
牛津三年级上册英语连词成句专项积累练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. is, here, cake, your (.)2. 连词成句。
[1]at, Look, that, elephant (.)[2]has, It, a, long, nose (.)[3]are, Where, you, from (?)[4]woman, is, that, Who (?)[5]he, your, brother, Is (?)3. 连词成句。
[1]strawberries, some, have (.)[2]you, grapes, do, like (?)[3]like, don’t, oranges, I (.)[4]some, I, can, bananas, have (?)[5]watermelon, a, let’s, buy (.)4. cow It''s a (.)5. ①this②Is③Amy''s④mother(?)(写序号)6. the at giraffe look (.)7. your, here, is, present (.)8. is, grandpa, This, my (.)9. am , I , ten (.)10. it''s May in (.)11. What, that, is (?)12. my, is, birthday, Today (.)13. his, this, Is, nose, (?)14. balls colourful like I the (.)15. go, school, We, on, to, Monday (.)16. the, They, in, rain, play, in, summer (.)17. 连词成句。
[1]apples have Let’s some (.)[2]you Do pears like (?)[3]I don’t No (, .)[4]I Yes do (, .)18. 连词成句。

2024年沪教版三年级英语上册专项连词成句班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. think, likes, stickers, she, I, collectin (.)2. them I like all (.)3. it, snake, is, a(?)4. ①it ②Is③kite④a⑤new5. how, does, father, work, to, go, day, every, your (?)6. 连词成句。
[1]want, I, drink, water, to, some (.)[2]like, would, to, park, the, to, go, He (.)[3]Here, are, you, Sure (.)[4]to, time, It’s, go (.)[5]colour, what, your, is, skirt (?)7. balls colourful like I the (.)8. room, do, computer, have, you, a (?)9. time a Have good (.)10. a car toy It’s (.)11. 连词成句。
[1]you, can, I, with, play (?)[2]dance, I, am, to, going (.)[3]reading, we, like, really (.)[4]going, read, to, books, he, is (.)[5]are, new, they, to, learn, going, things (.)12. an, make, let’s, ice cream (.)13. 连词成句。
[1]Is, the, it, bed, on (?)[2]map, is, The, desk, the, on (.)[3]is, Where, pencil, my (?)14. ①mouth②have③I④a (只写序号) __________________________________.15. at Look skirt my (.)16. me, for, is, this, sweet, nice (?)17. your Here’s cake (.)18. her, homework, this, is (.)19. 连词成句。

人教PEP版三年级上册英语连词成句专项精选练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. me Show your ruler (.)2. my, is, birthday, Today (.)3. long it ears has (.)4. ①the ②Where ③cat ④is (?) (只填序号) ____________________5. see it and Open6. Thanksgiving is when(?)7. coat got you blue have a (?)8. is, What, name, your (?)9. ①about ②your ③family ④What ⑤(?)(只写序号)10. is, a, this, jacket (.)11. is, friend, she, my, good (.)12. ①this②Is③Amy''s④mother(?)(写序号)13. am , I , ten (.)14. What''s, matter, the, with, you (?)15. plays Sundays she on baskestball ( . )16. ①I’m ②fine ③you ④thank(只填序号)17. 用所给单词组句子。
[1]the door close please (.)[2]run don’t the in library (.)[3]is up down Mike jumping and (.)[4]cake don’t my eat (.)[5]LiuTao shout Don’t in library the (, .)18. old how are you (?)19. Christmas let’s celebrate (.)20. lives, a, farm, cow, on, a, (.)21. 连词成句。

三年级语文上册连词成句x1爱我们劳动好孩子要做的______________________________________________ 2 纸上他花了一只在小狗______________________________________________ 3 每天妈妈我们都给可口的做饭菜______________________________________________ 4 理想我的医生一名当是______________________________________________ 5 都公园里全家人在游玩______________________________________________ 6应该帮助我们主动别人______________________________________________ 7 下雨艾力了还没回家呢______________________________________________8 不爱心需要是回报的______________________________________________ 9 小学生是我和小明______________________________________________ 10 身体母亲一直的不好______________________________________________ 11开了都花园鲜花里的______________________________________________ 12 故乡哈密老师的在______________________________________________ 13 从飞过小燕子头上他______________________________________________ 14 有空你今天怎么出来呀______________________________________________ 15 爸爸看报在书房______________________________________________17 地球我们是家园的生活______________________________________________ 18 伟大的牛顿科学家是______________________________________________ 19 自然喜欢他观察就从小现象______________________________________________ 20 带着老师微笑慈祥的走来我向______________________________________________ 21 许多规律自然界事物都是的有______________________________________________ 22 我家一只有公鸡大______________________________________________ 23 农民丰收看着不由得庄稼笑了的______________________________________________ 24 用心李丽一片片画着的树叶______________________________________________25 教舅舅打印我课程表在______________________________________________ 26 今年三年级热米娜该上了______________________________________________ 27 马上迟到快走就要了______________________________________________ 28 一直老师铅笔了用作业批改给他______________________________________________ 29 自己读好你课文要相信能______________________________________________ 30 帮助你弱点我们克服小的胆子______________________________________________ 31 葡萄吃爱奶奶______________________________________________ 32 小鸟叽叽喳喳林中的地叫着______________________________________________33 家乡真美的秋天啊______________________________________________ 34 操场学校上篮球有场______________________________________________ 35 自己做好相信这件事能______________________________________________ 36 才能胆大呢怎样变得______________________________________________ 37 又好听又这一回响亮声音他的______________________________________________ 38 一位丑小鸭把带农夫回家______________________________________________ 39 难道影子这自己吗是的______________________________________________ 40 天鹅是原来漂亮的我一只呀______________________________________________41 驾车我的非常搞技术______________________________________________42 我们活动多彩的课外丰富______________________________________________43 小手这胖乎乎替拿过我的呀拖鞋______________________________________________44 明白了都全家人喜欢这张画为什么兰兰______________________________________________45 手这胖乎乎替挠过我的呀痒痒______________________________________________46 它小手打手长大变成等我了回事情做更多了______________________________________________47 喜欢全家都她人画的画______________________________________________48 东东的觉得声音我好很听______________________________________________49 鼓起掌来都大家她为______________________________________________50 让胆子你小的帮助想老师你克服弱点吗______________________________________________51 为什么这一张您贴______________________________________________52 明白为什么兰兰这张画全家人了喜欢都______________________________________________53 她出错声音害怕越读越小______________________________________________54 我胆大才能变得怎样呢______________________________________________55 能不能菜园里你去飞到呢______________________________________________56 冬瓜茄子和长得看看不一样一样______________________________________________57 再你认真的去看看______________________________________________ 58 是的冬瓜青茄子紫是的______________________________________________ 59 同学们郊外老师野炊到带领______________________________________________ 60 多民族我国一个是的国家______________________________________________ 61 买了苹果一袋妈妈超市在______________________________________________ 62 难题你做出能这道吗______________________________________________ 63 一个黄山风景优美地方是吗______________________________________________ 64 多好啊老师的______________________________________________65 经常一起我回家和爸爸______________________________________________ 66 路灯我离影子越长越近______________________________________________ 67 影子喜欢很我的我______________________________________________ 68 会脏手把带入病菌口中健康影响______________________________________________ 69 保护我们注意牙齿要______________________________________________ 70 任何做事又毅力都要______________________________________________ 71 小朋友们了问题郎之万很向奇怪提的______________________________________________ 72 回答问题都小朋友正确地了这个______________________________________________73 不同意伊琳娜的大家看法______________________________________________ 74 学习的孩子小明是爱个好______________________________________________ 75 一车送给老山羊小白兔白菜______________________________________________ 76 鱼缸里游着在小金鱼快活地______________________________________________ 77 高高兴兴向跑去家里小鸡拍着翅膀______________________________________________ 78 果子散发着红色的香味诱人的______________________________________________ 79 地球大旱灾一次上过发生以前很久在______________________________________________ 80 还是我死了你喝自己反正要吧______________________________________________81 回小姑娘把家到交给水罐母亲了______________________________________________ 82 小兔送家门口小羊把到______________________________________________ 83 爱笑的小兰是个不爱哭的孩子______________________________________________ 84 爬上爬下喜欢小猴子在树上______________________________________________ 85 种了白菜小白兔许多______________________________________________11 / 11。

人教版三年级上册英语连词成句专项提升练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. don’t, milk, in, drink, class (.)2. 连词成句。
[1]Nice, you, see, to (.)[2]the, UK, I, from, am (.)[3]Good, girls, boys, and, morning (.)[4]is, your, name, what (?)[5]you, are, from, where (?)3. gorilla one is a big The (.)4. fast, runs, he (.)5. coat got you blue have a (?)6. birthday Sam Happy (.)7. about, a, What, cake (?)8. birthday Happy Bobby (,.)9. is for you this (.)10. the, to, point, door (.)11. are, many, there, flowers (.)12. ①Are,②Su Hai,③you, (?) (写序号) __________________13. purple, I, like, my, cap (.)14. Children''s Day on is 1 June (.)15. from, He, is, Canada, (.)16. I, home, go, bike, by (我骑自行车回家。
)17. favourite, my, food, dumplings (.)18. 连词成句。
[1]my, is, this, family (.)[2]that, is, who, girl (?)[3]teacher, is, my, a, sister (.)[4]mother, she, my, is (.)[5]father, is, your, he (?)19. my, is, this, classroom (.)20. 连词成句。

10. is,an,It,elephant(.)
I have a cat.
It is an elephant.
We are big.
11.tall,The,is,giraffe(!) 18.big,Whale,are,sharks,too(.)
This is my grandpa.
Is that your brother?
Families are different.
10. is,family,big,My(.) 17.play,I,my,with,brother(.)
Nice to meet you.
7. have,You,big,family,a(.) 14.play,me,They,with,can(.)
新版 PEP 人教三上连词成句专项 (Unit2)
姓名:__________ 班级:__________
8. is,It,cousin,my (.)
15.small,are,family,Some (.)
2.my,is,grandpa,This(.) 9.that,Is,brother,your(?) 16.are,Families,different(.)
3. you,to,Nice,meet(.)
10. is,family,big,My(.) 17.play,I,my,with,brother(.)
I help and share.
My new friend is Zoom.

2024年三年级上册英语连词成句难点知识习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. Chinese New Year a holiday big is (.)2. is This a boy (.)3. go, Let’s, home (!)4. caps, many, how, blue (.)5. that, skirt, your, is (?)6. ①you②are③How (只填序号)7. ①his ②is ③head ④This8.picture, in, there, many, monkeys, how, are,the(?)9. fly you can (?)10. Me your Show book (.)11. ①panda ②I③a ④am (只填序号)12.①here②children ③Come ④(,) ⑤(.)(写序号)13. 连词成句。
[1]that, is, Who, boy (?)[2]mother, is, my, This (.)[3]to, you, Nice, meet (.)[4]he, brother, Is, your (?)[5]your, about, family, What (?)14. do, How many, you, have, books (?)15. Danny, name, my, is (.)16. to, go, on, I, school, Mondays (.)17. old, are, you, How18. I, Su Hai, am (.)19. 连词成句。
[1]is, this, what (?)[2]it, not, no, is (.)(缩写形式)[3]is, it, sheep, a (.)[4]Jenny, look (!)[5]is, there, farmer, the, a, on, farm (!)20. pink skirt a it’s (.)21. school, to, let''s, go(.)22. ①Point ②“hello” ③to (只填序号)23. ①many②pens③How (只填序号)__________________________ ?24. have, morning, I, Chinese, the, in (.)25. birthday Sam Happy (.)26. I''m, class, in, one (.)27. up, stand, please (, .)28. 连词成句。

三年级英语上册连词成句专项过关题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. 连词成句。
[1]go, the, let’s, to, zoo (.)[2]pig, is, the, fat (.)[3]short, the, ruler, is (.)[4]that, who, is, woman (?)[5]many, how, eggs (?)2. cat, is, where, the (?)3. you Can sing(?)4. world the white it’s all over (.)5. 连词成句。
[1]eat, will, I, you, now (.)(缩写形式)[2]now, wants, me, but, to, he, eat (.)[3]bad, is, a, wolf, he (.)[4]clever, sheep, the, helps, monkey, the (.)[5]wants, wolf, to, sheep, the, the, eat (.)6. at Look the giraffe (.)7. 将小鱼顺序排好,使之形成完整的句子。
[1]head hurts My[2]feel now I good[3]can’t I school to go8. ①is②doctor③a④She⑤. (写序号) _____________________________9. under your It’s chair .10. many How do animals know you (?)11. big so It is (.)12. is, cake, This, Helen, for (.)13. your, What’s, name, (?)14. ①door②the③Point④to (只填序号)__________________________.15. is , it , blue (.)16. plays Sundays she on baskestball ( . )17.you, do, a, bike, on, Mondays, ride, (?)18. 连词成句。

小学三年级英语连词成句40道1. is the bed big 答案:The bed is big. 解析:这是一个主系表结构的句子,“the bed”是主语,“is”是系动词,“big”是形容词作表语。
2. my has sister a doll 答案:My sister has a doll. 解析:“my sister”是主语,“has”是谓语,“a doll”是宾语。
3. the on table is pen the 答案:The pen is on the table. 解析:“the pen”是主语,“is”是系动词,“on the table”是地点状语。
4. like I apples 答案:I like apples. 解析:“I”是主语,“like”是谓语,“apples”是宾语。
5. my father is tall 答案:My father is tall. 解析:主系表结构,“my father”是主语,“is”系动词,“tall”是表语。
6. the dog under is chair the 答案:The dog is under the chair. 解析:“the dog”是主语,“is”系动词,“under the chair”是地点状语。
7. can I swim 答案:I can swim. 解析:“I”是主语,“can”是情态动词,“swim”是动词原形作谓语。
8. has mother my long hair 答案:My mother has long hair. 解析:“my mother”是主语,“has”是谓语,“long hair”是宾语。
9. play we football can 答案:We can play football. 解析:“we”是主语,“can”是情态动词,“play football”是动词短语作谓语。
10. in the box are toys 答案:The toys are in the box. 解析:“the toys”是主语,“are”是系动词,“in the box”是地点状语。

小学三年级人教PEP版上册英语连词成句必考题型班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. is, you, for, this, red, car, toy, (.)2. jump can rabbits(.)3. is , cake , your , here (.)4.dad, your, does, to, go, work, Saturdays, on (?)5. ①a re ②from③you④Where⑤?(只写序号)6. make, snowman, she, can, a (.)7. your, new, this, kite, Is (?)8. to, nice, you, meet, (.)9. at, blackboard, the, look (.)10. Where, the, is, cake ( ? )11. is, What, skirt, colour, this (?)12. ①door②the③Point④to (只填序号) __________________________.13. like I singing (.)14. is apple where the (?)15. much, are, oranges, the, how, (?)16. 连词成句。
[1]a, I, boy, am, (. )[2]friend, he, my, is, (. )[3]is, he, teacher, a, (. )[4]are, from, where, you, (?)[5]is, a, student, she, new, (. )17. a girl is this (.)18. Jenny, My, is, name, (.)19. ①that ②Who’s ③girl ④(?)(只写序号)20. is, What, letter, it (?)21. your, mouth, is, This, (.)22. desk, on, the, What’s (?)23.you, in, do, morning, play, the, basketball (?)24. going I’m to school (.)25. eight have I crayons (.)26. an, eraser, I, have (.)27. my, at, Look, ruler (.)28. ①am②years③six④I⑥old. (只填序号)_________________________________29. bread, some, Have, (.)30. are, Bobby, Hi, you (, ?)31. butterfly at Look the (.)32. at, my, Look, marker (.)33. this, made, is, T-shirt, of, cotton (.)34. veget able, don’t, I, like (.)35. ①you ②? ③Wang Bing ④Are (只填序号)36. book, is, my, where, (?)37. up, down, and, is, Paul, walking (.)38. ①a②see③can④I⑤cake (写序号)_________________________.39. very, this, wide, river, is, long, and(.)40. a family are They .41. Panpan, My, is, name (.)42. blue, how, caps, many (?)43. ①mouth②have③I④a (只写序号)__________________________________.44. is my sister This (.)45. your grandma’s it’s birthday (.)46. name, What, your, is (?)47. I , Lingling , am , hello (, .)48. 连词成句。
pep三年级上册英语 连词成句专项练习

三年级上册英语连词成句专项练习1.you are how ?2.thanks I fine am.3.not am very I well .4.what name your is ?5.how you are old ?6.happy birthday to you !7.am 6 years I old .8.pens many how ?9.erase your show me .10.Wu yifan I am .11.is my Mike name .12.to go to school .13.how you are.14.to nice you meet.15.here are you.16.have I a ruler .17.I can some water have please?18.make let’s puppet a .19.That what is?20.Miss Green is this ? _____________________________________21.your is name What ?_______________________________________22.am I Tony. ___________________________________________________23.am I Gogo. _____________________________________________24.I Jenny am. ___________________________________________________25.your is name What ?________________________________________________26..is What this?________________________________________________________27.this and? ______________________________________________________28. a is It desk. _______________________________________________________29.it Oh is eraser an. __________________________________________30.You Can sing?______________________________________________31..can I not NO._______________________________________________32.You read Can?_____________________________________________33.I Yes can.______________________________________________34.about What you?_____________________________________________35.I No can't.__________________________________________________36.I But fly can. ______________________________________________37.is she Who?________________________________________________38.My She is mother.__________________________________________39.He is Who?__________________________________________________40..is my he friend. ___________________________________________41.that's Look my teacher.________________________________________42.her What's name?_______________________________________________ is Her Ms. Black.____________________________________________44.Is Who boy that? ________________________________________________45.Is He friend my.________________________________________________ is His Ben. _________________________________________________ her What is?______________________________________________48..a this dog Is? __________________________________________________49.This panda Is a?_____________________________________________50.it No isn't. _____________________________________________________51.Lion this Is a?_______________________________________________52.it Yes is. ___________________________________________________53.Is What color this?___________________________________________54.Is It blue._____________________________________________________55.it's Look apple an. _____________________________________________56.is It red. ______________________________________________________57.Is orange It. _________________________________________________58.It Yes is. __________________________________________________59.Are old How you? ________________________________________60.Old are How you? ____________________________________________61.Ten I am._________________________________________________62.Brother This is my. ____________________________________________63.he old is How?_____________________________________________64.is He seven. _____________________________________________65.you What do like?_______________________________________________66.Cheese I like._________________________________________________.like do what you Jenny?_______________________________________ 67.。

人教版2024年三年级上册英语连词成句真题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. TV, she, in, watches, morning, the (.)2. is name her What (?)3. Christmas That''s Day (.)4. like, don’t, bananas, I (.)5. is for This you (.)6. colour, is, your, pencil, What, (?)7. desk, on, the, What’s (?)8. I, football, like (喜欢足球)9. many you boxes see How do (?)10. I''m in One Class (.)11. birds you can see How many12. your, favourite, What’s, song (?)13. ①are②We③friends④.(只写序号)14. you, Mike, Are (?)15. name’s Peter My (.)16. years seven I’m old(.)17. the, like, dogs, do, meat (?)18. I Mike am Hello (, .)19. ①father②is③doctor④My⑤a (只写序号) _________________________________.20. are , you , old , how (?)21. ①Mr②Jones③is④This⑤. (只写序号)____________________________22. a, She, is, nurse (.)23. your, new, this, kite, Is (?)24. are, twelve, there, rulers, (.)25. man That short is (.)26. don’t, milk, in, drink, class (.)27. is, under, it, your, chair (?)28. me at Look(!)29. a film, he, watched, yesterday (.)30. the, clever, helps, sheep, monkey, the, (.)31.you, in, do, morning, play, the, basketball (?)32. ①the ②Where ③cat ④is (?) (只填序号)____________________33. 连词成句。

三年级上册英语连词成句专项练习1.you are how ?2.thanks I fine am。
3.not am very I well 。
4.what name your is ?5.how you are old ?6.happy birthday to you !7.am 6 years I old 。
8.pens many how ?9.erase your show me 。
10.Wu yifan I am .11.is my Mike name 。
12.to go to school 。
13.how you are。
14.to nice you meet。
15.here are you。
16.have I a ruler .17.I can some water have please?18.make let’s puppet a 。
19.That what is?20.Miss Green is this ?_____________________________________21.your is name What ?_______________________________________22.am I Tony。
___________________________________________________23.am I Gogo. _____________________________________________24.I Jenny am. ___________________________________________________25.your is name What ?________________________________________________26.。
is What this?________________________________________________________27.this and? ______________________________________________________28. a is It desk. _______________________________________________________29.it Oh is eraser an. __________________________________________30.You Can sing?______________________________________________31.。

三年级上册英语连词成句专项综合练习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. Mr. Green, are, afternoon, good, you (, ?)2. ①is②colour③jacket④this⑤what (?) (写序号) ______________________3.dad, your, does, to, go, work, Saturdays, on (?)4. ①my②is③English④This⑤teacher (只填序号) __________________________.5. orange got T-shirt he an has ( ? )6. have, I, pencil, a, (.)7. like, I, fruit (.)8. ①Mike ②I’m③Hi ④,⑤. (只填序号)9. is Where eraser my (?)10. like, my, bike, I, riding (.)11. can some I have cake (?)12. is colour book what my (?)13. USA the am I from14. Christmas let’s celebrate (.)15. comes, in, it, October (.)16. my, is, birthday, Today (.)17. My John name’s (.)18. 连词成句。
[1]a, has, nose, elephant, the, long (.)[2]here, come, children (.)[3]at, giraffe, look, that (.)[4]short, rabbit, the, tail, has, a (.)[5]so, the, is, panda, cute (.)19. bread, some, Have, (.)20. ①red②is③my④skirt⑤This (只写序号) ____________________.21.you, do, a, bike, on, Mondays, ride, (?)22. and is sunny today it hot (.)23. me Show your ruler (.)24. ①the ②Where ③cat ④is (?) (只填序号) ____________________25.you, in, do, morning, play, the, basketball (?)26. is pen where my (?)27. his, what’s, name (?)28. ①a ②dog ③It’s (只填序号)29. ①my②is③head④This (只写序号)__________________________________.30. from, are, you, Canada (?)31. ①Is ②new③it④kite⑤a (只填序号)_______________________________________?32. 连词成句。

小学三年级上册英语连词成句专项易考题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. is, friend, she, my, good (.)2. Is, black, monkey, a, it (?)3. ①my ②is ③sister ④this ⑤(.)(只写序号)4. it''s May in (.)5. ①it ②Is③kite④a⑤new6.you, in, do, morning, play, the, basketball(?)7. 连词成句。
[1]you, can, I, with, play (?)[2]dance, I, am, to, going (.)[3]reading, we, like, really (.)[4]going, read, to, books, he, is (.)[5]are, new, they, to, learn, going, things (.)8. the, clever, helps, sheep, monkey, the, (.)9. is my where robot (?)10. What, balloon, is, the, colour (?)11. 连词成句。
[1]a time Have good (.)[2]a ball Bounce (.)[3]is boat my Where (?)[4]it Is box your toy in(?)12. a girl is this (.)13. 连词成句。
[1]you, can, sing, not, (.)(缩写形式)[2]a, bird, I, have, little, (.)[3]fish, can, sing, not, can, swim, and, (.)[4]is, there, bird, the, a, on, chair, oh, (!)14. have, some, I, can, juice (?)15. ①Are,②S u Hai, ③you, (?) (写序号) __________________16. 连词成句。

43. ①is ②you ③This ④and ⑤cake ⑥for ⑦me (写序号)
44. plays, he, basketball, Sundays, on (.)
[5]lives, a, farm, cow, on, a, (.)
21. 连词成句。
[1]at, duck, Look, the (.)
[2]in, truck, the, It''s (.)
[3]is, It, fat (.)
[4]bird, Act, a, like (.)
[5]have, a, I, carrot (.)
[1]I, that, is, would, like, what, (.)(缩写形式)
[2]donut, milk, some, a, and, (.)
[3]there, bananas, how, are, many, (?)
[4]the, clever, helps, sheep, monkey, the, (.)
11. about, a, What, cake (?)
12. friend, He, my, too, is (, .)
13. blue, is, in, the, it, bag (.)
14. my, is, this, classroom (.)
15. Mr. Green, are, afternoon, good, you (, ?)
4. ①is②colour③?④What⑤ball⑥that (只写序号)

三年级英语上学期连词成句专项精选练习班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. is, doctor, a, He (.)2. head, Point, her, to, (.)3. like, I, fruit (.)4. five, Bobby, nice, has, rubbers (.)5. fly you can (?)6. the, point, blackboard, to (.)7. your, favourite, What’s, song (?)8. daughter, my, a, cap, wants (.)9. swim, fish, can, (.)10. Children''s Day on is 1 June (.)11. room, is, the, that, art (?)12. got you clothes have what ( ? )13. make, bed, let''s, the(.)14. at, and, this, look, big, wheel(.)15. ①beautiful②is③She_____________________________.16. ①am ②. ③I ④. ⑤John ⑥Yes (只填序号)____________________________________17. crayon, have, I, a (.)18. are , how , you , Amy (, ?)19. Hello, Wu, I’m, Yifan (, .)20. at Look the giraffe (.)21. it I like (.)22. is, my, she, friend (.)23. meet, to, Glad, you (.)24. some for are noodles Here you (.)25. is, a, this, jacket (.)26. 连词成句。

科教版2024年三年级上册英语连词成句真题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【连词成句】1. nice an That is egg (.)2. like, I, blue (.)3. like fruit you Do4. fast, runs, he (.)5. is, What, it, time (?)6. have, pencil, I, a, new (.)7. skirt is a here white ( . )8. Lisa, is, This (.)9. I''m, eight, old, years (.)10. you, do, like, exercises, morning (?)11. 连词成句。
[1]Miss Li, morning, Good (, .)[2]Su Hai, you, Are (?)[3]to, Nice, you, meet (.)[4]am, No, Yang Ling, I (, .)[5]I''m, Hi, Mike (, .)12. your, me, show, pencil (.)13. caps, many, how, blue (.)14. ①is ②my ③mother ④This (.) (只填序号) ____________________15. How cats many (?)16. ①Miss②is③Green④This (只填序号)17. do in what spring you do (?)18. 连词成句。
[1]it, time, please, what, is(, ?)[2]time, for, class, it’s(.)[3]o’clock, it, three, is, now(.)[4]are; these, what(?)19. is, teacher, a, this (.)20. it, is, wall, a (?)21. ①is ②It ③winter ④in ⑤cold(写序号)22. ①many②pens③How (只填序号)__________________________ ?23. is my This schoolbag (.)24. my, He’s, friend (.)25. ①have②a③pencil box④I⑤. (只写序号)____________________________26. ①a ②cat③black④It’s (只填序号)_______________________________________.27. the goes under he fishing tree (.)28. 连词成句。