爱情电影简介 英文版

Introduction to 《Roman Holiday》Roman Holiday (1953) is a delightful, captivating fairy-tale romance shot entirely on location in Rome, and produced and directed by one of Hollywood's most skillful, distinguished, professional and eminent directors - William Wyler.The film's bittersweet story is a charming romantic-comedy, a kind of Cinderella tale in reverse (with an April-October romance).A runaway princess (Hepburn) rebels against her royal obligations and escapes the insulated confines of her royal prison to find a 'Prince Charming' commoner - an American reporter (Peck) covering the royal tour in Rome.The story was reportedly based on the real-life Italian adventures of British Princess Margaret.《Edward Scissorhands》Once upon a time in a castle high on a hill lived an inventor whose greatest creation was named Edward. Although Edward had an irresistible charm, he wasn t quite perfect. The inventor s sudden death left him unfinished, with sharp shears of metal for hands. Edward lived alone in the darkness until one day a kind Avon lady took him home to live with her family. And so began Edward s fantastical adventures in a pastel paradise known as Suburbia.《Titanic》The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.《Waterloo bridge》Based on the play by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Robert E. Sherwood, WATERLOO BRIDGE stars Vivien Leigh as Myra, a shy ballerina whose life is irrevocably altered in war-torn London. It's love at first sight when Myra meets handsome, aristocratic British officer Roy Cronin (Robert Taylor) in the midst of an air raid. The couple soon plans to wed, but Cronin is called to the front, and shortly thereafter a newspaper reports his death. Forced out of ballet school, alone and destitute, Myra turns to prostitution. When she discovers that the newspaper report was inaccurate, Myra is unable to tell Cronin abouther professional life, and tragedy ensues...This 10-handkerchief weeper was directed by Mervyn LeRoy. Joseph Ruttenberg`s photography is beautiful, as is the inspired soundtrack by Herbert Stothart (THE WIZARD OF OZ), but what makes WATERLOO BRIDGE is Leigh`s stunning performance and the very real chemistry between her and Robert Taylor.。

少女在此,我是你们唯一得到 曼哈顿精英们丑闻的渠道。至 于我是谁,那是一个我永远也 不会说的秘密。你知道你是爱 我的,XOXO,绯闻少女。
Gossip Girl
Based on the popular book series of the same name, this drama gives viewers a peek into the world of privileged teenagers on an elite private school in New York City.
Chuck和Blair的爱情长跑是否已经修 成正果?“小魔女”Georgina是否会 掀起新一轮“血雨腥风”?主演Blake Lively和Leighton Meester均一致认为 “小魔女”Georgina的回归会给 Chuck和Blaire的未来蒙上阴影。 “Chuck和Blair终于走到了一起,但 同时手段了得的Georgina也告别了上 帝,背负着难以抑制的复仇欲强势归 来,只怕一场新的复仇大战即将上 演。”在季末现身的Dan和Serena同 父异母/同母异父的兄弟Scott可能也不 是什么“省油的灯”,他飘忽不定的 眼神里是否充满了故事,别忘记他也 姓Humphrey。他的出现会在Lily和 Rufus之间掀起怎样的轩然大波,又会 给“不甘寂寞”的上东区带来怎样的 “惊喜”?
Plot outline
1912年, 泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦出发 Southampton in England,开始这 艘“梦幻客轮Southampton in England”的处女航maiden voyage。在船上,贵族labor女儿 露丝和平民civilian杰克相遇,杰克 对露丝一见钟情fall in love at first sight,在杰克的追求persuit下,他 们相爱了,却遭到露丝丈夫卡尔德 阻拦blocked。泰坦尼克撞上冰山 iceberg,杰克为救露丝,and he leave the opportunity to his love ruth and葬身在冰冷的海水Cold water之中。

中营,父亲不忍儿子饱受惊恐,利用 当中, 最后父亲让儿子的童心没有受到伤 如若没能看过电影《美丽人生》, 阿鼻 地狱的地方,如何能上演一出喜剧, 的犹太 父亲圭多,在人性泯灭的集中营里, 本被 死亡阴云笼罩之地充满了阳光,他 令人在 忍禁不俊的欢笑间给每一个观众带 铸就了最
在迷茫期的书豪意外发现了哥哥留下的骑行日志,这个不骑车的青年萌生了骑 行滇藏线替哥哥完成
李晓川,并结伴前往拉萨。第五天, 他们来到德钦,李晓川因无缘得见云雾 沮丧不已;第六天,他们住在盐井 的藏民家中,书豪 与淳朴的藏民依依惜别;第七天, 他们在曲孜卡的山路艰难前行,李晓川意外坠崖重伤。冬季的滇藏线格外 艰险,而剩下的路,张书豪必须独自前行…… 中的梅里十三峰而
单收费10元。等他 挣够了600块钱,他就可以买下他特别喜欢的那辆公司借给 他的银色美利达山地车。贵承受着客户经常的抱怨,努力地工作着。 就在他快要攒够钱的时候,他的自行车丢了。他跑遍了整个北京城寻找他的自 行车,然后在街上,他看见一个学生骑着它。新的车主健说这辆车是在旧货市
突如其来的变故才让克里斯知道,原来平淡的日子有多珍贵。 一路上克里斯经历了不少挫折,但是年幼的儿子每次都能给予他最大的鼓励,两 父子相互扶持最终完成了又一个美国梦。
你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。 You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.

Classic start 经典开头
• Gossip girl Hey, upper east sides, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan’s elites. And who am I That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。 • Hey,上东区的贵族们,绯闻 上东区的贵族们,
• The story of happy ending
白雪公主与七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre lost her parents in her childhood, so she lived a hard life in her aunt’s family. Lucky chance, she meets Rochester, The man of the manor, where she works as a tutor . They fall in love soon. They get through a lot of suffering, and finally ,they get married and live a happy life with love and dignity.

段爱情至今仍令人难以释怀,想起三 年后的东京街头二人再次相遇,却已 成陌路人的情景,真让人唏嘘不已。 这也是日剧进入我国大陆地区的经典
之作,属于较早为大陆观众认识的日 剧,一度曾经成为日剧的代名词。在 日本被称为90年代经典爱情剧三部 之一。
❖ 主演:竹野内丰 松岛菜々子
边缘情节,但是拍摄的极为优美, 每一集都犹如MUZIC VIDEO一
七 《同一屋檐下1》(1993年)
❖ 主演:江口洋介、福山雅治、酒井法子、 石田壹成、大路惠美、山本耕史

• Although Chinese and western to love the understanding and interpretation of each are not identical, but they have one thing in common: to love the sincere and specificity
《罗马假日》 Roman Holiday
Actor: 格里高· 派克 Gregory Peck Actress: 奥黛丽· 赫本 Audrey Hepburn
《 乱 世 佳 人 》 Gone
克拉克 盖布尔 Clark Gable
The Wind
Actress: 费雯丽
Vivien Leigh
The Lenged of White Snake
• The lenged of white snake is a love story between a white snake and a man .
Bai Suzhen was controled in the Fall of pagoda by a monk named Fahai on behalf of subdued demons
尽管中西方对爱情的理解与诠释各不相同,它们却 有一个共同点:对爱的真挚与专一
• Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. ——《乱世佳 人》 • 明天,毕竟明天又是新的一天。 • 珍惜身边的,才是最真的

• 当老太太执意要回 乡下,老头儿发怒 之后,终于还是开 车将她送回了茅屋。 也许,分离,会使 最后死别时的痛减 轻一些?
• Have to say, In this
• 不能不说,这曲恋歌里, 已经拔除了许多尘世的纷 扰。他们身边的人,都是 善良而淳朴的。没有人笑 话,也没有人阻挠。有的, 只是善意与温暖,这是电 影,在真实的世界里,两 个老人的爱情,会复杂得 多。但是,电影不就是从 生活里抽离出来的吗?如 同星光或者萤火,即使微 弱,也可以照亮一点暗夜, 电影,与其他的艺术,不
• The old manalso need love between the manand women, or more than young people . in one"s later years, You don"t understand a lot of things until you experience them yourselves, Cherish this love.
• The old lady send him gloves, the old man don’t want to take away. he is showing off her love.
• 老太太送的手套,老头儿一刻 都不想摘下,是他在炫耀她的 爱。
• These are the pictures of the couple
things she had done, when
he slept down, he s t i l l held her hand. Now, she has infected with a disease. though, he i s s t i l l healthy, i f without her, what can he do?

经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
Thank You
Thinking In Other People‘S Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story
广岛之恋 Hiroshima mon amour(1959)
多少年后,当我已将你遗忘,遗忘所有像这样的奇遇因为纯粹 的遗忘习惯,我将记住你作为爱情遗忘的象征,我将回想这个 故事作为遗忘的恐惧。
爱情故事 Love Story(1970)
泰坦尼克号 Titanic(1997)
露丝,赢得那张船票是我一生最幸运的事。它把我带 到你身边,我感到很幸运,我感到很欣慰。真的,我 感到很欣慰。// 露丝,你必须答应我,你要答应我活 下去,决不放弃,无论发生什么,无论希望有多么渺 茫。// 答应我,露丝,你绝不会食言的是吧?快答应 我。
诺丁山 Notting Hill(1999)
霸王别姬Farewell My Concubine(1993)
不行!说的是一辈子! 差一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰, 都不算一辈子 我想我爱上你了,莱昂。这是我的初恋, 你知道么? -你从没恋爱过怎么知道这是爱? - 我感觉到了。 - 哪儿? - 我的胃,它现在很暖和,以前这儿有个 结……现在没了。

十部好看的国外爱情电影(Ten good foreign love movies)Ten good foreign love movies1. TitanicA film based on a true story, because the progress of photography and special effects is impressive. Among them, a few classic scenes: Jack for Rose painting, in the classic beautiful music, two people embracing, in the bow arm, blowing sea breeze, etc., have become lovers of the year and lovers of the film follow the object. By the end of the film, the shipwreck had become the background of the story, and Jack and Rose's love was the focus, and one could sacrifice everything for the other.2. scissor EdwardA modern love fairy tale of a robot is heartbreaking. The most memorable is that Edward used a pair of scissors when snow, drifting around the snow, and the girl's head was buried in Edward's chest, shot Edward has the infinite sad desolate pale face, Scissor hands he could not face. Accept him because of his hand, he also fear because his hand is a farce, a misunderstanding; and only the girl is in love with his pale face and white under the lonely soul, but also because of this hand, he can't embrace love, and not her. Perhaps it is a shaking dream, from the birth of Edward, to his understanding of the beauty and ugliness of the world, but no matter how beautiful or ugly, he can not embrace, and can not live among them. He took a black, creative genius and clear eyes, shaking the earth through the gaudy, cut out of love and hate, cut out the dream and cruel, but can not stay too long, like a piece of whitefeather over the dark pond, time to float, to sneak into when the clouds gone.3. graduatesA film about the love and growth of graduates. When pure music sounded, as though we were together with the hero returned to the United States in 60s, the unassuming youth, the confused state of mind, in the picture, but also in our hearts, vaguely interwoven together...... The inner contradictions, conflicts, loneliness and helplessness of graduates are incisively and vividly expressed. It is a true portrayal of the life history of the young generation, and also a spiritual journey for every graduate. The young man showed his strong determination, those stiff, helpless, mindless, seemed to be discarded and replaced by one similar to the stubborn passion, without fear of secular vision, adhere to the pursuit of his love. What the film tells us is that love can destroy these negative things.4. "Agam"An inspirational love movie about a fool, persistent and touching. Agam and Jeanne's deep feelings touching: he was a bit stupid, his heart is pure, when he was in the small time alone with Jenny, then they each other, each other as the only best friend, so he used life to wait for her. Agam is not a man without feelings, but he has no mind at all. When he does one thing, he has only one thing in his eyes. To be honest, for our "normal people", Agam is not very humane, but he told us a very simple truth: try to do the right thing, at the same time, with a warm heart to love life.5., Jane EyreA poignant film about the orphans, Jane Eyre, the constant pursuit of freedom and dignity in all kinds of hardships, her persistence in herself and the ultimate happiness. Jane Eyre is a woman who is unwilling to endure the oppression of society and the pursuit of personal happiness. My personal impression is more profound than the 1944 Edition: "the best life is human dignity and love.". After all, in today's society, people seem to be crazy about love for money and status. Few people, like Jane Eyre, abandon everything for love and personality, and proceed without hesitation. It shows to us is a kind of simplified, is a kind of recover the original simplicity is a dedicated pursuit, a feeling, no gain or loss is a simplified feelings, it is like a cup of water, purifying the hearts of everyone.SixGone with the windA Hollywood blockbuster adapted from "gone with the wind" attracted me with its poignant love. For Scarlett, the true meaning of her life lies in the desire to ask, and she never knew contentment nor contentment. Learning to be contented is a desecration of her life and a sign of the flower of life. She can only keep on pursuing, hunting for the next goal, the first is love, watch Xi Li; then food and clothing, watching the money; then, Ashley, and finally Reed, she just realized his true love. So Scarlett cannot know ahead of his true love is Reed, but mustbe in the daughter died after she died, after Reed, because after thoroughly disappointed to leave, in order to understand. Life is like and she opened a great joke, but it is true, she needs to pay most dearly for his stubborn and capricious, after all the wind Piaoguo mature, scarlett. No matter in what they are watching, they are a group of rye, Scarlett hold on the money, watch Tara no longer let people go hungry, Xili love, watch the broken dream, watching the growth. Reed watched Scarlett and her life, little Bonnie, watching all the love a man could give a woman. Ashley watches over the life of the past and watches the age when the wind has gone. Melanie watched love, loved everyone, loved Atlanta, loved life. She watched over her husband and son, and watched as Ashley rose to his feet one day. From the film, I also know that the movie really wants to convey is: cherish the beautiful side, do not wait until lost.7. "Roman holiday"A love art film full of artistic beauty and relaxed and natural and interesting. The film tells the romance of a day between a princess of an principality in Europe and an American journalist in Italy, Rome. A real princess tired palace stereotype and boring life, he longed for the broad distant ectopic, free fun. And never go out at dead of night, alone, even dressherself princess, secretly climbed over the palace walls, came to earth. See here, I think a person want to be free, also want to pay certain constraints and costs, the princess lively and courage let me sigh the distance. Its fairy tale narrative also unfolded from the adventures of her and reporters. Although it is a nameless reporter, but when she was sleeping like he himself brought home the husband, mature manhandsome appearance makes it "willing" was taken away, this fantastic encounter in real life is extremely rare. But the film, as a woven dream, has the obligation to offer a beautiful emotion for human enjoyment.8. out of AfricaA performance - lost good, lose after having got it like a pastoral rustic life of the film, capable of evoking praises and tears. Denis with Karen to fly on the blue sky, overlooking the beautiful colors of Africa, green fields, blue sea, a group of white wings, a beautiful and spectacular scene in the sky, the beauty of nature, the dream of flying in the blue sky, happy love of the people, such as the flame of passion, romantic and beautiful, this scene touched me deeply. As the hostess reading poetry for the dead in the cemetery, melancholy music sounded again, when all the beautiful memories have become the wreckage of the traces, facing the wilderness is the tomb of lions walk, to appreciate the hero once on the life of freedom and independence for, we may be able to accompany Karen Briksen out of this the vast magnificent African, but can't walk out on that love and life memories.9. "the sound of music"A lively, warm music, love movie. In my opinion, the film is a classic among the classics. So far, in my film, the quality of love may not be the first, but the best film is the first. The music in the film is the undisputed classic,"Doreme" "lonely shepherd" "Edelweiss" "sound of music" andother songs has let us for having heard it many times. What makes me moved is that I hide behind the music and feel deeply surrounded by lots of love. In the play, Mrs. Schneider: this money above love classics, is common when facing difficulties without fear. In fact, all love is the same, facing the danger of fighting power can easily show the spirit of love and the purpose of life. Due to the changes brought to the home of Maria provoked a love of life, the return of lost happiness, also sparked his love for Maria. So the Colonel finally turned down the baroness, and he came to the abbey to look for Maria, who had finally formed a good companion.10. "the beautiful life"A beyond the conventional black comedy, a pair of the best medicine to heal the wounds of war, has a warm texture, fresh, optimistic, and full of vitality, make people laugh with tears. The final victory still belongs to them: the people who love life. Even in the concentration camp, Guido's face is always smiling, just acting for his son, and there is no such thing as a bright, cheerful and powerful smile without the love of the heart! Guido knew that the nightmare was temporary, believing that the beautiful life was forever, so that the pure and young mind of the son was carefully preserved. At the time of Italy, except for a childlike innocence and enthusiasm almost none of the Jewish youth, which in itself is so unbelievable, but love is such a force, let all the unbelievable come true. The first half of the film was relaxed and enjoyable, seeing the lovely of the base and the good love of his princess. He is often one owner of the hat dropped the key hit, love riddles of doctors and so on, all in his pursuit of the princessMarie to become his magic, everything in the movie constantly, to our surprise, found the original beauty of every detail in the life, director with the concentration of exaggerated form the details of life based amplification, good faith is one highlight in these details. In the second half, the anguish of the Nazi concentration camps, because of the love and faith of his son, his wife, made us see the greatness of father's love and the beauty of humanity.。

non-polar (无极)
一个小女孩在战场上横七竖八的 尸体间寻找食物。一个身份尊贵 的男孩说,如果她同意做他的奴 隶,那么他将给ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้一点吃的。小 女孩接受了,但很快违背了承诺 并带着食物逃跑,去寻找她的母 亲。跑到黑暗中时,小女孩遇到 了一位漂亮的女巫。女巫问: “你想成为全世界男人都想要追 求的公主吗?但代价是你将永远 无法体验到真爱和快乐。你接受 吗?”“我愿意。”女孩回答。
They'er both convinced that a sudden passion joined them . Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still .
他们彼此深信,是瞬间迸 发的热情让他们相遇。
City Of Angels
the movie talked about the love between a angle and a Surgical female doctor
赛斯是一位天使,凡人看不到天使,只有将死的人才能看到他们。 而天使的任务就是带走他们的灵魂。一天,赛斯出现在洛杉矶一家 医院的手术间,医生正在极力抢救病人,但最终赛斯还是带走了他。 手术期间,赛斯感受到了主刀女医生玛姬的注视,那目光里的 坚定和执着深深震撼了赛斯,他已经被玛姬吸引住了。玛姬因为手 术失败而无比自责,感到绝望无力。这期间赛斯一直默默地陪在玛 姬身边,尽管玛姬感受不到他的存在。 赛斯爱上了玛姬,这个 美丽善良而自信的女医生
这样的确定是美丽的,但 变幻无常更为美丽。 ——几米
The Lair of the White Worm 白蛇传说
White Snake (Huang Shengyi), in the incarnation of a beautiful lady, falls in love with a young herbalist by the name of Xu and gets married to XuXian (Raymond Lam). With the help of Green Snake , she ventures into the human world

1.《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)《罗马假日》是一部1953年的美国浪漫喜剧电影,由威廉·惠勒执导,奥黛丽·赫本和格利高里·派克主演。
3.《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)《断背山》是一部2005年的美国爱情剧情片,由李安执导,希斯·莱杰和杰克·吉伦哈尔主演。
4.《廊桥遗梦》(The Bridges of Madison County)《廊桥遗梦》是一部1995年的美国浪漫剧情片,由克林特·伊斯特伍德执导并与梅丽尔·斯特里普主演。
5.《愿望之城》(Cinema Paradiso)《愿望之城》是一部1988年的意大利剧情片,由朱塞佩·托纳多雷执导。

盘点史上最浪漫的十部电影 世界十大好看的浪漫爱情电影


目录50 First Dates初恋50次:爱与遗忘的较量 (1)500 Days of Summer和莎莫的500天:人人心中都有一个莎莫 (8)A Walk in the Clouds云中漫步:如同冬日暖阳般美好 (14)A Walk to Remember初恋的回忆:每个人的刻骨铭心 (19)As Good as It Gets尽善尽美:来吧,爱情,渐入佳境 (26)August Rush八月迷情:享受华丽的音乐与爱情 (32)Becoming Jane成为简•奥斯汀:充满魅力的传记电影 (41)Before Sunset爱在日落黄昏时:如诗一般性感忧伤 (48)Bridget Jones's DiaryBJ单身日记:小胖妞的美好结局 (55)Bridget JomesⅡ: The Edge of ReasonBJ单身日记2:理性边缘:爱可以如此伟大 (62)Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind美丽心灵的永恒阳光:是否有永恒的爱情 (68)Flipped怦然心动:青春期那青涩纯真的有趣战争 (74)He's Just Not That Into You他其实没那么喜欢你:其实你不懂他的心 (81)Kate and Leopold隔世情缘:跨越时空爱上你 (89)Last Night一夜迷情:爱情与出轨,婚姻与背叛 (95)Leap Year闰年:易求无价宝,难得有情郎 (101)Letters to Juliet给朱丽叶的信:要找到爱情,先面对自我 (107)Little Manhattan小曼哈顿:十几岁时,你喜欢过别人吗 (113)Lost in Translation迷失东京:当寂寞厌倦遭遇爱情 (118)Love Actually真爱至上:爱,是个动词 (124)Love and Other Drugs爱情与灵药:爱是唯一的解药 (131)Malena西西里的美丽传说:美丽也是一种罪过 (137)Midnight in Paris午夜巴黎:一封写给巴黎的情书 (143)Moulin Rouge红磨坊:爱情与死亡,一个时代的见证 (151)Music and LyricsK歌情人:从音乐中迸发出爱情的火花 (159)Once曾经:曾经我们和爱情相遇过 (165)One Day一天:幸福留在了我们最美的时候 (172)Pride & Prejudice傲慢与偏见:没人配得上你的时候,别担心 (178)P.S. I Love You附注:我爱你:你要好好地活着 (186)Remember Me记住我:永远寻找爱和希望 (192)Revolutionary Road革命之路:在平淡琐碎的生活中怎么办 (198)Serendipity缘分天注定:你相信命中注定吗 (205)Sex and the City欲望都市:都市女人的男女朋友 (212)The Curious Case of Benjamin Button本杰明•巴顿奇事:你和任何人都不一样 (219)The English Patient英国病人:每个人生命里都住着一个病人 (226)The Holiday恋爱假期:关于爱情的描述,原来是真的 (233)The Illusionist魔术师:如梦境般虚无的浪漫故事 (241)The Notebook恋恋笔记本:在战火纷飞中让我们相爱 (248)The Painted Veil面纱:可惜没有早点爱上你 (255)The Phantom of the Opera歌剧魅影:那份荡气回肠的莫名真爱 (262)The Time Traveler's Wife时间旅行者的妻子:我一直在这里等你的真爱 (269)The Young Victoria年轻的维多利亚:女王也要嫁对人 (274)Titanic泰坦尼克号:一生最美的事,是与你相逢 (281)Twilight暮光之城:狼和羊在爱情与危险间游荡 (289)Up in the Air在云端:刚刚知道,情爱是多么重要 (295)Valentine's Day情人节:众星斗艳争说爱情甘苦 (303)Vicky Cristina Barcelona午夜巴塞罗那:对爱情充满诙谐的冥想 (309)Walk the Line与歌同行:天使般的女人,爱的救赎 (316)WALL•E机器人总动员:我的毕生理想是与你牵手 (323)You've Got Mail电子情书:我们同时也得到爱情 (330)。
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Ten Classical Love Movies
《泰坦尼克号》 Titanic 泰坦尼克号》
Actor:里奥纳多 迪卡普里奥 里奥纳多·迪卡普里奥 里奥纳多 Leonard Dicaprio Actress:凯特 温斯莉特 凯特·温斯莉特 凯特 Kate Winslet
《廊桥遗梦》The Bridges Of Madison 廊桥遗梦》 County
《卡萨布兰卡》 卡萨布兰卡》 Casablanca
Actor:汉弗莱 博加特 汉弗莱 Humphrey Bogart
Actress:英格丽 褒曼 英格丽·褒曼 英格丽 Ingrid Bergman
《 乱 世 佳
克拉克 盖布尔 Actor:
人 》 Gone With
Vivien Leigh Clark Gable
6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 时间。 为 你 费时间 费你 时间。 7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 果没 来爱你, 爱你 果没 你 来爱你, 并 们没 爱你。 爱你。 8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. , 总会 经 时 现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 梦 , 许会 们 别 ; 们终 感激。 见 仪 时, 应当 感激。 10) Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 为结 哭 , 吧,为你 经拥 。
《莎翁情史》 莎翁情史》 Shakespeare In Love
Actor:约瑟夫 费因斯 约瑟夫·费因斯 约瑟夫 Joseph Fiennes Actress:格温妮丝 帕尔特洛 格温妮丝·帕尔特洛 格温妮丝 Gwyneth Paltrow
《西雅图夜未眠》 西雅图夜未眠》 Sleepless in Seattle
Ten Beautiful Love Sentences
1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 爱你, 爱你, 为你 个怎样 , 为 欢与你 起时 感觉。 起时 感觉
Actor:汤姆 汉克斯 汤姆·汉克斯 汤姆 Hanks Tom Actress:路丝 奥唐奈 路丝·奥唐奈 路丝 O'Donnell Rosie
《罗马假日》 罗马假日》 Roman Holiday
Actor: 格里高·派克 格里高 派克 Gregory Peck Actress: 奥黛丽·赫本 奥黛丽 赫本 Audrey Hepburn
Actor:克林特 伊斯特伍德 克林特·伊斯特伍德 克林特 Eastwood Clint Actress:梅丽尔 斯特里普 梅丽尔·斯特里普 梅丽尔 Streep Meryl
《理智与情感》 理智与情感》 Sense And Sensibility
Actor:埃玛 汤普森 埃玛·汤普森 埃玛 Thompson Emma Actresses:艾伦 瑞克曼 艾伦·瑞克曼 艾伦 Rickman Alan 凯特.温斯莱特 凯特 温斯莱特 Kate Winslet
2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 会让你哭 。 没 值得你 泪,值得让你这么 会让你哭 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 去 , 过 , 近 ,却犹 远 边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 谁会爱 你 纵 伤 , , 为你 。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 个 ;但 对 界。 对 界 ,你 个 ,你 个 界。
Actress: 费雯丽
The Wind
《魂断蓝桥》 魂断蓝桥》 Waterloo Bridge
Actor:劳勃 泰勒 劳勃·泰勒 劳勃 Robert Taylor Actress:费雯丽 费雯丽 Vivien Leigh
《人鬼情未了》 人鬼情未了》Fra bibliotekGhost
Actor:帕特里克 斯维兹 帕特里克 Swayze Patrick Actress:黛米 摩尔 黛米 Moore Demi