



欧盟竞争政策的特点及发展趋势作者:唐宇来源:《国际贸易》 2017年第12期竞争政策是政府为保护市场竞争使其不受限制和扭曲而实施的一系列法规和政策,通常以竞争法的运作为中心。
















欧盟竞争法对市场竞争与消费者权益的保护欧盟竞争法(EU Competition Law)是欧洲联盟为维护市场竞争秩序和保护消费者权益而制定的法律规则。



一、欧盟竞争法的基本原则1.1 公平竞争原则欧盟竞争法奉行公平竞争原则,禁止各种限制竞争行为,包括垄断、滥用市场支配地位等,确保市场上的各家企业在公平的环境下进行竞争。

1.2 经济效率原则欧盟竞争法追求经济效率,通过防止和纠正排除、限制竞争的行为,提高资源配置效率,促进市场发展,维护消费者福利。

1.3 消费者权益保护原则欧盟竞争法强调保护消费者权益,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为对消费者造成的不利影响,确保消费者能够以合理价格获得丰富多样的产品和服务。

二、欧盟竞争法的主要规定2.1 反垄断规定欧盟竞争法禁止垄断行为,包括滥用市场支配地位和限制竞争的垄断协议。


2.2 合并控制规定欧盟竞争法要求对重大企业合并进行审查,以避免合并对市场竞争和消费者权益产生不利影响。


2.3 国家援助规定欧盟竞争法限制成员国向企业提供国家援助,以避免国家援助对市场竞争产生不公平影响。





























欧盟竞争法 案例 2023

欧盟竞争法 案例 2023

欧盟竞争法案例 2023























欧盟竞争委员会(European Commission)负责执行竞争法,该委员会关注的焦点不仅是保护消费者权益,还包括维护市场的公平竞争和促进经济一体化。



中国国家市场监督管理总局(State Administration for Market Regulation)是中国的反垄断执法机构,负责执行反垄断法并给予相关赔偿。




日本公正贸易委员会(Japan Fair Trade Commission)是日本的反托拉斯执法机构,负责执行反托拉斯法并维护公平竞争的市场环境。



间 的适 度 合 并 对 社 会 、 经 营 者 都 是 几 个 企 业 支 配 . 争 主 管 机 关 往 往 缺 对 竞
欧 盟 竞 争 法 根 植 于 欧 盟 条 约 有 益 的 : 一 方 面 通 过 合 并 与 并 购 乏 有 效 的 信 息 和 资 源 来 监 管 这 类 企
8一 6条 同绕条约确定的市场竞争 ( e es c u ios , l8 m r r &aq it n) 企业 能够更 业 . g si 企业 滥用 市场支配地位的行为不 基本原则 , 欧盟立法 、 司法 、 行政等部 加有效地整合 资源 .实 现规模 效益 . 能得到及时抑制 。其次 。 合并控制制

经营 者 合 并 控 制制 度 ( r— 要 性 meg
对 经 营 者 合 并 的 控 制 非 常 必 要 . 因 原
e o t 1 欧 盟 竞争 法体 系 中 的地 r nr ) c o 在

在竞争充分 的市场 中 . 经营者之 主 要 有 : 先 . 旦 市 场 被 某 个 或 某 首 一
第一个 配套法规的规制对象 这表明 竞争法体系 中有重要而独特 的地位 .
在 欧盟 内部 . 曾经 对是 否 有 必 要
国家 对 经 营 者 集 中 审 查 制 度 的 高 度 加 之 近 年 来 全 球 并 购 浪 潮 高涨 . 围 对 经 营 者 合 并 进 行 控 制 进 行 过 激 烈 跨 重 视 . 体现 了 经 营 者 集 中 审 查 在 我 公 司 对 区 域 经 济 的影 响 日趋 明显 . 也 欧 争论 反对方除 了强调合并对市场经 国反垄 断法 体 系 中的 特殊 地 位 深 入 盟 委员会越 来越 重视对 经 营者合并 济的积 极意义外还认 为 . 在欧盟条约 研 究 这 一 制 度 , 进 一 步 建 立 、 善 的控制 , 一 对 完 不断制定 、 完善有关规则 . 使 8 的框 架 下 . 全 能 对企 业 滥 用市 2条 完

欧盟竞争法:公权和私权的执行 EU Competition Law Lecture Public and Private Enforcement

欧盟竞争法:公权和私权的执行 EU Competition Law Lecture Public and Private Enforcement
Application of 101/102by national courts • Power to apply Art. 101 & 102 TFEU [formerly 81/82 EC] • National courts primarily give effect to Articles 101 & 102 by – granting injunctions, – finding contracts to be void, – awarding damages. • EU competition rules are rules of public policy: national courts are obliged to apply them even if not invoked by parties ECJ, C‐430/93 and C‐431/93 – van Schijndel • Obligation to apply Articles 101/102 if agreement or practice is capable of affecting trade between Member States (Art. 3 of Reg. 1/2003)
Court of Justice & Acquis (cont’d)
Acquis communautaire: • Principles of equivalence and of effectiveness – Indirect purchaser standing – Limitation periods – Access to evidence • Full compensation excludes caps for the amount of compensation • “Binding effect” of Commission decisions (Article 16(1) of Regulation 1/2003)


式诞 生。 总部 设在 比利 时首都布 鲁塞 尔。
早  ̄, 5 年 的 《 洲 煤钢 共 同体 条 约》 中第6 a 1 9 欧 0
条 、第6 条 、第6 条 就 有 保 护 竞争 的规 定 。该 条 约 5 6 中 的第6 条 关 于 禁止 歧 视 的规定 , 第6 条 关 于 反 竞 0 5 争 协 议 的规 定 和 第6 条 关 于控 制 企 业合 并 的 规定 就 6 是 现 在 欧 盟 竞争 法 的雏 形 。 但是 因 为这 个 共 同体 只
争 可 能造 成 的 不利 影 响 ,欧 盟对 企 业 的并 购行 为 也 进 行 控 制 。 该 领 域 的 主 要 法 规 是 欧 盟 《 并 法规 》 合
( 0 4 8 号 ) 4 6/ 9 。
( )市场 开 放 。 在 原来 具 有 垄 断 性 质 的经 济 三
部 门 ( 电信 、 邮政 、能 源 等 ) 引入 竞争 。 《 共 如 欧 体 条 约》 第 8 条 以及 根 据 此 条制 定 的 一 系列 指令 和 6
指令 ,以及 在 并购 领域 的欧盟 《 并 法规 》 合 。实施 欧
盟 竞 争法 的主 要 目的 ,一是 保 持 欧 盟 内部 市场 上 的 公平 竞争 ,二是 促进 欧 盟单 一市场 的进 一步发展 。
条 约 》,通 称 《 斯 特 里 赫 特 条 约 》 ( 称 《 马 简 马 约》 。1 9 年 1 月 1 《 约》 正 式 生效 ,欧 盟 正 ) 93 1 日, 马
法 规对 如何 开放这 些领 域进 行 了规 范。
《 洲经济 共 同体 条 约》 ( 欧 简称 《 欧共 体条 约》 )的 时
候 .欧 共体 创 始 国把 建 立 公 平 的竞 争 制度 作 为 主 要



第五讲:欧盟竞争法及其执法体系t钾舞各垄鹳棼》≈f镑第五讲:欧盟竞争法及其执法体系一,欧盟竞争法的演变欧盟竞争法是欧盟法律的重要组成部分.欧盟的前身欧共体是由法国,联邦德国,意大利,荷兰,比利时和卢森堡创立的.1951年4月18号,他们在巴黎签订了《建立欧洲煤钢共同体条约》(又称《巴黎条约》).1957年3月25日,这六个国家又在罗马签订了《建立欧洲经济共同体条约》和《欧洲原子能共同体条约》,统称《罗马条约》.1965年4月8日,这六个国家签订了《布鲁塞尔条约》,决定将三个共同体的机构合并.统称欧洲共同体.1991年l2月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过《欧洲联盟条约》,通称《马斯特里赫特条约》(简称《马约》).1993年11月1日,《马约》正式生效,欧盟正式诞生.总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔.早~,a951年的《欧洲煤钢共同体条约》中第60条,第65条,第66条就有保护竞争的规定.该条约中的第60条关于禁止歧视的规定,第65条关于反竞争协议的规定和第66条关于控制企业合并的规定就是现在欧盟竞争法的雏形.但是因为这个共同体只是局限在煤钢领域他的作用是非常有限的.1955年6月在签订《欧洲经济共同体条约》和《欧洲原子能共同体条约》之前,共同体的创建者们感到要推动整个欧洲经济的繁荣和发展,必须充分发挥竞争机制的作用,把多国相对分割的市场逐步变成超国界的完全竞争的市场.排除国界及经济组织对于市场竞争的限制和不'-3影响,实现商品,人员,劳动力和资本在成员国之间的自由流通.于是在签订《欧洲经济共同体条约》(简称《欧共体条约》)的时候.欧共体创始国把建立公平的竞争制度作为主要的课题之一.因此,《欧洲经济共同体条约》的主要目的就是通过建立共同市场和协调各个成员国之间的经济政策,促进经济的发展.该条约的第85条关于禁止反竞争协议的规定和第86条关于禁止滥用市场支配地位的规定便成为欧盟竞争法最核心的内容.在此之后,欧盟立法机构又颁布了一系列的调整竞争关系的单行法规.欧盟委员会的执行实践和欧洲二级法院的司法判例与解释也逐渐发展起来,并最终形成了欧盟较为完善的竞争法律制度欧盟竞争法的法律依据主要是《欧共体条约》中的第8l至89条(在1997年《阿姆斯特丹条约》以前是第85至94条).根据这些条款制定的有关法规, 指令,以及在并购领域的欧盟《合并法规》.实施欧盟竞争法的主要目的,一是保持欧盟内部市场上的公平竞争,二是促进欧盟单一市场的进一步发展. 二,欧盟竞争法的主要内容(一)反托拉斯和反卡特尔.该领域涉及的主要对象包括限制性协议和滥用市场支配地位.《欧共体条约》第81条以及相关一系列法规禁止瓜分市场,限定价格,限制产量等类型的协议;第82条及相关法规禁止滥用市场支配地位的行为.(二)合并控制.考虑到企业合并后对市场竞争可能造成的不利影响,欧盟对企业的并购行为也进行控制.该领域的主要法规是欧盟《合并法规》(4064/89号).(三)市场开放.在原来具有垄断性质的经济部门(如电信,邮政,能源等)引入竞争.《欧共体条约》第86条以及根据此条制定的一系列指令和法规对如何开放这些领域进行了规范.(四)国家补贴.《欧共体条约》第87~89条及相关法规.对成员国各级政府所提供的各种补贴措囝|每垄施进行了限制.以使这些措施不至于扭曲欧盟共同大市场中的竞争.例如,欧盟明确禁止成员国拨款给一家亏损且没有扭亏为盈希望的企业.同时.也对部分给予中小企业,以及用于促进就业,加强培训,缩小地区差异,研发和环保等目的的补贴进行豁免三,欧盟竞争法执行机构欧洲委员会竞争总司(简称"竞争总司")是欧盟竞争法的主要执行机构.其成立可以追溯至1962 年.1962年,欧洲理事会通过了《理事会关于执行第85条和第86条(现第81条和第82条)的第17号条例》,首次对竞争法公共执行主体的权能进行了划分,形成了以委员会为核心的集权化的实施机制.竞争总司负责调查涉嫌损害市场公平竞争的垄断行为,并可以对相关企业处以罚款(最高可到该企业世界范围内年销售额的10%).在有关国家补贴的案件中,竞争总司还有权要求接受补贴的企业向有关政府部门退回补贴款.目前,欧盟竞争总司下设9个司,2009年度财务总预算为1234.68万欧元.其中专门负责查处卡特尔案件的卡特尔司(相当于反价格垄断执法中的"价格垄断协议"部分)下设六个部门,包括:卡特尔1 组,卡特尔2组,卡特尔3组,卡特尔4组,卡特尔5 组,卡特尔和解工作组.2010年,卡特尔司工作成员共90名,竞争总司反垄断调查人员共316名.欧盟竞争总司机构组织图匹四,欧盟竞争法与成员国竞争法的关系在欧盟内部存在两套竞争法律体系,一套是欧盟层面适用于所有成员国的竞争法,主要是《欧共体条约》,另一套是各成员国国内的竞争法.相应地,欧盟委员会设立了竞争总司,各个成员国也有自己的反垄断执法机构.这两套法律体系相互独立又密切联系.一般来说,欧盟竞争法适用于损害欧盟共同利益的行为.而只发生在一国境内,未涉及到欧盟整体利益的行为.由成员国国内竞争法约束. 但是,如果两套法律体系出现冲突.则按照欧盟法优于成员国法的原则,优先适用欧盟竞争法.(价监局市场价格监管处张炜提供)第六讲:英国\德国反价格垄断法律制度和执法情况一,英国反价格垄断法律制度和执法情况(一)英国反垄断机构设置英国的反垄断主管机构主要包括公平交易署,竞争委员会,竞争上诉法庭以及商业,创新及技术部.(二)英国反垄断执法的策略手段英国公平交易署作为英国反垄断的主要执法机构,在反垄断执法方面具有广泛的民事和刑事调查处罚的权利.其调查处理的案件一般要经历:发现线索初步调查决定是否立案一调查取证裁决处理(或移交)的过程.在这一过程中.英国政府部门经实践总结并通过立法创设了一系列独特的策略手段,提高了政府部门反垄断的成效.1.自首免责及鼓励举报策略.对卡特尔参与者中第一个与公平交易署配合者.可以免于经圈。










二、欧盟反垄断政策的核心原则1. 打破垄断:欧盟反垄断政策致力于削弱或消除企业的垄断地位。


2. 防止滥用市场支配地位:欧盟反垄断政策明确规定市场主体在处于支配地位时不得滥用自己的地位来限制竞争。


3. 禁止反竞争协议:欧盟禁止企业达成排斥竞争的协议,如价格垄断、区域性市场分割等。


三、欧盟反垄断政策的实践与案例分析1. 微软案微软案是欧盟反垄断政策的重要案件之一。



2. 谷歌案在谷歌案中,欧盟委员会对谷歌实施的滥用市场支配地位进行了调查。



四、欧盟反垄断政策的意义及影响1. 保护消费者利益:欧盟反垄断政策的核心目标是保护消费者权益,推动市场的公平竞争和创新发展。












三、判决分析1. 欧盟法律原则欧盟法律在处理税收优惠政策问题时,主要遵循以下原则:(1)公平竞争原则:欧盟法律旨在确保成员国企业在公平的市场环境下竞争,防止任何形式的税收优惠损害其他企业的利益。



2. 欧洲法院判决分析(1)亚马逊税收优惠政策违反了公平竞争原则欧洲法院认为,卢森堡政府给予亚马逊的税收优惠政策,使亚马逊在卢森堡的税率远低于其他成员国,从而损害了其他成员国企业的公平竞争。
























欧盟反垄断法规的主要原则包括:1. 禁止垄断协议和限制竞争协议:欧盟禁止企业达成垄断协议或限制竞争的协议。



2. 禁止滥用市场地位:欧盟反垄断法规禁止企业滥用其在市场上的垄断地位。



3. 对企业合并的审查:欧盟对企业合并进行严格的审查,以确保这些合并不会削弱市场竞争。


法 的规 定 , 正 当竞 争 行 为 应 当 具 备 以 下 要 件 : 不
( ) 正 当 竞 争 行 为 的 主 体 是 企 业 一 不
欧 盟 竞 争 法 的演 进 欧 盟竞 争 法 是 欧 盟 法 律 的重 要 组 成 部 分 。欧 盟 的 前 身 欧共 体

是 由法 国 、 邦 德 国 、 大 利 、 兰 、 联 意 荷 比利 时 和 卢 森 堡 创 立 的 。 15 91 年 4 l 号 , 们 在 巴 黎 签 订 了《 立 欧 洲 煤 钢 共 同 体 条 约 》 又 月 8 他 建 ( 称《 巴黎 条 约 》 。 15 ) 97年 3月 2 5日 , 六 个 国 家 又 在 在 罗 马 签 订 这 了《 立 欧 洲 经 济 共 同体 条 约 》 《 洲 原 子 能 共 同 体 条 约 》 统 称 建 和 欧 , 《 马 条 约 》 9 5年 4月 8日 , 六 个 国 家 签 订 了 《 鲁 塞 尔 条 罗 。l 6 这 布 约 》 定 将 三 个 共 同体 的机 构 合 并 , 称 欧 洲 共 同 体 。 1 9 年 1 决 统 91 2 月 , 洲 共 同体 马 斯 特 里 赫特 首 脑 会 议 通 过 《 洲 联 盟 条 约 》 通 称 欧 欧 , 《 斯 特 里 赫 特 条 约 》简 称 《 约 》 。 19 马 ( 马 ) 93年 1 月 1日, 马 约 》 1 《 正 式 生效 , 盟 正 式 诞 生 。 总 部 设 在 比利 时 首 都 布 鲁 塞 尔 。 早 在 欧 15 年 的《 盟 煤 钢 共 同 体 条 约 》 间 的 第 6 91 欧 中 0条 , 6 第 5条 , 6 第 6 条 就有 保 护 竞 争 的 规 定 , 条 约 中 的第 6 该 0条 关 于 禁 止 歧 视 的 规 定 , 6 条关于反竞争协 议 的规定 和第 6 第 5 6条 关 于 控 制 企 业 合 并 的 规 定 就 是 现 在 欧 盟 竞 争 法 的雏 形 。但 是 因 为 这 个 共 同体 只是 局 限 在煤 钢领 域 , 的作 用 是 非 常 有 限 的 。 15 他 95年 6 在 签 订 《 洲 月 欧 经 济共 同体 条 约 》 《 洲 原 子 能 共 同体 条 约 》 前 , 同体 的创 建 和 欧 之 共 者 们 感 到 要 推 动 整 个 欧 洲 经 济 的 繁 荣 和 发 展 , 须 充 分 发 挥 竞 争 必 机 制 的 作 用 , 多 国 相 对 分 割 的市 场 逐 步 变 成 超 国界 的 完 全 竞 争 把 的市场 , 除 国界及 经济 组 织对 于市 场竞 争 的限 制和 不 当影 响。 排 实 现商 品 , 员 , 动 力 和 资 本 在 成 员 国之 间 的 自 由流 通 。 于是 条 约 》 简 称 《 共 体 条 约 》 的 时 候 , 共 体 欧 ( 欧 ) 欧 创 始 国 把建 立公 平 的 竞 争 制 度 作 为 主要 的课 题 之 一 。 因此 , 欧 洲 《 经 济共 同 体 条 约 》 主要 目 的 就 是 通 过 建 立 共 同 市 场 和 协 调 各 个 的 成 员 国 之 间 的 经 济 政 策 , 进 经 济 的 发 展 。该 条 约 的 第 8 条 关 于 促 5 禁 止 反 竞 争 协 议 的 规 定 和 第 8 条 关 于 禁 止 滥 用 市 场 支 配 地 位 的 6 规 定便 成 为 欧 盟 竞 争 法 最 核 心 的 内容 。 在 此 之 后 , 盟 立 法 机 构 欧 又 颁 布 了一 系 列 的调 整 竞 争 关 系 的单 行 法 规 , 盟 委 员 会 的执 行 欧 实 践 和 欧 洲 二 级 法 院 的 司 法 判 例 与 解 释 也 逐 渐 发 展 起 来 , 最 终 并 形 成 了 欧 盟 较 为 完 善 的竞 争 法 律 制 度 。 欧盟竞争法的主要依据是《 共体条约 》 欧 。根 据《 共 体 条 约 》 欧 第 2 () 条 6 的规 定 , 盟 竞 争 法 的根 本 目的就 是 建 立 一 个 使 共 同 市 欧 场 内的 竞 争 不 受 扭 曲 的 机 制 。 以 实 现 经 济 协 调 , 续 和 稳 定 的 发 持 展 , 人 民 的生 活 水 平 得 以 提 高 。并 且 在 这 个 统 一 的 , 由平 等 的 使 自 竞 争 环 境 下 面 , 协 调 各 个 成 员 国利 益 的 同 时 , 护 欧 盟 的 利 益 , 在 保








1.1 反垄断法规的制定欧盟的反垄断法规主要包括欧洲联盟的竞争法和条约,其中最重要的是《欧洲联盟待定法》和《垄断者滥用行为防止条约》。


1.2 打击滥用市场支配地位欧盟反垄断政策特别关注那些在市场上具有垄断地位的企业。



1.3 高额罚款制度欧盟的反垄断政策对于违反法规的企业采取了严厉的制裁措施,主要通过处罚性罚款的方式。





2.1 自由竞争的促进欧盟致力于消除各种壁垒,鼓励企业间的自由竞争。



2.2 维护消费者权益市场竞争政策的一个重要目标是保护消费者权益。





第四节 欧洲联盟法的基本特点和历史地位
欧洲联盟法律是一个开放 的、处于不断面。
欧洲联盟法是一个既不同于国际法又不同于国内法,而是 具有自身独特特点、自成一类的法律体系。 国际法主要调整国与国之间的行为规范,而欧盟主要调整 欧盟成员国之间的经济关系。 国际法上自然人不具备国际法主体资格,不能对国家提起 诉讼,而欧洲联盟法律是容许的,这说明二者有实质性的 差异。 欧洲联盟具有国内法的一些特征,如代表成员国参与一定 的国际间的条约与协定的签订、谈判,以特定国家的身份 参加国际间的组织与活动,但是它在相当程度上又必须依 赖于成员国的赞同,在一些方面并不能代表成员国做出决 定。
(资料来源:European Court Reports[M].(1977:765, C71/76),See: http://www.ena.lu/)
第一节 欧洲联盟法概述
中世纪的欧洲虽然四分五裂,但是却有共同的宗教信 仰、罗马法的基础、希腊的哲学精神,这些共同的因素 从未在历史上消失。 从中世纪后期开始,欧洲各国之间不断地爆发战争, 给欧洲、乃至全人类造成了沉重的灾难,不少欧洲人觉 得应该建立一个强大的欧洲,一些学者认为欧洲之间的 联合,无论对于经济的发展还是整个欧洲的安全都是非 常重要的。 资产阶级革命后,不少有识之士以古典哲学思潮为基 础,强调欧洲国家间的经济合作与共同发展的重要性, 试图建立一个邦联或联邦式的大欧洲,实现欧洲的永久 和平。 3
1.宪政原则:尊重保护公民的尊严、平等、自由与基本人权 2.宪政立法、实施与执行机构:欧洲联盟的主要机构
1) 欧洲议会(The European Parliament) 2) 欧盟理事会(Council of Ministers)与欧洲理事会(European Council) 3) 欧盟委员会(The European Commission) 4) 欧盟法院(European Court of Justice)



欧盟的竞争政策与反垄断措施欧洲联盟(European Union,简称EU)是由28个欧洲国家组成的政治经济联盟。



















欧盟竞争法 regulation 1-2003

欧盟竞争法 regulation 1-2003

I(Acts whose publication is obligatory)COUNCIL REGULATION(EC)No1/2003of16December2002on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles81and82of the Treaty(Text with EEA relevance)THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article83thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(2),Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(3),Whereas:(1)In order to establish a system which ensures that competition in the common market is notdistorted,Articles81and82of the Treaty must be applied effectively and uniformly in the Commu-nity.Council Regulation No17of6February1962,First Regulation implementing Articles81and 82(*)of the Treaty(4),has allowed a Community competition policy to develop that has helped to disseminate a competition culture within the Community.In the light of experience,however,that Regulation should now be replaced by legislation designed to meet the challenges of an integrated market and a future enlargement of the Community.(2)In particular,there is a need to rethink the arrangements for applying the exception from the prohi-bition on agreements,which restrict competition,laid down in Article81(3)of the Treaty.Under Article83(2)(b)of the Treaty,account must be taken in this regard of the need to ensure effective supervision,on the one hand,and to simplify administration to the greatest possible extent,on the other.(3)The centralised scheme set up by Regulation No17no longer secures a balance between those twoobjectives.It hampers application of the Community competition rules by the courts and competi-tion authorities of the Member States,and the system of notification it involves prevents the Commission from concentrating its resources on curbing the most serious infringements.It also imposes considerable costs on undertakings.(4)The present systemshould therefore be replaced by a directly applicable exception systemin whichthe competition authorities and courts of the Member States have the power to apply not only Article81(1)and Article82of the Treaty,which have direct applicability by virtue of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities,but also Article81(3)of the Treaty.(1)OJ C365E,19.12.2000,p.284.(2)OJ C72E,21.3.2002,p.305.(3)OJ C155,29.5.2001,p.73.(*)The title of Regulation No17has been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty, in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Articles85and86of the Treaty.(4)OJ13,21.2.1962,p.204/62.Regulation as last amended by Regulation(EC)No1216/1999(OJ L148,15.6.1999,p.5).(5)In order to ensure an effective enforcement of the Community competition rules and at the sametime the respect of fundamental rights of defence,this Regulation should regulate the burden of proof under Articles81and82of the Treaty.It should be for the party or the authority alleging an infringement of Article81(1)and Article82of the Treaty to prove the existence thereof to the required legal standard.It should be for the undertaking or association of undertakings invoking the benefit of a defence against a finding of an infringement to demonstrate to the required legal stan-dard that the conditions for applying such defence are satisfied.This Regulation affects neither national rules on the standard of proof nor obligations of competition authorities and courts of the Member States to ascertain the relevant facts of a case,provided that such rules and obligations are compatible with general principles of Community law.(6)In order to ensure that the Community competition rules are applied effectively,the competitionauthorities of the Member States should be associated more closely with their application.To this end,they should be empowered to apply Community law.(7)National courts have an essential part to play in applying the Community competition rules.Whendeciding disputes between private individuals,they protect the subjective rights under Community law,for example by awarding damages to the victims of infringements.The role of the national courts here complements that of the competition authorities of the Member States.They should therefore be allowed to apply Articles81and82of the Treaty in full.(8)In order to ensure the effective enforcement of the Community competition rules and the properfunctioning of the cooperation mechanisms contained in this Regulation,it is necessary to oblige the competition authorities and courts of the Member States to also apply Articles81and82of the Treaty where they apply national competition law to agreements and practices which may affect trade between Member States.In order to create a level playing field for agreements,decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices within the internal market,it is also necessary to determine pursuant to Article83(2)(e)of the Treaty the relationship between national laws and Community competition law.To that effect it is necessary to provide that the application of national competition laws to agreements,decisions or concerted practices within the meaning of Article 81(1)of the Treaty may not lead to the prohibition of such agreements,decisions and concerted practices if they are not also prohibited under Community competition law.The notions of agree-ments,decisions and concerted practices are autonomous concepts of Community competition law covering the coordination of behaviour of undertakings on the market as interpreted by the Community Courts.Member States should not under this Regulation be precluded from adopting and applying on their territory stricter national competition laws which prohibit or impose sanc-tions on unilateral conduct engaged in by undertakings.These stricter national laws may include provisions which prohibit or impose sanctions on abusive behaviour toward economically depen-dent undertakings.Furthermore,this Regulation does not apply to national laws which impose crim-inal sanctions on natural persons except to the extent that such sanctions are the means whereby competition rules applying to undertakings are enforced.(9)Articles81and82of the Treaty have as their objective the protection of competition on the market.This Regulation,which is adopted for the implementation of these Treaty provisions,does not preclude Member States from implementing on their territory national legislation,which protects other legitimate interests provided that such legislation is compatible with general principles and other provisions of Community law.In so far as such national legislation pursues predominantly an objective different from that of protecting competition on the market,the competition authorities and courts of the Member States may apply such legislation on their territory.Accordingly,Member States may under this Regulation implement on their territory national legislation that prohibits or imposes sanctions on acts of unfair trading practice,be they unilateral or contractual.Such legisla-tion pursues a specific objective,irrespective of the actual or presumed effects of such acts on competition on the market.This is particularly the case of legislation which prohibits undertakings from imposing on their trading partners,obtaining or attempting to obtain from them terms and conditions that are unjustified,disproportionate or without consideration.(10)Regulations such as19/65/EEC(1),(EEC)No2821/71(2),(EEC)No3976/87(3),(EEC)No1534/91(4),or(EEC)No479/92(5)empower the Commission to apply Article81(3)of the Treaty by Regulation to certain categories of agreements,decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices.In the areas defined by such Regulations,the Commission has adopted and may continue to adopt so called‘block’exemption Regulations by which it declares Article81(1)of the Treaty inapplicable to categories of agreements,decisions and concerted practices.Where agree-ments,decisions and concerted practices to which such Regulations apply nonetheless have effects that are incompatible with Article81(3)of the Treaty,the Commission and the competition authori-ties of the Member States should have the power to withdraw in a particular case the benefit of the block exemption Regulation.(11)For it to ensure that the provisions of the Treaty are applied,the Commission should be able toaddress decisions to undertakings or associations of undertakings for the purpose of bringing to an end infringements of Articles81and82of the Treaty.Provided there is a legitimate interest in doing so,the Commission should also be able to adopt decisions which find that an infringement has been committed in the past even if it does not impose a fine.This Regulation should also make explicit provision for the Commission's power to adopt decisions ordering interim measures,which has been acknowledged by the Court of Justice.(12)This Regulation should make explicit provision for the Commission's power to impose any remedy,whether behavioural or structural,which is necessary to bring the infringement effectively to an end,having regard to the principle of proportionality.Structural remedies should only be imposed either where there is no equally effective behavioural remedy or where any equally effective beha-vioural remedy would be more burdensome for the undertaking concerned than the structural remedy.Changes to the structure of an undertaking as it existed before the infringement was committed would only be proportionate where there is a substantial risk of a lasting or repeated infringement that derives from the very structure of the undertaking.(13)Where,in the course of proceedings which might lead to an agreement or practice being prohibited,undertakings offer the Commission commitments such as to meet its concerns,the Commission should be able to adopt decisions which make those commitments binding on the undertakings mitment decisions should find that there are no longer grounds for action by the Commission without concluding whether or not there has been or still is an mit-ment decisions are without prejudice to the powers of competition authorities and courts of the Member States to make such a finding and decide upon the mitment decisions are not appropriate in cases where the Commission intends to impose a fine.(1)Council Regulation No19/65/EEC of2March1965on the application of Article81(3)(The titles of the Regulationshave been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article 12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Article85(3)of the Treaty)of the Treaty to certain cate-gories of agreements and concerted practices(OJ36,6.3.1965,p.533).Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC)No1215/1999(OJ L148,15.6.1999,p.1).(2)Council Regulation(EEC)No2821/71of20December1971on the application of Article81(3)(The titles of theRegulations have been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Article85(3)of the Treaty)of the Treaty to categories of agreements,decisions and concerted practices(OJ L285,29.12.1971,p.46).Regulation as last amended by the Act of Accession of1994.(3)Council Regulation(EEC)No3976/87of14December1987on the application of Article81(3)(The titles of theRegulations have been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Article85(3)of the Treaty)of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements and concerted practices in the air transport sector(OJ L374,31.12.1987,p.9).Regulation as last amended by the Act of Accession of1994.(4)Council Regulation(EEC)No1534/91of31May1991on the application of Article81(3)(The titles of the Regula-tions have been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Article85(3)of the Treaty)of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements,decisions and concerted practices in the insurance sector(OJ L143,7.6.1991,p.1).(5)Council Regulation(EEC)No479/92of25February1992on the application of Article81(3)(The titles of the Regu-lations have been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Article85(3)of the Treaty)of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements,decisions and concerted practices between liner shipping companies(Consortia)(OJ L55,29.2.1992,p.3).Regulation amended by the Act of Accession of1994.(14)In exceptional cases where the public interest of the Community so requires,it may also be expe-dient for the Commission to adopt a decision of a declaratory nature finding that the prohibition in Article81or Article82of the Treaty does not apply,with a view to clarifying the law and ensuring its consistent application throughout the Community,in particular with regard to new types of agreements or practices that have not been settled in the existing case-law and administrative prac-tice.(15)The Commission and the competition authorities of the Member States should form together anetwork of public authorities applying the Community competition rules in close cooperation.For that purpose it is necessary to set up arrangements for information and consultation.Further modal-ities for the cooperation within the network will be laid down and revised by the Commission,in close cooperation with the Member States.(16)Notwithstanding any national provision to the contrary,the exchange of information and the use ofsuch information in evidence should be allowed between the members of the network even where the information is confidential.This information may be used for the application of Articles81and 82of the Treaty as well as for the parallel application of national competition law,provided that the latter application relates to the same case and does not lead to a different outcome.When the infor-mation exchanged is used by the receiving authority to impose sanctions on undertakings,there should be no other limit to the use of the information than the obligation to use it for the purpose for which it was collected given the fact that the sanctions imposed on undertakings are of the same type in all systems.The rights of defence enjoyed by undertakings in the various systems can be considered as sufficiently equivalent.However,as regards natural persons,they may be subject to substantially different types of sanctions across the various systems.Where that is the case,it is necessary to ensure that information can only be used if it has been collected in a way which respects the same level of protection of the rights of defence of natural persons as provided for under the national rules of the receiving authority.(17)If the competition rules are to be applied consistently and,at the same time,the network is to bemanaged in the best possible way,it is essential to retain the rule that the competition authorities of the Member States are automatically relieved of their competence if the Commission initiates its own proceedings.Where a competition authority of a Member State is already acting on a case and the Commission intends to initiate proceedings,it should endeavour to do so as soon as possible.Before initiating proceedings,the Commission should consult the national authority concerned.(18)To ensure that cases are dealt with by the most appropriate authorities within the network,a generalprovision should be laid down allowing a competition authority to suspend or close a case on the ground that another authority is dealing with it or has already dealt with it,the objective being that each case should be handled by a single authority.This provision should not prevent the Commis-sion from rejecting a complaint for lack of Community interest,as the case-law of the Court of Justice has acknowledged it may do,even if no other competition authority has indicated its inten-tion of dealing with the case.(19)The Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions set up by Regulation No17has functioned in a very satisfactory manner.It will fit well into the new system of decentralised application.It is necessary,therefore,to build upon the rules laid down by Regulation No17,while improving the effectiveness of the organisational arrangements.To this end,it would be expedient to allow opinions to be delivered by written procedure.The Advisory Committee should also be able to act as a forumfor discussing cases that are being handled by the com petition authorities of the Member States,so as to help safeguard the consistent application of the Community competition rules.(20)The Advisory Committee should be composed of representatives of the competition authorities ofthe Member States.For meetings in which general issues are being discussed,Member States should be able to appoint an additional representative.This is without prejudice to members of the Committee being assisted by other experts from the Member States.(21)Consistency in the application of the competition rules also requires that arrangements be estab-lished for cooperation between the courts of the Member States and the Commission.This is rele-vant for all courts of the Member States that apply Articles81and82of the Treaty,whether applying these rules in lawsuits between private parties,acting as public enforcers or as review courts.In particular,national courts should be able to ask the Commission for information or for its opinion on points concerning the application of Community competition law.The Commission and the competition authorities of the Member States should also be able to submit written or oral observations to courts called upon to apply Article81or Article82of the Treaty.These observa-tions should be submitted within the framework of national procedural rules and practices including those safeguarding the rights of the parties.Steps should therefore be taken to ensure that the Commission and the competition authorities of the Member States are kept sufficiently well informed of proceedings before national courts.(22)In order to ensure compliance with the principles of legal certainty and the uniform application ofthe Community competition rules in a system of parallel powers,conflicting decisions must be avoided.It is therefore necessary to clarify,in accordance with the case-law of the Court of Justice, the effects of Commission decisions and proceedings on courts and competition authorities of the Member mitment decisions adopted by the Commission do not affect the power of the courts and the competition authorities of the Member States to apply Articles81and82of the Treaty.(23)The Commission should be empowered throughout the Community to require such information tobe supplied as is necessary to detect any agreement,decision or concerted practice prohibited by Article81of the Treaty or any abuse of a dominant position prohibited by Article82of the Treaty.When complying with a decision of the Commission,undertakings cannot be forced to admit that they have committed an infringement,but they are in any event obliged to answer factual questions and to provide documents,even if this information may be used to establish against them or against another undertaking the existence of an infringement.(24)The Commission should also be empowered to undertake such inspections as are necessary to detectany agreement,decision or concerted practice prohibited by Article81of the Treaty or any abuse ofa dominant position prohibited by Article82of the Treaty.The competition authorities of theMember States should cooperate actively in the exercise of these powers.(25)The detection of infringements of the competition rules is growing ever more difficult,and,in orderto protect competition effectively,the Commission's powers of investigation need to be supple-mented.The Commission should in particular be empowered to interview any persons who may be in possession of useful information and to record the statements made.In the course of an inspec-tion,officials authorised by the Commission should be empowered to affix seals for the period of time necessary for the inspection.Seals should normally not be affixed for more than72hours.Offi-cials authorised by the Commission should also be empowered to ask for any information relevant to the subject matter and purpose of the inspection.(26)Experience has shown that there are cases where business records are kept in the homes of directorsor other people working for an undertaking.In order to safeguard the effectiveness of inspections, therefore,officials and other persons authorised by the Commission should be empowered to enter any premises where business records may be kept,including private homes.However,the exercise of this latter power should be subject to the authorisation of the judicial authority.(27)Without prejudice to the case-law of the Court of Justice,it is useful to set out the scope of thecontrol that the national judicial authority may carry out when it authorises,as foreseen by national law including as a precautionary measure,assistance from law enforcement authorities in order to overcome possible opposition on the part of the undertaking or the execution of the decision to carry out inspections in non-business premises.It results from the case-law that the national judicial authority may in particular ask the Commission for further information which it needs to carry out its control and in the absence of which it could refuse the authorisation.The case-law also confirms the competence of the national courts to control the application of national rules governing the implementation of coercive measures.(28)In order to help the competition authorities of the Member States to apply Articles81and82ofthe Treaty effectively,it is expedient to enable themto assist one another by carrying out inspections and other fact-finding measures.(29)Compliance with Articles81and82of the Treaty and the fulfilment of the obligations imposed onundertakings and associations of undertakings under this Regulation should be enforceable by means of fines and periodic penalty payments.To that end,appropriate levels of fine should also be laid down for infringements of the procedural rules.(30)In order to ensure effective recovery of fines imposed on associations of undertakings for infringe-ments that they have committed,it is necessary to lay down the conditions on which the Commis-sion may require payment of the fine from the members of the association where the association is not solvent.In doing so,the Commission should have regard to the relative size of the undertakings belonging to the association and in particular to the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises.Payment of the fine by one or several members of an association is without prejudice to rules of national law that provide for recovery of the amount paid from other members of the association.(31)The rules on periods of limitation for the imposition of fines and periodic penalty payments werelaid down in Council Regulation(EEC)No2988/74(1),which also concerns penalties in the field of transport.In a system of parallel powers,the acts,which may interrupt a limitation period,should include procedural steps taken independently by the competition authority of a Member State.To clarify the legal framework,Regulation(EEC)No2988/74should therefore be amended to prevent it applying to matters covered by this Regulation,and this Regulation should include provisions on periods of limitation.(32)The undertakings concerned should be accorded the right to be heard by the Commission,thirdparties whose interests may be affected by a decision should be given the opportunity of submitting their observations beforehand,and the decisions taken should be widely publicised.While ensuring the rights of defence of the undertakings concerned,in particular,the right of access to the file,it is essential that business secrets be protected.The confidentiality of information exchanged in the network should likewise be safeguarded.(33)Since all decisions taken by the Commission under this Regulation are subject to review by theCourt of Justice in accordance with the Treaty,the Court of Justice should,in accordance with Article229thereof be given unlimited jurisdiction in respect of decisions by which the Commission imposes fines or periodic penalty payments.(34)The principles laid down in Articles81and82of the Treaty,as they have been applied by Regula-tion No17,have given a central role to the Community bodies.This central role should be retained, whilst associating the Member States more closely with the application of the Community competi-tion rules.In accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality as set out in Article 5of the Treaty,this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve its objec-tive,which is to allow the Community competition rules to be applied effectively.(35)In order to attain a proper enforcement of Community competition law,Member States shoulddesignate and empower authorities to apply Articles81and82of the Treaty as public enforcers.They should be able to designate administrative as well as judicial authorities to carry out the various functions conferred upon competition authorities in this Regulation.This Regulation recog-nises the wide variation which exists in the public enforcement systems of Member States.The effects of Article11(6)of this Regulation should apply to all competition authorities.As an excep-tion to this general rule,where a prosecuting authority brings a case before a separate judicial(1)Council Regulation(EEC)No2988/74of26November1974concerning limitation periods in proceedings and theenforcement of sanctions under the rules of the European Economic Community relating to transport and competi-tion(OJ L319,29.11.1974,p.1).authority,Article11(6)should apply to the prosecuting authority subject to the conditions in Article 35(4)of this Regulation.Where these conditions are not fulfilled,the general rule should apply.In any case,Article11(6)should not apply to courts insofar as they are acting as review courts.(36)As the case-law has made it clear that the competition rules apply to transport,that sector shouldbe made subject to the procedural provisions of this Regulation.Council Regulation No141of26 November1962exempting transport from the application of Regulation No17(1)should therefore be repealed and Regulations(EEC)No1017/68(2),(EEC)No4056/86(3)and(EEC)No3975/87(4) should be amended in order to delete the specific procedural provisions they contain.(37)This Regulation respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles recognised in particularby the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.Accordingly,this Regulation should be interpreted and applied with respect to those rights and principles.(38)Legal certainty for undertakings operating under the Community competition rules contributes tothe promotion of innovation and investment.Where cases give rise to genuine uncertainty because they present novel or unresolved questions for the application of these rules,individual undertakings may wish to seek informal guidance from the Commission.This Regulation is without prejudice to the ability of the Commission to issue such informal guidance,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:CHAPTER IPRINCIPLESArticle1Application of Articles81and82of the Treaty1.Agreements,decisions and concerted practices caught by Article81(1)of the Treaty which do not satisfy the conditions of Article81(3)of the Treaty shall be prohibited,no prior decision to that effect being required.2.Agreements,decisions and concerted practices caught by Article81(1)of the Treaty which satisfy the conditions of Article81(3)of the Treaty shall not be prohibited,no prior decision to that effect being required.3.The abuse of a dominant position referred to in Article82of the Treaty shall be prohibited,no prior decision to that effect being required.(1)OJ124,28.11.1962,p.2751/62;Regulation as last amended by Regulation No1002/67/EEC(OJ306,16.12.1967,p.1).(2)Council Regulation(EEC)No1017/68of19July1968applying rules of competition to transport by rail,road andinland waterway(OJ L175,23.7.1968,p.1).Regulation as last amended by the Act of Accession of1994.(3)Council Regulation(EEC)No4056/86of22December1986laying down detailed rules for the application of Arti-cles81and82(The title of the Regulation has been adjusted to take account of the renumbering of the Articles of the EC Treaty,in accordance with Article12of the Treaty of Amsterdam;the original reference was to Articles85 and86of the Treaty)of the Treaty to maritime transport(OJ L378,31.12.1986,p.4).Regulation as last amended by the Act of Accession of1994.(4)Council Regulation(EEC)No3975/87of14December1987laying down the procedure for the application of therules on competition to undertakings in the air transport sector(OJ L374,31.12.1987,p.1).Regulation as last amended by Regulation(EEC)No2410/92(OJ L240,24.8.1992,p.18).。



欧 洲 一体化 的突破是 从 欧洲煤 炭 和 钢铁 的联 合
上开始 的 , 一体化 的实现 首先 也发 生 在经 济领 域 , 这
其 中作 为 “ 济宪法 ” 经 的竞争 法不 可或缺 。欧 洲委员 会 对竞 争法 的 统一 集 中执行 , 为一 体 化 的构 建 以及 竞 争文化 的传播 起到 了举足轻重 的作用 。 1 欧盟竞 争 法 的执 行集 中实 施 培育 了成 员 国有 . 效竞 争 的观念 。在 欧盟 竞 争 法设 立 之 时 , 多成 员 许
今 经过 欧洲 委 员会 和欧 洲法 院几 十 年 的 努 力 , 不但 所有 的成员 国都 认 同 了竞 争 法 的观 念 , 且 绝 大 多 而
数成 员 国都 相继 建 立 了 自己国 内的竞 争 法 。此 外 ,
力 的配置 , 呈现 出从共 同体 行 政 主体 主 导 的集 权 型
执行体制 向共 同体行 政主 体 主导 的合作 型执 行体制
】2 0
策 和法律 的巨大空 间 。鉴 于 各 国都有 着 各 自独 特 的
权, 甚至突击检查权 ; 不仅享 有对违法 行为 的处 罚
权 , 括停 止违 法行 为 以及 罚款 等 等 , 享 有 对市 场 包 还
政治 、 经济 和法律传 统 , 其 对 于竞 争法 这 种本 质上 尤
属于公 法 的制 度来 说 , 全 可 能 制 定 出截 然 不 同的 完
符合竞 争 法行 为 的引 导 权 , 括 发 布 指 南 以及 负 责 包
指导颁 发 一些 与实施 欧盟 竞 争 法相 关 的通 告 等 。 由
国内法 。然 而现 实 中 , 们 却 纷 纷 制 定 出与 欧 共 体 他 竞争法 相似 甚 至相 同 的竞 争 法 制 度 , 在 相 当程 度 这 上是 因为共 同体 层 面 的 欧盟 竞 争法 的集 中执 行 , 使 得 各 国从 降低立 法和执 行成 本 考 虑 而制定 出类 似 的 竞 争规则 。 3 欧盟竞争法 的集 中实施 维 持 了欧 盟竞 争 法 制 .
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此外,1990年9月21日生效的欧共体理事会1989 年第4064/89号条例,即欧共体控制企业合并的条 例,也是欧共体竞争法的核心内容。目前,该条 例已被2004年5月1日实施的第139/2004号条例所取 代。
《欧共体条约》第81条、82条以及第139/2004号 条例构成了欧共体竞争法的基本框架。
Article 82 (formerly Article 86) does not provide for individual or block exemptions.
exploitative abuses
索取垄断高价 掠夺性定价
反竞争型滥用行为/排斥性滥用行为 anticompetitive abuses/exclusionary abuses
•欧共体部长理事会和欧共体委员会的法规、 指令和决定—二级或三级立法形式
在欧共体竞争法的体系中,《欧共体条约》有 关竞争的规则,属于一级立法。该条约的248个条文 中,直接涉及竞争法规范的有17个条款。《欧共体条 约》第三部分第五编“关于竞争、税收和法律趋同化 的共同政策”中第1章“竞争规则”,从第81条(前 85条)到第90条(前94条)分10个条文具体规定了反 竞争行为的实体规范和程序性规范。
二、共同体规则-- 《欧共体条约》第81-90条
•适用于企业的规则—No.81-82 •适用于国家援助的规则-- No.88-90 •适用于特殊部门的规定 •国家权力机构和法院的合作 •和非共同体国家的合作
1 Rules applying to undertakings
•Restrictive agreements and concerted practices No.81(1) horizontal or vertical agreements that fix prices directly or
• 为此,18家独立的维修组织在加州北区的联邦地区法院 提起诉讼,认为柯达通过搭售协议将其零件同柯达自己提 供的维修服务捆绑起来,以排挤其他维修组织提供的服务 ,违反《谢尔曼法》第1条;柯达公司通过搭售及其他排 挤竞争的行为,以期保持对柯达设备零件市场的垄断,并 利用对零件的控制增强其在维修市场的垄断势力,也违反 《谢尔曼法》第2条。
• 地方法院作出了对柯达有力的简易判决,理由是考虑 到柯达在复印和显微摄影设备商场上没有市场优势, 应当假定在相应的维修服务和零件市场上也不存在市 场控制力。由此柯达的搭售安排不可能产生限制竞争 的效果。
•但是,联邦第九巡回上诉法院推翻了这一判决,认为 有足够的证据表明柯达在服务和零件市场上占有垄断 地位。柯达公司于是向美国最高法院提出上诉。美国 最高法院最终决定维持上诉法院的判决。
limiting production, markets or technical development to the detriment of consumers;
applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties;
making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which have no connection with the subject matter of such contracts.
• Treaty of European Union(TEU) 1992-2-7签署,《马约》,1993-11-1生效
Three pillars: • CE 欧洲共同体 • PESC共同外交与安全 • CJAI司法和内务合作
• Treaty of Amsterdam 1997-10-2签署,1999-5-1生效
• 《关于在欧共体条约第81条、82条下处理申诉的委 员会通告》
• 《关于竞争主管当局网络合作的通告》
• 《关于欧盟委员会根据欧共体条约第81、82条调查 程序的第773/2004号决议》
• 《关于实施条约第81(3)条的指南》
• 《关于在控制企业集中的理事会条例下评估横向合 并的指南》
• 《关于实施理事会第139/2004号条例的802/2004号条 例及其附件》
•1985-1986年,柯达公司采取了一系列的措施限制独立的 维修组织提供柯达设备的维修服务。
• 首先,柯达只向使用柯达维修服务或者自己修理机器的 用户出售零部件。另外,柯达与初始设备商达成协议,初 始设备商只向柯达出售柯达设备的零件;同时,柯达还迫 使柯达设备的拥有者和独立的零件分销商提供维修服务, 从而使客户更加依赖柯达公司提供的服务。很多家维修组 织由于无法从原先的途径获得零件,只能减少自己的业务 量,有些甚至被迫退出该行业。
• 欧洲一体化
• European Coal and Steel Community(CECA) 又称《巴黎公约》, 1951-4-18签署,1952-7-25生效(50年 有效)
• European Economic Community (CEE) • European Atomic Energy Community (CEEA)
• 欧洲经济共同体的首要目标是建立关税同盟,在12 年过渡阶段分三步进行。同时,还制定出关于保证 人员、服务、资本自由流动的规则。条约还规定实 施一定数量的共同政策,尤其是共同农业政策。
• Single European Act (SEA) 1986-2-14--28签署,1987-7-1生效
•Vertical agreements in the motor vehicle sector •the regulations on technology transfer agreements •Specialisation agreements •Research and development agreements •other types of agreement –insurance industry
• Treaty of Nice 2000-12-11通过,2001-2-26签署,2003-2-1生效
全称为“修改《欧洲联盟条约》、建立欧洲各共同体诸条约和 某些附件的尼斯条约”。
•关税同盟 •共同市场和单一市场 •经济与货币联盟
一、欧盟竞争法的渊源 •《欧共体条约》--一级立法规范
• Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Technology Services,504,U.S.451(1992). •柯达诉图像技术服务等公司案
•柯达公司生产高速复印机和显微摄影设备。其设备具有 独特性,尤其是柯达设备的零件不能用于其它制造商生产 的同类设备,同样其他制造商的零件也不能用于柯达的设 备,所以市场上80%-95%的维修服务由柯达公司自己为 客户提供。零部件一部分由柯达自己生产,另一部分则由 柯达公司向独立的初始设备商(OEMs)采购。自20世纪 80年代初以来,在美国市场上也出现了一些独立的维修组 织使用柯达复印机和显微摄影设备的客户提供维修服务, 同时也销售零件。其主要客户是美国联邦、州和地方政府 机构、银行、保险公司以及企业等。这类独立的维修组织 的服务价格远远低于柯达。维修组织主要从柯达和初始设 备商那里购买零件。
UNITED STATES of America v.
• 案情简介
• 1997年10月,美国司法部首次就微软案向联 邦法院提起诉讼 。
• 1997年12月,美国地区法官托马斯·杰克逊签 发禁止令 ,要求微软公司不得勒令计算机生 产商在安装Windows95操作系统时要安装其 Internet Explorer4. 0浏览器软件,迫使微软 公司暂时停止捆绑销售计划 。
agreements on production or delivery quotas;
agreements on investments; joint sales offices; market-sharing agreements;
agreements conferring exclusive rights to public service contracts;
• Commercial solvent mission(16&7/73)E.C.R 223 decision at[1973]C.M.L.R. D50
• Zoja
• Boral Besser Masonry Limited v. Australian competition and Consumer Commission, See Canberra Law Review, volume 7, 2003. •澳大利亚最高法院对博奈尔公司诉澳大利亚竞争 与消费者委员会案
第81条至86条的目的是,禁止卡特尔,禁止滥用 市场支配地位,消除进入成员国市场的障碍,推动市 场竞争,建立由竞争引导的经济秩序。
除第81条至第86条外,《欧共体条约》中保护 竞争的规定还见于第87条至第89条关于国家援助 的规定以及第90条关于税收的规定。但这些条款 不是规范企业的竞争关系,而是禁止欧共体成员 国不正当地干预市场经济活动。
agreements leading to discrimination against other trading parties;
collective boycotts;