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Test 23



( ) 1. Which sign are they talking about?


( ) 2. Where is the man's father?


( ) 3. What's the man's suggestion?


( ) 4.What did Mum buy yesterday?


( ) 5. Where is the man’s uncle from?

A. Australia.

B. Japan .

C. China.

()6. What is the man in the city?

A. A policeman

B. A visitor

C. A cleaner

( )7.What are they doing now?

A. Making a call

B. Watching TV.C .Listening to the radio.

( ) 8. Where are the two speakers?

A. In the bank

B. In the hospital.

C. In the police station

( ) 9.What are they talking about?

A.A traffic accident

B. An earthquake .

C. A terrible bus

( ) 10.When did Mr. Wu come to this school?

A. He came here since five years ago

B. He came here for five years.

C. He came here five years ago.



听第一段对话,回答第11~12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一段对话。( ) 11.How long will it take them to get home?

A. A few minutes.

B. About an hour .

C. About two hours.

( ) 12. Where may the conversation happen?

A. At the train station.

B. At the airport.

C. At the bus stop. 听一篇短文,回答第13~15题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信

( ) 13. A. May. B. June . C. July.

( ) 14. A. History. B. English. C. Chinese.

( ) 15. A. Banana. B. Pear. C. Bread.

听一篇短文,回答第16-20题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入测试的第三部分。( ) 16.What did David do well in when he was young?

A. Basketball.

B. Football.

C. Tennis.

( ) 17.Why did he stop playing football?

A. Because he didn’t like it at all.

B. Because he went to work in a city.

C. Because there was no team.

( ) 18. What happened to David then?

A. He was badly ill.

B. He began to get fat.

C. He got stronger and stronger. ( ) 19. What did he decide to do then?

A. To play tennis..

B. To play badminton.

C. To do morning exercise. ( ) 20. What did the girl think of David?

A. She thought David played quite badly.

B. She thought David was very clever.

C. She thought David played very well.

W: What does this sign mean?

M: It means turning left.

1key: A

W: How is your father?

M: He has been ill for three years. Now he is still in hospital

2key: C

W: Is this the first snow in your hometown?

M: Yes, let's make a snowman and enjoy ourselves.

3key: A

W: What did Mum buy for you yesterday?

M: She bought me a T-shirt, But it is too large.
