MIT Newey 课程讲义
GENERALIZED METHOD OF MOMENTSWhitney K. NeweyMITOctober 2007THE GMM ESTIMATOR: The idea is to choose estimates of the parameters by setting sample moments to be close to population counterparts. To describe the underlying moment model and the GMM estimator, let β denote a p ×1 parameter vector, w i a data observation with i =1,...,n, where n is the sample size. Let g i (β)= g (w i ,β) be a m × 1 vector of functions of the data and parameters. The GMM estimator is based on a model where, for the true parameter value β0 the moment conditionsE [g i (β0)] = 0are satis fied.The estimator is formed by choosing β so that the sample average of g i (β)is close t o its zero population value. Let n def1 X g ˆ(β)= g i (β) n i =1 denote the sample average of g i (β). Let Aˆdenote an m ×m positive semi-de finite matrix. The GMM estimator is given byβˆ=arg m in g ˆ(β)0A ˆg ˆ(β). βThat is βˆis the parameter vector that minimizes the quadratic form ˆg (β)0A ˆg ˆ(β).The GMM estimator chooses βˆso t he sample average ˆg (β) is close to zero. To seethis let k g k ˆ= qAg ,which i s a w ell d e fined norm as long as ˆg 0 A is positive de finite.AThen since taking the square root is a strictly monotonic transformation, and since the minimand of a function does not change after it is transformed, we also haveβˆ=arg m in k g ˆ(β) − 0k A ˆ. βThus,in a norm corresponding to Aˆthe estimatorβˆis being chosen so that the distancebetweenˆg(β)and0is as small a s p ossible.As w e d iscuss further b elow,w hen m=p,so there are the same number of parameters as moment functions,βˆwill be invariant to Aˆasymptotically.When m>p t he choice of Aˆwill affectβˆ.The acronym GMM is an abreviation for”generalized method of moments,”refering to GMM being a generalization of the classical method moments.The method of moments is b ased on knowing t he form of up to p moments of a variable y as functions of the parameters,i.e.onE[y j]=h j(β0),(1≤j≤p).The method of moments estimatorβˆofβ0is obtained by replacing the population moments by sample moments and solving forβˆ, solvingn1X(y i)j=h j(βˆ),(1≤j≤p).ni=1Alternatively,forg i(β)=(y i−h1(β),...,y i p−h p(β))0,method of moments solvesˆg(βˆ)=0.This also means thatβˆminimizesˆg(β)0Aˆgˆ(β)for any Aˆ,so that it is a GMM estimator.GMM is more general in allowing momentfunctions of different form than y j−h j(β)and in allowing for more moment functionsithan parameters.One important setting where GMM applies is instrumental variables(IV)estimation. Here the model isy i=X i0β0+εi,E[Z iεi]=0,where Z i is an m×1vector of instrumental variables and X i a p×1vector of right-hand side variables.The condition E[Z iεi]=0is often called a population”orthogonality condition”or”moment condition.”Orthogonality”refers to the elements of Z i andεi being orthogonal in the expectation sense.The moment condition refers to the fact that the product of Z i and y i−X i0βhas expectation zero at the true parameter.This moment condition motivates a GMM estimator where the moment functions are the vector ofproducts of instrumental variables and residuals,as ing i(β)=Z i(y i−X i0β).The GMM estimator can then be obtained by minimizingˆg(β)0Aˆgˆ(β).Because the moment function is linear in parameters there is an explicit,closed form for the estimator.To describe it let Z=[Z1,...,Z n]0,X=[X1,...,X n]0,and y=(y1,...,y n)0.In this example the sample moments are given bynXgˆ(β)=Z i(y i−X i0β)/n=Z0(y−Xβ)/n.i=1Thefirst-order conditions for minimization ofˆg(β)0Aˆgˆ(β)can b e w ritten as0=X0AZ0β)=X0Zˆ0y−X0AZ0Zˆ(y−XˆAZ ZˆXβ.ˆThese assuming that X0ZˆAZ0X is nonsingular,this equation can be solved to obtainˆAZ X)−1X0Zˆβ=(X0Zˆ0AZ0y.This is sometimes referred to as a generalized IV estimator.It generalizes the usual two stage least squares estimator,where Aˆ=(Z0Z)−1.Another example is provided by the intertemporal CAPM.Let c i be consumption at time i,R i is asset return between i and i+1,α0is time discount factor,u(c,γ0) utility function,Z i observations on variables available at time i.First-order conditions for utility maximization imply that moment restrictions satisfied for·g i(β)=Z i{R i·αu c(c i+1,γ)/u c(c i,γ)−1}.Here GMM is nonlinear IV;residual is term in brackets.No autocorrelation because of one-step ahead decisions(c i+1and R i known at time i+1).Empirical Example:Hansen and Singleton(1982,Econometrica),u(c,γ)=cγ/γ(constant relative risk aversion), c i monthly,seasonally adjusted nondurables(or plus services),R i from stock returns. Instrumental variables are1,2,4,6lags of c i+1and R i.Findγnot significantly differentthan one, marginal rejection from overidenti fication test. Stock and Wright (2001) find weak identi fication.Another example is dynamic panel data. It is a simple model that is important starting point for microeconomic (e.g. firm investment) and macroeconomic (e.g. cross-country growth) applications isE ∗(y it |y i,t −1,y i,t −2,...,y i 0,αi )= β0y i,t −1 + αi ,where αi is unobserved individual e ffect and E ∗() denotes a population regression. Let ·ηit = y it − E ∗(y it |y i,t −1,...,y i 0,αi ). By orthogonality of residuals and regressors,E [y i,t −j ηit ]=0, (1 ≤ j ≤ t,t =1,...,T ),E [αi ηit ]=0, (t =1,...,T ).Let ∆ denote the first di fference, i.e. ∆y it = y it −y i,t −1.Note that ∆y it = β0∆y i,t −1+∆ηit . Then, by orthogonality of lagged y with current η we haveE [y i,t −j (∆y it − β0∆y i,t −1)] = 0, (2 ≤ j ≤ t,t =1,...,T ).These are instrumental variable type moment conditions. Levels of y it lagged at least two period can be used as instruments for the di fferences. Note that there are di fferent instruments for di fferent residuals. There are also additional moment conditions that come from orthogonality of αi and ηit .They areE [(y iT − β0y i,T −1)(∆y it − β0∆y i,t −1)] = 0, (t =2,...,T − 1).These are nonlinear. Both sets of moment conditions can be combined. To form big moment vector by ”stacking”. Let⎞⎛ y i 0 ⎜⎜⎝ ⎟⎟⎠ i t (β)= . . . y i,t −2(∆y it − β∆y i,t −1), (t =2,...,T ),g ⎛ ⎞g i α(β)= ⎜⎜⎝ ∆y i 2 − β∆y i 1 . . . ∆y i,T −1 − β∆y i,T −2 ⎟⎟⎠(y iT − βy i,T −1).These moment functions can be combined asg i (β)=(g i 2(β)0,...,g i T (β)0,g i α(β)0)0.Here there are T (T −1)/2+(T −2) moment restrictions. Ahn and Schmidt (1995, Journalof Econometrics) show that the addition of the nonlinear moment condition g iα(β)to the IV ones often gives substantial asymptotic e fficiency improvements.Hahn, Hausman, Kuersteiner approach: Long di fferences⎞⎛ g i (β)= ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝ y i 0 y i 2 − βy i 1 . . .y i,T −1 − βy i,T −2⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠[y iT − y i 1 − β(y i,T −1 − y i 0)] Has better small sample properties by getting most of the information with fewer moment conditions.IDENTIFICATION: Identi fication is essential for understanding any estimator. Unless parameters are identi fied, no consistent estimator will exist. Here, since GMM estimators are based on moment conditions, we focus on identi fication based on the moment functions. The parameter value β0 will be identi fied if there is a unique solution tog ¯(β)=0,g ¯(β)= E [g i (β)].If there is more than one solution to these moment conditions then the parameter is not identi fied from the moment conditions.One important necessary order condition for identi fication is that m ≥ p .Whenm < p ,i .e. there are fewer equations to solve than parameters. there will typically be multiple solutions to the moment conditions, so that β0 is not identi fied from the moment conditions. In the instrumental variables case, this is the well known order condition that there be more instrumental variables than right hand side variables.When the moments are linear in the parameters then there is a simple rank condition that is necessary and su fficient for identi fication. Suppose that g i (β)is linear in β and let G i = ∂g i (β)/∂β (which does not depend on β by linearity in β). Note that by linearityg i(β)=g i(β0)+G i(β−β0).The moment condition is0=¯g(β)=G(β−β0),G=E[G i]The solution to this moment condtion occurs only atβ0if and only ifrank(G)=p.If rank(G)=p then the only solution to this equation isβ−β0=0,i.e.β=β0.If rank(G)<p t hen there is c=0s uch t hat G c=0,so that forβ=β0+c=β0,g¯(β)=G c=0.For IV G=−E[Z i X i0]so t hat r ank(G)=p is one form of the usual rank condition for identification in the linear IV seeting,that the expected cross-product matrix of instrumental variables and right-hand side variables have rank equal to the number of right-hand side variables.In the general nonlinear case it is difficult to specify conditions for uniqueness of the solution to¯g(β)=0.Global conditions for unique solutions to nonlinear equations are not well developed,although there has been some progress recently.Conditions for local identification are more straightforward.In general let G=E[∂g i(β0)/∂β]. Then,assuming¯g(β)is continuously differentiable in a neighborhood ofβ0the condition rank(G)=p will be sufficient for local identification.That is,rank(G)=p implies that there exists a neighborhood ofβ0such thatβ0is the unique solution to¯g(β)for a llβin that neighborhood.Exact identification refers the case where there are exactly as many moment conditions as parameters,i.e.m=p.For IV there would be exactly as many instruments as right-hand side variables.Here the GMM estimator will satisfyˆg(βˆ)=0asymptotically. When there is the same number of equations as unknowns,one can generally solve the equations,so a solution toˆg(β)=0will exist asymptotically.The proof of this statement (due to McFadden)makes use of thefirst-order conditions for GMM,which areh i0=∂gˆ(βˆ)/∂β0Aˆgˆ(βˆ).The regularity conditions will require that both∂gˆ(βˆ)/∂βand Aˆare nonsingular with probability approaching one(w.p.a.1),so thefirst-order conditions implyˆg(βˆ)=0 w.p.a.1.This will be true whatever the weight matrix,so thatβˆwill be invariant to the form of A.ˆOveridentification refers to the case where there are more moment conditions than parameters,i.e.m>p.For IV this will mean more instruments than right-hand side variables.Here a solution toˆg(β)=0generally will not exist,because this would solve more equations than parameters.Also,it can be shown that√ng(βˆ)has a nondegenerateasymptotically normal distribution,so that the probabability ofˆg(βˆ)=0g oes t o z ero. When m>p all that can be done is set sample moments close to zero.Here the choice of Aˆmatters for the estimator,affecting its limiting distribution.TWO STEP OPTIMAL GMM ESTIMATOR:When m>p the GMM estimator will depend on the choice of weighting matrix Aˆ.An important question is how to choose Aˆoptimally,to minimize the asymptotic variance of the GMM estimator.It turnsˆˆpout that an optimal choice of A is any such that A−→Ω−1,whereΩis the asymptoticnvariance of√ngˆ(β0)=P i=1g i(β0)/√n Choosing Aˆ=Ωˆ−1to be the inverse of a consistent estimatorΩˆofΩwill minimize the asymptotic variance of the GMM estimator. This leads to a two-step optimal GMM estimator,where thefirst step is construction of Ωˆand the second step is GMM with Aˆ=Ωˆ−1.The optimal Aˆdepends on the form ofΩ.In general a central limit theorem will lead toΩ=lim E[ngˆ(β0)ˆg(β0)0],n−→∞when the limit exists.Throughout these notes we will focus on the stationary case where E[g i(β0)g i+ (β0)0]does not depend on i.We begin by assuming that E[g i(β0)g i+ (β0)0]=0 for all positive integers .ThenΩ=E[g i(β0)g i(β0)0].In this caseΩcan be estimated by replacing the expectation by a sample average andβ0by an estimator β˜, leading to n Ωˆ=1 X g i (β˜)g i (β˜)0. n i =1The β˜could be obtained by GMM estimator by using a choice of A ˆthat does not depend on parameter estimates. For example, for IV β˜could be the 2SLS estimator where Aˆ=(Z 0Z )−1 . In the IV setting this Ωˆhas a heteroskedasticity consistent form. Note that for ε˜i = y i − X i 0β˜, n 1 XΩˆ= Z i Z i 0ε˜2 i . n i =1 The optimal two step GMM (or generalized IV) estimator is thenβˆ=(X 0Z Ωˆ−1Z 0X )−1X 0Z Ωˆ−1Z 0y. Because the 2SLS corresponds to a non optimal weighting matrix this estimator will generally have smaller asymptotic variance than 2SLS (when m >p ). However, whenhomoskedasticity prevails, Ωˆ=ˆσε 2Z 0Z/n is a consistent estimator of Ω, and the 2SLSestimator will be optimal. The 2SLS estimator appears to have better small sample properties also, as shown by a number of Monte Carlo studies, which may occur becauseusing a heteroskedasticity consistent Ωˆadds noise to the estimator. When moment conditions are correlated across observations, an autocorrelation consistent variance estimator estmator can be used, as inX X Ωˆ= Λˆ0 + L w L (Λˆ + Λˆ0 ), Λˆ = n − g i (β˜)g i + (β˜)0/n. =1 i =1 where L is the number of lags that are included and the weights w L are used to ensure Ωˆis positive semi-de finite. A common example is Bartlett weights w L =1 − /(L +1), as in Newey and West (1987). It is beyond the scope of these notes to suggest choices of L .ˆA consistent estimator Vof the asymptotic variance of √n (βˆ− β0) is needed for asymptotic inference. For the optimal Aˆ= Ωˆ−1 a consistent estimator is given by Vˆ=(G ˆ0Ωˆ−1G ˆ)−1 ,G ˆ= ∂g ˆ(βˆ)/∂β.One could also update the Ωˆby using the two step optimal GMM estimator in place of β˜in its computation. The value of this updating is not clear. One could also update the Aˆin the GMM estimator and calculate a new GMM estimator based on the update. Thisiteration on Ωˆappears to not improve the properties of the GMM estimator very much. A related idea that is important is to simultaneously minimize over β in Ωˆand in the moment functions. This is called the continuously updated GMM estimator (CUE). Forn example, when there is no autocorrelation, for Ωˆ(β)= P i =1 g i (β)g i (β)0/n the CUE isβˆ=arg m in g ˆ(β)0Ωˆ(β)−1g ˆ(β). βThe asymptotic distribution of this estimator is the same as the two step optimal GMM estimator but it tends to have smaller bias in the IV setting, as will be discussed below. It is generally harder to compute than the two-step optimal GMM.ADDING MOMENT CONDITIONS: The optimality of the two step GMM estimator has interesting implications. One simple but useful implication is that adding moment conditions will also decrease (or at least not decrease) the asymptotic variance of the optimal GMM estimator. This occurs because the optimal weighting matrix for fewer moment conditions is not optimal for all the moment conditions. To explain further,suppose that g i (β)=(g i 1(β)0,g i 2(β)0)0. Then the optimal GMM estimator for just the firstset of moment conditions g i 1(β)is usesÃ!A ˆ= (Ωˆ1)−1 0 ,00 n 1where Ωˆ1 is a consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance of P i =1 g i (β0)/√n. This A ˆis not generally optimal for the entire moment function vector g i (β).For example, consider the linear regression modelE [y i |X i ]= X i 0β0. The least squares estimator is a GMM estimator with moment functions g i 1(β)= Xi (y i − X i 0β). The conditional moment restriction implies that E [εi |X i ]= 0 f or εi = y i − X i 0β0.We can add to these moment conditions by using nonlinear functions of X i as additional”instrumental variables.” Let g 2(β)= a (X i )(y i − X 0β)for s ome (m − p ) × 1vector ofi i functions of X i . Then the optimal two-step estimator based onÃ! g i (β)= a (X X ii )(y i − X i 0β)will be more e fficient than least squares when there is heteroskedasticity. This estimator has the form of the generalized IV estimator described above where Z i =(X i 0,a (X i )0)0. It will provide no e fficiency gain when homoskedasticity prevails. Also, the asymptoticvariance estimator Vˆ=(G ˆ0Ωˆ−1G ˆ)−1 tends to provide a poor approximation to the variance of βˆ. See Cragg (1982, Econometrica). Interesting questions here are what and how many functions to include in a (X ) and how to improve the variance estimator. Some of these issues will be further discussed below.Another example is provided by missing data. Consider again the linear regression model, but now just assume that E [X i εi ] = 0, i.e. X i 0β0 may not be the conditional mean. Suppose that some of the variables are sometimes missing and W i denote the variables that are always observed. Let ∆i denote a complete data indicator, equal to 1 if (y i ,X i ) are observed and equal to 0 if only W i is observed. Suppose that the data is missingcompletely at random, so that ∆i is independent of W i .Then thereare two types of moment conditions available. One is E [∆i X i εi ] = 0, leading to a moment function of the formg i 1(β)= ∆i X i (y i − X i 0β). GMM for this moment condition is just least squares on the complete data. The other type of moment condition is based on Cov (∆i ,a (W i )) = 0 for any vector of functions a (W ), leading to a moment function of the formg i 2(η)=(∆i − η)a (W i ).One can form a GMM estimator by combining these two moment conditions. This will generally be asymptotically more e fficient than least squares on the complete data when Y i is included in W i . Also, it turns out to be an approximately e fficient estimator in thepresence of missing data. As in the previous example, the choice of a (W )is an interesting question.Although adding moment conditions often lowers the asymptotic variance it may not improve the small sample properties of estimators. When endogeneity is present adding moment conditions generally increases bias. Also, it can raise the small sample variance. Below we discuss criteria that can be used to evaluate these tradeo ffs.One setting where adding moment conditions does not lower asymptotic e fficiency i is when those the same number of additional parameters are also added. That is, ifthe second vector of moment functions takes the form g 2(β,γ)where γ has the same2dimension as g situation is analogous to that in the linear simultaneous equations model where adding exactly identi fied equations does not improve e fficiency of IV estimates. Here addingexactly identi fiedm oment f unctions does not i mprove e fficiency of GMM. Another thing GMM can be used for is derive the variance of two step estimators.Consider a two step estimator βˆthat is formed by solving i (β,γ) then there will be no e fficiency gain for the estimator of β. This1 n X g n i =12 i (β,γˆ)=0, P 1 i n i i =1 g then ( β,ˆγˆ) is a (joint) GMM estimator for the triangular moment conditionsÃ! 1g where ˆγ is some first step estimator. If ˆγ is a GMM estimator solving(γ)/n =0 (γ)g i (β,γ)= 2 .(β,γ) i g The asymptotic variance of √n (βˆ− β0) can be calculated by applying the general GMMformula to this triangular moment condition. = 0 the asymptotic variance of βˆwill not depend on estii When E [∂g 2 mation of γ, i.e. (β0,γ0)/∂γ] i 2will the same as for GMM based on g i (β)= g condition for this is that2 (β,γ0). A su fficientE [g (β0,γ)] = 0i i for all γ in some neighborhood of γ0. Di fferentiating this identity with respect to γ,andassuming that di fferentiation inside the expectation is allowed, gives E [∂g 2(β0,γ0)/∂γ]=0. The interpretation of this is that if consistency of the first step estimator does not a ffect consistency of the second step estimator, the second step asymptotic variance does not need to account for the first step.ASYMPTOTIC THEORY FOR GMM: We mention precise results for the i.i.d. case and give intuition for the general case. We begin with a consistency result: If the data are i.i.d. and i) E [g i (β)] = 0 if and only if β = β0 (identi fication); ii) the GMM minimization takes place over a compact set B containing β0; iii) g i (β) iscontinuous at each β with probability one and E [sup β∈B k g i (β)k ] is finite; iv) Aˆp A → positive de finite; then βˆp β0.→ See Newey and McFadden (1994) for the proof. The idea is that, for g (β)= E [g i (β)], by the identi fication hypothesis and the continuity conditions g (β)0Ag (β) will be bounded away from zero outside any neighborhood N of β0. Then by the law of large numbersˆˆp and iv), so will ˆg (β)0A ˆg ˆ(β). But, ˆg (βˆ)0Ag ˆ(βˆ) ≤ g ˆ(β0)0Ag(β0) → 0from the d e finition of βˆand the law of large numbers, so βˆmust be inside N with probability approaching one. The compact parameter set is not needed if g i (β) is linear, like for IV.Next we give an asymptotic normality result:If the data are i.i.d., βˆp β0 and i) β0 is in the interior of the parameter set over→ which minimization occurs; ii) g i (β) is continuously di fferentiable on a neighborhood Np of β0 iii) E [sup β∈N k ∂g i (β)/∂βk ] is finite; iv) A ˆ→ A and G 0AG is nonsingular, forG = E [∂g i (β0)/∂β];v) Ω = E [g i (β0)g i (β0)0] exists, thend √ n (βˆ− β0) −→ N (0,V ),V =(G 0AG )−1G 0A ΩAG (G 0AG )−1 .See Newey and McFadden (1994) for the proof. Here we give a derivation of theasymptotic variance that is correct even if the data are not i.i.d.. By consistency of βˆand β0 in the interior of the parameter set, with probability approaching (w.p.a.1) the first order condition0= G ˆ0A ˆg ˆ(βˆ), is satis fied, where G ˆ= ∂g ˆ(βˆ)/∂β. Expand ˆg (βˆ)around β0 to obtain0= G ˆ0A ˆg ˆ(β0)+ Gˆ0A ˆG ¯(βˆ− β0),where G ¯= ∂g ˆ(β¯)/∂β and β¯lies on the line joining βˆand β0, and actually di ffers from row to row of G¯. Under regularity conditions like those above G ˆ0A ˆG ¯will be nonsingular w.p.a.1. Then multiplying through by √ n and solving gives³´ √ n (βˆ− β0)= − G ˆ0A ˆG ¯−1 G ˆ0A ˆ√ ng ˆ(β0).d ˆp By an appropriate central limit theorem√ ng ˆ(β0) −→ N (0, Ω). Also we have A −→³´ ˆp ¯p ˆ−1 ˆp A, G −→ G, G −→ G, so by the continuous mapping theorem, G 0A ˆG ¯G0A ˆ−→ (G 0AG )−1 G 0A. Then by the Slutzky lemma, d √ n (βˆ− β0) −→ − (G 0AG )−1 G 0AN (0, Ω)= N (0,V ).The fact that A = Ω−1 minimizes the asymptotic varince follows from the Gauss Markov Theorem. Consider a linear model.E [Y ]= G δ,V ar (Y )= Ω.The asymptotic variance of the G MM estimator w ith A = Ω−1 is (G 0Ω−1G )−1.This is also the variance of generalized least squares (GLS) in this model. Consider an estmator δˆ=(G 0AG )−1G 0AY . It is linear and unbiased and has variance V . Then by the Gauss-Markov Theorem,V − (G 0Ω−1G )−1 is p.s.d..We can also derive a condition for A to be e fficient. The Gauss-Markov theorem says that GLS is the the unique minimum variance estimator, so that A is e fficient if and only if(G 0AG )−1G 0A =(G 0Ω−1G )−1G 0Ω−1 .Transposing and multiplying givesΩAG = GB,where B is a nonsingular matrix. This is the condition for A to be optimal.CONDITIONAL MOMENT RESTRICTIONS: Often times the moment restrictions on which GMM is based arise from conditional moment restrictions. Letρi(β)=ρ(w i,β)be a r×1residual vector.Suppose that there are some instruments z i such that the conditional moment restrictionsE[ρi(β0)|z i]=0are satisfied.Let F(z i)be an m×r matrix of instrumental variables that are functions of z i.Let g i(β)=F(z i)ρi(β).Then by iterated expectations,E[g i(β0)]=E[F(z i)E[ρi(β0)|zβi]]=0.Thus g i(β)satisfies the GMM moment restrictions,so that one can form a GMM estimator as described above.For moment functions of the form g i(β)=F(z i)ρi(β)we can think of GMM as a nonlinear instrumental variables estimator.The optimal choice of F(z)can b e d escribed as follows.Let D(z)=E[∂ρi(β0)/∂β|z i= z]andΣ(z)=E[ρi(β0)ρi(β0)0|z i=z].The optimal choice of instrumental variables F(z)isF∗(z)=D(z)0Σ(z)−1.This F∗(z)is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the asymptotic variance of a GMM estimator with moment functions g i(β)=F(z i)ρi(β)and a weighting matrix A.To show this optimality let F i=F(z i),F i∗=F∗(z i),andρi=ρi(β0).Then by iterated expectations,for a GMM estimator with moment conditions g i(β)=F(z i)ρi(β), G=E[F i∂ρi(β0)/∂β]=E[F i D(z i)]=E[F iΣ(z i)F i∗0]=E[F iρiρ0i F i∗0].Let h i=G0AF iρi and h∗i=F i∗ρi,so thatG0AG=G0AE[F iρi h∗i0]=E[h i h i∗0],G0AΩAG=E[h i h i0].Note that for F i=F i∗we have G=Ω=E[h∗i h∗i0].Then the difference of the asymptotic variance for g i(β)=F iρi(β)and s ome A and the asymptotic variance for g i(β)=F i∗ρi(β) is(G0AG)−1G0AΩAG(G0AG)−1−(E[h∗i h∗i0])−1=(E[h i h∗i0])−1{E[h i h0i]−E[h i h i∗0](E[h i∗h i∗0])−1E[h i∗h i0]}(E[h i∗h i0])−1.The matrix in brackets is the second moment matrix of the population least squares projection of h i on h∗i and is thus positive semidefinite,so the whole matrix is positive semi-definite.Some examples help explain the form of the optimal instruments.Consider the linear regression model E[y i|X i]=X i0β0and letρi(β)=y i−X i0β,εi=ρi(β0),andσi2=E[ε2i|X i]=Σ(z i).Here the instruments z i=X i.A GMM e stimator with moment conditions F(z i)ρi(β)=F(X i)(y i−X0β)is the estimator described above thatiwill be asymptotically more efficient than least squares when F(X i)includes X i.Here ∂ρi(β)/∂β=−X i0,so that the optimal instruments areF i∗=−X2i.iHere the GMM estimator with the optimal instruments in the heteroskedasticity corrected generalized least squares.Another example is a homoskedastic linear structural equation.Here againρi(β)= y i−X i0βbut now z i is not X i and E[εi2|z i]=σ2is constant.Here D(z i)=−E[X i|z i]is the reduced form for the right-hand side variables.The optimal instruments in this example areF i∗=−D(z i).Here the reduced form may be linear in z i or nonlinear.For a given F(z)the GMM estimator with optimal A=Ω−1corresponds to an approximation to the optimal estimator.For simplicity we describe this interpretation for r=p=1.Note that for g i=F iρi it follows similarly to above that G=E[g i h i∗0],so thatG0Ω−1=E[h i∗g i0](E[g i g i0])−1.That is G0Ω−1are the coefficients of the population projection of h∗i on g i.Thus we can interpret thefirst order conditions for GMMnX0=Gˆ0Ωˆ−1gˆ(βˆ)=Gˆ0Ωˆ−1F iρi(β)/n,i=1can be interpreted as an estimated mean square approximation to thefirst order conditions for the optimal estmatornX0=F i∗ρi(β)/n.i=1(This holds for GMM in other models too).One implication of this interpretation is that if the number and variety of the elements of F increases in such a way that linear combinations of F can approximate any function arbitrarily well then the asymptotic variance for GMM with optimal A will approach the optimal asymptotic variance.To show this,recall that m is the dimension of F i and let the notation F i m indicate dependence on m.Suppose that for any a(z)with E[Σ(z i)a(z i)2]finite there exists m×1vectorsπm such that as m−→∞E[Σ(z i){a(z i)−πm0F i m}2]−→0.For example,when z i is a scalar the nonnegative integer powers of a bounded monotonic transformation of z i will have this property.Then it follows that for h m i=ρi F i m0Ω−1G E[{h∗i i i−ρi F i m0i{F i∗−F i m−h m}2]≤E[{h∗πm}2]=E[ρ20πm}2]=E[Σ(z i){F i∗−F i m0πm}2]−→0.Since h i m converges in mean square to h i∗,E[h i m h i m0]−→E[h i∗h∗i0],and hence (G0Ω−1G)−1=(G0Ω−1E[g i g i0]Ω−1G)−1=(E[h i m h i m0])−1−→(E[h i∗h i∗0])−1.Because the asymptotic variance is minimzed at h∗i the asymptotic variance will a pproach the lower bound more rapidly as m grows than h m i approaches h∗i.In practice this may mean that it is possible to obtain quite low asymptotic variance with relatively few approximating functions in F i m.An important issue for practice is the choice of m.There has been some progress on this topic in the last few years,but it is beyond the scope of these notes.BIAS IN GMM:The basic idea of this discussion is to consider the expectation of the GMM objective function.This analysis is similar to that in Han and Phillips(2005).。
MIT心律失常数据库包含两个系列的心电数据,第一系列即“100”系列,是在4000个24小时的Holter记录中随机挑选的,包含23个数据(100 ~109,111~119,121~124);第二系列即“200”系列,是挑选的不太常见但临床上十分重要的心律失常数据,包含25个数据(200~203,205,20 7~210,212~215,217,219~223,228,230~234)。
其中102,104,107,217为Paced beats,207含有部分VF信号,201~203,210,217,219,22 1~222含有AF信号。
“.dat”为数据文件,MIT-BIH数据库中的数据存储格式有Format8、Format16、Format80、Forma t212、Format310等8种,心律失常数据库统一采用212格式进行存储。
按照“212”的格式,从第一字节读起,每三个字节(24 位)表示两个值,第一组为“E3 33 F3”,两个值则分别为0x3E3和0x3F3转换为十进制分别为995和1011,代表的信号幅度分别为4.975m v(995/200,值/增益)和5.055mv,这两个值分别是两个信号的第一采样点,后面依此类推,分别表示了两个信号的采样值。
MIT心律失常数据库包含两个系列的心电数据,第一系列即“100”系列,是在4000个24小时的Holter记录中随机挑选的,包含23个数据(100 ~109,111~119,121~124);第二系列即“200”系列,是挑选的不太常见但临床上十分重要的心律失常数据,包含25个数据(200~203,205,20 7~210,212~215,217,219~223,228,230~234)。
其中102,104,107,217为Paced beats,207含有部分VF信号,201~203,210,217,219,22 1~222含有AF信号。
“.dat”为数据文件,MIT-BIH数据库中的数据存储格式有Format8、Format16、Format80、Forma t212、Format310等8种,心律失常数据库统一采用212格式进行存储。
按照“212”的格式,从第一字节读起,每三个字节(24 位)表示两个值,第一组为“E3 33 F3”,两个值则分别为0x3E3和0x3F3转换为十进制分别为995和1011,代表的信号幅度分别为4.975m v(995/200,值/增益)和5.055mv,这两个值分别是两个信号的第一采样点,后面依此类推,分别表示了两个信号的采样值。
2 De nitions
A nuisance in rst learning graph theory is that there are so many de nitions. They all correspond to intuitive ideas, but can take a long time to absorb. Worse, the same thing often has several names and the same name sometimes means slightly di erent things to di erent people! It's a big mess, but muddle through.
2.2 Not-So-Simple Graphs
There are actually many variants on the de nition of a graph. The de nition in the preceding section really only describes simple graphs. There are many ways to complicate matters.
2.1 Simple Graphs
A graph is a pair of sets (V E ). The elements of V are called vertices. The elements of E are called edges. Each edge is a pair of distinct vertices. Graphs are also sometimes called networks. Vertices are also sometimes called nodes. Edges are sometimes called arcs. Graphs can be nicely represented with a diagram of dots and lines as shown in Figure 2 As noted in the de nition, each edge (u v ) 2 E is a pair of distinct vertices u v 2 V . Edge (u v ) is said to be incident to vertices u and v . Vertices u and v are said to be adjacent or neighbors. Phrases like, \an edge joins u and v " and \the edge between u and v " are comon. A computer network is can be modeled nicely as a graph. In this instance, the set of vertices V represents the set of computers in the network. There is an edge (u v) if there is a direct communication link between the computers corresponding to u and v .
数据库(Database )一种软件,用于存储、检索、定义和管理大量数据。
数据库管理系统(DBMS )对现实世界数据特征的抽象,包括层次模型、网状模型、关系模型等。
数据模型数据库基本概念01发展历程021995年,瑞典MySQL AB公司发布了MySQL数据库的第一个版本。
032008年,MySQL AB公司被Sun Microsystems公司收购。
•2010年,Oracle公司收购Sun Microsystems,MySQL成为Oracle旗下产品。
1 2 3根据操作系统和硬件环境选择合适的MySQL版本进行下载。
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一、数据库的基本概念1. 数据库的定义数据库(Database)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库。
2. 数据库的特点(1)数据结构化:数据库采用结构化的数据模型,如关系模型、层次模型、网状模型等,使得数据更加规范、有序。
二、数据库的发展历程1. 第一代数据库:层次模型和网状模型(20世纪50年代)2. 第二代数据库:关系模型(20世纪70年代)3. 第三代数据库:面向对象数据库、分布式数据库、多媒体数据库等(20世纪80年代至今)三、数据库的关键技术1. 数据模型:关系模型、层次模型、网状模型、面向对象模型等。
2. 数据库管理系统(DBMS):如MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server、DB2等。
3. 数据库设计:包括需求分析、概念设计、逻辑设计、物理设计等。
4. 数据库优化:如查询优化、索引优化、存储优化等。
5. 数据库安全:如用户认证、访问控制、数据加密等。
6. 数据库备份与恢复:如全备份、增量备份、日志备份等。
四、数据库的应用前景1. 互联网行业:数据库在互联网行业具有广泛的应用,如电子商务、社交网络、在线教育等。
2. 金融行业:数据库在金融行业具有重要作用,如银行、证券、保险等。
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一、数据库的基本概念1. 什么是数据库?数据库(Database)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库。
2. 数据库的特点:(1)数据结构化:数据库中的数据以结构化的形式存储,便于用户理解和处理。
二、数据库的分类1. 按数据模型分类:(1)层次模型:以树形结构表示实体及其之间联系的数据模型。
2. 按应用领域分类:(1)通用数据库:适用于各种应用领域的数据库,如SQL Server、Oracle等。
三、数据库设计原则1. 规范化:通过消除数据冗余,提高数据的一致性和完整性。
2. 一致性:保证数据库中数据的正确性和一致性。
3. 完整性:保证数据库中数据的完整性和准确性。
4. 安全性:确保数据库中的数据不被非法访问和修改。
5. 可扩展性:方便数据库的扩展和升级。
四、常用数据库技术1. SQL(结构化查询语言):SQL是用于数据库查询、更新、删除等操作的语言。
数据库系统 (组织)方法,其目的是使用户对数据 的应用与数据的存放位置和存储结构无 关,后者的变动不影响前者(正象改变 图书的存放位置不影响读者按书卡借书 一样),这一点也称为数据独立性,它 是数据库的重要特征之一。现用表1.1 来归纳数据库与图书馆两者的类似。
例如,仓库管理中首先涉及的是货物的 管理,包括货物的存放、货物的进出、 货物的检查等等。这里就可能有许多报 表、图表,都是数据库系统接触到的最 原始的数据。
信息世界是现实世界在人们头脑中的反 映,人们把它用文字和符号记载下来。
➢实体(entity):客观存在并且可以相互区 别的东西称为实体。实体可以是可触及的 对象,例如一个男学生,一辆汽车等。也 可以是抽象的事件,如一次足球比赛,一 次借书等。
在信息世界中,我们用实体描述客观事 物。实体可分成“对象”与“属性”两 大类。如人、车、学校描述的是对象, 又如张三、第一汽车制造厂、北京大学 是表示对象的某种特征。
实体又分为两级,一级是个体,指单个 的能互相区别的特定实体,如“张三”、 “北京大学”;另一级是“总体”,泛 指某一类个体组成的集合。如“人”泛 指张三、李四等个体组成的集合;“学 校”泛指北大、清华等组合。概括地说, 对象与属性的联系是对象内部的联系, 而个体与总体的联系是外部联系。
任何一种数据模型都是严格定义的概 念的集合。这些概念必须能够精确地 描述系统的静态特性、动态特性和完 整性约束条件。因此数据模型通常都 是由数据结构、数据操作和完整性约 束三个要素组成。
二、数据库安全概述1. 数据库安全定义数据库安全是指在数据库系统中,通过合理的技术和管理手段,确保数据库数据的安全、完整、可靠、可用,防止数据泄露、篡改、丢失等安全风险。
2. 数据库安全风险(1)数据泄露:指数据库中的敏感信息被非法获取、泄露给第三方。
三、数据库安全防护措施1. 访问控制(1)用户身份认证:通过用户名、密码、指纹、面部识别等方式对用户进行身份验证。
2. 数据加密(1)数据加密算法:采用对称加密、非对称加密、哈希算法等技术对数据进行加密。
3. 数据备份与恢复(1)定期备份:对数据库进行定期备份,确保数据安全。
4. 安全审计(1)审计策略:制定审计策略,对数据库访问行为进行监控。
5. 防火墙与入侵检测(1)防火墙:对数据库访问进行过滤,防止非法访问。
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MIT心律失常数据库包含两个系列的心电数据,第一系列即“ 100”系列,是在4000个24小时的Holter记录中随机挑选的,包含23个数据(100
~109,111 〜119,121 〜124);第二系列即
“ 200” 系列,是挑选的不太常见但临床上十分重要的心律失常数据,包含25个数据(200〜203, 205, 20 7〜210, 212〜215, 217, 219〜223, 228, 230〜234)。
其中102, 104, 107, 217 为Paced beats , 207 含有部分VF信号,201 〜203, 210, 217, 219, 22
件,“ .hea ”、“ .dat ”和“ .atr ”。
“.hea ”为头文件,其由一行或多行ASCII码字符组成。
“.dat ”为数据文件,MIT-BIH数据库中的数据存储格式有Format8、Format16、Format80、Forma t212、Format310等8种,心律失常数据库统一采用212格式进行存储。
这两个数据分别采样自信号0和信号1,信号0的采样数据取自第一字节对(16位)的最低12 位,信号1的采样数据由第一字节对的剩余4位
(作为组成信号1采样数据的12位的高4位)和下一字节的8位(作为组成信号1采样数据的12 位的低8位)共同组成。
按照“ 212”的格式,从第一字节读起,每三个字
节(24位)表示两个值,第一组为“ E3 33 F3 ” , 两个值则分别为0x3E3和0x3F3转换为十进制分别为995和1011,代表的信号幅度分别为4.975m
v( 995/200,值/增益)和5.055mv,这两个值分别是两个信号的第一采样点,后面依此类推,分别表示了两个信号的米样值。
“ .atr "为注释文件,记录了心电专家对相应的心电信号的诊断信息,主要有两种格式:MIT格式和AHA格式。
第二字节等于“ [” (0x5B)或“ ]” (0x5D),则该文件是以MIT格式存储的,否则是按AHA格式存
从第一字节开始按照MIT 格式进行分析,首先读出16位值0x7012,其高6 位的值为0x1C(十进制28),低10位的值为0x12, 该类型代码为28,代表意义是节律变化,发生时间在0.05秒(18/360HZ);接着读出后面的16 位值
字节的辅助信息,若字节个数为奇数,则再附加一个字节的空值,在本例中就是“28 4E 00 00” ;然后再从下一字节读16位值0x043B,
另,当高6位为十进制59时,读取之后第3个1 6位的高6位,作为类型代码,读取之后第二个1 6位+第一个16位*2A16,作为发生时间;
高6位为十进制60, 61,62时,继续读下一个1 6位。