基于用户体验的智能手机 APP 界面设计研究外文文献翻译








【关键词】用户体验、手机界面设计、用户体验设计、用户体验测试、设计原则、设计方法、案例分析、未来发展方向、重要性、引言、正文、结论、研究背景、研究目的、总结1. 引言1.1 研究背景手机界面设计是现代社会中不可或缺的一部分,随着移动互联网的快速发展和智能手机的普及,用户对手机界面的体验和需求也越来越高。







1.2 研究目的研究目的是为了探讨基于用户体验的手机界面设计在当前数字化时代的重要性和必要性。








二、用户体验在APP界面设计中的重要性用户体验(User Experience,简称UX)是指用户在使用产品或服务过程中所感受到的整体体验。

在APP界面设计中,用户体验的重要性主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 提高用户满意度:良好的界面设计能够提供直观、易用的操作体验,降低用户的学习成本,从而提高用户满意度。

2. 增强品牌形象:界面设计是APP品牌形象的重要组成部分,良好的设计有助于提升品牌形象,增强用户对品牌的信任度。

3. 提升产品竞争力:在竞争激烈的市场环境中,优秀的界面设计能够提升产品的竞争力,吸引更多用户。

三、APP界面设计原则基于用户体验的APP界面设计应遵循以下原则:1. 简洁明了:设计应简洁、明了,避免过多的复杂元素和操作步骤,使用户能够快速理解并使用。

2. 一致性:界面元素和操作应保持一致的风格和逻辑,降低用户的学习成本。

3. 可访问性:设计应考虑不同设备和屏幕尺寸的兼容性,确保用户能够轻松访问和使用。

4. 美观性:界面应具有美观性,色彩、布局、图标等元素应协调统一,提升用户的视觉体验。

5. 交互性:良好的交互设计能够提高用户的操作效率和满意度,如通过动画、提示音等增强用户的操作反馈。

四、实践方法1. 用户需求分析:了解用户的需求和习惯,分析用户在使用过程中可能遇到的问题和痛点,为设计提供依据。

2. 设计草图与原型:根据用户需求和分析结果,绘制设计草图和制作原型,以便快速验证设计思路。

3. 用户测试与反馈:邀请用户进行测试,收集用户的反馈和建议,对设计进行优化。

4. 迭代与优化:根据用户测试结果和反馈,对设计进行迭代和优化,不断提高用户体验。



手机图形界面设计外文文献翻译最新译文XXX interface design for mobile phones。

With the increasing popularity of smartphones。

it has e essential to create XXX but also easy to use。

The article XXX that can be used to create effective mobile phone interfaces.nMobile phones have XXX part of our daily lives。

and their XXX-designed interface can make it easier for users to navigate through us features and ns。

XXX.Design PrinciplesOne of the key principles of mobile phone interface design is simplicity。

The interface should be easy to understand and use。

with clear and concise labels and XXX。

where the design elements should be consistent across different ns and screens.Design XXXXXX that can be used to create effective mobile phone XXX is the use of color。

where different colors can be used to distinguish een different XXX is the use of typography。


















表1 用户界面设计模式和问题领域的连接主要问题领域问题区域个人问题/界面设计模式屏幕空间的利用一般的屏幕空间提出元素列表原则和机制的分组信息机制包装信息用户界面的灵活应用处理对话框当软件键盘显示/隐藏支持肖像和风景模式之间切换不同屏幕尺寸设备的用户界面互动机制处理输入输入文字的机制输入数字数据的机制多态模式输入不使用麦粒肿LUS 不使用LUS的应用程序交互在不使用键盘的情况下检索数据库数据大型物体设计准则自动产生的标准特点结合品牌,美学,和屏幕空间难以了解的方面在同步过程中的用户交互长期业务的用户交互背景在没有键盘的PDA,一个共同的解决办法是输入文字显示软件键盘上,用户可以在使用EN- TER文本手写笔在屏幕的底部。






一、手机App界面设计1.1 简洁而直观的布局手机App界面设计应该遵循简洁、直观的原则。

通过清晰的布局和简明扼要的文字,让用户能够轻松理解App 的功能和使用方式。


1.2 色彩搭配与图标设计合理的色彩搭配和图标设计可以增强用户对App的使用愉悦度和可视识别性。



1.3 可操作性与反馈机制好的手机App界面设计应该注重可操作性和反馈机制。



二、用户体验优化2.1 加快加载速度手机App的加载速度是用户体验的重要方面。



2.2 个性化定制功能用户体验优化还包括个性化定制功能的提供。



2.3 信息清晰明了与一致性设计手机App应该设计出信息清晰明了的界面,并保持一致性设计。



2.4 引导用户学习和使用用户在初次使用App时,可能会遇到一些困惑和不熟悉的操作。



文献出处:J Good. Mobile phone graphical interface design [J]. Interacting with computers, 2016, 12(6): 574-586.原文Mobile phone graphical interface designJ GoodAbstractMobile phone interface design has brought the revolutionary visual graphics experience for people, how to use graphic semantics to create the appropriate user needs of mobile phone interface design, interface design must seriously thinking of problem. In mobile hardware design, interface design of graphics must be easy to understand, eliminating barriers to the user's understanding of interface design operation, in order to communicate more clearly graphic design to the user more cultural connotation, so as to reach a harmonious unity of the user experience. In order to achieve the purpose of information dissemination, graphics and people communicate are applied to all aspects of people's life. With the advent of the era of digitization, graphic language than words more widely accepted by the people of different cultures, well-designed graphics plays a key role in the modern vision, has a leading position in the visual design. The important status of the graphic design with no doubt.Keywords: graphics, interface design, user experienceIntroductionToday is an era with rapid development of information technology, high-tech communications products increasingly integrated into people's lives, mobile phone as an auxiliary tool, plays an indispensable role in our daily life. Mobile phone in addition to the traditional sense of the phone calls, text messaging these simple communication function, modern mobile phones can have unlimited expansion function of the operating system, can through the communication network to realize the wireless Internet access, you can install other application extensions according to individual needs, so modern mobile phones not only join a variety of functions, and there are many third-party equipment support, make the modern mobile phones have alot of typical characteristics of humanization and intelligent. According to the developing trend of smart phone, the screen is more and more big, the function is becoming more and more necessary for smart phones to use higher and higher demands are proposed, based on the intelligent mobile phone interface design, raises more and more important.In the modern age when human beings communication demand more and bigger, the number of mobile phone users soar is not surprising, and bring out the best in each other's mobile phone has been expanding its market performance of the cascade. Innovative technology application gradually, will bring innovative functions appear constantly, standardization and marketization fuses gradually will be a big trend in the development of the mobile phone market in the future. The development of research in software engineering and design disciplines, study the design of the interface is the most energetic development direction in the field of design research.The elements of the mobile phone graphical interface designIcon designICONS can embody the design style of the application, the types of features, quality, even like between people produce the first impression, the icon is the application to convey to the user's first visual perception. In view of the large icon after analysis found that designing a good icon is roughly need to follow the following three points:A prominent is the main visual graphics. Graphic visual elements as far as possible control within two, all the elements had better not evenly, to highlight the main visual graphics, visual graphics primarily visual graphics services. The second is the color is bright. Seem dazzling, because light color on the screen mobile phone desktop are usually dark, so the icon color should try to avoid to be eaten dark background salivary, outstanding chooses bright light color is given priority to, reduce brightness saturation is complementary, lest cause visual impairment to the user.3 it is the same light source. Any mobile phone interface consists of numerous icon is displayed on different platforms and different places, the size should have the corresponding provisions. In order to make the ICONS and ICONS to natural fusionbetween within one interface, can't follow one's inclinations struck in the design of light source, try to choose light from top to bottom on the front of the vertical Angle, and pay attention to accord with the standard of perspective of the different system platforms.Button designButton has system standard buttons and use homemade pictures button, two kinds of forms. In order to highlight the main button, can reduce secondary button decorative, such as reducing the shadow, blur, and change the color to highlight the main elements. General button to perform a variety of state, "normal state", "selected", "click", different states according to the different design, such as shadow, gradient, border implementation feedback, allow the user to understand what happened. The expression of a variety of state make button can express more abundant information, button in the design must have state feedback.Menu designAccording to the functional organization menu, according to the menu to group the various meanings, sorted by rules to ensure that the menu simplicity and classification accuracy, avoid menu depth more than three layers, improve the speed of the user interface. Can by changing the font size, color, or choose a different icon, increasing the material background of commonly used options or primary option is outstanding, avoid the user wrong operation. Can design the shortcut button.The design style of mobile phone graphical interfaceIn the era of mobile phone is not very popular, not everyone has cell phone use and for people who never had a cell phone use experience, or the lack of operating experience, are more likely to click on the button that will be materialized design, as a result, in the use of mobile phones for the first time, they will naturally use your life experience, especially for older children, the design of the imitation of natural won't make it confused. And in an age of cell phone popularity is not high, use flat design increases the user's response time, so be materialized design is imperative. But with the popularity of cell phones and other electronic products, users no longer need by imitating ancient things quickly understand interface, followed by the user's fatigue,development costs, quasi materialized design seem a bit gild the lily, design elements in the new design has become a visual decorative design elements. Flat design is actually a kind of optimization design experience, priority function, is the so-called design "theory of the world trend, numerous long will brief, Jian Jiu shall be numerous, flat design style in today's heyday, reducing level of information in the process of interface design on the surface to reduce the user workload, essentially brings a better user experience. Be materialized design, however, will not disappear because of the popular of flattening, quasi materialized design better in terms of performance affinity and interesting; flatter a too much simplified design easy to make an interface dull, also need proper to join the chemical element. In terms of visual appearance, in properly using quasi materialized in the design of interface design, user can actually concha simplicity of operation experience in comfortable. So, whether it be materialized or flattened and cannot be biased, each have each their advantages, each have each advantage. How to design with flat or be materialized to need depending on the actual situation. Today’s interface design style is no longer as before generally only be materialized design lead coquettish, also won't form a flat design of dominating the world situation, in the process of continuous integration development, closer to be materialized and flat design combined.Android operating system developed by Google Company, and let go the equipment by Google company alliance sustainable development. In order to create a more free and open environment for mobile communications, open handset alliance was established in November 2007, the union foreign shows at the same time with Linux 2. 6 for the first Android operating system kernel. At the same time, the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) was founded, the purpose of create designed to facilitate the movers in study of the Android operating system and use the Source code. In addition, by the Android source community from all over the world actively Android applications and extensions third-party Android operating system, enhances the functionality of Android applications and the performance of the operating system.Perhaps because of its openness, official Android application and recommend the application of the style of design is not fixed, can be thought of as the official is also athird party, the third party in some new form of interaction, new L!I control, a new proposal, design style almost every year has big change. Changing of Android UI controls and style, the defect is the user need to continue to be familiar with the system, update version and accept content, developers also need to explore and follow up the new design specification, not only can't fully guarantee benefits for mobile phone interface operation, and no doubt increase the cost of the user and group learning.Mobile phone graphical interface design in the futureAfter consideration of elaborate design trend found eventually need to simplify the design, not the user's task more complicated. In the process of design, and more about a possible situation, for the user. Minimize the user's text input, if you can set the default value or the default option, allows users to select the target button. On the big screen, and display the information search too much will damage, need to consider the characteristics of the hardware, the design conforms to the specialized platform of interactive features, and compatible platforms used in the hardware, improve the usability of the application of products, keep the cell phone application "look good" also need to look very beautiful. Ensure good mobile phone interface information structure, and clear logical relationship between screen and screen, change between the level of novelty and not let the user easy to use, for the purpose of find the be clear at a glance. Highlight important or use the function of the frequency position in interface design, when necessary highlight the appropriate prompts in the interface design, improve the efficiency of users quickly locate, convenient for users to have a good user experience.ConclusionWith the development of social informatization, emotional and mobile phone interface design techniques in the development of personalized, increasingly acute design graphics features, graphic design research today become the focus of the design theory of the research object, graphic design and its symbolic significance of expression and communication is the main content of the mobile phone interface design research. Visualization and simple graphics to clear the relationship betweenthe mobile phone operating system interface design and technology, to reveal the graphic design in the mobile phone interface design should follow the law, to clarify the graphic design valuable principle in the mobile phone interface design, and for the expansion of the graphic design to explore the road of the characteristic of interactive design.译文手机图形界面设计研究J Good摘要手机界面设计为人们带来了革命性的视觉图形体验,如何运用图形的语义创造出适宜用户情感需求的手机界面设计,是界面设计中必须认真思考的问题。



文献出处:J Good. Mobile phone graphical interface design [J]. Interacting with computers, 2016, 12(6): 574-586.原文Mobile phone graphical interface designJ GoodAbstractMobile phone interface design has brought the revolutionary visual graphics experience for people, how to use graphic semantics to create the appropriate user needs of mobile phone interface design, interface design must seriously thinking of problem. In mobile hardware design, interface design of graphics must be easy to understand, eliminating barriers to the user's understanding of interface design operation, in order to communicate more clearly graphic design to the user more cultural connotation, so as to reach a harmonious unity of the user experience. In order to achieve the purpose of information dissemination, graphics and people communicate are applied to all aspects of people's life. With the advent of the era of digitization, graphic language than words more widely accepted by the people of different cultures, well-designed graphics plays a key role in the modern vision, has a leading position in the visual design. The important status of the graphic design with no doubt.Keywords: graphics, interface design, user experienceIntroductionToday is an era with rapid development of information technology, high-tech communications products increasingly integrated into people's lives, mobile phone as an auxiliary tool, plays an indispensable role in our daily life. Mobile phone in addition to the traditional sense of the phone calls, text messaging these simple communication function, modern mobile phones can have unlimited expansion function of the operating system, can through the communication network to realize the wireless Internet access, you can install other application extensions according to individual needs, so modern mobile phones not only join a variety of functions, and there are many third-party equipment support, make the modern mobile phones have alot of typical characteristics of humanization and intelligent. According to the developing trend of smart phone, the screen is more and more big, the function is becoming more and more necessary for smart phones to use higher and higher demands are proposed, based on the intelligent mobile phone interface design, raises more and more important.In the modern age when human beings communication demand more and bigger, the number of mobile phone users soar is not surprising, and bring out the best in each other's mobile phone has been expanding its market performance of the cascade. Innovative technology application gradually, will bring innovative functions appear constantly, standardization and marketization fuses gradually will be a big trend in the development of the mobile phone market in the future. The development of research in software engineering and design disciplines, study the design of the interface is the most energetic development direction in the field of design research.The elements of the mobile phone graphical interface designIcon designICONS can embody the design style of the application, the types of features, quality, even like between people produce the first impression, the icon is the application to convey to the user's first visual perception. In view of the large icon after analysis found that designing a good icon is roughly need to follow the following three points:A prominent is the main visual graphics. Graphic visual elements as far as possible control within two, all the elements had better not evenly, to highlight the main visual graphics, visual graphics primarily visual graphics services. The second is the color is bright. Seem dazzling, because light color on the screen mobile phone desktop are usually dark, so the icon color should try to avoid to be eaten dark background salivary, outstanding chooses bright light color is given priority to, reduce brightness saturation is complementary, lest cause visual impairment to the user.3 it is the same light source. Any mobile phone interface consists of numerous icon is displayed on different platforms and different places, the size should have the corresponding provisions. In order to make the ICONS and ICONS to natural fusionbetween within one interface, can't follow one's inclinations struck in the design of light source, try to choose light from top to bottom on the front of the vertical Angle, and pay attention to accord with the standard of perspective of the different system platforms.Button designButton has system standard buttons and use homemade pictures button, two kinds of forms. In order to highlight the main button, can reduce secondary button decorative, such as reducing the shadow, blur, and change the color to highlight the main elements. General button to perform a variety of state, "normal state", "selected", "click", different states according to the different design, such as shadow, gradient, border implementation feedback, allow the user to understand what happened. The expression of a variety of state make button can express more abundant information, button in the design must have state feedback.Menu designAccording to the functional organization menu, according to the menu to group the various meanings, sorted by rules to ensure that the menu simplicity and classification accuracy, avoid menu depth more than three layers, improve the speed of the user interface. Can by changing the font size, color, or choose a different icon, increasing the material background of commonly used options or primary option is outstanding, avoid the user wrong operation. Can design the shortcut button.The design style of mobile phone graphical interfaceIn the era of mobile phone is not very popular, not everyone has cell phone use and for people who never had a cell phone use experience, or the lack of operating experience, are more likely to click on the button that will be materialized design, as a result, in the use of mobile phones for the first time, they will naturally use your life experience, especially for older children, the design of the imitation of natural won't make it confused. And in an age of cell phone popularity is not high, use flat design increases the user's response time, so be materialized design is imperative. But with the popularity of cell phones and other electronic products, users no longer need by imitating ancient things quickly understand interface, followed by the user's fatigue,development costs, quasi materialized design seem a bit gild the lily, design elements in the new design has become a visual decorative design elements. Flat design is actually a kind of optimization design experience, priority function, is the so-called design "theory of the world trend, numerous long will brief, Jian Jiu shall be numerous, flat design style in today's heyday, reducing level of information in the process of interface design on the surface to reduce the user workload, essentially brings a better user experience. Be materialized design, however, will not disappear because of the popular of flattening, quasi materialized design better in terms of performance affinity and interesting; flatter a too much simplified design easy to make an interface dull, also need proper to join the chemical element. In terms of visual appearance, in properly using quasi materialized in the design of interface design, user can actually concha simplicity of operation experience in comfortable. So, whether it be materialized or flattened and cannot be biased, each have each their advantages, each have each advantage. How to design with flat or be materialized to need depending on the actual situation. Today’s interface design style is no longer as before generally only be materialized design lead coquettish, also won't form a flat design of dominating the world situation, in the process of continuous integration development, closer to be materialized and flat design combined.Android operating system developed by Google Company, and let go the equipment by Google company alliance sustainable development. In order to create a more free and open environment for mobile communications, open handset alliance was established in November 2007, the union foreign shows at the same time with Linux 2. 6 for the first Android operating system kernel. At the same time, the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) was founded, the purpose of create designed to facilitate the movers in study of the Android operating system and use the Source code. In addition, by the Android source community from all over the world actively Android applications and extensions third-party Android operating system, enhances the functionality of Android applications and the performance of the operating system.Perhaps because of its openness, official Android application and recommend the application of the style of design is not fixed, can be thought of as the official is also athird party, the third party in some new form of interaction, new L!I control, a new proposal, design style almost every year has big change. Changing of Android UI controls and style, the defect is the user need to continue to be familiar with the system, update version and accept content, developers also need to explore and follow up the new design specification, not only can't fully guarantee benefits for mobile phone interface operation, and no doubt increase the cost of the user and group learning.Mobile phone graphical interface design in the futureAfter consideration of elaborate design trend found eventually need to simplify the design, not the user's task more complicated. In the process of design, and more about a possible situation, for the user. Minimize the user's text input, if you can set the default value or the default option, allows users to select the target button. On the big screen, and display the information search too much will damage, need to consider the characteristics of the hardware, the design conforms to the specialized platform of interactive features, and compatible platforms used in the hardware, improve the usability of the application of products, keep the cell phone application "look good" also need to look very beautiful. Ensure good mobile phone interface information structure, and clear logical relationship between screen and screen, change between the level of novelty and not let the user easy to use, for the purpose of find the be clear at a glance. Highlight important or use the function of the frequency position in interface design, when necessary highlight the appropriate prompts in the interface design, improve the efficiency of users quickly locate, convenient for users to have a good user experience.ConclusionWith the development of social informatization, emotional and mobile phone interface design techniques in the development of personalized, increasingly acute design graphics features, graphic design research today become the focus of the design theory of the research object, graphic design and its symbolic significance of expression and communication is the main content of the mobile phone interface design research. Visualization and simple graphics to clear the relationship betweenthe mobile phone operating system interface design and technology, to reveal the graphic design in the mobile phone interface design should follow the law, to clarify the graphic design valuable principle in the mobile phone interface design, and for the expansion of the graphic design to explore the road of the characteristic of interactive design.译文手机图形界面设计研究J Good摘要手机界面设计为人们带来了革命性的视觉图形体验,如何运用图形的语义创造出适宜用户情感需求的手机界面设计,是界面设计中必须认真思考的问题。



1、过度依赖技术实现,忽略用 户实际需求和体验。
2、缺乏有效的设计方法论,导 致产品迭代优化困难。
3、未能充分考虑特殊用户群体的需求,如老年人、视力或听力障碍者等。 针对上述问题,本次演示提出以下解决方案:
1、在设计过程中,始终以用户 为中心,用户的需求和体验。
最后,结合和大数据技术提升用户体验。随着技术的不断发展,和大数据可 以为界面设计提供更多可能性。例如,通过机器学习和用户行为分析,设计师可 以更加准确地了解用户的需求和习惯,从而优化界面设计和功能安排。结合大数 据技术可以对用户反馈进行分析和挖掘,为设计师提供更多有价值的参考信息。
2、结合定性和定量研究方法, 建立科学的设计研究体系。
3、特殊用户群体的需求,为他 们提供无障碍的交互体验。
以用户为中心的设计思想是指在整个产品设计过程中,以用户的需求和体验 为出发点和落脚点。在智能手机交互设计中,以用户为中心的设计思想可细化为 以下步骤:
用户体验方面,老年用户往往对界面简单易懂、功能实用有着较高的要求。 在进行界面交互设计时,应尽可能地简化界面元素,突出核心内容,避免过多的 复杂操作。此外,应结合老年人的阅读和操作习惯,合理安排布局,提高易用性。
界面交互设计方面,需要考虑以下因素: 1、按钮大小:老年人的手指往往较为粗短,因此需要适当增大按钮面积,方 便老年人点击。
基于用户体验的智能手机交互 设计研究
随着智能手机的普及和科技的不断发展,智能手机交互设计已成为一个重要 的研究领域。用户体验理论在智能手机交互设计中发挥着举足轻重的作用,以用 户为中心的设计思想逐渐成为行业主流。本次演示将探讨用户体验理论在智能手 机交互设计中的应用,以及以用户为中心的设计思想的实现方法和优势,以期为 未来智能手机交互设计的发展提供有益的参考。







二、用户体验在APP界面设计中的重要性用户体验(User Experience,简称UX)是指用户在使用产品或服务过程中所感受到的体验。


一个优秀的APP界面设计应该具备以下几个特点:1. 直观性:界面设计应简洁明了,让用户一目了然。

2. 易用性:操作应简单便捷,减少用户的操作成本。

3. 美观性:界面设计应美观大方,符合用户的审美需求。

4. 响应性:界面响应应及时,提高用户的操作效率。

三、基于用户体验的APP界面设计原则1. 以用户为中心:设计应以用户需求为导向,关注用户的心理和行为习惯。

2. 信息架构清晰:通过合理的信息架构,让用户快速找到所需信息。

3. 色彩搭配合理:运用合适的色彩搭配,营造舒适的视觉体验。

4. 动态交互设计:通过动态交互设计,增强用户的操作体验和反馈。

5. 跨平台适应性:设计应具备跨平台适应性,确保在不同设备和操作系统上都能保持良好的用户体验。

四、APP界面设计实践案例分析以一款购物类APP为例,分析其界面设计的用户体验优化过程:1. 首页设计:采用简洁明了的布局,将热门商品、推荐商品、分类导航等信息以直观的方式呈现给用户。


2. 搜索功能:优化搜索功能,让用户能够快速找到所需商品。


3. 购物车设计:将购物车功能与用户账户紧密结合,实现一键加入购物车、商品数量调整、价格显示等功能。






二、用户体验在APP界面设计中的重要性用户体验(User Experience,简称UX)是用户在使用产品或服务过程中所感受到的整体体验。

在APP界面设计中,用户体验的重要性主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 提高用户满意度:良好的用户体验能使用户在使用APP时感到满意,从而提高用户的忠诚度。

2. 增强品牌形象:用户体验是品牌形象的重要组成部分,优秀的用户体验有助于提升品牌形象。

3. 促进产品推广:良好的用户体验能吸引更多用户使用和推荐产品,从而促进产品的推广。

三、基于用户体验的APP界面设计原则1. 简洁明了:界面设计应简洁明了,避免过多的复杂元素,使用户能够快速找到所需功能。

2. 一致性:界面设计应保持一致的风格和操作逻辑,以便用户在不同页面之间切换时能快速适应。

3. 可定制性:根据用户需求和习惯,提供个性化的界面设计和功能定制,提高用户的满意度。

4. 响应式设计:界面设计应适应不同屏幕尺寸和分辨率,确保在不同设备上都能良好地显示和使用。

5. 明确的信息架构:清晰的信息架构有助于用户快速理解APP的功能和内容。

四、APP界面设计中的关键要素1. 色彩搭配:合理的色彩搭配能使用户在使用APP时感到舒适,同时传达出APP的品牌形象和风格。

2. 图标设计:图标是界面设计中不可或缺的元素,应具有明确的意义和辨识度,以便用户快速理解其功能。

3. 文字设计:文字应简洁明了,避免使用过于专业的术语或复杂的句子,以便用户快速理解。

4. 交互设计:交互设计是提高用户体验的关键,应确保操作的流畅性和逻辑性,以及反馈的及时性和准确性。




































为了实现这一目标,目前研究采用课一个2 × 2的学科实验设计,在软件接口和硬件接口的基础上制定不同的实验处理。


























《自动化技术与应用》2021年第40卷第5期行业应用与交流Industrial Applications and Communications基于安卓手机系统的英语翻译软件设计李娟(陕西财经职业技术学院,陕西咸阳712000)摘要:随着计算机、移动互联网技术的不断发展,安卓手机设备的硬件布局越来越全面,软件资源也越来越丰富,英语翻译软件也得到了广泛的应用。


关键词:翻译软件;安卓手机中图分类号:TP391.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-7241(2021)005-0179-04English Translation Software DesignBased on Android Mobile Phone SystemLI Juan(Shaanxi Technical College of Finance and Economics,Xianyang 712000China )Abstract:With the continuous development of computer and mobile Internet technology,the hardware layout of Android mobile de-vices is more and more comprehensive,software resources are more and more abundant,and English translation software is widely used.In order to further enrich the functions of Android mobile English translation software and improve the us-er experience,this study designs a set of English translation system applied to Android mobile phone system,and elabo-rates the design ideas of the system in the main functions.Key words:translation software;Android phone收稿日期:2020-03-201引言安卓手机在国内占有85%以上的市场份额,但大多数安卓手机在数据处理能力方面存在着较大的差异[1]。













1. 豆瓣读书豆瓣读书是一个集阅读、评论和推荐于一体的应用程序,在设计上,应用程序充分考虑到了用户体验。



2. 腾讯新闻腾讯新闻作为一款新闻资讯类应用程序,在设计上大量运用了图片和质感,这样一来可以使页面更加美观易懂,同时用户也能更加快速地浏览新闻资讯。



本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!)文献出处:Yim J. The research of shopping APP design based on user experience[J]. Proc. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, 2017,1(2):23-39.原文The research of shopping APP design based on user experienceYim J1 The structure of shopping APP interface graphical elements1.1 The design of the metaphorMetaphor is a practical form of thinking model.Metaphor was areflection of human learning, from the beginning of some familiar, and then moves it to the new environment. Metaphor form a narrative structure, the system may be logically for users. Is usually describing the system function of similar to the real world use things and events. In interface design, the designer used for real life experience about activities and events of memory patterns to create the associated with the metaphor of virtual objects and events, is a way of representation of the real world things, to create the virtual image associated with the real world. One way is to the real world situations and activity of analogy, and object associated with activities in the situation and environment.1.2 The activities of metaphorShopping service and function of APP and real life supermarkets and shops close to shopping events and activities, you can use the activity metaphorical conceptual model to carry on the design of interactive language. In the use of the user interface are already familiar with shopping activities to compare among virtual shopping scene, and develop around shopping activities to carry out a series of tasks operation mode, in order to set the interface elements associated metaphor, which enables users to quickly find similar to practical activities in virtual interactions, and adapt to a new interface system. Generally choose online shopping, users also have had the experience of going to the shops or supermarkets in real life, they all know how in the real entities in thestore shopping, is more common shopping scene, pushing a shopping cart in the middle of the supermarket shelves around back and forth, to observe the different types of goods in the supermarket display area to determine the goods need to where to need goods area, again depending on the type of goods shelves above the area marked label, find the need for target, on a commodity price, quality, shape, etc, after the observation and comparison, pick up the goods into the shopping car, to the supermarket cashier's check, finally choose to use cash or credit card payment method to complete the deal, take things home. In virtual APP, online virtual shopping experience and has the common features between actual shopping activities.1.3 The metaphor method In the whole class shopping APP interface elements in the process of information organization, the design of the metaphor can be more easily to form a mental model with users, to make up for the first time contact APP online shopping behavior of unfamiliar feeling. Such as alibaba's Tmall shopping application, use of a large amount of real shopping terms, ICONS, and graphic elements with the events and scenes in real shopping. Supermarket shopping cart this feature is from the real world scene props: among actual supermarket shopping, customer habits will choose and buy goods into the shopping car, after pushing the payment and settlement stage; Users of online shopping activities in the process of picking goods can also add items tothe shopping car, at the time of settlement in the shopping cart to add the goods will be like pushing the entity supermarket as payment and settlement platform.2 The design style of planar interface In online shopping APP, restricted to the outdoor network speed limit, the user will want to steps to complete the transaction as soon as possible, rather than to generate a lot of traffic and waste more time. Downsizing is as far as possible to reduce the interaction level and operation.Shoulds not be too complicated in information architecture, structure, hierarchy should not be too deep, to the user in the fragmentation of time better use mobile APP, should as far as possible to reduce the levels of classification, and the interaction of horizontal longitudinal links to jump between path, will the depth and breadth of information level streamline, complication. At the same time of design should be combined with the characteristics of the mobile web APP, reduce unnecessary steps, and should be provided to the user options, to reduce user manual input link. In general, the user at the time of open APP interface visual first perceived not function, text, or page layout, but the color of the interface effect.2.1 The consistency of the interface color Interactive interface design, if the color can have consistent interface, then the whole interface not only looks beautiful, and allows users to browse the content in the process of not easy confusion, make browsing process more simple andconvenient. Color of same color, color is distinct but not lead to contrast strongly, interface with color theme of foil website information function, only the color can carry on the reasonable collocation and the information of the website theme, to bring users cognitive and aesthetic enjoyment. Interface color contains the interface of the base, the picture color, text form, the UI color and so on. For interactive interface color, should before start to design, plan and supporting scheme, such ability won't after to system design is difficult to match the color, the design of the chaos. 2.2 The mass-tone attune of the interface The mass-tone attune of the interactive interface is the style of foil for the entire application. In black, for example, the interface of the mass-tone, the visual result that gives a person a kind of dark, composed, solemn feeling, if applied to the children's clothing or pastry food do not take tone interface will appear, because of the need to reflect children's clothing should be is a lively, vibrant, and the characteristics of the lovely, pastry food of characteristics should be warm, pure and beautiful, this and that of the color black character is hard to think together., of course, this is in the domestic cultural context to analyze the results, and the reality, people of different cultural background and different education level aesthetic view is different, may also be the personality characteristics of color represent different views, but as the design of the interface, the fit is required for the majority of people of color ideas and feelings, to interface to matchcolor.2.3 The optimization design of interface color Using the principles of interface color with no essential difference between other kinds of color design, all have the same color aesthetic standards and design principles, but the function of the interactive interface is the user experience, cognitive experience and aesthetic experience, is a collection of product functionality, aesthetics and psychology, etc. As integrated disciplines, so can't in the form of pure aesthetic Angle of view to look at interface color design. Interface is by graphics convey some specific information, so the design of the interface color need to form a unique style. Here are some important design rule. The core principles of interface color design is based on the user experience in the service of the function of APP, rather than in the design of free creation illustrations or colorful packaging, users often dazzling too colorful interface, because the interface is not used to let users’ appreciation and aesthetic, but used to use a function. A research shows that most users for more than 11 kinds of color is very difficult to memory and the difference, to grasp the interaction interface color design form of "degree" to control interface.3 The organization structure of shopping APP interaction design 3.1 The qualitative and quantitative model of online APP interaction designSmart mobile devices of the flat screen, which make it impossible for us to visually observe the hierarchical structure of information, in the design of interface structure, we will think about some problems: from open application to the realization of the core functions need how many steps? How can the user in the shortest possible time to grasp the APP interface at all levels of hierarchy? How can you make more users browse to the electric power business promotion advertising information? These are all need interactive interface designers focus on the problem of the consideration. In the organizational structure of the APP, from point A to point B, and steps to reach the final destination in the shortest time, this is the focus of the interactive path. Interactive path is not merely a series of links to organizations, it is the method of thinking and architecture APP interface at all levels, the user can according to the organization model of information service design faster to understand the information and function of the display in the APP, and according to their own experience and the model to realize the function of the APP. 3.2 The path analysis of interaction design according to a study on the mobile device to download the APP, users generally no more than 20 times start times will be delete, download after nearly 15% of the APP in the mobile device to stay no more than a week, only a third of the APP in 2 months after purchase will be used. Research on interactive path is one of the key factors, find out the problem, make interactive path logic is reasonable,concise steps, can get the favor of the user. Determine the core content of interaction design - "goal oriented" information architects Are Halland in his research the core path method: for design of such advice. He put forward the interactive interface design another way: don't come up and integrated navigation scheme to start from the home page, should be from the perspective of the core content, by inside and outside. Design a website or APP, basic ideas are presented to the user around the core functions, meet the core requirements of users. Online application is based on profit, for the purpose of enhancing the user's shopping experience, improve electricity product sales, its core function is to meet the user a series of basic shopping process. In apps online classes, the core content is to buy goods, goods is also demonstrate the key elements of the core material, the function of the commodity, brand and product series from belongs to the core content of information, in addition to the relevant auxiliary information, including additional technical details and price. Below the graph example, to illustrate the interaction in the form of graphical design ideas of the path. Users using the APP is in order to achieve a goal, first of all to solid circles represent this purpose, two-way arrow marks can return to the higher step. The user needs to choose goods first, and then submit orders, the final payment to buy goods, by the basic nodes connected to guide users to complete his task.译文基于用户体验的购物APP设计研究Yim J1购物APP 交互界面图形元素的构建1.1隐喻的设计隐喻是一实际形式的思维模型。










三、用户体验的影响因素1. 功能性:功能性是用户体验的最基本要求,APP需要具备用户需要的功能,并能够顺利实现。


2. 界面设计:界面设计是用户操作APP的窗口,好的界面设计能够提升用户的操作体验。


3. 响应速度:响应速度是用户体验的重要方面之一,用户使用APP时希望得到快速的响应。


4. 导航设计:导航设计是用户使用APP的指引,良好的导航设计可以帮助用户快速找到所需功能或信息,提升用户的操作效率。

五、用户体验改进策略1. 用户调研:了解用户需求是改善用户体验的前提。


2. 简化操作:尽量简化APP的操作流程,减少不必要的步骤。


3. 提供个性化选项:不同用户有不同的需求,提供个性化选项可以让用户更加满意。


4. 增加互动性:增加互动性可以提升用户对APP的粘性和使用欲望。






一、用户体验设计简介用户体验设计(User Experience Design,简称 UXD)是指以用户的感受和需求为核心,设计产品和服务,从而带来优良的用户体验。

它包括多种领域,如人机交互设计(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)、视觉设计(Visual Design)、交互设计(Interaction Design)、信息架构设计(Information Architecture, IA)等。

在移动应用设计中,UXD 是指设计带有视觉效果和人机交互的流畅应用程序的一门技术。









基于用户体验的智能手机APP界面设计研究外文文献翻译文献出处: Lane N D, Miluzzo. RESEARCH OF SMART PHONE APP INTERFACE DESIGN BASED ON USER EXPERIENCE [J]. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 2015, 8(9): 140-150.原文RESEARCH OF SMART PHONE APP INTERFACE DESIGN BASED ONUSER EXPERIENCELane N D, MiluzzoABSTRACTIn today's information age, as a kind of new media, mobile devices play an important role in people's life. Smart phone lead the future development direction of mobile phone, smart phone APP become an important industry in the mobile Internet, people pay more and more attention to the user experience of a smart phone APP interface design. Because smart phone APP an intense market competition, the user experience to become the decided to smart phone APP development the important lifeblood of the height, strength and speed, is an important indicator of success for the APP product. However, smart phone APP as a newly emerging things produce time is shorter, the designer can't make the change of the agile, according to market feedback in the process of its design and development of the lack of a complete set of design process and theoretical support, to provide users with a good interface design become the key of the user experience. How will the user experience design process into the smart phone APP interface design research and development of every link will be this article to solve the problem. In this context, on the one hand, on the user experience from thelevel, structure, process, measurement and design point of view to explore the structure of the user experience, on the other hand, the smart phone APP interface design of the user experience to analyze, to build smart phone APP interface design user experience level model.Keywords: User experience, Smart phone, APP, Interface design1IntroductionThe rapid development of mobile Internet has become an indispensable part of people's life; it changes in the world of the Internet also changed people's way of life.The company to make a forecast that by 2025 the mobile Internet can create the wealth of $1.08 billion - $3.7 (Manyikaetal, 2013), which fully shows that the mobile Internet has larger market size and commercial value in the future. The rapid development of mobile Internet, greatly overturned people's living condition, attracts a large number of users to use and rely on mobile networking products, its features such as social, mobile, and makes our life more convenient, more interesting. The rapid development of mobile Internet, and so did the smart phone APP (Applications APP) design and development. With the popularization of information technology and communications equipment, smart phones become necessities of people's communication, people spend a lot of time on the smart phone APP, the APP classification and trend of installation quantity is increasing.Due to the popularity of smart phones 3 g / 4 g network, mobile convenience has occupied a huge market demand in consumer electronics, people can be in different time and place of using smart phone APP for mobile shopping, booking tickets,mobile payment, order a meal, entertainment, group purchase, travel, learning, etc involved in all aspects of life. On the bus, subway, leisure entertainment, etc. People can enjoy mobile phones bring infinite pleasure, such as browsing news and information, send web, playing mobile phone games, watch movies, fry, chat, listen to music, reading books, etc.Data through the analysis of the development trend of Chinese mobile phone market and the Internet consumer research center data show that the smart phone will be the future of mobile phone industry leader. At the same time, the operating system developers have launched their own corresponding application software, on July 11, 2008, apple launched based on ISO APP Store operating system; The corresponding Google company launched in October 2008 Android app store; On October 11, 2010 Microsoft Windows Phone officially released the smart phone operating system.Thus, use a smart phone APP is indispensable to public life, residents has infiltrated every aspect of life. Based on the smart phone screen, multi-touch and ease and fluency of the operating system, users can download and install their own demand of application software, the user's requirements is not only to stay on the content tothe basic functional requirements, for each mobile phone interface design in the form of a service with its content is put forward higher requirements, namely the user experience for better service level and accurate transfer the information to the target users, allows users to quickly and efficiently to complete the operation.2 The user experienceNorman puts forward "User Experience, User Experience, orUE, UX)" concept, he thought the User Experience is "people-centered", rather than on product function as the starting point, the design concept of people-centered requirement stylist to users as a benchmark for design and development, rather than allow the User to adapt to the designer's ideas, good User Experience need to be meet the basic needs of users, and even exceed expectations and trigger emotional valence of users. Which requires the development of product of each process and steps are given in the user, which requires the designers not only can predict the user will not use this product, and want to use the practice to prove their predictions. Scholars gradually perfect the concept of Sheriff to use cognitive structure of the user experience, user experience to the user and a product, system or service at the physical level and cognitive level of interaction between feelings.User experience is mainly composed of the product, the user and the environment of these three factors. Popular said, user experience is to users in the use of a product or enjoy a service based on the original experience of all physical, sensory and mental experience, including emotions, beliefs, preferences, cognitive impression, physiological and psychological reaction, many aspects, such as behavior and achievement ". It is a theory of development in the middle of the twentieth century, the theory is that the product is whether success lies in the user experience of product are satisfied, and the experience is very comprehensive, because there is uncertainty of user experience, you need to constantly study the behavior of users use the product produced, logic, such as reaction, make the product can meet the user's emotional wider, expectations, psychological needs, so as to improve the loyalty of users of products. The userexperience is derived from the field of interaction design created by the user perception theory system, and user experience in real life has subjectivityand individual are differences again, different users of the product experience is different, this determines the user's experience can't reproduce through scene reconstruction, but for some Shared characteristics between people, we can through the good design experiments to meet their commonness, so as to make the product meet the needs of the users. In short, the goal of the user experience is useful and easy to use, good, love with four stages.To sum up, this study thinks that the user experience is the user, product, situation of interaction between psychological perception, including sensory perception, emotional and cognitive appraisal on the experience.3 Mobile phone APP UI design experiencePC user experience based on the structure determination of subjectivity, richness and process dynamics, a smart phone APP interface design in circumstances on the user experience and has great difference, so the research on existing user experience from the level, structure, process, measurement and design to make a study of the structure of the user experience for smart phone APP interface study provide theoretical basis for the experience of the design level.Based on the existing user experience level, structure and process model of the structure of the exploration, can draw a smart phone APP interface user experience in the design of structural model can be divided into sensory perception (visual aesthetic, interface fluency and humanization, etc.), emotional experience, user experience degree of satisfaction, pleasure anduser value, etc.), cognitive evaluation (availability, learn ability, creative and reflection, etc.) the three dimensions, in view of the user experience level model in this paper the concrete in the fourth chapter studies. However the operation of the user behavior, the smart phone brand, using the environment and efficiency become the user experience on the influencing factors in the process of interface design. In the smart phone APP user experience in the design of interface is facing new challenges, it is necessary for these new challenges to design more perfect APP interface structure model of the user experience.4 Smart phone APP user experience level model was constructed4.1 smart phone APP interface design analysis of the user experience(1) Instinct layerInstinct layer is to point to stimulate people's sensory system, so as to give the user more direct experience. Sensory experiences in all experience the lowest level, and the instinct layer is the foundation of all experience, it to the stimulation of sensory system time is shorter, and generally do not last too long. If it cannot be converted into deeper experience, then it will disappear quickly. Auditory experience, visual experience, touch, taste and smell experience experience are sensory aspects of user experience. These experiences, auditory experience occupies the important status in the human experience, receive information from the outside world is one of the most visual experience, the experience is very real and delicate, taste and smell experience on food is relatively common.(2) Behavior layerBehavior layer refers to the user through the various parts ofthe body to use or operation of the products produced by the experience is the behavior layer user experience. By using the part of the body, the behavior level of user experience mainly can be divided into: first, the experience of operating the product with the hand, for example, the mouse, keyboard, MP3, cell phone, car steering wheel and so on are all need to use hand to operate; Second, the experience of operating the product with the feet, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, dancing machine, as well as the automobile clutch pedal, the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal of driving is to operate with their feet; Three operating experience, with the rest of the body, if use earphone on the ears, by the voice of the mouth, to voice control products, etching terms of behavior, we can from the following three directions for innovation: user experience design mode, using the new product operation, and bring new user experience to the user; Second, the operation on products is conducted by using new parts of the body, bring new user experience to the user; Three, let users to actively participate in the design of the product, to obtain a new user experience.(3) Reflection layerReflection layer is refers to the user to have an emotional reaction when using the product. The importance of emotion in the design of interaction has not beenwidely recognized that the interaction design involves the emotional experience may be is more important than experience sensory experience and behavior. Reflection layer typically depends on the user experience of the overall impression of a kind of interface.4.2 Smart phone APP interface design research experience levelIn view of the different types of APP interface design, user will produce different effects, namely the utility class APP pay more attention to the interface of sensory perception experience level, life service class APP pay more attention to the emotional experience of a interface level, game entertainment APP more pay attention to the cognitive evaluation of interface experience level, different types of APP will be a different user experience goals and product character requirements.5 Smart phone APP interface design plan5.1 list of requirements for userUser-centered Design (User - Centered Design, UCD) is a kind of Design product, system or service ideas, he will use the product User in development center. Japanese designer branded zap said, "is the original design view to create the world needs a rational and make the world balance”. In fact, in the process of product development, user-centered design can be crowned by the potential user groups actively participate in, feel safe, comfortable, efficient, more desire to buy. In the design process, to consider the user demand, the strength of the user requirements can increase the viscosity of the product, but also to invite users to join the process of design. User demands not only at the beginning of the design process, and the interface test can play important roles in the process of positive feedback, provide experience basis for the final evaluation. Because this article focuses on the smart phone APP interface interaction design in the interface of information architecture, interaction, psychological cognitive habits, behavior related factors, for the user's physiological characteristics, emotional feelings and ergonomics to study the no.5.2 User demand research frameworkUser requirements of the research from the perspective of consumer behavior, not only meets the need of users also implements the practical value of products, thisarticle mainly to study the demand for availability requirements and user experience. Through this study the related factors influencing the user requirements and user-centered design method on the basis of the research product respectively to framework and that the relationship between user requirements framework. According to the summary of user requirements, develop life service class APP interface design features list.5.3 Architectural design of the interfaceArchitecture design is for more product information, including user interface design and navigation information configuration design, the goal is to make users can take fewer cognitive price to find the information they want, show the characteristics of high efficiency and low cost of cognitive, users can be clear at a glance know the main functions of the product and the organization relationship between each function module. Because the mobile Internet applications is mobile screen, user use constraints, such as its functional architecture generally on the basis of the hierarchy. Mobile Internet application of information architecture can be divided into four basic types: shallow and wide, narrow and shallow and wide, deep and narrow and deep way of information architecture.译文基于用户体验的智能手机APP 界面设计研究Lane N D, Miluzzo摘要现如今,移动互联网作为一种新的媒介引领着智能手机未来的发展方向,智能手机APP 成为移动互联网中的一项重要产业,人们越来越关注智能手机APP 界面设计的用户体验感。

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文献出处: Lane N D, Miluzzo. RESEARCH OF SMART PHONE APP INTERFACE DESIGN BASED ON USER EXPERIENCE [J]. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 2015, 8(9): 140-150.原文RESEARCH OF SMART PHONE APP INTERFACE DESIGN BASED ONUSER EXPERIENCELane N D, MiluzzoABSTRACTIn today's information age, as a kind of new media, mobile devices play an important role in people's life. Smart phone lead the future development direction of mobile phone, smart phone APP become an important industry in the mobile Internet, people pay more and more attention to the user experience of a smart phone APP interface design. Because smart phone APP an intense market competition, the user experience to become the decided to smart phone APP development the important lifeblood of the height, strength and speed, is an important indicator of success for the APP product. However, smart phone APP as a newly emerging things produce time is shorter, the designer can't make the change of the agile, according to market feedback in the process of its design and development of the lack of a complete set of design process and theoretical support, to provide users with a good interface design become the key of the user experience. How will the user experience design process into the smart phone APP interface design research and development of every link will be this article to solve the problem. In this context, on the one hand, on the user experience from the level, structure, process, measurement and design point of view to explore the structure of the user experience, on the other hand, the smart phone APP interface design of the user experience to analyze, to build smart phone APP interface design user experience level model.Keywords: User experience, Smart phone, APP, Interface design1IntroductionThe rapid development of mobile Internet has become an indispensable part of people's life; it changes in the world of the Internet also changed people's way of life.The company to make a forecast that by 2025 the mobile Internet can create the wealth of $1.08 billion - $3.7 (Manyikaetal, 2013), which fully shows that the mobile Internet has larger market size and commercial value in the future. The rapid development of mobile Internet, greatly overturned people's living condition, attracts a large number of users to use and rely on mobile networking products, its features such as social, mobile, and makes our life more convenient, more interesting. The rapid development of mobile Internet, and so did the smart phone APP (Applications APP) design and development. With the popularization of information technology and communications equipment, smart phones become necessities of people's communication, people spend a lot of time on the smart phone APP, the APP classification and trend of installation quantity is increasing.Due to the popularity of smart phones 3 g / 4 g network, mobile convenience has occupied a huge market demand in consumer electronics, people can be in different time and place of using smart phone APP for mobile shopping, booking tickets, mobile payment, order a meal, entertainment, group purchase, travel, learning, etc involved in all aspects of life. On the bus, subway, leisure entertainment, etc. People can enjoy mobile phones bring infinite pleasure, such as browsing news and information, send web, playing mobile phone games, watch movies, fry, chat, listen to music, reading books, etc.Data through the analysis of the development trend of Chinese mobile phone market and the Internet consumer research center data show that the smart phone will be the future of mobile phone industry leader. At the same time, the operating system developers have launched their own corresponding application software, on July 11, 2008, apple launched based on ISO APP Store operating system; The corresponding Google company launched in October 2008 Android app store; On October 11, 2010 Microsoft Windows Phone officially released the smart phone operating system.Thus, use a smart phone APP is indispensable to public life, residents has infiltrated every aspect of life. Based on the smart phone screen, multi-touch and ease and fluency of the operating system, users can download and install their own demand of application software, the user's requirements is not only to stay on the content tothe basic functional requirements, for each mobile phone interface design in the form of a service with its content is put forward higher requirements, namely the user experience for better service level and accurate transfer the information to the target users, allows users to quickly and efficiently to complete the operation.2 The user experienceNorman puts forward "User Experience, User Experience, or UE, UX)" concept, he thought the User Experience is "people-centered", rather than on product function as the starting point, the design concept of people-centered requirement stylist to users as a benchmark for design and development, rather than allow the User to adapt to the designer's ideas, good User Experience need to be meet the basic needs of users, and even exceed expectations and trigger emotional valence of users. Which requires the development of product of each process and steps are given in the user, which requires the designers not only can predict the user will not use this product, and want to use the practice to prove their predictions. Scholars gradually perfect the concept of Sheriff to use cognitive structure of the user experience, user experience to the user and a product, system or service at the physical level and cognitive level of interaction between feelings.User experience is mainly composed of the product, the user and the environment of these three factors. Popular said, user experience is to users in the use of a product or enjoy a service based on the original experience of all physical, sensory and mental experience, including emotions, beliefs, preferences, cognitive impression, physiological and psychological reaction, many aspects, such as behavior and achievement ". It is a theory of development in the middle of the twentieth century, the theory is that the product is whether success lies in the user experience of product are satisfied, and the experience is very comprehensive, because there is uncertainty of user experience, you need to constantly study the behavior of users use the product produced, logic, such as reaction, make the product can meet the user's emotional wider, expectations, psychological needs, so as to improve the loyalty of users of products. The user experience is derived from the field of interaction design created by the user perception theory system, and user experience in real life has subjectivityand individual are differences again, different users of the product experience is different, this determines the user's experience can't reproduce through scene reconstruction, but for some Shared characteristics between people, we can through the good design experiments to meet their commonness, so as to make the product meet the needs of the users. In short, the goal of the user experience is useful and easy to use, good, love with four stages.To sum up, this study thinks that the user experience is the user, product, situation of interaction between psychological perception, including sensory perception, emotional and cognitive appraisal on the experience.3 Mobile phone APP UI design experiencePC user experience based on the structure determination of subjectivity, richness and process dynamics, a smart phone APP interface design in circumstances on the user experience and has great difference, so the research on existing user experience from the level, structure, process, measurement and design to make a study of the structure of the user experience for smart phone APP interface study provide theoretical basis for the experience of the design level.Based on the existing user experience level, structure and process model of the structure of the exploration, can draw a smart phone APP interface user experience in the design of structural model can be divided into sensory perception (visual aesthetic, interface fluency and humanization, etc.), emotional experience, user experience degree of satisfaction, pleasure and user value, etc.), cognitive evaluation (availability, learn ability, creative and reflection, etc.) the three dimensions, in view of the user experience level model in this paper the concrete in the fourth chapter studies. However the operation of the user behavior, the smart phone brand, using the environment and efficiency become the user experience on the influencing factors in the process of interface design. In the smart phone APP user experience in the design of interface is facing new challenges, it is necessary for these new challenges to design more perfect APP interface structure model of the user experience.4 Smart phone APP user experience level model was constructed4.1 smart phone APP interface design analysis of the user experience(1) Instinct layerInstinct layer is to point to stimulate people's sensory system, so as to give the user more direct experience. Sensory experiences in all experience the lowest level, and the instinct layer is the foundation of all experience, it to the stimulation of sensory system time is shorter, and generally do not last too long. If it cannot be converted into deeper experience, then it will disappear quickly. Auditory experience, visual experience, touch, taste and smell experience experience are sensory aspects of user experience. These experiences, auditory experience occupies the important status in the human experience, receive information from the outside world is one of the most visual experience, the experience is very real and delicate, taste and smell experience on food is relatively common.(2) Behavior layerBehavior layer refers to the user through the various parts of the body to use or operation of the products produced by the experience is the behavior layer user experience. By using the part of the body, the behavior level of user experience mainly can be divided into: first, the experience of operating the product with the hand, for example, the mouse, keyboard, MP3, cell phone, car steering wheel and so on are all need to use hand to operate; Second, the experience of operating the product with the feet, such as snowboarding, skateboarding, dancing machine, as well as the automobile clutch pedal, the brake pedal and the accelerator pedal of driving is to operate with their feet; Three operating experience, with the rest of the body, if use earphone on the ears, by the voice of the mouth, to voice control products, etching terms of behavior, we can from the following three directions for innovation: user experience design mode, using the new product operation, and bring new user experience to the user; Second, the operation on products is conducted by using new parts of the body, bring new user experience to the user; Three, let users to actively participate in the design of the product, to obtain a new user experience.(3) Reflection layerReflection layer is refers to the user to have an emotional reaction when using the product. The importance of emotion in the design of interaction has not beenwidely recognized that the interaction design involves the emotional experience may be is more important than experience sensory experience and behavior. Reflection layer typically depends on the user experience of the overall impression of a kind of interface.4.2 Smart phone APP interface design research experience levelIn view of the different types of APP interface design, user will produce different effects, namely the utility class APP pay more attention to the interface of sensory perception experience level, life service class APP pay more attention to the emotional experience of a interface level, game entertainment APP more pay attention to the cognitive evaluation of interface experience level, different types of APP will be a different user experience goals and product character requirements.5 Smart phone APP interface design plan5.1 list of requirements for userUser-centered Design (User - Centered Design, UCD) is a kind of Design product, system or service ideas, he will use the product User in development center. Japanese designer branded zap said, "is the original design view to create the world needs a rational and make the world balance”. In fact, in the process of product development, user-centered design can be crowned by the potential user groups actively participate in, feel safe, comfortable, efficient, more desire to buy. In the design process, to consider the user demand, the strength of the user requirements can increase the viscosity of the product, but also to invite users to join the process of design. User demands not only at the beginning of the design process, and the interface test can play important roles in the process of positive feedback, provide experience basis for the final evaluation. Because this article focuses on the smart phone APP interface interaction design in the interface of information architecture, interaction, psychological cognitive habits, behavior related factors, for the user's physiological characteristics, emotional feelings and ergonomics to study the no.5.2 User demand research frameworkUser requirements of the research from the perspective of consumer behavior, not only meets the need of users also implements the practical value of products, thisarticle mainly to study the demand for availability requirements and user experience. Through this study the related factors influencing the user requirements and user-centered design method on the basis of the research product respectively to framework and that the relationship between user requirements framework. According to the summary of user requirements, develop life service class APP interface design features list.5.3 Architectural design of the interfaceArchitecture design is for more product information, including user interface design and navigation information configuration design, the goal is to make users can take fewer cognitive price to find the information they want, show the characteristics of high efficiency and low cost of cognitive, users can be clear at a glance know the main functions of the product and the organization relationship between each function module. Because the mobile Internet applications is mobile screen, user use constraints, such as its functional architecture generally on the basis of the hierarchy. Mobile Internet application of information architecture can be divided into four basic types: shallow and wide, narrow and shallow and wide, deep and narrow and deep way of information architecture.译文基于用户体验的智能手机APP 界面设计研究Lane N D, Miluzzo摘要现如今,移动互联网作为一种新的媒介引领着智能手机未来的发展方向,智能手机APP 成为移动互联网中的一项重要产业,人们越来越关注智能手机APP 界面设计的用户体验感。
