Chinese food culture(中国饮食文化)


中国饮食文化-Chinese food culture

中国饮食文化-Chinese food culture

• Excellent Taste:

Sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty South-Sweet, North-Salty, East-Hot, West-Sour

国 饮食
Dietary concept
• Sensibility and artistry • pursue the sense of color, fragrance, taste • the spiritual enjoyment
红椒腊牛肉 板鸭
• Spicy,strong and hot taste • For its use of peppers, garlic, shallots and sauces to accent the flavors.

国 饮食
8. Jiangsu Cuisine
松鼠鲈鱼பைடு நூலகம்
• spicy and pungent flavor

国 饮食
3. Guangdong cuisine
• natural flavor • a bit light taste 烤乳猪

国 饮食
4. Fujian Cuisine
• Comprising cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine • freshness,tenderness,softness,smoothness • mellow fragrance.


Over time, it has been influenced by different dynamics, foreign cultures, and geographic regions, leading to the formation of a diverse and rich food culture
In Chinese cultureespect to Elders by offering them the best food and seats at the table
Round tables
Chinese traditionally prefer to eat at round tables, symbolizing unity and equality
The presentation of Chinese food is also important, with an emphasis on color, aroma, and texture
Regional Differences in Chinese Food Culture
A method of cooking where food is first seen in a hot pan, then cooked slowly in a covered pot with liquid
Deep frying
A method of cooking where food is imported in hot oil until cooked through
No eating with your hands

Chinese Food Culture中国饮食文化

Chinese  Food  Culture中国饮食文化

Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. 山东是许多著名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。许多山东菜的历史和孔夫子一样悠久,使得山 东菜系成为中国现存的最古老的主要菜系之一。
Representatives:Broth Assorted(清汤什锦)
Typha(奶汤蒲菜) Sweet and Sour Crap(糖醋鲤鱼)
Jiaodong Style Dishes
Known for:Fushan dishes in Yantai Be good at:seafood Representatives:Quick fired Huangcai(溜黄菜),SoftFried meatballs with sugar(雪花肉丸子), Soft-Fried pork filet(软炸里脊)
The represent of shandong cuisine
清汤鲍鱼 Sea-ear Soup
芝麻鱼球 sesame fish balls
五香酱肉 spiced Pork
炸海蟹Fried crab
德州扒鸡Dezhou Braised Chicken
九转大肠Twisted Large Intestine
part of life for human beings.
What do you know about Chinese Cuisine?

Chinese food culture(中国饮食文化) PPT课件

Chinese food culture(中国饮食文化) PPT课件

Eight Cuisines(八大菜系)
Shandong Cuisine
Sichuan Cuisine
Cantonese food
Fujian Cuisine 福建菜系
Jiangsu Cuisine
ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系
Hunan cuisine
Cantonese food 广东菜系
Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. Cantonese is the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine outside of China. 广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。广东菜是国外最广泛的中国 地方菜系。 People in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. 中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上爬的,除了火 车;水里游的,除了船儿。
Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines . 中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系。
Eight Cuisines(八大菜系)



• ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系
Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation for
freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes
ligห้องสมุดไป่ตู้t, not too bland. • 淮阳菜的特色是淡,鲜,甜,雅。江苏菜 系以其精选的原料,精细的准备,不辣不温的口
taste. If the flavor is strong, it isn't too heavy; if
• Hunan cuisine 湖南菜系

中 湖南菜系由湘江地区,洞亭湖和湘西的地方 国 菜肴组成。它以其极辣的味道为特色。红辣椒, 风 青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系中的必备品 呀
• Sichuan Cuisine四川菜系

Sichuan Cuisine, Characterized by its
spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan
国 风 呀
On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival,
zongzi, or glutinous rice cake
wrapped in reed leaf is the festivity food. The Dragon Boat Festival has had more than 2,000 years of history in China.

China food culture 中国饮食文化

China food culture  中国饮食文化

China food cultureChina cuisine culture also called Chinese food culture is an important part of China culture in the aspect of cooking and leisure. Chinese cuisine culture goes sophisticated as the history of China goes.Main Styles of China CuisineChinese food, in general, is healthy and nutritious. Chinese people often have soy-bean milk(豆浆), deep-fried dough sticks(You Tiao, 油条), steamed buns(Man Tou, 馒头) or congee(粥) as breakfast.Food varies within China. Traditionally there are eight main streams of Chinese cuisines, which are known as Anhui Cuisine(徽菜), Canton Cuisine(粤菜), Fujian Cuisine(闽菜), Hunan Cuisine(湘菜), Jiangsu Cuisine(苏菜), Shandong Cuisine(鲁菜), Sichuan Cuisine(川菜) and Zhejiang Cuisine(浙菜).Jiangsu Cuisine, called Su Cuisine for short, originates from the native cooking styles of South China's Jiangsu Province. It has a fresh taste, with moderate saltiness and sweetness, which is thick without being greasy, and light without being thin. Meanwhile it places an emphasis on the making of soup and retaining the original taste of the ingredients. Once it was the second largest cuisine among ancient China's royal cuisines, and it remains a major part of the state banquet in China.Su Cuisine is composed of six styles: Nanjing Style, Yangzhou Style, Suzhou Style, Huai'an Cuisine, Xuzhou Cuisine and Haizhou Cuisine. Among them Nanjing Style, Suzhou Style and Yangzhou Style are the most notable.。



wishes and pursuit of hope, and commemorate the
Spring Festival
Dumplings Fish
Wonton 馄饨
New Year cake
Lantern festival and Mid Autumn Festival
Dietary practices of celebration
The birth of the children, the birthday of the olds and the marriage are important moments for celebration, though the size can’t compare with the National festivals, they reflect the customs of life with a strong local color. 孩子的出生,生日和结 婚庆典 等 重要时刻,尽管规模比不上国家节日,它们 也反映了强烈的地方生活的特色。
rice glue ball /sweet dumpling元宵
moon cake
The round shape indicates reunite and
happiness, and people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.圆形表示团聚 和快乐,人们吃它们表示联盟,和谐和幸福的家庭。
In traditional Chinese culture and education in the philosophy of yin and yang, the Confucian ethical concepts, theory of traditional Chinese medicine nutrition regimen, as well as cultural and artistic achievements, food aesthetic fashion, national character traits under the influence of many factors to create the annals of the Chinese cooking skills, the formation of extensive and profound Chinese food culture. 在中国传统文化和教育哲学的阴 阳,儒家伦理概念,中医理论营养方案,以 及文化和艺术成就,食物的审美时尚,民族 性格特征的影响下许多因素创造中国烹 饪技能上,形成博大精深的中国饮食文化

中国美食文化Chinese food culture

中国美食文化Chinese food culture

cooking and leisure.

China food also has a worldwide
reputation due to its long-term spread
from China to the other regions of the

Currently, Chinese food is easily
Man Han banquet
• Man-Han Banquet origins from the Qing dynasty. It is one of the most famous Chinese banquets, which combines the dish of Man minority and Han minority.
found in every corner of the world, and it
has become a symbol of Chinese culture.
The end thank you!

• The food of Man-Han Banquet
contains one hundred and 中
eight kinds.
国 风


China food culture is an important
part of China culture in the aspect of
中 国 风

The traditional food for
Lantern Festival is rice glue
ball. The rice glue ball’s shape



◆江苏是名厨荟萃的地方。我国第一位典籍 留名的职业厨师和第一座以厨师姓氏命名 的城市均在这里。夏禹时代,“淮夷贡 鱼”,淮白鱼直至明清均系贡品。江苏菜 特点:一是选料严谨,制作精细;二是擅 长炖、焖、煨、焐、蒸、烧、炒等烹饪方 法;三是口味清鲜,咸甜得宜,浓而不腻, 淡而不薄;四是注重调汤,保持原汁 代表菜:狮子头,叫花鸡
• 春节:年糕、饺子、糍粑、荷包蛋、大肉 九、全鱼、美酒、福橘、苹果、花生、 瓜子、糖果、香茗及肴馔为主 • 清明节:青团子、馓子、清明螺 • 端午节:粽子 • 中秋节:月饼 • 重阳节:饮茱萸、菊花酒,吃菊花食品 、 重阳糕
故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家。 绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。 开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。 待到重阳日,还来就菊花。
满汉全席,满清宫廷盛宴。既有宫廷 菜肴之特色,又有地方风味之精华;突出 满族菜点特殊风味,烧烤、火锅、涮锅几 乎不可缺少的菜点,同时又展示了汉族烹 调的特色,扒、炸、炒、熘、烧等兼备, 实乃中华菜系文化的瑰宝和最高境界 。满 汉全席上菜一般起码一百零八种,分三天 吃完。满汉全席菜式有咸有甜,有荤有素, 取材广泛,用料精细,山珍海味无所不包。
◆菜既有别于东边的甜,南方的鲜淡,又湘 有别于西边的麻,北方的咸鲜,而是“和 而不同”,讲究“热得烫,辣得足,香味 特,五味和”。其原因:一是湖南作为鱼 米之乡菜料丰富;二是民间独特的调料数 不胜数;三是拥有独特的烹饪技艺;四是 器皿精致美观,赏心悦目 ;五是湖湘文化 的熏陶,湘菜兼容善变。 代表菜:“冰糖湘莲”
◆传说出生在楚地的王昭君出塞后不惯面食, 于是厨师就将粉条和油面筋泡合在一起, 用鸭汤煮,甚合昭君之意。后来人们便用 粉条、面筋与肥鸭烹调成菜,有称之为 “昭君鸭”,一直流传至今。在西北地区 还流行一种以王昭君的名字命名的“昭君 皮子”是人们在夏日常吃的酿皮子。其做 法是将面粉分离成淀粉和面筋,并以淀粉 制成面条,面筋切成薄片,搭配并食,并 辅以麻辣调料。吃起来酸辣凉爽,柔韧可 口。


emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany, producing typical exciting tastes. •世界上最著名的中国菜系之一。四川菜系以其香辣而闻 名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒
the first country to grow,
produce and drink tea. The
discovery of tea, one of the
three beverages of the world, is
a great contribution to the
• 福建菜系由福州菜,泉州菜,厦门菜组成,以其 国 精选的海鲜,漂亮的色泽,甜,酸,咸和香 风 的味 道而出名。最特别的是它的“卤味”。
•Sichuan cuisine川
•Sichuan Cuisine, Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes,
• pay attention to elegance注重情趣 • Food with medicine食医结合
The traditionSatalpdleieftocoudstom Chinese is plant-based food. staple food is grain, non-staple foods are vegetables, plus a small carnivorous Chinese food culture 中国人的传统饮食习俗是以植物 性食料为主。主食是五谷,辅食 是蔬菜,中华饮食文化 外加少量


eg. How do decoct these Chinese food? phrases:
decoct chicken 煎鸡块
The status of Chinese food culture
Famous for its abundance and exquisite, Chinese food culture has occupied an important part in the nation's tradition cultures.
Chinese food culture
01 New words
02 Content
My opinion

New words
flavor 英 ['fleɪvə] n.
味; 特点;香料 eg. I think the flavor of fresh
Thanks for listening.
Sichuan Jiangsu
Shandong dishes are divided into two factions as Tsinan and Jiaodong dishes. They are good at clear dishes, pure but not greasy.
Sichuan dishes have enjoyed the fame that every dish has its own characteristic and none two share the same taste. They are also famous for pocked, peppery and savor taste. Chengdu and Chongqing dishes are two mail

food culture饮食文化

food culture饮食文化

Food Culture——West Culture——West ——
The Structure of Diet
The traditional diet habits of China are mainly vegetable foodstuffs. The staple diet Asgrain, which supplemented by vegetables is western countries ascend from the custom of nomads, sailing , The main and a small amount of meat. fishing and hunting, the traditional this diet habits reason for the formation of diet of Western countriesas the agricultural can be concluded are foodstuffs of animal meat.. The Central Plains region … production in the food and clothing are 西方国家秉承着游牧民族、 allmajor feature in animals. 航海民族的文化血 taken from the the custom of the A西方国家秉承着游牧民族、 High-calorie 以渔猎、养殖为生, 统,以渔猎、养殖为生,传统饮食习俗以动物 and highdietdiet adapted to the area of Chinese fat is that hot food, cooked food 性食料为主。 . most of the people. And 性食料为主。以采集、种植为辅,荤食较多, high latitudes以采集、种植为辅,荤食较多, are prefered by Combination of the raw that 用都取之于动物。高热量、 吃、穿 ascribed .often 。高热量、 the and be 、用都取之于动物appears in 高脂肪类 can cooked foodto the development of the 的饮食结构适应于高纬度的地理和气候。 的饮食结构适应于高纬度的地理和气候。生熟 table of western countries... earlier cooking techniques 结合,蔬菜很多时候以前菜沙拉方式出现。 结合,蔬菜很多时候以前菜沙拉方式出现。



中国饮食文化英语作文带翻译The Chinese food culture is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture. Its unique cooking techniques and ingredients create different flavors, so that many foreigners like to taste Chinese food.Chinese food culture has a long history. It began in the early Neolithic Age 5,000 years ago and developed over the centuries. It includes various cuisines, such as Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Shandong cuisine. Each region has its own unique cooking process, ingredients and flavor.Chinese dishes are not only delicious but also nutritious. Chinese people pay attention to the balance of nutrition when cooking. Chinese dishes are usually cooked with many kinds of vegetables and meat, which can provide comprehensive nutrition for us.中国饮食文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。




Chinese Food: The Enchanting Cultureof Chinese CuisineThe Regional Diversity of Chinese CuisineChina's vast territory and diverse ethnic groups have given rise to a multitude of regional cuisines, each with its unique characteristics. From the spicy and bold flavors of Sichuan cuisine to the delicate and subtle tastes of Cantonese cuisine, Chinese food offers a gastronomic journey that is both exciting and enlightening.Sichuan Cuisine: A Spicy DelightCantonese Cuisine: A Symphony of FlavorsCantonese cuisine, also known as Guangdong cuisine, is known for its light and fresh flavors. Dim sum, a Cantonese specialty, is a delightful array of small dishes, including steamed dumplings, savory buns, and delicate pastries. The emphasis on fresh ingredients and precise cooking techniques makes Cantonese cuisine a favorite among food connoisseurs.The Cultural Significance of Chinese CuisineThe Art of Chinese CookingChinese cooking is a blend of art and science, with techniques passed down through generations. The wok, a versatile cooking utensil, is central to Chinese cuisine.Stirfrying, a quick and highheat cooking method, is used to create dishes like Beef and Broccoli and Kung Pao Chicken, ensuring that ingredients remain fresh and vibrant.In conclusion, Chinese cuisine is a treasure trove of flavors, traditions, and stories. By exploring the diverse regional cuisines and understanding the cultural significance behind each dish, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the enchanting culture of Chinese food.The Philosophy Behind Chinese Culinary ArtsThe Importance of Seasonality and FreshnessChinese culinary traditions place a strong emphasis on the use of seasonal ingredients. The belief is that food should be consumed when it is at its peak of freshness and flavor. This respect for nature's rhythm ensures that diners enjoy the best that each season has to offer. From spring's tender bamboo shoots to winter's hearty root vegetables, the changing of the seasons is celebrated on the Chinese dining table.The Role of Tea in Chinese CultureThe Art of Table Manners and EtiquetteThe Future of Chinese CuisineAs Chinese cuisine continues to captivate the world, it is evolving while maintaining its traditional roots. Young chefs are experimenting with fusion styles, blendingtraditional Chinese flavors with international influences.This innovation is breathing new life into classic dishes, making Chinese cuisine more accessible and appealing to a global audience.The Spiritual Connection of Food and FestivalsIn the tapestry of Chinese culture, food plays a pivotal role during festivals and holidays, symbolizing wishes, traditions, and spiritual beliefs. Each festival brings withit a array of special dishes, each carrying its own meaning and significance.The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is perhaps the most celebrated of all. Families gather for a grand feast known as the "Reunion Dinner," where dishes like fish (symbolizing surplus and prosperity), dumplings (shaped like ancient Chinese money and representing wealth), and nian gao (a sweet sticky rice cake signifying growth and progress) are served. These foods are not only delicious but are also eaten with the hope of bringing good fortune for the year ahead.The Art of Presentation and AestheticsChinese cuisine is not only about taste but also about presentation. The arrangement of dishes on a table is an art form in itself, with an emphasis on color, shape, and balance. The goal is to create a visual feast that excites the eyes before the food even touches the lips. This aestheticapproach is evident in the intricate carvings of vegetables and fruits used as garnishes, and in the careful placement of ingredients to form patterns and pictures on the plate.The Legacy of Chinese Culinary TechniquesThe legacy of Chinese cooking techniques is a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its people. Methods such as red cooking (braising in soy sauce), white cooking (simmering in water or stock), and the delicate art of dim sum making are passed down through generations. These techniques not only enhance the flavors and textures of the ingredients but also preserve the nutritional value of the food, reflecting the Chinese philosophy of health and wellness through diet.The Global Reach of Chinese CuisineIn essence, Chinese cuisine is a living history book, each page filled with stories of tradition, innovation, and the joy of sharing. It is a journey that invites all to partake, a celebration of flavors and cultures that continues to inspire and delight palates worldwide.。



Exquisite cooking skills
Knife craftsmanship
Chinese chefs are skilled at using various knife techniques to cut ingredients into different shapes and sizes, in order to enhance the beauty and taste of dishes.
Characteristics of Chinese Food Culture
Diversity of cuisine
Eight cuisines
Local snacks
The eight most famous cuisines in Chinese food culture, including Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Anhui Cuisine cuisine, have their own characteristics and flavors.
• introduction • Characteristics of Chinese Food Culture • Comparison of Chinese and Western Food
Cultures • The Influence of Chinese Food Culture on



Chinese Food Culture1.Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of ChinaChinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'. These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine.We have roughly separated Chinese cuisine into two genres. They are Cuisines of the north part and the southern part. Cuisines of the southern part of China are really featured. They have various differences with northern cuisine.Firstly, abundant rain drops and sunlight in South China provide favorable conditions for the growth of millet and rice. Compared with people in North China who have to spend much time in cold weather, people in South China are less preferable to meat diet, which contains lots of fat and protein. Southern Chinese prefer plant diet quite a lot. Many people are accustomed to drink soup both before and after the meal. Guangdong Soup(老火靓汤)Secondly, South China is one of the most developed areas in China. It welcomes people from the entire world. As a result, Southern Cuisine, especially Guangdong Cuisine, emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude.Thirdly,People in South China tend to be more careful and sensitive than northern people. As a result, their dishes as well as appearance are really cute and attractive. Just like dim sum(点心), which means “touch the heart”, is one of the most famous Cantonese meal. It consists of a variety of delicacies and is usually served for breakfast or dinner.Spicy-hot Fish麻辣鱼Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)麻婆豆腐Pork Rips排骨)Penaeus orientalis对虾2.Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of ChinaCuisines of the north part of China have several characteristics.people in the north tend to eat cooked wheaten food. Or in other words, people eat more food made of flour. This is because the climate here is temperate continental climate, which means there are less rain drops and sunlight. And this climate provides favorable conditions for the growth of wheat.First,When it comes to cooked wheaten food, there is a place many people are familiar with. That is Shanxi(山西). As the saying goes, “east or west, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is best”. Shanxi is famous for its diverse and delicious cooked wheaten food. With a history of 2000years, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is gaining more and more popularity at home and even abroad.Cooked wheaten food in Shanxi,there are round 280 kinds of cooked wheaten food, among which the sliced noodles is the most renowned one.Apart from the sliced noodles刀削面, boiled food also includes hand-pulled noodles拉面, He lao饸饹)Tijian,剔尖Maoerduo猫耳朵, Jiupian(揪片) ,which are all delicious and tasty.As for the cooked food, it includes fried cake(炸糕)、Yi wo su(一窝酥)、fried dough twist (麻花),Shuai bing(甩饼) and so on.Other steamed wheaten food includes steamed bun、You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)、Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼).Second, food in the north is often more salty and greasy than that in the south.Because people like to add more ingredient to dishes even the soup.Shandong cuisine and Beijing cuisines are two famous cuisines of the eight cuisines in china. And they are also representatives of the northern cuisines. Beijing cuisine is famous for its Beijing roast duck and instant-boiled mutton. Shandong food is always pure, fresh, tender, salty and crisp.Chinese people pay much attention to eating, not just to fulfill our basic needs, but deep within, it contains the measures Chinese people take to understand things. For example, when a child was born, relatives and friends would eat eggs painted in red color to celebrate. Eggs symbolize new lives, eating red eggs embodies the high expectations of the Chinese to carry on the family line. We have feasts in the weddings; we celebrate our birthdays with gatherings and delicious food; we gather with our friends or families to eat, which is a good way to enhance our intimacy.People gathering to celebrate with big feastsIn sum, Chinese food culture has gained much popularity throughout the world, and in the modern era, the popularity still thrives. Food culture, which has great influence to Chinese people’s personalities, has already become one of the fine traditional cultures in China. With the enhancement of the globalization, Chinese food culture would become better known across the world.。

中国饮食文化 英文

中国饮食文化 英文

中国饮食文化1. IntroductionChina’s food culture is rich and diverse, and has a history that dates back thousands of years. It is not only about the flavors and tastes, but also the traditions, customs, and symbolism associated with the food. Chinese cuisine is considered one of the most popular and influential cuisines in the world, with a wide range of regional specialties.2. Regional CuisineChina is a vast country with diverse geographic and climatic conditions, which have given rise to a wide variety of regional cuisines. Some of the popular regional cuisines include:2.1 Sichuan CuisineSichuan cuisine is known for its bold flavors, use of spices, and numbing sensation due to the Sichuan peppercorns. Popular dishes include Kung Pao Chicken and Mapo Tofu. Sichuan cuisine is characterized by its mala (numbing and spicy) flavor.2.2 Cantonese CuisineCantonese cuisine is famous for its dim sum, seafood, and delicately prepared dishes. It emphasizes the freshness and natural flavors of the ingredients. Popular dishes include Steamed Dim Sum, Roast Duck, and Sweet and Sour Pork.2.3 Shandong CuisineShandong cuisine is known for its seafood dishes, as the province is located along the coast. It features a combination of flavors, including salty, sweet, and sour. Popular dishes include Braised Abalone and Sweet and Sour Carp.2.4 Hunan CuisineHunan cuisine is characterized by its spicy and savory flavors. It often uses pickled vegetables and chili peppers to create bold and intense tastes. Popular dishes include Spicy Crispy Pork and Stir-Fried Cabbage with Chili.2.5 Jiangsu CuisineJiangsu cuisine is known for its delicate and subtle flavors. It is often associated with the Shanghai style of cooking. Popular dishes include Braised Lion’s Head Meatballs and Beggar’s Chicken.3. Traditional Chinese Food CustomsChinese food customs are deeply rooted in tradition and symbolize various aspects of Chinese culture. Here are some of the common food customs:3.1 Dining EtiquetteChinese dining etiquette emphasizes respect and consideration for others. It is customary to wait for the elders to start eating before others begin. Chopsticks should not be left sticking upright in a bowl, as it is considered impolite.3.2 Lucky FoodsCertain foods are believed to bring good luck and fortune in Chinese culture. For example, fish symbolizes prosperity, and dumplings symbolize wealth and good fortune. These foods are often served during festivals and special occasions.3.3 Festival FoodsChinese festivals are often accompanied by specific food traditions. For example, during the Lunar New Year, a reunion dinner is prepared, which includes dishes with symbolic meanings, such as whole fish for abundance and rice cake for prosperity.4. Modern Chinese CuisineWhile traditional Chinese cuisine remains popular, modern Chinese cuisine has also gained recognition in recent years. Chefs have started experimenting with fusion dishes, incorporating Western ingredients and cooking techniques into Chinese cuisine.5. ConclusionChinese food culture is rich in flavors, traditions, and symbolism. It not only satisfies the taste buds but also reflects the values and beliefs of Chinese society. Whether it is the spicy Sichuan cuisine or the delicate Cantonese dishes, Chinese cuisine continues to captivate people around the world, making it a prominent part of global culinary traditions.Note: This document is written in Markdown format. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows for easy formatting and conversion to HTML.。

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Cantonese food 广东菜系
Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. Cantonese is the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine outside of China.
广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。广东菜是国外最广泛的中国 地方菜系。
People in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. 中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上爬的,除了火 车;水里游的,除了船儿。
Eight Cuisines(八大菜系)
Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系 Cantonese food 广东菜系 Fujian Cuisine 福建菜系
Jiangsu Cuisine 江苏菜系
ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系
Hunan cuisine 湖南菜系
Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系
Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China. 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,产生刺激的 味道。此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被应用于烹饪过程中。野菜和野禽常 被选用为原料,油炸,无油炸,腌制和文火炖煮是基本的烹饪技术。 没有品尝过四川菜的人不算来过中国。
Anhui Cuisine 安徽菜系
Hui Cuisine refers to Anhui Cuisine, which was famed throughout China a hundred years ago, and, as the story goes, the restaurants of Anhui at that time were large, with the uniform rosewood furniture showing a rich heroic spirit. However, in the fierce competition of the modern catering industry, it quietly declined, and, if one does not travel to the Yellow Mountain, it is now difficult to taste the authentic Anhui Cuisine elsewhere. Anhui has a mild climate and moderate rainfall and four distinct seasons as well as high-quality grains, oil, vegetables and fruit. The mountainous areas of south Anhui and the Dabieshan 徽菜即安徽风味,一百年前曾蜚声全中国,据说当年的徽菜馆排场相当大, 一色的红木家具透着富甲一方的豪气。但在现代餐饮业的激烈竞争中,徽菜 却悄然没落了,如果不是到黄山旅游,外地人已很难品尝到正宗的徽菜。安 徽地处华东腹地,气候温和雨量适中,四季分明,粮、油、蔬、果品质优良; 皖南山区和大别山区盛产茶叶、竹笋、香菇、木耳、板栗、山药、石鸡、甲 鱼等。其境内的长江、淮河流域和巢湖地区又是中国淡水鱼的重要产区,水 产丰富,为徽菜的形成和发展提供了良好的物质基础。
Can you describe some of them in brief?
Table Manners in China
Make the elders have a sit first. Wash your hands before each meal. You had better not eat too fast or too much. Don't speak with your mouth full of food. Put up the bowl. Don't stick the chopsticks upright in the bowl. Sometimes,the chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in others bowl or plate .This is a sign of politeness.
Eight Cuisines(八大菜系)
China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口ui Cuisine 安徽菜系
Shandong Cuisine
Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stirfrying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜, 酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。 山东菜系注重汤品。清汤清澈新鲜,而油汤外观厚重,味道浓重。济 南菜系擅长炸,烤,煎,炒,而胶东菜系则以其烹饪海鲜的鲜淡而闻 名。
在中国传统文化和教育 哲学的阴阳,儒家伦理 概念,中医理论营养方 案,以及文化和艺术成 就,食物的审美时尚, 民族性格特征的影响下 许多因素创造中国烹饪 技能上,形成博大精深 的中国饮食文化。
Chinese diet history
From the History, China's food culture stretching more than 170 million years, is divided into raw food, cooked food, natural cooking, science and cooking four stages of development, introduction of more than 60,000 kinds of traditional dishes point, more than 20,000 kinds of industrial food, access to "Cooking kingdom" in the world.
ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系
Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three. 浙江菜系由杭州菜,宁波菜,绍兴菜,组成,不油腻,以其菜肴的鲜, 柔,滑,香而闻名。杭州菜是这三者中最出名的一个。
1.Everyone who answers a question can write your name on the blackboard and achieve a present. 2.We will choose two persons who are the most active.They will get a piece of certificate of commendation and a big present.