英语 动物农场


Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第一章 注释

Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第一章 注释

Animal Farm动物农场或动物农庄George Orwell乔治奥威尔难点注释大全第一章密谋造反1.manor farm 庄园农场2.hen-house鸡舍3.drunk喝醉酒的4.pop-hole鸡舍围栏上的家禽进人口或猪圈围栏的小猪进出口5.ring of light光环ntern提灯7.lurch蹒跚, 踉跄; 摇晃8.yard庭院9.kicked off his boots 踢脱下靴子10.draw汲取11.barrel酒桶12.scullery- / `skʌl(ə)ri /(厨房旁的)洗涤室(通常设於大宅中)13.make his way 前行14.snore打鼾15.the light...went out 灯熄灭16.stirring骚动; 轰动17.fluttering拍打翅膀18.Word had gone round风传着一件事19.Major 陆军少校,此为猪的名字20.Middle White--原产于英格兰北部的约克郡介于大白猪和小白猪之间的中白猪21.boar--/ bɔr /公猪22.previous先前的,先的23.barn谷仓, 粮仓24.be out of the way 走开25.exhibit 在展览中展示26.Willingdon英国英国英格兰东南部的东萨西克斯郡威灵顿区27.highly regarded德高望重的28.raised platform高于地面的平台,高台29.ensconce--[in'skɔns]安顿下来30.beam横梁31.stout结实的;矮胖的[staʊt]32.majestic-looking仪表堂堂的,雄赳赳气昂昂的33.benevolent appearance仁慈的仪表34.in spite of 尽管35.tush长牙;獠牙36.Before long不久,很快37.after their different fashions按各自不同的方式38.settle down安顿下来39.perch栖息40.window-sill窗台41.flutter拍打翅膀42.rafter 椽,承屋瓦的圆木y down --动词原形lie down躺下休息44.chew the cud反刍,fǎnchú45.偶蹄类的某些动物把粗粗咀嚼后咽下去的食物再反回到嘴里细细咀嚼,然后再咽下。



动物农场梗概500字作文英文回答:Animal Farm is a farm where animals are raised and taken care of. It is a place where different types of animals live together and work together. The farm is run by the animals themselves, without any human interference. The animals have their own system of rules and regulations, and they make decisions collectively.In Animal Farm, each animal has its own role and responsibilities. For example, the pigs are the leaders and they make the important decisions for the farm. The horses and cows do the heavy work, like plowing the fields and carrying heavy loads. The chickens lay eggs and provide food for the other animals. Every animal has a job to do, and they all work together to make the farm successful.One of the main themes in Animal Farm is equality. The animals believe that all animals should be treated equallyand have the same rights. They strive for a society where everyone is equal and no one is oppressed. However, as the story progresses, we see that some animals start to take advantage of their power and become corrupt. This reflects the reality of human society, where power often leads to corruption.中文回答:动物农场是一个养殖和照顾动物的农场。

animal farm 英文版

animal farm 英文版

animal farm 英文版
《动物农场》是英国作家乔治·奥威尔创作的一部政治寓言小说,通过讲述一个农场里的动物们推翻人类统治、建立起一个名为“动物农场”的新社会的故事,隐喻了 20 世纪初苏联社会的历史,探讨了权力、腐败和革命的本质。












描写农场的英语一、农场里面的动物dog狗、pig猪、chicken鸡、duck鸭、hors马、cow奶牛、sheep羊、goat山羊、rabbit兔子、donkey驴、cat猫二、农场里面有哪些蔬菜carrot 胡萝卜、tomatoes 西红柿、green beans 四季豆、chilli 辣椒、cucumber 黄瓜、eggplant 茄子、beetroot 甜菜、potato 马铃薯、cauliflower 花椰菜、pumpkin 西葫芦、broad bean 蚕豆、cabbage 圆白菜、garlic 蒜、celery 芹菜、leek 韭菜、mushroom 蘑菇、lettuce 莴苣等三、关于农场的英语单词1、farm 农场2、farmer 农夫3、farm stock 农业资产4、farmwife 农妇5、farm hand 农场短工6、farm management 农场经营四、描写农场的英语短文Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together. The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around. How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon, we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, wehave greatfun, singing and dancing, telling jokes and stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.今天我们参观了农场。



动物农场梗概500字作文英文回答:Animal Farm is a farm where animals are raised for various purposes, such as producing milk, eggs, and meat.It is a place where animals live and work together, each with their own responsibilities and tasks. The farm is run by a group of animals who have taken control from the humans, and they have established their own rules and regulations for the farm.In Animal Farm, I am responsible for taking care of the chickens. Every morning, I wake up early to feed them and collect the eggs. I make sure that their coop is clean and comfortable, and I also check for any signs of illness or distress. I enjoy spending time with the chickens, as they have their own personalities and quirks. Some of them are friendly and curious, while others are more shy and reserved.One of the challenges I face on the farm is dealing with the weather. Sometimes, it gets too hot or too cold, and I have to make sure that the chickens are protected and comfortable. I also have to be vigilant against predators, such as foxes or raccoons, that may try to harm the chickens. It is a constant battle to keep the chickens safe and healthy.中文回答:动物农场是一个养殖动物的地方,动物们在这里为各种目的而被饲养,比如生产牛奶、鸡蛋和肉类。

Day 30讲义 Animal Farm(《动物农场》)

Day 30讲义 Animal Farm(《动物农场》)

Animal Farm (Excerpt)By George Orwell"Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth.”一、核心词汇comrade [‘kɑmræd] n. 同志laborious [lə’bɔrɪəs] adj. 费力的;辛苦的;勤劳的atom [‘ætəm] n. 原子instant [‘ɪnstənt] n. 瞬间;片刻adj. 立即的;速食的slaughter [‘slɔtɚ] vt. 屠宰,屠杀n. 屠宰;屠杀hideous [‘hidiəs] adj. 非常可怕的;极其丑陋的cruelty [‘krʊəlti] n. 残酷;残忍;残酷的行为slavery [‘sleɪvəri] n. 奴役;奴隶制度plain [pleɪn] adj. 平的;清楚的;简单的;朴素的二、核心表达the nature of sth. 某物的本质face sth.面对/正视某事be forced to do sth.被迫做某事the very instant that………的那一刻come to an end结束be slaughtered with hideous cruelty被残忍地宰杀the meaning of sth. 某事的意义plain truth 明摆着的事实三、参考译文《动物农场》(节选)乔治·奥威尔“那么,同志们,我们生活的本质是什么样的呢?让我们面对现实吧:我们的一生短暂、凄惨又辛苦。

animal farm英文版摘抄

animal farm英文版摘抄

Animal Farm (《动物农场》) 摘抄Chapter 1At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white marewho drew Mr. Jones's trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar.莫丽来得很晚,这个愚蠢的家伙,长着一身白生生的毛,拉琼斯先生的双轮轻便车。


Last of all came the cat, who looked round, as usual, for the warmest place, and finally squeezed herself in between Boxer and Clover.猫是最后一个来的,她象往常一样,到处寻找最热乎的地方,最后在鲍克瑟和克拉弗当中挤了进去。

The cows lowed it, the dogs whined it, the sheep bleated it, the horses whinnied it, the ducks quacked it.牛哞哞地叫,狗汪汪地吠,羊咩咩地喊,马嘶嘶地鸣,鸭子嘎嘎地唤。

Chapter 2Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character.相比之下,斯诺鲍要活跃多了,口才好,也更有独创性,但看起来个性上没有拿破仑那么深沉。

They had never seen animals behave like this before, and this sudden uprising of creatures whom they were usedto thrashing and maltreating just as they chose, frightened them almost out of their wits.他们从前还没有见到动物这样的举动,他们曾经是怎样随心所欲的鞭笞和虐待这一群畜牲!而这群畜牲们的突然暴动吓得他们魂飞魄散。

动物庄园(Animal Farm)简介

动物庄园(Animal Farm)简介

动物庄园(Animal Farm)简介:Since its publication in 1946, George Orwell's fable of a workers' revolution gone wrong has rivaled Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea as the Shortest Serious Novel It's OK to Write a Book Report About. (The latter is three pages longer and less fun to read.) Fueled by Orwell's intense disillusionment with Soviet Communism, Animal Farm is a nearly perfect piece of writing, both an engaging story and an allegory that actually works. When the downtrodden beasts of Manor Farm oust their drunken human master and take over management of the land, all are awash in collectivist zeal. Everyone willingly works overtime, productivity soars, and for one brief, glorious season, every belly is full. The animals' Seven Commandment credo is painted in big white letters on the barn. All animals are equal. No animal shall drink alcohol, wear clothes, sleep in a bed, or kill a fellow four-footed creature. Those that go upon four legs or wings are friends and the two-legged are, by definition, the enemy. Too soon, however, the pigs, who have styled themselves leaders by virtue of their intelligence, succumb to the temptations of privilege and power. "We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of the farm depend on us. Day and night, we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples." While this swinish brotherhood sells out the revolution, cynically editing the Seven Commandments to excuse their violence and greed, the common animals are once again left hungry and exhausted, no better off than in the days when humans ran the farm. Satire Animal Farm may be, but it's a stony reader who remains unmoved when the stalwart workhorse, Boxer, having given his all to his comrades, is sold to the glue factory to buy booze for the pigs. Orwell's view of Communism is bleak indeed, but given the history of the Russian people since 1917, his pessimism has an air of prophecy.《动物庄园》(Animal Farm)亦译作《动物农场》、《动物农庄》。






首先,《动物农场》(Animal Farm)是一本由乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)所著的政治讽刺小说。



其次,《夏洛的网》(Charlotte's Web)是E.B.怀特(E.B. White)的经典儿童文学作品。



接下来,《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird)是哈珀·李(Harper Lee)的杰作,讲述了一个关于种族歧视和正义的故事。


《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是F.斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)的代表作,描绘了20世纪20年代美国的繁荣与幻灭。


最后,《小王子》(The Little Prince)是安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)的寓言故事,通过一个小王子的星际旅行,探讨了爱、友谊和人生的意义。






动物农场的英文读书报告animalfarm第一篇:动物农场的英文读书报告animal farmSoEReadingBook ReportCrystal Animal Farmstudent number: 1120113509 By: George OrwellDecember 3,2012The story happened in Mr.Jones’s Manor farm.The animals worked for the farm day and night.One night, a pig Old Major told the animals what he had dreamed.Then the animals realize that they were leading a miserable life and they were exploited by human being.Old Major encouraged them to get rid of man and the produce of their labor would be their ter, the battle really happened and Mr.Jones run away.They established “Animal Farm” and put forward “Seven Commandments”.At the beginning of “Animal Farm”, all animals were equal.It was a ne w life.Every animal bore hardship and work hard for a better life.However, the leaders--pigs took advantage of new system to benefit themselves.They slept on the bed and drunk milk.The two leaders-Snowball and Napoleon wanted to be the only leader.Snowball was driven out because Napoleon let some fierce dog to chase him.And then Napoleon declared Snowball was spy and the enemy of Animal Farm.In the past, Snowball put forward to build windmill and Napoleon push others to build it since Snowball’s departure.T hough it was wrecked twice but it finally was accomplished through years of hard work.As time went by, pigs1became the privileged stratum.They even revised “Seven Commandments” to satisfy their own desire.If animals complained about the ruling of Napoleon, they would be killed cruelly.Animals had no freedom and kept working much laborious work.They had less food but pigs always hadfeast.Animal’s miserable life was just like that in Manor Farm.At last, pigs even walked by two legs and had negotiation with people.Animal’s life did not change at all or maybe more miserable than bined with my knowledge of history, I can sense this book reflect the situation in the Soviet Union.Every animal has its own reflection.Napoleon was just Stalin.He was in charge of the whole country in an autocratic way.He killed those who were not willing to obey his ruling.Snowball was just like Trostsky.When people didn't need him, no one cared about his life though he dedicated his whole life to the country.What's worse,people blamed all evil things and bad results to him.He was the victim of politics.Boxer are those who lived at the bottom of society.They work the most laborious work and eat least.They were exploited everyday until death.Their lives were poor.Old Benjamin reflected those who wanted to save their lives and avoided being killed by not commenting on politics.They were not satisfied about2 the situation but they were reluctant to criticize.I am sure that everyone can see the totalitarianism among pigs.Why is there totalitarianism? I think first it's because of lacking supervision.Without supervision, no matter how heroic and wise he is,he will abuse the power, because complete power is bound to lead to complete corruption.Secondly, people are lazy.They think that there will be heroes leading them to a better life no matter he is Snowball or Napoleon, Stalin or others.They don’t want to take pains and to worry about the future.They all depend on heroes but not rely on themselves.That's totally wrong.Everyone must take responsibility for himself.People can't be so lazy to put all the responsibility and rights to the leader.When you overthrow a leader and uphold another leader,that's not democracy.Depending on leaders would not obtain democracy.The so-called “democracy” rulers give you is autocracy with the skin of democracy.Then I want to say people's patience to tyranny and misrule.This story reflected situation in the Soviet Union.However,we all know, history is always similar.I can also find miniature of China and Chine people at that time.Chinese people have a bad character of tolerating more autocracy, misrule than any Western people.No matter in the ancient time or during Chairman Mao's ruling, people can always tolerate corruption, tyranny and other evil3things.Why can we tolerate so much? Why didn't we criticize politics? Because we lacked legal protection and gurantee for our life.To avoid being killed, we close our mouth just like Benjamin.There is another thing worth mentioning--people's quality.Rulers want the citizen to be foolish.That's Obscurantism.There are some evidence.Boxer only knew some of alphabet and those animals born later even knew none of them.Squealer always said that “you were stupid so that you won't understand how great our plans were.” And then, animals thought they were not clever and they must follow Napoleon.Napoleon destroyed the school built for animals so that they could always stay foolish.Animals doubted that someone had changed “Seven Commandments”.When Squealer said it remained without any change, animals thought their memory were not clear.They didn't have their own thoughts and judgement.Rulers hope citizen are ignorant so they won't have advanced ideas to fight against their rule.No matter in China or in western countries, there were always rulers killing intellectual because they didn't want to see any potential threatening.Though rulers don’t want citizen to be well-educated, people must improve themselves or they can’t protect their own st I want to say something about Snowball.I suppose he was a good leader.At least he put forward to build windmill and he4got hurt during the battle against human being.It's just like Trostsky put forward to develop industry to enter modernization in Soviet Union.He devoted his whole life to the country but had a bad result.People blame all evil things to him.I think it's unfair.People must take responsibility for themselves and should not put all the rights and obligation to the leader.Faced with the results of the World War II, German did not only blame on Hitler.All the Germen rethought profoundly for their evil behaviors.As for the Iraq war, we can't only blame on President Bush.At least citizen voted and chose him!.So it's unfair to criticize Snowball.We don't know how he would rule the farm if he did not leave.Maybe he was democratic but without supervision he might also became autocratic.This book is sarcasm to the socialism of Soviet Union, especially those words “every animal is equal but some animals are more equal.” The author criticized autocracy in the Soviet Union.I agree that there are still many shortcomings of current socialistic society in China.There is some corruption but no autocracy.However, I am sure it will make progress because our government attaches great importance to people's education and people have their independent thoughts to analyze and have human rights to comment on politics.I am sure tomorrow will be better.I think if there is one more person to read Orwell’s book, there will be one more guarantee of freedom.6第二篇:动物庄园英文读书报告读书报告——《动物庄园》 ? 内容概要《动物庄园》是一本看似很薄却很有内涵的书,书中的内容看似荒谬却意味很深。

最新Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第一章 注释资料

最新Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第一章 注释资料

Animal Farm动物农场或动物农庄George Orwell乔治奥威尔难点注释大全第一章密谋造反1.manor farm 庄园农场2.hen-house鸡舍3.drunk喝醉酒的4.pop-hole鸡舍围栏上的家禽进人口或猪圈围栏的小猪进出口5.ring of light光环ntern提灯7.lurch蹒跚, 踉跄; 摇晃8.yard庭院9.kicked off his boots 踢脱下靴子10.draw汲取11.barrel酒桶12.scullery- / `skʌl(ə)ri /(厨房旁的)洗涤室(通常设於大宅中)13.make his way 前行14.snore打鼾15.the light...went out 灯熄灭16.stirring骚动; 轰动17.fluttering拍打翅膀18.Word had gone round风传着一件事19.Major 陆军少校,此为猪的名字20.Middle White--原产于英格兰北部的约克郡介于大白猪和小白猪之间的中白猪21.boar--/ bɔr /公猪22.previous先前的,先的23.barn谷仓, 粮仓24.be out of the way 走开25.exhibit 在展览中展示26.Willingdon英国英国英格兰东南部的东萨西克斯郡威灵顿区27.highly regarded德高望重的28.raised platform高于地面的平台,高台29.ensconce--[in'skɔns]安顿下来30.beam横梁31.stout结实的;矮胖的[staʊt]32.majestic-looking仪表堂堂的,雄赳赳气昂昂的33.benevolent appearance仁慈的仪表34.in spite of 尽管35.tush长牙;獠牙36.Before long不久,很快37.after their different fashions按各自不同的方式38.settle down安顿下来39.perch栖息40.window-sill窗台41.flutter拍打翅膀42.rafter 椽,承屋瓦的圆木y down --动词原形lie down躺下休息44.chew the cud反刍,fǎnchú45.偶蹄类的某些动物把粗粗咀嚼后咽下去的食物再反回到嘴里细细咀嚼,然后再咽下。

动物农场 英语精读

动物农场 英语精读

动物农场英语精读Animal Farm is a renowned novel written by George Orwell, which depicts the events that took place in a farm where animals overthrew their human owner and ran the farm themselves. The animals in the farm are personified and represent different characters in society. The novel is an allegory of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, and it highlights the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of freedom and equality. The novel has been widely read and studied, and it continues to be relevant today.One of the perspectives that can be explored in the novel is the role of leadership in society. The novel shows how the animals overthrow Mr. Jones, the human owner of the farm, and elect the pigs as their leaders. Initially, the pigs are seen as benevolent and wise leaders who work for the good of all animals. However, as time passes, the pigs become corrupt and oppressive, and they use their power to exploit the other animals. This shows how leadership can be a double-edged sword, and how it is important to have checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. It also highlights the importance of having leaders who are accountable to the people they lead.Another perspective that can be explored in the novel is the theme of revolution. The animals in the farm overthrow their human owner and establish a new order where all animals are equal. However, as time passes, the pigs become more powerful and oppressive, and the other animals realize that they have merely replaced one form of tyranny with another. This shows how revolutions can have unintended consequences, and how it is important to have a clear vision of what one wants to achieve before embarking on a revolution. It also highlights the need for vigilance and constant struggle to maintain the gains of a revolution.The novel also explores the theme of propaganda and manipulation. The pigs in the farm use propaganda to manipulate the other animals and to maintain their power. They use slogans such as \'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others\' to justify their privileges and to suppress dissent. This shows how propaganda can be usedto distort reality and to manipulate people's perceptions. It also highlights the importance of critical thinking and independent media in countering propaganda and manipulation.The theme of class struggle is also explored in the novel. The animals in the farm are divided into different classes, with the pigs at the top and the other animals at the bottom. The pigs use their power to exploit the other animals and to maintain their privileges. This shows how class struggle is a universal phenomenon, and how it is important to have a fair and just society where everyone has equal opportunities. It also highlights the importance of solidarity and collective action in fighting against oppression and inequality.The novel also explores the theme of corruption and betrayal. The pigs in the farm become corrupt and betray the ideals of the revolution. They use their power to enrich themselves and to suppress dissent. This shows how corruption and betrayal can undermine the foundations of a society and how it is important to have mechanisms in place to prevent and punish corruption and betrayal. It also highlights the importance of integrity and honesty in leadership.In conclusion, Animal Farm is a novel that explores multiple perspectives on society and human nature. It highlights the dangers of totalitarianism, the importance of freedom and equality, the role of leadership in society, the theme of revolution, propaganda and manipulation, class struggle, corruption and betrayal. The novel is a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire and challenge readers today. It is a reminder of the need for vigilance and struggle in the pursuit of a fair and just society.。



介绍动物农场英语的作文Animal Farm.In a idyllic countryside setting, hidden away from the prying eyes of the outside world, lay a unique establishment known as Animal Farm. This was no ordinary farm; it was a utopian society where animals had risen up against their human masters and taken control of their own destiny. Here, pigs, chickens, sheep, cows, and even the humblest of rodents shared a common goal: to build a society where the fruits of their labor would be distributed equally and fairly among all.The revolution that brought about this transformation was led by two exceptional pigs, Snowball and Napoleon. They were intelligent, charismatic leaders who inspired their fellow animals with their vision of a society free from hunger, exploitation, and cruelty. Snowball, with his keen strategic mind, was the architect of the rebellion, while Napoleon, with his powerful oratory and unwaveringdetermination, was the heart and soul of the movement.The revolution began with a simple spark, a whisper of discontent that grew louder and louder until it became a roar that shook the very foundation of the farm. The animals, tired of their miserable existence, rose up in unison, overthrowing the hated human masters and claiming the farm as their own. They renamed it Animal Farm, a symbol of their newfound freedom and independence.Under the wise leadership of Snowball and Napoleon, the animals set out to create a new society based on the principles of equality and brotherhood. They abolished the old system of exploitation, where the humans had taken most of the produce for themselves, and established a system of equal labor and shared rewards. Each animal was assigned a task according to their strength and abilities, and the produce of the farm was distributed among them all.The Seven Commandments were written and hung in a prominent place, serving as a constant reminder of the values and principles that guided their society. Thesecommandments, simple yet profound, enshrined the ideals of equality, freedom, and responsibility. Among them were such statements as "All animals are equal," and "No animal shall sleep in a bed."At first, the days on Animal Farm were filled with hope and promise. The animals worked tirelessly, motivated by the vision of a better future for themselves and their families. They were content and happy, knowing that their labor was finally being recognized and rewarded.However, as time passed, changes began to creep into the fabric of Animal Farm. Snowball, the architect of the rebellion, was slowly sidelined by Napoleon, who desired more power and control. Napoleon, with the help of hisloyal dogs, began to enforce his own agenda, using fear and intimidation to quell any dissent or opposition.The Seven Commandments were also twisted and reinterpreted to suit Napoleon's own ends. The original ideals of equality and freedom were gradually eroded, replaced by a system of patronage and privilege thatbenefited only a few. The animals, once full of vim and vigor, began to lose their spirit as they realized that the promised utopia was slowly turning into a new form of tyranny.The pigs, once equals among equals, now stood at the apex of the new hierarchy. They enjoyed the best food,lived in the most comfortable quarters, and made all the important decisions. The other animals, realizing that they had been betrayed, were now reduced to a state of servitude, working harder than ever before for a smaller share of the produce.In the end, Animal Farm had failed to achieve its original ideals. The animals, though free from the yoke of human exploitation, had instead fallen victim to a new form of oppression, one that was even more insidious anddifficult to overcome. They had learned the hard lessonthat power, once gained, is difficult to relinquish, andthat revolution, while it may bring about temporary change, cannot guarantee lasting freedom and equality.The story of Animal Farm is a cautionary tale thatwarns us about the dangers of unchecked ambition, the corruption of power, and the erosion of ideals. It reminds us that true freedom and equality require constantvigilance and effort, and that revolution, while necessaryat times, is not a panacea for all our problems. In the end, it is only through education, understanding, and the continuous striving for justice and fairness that we can hope to create a truly utopian society where all aretreated with respect and dignity.。

Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第二章注释

Animal Farm动物农场 或动物农庄 第二章注释

Animal Farm动物农场或动物农庄George Orwell乔治奥威尔难点注释大全第二章揭竿而起1.the foot of the orchard--果园的尽头,果园的边缘2.intelligent聪明的3.outlook on life人生观4.predict预言5.lifetime有生之年6.fall upon .....(责任或工作)落在....身上7.recognised as被认为是8.pre-eminent--杰出的(等于preeminent)9.Napoleon--拿破仑一世:法国皇帝(1804-1814年),伟大的军事战略家。

本小说中为一个年轻公猪的名字10.fierce-looking样子凶狠的11.Berkshire ['bə:kʃiə](原产英国南部伯克郡的)伯克郡黑白猪12.not much of...不太好的不十分好的,不很好13.reputation声望14.get one's own way特立独行,独行其是,行其所好15.vivacious [vɪ'veʃəs]活泼的16.inventive独出心裁的,有创造力的17.depth深度18.porker食用猪19.squealer /'skwi:lə]发出尖叫声音者,本小说中为猪名,可译为尖嗓子20.cheek面颊,脸颊21.twinkling闪亮的22.nimble 敏捷的23.shrill尖锐的;刺耳的24.have a way of ...有……习惯25.skip from side to side左右来回跳来跳去26.whisk甩动27.persuasive 令人信服的28.turn black into white把黑的说成白的29.elaborate阐述30.Animalism 动物利益至上主义31.expound解释; 详细述说32.principle原则33.stupidity愚昧34.apathy漠不关心; 无动於衷/ `æpəθi /35.loyalty忠诚36.elementary初步的, 基本的37.remark言论38.starve饥饿39.contrary to...与...相悖40.badge标志, 标记41.slavery奴役42.liberty自由43.convinced被说服了的44.counteract对抗45.put about散布46.especial特殊的,特别的47.tale-bearer散播流言者['teɪlbeərə]48.claim声称,口口声声49.existence存在50.mysterious神秘的51.Sugarcandy Mountain 糖果山,动物的天堂52.in season当今的,应时的53.all the year round一年到头; 终年54.lump sugar块糖;方糖55.linseed cake亚麻籽饼56.hedge篱笆57.faithful忠心耿耿的58.disciple门徒59.unfailing可靠的; 确实的60.attendance出席61.hard严格的,严厉的62.of late最近以来63.fall on evil days遭逢厄运,倒霉64.disheartened沮丧的wsuit诉讼(尤指非刑事案件);诉讼案件66.take to doing sth养成......习惯,沉于......67.lounge懒洋洋地躺卧[laʊndʒ]68.Windsor chair温莎椅; 18世纪风行于英美,高辐条靠背的一种木椅69.occasionally偶尔70.crust面包皮71.soak浸泡72.idle懒惰的/ `aɪdl /73.want缺少74.roofing屋顶75.neglect疏忽76.underfed营养不良的; 吃得不饱的77.Midsummer's Eve仲夏前夜,施洗约翰节(6月24日)78.Willingdon英国英格兰东南部的郡东萨西克斯郡下的一个教区79.Red Lion红狮酒吧80.midday正午, 中午k挤奶82.rabbit猎兔83.drawing-room客厅的; 休息室的84.sofa 沙发/ ˈsəufə/85.News of the World--《世界新闻报》,1843 至2011年发行于英国的全国性小报,曾经是全世界最畅销英文报纸。

animal farm主要内容

animal farm主要内容

animal farm主要内容《动物农场》是乔治·奥威尔创作的一部寓言小说,以动物为主角,通过对动物农场的描述,揭示了人类社会中的权力斗争和社会不公。






















介绍动物农场英文作文英文:I would like to introduce you to an animal farm that I recently visited. The farm was located in the countryside and had a variety of animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep. As soon as I arrived, I was greeted by the friendly farm owner who gave me a tour of the farm.One of the things that impressed me the most was how well the animals were taken care of. The cows had a spacious barn to sleep in and were fed a healthy diet of hay and grains. The pigs were also well taken care of and had a large area to roam around in. The chickens had a cozy coop to sleep in and were free to roam around the farm during the day.I also got to see the sheep being sheared, which was a really interesting experience. The farm owner explained to me how they use the wool to make blankets and clothes.Another thing that I enjoyed about the farm was being able to buy fresh eggs and meat. The farm owner showed me the chicken coop where the eggs were laid and the meat was stored in a freezer. I ended up buying some eggs and meat to take home with me.Overall, visiting this animal farm was a great experience. It was nice to see how well the animals were taken care of and to learn more about where our food comes from.中文:我想向大家介绍我最近参观过的一家动物农场。



介绍动物农场英语的作文英文回答:Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell in 1945. It is a satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution, where the animals on a farm rebel against their human farmer and take control of the farm. The novel explores themes of power, corruption, and the manipulation of language.The story begins with the animals on Manor Farm, led by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, overthrowing their oppressive human owner, Mr. Jones. They establish a new society based on equality and cooperation, with the Seven Commandments of Animalism as their guiding principles. However, as time passes, the pigs begin to consolidate their power and become more and more like the humans they once rebelled against.Through the character of Napoleon, Orwell criticizes the rise of totalitarianism and the abuse of power. The novel highlights how those in power can manipulate language and propaganda to control the masses and maintain their authority.Overall, Animal Farm serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of remaining vigilant against tyranny.中文回答:《动物农场》是乔治·奥威尔在1945年写的一部小说。



高中英语动物农场的教案设计一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握与动物农场相关的词汇和短语,如:animal farm, pigs, Napoleon, Snowball, farm animals等。



2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够运用所学词汇和短语进行口语和书面表达。


3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够了解动物农场的现实意义,关注社会问题。


二、教学内容1. 第一课时:介绍动物农场背景及主要人物(1)教师简要介绍动物农场的作者乔治·奥威尔以及作品背景。


(3)教师带领学生概括主要人物及其特点,如:Old Major、Jones、Napoleon、Snowball等。

2. 第二课时:分析猪的统治和农场改革(1)学生阅读第二章,关注猪的统治方式和农场改革措施。



3. 第三课时:探讨动物农场的寓意(1)学生阅读第三章,思考动物农场的寓意和现实意义。



4. 第四课时:阅读动物农场的感悟(1)学生阅读第四章,联系自己的生活经验和感受。



5. 第五课时:动物农场的舞台剧表演(1)学生分组,选择动物农场中的一个场景进行舞台剧表演。




介绍动物农场英文作文英文:Animal farms are a great place to experience the joys of rural life and learn about the different animals that live on a farm. I have visited several animal farms and each one has its own unique charm. One of my favorite animal farms is located in the countryside of England. The farm is home to a variety of animals such as cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and horses.One of the things I love about this farm is the opportunity to interact with the animals. I have fed the cows and sheep, collected eggs from the chickens, and even helped groom the horses. It's amazing to see how each animal has its own personality and quirks. For example, one of the cows on the farm loves to be scratched behind its ears, while another is more shy and prefers to keep its distance.Another great thing about animal farms is the chance to learn about where our food comes from. At this particular farm, I learned about the process of milking cows and how the milk is used to make cheese and other dairy products. I also saw how pigs are raised for their meat and howchickens lay eggs that are sold to local markets.Overall, animal farms are a wonderful place to visitfor people of all ages. They provide a fun and educational experience that allows us to connect with nature and learn about the animals that play such an important role in our lives.中文:动物农场是一个体验农村生活乐趣和了解农场动物的好地方。

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Characters in 《Animal Farm》姓名:***学号:***********专业:保险学班级:素质8班教师姓名:高华Synopsis of the story:“Animal Farm” is a political fable novel which tells a story about ‘the revolution of animal’. A Manor F arm’s animal s can’t stand the tyranny of human beings, under the leading of a pig, they draw out the famer. The farm’s name was changed to “Animal Farm”, and the animals supposed the rule “All Animals Are Equal.”Then two pigs in leadership position fell into political infighting in order to get more right. With time went by, the two pigs got more and more rights. And if anyone has any dissatisfaction, they would kill him cruelly. The rule of th e farm was changed into “Some Animals Are More Equal Than Other s.” And the animals stared another miserable life.Character introduction:1.Old Major – revolutionary pioneerAs the proponent and the tutor of most animals, Old Major was very remarkable at the beginning. He had a respected statue, and everyone was willing to listen to his dream and believe his words. He had many followers, such as Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer. And surely these three pigs fulfilled Old Major’s last wish, and they became the l eaders of the revolution.Old Major was the representative of all the animals. They were opposite to the cruel exploitation and bloody killing by human beings, and they required animals should have freedom and equality. He said in his speech: “Our lives a re miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruel.”Old Major had a correct sentence: “…Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a common interest, that the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the others. It is all lies. All men are enemies.”How could exploited class and exploiting class have the same interesting? Exploiting person always sits idle and enjoy the fruit of other’s labor, and exploited person always suffers oppression.And as for the audience of this speech, Old Majo r’s ‘Guiding Ideology’ was quite reasonable. Because it pointed out the serious unfair phenomenon, and found the root –human. The animals thought if the revolution succeeded, they would have more food and do less work. How wonderful the life it was! So they made a decision: they wanted revolution someday.2.Snowball - idealistAs one of the leaders of the revolution, Snowball was a typical positive character. The author introduced him as fallow: “Snowball was a more vivacious pig than Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character.”Actually, this character mainly occurred in the early stage of the manor construction. But unfortunately, he was deported by animals in the last.The reason why Snowball had nimble movements is very simple. In the revolution, he had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments. Snowball also busied himself with organizing the other animals into what he called Animal Committees. He was indefatigable at this. He formed the Egg Production Committee for the hens, the Clean Tails League for the cows, the Wild Comrades’ Re-education Committee and so on. But in this time, Napoleon only did one thing: Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped, giving birthto nine sturdy puppies. And he just took them away from their mothers, giving them education in an isolated loft. By contrast, Snowball had a more ideal blueprint; he hoped that every animal could be equal and living with harmony.Snowball was the cleverest pig in the three. Unlike Napoleon’s violence and hungering for the right, unlike squealer’s snobbery, Snowball was an idealist. So he attracted envy, and maybe it was this that caused his deportation ending.Finally, tragedy came. Nine enormous dogs with brass nails and large set of collars let out blood-curdling growls, showed their side teeth and bounded on Snowball. Luckily, Snowball escaped from the manor. Napoleon succeeded in seizing power.This ending was quiet not unexpectedly. Not having any mean in political struggle, just had blood filling in heart and an ideal mind, only lead to fail. Comparing with the victims in history, Snowball was quiet lucky, after all, he survived.3.Napoleon – dictatorIt should not be overdone to call Napoleon a dictator. “Napoleon was a large , rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way.” Sure as it said, at the beginning of the story, he had shown his violence and aggressiveness. After Old Major died, he and Snowball formed political core, and he became a chairman. But it seemed that nothing had done by him in this revolution. He was not willing to do something li ke ‘charge forward’, what he really wanted was getting without any labor.In con struction period, he absolutely was not interested in Snowball’s commitments. He thought it was better to educate the young generation. So he just took away eight puppies.Years later, when he succeeded in power seizing, he used the fierce dogs to kill anyone who against him. And then he became a real dictator.For Snowball’s windmill plan s, Napoleon really lost interest in it. One day, however, he arrived unexpectedly to examine the plans. He looked closely at every detail of the plans and snuffed at them once or twice, and then he urinated over the plans, and walked away. In fact, he never thinks Snowball’s blueprint were boring, he just wanted to appropriate the plans himself. Then he force animals to work night and day, body and soul for the windmill plans. But he just got interest from others’ labor achievements secretly.Napoleon had all the character which a totalitarian has. He just changed the Seven Commandments at will, revised the slogan, changed the song ‘Beasts of England’ ,given himself enough right, killed others casually, carried out obscurantism, collaborated with enemies…was there anything he can’t do? He just acted capriciously!Under Napoleon’s tyranny, an imals were living painfully. They were not allowed to have their own personalities and speak truth. In fact they had already lost their nature and they didn’t know what truth was at all.4.Boxer – loyal ministerBoxer was the most moving character in this story. “Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not offirst-rate intelligence, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work.” He was simple and honest and he never thinks. There was really not a doubt in his heart. It seemed that only work can make him happy.The pet phrase ‘I’m going to work harder.’ spoke from his mouth is quiet appropriate. Because of his strong body and honest character, he always was the major part of any activities. He joined the revolution, song the ‘Beasts of England’, spread the new ideas, gathered food, carried goods, building the windmill…He was so strong that everyone liked him.But he didn’t know that favor came at a price. Rulers liked him because he worked himself to be bone for them. Animals liked him because he always was the first to work. Owing to his no complaints, it seemed that he became a resource that everyone could use.When he was dying, he couldn’t believe that he was sent to the slaughterhouses by Napoleon and Squealer, in order to get a case of whisky. Even so, Bo xer’s value was still in developing. In Boxer’s memorial meeting, Napoleon drank the whisky and encouraged others learn from Boxer. Napoleon ended his speech with two maxims, “I will work harder” and “Comrade Napoleon is always right”. He said every animal would do well to adopt as his own. Then Boxer’s soul had gone in relief.5.Squealer – glib advocateSquealer was Napoleon’s faithful supporter. He was in charge of the animal government propaganda work. Squealer was a short and fat pig, with round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, and a shrill voice. “He was a brilliant talker, and when he was arguing some difficult point he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive. The others said of Squealer t hat he could turn black into white.”Squealer’s talent in speaking was quickly proved. When all the animals knew that the windfall apples were collected and brought to the pigs, Squealer was sent to make thenecessary explanations to the others. He said as follow:“Comrades! You do not imagine , I hope , that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. We pigs are brainworkers. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Surely, comrades!”What the Squealer always said were “Comrade Napoleon is always right” and “Surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jone s back?” It is by no means accident that his two sentences appeared so often. One the one hand, these deified leaders status and authorities. One the other hand, these can make an enemy, unite all the animals and transfer inner hatred.We can see that Squealer was really a glib, false and cunning pig.。
