



英国历史(前55~ )1 罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年2 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年3 诺曼底王朝1066~11544 金雀花王朝1154~13995 兰卡斯特王朝1399~14616 约克王朝1461~14857 都铎王朝1485~16038 斯图亚特王朝1603~17149 汉诺威王朝1714~191710 温莎王朝1917~罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年公元前55年:朱利叶斯•凯撒(Julius Caesar)第一次率军入侵不列颠公元43年:罗马皇帝克劳迪厄斯(Claudius)率军征服不列颠盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年公元597年:圣•奥古斯丁到达不列颠,使当地人皈依基督教公元832~860:肯尼斯•麦克阿尔平统一皮克特人和苏格兰人诺曼底王朝1066~1154公元1066年:诺曼底公爵威廉征服英格兰公元1086年:发布《末日审判书》金雀花王朝1154~1399公元1154年:亨利二世继承王位,金雀花王朝开始公元1215年:英王约翰被迫签署由封建贵族提出的《大宪章》公元13世纪初:牛津大学和剑桥大学创立公元1277~1288:英格兰征服威尔士公元1337~1453:英法"百年战争"公元1387~1394:乔叟写作《坎特伯累故事集》兰卡斯特王朝1399~1461公元1413年:苏格兰第一所大学圣安德鲁斯大学成立公元1455~1487年:约克家族与兰卡斯特家族之间的"玫瑰战争"约克王朝1461~1485公元1477年:威廉•卡克斯顿出版印刷第一本书都铎王朝1485~1603公元1485年:亨利七世即位公元1536年:英格兰与威尔士合并公元1558年:英国女王伊丽莎白一世即位,统治英国达45年之久公元1564年:莎士比亚诞生公元1588年:击败西班牙无敌舰队斯图亚特王朝1603~1714公元1603年:苏格兰王詹姆士六世加冕成为英格兰的詹姆士一世,统一了英格兰和苏格兰公元1620年:对新教徒的镇压激化,一批新教徒乘"五月花号"抵达美洲公元1642~1651年:英国内战爆发公元1649年:查理一世被处决,克伦威尔宣布共和政体公元1660年:查理二世复辟公元1676年:格林尼治天文台设立公元1685年:牛顿发现万有引力定律公元1694年:英格兰银行成立公元1698年:伦敦股票交易所成立公元1707年:英格兰、苏格兰合并,形成"大不列颠王国"汉诺威王朝1714~1917公元1721~1742年:罗伯特•沃尔浦成为英国第一任首相公元1760~1830年:工业革命公元1775~1783年:美国独立战争公元1801年:合并爱尔兰,"大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国"成立公元1837~1901年:维多利亚时代公元1859年:达尔文发表《物种起源》公元1914~1918年:第一次世界大战温莎王朝1917~公元1921年:爱尔兰独立公元1928年:弗莱明发现青霉素公元1939~1945年:第二次世界大战公元1952年:伊丽莎白女王二世加冕英国历史大事年表--公元前2000-1500年,古印欧人的一支--凯尔特人(罗马人称其为高卢人)西进。



•They spoke a language that we now call Old English. •They drove the Welsh and the Scottish to the north of the country, forming “the nation of the English”
The most prominent and important monument(遗迹) left by the Romans in Britain, it spans the width of the country.
The highest road built by the Romans in England.
East Anglia(东盎格利亚)
the Jutes Kent(肯特)
Essex (East Saxon)埃塞克斯
the Saxons Sussex (South Saxon)苏塞克斯 Wessex (West Saxon)威塞克斯
Wessex won the other 6 kingdoms, the king of Wessex Egbert was the king of English in 829.
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•the Roman Occupation (55 B. C —— 410)
•England and Wales were conquered by the Romans while Scotland and Ireland were not.
consequences of the Roman occupation and the effects on Britain •Britain became a Roman province in name. •The lowland Britons accepted the Roman way of life radically while the hill dwellers resisted the Romans. •The Hadrian’s Wall was built by the Romans in 122 A. D to drive back the Picts(皮克特人). •The English upper classes were Romanized. •Some of the native people became slaves of the Romans.















公元8世纪,传说中的亚瑟王(King Arthur)领导布灵顿人抗击盎格鲁撒克逊统治。




公元1282年,英格兰王爱德华一世征服最后一个威尔士北部和西部的威尔士公国公元1284年,威尔士正式被英格兰合并,爱德华一世以《罗德兰法令》(Statute of Rhuddlan)确立自己在该地区的统治。



43 – 47AD 47 – 50AD 75 – 77AD
Conquest of the South London(Londinium)Founded
Roman Conquest of Britain completed
Christianity the official religion of the Empire
Third and final invasion
In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain
Their homes in Italy were being attacked by ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱierce tribes and every soldier was needed
4000 BC – 43AD
4000 – 2000 BC Neolithic (New Stone) Age 2000 – 750 BC Bronze Age 750 BC – 43AD Iron Age
Neolithic (New Stone) Age
Farming people (Iberians) arrive from Europe Land is cleared, wheat and barley planted , and herds of domesticated sheep, cattle, and pigs raised
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland

英国历史 美国历史

英国历史 美国历史

英国历史(按主题分)I.The Founding of the Nation1. Roman Britain and the Anglo-Saxons1.1 The Celtic Invasion1.2 Roman Conquest: 43 AD—5th Century ---- by the Roman Empire1.3 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion: 5th—8th Century----- by the Anglo-Saxons1.4 Danish Invasion: 8th Century—1066 ------ by the Vikings/Danes1.5 The Norman Conquest 1066 ------by the Normans2. Feudal Soiety1215: King John---the Great Charter (Magna Carta)part of the British Constitution today1236: Birth of Parliament (derived from the Great Council)Decline of Feudalism:1 The Hundred Years‘ War 1337-14532 The Black Death 1348-13493 The Peasant Uprising (leader: Wat Tyler) 1381 /the Peasant‘s Revolt4 Religious Reform (14th century- ): John Wycliff, John Ball5 The Wars of the Roses 1455-1485Lancaster, the House of the Red RoseYork, the House of theWhite RoseII. Transition to the Modern Age2.1The Renaissance (15-16th century, )2.2 The Enclosure Movement (late 15th century开始,16th century 高涨)2.3 Religious Reformation (16th century)=Protestant Reformation:In essence, the Reformation was a political movement in a religious guise.leaders:Germany: Martin LutherFrance: John CalvinEngland: King Henry VIII2.3.1 King Henry VIII ---- established the Church of England1534 the Act of Supremacy: Henry VIII—―only supreme head of the Church of England‖2.3.2 Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603)Consolidated the Church of EnglandDefended the fruit of the Reformation in essence1588 defeated the Spanish Armada2.3.3 Golden Age of English HistoryEngland advanced in such areas as foreign trade, exploration, literature, and the arts.The age of exploration began: claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foods.The American State, Virginia, is named after Queen Elizabeth I.2.4 The English Bourgeois Revolution (17th century)2.4.1 The Civil War1642-1649: The Civil War broke out1649—1660: The CommonwealthOliver Cromwell, head of the CommonwealthIn 1660, Parliament had Charles II as king of England. This put an end to the Commonwealth.2.4.2 The Restoration1661, Charles II: to restore the old social order1685, James II: to reestablish Catholicism2.4.3 the Glorious Revolution1688: joint sovereign of William III and Mary II1689: Bill of Rights ---- established Constitutional Monarchy2.4 The Industrial Revolution (1750-1850)A series of important inventions in the textile industry marked the beginning of Industrial Revolution: Spinning JennyWater frameSpinning mulePower loomSteam engineIII. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire3.1 The Formation of the British Empire3.1.1. First British Empire: 19th CenturyIt included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies3.1.2. Second British Empire during the Victorian Age: Mid- and late-19th CenturyQueen Victoria’s foreign policy—New ImperialismIt included the colonies in Australia, New Zealand and Canada—dominions1876 Victoria—―Empress of India‖In Asia, occupied Burma and some other small states. Opium War against ChinaIn Africa, control Suez Canal and conquer EgyptUnion of South Africa—the 4th dominionOn the Eve of World War I, Britain had the largest colonial empire the world had ever seen.a territory of 33.5 million square kilometers (1/4 of the world‘s total land).a population of 393.5 million (8 times as large as that in Britain)3.2 Britain in the World Wars3.2.1 World War I (1914-1918)By the beginning of th e 20th century, Britain’s dominance was challenged by other European nations and the US. Two camps in Europe:Triple Alliance----the UK, France, Russia英,法,俄Triple Entente: 德,奥(匈帝国),意Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and BulgariaAllied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, Italy and USThe immediate cause—assassination in SarajevoThe cost of the war for Britain was great:drained of its manpowerlost the sea supremacya huge national debtThe League of Nations was founded after WWI.3.2.2 World War II(1939-1945)Germany—plan to conquer EuropeBritain—appeasementdeclare war on Germany on September 3, 1939alliance with the Soviet Union and the United StatesGermany surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945great cost—lose its naval supremacy and in debt to the United States.UK's role in World War II:Germany: Hitler—plan to conquer Europe1Britain—appeasement(non-intervention) policy(Chamberlain administration 1937-1940)1938 UK and France signed Munich Agreement with Hitler2Winston Churchill:Prime Minister of the War Cabinet (1940-1945)The whole nation was mobilized1939.9.1 Germany‘s surprise attack of Polanddeclare war on Germany on September 3, 1939alliance with the Soviet Union and the United States: the Allies同盟国May, 1940 Great Retreat of Dunkirk (UK and France)敦刻尔克大撤退the Blitz: 闪电战August-November, 1940 German bombing raids in Great Britain1944 Allied forces landed in Normandy, France:Allied Armie s Normandy Landing(s)诺曼底登陆Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945great cost—lose its naval supremacy and in debt to the United States.1945.10.24 The United Nations was founded3.3 The Fall of the Empire3.3.1 Independence movement—India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya and Egypt3.3.2 British Commonwealth of Nations: 1931(a loosely organized community of former British colonies)4. Britain since World War II4.1. “Three Majestic Circles”4.1. 1One of the Big Three after WWII4.1. 2Foreign Policy: Three Majestic Circlesless involvement in the Commonwealth circleclose cooperation with the United Statesan isolationist policy towards Europe4.2 “Special Relationship” with the US4.2.1 Margaret ThatcherReestablished ―special relationship‖ with the United Statesagainst European integration4.2.2 Tony Blairmore positive towards Europe (but refuse to join the Euro)further strengthened the close relationship with the United States英国历史(按时间分)I. The decline of feudalism:the Hundred Years‘ War (1337-1453)百年战争the Black Death (1348-1350) 黑死病Religious Reform(14th Century- ) 宗教改革Wat Tyler‘s Uprising =Revolt/ the Peasants‘ Uprising (1381) 泰勒起义the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) 玫瑰战争Henry Tudor都铎王朝the end of medieval England/feudalismII. 16th--- the rise of capitalism:Enclosure 圈地运动(15th-)the Renaissance文艺复兴III. 17th—: the English Bourgeois Revolution =Puritan Revolution/ the English Civil WarThe civil war broke out (1642—1649)Between the Royalists (the Cavalier [保王党人]) and Parliamentarians(Roundheads [圆颅党人])Result: the monarchy was abolished in 1949England was declared a commonwealth, i.e. a republicIV.18th____: the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850/1840)1733 John Kay---flying shuttle1765 James Hargreaves ----spinning jenny珍妮纺纱机1769 Richard Arkwright--- water frame水力纺纱机1769 James Watt ---steam engin改良蒸汽机results: the UK= workshop of the world;世界工厂the birth of the proletariat V.Chartist Movement (1836-1848)宪章运动VI. 19th---:From free enterprise to imperialismthe UK= workshop of the worldearliest colonial powers:Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands(17th )imperialism:1588: defeated Spain-- destroyed the Spanish Armada无敌舰队(Invincible Fleet)17th: defeated the Netherlands18th : defeated France英法四次争霸战争1688-1697-War of the League of Augsburg奥格斯堡联盟战争1701-1713 War of Spanish Succession西班牙王位继承战争1756-1763 the Seven Years‘ War英法七年战争1803-1815 the Napoleonic War 拿破仑战争(1805: The Battle of Trafalgar)(1815: the Battle of Waterloo)mid 19th: fefeated Russia1854-1856 the Crimean War克里米亚战争16th—19th:colonial expansion ---India, China, America, Africa (Elizabeth I,Victoria) 1583: New Foundland1607: Virginia1783: BahamaNew Zealand, China, India, BurmaVII. 1914-1918: World War I一战: 英国霸权地位的削弱,丧失霸主地位Triple Alliance----the UK, France, Russia英,法,俄Triple Entente: 德,奥(匈帝国),意VIII. 1939.9.1-1945.8.8: World War II 二战英帝国的急剧衰落英帝国的瓦解和英联邦(the Commonwealth 1931)的出现IX. Post WWII PeriodThe Cold War (1949-1989)50 Things You Need to Know About British History In date order:1.Stonehenge 2200 BC2.Roman Invasion and Civilisation 43 AD3.St Augustine and Christianity 5974.King Alfred the Great and the Doom Book 8715.Battle of Hastings and Norman Conquest 10666.Magna Carta and trial by jury 12157.Declaration of Arbroath 13208.Canterbury Tales 13709.Peasants’ Revolt 138110.The longbows at Agincourt 141511.Sir Francis Drake and the defeat of the Spanish Amrada 158812.Gunpowder Plot 160513.Shakespeare 161014.Plantation of Ulster 161115.Execution of Charles I 164916.Glorious Revolution (1688) and Bill of Rights (1689)17.Religious Settlement 155918.The Bank of England 169419.Act of Union 1707 (with Scotland)20.Britain’s first Prime Minister Robert Walpole 172121.Gin craze and British drink culture 172922.The East India Company and the Battle of Plassey 175723.Longitude 175924.Watt‘s Steam Engine 176925.Arkwright‘s Spinning Frame 177126.Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations 177627.The Siege of Yorktown and the loss of America 178128.Nelson‘s death and the Battle of Trafalgar 180529.William Wilberforce and the abolition of the slave trade 180730.Battle of Waterloo and national identity 181531.Sir Robert Peel and the British Bobby 182932.Factory Acts and the British weekend 185033.Dr Livingstone and Africa 185534.Charles Darwin and evolution 185935.The Red House and ‗my home is my castle‘ 185936.The laws of association football 186337.Suffragettes 191338.The Battle of the Somme 191639.The BBC 192740.Gandhi and Indian Independence 193141.The Blitz 194042.Frank Whittle and the jet engine 194143.The NHS and Welfare State 194844.SS Windrush and Multiculturalism 194845.The Beatles 196446.Monty Python and British humour 197147.Britain joins European Union 197348.Miners‘ strike and Mrs Thatcher 198449.The Channel Tunnel 199150.The Good Friday Agreement 1998History of the US(美国历史)I. America in the Colonial Era1.1 Plantation of 13 British colonies:1607 Virginia: by the London Company1620 Puritan New England: the Pilgrim FathersCatholic Maryland: by Calvert, the 2nd Lord Baltimore 1649Quaker Pensylvania 1681: by William Penn1.2 1773 Boston Tea Party1.3 1774 The First Continental CongressII. The War of Independence2.1 1775 The Gunshot of Lexington2.2 1775 The Second Continental Congress: Assume the functions of a national government2.3 July 4th, 1776: Declaration of IndependenceIII. The Establishment of the Constitution and federal government3.11787, the Constitution was drafted.1789, the Constitution came into effect in nine states.Federal government was founded, George Washington the 1st American president (1789-1797)3.21791 Ten amendments—The Bill of Rights—were added to the ConstitutionIV. the War of 1812 第二次美英战争US←→UK: the Second War of IndependenceV. Westward Expansion (1810s/1600s -1850s/1890s)●Florida: 1853, from SpainThe Oregon territory: 1846, from Britain●California: 1846, from Mexico (gold rush)●Alaska: 1867, from Russia●Hawaii: 1898, annexed Spanish-American War(1898)5.1 1823 the Monroe Doctrine:It later became a principle of US intervewntion whenever its national interesta were thereatened5.2 1836-1848 The Mexican-American WarVI. 1861-1865 The Civil War: Abraham Lincoln1863 the Gettsburg Address1863 The Emancipation Proclamation 《解放宣言》1865 the 13th amendment to the US Constitution, abolished slaveryVII. The Progressive Era (late 1800’s - early 1900’s ) 进步时代●A strong spirit of reform in the US●In response to problems raised by rapid industrialization and urbanization that followed the Civil War ●To protect their historic tradition of democratic government and universal economic opportunity Major themes●Concern for the underprivileged and downtrodden●The restoration of government to the rank and file●The enlargement of government power in order to bring industry and finance under popular controlSupport from three Presidents after 1900●President Theodore Roosevelt: establishment of the Bureau of Corporations (1903)●President Taft: furthering the cause of reform●President Wilson: flourishing of the reform movementVIII. The US Becomes a World Power8.1 Imperial Foreign Policy:Isolationism→ Interventionism●Before the 1890‘s: Isolationism 孤立主义●During the 1890‘s and 1900‘s: InterventionismBecoming a great power and an imperialistic countryA world power ready to assert its influence in international affairs8.21898: Spanish-American War8.3 1899 Open Door Policy: ChinaIX. The United States in the 20th century:9.1Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909): “Big Stick” Policy9.2 The United States and World War I (1914-1918)•Allies—Britain, France, and Russia•The Central Powers—Germany, Austria-HungaryThe Treaty of Versailles (1919)President Wilson: Fourteen Points and the League of Nations(1920-1949)十四点计划和国际联盟9.3 The Post World War I Period1Isolation: a new one●The world‘s greatest manufacturing and exporting nation: Impossibility of total disengagement from world affairs2immigration●The end of free and open immigration in 1921●A significant change in attitude and legislation about immigration●Consequence: lessening the competitive and mobile character of American life3The booming 1920s: The Booming Economy in 1920‘s4Migration to the Cities: an urban nation5Women‘s Suffrage6 The Great Depression --1930s (1929- )Franklin Roosevelt–the ―New Deal‖9.4 The United States and World War II (1939-1945)1Isolation and Neutrality: A sit-on-the-fence policy2America Enters the War (1941-1945)•December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor,Conference at Potsdam3End of WWII▪The US airforce dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima On August 6 and on Nagasaki on August 8.▪On September 2, 1945, Japan surrendered.Results of World War II●Enhanced military and economic power: the only nation that benefited from the war●The Baby Boom 1946-1964●Establishment of the UN (1945.10.24)9.5The Cold War (1945-1989)1United Nations in 1945—a new and better world would emerge from World War II.2The conflict between the two superpowers Russia and the US increased and later led to the Cold War.3President Truman: 1947 the Containment PolicyGeorge Marshal: 1947 The Marshall Plan4the United States – 1949 NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)1955, the Soviet Union -- Warsaw Pact5the Korean War (1950-1953)6The Red Scare and McCarthyism赤色恐慌和麦卡锡主义A modern witch hunt for communists from 1951 to 1954 政治迫害7John Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 古巴导弹危机8The Vietnam War (1954/1961-1973/1975)9Richard Nixon and Détente国际紧张关系的缓和Two other diplomatic breakthroughs:1979 Re-establ ishing US relations with the People‘s Republic of ChinaNegotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union•Table Tennis Foreign Policy•Nixon–first US president visited Beijing.•The ―Shanghai Communiqué‖—a new US policy:–there was one China;–Taiwan was part of China;–a peaceful settlement of the dispute by the Chinese themselves was in American interest.–The Watergate Scandal 水门事件: Richard Nixon‘s resignation in August,197410Ronald Regan: the Star Wars Project9.6 Social Movements in the 1960sThe Civil Rights Movement 民权运动The Youth (Anti-war) Movement: Counter Culture 青年文化/ 反传统文化Women’s Rights Movement9.7 George Bush(1989-92): The Persian Gulf War (Gulf War)1990: Iraq occupied and annexed Kuwait9.8 Bill Clinton (1992-2000): Engagement and expansion3 pillars of US foreign policy---national security, economic prosperity, promotion of democracyKosovo CrisisX. America in the 21st Century10.1 George W. Bush(2001-2009): Unilateralism and faith in military strength1The war against terrorismTerrorist Event on September 11, 20012Invasion of Iraq (March 19, 2003)•―Trial of century‖—the trial of Saddam began on October, 19, 2005 in Baghdad.•Saddam is accused of crimes against humanity.10.2 Barrack Obama(2009- ): DemocraticChallenges:Economic turmoil, unpopular unjustifiable war (the war in Afghanistan, in Iraq), time of changes。

英美国家概况 英国历史重大事件年表

英美国家概况 英国历史重大事件年表

英国历史重大事件年表约公元前3000年,伊比利亚人进入不列颠,以长坟闻名约公元前2000年,建立巨石阵;宽口陶器人出现,以钟形容器闻名约公元前700年,三波凯尔特人进入不列颠:盖尔人、布立吞人、贝尔格人●公元前55年,Julius Caesar率罗马军团入侵不列颠,开启不列颠有文字记载的历史●公元43年Claudius皇帝时期,罗马正式占领不列颠,不列颠的罗马时代持续400年●597年,教皇格里高利一世派St. Augustine到不列颠传教●9世纪,Egbert成为第一位英格兰国王●1066年诺曼征服:忏悔者爱德华、哈罗德、征服者威廉;斯坦福桥、黑斯廷斯战役;封建制度完全建立。

●1086年威廉一世“末日审判书”完成●1170年大主教贝克特被刺,亨利二世宗教改革失败●12、13世纪,牛津、剑桥大学建校●1215年约翰王被迫签订《大宪章》,限制王权●1265年的大议会标志着向现代议会的转变,签署《牛津协定》●1284年爱德华一世征服威尔士,创立“威尔士亲王”封号●1337-1453年爱德华三世发动英法百年战争,亨利五世取得大胜●1348年爆发黑死病,劳动力短缺、土地闲置、转耕为牧、农民可讨价还价●《劳工法令》Statute of Labours 禁止提高农民工资●1381年农民起义,理查二世欺骗起义军、谋杀瓦特·泰勒●14、15世纪,圣安德鲁大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学、爱丁堡大学在苏格兰建校●1455-1485玫瑰战争:爱德华四世胜利、爱德华五世失踪、理查三世被击杀、亨利七世建立都铎王朝●1529-1534年亨利八世进行宗教改革Reformation,确立英王为独立的英格兰教会最高领袖,脱离罗马教皇●1558-1603伊丽莎白一世统治●1588年击败无敌舰队Armada●文艺复兴Renaissance (1350-1650)和英国文艺复兴(1485-)●1605年火药阴谋案,天主教谋杀詹姆士一世失败,处决盖伊·福克斯,英国人庆祝11月5日“盖伊福克斯之夜”●1628第三次召集的议会向查理一世提出Petition of Right民权请愿书●1642-1649英国内战(清教革命、英国资产阶级革命)●1649年查理一世被处决,进入Commonwealth 共和国时期●1660年共和国瓦解,查理二世复辟Restoration●1688年光荣革命,威廉、玛丽共掌英国●1689年《权利法案》出台,君主立宪制确立●1707年《联合法案》规定英格兰、苏格兰合并,“大不列颠”产生;也规定苏格兰教会成为联合王国国教之一。








1789年,美国联邦 *** 成立。















三、【英国.法国,美国的主要矛盾和关系是什么一楼的不懂不要想当然,中国与欧洲,美国万里之遥,很多事情在中国大陆的主流民意中,有错的很理谱的误区,所以不要误导楼主.小弟是伦顿大学SOAS国际关系大二在读,简单的说一下,不一定很完整,但不至于错.首先,今天的西方世界主要分为两大阵营,一:以美国为首,英国日本为辅助,加拿大,澳大利亚等国为环绕的"大西洋轴心"(Atlanticist Axis)二:以法国为首,德国为辅,绝大多数欧洲大陆国家为环绕的"法德联盟"(Franco-Germany Coalition)英国是与美国关系最为密切的国家,今日世界的大多数秩序,尤其如地缘政治,经济,等等,均由旧大英帝国在19世纪末 - 20世纪初一手塑造,并于20世纪中期转交于美国,以继续完善对西方自由主义有利的金融秩序等等.因此,20世纪的世界秩序在西方又被称为"英美世界新秩序"(Anglo-American New World Order)英国与美国在80年代中期确认了"英美特殊关系"(British-American Special Relationship),在"英美特殊关系"的保护下,英美两国可以享有在对方国家独一无二的市场及金融特权,"英美特殊关系"也同样确保了英美两国军事科技的高级互换通道.除了国家利益的高度吻合,英美两国同时拥有高度吻合的文化,价值观等等,因此,英美两国的关系,用"骨肉相连"来形容,并不过分.法国虽然在经济总量上排在英,德之后,但由于历史的原因,法国拥有很多独一无二的"通道",可以暗中操纵欧盟,因此法国是欧洲大陆政治权力最为强大的国家,用英国前外交大臣米德李班的话说:"整个欧盟就像是法国的后院".同时,法国是欧盟一体化最为主要的推动者,这一政策方针在根本上伤害了英国的国家利益,并威胁了美国的世界霸主地位.简而言之,在欧洲,美国一直在利用英国制约法国,而英国也同时在利用和美国高度亲密的关系以维持英国在西欧强大的政治,经济,及金融实力.而法国则一直在利用自身暗中掌握欧洲大陆的筹码,制约英美.但由于英国毕竟是欧盟成员国,同时自身实力较强大,因此法国一直对英国有拉拢的姿态,但同时法国又不愿英国在欧洲过于强大,以免威胁自身"欧洲联盟领军"的地位.相比暧昧中带有冷漠的英法关系,法国与美国的关系则较为恶劣.法国与美国在很多国际事务中常年明争暗斗,如在非洲事务,国际金融秩序,乃至文化领域.但无论如何,法国与美国的芥蒂纵使再深,法,美两国毕竟还都属于"西方国家"这一大的整体,在面临*** ,俄罗斯的重新军事化,和崛起中的中国,这一类外部环境的"共同敌人"的时候,通常法美两国还是能够肩并肩的站在一起.。



colonial period
• In 1607 the English established their first colony in America, at Jamestown, Virginia.
Virginia is named in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen. Jamestown was named for the ruler, King James.
Five chapters 1 Foreword 2 Preface 3 Accused King George III 4 Denounce British 5 Conclusion
The Declaration of Independence
• We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed(赋予) by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. • 我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造 物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自 由权和追求幸福的权利。 • That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. • 为了保障这些权利,人类才在他们之间建立政府,而政府 之正当权力,是经被治理者的同意而产生的。


































英美历史、地理及政治1.英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。











9 英国在18世纪至20世纪初期英国统治的领土跨越全球,是当时世界上最强大的国家。











Chronology of British GovernmentMonarch Date of Rule Deeds Events CommentsGermanic/Scandinavian RuleAlfred the Great 871-899 1Defeated“Danlaw” expansion& regained land2establishednavy and garrison3introductionof Christanity toDames, firstpublic schools fornobledescendances andmagistrates4Anglo-SaxonChronicleAnglo-Saxon WessexlineEdward the elder Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Son to AlfredAthelstan Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Son to EdwardEdgar thePeaceful959-975 Anglo-Saxon WessexlineEthelred the Unready 978`1016 Invaded England Anglo-Saxon Wessexline;Sweyn Forkbeard, King ofDenmarkCanute 1016-1035 1.chosen as king byWitan;2.UnitedEngland, Denmarkand Norway.Scandinavian ConquerorEdward the Confessor 1042-1066 1.facilitated theNormanConquer;2.Normanfeudal system adoptedSon of Ethelred theUnreadyHaroldGodwinson1066 defeated Norwegians Earl of WessexNorman French RuleWilliam I 1066-1087 5-steps tostrengthenreign inEngland:1.crushedallresistance,built castlesforprotection2.broke upSaxonearldomsestablishedcentralizedroyalgovernment.3.vicomtes4.sloventroyaltreasury,royalcoinage5.alliedwithRomanCatholicChurchdefeated Haroldand crowned WilliamI at WestminsterAbbey onDec.25,1066William the Conqueror,French duke connected tothe Wessex Line whofavored by Edward theConfessorWilliam II 1087-1100 Murdured William Rufus, 2nd son toWilliam IHenry I 1100-1135 Altered therelationshipbetweenKing andhisfollowers:1.chosebishops2.acceptedmoney3rd son of William Ifrom Barons instead of military service-exc hequerStephen &Maud 1135-1154 1.20-years of civilwar and anarchy;2.agreement toStephen’s rule andHenry II’s succession.Stephen:Grandson to William I;Matilda: Daughter to Henry IAngevin French – PlantagenentsHenry II 1154-1189 1.reform oflegislativesystem2.claimedvastterritoriesin Franceand Irelandthroughvariousfamilyconnections;3.alteredtherelationships betweensecular andreligiousauthorities-murderedof ThomasBecket/failure inreformingcanon law;4.invadedandestablishedEnglishSon to Maudkingdom in IrelandRichard I 1189-1199 1.ThreeCrusadesfor controlof holysites in theNear East;2.imprisoned byChristanallies forransom3.fought inFrance Oldest surving son of Henry II; Richard the LionheartedJohn 1199-1216 1.raisedpropertytaxes;2.struggleswith PopeInnocent IIIandinvasion ofPhilipAugustus In 1215. TenantRights movement &Magna Carta2nd surving son of Henry IIHenry III 1216-1272 1civil war in1263 and baronialtriumph;2establishmentof parliamentSon to John DisarstrousEdward I 1272-1307 1.began theHundredYear’s Waragainstwar; 1.1348-1349:Davastation of black deathresulting in the deathof 3/8population-laborshortage;2.1351:the futileStatute of LabororsSon to Henry IIIMilitary control over laboring class underwent changes: shift from old knight&castle system to expert archers&engineers;1Tensionsbetween classeshightened byreligiousdissension;2nationalismaroused, Englishgained popularityRichard II 1377-1399 Confiscatedthe estatesof his uncleJohn,violatingthe law ofinheritance 1.1378-1380,”HeadTax” imposed by Johnof Gaunt;1381, Peasants’RevoltSon to the Black Prince,Grandson to Edward IIILancatriansHenry IV 1399-1413 1.Rebelledby cousinHenry,defeatedRichard2and forcedhim toabdicateandmurderedhim;2.illegallyseizingpower-losttheprotectionof laws ofinheritance-spent much Grandson to Edward III,consin to Richardof his reignsuppressingrebellion.Henry V 1413-1422 Assertingauthorityboth inFrance&athomeHenry VI 1422-1461 Deposed byEdwardYorkist andmurdered(1461) War of Roses(1455-1485)Weak King with dividedgovernmentYorkistsEdward IV 1461-14701471-1483 Briefly ousted frompower by his brotherClarence & hisprevious supporters in1470.Grandson of Edward IIIEdward V 1483 MurderedRichard III 1483-1485 Defeatedand killedin theBattle ofBosworthyby HenryTudor The Battle ofBosworthyBrother of Edward IVTudorsHenryVII 1485-1509 1united theHouse of Yorkistsand Lancastrianby means ofmarriage withYorkist’sElizabeth andestablished theTudor House.2the Star Grandson of EdwardIII; Earl of RichmondChamber-consoli dation of his position;3Morton’s Fork-turned treasury deficit into a surplus;4the threat of revocation to gain trading prileges for English merchants abroad;5Education fundsHenryVIII 1509-1547 1CardinalWosley-lastestablished theconcept“Balance-of-Power” as basis ofEnglish foreignpolicy,1521 crisis2creation ofthe Royal Navy,strengthening centraladministrative&maintainingadequate supervisionof local government31535-incorporrated Wales &England on equalterms in the firstAct of Union;4Middle-classdominatedParliament infavor of the King5Anti-clericalRevolution,1554theAct of Supremacy- Son of Henry III;selected by Privy Council;WelshmanDissolution ofmonasteries6. 1537-1542: Irishanarchy, “Pilgrimageof Gr ace” by Catholicthe Statute ofthe Six ArticlesEdward VI 1547-1553 Parliament’s effort ofreligious unityUncles served as regentsMary I 1553-1558 1.Marriedto CatholicSpanishKingPhilipII,turningEngland avassal ofSpain;2. Lost thelast Frenchlands-thePort ofCalais-as aresult ofsupportingSpainagainstFrench inwar;3.appointedCatholic astheArchbishopofCanteburyandCatholicworshipreturned tolocalchurches. Elder daughter to HenryVIII,selected by the Privy Council, Roman Catholic, Bloody Mary.Elizabeth I 1553-1603 1.twodisarstrouspoliciesaggravatedthe Irishproblems:a. grantingthearistocracycommercialand estatemonopoliesin Irelandformoney&support;b.sentpoorlytrainedhighlyambitiousandavariciousfavoritesas militarycommanders to Ire.1crisis: warwith CatholicSpain caused byCatholic hatred ofProtestantism andEnglish rivalryfor globaltrade&ultimatecontrol of oceans;the destruction ofSpainish Armada in1588 and GB ruledthe sea;21597-1601:Hugh O’NeilRevolt3theflourishing ofcultureRenaissance(Shakespeare,Marlowe,Donne,Johnson, FrancisBacon, Harvey,Gilbert, KingJames Bible of1611)4the economicprosperity basedon individualenterprise inmany fieldsYounger daughter ofHenryVIII, Protestant,Catholic illegitimate,Intelligent, highly-educated,proud, calculating,self-control, rivaled byMary Queen of Scots, Apolitician and a survivor.The Stuart and CommonwealthJames I 1603-1625 1.peacefully united theEnglandand 1.1621. The House ofCommons drew upthe GreatProtestant-first of theGrandson of Henry VII, Sonto Queen Mary of Scots,highly-educated, conceitedand stubbornScotland in politics; 2. New ways to raise revenue without parlimentar y approval:se lling nobilities& awarding Elizabethan monopolies 3.the failed attempt of openly seeking a Catholic Spanish princess as daughter-in -law,startin g the fires with Parl.4. No bishop, no king. Favored the High Church. great documents of English Revolution.2. 1624, Chales’ betrothal to French Catholic Princess.3. the origin of GUY FAWKES Day.4. 1607, the establishment of the first English colony in North America on the Atlantic coast at Jamestown, Virginia for commercial reasons.1620, the second at Polymouth Massachusetts, founded by Pilgrims for religious reason.5. 1609,the first English factory establish in India.Charles I 1625-1649 1.1628, the Petition ofRight, first statingsome most basic rulesof modernconstitutionalgovernment;2. 1629, Kingdissolved parliamentand imprinsoned 9leaders in LondonTower; Son of James I, beheaded by order of the RUMP parl.1629-1640:non-parlia ment rule;3. 1638, Scottish rebellion: fuse of the English Revolution.4. Charles reconvened the parliament in need of money-Short Parl.-soon dissolved.5.Scotts invaded England-Long Parl. of the Revolution-Parl. abolished taxes and unpopular royal administrative courts & meet every 3 years.6. Irish rebellion, massacring northern Irish Protestants; 1641, Grand Remonstrance.7. the Civil War (1642-1649)Oliver Cromwell 1649-1658 1 1.claimed theEngland republicasCommonwealth;2 2.1651, theNavigationAct-embargo onDutch Shipping;3 3.1654,solvedScottish and Irishproblems withviolence4 4.1652,Englishships defeated theDutch and Patriotic Englishman, strong-minded, stubborn, no pathological drive for power, puritan, Lord Protectormastered thenorthern sea.5 5.Dissolved theRump andestablishedhimself as “LordProtector”, choseNew Parliamentbased on the onlywrittenconstitution ofEngland-theInstrument ofGovernment.6 6.Puritans passed“blue laws” in aneffort to imposepuritan lifestylein the country Richard Cromwell 1658-1660Restored StuartCharles II 1660-1685 1dissenterswere excluded byParliamentparticularly in theaccsess to Uni,resulting in thedomination of anonconformistconsciense inpublic life;2Disarsters:theBlackDeath(1665-1666);the Great Fire inLondon3Dutch War of1665-1667,England seizedcommercial Selected by parliament; chief minister of Parliament dominates the monarchy; period of public pursuit of pleasure, loose morals,festive court life and indecent witsupremacy from the Dutch. 41670, the Hudson Bay Company was granted exclusive right to trade by the Hudson Bay in Canada.James II 1685-1688 1687,issued a“Declaration ofIndulgence”1688,fled toFrance. The bloodlessGlorious Revolution(1688-1689)Youger son of Charles,outspoken Catholic, I exiledby Parl.William III &Mary II 1688-1702 1Bill of Rights21690,Battleof Boyne, JamesII and hissupporting IrishRoman Catholicdefeated, thusIrish R.C weredeprived therights ofeducation andcommercialparticipation;31701,Parliamentpassed the Act ofSettlement,promising the crown tothe ProtesetantSophia, whichdirectly pavedway for theHanover’srule;establishingRule by Mary, the elderdaughter of James II and herhusband, William of Orangethe Parl’s right todecide whowould rule.Ann 1702-1714 1702,first Englishdaily newspaper:theDaily Courant1707,England andScotland formallyunited under the nameof Great Britian.Daughter of James IIHanoverians(German Line)Monarch PrimeMinisterParty Deeds Events CommentsGeorge I (1714- 1727) RobertWalpole(1721-1742)Whig 1Status:theFirstLord oftheTreasurytheconfidantof the kingand theleadingminister inthe Cabinetmostinfluentialmember ofthe Whig inthe HOC.2Principal:makethecountryprosperous byGrandson of James I, notinterested in England at all.;encour aging trade and industr y;3tryi ng to reduce politica l and religiou sstrife& avoid foreign entangl ements. 4the emerge nce of Cabinet and the Prime Ministe r.517 27, Robert Walpol e became P.M.George II (1727- 1760) RobertWalpole(1727-1742)Whig 1737,positionweakenedbecause ofthe death ofQ.C;1742,resigned.1.the Seven Year’sWar between Austriaand Prussia,Francefor A while Britan forP.2. in 1757, WilliamPitt the elder becamea leader in EnglishGovernment, whichwas the first instancein English history of aSon of George I;Peppeted by QueenCaroline and P.M. Walpolein politics.Earl ofWilmington(17Whig42-174 4) king being compelled to accept a distrusted and disliked man as PM.3.fighting France in Europe, America and India.4. General Wolfe’s English army defeated the French foreces led by General Montcalm at Quebec, leading to the French control of Canada and resulted in the Peace Treaty of 1763, France ceded Canada to GB.Henry Pelham (1744-1754)WhigDukeofNewcastl-e(1754- 1756)WhigDukeofDevonsh-ire(1756- 1757)ToryEarl ofBute(1762- 1763)ToryGeorge III (1760- 1820) GeorgeGrenville(1763-1765)Whig 1Whigs lostdivided and lostsupport;2forced Pitt toresign by refusingto declare war onSpain as a firststep to increasepower.31763, theSeven Year’s Warended, gainedlands from Peaceof Paris.41760-1770:aFarmer George;Taught by his motherexaggerated ideas of royalpower; wanting the crownto resume administeringaffairs and determininggovernment policy ;wanting direct authorityover cabinet in the placeof the Parl.Marquess ofRocking-ham(1765-1766)whigWilliam Pittwhigthe Elder (1766- 1768)capriciousCabinet5 5.1776,AdamSmith publishedAn Inquiry intothe Nature andCauses of theWealth of Nations6During1750-1761:battleswith France forcommercialcontrol in India,Rober Clivemanagedthriumph-madethe East IndiaCompany aterritorialpower.-1784Pitt’s IndiaACT-making thegovernor-generalsupreme&creating a Board ofControl.1789, consolidation by Richard Wellesley77.After 1783550male and200femaleconvicts sent toAustrilia for thereliefe ofcongesgtion inEnlish prisonsand settled inSydney in 1788.88.1773,acknowledge theDukeofGrafton (1768- 1770)whigLordFrederickNorth(1770- 1782)ToryMarquess of Rocking-hamWhigEarl of Shelburne(1782- 1783)WhigDuke of Portlan d 1783 Coa- litionWillia m Pitt, the Younge r (1783- 1801) Tory In1781,elected to Parl.1782,chancellorof theexchequer1783,theyoungestP.M. Principal:1.eliminating the national debt,2 cutting down on government expenditure sanizing a system of auditing the national accounts 4.introduci ng order to the national finances chaos.5.advocating the abolition of the slave trade,parlia mentary reform and the removal of restrictions on Roman Catholics.6.1789,preve nting the influence of French revolution from spreading in England;17 94,suspendindependence ofNorth Americancolonies. 1774, the Quebec Act granted Catholic religious freedom and permitted French law to remain in force in all Canadian civil matters.-1791 the Canada Act-divided the Canadian settlements into two provinces-Ontario& Quebec.1778,lost American colonies&national debts increased tremendously as a result of his personal rule.99.1780,a resolutioncalling for arestriction on thecrown waspassed.1010.1783,William Pittthe youngerelected P.M.1111.1800,Act ofUnion,mergingtheBritish and Irish Parl and leading to“the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland.1212. 1790,Edmund BurkepublishReflections on theed he Habeas Corpus Act Achieveme nts:Comme rcial treaty with France in1787;succe ss in incoorperati ng Irish in to the British system of gvnmt by Act of Union.7. India Act of 1784Revolution inFreance againstthe FrenchRevolution;Thomas Paine’sRights of Man inprotest toEdmund.1313.IndustrialRevolution1414. thebeginning ofNapoleonicWar,LordNelson-therenowed BritishAdmiral.1515. 1812:British warshipsseized sailorsfrom Americanships-provokingWar of 18121616. 1815-Abroad:Battle of Waterloo- Allied armies defeated Bonaparte under the leadership of Lord Wellington. In Nov.,England, Russia, Austria and Prussia signed the Quadruple Alliance/Vienna Settlement to ensure the quarantine of FranceHome:economic changes-agriculture improved,countryside to larger farms;rural unemploymentHenrtAdding- ton(1801- 1804)ToryWilliam Pitt,theYounger(1804- 1806)ToryWilliamGrenville(1806- 1807)Whig Duke Toryof Portand (1807- 1809) increased;industrial cities grew rapidly,economic subjects exploited.;problems hightened by bad postwar-harvest,Euro pean competition,restrictiv e tariff on foreign grain kept high&starvation,paris h system failed the needs.SpencerPerceval(1809-1812)ToryEarl of Liverpool(1812- 1827)ToryGeorge IV (1820- 1830) Earl ofLiverpoolCulture:JaneAustin(1775-1817),CharlotteBronte(1816-1855),Charle s Dickens(1812-1870),Mrs ElizabethGaskell(1810-1865),Antho ny Trollope(1815-1882), ThomasHardy(1840-1928) Science:Major scientific theory clashed with religious dogma —Charels Darwin On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection (1895)George Cannin gViscou nt Goderi chDuke ofWelling ton。

英美国家概况Colonial Period

英美国家概况Colonial Period
Merchant—to make fortunes; Protestants—to worship the God; Farm workers—to find better job; Politicians—to escape persecution.
2. British Settlement;
1607, Jamestown—the first British colony; 1620, Plymouth—the 2nd one (most successful
Colonial Period (before 1775)
I. Discovery of the new world II. Settlement in the new world III. Colonization of the new world
I. Discovery of the New World
chosen from the proprietary; 3)Charter colonies (2): with governors elected
according to self-governing charters.
2. Colonial Economy: 1)The Northern colonies: fishing, ship-building; 2)Middle colonies: farming; 3)Southern colonies: plantations with slaves.
Lecture Three
American History (1)
American History
Colonial Period (before 1775) Independence War (1775--1783) Transitional Period (1783--1861) Civil War (1861-1865) Modern Period (1866--1900) Present-day Period (1900--now)



传说,亚瑟・潘德拉贡(Arthur Pendragon)是前任国王尤瑟(UtherPendragon)和康沃尔公爵之妻伊格莱因(Igraine)的儿子。


















而亚瑟在年轻时选王而拔出的石中剑在与King Pellinore决斗时因违反骑士精神的战斗后断裂,失去了圣剑的亚瑟王非常悔恨。


























黑死病(the Black Death)是指由鼠疫跳骚传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫。 于14世纪传播到了欧洲。
The Wars of Rose (1455-1485) 以红玫瑰为象征的兰开瑟特大家族(The House of Lancaster)和以白玫瑰为象征的约克家族(York)之间的战争。 战争并没有使居民人口的大多数受到直接影响。
London(伦敦)——英国首都,欧洲的经济文化中心,位于英格兰东南部平原上,横跨The Thames River(泰晤士河),距离The Thames River入海口88公里。
伦敦是全国政治中心。Palace of Westminster(威斯敏斯特宫)是The British Parliament(英国议会)的House of Lords and House of Commons(上、下两院)的活动场所,故又称为“Parliament Assembly(议会大厅)”。Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特大教堂)内有20多个英国国王、著名政治家、军事家以及Newton(牛顿)、Darwin(达尔文)、Dickens(狄更斯)、Hardy(哈代)等科学家、文学家和艺术家的墓地。Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫)为英国王宫,是王室成员生活和重大国事活动的场所。Downing Street White Hall(白厅)为英国政府机关所在地,其核心No 10. Downing Street(唐宁街10号)是英国历代首相官邸。
十六世纪亨利八世进行宗教改革(The English Reformation)
英国内战(The English Civil War)又称清教徒革命(Puritan Revolution)
1688, The Glorious Revolution)

American History 英美概况美国历史

American History 英美概况美国历史

American History➢I. America in the colonial era➢II. The War of Independence➢III. The Civil War➢IV. America during the two World WarsI. America in the colonial era➢Who were the very first Americans?➢Who was the first one discovering the new continent?➢After whom was the new continent named?I. America in the colonial era➢1.The very first Americans were Indians.●They created their civilization, known as Maya civilization, dominating Mexico and Central America from 4th to the 10th centuries.●They were the descendants of the Mongoloid (蒙古人种的) people in Asia.●About 20,000 years ago, they traveled to the North American continent across the Bering Strait (白令海峡).➢2. Christopher Columbus is believed to have discovered America.●In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America. However, he believed he had reached India and called the natives Indians.➢In 1500, Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator, also under the Spanish flag, drew the conclusion that what he found was a new continent.3. The establishment of colonies➢Since the America was found, the Spanish established many colonies: Florida, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.➢In 1588, the Spanish Armada was defeated by the English navy,which put England in a better position to provide support for its New World colonies.3. The establishment of colonies➢Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.➢These 13 colonies were established in different patterns:●crown colonies ( 直辖殖民地),●proprietary colonies ( 业主殖民地),●charter colonies ( 特许公司殖民地),●self-governing or compact colonies ( 自治殖民地或契约殖民地).➢1) The first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia , in 1607.➢2) In 1620, a group of Pilgrims sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth, and built the New Plymouth colony in New England. These Pilgrims drew up the epoch-making Mayflower Compact (五月花契约), which was signed by all adult males on the ship.3. The establishment of colonies➢3) From 1630 to 1643, some 200 ships transported over 20,000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony. ➢Plymouth remained a separate colony until 1691 when it was combined with Massachusetts Bay colony. Puritans➢People who criticized or wished to "purify" the Church of England.➢"Puritan" refers to two distinct groups:➢"separating" Puritans, radical Protestants, such as the Plymouth colonists, the pilgrims, who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that true Christians must separate themselves from it; and➢“non-separating” Puritans, such as the colonists who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed inreform but not separation.Puritans➢(1) Puritans believed that God had set special duties for everyone to carry out.➢(2) These puritans were well known for their spirit of enterprise and high standard of morality.➢(3) Puritans advocated thriftiness in doing things and rejected all church rituals. They demanded equality and opposed all priestly hierarchy.Puritans➢(4) They believed it was noble to protect human rights in their pursuit of wealth.➢(5) Puritans placed great importance on education and founded Harvard College in 1636. Most of the Puritans were well-educated and wealthy.Puritans3. The establishment of colonies➢4) The Rhode Island Colony was founded by dissenters pushed out of Massachusetts.➢5) The other four colonies: the Connecticut Colony, the New Hampshire colony, Maine, Vermont comprises the region, known as New England.3. The establishment of colonies➢The New Englanders, despite their differences, mostly belong to the Puritan group in religion. Their values include the belief in hard work, thriftiness, accumulation of wealth, self-government, acquisitiveness, and Puritanic morality. Their culture laid the foundation of American values and became the American mainstream culture. And New England has been regarded as the cradle of American democracy.3. The establishment of colonies➢6) New York and New Jersey were first colonized by the Dutch while Delaware was founded by the Swedish. These three colonies were later taken over by the English Crown as crown colonies.3. The establishment of colonies➢7) Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. Pen n set up a colony, Pennsylvania, meaning “Penn’s wood”. He adopted a tolerant policy which welcomed any settlers who read the Bible and believed in God. Pennsylvania later played an active role in fighting for America’s independence and against the slave s ystem in the South.3. The establishment of colonies➢8) The other colonies were Maryland, South and North Carolinas, and Georgia.➢So, by 1773, English settlers had occupied 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.4. Features of American culture:➢1) a blending of European cultures under new circumstances in the New World➢2) less formal but more pragmatic, less conservative and more outspoken;➢3) hard-work, diligence, religious tolerance, respect of individual rights●(people of different national origi ns required social life to show toleration; not interfering in others’ privacy; problems concerning belief became a private affair)➢4) attaching great importance to education●founding Harvard College in Massachusetts 1636 by the Puritans with the original idea of enabling people to read Bible and communicate with God.➢Who were the very first Americans?➢Who is believed to have discovered America?➢After whom America was named?➢Which was the first successful English colony in North America?➢Which was New England comprised of?➢Which were the first 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast?II. The War of Independence➢1. Background➢1) The French and Indian War (The Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763)●The war first broke out in America between French and England, both of which claimed the Ohio River valley.●In 1754, the English colonists started to attack the French troops in this region and this touched off the French and Indian War.●The War, officially declared in Europe in 1756, was also known in Europe as the Seven Years’ War. Many countries in Europe were involved in the war.●Finally, France failed. The French had to sign the 1763 Treaty of Paris and ceded Canada to Britain.➢2) Conflict between England and its colonies:●England imposed new taxes partly in order to defray the cost of fighting the Seven Years’ War, and expected Americans to lodge British soldiers in their homes. The colonists resented the taxes and resisted the quartering of soldiers.●In 1765, the Stamp Act was passed by the English Parliament.●The Act was aiming to collect more taxes from the colonists, which made many colonists unhappy because they were not given a single seat to voice their feelings in the English Parliament at that time, so they raised the slogan of “no taxation without representation”.➢The direct cause: The Boston Tea Party●Because of import duties on tea, many merchants smuggled tea from Holland, instead of importing from England.●In order to deal with the rotting tea in the London warehouses and make more profits, the East India Company,a vital source of British wealth, was allowed by the British Government to sell its tea to the colonies free of import duty.●Colonial merchants were enraged and protested against the unequal treatment. On December 16, 1773, a band of50 men disguised as Indians and led by Samuel Adams dumped 90,000 pounds tea of three British tea-bearing ships lying at anchor in Boston Harbor, worth 90,000 pounds.➢3) the First Continental Congress●In September 1774●held in Philadelphia which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods➢2. process➢1) the first shots●On April 19, 1775, 700 British soldiers were sent to Concord to search for weapons and “rebellious” colonists. When the troops reached Lexington at dawn, they encountered militiamen.●Fighting broke out and the first shots in the American War of Independence were fired.➢2) the Second Continental Congress➢In May, 1775➢held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.➢It founded the Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington.➢Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776.➢The Declaration of Independence➢presenting a public defense of the American War of Independence➢a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke:●men have a natural right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; government can rule only with “theconsent of the governed”; any government may be dissolved when it fails to protect the rights of the people.●This theory is central to the western political tradition.➢3. Results●At first, the war went badly for the Americans.●After endless hard fighting, in October 1777, the Americans defeated the British troops at Saratoga 萨拉托加in Northern New York.●This was the turning point of the War, leading directly to an alliance between the U.S and France. (statue of liberty, 1886)●Finally, in 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, with which, the America won its independence.➢4. After the War of Independence➢1) problem➢How to convert the Confederation into Federation became a big problem for Americans.➢Because of different backgrounds and economic conditions, the 13 states were not closely united.●There were conflicts between radicals and moderates.●Moderates advocated a political economy based on a strong national government that would actively advance commerce and protect private property.●Radicals favoured a different political economy, based on a weaker central government, a more localized democracy, and a hand-off economic policy.➢2) the Constitutional Convention●On May 25, 1787●held in Philadelphia●Fifty-five delegates from all the states except Rhode Island attended the Convention.●These delegates were advocates of a united nation and had been active in the Revolution.●George Washington was elected chairman of the Convention.●James Madison from Virginia took the lead in the work to write a new constitution and he became known as “Father of the U. S. Constitution.”➢3) Federalist Papers 联邦文集●Prominent Federalists such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote 85 letters to the newspapers of New York, which were known as the Federalist Papers.●the best explanation of the constitution as well as one of the most important works on political theory➢4) the Bill of Rights人权法案➢The first ten amendments to the U.S Constitution, which was called the Bill of Rights, adopted in 1791 which promise to protect individuals' rights.●Freedom of religion, speech and the press;●The right to keep and bear arms;●The right against unreasonable searches and seizures;●The right against self-incrimination ( 自证其罪).。



1. The Norman Conquest of England (1066) The Medieval1.Reasons for William’s invasion of England after Edward’s death.It was said that king Edward had promised the English throne to William, but the Witan chose Harold as king. So William led his army to invade England. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England2.The Norman Conquest and its consequencesThe Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated(查抄,充公) almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and the civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners and architecture were introduced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.3.The English is a mixture of nationalities of different origins. The ancestors of many English people were the ancient Angles and Saxons. Some English people are of the Norman-French origin.2.名词解释: The crusadesIt's a religous war. Pope urban Ⅱlaunched the crusades in 1095,He issued a call for a "Holy War" to gain control over the Holyland of the middle East.It includes social and political factors.That was the battle cry of the thousands of Christians who joined crusades to free the Holy Land from the Muslims. From 1096 to 1270 there were eight major crusades and two children's crusades, both in the year 1212. Only the First and Third Crusades were successful. In the long history of the Crusades, thousands of knights, soldiers, merchants, and peasants lost their lives on the march or in battle.Richard lion-heartT he crown of England passed from Henry II to his 32-year-old son Richard, a.k.a. Lion Heart. Ri chard I had spent six months of his ten-year-reign abroad.His courage and military(军事的) talent, even before he became king, was famous, earning him the nickname of Coeur de Lion (Lion's heart). By the young age of 16 he was already commanding troops in France, putting down rebellions(叛乱), and he led the Third Crusade.Meet one's waterloo: used to describe someone who has been defeated badly3.The Hundred Years warThe main reason for this war ?Disputes about the territories and throne between England and France werecommon. In order to succeed the french throne ,England King started the war france.joan of Arc,as we is known to all, is a national heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint.she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War.4. The war of rosesWars of the Roses (1455-1487), or rose of war, usually refers to the British House of Lancaster and York between supporters of the dynasty to the throne of England the intermittent(断断续续的) civil war.Plantagenet royal family are the two branches, is a descendant of King Edward III.Wars of the Roses is not the name used at the time, it's home from the selected two royal emblem, the red roses of Lancaster and York's white rose.5.Henry ⅧHenry was the second monarch of the House of Tudor, succeeding his father, Henry VII.Besides his six marriages, Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and establishing himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.6.Mary bloodyMary was the only child of King Henry VIII of England and his first wife Catherine of Aragon to survive infancy.A s the fourth crowned monarch of the Tudor dynasty, Mary is remembered for her restoration of Roman Catholicism after the short-lived Protestant reign of her brother. During her five year reign,she persecuted 280 religious dissenters,so Her Protestant opponents gave her the sobriquet of "Bloody Mary".7.Elizabeth IWhen we refer to Elizabeth I, we always associated her with two things, one thing is literature,the other thing is adventure on the sea.8.the two famous men of voyages and travels: vasco da Gama and Columbus9. The magna carta1. an English legal charter, originally issued in the year 1215. It was written in Latin; its name is usually translated into English as Great Charter.2.Magna Carta required lackland King John of England to proclaim certain rights (pertaining to nobles and barons), respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law.3. Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges.10.Guy Fawkesbelonged to a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.who planned to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne.17世纪(bourgeois revolution)11.charles I(the english civil war)who support "divine right",persecuted a large number of "puritan" elements.Charles' last years were marked by the English Civil War, in which he fought the forces of the English and Scottish Parliaments.in the second civil war,Oliwer Cronwell,lord of protectant ,defeated him as temporary overthrow of monakhy and established republic constitutional.chareles I was condemned to death,but he refuted to enter a plee.12.the golorious revolution(1688)The limited monarchy which resulted from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 ensured that the powerful economic interests in the community could exert their influence over Government policy.the purpose is to stop James II's restoration of cathlic.James II claim to abdicate automatically and "mary and william", puke of orange, replaced as queen ang king.13.Bill of rightsThe Bill of Rights of the United Kingdom is largely a statement of certain rights to which citizens and permanent residents of a constitutional monarchy were thought to be entitled in the late 17th century, asserting subjects' right to petition the monarch, as well as to bear arms in defence.14.W. William Shakespeare(16世纪)四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。

英美国家概况02 British History

英美国家概况02 British History

Christianity in Britain (1)
Major denominations of Christianity: 1. Eastern Orthodox 东正教 2. Roman Catholism 罗马天主教 Ireland 3. Protestantism 新教 1) Church of England: Anglicanism 圣公会 England and Wales 2) Presbyterianism 长老会 Scotland
Christianity in Britain (2)
• Crusades / Holy War 1) Middle Age: "Age of Faith" 2) 1096-1270: 9 times 3) Muslim vs. Christianism 4) Focus: Jerusalem, the “Holy City”
The Third Crusade (1189-1192)
Christianity in Britain (3)
English Reformation 1) 1529-1533 2) King HenryⅧ 1509-1547 2) Cause: Kingship vs. Magisterium (王权vs.教权) 3) Act of Supremacy 1534 4) Roman catholism → An the French throne
b. end: the English king lost his territory
in France, except Calai
Anglo-French Relationship (2)
• French and Indian War 1754-1763 Territory conflicts in North America Consequences: 1) The birth of the “British Empire” where the sun never sets (Canada) 2) Descent of French Supremacy

英美历史大事年表 2

英美历史大事年表 2
Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in 1932
Isolationist policy, pro-Ally, was, [change of policy]
The Pearl Harbour
War on the Axis Power
Teheran, Iran
England become Protestant ever since.
In 1588, Britain defeated The Armada(西班牙无敌舰队).
Elizabethan Drama: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlow and Ben Johnson
(House of Norman诺曼王朝)
William the Conqueror
He owned all the land.
He replaced the Witan with the Grand Council.
The land record: Doomsday Book (1086)
Full-scale anti-Communism hysteria
The Korean War
U.S. Soviet Union, Korea, China
The two Koreas
Civil Rights Movement, Feminist Movement; Counterculture Movement
The beginning ofthe War of Independence


Iberians /Mediterranean(伊比利亚人 / 地中海人) 3000 B. C Gaels —— the ancestry of the Scottish and the Irish (700 B. C) the Celts Britons (布列吞族)—— the ancestry of the Welsh (500 B. C)
•They spoke a language that we now call Old English. •They drove the Welsh and the Scottish to the north of the country, forming “the nation of the English”
Vikings (Danes) invaded England in 8th century
King Alfred(艾尔弗雷德大王)of Wessex defeated the Danes
An agreement (Peace of Edington《埃丁顿和约》) was made between English king Alfred and Danish king Guthrum that Danes ruled the north while the English ruled the south of England. (878 A. D)
achievements during the Heptarchy
social system
The Anglo-Saxons church
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•Danish Invasion and the Danish Rule
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The most prominent and important monument(遗迹) left by the Romans in Britain, it spans the width of the country.
The highest road built by the Romans in England.
consequences of the Roman occupation and the effects on Britain •Britain became a Roman province in name. •The lowland Britons accepted the Roman way of life radically while the hill dwellers resisted the Romans. •The Hadrian’s Wall was built by the Romans in 122 A. D to drive back the Picts(皮克特人). •The English upper classes were Romanized. •Some of the native people became slaves of the Romans.
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•Anglo-Saxons Times (410 —— 871)
scholarship ——Beowulf 《贝尔武夫》 •the greatest Old English epic •the beginning of British literature •The class polarization appeared. •The society advanced towards feudalism. •A Christian mission under Augustine came from Rome in 597. •All England had been Christianized by the 7th century
Iberians / Mediterranean
Iberians, Nordic(北欧)and Alpine(阿尔卑斯) are three kind European Races. About 3000 B. C, Iberians from the Mediterranean lands sailed right up the west coast of England and around Scotland to Scandinavia, for at that time the English Channel was still impassable. Some of them settled in Britain.
II. History of the UK
The Beginnings of the UK
Middle Ages England
16th &17th century
Modern Times
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•early settlement
An agreement was made that England was shared by the Danish and the English. (1016)
England was ruled by English and Danish kings alternatively.
English and Danish Kings between 9th and 11th Century
East Anglia(东盎格利亚)
the Jutes Kent(肯特)
Essex (East Saxon)埃塞克斯
the Saxons Sussex (South Saxon)苏塞克斯 Wessex (West Saxon)威塞克斯
Wessex won the other 6 kingdoms, the king of Wessex Egbert was the king of English in 829.
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•the Roman Occupation (55 B. C —— 410)
54 B. C and 55 B. C Julius Caesar’s(凯撒大帝)nominal conquests
43 A. D real conquest by Claudius(克劳迪) 410 A. D Roman power in Britain collapsed
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•Danish Invasion and the Danish Rule
Danes invaded England for the second time at the end of 10th century
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•Anglo-Saxons Times (410 —— 871)
Heptarchy (6th ——9th century) 七国争雄时期——7 kingdoms in England Northumbria(诺森布里亚) the Angles Mercia(麦西亚)
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•Anglo-Saxons Times (410 —— 871)
the arrival of the Germanic Tribes in the 5th century (449)
the Angles(盎格鲁人 ) the Saxons(撒克逊人 ) the Jutes(朱特人)
•They spoke a language that we now call Old English. •They drove the Welsh and the Scottish to the north of the country, forming “the nation of the English”
•natives of the UK •from Europe (upper Rhineland) in search of empty lands •the combination of the Nordic and the Alpine •white skin, blond hair, taller than the Iberians •developed their own civilization
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•the Roman Occupation (55 B. C —— 410)
•England and Wales were conquered by the Romans while Scotland and Ireland were not.
Iberians /Mediterranean(伊比利亚人 / 地中海人) 3000 B. C Gaels —— the ancestry of the Scottish and the Irish (700 B. C) the Celts Brito (500 B. C)
Vikings (Danes) invaded England in 8th century
King Alfred(艾尔弗雷德大王)of Wessex defeated the Danes
An agreement (Peace of Edington《埃丁顿和约》) was made between English king Alfred and Danish king Guthrum that Danes ruled the north while the English ruled the south of England. (878 A. D)
The Beginnings of the UK——a history of invasions
•the Norman Conquest (诺曼征服)
•In Jan. 1066, Edward died childless, giving the throne to Harold II, which made William (the Duke of Normandy) angry. •William claimed he had the sole right to be king of England. •On Oct. 14, 1066, William defeated English army under Harold II, killing Harold II at the battle of Hastings and conquered England. •On Christmas Day, 1066, William was crowned in Westminster Abbey, known as William Conqueror (征服者威廉)
Alfred forced the Danes to accept Christianity.
The Vikings
威金人 / 北欧海盗
•The Scandinavian warriors who raided the coasts of Europe, the British Isles, Iceland and Greenland between the 8th and 10th century. •In the 9th and the 10th century England, the Vikings, known as the Danes, settled in the Danelaw, took the English throne in the 11th century and built up a vast kingdom under Canute.