介绍徐州苏宁广场的英语作文Introduction of Xuzhou Suning PlazaXuzhou Suning Plaza is a prominent shopping center located in the heart of Xuzhou, a major city in Jiangsu Province, China. With a total floor area of over 100,000 square meters, the plaza is a hub for shopping, dining, entertainment, and leisure activities, attracting visitors from all over the region.The plaza is home to a wide range of international and domestic brands, offering shoppers a diverse selection of products and services. From fashion boutiques to electronics stores, from gourmet restaurants to cozy cafes, there is something for everyone at Xuzhou Suning Plaza. The shopping experience is further enhanced by the modern design and spacious layout of the complex, making it a comfortable and convenient place to browse and shop.In addition to its retail offerings, Xuzhou Suning Plaza also features a variety of entertainment options. Moviegoers can catch the latest blockbusters at the cinema, while gamers can test their skills at the arcade. There are also a number offamily-friendly attractions, including a children's play area and akaraoke center, making the plaza a popular destination for visitors of all ages.For those looking to relax and unwind, the plaza has a number of leisure facilities. The rooftop garden provides a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, while the spa and wellness center offer a range of treatments and services to help guests feel rejuvenated and refreshed.Overall, Xuzhou Suning Plaza is a vibrant and dynamic destination that offers a blend of shopping, dining, entertainment, and relaxation. Whether you're looking to update your wardrobe, enjoy a delicious meal, watch a movie, or simply take a break from your busy schedule, the plaza has something for everyone. Come and discover all that Xuzhou Suning Plaza has to offer!。
苏宁云商集团股份有限公司(SUNING COMMERCE GROUP CO., LTD.)原为苏宁电器股份有限公司(SUNING APPLIANCE CO., LTD.),2013年2月19日,公告称由于企业经营形态的变化而拟将更名。
苏宁的电子商务:“想了10年”、 “四次升级” 2005年,苏宁独立成立B2C管理部,独立开 发了第一代在线系统,苏宁电器网上商城一 期开始运营。 2007年,通过第三方平台开发第二代网络平 台,销售覆盖全国并且拥有了单独的线上服 务流程 。
1 2 3 4
苏宁易购网站概况 苏宁易购业务模式 苏宁易购平台优势
根据网站的自身特点,融合多方资源,有效整合,在促进网站销售的同 时,推广网站的知名度,提高点击率,有效推广网络相关活动信息,使之成
2005年起,IBM就和苏宁展开合作,并最终达成战略合作的共识。双方联 合开发的SAP/ERP系统至今仍是中国零售业最强大的系统之一。而ERP/SAP系 统已经和苏宁易购平台对接,顾客在网站上下的订单会第一时间传递到苏宁 的后台信息管理系统,物流仓库能在第一时间进行反应。而苏宁电器原有的 B2B平台也应用到苏宁易购的采购体系中,生产厂商能第一时间看到销售情况 ,并随时调整货源,让前后台的销售进行无缝关联,大大缩短了产品备货的 反应时间,提高工作效率。
Company Logo
延续常规网站宣传模式的同时,开创一条苏宁易购特有的网络宣传模式,达 到双方的合作共赢。
2、网络口碑整合 3、信息病毒式传播形成口碑效应 4、视频网络同步推动 5、共建商城 6、目录销售 7、友情链接
公司基本概况英语1. 公司名称Our company name is ABC Corporation.2. 公司类型Our company is a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange.3. 公司总部地点Our headquarters is located in New York City, USA.4. 成立时间Our company was founded in 1990.5. 员工人数We have approximately 500 employees worldwide.6. 注册资本Our registered capital is $10 million.7. 公司经营范围Our company engages in the production and sale of high-end consumer electronics products.8. 公司口号Our slogan is "Innovation Changes the World".9. 公司愿景Our vision is to become a global leader in the consumer electronics industry.10. 公司价值观Our values are integrity, innovation, teamwork, and customer focus.11. 公司战略目标Our strategic goal is to achieve a market share of 20% in the global consumer electronics market within the next five years.12. 公司客户群体Our target customer is consumers who seek high-quality, cutting-edge technology products.13. 公司销售模式Our sales model is a combination of direct sales and distribution through third-party channels.14. 公司市场占有率Currently, our market share is approximately 10% in the global consumer electronics market.。
利润总额 归属于上市公司股东的净利润
5,402,044 4,011,820 扣除非经常性损益后归属于上市公司股东 4,029,589 的净利润 3,881,336 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 -1,648,563 现金及现金等价物净增加额
1.15 1.2 流动比率 流动比率 1.3 1.4 1.5
• 存货周转率 • 应收帐款周转率 • 总资产周转率
资产运营能力分析 (单位:千元 )
项目 2010 年度 2009 年度 同比增减 2008年度
存货周转率 流动资产周转率 总资产周转率
7.84 2.30 1.86
8.56 2.41 1.99
苏宁电器 公司简介
苏宁电器 1990年创立于江苏南京,是中国3C(家电、电脑、通讯)家电连锁零售企业的领先 者,截至2011年底,连锁网络覆盖中国大陆、香港和日本地区共600多个城市,拥有1700多 家连锁店,员工18万人。是网络规模、品牌效益、管理与服务等全方位的行业领先;是国 家商务部重点培育的“全国15家大型商业企业集团”之一。到2020年,电器连锁店总数将 达3000家,销售规模达3500亿,同时完成300个电器旗舰店、60个物流基地的建设,进入世 界一流企业的行列,成为“中国的沃尔玛”。苏宁电器在国内同行业中地位如此显赫的根 本原因为公司的企业文化与企业管理,这就与其人力资源的战略政策密不可分。 苏宁易购是建立在苏宁电器强大后台基础上的电子商务平台,作为实体零售的辅助,苏宁 易购旨在通过利用苏宁既有优势,通过自主采购、独立运营将虚拟经济和实体销售模式 相结合,配合苏宁电器集团打造虚实结合的新型家电连锁模式。 目前,苏宁易购网站以 通讯、电脑、数码、黑电、冰洗、空调、厨卫、生活电器为主。与此同时,苏宁易购也不 拘泥于家电零售在快速消费品、百货产品、家居产品、娱乐产品等领域,全面布局,利 用网络平台便捷的优势,实现由家电3C零售商向综合产品零售商的转型。 在区域覆盖上, 苏宁易购将会依托香港、日本的平台,利用网购领域无国界的特点,借助强大的管理后台、 技术平台同步进军国际电子商务市场并向东南亚地区实现渗透
电商公司英语简介范文Introduction to E-commerce Company.In the rapidly evolving landscape of global business, e-commerce companies have emerged as key players, revolutionizing the way we shop, sell, and interact with brands. Leveraging technology and innovation, these companies have broken geographical barriers, expanded market reach, and provided unprecedented convenience to consumers worldwide.Our e-commerce company, with its rich heritage and visionary leadership, has carved a niche in this competitive industry. Since its inception, it has been committed to delivering an unparalleled shopping experience to its customers, while simultaneously driving growth and profitability for its partners.Mission and Vision.Our mission is to simplify and enhance the shopping experience for our customers by providing a comprehensive range of products, competitive prices, and seamlesscheckout processes. We aim to make every transaction smooth, secure, and enjoyable, ensuring that our customers always look forward to shopping with us.Our vision is to become the preferred e-commerce destination for millions of customers across the globe. We envision a future where technology and innovation are harnessed to create personalized shopping experiences, tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each customer.Products and Services.Our e-commerce platform offers a diverse range of products across multiple categories, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more. We source our products from trusted suppliers and brands, ensuring high-quality standards and authenticity.Apart from a vast product catalog, we also providevalue-added services such as express delivery, easy returns, and customer support. Our team of experts is alwaysavailable to assist customers with their queries and ensure a satisfying shopping experience.Technology and Innovation.Our e-commerce company believes that technology is the key to staying ahead in this competitive industry. We continuously invest in research and development to bring cutting-edge features and functionalities to our platform.Our website and mobile app are designed with the latest user interface and experience (UI/UX) trends, making it intuitive and enjoyable for customers to browse and shop. We also employ advanced analytics and data science techniques to understand customer behavior, preferences,and trends, enabling us to personalize their shopping experience.Sustainability and Social Responsibility.As a responsible e-commerce company, we are committedto sustainable business practices and social responsibility. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by implementing green initiatives such as energy-efficient data centers, paperless operations, and recycling programs.We also prioritize fair trade and ethical sourcing, ensuring that our products are made in a sustainable and responsible manner. We partner with suppliers and brandsthat align with our values and commit to ethical business practices.Future Outlook.Looking ahead, our e-commerce company is excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. With the rising trend of mobile shopping, social media integration, and artificial intelligence (AI)-powered personalization,we are poised to continue leading the industry.We will continue to innovate and adapt to changingcustomer needs and preferences, while maintaining our commitment to quality, convenience, and sustainability. We believe that by staying true to our mission and vision, we will continue to build a strong and lasting relationship with our customers, partners, and the community.In conclusion, our e-commerce company is committed to delivering an unparalleled shopping experience to our customers, while driving growth and profitability for our partners. With our focus on technology, innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility, we are excited about the future and look forward to creating even more value for our stakeholders.。
© Copyright suning appliance 2010
围绕电器连锁自建店和自建物流基地需求,苏宁进入地产开发领域,形成了以“苏宁置业 ”为品牌,商业地产、物流工业地产、住宅地产、科技地产、旅游地产五大领域协同发展 的产业格局。
从2008年起,苏宁置业在南京、北京、上海、天津、重庆、广州、成都、沈阳、武汉、杭 州等全国60多个一、二级城市开发建设,形成了全国连锁经营的布局,2011年开发800 万平方米,矢志成为中国高端综合地产的领袖企业。
© Copyright suning 2011
南京新街口苏宁广场 17万平方米 400米
南京奥体CBD苏宁广场 45万平方米 400米
© Copyright suning 2011
上海外滩精品酒店项目 8万平方米 40米
天津苏宁广场 22万平方米 150米
截至2010年底,苏宁电器连锁网络已经覆盖中 国大陆300多个城市,并且进入中国香港和日本 东京、大阪地区,拥有近1400家连锁店,2010 年销售收入近1500亿元。
作为商务部重点培育的15家大型商业企业集团之 一,苏宁电器入选《福布斯》亚洲企业50强,全 球2000 大企业中国零售业第一。
© Copyright suning 2011
1.集团概况 2.产业经营 3.合作共赢 4.智慧苏宁 5.人力资源 6.社会责任 7.愿景规划
© Copyright suning 2011
苏宁电器集团创立于1990年,历经20年的发展,成为中国最大的商业企业,是“国家商 务部重点培育的15家大型商业企业集团”之一,位列中国企业500强第50位,中国第二大 民营企业,品牌价值508.31亿元。
未来十年,苏宁将坚持执著拼搏的企业精神,以电器连锁为主业,商业、地产、 服务业协同发展,以国内市场为主导,逐步探索扩大国际市场开发,到2020年 跻身世界一流企业行列。 电器连锁方面:苏宁将坚持实体网络和虚拟网络同步建设,继续保持稳健、高 速的发展态势,依托信息化技术的创新运用,苏宁向消费者提供更加智能化、 人性化的家居生活,全面提升服务品质和客户体验,升级企业内部管理平台。 综合地产开发方面:苏宁将坚持商业、物流工业、住宅、科技、旅游五大领域 协同发展,同步带动高星级酒店、购物中心,到2020年完成300家自建电器旗 舰店、60个物流基地、100个高星级酒店和50个大型购物中心,营业规模达到 2000亿。 以打造“百年苏宁和民族商业品牌”为使命,苏宁将继续拼搏,矢志打造中国 最优秀的连锁服务品牌。
苏宁电器(Suning Appliance of China)1990年创立于江苏南京, 是 中国3C(家电、电脑、通讯)家电连锁零售企业的领先者,是国家商 务部重点培育的“全国15家大型商业企业集团”之一。 苏宁电器集团以电器连锁为主业,顺势切入商业地产,同步带动住宅 开发、高星级酒店与购物中心连锁等行业发展,形成了商业、地产、 服务业三大领域协同发展的产业格局。
PageertGaskins)是一 位具有远见卓识的企业家。早在80年代中期, 他就意识到商业幻灯片这一巨大但尚未被人 发掘的市场同正在出现的图形化电脑时代形 成了完美的结合。
Dennis与Tom Rudkin设计了原始版本的程 式。Bob后来建议了新的产品"PowerPoint",
该名称最后变成产品正式名称(加斯金斯当 年的PPT产品企划)。
介绍苏宁广场的作文英语Suning Plaza is a renowned commercial and residential complex located in the heart of a bustling metropolis. Spanning over several city blocks, this expansive development has become a hub of activity, attracting locals and visitors alike with its diverse offerings and captivating architectural design.At the core of Suning Plaza lies a sprawling shopping mall that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its patrons. The mall boasts an impressive array of high-end retail outlets, housing the flagship stores of both international and domestic brands. From luxury fashion and accessories to the latest electronics and home appliances, the shopping experience at Suning Plaza is nothing short of exceptional.One of the standout features of the mall is its seamless integration of entertainment and dining options. Visitors can indulge in a wide range of culinary delights, from gourmet restaurants serving exquisite local and global cuisine to casual eateries offering quick bites and refreshments. The mall also features a state-of-the-artcinema complex, where moviegoers can enjoy the latest blockbusters in the comfort of plush seating and cutting-edge audio-visual technology.Beyond the shopping and entertainment offerings, Suning Plaza also encompasses a vibrant residential component. The complex features a collection of high-rise towers that offer luxurious apartments and penthouses, catering to those seeking a prestigious address in the heart of the city. The residences are designed with meticulous attention to detail, featuring modern amenities and stunning city views that enhance the overall living experience.One of the most distinctive aspects of Suning Plaza is its architectural design, which seamlessly blends modern elements with traditional Chinese influences. The complex's façade is characterized by a harmonious interplay of glass, steel, and natural stone, creating a visually striking and harmonious ensemble. The incorporation of lush greenery and water features throughout the development further enhances the sense of tranquility and sophistication.The plaza's outdoor spaces are equally impressive, offering visitors a respite from the bustling city life. Expansive plazas and pedestrian-friendly walkways invite visitors to stroll, relax, and take in the vibrant atmosphere. These public spaces are often host to a variety of cultural events, live performances, and community gatherings,adding to the vibrant and dynamic nature of Suning Plaza.One of the key factors contributing to the success of Suning Plaza is its strategic location within the city. Situated at the intersection of major thoroughfares and close to public transportation hubs, the complex is easily accessible from various parts of the metropolitan area. This prime location not only enhances the convenience for visitors but also serves as a catalyst for the economic development of the surrounding neighborhood.The management team of Suning Plaza has been instrumental in maintaining the high standards of the complex, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all who visit. Through continuous investment in infrastructure, tenant curation, and event programming, the plaza remains at the forefront of the city's retail and entertainment landscape.In addition to its commercial and residential offerings, Suning Plaza also plays a significant role in the local community. The complex houses a variety of community-oriented facilities, such as healthcare clinics, educational institutions, and recreational centers, catering to the diverse needs of its residents and the surrounding neighborhoods.The success of Suning Plaza can be attributed to its ability to adaptand evolve with the changing needs and preferences of its patrons. The management team is constantly exploring innovative ways to enhance the visitor experience, whether it's through the introduction of new retail concepts, the incorporation of cutting-edge technology, or the organization of unique events and experiences.In conclusion, Suning Plaza is a remarkable development that has become an integral part of the city's fabric. Its seamless blend of shopping, entertainment, dining, and residential offerings, coupled with its exceptional architectural design and community-centric initiatives, have solidified its status as a premier destination for both locals and visitors alike. As the city continues to grow and evolve, Suning Plaza remains a shining example of urban development that successfully combines commercial success with a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all who experience its vibrant and dynamic environment.。
苏宁电器依托自身强大的连锁零售平台,通过 OEM 、 ODM 、 包 销 定 制 等 多 样 化 的 采 购 模 式 , 立足物流工业园平台、以商业需求引导工业制 造,优化家电供应链、以民族商业渠道扶植民 族制造业发展。
© Copyright suning 2012
© Copyright suning 2012
苏宁电器依托专业的设计、采购销售、安装配送与服 务管理团队,为全国政府采购、事业单位、企业单位、 部队系统等集团采购客户提供涵盖全品类的一站式采 购解决方案。 除门店常规电器产品外,对公销售还为集团采购及部 分零售高端客户,提供中央空调系统、地暖系统、净 水系统、锅炉系统、办公集成系统、 影音集成系统 等商用电器产品的整体解决方案。
© Copyright suning 2012
北京 上海
© Copyright suning 2012
苏宁广场是苏宁置业开发建设的大型城市综合体,一般 位于市级商业中心、副商业中心,矗立城市核心,筑就 城市地标,成就城市形象名片。
苏宁广场经营业态涵盖苏宁电器超级旗舰店、高端购物 中心、高星级酒店、国际甲级写字楼、高档公寓等。根 据商业面积规模的不同,苏宁广场总建筑面积10万平方 米、20-30万平方米、50-60万平方米不等。
© Copyright suning 2012
项目名称:南京新街口苏宁广场 总建筑面积: 17万平方米 建筑高度:388米
有关家电公司的公司介绍英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a super cool company called Happy Appliances. It's a company that sells all kinds of household appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, and more!First of all, let me tell you about their refrigerators. They have all different sizes and colors, so you can choose the one that fits best in your kitchen. And they all have special features like ice makers and water dispensers. Who wouldn't want a fridge like that?Next up, let's talk about their washing machines. They have top-loading ones, front-loading ones, and even ones that are super quiet so you won't even know they're on. And some of them have special cycles for delicate clothes or big loads. It's like magic!And don't even get me started on their TVs. They have all different sizes and resolutions, so you can watch all your favorite shows in amazing quality. And some of them even have smartfeatures so you can watch Netflix and YouTube right on your TV. How cool is that?Overall, Happy Appliances is the best company for all your household appliance needs. They have top-quality products, great customer service, and amazing prices. So next time you need a new fridge, washing machine, or TV, make sure to check out Happy Appliances. You won't be disappointed!篇2Hello everyone, today I'll introduce a cool company to you - the Happy Home Appliance Company!The Happy Home Appliance Company is a really awesome company that makes all kinds of cool gadgets for your home. They have things like refrigerators, microwave ovens, washing machines, and even smart TVs! It's like a dream come true for anyone who loves technology.The best thing about the Happy Home Appliance Company is that they make their products with the latest technology and the highest quality materials. That means that all of their gadgets are super reliable and will last you a long time. You won't have to worry about them breaking down after just a few weeks of use.But that's not all! The Happy Home Appliance Company also cares about the environment. They make sure that their products are energy-efficient and eco-friendly, so you can feel good about using them in your home.Another great thing about the Happy Home Appliance Company is their customer service. If you ever have a problem with one of their products, you can just give them a call and they'll send someone over to fix it for you. They really care about making sure their customers are happy.So if you're looking for some awesome gadgets for your home, you should definitely check out the Happy Home Appliance Company. They have everything you need to make your home a happy and high-tech place to live. I promise you won't be disappointed!篇3Hello everyone! Today I'm going to introduce a cool company to you - our family's home appliance company!Our family's home appliance company is called "Perfect Home". We sell all kinds of home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, air conditioners, and more. Our companyis super popular because we have the latest and greatest appliances at the best prices!First of all, let me tell you about our refrigerators. They come in all sizes and colors, and they keep your food fresh for a long time. You can even get a refrigerator with a built-in ice maker - how cool is that?Next up, we have our washing machines. They can wash your clothes super clean in no time. And some of them even have special settings for delicate fabrics, so you don't have to worry about ruining your favorite clothes.Our TVs are also really awesome. They have super clear picture quality and amazing sound. You can watch all your favorite shows and movies in style with a TV from Perfect Home.And don't forget about our air conditioners! They can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Plus, they're super energy-efficient, so you'll save money on your electricity bill.So if you're in need of some new home appliances, come check out Perfect Home. We have everything you need to make your home perfect!篇4Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce a super cool company to you all - the household appliance company!Household appliance company is a company that sells all kinds of awesome things for your home, like fridges, washing machines, TVs, air conditioners, and so much more! They make our lives easier and more fun by providing us with all the gadgets we need to make our homes cozy and comfortable.One of the best things about household appliance company is that they have a huge range of products to choose from. Whether you need a new microwave for heating up your snacks, or a vacuum cleaner to keep your house clean, they have got you covered. And the best part is that their products are all super high quality, so you know you are getting the best of the best.Not only do they have amazing products, but household appliance company also has fantastic customer service. If you ever have a problem with one of their products, you can call their hotline and they will help you out right away. They really care about their customers and want to make sure you are happy with your purchase.So if you are looking for some new gadgets to spruce up your home, look no further than household appliance company.They have everything you need to make your home the coolest on the block!篇5Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you about a really cool company called SmartHome Appliances. They sell all kinds of home appliances like refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, and more. Let me tell you more about them!SmartHome Appliances is a big company that makes all kinds of electronic stuff for your house. They have a lot of different products that can make your life easier and more fun. For example, they have a smart fridge that can tell you when you are running out of milk or eggs. How cool is that?They also have smart TVs that can connect to the internet and let you watch all your favorite shows and movies. And don't forget about their washing machines that can clean your clothes super fast and make them smell great!One thing that I really like about SmartHome Appliances is that they care about the environment. They use eco-friendly materials to make their products and they are always trying to find ways to save energy. That's super important!So if you need any new appliances for your house, make sure to check out SmartHome Appliances. They have the coolest stuff and they are super friendly too. I hope you give them a try! Thanks for listening!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a cool company called "SmartHome Electronics". It's a company that makes all kinds of awesome electronic gadgets for your home.First of all, let me introduce you to SmartHome Electronics. It was founded in 2005 by a group of tech-savvy engineers who wanted to make life easier for people at home. They started off with just a few products, but now they have a whole range of smart devices like smart TVs, smart refrigerators, smart air conditioners, and even smart washing machines!One of the best things about SmartHome Electronics is that they are always coming up with new and innovative products. For example, they recently launched a smart thermostat that can automatically adjust the temperature in your house based on your daily routines. How cool is that?Another thing that sets SmartHome Electronics apart from other companies is their commitment to quality. They use thelatest technology and high-quality materials to make sure that their products are always top-notch. And if you ever have any problems with your device, their customer service team is always ready to help you out.In conclusion, SmartHome Electronics is a fantastic company that is dedicated to making your home life easier and more convenient. So if you're looking for some awesome electronic gadgets for your home, look no further than SmartHome Electronics. You won't be disappointed!篇7Hello everyone, today I'm going to introduce a really cool company called "Happy Home Appliances". They make all kinds of awesome gadgets for our homes, like refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs.First of all, let me tell you a little bit about the history of this company. Happy Home Appliances was founded 20 years ago by a group of friends who wanted to make high-quality home appliances that were also affordable. They started out with just a small office and a few employees, but now they have factories all over the world and sell their products in stores everywhere.One of the things that makes Happy Home Appliances special is that they are always coming up with new and innovative designs. For example, they recently released a refrigerator that has a built-in ice maker and a TV on the door! How cool is that?Another thing that sets Happy Home Appliances apart from other companies is their commitment to quality. They have a team of engineers who test each and every product to make sure it meets their high standards before it goes to market. That way, you can be sure that when you buy something from Happy Home Appliances, it's going to work great and last a long time.In addition to making great products, Happy Home Appliances also cares about the environment. They use recycled materials in their packaging and are always looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. So when you buy a product from them, you can feel good knowing that you're supporting a company that cares about the planet.Overall, I think Happy Home Appliances is a really awesome company. They make cool products, they care about quality, and they're doing their part to protect the environment. I hope you'll check them out next time you're in need of some new home gadgets!篇8Hi everyone! Today I want to introduce a super cool company to you all, it's called "Sunshine Electronics Co., Ltd."! This company is all about making awesome electronic devices that make our lives easier and more fun.First of all, let me tell you a bit about this company. Sunshine Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005 and has been making high-quality electronic products ever since. They have a team of super smart engineers and designers who come up with new and innovative ideas all the time.One thing that's really cool about Sunshine Electronics Co., Ltd. is that they have a wide range of products for all different needs. They make everything from TVs and smartphones to refrigerators and washing machines. So no matter what you need, they've got you covered!Another awesome thing about this company is that they really care about their customers. They have a great customer service team that is always ready to help with any questions or problems you might have. And they also offer a warranty on all of their products, so you can feel confident in your purchase.Overall, Sunshine Electronics Co., Ltd. is a super awesome company that makes amazing electronic products. So if you're looking for a new TV, smartphone, or any other electronic device, be sure to check them out! Thanks for listening, everyone!篇9Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about a cool company called Super Electric. This company is all about making awesome appliances for your home, like refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs.Super Electric was started by a group of super smart engineers who wanted to make appliances that are not only super efficient, but also super stylish. They use the latest technology to make sure their products are top-notch.One of the coolest things about Super Electric is that they really care about the environment. All of their appliances are energy efficient, which means they use less electricity and are better for the planet. They also use eco-friendly materials in their products whenever possible.Super Electric also has a great customer service team. If you ever have a problem with one of their appliances, you can justgive them a call and they'll help you out right away. They really care about making sure their customers are happy.So if you're looking for some awesome appliances for your home, be sure to check out Super Electric. They've got everything you need to make your home super cool and super efficient. Thank you for listening!篇10Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a really cool company called Smart Home Appliances. It's a company that makes all kinds of cool gadgets for our homes, like refrigerators, washing machines, and even smart speakers!First of all, let me tell you about our refrigerators. They are super fancy and can keep our food really fresh. They even have a special compartment just for storing fruits and vegetables. And guess what? They can also connect to the internet so we can check what food we have inside while we're at school!Next up are our washing machines. They can wash our clothes really quickly and they are super quiet too. Plus, they have special settings for different types of clothes, like delicate or heavy-duty. And if we forget to start the washing machine, we can even control it from our phones!And finally, we have our smart speakers. They can play music, answer questions, and even control other appliances in our homes. We can ask them to turn on the lights, adjust the temperature, or even order pizza for dinner! They are like having a personal assistant in our house.So, that's a little bit about Smart Home Appliances. We make all kinds of cool gadgets to make our lives easier and more fun. I hope you check us out sometime! Thanks for listening!。
净资产收益率 (倍)
项目 2011 2010 2009
3 22 5
28.4 32.4 27.3 772
35 30 25 20 15 10
以上各种利润率指标反应的是企业投入产 出水平,即所得与所费的比率,体现了增 加利润是以降低成本及费用为基础的。这 些指标的数值越高,表明生产和销售产品 的每一元成本及费用取得的利润越多,劳 动耗费的收益越高。
所以,成本利润率是综合反映企业成本效 益的重要指标。
衡量:每期生产经营中投入与产出的配比 关系
标准:比率越大,说明一元的投入获得的 回报越多
2011年 2010年 2009年
4.59% 4.24%
3.68% 3.62% 3.54%
5.13% 10.40%
2,950,873 106753
2,170,189 21,618,527
5.08% 10.22%
10.45% 10.40% 10.35% 10.30% 10.25% 10.20% 10.15% 10.10%
总资产报酬率 2011年
30 25 20 15 10
5 0
4.10% 31.92
791 90%
2 3000
71 48.41%
55.74% 31.15%
10% 3.11%
公司简介:全体人员 战略地图:李彬、寇冠 平衡计分卡:荆京、胡蕊 具体指标构建:贾丹、李瞳 ppt制作、主讲人:李佳地
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•加快开放 平台建设,
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•强化售后 服务品牌
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目标 • 提高销售收入 • 提高线上业务量 • 建立长期的股东价值
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• 销售收入增长率 • 销售利润率 • 线上平台实体交易额 • 互联网业务同比增长率 • 归属于上市公司股东的净
• 售后服务用户好评率 • 会员总数增长率 • 客户保持率 • 从苏宁易购终端首次注册
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苏宁电器物流供应链案例分析山东大学JIT调研团队制作团队成员: 山大学子2011 年3月目录(1)物流供应链概念识记ﻩ(2)案例分析简介----------------------------------------------------------------(3)苏宁公司简介ﻩ(4)苏宁供应链系统--------------------------------------------------------------(5)供应链系统绩效评估ﻩ(6)针对苏宁当前供应链系统现状所提建议 ---------------------------------------------------------------------(7)案例总结 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------案例简介此次供应链作业我们小组选择的是苏宁集团公司的供应链系统案例分析.作为国内家电零售业的巨头,我们认为它所经历的供应链改造及其完善的过程比较有代表性,而且能够很好的通过研究与我们的所学最专业知识衔接。
苏宁公司英文简介一、公司概况Brief Introduction苏宁电器1990年创立于江苏南京,是中国3C(家电、电脑、通讯)家电连锁零售企业的领先者.截至2009年,苏宁电器连锁网络覆盖中国大陆30个省,300多个城市、香港和日本地区,拥有近1500家连锁店,80多个物流配送中心、3000家售后网点,经营面积500万平米,员工15万多人,年销售规模1200亿元。
Founded in 1990, Suning Appliance is the leading company in the industry of 3C(consumer appliance, computer and communication products) home appliance retail chain in China. Up to 2009, Suning has built upa chain network nearly 1,500 stores, covering more than 300 cities in30 provinces and municipalities all over China’s mainland, Hong Kong and also Japan, with over 150 thousand employees and annual sales volume of above 120 billion RMB. Boasting its brand value of 50.831 billion RMB, Suning retains ahead of the Chinese commercial chain industry, and ranks the Top 3 domestic private companies and No.54 among the Top 500 Chinese companies, further to be elected into the Forbes Top 50 Asian Enterprises and No.1 Chinese retail company among Forbes Global Top 2000 Enterprises.2004年7月,苏宁电器(002024)在深圳证券交易所上市。
苏宁易购的前身从1999年开始,苏宁电器就开始了长达10年的电子商务研究,先后对8848、新浪网等网站进行过拜访,并承办新浪网首个电器商城,尝试门户网购嫁接,并于2005年组建B2C 部门,开始自己的电子商务尝试。
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一、公司概况Brief Introduction苏宁电器1990年创立于江苏南京,是中国3C(家电、电脑、通讯)家电连锁零售企业的领先者.截至2009年,苏宁电器连锁网络覆盖中国大陆30个省,300多个城市、香港和日本地区,拥有近1500家连锁店,80多个物流配送中心、3000家售后网点,经营面积500万平米,员工15万多人,年销售规模1200亿元。
Founded in 1990, Suning Appliance is the leading company in the industry of 3C(consumer appliance, computer and communication products) home appliance retail chain in China. Up to 2009, Suning has built up a chain network nearly 1,500 stores, covering more than 300 cities in 30 provinces and municipalities all over China’s mainland, Hong Kong and also Japan, with over 150 thousand employees and annual sales volume of above 120 billion RMB. Boasting its brand value of 50.831 billion RMB, Suning retains ahead of the Chinese commercial chain industry, and ranks the Top 3 domestic private companies and No.54 among the Top 500 Chinese companies, further to be elected into the Forbes Top 50 Asian Enterprises and No.1 Chinese retail company among Forbes Global Top 2000 Enterprises.2004年7月,苏宁电器(002024)在深圳证券交易所上市。
Suning Appliance (002024) was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July, 2004. Relying on its excellent performance, Suning Appliance has been comprehensively recognized in the investment market thus becoming one of the home appliance retail companies with the highest market value in the world.二、连锁发展Chain Development围绕市场需求,按照专业化、标准化的原则,苏宁电器将电器连锁店面划分为旗舰店、社区店、专业店、专门店4大类、18种形态,旗舰店已发展到第七代。
Centered on market demands, and in line with the principles of being professionalized and standardized, Suning Appliance divides its chain store formats into 4 types, namely, flagship store, neighborhood store, specialized store and boutique store with 18 specific forms, and its flagship store has been upgraded into the 7th generation. Relying on thesynchronous developm ent of “leasing, construction, acquisition and merger”, Suning pursues its development in a steady and rapid pace with the plan of opening 200 new chain stores annually. Meanwhile, Suning enhances its strength in self-constructed stores. Based on the existing store standardization, Suning promotes its self-constructed projects in ten plus major cities nationwide through such ways as self development and order-commissioned development. It is estimated that by 2020, the company network will achieve 3500 stores nationwide with the sales volume of above 350 billion RMB.三、市场经营 Marketing整合社会资源、合作共赢。
Integrating social resources, cooperation and all-win. Satisfying customer needs, sincerely and genuinely. Market-oriented andcustomer-centric, Suning Appliance has established close relationship of cooperation with nearly 10,000 famous home appliance suppliers home and abroad, further to build up a high efficient supply chain of making and sharing benefits together through various ways including high-level communication, B2B, combine promotion, bilateral and talent training, etc..与此同时,坚持创新经营,拓展服务品类,苏宁电器承诺“品牌、价格、服务”一步到位,通过B2C、联名卡、会员制营销等方式,为消费者提供质优价廉的家电商品,并多次召开行业峰会与论坛,与国内外知名供应商、专家学者、社会专业机构共同探讨行业发展趋势与合作策略,促进家电产品的普及与推广,推动中国家电行业提升与发展。
Meanwhile, persisting in business innovations and expanding service categories, Suning promises the optimum integration of "brand, price and service", and resorts to various methods such as B2C, joint bank card and membership promotion so as to provide abundant quality products with rational prices to customers. With a series of industry summits and forums sponsored, Suning also makes efforts to explore the development tendency and cooperation strategy together with many other suppliers, expert and scholars as well as social institutions, thereby promoting the development of the entire home appliance industry in China. Currently, Suning offers 8 major categories including air-conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, color TV, Audio-video products, small home appliance,communication products, computers and digital products covering more than 200 thousand specifications of nearly 1,000 brands.四、终端服务Terminal Service服务是苏宁的唯一产品,顾客满意是苏宁服务的终极目标。