
其中系统初始化包括: 时间中断的初始化、外部中断源的初始化、串口通信中断的初始化、LED 显示的初始化。
下图1是单片机处理模块的电路原理图图1 单片机处理模块电路图其复位电路如图2-1左边上部分,本单片机处理模块是通过开关手动复位的,只要在RST引脚出现大于10ms的高电平,单片机就进入复位状态,这样做的目的是便于根据实际情况而选择是否复位温度测量数据。

二、设备准备1. 确保红外线测温仪处于正常工作状态,检查仪器的电源和电池电量。
2. 根据需要选择合适的测量模式,如单点测量、连续测量等。
3. 保持测量距离在仪器的有效测量范围内,避免过远或者过近的测量距离。
三、操作步骤1. 打开红外线测温仪的电源,确保显示屏正常工作。
2. 根据需要选择合适的温度单位,如摄氏度或者华氏度。
3. 瞄准待测物体的表面,保持仪器与物体垂直,并保持一定的距离。
4. 按下测量按钮,观察仪器显示屏上的温度数值。
5. 如需连续测量,可按住测量按钮并挪移仪器,以获取更多点的温度数据。
6. 完成测量后,及时关闭红外线测温仪的电源。
四、注意事项1. 不要将红外线测温仪暴露在高温或者低温环境中,以免影响仪器的准确性和寿命。
2. 避免将红外线测温仪指向有强烈光源的物体,以免干扰测量结果。
3. 在测量过程中,确保红外线测温仪与待测物体之间没有遮挡物,以免影响测量精度。
4. 注意避免测量过程中的震动和颤动,以确保测量结果的准确性。
5. 在使用红外线测温仪时,注意保持仪器的清洁和干燥,避免污染和水分进入仪器。
6. 如需测量不同物体的温度,应在测量前进行标定,以确保测量结果的准确性。
五、故障排除1. 若红外线测温仪无法正常启动或者显示异常,首先检查电源和电池是否正常,如有必要更换电池。
2. 若测量结果异常或者不稳定,可尝试重新对待测物体进行瞄准,或者将仪器进行标定。
3. 若仪器浮现其他故障,建议联系维修人员进行维修或者更换。
六、安全注意事项1. 在使用红外线测温仪时,应注意保护自己的眼睛,避免直接将红外线照射到眼睛。
2. 不要将红外线测温仪用于危(wei)险环境或者易爆环境。
3. 在使用红外线测温仪时,应遵守相关安全操作规程,确保自身安全和他人安全。

见图 5。
图5 找出热点或冷点2)距离与光点尺寸随着与被测目标距离(D)的增大,仪器所测区域的光点尺寸(S)变大。
光点尺寸表示 90 % 圆内能量。
当测温仪与目标之间的距离为 1000 mm(100 in),产生 20 mm(2 in)的光点尺寸时,即可取得最大 D:S。
见图 6。
图6 距离与光点尺寸3)视场要确保目标大于光点的大小。
(见图7)图7 视场4)发射率发射率表征的是材料能量辐射的特征。
大多数有机材料和涂漆或氧化处理表面的发射率大约为 0.95。
如果可能,可用遮蔽胶带或无光黑漆(< 150 ℃/302℉)将待测表面盖住并使用高发射率设置,补偿测量光亮的金属表面可能导致的错误读数。

1. 准备工作。
2. 测温前的准备。
3. 进行测温。
4. 结束测温。
5. 注意事项。
Omega 高性能数字多功能测量仪 热敏仪 非接触红外温度测量仪说明书

Measures Temperaturein the Dark! High Performance Talking/Seeing!Digital Multimeter - Dual Input Thermometer & NEW Infrared PyrometerߜNon-Contact IR TemperatureMeasurement PyrometerߜBuilt-in Laser SightingߜVoice Annunciation ofMeasured Parameters ina Choice of 5LanguagesߜDual Type K ThermocoupleInputs With DifferentialMeasurementsߜ0.25 % Basic dc AccuracyߜTrue RMS ac Measurementߜ4 Digit Temperature Display,33⁄4Digit DMM Displayߜ0.1°Resolution to 1000°ߜContinuous or ManualButton Control of VoiceAnnunciationThe new OMEGASAYS™digitalmultimeter/ thermometer/IR Pyrometer isa full function digital multimeter whichalso features non-contact infraredtemperature measurement, dualtype K thermocouple inputs and voiceannunciation of measured values. Thiscompact, portable meter measures trueRMS ac voltage and current, as wellas resistance and temperature, and willaccept any two type K thermocouplesterminated with miniature SMPconnectors. The HHM2-IR features astandard voice annunciation used toverbally tell the user the currentmeasurement in a choice of fivedifferent languages.The OMEGASAYS™displays measuredvalues on an easy to read LCD for visualindication, which also includes anindication of the current measurementfunction, the other availablemeasurement functions, speech functionstatus (continuous, on demand or off),measurement units, thermocouple probeinput (T1, T2 or T1-T2), display hold andlow battery. All DMM connections pluginto the front of the unit. Thermocouples,pyrometer module, earphones and the acadaptor plug into the rear panel of theunit, which also contains a three-positionvolume selector switch. On top of theHHM2-IR meter is an on/off switch alongwith six pushbuttons to select fromamong a variety of unique additionalfunctions. These include a “TEMP”function, which selects IR/thermocoupleinput T1, T2 or the differential. The “ΩZERO” function compensates for theresistance of the test leads when takingresistance measurements. “DISPLAYHOLD/SPEAK” selects continuous oron-demand speech or freezes thedisplay. The “SPEECH” button turns thespeech function on and off. “°C/°F”switches the temperature units. “AC/DC”similarly switches between ac and dcmeasurements. Included with eachHHM2-IR is a set of test leads formeasuring voltage, current andresistance. The red lead handle includesa convenient pushbutton to easilyoperate the speech function whileholding the leads. An optional pistol griptype K thermocouple handle is alsoavailable with a similar pushbutton toactivate the voice function remotely fortemperature measurements. OMEGASAYS™Model HHM2-IR£286Basic UnitIncludes One English Voice Chipand Infrared PyrometerOMEGACARE SM extended warranty programme is available for models shown on this page.OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labour and equivalent loaners. Ask your sales representativefor full details when placing an order.Plug-In Voice Chips: English, French,German, Japanese, SpanishOMEGASAYS™+ OMEGASCOPE™ = SUPER-DUPER METER™Actual Display Size!Includes IR module shown with built-in laser sightingCovered byseveral U.S. andinternational patentsand pendingapplications.45 **************.uk+44 (0)161 777 6622Probes and connectorsavailable in IEC colours!Kit includesone plug-invoice chip46 +44 (0)161 777 6611Meter SpecificationsPower Supply: 9 V battery or 230 Vac adaptor (included)Battery Life: Approx. 150 hrs/no speech/approx., 30hrs continuous speech; alkaline batteryAmbient Operating Conditions: 0 to 50°C; 0 to 80% RH Storage Temperature: -10 to 60 °C Dimensions: 6 H x 8 W x 14cm DWeight: 0.5 kg, including battery, fuses, speech modulebeaded wire type K thermocouples, TAS standard-to-mini type-Ktransition adaptor, custom test leads, English speech chip, earphone,soft carrying case, 9V battery, 230 Vac adaptor and manual.Note: The OMEGASAYS ™Meter was designed, engineered and calibrated in the USA. Partial assembly is done in T aiwan. The OMEGASCOPE ™IR Pyrometer Module and Patented Laser Sighting is made in the USA.>40mA in 400 mA range, for signals < 0.4 A in 4 A range.Ranges: The 400 mA and 4 A current ranges have separate,individually fused inputs.range; 4 A/250 V fast acting fuse, 4 A range Input Protection: 250 V rms ac or dcAutoranging: Unit autoranges over all six ranges Digital Ohms Zero: Nulls out test lead impedance for low resistance readings in the 4000 ΩrangeFunctions: Dual input, with differential measurement capability (T1, T2, T1-T2)Input Type: Type K thermocouple Units: User selectable °C or °FInput Protection: 24 V rms or 60 Vdc max. input voltage on any combination of input pinsCommon Mode Voltage: 0.5 V max., between T1 and T2during measurementOrdering Example:HHM2-IR-230,very high performance DMM/IR Pyrometer with English speech chip, plus SDX-HHM1thermocouple probe and handle with speech button, £286 + £28.50 = £314.50.Non-ContactInfrared Specifications Temp Range: -18 to 538°CAccuracy: ±3% of Reading or 2.2°C Repeatability: ±1% of ReadingSpectral Response: 8 to 14 micronsOptical Field of View: 6:1 (Distance/Spot Size)Response Time: 150 msec (0 to 63% of final value)Emissivity: Adjustable from 0.1 to 1.00Analogue Output: K-type Thermocouple (Compensated)Output Connection: (Universal Type-K Female) accepts both miniature and standard male Type-K connectors Power: 3.5 V Lithium Battery, (AA), 1900mAh Low Power Indicator: Flashing LEDAmbient Operating Conditions: 0 to 50°C; Less than 95% RH (Non-Condensing)Dimensions: 2.5 x 5 x 10cm Weight: 100 gSighting Type: Built-In laser (Circle/Dot Combined)Laser Wavelength (Colour): 630-670 nm (Red)Max Laser Power: Less than 1 mW Safety Classification: Class 3A Beam Diameter: 5 mmBeam Divergence: Less than 2 mrad Laser Power Switch: MomentaryLaser Power Indicator: Flashing Red LEDComplete kit with infraredpyrometer!N E W !。
UNI-T UT301A_B_C 使用说明书

优利德公司担保本产品自购买之日起一年内,在材料和工艺上均无任何缺陷。本担保不适用于保险丝,一次性电 池,或由于意外、疏忽、误用、改装、污染及非正常操作或处理引起的损坏。经销商无权以优利德的名义给予其它任 何担保。如在保修期内需要保修服务,请与您就近的优利德授权服务中心联系,获得产品退还授权信息,然后将产品 寄至该服务中心,并附上产品问题描述。
0.3 0.1-0.3
0.3 0.5
0.4-0.8 0.6
0.7-0.95 0.3-0.6 0.15
用户设置操作: SET: 循环切换设置状态,循环次序为发射率设定→锁 定测量设定→℃/℉选择设定→正常测量。按黄色键可 直接保存设置并退出. 进入用户设置操作后按键功能为▼/▲,未进入用户设 置操作则为 / 。
发射率设定: 此功能为改变发射率的值。 设定时E=闪烁。 单击▲递加0.01,长按快速增加,当加到1.00后停 止。 单击▼递减0.01,长按快速减少,当减到0.10后停 止。 可根据不同被测物体设置相应的发射率。请参见表2。 表内所列的发射率设置为对典型情况的建议。您的特 定情况可能有所不同。
图 1. 符号和安全标志
UT301A/B/C 使用说明书
测温仪包含: 单点激光瞄准 智能USB供电 白色背光显示屏 二级白色背光显示屏(USB连接时,仪表自动开启此
功能) 当前温度加上 MIN(最小值)、MAX(最大值)、
DIF(温差)、AVG(平均)温度显示屏 发射率可调 扳机锁定 摄氏/华氏选择 三脚架安装 一节9V电池

三、安全注意事项1. 在使用红外线测温仪前,请仔细阅读并理解本操作规程。
2. 使用过程中,请确保仪器外壳无损坏,如有损坏请停止使用并联系维修人员。
3. 避免仪器与水或其他液体接触,以免损坏仪器。
4. 不要将红外线测温仪暴露在高温、高湿度或强磁场环境中。
5. 使用过程中,注意保护仪器的光学镜头,避免刮擦或污染。
四、操作步骤1. 打开仪器电源,待仪器启动完成后,将其置于待测物体附近。
2. 通过仪器上的按键或触摸屏选择合适的测温模式,如单点测温、连续测温等。
3. 对准待测物体,保持一定的测距距离,通常为仪器测距范围内的最大值。
4. 按下测温按钮,仪器会发射红外线并接收物体发射的红外辐射能量。
5. 仪器会自动计算并显示物体的表面温度,用户可以通过仪器上的显示屏查看结果。
6. 若需要连续测温,可按下连续测温按钮,仪器会自动进行连续测量并显示结果。
7. 使用完毕后,关闭仪器电源。
五、测量误差及校准1. 红外线测温仪的测量误差受多种因素影响,如环境温度、湿度、测距距离等。
2. 为确保测量结果的准确性,建议定期对红外线测温仪进行校准。
六、维护保养1. 定期清洁红外线测温仪的外壳和光学镜头,可使用干净的软布轻轻擦拭。
2. 避免将仪器暴露在高温、高湿度或强磁场环境中,以免损坏仪器。
3. 若长时间不使用红外线测温仪,建议将其存放在干燥、通风的地方,并拔掉电源插头。
七、故障排除1. 若红外线测温仪无法启动或显示异常,请检查电源是否正常连接,是否有电力供应。

本体 说明书(含EMC技术信息、保修卡) 合格证 试用电池(AAA 碱性电池(LR03) × 2)说明书含保修卡家庭用TANITA 非接触式红外体温计本仪器测量从物体表面辐射的红外线量,将其转换为温度,并以数字方式显示(温度测量模式)。
用正确的 更换电池。
仅使用指定的电池(AAA 碱性电池)。
请勿在会产生静电或电磁波的地方(IH 电磁炉,微波炉,通讯设备等附近)使用。

三、设备准备1. 确保红外线测温仪处于正常工作状态,电池电量充足。
2. 清洁红外线测温仪的镜头,确保无尘、无污物。
3. 根据需要选择合适的红外线测温仪测温模式(单点测温、多点测温、区域测温等)。
四、操作步骤1. 打开红外线测温仪电源,确保仪器正常启动。
2. 根据需要设置温度单位(摄氏度或者华氏度)。
3. 确定测温距离,保持红外线测温仪与被测物体之间的距离稳定。
4. 对准被测物体,将红外线测温仪的镜头对准目标区域。
5. 按下测温按钮,红外线测温仪将发射红外线并接收被测物体的红外辐射。
6. 等待测温仪显示稳定的温度数值,记录测得的温度。
7. 如需连续测量,挪移红外线测温仪的镜头,重复步骤4-6。
8. 测量完毕后,关闭红外线测温仪电源。
五、注意事项1. 在测量过程中,确保红外线测温仪与被测物体之间没有遮挡物,避免干扰测温结果。
2. 在测量高温物体时,注意安全距离,避免烫伤。
3. 避免在强光、阳光直射或者有强烈背景辐射的环境下使用红外线测温仪,以免影响测温准确性。
4. 镜头保持清洁,避免灰尘或者污物影响测温结果。
5. 定期校准红外线测温仪,确保测温准确性。
6. 如发现红外线测温仪浮现异常情况(如温度异常、显示错误等),应及时住手使用并联系维修人员进行检修。
六、常见问题与解答1. 为什么测温结果与实际温度有偏差?答:可能是由于测温距离、环境温度、镜头污染等因素导致的,应检查这些因素并重新测量。
2. 如何保证测温准确性?答:定期校准红外线测温仪,并按照操作规程正确使用,避免干扰因素。
3. 红外线测温仪的测温范围是多少?答:不同型号的红外线测温仪测温范围不同,请查看设备说明书或者咨询相关人员。

功能介绍1.自助测温降低交叉感染风险,体温异常预警2.人员设定门禁设置人员进入数量如:200人超200人禁止进入3.远距离测温100-120CM精准远距测温高温禁止通行4.数据记录自动记录测温次数+报警次数5.快速测温0.25秒测温+误差正负0.3℃适应场景学校,政府办公大楼,办事营业大厅,医院,养老院,写字楼主要特性1.快速通行同时进行检测,快速筛查2.快速识别应用3.0.25S测温快速通行,100CM-120CM远距离精准测温,高温报警禁止通行4.支持多国语言,中英文播,超薄超小设计,非接触式5.原装进口传感器6.识别速度快,检测耗时约0.25s7.采用基于流动态人员检测,支持离线测温规格参数-硬件硬件CPU Cortex-A7架构,主频1.5G内存DDR31G存储EMMC FLASH16G(最大可扩展到32G)操作系统安卓7.1显示屏7英寸液晶显示屏,分辨率:1024*600外观材质铝合金外壳,钢化玻璃面板规格参数-性能性能识别高度 1.2-2.2米识别距离0.6-1.2米人脸角度左右15度,上下60度识别技术近红外活体检测,嵌入式可见光识别,适应大部份室内外环境,可在移动中快速识别识别速度人员检测通过0.3s体温检测2秒-3秒/人次状态显示播报显示规格参数-主板接口主控板接口电源接口1个外置DC12V输入插座及一个内置6P输入插座(包含外置电源STANDBY功能)USB2.0接口1个外接USB接口(可拓展6个USB HOST两个外置,四个内置)扩展接口最高支持32GB的TF卡扩展耳机/麦克座1个外置耳机音频输出WIFI内置WIFI或WIFI/BT模块(可二选一),802.11b/g/n,默认单WIFI 模块UART扩展口4个内置TTL接口+1个DEBUG-TTL其中TTL可选配为RS232与RS485接口(选配)LVDS输出1个,可直接驱动达到1080P的LVDS液晶大屏音频喇叭输出1个内置插座输出工作温度推荐0℃~35℃测温规格参数测温参数识别类型快速识别测温操作有效距离<1.2M识读速率0.2-0.3秒/次规格参数-常规参数常规参数工作温度0℃-35℃工作湿度10~90%相对湿度,无冷凝工作电压100-240VAC,50-60HZ供电DC12V/2A设备功耗≦5W设备尺寸178.2*110.2*24.5mm(长*宽*高)设备净重0.45千克(根据配置有所不同)设备毛重总共1.65千克(0.65千克机身毛重+1千克立柱毛重)安装方式支持壁挂及立柱式安装包装清单快速红外测温仪1件适配器1件壁挂1件立柱支架1件螺丝6个(4个固定壁挂,2个固定机身)说明书1份操作步骤壁挂式:1.先用螺钉将壁挂固定在墙面2.再将测温仪挂上去3.然后用螺钉固定测温仪的底部4.适配器的接口接到测温仪底部的对应接口,插电即可正常使用。
UNI-T UT301A B C UT302A B C UT303A B C 红外测温仪说明书

Model UT301A/B/CUT302A/B/CUT303A/B/C OPERATING MANUALTitlePage55577910101011111215151515161616171Table of ContentsIntroductionContacting Uni-Trend Safety Information Features DisplayButtons and ConnectorHow the Thermometer works.Operating the ThermometerLocating a Hot or Cold Spot Distance and Spot Size Field of View Emissivity Trigger LockSwitching o C/ oF HOLDTypical MeasurementsTesting Contactors (Starters)Testing Enclosed RelaysTesting Fuses and Buss Connections Testing Electrical Connections2171819202021212121212222232324242424Table of ContentsTitlePageScanning Walls for Air Leaks or Insulation Deficiencies Testing BearingsTesting Belts and SheavesChecking Hydronic Radiant Heat Applications Measuring Grille, Register, or Diffuser Discharge TemperatureChecking for Blockage in Air-To-Air Evaporators or Condensers MaintenanceChanging the Battery Cleaning the Lens Cleaning the Housing Troubleshooting CE Certification Specifications InfraredLaser Electrical PhysicalEnvironmental3691322Table Title PageList of Tables1. Symbols2. Buttons and Connector3. Surface Emissivity4. Troubleshooting47789101111Figure TitlePageList of Figures1 Symbols and Safety Markings2 Infrared Thermometer3 Thermometer Display4 Buttons and Connector5 Locating Hot or Cold Spot6 Distance and Spot Size 7Field of View5To contact Uni-Trend. call (852) 2950 9168 or visit Uni-Trend web site at IntroductionThe Model UT301A/B/C, UT302A/B/C and UT303A/B/C Infrared Thermometer (hereafter, the “Thermometer”)can determine the surface temperature by measuring the amount of infrared energy radiated by the target’s surface. They have different distance to spot (D:S) figure and different temperature range, details see the contents.The Thermometers are non-contact infrared thermometer with low consumption design so that they can be used for a longer time, which can solve the frequently changing battery and low battery issues during measurement.Intelligent design can make measurement easier and quicker. The Thermometer can intelligently select battery or USB power source.This Manual uses UT303A/B/C as illustration.Contacting Uni-TrendSafety Information6Table 1 and Figure 1 show various symbols and safety markings that are on the Thermometer and in this manual.Table 1. Symbolsl than actual temperature measurements.Do not use in a manner not specified by this manual or the protection supplied by the equipment may be impaired.CautionTo avoid damaging the thermometer or the equipment under test protect them from the following:l l l l EMF (electro-magnetic fields) from arc welders, induction heaters, etc.Static electricity.Thermal shock (caused by large or abrupt ambient temperature changes – all 30 minutes from the Thermometer to stabilize before use).Do not leave the Thermometer on or near objects of high temperature.Figure 1. Symbols and Safety MarkingsFeaturesThe Thermometer includes:l l l lll l Single-spot Laser SightingIntelligent USB power sourceBacklit DisplayTwo level white colour Backlit Display (when usingUSB power up, this feature will be on automatically).Current Temperature Plus MIN, MAX, DIF, AVGTemperature Displays/Easy Emissivity SelectorTrigger LockedlllDegree Celsius and Fahrenheit TemperatureSelectableTripod mountOne 9V BatteryThermometer features are shown in Figure 2.DisplayThe primary temperature display reports the current orlast IR temperature read until the 8-second hold timeelapses.Figure 2. Infrared Thermometer7The secondary temperature display reports a choice of Array maximum, minimum, difference between maximum andminimum temperature or average value.You can toggle through the maximum, minimum,difference and average IR temperatures anytime thedisplay is on. The MAX, MIN, DIF and AV temperaturesare constantly calculated and updated when the triggeris pressed. After the trigger is released, the MAX, MIN,DIF and AV temperatures are held for 8 seconds.Figure 3. Thermometer Display89Buttons and ConnectorTable 2. Buttons and Connector10How the Thermometer WorksInfrared thermometers measure the surface temperature of an opaque object. The Thermometer’s optics sense infrared energy, which is collected and focused onto a detector. The Thermometer’s electronics then translate the information into a displayed temperature reading which appears on the display. The laser is used for aiming purposes only.Operating the ThermometerThe Thermometer turns on when you press the trigger. The Thermometer turns off when no activity is detected for 8 seconds.To measure temperature, aim the Thermometer at the target, pull and hold the trigger. Release the trigger to hold a temperature reading.Be sure to consider distance-to-spot size ratio and filed of view. The laser is used for aiming only.To find a hot or cold spot, aim the Thermometer outside the target area. Then, slowly scan across the area with an up and down motion until you located the hot or cold spot. See Figure 5.Figure 5. Locating Hot or Cold Spot11As the distance (D) from the target being measured increases, the spot size (S) of the area measured by the unit becomes larger. The spot size indicates 90%encircled energy. The maximum D:S is obtained when the Thermometer is 600mm (60 in) form the target resulting in a spot size of 20mm (2 in). See Figure 6.Figure 6. Distance and Spot SizeMake sure that the target is larger than the spot size.The smaller the target, the closer you should be to it.See Figure 7.Figure 7. Field of ViewEmissivity describes the energy-emitting characteristics of materials. Most organic materials and painted or oxidized surfaces have an emissivity of about 0.95.If possible, to compensate for inaccurate readings that may result from measuring shiny metal surfaces, cover the surface to be measured with masking tape or flat black paint (<150 o C / 302 o F) and use the high emissivity setting. Allow time for the tape or paint to reach the same temperatures as the surface beneath it. Measure the temperature of the tape or painted surface.If you cannot use paint or use tape, then you could improve the accuracy of your measurements with the emissivity selector. Even with emissivity selector, it can be difficult to get a completely accurate infrared measurement of a target with a shiny or metallic surface. The Thermometer allows you to adjust the unit’s emissivity for the type of surface before measured. Refer to Table 2. But it is only a typical case. You could base on your own case and materials to have different setting.To adjust values for emissivity, follow the below procedure:1.2.3.Press SET to select emissivity set up, icon E on the display is blinking. The Thermometer steps through emissivity set up, trigger lock and switching o C / o F.Press to increase the value by 0.01 or press and hold to access quick setting. The maximum value is 1.00.Press to decrease the value by 0.0 or press and hold to access quick setting. The minimum value is 0.10.12Table 3. Surface EmissivityMeasure Surface METALSAluminumOxidizedAlloy A3003OxidizedRoughenedBrassBurnishedOxidizedCopperOxidizedElectrical Terminal Blocks HaynesAlloyInconelOxidizedSandblasted Electoropolished Switch Setting0.2- SurfaceIron CastOxidizedUnoxidizedMoltenIron WroughtDullLeadRoughOxidizedMolydbenumOxidizedNickelOxidizedPlatinumBlackSteelCold-RolledSwitch Setting0.6-0.950.20.2- 3. Surface EmissivityMeasure Surface IronOxidizedRustedNON-METALS Asbestos AsphaltBasaltCarbon Unoxidized Graphite Carborundum CeramicClayConcreteCloth Switch Setting0.5-0.90.5-0.70.950.950.70.8-0.90.7- SurfaceGround SheetPolished SheetZincOxidizedGlassPlateGravelGypsumIceLimestonePaper (any colour)PlasticOpaqueSoilWaterWood, (natural)Switch Setting0.4- o lock or unlock the trigger, follow the below procedures: 1. Press SET to select trigger lock setting, the is blinking.2. Press to select ON or OFF.When the trigger is locked, the Thermometer is on for continues measurement, there is no need to pull the trigger.When the trigger is unlocked, user needs to pull the trigger for measurement. When you release the trigger, the Thermometer will keep hold the measurement result automatically.1. Press SET to choose o C / o F selection mode,2. Press to select o C or o F.The display will remain activated 8 seconds after the trigger is released. HOLD appears in the upper middle of the display. When the trigger is pulled again, the Thermometer will begin measuring in the last function selected.Typical MeasurementsThis section describes a variety of measurements often performed by technicians.User could select to turn on or off the backlight and laser whenever you are making readings with the Thermometer. But if you are using USB to power up the Thermometer, the two levels white colour backlight will be on automatically.Relatively high emissivity normally means emissivity setting of about 0.95.Relatively low emissivity normally means emissivity setting of about 0.30.When user cannot identify the emissivity of the object llll15to be measured, user could cover the surface to be measured (temperature >150o C) with black electric tape (emissivity of about 0.95). Allow time for the tape to reach the same temperature as the object to be measured. Measure and record the temperature of the tape.Target the Thermometer to the object to be measured, adjust the emissivity setting to make it as the same temperature as the tape. At this time, the Thermometer emissivity setting is close to the emissivity of the object to be measured, measurement could be started.1. 2. 3. 4.Press SET to select emissivity. Press / to selectrelatively low emissivity for bright contacts, or 0.7mid level for darkened contacts.Press MODE to select MAX.Measure line and load side of one pole withoutreleasing trigger.A temperature difference between the line and loadsides of a pole indicate increased resistance ofone point and a contactor may be failing. SET and then press / to set emissivity torelatively low for uninsulated connectors or relativelyhigh for plastic encased relays or for bakeliteenclosed relays or insulated connectors.Press MODE to select MAX.Start to scan.Measure the relay casing, looking for hot spots.Measure electrical connections on relay terminalslooking for hot spots. SET and then press / to set emissivity torelatively high for paper covered fuse body orinsulated connections.Press MODE to select MAX.Scan the paper covered length of fuse.Without releasing the trigger, scan each fuse.Unequal temperatures between fuses may indicatevoltage or amperage imbalance.Press SET and then press / to set emissivity torelatively low, for metal fuses and caps and insulated16176.7.buss connections.Press MODE to select MAX.Scan each end cap on each fuse/Press SET and then press / to set emissivity torelatively low for uninsulated connectors or buss connections or relatively high for insulated connections.1.Scan the conductor, moving toward direction ofelectrical connector (quick connect, wire nut, buss connection, or lug).2.Turn off heating, cooling, and blower.Press SET to select emissivity. Press / to selectemissivity relatively high for painted surfaces or window surfaces.Press MODE to select MIN when opposite side ofwall is at lower temperature and or select MAX when opposite side of wall is at higher temperature.Measure an interior partition wall surface temperature.Do not release the trigger. Record this temperature as your baseline (or benchmark) for a “perfectly”insulated wall.Face the wall to be scanned. Stand 1.5m away toscan a 5cm spot on the wall.Scan horizontal rows of wall from top to bottom, orhorizontal rows of ceiling from wall to wall. Look for greatest deviations from baseline temperature to identify problems. This completes the insulation test scan. on the blower (no heat, no cooling) and retest. If test results with the blower on are different than results with the blower off, this may indicate air leaks inconditioned envelope walls. The air leaks are caused by duct leaks that create a pressure differential across the conditioned space envelope.WarningTo avoid injury when testing bearings:Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, or anything around neck when working around moving parts such as motors, belts, blower, and fans.Make sure an electrical disconnect is within reach and operating correctly and freely.Do not work alone.Press SET and then press / to select relatively high emissivity.Press MODE to select MAX.Enable motor and allow it to reach steady state operating temperatures.Disable the motor if possible.Measure the two motor bearing temperatures Compare the two motor bearing temperatures.Unequal temperatures or a high temperature can indicate a lubrication or other bearing problem that is resulting from excess friction.Repeat the sequence for the blower bearings. l l1819Press SET and then press / to select relativelyhigh emissivity.Press MODE to select MAX.Enable the motor and allow it to reach a steadystate operating temperatures.Aim the Thermometer at the surface to be measured.Start recording temperatureSlowly move the Thermometer up the belt towardsecond sheave. belt is slipping, sheave temperature will be high from friction.If belt is slipping, belt temperature will remain high between sheaves.If belt is not slipping, belt temperature will reduce between sheaves.If inner surfaces of sheaves are not a true “V”shape, this indicates belt slippage and will continue to operate at elevated temperatures until sheave is replaced.Sheaves must be properly aligned (include “pitch& yaw”) for belt and sheaves to operate at appropriate temperatures. A straight edge or taut string, can be used to check alignments.Motor sheave should operate at a temperature consistent with blower sheaves.If motor sheave is at a higher temperature at motor shaft than at outer circumference, belt is probably not slipping.If outer circumference of sheave is at higher temperature than sheave at motor shaft, then belt is probably slipping and sheaves may be misaligned.l l l l l l l l1. 2. 3.4.Press SET and then press / to select relatively high emissivity.Press MODE to select MAX.To locate radiant heat tubes in floor, temporarily elevate the loop temperature to create hotter spots for identifying tubing runs.Before releasing trigger, press MODE to toggle between MIN, MAX, DIF floor temperatures and record the temperature for future comparison and trending under similar conditions.Radiant heat tubes in the floor will normally run parallelto the outside walls. Starting at the floor wall juncture, scan parallel to the wall while moving into the room away from the wall. Parallel to the outside wall you should find parallel isothermal rows indicating the location of heat tubes below the surface. Perpendicular to the outside wall, you should find rising and falling temperatures at equal distances. High temperatures indicate you are scanning a heat tube beneath the floor surface, low falling temperatures indicate a space between the heat tubes. SET and then press / to select relatively high emissivity.Aim the Thermometer at the discharge air grille, register, or diffuser.Measure discharge temperature.Release trigger to freeze the temperature reading for 8 seconds and record this temperature.Grille, register, or diffuser temperature should be equivalent to discharge temperature at the air handler.201. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Remove panels to gain access to coil return bendsor hairpins.Press SET and then press / to select relativelyhigh emissivity for copper tube.Start the refrigeration system.Aim the Thermometer at coil turn bends/hairpins.Start recording temperature.Take temperature of each return bend/hairpin.All evaporator return bends/hairpins should beat or slightly above evaporator saturationtemperature from the pressure/temperaturechart.All condenser return bend/hairpins should beat or slightly less than condenser saturationtemperature.If a group of return bends/hairpins do not conformto expected temperatures, that indicates ablocked or restricted distributor or distributortube.MaintenanceTo install or change the 9V battery, open the batterycompartment the battery as shown in Figure 2.Blow off loose particles using clean compressed air.Carefully wipe the surface with a moist cotton swab.The swab may be moistened with water.Use soap and water on a damp sponge or soft cloth.To avoid damaging the Thermometer, do NOTsubmerge it in water.Cautionlll21TroubleshootingTable 4. TroubleshootingCE CertificationThe Thermometer conforms to the following standards:l EN61326-1 EMCl EN60825-1 SafetyCertification testing was conducted using a frequency range of 80 to 100MHz with instrument in three orientations. 2223Measurement Range (UT301A)------------------------------------------------ -18oC to 350oC (0oF to 662oF)Measurement Range (UT301B)------------------------------------------------ -18o C to 450o C (0o F to 842oF)Measurement Range (UT301C)------------------------------------------------ -18o C to 550o C (0o F to 1022oF)Measurement Range (UT302A)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 450o C (-26o F to 842oF)Measurement Range (UT302B)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 550o C (-26o F to 1022oF)Measurement Range (UT302C)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 650o C (-26o F to 1202oF)Measurement Range (UT303A)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 650o C (-26o F to 1202oF)Measurement Range (UT303B)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 850o C (-26o F to 1562oF)Measurement Range (UT303C)------------------------------------------------ -32o C to 1050o C (-26o F to 1922oF)o C/4oF)Temperature than less 0o C , Accuracy add to 1o C(2oF)(Assumes ambient operating temperature of 23 to 25o C (73 to 77oF))Repeatability ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5% of reading or 1o C/2oF Response Time (95%) -----------------------------------------------------------250ms Distance to Spot (D:S) (UT301A/B/C)----------------------------------------12:1Distance to Spot (D:S) (UT302A/B/C)-------------------------------- --------20:1Distance to Spot (D:S) (UT303A/B/C)----------------------------- -----------30:1o C (0.1oF)Secondary Display Information ------------------------------------------------ Maximum, Minimum, Differential, AverageSpecificationsSighting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Single point laserPower ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class 2 (II) operation; Output <1mV, wavelength 630 to 670mmPower Supply -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6F22 9V BatteryPower Consumption ------------------------------------------------------------ At least 30 hours battery life (Alkarine), At least 10 hours battery life (General Purpose) Weight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.322kgSize ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------17.69cm (H) x 16.36 cm (L) x 5.18cm (W) Operating Temperature Range ---------------------------------------------- 0o C to 50o C (32o F to 120o F)Relative Humidity ----------------------------------------------------------------0 to 75% noncondensingStorage Temperature ---------------------------------------------------------- -20o C to 65o C (-4o F to 150o F)24** END **This operating manual is subject to change without notice.25All rights reserved.Manufacturer:Uni-Trend Technology (Dongguan) LimitedDong Fang Da DaoBei Shan Dong Fang Industrial Development District Hu Men Town, Dongguan CityGuang Dong ProvinceChinaPostal Code: 523 925Headquarters:Uni-Trend Group LimitedRm901, 9/F, Nanyang Plaza57 Hung To RoadKwun TongKowloon, Hong KongTel: (852) 2950 9168Fax: (852) 2950 9303Email:******************2627。

三、设备准备1. 确保红外线测温仪处于正常工作状态,电池电量充足。
2. 检查测温仪的外观是否完好,无损坏和松动部件。
3. 清洁测温仪的镜头,确保无尘和污渍。
四、操作步骤1. 打开红外线测温仪的电源开关,并等待仪器启动。
2. 设置测量单位。
3. 瞄准目标物体。
4. 按下测量按钮。
5. 读取测量结果。
6. 记录测量结果。
五、注意事项1. 在测量前,确保目标物体表面干净,无遮挡物。
2. 在测量时,保持稳定的手持姿势,避免晃动和抖动,以确保测量准确性。
3. 根据仪器的使用说明,选择适当的测量距离和角度,以获得准确的测量结果。
4. 避免将红外线测温仪暴露在高温、潮湿或有腐蚀性气体的环境中,以免影响仪器的性能和寿命。
5. 定期检查和校准红外线测温仪,确保其测量准确性和稳定性。
六、安全注意事项1. 红外线测温仪不应用于人体测温,以免对人体造成伤害。
2. 避免直接对眼睛照射红外线,以免损伤视力。
3. 使用红外线测温仪时,应注意周围环境的安全,避免发生意外事故。
七、维护保养1. 使用后,及时关闭红外线测温仪的电源开关。
2. 清洁测温仪的镜头和外壳,避免灰尘和污渍积累。
3. 定期检查和更换电池,确保电池电量充足。

红外测温仪广泛应用于医疗、工业、农业、建筑等领域,其使用方法如下:1. 准备工作:在使用红外测温仪之前,需要先了解设备的基本构造和功能。
2. 设定参数:打开红外测温仪,进入设置界面。
3. 瞄准目标:将红外测温仪对准目标物体,确保测温距离符合设备的要求。
4. 测量温度:按下测量按钮,红外测温仪会通过红外接收器接收目标物体发出的红外辐射,并将其转换成相应的温度数值。
5. 数据保存与分析:红外测温仪通常都可以将测得的温度数据以数字或者图形的形式显示出来。
6. 注意事项:在使用红外测温仪时,需要注意以下几点:- 红外测温仪的使用环境应该符合设备的使用条件,避免高温、低温、高湿度等极端条件对设备性能和测量结果的影响。
- 使用红外测温仪时,需要保持设备的镜头清洁,避免灰尘或污垢对测量结果的影响。
- 注意红外测温仪的测量距离和目标大小的关系,精确瞄准测量目标。
- 红外测温仪的测量结果受到环境因素的影响,如目标物体的表面反射率、距离、环境温度等,需要根据实际情况进行修正。
- 红外测温仪并不适用于所有的测温场景,一些特殊材料、表面处理过的物体等可能不适合使用红外测温仪来测量温度。

为了避免单位或目标的伤害,请从下列情况下保护1 EMF(电磁场)弧焊机,感应加热器。
2 视场角:确保目标大于测温仪的光点大小。

手持测温枪使用操作指导书1 准备工作简单了解一下UT300系列手持测温枪的技术参数如表1所示。
表1 UT300系列手持测温枪的技术参数型号UT301A UT301B UT301C 温度范围-18℃~350℃-18℃~450℃-18℃~550℃显示精度±1.8℃或1.8% ±1.8℃或1.8%±1.8℃或1.8%重复精度±0.5℃或0.5% ±0.5℃或0.5%±0.5℃或0.5%显示分辨率0.1 0.1 0.1 D:S(距离与光点直径比)12:1 12:1 12:1响应时间250mS(95%可读)250mS(95%可读)250mS(95%可读)光谱响应8um 至14um 8um 至14um 8um 至14um激光功率2(11)类;激光产品;输出<1mW,波长630-670nm2(11)类;激光产品;输出<1mW,波长630-670nm2(11)类;激光产品;输出<1mW,波长630-670nm显示保持8秒8秒8秒℃/℉选择√√√发射率可调数字可调节,可在0.10至1.0步长0.01 数字可调节,可在0.10至1.0步长0.01数字可调节,可在0.10至1.0步长0.01温度读数保持√√√供电USB供电(自动双层背光显示)或9V电池(6F22)USB供电(自动双层背光显示)或9V电池(6F22)USB供电(自动双层背光显示)或9V电池(6F22)激光开关√√√搜索√√√断电记忆√√√最大值最小值显示√√√差值,平均值显示√√√双重白色背光√√√自动关机√√√三脚安装架√√√低电压显示√√√工作人员及其职责见表2。
表2 工作人员及其职责作业项目工时(h)数量(人)职责测温视具体工作量1 负责正确使用测温枪测量并做实时纪录2 操作说明以及过程2.1 准备好测温枪,UT301A型测温枪外观如图1所示。
2.2 点击mode按钮出现如图2所示的画面,然后点击set 按钮,会发现发射率设定值闪烁,我们可以通过向上或者向下按钮调节发射率,这一点视具体需要测量材料决定,不同的材料的发射率不同,参照附表1,选择正确的发射率可以行到相对精确的测量值。

Non-Contact Infrared Forehead Thermometer with Digital LED Display - White
Model B2355238
Read this manual thoroughly prior to installation, operation or maintenance. Keep these instructions in a safe location for future reference. For questions, visit or contact Customer Service at 1-800-645-2986.
use 1/2” to 2”
5.4" x 1.5" x 1.5" .2 (without batteries)
- not included
1 year
Customer Service: US: 1-800-645-2986

二、设备概述1. 红外线测温仪是一种基于红外线辐射原理测量物体表面温度的设备。
2. 红外线测温仪由外壳、显示屏、测温探头、电源等组成。
3. 红外线测温仪具有快速测量、高精度、非接触等特点。
三、操作前准备1. 确保红外线测温仪处于正常工作状态,电源充足。
2. 检查测温探头是否清洁,无损坏和污染。
3. 根据需要选择合适的测温模式(单点测温、多点测温、区域测温等)。
四、操作步骤1. 打开红外线测温仪电源,等待设备自检完成。
2. 选择合适的测温模式,根据需要进行相关设置。
3. 对准目标物体,保持一定距离(通常为测距比例的1-3倍),按下测温按钮或扳机。
4. 等待红外线测温仪完成测温,显示屏上将显示目标物体的温度值。
5. 如需连续测温,可重复步骤3和步骤4。
五、注意事项1. 在使用红外线测温仪时,应避免测量目标物体表面有反射物体、遮挡物或涂层。
2. 在测量高温物体时,应注意安全防护措施,避免烫伤或热辐射损伤。
3. 在测量低温物体时,应注意环境温度对测量结果的影响。
4. 长时间使用红外线测温仪时,应注意设备的散热和电池电量。
5. 在不使用红外线测温仪时,应将其存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免受潮或过热。
六、故障处理1. 若红外线测温仪显示异常或无法正常测量,请检查电源、测温探头等是否正常连接。
2. 若问题仍无法解决,请联系售后服务中心或厂家进行维修。
七、安全注意事项1. 在使用红外线测温仪时,应遵守相关安全操作规范,确保自身和他人的安全。
2. 不要将红外线测温仪用于超出其设计用途的场景,避免发生意外。
3. 不要将红外线测温仪暴露在高温、潮湿或腐蚀性环境中,以免影响设备性能和寿命。
八、维护保养1. 定期清洁红外线测温仪的外壳和测温探头,确保无尘、无污染。

准备 1、在关机状态下,按“测量”键开机,LCD屏全显1秒,显示“---℃”表示进入待机状态,在待机状态下,按“测量”键测量,当LCD屏显示温度时或提示音结束后才完成测量,时间为1秒。
2、测量体温时,拨开头发,擦除汗水,将体温计指向前额头正中央眉心上方并保持垂直,距离额头正中在3cm~5cm 左右①。
操作方法 1、评估患者病情、配合情况。
评估 处理用物:1、使用消毒湿巾或含氯消毒液擦拭消毒机身②,书写护理记录。
若测得体温〈36.0℃或> 37。
参考文献:[1] 李志娟,张丽琴,苏艳梅。