
二、比赛目的1. 增强学生对英语词汇学习的重视,激发学习兴趣。
2. 提高学生的词汇量,丰富词汇知识。
3. 培养学生的英语思维能力,提高英语表达能力。
4. 促进学生之间的交流与合作,增强团队精神。
1. 初赛:全体高一学生参加,采用闭卷考试,测试学生词汇掌握情况。
2. 决赛:初赛成绩排名前20%的学生参加,采用现场问答形式,考察学生的词汇运用能力和英语表达能力。
七、比赛内容1. 初赛内容:- 词汇识别:给出英文单词,要求学生在规定时间内写出对应的中文意思。
- 词汇拼写:给出中文词语,要求学生在规定时间内写出对应的英文单词。
- 词汇翻译:给出英文句子,要求学生在规定时间内翻译成中文。
2. 决赛内容:- 词汇运用:给出一个话题,要求学生在规定时间内用英语进行口头表达,考察学生的词汇运用能力和英语表达能力。
- 词汇接龙:两名选手依次用英文说出一个单词,下一个单词的首字母必须是上一个单词的尾字母。
八、评分标准1. 初赛:- 词汇识别:每题1分,共20题,满分20分。
- 词汇拼写:每题1分,共20题,满分20分。
- 词汇翻译:每题2分,共10题,满分20分。
2. 决赛:- 词汇运用:满分10分,根据表达流畅度、词汇运用准确度、语法正确性等方面进行评分。
- 词汇接龙:满分5分,根据接龙速度、词汇准确度等方面进行评分。
九、奖项设置1. 初赛:- 一等奖:5名,颁发奖状及奖品。
- 二等奖:10名,颁发奖状及奖品。
- 三等奖:15名,颁发奖状及奖品。
2. 决赛:- 冠军:1名,颁发奖杯及奖品。

首届医学英语词汇大赛词库基本词汇A1.alimentary I,aeli'menteri/a.营养的;消化器官的2.alkaline/'aelkalain/a.碱性的n.碱性,碱度3.allergic /e'le:d3ik/ a.过敏的4.alleviate/e'li:vieit/v.减轻(痛苦),缓和5.alveolus/ael'viales/n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡6.ambulant/'sem bjulan"a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的7.ameliorate/8'mi,"Uereit/v.改善,改良,转好8.ammonia/'aemaunj8/n.氨9.anatomy/e'naetemi/n.解剖学10.amputate/'aem pju,teit/V.切断,截(肢)11.anemia/e'ni:mie/n.贫血症12.anesthesia/aenes'ei:zie/n.感觉缺失;麻醉13.anesthetic/,aenis'Setik/a.麻木的n.麻醉剂14.anhydrous/aen'haidres/a.脱水的,无水的15.ankle/'aerjk(9)J/n.踝16.anorexia~,aerie(u)'reksia/n.食欲缺失;厌食17.anoxia lae'noksie/n.缺氧(症)18.antacid/aent'aesid/n.解酸药,抗酸剂19.antibiotics几aentibai'atiks/n.抗生素20.antibody/'aenti,bodi/n.抗体21.antifebrile/,aenti'fi:braill a.退热的n.退热药22.antigen/'aentid3an/n.抗原23.antiseptic/,aenti'septik/a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂24.antitoxin^aenti'toksin/n.抗毒素25.antiviral/'aenti'vaiarel/a.抗病毒的26.antivirus/'aenti'vaieras/n.抗病毒素27.apparatus^~epa'reites/n.器械,仪器,装置28.appendicitis/e,pendi'saitis/n.阑尾炎29.appendix/e'pendiks/n.附录;阑尾30.appetite/'aepitait/n.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望31.appliance/a'plaians/n.器具;用具;器械32.arrhrthmia/a'riOmie/n.心率不齐;心率失常33.artery/'a:teri/n.动脉,干线34.arthritis /a:'Oraitis/ n.关节炎35.articular/a"ti kjulal a.关节的36.aseptic/ei'septik/a.无菌的;防腐的;冷漠的37.asphyxia/aes'fiksie/n.窒息38.aspirate /'aespereit/v.吸出;抽出39.aspirin/'aesperin/n.阿司匹林40.assay/e'sei/n.测定,鉴定;化验v.化验,分析;尝试'41.assimilate /e 'simileit/v.吸收;同化42.asthma/'aesma/n.气喘,哮喘43.asymmetric(a1)/aesi'metrik(kal)/a.不对称的;不匀称的;偏位的44.atrium/'eitriem/n.心房45.atropine /'aetrapi:n/n.阿托平46.attenuate/o'tenjueit/vt.使变稀薄,稀释47.atypical/'eitipik(a)I/a.非典型的;不规则的,不匀称的;不正常的48.audiometer/,o:di'omita/n.听度计,听力计49.augment/o:g 'ment/V.扩大;增长50.aural/' a:ral/a.听觉器官的;耳的51.auscultate|?a:skelteit|v.听诊52.auspice/'o:spis/n.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆53.autoclave/' 0:taukleiv/n.高压消毒锅54.autopsy/'o:topsi/n.尸体解剖,尸检55.axilla/aek'sile/n.腋(窝)B1.bacillus/ba'silas/n.芽孢杆菌2.backache/'baekeik/n.背痛3.bacterial/baek'tieriel/a.细菌的4.bactericidal/baek'tiarisaidal/a.杀菌的5.bacteriology/baek,tieri'olad3i/n.细菌学的6.bacterium/baek'tieriem/n.细菌7.bandage l'baendid3/n.绷带8.barbiturate/ba:'bitluarit/n.巴比妥盐9.BCG卡介苗10.bellyache/'belieik/n.腹痛11.beriberi/'beri'beri/n.脚气病12.bicarbonate/bai'ka:banit/n.碳酸氢盐13.bilateral/bai'laetaral/a.两边的,双侧的14.bile/bail/n.胆汁15.biliary/'biUari/a.胆汁的16.bioactive /,baia~aektiv/a.生物活性的17.biochemistry/'baieu'kemistri/n。
2011全国大学生英语竞赛 一等奖

2011全国大学生英语竞赛一等奖Title: Winning the First Prize in the 2011 National English Competition for College StudentsIn 2011, I had the honor of participating in and winning the first prize in the National English Competition for College Students. It was an unforgettable experience that not only tested my English proficiency but also allowed me to showcase my skills and knowledge on a national stage.The competition consisted of various rounds, including a written test, a speaking test, and a comprehensive interview. Each round challenged me in different ways, pushing me to think critically and communicate effectively in English. I spent countless hours preparing for the competition, practicing my speaking skills, expanding my vocabulary, and honing my writing abilities.During the written test, I had to answer a series of challenging questions that tested my grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. I was relieved when I finished the test, but I knew that the hardest part was yet to come. The speaking test required me to think on my feet and articulate my thoughtsclearly and confidently. I had to demonstrate my ability to communicate fluently and naturally, even under pressure.The most nerve-wracking part of the competition was the comprehensive interview. I was grilled by a panel of judges on a wide range of topics, from current events to literature to pop culture. I had to think quickly and respond thoughtfully, showcasing my knowledge and critical thinking skills. Despite the pressure, I managed to stay calm and composed, drawing on my preparation and experience to answer each question to the best of my ability.When the results were announced, I was shocked and overjoyed to learn that I had won the first prize. It was a moment of triumph and validation, a recognition of all the hard work and dedication I had put into preparing for the competition. I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that I had overcome countless obstacles and challenges to emerge victorious.Winning the first prize in the 2011 National English Competition for College Students was a defining moment in my academic and personal life. It taught me the importance of perseverance, dedication, and hard work in achieving my goals. Italso gave me the confidence to pursue my passions and dreams, knowing that with determination and effort, anything is possible.As I look back on that experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the competition and for the lessons it taught me. It was a challenging but rewarding journey that has shaped me into the person I am today. Winning the first prize was not just a title or an accolade – it was a symbol of my hard work, passion, and commitment to excellence in English.。

大学外语教育学院首届“我爱记单词杯”大学生英语词汇大赛试卷注意事项:1 本试卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟。
2 答案一律写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效。
PartI Completing the Words(5 points)Directions: Complete each word with two missing vowel letters (元音字母) to made it sensible,then write the vowel letters on the Answer Paper.1 fund_ment_l2 .r_ _tine 3.fl_x_ble 4.dyn_m_c p_t_tive 6.d_scr_be 7.d_v_tion 8.ackn_wl_dge 9_xcess_ve 10.g_nu_nePartII Matching (10points)Directions:Match each word in Column A with its corresponding translation in ColumnB .Please write the corresponding letter on the Answer Paper.ColumnA ColumnB11.interact A.文学12.manipulate B和谐13.perspective C叙述14.federal D比。
经久15.harmony E范围16.outlive F关键的17.narrative G联邦的18.literature H相互作用19.range I 视角20.critical J控制PartIII Multiple Choice (40 points)Section A (30 points)Directions : There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section .For each blank there are four choices marked A B and C .Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence ,then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Paper .21.Bill is an example of a serverly disabled person who has become ____at many survival skills.A. proficientB.persistentC.consistent Dsufficient22.It has been revealed that some govermment leaders ____their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves .A. employB.takeC.abuseD.overlook23.They claim that ____1,000factories closed down during the economic crisis.A.sufficientlyB.approximatelyC.considerably Dproperly24.She speaks no Chinese and is ____Chinese culture.A.familiar toB.familiar withC.unfamiliar toD.unfamiliar with25.He sent the wrong reports because he____them with other ones .A.mistookB.missedC.putD.confused26.The new graduates received their degrees at a special____A.ceremonyB.occasionC.situationD.condition27.The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic ____for Europe.A.outlookB.insightC.opinionD.attitude28.Our pattern of behavior ____our basic beliefs.A.deprive ofB.disapprove ofC.divide intoD.derive from29.Whether the project will be a ____success in the long term is still uncertain.mercialmercemercials D,non-commercial30.Potatoes are _____food—they make you feel full.A,satisfy B.satisfied C,satisfactory D.satisfying31.I feel I couldn‟t cope with the situation and was in desperate need of some ____.A.remarkB.reassuranceC.suggestionD.claim32.The poison was _____of casuing death within a few minutes,A.confidentB.enviousC.insecureD.independent33.They felt helpless,___,and incapable of handling the job .A.confidentB.enviousC.insecureD.independent34.If you ___-the bottle and cigarettes ,you will be much healthier.A.take ofB.keep offC.get offD.set off35.A lot of students had ____in the activity organized by the English Corner.A.involvedB.associatedC.partedD.participated36.Mr.Vender nerver thought that he would become a member of the board of director (董事会)because of his ___origin.A.humbleB.previousC.criticalD.fasle37.Mark and her father are ___in many way.A.likingB.likelyC.likableD.alik38.The govemment has granted them a long-term____.A.loanB.debtC.parmentD.credit.39.The boy often imagined himself ____before a clapping audience.A.performB.to performC.performingD.performed40.The litter boy‟s crying ____his parents.A.thrilledB.shatteredC.brokeD.embarrassed41.The scientist was rewarded by the government for his scientific____.A.requirementB.progressC.achievementD.advancement42.The male bird displays several ____which distinguish him from the female.A.charactersB.charmsC.challengesD.characteristics43.Jane …s____for gardening is evident by all of these beautiful flowers.A.acquaintanceB.familiartyC.achievementD.enthusiasm44,The law ____that all children must go to school.A.saysB.restrictsC.prescribesD.sets45.I was so tired I fell ____during the lectureA.asleepB.asleepingC.sleepyD.sleepless46.She was soon lost from ____among the crowd.A.visionB.viewC.look.D.sight47.She tried to hide her grief,but she was ____tears.A.bound toB.like toC.on the verge ofD.near from48.I am ____of this honor ,but I thank you .A.worthwhileB.worthC.worthyD.unworthy49.She perform her job well and quickly ; she is very____.A.effcientB.inefficientC.enormousD.definite50.Mary …s duty was ____to repair broken computers.A.primaryB.primeC.primarilyD.premierSection B (10 points)Directions : From the four choices given ,choose the ONE that is meaning to the underlined part in the sentence ,then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer Paper .51.To improve the confidence of the consumers crucial to an economic recovery .A.of little importanceB.of critical importanceC.necessaryD.unnecessary52.Mick breezed through his chemistry and history ,but he made a mess of the English exam.A.made his mark in B,made a point of C.did badly in D.neglected53.The eight-turbine generators will have a capacity of 1000 million kilowatt hours.A.capabilitypetenceC.maximum outputD.volume54.The company wanted to close down the railway line ,but the local residents objected.A.rejectedB.opposedC.disregardedD.defied55.To change the traffic rules and use new road signs wilol only confuse the public.A.make angryB.cause to be mixed up in the mindC.disappointD.disturb56.The brave girl endured all kinds of hardship on the road to look for her lost brother.A.suffersedB.experiencedC.overcomested57.”I can‟t bear that !”She exclaimed.A.weptB.cried outC.sighterD.insisted58.You should not always depend on others to offer you a sound choice.A.correctB.sensitiveC.noisyD.considered59.People tend to ignore the other aspects when they especially interested in one aspect of an issue.A.take no notice ofB.missC.attach no importance toD.fail to think of60.What he is after is neither money nor fame ,but the satisfaction of seeing his students grow up into useful builders of socialism.A.in pursuit ofB.looking afterC.trying to doD.advocating Part IV Word-Building (30points)Section A..Prefixes and Suffixes (前缀和后缀) (20 points)Directions : Complete the following sentences by adding appripriate English affixes (词缀)to the words given in the brackets .Pay attention to the tense of verbs and the number of nouns ,then write the Answer Paper.A.To communicate ____(success)in speech ,you must also learn the _____(verbal)language ,or“body language”,of that culture .”Body language “is a term used to describe _____(face)____(express),gesture ,and other ____(move)of the that send messages.B.When dealing with risks, many people often believe that risk brings danger .This is becauseour language confuses dange with the____(possible) of discomfort or_____(approve)that risk brings.C.The ideal____(agriculture )system would be ____(sustain); that is ,its level of____(productive)could be continued indefinitely and damage to the environment much less .This is a war which must be won because it would have only winner for both farmer and ____(consume)of products.D.When I think of it now ,I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man tosubject himself to such_____(dignity)and stress. And at how he did it---without_____(bitter) or_____(complain).E.When men and women are on the verge of arguing, they generally _____(understand) eachother. At such times ,it is important to_____(think) or translate what they have heard.F.Darwin was an _____(outstand) scientist who made great ____(contribute) to thedevelopment of biology.G.He ____(joy)writing in his life .He even wrote two books in his _____(light) years.Section B Abbreviation(10 points)Directions :Please give the full names of the following abbreviations Write the answer on the Answer Paper .E.g: CPU Central Processing Unit81.A TM Automatic___ ___ 82. BBS Bulletin___ ___ 83. WHO World ___ ___84.NBA National ___ ___ 85.WWW World___ ___Part V Fun in English (15 points)Section A Riddles (谜语) (5points)Dictions :In this section ,you will read some English riddles. Write the answers on the Answer Paper.86.I am something that has teeth but can‟t eat.What am I ?---A_ _ _ _87.What is the strongest day in a week ?---_ _ _ _ _ _ _88.I can sizzle like bacon ,I am made with an egg ,I have plenty of backbone ,but lack a good leg, Ipeel layers like onions,but still remain whole ,I can be long ,like a flagpole ,yet fit in a hole .What am I?---A_ _ _ _ _89.I come out of the earth ,I am sold in the market ,he who buys me cuts my tail ,takes off my suit of silk ,and weeps beside me when I am dead .---An _ _ _ _ _90.What starts with E ,and only has one letter in it ?---An_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Section B Idioms and Expressions (5points)Directions :Complete the following idioms and expressions with proper words .Write the answers on the Answer Paper.91.jake-of-___-trades 多面手92.a_____mate 性情相投的人93,One‟s words ____one‟s thinking. 言为心声94.at each other‟s____ 争吵95.One boy is a boy ,two boys half a boy ,three boys___ 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝SectionsC Word Relay (5points)Directions : Complete the following word relay with English words .Write the answer on the Answer Paper.96.F_ _ _ (福特)97.D_ _ _ _ _ (迪尼斯)98.Y_ _ _ _ _ _ (雅戈尔)99.R_ _ _ _ _ (乐百氏)100.T_ _ _(汰渍)Part VI Translation (20points)Directions: Translate the following sentence into Chinese and write the answer the Answer Paper , 101.What you do not want done yourself ,do not do to others.102.Please hours fly fast .103.The success is focused not only individual contribution but working as a team as well . 104.A flawless person exists only in imagination.105.We take a minute to know someone ,one hour to like someone .and one day to love someone ,but the whole life to forget someone.SectionB(10points)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and write the answer on the Answer Paper.106我想我一定是把钥匙落在屋里了。

黉学英才中学高一英语词汇竞赛试题(初赛)总分:100分考试时间:40分钟一、根据首字母、中文意思或所给词的适当形式填空(每题2分,共60分)1. The scientist was rewarded by the Government for his scientific _________(achieve) in the field of physics.2. That type of job is most _______ (challenge), and therefore is a good test of your competence.3. It took them a fortnight’s time to make _________(prepare) for the wedding.4. With the _________(develop) of industry, we lead a comfortable life.5. All the members are __________ (require) to attend the meeting.6. He has made some spelling m________ in his paper; however, they are not serious.7. The bus is s________ to leave at 5:00, but it hasn’t come yet.8.The room was in a m________after the party.9. Good afternoon, sir. You are really a f_________ customer here. May I ask you why you come here so often?10. The bus company provided e_______ buses because there were so many people.11. I r_________ to tell you that you failed the exam once again.12. When he was young, he e_________ a living by selling newspapers.13. During summer holiday, I often go to do a part-time job to gain some working e_______.14. His mother is a d__________ woman who always gets her own way.15. Wei Hua d___________ an interest in English at the age of ten.16.Missing the flight m__________ waiting another 3 hours.17. It is d _________ to remember all the names and faces.18. After leaving his son in c_________ of the shop, he hurried off.19. ----What makes him so u________?---- Losing the key to the classroom.20. The letter from my brother in New York arrived much earlier than e_________.21. Much to his ________ (满意), his son achieved the highest grade in the maths exam.22. There is very little room in the house because it has far too much _______. (家具)。

英语词汇大赛表彰会领导发言稿English:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and all participants of the English Vocabulary Competition, I am delighted to welcome you to the recognition ceremony today. It is my honor to stand before you and acknowledge the incredible efforts and achievements of all the contestants who have dedicated their time and energy to improving their vocabulary skills. Your commitment to academic excellence and the English language is truly commendable, and I applaud each and every one of you for your hard work and determination. This competition not only tests your knowledge but also cultivates a love for learning and language that will serve you well in your future endeavors. As leaders in education, we are deeply proud of your accomplishments and look forward to seeing the positive impact you will undoubtedly have on the world. Congratulations to all the winners and participants for their outstanding performance, and please continue to strive for greatness in everything you do.中文翻译:女士们,先生们,尊敬的嘉宾们,以及英语词汇大赛的所有参与者,我非常高兴欢迎大家参加今天的表彰会。

2012年秋六年级英语单词竞赛班级: 姓名:英译汉:brother sisteruncle bird cat tortoisecock duck lion footfrog goose horsemonkey rabbit pineapple green white presentflower blue green readhappy shortsweettall dancedrawsing swim sheepdaughter eagle elephantgoathedgehog kangaroo koalasquirrelzebra breadchicken chocolate coffee peacockfruit hamburger starjuice litchi meatrice strawberry waterbook eraser schoolbag Friday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Canadafriend windyschool eleven twenty cloudysunny brown badbeautiful fat good act climb close drink drivego laugh listen lookopen shoutsit stand America Australia ZealandFrance dolphindragonfly shark whaletomato trainvegetable autumn taxiseason snow spring summerwind eat skirt head house picture window cool straight strongwarm flygoldfish hippoketchup saladbeach bookstore AprilDecember driver October circle candle clever hungryleft farmer thirsty playground important interesting sciencemoth singerstorybookuseful animal camel desertearth featherforest grassland mountainpaintbrush scarf sweatertrousers bathroombesidekitchenlibrarypumpkinghostclownturkeycabbagelettucecornpotatowitchteasweet potato jack-o’-lanternlight the candle photo albumplant trees play basketballplay table tennis sing a songwater flowers art roomcelebrate Christmas clean the classroom clean the table close the door computer room cook the mealdining room do the dishesdraw a picture have a lookhave a party living roommusic room make a phone call make the bed make the teaopen the window play a gameplay the piano practice Englishread a book set the tabletake a bath teacher’s office teaching building turn off the lightturn on the light tell a storywait for a classmate wash the cupsin front of do one’s homeworkeat fruit get upgo skating go swimminghave a rest sit downtake a picture the Eiffel Towerthe Great Wall the White HouseEaster egg dig a holedo housework fly a kitego away listen to musicplay cards ride a bikehot dog Mid-autumn Festival dark green moon cake light blue 汉译英:书房自行车脚蛋糕椅子球音乐厨师馅饼三月手天空连衣裙门矮的梨冷的猫头发跑太阳写小汽车风筝狼桃子鸡蛋月亮哭蝙蝠鞋子树叶小船。

七、比赛时间: 2014年10月23日中午12:50-13:30,比赛时间为40分钟。



外文奖全国大学生英语词汇大赛National University Students English Vocabulary Competition has been a popular event in many countries for a long time. During the competition, university students from all over the country gather to review their English and discuss different topics related to English language.For this competition, in order to recognize the outstanding achievements and promote the unique skills of the college students, the competition includes the study, research, and the application of English vocabulary. Students must learn the right meanings of commonly used words, idioms and phrases, as well as their appropriate use so as to demonstrate their creative and proficient knowledge in English language.In addition, passages and articles are also provided by the organizers, and students will be graded based on their ability to anticipate and answer the questions posed. This helps to test the student’s understanding of the material and also assess their creative thinking skills.Moreover, various activities and lectures will also be arranged for the participants. All these activities are designed to encourage the student to make good use of English words, express their thoughts and ideas clearly and accurately, and communicate effectively.Not only is this competition beneficial for university students, the competition also benefits the community. Through this event, students from all over the country get an opportunity to improve their English vocabulary and be able to use it to make meaningful changes in their professional lives and the world in general.。

新教材高一英语(上)单词拼写竞赛湖北公安车胤中学高一英语组刘昌军1、She prefers popular music to c__________(古典的)works.2、She learned to survive in a d__________(荒芜的) island.3、The headmaster gave a feelingful s__________(演说)about good manners to the whole school.4、Life has many joys and s__________(悲伤).5、She is a brave girl. She is never s__________(害怕的)of anything.6、He is leading an i __________(独立的)life. He lives on his own.7、This is his n__________(本国的)town. He was born here.8、The doctor asked me to show my t__________(舌头).9、C__________(相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important .10、people c__________(交流)with each other by means of words.11、Only a narrow strait(海峡) s__________(分隔)North America from Asia.12、Her temperature has returned to n__________(正常).13、Have you ever had any a__________(冒险的)experience?14、The two countries c__________(联合起来)against their common enemy in the past.15、You should do with the matter r__________(有责任地).16、All these difficulties were caused by natural d__________(灾难).17、We s__________(吞咽了)all our food and drink.18、The forest was d__________(毁坏)by fire.19、The world is full of o__________(机遇)and challenges.20、It’s n__________(淘气的)to pull your sister’s hair.21、This film is for a__________(成年人)only. Children mustn’t watch it.22、She wants to study d__________(戏剧)and become an actress.23、Zhao Benshan wrote the s__________(剧本)for the TV play Liu Langen himself.24、A c__________(生物) is anything that is alive.25、She is d__________(决心)to go abroad.26、Allow me to i__________(介绍)my fiend Miss Wood to you.27、The new teacher made a good i__________(印象)on the students.28、You had better make an a__________(道歉)for your cruelty.29、I don’t want to i__________(打断)you, Go on with your story.30、She l out__________(漏掉)a “c”in the word “account”.31、The old building had become a ruin but the people of the town r__________(修复)it.32、A p__________(肖像)of his wife hangs in their bedroom.33、After a week at the beach her skin was b__________(青铜色).34、Let us make a__________(团结的)effort to increase the output of this factory.35、She was an active r__________(革命的) fighter in 1789.36、He won the first place in the c__________(比赛).37、I like the m__________(格言) “Where there is a will, there is a way.”38、A person who practices sports and games is called an a__________(运动员).39、There are seven c__________(大洲)in the world.40、Although he is fat, yet he doesn’t want to lose w__________(重量).41、People want to buy the l__________(最新的)newspapers; nobody wants to buy yesterday’s.42、As soon as they found their car stolen, they d__________(拔)the police number.43、Their b__________(行为)towards me show that they dislike me.44、The scientists have already succeeded in c__________(克隆)sheep.45、I’ve got enough n__________(消极的)advice, it only tells what not to do.46、When building m__________(材料)cost more, the price of houses grew up.47、Our head teacher o__________(组织) a party last Saturday.48、Of all the suggestions, I found yours most a__________(有吸引力的).49、The worst problem we have to face is the 21 century will be e__________(环境的)problem.50、Your advice at present is v__________(有价值的)to me.51、I play many i__________(乐器), such as the guitar, piano and violin.52、which do you think are best musical p__________(表演)in China?53、They all wish to protect the t__________(传统)Chinese culture.54、Some people like v__________(多样化), but others do not.55、A person who learns and understands quickly has good i__________(智力).56、Mother always puts her hand on my f__________(额头)to see if I’ve caught a fever whenever I cough.57、There will be several e__________(展览)in the city next month.58、He w__________(低声说)to me that I had passed the exam.59、The happy father often gives his son a ride on his s__________(肩).60、An a__________(通告) is being made that we’ll be off for two days.61、L__________(文学)is necessary in our life, as it teaches, entertains and helps us understand who we are.62、The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s most famous c__________(喜剧).63、This is the first large art e__________(展览)with works by Picasso in China.64、The children played a t__________ on(作弄)the girl who has just come to the class, Later they apologized to her for their unpleasant behavior.65、I used to play badminton twice a week, but I have got out of the h__________(习惯)recently.66、The boy has a handsome face except for the s__________(伤疤)on his forehead.67、“Where would the restroom be?”she w__________(不知道).68、“What was the a__________(通告)about?”“It said that all students be free tomorrow after lunch.”69、F__________(皮毛)is the thick coat of soft hair covering the skin of an animal, such asa fox or a bear.70、More and more Chinese people choose to go on a t__________(旅游)to a foreign country for their vacation.71、Products for women are always attractively p__________(包装).72、Jenny explained to the children why used b__________(电池)can be harmful to the environment.73、I wrote an e-mail to my key pal in Rome, asking for his real name . He didn’t r__________(回应).74、Young people usually have more e__________(能量)than older people.75、There are many small things we can do to r__________(减少)the pollution of the environment.76、They have spent a large a__________ of(大量的) money protecting wild animals.77、There is some green vegetable left between your teeth. You need a t__________(牙签)to get it out.78、T__________(青少年)are young people who are between 13and 19 years old.79、According to our school c__________(日历)the last exam for this term will be on January80、The manager won’t see you unless you have made an a__________(预约)with him.81、Remember, dial 110 in case of an e__________(紧急情况).82、Jerry is a little nervous today because he is going for a job i__________(面试).83、The p__________(行量)we live on is called Earth.84、Although c__________(文化的)differences are real and can add richness and understanding to our lives ,people everywhere have much in common, such as a need for love and peace.85、There are five of us in the family, or six if you i__________(包括)the dog.86、The palaces that were badly damaged in the war have been carefully r__________(修复).87、watch out for fire. Sally is b__________(烧)the fallen leaves in the garden.88、Look at that little girl! what a b__________(美人)!89、She found an old p__________(相片)of herself, which was taken when she was a girl at school.90、The earthquake caused great d__________(损害); many people died and many more lost their homes.91、This p__________(工程)is to build a new library which will cost one million pounds.92、The two o__________(官方的)languages in Canada are French and English.93、A new law has been passed to l__________(限制)pollution of the air.94、Is it good manners for children to i__________(打断)adults when they are talking?95、The parents f__________(原谅)the boy for his rudeness(无礼).96、I want to go with you to visit Grandma, I promise I will b__________ myself(举止得当).97、Please use this c__________(布)to wash the dishes.98、The wind r__________(使升了起来)the fallen leaves from the ground.99、It is a Spanish c__________(风俗)to stand very close and look into the eyes when talking to somebody.100、Take care of yourself. You have had a lot of e__________(额外的)work since last month.101、It is not polite to s__________ at(盯着看)people like that.102、Maggie Cheung is a popular actress. You can quite often see her on the s__________(荧屏).103、It must have come from outer space. I have never seen such a strange b__________(生物)in my life.104、Work and taking care of the family are the two most important things in a__________(成年人)life.105、Having been at war for eight years, the people of that country want nothing but p__________(和平)。

时间为2分钟(回答要用英语!)riding 骑马Boxing 拳击basketball 篮球jogging 慢跑walking 竞走surfing 冲浪swimming 游泳skiing 滑雪fencing 击剑high jump 跳高horse 马pig 猪rabbit 兔子snake 蛇cat 猫zebra 斑马lion 狮tiger 虎parrot 鹦鹉penguin 企鹅ring戒指戒指ruler 尺子cup 杯子light 灯umbrella 雨伞towel 毛巾blanket 毛毯needle 针soap 肥皂toothpaste 牙膏等等。


1. 比赛内容:
3. 评比方法:
1 / 1。

美术学院首届一语单词记忆大赛一. 活动名称:WORD SHOW二. 活动目的:1.让学生增加英语兴趣,2.通过参与活动学会记忆单词,三.活动意义:干事在活动的参与中增进知识,活动的策划中增进能力,活动的组织中增进交流,使学习部的活动更加贴近同学的生活与学习,增加同学学习热情。

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单词听写 英汉互译
按所给的图片或描述进行单词举手抢 答
2、 进入一个大的院子或场所,必先经过________
4、 泰坦尼克号是一部经典的爱情______
8、 张贴寻人启事,_______ 失踪的孩子
10、 新的一学期,教师和学生根据_______ 上课
12、 借图书馆的书,必须要及时_______
我们一般去_______ 寻回丢失的东西
演讲非常_______ ,台下响起一阵热烈的掌声
Байду номын сангаас0、
33、 小明很_______ ,所以他想减肥
34、 今天天气 _______,小伙伴们都想去春游