中国政法大学国际私法4第五章 适用冲突规范中的几种制度
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第三节 反致(Renvoi) 一、概念(Definition) “反致”是指某涉外法律关系依法院地的冲
突规范应适用某外国法,而根据该外国的冲 突法,应适用法院地法或其他第三国法律。
Renvoi :The problem arising when one state’s conflicts rule of refers a case to the law of another state, and that second state’s conflicts rule refers either back to the law of the first state or to a third state.
• 在审理冲突法案件时,为援引适当的冲突 规范,法院一开始就需要确定:它需要解 决的问题涉及的是侵权,合同,还是财产, 抑或其他领域的纠纷。换言之,法院一开 始必须经过对问题的性质进行确定的过程, 这个过程既可能是有意识的,也可能是无 意识的;否则,法院就无法知道案件应适 用哪一条冲突规范。这一过程通常被称为 “识别”,有时也被称为“分类”、“定 性”或“解释”。
2.准据法说(Applicable Law Doctrine)
3.分析法学与比较法说(Theory of Analytical Jurisprudence and Comparative Law)
4.个案识别说(Qualification Case by Case)
5.二级识别说(Secondary Qualification)
四、结 论(Conclusions)
1.原则: 依据法院地法进行识别。
2. 变通: (1)如果应依法院地法识别,而法院地法没有关
于该法律关系的概念,就应按照与该法律关系有 关的外国法确定它的概念;
(2)如果有关冲突规范是由条约规定的,应该依 该条约作为识别的依据;
(3)特殊的或专门的国际民商事法律关系,如动 产或不动产的识别,应根据物之所在地国家的法 律规定来确定。
(1)The main issue should, under the domestic conflicts rules, be governed by a foreign law;
(2)There should be a subsidiary question involving a foreign element which could have arisen separately and which has its own independent conflicts rule;
• Under the Ontario conflicts rules, Israeli law is the applicable law for the main question. Then what is the law applicable for the incidental question? Some judges thought that Ontario conflicts rules should be resorted to, while others favored Israeli conflicts rules
1. 识别(characterization) 2. 先决问题(Preliminary Question)
3. 反致(Renvoi) 4. 法律规避(Evasion of Law)
5. 外国法的查明(Proof of Foreign Law)
6. 公共秩序保留(Public Order)
• 需要注意的是,安大略省的冲突规则指向匈牙利 法,而依据匈牙利法,离婚无效;但如适用以色 列的冲突规范,其指向的法律认可该离婚的效力。
二、构成要件(Constituent Elements)
An incidental question presumes the existence of three facts:
• 第四,不同国家有时有不同的法律概念或独 特的法律概念。
三、识别的依据 (Rules for Characterization)
1.法院地法说(Lex fori Doctrine)
“自由法院地法(liberal lex fori)”或“开明法院地 法(enlightened lex fori)”
第一节 识别 (Characterization)
Characterization: in a conflict of laws situation, a court must determine at the outset whether the problem presented to it for solution relates to torts, contracts, property, or some other field, in order to refer to the appropriate conflicts rule. In other words, the court must initially, whether consciously or not, go through the process of determining the nature of the problem; otherwise, the court will not know which conflicts rule to apply to the case. This process is generally called “characterization”, and sometimes “classification”, “qualification” or “interpretation”.
Compulsory Course for L.L.B.
Private International Law
Professor of Law Faculty of International Law China University of Political Science and Law
第五章 适用冲突规范中的几种制度 (General Problems in Applying Conflicts Rules)
• 一对犹太夫妻,他们在匈牙利设有住所。 后来,他们决定移居以色列。在去以色列 的途中,他俩在意大利的一个犹太区依据 犹太教方式离婚。对他们的离婚,匈牙利 法(当时匈牙利仍是他俩的住所地)与意 大利法(意大利是离婚发生地)均不予承 认,但以色列法则认可之。随后,他俩均 在以色列获得住所。在以色列取得住所后, 女方到加拿大安大略旅行,并与另一男子 结婚,但随后,她的第二个丈夫以她的第 二次婚姻是重婚为由,请求加拿大安大略 法院裁定第二次婚姻无效。
观点一: 先决问题的准据法应该依主要问题所属国的冲 突规则来确定(多为普通法国家)。
观点二: 主张先决问题应依法院地国的冲突规则来解决 (多为大陆法国家)。
观点三: 根据案件具体情况而定。
最高法院关于适用《涉外民事关系法律适用法》 若干问题的司法解释(一)
第十二条 涉外民事争议的解决须以另一涉外民事关 系的确认为前提时,人民法院应当根据该 先决问题自身的性质确定其应当适用的法 律。
• 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》
第8条 涉外民事关系的定性,适用法院地法律。
第二节 先决问题 (Preliminary Question)
先决问题,亦称“附带问题”或“附随问 题(incidental question)”,是指法院在审理 案件时,争讼问题的解决须以解决另一问 题为前提。前者称为主要问题,后者即为 先决问题。
(Reasons for the Conflict of Characterizations)
• 第一,不同国家对同一事实赋予不同的法律 性质,因而可能援引不同的冲突规范;
• 第二,不同国家对同一冲突规范赋予不同的 含义;
• 第三,不同国家往往把具有相同内容的法律 问题分配到不同的法律部门中去;
(3)This conflicts rule leads to a conclusion different from that which would have been reached had the law governing the main question been applied.
三、先决问题的法律适用 Application of Law for Incidental Question
(Commentary on Classic Cases)
Schwebel v. Ungar (1963) 42 DLR (2d) 622
A Jewish husband and wife, domiciled in Hungary, decided to settle in Israel. When they were in Italy, en route to Israel, the husband divorced his wife by “gett”. Under Hungarian law, the law of their domicile, and under Italian law this divorce was invalid, but it was effective according to Israeli law. They then acquired an Israeli domicile and while so domiciled the wife later visited Ontario and married a second husband who ultimately petitioned the Ontario court for a decree of nullity on the ground of his wife’s bigamy.
• It should be noted that Ontario conflicts rule referred to the Hungarian law under which the divorce would not be recognized, whereas it would if the Israeli conflicts rule prevailed.
• The Canadian court had not only to consider the question of the wife’s capacity to marry, but also the question of the validity of the wife’s divorce by “gett”. Here, the capacity was regarded as the main question, to which divorce recognition was incidental.
百度文库 案例释义
“爱维亚幸运号”是一艘悬挂英国国旗的 远洋货轮。在执行一次航运任务中,该船中途临 时停靠法国马赛港。国际货运工人联合会 (ITWF)闻讯后,立即派员与船主谈判,要求 后者与其签订合同,给船上员工加薪。该要求被 船主拒绝,ITWF遂派人强行登船,以不让“爱 维亚幸运号”离港为要挟,迫使船主就范。完成 航运任务后,船主在法国向法院提起诉讼,以胁 迫为由主张与ITWF签订的合同无效,并要求 ITWF返还其按合同多支付给船员的薪水。需要 强调的是,在本案中,原、被告签订的合同上载 明适用瑞典法,而根据瑞典法律,ITWF的行为 是合法的。
• 加拿大的法院不仅要考虑妻子的再婚能力问题, 而且需要考虑她依据犹太教方式离婚的效力问题。 在这里,再婚能力是主要问题,而离婚效力是先 决问题。
• 依据安大略省的冲突规范,以色列法是支配主要 问题的准据法。那么,支配先决问题的准据法是 哪一国法律呢?一部分法官认为,应援用安大略 省的冲突规则来确定这个问题,而另一部分法官 则认为应当援用以色列的冲突规则来判定之。