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情态动词shall ,will ,should和would 在不同的句子中含有不同的意思,其基本用法如下:


1. 表示说话者的意图、允许、警告、命令、决心等,用于陈述句的第二、第三人称中,有必须,应,可之意。例如:

1)You shall have that book tomorrow.

2) He shall be punished if he insists on doing that.

2,. 在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、第三人称,有“…..好吗”,“要不要”等意思。例如“

1) Shall I fetch the hammer?

2) Shall those goods be sent over to you at once?

3) Shall we help you?

2. 用在表示意图、要求等的从句中,有“应该”,“要”之意,例如:

My demand is that is shall be done in time.



1) You should learn from each other.

2) You shouldn’t be so careless.

3) He should have told me the news earlier.

(should + have + 过去分词)表示对过去本该做的事而没有做,其否定形式是对过去本不做的事而做了的固定句型。

2.与why ,who ,how等词连用,表示意外、惊异等,有“竟会”等意思。例如:

1) How should I know?

2) Why should you be so late today?


1) The young doctor proposed that he should try the experiment on himself.

2) It was decided that we should start a cleanup at once.


They should have arrived in Beijing by this time.


1) Should it rain tomorrow (或If it should rain tomorrow ) ,the meeting would be postponed.

2) If the book were in the library ,you should have it. (should 在句子里表说话人的意愿)



1) We will fight on until final victory is won.

2) I will do my best to help you.

3) She will not shove the heavy load on to others.


1) Will you help me with my work?

2) Will you join our discussion?


Every morning he will have a walk along this river.

4.在if ,when ,until等连词引导的表示时间或条件的从句中要用一般时表将来,但在if 从句中有时为了表示意愿也可用will ,有“愿意”的意思。例如:

1) If you will read this article ,you will realize you are wrong.

2) If they won’t help us ,we can not finish the task within one month.


1.Will 的过去式,表示对过去时间的意志、意愿、决心,有“愿、要、偏要”的意思。例如:

1) I promised that I would do my best.

2) I told him not to go ,but he would not listen to me.


1) Would you please take a seat?

2) Would you mind opening the window?

3) I would like to express my thanks to you.


On Sundays he would come to our village and work with us.


1) If you had come earlier ,you would have seen him.

2) It would be better to adopt the new method.


考题1It is nearly seven ,Jack ____ be here at any moment. (NMET1995)

A. must

B. Need

C. Should

D. can

解析这是带与语境的句子,从第一句的句意,我们便可以了解到*第二句属推测句型,这样可排除选项B,在推测句型中否定句和疑问句中,故选C为正确,should 表示可能性的推测。



1. ______read the letter for you?

A. would you like me

B. Do you want me

C. will you mind me

D. shall I

2. He promised he ____not make such silly mistakes.

A. would

B. Should

C. Will

D. shall

3. You are thirsty ,aren’t you? _____he get you some coffee?

A. will

B. Shall

C. Will

D. should

4. You say you ____not do it ,but I say you _____ do it.

A. will ;shall

B. Shall ;shall

C. Shall ;will

D. will ;will

5. ______your answer ,please? I didn’t quite catch you.

A. should you repeat

B. Are you doing to repeat

C. will you repeat

D. are you repeating

should 用法

should 一词在中学英语课本中出现频率很高。它的用法灵活、含义丰富,因而一直是历年高考关注的热点。现将其具体用法分述如下:

1. should 作为助动词shall 的过去式,可以在间接引语中与第一人称主语搭配,表示过去将来时间。例如:

1) The group leader announced that we should(= would)begin to work soon.


2) A week ago, I told him that I should(= would)go to Beijing the next day.
