cultural control.personal centralized control: It takes centralized decision. It emphasis direct supervision and personal leadership founded upon ownership, charisma, or technical expertise. It user reward and punishment to reinforce conformity to personal authority .Bureaucracy control: Bureaucracy is an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by an organization structure with many levels of authority and a rigid hierarchy, regulated by set rules and procedures held together by a central administration. Problemsof bureaucracy control gave detailed rules and procedures, power from top to the bottom,emphasize the work schedule , pay attention to the extra rewards and don not believe in team work.Output control: Financial measure of performance. problem with output control is managers must create output standards that motivation at all levels. They must be careful not to create short-term goals that motivate managers to ignores the future, And if standard are set too high, works may engage unethical behaviors to attain them.Culture control: The set of internalized value, norms,standards of behavior, and common expectations that control the ways in which individuals and groups in an organization interact with each other and work to achieve organization goals.he Craig’s behavior displayed the personal centralized control,because when the waiting stuff offered suggestions on how to deal with customers’ problems,Craig always rejected them and proclaim’ this is my kitchen,we run it my way.’which reflect Craig as the manager in this hotel,take centralized decisions and ignore other employees opinions.。
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Individual ReportF84T 34 Managing People and OrganisationsOutcome 1NAME: uSCN:CLASS:ContentsIntroduction (2)Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2)Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3)Section 3: Open System Theory (3)Section 4: Different stakeholders (4)Section 5: Effective control strategy (5)Conclusion (6)Reference (6)IntroductionThe purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned c ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy.Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policiesThe relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.Goals:Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals.Objectives:Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific than the goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.Policies:Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines. Craig stock only in the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. These are Shangri-La's purchase policies.Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization Each Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization. Formal organizationFormal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role. Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization. Informal organizationsInformal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life. Craig personal centralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups are composed of an informal organization.Section 3: Open System Theory什么事开放式系统Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality. Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment. SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.For SWOT analysis of cases.Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year, if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years. Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter difficulties at the hotel she can solve problems in time. All staffs are going to the localcollege. Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, so as to improve the hotel's service quality.Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing.Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints, it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff. Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel.Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation.Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customer of Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend, will lower the Shangri-La's customers.Section 4: Different stakeholdersInternal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.Owner: Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. The Stewart families are owners. Respectively Sandy Stewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.Manager: Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. They can get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.Employee: Employee training opportunities, and opportunities for promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenance staff are employees.External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer.Government :Government to comply with the legislation to ensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governmentsSupplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships are also important. In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.Financer:Financers are responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment and loan period.Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making. United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services. In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.Section 5: Effective control strategyPersonal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen. Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig to dinner is a strict requirement.Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company.Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.ConclusionI learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, can better serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.ReferenceLaurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin。