广外翻译方向研究生三年纪 翻译实践
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Translation Practice
"也不用尴尬于社会高层人士无休止的骄傲,奢侈, 野心和艳羡"
"not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition and envy of the upper part of mankind."
也不会像那些上层人物因骄奢淫逸,野 心勃勃和相互倾轧而弄得心力交瘁.
Translation Practice
翻译初稿 翻译初稿: 他问我除了满足自己云游四海的爱好之外,还有什么理由 要离开他,背走他乡呢?在这里我可以经别人帮助,赢得 财富地位,生活安逸舒适.他告诉我,出国寻求财富的人, 要么两手空空,要么妄想荣华富贵;他们想将来创出一番 事业,想以一种非常规的办法一举成名.但这些对我来说 不是太高就是太低,我正处于他们的之间,或者可以称作 上层社会的贫困者.那种阶层是经历世事后的他认为最理 想的人生阶层,最容易获取幸福的阶层,不用经历悲惨和 艰难,不用遭受社会技工阶层的辛劳和苦楚,也不用尴尬 于社会高层人士无休止的骄傲,奢侈,野心和艳羡.
如果我们弄清了这句其实是围绕"leaving my " father house and my native country"这个问题讨 论的,父亲认为儿子"wandering inclination"的 理由并不充足,他认为儿子应该留下,为的是"a prospect of raising my fortunes application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure.
Translation Practice
存在的问题与难点: 存在的问题与难点: 1,难点在于弄清隐藏在这句话中的逻辑关 系.第一句虽然只是一个句子,但有多重 意思,如果不能理解其中的关系,则会弄 得翻译者思想混乱不知所云.
He asked me what reasons more a mere wandering inclination I had for leaving my father house and my native country, where I might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising my fortunes application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure.
原文 原文
我的父亲英明严肃.他经常预见到我的意图然后严肃地忠告我.一天早上他 我叫到他的房间里,那时他正好遭遇痛风,但父亲还是非常温和地忠告了我.
修改后的译文: 修改后的译文: 我的父亲英明睿智,为人慎重 英明睿智, 英明睿智 为人慎重.他预见到我的意图必然会 严肃地开导我,但会给我带来不少有益的忠告. 严肃地开导我,但会给我带来不少有益的忠告.一天早晨, 他把我叫进他的卧室,那时他似乎痛风病发作,行动不是 那时他似乎痛风病发作, 那时他似乎痛风病发作 很方便. 很方便.在那里,他温和恳切地对我规劝了一番.
Translation Practice
存在的问题与难点: 存在的问题与难点: 1,对个别单词理解不够深刻,比如 "grave", "confined". Grave作为形容词在字典中的意思是"严重的","声音 低沉的",这样用于描述文中人物方面显然不当,但即便 我们将之引申为"严肃",但仔细考虑, "严肃"一词 似乎更适合描述一个人在某种行为某件事情上的态度,不 是一个人的性格综合概括.我们翻查了grave在英英字典 中的意思 "(of situations, etc) needing careful consideration; (of people) serious or solemn in manner", 得到了更深层次意义的理解,最终认为应将其翻译为 "(为人)慎重" .
Translation Practice
2,初稿翻译语句较为僵硬,缺乏文学作品 必要的润饰.比如"where he confined by the gout"直接翻译为"那时他正好遭遇痛 gout" 风",就显得文章作者缺乏关爱之情,体 现不出对父亲的关怀.
Translation Practice
Translation Practice
[分段翻译及难点解释 分段翻译及难点解释] 分段翻译及难点解释 My father, a wise and grave man, gave me serious excellent counsel against what he foresaw was my design. He called me one morning into his chamber, where he confined by the gout, and expostulated very warmly me upon this subject: 翻译初稿: 翻译初稿: 我的父亲英明严肃.他经常预见到我的意图然后 严肃地忠告我.一天早上他我叫到他的房间里, 那时他正好遭遇痛风,但父亲还是非常温和地忠 告了我.
Translation Practice
[原文 原文] 原文 My father, a wise and grave man, gave me serious excellent counsel against what he foresaw was my design. He called me one morning into his chamber, where he confined by the gout, and expostulated very warmly me upon this subject: He asked me what reasons more a mere wandering inclination I had for leaving my father house and my native country, where I might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising my fortunes application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure. He told me it was for men of desperate fortunes on one hand, or of aspiring, superior fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make themselves famous in undertakings of a nature out of the common Road; that these things were all either too far above me, or too far below me; that mine was the middle State, or what might be called the upper station of low life, which he had found by long Experience was the best state in the world, the most suited to human Happiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition and envy of the upper part of mankind.
Translation Practice
By LK,Jack,Harrison,Wing,Eric 法英031班
Translation Practice
Translation of a script from Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》) Tips from translation practice
Translation Practice
修改后的译文:他问我除了满足自己云游四海的爱好之外, 修改后的译文: 还有什么理由要离开他,背走他乡呢?在这里我可以经别 人帮助,赢得财富地位,生活安逸舒适.他告诉我,出国 寻求财富的人,要么两手空空,要么妄想荣华富贵;他们 想将来创出一番事业,想以一种非常规的办法一举成名. 但这些对我来说不是太高就是太低,我正处于他们的之间, 或者可以称作上层社会的贫困者.从他长期的经验判断, 这是世界上最好的阶层,这种中间地位也最能使人幸福. 他们既不必像下层大众从事艰苦的体力劳动而生活依旧无 着;也不会像那些上层人物因骄奢淫逸,野心勃勃和相互 倾轧而弄得心力交瘁.
Translation Practice
He asked me what reasons more a mere wandering inclination I had for leaving my father house and my native country, where I might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising my fortunes application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure. He told me it was for men of desperate fortunes on one hand, or of aspiring, superior fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make themselves famous in undertakings of a nature out of the common Road; that these things were all either too far above me, or too far below me; that mine was the middle State, or what might be called the upper station of low life, which he had found by long Experience was the best state in the world, the most suited to human Happiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition and envy of the upper part of mankind.
Translation wk.baidu.comractice
2,初稿翻译语句缺乏文学作品必要的润饰,以致 缺乏文字渗透的力度.比如最后一句"not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition and envy of the upper part of mankind. "直接翻译为 "也不用尴尬于社会高层人士无休止的骄傲,奢 侈,野心和艳羡",就显得作者父亲对那个阶层 的看法渲染得不够.